#isle of man radio
petnews2day · 5 months
Cat lands man in court over ammo offences
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/p5uWy
Cat lands man in court over ammo offences
Thursday, 18 April 2024 06:52 A businessman has found himself in court after a cat triggered an alarm at his home. Property developer and food waste company owner Michael Osborne of the Ballamodha Straight in Ballasalla appeared before Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood at Douglas Courthouse. The 75-year-old admitted two counts of illegally possessing ammunition. […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/p5uWy #CatsNews #8216More8217, #Iom, #Manxradio, #3FM, #3Fm, #3Fm, #3Fmradio, #BenSowrey, #ClubClassics, #CommonwealthYouthGames, #Cyg, #Cyg2011, #Cyg2011, #DerekRichardson, #EnergyFm, #GeorgeFerguson, #IOMNews, #Iomradio, #IsleOfDeals, #IsleOfMan, #IsleOfManAdvertising, #IsleOfManAndroid, #IsleOfManDeals, #IsleOfManFacebook, #IsleOfManMarketing, #IsleOfManMedia, #IsleOfManNews, #IsleOfManOnline, #IsleOfManRadio, #IsleOfManRadioAdvertising, #IsleOfManRadioStation, #IsleOfManRadioStations, #IsleOfManSchoolClosures, #IsleOfManTelevision, #IsleOfManTv, #IsleOfManTwitter, #Isleofdeals, #Isleofmandeals, #JasonQuinn, #KevinFord, #LateNightLoveSongs, #Manx, #ManxRadio, #MattFletcher, #MoreMusicOnAirOnlineOnIPadAndOnIPhone, #Moremusic, #MorningCrew, #MorningCrew3FMMorningCrew, #Music, #NjWilliams, #RadioPlayer, #Radio3Fm, #Radioplayer, #RadioplayerCoUk, #RonBerry, #SchoolClosures, #TheMorningCrew, #ThreeFm, #Threedotfm, #Threefm, #TonyJames, #Tt, #TtRace, #TtRaces, #Ukradioplayer
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weepingfoxfury · 5 months
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The man on the radio is back having slept off his late night shenanigans and is busy reading poetry dedicated to the traffic lady. The traffic lady is delighted. Time for a bit of Labi Siffre he says ... 'Watch me when you call my name ... See me sparkle, see me flame.' Another Bank Holiday and more of the usual wet weather. The chef on the radio is in and it's chicken recipes all the way with chorizo rice and artichokes.
Coffee in hand, leaning against the door frame looking at the Primulas. Amazing plants. They've survived every low temperature that's been thrown at them. I like them a lot, they thrive even with a neglectful 'gardener' like myself.
I'm lousy at remembering to water things. Years back, a friend asked me to house sit and 'would I please remember to water the azalea in her lounge.' I was there 2 weeks, and assured her her plant would be well looked after. I read the large yellow Post It Note that said 'please water plant' every day of my stay and said to myself 'I'll do that now.'
I didn't.
Permanently distracted me only looked at the plant the day before she came home. I say plant ... more of a stick by that point, surrounded by dead leaf confetti. Needless to say, I replaced it. Took home the demised azalea and added it's remains to my compost. Smiled to myself when my friend rang and said her beloved plant had never looked so well, and that I must have green fingers.
The irony of me rescuing half dead plants from my local garden centre is not lost on me. From the frying pan into the fire one might say. Just aswell the precipitation Gods of the Emerald Isle keep an eye on my purchases ... and I doubt they'll need a Post It Note reminder ... but maybe I'll leave one out for them ... just in case ...
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noemilivv · 8 months
Hi 👋,
If you're still taking requests, I absolutely loved the most recent one you did with Lucifer, Adam and Vox proposing and marrying their s/o.
If possible could you do one similar to that but for Husk and Alastor?
If not, it's totally cool and I'm loving your work 😊
hellooo, dw i’m still taking requests haha, yeah i can do that for you!! the first part was undeniably fun to write so obviously i’ll do it again for ya haha
Warnings: None(?)
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Alastor Proposal + Wedding Headcanons
Alastor never really knew what love truly felt like, until he met you, from that alone — he knew you were the one
His proposal was simple, but still very gentlemanly, his shadows were his band, playing some of your shared favorite songs, and Alastor stood in a different suit than the one he normally wears, a black version with a red streak instead of the white line that goes down the collar
He stood in the center of your room in the hotel, awaiting for you to get back from work, with a bouquet of spider lilies in his hands and a ring box in his pocket.
When you arrive, he has a soft and gentle smile on his face, in contrast to the big grin he usually shows, he didn’t feel vulnerable or at risk with you, so he could wind down with you
He hands you the bouquet and gets down on one knee, taking your ring out of the box, holding it to you, as his other hand takes yours in his and kisses the back of it
“My dearest and truest love, you have made me feel more alive than I ever have, even in my years on Earth.” He started, his radio affect softer than you’ve ever heard it, it’s unlike him, given he usually has a more cheery tone.
“You have showed me what love truly feels like, what in feels like in here —” He said, putting a hand to his heart, “That being said, would you make me the happiest man in Hell and be my lawfully wedded spouse?”
You and Alastor have a wedding almost immediately, thanks to his magic staff.
The ceremony is like any other, other than the fact your soon-to-be husband has a massive fucking grin on his face that did not falter the whole time, other than when you came down the isle, and it seemed to inch up his face more.
When it came to the kiss, he does turn you both around as he does not enjoy displaying affection infront of others, but he also won’t break tradition, so…
The reception is nowhere near boring, he knows how to have a good time, there’s excitable jazz music that has a good chunk of guests swaying and moving their feet
He also may or may not freak out some family members of yours…but that’s okay!
He also does not wish to be in wedding photos, due to his opinions on modern cameras and tech, but will for you, and either way, he knows his grin fucks up the photos in contrast to your beauty so he doesn’t really see the point tbh — but he’ll most likely make you guys use an old camera for effect
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Husk Proposal + Wedding
Husk genuinely did not care to get married, well, he would be fine if you did, but he was content the way you both were, but he knew how much of a romantic you were so…
Quite frankly, he probably had the laziest proposal out of everyone I’ve written for for this, while you guys were laying in bed, bitch asked you if you would ever wanna get married and proceeded to basically chuck the ring box at you.
You and Husk were in your shared bed. It was late, you were just about to doze off for the night, until you heard Husk’s gruff voice pipe up.
“I have a question for ya.” He said, staring at the ceiling with you on his furry chest. “And that is?” you ask, popping your head up in curiosity,
“Would you ever wanna get married?” He asked, looking down at you, a soft and subtle smirked played on his lips. “Oh!- Uh, probably!” You answered, a bit thrown off by the question.
“‘Kay, great.” Husk muttered, plopping the ring box in between you two. “Husk, what the fu-”
Yeah before you could finish he was already asleep 😛
Husk mainly leaves wedding planning to you, not cause he’s a dick, but it’s just not his thing, he will help out when need be though
At the ceremony, Husk is holding back a couple tears, only a few though!
