#IYTM Bonus Content
cdmagic1408 · 2 years
CDmagic1408's QOY Miniatures! ✨
Quest Masters!
May I proudly present to thee...
my Quests of Yore miniatures! In color! 🎨
(cue group photo and dramatic photoshoot! 📸)
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These six figures all come straight from the real life Quests of Yore game that was released just last year, and even though I myself got the game in June 2021, I never thought to paint the minis that came with it…until NOW
I began painting them back in April 2022, but only after three individual days of just placing color somewhere on them, I soon got busy with finishing up my college semester that I didn’t pick up on them again until two months later in June
From then on until just last week, I spent every other day or so painting these and now they are finally done!!
I absolutely love how they all came out! Each mini is definitely unique in their own special way! 
Like any true adventurer on a grand quest, it took great courage, tons of patience, a dash of creativity, and clever resourcefulness to transform these figures as you see them!
My weapons of choice included acrylic paint, the finest and tiniest brush tips plus a toothpick (which is basically a thin paintbrush without hairs going all over the place), and a steady hand to accomplish this no easy feat!
And in the end, it was totally worth it! All of these characters feel much more alive and real with color on them! So I'm beyond glad and excited to have accomplished this artistic deed 😄
Now before I do a deep dive into each of these minis, below is a video I made where I did 3D turnarounds of each of them! I so wish you guys could see these beautiful masterpieces in person—believe me looking at them with my own two eyes, they are GORGEOUS—but I’m afraid this is the best I can do...
I guess I was thinking about how on the bonus feature disc for the 2005 Toy Story 2 DVD, they showed 3D turnarounds of each of the character models and the environments from the movie, and just remembering how much I would watch those over and over again when I was younger…basically I wanted to do something like that lol. As much as I wish Onward went all out like that in their bonus content (like for real I would so watch a 3D turnaround of a New Mushroomton street), that’s obviously a post for another day…
So yeah here is a closer look at each individual miniature with background music! 
all turned around with a cupcake pedestal (courtesy of my mom) and QOY land pieces on top of a much bigger dish lol
The Manticore - this is the only mini I decided to really go by the book on, with the exception of one minor detail…I decided to give her pink nails like she has in the movie! if I had to name my favorite modern detail about her, that would definitely be it! but yeah other than that, she’s just too awesome of a character to be painted any differently! 
Dragon - this is your quick IYTM spoiler warning but I based this mini entirely on Dragon Ian from the fanfic’s climax! I even made the pearl he’s holding the S.S. Medallion! and the ground he’s standing on is Gedeon’s lair! As my own text in the story describes: using the medallion, Ian shapeshifts into a huge aqua-colored dragon with talons, scales, a whip-like tail and all! so if you desire another visual of what he looks like during that portion of the fan novel’s penultimate chapter: this is it!
Gnome (Companion/Bard) - this one I wanna say was the quickest to paint because of how small she is. Her hair is partly inspired by Giulia from Luca. I know Guilia’s hair is a little darker than the gnome’s but I couldn’t resist giving this gnome a red hat and didn’t necessarily want the colors to clash. still the hair itself just reminded me of Guilia, so I wanted to give her a hair color that was at least close to it. Also being in the companion role, I decided to give this figure warm colors overall to give off a vibe of friendliness!
Cyclops (Savant/Wizard) - Purple robes with pink skin was my immediate first thought when it came to this mini. To put it simply, I wanted to defy gender stereotypes with this one. Purple is an absolutely amazing robe color! and it’s my second favorite color after blue! This purple specifically is plum and I think it contrasts the pink very well to the point that it pops. I also used the other purples I had to make other details shine such as the band on his wizard hat and his sleeves. lastly I wanna say that this is the mini where I found using a toothpick to add details was brilliant! It’s how I got his eye to be how it is! 
Elf (Defender/Warrior) - if I had to pick, I’d say this one was the hardest to paint! mainly because I went back and forth on which colors I wanted to use for her. The last thing I wanted for any of these figures was to have them be dull-looking. But ultimately I decided to go in a slightly risqué direction and turn her warrior outfit in such a way that I gave her a midriff. I guess for an elf I thought she needed more blue than just on her face and hair lol. I also gave her the Shield of Zadar as depicted in the QOY book and the Greatsword which is on an item card from the QOY game!
Satyr (Vagabond/Rogue) - I gave this mini all sorts of colors but its main ones are definitely blue, green, and gold. Being a satyr, I kinda wanted to go in a nature-feel direction and to me that means green, brown, and gold, but also all sorts of colors since nature itself has all sorts of colors in it! Of all the minis, his expression is definitely my favorite! Tbh I don’t really know how I did it, I just made it work! Again, with a toothpick, and by putting down the right amount of paint I guess lol. But just the way he is, it screams ready for action!
But yeah there you have it, QMs! Those are my painted QOY minis!
If you have this game, if you have paint, and if you're looking for an art project to do, I highly suggest doing this!!!
I know the thought of laying paint on these guys seems scary and intimidating, believe me I definitely had those thoughts when I began laying out the groundwork for this, but as Barley once said: "You'll never be ready! MERGE!"
