gayspock · 2 months
i rlly fucking hate where i live sometimes lol =_=
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pilotheather · 3 months
not to rant about it further. cuz this is pointless bc lol itds not even what he did. but im still seeing ppl so angry at it cuz "SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN RIVERRRRR" and again its not just the fact its so cheap and overdone, but... like agan. in the firstplace, i do not like it when a companion is meant to be some special little enigma. so many reasons why thats fucking annoying. but like the fact that theyre a special little enigma becAUSE they MIGHT BE the CHILD of ... another character we already know! like its everything i find most irritating fucking coalescing. like i fucking hate the implications it has just in general that theres some sort of birthright and that blood and relation is what makes someone special. i dont ufcking get it. and its like i feel like the new character, whoever they are, just end up livingin their other familial relation's shadow. like theyre always the daughter of x or the sister of y or fuckin whatever. and yes you can break out of that mould you can. but when, like, the entire MYSTERY OF YOU and who you are is like OOOOOHHH LOOKY LOOK, AN OLD FAN FAVOURITE POPPED ONE OUT ... like Ok. and its like. everyones likie "BUT THERE WAS SO MUCH POTENTIAL" - LIKE, TO DO WHAT? CUZ EVEN IF YOU DONT MIND ALL THAT STUFF... THIS IS LITERALLY SO OVERDONE. ITS SO FUCKING BORING. ARE YOU NOT SICK OF IT. DO YOU NOT WANT A SHOW TO LOOK TOWARDS THE FUTURE. DO YOU NOT WANT A MYSTERY THAT'S MORE THAN A BIG "LETS SEE WHICH OF OUR FAVOURITE TOY THIS IS!! xD"
AND ITS LIKE. IM ABSOLUTELY NOT GOING TO PRETEND RTD DID A GOOD FUCKING JOB OF EXECUTION. I ABSOLUTELY SHANT. i dont think he should have even faked out with it. but i am absolutely relieved thatshes just a normal woman even if it just falls flat. and that the whole POINT is shes normalbut we fucking hype shit up to deaht when its literally not that or anyhting like that. god. anwyays.
oh and. AND NOT TO MENTION. FULLY RESPECT IT COULD GO DIFFERENTLY THIS TIME. BUT LIKE... WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THE REVEAL. IF IT WAS RIVER, OR 13, OR WHO KNOWS WHO WHAT HAPPENS THEN. THIS IS WHAT I FUCKING LOATHE ABOUT S6. I FUCKING HATE AMY SO BADLY BUT ALSO JSUT... moffats whole take on her being pregnant and horribly violated (i wouldgenuinely. think this akin to something like rape because god knows WHAT they did to her body) whilst she was unconscious for months for a shock horror woohoo! she's pregnant and wow! shock again! it's river! when like once the payoff was said and done its like... never really mentioned or reflected on at all aside from silly jokes. like haha hi mummmmm. like we see rory and amys relationship break down for an episode cuz she cant have kids any more. fantastic. but like theyjust had a whole fucking child that ... JESUS CHRIST. and i jsut have to fucking sit there and wonder what was all that mysteryt even for what did you fucking do with it in the end. you dragged it on and on for a reveal and bang now what. cuz look im not saying season long mysteries have to have any sort of impact. and this is what happens with MOST doctor who mysteries- hell its what happened here. but once youre bringing in crzy dynamics with that amongst characters......are you not gonna sAYYYY ANYTHING. HELLO? HELP ME? LIKE . I JSUT DONT THINK DOCTOR WHO CAN DO IT JUSTICE, SORRY. I DONT THINK IT CAN. ESPECIALLY NOT WITH THE CURRENT WAY ITS HANDLING THINGS. AND I LOVE THE SHOW, I DO. but like 8 episodes long with scant development and lots of ... really superficial relationships and dynamics right now.... which is such a shame because the cast has chemistry but its barely COOKED ENOUGH to handle even THAT nevermind whatever heavt shit people supposedly wanna bring in
like i feel like when ppl beg for twists in tv shows they dont sdit there and think they just want the biggest craziest twist ever. why dont we all wake up and its just a dream. stfu
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melissa-titanium · 1 year
i was writing something and then it ufcking deleted it self. ANYWAY. helllooooo 8 and 12 anon here ad oh my god i fcukignagree with you holy hell Pm my babygirl ill get you jutsice i promise also oh myg od there are so many things wrongiwth at stnence davekat? wv pet dog where the ufck am i dude