He never saw himself as the sentimental type, and he knows he didn’t really have the desire to do this in the first place, but now? He knows he made the right choice, even if it was at 2 in the morning.
The reception is chill, it’s kinda just sitting around and chatting, and yes there’s a bar, and Husk is pissed he can’t work it.
There’s chill jazz music in the back, but it’s not like Alastor’s where it had people swaying, it was more soothing, and it wasn’t like Adam’s where people were absolutely bopping to music either
You guys still don’t know if you’re having a honeymoon, Husk is still way too tired and way too hungover to make that decision.
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mossyivy · 11 months
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"I had to talk to you."
Steve Harrington x (Fem) Reader
(2.4k words)
Stranger Things Masterlist
Summary: Steve meets a very new face inside a liquor store and immediately in infatuated.
Content Warning: Heavy flirtation, canon divergence (Eddie's not dead idc what you tell me), Steve's in college to be a teacher (I will die with the thought of this man as a teacher at Hawkins Middle School), Steve just being silly goofy lil guy, Steve has bad eyesight sometimes (imagine him in glasses like Uncle Jesse's in Full House)
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October 13th, 1989
Steve sighs, leaning back on the drivers side of his 1983 BMW. Burgundy paint starting to chip on the hood, the car becoming less appealing day by day. Girls passing by not even looking in his direction anymore. He was old news in Hawkins after people found out he had finally started at a college half an hour away in Fort Wayne. Just starting his life like everyone else did 4 years ago just wasn't appealing to most girls.
At least not Hawkins girls.
But at this point he didn't care. He was proud of himself for pulling his life together after all the bullshit he had been put through. With saving an entire town too many god damn times. Cutting his dad off when his parents divorced. Moving out to get a rented house with his best friend Robin. Just what he learned he needed over time.
Getting into a good school by himself with no help was just a cherry on top of the fuck you sundae he graciously served his past problems.
He was satisfied with what he had right now.
Dustin walks out of the new game shop in the newest strip mall to grace Hawkins. Steve looks up, pushing his Ray-Ban sunglasses onto his head.
"You made it out before, Robin. I'm surprised." Dustin glanced at the instrument shop a few doors down, then back to Steve. "You get what Eddie needed?"
"Mostly yeah. She's still getting her trumpet fixed?" Steve shrugs at Dustin's question and slides his sunglasses down in place again.
"She probably got distracted looking at something shiny and new. You know Robins crow brain sometimes." Dustin laughs, looking into his bag, shuffling a few things around inside.
Steve looked over at the liquor store at the end of the strip mall. Looking back at Dustin, he taps the top of the car. His head snapped up, eyes a bit surprised at the sudden noise.
"You want anything?" Steve asks, tilting his head back towards the store.
"Coke? If they got it." Dustin simply replied before getting in the back seat. Steve nods and walks to the liquor store.
The bell chimes over his head as he walks through the door. He takes in the warmth of the store and the radio playing over the speakers on the ceiling. Such a nice contrast to the crisp Autumn air outside.
He turns heading down an isle of assorted liquor bottles and bar accessories before finally stopping at the fridge. Humming along to the song over the radio, mumbling the lyrics to 'I wanna know what love is' absentmindedly.
Sliding his glasses down his nose, he squints at the selection. All the labels are blurry the farther he is, he steps forward rubbing his eyes and sure doesn't help with the florescent lighting blinding him from above.
'God I need to get my eyes checked.'
Opening the fridge, he grabs the 3 soft drinks and a 6-pack for later when he hears a metal scrapping and whoosh next to him. Followed by a muffled but panicked "Shit!"
Looking over, he sees the back of a squatting woman struggling with a metal shelf slipping out of one of the fridges.
Walking over, he quickly puts his things down and pushes the shelf back in. The metal shelf, cold against his warm skin as he reaches into the fridge, fixing the fasteners back into place.
An issue he's all too familiar with working at Family Video. The fridge racks always got loose and every time it happened he was always made to clean them up. He could only imagine the mess a bunch of glasses and beer would have made.
"Thank you so much!" The woman speaks as Steve stands up, slowly closing the door. Looking back, he finally sees your face. His lips slightly part as you continue talking, he can't hear a word you're saying right now.
All he can hear is the very oddly convenient Foreigner song playing over the store radio as he takes in every detail of your gorgeous face. From your shiny hair to your bright smile. The vibrant colored nail polish on your fingers you're waving as you talk. You're unfamiliar, he's never seen you before, but you're an absolute stunner of a woman.
Steve never thought of himself as a love at first sight kind of guy. But right now he was undoubtedly being proven wrong by the spark he was feeling, not to mention the nervous knot in his stomach.
"But really you're a life saver... Thank you." You stop talking, looking at him. Your face falls as he perks up, realizing he's just been staring like a complete idiot this entire time.
"You're welcome!" He spoke, choking almost over how inappropriately loud he was for a second. Feeling the effect of not talking to women for a while really hit him. You look down at his soon-to-be purchases.
"Full Sail Amber. Good beer." You comment, making him look at the floor and nod.
Crouching down, he grabs his things and stands cracking his head on one of the fridge door handles. His sunglasses fell off his face and onto the floor. He stands up wedging his soft drink between his side and arm. Rubbing his head with a hiss.
"You okay?" You ask with a slight chuckle. Bending down, you grab the sunglasses, Steve moves his hand, grabbing the bottom of the door handle to shield your head from injury.
"Yeah, thanks." Before he gets to put his hand out to take his Ray-Bans back, you slide them on his head with a soft smile.
'God she's so fucking pretty.'
"You're welcome. And thanks again for... Saving me from paying for a full shelf of beer." She turned down the isle to another part of the store.
Part of Steve wants to follow you and try chatting you up, but the slight embarrassment of hurting his head just keeps him from doing so.
He turns, goes to the front of the store and makes his purchases. Heading outside, he walks to his car, finally seeing Robin in her usual spot, the passenger seat. Opening the driver's door, he slips in.
"There you are!" Robin looked at him, her trumpet case in-between her legs on the floor of the car.
"What's with the face?" Dustin asks, Steve looking at him in the rearview, glaring.
"Shut up Henderson." He hands them their sodas, moving to close his car door when he hears the bell from the liquor store chime.
Out you walk, starting across the parking lot to a top-down red 86' Volkswagen Cabriolet. Steve freezes, staring again. He really can't help but stare.
"Oooh." Robin and Dustin both taunt him, making him sigh. He needs more friends, fewer annoying friends.
"She's pretty." Robin says looking at Dustin.
"Too pretty to talk to, apparently." Dustin adds, laughing as he looks back at Steve.
"I talked to her in the store." Dustin raised his eyebrows, pushing his baseball cap up a bit.
"You asked her out?"
"No." Steve watches you load your bag into the back of the car and start pulling the top up on your car.
"Not too late!" Robin smiled, taking a sip of her drink. Dustin looked at her.
