ynkfva · 5 months
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basespar · 11 months
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hergan416 · 5 months
Baking with hergie: Strawberry Lemon Bars
A while ago I decided I really wanted to take pictures while making this Braided Onion Potato Loaf, and people really liked it.
So here we are again!
I'm going to be making Strawberry Lemon Bars off a recipe that was clipped from People Magazine
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See https://people.com/gail-simmons-strawberry-lemonade-bars-recipe-7559864 for a web version of the recipe.
I'm posting this after making most of it this time, because it is a bit faster moving recipe than bread. Also, unlike the bread, which I was already familiar with when I made it "for tumblr," I have never attempted this recipe before.
Lessons: I would do all the prep-work first. Cut the strawberries, get your lemon zest and juice your lemons before starting anything it says. This is not one of those recipes you can just "cut it when you get to it"
Also -- remember to set your butter and eggs out for a while ahead of time so they get to be room temperature. I did not end up using the called for "room temperature eggs" (if you are not from the US, or if you know someone with chickens, your eggs are probably already room temperature because your food system isn't insane and doesn't wash the eggs & force them to be refrigerated to not go bad, so that part won't apply to you)
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amane-kamisama · 4 months
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The art of the drawing is pretty much rushed, don't be surprised if you notice weird spots. Now then, I say it again one last time, Happy Birthday Owaji and may someone let you sleep on their laps like a cat.
Phew... I finally finished my drawing. I'm sorry if there are plenty of mistakes, I use my phone to draw and there might be some errors from the background. Anyway, I already celebrated Albert's birthday in both Ao3 and Twitter. Happy late sweet birthday, my sleepy child, Owaji. You're may look and different than others like the Moriarty's gang and their friends but I'm sure they will respect you as a human being (ahem, I mean dryad-). Louis would definitely prefer you the most, considering the two of you can get along with your chef's skills. If Louis is so good at cooking, why not have Owaji to do both, like cooking and baking? That way, both of them can be everyone's housewives.
Edit: I almost forgot about my watermark, I am not letting my art to be taken away in a flash of a eye. I tell you, I spent two days of finishing this drawing and the hours I drew in Ibis paint? I count the hours and it took nearly 10 hours to finish. Imagine my procrastination 😔😭
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lorephobic · 1 year
gonna make a webweave of incredibly personal things that people have written to/about their loved ones which absolutely should not be twisted to be about anything other than the very real relationships that they were meant to portray and then make it about ethubs
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milkyberryjsk · 9 months
2 projects left and i am free this semester
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gh0st-author · 6 months
pairing: William James Moriarty x reader summary: Oh, tempting William was so deliciously amusing for you to do. To kindle the flame you knew was dancing behind his eyes, to fuel it in its confines and observe him attempting to conceal it and thaw it out.
tags: fluff, very suggestive (nothing explicit but it is heated)
warnings: as i said it is very suggestive, they also unalive a nobleman
A/N: so this wasn't originally meant to be posted, it was just something in my drafts, but since it happened to be William's birthday today i thought i might as well finish it. so happy birthday Liam here's your cake
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Another glance in his direction, across the crowded hall. Another hidden smile from him. You knew you shouldn't; this game you were playing was too perilous, too dangerous. You weren't supposed to goad William like this. But you simply couldn't resist. Usually, you or Albert were the ones who found themselves at these events, because as the oldest brother he had too keep up the appearances most often, but this night was different. Tonight, William was present as well. He was right beside his brother, a picture-perfect gentleman, charming and captivating. It was an incredibly rare occurrence as he preferred to work behind the scenes, not really drawing attention to himself more than necessary. And unlucky for you, all your attention happened to be on him tonight, despite the risk of it endangering the mission. But it was too addicting. The music too sensual. The candlelight too dim. The perfumes too intoxicating. And the game you presented him with too enjoyable. Another taste of your wine. Another brush of his gaze. You needed to make sure that no one was the wiser to the desperation building beneath your skin. You were dancing around an open flame, stretching out your body above it, hoping to not get incarcerated by the proximity. Still, you couldn't be blamed, it was so rare for you to see your lover adorned so dashingly.
It was all subtle. Your glass against your lips. Your tongue lightly catching the droplets soaking them. His intense glance catching the act. And it was fun, so incredibly amusing to for once toy with him like this given the chance, to slowly gnaw away at his immaculate control that he prided himself on so and wore like a mask. You still remembered the words you whispered to him in the darkness of your bedroom earlier today, the memory of them flashing through your mind making your lips stretch into a devious grin. This is a secret, but my gown for tonight... it was bought specifically with you in mind. Much more than wearing it, I am anticipating what you will do with it later tonight after we return. You could still feel the tremble that raced down William's spine, could still hear his low, tortured groan and uneven whisper of: Do not tempt me, darling. Being aware of the effect you had on your lover and feeling the desire simmering between you too was heady, to say the least.
Alas, no matter how much you wanted to give into your desires, you were a performer, both for him and for the Lord you were tasked with distracting tonight. And a performer had to play her role outstandingly. Your secret moments and glances would have to stay just that— secret. For no one could know you were affiliated with him. You were just another face in the crowd, an unassuming bejeweled rose without thorns. These glimmering banquets were your battlefield, your wit and your charm your weapons, which you brandished flawlessly with every new job you were assigned by the brothers. Meeting William and working with him only served to hone them more— a simple touch here, a sweet whisper there, and your targets were putty under your fingers, ready to follow you wherever you wished. Which usually happened to be their untimely but deserved demise at the hands of you or one of the others from the group. And for as long as they and William had any use of you, you would continue to play your part in their plans without a fault.
