small-spark-of-light · 11 months
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day 22 prompt was similar to yesterdays, but instead of shading with pure blacks and whites i had to shade with hatching/cross-hatching
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flowersnax · 2 years
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hideyseek · 2 months
✨ weekend wip exposure club ✨
rules: post 7 sentences/a snippet of an unfinished work
tagged by eru @forerussake mwahhhhhh thank u !!!!!!! it's just past the weekend but here's a little bit more from the frustration fic, which is a fun (for me) glimpse into zhao yunlan's dynamic with his dad in his early days as sid chief, pre-drama canon:
“--but there are other people’s lives on the line in this job, Yunlan,” his father is saying now, fierce and quiet, the way he gets sometimes. “You can’t be sloppy with the things that have been entrusted to you anymore. You’re an adult now, and you need to act like it.”  Zhao Yunlan’s ribs ache. He wants a smoke. He wants to fall asleep for the next twenty hours, and wake up to his mom’s home cooking. He opens his eyes again. His father sighs, short and sharp. “Yunlan, I know you find all this lecturing tiresome. I don’t want to do it either — there are other important things that my time is needed for. But the Special Investigation Department has a reputation to uphold, and I can’t bear to see that reputation tarnished because I convinced Lao Zhang that handing the reins over to my son wouldn’t be a bad decision.”  As if Zhao Yunlan wasn’t already trying to prove that it wasn’t, with every piece of himself that he could scrape together. He pushes off the wall. “Look, dad, I get the message. Do better next time, loud and clear."
tagging: @crehador @iamanonniemouse @zrllosyn @frogiwi @strangegeology @evolutionsbedingt @motionalocean if you'd like!!!
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strawberri-syrup · 4 months
I MISS DYING MY HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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cemetery14 · 6 months
birthday ova (p3)
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this montage of them playing is genuinely SO good like its perfect its so theraputic to watch them have fun playing basketball
the music during it so really good too
just pure fun with their friends theres no stakes or anything and you can tell they're all having a great time, they probably haven't had this much fun playing in a long time
some of these characters have gone THROUGH IT like multiple of these babies have had breakdowns over the course of this show and this ending, of them just having fun and moving past it all is so perfect its the perfect ending to their stories
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momois literally us
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all the miracles went through it AND SO DID MOMOI SO NOT FORGET
ugh i love that teiko scene where kuroko and her are walking home with the cherry blossoms and shes cries cause eveyrones falling apart and kuroko basically walks away cause theres nothing he can do and AAAAAAA
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transbeamrooikat · 6 months
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Shyfade is finally here! I've been working on this one for a while, and I hope you guys like it! This is only pg. 1 and 2 of what I hope is going to be quite a long comic :3
Some spoiler free infodumping under the cut :D
AAAAAAAAAA shy is so sillay I love him <3333
Although - before i say anything else, I will clarify that the reason the clan is called "Successionclan" is because this was originally supposed to be a Lifegen run with Roman Roy from Succession, which kinda got outta hand (she's gonna show up later i prommy <33) and I've stuck to the name cause i find it funny :3
Also, warrior scerimonies are really weird when you think about it - the whole head kiss/shoulder lick thing just comes off as weird to me, because like - dude thats a kid?? also it very much gives off cult vibes. It was kinda hard to portray here, this is my first comic so I'm definitely still figuring things out, but the motion :(( had to scrap two panels that i really loved for this to make it flow better. Killing my darlings :(. But Shy's dicomfort with it was sooooo fun to explore!! It's almost theraputic? exploring my own religeous trauma through him lmao
I also have an irrational hatred for Sandstar (the brown cat) for some reason - me and Shy are united on that front lmao. Mskeing me a homophobic dog fr fr lmao.
Also shoutout to @chaotickitchenware ! If she didn't suggest I make this months ago it probably would never have happened, lmao, and she and @black-mass-things have massively helped me to make decisions with it, so big credits to them <3333
I ran out of space on the alt for the first page, hopefully its still legible tho 👍 let me know if there's anything I can improve on, cause I'm quite inexperienced with writing alts.
Clip Studio currently won't let me back into the actual file for the first page (I think it git corrupted ????) so I can't fix the spelling mistake that I just noticed in the fifth panel 😔😔😔 I also normally put progress vids here but i can't for the first page atm, I'll see if I can for the second page tho. (although I'll probably only add it later, I'm in a bit of a rush cause I gotta get ready to go somewhere and I dont have access to my puter at all rn 😔😔)
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pyromegalomaniac · 1 year
can i get a uhhhhhhhhhhh head canons for wally and/or julie with a emotional reader?(really sad, really happy, really mad, frustrated, etc? just rollercoaster emotions)
if not, its okay, i love your works<3
Of course, anon! Would you like pickles with that?