"He's not gonna do it."
"No, he's gonna do it."
Steve feels like he has a devil and an angel bickering on his shoulders right now. His foot meets the new asphalt of the parking lot as you open your driver's door.
He's quickly out of the driver's seat.
"Holy shit he's doing it." Dustin comments as he shuts the door on them.
He stops at the bumper of his car, hearing your car engine click over. Music pours out of your open windows before you turn it down quickly.
The universe is screaming at him to talk to you when he starts hearing that familiar Tears for Fears song, 'Head Over Heels'.
'Please don't pull away, please don't pull away.'
He nearly sprints across the parking lot out of fear of missing his chance. Upon reaching the car, he knocks on the back window, pulling you from looking for something in the console.
"Hi..." He says awkwardly, approaching the window. Leaning on the door, he smiles as you smile back.
"Hi. You need something?" He gets so agitated that you smirk up at him.
'Why'd you have to be so God damn pretty?'
"Sorry if this is weird, but I had to talk to you." He started, finally being able to say something. Your eyes go half shut with a soft nod.
"Talk to me?" He nods, clenching the door frame for a second. "Go ahead then. Talk."
His eyes go wide in surprise at your sudden confidence. Steve stammered for a second.
"Uh... At the risk of sounding crazy or desperate... You're probably the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life." You can feel your body warm up as he gives the most genuine smile you've seen on a man in a while.
"Mmhm, go on."
"Are you by chance single? Or like... Are you even attracted to men at all?" He asks, sheepishly smiling.
"Yes, and yes." Your smirk slowly turns into a grin as he squats to eye level now, feeling a bit more confident after your answer.
"I'm Steve, by the way. Steve Harrington." He smiles again hearing you reply with your name. "Are you new to Hawkins?"
"I am actually. I just moved here from the city and needed to stay nearby for school."
"Where are you going?"
"Trine University." His eyes go wide, the same school he goes to. What are the odds?
"Really? I actually go there too. Education major." You look him up and down. You never pegged him for the teacher type.
"Software Engineering major."
"So you're smart and gorgeous. Good to know." He smirks, finally feeling like himself when talking as your flush finally becomes noticeable. "You like movies?"
"What kind of psychopath doesn't like movies?" He laughs at your response, leaning in closer to the window.
"Lemme be more specific. The new Halloween 5 movie came out today. You interested in seeing it? Maybe with me tonight at the drive-in theater in Lafayette. We can have dinner after. All my treat, of course." He can see the sparkle in your eyes, that spark he felt looking at you before is still lingering around him.
"What's in it for me?" You playfully ask. He cocks his head to the side, leaning it on his arm for a second.
"A fun night out with a gentleman, I promise I'm fun." You chuckle, rolling your eyes, he knows you want to say yes. "Please?"
He'd never said please before when asking a girl out. It didn't feel embarrassing like he thought it would. You turn your attention back to the console looking for something.
Pulling out a napkin and pen, you quickly write down your number and address. Turning back, you hold it out to him as he takes it.
"I'm free at 8. And dress nicely. You're taking me somewhere decent after the movie."
"I'll take you to the most expensive restaurant I can find if that's what you want. I don't care. As long as I get to see you again." You laugh at his bluntness, it's like music to his ears.
"That won't be necessary. I don't need to be spoiled."
"What if I want to spoil you?" That caught you off guard as you didn't respond right away. He let a soft breath escape his mouth. "You like roses?"
"White roses." You reply, he nods, standing up again and folding the napkin, storing it in his back jean pocket for safe keeping.
"I'll be sure to remember that." You two just stare at each other in silence for a minute. No man's ever looked at you like Steve has right now, it makes your heart race from nervousness.
"I'll see you at 8 o'clock then." You look past him for a moment and back to him. "Tell your friends I said hello since they like to stare so much."
Raising an eyebrow, Steve turned his head. He sees Robin poking her head over the roof of the car and Dustin sitting on the rolled down window frame. They quickly hurry back into the car, noticing they've been caught. He should be embarrassed, but he fully expects their behavior from being friends for so long.
"Ignore them." Steve says, sighing as he looks back at you. "I'll see you at 8."
He turned away towards his car, trying to stay as confident as he was before turning his back. Reaching his car, he pops the door open, clutching it for dear life as he silently collects himself. Robin poked her head across the driver's seat to look up at him.
"You good dude?" She asks, concerned but also excited as he just nods.
You pull out of your parking spot, stopping behind his car and honk once to get his attention. Dustin pops his head out the back window as Robin looks out her open door. Steves head snaps up at you as you lean on your window frame, chin on fist with the most shit eating grin on your face.
"See you at 8 sexy~" You called to him. And then you have the balls to blow him a kiss before peeling out of the parking lot.
Steve silently gets in the car. Robin shuts her door as Steve does his. Dustin sits forward looking at Steve, who's just gripping his steering wheel, the adrenaline starting to wear off.
"Dude, she's so into you, into you!" Dustin breaks the silence as Robin nods.
"And I'd say it's the same for Harrington here." Robin grins as a massive smile spreads across Steve's face.
He starts excitedly thrashing frontwards and backwards. Enough to shake the car and look like he's about to rip the steering wheel from it's column. He lets out an excited yell, causing his two friends to laugh at him.
He let out a long breath, looking at them.
"She says hi by the way."
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phanfictioncatalogue · 3 months
hello hello i'm looking for a fic i read about a month or so back: the premise was dnp broke up in 2012 before moving to london, dan went on to be a solo bbc presenter while phil moved to the isle of man to become a weatherman. a few years later dan ends up there for a work thing and runs into phil. it was on ao3 and my dumbass forgot to save it so pls help phanfic saviors thx <3
but home is just a room (full of my safest sounds) (ao3) - blueshirt
Summary: In which things fall apart, and then back together.
Or, the one where they break up in 2012 and stumble across each other three years later. Featuring Dan as a radio show host and BBC presenter, and Phil as a weatherman on the Isle of Man.
- Tori
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missmultipleaffairs · 2 months
Top 5 from each TøP album. No disclosing of my thoughts this time, just throwing them out. Reigonal at Best is not present, I haven't listened to it just yet because I haven't been in the right mental head space for it.
Here we go!
Self-Titled: On its own it isn't...awful? Just not a huge fan of most of the songs
Oh Ms. Believer
The Pantaloon
Fall Away
Isle of Flightless Birds
March to the Sea
Vessel: Probably would've made for a better debut, but you never can start off with straight up bangers sometimes
Holding on to You
Ode to Sleep
The Run and Go
Car Radio
Blurryface: I will not take slander on their Grammy winner, although I have since named it my second favorite rather than my favorite. Still adore it tho.
Fairly Local
The Judge
Stressed Out
Trench: Underrated in my mind, it must be because I keep forgetting it 😭
Nico and the Niners
Pet Cheetah
Scaled and Icy: Now my favorite album, I'm actually listening to it right now lol
Bounce Man
The Outside
Mulberry Street
Shy Away
Clancy: My beloved. I wanna go to the Clancy tour so bad it's not even funny 😭
At The Risk of Feeling Dumb
Routines in the Night
Oldies Station
That's all for now.
