#Iba x Shiori
iba-hime · 6 years
Life’s Purpose
Shiori ran.
She ran as fast as she could.
Sen and Chizuru had tried to stop her, calling for Kimigiku. Despite her injuries, she had pushed past them, grabbed Mikazuki Munechika and ran like hell. No one could stop her from going, not after Chizuru had handed her the coat. The black bloodstained coat that he had proudly worn with his family crest.
She could smell the familiar scent of his blood. She knew it too well. She learned it best when Takeda had injured his arm beyond repair. That’s when Iba had decided to become a fury and abandon his humanity in order to possess the other arm.
She drew her sword, her violet hair dancing behind her as she moved quickly among the furies that were on the field. She knew he had been here. She could smell him, and the mixture of all kinds of rancid scents, decaying bodies, fresh blood, the mixture of nature among all the brutality that was happening.
“TAKEDA!” Shiori screamed at the top of her lungs has she spotted the magenta-haired man. He easily blocked her strike. “What the fuck did you do to him?!” She was angry at the man in front of her, at herself for showing her own tears.
“Oya, even with your injuries, you’re still able to move. Impressive of my future bride.” Takeda’s smirk only fueled her anger.
“Shut the fuck up!” She screamed again, her eyes turned gold, and this time moved faster than him and was able to sink her sword into his shoulder. She quickly pulled it out and was maddened when she saw it regenerate.
Takeda’s laughter only grew with each strike Shiori was able to get in.
Shiori took labored breaths and winced, finally feeling pangs of pain from her injury, it was bleeding through her bandages. She had to get his head or his heart. She dropped to her knees, using her sword to hold herself up. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could keep it up.
Takeda approached her and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look up at him. “Now that I’ve taken care of that worthless-” He let out a choked scream.
Shiori had pierced his heart with a hidden dagger she’d had in her sleeve. She wasn’t going to hear another word dishonoring her beloved. She pushed it in deeper into his chest, until she could no longer hear him. “Don’t you dare say another word about him.” She whispered as bitter tears rolled down her cheeks.
Chizuru had told her that Iba’s body was nowhere to be found. They’d only found his coat and nothing else. She couldn’t even give him a proper resting place.
She didn’t have anything else to look forward to. She had no home. No family left.
Iba had been her everything. They were going to start lives together once they’d killed Takeda. They were going to move away from the madness of all this going on to spend the rest of their lives in peace, perhaps even form a family of their own.
And now she had nothing.
She looked down at her bloodstained hands as her tears continued to roll down her cheeks as she clenched her hands into fists. What was she supposed to do now?
She could hear his sweet voice in her mind. She never wanted to forget the sound of it, of his velvety whisper that made her skin crawl with pleasure.
It sounded so close.
“Dearest!” Arms enveloped her and her breath hitched in surprise. She grasped at his shirt as she sobbed like a child. She didn’t even have to open her eyes to know.
“I’m sorry, Dearest.” He murmured, hugging her tightly.
Shiori couldn’t speak, only continue to sob and hold onto him tightly. “Why did you leave me? Why?”
Iba peppered kisses on her forehead and cupped her cheeks. “I couldn’t. I clung on desperately to life. Motoyama found me before I was devoured by the furies. He’s rather good with a gun. We’d barely managed to escape.”
Shiori quickly moved away from him when smelled iron. “Fuck, your wounds, ‘Ro!”
He chuckled slightly. “I ran once Motoyama received word that you were out here. You shouldn’t have come.”
“Iba Hachirō, I thought…” She sighed, resigning herself to saying what she truly felt. “I thought my whole world was gone. I thought I was alone again. I thought I’d lost my purpose in life. Hachirō, I wanted to die the moment Yukimura handed me your coat. I was so close to letting Takeda take my life to feel the sweet release of death, but I have more pride than to let scum like him take my life.”
Iba stared at her before his lips met hers. Neither wanted to part for air. They just wanted to feel each other. He continued to place kisses on her lips and jaw. “I’m sorry Dearest. I won’t ever be leaving you. I didn’t have time to send word to Osen-san. I wanted to tell you as quickly as possible…I didn’t quite imagine that you’d pursue Takeda with your injuries.”
“Funny how love gives me strength.” She sighed and grasped his hands tightly. “’Ro, please. Let’s go home.”
“Of course, Dearest.”
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Fight me prompt, Shiori and Iba
COP AU! This one was hella fun, thank you~. BTW, watch out for language.
“He’s so perfect!”
Shiori’s eyes burned with jealousy as she eyed a group of women standing by the coffee machine, gossiping and preparing their coffees. All the pairs of eyes were on her boyfriend. He really was perfect, it used to aggravate her to no end, with his beautiful soft green eyes, perfect hair, face, beautiful features, everything about him was perfect.
But now it was aggravating that women were staring at him, right in front of her. She watched him with the group of women. He was just sitting at his desk, in his white button up shirt, loose navy blue tie, doing paperwork. He was just going about his day, looking so good. If this station was empty, she’d shove him onto his desk-
He was so annoying. Was annoying the word for him anymore? Oh God, how she used to find this rich pretty boy with his positive attitude for everything so damn annoying back when they first met. When he smiled, annoyance bubbled within her-or perhaps her heart was beating faster and her stomach had flipped for a different reason? She didn’t know, but now her heart and stomach did those things because she was in love with him. Love. She couldn’t get used to the word.
Shiori grabbed her mug of hot, black coffee and pushed past the group, grumbling curses under her breath as she stomped towards her boyfriend’s desk. She grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him up to crush her lips to his, maybe that’ll show them.
“Shi-Shiori!” Iba’s cheeks were dusted with pink as he straightened his shirt and tie. “We’re…out here…” He wondered what was up with her…she wasn’t one to flaunt their relationship in their precinct.  
“Hachirō, you’re mine.” She whispered, her fingers lingering at his cheeks, sighing. “Don’t you forget that.”
“I-I’ve never forgotten it, not since the day we confessed our love…”
Shiori flushed this time. He was so cheesy. “I’m going to spar for a bit, I’ll see you later.”
Iba watched his girlfriend flip another man over, sighing dreamily. She was so pretty, her long, wavy violet hair in a ponytail, flipping behind her as she sparred. He went over and wiped her sweat with a towel, surprising her. Iba smiled as he saw her cheeks redden, and she swatted his hand away gently, her manner of saying she liked the action. “Hachirō, fight me.”
Chuckling, he continued patting her forehead and nodded. Her tone was much more different than when they had met. “Fight me!” She said so angrily, annoyed, with a glare in her cyan eyes. It was her response to everything and everyone. She wanted to prove that she was better in hand-to-hand, with a gun, making arrests. She had always been endearingly competitive to him. Shiori had something to prove in this male-dominated job, and she was certainly pulling her weight. Iba as her partner and boyfriend supported her. Her “fight mes” were now said with a hint of affection when she said them to him. “Very well, Shiori, I’ll spar with you.”
