#Meghan & Harry are Frauds
royalteachitchat · 8 months
Wow! 👏👏👏 JDEadonWriter on X, put this amazing post out today. Check this out!
Are Meghan Markle's kids FAKE? 🤔
1 Size: Bump drastically altering in size, even in a single day 😯
2 Slip: Bump slipped down to her knees in Birkenhead, UK 😯
3 Wobble: Bump wobbled side-to-side as she crossed the street. 😯
4 Clutching: Supporting her bump with her hands overly often. 🤔
5 Popping: audibly popped in a video, and wafted her clothes😯
6 Shape: Bump unnaturally shaped on Netflix🤔
7 Straps: Moonbump straps outlines visible under clothing in several photos. And something snapped, impacting the clothing fabric (video of H&M in London)😯
8 Biology: An absence of swelling of ankles, and other subtle biological (non)signs.🤔
9 Holding: Carrying a (doll?) infant on her bump, instead of on her hip.🤔
10 Squats: Squatting, effortlessly, with her knees together in videos and photos. In heels.😯
11 Announcements: Royal official birth announcements are indirect. One states they are delighted "by the news of the" (not by the actual) birth.🤔
12 Coverup? A medic who certified a birth closed down her practice shortly afterwards.😯
13 Certificates: Questions linger over the birth certificates signatures, etc.🤔
14 Leak: An official Royal twitter account tweet indicated that Meghan’s kids are fake, before being taken down. An innocent prank?😁
15 Recovery: Epidural (ouch!) birth in a bath description anomalies and arriving home too soon afterwards to be quite plausible.🤔
16 Born Of Body?: Meghan allegedly told a friend she was infertile, when at college, and there was a reported alleged hysterectomy before the births.
17 Silence: Meghan is silent on her claimed births, despite always flashing her bump; having a "Capacity for over sharing"; boasting about being a “Mom”, and always talking about herself (apparently) on her feminist podcast. 🤔
Rented Infants
18 Archie Model: The real parents of the infant predominantly shown in Archie photos are identified. 💥
19 Lilibet Model: Parents of the infant shown in Lilibet photos are identified.💥
20 Loan: Mother of “Lilibet” commented on Insta that she does not "loan" her daughter to Meghan any longer.😯
21 Shape-Shifting: Different infants used in photos of both Archie and Lilibet.😯
22 Photoshopping: A litany of incompetently-photoshopped “family” photos. (A huge topic in itself).🤔
23 Reborn Doll: Seemingly cradling a doll (a product called Darren) in official photo of Archie 🪆
24 Party Doll: Meghan seemingly cradled a similar doll when gate-crashing a polo match party, begetting astonished looks.😯
25 Bumpy Ride: Meghan seemed to be lugging an inanimate doll on top of her bump through some woods in Canada. Whilst grinning at a hired pap.🪆
26 Twisted: In one photograph, Archie's head is twisted more than 90 degrees 🪆
27 Carrying: A high % of photographs show them carrying the “kids” 🪆
28 Backs-Turned: A high % of Photos are of kids facing away from the camera 🤔
Other Oddities
29 Website: A startling absence of updates of Royal website on Meghan’s offspring.🤔
30 Bishop: Los Angeles christening cleric was not the official Bishop the Harkles claimed he was.🤔
31 Implausible Platitudes: Claiming Archie’s first word was “Crocodile”, and that he demands a Leica camera for his birthday. As tots do...🤔
32 Merch: An uncharacteristic unwillingness to merchandise their kids, for $$$ or PR.🤔
33 Invisible: The Harkles are never seen with their kids. There are hints of "home schooling" (will they ever be allowed out?)😯
34 Family Holidays: Weirdly, the Harkles never take their kids on holiday, and, if they pretend they did, they incompetently photoshop them into pap snaps on Insta.🤔
35 Everything Else: All the stuff I overlooked in this hastily speed-typed list.🤔
Why does it matter? 🤔
Because rich Prince Harry wants we skint, long-suffering tax payers, to pay for his security expenses; he’s a traitor, and, well, it’s fraud, isn’t it? 💥
Feel free to leave evidence I missed out in the comments. 👍
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I'm sorry to share, but this must be documented.
Rachel Meghan Markle is truly the spawn of satan. She's a wicked creature who seeks to kill, steal & destroy her victims when they are most vulnerable.
Something bad must be on the horizon for The Meghans. First they wheel out Markus Anderson, and now their most desperate move is to publicly resurrect the fake affair rumors started by MEgain 5 years ago. She wanted to cover up her partaying at Soho House Amsterdam (fake preggers), while simultaneously blackmailing the BRF into "supporting her in the press."
Epstein Island's Stephen Colbert has confirmed (again) that the cabal owns him. He was obviously "forced" to publicly suggest that "Kate Middleton is missing" bc William & Catherine are having marital problems. There was no "joke," just a lie.
Harry if you are reading this: what an absolute disgrace you have become. A traitor to your mother, father, brother & country.