Deciding against continuing this game between you two for now, you downed your glass and set out to find your target— Lord Brownlow. He was a local aristocrat rumored to kidnap young ladies from such events and traffic them on the black market. In other words, a perfect target to be bewitched and disposed of by you. After a quick search, you found him, surrounded by numerous important individuals. Even from where you were standing you could see his false smiles and his calculating glances to the women around him. Your act already in place, you sauntered over to him, gown swaying with your movements, your practiced smile of awe and admiration plastered on your face. "Lord Brownlow, a pleasure to meet you."
You were a novelty, a new interesting toy for him to play with. The conversation flowed from your lips effortlessly, each word a careful trap meant to ensnare the Lord's attention, to keep him guessing and wanting more. Each move a thought-out maneuver to entice him and cloud his judgment. You listened to his stories attentively, smiled and nodded when expected, and stroked his ego when he so wished. And what an ego he had. He was so filled to the brim with his own self-importance that he steered you around forcing you into a conversation with any noble he could, no doubt to brag about his own status and to show off how well off he was. Still, you participated beautifully, never letting your true nature show.
After who knows what number of nobles, he turned to you, still keen on continuing. "Do you mind if I introduce you to another one of my acquaintances?
You smiled at him mindlessly, feigned admiration painted across your features. As if you were truly interested in anything he had to say, hanging onto his every word. "None at all, Lord Brownlow. Please, lead the way."
Pleased with your apparent high regard for him and your respect, he hurriedly led you through the throngs of people, seeking out the aforementioned noble. Your gaze darted around, attempting to pinpoint the person in question. Only when his gait hastened with renewed purpose, having found who he was searching for, did you manage to catch a glimpse of the man that had caught his eye.
Oh, well, who would've thought? It seemed that tonight was indeed your lucky night, for he was leading you straight to the object of your obsession tonight. You briefly considered the possibility of William having arranged this beforehand, but the look of delighted surprise on his face as you and the Lord neared him convinced you otherwise. So, a lucky coincidence it seemed. Or a fate-given opportunity? No, of course not. Even though it might not have been planned for him and the Lord to converse like this, it was far from a coincidence. You knew William and him were acquainted, but by the genuine eagerness with which Lord Brownlow was leading you to him, it seemed as if William took the phrase 'keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer' quite literally. Always aligning and governing his pawns, that cunning mind of his.
The Lord halted right in front of him, proudly puffing out his chest. No doubt, hoping to impress you with his arsenal of connections— with his importance. "This is Lord William Moriarty. Second son of the deceased Earl Moriarty. We met a short while ago and happened to become quite familiar with each other."
William turned to regard you fully, his scarlet gaze bright but betraying nothing. As you stood before him like this, you felt weirdly exposed, despite the opulent gown— or maybe exactly because of it. You arrived separately so as to not raise any suspicion so he didn't have the chance to admire you from up close. His face was a perfect polite mask, but you knew he was drinking up your visage like a man starved. Everywhere his gaze touched burned so pleasurably you never wished for it to stop. In fact, all of this silence and patience, waiting and pining in anticipation, made you more eager— made you crave more. You wanted him to trace wherever he looked with his hands, his lips. Your own hands were shaking from holding back from touching him.
Acting like the perfect pawn you were, you buried your need deep beneath your vast experience in lying and deceit, using it as a cover to dampen the inferno in you, and held out your hand courteously for him to kiss. Not a trace of a woman currently longing, yearning, craving. "I don't believe we have been acquainted, Lord Moriarty."
Never taking his eyes off yours, he raised your hand to his lips, leaving it there much longer than necessary. The kiss was almost a promise— or a threat. You weren't sure which. "Indeed we are not, I would have remembered a woman as stunning as you are."
You fought your instinctive pull to draw closer to him, to see just how close you could slot your body against his. To get lost in his knowing gaze. Instead, you chose to slowly pull your hand away and giggle behind it. "Oh, you flatter me, my Lord. I am sure someone of your caliber has ample choice of ladies aiming for your attention."
The smile he gave you was pure serpentine curling of the lips, the look in his eyes pure hunter regarding his prey. "I assure you, my attentions lay elsewhere."
My attention is only on you, his look seemed to say. Your heart stuttered in your chest, beating so loud you were afraid he and Lord Brownlow could hear it. So careful. They had to be so incredibly careful. They were threading a fine line, one misstep and it could all come crashing down around them.
"His attention is only always focused on his work, he never entertains the women around him." Lord Brownlow sighed, seemingly unaware of the building tension between you and William. A perfect figure of an older gentleman concerned for the youth, as if he was giving sound advice out of genuine benevolence. "Honestly, Lord Moriarty, you should follow your older brother's example. Now, Lord Albert knows how to entertain a lady. It's not a good idea for a noble gentleman such as yourself to always keep his head in the books."
William diverted his attention from you to the Lord, chuckling gently as if this entire meeting was just a pleasant interaction. A born noble navigating the labyrinth of high society magnificently. The irony was not lost on you. "I will keep your words in mind, Lord Brownlow."
It was getting harder and harder to keep focused with him so close, yet thoroughly out of reach. It was due time for you to leave and initiate the next phase of the plan. Deciding that one last stunt was in order, you grabbed your target's hand, feigning interest in him, but you were only looking at the man in front of you. "Lord Brownlow, I am sure Lord Moriarty knows how to entertain himself. What do you say we make our way to the dance floor." You ran your hand down the front of your dress as if showing it off, but in truth, you drew attention to the way the corset hugged your curves. "After all, I just bought this dress today, it would be a shame for me to wear it and not be seen dancing in it."