The remaining officers cleared the room, knowing they weren’t going to get any more use out of the sparring area.
They circled around each other like panthers circling their prey, but with no intent to kill. Iba made the first move, lunging at her, but she quickly feinted right, avoiding his hands. Shiori made the next move, and successfully caught him in his her grasp, attempting to flip him on his back. Iba hooked his leg around hers and tripped them both to the ground, pinning her underneath him. He chuckled lightly as she tried to rip out of his grasp, but she didn’t make any desperate attempts to get out of his grasp. Iba tenderly brushed his lips against hers, his brown hair tickling her face. “Ah-ah, seems like it’s my win today, Dearest.” He brushed his nose against hers and kissed it.
“Goddamn it, Hachirō,” She sighed but blushed, her heart was overfilling with feelings for him. She felt his grasp loosen and took the opportunity to roll him onto his back and pin his wrists down. A little smirk graced her lips and she crushed her lips to his, letting her tongue dance with his.
She left him breathless. He could feel her hot breath on his cheeks. “…can we call that a draw, Darling?” Her violet locks tickled his cheeks. Being pinned underneath her wasn’t a bad sight either. His eyes traced her curves until they met her cyan eyes.
“Shut up, Hachirō.” She flicked his forehead. “Down. I’m on duty until evening.”
“Ouch…” He sat up and pouted. “What a shame that is, Dearest.” Iba’s arm grabbed her waist and pulled her into him, his lips softly pressing against her forehead. “I’ll meet you at home. I’ll have a nice bath running for you with vanilla candles, a bath bomb, and rose petals. I’ll even have a glass of wine waiting for you.” He whispered in her ear, causing her to shiver in his embrace. “Mm? What do you say to that?”
She flushed and quickly stood up. “F-fine…just…” She dropped her voice to a whisper. “Make sure you’re in that bath.”
Iba let out a light laugh and stood up. “Deal, Dearest. I’ll see you later.” He gave her hand a squeeze and let it linger as he left the room.
After finishing in the shower and pulling on his pants, he was finishing buttoning up his white shirt.
“Yo, Hachirō!” Shinpachi clapped his back as he opened the locker next his. He pulled out his clothes and tossed them on the bench.
“Hello, Nagakura-san.” Iba bowed his head and continued buttoning his shirt. Before he could continue their conversation, a loud conversation made them turn their heads.
“You got thrown on your back real good back then by Kaneko, Kimura.” Roars of laughter sounded by the the locker room on the other side.
“Aw, shut up, Maeda. She’s stronger than she looks.”
“Bet her body’s as nice as it felt, huh?”
Iba clenched his fist as he paused his movements. He didn’t like that one bit. He’ll let it slide, just this once.
“You don’t even know. I’d tap that ass if I could. Maybe I should spar with her next time.”
“She’ll toss you on your ass, Goto.”
“Speaking of asses we’d tap, what about that prosecutor that’s been coming around?”
“Ah, Miura, yeah. She’s not too bad on the eyes, she has a nice rack too.”
“Nah, Kaneko has a better body.”
“Miura has a better ass.”  
“That’s it!” Shinpachi charged towards them and punched the nearest officer standing to him. “Shut the fuck up!” He clenched his fists. “You bastards, how the fuck do you speak so disrespectfully!” He threw out another punch which set them all off.
Iba rushed over to help Shinpachi, resulting in a brawl. Punches were being thrown, bodies were noisily being flung against the lockers which attracted the attention Captain Hijikata who was passing by with Sanosuke. They entered the men’s locker room and broke up the fight.
“Shinpachi!” Hijikata roared. “Stop!”
Sanosuke used his long arms to push them away from each other. “Calm down, you idiots!”
“STOP THIS IMMEDIATELY.” Hijikata’s voice boomed and it had everyone stopping in their tracks. “Get in my office, all of you!” He barked, storming out of the locker room.
They filed in after him.
“What the fuck was that?”
“Nagakura threw the first punch, Captain.”
“I don’t fucking care. What the hell was that? For fuck’s sakes you’re worse than inmates!” Hijikata ran a hand through his short, black hair.
“Allow me to explain, Captain Hijikata…” Iba cleared his throat. “…They were saying disrespectful things about Officer Kaneko and Prosecutor Miura. Awful, misogynistic comments about them.” He clenched his fists, trying to keep his voice steady. His soft green eyes glared at the other officers.
“I expect this shit from Shinpachi, but I can’t believe you were mixed into this, Hachirō.” Hijikata sighed, shaking his head. “And you idiots, those kinds of comments are prohibited. Fucking prohibited. That officer and prosecutor you were talking shit about are both hard workers. Next time I hear any sort of shit like this, I’m sending you to a sexual harassment class.” Hijikata crossed his arms. “Get the hell out of my office, all of you!”
Shinpachi and Iba remained in his office as the others filed out.
“Hijikata-san! You shouldn’t have let them off so damn easy!” Shinpachi clenched his jaw, wincing at the pain in his face. “They were saying shit about Etsu!”
“I didn’t appreciate the comments made about Shiori either…” Iba said lowly.
“I know. They’re…friends. Kaneko’s one of our finest and Miura has helped solved numerous cases. Talented, the both of them. I don’t appreciate the comments, and if I ever hear shit like that again, I’ll be making suspensions and taking overtime away.” Hijikata crossed over to his chair and sat in it.
He sighed as he heard loud footsteps and the door to his office bust wide open.
“What the fuck happened?” Shiori followed by Etsu entered and went over to their respective boyfriends. They had been given a short explanation by Sannosuke and Shiori had charged out when she heard that Iba was involved in a brawl.  
Etsu’s brows furrowed in concern. “Honey Bear…your face…you’ve got bruises…” She gave his hands a squeeze. “Why did you get in a fight, Shin?”
“Shit happens…y’know…let’s go.” Shinpachi pulled her out of the office by her hand, giving it a slight squeeze.
“Who the fuck messed up your face? Which son of a bitch’s chops am I gonna bust? Who the fuck was the fucker that did this fucking shit to you?” Shiori was glaring at the bruises on his face and his busted lip.
“Language. You kiss me with that tongue, Dearest?” Iba sighed and took her hand in his.
“Shut up and tell me which fucker am I going after.” She cast her cyan eyes onto their Captain. “Captain Hijikata?”
“It’s not within my authority to tell.” He gave them a sly smile. “But I’ll pretend I didn’t hear anything if Hachirō says anything.” He’d love to see them all get their chops busted by one of his best officers.
“Shiori, is it my looks? Do you love me for my looks?” Iba feigned a pout.
“It’s the fact that they fucking hurt you and it shows.” Her fingers gently slid down his cheek.
“Get Hachirō treated, Kaneko.” Hijikata pointed to the door.
“Yes, sir.” Shiori continued to grumble under her breath as Iba squeezed her hand as they walked out.
His usual soft eyes were fierce as they walked past the group of officers he’d fought. His jaw clenched at the thought of any of them laying their slimy hands on his girlfriend.