also o n the pepsicola You have no idea you actally have no idea AHHHHHH,. AH. Dave is not cool tewould not be a fuckign popular dude if anthing egbert would be mlike he leader of the piano club but thats the most """"popular"""" hed ever get maybe im biased bueace of a fanfic but lIke you Know dave woudl eb getting beat up every lunch break you acnt fuckign convince me that thing wuouuld be a cool kid heh.... guessyoucould say...im like pepsicolas number one fan.. *i put on my hat and cape and i walk away never to be seen underer this alias*
AND. PEPSI. COLA. THNAKYO US OMUCH. THIS REMIDNSME ISAW THIS ONE CHARACTER ANALYSIS THAT WAS LIKE. i honestly could not put it into words imscared id get it wrong but the gist of it was. Dave has tha tendancy to attempt to Be like otehrs. Sort of like how he tries 2 live up to bro and icant quite remeber but it waslike.The glasses almost symbolize It. . Like how when he wasa wee Thang he wore the the ANIME SHADES but then .egbert. gave. the. stiller shades and a dnandadnndadannadandANDANDDANAN95HY8JRDHST8FTJH89FDJ TISJSUT. DAVE LOOKS UP TO EGBERT IN A SENSE. EVEN THO ITS HIDDEN BEHIND SILLLYS AND SUCH . LIKE DAVE D O E S CARE ABOUT EGBERTS OPINIO AND EVEN THOUGH ON THE SURFACE IT LOOKS LIKE DWEEB and COOL KID ! so OBBVIOUSLY egbert must look up 2 dave and I duno. maybe. maybe he does. BUT. confirmed?Real? Dave looks up 2 egbert and its a Sort of almots total reversal of tha nerd Jock dynamic **TAKE LITERALLY EVERY THING I SAY WITH A GRAIN OF SALT I DON'T KNOW A SINGLE GOD DAMNED MOTHER FUCKING THING I COULD BE 100% WRONG**
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nightfallsystem · 1 year
cw kind of gorey vent abt dysphoria
my entire ufcking body is so fucking feminine i literally want to destroy it so much i want to gore it until its unrecognizable but i fucking cant and it pisses me off i literally want to fucking stab myself in the chest as hard as i can but i FUCKING CANT
nothing can change it bc ill fucking die b4 i get the chance to get hrt or top surgery bc i just know it will get worse
like hwhhat the fuck is the point of living like this . everytime i notice what i am physically i want to bash my head into the fucking wall as hard as i can and kill myself
i want to escape from my body i want to get out and i cant im fucking trapped
it doesnt get better i wont manage to get top surgery. even if i do ill die before it happens.
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osc-confessions · 2 years
ive had an idea for a really odd like hfjone au and i cannot remember like all of it i oh my god ehy do i keep saying like why am i match like seriously
anyway i like cant really remember all of it but it was like uhhhhhhhhh like liam trying to figure out how to get the mfs off the plane post one 18 and he accidentally like enables a buncha shit and he goes like
"oh god oh fuck guys i turned on weather cycle i turned on daylight savings time help guys i don't know how to turn keep inventory on"
and that was bfunny but he accidentally revives airy while trying to bring scenty/amelia back after she fucking shartters NO, SHATTERS, and i should punctuate this, or space it maybe,
and like i dunno there was like shit happening i was like half asleep when i was making it because i couldnt ufcking sleep that night i was laying in bed at 5 am eyes closed looking at hfjone characters in my head (not taht this is unusual except for the 5 am part) but uh yeah. oh my god you can tell i have adhd huh,
anyways uhh yeah also amelia and charlotte are dating in this au because thats cute. owen and oscar also get brought there by accident, and theyre dating too because owscar is cute ship. owscar? oscwen? oscwen. charmelia oscwen superiority. its cute
airy also ends up like trying to be better and trying to make up for what he did. hes trying to help then the most he can from there :3c but yeah its wackass au. scenty gets nearly crushed by a ufcking tree during a blizzard. new york style
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foxstens · 2 years
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tillman · 4 years
i love tristan and isolde as a love story sooo much like it is so dear to me cus the love potion (in the good versions) isnt a “oh it made them FALL IN LOVE magically” it just like... heightens their feelings (ALL their feelings. not just feelings towards each other) and makes them like.. realize honor and loyalty to the king mean nothing if they cant haev each other like i love. the. them. 