It was a momentary weakness, a flash of that fire in his eyes gone instantaneously, almost as fast as it appeared. Oh, he looked so composed yet his self-control was frying at the edges, unraveling thread by thread with each passing moment. He, too, played his role of a respectable noble magnificently, only the slight sharpening of his gaze and an almost imperceptible sly curling of his lips betraying his rapidly waning restraint.
You offered him your most innocent smile. "Please excuse us, Lord Moriarty." Your words were the sweetest nectar, a saccharine phrase dipped in venom. Another one of your baits successfully eaten, another one of your hooks digging into flesh. You suppressed your giggle as you gave a parting bow and pivoted to twine through the dense crowd with Lord Brownlow, embracing him and slotting yourself into a waltzing position. Oh, tempting William was so deliciously amusing for you to do. To kindle the flame you knew was dancing behind his eyes, to fuel it in its confines and observe him attempting to conceal it and thaw it out. Once again, this game you were playing was dangerous, but you were addicted to the thrill, and you suspected he was as well if the looks he was throwing your way as you glided around the room were any indication.
You felt his eyes on you even as you danced, gossamer and silk flowing around you in mesmerizing patterns. Even as you coyly slipped the slow-acting poison in the Lord's drink while no one was looking. Even as you silently snuck out of the room, vanishing as a phantom, before it took effect. You wouldn't be present when it all happened. A ghost, a shadow, leaving no trace behind. Exactly as William wanted.
Only when you finally arrived at their manor, obscured by the inky darkness of the night, did you let yourself breathe. The still air of your and William's bedroom greeted you pleasantly and you slowly made your way in, haphazardly discarding your numerous jewellery on the desk nearby along the way. Your body was still thrumming with adrenaline from a successful mission, but even more than that it was brimming with something deeper— more desperate. William and Albert would soon return to the estate now that the ball had been interrupted, and the fire that you had been suppressing the entire night threatened to burst out. You had no doubts he felt the same. The fun dance you two have been trapped in the entire night has finally reached its conclusion. The most delightful reward or the most delicious punishment— you wonder which one awaited you upon his arrival.
After what felt like an eternity, slow footsteps sounded in the hallway, unmistakably making their destination known, and the door creaked open almost soundlessly. Your spine tingled as he entered the room, yet you didn't spare him a glance, pretending to busy yourself with removing the accessories from your hair. "I assume everything went according to plan?"
His answering chuckle was accompanied by the rustle of clothes as he discarded his suit jacket. "Everything unfolded beautifully. No one seems to understand how the poison ended up in poor Lord Brownlow's drink." He threw you a conspiratorial grin. "After all, they were all too preoccupied later by the documents a servant managed to uncover in his room, detailing all his atrocities."
You nodded. The tension in the room was palpable, but neither of you wanted to interrupt this tentative stalemate you found yourself in. You were both content to wait the other out— another quick round of your game, this one much shorter and much less torturous. Only when the last accessory left your hair, the mass of it unraveling down your back, did you glance in his direction. "I seem to require some assistance with my dress"
With one hand you threw your hair over your shoulder, body trembling with anticipation as he leisurely made his way to you. It was almost agonizing really, the unhurried way in which his hands traced your arms and shoulder blades down to the corset, leaving in their wake a sea of goosebumps. His lips ghosted over the skin of your neck. "You looked ravishing tonight. I didn't have the opportunity to tell you sooner." His fingers made quick work of the lace and countless hidden clasps and buttons of your corset. "That was quite an ordeal you pulled."
You laughed, a little breathless. "Don't speak as if you didn't enjoy it."
William's lips pulled into a grin, lightly nipping your skin. "You wicked thing, I'm inclined to believe you enjoy tormenting me."
You gasped, leaning back closer to him. "Is it truly torment if I give you exactly what I promised?"
"After the torture you put me through I think I deserve at least some recompense for your actions." As you felt the dress slip from your shoulders, silky fabric sliding down and pooling around your feet, his lips caressed the skin of your shoulder. "And I must say the reward for my patience will be worthwhile indeed."
Delightful reward it was for tonight it seemed.
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weskie · 3 months
Hello!! This is my first time writing to someone.. but your work is so cool! It's my birthday today, if you have time can you write something on this topic with Wesker? not fundamentally NSFW or SFW. I’m generally a girl, but the reader can also be gender neutral. you can write some headcanons, or.. in general, whatever you want, I will be glad even a small headcanon or just a congratulations😺 sorry if you don't write anymore 👉👈
happy birthday!!! i hope this scratches your wesker itch and i hope you had a wonderful day <3
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Your relationship was best displayed by stolen kisses.  Brief, fractions of a second when no one was in the room of the laboratory except for the two of you.
Today, Wesker abandons subtlety.
Once upon a time, it would’ve been a simple delivery.  Some poor bastard tasked with dropping off the most extravagant flower arrangement you’d ever seen, each year bigger and better than the last.  Your precious Albert simply couldn’t help but outdo himself each time.  True to his nature, he always sought perfection.
This year he waltzes in himself, startling the staff and making you turn seven shades of red.
“Dearest,” he greets, smirk spreading to reveal those sharp teeth that smile so brightly for you and you alone.  He sets your gift atop your desk and you throw your arms around his neck, embracing him and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
The room is quiet and you’re partly sure most of them are staring in shock.  Not exactly company knowledge that a simple lab rat was dating the big boss, but the cat had to come out of the bag sometime, eh? 