So my best advice is: just do it, don't hold back. If you make a mistake, you can always paint over it! If you're frustrated over how it's going, take a break! If you need inspiration, check out Barley's figures which are scattered in different scenes at the beginning of the film and/or any Onward book that depicts art whether that's the art book or the irl QOY book!
All this advice helped me turn my once grayed out miniatures into the beautiful and colorful miniatures that they are now and they're absolutely fantastic!
This whole experience was a lot of fun and I'm so thrilled to finally share what I've spent a good two-ish months working on with you guys!
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cdmagic1408 · 2 years
Hey Quest Masters!
It would appear that a good few of us in the fandom are hungry for more Onward content...and not just any Onward content...like actual, heartfelt, authentic, not disgusting content
Honesty...so am I (as if I'm ever not lol)
And it's gotten to the point where I realized, "hey I actually miss posting Onward content, I really miss posting IYTM chapters, sure I do like using this blog to post about other things I like but it all started because I really love Onward and had a story I wanted to share..." 🤔
Now as much as I really want to share another story with you guys, believe me I really REALLY want to, I can't yet because I'm still working on one atm and part of writing an authentic, passionate story is taking the time to make sure that it's at that level...
BUT! I do have some good news! ☀️
For those of you who read and enjoyed IYTM, you're in for a treat! 🍬
✨ Starting Monday of next week, I will officially be starting my commentary series for it! ✨
If you liked the film commentary for Onward you'll most definitely like this! I have so many cool facts, tidbits, and behind the scenes scoop I'm excited to share with you all! 🎬
There will be more deets to come so keep an eye out for that! 👀 And hopefully in some shape or form this will help bring some activity back into our small, dedicated fandom! ✨
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cdmagic1408 · 3 years
The S.S. Medallion!
What better way to finally properly introduce the S.S. Medallion than to make its own QOY card based on the QOY game? Per the advice of Barley of course...
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Crafted by three gremlin wizards in the village of Dangarnon on the cusp of magic disappearing, this indestructible medallion canth give any wearer with thy magic gift the power to shapeshift into any creature desirable!
All you have to do is imagine the species thou wish to become and reciteth the Mystic Incantation: Mutatio Viventum. Then the medallion will do as thee commands, and you will transform into that species and gain said-species' abilities!
BUT BE WARNED! You will only stay in thy new form as long as thou haveth the talisman around thy neck. If removed from thy person for any reason, the transformation will immediately cease to exist and you will turn back to thy normal state!
But if thou would like the counterspell nonetheless, Ad Normalis shallth also return thee back to normal if needed.
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cdmagic1408 · 3 years
IYTM – Chapter 13 Scene Rough Storyboard
So I decided to draw for hours in one of my sketchbooks last night and this is what I made!
I swear on Chantar's Talon I have pictured this scene in my head hundreds of times...it's SO good!
And now here it is! In visual format! YAY! 😄
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Gedeon's Introduction — Ian finally meets Gedeon for the first time. Gremlin and all.
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cdmagic1408 · 3 years
Chant of the Lightfoot Brothers – Lyrics
* From Chapter 23 of IYTM *
(as presented on a hypothetical soundtrack...)
[🎵 Heroic, Questing Music 🎵]
Barley [spoken]: Our chant, dear Lightfoot!
Our chant of the Lightfoot brothers!
Together now, Sir Iandore!
Both: We’re heading on our quest
The medallion we must retrieve
The Lightfoot Brothers can’t be stopped
Because we believe
Barley [spoken]: Your turn!
Ian: I couldn’t believe I was so naive
Barley: To trust a wizard who loves to thieve
Ian: But that wasn’t my fault, I must perceive
Barley: This gremlin is one who likes to deceieeeeeeeeve!
Ian [spoken]: Yeah, he certainly is.
Ian: This chant that we’re conceiving
Barley: It is kind of relieving
Ian: It’s for sure a good distraction
Barley: We’re forming a chain reaction!
Ian: Oh yeah we are!
Barley [spoken]: Sir Iandore of Lightfoot!
Here come the mountains!
Prepare thy spell!
Ian [spoken]: I'm on it!
Avi Volanta!
[🎵 Instrumental Break 🎵]
Barley [spoken]: Woohoo! Well done, Ian!
See! The power of song CAN boost confidence!
Now keep thy spell going, co-pilot, for we have mountains to soar over!
Ian [spoken]: Sure thing, Sir Barley.
Just make sure to keep your hands on the wheel at all times.
‘Tis not a proper flight if we don’t do this together.
Barley [spoken]: Nay a problem because...
Barley: We’re having a heck of a time
Flying through the air!
Ian: Inside our pegasus, Guinevere!
Barley: The Second!
Ian: Right!
Barley: And let us not forget
About the amazing magic
Of Sir Iandore of Lightfoot!
Ian: Who is making Guinevere the Second fly afoot!
Barley: We’re together on this quest
All for one and one for all!
Ian: And catching you in case you fall!
Barley: A good point, young mage
Wouldn’t want to go through that again…
Ian: Or ever!
Barley: Together forever?
Ian: That’s better!
Barley: Barley!