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mapleshmaple · 6 years
#why is it that 3am exclusively is lovey dovey bitch hours and also 'i wish i were dead or of better use to my mom' hours#gghjkhmh like!!!! ok brain i get it its ffuckign impossible to make money/make a living off of the things i love/enjoy and this fuckgin#shit show of a country is in goddman shambles and im more likely to fuckgin die in the next year or so before all the good change actually#fuckgin happens and my body will give out due to stress at work and bc im not ufkcing taking care of myself and i get it!!!!!!!!#i ufkcing hate tht im like this constantly!!!!!!! i fuckign hate that im in such a fuckign in-between state that im practically ufkcing usel#ess and fuckign stupid and im so ufkcing tired i jsut wanna scream and ufkcing tear my hair out and beat the shit out of ymself cuz i deserv#e to have my shit kicked in for nto being enough and for nto doing enough and im so fucking frustrated with myself and in general#mmy mom ekeps bouncing between being a really sweet person/parent andn making me feel like absolute fucking trash andn im#just! really tire d of this in-between back n forth shit thats going on and i know shes havingn a rough week btu im hurting too cuz of it#andn im tired of the fucking' that s the way life is' excuse its such a fukcing flimsy and dumbass excuse andn i hate it im so tired#like i udndo if what im feeling counts as something or meanss anyhing/is valid for lack of better wording or if im jsut fucking#being stupid n dumb andn overrdramatic for the fuckign upteenth time bc im a stupid ufcking dumbass idiot thats just a waste of space
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gayspock · 3 months
the complainergaain. i just think its hilairoussometimes how people say that the only optionever is to go get help when its not there insistingthat its jsut something to fuckign tap into. when its literally not there. like what do you fuckingthink. when you dont have anyone to turn to. when youre completely alone in life. and when the systems beyond screwedup and so so so fucking inaccessible and incompetent it willfuck you up so much more as it has done hafter so many attempts. like my godi know thats the only fuckign "option" after so long of failing to ever fucking help myself OR gethelp. i know that. i.e there is no fucking way out!!!! because every fucking avenue is closedoff and a fucking doomspiral into worse bullshit and fucking hoepless and yep yep yep and thats why i know im fuckign killing myself inthe end. etc. etc etc etc. congrats. i fucking feel crazy. does anyone feel fuckingcrazy when youre just fuckign sat there fucking overwhelemdagain because its so fucking pointless and its not worth fighting for but god god god soemtimesman you just ufcking wish it didnt have to be, having mentalfucking breakdowns thinking about how this is the lot you get and its never anything else, and you jsut wish something mattered or workedbut it neverdoes andwhats it like to feel some lvoe thats sincere to not feel so fucking small as everyone jsut ufcking stares at you and judges you forgiving up liektheres anyhting else you can do and going mental nuts fucking trying to find ways out all of them dpeending on support systes and means you do not have and more ufcking hellish fucking spirals being told you need to try the therapy again go through that process again
like yeah yeah fuckingsure go on the waiting list go endureit the fucking months to get through to someonewho doesnt listen again, for your limited run of CBT sessions following worksheets photocopied to hell that uyovbe begged them not to fucking go throguh with you please jsut try something else please fucking please i dont feel humanand like some fucking dickhead who got the one in the million or has the money for private or who isnt on the fucking nhs refusing to understand how it works here "because its free :) youre just turning it down" and well lookat that anyway the limited number of sessions have been cut short Again because its ineffecdtive youre too difficult youre too fucking complicated youre a lost cause oops i cant say that too much of a