First we watched Colbert push the Spare Us book of lies, including the "Wills beat me up & broke my necklace lie." Now Sparry has inspired the suckit sewer megbots to attack 2 innocent families. Colbert used Omit's fake headlines from Yahoo News to "confirm" the affair. What a miserable black soul Stephen Colbert embodies. Just another weak compromised puppet for the elites.
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Megbots have such low IQs. They steal the art designed to portray their mistress and desperately try to make it fit Catherine🤡🤦‍♂️
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Michael Cole won't shut up. He continues to manufacture ridiculous content using Catherine's name just to stir up the megbots. It's in the GB News comments that we see Meghan desperate to get the talking heads to mention the "rumored affair."
From the Sussex Sewer
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The people are fed up with Michael Cole, Piers & every other media bully
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GB News attempting to pivot from "Kate" by bringing on Dr Carole Lieberman. Too late.
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msclaritea · 4 months
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I agree. Megain is ALMOST the biggest Soho fraud I've seen. They both are, at this point. So, for anyone in their right minds to entertain these two, means the whole kit and kaboodle stinks. And Nigeria is notoriously corrupt.
Wait a minute... isn't that where David Oyelowo is royalty? Oh and guess what. His royal highness once directed another Soho fraud in a British play, years ago: Sophie Hunter. She stank in the play, just like we've been told she does, in real life.
Go ahead. Google. I'll wait. 😏
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Like the Blind Items? Crazy Days and Nights? Believe Markle and Harry are Hypocritical Dingbat Liars?
Enty Lawyer, the Entertainment Lawyer, behind 'Crazy Days and Nights' (ie. Blind Items) talks about Markle, Harry, security and so much more! Kinsey Schofield is a great interviewer and commentator, of course, as well. Give it a watch/listen if you'd like; you won't be disappointed!
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Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe hit by Fake News and Fabrications due to his support of Prince Harry Award and adopted into Aviation Community
H.H. Dr. Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe the German Prince and Lawyer is an annual guest of the Living Legends of Aviation. This high profile Event is a stunning example for bringing the legends in the field of Aviation together.
Dr. Princess Antonia zu Schaumburg-Lippe is excited about this Award: Stars in the rank of unforgettable Helmut Berger like John Travolta or Harrison Ford come support this legendary event. It is so well composed like a Wagner Symphony, the princess adds.
The 2024 Award Show was attended by Dr. Prince Mario Max zu Schaumburg-Lippe together with his girlfriend Andrea John Catsimatidis and was a spectacular celebration of the Princes achievements. H.H. Dr. Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe congratulated Prince Harry, and the British tabloids started a character assassination campaign against Prince Harry and mixed Prince Mario Max in it and called him nasty name and presented false allegations, as nobody close to Prince Harry - even if it is just a Dinner talk and Selfie - is left in peace when it comes to Prince Harry: You get assassinated by tabloids! Press speaker Robert W. Cabell clarified that Alexander Schaumburg-Lippe is a regular German guy having absolutely nothing to do with Prince Harry or Prince Mario-Max. Despite that Daily Mail gave him a lot of space to comment mean and bully both real princes out of bis motive to push himself in the press.
Prince Mario-Max stood strong behind Prince Harry and started a clarification and information campaign explaining that there is no House Schaumburg-Lippe, just two lines of people with German last names Prince that match. That there is no head of the house for Prince Mario-Max and this is all a wishful bluff of a jealous hater named Alexander Schaumburg-Lippe.
Prince Harry very well deserved the Award and the tabloids ran two defamation stories about H.H. Dr. Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe after he congratulated Prince Harry:
1. Fabricating Prince Mario-Max should not be talking with or seen with Prince Harry and they quote somebody with zero affiliation to the Princes and fabricate that the bully guy Alexander Schaumburg would be a senior royal. Wishful thinking, he is just a regular German guy.
2. Fabrication that H.H. Dr. Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe has said Prince Harry is pushy and depressed in the Piers Morgan Show, whilst he said Alexander Schaumburg-Lippe is pushy IN the press.
3. Fabricating and discriminatory expressing that the adoption of Prince Mario-Max by his own Royal fathers aunt (Prince Waldemars aunt Princess Helga-Lee) brings any disadvantages for his Royal title and name. It is the opposite as Prince Mario Max is legally and lawfully the German Prince H.H. Dr. Prince Mario-Max Prinz zu Schaumburg-Lippe. And having three Royal parents a tripple Prince! The only one currently in the Schaumburg-Lippe named families.
Fake-news Galore Robert W. Cabell the spokesperson of H.H. Dr. Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe sums up.