I get really emotional too, so these should be fun to do! I haven't gotten any requests for anything with Julie yet, either, so this'll help me with writing her! Thanks so much for saying you love my stuff, also!! It really makes it all worthwhile to know my writing makes people smile!! Enjoy!!
Wally and Julie x emotional!reader Headcanons🍎🛼
It's hard not to get caught up in Julie's cheery mood!!
(Sometimes you wonder how she's such good friends with Frank...)
When you're feeling down Julie's strategy is to distract you and make you perky again!! "Hey, why don't we play a game!?"
When you're feeling down Wally's strategy is to talk through your feelings and to let you know he's there for you. "Tell me what's got you feeling gray. I'm here to listen."
Both methods are good, but sometimes you need one thing more than the other
Or both! You go to both of them with your problems sometimes
Crying on Wally's shoulder (literally)
Laughing till you cry with Julie
If you scrape your knees on the sidewalk, you'll get frustrated and try not to cry
Julie will pretend not to notice and suggest you go get ice cream together
Wally will give you a hug and let you cry as much as you need
When you get mad Wally is patient and willing to talk it out
When you need to vent Julie will sit and listen to your story (she'll gasp really dramatically and be totally 100% with you)
Doing hopscotch and chalk games with Julie- lots of active fun
Making chalk art with Wally- relaxing and theraputic
Either way you end up with chalk on your clothes
When you get really worked up Wally is good for being there until you're calm again
His voice is really soothing
Feeling so happy you start to cry, and Wally getting concerned thinking you're upset
Sometimes you get angry enough to get in an argument with Julie
You always make up when you're cooled off
If it takes you a while to calm down about something Wally will help you do relaxing activities
He's your rock, and Julie is your squishy fun marshmallow
This was sort of written like Wally and the reader are dating, and Julie and the reader are best friends!! Hope that's what you were thinking of, heh. Hope you liked these!! They were fun to write! Thanks for requesting them, I look forward to doing more in the future!! Much love!!
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pukanavis · 21 days
"Mystery on a Moonlit Cruise" Track 8
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Location: Party Hall
Kinari: System rebooting…please wait…
Yachiyo: N-No way, did I s-s-s-seriously doze off at w-work…!? They’ll cut my pay…they’ll fire me…they’ll bill me for damages…t-they’ll kill meee!?!?
Momiji: Mm…I slept great…!
Nanaki: Everyone is waking up…!?
Akuta: …Hah! Wha…? Where did my beef steak go? And my fried fish…?
Muneuji: Don’t fret, that was all a dream. There’s still plenty more fried chicken, stir-fried burdock, and pickled onion to go around.
Yodaka: Oh dear…just a moment ago I was researching how many acorns a chipmunk could fit in its mouth…so it was nothing but a dream?
Yukikaze: A chipmunk? How adorable.
Kafka: Ugh…when did it get so late…? Were we sleeping that whole time…?
Ryui: You better start talking, Yowa.
Netaro: Mmm…don’t wanna, but I know I have to. It was fun playing detective but a confession from the criminal is the perfect way to tie things up!
…Ahem. You may remember that I claimed to be catching fireflies earlier, well…I wasn’t! That was complete and utter baloney! 
Ryui: No kidding.
Netaro: Now the real question is what was I really doing then? And to answer that—I was conducting a test run on a new invention of mine!
Nanaki: An invention?
Netaro: Yep! I call it the ‘Ultra-Realistic Netaro Hypnosis Doll’ !
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Muneuji: There’s two Yowa-sans…!?
Ryui: Where the hell did that thing come from!?
Netaro: I’m the real Netaro, and this one is a doll~! At first, it starts off teensy-tiny enough to fit in the palm of your hand but with just a jab at the buttons in its eyes, it’ll jump in size.
Toi: You have to poke Mr. Doll in his eyes…?
Yukikaze: That breaks my heart.
Netaro: It even has a glow-in-the-dark feature that makes it periodically light up ♪
Nanaki: If it moves and it glows…could this be what Muneuji really saw…?
Muneuji: My little sister has pyjamas with the same feature. Hm…now that I compare them, this does look awfully similar to the light I saw.
Netaro: My craftsmanship is impeccable, right~? This is the perfect body double to deploy whenever I don’t wanna work or think I’m gonna get arrested.
Akuta: A body double!? That’s freaking sick!
Toi: This makes me think of that time the Night Squad worked an attendant job. Netaro-san brought along a robot that looked just like him then too!
Ryui: I thought he’d already thrown that thing in the trash. 
Netaro: That’s the beauty of inventions! The improvements are endless! I wouldn’t want anyone to know that I’ve switched places with my doll so I implemented it with the ability to emit hypnotic sound waves.
Nanaki: Why did it have to be hypnotism…?