headcasewhats that um we'll refer you to the.... the three year wait person and you go there and you wait threeyears and its worseits so much worse by now you go there . and the same thing happens again except its harde rhtis time its worse because no fuckign no the way people treat it like its nothing like the wait times arent ufcking agonising like yuo dont just fucking degrade in the in the interim and to thwepoint where what does it fucking matter and even if i tried to goback its starting from the bottom again and i dont knowwhat to do when you cant even fucking communicate properly im sincerely concernedtheres something wrong with me in that way like for real but i dont know what todo about itbecause i cant even talk straight so theyjust fucking blank me "its meant to suck its meant to be bad at first" how many moretimes of that and why does noone fucking believe me when i promise you and i can fucking PROMISE you its not suckingin the way of oh this is a difficultthing to endure to fucking fdealwith at first its s this is sucking in the fucking way thatfeels im just so so utteruly fucking worthless and unheard and have no voice tyype of fucking sucking triyng to fuckign explainthings to people but . having so manyfucking problemswith sut fucking getting words out i feel like such a fucking fialure sometimes i dont know how im ever meant to getanywhere withthem every timei tried to talk imsutered everything p that i could it would just be ignoredplease do this fucking exercise please name every fucking thing you can hear and asee now fucking get out of my office how many times ive done this so many times it deosnt help iM SORRRYYYYY and then peopleget mad at you why doens ti twrok i dont know!! i font fucking know man i wish it fucking worked do you ever feel nuts fucking forcingyourself to dothings overt and over again slwoly fucking going insane realising youre just doing things repeatedly to make otherpeople happy youre getitng worse but it never matters it never matters to people what matters is youmake them feel good and you just want to die you jsut want to die so so fucking badly you wish it meant somethingyou wish . your actual fuckingrepsonses meant somethingbut people jsut dont care theydont care and youre so fucking alone and go god god
and god thats the other one . dotn i know medication isnt going to work on it. insert litany of reasonshere. but every time i think maybe i'll pursue that again fucking try it again nonetheless ebcause im insanely fucking desperate to justhave some fucking relief on it for two fducking seconds but knowing damn well what its fucking likein this country never ever fucking again im not going through all ofthat alone againand because maybe ifthere was someonethere it wouldnt be so abd but theres not and i dont know how totalk to the doctors even when i try reallyfucking hard i jsut feel like im strongarmed into everything evenwhen i try to tell them its really bad and i jsut fucking panic and the last guy who jsut kept getting so fucking angry at me or the fucking bitch i dont remember what number she was that ust kept upping it and upping it when it did nothing pelase its not fucking HELPING!!!!! OHHHH fine go UP AGAIN SHUT UP AND DIE MAYBE and when youre fucking lying there at night and youre still alone as ever and youre ahving nightmares that are starting to rot through your fucking skull remember this is your fucking fault for not doing good enough again and again and again and i feel like im goingcrfazyoh uyouremeant to struggle through it youre meant to fucking feel like youre gooing to kill yourself its meant to be bad do you peopleever fucking hear yourselves sometimes i dontknow i dontknow myself any more because i thinkmy fucking brain is caivng in or has caved in and thepoitn is how. how is any of it meant to work whatsoever. when theres so many fundamental problems thatSTOP it from ever being effective htat you cant deal with that youcant breadown that theresnothing . tof ucking handleOH MY GOD WHOS GOING TO TELL ME THIS TIME THAT IM NOT TRIYNG HARD ENOUGH WHOS GOING TO TELL ME THIS TIME THAT I GIVE UP AND IM A STUPID BRAT WHOS NOT LISTENIN G TELL ME GODDDD MAYBE ^_^?