Link for this story: https://www.tumblr.com/princemariomaxschaumburglippe/743669722443300864/prince-mario-max-schaumburg-lippe-hit-by-fake-news
Schaumburg-Lippe official website:
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saintmeghanmarkle · 4 months
🚨 𝑻𝑰𝑳 that H&M flew on 𝐀𝐢𝐫 𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞 private charter flights in Nigeria. They were welcomed by Air Peace Founder & CEO 𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐲𝐞𝐦𝐚. In 2019 the US Department of Justice issued a 36-count indictment against 𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐲𝐞𝐦𝐚 for money laundering and bank fraud 🚨
🎥 Credit: 
📌 Sources:
post link
author: SeptiemeSens
submitted: May 14, 2024 at 05:51PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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But they’re still protected. Little leaks about their behavior is not the same thing as huge scandals related to Harry’s alleged (lack of) anger management or Meghan’s alleged business dealings or their alleged potential tax fraud busting out.
It’s death by a thousand cuts but he’ll always be protected even in future era of king William.
It depends on the relationship with King William. If William takes Harry back or shows just the tiniest bit of grace, then yes - protection will continue.
But if William continues to ignore them, refuses to see them, squashes them like the cockroaches they are, or removes even just the smallest trace of privilege - game over. All the Sussexes will have left for protection are their lawsuits and the Diana cult that sees Harry do no wrong.
It might take some time to get there and there’s always a chance the reveals could be inconsequential (like the publication of the Marburg files didn’t damage the Duke of Windsor that much, contrary to what The Crown depicts) but it just depends on the “crime” and the society at the time. If, for instance, it’s true that Harry’s past is littered with broken and injured women due to his anger issues, he could very well end up permanently and publicly disgraced like dear ol’ godfather Uncle Andrew. A King William isn’t going to protect that. If The Queen can’t protect Andrew, King William certainly can’t protect Harry.
But if it’s just tax fraud? Depending on how bad it is - eg a mistake on a form that can be easily paid off - it’ll get swept under the rug by the prestige of their royal-adjacent status, in which case the protection will continue. If it’s on the more “ooohhhh you in danger for real” scale (aka jail time or penalties worth millions like Al Capone or Wesley Snipes), King William is most likely leaving them out to hang to protect the overall BRF from getting dragged down with the Sussexes.
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the-empress-7 · 2 months
‘The fact that Harry and Meghan stepped away from royal duty should not be a factor in their protection level, says the source close to the situation: "'Working royal or not, this is the King's son."
He won’t have that security ever because Anne nor Edward were granted that kind of security. And if he wants to say that his wife is so hated and because he was a militar he is more at risk, well, Anne was going to be kidnapped and still she didn’t have full protection (not even as a working royal).
RAVEC already told him that the MET didn’t find (for now) any high risk and he insists that they should show because he is paranoid (but they can’t show him that). I don’t doubt they had high risk years ago, but now, nobody cares about them. In fact, 1 year ago or else, there was an article claiming (who knows if true since MET don’t say a damn) that Catherine was the one with the most high risk level of threats.
Just don’t come back to UK and situation solved
It's why the staged the fake car chase and the fake intruder stories. Also known as fraud, which like blackmail is also a crime.
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sussex-sweetheart · 3 months
Some self awareness from you would be great! Your little fanbase also attack charities🙄hypocritical much
The Sussex Squad does not boycott charities and threaten to not donate (not that we believe they ever did) to sick children because someone we don't like us patron. We don't accuse people running charity bike ride of fraud for being friends with someone we don't like. We don't accuse wounded veteran charities of misappropriating funds because we don't like someone. Derangers attack every single charity Harry or Meghan are attached too simply because they hate Harry and Meghan. We don't do that. Fuck off with that bullshit.
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skippyv20 · 4 months
Corruption and Fraud Follow Meghan & Harry With this Latest Exposure
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snifflesthemouse · 2 years
Did I just get a Scoop in MY neck of the Woods?
Hello You Lovely Readers!
          First of all, I need to say that this author cannot express all the gratitude felt for all of you. This mouse is close to 1000 followers!! I know that is a very big deal to this writing rodent, so thank you all! BUT I HAVE A SCOOP…
          Now before I render the scoop, let me reiterate this is the first time I’ve ever heard of this instance. I would like to say that maybe Journalist Jey told Ashli from the DanjaZone (God, we all miss her, don’t we?) but I cannot recall for certain… I was shocked to hear these things today. Especially where I was and with whom. To find someone from the United Kingdom in my neck of the woods is rare… to find one with intel is a blessing.
          I don’t know the credentials for this cat, but the stuff being said makes total sense. This man was a transplant from England, in my neck of the woods in the States! And his sentiment regarding the Duo was so honest, that he started telling stories I never heard as an American reading via the media.
          The first story I heard was something that proves Buckingham Palace was in fact protecting Harry and Meghan. This story never made it anywhere I can think of, and they must have a ton of these stories covered up somewhere. This is the story he told:
          “In the UK, there is a factory that makes guns specifically for when heirs are born. There’s a 20 gauge and a 12 gauge, and they only make one of each for each child. The guns are given to the Crown Estate, as they are essentially public property. William had his when he was born, and Harry had his. Meghan allegedly forced Harry into putting the guns made for him at birth up for auction. Prince William was forced into buying the guns back at auction so that these very rare, and very publicly owned items, could be returned back to the family. As they had no business being sold, anyway.”