Which, by the way. I was not expecting to find moots on Tumblr who are Cliques but also Swfties. I love you guys and I'm so glad I found you here 💛
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scotianostra · 4 months
Happy Birthday one of Scotland’s best known traditional singers, Moira Anderson.
Moira Anderson was born on 5th June 1938 in Kirkintilloch, Dunbartonshire
After leaving school, Anderson quickly established herself at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow before getting her big break in the media after a successful audition at the BBC.
Her initial media exposure led her to be widely regarded within her native Scotland as merely a Scottish Singer (i.e. a singer of Scots songs), and was the cause of her being grossly underrated here at home.
She landed her first job in the media, presenting the radio programme Can’t Help Singing where she sang with some prestigious names from the world of opera. She went on to make many appearances in the TV series The White Heather Club hosted by Andy Stewart.
Moira then hosted her own television show, the vastly popular Moira Anderson Sings which ran for several years. By 1970 she had signed up with the Decca Record Company, performed at the London Palladium and was hosting yet another show Stars On Sunday which ran from 1969 - 1977. Anderson has gone on to create many albums and is renowned for her charity work.
In her early career Moira made frequent appearances alongside fellow Scottish music stars, Kenneth McKellar and Andy Stewart. In the early 1980s she made a highly successful album of duets with Sir Harry Secombe.
She was one of the most sought after and highly paid stars of the world’s leading cruise liners, especially the QE2, and her London cabarets are legendary within that sphere. During these she proved herself to be a sparkling wit, a gifted mimic and impressionist as well as an accomplished pianist.
She lives in virtual retirement on the Isle of Man, and only makes infrequent and special appearances, usually for television, radio or prestigious cabarets.
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enchantedchocolatebars · 10 months
I have again found your idea that Chibi Belos is the palisman of Belos and have come up with a new request.
Belos Redemption AU, Philip lives in Noseda's House with the HexSquad, they all cool with him. Belos somehow managed to drag his little friend away from the Demon Realm and hid him the whole time.
Fic - Camila accidentally found Chibi Belos. This little pompous palisman is so funny that she can't stop smiling. Chibi Belos is trying to be as threatening as he can, but Camila has cookies!
(Chibi Belos is in this vid. <3 Story below 👇)
Camila Has Cookies! ❤️ 🍪 💕 💟
The smell of fresh chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven was permeating in the kitchen.
Camila was making them not only because the holidays were approaching, but also because she wanted the kids to have something sweet when they and Belos came back.
Plus, who doesn't love a good chocolate chip cookie? 💕 🍪
As she approached the cabinet, humming along to the tango music playing on the kitchen radio, she opened it and to her surprise, saw the cutest thing ever!
She gasped, her eyes starting to sparkle.
A little (man??? child???) wearing a gold mask with long horns along with a gold and white cape was trying, but failing, to open a box of crackers.
"Aww, ay que lindo!" Camila let out a cute coo, clasping both her hands together. "Aren't you just adorable?"
She began to wonder how this little cutie ended up in her cabinet, not knowing that the actual Belos had brought him along with him.
When Chibi Belos gazed at the giant woman, he narrowed his hollow eyes at her in a glare as he hissed before morphing his arm into a tiny sharp blade.
The little guy was trying to be threatening and was hoping to scare the woman away.
He didn't.
In fact, this merely made Camila chuckle and she found him even more cute than before.
"It's nice to me you too," She said with a sunny smile, using her index finger and thumb to carefully shake his little blade hand.
"You can call me Camila."
Her reaction made Chibi Belos FURIOUS, and the little blush lines on his mask lit up a bit.
How dare this... this.. this... beautiful Camila person laugh at HIM!
She was suppose to be scared!
He was the GREAT and POWERFUL Emperor of the Boiling Isles.
He deserves respect, not mockery! 😤
Camila glanced at the box of crackers that the chibi had gone back to attempting to open.
He must be hungry, she thought to herself, feeling a little sorry for him.
When her gazed returned to him, she gave him a gentle smile. "Would you like a snack?" She asked him.
Chibi Belos' black eyes widened as he stopped trying to open the box and quickly nodded at her question.
A snack sounds GREAT right about now!
Camila giggled. "Okay then." Gently placing him in her palm, she brings him over to the table and sets him on top before making her way to the oven to check on the cookies.
Luckily, they were done.
Getting out her oven mitts, Camila places them on as she opens the oven and pulls out the tray of hot treats, placing them on the cooling rack on the countertop.
Once the cookies were warm enough to eat, Camila took off her mitts, washed her hands, got a plastic plate from the cabinet, placed a cookie on it, and brought it over to Chibi Belos.
The little ruler got sparkly-eyed at the sight of the baked sweet as Camila set it down in front of him.
Throwing off his mask, he began happily snacking away on the giant cookie.
Why didn't Big Belos ever feed him these, he thought.
They were DELICIOUS! 🍪 🍪 🍪
Another giggle came out of Camila. "Would you like some milk?" She asked, sending a friendly smile his way.
Chibi Belos looked up at her and quickly nodded as he ate, cookie crumbs in the corners of his mouth.
Alright, cutie," she hummed with a small wink, heading to the fridge.
As Chibi Belos watched Camila walk away, he felt the pink lines on his cheeks warm up as beating hearts formed in his blue eyes.
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David Rossi x Son reader
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Another Rossi one because he doesn't have many.
Summary: The team are invited round Rossis mansion for dinner, they all end up meeting his 5 year old Son Y/N.
Third person pov...
The team had planned to have dinner round Rossis mansion on Saturday if they didn't have to work, and great news for them they didn't get called in, So all 6 members are currently on their ways to Rossis.
Only bringing themselves as Rossi was preparing everything even the wine with surprised them as the usual sassy man would tell them to bring their own.
Currently the Italian was dancing around his kitchen picking out the ingredients he will be using for the food he will be making, as he did a little person walks down the stairs just woekn up from  a nap and dressed in a cute dinosaur onesie and let's out a giggle as he sees his Daddy dancing around.
"Haha silly Daddy" Yelled 5 year old Y/N Rossi, Daves son that knowone knows about except Erin Strauss, she helped Dave with keeping Y/N under the radar and from all his fans and from the BAU.
Dave smiles and turns around to see his 5 year son standing on the bottom steps laughing, Dave continues to dance his way over to his son making the toddler laugh again.
As the Dad reaches out to the little boy, Y/N sees his hands and knows hes going to be tickled jumps off the step and runs away from his Daddy giggling like a maniac. Dave has a large smile on his face as he chases after the tiny toddler.
Said tiny toddler runs around the kitchen isle giggling as Dave pretends to be out of breath, the little 5 year old stops running to look a the man pretending to be out of breathe, Dave opens on eye and catches Y/N watching him, the older Italian stand up straight and runs to the little boy caught off guard.