Netaro: Since I found myself with some free time on my hands, I thought I’d go out to the deck to poke and prod at my new creation. When I turned on the hypnotic sound waves, it coincided with the songs the service robots were playing and ended up ultra-amplifying the theraputic effects of their music.
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Netaro: Deary me, sometimes the work of a genius exceeds even his own expectations! I never anticipated an outcome of this calibre!
Momiji: What exactly are you trying to say…?
Kafka: I take it that Netaro accidentally put everyone to sleep with his invention?
Kinari: It’s deeply intriguing to see something able to affect both humans and machines alike.
Nanaki: You mean the reason that Andy lost signal and the background music had such strange amplitudes was because of hypnotic sound waves…?
Yodaka: My goodness, Netaro’s inventions are simply full of surprises, aren’t they?
Netaro: I assure you there’s nothing to worry about! I’ve already had Ryui yell at me about safety, so I made sure to implement foolproof security measures! I’ve programmed the hypnosis feature to auto-stop after exactly one hour!
Thanks to me, everyone got to have a lo~vly sleep, right? Aren’t I just amazing~? C’mon, tell me I am~.
Ryui: Toi. Do you feel any pain anywhere? How’s your fever?
Netaro: Ignored!?
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Toi: Um…I actually think it’s gone…? I don’t feel sick anymore…
Ryui: Easy now. Sleeping for an hour won’t be enough to make you bett—
Momiji: Wait, now that I think about it, the exhaustion and stiffness in my shoulders from all the work I've been doing is completely gone…!?
Kinari: My thought processing unit is now 18% lighter than it was prior to entering sleep mode.
Ryui: How does that even happen?
Netaro: It’s possible that when my invention enhanced the music from the service robots, it created an ultra-super-healing melody!
Yachiyo: Hwaah…this is too much for the stupid nitwitted brain of an idiot to comprehend…
Momiji: I-It’s okay. I don’t think anyone but Netaro-kun truly understands what happened here…!
Yukikaze: I always knew you were a genius, Netaro.
Kafka: …Hmm. I was wondering how I should handle this situation but I think I’ve found just the thing.
Momiji: Is there something on your mind, Kafka?
Kafka: Yeah, just a little idea ♪
We’ll be arriving back at the port shortly but I'll need to step away for a bit to speak with the head of the cruise ship. I encourage the rest of you to go back to enjoying the remainder of the party.
Oh, but you’ll be coming with me instead, okay, Netaro?
Netaro: …
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Kafka: Poke—
Momiji: Did you just jab Netaro-kun straight in the eyes!?
Kafka: It’s just the doll, right? Look, it’s shrunk back down to size.
Netaro: Aww, my trick didn’t work.
Momiji: (...I wonder what Kafka’s planning? I suppose I better trust him to take care of it.)
Alright then, everyone…why don’t we pick up from where we left off earlier and enjoy what’s left of the food before we arrive at the port?
Akuta: You don't have to tell me twice!
Yukikaze: …Nanaki.
Nanaki: !
(Right, now’s my chance…)
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Nanaki: (Thank you, Kamina-san.)
Chief…! I've been meaning to tell you—
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gio-goose · 9 months
Can you give me a few art tips i want to be able to draw sin kiske too
I am not the greatest at explaining things or giving advice. These tips are just what many artists have already said and points that *I* personally agree with or have helped *me*. The reason why I am putting emphasis on myself is because everyone is different so what helps *me* might not help you. These things you will have to figure out yourself, BUT there are many MANY art tutorials from different artists with different styles so maybe you can find something there! Anyways moving on-
Don‘t think too much and just DOODLE DOODLE AND MORE DOODLING
I am serious, turn that brain off and start doodling. I had this mental barrier for sometime (that I am still struggling with) where I just didn‘t feel confident in my art and didn‘t even wanna START drawing, bc I felt like everything sucked ass. But just turning that brain off and mindlessly doodling is so SO great because it doesn‘t have to be perfect or anything AND through the repeating motions of sketching you‘re training your hand to become better at making nice smooth strokes. Sketching mindlessly is honestly very theraputic for me, cuz I just get to have silly fun. There‘s no pressure in doing things. AND sometimes doodling mindlessly can lead to great ideas.
Ik there‘s lots of discourse about tracing and referencing in the art community, but I can only tell you that this has been extremely helpful for me and getting my anatomy right. While tracing helps getting the placements of body parts and lines right, referencing really helps train your eyes what to look for. You‘ll start to recognize familiar shapes that are prevalent in almost all body types or certain things that are almost always there in nature. Tracing can also help you get more familiar in the way that you draw certain things. These techniques are all about familiarizing yourself with whatever you‘re trying to draw (bodies, faces, landscapes etc) and engraving it into your mind. Ofc if you decide to post something where you traced or referenced something it‘s always good to show your sources, but this is mostly something to do in private.
