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The Meghans are global frauds. Every "good" deed, Every word & Every dollar is a GRIFT. "Nigerian girls & women" my arse.💔
Do they really expect us to believe that a global games event could ever be hosted by a country that repeatedly loses track of women & children? Harry and Meghan have the lowest of low in IQs but the rest of the world can see that THIS poverty tourism trip is yet another SUSSEX SCAM.
No country will send disabled athletes or veterans to compete in a country that cannot keep track of school kids. Shame on Nigeria's Defense Minister and all at Invictus who are involved in this fraudulent visit.
"Bring Back our Girls 2.0
"The abduction of the 287 children in Kaduna state on March 7, 2024 near the West African nation’s capital, is one of the largest school kidnappings in the decade since the kidnapping of schoolgirls in Borno state’s Chibok village in 2014 stunned the world. Analysts and activists say the security lapses that allowed that mass abduction remain..."
"One man was shot dead as he tried to save the students, school authorities said"
"The parallels between the two kidnappings have created more worry for parents, as even to this day nearly 100 of the Chibok girls remain missing."
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March 8, 2024
ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) — "Security forces swept through large forests in Nigeria’s northwest region on Friday in search of nearly 300 children abducted from their school by motorcycle-riding gunmen in the latest mass kidnapping, which analysts and activists blamed on the failure of intelligence and a slow security response.
The abduction of the 287 children in Kaduna state, near the West African nation’s capital, is one of the largest school kidnappings in the decade since the kidnapping of schoolgirls in Borno state’s Chibok village in 2014 stunned the world. Analysts and activists say the security lapses that allowed that mass abduction remain.
The victims of the latest attack — among them at least 100 children aged 12 or under — were surrounded and marched into a forest just as they were starting the school day, said locals in Kuriga town, located 55 miles (89 kilometers) from the city of Kaduna. One man was shot dead as he tried to save the students, school authorities said."
J-P Mauro - published on 03/14/24
"With no word from the abductors, the bishops are calling on the state to identify the kidnappers and save the hostages.
The remote town of Kuriga, in Nigeria’s Kaduna state, is still reeling after dozens of armed extremists kidnapped hundreds of students out of their classes in broad daylight on the morning of March 7. Worried parents are now calling for government intervention, after days without any word from the abductors. As of March 13, the children have yet to be found. 
The AP reports that at least 287 students were abducted – with about 100 of them aged 12 or under – making it one of the largest kidnappings since the 2014 abduction of the Chibok girls, when 275 girls were taken from their school by Boko Haram.
The parallels between the two kidnappings have created more worry for parents, as even to this day nearly 100 of the Chibok girls remain missing. 
The March 7 kidnapping saw children taken from the school just as the day was starting, at around 8 a.m.. They were herded into the forest. It took authorities several hours to respond to the scene and begin a search operation, but it is unclear how deep into the forest the kidnappers went.
Locals have suggested that the abductors belong to a group of bandits who have been terrorizing remote villages in Nigeria’s northwest and central regions.
14-year-old Nigerian girl could declared a martyr. Nigeria is one of the places of most intense suffering for Christians in our day.
Bishop Wilfred Anagbe of Makurdi has called on the government to intercede on behalf of the Christian population, which he said is being targeted by these attacks. Bishop Anagbe told OSV: 
“The kidnappings, killings and destroying churches we are experiencing every day are aimed at finishing Christians. We are worried that despite such killings and kidnappings, the government has never arrested anyone. As a church, we now demand that the government act quickly to stop these vices that continue to dishearten people.”
I try hard not to hate anyone, but The Meghans sure know how to push the right buttons. 🤐🤬
Safety 1st: The UK is unsafe but African countries where Nigerian schoolgirls are kidnapped & Zika Zones for childbearing royals are no problem.
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Team Sussex: Global Court Jesters
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 2 months
Let’s assume for a second Meghan has been‘flagged’ as a fixated person or even a person of concern, can they be eligible for IPP? If she has been identified as a concern, can the government simultaneously give her that level of protection and access to intel?