“Hachirō, my hand.” Shiori tapped the back of his hand with her other one. “A little tight there.”
“I’m sorry, Darling.” He released her hand and placed it on the small of her back, guiding her forward.
She could tell something was bothering him, but she made a note to ask about it later.
Sighing, Shiori settled into the bathtub next to her boyfriend. After having Etsu put ointment on his bruises, since she had some things to finish. Like Iba had said, when she came home, dinner had been cooked and the bath had been as he’d described it.
Iba buried his face into her neck and he pulled her close. “Shiori…I…would prefer it if you wouldn’t spar with other men besides the men in our friends group?”
“Could it be what that brawl was about? Some stupid sexual comments those idiots made?” Shiori had heard it from Etsu after she’d gotten it out of Shinpachi. She leaned against his chest.
“Yes. They bothered me…that they would talk about you in such a manner, as well as other women.” He shut his eyes, enjoying the feel of her skin against his under the water.
“Hachirō, they don’t mean shit. If they make a pass at me or anyone else, I’ll split their skulls open.”
“And I have no doubt, Dearest. I know you can handle them.” Iba kissed her cheek. “…I just…hate it. That other men look at you in such a way.”
Shiori laughed at the irony. “…Honey Pie, women look at you too in the same manner men look at me, I guess. I’m not particularly attractive though.”
Iba gasped and shook his head. “Shiori! You’re absolutely beautiful.” He kissed her shoulder, murmuring against her skin. “Every bit of you. Don’t put yourself down. You define beauty itself.”
Red colored her cheeks. “Right back at you, Iba Hachirō, you and your stupidly perfect looks.” She ran her fingers through his brown hair. “But you’re all mine.”
“I am, and you’re mine too.” Iba captured her lips and let his hands roam her body as hers roamed his body.
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hs4rtn3ss · 4 years
Doushino, fem!Douma x Shinobu - Reencarnaciones - Parte 2: Peleas y demonios
“¿Por qué ver por separadas esta vida y la siguiente si una proviene de la anterior? ... Habla del anhelo, de un alma que clama por otra. ”
— Luke Evans.
  Parte dos: Peleas y demonios.
    Shiori en algún momento tendría que corresponder a sus sentimientos.
  No había manera de que ella no pudiera gustarle, es decir; Douko se veía a sí misma como alguien linda, educada, su estatus social no estaba mal, tenía muchas cualidades y puntos a su favor. Entonces, ¿Por qué? ¿Por qué Shiori la rechazó?
 La entristecía, demasiado.
 — ¡CÁLLATE POR UNA MALDITA VEZ MUJER! —se escuchó gritar a una voz masculina, Douko podía escucharlo claramente desde su habitación.
 — ¡Llegas tarde a la casa! ¡¿Dónde estabas?! ¡Seguro fuiste a verte con una zorra! ¡Me estás engañando, eres horrible! —la voz de su madre, como siempre, replicaba ante los gritos de su padre.
 « ¿Podrían pelear en silencio, por favor? Estoy pensando en el amor de mi vida.» se dijo a sí misma la rubia, hundiendo la cabeza entre las almohadas. No le molestaba que sus padres pelearán todo el tiempo, de hecho, se había acostumbrado a ese drama durante sus dieciséis años de vida. Sí su padre le era infiel a su madre, no era asunto suyo; su su madre se molestaba con él y empezaba a arrojarle cosas, tampoco le importaba. Esa rutina le había cansado hace mucho y, sinceramente, no le veía el sentido a molestarse o entristecerse.
  Durante mucho empezó a distraerse con libros, amaba leer y recolectar la mayor información que le fuera posible. Más que nada, leía libros sobre psicología, antropología y el comportamiento humano. Le gustaba ese campo, principalmente porque había ocasiones donde ella misma era incapaz de procesar ciertas emociones o sentirlas con intensidad.
Halló un término bastante peculiar «alexitimia», es decir, la incapacidad de hacer o corresponder las acciones con las emociones, así como también otras características sintomáticas que se asocian a ella. Sí bien Douko, en su niñez, era sumamente indiferente a lo que pasaba en el mundo y solía reflexionar demasiado las cosas como, por ejemplo, las discusiones de sus padres.
 «Han destruido mi jarrón de flores favorito...» dijo una vez mientras se encontraba en medio de una pelea entre su madre y su padre, su madre se había puesto histérica debido a un cruce de palabras con su padre. Y le había parecido mejor agarrar el jarrón de flores que ella misma le había obsequiado a Douko para aventárselo al hombre por la cabeza « Madre, papá está sangrando. Va a ensuciar la alfombra.»
 Se limitó a decir aquella vez, como si nada, sin expresar algún gesto melancólico sino más bien de decepción cuando vio todo el desorden que sus padres habían hecho por el pleito. Así estuvo durante varios años de su infancia, por lo que para ella se hizo normal. Luego empezó a leer libros, descubriendo que los adultos solían tener muchas peleas cuando no había la suficiente comunicación entre ellos, faltaba amor o existía la inseguridad de pareja.
 Falta de amor.
Ahora que lo pensaba, ella sentía mucho amor por Shiori. Un amor profundo e inexplicable, que surgió tan pronto en cuanto la vio. Es lo que muchos llamaban un flechazo, ¿Sería ella su persona predilecta, su alma gemela? Jaja, ojalá Shiori pudiera verlo de esa forma también.
  — Douko, ¿Qué haces aquí? Deberías irte en la escuela... —la mujer de prominente flequillo color oscuro y el cual ocupaba parte de su rostro, suspiró al ver a la joven rubia tan temprano en su tienda. Su tono de voz era apacible, un poco frío, parecía a punto de reprender a la muchacha que ocupaba el taburete delante de ella—, si ya desayunaste, por favor, vete.
 Douko sonrió entre dientes, ¿Acaso le molesta a su presencia ahí? Sería divertido ver a esa mujer enojada alguna vez, pero en el tiempo que ella llevaba conociéndola nunca la había visto así. Mucho menos sabía el color de sus ojos, el flequillo sobre su cara abarcaba todo ello. A veces se preguntaba cómo era capaz de ver de ese modo.
 — ¡Señorita Biwa, escúchenme! Es de mala educación no prestarle atención a una linda adolescente que le está contando sus problemas amorosos...—se quejó la joven muchacha, haciendo un gesto de drama sobreactuado cuando la mujer adulta le dio la espalda para sostener un instrumento musical—, ahí va, como siempre. Ignorándome solo para tocar esa pipa...
 — Te dije que no me llamaras así. Tus problemas no me interesan, págame la comida y vete —respondió de forma contundente aquella mujer, calma, sin señal de molestarse. Lo cierto es que Douko estaba faltando casi por más de treinta minutos a la escuela solo porque se desvió a comprar un poco de comida en un local de la comunidad. La rubia lo sabía, así que se rindió en cuando a la lúgubre mujer y decidió dejar el dinero sobre la barra—, llegarás tarde a clases. No quiero que tus padres me denuncien con las autoridades por creer que soy una mala influencia para ti.