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ajaegerpilot · 7 years
so the new dragon age inqusition glitch is that whenever vivienne revives someone:
she doesn’t revive them with any health AND . 
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rotshop · 3 years
You’re alright! I just got a little confused so I wanted to know, I also remember you saying you have 2B as one of your favs so I didn’t know it the Deimos stuff was bothering you. (Also don’t worry about bullying Deimos, he’s my favorite which means he gets EXTRA bullying from me (especially as Dedmos)).
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2b MAY be a fav of mine but any madness combat character makes the little termites in my brain go ehehhehrepeerznebxcjekdksjejxjjejejwwiwiewu /pos
ALSO you have no idea how deranged i am abt hof so!!! i apologize in advance
Chances are you messed with him a little bit at first lol. You would appear in his line of sight for a few seconds before walking around a corner or doorway and disappearing. YES it was a little mean but like..cmon...it was..a little funny...anyway eventually you like. actually show yourself when he's alone working on the improbability drive. (you just kinda loomed over him and went 'Whats that?' right next to his ear just to see him jump)
At first he was. a little scared of you. Listen. Listen he is like. relatively tall. You are fucking Skyscraper height compared to him. Not to mention, you are a pitch black figure who's been haunting him for like a week now with no word and you have ZERO facial features and he was a little too focused on his work to have really caught your tone SO he has no clue what you might be like. needless to say he is batting zero.
He kind of. hesitantly and very nervously explains his project to you for. some reason. While you just sit and listen to him. You just kinda go 'Oh cool' and then stay there and watch. He's still a little unnerved but he just keeps quiet about it.
You both just kinda fall into that routine of you showing up late at night and watching him work for a while and he warms up to you pretty quickly. It isn't long before he's distracted from the drive because he's too busy rambling to you about some memory of his or some random thing he seen that day. He can't feel too guilty abt it though because he's a little too caught up by ur laugh,,it makes him feel warm,,,
also the first time it got cold and you passed The Fuck Out he almost cried. he thought you just dropped dead or dipped bc it was late at night and he couldn't see you very well in the dark. he prefers if you stay at his apartment or whatever when it gets cold so he can keep an eye on you (also because he's really scared of other scientists finding you and freaking out and hurting you)
For him it's probably a case of either 'oh i wonder what happened to my funny little scientist friend' or 'I GOTTA know what this guys deal is' when it comes to him.
if its the first one then you might've tried to call him Hofnarr to which he did NOT respond very well. you just tried to excuse it as best as you could. you said you'd confused him for someone else which..he doubted. like. he's fucking Deranged but he knows he doesn't look like many other people cmon. BUUUTTT on the other hand you dont seem to have eyes so. yknow.
ANYWAY he's super curious about you. thought you were the auditor first and tried to attack you but it didn't work out lmao. after that though he just kind of. stares at you a lot. and also pokes and prods at you because he's curious. ALSO tries to climb you.
whenever he climbs on you you tend to have to either just kind of. let him cling to your shoulder or just hold him. he's made a grab at your halo before but you kind of. scolded him abt it and said you didn't like it. he doesn't know why but he felt really guilty abt it and actually apologized. not a super long and heartfelt apology but still an apology nevertheless
you passed out around him once and instead of waking up to chaos like you'd expected you'd just woken up and went 'oh hey. im laying on him. cool.' he'd panicked at first bc oh shit!!! friend down :(( but he just did his best to calm down and also make you comfortable while you took ur ufcking ummm surprise nap <3. even dragged some old curtain over to act as a blanketfor you while you laid ur head on his lap or stomach
you hold him like a chihuahua while he bites at your hands (endearingly, like you know how cats give love bites or whatever?? he does that to you.)
you holding tricky: Do you have a fucking problem.