This is all just speculation.
Disclaimer first: This is beyond my knowledge of national security.
Can a fixated person be eligible for IPP? Yes. Because everyone is eligible for IPP.
Would they actually get it? Mm, probably not.
Let’s talk it out.
First, the kind of information that protected people get in this case is information about the security threats against them and details of security plans designed to keep them safe. They wouldn’t be getting information about other protectees unless they’re at the top of the hierarchy (like say Charles or William) or the other protectee is their minor child because the compartmentalization of whereabouts and security plans is part of the safety plan.
Could a fixated person extrapolate the knowledge from their security plans to make educated guesses about someone else’s plans? Yes, they could. So that’s a risk that would be taken into consideration while determining someone’s IPP status.
But by and large the issue with fixated people (as I understand it) is not access to information but access to the person of their fixation. Which is why security exists in the first place. As long as there’s a degree of separation and security - and there would be between Meghan and Kate because Kate is the Princess of Wales and that comes with a totally different security posture than, say, the Duchess of Edinburgh - that’s really all that’s necessary. The security posture could change if the fixated IPP is in the same room, for instance like at the Platinum Jubilee service of thanksgiving where William and Kate sat in the front row of Section A but Harry and Meghan were sat across the aisle in the interior third row of Section B with sleeper agents positioned all around them.
Second, all the IPP (Internationally Protected Person) designation means is that the person has diplomatic status worthy of a protection detail. That’s all. It doesn’t come with a special security clearance or unrestricted access to anywhere or anyone their cold black heart desires. There are still rules and procedures they have to follow because all being IPP means is that they’re protected from the public. IPP does not mean that they don’t have to follow the rules and procedures of *other* IPP.
So what does that mean? It means that if the IPP fixated person wants to go somewhere near the subject of their fixation, they still have to follow the rules and procedures of the subject’s security team. They don’t get to just waltz right through the security checks and get all up in Michelle Obama’s business (IYKYK).
In other words, just because Meghan is IPP doesn’t mean she has free access to Kate. She still has to follow the rules set by Kate’s security team and I would imagine that if Meghan were to return to the BRF, William would draw his family’s security net even tighter to block any chance of Harry and Meghan trying to get through. For instance, there’s renewed gossip that Harry wants to move into KP Apartment 1 and/or KP Apartment 7 (Apt 1 being the former Gloucester residence next door to William and Kate’s 1A apartment, which supposedly the Waleses have taken over for more office space, and Apt 7 being part of Diana’s former residence). William will mostly likely probably block that because his family still uses 1A. And likewise, he’d probably block the Sussexes from returning to the Windsor estate, since his family is there now as well. (Meaning Harry and Meghan’s only options is St. James’s Palace or a country estate outside of London…neither of which meet Meghan’s very exact specifications.)
Third, the last piece of the puzzle: the security risk and threat assessment. Everyone who goes up for IPP status (or heck, even just to take a job in the civil service - which, let me remind everyone, the BRF is. They’re essentially government workers who live very cushy lives supplemented by generational wealth) has to go through a security risk and threat assessment where everything from our families to our hobbies to our known associates to our health to our travel to our neighbors and home is investigated and assessed via background checks and investigations.
(And yes, this most likely means that anyone who marries into the royal family who does not come from a known associate - eg a family known to the BRF like the Spencers and Fergusons were - probably has had background investigations done for them to be able to meet principal members of the royal family. Kate and the Middletons probably had one, though perhaps not as in depth since she and William were together for so long, but there certainly was one done on Meghan when Harry got serious enough with her that he wanted her to meet The Queen.)