Y/N tried to run but is caught by his Daddy, Dave begins to tickle the light munchkin who got him to run around his kitchen,  "Have a nice nap quello piccolo (little one)"  He asked his son, the H/C child smiled at the man.
 "sì papà un ottimo pisolino (yes daddy, a very good nap)" said Y/N the 5 year old wrapped his arms around his daddys neck as Dave walked around the kitchen making sure the food wasn't burnt.
Dave smiles at his son speaking Italian, Dave tries to talk as much Italian around his son so the young boys knows his language and it has paid off the little 5 year old knows alot more Italian than english, sometimes he forgets to speaks it but Dave doesnt mind he is beyond happy his son speaks Italian.
As the two check on the food Dave turns around to the radio and turns up the volume making his son laugh, the agent then continues what he was doing until his son walked in and distracted him.
He begins spinning and dancing while holding tightly to Y/N so he doesnt fall, he is greeted by the boys joy filled laughter so he continues dancing.
As they dance the dorr bell goes making them aware the team has arrived, Dave then quickly put Y/N down and gave him a push towards the stairs. "Gli ospiti sono qui, vai a vestirti figliolo. (Guests here, go get dressed son)" he whispers to his son, the boy nods and runs up stairs to get changed out of his onesie.
Dave smiles and turns around to the door, as he opnes it he is greeted by all 6 faces of his team, the man welcomes them all in with a smile, Penelope and Derek, JJ and Emily, then Aaron and Spencer, Jack and Henry were left home as it was a team gathering. 
Dave shuts the door and gets everyone to gather round the kitchen isle as he was the one cooking not them, soon the team start chatting like normally, every so second Dave caught himself looking at the stairs waiting for Y/N to come down stairs. 
it seemed he did it to much when Aaron raised an eyebrow. "Whats going on Dave thats the 5th time you've looked at the stairs since we arrived" said the Agent making everyone stop and look at their eldest member. 
Dave signs nothing gets by Hotch. "nothings wrong Aaron, ive jsut got someone to show you all" says the Italian, this makes the other raise their eyebrows, Dave looks at them all before wrinkling his nose. "nothing like that you little shits!" he exclaimed making them all laugh.
The man sighs before standing up and walking to the staircase. "you stay here and ill bring him down" he said before walking up the stairs, he continued grumbling until he got to his sons bedroom.
"Y/N you almost ready?" he asked, he waits before the doors opens and out comes his son, the little boy was dressed in a nice button shirt and blue jeans, his H/C hair was done up. the only thing was his shirt he had buttoned it wrong half of them were undone.
Rossi lets out a laugh and kneels down infront of his son. "good job trying bambino, you could of asked for help" says the older italian before helping his son button up his shirt properly. 
"ready to meet everyone son?" said Dave getting a smile from his son. "yes Papa" said the 5 year old before Rossi takes his little hand and the two begin walking downstairs to the kitchen were the team was.
As they walk down the team stop their conversations and look up, they all gasp in surprise seeing Rossi walking with a young child was not what they expected. Penelope and the woman had huge grins on their faces while Morgan smirked at him.
Hotch had a smile on his face he saw the boy who was obiously Daves son, the elder stands infront of them and pushes the child infront of his gently. the E/C boy looks around him at all the smiling faces.
" Ciao, sono Y/N Rossi, ho cinque anni. (Hello i am Y/N Rossi i am 5 years old)" the young boy starts in Itilian but Dave nudges him a smile on his face. "in English Buddy" he reminds the boy making Y/N blush. "Scusa papà (sorry daddy), Im Y/N Rossi and i am 5 years old" he said this time in english.
Hotch smiles at the boy and offers his hand, the boy takes it with a smile. "Hi Y/N im Aaron we work with your daddy" says the man, Y/N gasps in surprise and looks up at his Daddy who smiles, the young boy then sat on a bar stool next to Aaron asking the  team questions about his daddy.
for the rest of the night the team answered Y/Ns never ending questions with smiles as Rossi watched his family meet his son.
the end! hope you liked this one shot, so sorry for not updating for ages, its been a while.
sorry for the grammar and spelling mistakes.
requests are open!
word count: 1180
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utilitycaster · 6 months
I saw you tentatively recommended Camlann a little while ago. Do you have any further thoughts on it, now that a few more episodes have released? I basically started listening to it based on the impact the sound design alone had on me (similar story for Midst), but I'm curious about your thoughts on the story, characters, or concept as it's unfolding.
This is interesting bc I actually have mixed feelings about Camlann's sound design; the parts over walkie-talkies/radio are often hard for me to discern easily and I have to go to the transcripts.
Plotwise I like it; the latest episode following the Welsh crew was fantastic and I must admit I was a tiny bit irritated that they did a view of another part of the world, even though I enjoy Greek Mythology, because I want to visit that fallout. I also really want to know what the deal is with Dai and which stories are true (on the one hand I respect the doylist choice to not fuck with bible stories but also, and I say this as someone who actively practices Judaism, it sort of weirdly places the Abrahamic religions in a position of increased validity to treat ancient pagan mythology as "real myths" and Bible stories as, well, not that.) Also I really like Gwen, I do ship her with Morgan, and I wonder how names work here bc the implication is that Gwen and Perry are both names the people chose for themselves (Gwen to anglicize a Chinese name and Perry as an nb person) so like...can you knowingly change your name to Arthur if you, post cataclysm, transition? I think it has to be a genuine change the individual wants but like, could a trans man just take over the British Isles? inquiring minds want to know.
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justanotherspeck · 2 years
s1 my beloved
transcript below the cut:
CASPAR: Anyway, this is Midnight Burger. I’m Caspar.
AVA (Outside): FUCK. YES.
CASPAR: That’s Ava, she’s always here.
CASPAR: And this is a... diner.
GLORIA: Are you sure?
CASPAR: The huge murder beast is having a coffee break
ZEBULON: For our marriage is made strong by a singular truth.
EFFIE: That divorce is an abomination.
ZEBULON: … And that we love each other very much.
EFFIE: Yes, also that.
THE EX: You can’t let that stand in the way of true love.
LEIF: Honey, you lay eggs.
THE EX: Why do you keep bringing that up?!
LEIF: It’s an important detail!
GLORIA: Do you ever feel like Leif is almost too relaxed? He goes with the flow no matter what, it’s weird.
AVA: Oh yeah? Watch this. Hey, Leif?
LEIF (In the kitchen): Yeah?
AVA: I’ve been thinking about it and, I don’t know, I still feel like a hot dog is a sandwich.
LEIF (In the kitchen): For fuck’s sake!
MARY: Can you help me?
CASPAR: What’s happening?
MARY: The officer outside, he’s been looking for me for days. I’ve managed to avoid him so far but now that’s him outside. Can you hide me somewhere? This desperate plea is brought to you by Arby’s. Arby’s, we have the meats.
LEIF: This Molotov Cocktail is brought to you by communism!