Take breaks, treat yourself with something nice :)
Art can be tiring, so be sure to always ALWAYS take breaks when you feel like its about to get frustrating and maybe eat something, do something else to replenish that art juice, yeah? Breaks can last however long you want. Whats most important is that you won‘t start hating the process cuz this shit can be mentally taxing so breaks are super important. Even if the break takes a year or something, art can always wait and its not like you‘ll immediately forget all your skills that you have gained yk? Maybe you‘ll get rusty but muscle memory is one hell of a thing. You‘ll get the hang of it in no time!
Get shiggy wiggy with it
What I mean by this is to just have fun. Art is supposed to be enjoyable, so I say go crazy, go stupid with it. Like who gives a shit if its stupid or cringe? Just have fun! Don‘t let someone ruin the fun in art for you, okay? These people stink anyway smh my head… they just don‘t understand the joy of creating a beautiful art piece about ur favourite charaters doing dumb shit or kissing each other. (Just uh… don‘t get illegal with it)
Get obsessed with something. I am very serious about this
Unironically, getting obsessed with a character or franchise has helped me a lot to keep being motivated to draw. Like a character that just makes you so so happy that you just keep drawing them (I mean, look at me 💀), which goes back to the first point. Being obsessed with something can keep you drawing something for a long time. And it gives you a big ass serotonin boost. However-
Try something new!
Drawing the same thing over and over again is great, but it can get stagnant really quick. So sometimes you have to try something new, stuff that might be difficult or things you aren‘t really confident yet (like hands. Yeah I know, its a nightmare). Doing this will make your skillset much bigger and may deepen your understanding on how stuff works cuz this art stuff is really interconected. Like, if you know one thing then maybe you can also do the other.
Take it slow. Be easy on yourself
There is ALWAYS this constant need to improve. Especially on social media, where artists are expected to improve in lightning speeds or post the perfect art pieces (and tbh some of these might be self imposed too). But you really, you don‘t. Just enjoy it at your own pace, be proud of the stuff you made. Save it, keep it and look back on it to see how much you‘ve improved. Don‘t view art as something you need to be perfect at, but just as something that makes you happy. An outlet for your feelings. Something to do when you‘re bored. Or stuff like that, cuz it‘s really not that serious UNLESS you want it to be like a job or something. So be patient, because art is a marathon, not a sprint. There is no need to hurry.
Aannddd if you wanna be able to draw Sin specifically then channel your inner whimsical creature, become jolly, be silly and get shiggy wiggy with it :)))
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A Street, Windensen, Pierreland
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Magdalena: This was a bad idea...is it to late to turn around? Louis: Mags...relax...you promised my mama one visit. This therapist is trusted. She's never spilled anything and she's got some ammo on your mom. Magdalena: I know I know....I just...
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Louis: It's okay to be nervous Mags...given everything that's happened to you. But this isn't Lunaria. If anyone dares to leak anything here, mama will make sure they pay... Magdalena: One visit...it's...kinda weird that the office is on this street... Louis: According to security, guess the therapist turned her front room and entry way into her business areas...probably some...theraputic reasoning of a calmer street, calmer patients...
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Magdalena: this looks...normal? Louis: Yeah...a normal looking house...what were you expecting? Magdalena: Something cold...clinical Louis: Mags... Magdalena: Let's get this over with Lou...
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Therapist: Your Royal Highness? Please, come in. I'm Dr Shruti Dayal, please come in. Your Imperial Highness..please have a seat out here. Louis: Yes Ma'am.
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Dr. Dayal: Please, make yourself comfortable. Magdalena: Where did you get this photo? Dr. Dayal: Her Royal Highness, Crown Princess Minerva, sent it to me when she got engaged. A thank you for helping to find her best self again, so she'd be ready to pour everything into her new family. She spoke fondly of you...she was constantly worried she wouldn't be the best role model for you. Magdalena: She's treated me with nothing but love...[tears well] I'd have no one else as my mama [deep breath] No offense though Dr. Dayal...but my experience with therapists have been shit.
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Dr. Dayal: Funny you say that...your mom said the exact same thing when we first met. Please, have a seat on the couch and tell me why you've decided to see me. Magdalena: I promised Empress Katalina I'd visit you at least once. Dr. Dayal: Well, you could've seen any therapist, the Empress could've recommended anyone. In Pierreland, breaking Doctor-Paitent confidentiality is a serious crime punishable by at least 2 years in prison. What has you sitting in this seat specifically? Magdalena: The Empress mentioned you treated my mom...and if my mom trusts you... Dr. Dayal: Your willing to give me a chance huh? Now...tell me about your family, in your own words please Magdalena, may I call you that in this session?