          Then, he told us (my husband and I) about how the monarchy isn’t just some people who won the genetic lotto. He explained that monarchy is more about national identity and tradition, and that the entire nation hates them both. He then told us about this part next regarding Harry’s military services:
          “When Harry wanted to join the military, they wanted him to go into something like the Coastguard or even like William did. No, Harry didn’t want that. He wanted to serve in the “real” military. Even though, as an heir to the Throne, Harry knew that he would be costing the taxpayers millions more than necessary. He was never alone in those helicopters. There was a team that went out before him, a team that went out with him, and then a team that came back after him to ensure there was no way he could be left vulnerable. He never once had a risk of life or limb or anything at all whiles over there. It was all a sham. The most decorated member of the Royal Family is a fraud and he hides behind his wife. He didn’t even have military uniform on for the funeral, and that is because he was stripped of it all. He and his wife denounced their duties. He didn’t earn any of anything he did have.”
          Now you all have no idea how excited we were, as my husband knows and appreciates how much this rat loves the Royals!!
          I travel often. I spend a lot of time on the road (compared to the average person), and I spend a lot of time meeting people from Michigan to South Carolina. Yet, I’ve yet to meet someone from the UK (and he and his wife were from Oxford City). My husband has served next to the men and women of the United Kingdom while in Iraq (He was deployed to Iraq twice and Afghanistan once). He already knows how cool the people of the UK are, but for me this was my first in-person encounter. Like I know I sound silly. But it was so neat.
          I want to know what you all think. Does this make sense about the guns? I believe the second story, but I know nothing much about the guns (even though I want to say Ashli may’ve mentioned it).
          The last thing he said though was that he was certain Harry’s kids aren’t getting titles for several reasons (not what you would think and I am paraphrasing here, this isn’t exact. I am remembering as well as I can):
          “Harry is illegitimate.  His real dad is Hewitt and everyone in the country knows it. Everyone passes him off as Charles’s because of his mum. His mum had an affair and Harry is illegitimate. His kids shouldn’t have titles because they refused them for the kids by choice. They chose to abandon their roles and duties and country. Those kids aren’t entitled to anything because Harry isn’t. This is why Charles doesn’t care that he left as much as you’d think. Optics is everything in the Royal Family. Charles loves monarchy more than anything else. He’s waited for that seat for too long, and he won’t let Harry knock him out of it. Bet.”
          We also discussed the differences between our food and cultures, and I really enjoyed the conversation. My husband and I laughed when he said his wife almost left him like ten times in the first two months of being here.
He said, “She went to make meatballs and spaghetti. She didn’t know all the food here has been pre-seasoned and flavored. She’s adding all her regular spices and flavors, and she takes a bite and starts to cry. She said that was the straw the broke the camel’s back. It’s weird in America. You all think you can throw “ja-loppa-nose (his pronunciation of jalapenos)” on everything and call it spicy. I love this country, but I do miss the food and the culture of my home country.”
           It’s amazing the things you find out and learn. He alluded to the fact that Buckingham Palace essentially protected them every step of the way, and they still do protect them.
          So… what do you think about the guns or the deployment story or everything else? I’ve heard that Hewitt wasn’t around until after Harry was born, but who would really know for certain? Anything can be denied and covered over with a good story and a photo. It’s the game of optics, remember?
Remember, the plan was for Harry to leave after 10 years for the transition of the slimmed down Monarchy? It seems there is something going on  we’re missing.
          We’re missing something, right in front of our faces, too.
          Bet… I bet the Telegraph will get a surrogacy dossier or something along those lines soon enough. Probably right after the coronation. Maybe even a day or two before, that way the sensationalism is there for action and Charles will finally have that forced hand he needs.
Until the next bit of cheese drops in the floor,
                    Your Mouse Sniffles.
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parodyroyalle · 10 months
“I don't believe Kate is racist. Is she a mean girl? Yes. Was she behind the smear campaign against Meghan? Yes. She hated Meghan from the get-go, but that had nothing to do with racism. Meghan being biracial just added fuel to the fire, and Kate jumped on the bandwagon. If Meghan were a 100% Caucasian woman, Kate still would have leaked the story that she made her cry, but now that the new allegations have come that Kate is indeed the racist who has concerns about Prince Archie's skin colour, this whole theory goes down the drain, and yes, Kate is a racist.” - Submitted by Anonymous
Incorrect information and misinformation guised as opinion not
FACT: Did You Know ...
Skippy and the Skippettes ( YT, Bloggers and Anon's ) identified the 'smear campaign' ... and it was towards the British Royal Family.
Kate has been documented as survived bullying.
See link below.
FACT: Did You Know ...
Markle has a long history of being a reported bully, fraud, narcissist.
FACT: Did You Know ...
Markle admits to her History of Lying and Fraud branding herself as a 'fraud' with glee after admitting she lied in order to secure role and reports indicate when she was asked to confirm union status misrepresented herself again frequently so to force hand.