Now the thing about background checks and investigations, security clearances, and IPP status is that if you leave the civil service to go work in the private sector for a few years and then you decide to come back and be a fed again, your old checks and clearances aren’t there waiting for you like an old coat you buried in the back of your closet for 5 years. You have to undergo a total and complete reinvestigation. And if there are things that pop up in your reinvestigation over behaviors or diagnoses or actions you did while employed by a fake mental health startup and Netflix (for example) that have violated certain codes, standards, ethics, laws, or that exponentially increased your vulnerability to being exploited by foreign adversaries, or that have exposed you as a significant threat to the mental, physical, and social wellbeing of a principal staffer, well, then, you’re not getting that job and you can kiss your old security clearance or your old diplomatic status or your old RAVEC status goodbye. Even if you’re related to the principal staffer(s) in question.
So to sum up. A fixated person is eligible to be declared IPP. But they still have to go through all the checks and threat analyses to actually receive IPP status, and that’s where the issue is.
Ignoring “fixated person” (since again, that hasn’t actually been confirmed and is only just gossip and speculation), this is why Harry’s latest tactic is to say “if only my father would just give it back to me.” He is eligible for IPP just on the basis of being King Charles’s son, and he has Tier 3 (case-by-case) status because of that. But Tier 3 isn’t good enough; he wants Tier 1 (25/8 permanent) status, but RAVEC’s position is that Harry is disqualified Tier 1 because of his own behaviors and actions. Harry wants Charles to overrule the government and so far Charles hasn’t, because he’s likely read the report that bringing Harry back in poses more danger to the Waleses than leaving him out.
To which I say yes, that’s true, but bringing Harry in means they can better control him and what he does, so it’s a safer security posture to begin with. The issue is Meghan, who has proven time and time again that she doesn’t play by anyone’s rules but her own and has no interest in being on a team. In that case, it’s a safer security posture for her to be on the outside and away from everyone where it’s easier to monitor her so that her arrival or appearance can be more easily and more carefully planned for.
Which is ultimately the core conflict. Harry wants Meghan. The BRF doesn’t (or can’t). So Harry will emotionally blackmail everyone to force them to accept her. They refuse. Meghan says “it’s me or Kate and if you don’t choose me, you’re all racist.” The BRF laughs and chooses Kate anyway. They go on a worldwide tour of privacy to declare everyone is racist. No one cares. So they go crawling back to the BRF. The BRF says “only Harry, no Meghan.” But Harry wants Meghan. The BRF doesn’t. And around and around and around we go.
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the-empress-7 · 2 months
I think it's about the IPP status. They have more and more let slipped in they pr articles that having the UK's security will push other countries to give them security too. I think that at first people didn't know if Harry and Meghan were still royal or not so they would give them the big tour (like in NYC in 2021) but with time and with the feud becoming more and more public, people understood that not coodling Harry and Meghan was not going to offense the UK and most stopped giving them automatic protection or gifts and perks. I think that's why he becomes more and more publicly desperate. He wants to prove himself and others he is still royal because more and more people behind the scenes are treating him as a non royal and he hates it.
We should take the semantics out of it. It's about getting every country he visits to give him tax payer funded security including the USA where he is now a resident.
They were able to afford security for their faux tours because they got Netflix and IG to foot the bill. Their contract with NF is coming to an end and I have a feeling the NF has refused to pay for security going forward until they have a finished product. IG is under increased scrutiny as well. Hence this desperate attempt at publicly blackmailing a Head of State.
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skippyv20 · 1 month
It proves more and more there are no children at all. Why megs would except an invitation from the vice President to visit a very dangerous country just so she can stage a fake kidnapping or worse to get IPP status. She is not a mother nor are there  children. That’s why she galavants all over every month cause there are no children to care for or come home to. More proof and more proof no children exist. So when is she gonna be confronted about those fake kids? This con job of a hoax about the kids needs to come out. They cannot continue to lie forever. Does she not know that the truth will come out sooner than later. Like I said, she keeps proving to the world there are no children by going on these far away trips constantly. It is one of the biggest hoax perpetrated on humanity and the world. She needs to be outed about the fraud or someone else will do it for her.