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Magdalena: Yeah..that's fine....umm..well, there's me, papa, mama...and all my siblings... Dr. Dayal: How many siblings? Magdalena: 3...3 little sisters.. Dr. Dayal: What is your relationship with them like? Magdalena: It's good...we all love each other...we play pranks...we make fun of our parents and how gushy they are... Dr. Dayal [chuckling]: no...ill will towards any of them? Magdalena: No...not at all...it's not my fault that...well, I am who I am... Dr. Dayal: What do you mean by that Magdalena? Magdalena: I mean...I'm their half sister...my...fudge I don't know what to call her but...the person who gave me half my dna...attempted to kill our mom...its something I can't shake...no matter how hard I try.. Dr. Dayal: Have you spoke about this with your parents? Your feelings of otherness due to the woman who gave you life?
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Magdalena: yeah.. Dr. Dayal: And how has that gone? Magdalena: They both tell me...that I'm not her...even if I see her in me when I look in the mirror...who I am inside, is nothing like her... Dr. Dayal: And how does that make you feel? Magdalena: That they are trying to make me feel better....I know..both of them love me but...Papa resents me...because I remind him of his trauma... Dr. Dayal: Is that fact or a projection Magdalena? Magdalena: I've heard him say it. Not directly...he's a Crown Prince, he would never be able to say it directly...but he's...kinda said it... Dr. Dayal: When did you first hear this? Magdalena: Not even a year ago...but he said it along time ago... Dr. Dayal: And how does that make you feel? Magdalena: Like...my childhood was a lie...
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uttotheegg · 8 months
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Some comfort art i made just for the fun of it. I loved doing all the scritches and squiggles in the background its so theraputic
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foreverautumn89 · 2 years
Thank you for understanding. I love talking to you, but its the ST fandom I can't tolerate anymore. I'm just so busy especially this time of the year gets so chaotic and crazy that there really is no time to do anything and then I feel like I have to defend Jonathan and its just silly to waste time arguing with people about it when it clearly has nothing to do with them really believing Jonathan is a bad guy.
Jonathan did one thing barely wrong on ACCIDENT meanwhile Steve did a million things wrong ON PURPOSE and yet Steve is completely forgiven automatically and was just 'misunderstood' the whole time supposedly while Jonathan has been worse than Vecna since day one supposedly. It's clearly about pretty privledge.
And I just wasted so much time with these clowns already I don't want to waste anymore. I'll post about whats wrong with the whole Steve worshipping/blindly loyal fans that hate Jonathan one day, but it won't be any time soon. They have wasted so much of my time already and clearly they just want to sleep with Steve/Joe Keery they can't be that dumb to believe that everything Steve did to wrong Nancy and Jonathan as justified or they really are that cruel and are horrible people to think that type of stuff is ok-but either way it comes down to the same conclusion for me: I don't want to have any association with them.
I came here to find people that I enjoy talking to about the show people that love Jonathan, and can forgive Steve BUT understand that everything he did in S1 was wrong and cruel, but can forgive him since he changed because of/and for Jonathan. And people that I can share content with about my fav ship and my fav show that we both enjoy. It may just be a few people, but I got what I came here for, so I see no reason to keep communicating with the rest of the fandom that has so many things wrong with them. They're homophobic, they're sexist, they support abusers and abuse and justify things that should never be acceptable-they're just not people I want to have anything to do with anymore.
But I'm glad I found you and a handful of other people. I've been staying away from tumblr the most I can and away from social media in general because its infuriating and way too time consuming. So if I don't respond for a while, just know I'll be back, but I'm trying to avoid the ST fandom in general the most I can because of the way they behave.
Yeah I just get sick of talking about the Jonathan hate and the Steve cult that bash J and just…all of it. It's too much to deal with especially every day. So I'm keeping my distance for now.
I'm having fun keeping to myself and just talking with my friends about Stonathan/ST for now. Everything is still shit in real life like everything is chaotic and most of it isn't good, but its getting better at least that I've been away from here and I can focus on certain things that should have been done long ago.
I'm writing Stonathan stories again so thats making me happier and I was creating content for them but I stopped just for now, just so I can focus on things that need urgent attention right now. Actually one thing that is going on it not that urgent but in a way it is cause I need something that is theraputic/fun for me to do instead of being depressed all the time. its like Halloween celebrating and its a big deal for me and my friends its the biggest night of the year [funny that the Will, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas feel the same way in 2x02], but they've been trying to make it to haunted houses, corn mazes [still trying to find a good one] and watching our Halloween movies and its nice just to get away from all the drama and get a chance to relax…or rather I should say have fun becasue nothing about this is relaxing I'm trying to make up for all the time I wasted talking on here with these bozos that loathe Jonathan and missing out on things I really wanted to do. Its just better now that I took some time away. Although, I do miss talking to you.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that J and the boys would hang out in Castle Byers and chit chat about everything under the sun. I imagine they spent a lot of time in there together. And Jonathna definitely took those pictures of the boys that were in Castle Byers [even though Will ripped them up]. I love how Jonathan is like a mom when it comes to the boys. And J was probably shocked when he saw what happened to Castle Byers, but in my headcanon after Will explained why, Jonathan was just like Its ok you were all getting too big for that anyway, we were going to have to build a new one anyway, and then Jonathan, Will, and El start to build a bigger better Castle Byers and Mike, Dustin, and Lucas come to help.