Meghan Markle branded herself a ‘fraud’. Pic: Rex
‘And I got there and they’re like: “so you’re union.”
‘And I’m like: “Of course I’m union. 
I mean yeah absolutely.” And I wasn’t.
Did you know "Absolut" is Seagram brand ?
FACT: Did You Know ...
Bullying and The Markle Family:
The Markle's have been speculated together on an alleged "con" all playing their positions for profit. There are several reports that suggest a history of shadiness perhaps that is why race seems the easiest cover story of all! Speculation aside, we see that the Markle Family indicates that Meghan is a bully and has a history of misrepresenting herself. Her Father has expressed that he is embarrassed at his daughters behaviours. In a new interview with Channel 5 in the U.K., Thomas, 75, claimed that the situation is “destroying” and “cheapening” the royal family. Is this a confession and thereby revealing a calculated agenda to tarnish the Monarchy?
Brother on half - sister "bully" .
Sister on Bullying as a result of Meghan's Flying Monkeys.
South China Morning Post:
Is Meghan Markle's 'bullying' half-sister Samantha to blame?
Reports on social media suggest bots and payments made to those known as Sussex Squad who have assisted in promoting glorifying Markle as a victim in attempts to wash away the facts through data and social media manipulation and participating in hate campaign against those who speak out causing irrevocable damages.
YT Yankee Wally was on the receiving end of the flax.
Change Petition:
Fans of Yankee Wally (from Wales) woke to find her popular YouTube channel removed. Wally had approximately 47,000 subscribers.  She's Welsh, she's disabled and homebound.  She has been viciously attacked by Omid Scobie, a PR flack for Meghan Markle and Christopher Ellis Bouzy of Bot Sentinel, an accused cryptocurrency scammer that dabbles in leftwing politics and defamation for hire.  They managed a campaign to de-platform her from Twitter and YouTube.  
Ellie Hall of Buzzfeed, tricked Wally into thinking she was writing a balanced article that would address the targeted harassment of Mr. Bouzy and the Sussex Squad.  Unfortunately,  Ellie Hall wrote an article for the sole purpose of talking to YouTube to remove Yankee Wally and soon other channels that are critical of public figures Prince Harry and Meghan Markle as part of a PR crisis strategy implemented by Sunshine Sachs.  Wally's videos featured the appropriate disclaimers stating the videos were in the public domain and solely her opinion.  Yankee Wally should be entitled to due process and an examination of ALL the harassment of HER on YouTube's platforms.
FACT: Did You Know ...
YT Danja Zone was one of the first to reported on the missing link of this shitshow to a Canadian?
FACT: Canada
The Former Miss Universe Canada Delegate Angela Thompson, a survivor of Generational Human Trafficking survivor who alerted the Intelligence community of the alleged plot to infiltrate the Royal Family as early as 2008! More information and sources below.
FACT: Damages incurred linked to bullying
BEFORE Ashli's home was set on fire? No coincidences.
Read more on these Tags: DanjA zonE,  Meghan Markle, 
Rest In Peace Ashli
Quora Question:
Is Meghan Markle a bully, or is she bullied?
A whopping TEN of Meghan’s Royal staff came foreward this year, saying Meghan’s abusive behavior was “sociopathic”.
Markle USA
Her college sorority sister said she bullied girls for fun, her family called her a bully and a narcissist, her co workers said she would scream and threaten people to get what she wanted, and her staff called her a “living nightmare”.
Meghan is a bully. Just ask her sorority sisters, her co workers, her associates, her staff, her firmer friends, her family and the Royal Family.
Meghan is a bully. No wonder the UK hates her.
Jill Selwood · Rachel Meghan Markle USA
She’s the biggest bully around and has been since she was a teen. She glued a school mates eyelids together with super glue!!! Who does that? A big bully. The people who worked with her for the Reitman clothing shoot refused to work with her again as she was so awful.
Markle Canada
A documented history of Bullying. It is no surprise the heading reads: A whopping TEN of Meghan’s Royal staff came forward this year, saying Meghan’s abusive behavior was “sociopathic”.
A history of bullying Children and Adults regardless of race or creed. From little Princess Charlotte at only 3 years old. Palace Staff, Co Worker and Sorority Sisters reports a long history of cruel and unethical superior and “sociopathic “ pattern of behaviour.
There are reports of bullying of a young Toronto woman in a calculated smear campaign including visiting for an unauthorized tour of the Downtown Fundraising Office.
Markle’s Public Figure friend with affiliation to the World Vision Creative Artist Program openly offering a young Toronto Creative Activist who is a former Miss Universe Canada Delegate on a live video on social media which is perceived as Human Trafficking.
Human Trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of people through force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit. Men, women and children of all ages and from all backgrounds can become victims of this crime, which occurs in every region of the world. Human-Trafficking - UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 
Markle can be viewed doing an Interview with the Public Figure at Soho before any engagement into the British Royal Family where Markle presented herself as a “Humanitarian”.