“I thought I instructed you to take the day to yourself,” Wesker chides softly, brow arching to let you know the command hidden behind his words.  “Must I really come rescue you every year?”
The dim red behind his glasses stirs its usual thrill within you, tingling from head to toe.  He’d certainly shown you how eager he was to celebrate your big day earlier in the morning.  The way he looks at you now promises you even more– after whatever plans he has in store for more typical celebrations.
He presses a kiss to your forehead before leading you out hand in hand.  Sometimes you find it strange how he treats you.  It’s like you’re the most delicate thing he’s ever touched, like he wants nothing more than to handle you with care to ensure you’ll be there for every tomorrow.  In a world of filth, he has happily told you that you are the most pure creature to exist.
You are his ideal.  His dearest, his love.
You’re hardly surprised when the day consists of him spoiling you rotten, but you express your appreciation nonetheless.  For him to leave his work for an entire day was almost unheard of, but he does it for you.
For your special day, you are more important than his life’s work– more important than his dream.
As the clock strikes midnight, you find yourself encased in his strong, warm hold, head on his chest as it rises and falls with each steady breath.  Neither of you says a word, simply basking in each other’s presence.
His fingers rake through your hair softly, making your eyelids grow heavier by the minute.
“Rest, dearheart.” He murmurs, his own voice sleep ridden.  He knows why you stave it off.
You want more time with him.  It’s so difficult to find time like you had today.  Hell, sometimes he doesn’t even come to bed, opting to work the whole night through, leaving you to hug his pillow and miss him. Tonight, though, he is all yours.  But that’s not enough, and he knows it.
His fiery eyes flicker up toward the ceiling, weighing his responsibilities for the next day, pursing his lips as he allots each one a new place in his hectic schedule.
He smiles to himself, knowing how you’ll beam for him when you find him beside you for a second morning in a row.  There is no sight more precious to him.
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cenorii · 2 months
All theories about RE and etc
I decided to collect everything I wrote about RE in one place. This will be a convenient article in which I will put links to my previous theories and analyses, which I will formalize with a brief description. Now it will be easy for you to navigate. And those who have found my blog recently will be able to see what theories and revelations I have written before.
It will be updated!
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💉1. Link. Theory detailing why Wesker couldn't have died in a volcano. And what would be his future path after this event, and how would he cross paths with Chris. It says that this is a theory of the possible RE9 plot, but now I believe that these are possible ideas for the future, not tied to a specific part. There's also a theory about Chris's BOW clones
💉2. Link. Theory of Wesker's leaked concept. I found a lot of oddities.
💉3. Link. Theory of why Wesker's eyes change color and what it depends on.
💉4. Link. I accidentally found a photo of a man who looked like an elderly Wesker when I was playing RE8. Theory of why it's Wesker and not anyone else.
💉5. Link. Video about this photo.
💉6. Link. Psychological analysis of Chris Redfield's personality.
💉7. Link. Psychological analysis of Albert Wesker's personality.
💉8. Link. A small addition to Wesker's analysis.
💉9. Link. Theory of why Wesker's virus is as contagious as HIV.
💉10. Link. I tried to determine which dates Chris, Jill, and Wesker's birthdays were on.
💉11. Link. I was bored and decided to identify every Wesker gun from all the games.
💉12. Link. Generalized theory about RE9. There I wrote the most important thing from the first link, and also added a theory about a photo of an old Wesker with long hair.
💉13. Link. I'm trying to analyze the butterfly effect in the history of RE, specifically from Wesker's side and people's attitudes towards him. How could a different attitude to personality affect the plot of all RE games?
💉14. Link. Detailed analysis of Chris's BOW from the ending of RE8.
💉15. Link. In 2021, Wesker's VA leaked information about some future game with his participation. I figured out this leak and put everything in its place.
💉16. Link. Once again, I find it strange how Capcom writes about Wesker's death. It's like they're trying to convince themselves of this, not the players. There is also a little bit about Jake here.
💉17. Link. Why Wesker is not a secret admirer of Rebecca.
💉18. Link. My thoughts on how I see the RE5 remake.
💉19. Link. There is an interesting date on the PG67A/W label.
💉20. Link. My headcannons about characters, part one.
💉21. Link. My headcannons about characters, part two.
💉22. Link. My headcannons about old Wesker.
💉23. Link. What is Chris's eye color?
💉24. Link. I saw the rumors about the RE9 and tried to be realistic.
💉25. Link. Piers and Jill are very important people to Chris. I told about it in more detail.
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yukitomybeloved · 1 year
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“nii…sa…” I’m not okay
The way Albert is looking at him while the child is crying and bleeding is making wanna break down in tears
Ew why tf do I feel bad for him he literally abuses people
But also he’s a child who was constantly influenced by his parents and barely interacted with anyone other than his family which meant he was probably never taught right from wrong
How much y’all wanna bet him and Albert never once got a hug from their parents
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wonjnz · 1 year
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strawberry soju
₊˚⊹ warning(s): drinking | inspo: jesse barrera, albert posis, michael carreon - strawberry soju
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while ricky loves everything strawberry and strawberry-flavored, he can't seem to bring himself into liking strawberry-flavored alcohol.
the first time he tried strawberry soju, his nose scrunched at the bitter yet sweet taste. drinking was never ricky’s thing, though it was his friend's birthday, so he can't be too much of a killjoy. but to his dismay, they kept pouring more shots.
and when he came home to you, his cheeks puffy and flushed and words slightly slurred, all he wanted was to be in your arms. "you’re drunk," you laugh at his disheveled state, thanking his friend for dropping him off before closing the door to tend to ricky.