One of these days, I'm going to have to write down all the jokes I came up with/or that we made about Jeremy the demogorgon/Vecna mounting Jonathan and trying to kiss him and Steve attacking it with a bat because he wanted to be Jonatahn's boyfriend-I came up with plenty of new material for that joke and thought of you immediatley. I just hope I can remember them. Its just so funny to me that we kept that joke going.
I NEED to see Jonathan, Will, and El scenes next season and I mean NEED to see so much of them that we are all SICK and completely DISGUSTED by all their cute little heart to hearts and getting into funny shenanigans together. I need to see Jonathan with Will and El together so much. I'm also gonna need Hopper being a dad to Jonathan [not like he hadn't acted like that towards him long before Hop and Joyce got together].
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vmpirekiss · 1 year
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something abt getting angry on video games is so fun and theraputic to me idk maybe its the gremlin in me ( 🌸・ω・)ノ
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le SIGH today was EXHAUSTING i worked all day and im gonna have an even LONGER DAY tomorrow :( i do have a half day on sunday and a day off on monday tho so im looking forward to that. i want to draw but its also like 10 pm and i have to get up early so no creative stuff for me today (unless i stay up later hehe) on the bright side i got a big order of colorful bead soups in the mail so i was able to organize those and look at all the fun shapes and sizes which was theraputic :) cant wait to get the rest of my beads in the mail and make more beaded accessories :0 overall im trying not to get too down by having two bad days in a row, i know im just a bit stressed and tired rn and i will make cool things next week 
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belle-et-inspirante · 2 years
Eat That Much™ Works Couples Plan Healthier Dishes and construct Greater Foods Habits
Eat That Much™ Works Couples Plan Healthier Dishes and construct Greater Foods Habits
The brief type: some individufind a cougar onlinels count calories, prepare regular menus, while making healthy dishes. Others don’t have that kind of time or may not know how to start to their journey to ingesting suitable meals during the right quantities. Eat This Much is a platform that offers individuals, partners, and households a simple way to healthier eating routine. Users can certainly generate a menu plan which is healthier and delicious regarding the system without spending hours exploring meals, and they can follow certain food diets, including vegan, muscle building, or carb-cycling. Alongside menu strategies, consume This Much links people with grocery delivery solutions to produce the right diet even more convenient.
You have heard the saying “Great bodies are created from inside the kitchen area, not the gym.” This is because it may take hours throughout the fitness treadmill to function off just one time’s worth of terrible meals alternatives.
Individuals who eat hearty meals in reasonable quantities each day tend to be healthier than others which try to make upwards for binges over time on fitness center.
But some individuals, couples, and households do not have the time or electricity to analyze and make wholesome meals within the proper amounts. Eat This Much is actually a platform built to do the guesswork away from eating healthy.
“Most of the market discovers you simply because they wish to change one thing about how precisely they truly are consuming,” mentioned Louis DeMenthon, Founder and President of Eat anywhere near this much. “Either they want to cook more or cut meat, or their unique personal trainer informed them to eat a certain number of calories, and they’ve got not a clue the place to start.”
Users benefit from once a week or daily meal plans modified their goals and tastes. It is a lot more simple method of meal planning than determining which of the endless quantity of fad diets might work available and your lover.
In conjunction with generating meal plans, this site enables people to further personalize their menus based on their particular interests, appetites, while the time they must cook. Users can follow the incorporated quality recipes and also link their unique programs with food shipment services.
Through the resources, Eat This Much can make eating healthy fun and convenient so people feels their utmost.
A process Created responding to Its Founder’s Personal foods Challenges
Louis began his or her own quest to consuming better last year and chose to develop straightforward device to simply help bodybuilders satisfy their unique macronutrient needs. But soon the guy knew a large number of other individuals needed individualized techniques to assist them consume really whilst not wasting some of their particular valued time.
“I decided I was getting a lot of effort into giving myself properly, assuming i did not put the time into researching dishes, adding up nutrition numbers, and putting together food listings, i might end consuming defectively,” Louis mentioned.
He found that great eating habits were created over quite a while, and required most determination and self-discipline to learn. Thus, he enhanced and extended his original diet plan generator, 1st labeled as Swole.me, into something very theraputic for every person.
Now, Louis assists individuals, partners, and households fast-forward through the understanding procedure with Eat that much.