  — ¡Qué cruel! Es porque no me has dicho tu nombre la razón de ponerte un apodo. Y llevo más de tres años viniendo a tu tienda, pensé que éramos amigas...—reprochó la más joven, levantándose para finalmente ir caminando hacia la salida del local—, a mis padres no les interesa lo que yo haga.
  Mientras iba de camino a la escuela, Douko se tropezó con una escena bastante cómica de lo que parecían ser un par de jóvenes casi de su misma edad.
 — ¡¡WAAAAAAAHHHH!! TOUKO-CHAN, DEJA DE PATEARME. VOY LO MÁS RÁPIDO QUE PUEDO. ES TU CULPA POR NO DESPERTARME TEMPRANO —se quejó el muchacho de cabello negro, cuyas cejas eran tan frondosas y gruesas que Douko las familiarizó con las propias. Aquel muchacho alto chilló cuando una joven chica que caminaba a su lado lo golpeó, agarrándolo de la punta de la oreja—, ¡Eres tan horrenda, no te pareces en nada a la bisabuela! ¡Demonio, eres un demonio cruel!
 —¡Deja de gritar, llorón! ¡Te llamé un montón de veces, pero te negaste a levantarte! ¡Seguro estuviste toda la noche leyendo el libro del bisabuelo! Por favor, déjalo descansar en paz. Y apúrate, vamos tarde a la escuela. —le regañó la mujer de larga cabellera negra. Wow, era muy linda pero su personalidad no encajaba en lo absoluto con su aspecto—, cuánto daría por estar casada con mi adorable Tenma-sama, no tendría que pasar por todo esto.
  — Buenos días, disculpen —Douko se atrevió a interrumpir la pelea de ese par solo con la intención de saber más al respecto de lo que el muchacho de cejas gruesas había dicho antes—, mencionaste algo sobre demonios. ¿Podría saber a qué te refieres, por favor?
  Sonrió la rubia.
Lo siguiente fue un chillido que se podía comparar a un cerdo siendo masacrado mientras todavía estaba vivo.
Douko se cubrió los oídos antes de que le empezarán a sangrar.
 — ¡¡AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH, NO PUEDO CREER QUE UNA BELLEZA ASÍ ME ESTÉ DANDO LOS BUENOS DÍAS!! ¡ESTOY TAN FELIZ, TAN FELIZ QUE PODRÍA MORIR! —expresó a todo pulmón el joven, lo cual hizo que Douko forzara una sonrisa que al final de cuentas parecía incómoda. Uhg, ¿Qué le pasaba a ese muchacho? Casi parecía que le iba a dar una convulsión. Y, más importante, no respondió su pregunta—, UNA DIOSA ME HA HABLADO Y SU VOZ ES COMO UN CANTO DE ÁNGELES. TOUKO-CHAN, GOLPEAME. GOLPEAME PORQUE SIENTO QUE TODAVÍA ESTOY SOÑANDO. NO PUEDO-...
 La muchacha a su lado le dio un coscorrón tan fuerte que lo dejó noqueado al instante. Al parecer ahora tendría que arrastrarlo a donde quiera que ambos iban. ¿Una escuela, también, al igual que ella? Estaban vistiendo un uniforme escolar.
Touko sonrió, simpática, tras haber soltado un suspiro de resignación.
  — Buenos días, por favor, disculpa al tonto de mi hermano. No sabe tratar con las personas, o todo aquello que no sea sobre su libro... —parecía estar acostumbrada a lidiar con ello. Y era realmente fuerte como para cargar consigo a aquel chico—. No le hagas caso. Es normal que siempre esté parloteando cosas sin mucho sentido.
  — Entiendo... Él mencionó algo sobre un demonio, ¿Puedo saber de qué hablaba? —quería saldar su duda, estaba muy interesada.
 — ¿Eh? Oh, eso... —al parecer lo pensó un poco—, verás. Yoshiteru ha estado muy obsesionado con un libro que habla sobre demonios que, por herencia, dejó nuestro bisabuelo. Sin embargo, son solo historias.
  — Vale, quiero saber más al respecto. ¿Podrías darme su número de teléfono? Por favor... —la expresión de Touko parecía impresionada, ¿Será que la rubia delante de ella también era una aficionada sobre el tema? Bueno, le estaba haciendo una petición muy amable así que no vio problemas en darle el número de su hermano. Hicieron un pequeño intercambio de números, Douko también hacía guardado el contacto de Touko—, muchísimas gracias, de verdad. Llámame Douko,  por cierto. En fin, no te quito más tiempo. Deben estar apurados por llegar a su escuela.
  — Un placer, Douko-san, llámame soy Touko Agatsuma. ¡Oh! Claro, tú debes ir a la escuela que está cerca de aquí. La escuela exclusiva para chicas. Nosotros debemos tomar un tren para que nos lleve a la siguiente estación y por ende al distrito dónde está la nuestra —explicó, despidiéndose con amabilidad mientras arrastraba el cuerpo inerte de su hermano con ella—, ¡Qué te vaya bien, nos vemos!
  Se despidió con la mano al aire, marchando a toda prisa.
  — Sí, nos vemos luego —espetó Douko para así retomar la ruta a su escuela. Quizás sus contactos servían de algo, al final de cuentas. Y aprender sobre esas historias de demonios...
  ¡Bueno, bueno! Ahora sí podría ir a ver a su amada Shiori.
Oh, era seguro que la iban a regañar por llegar tarde. Solo esperaba que no citaran a sus padres. Suficientes peleas habían tenido ya.
   。☆✼★━━━━NOTAS DE AUTOR━━━━━★✼☆。
  ¡Hola, hola!
 Este fragmento es corto, sí. El próximo me aseguraré de que abarque más, claro, quiero incluir a más de los descendientes porque LOS AMO DEMASIADO.
 Y es probable que también incluya a las reencarnaciones de demonios... como habrán notado, metí a Nakime en esta parte. Sin un nombre es específico, no quería enrollarme así que la dejé cómo « La señorita Biwa» porque todavía seguía interesada en ese instrumento musical jaja.
  Acabo de darme cuenta que he publicado esta parte a las 3AM. Sí, es hora de ir a dormir. ¡Espero sus comentarios sobre cómo les parece que va la historia!
 Felices madrugadas, noches, o días.
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iba-hime · 6 years
Shiori groaned as her eyes flew opened and she balled her hands into fists, as she gasped for air. “Hachirō!” Her hands flew to her thighs, grabbing empty air, her gun nowhere in sight. She froze when she heard a gun cock.
“One more move and I’ll pull the trigger.” A smooth but playful voice warned her.
“What a way to treat a patient.” She mumbled and put her hands up. Her whole body pulsed with pain. She must’ve gotten shot while she was making her escape. “Who the hell are you?”
The man circled around in front, a sadistic smirk crossing his lips. Jade green eyes bore into her angry cyan blue eyes. “I should be asking that.”