Palace staff report a continue history of Bullying as Page Six reports Palace staff members sticking to claims they were bullied by Ms. Rachel Meghan Markle. Is Meghan Markle a bully, or is she bullied? 
I would conclude that she is in fact a Bully and agree with that the pattern of abusive behavior is “sociopathic”.
Google Source: Bullying and International Human Rights.
FACT: Did You Know ...
Reddit Forum:
Never Forget Markle Bullied A 3 Year Old Child.
Who was the Child identified as allegedly bullied by Markle ?
Princess Charlotte
FACT: Did You Know ...
Prince William has thanked a Human Trafficking organization in Canada and cares about Wildlife and Humans as living beings ?
" The picture really says it all, doesn’t it? Shae Invidiata is one fierce philanthropist on a mission. She founded her organization “Free Them” at only twenty years of age, and alongside her aptly named army of “Free Them fighters,” she is leading the charge against human trafficking here in Canada and abroad.
Her work as an advocate for the cause earned her the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubillee Medal in 2012, which recognizes outstanding members of the community for their service, as well as the 2012 Joy Smith Foundation National Freedom Award, which honoured Free Them for its exemplary efforts fighting human trafficking. It may be the fastest growing illegal trade in the world (next to arms and drugs), but with extraordinary women like this on the frontlines, change is happening, one success story at a time… "
Full Article
FACT: Did You Know ...
Former Miss Universe Delegate Alumna Angela Thompson wearing her Free -Them bracelet in Toronto is named as the young woman being offered for sale in a live broadcast by a Public Figure and is a survivor of generational human trafficking. It is reported she has written to members of Parliament and United Nations on invisible chains. The video can be viewed on Social Media and is disturbing.
Source Credit: IG, www.facebook.com/TheBeInspiredCampaign
A PSA awareness of invisible chains can be viewed here:
The Timeline time stamped, Meghan Markle, Emmanuel Jal
Promote International Women's Day on what is believed to be a paid PR tour. This is orchestrated before the Engagement.
FACT: Did You Know ...
World Visions Artist Program featuring Emmanuel Jal and Markle has since been removed from website. It was also featured in print.
FACT: Did You Know ...
Former Miss Universe Canada Delegate Alumna Angela Thompson is a World Vision supporter donated and fundraised for on their behalf ?
" I was introduced to Emmanuel Jal through his manager ML and my sister, Lorette Stevenson. Jal and I shared a similar history as Adoptees who endured child separation and seemed to have common interests in Music, Film and Philanthropy. He called us to stage and preform at his Juno Event in Hamilton, Ontario.
I lent my voice to his album for Peace Music and documented this for my Gonzo Journalism and Creative Activism located on Facebook The Be Inspired Campaign where I solved my own missing persons case and reunited with my biological family, survivors of generational human trafficking, domestic violence. This case is ongoing.
It was not long after that I discovered my creative concepts were found elsewhere and my life story being woven into some fabricated variation of Ms. Markle's identity. From Humanitarian causes such as speech on Rwanda, conversations on not fitting in a box which steamed from speaking on Adoptees not having access to basic birth information. the Indigenous community, justice for children including children, at risk youth and women. It was disheartening to learn as it took away from core root of the causes and public awareness education all so a group of people could seemingly turn a profit.
What no one knew at the time was that I reported allegations of an alleged pot to infiltrate and smear the British Royal Family in 2008 before I reunited with my family. It was no surprise to learn of other reports of women being approached when the truth was, I was that women this occurred well before the 2016 reports circulated. These occurrences took place as I was surviving Generational Human Trafficking and solving my Missing Persons case which I did in 2009.
FACT: Did You Know ...
Princess Eugenie and The Anti-Slavery Collective.
" After following each other around the world, then to Newcastle University, and into our careers. In 2012, we went on a trip to Kolkata, India. Here, we visited an organisation called Women’s Interlink Foundation and first became aware of modern slavery. Aloka Mitra , the founder of Women’s Interlink, rescues girls from modern slavery, gives them a home and teaches them a simple vocational skill – fabric printing.  
We were shocked to discover the extent to which slavery still exists. In fact, there are more enslaved people today than at any other point in history and, at any one time, someone is being trafficked within a mile of where you live.  We often associate slavery with chains and shackles, but modern slavery is a hidden crime that is often hard to detect. 
We spent the next 5 years educating ourselves. We became obsessive investigators and would visit anyone who could help us expand our knowledge; from policy makers, law enforcement agencies and academics, to NGOs, social workers and survivors. We asked everyone we encountered, ‘what can two young girls like us do to help?’ Without fail, the answer was always raise awareness. So this became our mission. 
In 2017, we proudly launched The Anti-Slavery Collective. "
FACT: Did You Know ...
Self admitted liar and fraud Megan Markle
Human Trafficking is not a joke//Emmanuel Jal
2016 Time stamp of actual survivor on video
2018 Reports copycatting real survivor testimony and again weave in a manufactured narrative so to divert from the open connection of International Human Trafficking and the targeting of life to the survivors and reporters who have spoken up to maintain the Truth.