"and i was missing you the whole time," ricky responds as you help him freshen up. you smile, "but you had fun, right?"
ricky shakes his head, his hair getting messier, "of course not. i didn't wanna drink in the first place. i just wanted to get his party over with." he complains. you chuckle once more at his protests.
you pat him on the back, "you go to bed. i’ll prepare everything if ever you get a bad hangover tomorrow." to which ricky slightly mumbles, "i can handle it anyway," before walking off to your bedroom. you laugh once more at his behavior, watching him slowly disappear into your room and eventually hearing a muffled thud.
lying in bed, ricky craves your touch not even five minutes in, his face lighting up when he sees you entering. "i’ve missed you," he tells you, which you grin in response.
"i was only gone for a while?"
you get in bed, "fine, fine. whatever you say." you jokingly hold up your arms in defeat. ricky hums amusingly, hooking his arms around you immediately. the faint smell of vanilla still lingers on your clothes even hours after he hugged you goodbye to go to his friend's party.
as he watches you scrolling on your phone, the light radiating almost blinding (in your defense, it was at its lowest setting, dark mode too), he nestles his face in the crook of your neck to try and shield from it.
"you’ve been really cuddly tonight. did you drink that much?" you ask, putting your phone down. "they kept pouring more. i couldn't say no." he says, voice slowly getting softer the longer he talks.
ricky mentally curses his intoxication, not caused by the amount of soju he drank, but because he was drunk on you; the way your voice always softens at this time, the way your arms hold him at just the perfect amount, the way it's just you.
and when he slowly trails small pecks from your neck and finally a kiss on your lips, the taste of alcohol still present, you suppose you can take a shot as well.
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madamlaydebug · 15 days
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"The birth of the Sun (Christ) is always announced by its Star, represented by the Blazing Star (one of the most important symbols of Freemasonry). It is Sirius, or the Dogstar, the God Anubis, companion of Isis in her search for the body of Osiris. Then it became the image of Horus, the son of Osiris, himself symbolized also by the Sun." Albert Pike
"The Church abandoned the idea of the birthday of Jesus coinciding with the day of the heliacal rising of Sirius in 7 BC for a symbolic rebirth of the sun in winter. The July birthday would have shown all too clearly the connection between Christianity and the original Osiris religion of Egypt. For this was the start of the Sothic year and for millennia the basis of the Egyptian Calendar." David Ovason
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olympic-paris · 6 days
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more …
September 17
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1730 – Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben (d.1794), also referred to as the Baron von Steuben, was a Prussian-born military officer who served as inspector general and Major General of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He is credited with being one of the fathers of the Continental Army in teaching them the essentials of military drills, tactics, and disciplines. He wrote the Revolutionary War Drill Manual, the book that served as the standard United States drill manual until the War of 1812.
In Germay, in 1776, he was alleged to be homosexual and was accused of improper sexual behavior with young boys. Whether or not Steuben was actually intimate with other men is not entirely known, but the rumors compelled him to seek employment elsewhere.
On September 26, 1777, the Baron, his Italian greyhound, Azor (which he took with him everywhere), his young aide de camp Louis de Pontière, his military secretary Pierre Etienne Duponceau, and two other companions, reached Portsmouth, New Hampshire and by December 1, was extravagantly entertained in Boston. Congress was in York, Pennsylvania, after being ousted from Philadelphia by the British advance. By February 5, 1778, Steuben had offered to volunteer without pay (for the time), and by the 23rd, Steuben reported for duty to General George Washington at Valley Forge. He served as George Washington's chief of staff in the final years of the war.
Two of the General's soldiers, William North and Ben Walker, were to von Steuben's liking. He legally adopted both men, and they lived together until the Baron's death, at which time they shared in his estate.
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The Lafayette Park Memorial
Many places are named in his honor, including Steubenville, Ohio. His monument by Albert Jaegers in Washington, DC, across the street from the White House in Lafayette Park, is perhaps one of the most homoerotic sculptures in America. Make sure and pay a visit the next time you're in town. You will not regret it.
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1904 – Sir Frederick Ashton (d.1988) began his career as a dancer but is largely remembered as a choreographer.
Ashton was born at Guayaquil in Ecuador, in the artistic neighbourhood called Las Peñas, the original founding site of the city. When he was 13 he witnessed a life-changing event when he attended a performance by the legendary Anna Pavlova in the Municipal Theatre in Lima, Peru. He was so impressed that from that day on he knew he would become a dancer.
In 1919 he went to England to attend Dover College and then to study under the famous Leonide Massine and established a working relationship with the ballet troupe belonging to Marie Rambert and Ninette de Valois. Rambert discovered Frederick's aptitude for choreography and allowed him to choreograph his first ballet, The Tragedy of Fashion in 1926, starting a tremendously successful career as a choreographer.
He began his career with the Ballet Rambert which was originally called The Ballet Club, but he rose to fame with The Royal Ballet, becoming its resident choreographer in the 1930s. His version of La Fille mal gardée was particularly successful. He worked with Margot Fonteyn among others. His broad travesti performances as one of the comic Ugly Stepsisters in Sergei Prokofiev's Cinderella were annual events for many years.