Come on now, you have to admit it’s so much fun hearing her wiggle out excuses why the children don’t appear….this “private” bit isn’t cutting it….why?  Because no one believes there are children, just like you and I!  I love when she mentions them😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Are Harry and his wife perhaps resorting to all this nonsense because they want a way back into the UK and TRF, because they know now that all their plans have failed and they'll never make it in America? "Oh, look how dangerous it is in America, we almost lost our lives, and you still won't give us IPP status or pay for our security, so you'd better let us back in and rejoin as working royals.."
That could be. It’s interesting that their social media media tell started demanding that KCIII call them
However, I don’t think they want to come back as working royals. They want the in-and-out deal with security and representational engagements.
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trexalicious · 2 months
See these people H? Your Aunt and Uncles Prince Andrew, Anne the Princess Royal, and Prince Edward also were the Queen's children but NONE of them received full time security or IPP status so your wife throwing herself on the floor and sobbing to People about you being the King's sprog is pathetically funny...
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royal-confessions · 6 months
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“Harry's name has been mentioned in Diddys court case…Now the drama for IPP status makes sense” - Submitted by Anonymous
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sassyfrassboss · 1 year
THIS B*TCH… how the hell is she not mortified to leave her ghastly outdated mansion after everything she pulls. It’s so deeply embarrassing and pathetic for a 42 y/o to act this way - my god. Her mum is also 1000% complicit in it all. Harry isn’t innocent, but he’s not smart enough to scheme and stoop to this level, it’s all Meghan behind this - and her same stale, tired, messy MO. It must feel like a massive gut punch to actually pay out of their own pockets for expensive security to her because she’s that disgustingly greedy. ISTG, they better not get their IPP status back. I don’t even know how a judge can’t see through or go up against an amateur con artist like her who is as transparent as GLASS. She’s not even smart and this stunt was cringeworthy. Harry and Meghan are seriously such trashy, nauseating losers - and are cheap AF to boot. I hope this finally cancels them! Grifting lowlifes that they are. He’s well and truly in the gutter with her.
What I would love more than anything is for the paps to come out and say Meghan is the one that called them.
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My goodness this really is a hoax for IPP!
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Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Demand Photo Agency Give Them Footage of 'Chase'
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are trying to put the squeeze on a photo agency that claimed their freelance paparazzi who followed the couple Tuesday night were not, as M&H claimed, "highly aggressive" and didn't cause a near-collision.
Harry and Meghan's legal team fired off a letter to the Backgrid photo agency, claiming in part they need the agency's footage of the "chase" to shore up their own security, adding ...
"We hereby demand that Backgrid immediately provide us with copies of all photos, videos, and/or films taken last night by the freelance photographers after the couple left their event and over the next several hours.
"Backgrid's lawyer has rejected the Sussex's demand, saying in a letter ...
"In America, as I'm sure you know, property belongs to the owner of it: Third parties cannot just demand it be given to them, as perhaps Kings can do..."
"Perhaps you should sit down with your client and advise them that his English rules of royal prerogative to demand that the citizenry hand over their property to the Crown were rejected by this country long ago. We stand by our founding fathers."
Backgrid says they had 4 photogs, 3 in cars and one on a bike, adding they "had no intention of causing any distress or harm, as their only tool was their cameras."
There's no legal basis for Backgrid to turn over its footage -- no lawsuit has been filed that would require the agency to turn over documents. Nevertheless, the demand was made.