These days, this site’s users are primarily youthful specialists within 20s and 30s, similarly divided between people. Most are contemplating either dropping pounds or maintaining how much they weigh. However, people use the service to increase just the right sorts of fat — from healthier muscles.
“When they very first reach all of our site, they see a typical example of just what on a daily basis of meals could resemble, such as substantial breakdowns of in which their particular diet is inspired by,” he mentioned.
Although of this functions tend to be complimentary, customers can update to reduced profile to gain access to extra characteristics. Premium customers get once a week email messages with tailored diet plans and food databases connected to delivery services for rapid, contact-free purchasing. Capable additionally move items using their grocery record to a pantry section to keep track of what is within home for future food preparing functions.
Coaching men and women just how to Arrange, make, to make Progress
The process behind Eat This Much is broken-down into preparation, getting ready, and advancing. Whenever users take effect utilizing the web site, they communicate their unique goals, food choices, and allergies to almost any meals. They are able to even allow system learn their most favorite bistro or pre-packaged foods from its huge on-line database.
Users receive upgraded health info each food they pick. Weekly, they’re able to obtain an email with a grocery record and cooking directions. Couples might want to revise their unique listings for preferred substitutions before going purchasing — on-line or at their particular local supermarket.
The website’s look function raises ingredients and menus centered on nutritional tastes. Like, non-meat eaters will not get meaty dishes, and people on keto diet programs will be of their macros.
As customers enjoy the diet plans, they can inspect their research in terms of weight and nutrients, which have been all automated. Like that, they’re able to constantly adjust their plans to carry on consuming the healthy foodstuffs they enjoy.
Eat This Much additionally allows you for couples or households to policy for extra guests. Consumers can scale-up meals, which immediately adjusts grocery listings to allow them to get the amount needed.
“We think folks should use Eat that much simply because they wish eat better, save time, and cook new and interesting things,” Louis mentioned. “One of several factors individuals begin to use the platform is to get some ideas about new meals they could prepare, and cooking is actually a delicious connecting activity for partners.”
Eat This Much: effortless meals leave Clients to attain Dietary Goals
Eat anywhere near this much works in the schedules and spending plans of their users, so they need not bother about extravagant materials they can’t manage or meals that grab hours to help make.
Numerous users have actually stated that the website managed to make it easier for them to eat healthier daily.
“I think this is certainly a very great instrument,” wrote one individual in an on-line testimonial. “i will be an individual trainer, and that I have actually suggested it to my customers who’re into having diet plans. All of them seem to relish it! You can make use of, and also the meals are simple.”
Louis said he is satisfied that something he found of use can be altering the schedules of some other lovers and households. Although he designed the first program by himself, these days the guy works together a close-knit staff of six folks, such as designers and customer service representatives whom talk to dieticians and chefs.
“We hope Eat anywhere near this much may help people achieve whatever nutritional objectives they will have, whether which is slimming down, trying the keto diet plan they will have read about, or just having brand-new recipes,” the guy said.
With advice through the web site, more people can stay at home and make the help of its considerable others — if not create smarter decisions about where to go off to eat with each other.
Eventually, the Eat anywhere near this much team is actually intending to boost integrations with restaurants and additional food distribution services to produce the right diet, meeting nutritional targets, and feeling great much more convenient.
un nuovo post è stato publicato su https://online-wine-shop.com/eat-that-mucha%c2%84%c2%a2-works-couples-plan-healthier-dishes-and-construct-greater-foods-habits/
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mantruffles · 2 years
Eat That Much™ Works Couples Plan Healthier Dishes and construct Greater Foods Habits
Eat That Much™ Works Couples Plan Healthier Dishes and construct Greater Foods Habits
The brief type: some individufind a cougar onlinels count calories, prepare regular menus, while making healthy dishes. Others don’t have that kind of time or may not know how to start to their journey to ingesting suitable meals during the right quantities. Eat This Much is a platform that offers individuals, partners, and households a simple way to healthier eating routine. Users can certainly generate a menu plan which is healthier and delicious regarding the system without spending hours exploring meals, and they can follow certain food diets, including vegan, muscle building, or carb-cycling. Alongside menu strategies, consume This Much links people with grocery delivery solutions to produce the right diet even more convenient.
You have heard the saying “Great bodies are created from inside the kitchen area, not the gym.” This is because it may take hours throughout the fitness treadmill to function off just one time’s worth of terrible meals alternatives.
Individuals who eat hearty meals in reasonable quantities each day tend to be healthier than others which try to make upwards for binges over time on fitness center.
But some individuals, couples, and households do not have the time or electricity to analyze and make wholesome meals within the proper amounts. Eat This Much is actually a platform built to do the guesswork away from eating healthy.
“Most of the market discovers you simply because they wish to change one thing about how precisely they truly are consuming,” mentioned Louis DeMenthon, Founder and President of Eat anywhere near this much. “Either they want to cook more or cut meat, or their unique personal trainer informed them to eat a certain number of calories, and they’ve got not a clue the place to start.”