EFFIE: Yes, yes, of course. Our Lord is a God of peace.
ZEBULON: Indeed.
EFFIE: Unless you’re a merchant outside the temple, then look out for the chokehold of Jesus.
CASPAR: Ava, what are you doing?
AVA: I’m getting this jug of moonshine and going out in the parking lot to watch a fist fight. Suck on that, Stephen Hawking.
CASPAR: Oh, no. What are we going to do without all the essential work you do around here? Who will do the incredibly hard work of being an asshole to people?
AVA: That’s not work, that’s how I relax.
CASPAR: Well you must be really relaxed.
STEVE: We had come upon a binary star system. I looked upon these two stars rotating around their barycenter and my thoughts turned to my wife. We were like these two stars, locked into an eternal dance only due to chance and gravity, unable to recall a moment where we chose each other and unable to escape this rotation. Knowing that to move closer would obliterate us both.
CASPAR: This went from fun idea to Russian novel real fast.
STEVE: Hello, my friends. I am about to go on a date.
CASPAR: Yeah, we heard... uhhh nice work, buddy.
LEIF: Go get ‘em, tiger.
STEVE: I have no idea how to go on a date.
LEIF: Shit, okay, uh...
CASPAR: Um... Ask her about her job.
LEIF: Yeah, her life in general.
CASPAR: Listen a lot.
LEIF: Don’t try and be funny.
CASPAR: Try sharing a secret with her.
LEIF: If she asks you to do something illegal, it may be a test.
LEIF: Really gauge the situation at that point, is she kidding or does she actually want to do crimes?
CASPAR: What are you talking about?
LEIF: This is good advice.
CASPAR: Where, the Pirate Isle of Tortuga?
EFFIE: Caspar, thanks for being with us today.
CASPAR (Whispering): So great to be here, go fuck yourself.
CASPAR: Gloria, we’re going to have to go.
GLORIA: Oh, man. Okay. Guys, gather round.
CASPAR: What the hell is that music?
GLORIA: V, Jungkook, Jimin, Suga, Jin, RM, J-Hope. I want you to know that I love you all very much. But I have my own pack, and I have to go run with them now.
EFFIE: (Fighting back tears) It’s... so hard to hear her say goodbye to the wolves.
ZEBULON (Also crying): I didn’t realize she named them after the members of BTS.
CASPAR: We should get one of those signs that says “This many days since an accident”.
LEIF: Yeah, except ours would say “This many days since your sentient radio quoted the Egyptian Book of the Dead, switched personalities, or steered you into a supermassive black hole.”
CASPAR: ...That’s way too long for a sign, Leif.
GLORIA: Yeah, Leif, that’s—
CASPAR: As a straight white male you know one thing about me: I’ve watched a lot of History Channel.
GLORIA: Okay, I’m thinking a chair, some rope, and I’ll pour hot coffee on her, let’s do some Guantanamo shit.
JANE (Overlapping): It’s no use, guys.
GLORIA: Did the doors to the diner just lock?
CASPAR: They did. Effie, what in the Amityville Horror is happening right now?
JANE: Does having you kidnapped maybe count as a romantic gesture at all?
CASPAR, narrating: In Ava’s defense, she was unilaterally putting everyone in danger... That doesn’t make it better, does it?
AVA: I am going to rip your balls off!
CASPAR: Oh, don’t threaten me with a good time.
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petnews2day · 6 months
DEFA to consider making cat microchipping compulsory
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/awzSz
DEFA to consider making cat microchipping compulsory
Friday, 22 March 2024 10:40 The Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture will consider making microchipping compulsory for cats. It comes after responses to a consultation have been published, asking for views on the welfare code for the animals.  Following suggestions, DEFA says it will possibly consult on cat microchipping in the future, but it […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/awzSz #CatsNews #8216More8217, #Iom, #Manxradio, #3FM, #3Fm, #3Fm, #3Fmradio, #BenSowrey, #ClubClassics, #CommonwealthYouthGames, #Cyg, #Cyg2011, #Cyg2011, #DerekRichardson, #EnergyFm, #GeorgeFerguson, #IOMNews, #Iomradio, #IsleOfDeals, #IsleOfMan, #IsleOfManAdvertising, #IsleOfManAndroid, #IsleOfManDeals, #IsleOfManFacebook, #IsleOfManMarketing, #IsleOfManMedia, #IsleOfManNews, #IsleOfManOnline, #IsleOfManRadio, #IsleOfManRadioAdvertising, #IsleOfManRadioStation, #IsleOfManRadioStations, #IsleOfManSchoolClosures, #IsleOfManTelevision, #IsleOfManTv, #IsleOfManTwitter, #Isleofdeals, #Isleofmandeals, #JasonQuinn, #KevinFord, #LateNightLoveSongs, #Manx, #ManxRadio, #MattFletcher, #MoreMusicOnAirOnlineOnIPadAndOnIPhone, #Moremusic, #MorningCrew, #MorningCrew3FMMorningCrew, #Music, #NjWilliams, #RadioPlayer, #Radio3Fm, #Radioplayer, #RadioplayerCoUk, #RonBerry, #SchoolClosures, #TheMorningCrew, #ThreeFm, #Threedotfm, #Threefm, #TonyJames, #Tt, #TtRace, #TtRaces, #Ukradioplayer
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weepingfoxfury · 5 months
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The Sunday easy listening man on the radio starts with Elton John and 'Daniel' before the next singer declares 'The Sun Has Got His Hat On.' Adverts, adverts, adverts insist you have a need for car insurance, care in the home and getting yourself to your local garden centre as the BBQ stuff is on sale. The Emerald Isle, being as wet as it is, no doubt there's rust treatment free with every BBQ purchase.
Astonishingly, there is indeed sunshine, so 'The umbrella' will not be fought over today. No Mow May is being encouraged and yet my friend (who has quite some mower collection) insists on giving all his roaring monsters an outing. I am updated hourly with scenes of grassy carnage.
'The Garden of Eden' sung by Frankie Vaughan queries whether a beautiful woman could simply be left there. Could you leave her? In that Garden of Eden? Only if she has no mower to hand!
The Emerald Isle has sit on mowers like you wouldn't believe. No matter the size of the garden ... postage stamp or park ... round and round they go. I've watched people drive them along the road. One particular gentleman had a bright yellow one (most here are orange or green) ... he tortoised his way past me as I walked my dog one day ... gaily waving to all and sundry ... who knows where he was headed? Maybe he's still out there on the road somewhere.
Ach well ... time for more coffee ... and maybe I'll pull out my old stripey deckchair. The dogs may even let me have it to myself. Sunday, Sunday, Sunday ... crows, bees and a multitude of birds and currently (phew!) not a mower to be heard ...