“Okita-kun,” A soft chuckle caused the pair turn to a man with a gray suit and glasses. “Do not aggravate our patient. We haven’t heard who she truly is.”
The man named Okita lowered his gun, but his eyes remained fixated on her after he shot the man at the door a glance.
“Where the hell am I? Who are you?” Shiori’s eyes darted around the room, well-furnished, no windows…was she being kept prisoner here?
“Come, we’ve been waiting for you to explain yourself.”
Shiori stood in front of a group of men seated at a large table. She still felt so disoriented.
“Speak.” The one with black hair and sharp violet eyes ordered. “What the hell was a group of Dragons doing on our side?”
“I was trying to leave them. You know the code in a family. Die as a Dragon or die as a traitor.” She glared around the table. “But where the hell am I?”
“Shinsengumi territory. It doesn’t bode well for you, as a Dragon.” The man from earlier spoke calmly but coldly as he sipped on a cup of tea. “I suggest you tell us what that was about then and what your plans are.”
Shiori sucked in a breath and winced, made aware of her wounds. “…I’m the former Dragon Princess, Assassin, Kaneko Shiori. I’m sure you’ve heard of me. Like I said, I wanted to skip town, settle down somewhere away from all this shit and live my life peacefully...with someone.” She closed her eyes, pushing memories away. “But they found me out and tried to have me killed. They water-boarded me for information, but they didn’t get shit from me. Tried to put a bullet in me, and I guess I escaped.”
“I pulled you out.” A red-haired man spoke. “I was patrolling the area because one of ours spotted a large group of Dragons near our border. Saw the whole thing.”
“So, what do you want now? To run away with a lover?” The man with violet eyes sighed.
Shiori pursed her lips. “…I want to kill all of those bastards. Be free from them once and for all.” She stared back into violet. “Since I’m in Shinsengumi territory, were I the only Dragon of importance left…I would relinquish all control of the territory to you. Everything. Businesses, warehouses, anything, all in exchange for some help in taking out our main players. I know everything about the Dragons, where to hit, how.”  
The man with glasses looked at the man with violet eyes before they turned to look at her.
“Ne, it’s all to convenient, isn’t it?”
Her cyan eyes glared at Okita. “I know how we, they, work.”
“I say she proves herself how serious she is about this.” Okita spoke, admiring his gun before he twirled it and looked at her.
“What do I need to do to prove myself?” She clenched her hand into a tight fist.
Okita smirked, his jade green eyes boring right into hers. “Two things. Give us the name of your lover, and we take you on a test run to see if you’re serious about this, and I’ll be going with you, Hijikata-san? Sannan-san?”
“Souji!” The man with violet eyes stood up, she assumed he was one of their leaders.
“We need collateral in case she’s trying to play us, Hijikata-san.” Okita crossed his arms shifted his eyes to the man wearing glasses.
“Okita-kun is correct. I believe those are agreeable terms, Kaneko-kun, don’t you think so? We promise no harm shall come to your loved one as long as you’re keeping up your end, do we have a deal?”
A knock at the door sounded before it opened. “Nagakura?!” Shiori sat up in bed, wincing at they way her wounds stung as she did so.
“Hey…Mind if I come in and talk?”
She shrugged and motioned to a chair. She was their prisoner, she didn’t really have a say here. “What the hell’re you doing here?”
“I’m part of the Shinsengumi before I’m a cop.” He ran a hand through his reddish-brown hair before and let out a little breath. “Hachirō’s been looking for you, desperately.”
Her heart squeezed at the mention of him. “How is he?”
“Not very good. He took some days off after you disappeared, found him in his house, hungover. Then he took off. I followed him one day and he’s hitting up big Dragon spots, looking for you, and making reckless busts. He doesn’t believe what they tell him.” Nagakura crossed his arms in thought. “He’s going to get himself killed at this rate.”
“Don’t let him die.” Shiori’s voice dropped to whisper, begging. “Please. Do anything to keep him alive.”
“Are you going to tell him anything?”
Hesitating, Shiori clutched the bed sheets as she shook her head. “I can’t…I need to go through with this first. I’m going back to him once I’m free, but please, watch over him.” She couldn’t believe she was stooping so low, but Iba was worth it. IF this is what it took to be with him, then she’d gladly put herself through hell for him.  
Nagakura stood up and nodded. “I promise.”
“Where is she?” Iba’s voice was colder and sharper than a blade, as he leaned over the table, staring at the man he’d brought in for illegal arms possession. He’d been doing this for weeks, bringing in Dragons and interrogating him, squeezing them dry of information about Shiori, but they had the same answer: that she’d drowned. He refused to believe that.
The man went on to describe the day Shiori disappeared, since he he had been there. “She just jumped right in as we shot at her. She couldn’t have made it out!”
Iba kicked the table aside in frustration and ran a hand through his hair, leaving the room with the new information, turning it over and over in his mind. She couldn’t be dead, she was too resilient, too stubborn…she couldn’t have left him. She couldn’t have...died.
Yet, that’s what everything pointed to. He’d never be able to hold her in his arms again, to pepper her with kisses, to caress her and tease her when she was trying to resist his charms. He wouldn’t be able to spend the rest of their lives together, to spend quiet mornings in bed together, nor spend their nights in watching movies and shows as they ate take-out...he wouldn’t be able to tell her how much he loved her.
His feet led him to the rooftop to the railing. He clutched the railing, as he bowed his head, letting his tears flow freely. He just couldn’t believe, accept, that she was gone.
“Na, Hachirō,” Nagakura patted his shoulder. “Don’tcha think you should go home? I haven’t seen you leave the station in a week.”
“Thank you for your concern, Nagakura-san...but I am fine. I have a large case load.” He raised his head and rubbed his sleepless eyes. He hadn’t been able to set foot into the apartment he’d shared with Shiori. He couldn’t do it yet. He wasn’t strong to face it yet.
“Hachirō, you wanna go out for a drink? You can crash at my place.”
Iba exhaled and looked up at his worried friend. Perhaps it wasn’t a bad idea. He could use the company. “That sounds...good, Nagakura-san.”
One year later.
Iba stared at the bouquet of morning glories he’d bought to replace the ones that were wilting in his apartment. Sighing, he unlocked the door and put his three bags of groceries down before he looked over at the purple vase he had by the window and dropped them. His soft green eyes widened as his whole body froze.
Cyan blue eyes stared into his from across the room, and he wondered, if he’d never woken up. The only way he could see her so clearly, so vividly was in his dreams or his memories. He had to be dreaming. It wasn’t possible.
Iba’s legs finally responded and he ran over to her, not caring if it was a dream. If it was, he was going to make the most out of it by holding her and looking into her eyes.
Neither of them spoke, but their hands found their way to each other. He wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her in close, and she cupped his cheeks, their eyes never leaving each other. After a few moments, their mouths finally connected as their hands became busy trying to free each other of their clothes.