Users benefit from once a week or daily meal plans modified their goals and tastes. It is a lot more simple method of meal planning than determining which of the endless quantity of fad diets might work available and your lover.
In conjunction with generating meal plans, this site enables people to further personalize their menus based on their particular interests, appetites, while the time they must cook. Users can follow the incorporated quality recipes and also link their unique programs with food shipment services.
Through the resources, Eat This Much can make eating healthy fun and convenient so people feels their utmost.
A process Created responding to Its Founder’s Personal foods Challenges
Louis began his or her own quest to consuming better last year and chose to develop straightforward device to simply help bodybuilders satisfy their unique macronutrient needs. But soon the guy knew a large number of other individuals needed individualized techniques to assist them consume really whilst not wasting some of their particular valued time.
“I decided I was getting a lot of effort into giving myself properly, assuming i did not put the time into researching dishes, adding up nutrition numbers, and putting together food listings, i might end consuming defectively,” Louis mentioned.
He found that great eating habits were created over quite a while, and required most determination and self-discipline to learn. Thus, he enhanced and extended his original diet plan generator, 1st labeled as Swole.me, into something very theraputic for every person.
Now, Louis assists individuals, partners, and households fast-forward through the understanding procedure with Eat that much.
These days, this site’s users are primarily youthful specialists within 20s and 30s, similarly divided between people. Most are contemplating either dropping pounds or maintaining how much they weigh. However, people use the service to increase just the right sorts of fat — from healthier muscles.
“When they very first reach all of our site, they see a typical example of just what on a daily basis of meals could resemble, such as substantial breakdowns of in which their particular diet is inspired by,” he mentioned.
Although of this functions tend to be complimentary, customers can update to reduced profile to gain access to extra characteristics. Premium customers get once a week email messages with tailored diet plans and food databases connected to delivery services for rapid, contact-free purchasing. Capable additionally move items using their grocery record to a pantry section to keep track of what is within home for future food preparing functions.
Coaching men and women just how to Arrange, make, to make Progress
The process behind Eat This Much is broken-down into preparation, getting ready, and advancing. Whenever users take effect utilizing the web site, they communicate their unique goals, food choices, and allergies to almost any meals. They are able to even allow system learn their most favorite bistro or pre-packaged foods from its huge on-line database.
Users receive upgraded health info each food they pick. Weekly, they’re able to obtain an email with a grocery record and cooking directions. Couples might want to revise their unique listings for preferred substitutions before going purchasing — on-line or at their particular local supermarket.
The website’s look function raises ingredients and menus centered on nutritional tastes. Like, non-meat eaters will not get meaty dishes, and people on keto diet programs will be of their macros.
As customers enjoy the diet plans, they can inspect their research in terms of weight and nutrients, which have been all automated. Like that, they’re able to constantly adjust their plans to carry on consuming the healthy foodstuffs they enjoy.
Eat This Much additionally allows you for couples or households to policy for extra guests. Consumers can scale-up meals, which immediately adjusts grocery listings to allow them to get the amount needed.
“We think folks should use Eat that much simply because they wish eat better, save time, and cook new and interesting things,” Louis mentioned. “One of several factors individuals begin to use the platform is to get some ideas about new meals they could prepare, and cooking is actually a delicious connecting activity for partners.”
Eat This Much: effortless meals leave Clients to attain Dietary Goals
Eat anywhere near this much works in the schedules and spending plans of their users, so they need not bother about extravagant materials they can’t manage or meals that grab hours to help make.
Numerous users have actually stated that the website managed to make it easier for them to eat healthier daily.
“I think this is certainly a very great instrument,” wrote one individual in an on-line testimonial. “i will be an individual trainer, and that I have actually suggested it to my customers who’re into having diet plans. All of them seem to relish it! You can make use of, and also the meals are simple.”
Louis said he is satisfied that something he found of use can be altering the schedules of some other lovers and households. Although he designed the first program by himself, these days the guy works together a close-knit staff of six folks, such as designers and customer service representatives whom talk to dieticians and chefs.
“We hope Eat anywhere near this much may help people achieve whatever nutritional objectives they will have, whether which is slimming down, trying the keto diet plan they will have read about, or just having brand-new recipes,” the guy said.
With advice through the web site, more people can stay at home and make the help of its considerable others — if not create smarter decisions about where to go off to eat with each other.
Eventually, the Eat anywhere near this much team is actually intending to boost integrations with restaurants and additional food distribution services to produce the right diet, meeting nutritional targets, and feeling great much more convenient.
leggi tutto https://online-wine-shop.com/eat-that-mucha%c2%84%c2%a2-works-couples-plan-healthier-dishes-and-construct-greater-foods-habits/
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