As we reported, Harry and Meghan's team called their encounter with paps "near catastrophic," but NYPD sources say that's way overblown.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 2 months
If Harry and Meg are given IPP status they would essentially be granted 24/7 security paid for by taxpayers BUT they would never have to "check in" with or get approval for any trips by either the UK gov't (or US govt) or the Crown/Royal Family. by u/AliceRoosevelt1884
If Harry and Meg are given IPP status, they would essentially be granted 24/7 security paid for by taxpayers BUT they would never have to "check in" with or get approval for any trips by either the UK gov't (or US govt) or the Crown/Royal Family. The checks and balances of a sponsoring organization is necessary for the IPP program to work. The Harkles just do not get it. Their arrogance knows no bounds. It is bananas. They want a full time tax funded security force just because they are "special." To have IPP status, you can't just be a free wheeling individual. This is exactly why Meg left Royal service. She hates being told what to do or asking permission. She wants to get IPP status and then she can "lord it over" the royal family and courtiers...see, I don't need to ask anyone. I can do whatever I want and be half in / half out and monetize my title and you all can pay for motorcades and security guards etc. UGH. Let's hope they lose their appeal. post link: https://ift.tt/DL2wqQK author: AliceRoosevelt1884 submitted: August 02, 2024 at 10:52PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 4 months
War of the Waleses... Look, I don't understand. What are they trying to achieve with this “war”? What are they trying to achieve? I really want to understand this.
The Sussexes want everything William and Kate have.
They want the iconic Prince and Princess of Wales titles. They want the £21 million annual income the Duchy of Cornwall has. Harry wants the military honors that William gets. Meghan wants the tiaras and designer couture that Kate gets. They want the public's adoration and bulletproof popularity. They want the free trips and diplomatic missions. They want to control and buy off the media like they think William does. They want the palace residence. They want 25/8 private taxpayer-paid security and IPP status.
Oh, and they want to be paid appearance fees for gracing charities and nonprofits with their presence and to collect awards for existing.
That's it. Harry and Meghan believe they're entitled to everything that William has because Harry is also equally Charles and Diana's son and it's not fair that William gets everything while they get nothing.
And what the Sussexes are trying to do is adjudicate those grievances ("linked not ranked") in the court of public opinion. They seem to believe that if they get enough of the public and enough of the media on their side, they can bully Charles and William into a King Solomon situation where either Charles splits the baby and gives each brother half or William gives up the monarchy and walks away.
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the-empress-7 · 2 months
Some YouTubers complained that the BRF was stupid for changing the Invictus details on the royal website which now states that he's the sole owner instead of it being a Royal Foundation product. These fellas are half a decade ahead! 🤣🤣🤣 I knew from day 1 the asshole will choose Birmingham simply to piss everyone off and to force the BRF to attend the event with tonnes of bitching and moaning about The Firm not honouring the vets but by clearly distancing themselves they're saying "That's his baby, we have nothing to do with it buh-bye". Zero obligations to attend the shitshow. He wants the UK people to pay for his ass because he couldn't get the security and IPP status and will use the opportunity to tarnish and drag the BRF in the filthiest way possible because they're not taking his dead olive branches or entertain his desperate begging to be taken back in.
Karma is a sweet, petty bitch 😘
I honestly think Harry and Meghan would have preferred the US. It's why they have spent so much time and money "trying" to establish a rival royal court here in America. Trust me, the UK selection is bad news for them. We already saw what an IG event in the UK means for them (the anniversary service at St. Paul). No one of note attended it, not even extended family could be bothered. It got almost no attention from the general press or the general population.
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skippyv20 · 1 month
Dominican TRip meant Colombia
Not much coverage on this and I wonder if this was to cover up sinister things, the news media choosing not to cover, or don’t wanna send reporters in harm’s way.
Regardless, I do love it except if there’s a cover up of nefarious activities.
Can you imagine if they ipp status, and these folks wanna go to Gaza on a whim for pr,?
Who know with them right?😔
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anonymoushouseplantfan · 10 months
Because of all this drama/mess, I don’t remember hearing anything more about the case for IPP security status. That would be another blow if the case goes against Harry and they already torched their relationship with the Family.
The hearing is coming up in less than three weeks time.
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snifflesthemouse · 1 year
I wonder if having IPP status affects divorce proceedings for the rich and famous...
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