Shiori pressed him against a wall as her lips moved quickly against his, desperately, as if trying to make up for lost time. Her suppressed feelings finally bubbled to the surface and exploded. She’d been holding in how much she missed him while she was away. She forgot how addicted she was to this bittersweet flavor that their love was, is. She was addicted to him, to the way his sweet voice called her name, and to the way his body responded to her caresses, her mouth. She forgot how addicted she was to the way he made her body writhe and twitch with pleasure underneath and over him. The thing she was most addicted to was his love, the way he conveyed it with his mere fingertips that caressed her hand or cheeks made her heart race.
She had forgotten the feeling of his slender fingers weaving into her violet hair. Forgotten the way his velvety whisper made her weak at the knees. She’d forgotten how much she could love someone.
He was everything to her, as she was to him. He allowed her to be herself without a mask. He was her flower in this bed of thorns she lived in. The key to her shackles. An antidote in the poisonous world she’d lived in. He was both a soothing presence and a presence that could easily unravel her emotionally and physically in mere moments.  
She felt like she was home again.
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iba-hime · 6 years
The “F” Word
Her head hit her desk as she groaned. They didn’t have enough evidence. A witness had passed away from a heart attack…and this scumbag would walk away until they catch him in another crime. The prosecution didn’t have a sound case…and she was just so done with today. She wanted to go home after this forty-eight hour shift, but she was determined to find something to win this case.
Iba set a mug of black coffee on her desk and in his across from hers. He was tired too, and just as determined, but it seemed like they wouldn’t be able to do anymore than they already had. He sighed, loosening his green tie, popped the first three buttons of his white shirt and neatly rolled up his sleeves. He took a sip of his sweet coffee, looking at his defeated girlfriend. It wasn’t often they got stuck in a rut like this, but sometimes they had to admit defeat, though Shiori hated the thought of that. They’d have to go back to monitoring for crimes and bring him in when they had enough evidence.
Shiori lifted her head and took a swig of the coffee he’d placed on her desk, thankful that it was cooled enough for her to drink it. No doubt Iba had put it aside to cool down before bringing it to her, otherwise she would’ve burnt her tongue terribly. “’Ro, this fucking sucks. We’ve got nothing.” She let out a huff and planted her face into the desk again, “Fuck fuck fuck, fuck me!” She groaned.
“Darling, I would love to right now, but I will show restraint since we’re in public.” Iba took another sip of his coffee, hiding his slight smirk when Shiori looked up.
“What…the fuck did you just say?” Her face was beet red. He hadn’t said it loud enough for others to hear, but she certainly heard it in his velvety whisper that set her on fire. She grasped the armrest of her chair as she struggled to remain still in her chair instead of reaching over their desks to pull him on the desk to straddle him and have her way with him. Fuck. Fuck.
Iba’s eyes glanced up to meet hers and he raised his eyebrow. He knew that look in her fiery cyan blue eyes. He knew what she was thinking. She looked like a panther ready to strike her prey. “Dearest?”
Her feet dragged her out of her chair until she stood on the other side of his desk. She slammed her hand on his desk and leaned in. “You think you can say shit like that and I’d be okay?” She muttered, hands itching to relieve him of his clothes. She pulled on his tie until their lips hovered less than a centimeter away from each other. She could easily shove her tongue down his throat here and now…in front of everyone in the station. “Empty supply closet. Now.” She commanded, causing Iba to stiffen. Releasing her hold on him, she strode down the hall with purpose, smirking when he saw him get up to follow her from the corner of her eyes. It wasn’t like this was the first time they’d been filled with need at work. Besides, neither of them had taken a lunch yet.
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iba-hime · 6 years
A Pirate’s Life for Shi Ch 2
CH 1
“His Royal Highness heir of the Kingdom of Nandine, Prince Iba Hachirō!” Trumpets blared as Iba made his descent down the ballroom stairs. People clapped as he flashed the crowd of noblemen and noblewomen.
Iba Hachirō literally embodied the textbook definition of a perfect prince-kind, good looking, compassionate, wise, intelligent. There were many that looked forward to him inheriting the throne because of his great qualities. There wasn’t a single soul in the kingdom that could badmouth the Prince.
Iba spent the night dancing away with single daughters of noblemen that shyly brought up the matter of marriage. He was way past the age of marriage, something his mother was concerned about since the father of his younger brother kept meeting with potential girls to marry. Iba had illusions, dreams, of finding someone he fell in love with to marry. He couldn’t give into an arranged marriage, and he’d managed to somehow avoid it for this long, though he didn’t think he would be able to avoid the meetings his mother was trying to set up as he danced.
His world was filled with the finest and luxurious of things, though he was a compassionate Prince, and he helped those in need that were in front of him, he was was clueless and rather naïve about the way of life of his subjects. He was aware that there were people that were oppressed, going hungry, victims of crimes, of pirates, but he wasn’t fully aware of the crimes committed by those people that lived in his world.
Iba leaned over the balcony, staring up at the moon, sighing a bit. Many would envy his life, but there was an emptiness, a void that he couldn’t fill with gold, nor the finest clothes…he was missing purpose. Adventure. Life. Everything he did was monitored or controlled. He lived by a schedule, doing one thing and then another to prepare for when he became King.
Iba turned to face his younger half brother, Motoyama Kotaro. His mother had remarried about two years after Iba’s father had died, and had another son the year after. Though people wanted to separate the two because there were people that would rather see Motoyama on the throne instead of Iba. Nonetheless, the brothers cared for each other and were filled with affection for each other.
“What is it, Kotaro?” Iba gave him a kind smile and leaned back on the rail, looking up at the sun. Today, they were on a cruise, taking in the sun out at sea. They would return before evening for dinner.
Motoyama handed him one of Iba’s favorite deserts, castella. “They have a table full of them over there, Onii-sama.”
“Thank you.” Iba happily took a bite and asked him how his studies were lately. The two continued their friendly conversation until they heard a soldier’s footsteps come towards them.
The soldier bowed and whispered in Iba’s ear. “Turn the ship around at once, we’re going back to land.”
“Onii-sama, what’s going on?” Kotaro followed him as his older brother followed the soldier to give out more orders.
“Pirates.” Iba whispered. “Get as many people below deck as you can.” He urged his younger brother.
But before long, the pirate vessel had caught up to theirs before their masts could catch wind. Pirates started invading their ship with hooks and planks. Iba’s soldiers readied themselves for combat.
The Prince unsheathed his sword when he saw the pirates going near some noblewomen and charged towards them. He turned his head when he heard some screams coming from below deck and more of them being dragged above deck. If this kept on any longer, more people would lose their lives.
He took a breath and sheathed his sword and marched up to the man that had been giving the pirates orders, the Captain. He held his hands up as he approached him. “This vessel is for enjoyment,. None of these people are-”
“We’re pirates, ya think we care about the innocent?”
A couple more women screamed and Iba took another step forward. “I ask for a trade, then. Take me as hostage and leave these people be.”