The choreographer's emotional life focused on the unattainable and the unsuitable, and it often wreaked havoc in his ballet company, as when, in the case of the heterosexual Michael Somes (Fonteyn's principal partner), the beloved enjoyed and exploited favoritism to the point that other dancers signed a petition of protest.
Ashton, like so many other famous gay men of his epoch, including Cecil Beaton and Noël Coward, was necessarily discreet, but he was not closeted. The British high society in which he moved enjoyed the scintillating company.
Ashton was a member of the circle of gay men who surrounded Queen Elizabeth, the late Queen Mother, whom he taught to tango. When she heard that Ashton, a formidable mimic, did imitations of her, she allegedly retaliated by imitating his own queenly manners.
In 1962, he was knighted for his services to ballet. He died in 1988 at his home, Chandos Lodge, in Eye, Suffolk, England.
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1926 – Curtis Harrington (d.2007) was an American film and television director whose work included experimental films, horror films, and episodic television. He is considered one of the forerunners of New Queer Cinema.
His memoir, Nice Guys Don’t Work in Hollywood, was recently published by Drag City. The original manuscript was disinterred from a special collection in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and carefully edited by Lisa Janssen, a Chicago-based poet, archivist, and film buff.
For Harrington, the romance with movies began early. He was stirred as a child by the sight of Mr. Death wilting a bouquet of flowers with his breath in Death Takes a Holiday (1934).
Growing up in Beaumont, California, with parents who gave him leeway to pursue his creative interests, Harrington discovered a soul mate in Edgar Allan Poe, and began his film career at 14 with an abbreviated version of “The Fall of the House of Usher.” The director plays both the death-haunted Roderick and his twin sister, Madeline.
Greatly influenced by Maya Deren, co-creator (with Alexander Hammid) of the trance classic Meshes of the Afternoon (1943), he completed a cycle of 16 mm shorts, several of which – Fragment of Seeking (1946), Picnic (1948), On the Edge (1949) – are now regarded as prime examples of West Coast experimental filmmaking. His friendship with Kenneth Anger, director of Scorpio Rising (1963) and author of the notorious bestseller Hollywood Babylon, fueled an appreciation for the mystical and provided occasion to participate, if only peripherally, in the Southern California occult explosion.
Although he enjoyed unfettered creative license during this period, the pressure to conform weighed heavily on the young filmmaker. The conservative postwar climate was an unlikely breeding ground for the deeply personal, highly stylized "film poems" created by Harrington and his contemporaries. His status as an outsider was no doubt intensified by his orientation as a gay man – a subject on which Harrington remains subdued throughout the memoir. "This seemed perfectly natural to me," Harrington writes of his teenage attractions. "It did not occur to me to attach any sense of guilt or shame to my activities." A screening of Fragment of Seeking and Anger’s Fireworks (1947) stunned an audience of Los Angeles intellectuals with its potently surreal evocations of homoerotic desire. "Everyone in the room was too shocked to say a word," Harrington recalls.
The true turning point in his career was the extraordinary Night Tide (1961), a gently haunting fable about a sailor (an uncharacteristically shy Dennis Hopper) who falls in love with a mermaid impersonator (Linda Lawson). Night Tide was distributed by Roger Corman, who in due course offered Harrington two directing assignments: Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet (1965) and Queen of Blood (1966). Harrington was given the task of repurposing a couple of Russian science fiction films to which Corman had acquired the rights.
In the following years he went on to direct a series of B-movies in the horror genre TV series and Made-for-TV movies including The Killer Bees (1974).
At 75, he managed to summon the remainder of his creative vigor to make Usher (2002), a self-financed short film that brought his career full circle. "I went all the way back to the story that had haunted me so early in my life,"
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1928 – Roddy McDowall (d.1998) was born in London on to a Scottish father and an Irish mother. His mother, who had herself aspired to be an actress, enrolled him in elocution lessons at the age of five; and at the age of ten he had his first major film role as the youngest son in Murder in the Family (1938). Over the next two years he appeared in a dozen British films, in parts large and small. McDowall's movie career was interrupted, however, by the German bombardment of London in World War II. Accompanied by his sister and his mother, he was one of many London children evacuated to places abroad.
As a result, he arrived in Hollywood in 1940, and the charming young English lad soon landed a major role as the youngest son in How Green Was My Valley (1941). The film made him a star at thirteen, and he appeared as an endearing boy in numerous Hollywood movies throughout the war years, most notably Lassie, Come Home (1943), with fellow English child star and lifelong friend Elizabeth Taylor, and My Friend Flicka (1943).
By his late teens, McDowall had outgrown the parts in which he had been most successful. Accordingly, he went to New York to study acting and to hone his skills in a wide variety of roles on the Broadway stage.
McDowall was praised for his performance as a gay character in Meyer Levin's Compulsion (1957), a fictionalised account of the Leopold-Loeb murder case; and he won a Tony award for best supporting actor as Tarquin in Jean Anouilh's The Fighting Cock (1960).
After a decade's absence, McDowall returned to Hollywood, and over the last four decades of his life he appeared in more than one hundred films, encompassing a wide range of genres from sophisticated adult comedy to children's fare, from horror to science fiction, usually as a character actor. He also made regular character appearances on TV in such series as the original Twilight Zone, The Carol Burnett Show, Fantasy Island and Quantum Leap.
His best known appearances include those in The Subterraneans (1960), Midnight Lace (1960), Cleopatra (1963), The Loved One (1965), Inside Daisy Clover (1965), Planet of the Apes (1968) and its various sequels, Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971), The Poseidon Adventure (1973), Funny Lady (1975), and Only the Lonely (1991). His last film role was the voice of Mr Soil, an ant, in A Bug's Life (1997).
