#african parks
elephantaday · 1 year
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Day 572 of posting pictures of elephants.
Source: Global Sanctuary for Elephants/ Janna Federer-Demski
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Hello RTA 👋🏻 What do you think about the US Federal Government's allocation of 6.5 million dollars for African Parks? These people talk about the BRF behaving so meekly with H&M and but the US government is awarding them millions in grant and yet there's no uproar about this?
I ask this with all due respect, anon: Did you actually look into this or are you reacting to the number?
Because all the data is there and publicly available. And when you look at the data (or you ask a fed - hello, there), the data tells you it's actually not a big deal.
The total US government budget in FY24 (October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2024) is $1.7 trillion. To be more specific, that's $1,754,300,000,000.00. $6.5 million is 0.00037%. It's the federal equivalent of a toothbrush from the dollar store. Or a pair of sunglasses for Charlotte in the Duke of Cornwall budget.
So according to the African Parks website, they have three US federal partners.
US Fish and Wildlife Service (aka federal wildlife conservation). FWS grants help the conservation of plants and wildlife in protected areas across central and western Africa and elephant conservation. The Multinational Species Conservation Acts is a group of federal laws mandating for the US government to support conservation programs for certain species. One of the acts is the African Elephant Conservation Act which requires the federal government to assist African conservation programs that protect the African Elephant, of which African Parks is one. (The African Elephant Conservation Act, by the way, is what regulates ivory trade in the US.)
FWS's work with African Parks is likely part of the International Affairs program, and African Parks is just one of FWS's many partners in this area so FWS's portion of $6.5 million is pretty small. In the FY24 budget, FWS asked for $26.7 million for their International Affairs program, which has two tracks - international conservation and international wildlife trade. I suspect that the African Parks money is coming from the 'international conservation' part of the budget, which is about $13 million (so half of their total FY24 request).
If you'd like to learn about what FWS funds in their International Affairs program, here's their FY24 budget justification. International Affairs is pages 165-182. The section specific to the Africa Regional Program (through which African Parks' money comes) is page 171 or IA-7.
US Agency for International Development (aka federal humanitarian aid to developing nations). USAID also supports African Parks's conservation efforts. More specifically, their grants support a protected area between the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic in three ways; management of the protected area, wildlife conservation, and helping the communities who live within the protected area develop sustainable livelihoods.
(Quick disclaimer here first - USAID's budget is tied in with the Department of State's so it's not as easy to read as FWS's is.)
USAID's work with African Parks probably comes via their partner accounts. In FY24, they requested about $32 billion for those partner accounts. Partner accounts can be fully funded by USAID or or partially-funded. The bottom line here is that whatever portion African Parks is getting from USAID, it's not even a drop in the bucket
You can read about USAID's work and their FY24 budget justification here. You'll notice that the budget justification doesn't discuss anything concerning Africa. That doesn't mean they aren't funding work in Africa, just that the work they're doing/supporting in Africa is bundled into one of the other programs or that their programs in Africa aren't as high a priority as the ones specifically mentioned in the justification.
US Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affars (aka a FBI and DEA for international cooperation). INL's grants to African Parks goes towards conservation law enforcement, everything from training and education to technology and communications and it includes quality of life and welfare programs for the rangers.
In their FY24 budget justification, INL asked for $1.4 billion, of which they report about $51.9 million is planned to be allocated to Africa. And like the other agencies, whatever portion of $6.5 million is INL's, it's really small. Inconsequential, in the grand scheme of things.
Here is State's FY24 budget justification. INL's section is pages 156 - 160 (in adobe, or document pages 146-150). The section on Africa's allocation is page 157 (document page 147).
So to answer anon's question, no one's in an uproar about US federal grants to African Parks because, frankly, it doesn't matter. It barely registers. Plus the money is going towards conservation and protecting endangered species...is that really something worth being upset over?
Anyway. Some other federal spending in the neighborhood of $6.5 million to show what I mean by how not-a-big-deal it is:
The Department of Defense spends $6.5 million on the planning of facilities for the Naval Reserves. The planning, you guys.
The Department of Agriculture's Office of the Chief Financial Officer needs $6.6 million annually in operating expenses.
The USDA's National Veterinary Stockpile gets $6 million to prepare for and respond to animal disease outbreaks.
The Department of Energy spends $6.3 million on energy loan guarantees to Native American tribes.
$6.1 million is reserved for competitive wildlife conservation grants exclusive to Native American tribes.
The EPA spends $6.5 million on grants for safe drinking water across the US.
The Office of Public Affairs and Engagement in the Department of Transportation needs $6.2 million in operating expenses.
Since this is already a pretty long post, I'll leave it here. But if anyone's interested in a quick explainer of how federal spending/budgets work, let me know. 'tis the season and all (plus a presidential election means the federal budget gets a little more attention than it usually does).
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rosesandmoonstones · 8 months
DISGUSTING! Prince Harry CAUGHT Being 'Complicit in HEINOUS ABUSE' at Af...
Yikes, not a good look.
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sussex-newswire · 25 days
"Prince Harry is coming to New York City.
"The Duke of Sussex will visit the city next month during the United Nations General Assembly’s High-Level General Debate (which kicks off September 24 and runs through the 30th) and Climate Week (which runs September 22 to 29).
"Harry’s visit will serve to advance a number of his patronages and philanthropic initiatives—like combating the climate crisis—including those in line with his work with the nonprofit Archewell Foundation, he launched with wife Duchess Meghan. During his time in the city, Harry will participate in engagements for African Parks, the HALO Trust, the Diana Award, and Travalyst, a spokesperson for the prince said.
"It is unclear if Meghan will join Harry in New York or remain home in Montecito, California, with their two young children, Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet."
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As President of African Parks, Prince Harry actively works with the leadership team to help advance their goal of rehabilitating each park to make it socially, financially and ecologically sustainable in the longterm. The non-profit conservation organization currently manages 22 parks and protected areas in 12 countries, and aims to make that 30 parks by 2030.
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joangraves · 8 months
Harry The Prince of Abuse?
All crimes mentioned are alleged. These are my opinions, not a newsreel. As always do your own research. That being said, let’s get into it Brace yourself you’re in the zone Seems Harry is the apple falling from his Uncle Andy’s tree while Meghan rots at the bottom of Oprah’s. That reminds me, how are the girls in your school Oprah? Has anyone asked if they’re okay? Are they silent? Or were they…
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So many people are always trying to do the right thing. This is a great endeavor and I hope it succeeds
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docileeffects · 5 months
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elephantaday · 1 year
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Day 571 of posting pictures of elephants.
Source: NJ Wight
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pokimoko · 16 days
A non-partnering aromantic asexual crocodile for the request?
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This little guy sure knows how to rock.
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animalsandanimals · 1 year
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Two mountain bongo calves were born at The African Safari Wildlife Park in Ohio on June 18th and 23, 2023.
Native to Kenya, the mountain bongo is critically endangered with only about 100 left in the wild.
Photo courtesy of The African Safari Wildlife Park.
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agelessphotography · 4 months
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The Invisible Man, Harlem, New York, Gordon Parks, 1952
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Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex, and a US Senator watching The Marine Megafauna Foundation’s immersive VR experience on the beaches of Mozambique (Photo: MMF)
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frogisanut · 4 months
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oh god mascot horror am i right
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Can I request reimer's katydid too????
I couldn't find super high quality photos, but here's what I did get! There wasn't a ton of info on them, so I did my best.
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readyforevolution · 8 months
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