“Onii-sama, no!” Motoyama cowered back when a pirate moved his sword closer to his neck.
“And how would you be of any use to us?”
“I’m the Prince, heir of Nandina Kingdom.”
The Pirate’s eyes widened with interest. “The Prince of Nandina, ye say?” He rubbed his scruffy chin as he took a few moments to think.
“You’ll have access to a large ransom and immunity. You just need to ask for it as long as you let this ship and the people on it go. Do we have an accord?” His soft green eyes were filled with determination as the stared the Pirate Captain down.
After a few moments, the Pirate cackled and tapped his sheathed sword on the deck, twice. “Let’s go! Loot up what you can carry!” He beckoned two of his crew to grab Iba’s arms and tie his wrists together.
Once they had made him board the ship, the pirates started celebrating by breaking open a barrel of rum.
“Cap’n, what are we to do with him?”
“In the brig! We’ll keep him for a bit to let the value go up!”
One of the pirates that had grabbed him roughly walked him down the stairs before tossing him into one of the damp cells. He sat up and stared at the ropes that bound his hands, trying to loosen them, but they would not budge.
He was stuck at sea, with a bunch of pirates. What was to become of him?
CH 3
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iba-hime · 6 years
Opposite Worlds
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She washed the blood off her hands and grasped the sink as she looked in the mirror. For the first time in her life, she was questioning if this was the life she wanted.
Murdering for the good of the family. Sleeping with the targets for the good of the family.
She didn’t want this anymore, not when she had him.
She wanted to love freely with Iba, without fear that they would discover him and drag him into this hell. Iba was charming, good -looking…he was a good man, the type of person that would stop their date to help an elderly person cross the street. She was the type of person to kill someone for the family as long as it was ordered.
Shiori didn’t want to keep him in the dark anymore and hurt him about who she really was. She didn’t want to taint him with the darkness of her world and the blood on her hands. Perhaps it was best she told him about her identity while he could still walk away.
She had never been gripped by such fear before. A fear of him saying he didn’t want to be with her anymore and leave her behind, but if he did, she knew that he would be safe at least. Maybe it was better if he did leave.
After she’d washed herself, she called for the clean up crew to confirm the kill and take care of the body. Once they’d done their part, she went home after changing into one of Iba’s black hoodies and leggings. She breathed in the his scent that instantly calmed her nerves. She knew she was in too deep, and it would be hard to have him leave, but it would be worth it.
The walk home felt long as she rehearsed what she was going to tell him when she saw him. When she entered her apartment, she spotted his coat was hung up. He was here.
Shiori found him, the face of a sleeping angel. She stared at his face as if it was the last time she’d ever get to look at him. She reached over to caress his face, a lump in her throat building. No one had ever made her feel so vulnerable before, and she didn’t like it. Feeling all this raw emotion for one person was ridiculous. How could she love him so much?
Yet, the more she stared at him, that question was answered. Shiori leaned over to place a kiss on his his forehead. She loved him so much, but that was exactly why she had to tell him the truth.
“Dearest?” His eyes fluttered open, causing her heart to squeeze a bit. He quickly sat p and took her hands in his when he spotted the sadness in her cyan blue eyes.
“I…have something to tell you.” She leaned in to kiss him hard, passionately, as if it was the last time she’d be able to do so.
“What is it, Shiori?” He cupped her cheeks and stared into her cyan blue eyes.
She sucked in a shaky breath. “I…” She tried again after taking a moment to strengthen her resolve. “I’m an assassin for the Dragons.” She shut her eyes. She had so many things to say, but she wasn’t going to force him to listen to her. He didn��t belong with her, in her world. She wasn’t going to drag him into the dark where she was. “I can’t keep lying to you anymore, Hachirō. I’ve wanted out of this life since I met you, but I can’t leave.” She clenched her fists tightly, her nails digging into her palms. She was afraid of opening her eyes and seeing the room empty.
Iba wrapped his arms around her. He didn’t know what to say. He was a man of the law, his job compelled him to bring Shiori in after what she confessed to him.
But he was also Shiori’s boyfriend. He couldn’t turn her in. He knew what Shiori was really like, who she really was. She wasn’t what she claimed to be by choice. She had committed those crimes to survive. He knew it without her having to tell him. The part she played within the Dragons wasn’t who she truly was. He knew her as the woman that loved morning glories, enjoyed mystery books, laughed at his jokes, got flustered when he complimented her and whispered sweet nothings. He knew her as the woman that loved to stay in and order take out while they watched random movies and shows sprawled on the couch together. That was who she really was. That was the person Iba fell in love with. He also had to come clean about who he was as well. “I love you, Shiori. That doesn’t change it.” He murmured and kissed her again.
Silence settled between them as she bit back tears. Iba released her and squeezed her hands. “Shiori,” He stared into those beautiful and glistening eyes. “I also need to be honest with you.” His eyes dropped down to their hands and he gave them another squeeze. “I’m a Detective, tasked to investigate and bring in members of the Dragons.”
Shiori ripped her hands away and took a step back. “What the fuck? Did you know who I really was? Were you…using me?” Had he been lying to her the entire time? This paranoia that the Dragons had cultivated within her, she thought she had gotten past it with him. She thought she could trust him. Why did she let him in? Why was she so vulnerable in front of him? 
“Shiori-” Iba ran a hand through his hair as he watched her run out of the apartment. He could hear thunder and the hard pouring rain. Normally, he’d give her space, but he couldn’t let her go, thinking that he had betrayed her. He grabbed his coat and ran after her into the rain.
Shiori didn’t notice nor cared that the rain was drenching her. She didn’t know where she was going, she just walked out into the dark street that was dimly lit by streetlamps.
Iba caught up to her and gently gripped her arm. “Shiori, listen to me! I would never lie to you!”
What the fuck was she doing? Why couldn’t she walk away? This was the perfect opportunity to push him away from her. She could be done and be alone if she continued walking away.
Her feet didn’t move. She stared at him, bitter tears streaming down her cheeks with the rain. She couldn’t. She couldn’t push him away. No, she didn’t want to push him away.
“Shiori, please.” He begged, loosening his grip on her arm. He wouldn’t stop her if she walked away again.
Shiori remained in place. “What is it?”
“I didn’t know you were…in that group, but I have no intention of using you like that. I would never do that.” Iba moved closer and cupped her cheeks so that they couldn’t hide from each other. “I love you and I would never hurt you like that. I want to protect you too, just like what you’re trying to do right now. You’re trying to protect me.”
Why was she such an open book to him? “Fuck you, Hachirō.” Shiori sighed and crushed her lips to his. “I don’t want to bring you down, we live in such opposite worlds. There’s no place for us here.”
“So we can start over somewhere else. We’ll get you a new identity. We’ll get married, move far away, have a new life as husband and wife and live peacefully.” Iba urged, squeezing her hands. “We’ll do what we have to in order to be together.”
“You’d break laws for me?” She scoffed. “And it won’t bother you?”