Although McDowall never officially came out, the fact that he was gay was one of Hollywood's best known secrets. It is a tribute to his characteristic discretion and the respect with which "Hollywood's Best Friend" was regarded by his peers that his homosexuality was never really an issue or used against him in his six decades in the entertainment business.
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Roddy is offered a hot sausage by Tab Hunter
McDowall died of cancer at his home in Studio City, California, on October 3, 1998. At the time of his death, he held several elected posts in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and was a generous benefactor of many film-related charities.
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1965 – Bryan Singer is an American film director. Singer won critical acclaim for his work on The Usual Suspects, and is especially popular among fans of the sci-fi and comic book genres, for his work on the first two X-Men films and Superman Returns.
Singer was born in New York City. He was adopted by Norbert and Grace Singer and grew up in a Jewish household in New Jersey. He attended West Windsor-Plainsboro High School South, then studied film making at New York's School of Visual Arts and later the USC School of Cinematic Arts in Los Angeles. Actors Lori and Marc Singer are his cousins.
Singer is openly bisexual, and has said that his life experiences of growing up as a minority influenced his movies. In October 2014, it was confirmed he was expecting a child with actress Michelle Clunie. The couple's first son was born on January 5, 2015.
Singer is also executive producer and directed the pilot and first episode of highly regarded TV medical drama House.
Singer is said (or rumoured) to be involved in a number of possible or 'in development' projects at present including: a Superman Returns sequel; a remake of Logan's Run; a Warner Bros. film called U Want Me 2 Kill Him? about a 14-year old British boy who was charged with inciting his own murder, a reimagining of Battlestar Galactica, and a film of Augusten Burroughs' Sellevsion.
In April 2014, Singer was accused in a civil lawsuit of sexual assault of a minor. According to the suit filed by attorney Jeff Herman, Singer is alleged to have drugged and raped actor and model Michael Egan in Hawaii and Los Angeles in the late 1990s. On May 22, 2014, Singer's attorney presented evidence to Federal District Judge Susan Oki Mollway stating that neither Singer nor Egan were in Hawaii at the time. In early August 2014, Egan sought to withdraw his lawsuit.
In May 2014, another lawsuit was filed by attorney Jeff Herman on behalf of an anonymous British man. Both Singer and producer Gary Goddard were accused of sexually assaulting "John Doe No. 117." According to the lawsuit, Goddard and Singer met the man for sex when he was a minor and engaged in acts of "gender violence" against him while in London for the premiere of Superman Returns. The charge against Singer in this case was dismissed, at the accuser's request, in July 2014.
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1975 – Jade Esteban Estrada, born at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, is a successful Latin pop singer, comedian, choreographer, actor, political commentator, and human rights activist. Out Magazine called him "the first gay Latin star."
As a young boy, he participated in extracurricular school activities and sang in the school choir, where he first noticed that his talent captivated audiences. Through the encouragement of his choir instructor he began to take voice lessons and eventually moved to New York where he worked as an assistant to Tony award-winning actress Zoe Caldwell.
Estrada appeared in the German production of Starlight Express and also worked as a dancer for Seventeen Magazine. After two popular appearances as a transgender singer/dancer on NBC's The Jerry Springer Show, he won the attention of Latin TV personality Charo and worked as her choreographer and lead dancer. He gained international recognition in 1998 when he released his first Latin pop single, "Reggae Twist" on the Brooklyn-based Total Envision Records label. He later turned his attention to solo theater and stand-up comedy.
His recordings include Fabulous Gay Tunes Vol.2, and Being Out Rocks.
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1991 – Scott Hoying is an American singer, musician and songwriter who came to international attention as the baritone of the a cappella group Pentatonix and one-half of the music duo Superfruit. As of June 2021, Pentatonix has released eleven albums (two of which have been number ones) and two EPs, have had four songs in the Billboard Hot 100, and won three Grammy Awards as "the first a cappella group to achieve mainstream success in the modern market". As of November 2021, Superfruit's YouTube channel has over 2.4 million subscribers, and over 444 million views.
Hoying is openly gay and resides in Hollywood. He began dating model Mark Manio in 2017. They got engaged in the Bahamas on April 13, 2022, and were married in Santa Barbara, California on July 7, 2023. Their wedding was officiated by singer-songwriter Christina Perri.
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2001 – Paul Holm, the partner of Flight 93 hero Mark Bingham is presented with the folded American flag.
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bespectacledbun · 11 months
I sometimes think about how love is the most important thing in ikepri. not just romantic love (as the point of an otome is) but love in every shape and form. love that is shown in every action, big and small, and keeps the princes and the people surrounding them connected to each other. love that is emma’s determination to protect the town and its people she grew up with. love that is chevalier hoarding books to try and understand his mother. love that is nokto refusing to let licht suffer and die alone. love that is gilbert sending honey treats to luke as a surprise for his birthday.
love that is leon deciding to have meals as a faction, just so it spurs licht into eating meals on time. love that is yves learning to bake to cheer up the twins. love that is sariel raising the princes with as much affection as a father would. love that is chevalier sending tea leaves to gilbert every so often. love that is jin keeping lollipops in his pockets to share with his baby brothers. love that is emma finding rio in the rain and nursing him back to health and protecting him from the townspeople. love that is leticia telling clavis to smile when he’s scared so he doesn’t feel afraid.
love that is clavis rescuing cyril from the fire, because if he can save even one person in war, then he will. love that is lydia swallowing poison for her son. love that is silvio on a desperate search for three long years, fervently praying his brother isn’t dead. love that is alter!keith manifesting so that he can protect host!keith from pain and danger. love that is chevalier staying up night after night fighting off assassins so his brothers are safe. love that is albert and yvonne being willing to sacrifice themselves to keep gilbert out of harm’s way. love that is jin visiting the graves of those two children every year on the anniversary of Bloodstained Roses. love that is chevalier memorizing the names of every knight that has died in battle for rhodolite’s independence.
love is so important in ikepri’s story. idk.