No "comparison".
In my opinion. Markle is not only a self admitted fraud and documented bully. She is dangerous and spiteful with what appears to be narcissism and sociopathic patterns of behaviour. She does not use her platform for Peace only to promote victimhood. She has been linked to blood diamond's, porn stars and organized crime. She was documented on the prowl as a social climber and use men to elevate her status. I would not be surprised if she try's to up her victim hood sharing something about assault or human trafficking. It would not surprise me if she was a recruiter as she uses overtly invasive boundaries on children and adults alike and likes to make deals.
FACT: Did You Know ...
"Absolut" is Seagram brand ?
Alcohol industry company
The Seagram Company Ltd. was a Canadian multinational conglomerate formerly headquartered in Montreal, Quebec. Originally a distiller of Canadian whisky based in Waterloo, Ontario, it was in the 1990s the largest owner of alcoholic beverage lines in the world. Wikipedia
Founder: Joseph E. Seagram
Parent organizations: Vivendi, Pearson
Subsidiary: PolyGram
Founded: 1857
Headquarters: Montreal
Defunct: 2000; 23 years ago
Number of locations: Burlington; Oakville; Oshawa; Brampton; Saskatoon; Edmonton; Burnaby; Waterloo; New York City
Current News:
How to spot Human Trafficking Resources
Open Source Information. Fact Check. JMO.
Thank You.
Mature Content
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ingek73 · 1 year
There’s A New Meghan Markle Smear Campaign On The Rise
The latest bombshell news items about her have all the marks of a targeted hate campaign.
Meghan Markle
They say bad things comes in threes, but for Meghan Markle that feels less of a superstitious happening and more of a targeted attack. This morning, following the news that she and Prince Harry had parted ways with Spotify, it was reported that Meghan’s heavily rumoured deal with Dior is not happening – and at the same time, she’s being torn apart for apparently ‘faking’ interviews on her Archetypes podcast.
Cue the endless tirade of sensational headlines. ‘Meghan Markle “is not signing big money Dior fashion deal” despite Spotify axe,’ one today reads. Why Spotify's big bet on Meghan fell flat,’ another states. ‘”Grifter” Meghan may have faked her podcast interviews,’ a third claims.
Reading them – and the many similar – you’d be forgiven for thinking that Meghan is in the midst of a full-on career meltdown. The stories about Spotify report rumours that she and Harry were sacked for not producing enough content, the headlines about Dior infer the luxury French fashion house have fobbed Meghan off much to her dismay and those ‘faking Archetypes interview claims’ further perpetuate the ‘fraud’ narrative birthed by tabloids way back when the smear campaign against her first began.
So, allow us to clear a few things up. First, Dior. Contrary to the headlines implying there was some kind of snub, both the Sussexes and Dior have come out to say there was never any truth to the rumours of a sponsorship deal between them. A source at Dior told The Telegraph that their team are ‘nonplussed as to how the story came about’ while a spokesperson for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle confirmed that the rumours are simply not true.
They were always speculation in the first place then, and yet somehow by merely confirming the speculation was misplaced, Meghan is at the centre of unnecessary headlines inferring she’s been rebuffed by a brand she’s known to adore.
Next, Archetypes. The award-winning podcast that once unseated Joe Rogan’s – Spotify’s consistently most listened to podcast – top spot would, as per very normal podcasting production, have a large team that contributes to bringing content together. That’s what producers are for, they ‘PRODUCE’ content. And yet, when you break down the headlines saying Meghan ‘faked’ interviews with guests, you’ll see that they’re simply referring to the fact producers on the show sometimes conducted interviews with guests and Meghan would dub her voice over questions afterwards.
Tumblr media
Anyone involved in podcast production might tell you, it’s not out of the norm for producers to help interview people. It’s also not out of the norm for voiceovers to be dubbed in, corrected, or re-recorded after an interview – as is the same for TV production. It might not be typical for the content to them be put out as if it's a conversation, but with someone as high profile and busy as Meghan Markle we can surely make allowances for the occasional dubbed voiceover. It certainly doesn’t warrant a barrage of headlines called her a ‘fake’, nor is it even new information - journalist Alison Yarrow revealed last year that her interview on the show was conducted by producer Farrah Safarfi. So why has it come up now, and why is it being spun in such a foul way?
Finally, the Spotify deal. This is certainly more complex. While initially releasing a joint statement that the Sussexes and Spotify had ‘mutually agreed to part ways and are proud of the series [they] made together’, Spotify’s head of podcast innovation and monetisation, Bill Simmon’s, went on to refer to Harry and Meghan as ‘fucking grifters’ – fuelling speculation that the couple did not meet Spotify’s productivity benchmark for the £18milllion deal.
Simmon’s pointed to Harry in particular, saying on his podcast, the Bill Simmons podcast, ‘I have got to get drunk one night and tell the story of the Zoom I had with Harry to try and help him with a podcast idea. It’s one of my best stories.’