hank who's been staring for like 5 minutes now because he thinks you're the auditor and hes so fucking confused:
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0ystercatcher · 2 years
i bought ths pack of tasty sliced ham for a good price a while ago and now its ufcking gone from stores. tthat was the best thing that happened to my breakfasts in a while and now its fucking gone dude :-(
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roughentumble · 2 years
im so fucking mad that its hot outside i have twars in my eyes i want to drink warm apple cider and wear a warm sweater and that will never happen again because it s ufcking hot out wailing and wailing anwailing and wailing and moaning and crying my life is the hardest life in the world im god's specialest soldier and his sweet cheese and yet you all test me like this. agony
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tenshindon · 3 years
tell me why I’m problematic
send me song rec
tell me about your favourite meme
Fuck, Marry, Kill-
Tournament announcer man, Mushroom tournament annoucer man or idk mr satan
Wombo or yumbo?
bruh why you sending me like five good GOD
anyways you’re problematic because every time we disagree on something Which Happens Once In A Blue Moon you make a twitter poll and everyone agrees with you and makes me look like a ninny
oh fuck i almost glazed over this one LMAO uh song rec hmmm i mean you already listen to most songs i fuckin talk bout so uhhhh god i actually have to ufcking thing on this one cause i cant just say any song now uhhhhh did you listen to the new halestorm song Back From The Dead if yes then uhhh i got You’re Mine and The Vengeful One by disturbed but if you listened to those too cause i also talked bout em then uhh fuck Lost In You and Let It Die by three days grace is pretty bangin If Not Kinda Sad Wait--
my favorite meme fuckgin uhhhhhh god i dont know i definitely have one i just have to think and wait for it to donk me on the head hold on fuckin yeah no i dont nkow i love a lot of them but i’ll probably always cackle at motherfuckers being sent to the shadow realm or like. Any Cynthia Memes like i’m gonna expose myself gamers i didnt play platinum far enough to get to cynthia- i’m gonna make that a goal if i can find my copy but i fuckin cackle at that shit every time pokemon memes are primo dude theres also this meme of a cat in a wheelchair and he just falls of face first into a plate of cat food and its the unfunniest shit ever but i’ve got a fucking frog brain so it makes me laugh
fuck marry kill OK dawg the fuck is this line up didnt even include king kai but well i wouldnt canoodle anyone EXCEPT for king kai i’m what we all FAITHFUL i cant believe you dont know me like this jess :(( i can make it another kill slot tho which makes the game Infinitely Harder but anyway uhh i’d marry mr world tournament announcer man :) i gotta chop mr satan and the mushroom man tho im sorry kings but i mean if you really pressin on that smash option uhhhhhh flip a coin I’m Shy >:(
and yumbo sound good i didnt eat yet so a sammy sounds pretty smackin right now :V
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bugthegremlin · 3 years
my mom fucking barged in the bathroom even after I tried to lock and hold the door shut because she had to fucking piss even though I was clearly extremely fucking wit with everything that was happened and I barely had time to put on my towel bc all I had was a half on sports bra because she thinks its dramatic to want her to wait 5 minutes so I can get pants and a shirt on but it's okay because shes my mom and we have the same "parts" and she saw me when I was a baby news fucking flash you can wait five fickimg minutes to piss so that I don't have to get sensory overloaded because you're pissing right fcking next to me and so fucking uncomfy because I'm mostly naked and I'm incredibly dysphoric and even without dysphoria I'm still incredibly uncomfortable but you could wait 5 fucking minutes to piss and had to violate a fucking child's privacy to an extreme so you sisnt have to wait 3 morw minutes to fucki ngf pee
I was so ufcking uncomfy and just overloaded I started to ducji j.g cry almost w her in the bathroom and then she left and i cried hut then i got a nosebleed and now my stomach hurts because of blood going down my throat and I'm just fo gu cung sick of eve ruh thing rn why can u not get 1 fucking hour of peace
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
tf liveblog 1
sooo welcome to my latest liveblog, i love talking so i decided to liveblog my re-read of the transformers comics, specifically mtmte/ll. so, here goes!