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Hello everyone! This is my stories masterlist - where you can find everything I post around here with their current status and links. I don't have much posted yet but this is going to help me organizing myself, so there it is ♥
I mostly post here and on AO3 if you'd prefer.
If you want to make a request, they're currently open and I'm open to angst, smut, fluff, it alltogether, anything you wish. Those are the current topics I'm interested in writing about; I might add some more within time.
Resident Evil (Any character)
Call of Duty (Any character)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Any character)
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♦ Leon S. Kennedy Salvatore - f!reader; +18 | smut, fluff | finished "Leon’s on a working trip and it has been taking much longer than it should. As he doesn’t like to spend much time away from you, he texts you daily, and since you miss him so deeply, you decide to videocall him."
······················✦······················ Happy b-day, Agent Kennedy - f!reader; +18 | request Its Leon’s birthday. He thought you went out for a business trip, when actually, you have a little surprise for him at home.
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♦ Albert Wesker Bunny - f!reader; +18 | smut | finished "You wake up in Wesker's mansion after accomplishing a difficult mission and he gives you a new drug he's been testing. The effects are quite... dear to you."
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♦ Simon "Ghost" Riley Shades of Red - f!reader; +18 | longfic, romance, drama, eventual smut, slowburn | ongoing chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 "The sole survivor of a terrorist attack that killed over a hundred. The soldier responsible for saving her. He wants to help you, but his own trauma make him withdraw when he wants to get closer and intoxicate when he wants to remedy. He kisses your scars and hopes you’ll runaway. He wants you to run away. But you won’t."
······················✦······················ Metamorphose - f!reader | angst, fluff | finished "You and Simon deal with the pain of losing a baby."
······················✦······················ You came — you called. - f!reader | angst, fluff part 1 | part 2 "After being abused by your current date, in need of comfort, you call your ex-boyfriend and recurring fling, Simon, to talk."
······················✦······················ Take me back (to the night we met) - f!reader | angst, fluff | finished "Simon gets a call from the hospital saying that you are hospitalized, in a coma and in great life risk.
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♦ Mixed Alejandro's NSFW Alphabet - +18, sexual content - minors dni. Ghost's NSFW Alphabet - +18, sexual content - minors dni. Price's NSFW Alphabet - +18, sexual content - minors dni.
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scotianostra · 5 months
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Happy birthday Robert Carlyle, born in Maryhill, Glasgow April 14th 1961.
Bobby was brought up in Glasgow, the son of Elizabeth, a bus company employee, and Joseph Carlyle, a painter and decorator. His mother left when Carlyle was four years old and his dad looked after him from then. He left school at the age of 16 without any qualifications and worked for his father as a painter and decorator; however, he continued his education by attending night classes at Cardonald College in Glasgow.
Carlyle became involved in drama at the Glasgow Arts Centre at the age of 21 (having been inspired by reading Arthur Miller's The Crucible), and subsequently graduated from the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama. In 1991, he and four friends founded a theatre company, Raindog (named after Tom Waits' album "Rain Dog," one of Carlyle's favorites) (a company dedicated to innovative work then, which is now primarily involved in television and film work), and guest starred in The Bill. The same year he starred in his first movie, Riff-Raff, directed by Ken Loach.
I first noticed Carlyle in the excellent ITV series Cracker, as murderer Albert "Albie" Kinsella, it wasn't long after this he had a series of his own with Hamish McBeth, the dope smoking village bobby in a quiet Scottish town on the west coast, the series ran for three seasons from 1995 to 1997.
Since then Robert Carlyle has been able to pick and choose his roles, his films include, The World is Not Enough, Plunkett & Macleane, Ravenous, 28 Weeks later and of course as Francis "Franco" Begbie in the two Trainspotting films.
On the small screen we have seen him in as the title role in Adolf : The Rise of Evil, Human Trafficking and The Last Enemy on this side of the Atlantic, in the US he has starred in the TV movie 24, SGU Stargate Universe and the continuing Once Upon a Time..
The third season of British political thriller-drama COBRA is due on our screens in the coming months
Recently we saw the TV series of the popular film, The Full Monty, which surprised me of how good it was. In February Carlyle commented on X/Titter about a Simpsons episode Ae Bonny Romance, which aired last December. In one scene, audiences are shown an airline called “Planespotting”, with the plane including a picture of Carlyle’s character Begbie on its tail! Robbert tweeted "My life is complete.." As well as the nod, the episode featured the voices of actors Karen Gillan, David Tennant and Paul Higgins.
Robbiewas lastsen in the movvie, The Performance about an American Jew and gifted tap dancer while on tour in Europe, Harold and the rest of his troupe are scouted by a German attaché who leads the troupe to an exclusive performance for Hitler himself. Next up is a mini-series Toxic Town about the tragic toxic waste case in the East Midlands and three mothers fighting for the justice for the rates of upper limb defects in babies born in Corby were subsequently found to be three times higher than those of children born.
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