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sunburnacoustic · 2 years
Thank goodness for Musers. Someone uploaded Muse's entire Isle of Wight fest, which was broadcast only on Sky in the UK, though the audio of the set was broadcast through Absolute Radio (and so could be accessed worldwide during the live broadcast... but they were quite annoying about cutting back to their studio in between the songs and talking over the beginnings like babe! I know you are commercial radio but please please please shut up DO not talk over the Psycho riff oh my god. They also skipped over some parts of the show to play other songs like MATE. WHY are you covering this gig at all if you just want to play Kasabian's studio albums again?? Hello?? Commercial radio I swear.)
Anyway, for as long as it is still up, here's Muse's full filmed set from Isle of Wight 2022 on the Europe festivals run!
Will of the People Interlude + Hysteria (w/ "Back in Black" riff ) Drill Sergeant + Psycho Pressure Citizen Erased Won't Stand Down (Slipknot's "Duality" riff outro) The Gallery Compliance Thought Contagion Time Is Running Out Nishe Madness Supermassive Black Hole (Jimi Hendrix's "Foxy Lady" riff outro) Plug In Baby (Guns n' Roses' "Sweet Child o' Mine" outro) Behold, the Glove Uprising Prelude + Starlight
Encore: Kill or Be Killed Man with a Harmonica + Knights of Cydonia
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anthrofreshtodeath · 1 year
P FKN R Intro
I'm at work, sort of working, sort of tinkering with some writing stuff at lunch, especially the beginning of P FKN R in hopes that I might manufacture some inspiration. Too soon to tell, but maybe if I share it here that will spur me on some more. Here we go!
Jamaica Plain’s cars were jammed onto its narrow streets, effectuating a one-way rule by default; those that did crawl through broadcasted an amalgam of sounds into the Latin Quarter: Spanish talk radio, classic rock, and of course, full and knocking reggaetón beats.
Jamaica Plain’s three-story homes groaned as they expanded at high noon, stacked and running from one end of Chestnut Avenue to the other, one of those narrow streets in the time-honored New England style. In another facet of that tradition, its air rippled in a summer scorcher, wafting smells over from La Isla café on the corner: the strong oil-sweet of fried plantains and roasted pork, the kind Jane Rizzoli liked to order with a side of rice when she sat down at one of their vinyl-topped, worn-in, peach-colored tables. 
JP pulsated at lunch time. 
Jane’s stomach gurgled when she remembered her last meal: a chugged cup of coffee at the marble counter in the Beacon Hill home of the woman kneeling over the body they’d been called to investigate. The image of it was made more grotesque by the contrast of her Aeron skirt and Bottega Veneta heels with the contorted limbs of the man on the walkup in broad daylight. 
Jane still liked it, Maura Isles’ high-class wardrobe and the attitude it brought to neighborhoods like this, neighborhoods like her own. That attitude, the I’m the hottest in the room chest-beating, shoulder-brushing mindset, matched what Jane always knew about Boston’s real cultural pockets. The ones with subsidized housing and community gardens and spots like La Isla. “Watcha got for me?” Jane said by way of greeting.
Maura looked up, her long, highlighted hair swishing to the other shoulder when she shook it out. Her green eyes shimmered and she smirked when Jane winked. “It’s nice to see you, too.”
“Saw ya like thirty minutes ago,” said Jane. “And if we hurry this up, cut the pleasantries, I can take you right on over to that restaurant and introduce you to the best lunch you’ll ever eat in JP.” She pointed to the wide-open window view of the restaurant just a football field away.
“Hmm,” Maura replied, “I could be persuaded, I suppose. Penetrating wounds to the chest and abdomen, surrounding shell casings would indicate he was shot.”
Jane pursed her lips and smiled at the same time. She crossed her nitrile-gloved hands over her hips and shrugged under her blazer for some relief from the beads of sweat rolling down her back. She should not have worn black in late June. “You don’t say,” she teased. But then, quickly back to business, she pointed to the decedent’s broken ankle, distorted and impossibly angled toward midline. “That from this fall?” She asked.
Maura stood, narrowed her brows at Jane’s narrowed brow. “Can’t say right now,” she answered. “But these steps are narrow and uneven. It’s possible.”
“Even if it isn’t, he wa’n’t goin’ very far,” Jane commented. She clenched her jaw, and her masseter muscle clicked in investigatory concentration. “What’s on his hand?”
“Burns,” Maura said. They shared a look, one that only experience, only dozens and dozens of murders, could engender. A car door slammed and footsteps approached as they communicated about the man on the ground without words.
Maura never went to JP unless there was work to be done, and Jane? Jane really only traveled out this way for murder anymore, which was a damn shame because the food was good, and so was the company - even if that company happened to be related to the asshole walking up to them now. “Hey oh - the hell are you doin’ at my crime scene?” barked Jane.
Rafael Martinez, lieutenant of the Drug Control Unit.
Tall, dark-skinned, in a baby blue v-neck stretched against his defined chest, with a Boricua jawline that showcased his trimmed beard like art. He ran his hand over his shaved head once, and licked his lips on his way to the woman shouting at him. “I could ask you the same thing, Rizzoli,” he said through a wicked smile, all white teeth and innate pride. Just as he held out his arms to really rub in his obtusity, a lowered, electric green and black Impreza roared past them, changing Martinez’s mirth to ire, now directed entirely to the street. “Ey!” he shouted, the car already long gone. Then he stepped onto the sidewalk and dusted his dark, slim fit jeans. “Swear to god if one more lowrider tries to run me off the road, I’m outta this city.”
Jane scoffed. “You already were outta this city, remember? Almost a decade. They ain’t got those in New York, Mr. Hot Shot?”
Martinez stared at her, awed by both her attitude and her mouth, until he shook his head of its disbelief. Maura smiled at him as if to commiserate, and held her medical bag in front of her as she faced him. “Not that we’re not happy to have you-”
“We’re not,” Jane interrupted.
Maura glared with a good-natured, nonverbal shut up that worked, at least for the moment. “Like I said - not that we’re not happy to have you, but a federal task force in New York City with the chance for so much more? What brings you back to Boston?”
“Homesick, I guess, doc,” Martinez replied with a cheeky grin. Maura nodded and out of habit, tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
Jane was unmoved by his obfuscation and his easy Boston-Latin accent. “Bullshit,” she said, “you live for that. You live for the thrill. And the juice.”
Rafael shrugged. “Whatchu want me to say, Rizzoli?” he overtrilled the r of her surname on purpose, in the way that both Italians and Puerto Ricans do. “Me voy a caballo y vengo a pie, eh? Didn’t turn out, no matter how bad I wanted it. When you come from the neighborhoods that Paddy Doyle runs, the Bureau gets certain ideas about where your loyalties are. Especially if you BPD.”
Maura bowed her head in embarrassment, and Jane actually twitched her nose at that one. A droplet of perspiration ran down it, a sign that she’d been in the sun too long. “Well that sucks. Sorry. Still don’t answer why you’re here, steppin’ all over my toes.”