starting out today w/death of optimus prime...i read mtmte/ll about 2 yrs ago, and i almost immediately re-read it, this time w/ruth...the first time i read it i missed a LOT, and reading it again really helped me actually understand what was happening lmao. so this’ll be my 3rd time reading it overall! so SPOILER WARNING for anyone reading this, i have read the whole series and will be referencing stuff that happens in future issues (tho i doubt anyone will read these, which is completely fine lmao, i love hearing my own thoughts so these are for me first and foremost) 
on we go!
omg i forgot how dramatic this is. ok lets do it, monologue time
‘afterspark’...i love transformers words lmao
hvbhdjfsdf optimus being like ‘I'm still alive it seems...bummer’
gps meaning ‘galactic positioning system’ vbajkhfdsk again, love the terminology 
optimus rlly just went on the biggest bender of all time and then wandered into a city like ‘where the fuck am i. this is the future right?’ lmao bro
WHIRL!!!!!!! i forgot he showed up this early
RODIMUSSSS my fucking boi
and bumblebee and wheeljack! i remember first reading this and recognizing basically nobody aside from optimus lmao
ooooh is that cyclonus i see in the bg of rodimus’s mini flashback explanation?? MY MANNNN 
also i have no idea what they're talking abt vhbhadjskhfjsf I'm w/ya there optimus....i never read anything other than mtmte/ll so i really am not filled in on any of the other lore
ultra magnus arresting swindle in the bg lmao
i love the fact that there were all these like, refugee cybertronians all around the galaxy who didn't want any involvement w/the war for a variety of reasons...like, that makes so much sense!!! love it
god i love the politics in this world. its all so nuanced and interesting and grey, bc everyone’s side has Some logic to it
‘the decepticon pen’ vbhsdfhsajbfk i cant why did they call it that
oh god i almost forgot they threw poor cyclonus in there. let him live
[sees soundwave] <3<3<3
perceptor and rewind!!!!!!! 
rewind...so tiny and smart...love him
TRAPPED LIGHT....aughhhhh i love all the mfing FORSHADOWING stuff
the optimus prime effigy omfg
also the fact that the knights of cybertron supposedly left cybertron abt 10 million yrs ago...in the grand scheme of transformers that's not even that long ago tbh
also bee is so ufcking tiny oh my god
oh god prowl. #1 jackass 
i feel like rodimus only understands part of what's going on and is like. ok this politics stuff sucks lets DO something
bumblebee out here quoting hsm 
hvabjdfbsaf i remember the first time i read this i lichrally didn't know who any of these characters were and finally when someone said prowls name i was like THATS PROWL?????? lmao
like as a kid i watched tf animated and the bay movies so all my lore knowledge came from there. and well also transformers was my first foray into fanfiction so theres that too lmao
‘terrible things happen in war. terrible things happen in peace, as well’ LOVE IT
oh yeah those i/d chips sure are FUCKED UP jesus christ
magnus: yeah I'm down for a road trip actually. this place blows 
also I'm sure magnus knew that rodimus & drift’s party ship would last about 5 seconds without some sort of solid authority to prevent everyone from dying immediately, so
i rlly love the conflict between the autobots and the nails bc both sides have really valid points abt everything
oof optimus leaving cybertron bc he recognizes that he as a figure represents the war...bro
bee rlly is hardcore in this continuity 
optimus silently handing bee and rodimus a half of the matrix and stalking off...peak tired dad energy
optimus orion: fuckkkk yea i can finally do shit without my hundreds of kids bothering me for stuff. exile rules
so that's it for this issue!! ill probably try to keep these shorter and more coherent than my hxh liveblogs lmao. not sure if ill do quite as much meta here as I did there, since this isn't the first time I'm reading this 
anyways, great start to a great series, i love the post-war setup SO MUCH, especially since so many other pieces of transformers media takes place during or before the war
and like, this feels pretty earned (at least to me) bc there WAS a bunch of comic stuff from the war period (not that i read any of it...)
god i wish idw didnt reboot the tf comics. there's so much more they could've done w/the post-war setting ugh
anyways, great start, cant wait to reread more!
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