One should note that he had also previously expressed resentment at having to work with Harry at all. In a January 2022 episode of his podcast, he said: ‘You live in fucking Montecito, and you just sell documentaries and podcasts, and nobody cares what you have to say about anything unless you talk about the royal family, and you just complain about them.’
Not exactly their biggest fan anyway then, but what stands out most to me is Simmon’s issue with Harry in particular, and yet Meghan is bearing the brunt of the negative headlines about the deal falling through.
How is it fair that Meghan is being criticised when she created one of Spotify's most-listened to podcasts?
The woman whose podcast won awards, acquired legendary guests like Mariah Carey and Serena Williams, and debuted to an estimated 11million plus listeners (while listening figures aren’t released, Joe Rogan’s podcast is estimated to be heard by an average of 11million Spotify users per episode, and Archetypes threw him off the top podcast spot on Spotify just two days after the first episode dropped).
It seems unfair that Meghan’s work is being criticised, when the Duchess created one of the most listened to podcasts across the entire streaming platform. Few stories also mention the many other reasons the Sussexes could’ve parted ways with Spotify, including the suggestion by some experts that Harry and Meghan are following in Barack and Michelle Obama’s footsteps – who ended their contract with Spotify last year allegedly due to the exclusivity element of the contract (they didn’t want their podcast to only be available on Spotify).
The Obamas certainly didn’t face the same level of scrutiny when they parted ways with Spotify. Rather, headlines implied the complete opposite power dynamic, that the Obamas were the ones doing the ‘ditching’ as opposed to the other way round.
Why is it then that whenever the Sussexes make a business move, or announce new work, the headlines are always skewed in such a negative light? And more importantly, why is it always implied that Meghan is somehow to blame, or the one who has been snubbed? The most recent batch of three stories have all the marks of yet another smear campaign towards the mother-of-two.
From court cases with tabloids to Netflix documentaries about their decision to step back as senior royals and flee Britain, it is worth noting that the couple have gone to great length to demonstrate the emotional impact of this kind of relentless negativity, and the endless attempts to make Meghan seem manipulative or fraudulent.
We know it fuels abuse towards the couple, we know if makes Harry fearful for his family, and we know it has had a near-deadly impact on Meghan’s mental health. How can one contribute to such discourse with their conscience intact at this point?
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saintmeghanmarkle · 3 months
Lies Lies Fabrications and lies. by u/ShinySerialSuccubus
Lies, Lies, Fabrications… and lies. https://ift.tt/7JETPUA is from the express, so enormous boulder of salt required.“Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are successfully “detoxifying” their brand after a series of total bombshells, royal-watcher Jack Royston claims, which is said to be increasing their popularity in the US.”1) pretty sure jack royston is not a reliable truth teller.2) INCREASING their US popularity? what?!“The tour of Nigeria was fantastic. They did some good positive stuff with the Invictus Games last year.”now i KNOW royston is an unreliable narrator!the best part? this article is throwing sugars under the bus!“…their progress is being held back by “a very negative streak in their fan base". “ahahaha! this “negative streak” idea is repeated throughout the article.y’all - it’s NOT HAROLD AND FRAUD. it’s just a “negative streak in their fan base.”whew! i can sleep so much easier now! post link: https://ift.tt/LirdGU5 author: ShinySerialSuccubus submitted: June 22, 2024 at 06:28PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 4 months
What will happen in the event of a Sussex divorce? Do you see her suing for sole custody, as I feel she won’t let those little meal tickets go as they’re not only her financial support but her narcissistic supply also & has no genuine support, interest, care or love for either child
A Sussex divorce will be the battle of publicity.
Meghan will have a dossier of Harry alleging addiction, substance abuse, anger, domestic violence (seeds she's been planting since 2017), and mental health. She'll also probably have evidence of affairs or cheating too, and Harry's lack of support system in LA.
Harry/the BRF will dust off their dossier of Meghan from 2016/2017 that Fleet Street had started to leak about before the engagement called them off, with new entries alleging bullying, theft, fraud (surrogacy and tampering with the line of succession), substance abuse, mental health, debts, and anger/domestic violence (isolating and manipulation of Harry).
Meghan will have an American bulldog of a lawyer who knows how to play the PR game. Not Gloria Allred since she may be out of the game now, but someone like her. Probably whoever did Kim Kardashian's divorces. I used to think she'd get someone like Johnny Depp's team but I'm not sure anymore, since she seems to have moved away from that kind of Hollywood.
Harry will most likely have the BRF's lawyers. The same people that represented Charles when he divorced Diana (who I think is the same people that represented Paul McCartney when he divorced his second wife, Heather Mills, who appears to be similar to Meghan so they'll have that expertise going for them).
Whoever can control the public narrative around the divorce will be the one who gets kids. I think they'll both demand/sue for it, it'll get very messy, and it will be more about Harry and Meghan not the other to have the kids versus about what's in the kids' best interests.
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