“That,” he started again, pointing to the victim sprawled on the porch of the house they surrounded, “is one of the main earners of the Kill Shot Gang. New crew muscling their way into JP. And I…” he drew out the pronoun for emphasis, “needa find out who did it. I already got your bro out there runnin’ ops for me.” He threw his head in the direction of the strip mall at the intersection of Chestnut and Weaver, a block that saw a lot of traffic. Literal and metaphorical.
“You got an Italian infiltrating the Latin drug trade? Sounds like all you’re doin’ is lookin’ for ways to get him killed,” growled Jane. She marched her long body toward him, her posture designed for intimidation. 
Martinez laughed. “Would you calm down? I know what I’m doing,” he told her, stepping into her aggression, opening his chest to it, bringing his face close to her hers. He smiled when she glared. “And other Rizzoli’s a grown man. Despite you and your ma’s best efforts.”
Just as Jane initiated her lunge, Maura caught it, her fingers wrapped firmly around Jane’s bicep. “Jane-”
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Jane, body bridled for the moment, unfurled some biting words, “don’t think I don’t remember your mommy comin’ down the station with sack lunches for all of us.”
“Alright, alright, listen,” Martinez put up his hands when he acquiesced, because she had a point. “One: I don’t remember you complaining about all that food when it was put in front of you. Two: I will personally make sure that he stays safe. You got my word.”
Jane pulled out of Maura’s grip and sighed. Rafael’s deep and steady voice, when divorced from deceptive intent and real life experiences at his side, inspired faith. It made people want to believe. But Jane had been his partner for too long. She had been in his bed for too long. “Yeah, that’s my worry,” she grumbled quietly. She took stock of his eyes one last time, brown and expressive and alive, and let them give her that little jolt they had before all the history came seeping in. 
He took stock right back, and the passion that had always burned in him shook her, passion for her that she could never reciprocate. She broke first, turning her head to Maura at her side - Maura, who had a pretty indulgent grin on her face. “It seems you have business,” Maura said, hand on Jane’s back. “I can take a rain check for lunch. Meet me for the autopsy?” 
“Y-yeah,” Jane stuttered. 
“But don’t wait up for her too long,” Martinez butted in. He winked at Maura, in a way that reminded her of Jane. “Because I’ve got a task force on KSG that I have a feeling Detective Rizzoli here is gonna want in on.”
Maura regarded him for a long time, without regard for the social rules on how long a person should stare, before she decided on a smile of her own. “I’m the Chief ME, lieutenant. I’ll wait for whomever I want, however long I want.” She winked back, clearly in mockery of his previous display, and then bid them her goodbyes.
Jane held in her laughter as Martinez withered under both the midday sun and Maura’s retort. “Man it’s hot. Let’s get this processed so we can get back to the ranch.”
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phanfictioncatalogue · 3 months
Phil Proposing To Dan Masterlist
A Christmas Ring - forphansake
Summary: Phil decides to do a radio show by himself but only because he has a special present to give to Dan.
A Christmas Proposal - doomedhowell
Summary: Dan and Phil usually spend their Christmas with their family but this year was different. They were spending their first Christmas alone together and Phil makes sure that it’s an extra special one.
All The Kingdom Lights Shine (just for me and you) (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan pulls out the third box. And the fourth box. And then, before Phil can start to overthink this, he gets down on one knee, right as Dan pulls out the fifth box, the velvet box. The tension in the room is unbelievable as Dan opens the box, staring at the ring in it. He gasps, quietly, and then his eyes immediately snap up at Phil, filling with tears.
Or: the one where Phil is a mess before proposing, but it’s all perfect in the end.
And, Like Putting On Glasses, I Saw the World in Perfect Clarity- cactuslester
Summary: Dan thinks this trip to the Isle of Man will be like all the other trips to visit the Lesters. Little does he know, Phil has a 3 carat surprise for him.
A Ring in a Box in a Box in a Box… (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: It’s Christmas, and Phil’s decided to make it a memorable one. Sure, the silly ‘box in a box in a box’ way of wrapping a present is funny enough to be remembered, but it’s the present that will really seal this Christmas in their memories.
Diamonds And Tears - paradisobound
Summary: Maybe there is something inside of Phil that made him stop and pick up a ring on his way home from Tesco. And maybe that same thing inside of him is what gave him the bright idea to propose on Christmas.
Four Little Words (ao3) - phandomsub
Summary: Proposing to Dan is the easiest thing Phil has ever done. But for Dan, saying yes is the hardest.
Happy New Year, My Love (ao3) - scifi
Summary: It’s new years eve and Phil wants to start 2019 by asking a very special question.
I’m Not Proposing (ao3) - lazyfic
Summary: Dan knows Phil’s going to propose while they’re on holiday in Japan and he won’t stop bringing it up.
Japan 2.0 - paradisobound
Summary: Phil decides to plan a trip to Japan for Dan because he wants to propose to him.
La Dolce Vita (ao3) - CrushingMagnolias
Summary: Phil plans a surprise engagement during their vegas trip at the Bellagio hotel.
Dan is head over heels, smitten, Phil Trash #1
lost in forever (ao3) - manchestereyes
Summary: Phil makes a very special video for his and Dan’s future child.
Or, Safiya and Tyler’s proposal video, but make it dnp.
Never Stop (You Still Get My Heart Racing) (ao3) - phantasticworks (steddieworks)
Summary: Dan and Phil celebrate Dan’s 29th birthday at home.
A cute, fluffy engagement fic that somehow took me two days and turned out to be 10k words.
Not just any anniversary (ao3) - danfernet
Summary: It’s October 19th, 2019. Dan and Phil’s tenth anniversary.
When Phil announces he has to go up north to visit his dad, Dan most certainly doesn’t expect the day to turn out the way it did.
Or, where Phil surprises Dan for a full day :)
phuture phusbands (ao3) - N_Chu4Ever
Summary: Dan’s opinions on weddings are pretty clear — marriage is piece of paper with some benefits, and organising a big fucking wedding is exhausting, and really, Phil, do we need it? Do we? The answer, of course, is no, and yet Phil is still thinking about it. As Dab and Evan’s Sims 4 wedding approaches, that thought process goes into overdrive.
Or: Phil proposes to Dan just after the Devan wedding is filmed.
Pictionary Proposal (ao3) - Misha_with_wings
Summary: Dan is with his family in France and Phil is planning to propose when he returns home.
Sand Dollars and a Shiny Rock (ao3) - counting2fifteen, paperowl, quackitity
Summary: Dan and Phil go on vacation, Phil tries to propose, things go terribly wrong, but also kind of right.
The Christmas Fic || 2017 (ao3) - yiffandquiff
Summary: How Christmas 2017 should have went
unexpectedly delighted (ao3) - shaylawrites (thominwtt)
Summary: So maybe it’s not a complete shock when Dan comes back early from his run and finds Phil fiddling with a ring in the middle of their kitchen.
When You’re Ready… (ao3) - Mangomelions (orphan_account)
Summary: Phil decides to buy a ring, so when Dan eventually proposes, they can have a cute double proposal. But what if Dan has had the same idea. Will they be waiting forever?
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