Ian: Ian!
Barley: Oh, and don’t forget Gwinny too!
Ian: Of course!
Barley [spoken]: Now together once more, dear brother of mine!
Both: Gwinny two will take us through
And soon we’ll be...
Towards our VIC-TOR-Y!
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cdmagic1408 · 2 years
🗣 Hear ye, hear ye! Quest Masters!
My commentary series for IYTM will officially begin tomorrow with a dual post where I'll be doing commentary on the Prologue and Chapter 1!
So how this will work...
The schedule for this will pretty much work the same way as it did for the chapters: every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
And for right now, I'd say to expect these posts at around 4pm EST 🕓
Please feel free to reread the chapters before/or as these go along!
I will also be posting these pieces of commentary on a single Google Doc so that it's all in one place and the link for it can be found on my Pinned Post 📌
Now I feel justified to give a fair warning for those that still have yet to finish reading this story...
⚠️ There will be spoilers in ALL of these! ⚠️
And for that reason, I will be utilizing Keep Reading cuts for each of these posts!
As for those who have read this story and want more, get excited! Cause what I'm about to show you all is the quest of how I came to master this story, and boy what a quest it was! ✍️
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cdmagic1408 · 2 years
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Here sits Gedeon, in the dungeon, following his defeat at the hands of Ian and Barley Lightfoot...
Trust me when I say that we really haven't the last of him yet...
Since day one of his imprisonment, he's been mumbling on and on to himself on how he'll get his revenge against the Lightfoot brothers for stealing back "his" medallion and ruining his dastardly plan to implant the very talisman inside himself forever...
But before he can possibly seek any vengeance on anybody, he needs out of this cell first...
Until then...
here's to my villainous OC on his birthday today! 🎁
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cdmagic1408 · 2 years
IYTM – Chapter 13 (Commentary)
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Title: True Colors Revealed
Google Docs
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cdmagic1408 · 2 years
IYTM – Chapter 12 (Commentary)
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Title: Uncovering the Truth
Google Docs
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cdmagic1408 · 2 years
If You Trust Me - Chapter 11 (Commentary)
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Title: A Sense of Understanding
Working Title: Not Even My Friends Understand
Google Docs
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cdmagic1408 · 2 years
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FACT: this is legit the last surviving IYTM ad that's on my college campus!
All the others have either been taken down, lost, or ruined by the weather but yeah didn't want to head home without taking this photo op! 📸
I'm amazed that this one stayed in pretty good condition and stayed anyway for as long as it did considering I put it up around mid-October, then again it was placed under a roof with a bike rack in front of it so that helps I guess 😅
So anyway for cute "caption this photo" purposes, Ian says: read If You Trust Me - An Onward Fanfiction if you haven't already! It's a really amazing multi-chapter novel starring me and my brother! ✨
Also CD tells me that as soon as we get back to her hometown on Friday night, she'll be resuming her chapter commentary for it! The next one will be diving into how the scenes featuring me and my friends in the cafeteria, me and Vance talking in the hall, and Guinevere the Second breaking down on Barley all came together. It all sounds awesome! ❤️‍🔥
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cdmagic1408 · 3 years
If You Trust Me - An Onward Fanfiction
* All chapters now available on AO3 and WattPad! *
The magic is back…but at what cost?
When Ian Lightfoot unexpectedly comes upon an unknown talisman, it leads him and his older brother, Barley, on a path to try and figure out its purpose. But when they are unable to follow the traditional quest right away, the brothers come into conflict with each other over where to go onward. Ultimately, the mysterious magical relic will send both Ian and Barley on an all-new adventure that will test their relationship and bring them even closer together.
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Original Publication: August 30th - December 8th, 2021
Archive of Our Own (AO3)
Chapter Index
Table of Contents
* Author's Commentary * (ongoing, currently on indefinite hiatus)
#onward if you trust me commentary - follow this hashtag or click on *Author's Commentary* above to access the commentary google doc!
Other Bonus Content 👈
#IYTM bonus content - follow this hashtag to check out even more content related to this epic fan-novel!
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cdmagic1408 · 2 years
ITYM – Chapter 4 (Commentary)
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Title: Mr. Vance
Google Docs
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cdmagic1408 · 2 years
IYTM – Chapter 3 (Commentary)
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Title: School of Thought
Google Docs
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cdmagic1408 · 2 years
IYTM – Prologue (Commentary)
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Title: Prologue
Google Docs
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cdmagic1408 · 3 years
"NEW" OC Alert!
SPOILERS below if you haven't read Chapter 13 yet!
Quest Masters!
May I re-introduce you all to the main OC of this story...who isn't Mr. Vance after all, but...
Gedeon the Grotesque!
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Full Name: Gedeon Pepperbucket (but for "reasons" you better call him Gedeon the Grotesque)
Geh-de-on (pronounced like Gideon, but with an e instead of an i)
A mysterious cloaked thief with the magic gift who is after Ian and the S.S. Medallion, Gedeon will stop at nothing to get what he believes to be HIS talisman back in his scaly green gremlin claws, even if it means going undercover….
Voice Claim: Billy Idol
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