“Darling, you mean the world to me, no law can change that.”
Everything he’d said, it sounded so perfect. She could imagine them living in the suburbs anywhere, making morning coffee, kissing him goodbye every morning when she went to work, sleeping in together on days off, going out more frequently without any fear of being caught or found…just living life together, as a…husband and wife.
Her eyes widened as the intensity of his words hit her harder than lightning. “…Did you just fucking propose to me?”
Iba’s cheeks reddened and he coughed. “I-I…Should have planned more accordingly…”
“Fuck that, come here.” Shiori crushed her lips to his again and cupped his cheeks. Even soaked in the rain, his handsomeness only increased. “Fuck everything, let’s do that. Let’s leave it all behind and disappear, Hachirō.”
Iba chuckled and kissed her forehead. “Let’s go home. It’s cold, I can see you shivering. Shall we share my coat?” He playfully pulled her into his arms and wrapped her in his coat, not caring that they were both soaked to the bone.
“Shut up, Babe.” Shiori laughed and snuggled into his chest as they walked home.
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iba-hime · 6 years
Part four of the Mafia AU! 
Shiori gasped for air and coughed out water as she tried to regain hold of her senses after almost being nearly drowned. She clenched her fists as she glared up at the man she had called her foster father. She gathered herself and the best she could do was support herself while on one knee. “What the fuck do you want from me?! I’ve done everything you’ve wanted!”
The man with graying black hair in an expensive pinstriped suit held his hand out for a folder, and he tossed it down to her, spilling its contents: a passport, birth certificate, an ID all with her picture but a different birth date and name. “Daughter, care to explain what these are? We also found plane tickets under that alias as well, and I certainly haven’t told you to conduct business elsewhere.”
Shiori shut her eyes and sucked in a long breath, still feeling dizzy. She couldn’t tell them about Iba. He had to remain safe. “I want out. I want out of this stupid life you brought me into!”
“I gave you money, power, training, the ability to survive in this world, and this is how you repay our family, your father? I made you who you are!” He snarled, getting down on one knee and pulled on her hair to have their eyes meet. “There is no “out,” Shiori. You either die a Dragon, or you’re killed as a traitor.”
She spat in his face as she shoved his hand off. “No. I’m done with all this shit. I don’t want to be a part of this anymore.” She managed to pull herself up.
“Then you’re going to die a traitor.” He motioned other Dragons forward.
Shiori sucked in a breath as she dove into the water, trying to swim underwater, away from the bullets being shot at her.
When he placed his hand on the doorknob, he could feel that something was off. Iba opened the door and flipped the light on, only to find the whole living room in disarray. He ran around the apartment looking for any sign of Shiori, but he it didn’t seem like she was there. He took out his phone and started calling her. His call went to voice mail the first and hundredth time he called her. He let his hand fall to her side as fear squeezed his heart. He knew something had happened to her. He ran out of the station to search for her.
Thirty sleepless hours later, his search had proved fruitless. Not a trace a Shiori could be found. Iba sat at his desk, head in his hands, feeling completely defeated. He didn’t know who else to turn to or trust.
He continued his search during the next week, but it hadn’t yielded any results. He continued to call her phone and filled her voice mail box with messages. When he arrived at his desk for the eighth day in a row, Nagakura intercepted him and showed him a case that had come across his desk. The victim of the supposed suicidal drowning matched Shiori’s description.
He rushed out of the station after Nagakura assured him he’d handle the matter and talk to the Chief for him. After buying a bottle of Shiori’s favorite whiskey, he drank and drank until he was numb and slipped into sleep.
There was a part of him that didn’t believe that file. It had only been descriptions. No pictures or anything else had been provided. A very, very small part of him dared to hope that Shiori was still alive somewhere.
But for now, he had to face the reality of the possibility that he wouldn’t see Shiori again.  
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iba-hime · 6 years
Invite Me
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This is Shiori stayed in the mafia but Iba’s still a cop AU, or Mafia AU for short lol. 
Iba stared at the man that landed by his feet after he took a few steps back. He had been on his way over to the girl that was yelling at a man for groping her, but it seemed like she could handle herself just fine. Two other men landed beside the first man. Iba stared at the beautiful woman with long wavy violet hair and a fire in her cyan blue eyes. Those pretty, but angry eyes darted around, challenging another man to step forward as she tossed her hair behind her.
Iba grabbed her by the waist and moved her out of the way as he kicked another man in the gut that was coming behind her with a switchblade. He quickly released her and picked up the switchblade from him. “That’s very low, coming after a lady like that.”
She raised an eyebrow and dusted her black strapless dress off. “…Thank you.” Her cyan blue eyes appreciatively scanned him before looking back up into his soft green eyes. “Can I buy you a drink to thank you for that?”
His eyes widened a little and he nodded, following her after she beckoned him forward with her finger. She sat at the bar and ordered a bottle of whiskey, pouring them each a small glass.
Iba took the glass from her hand, their fingers brushing lightly. He noticed a black dragon tattoo that wrapped around her wrist to her index finger. It was so elegant, just like she was. He tried to hide his grimace after he took a sip.
Shiori coughed into her fist to hide her laughter at his face. “Is whiskey not to your liking? Order something else, I said I was buying you a drink.” She took a large sip from her glass and refilled it.
He flagged the bartender down and ordered his drink. He reached over to run a fingertip across the tattoo on her hand. “What’s this?”
“This? A reminder to myself.” Her eyes shifted back at him, taking in his beautiful features. God, he ignited something within her that made her want to push him against a wall and have her way with him. “So, this doesn’t seem like your kind of scene, what are you up to?”
Iba chuckled and pulled back his hand, his fingertips slowly brushing against hers. “Just out on a Friday night for fun.” He thanked the bartender as he set a red drink with ice cubes and a cherry on top in front of him. “Thanks for the drink, you didn’t have to…”
“Shiori.” She blurted without thinking. She was stomping her feet and slapping herself internally for giving him her real name instead of one of her aliases. “Just Shiori.”
“Iba Hachirō, Shiori-san.” He took a sip from his red drink and gave her a smile.
Even his name. That smile.
Shaking her head, she pointed to his drink. “What’s that?”
“Love on the rocks.” He grinned and pushed it towards her. “Would you like a taste?”
I’d like a taste of something else. “I suppose…” She took a small sip and her eyes widened at the sweetness of it. “Damn, is there any alcohol in this?”
“One part vodka and two parts peach schnapps.” Chuckling, he plucked the cherry and ate it and placed the stem inside his mouth and closed it. Moments later, he took out the stem that was knotted.
Something flashed in Shiori’s eyes. She gripped her glass and downed the rest of it, pouring herself another and taking a large gulp from it. “Impressive.”
[Song for the Mood™ Lyrics]
Iba finished his drink and looked over at the dance floor as the next song began. “Would you like to dance?” He held his hand out to her.
Her hand grabbed his without a thought, and they went out to the dance floor, mingling with the other people that were dancing. Even with so many people, they could only see each other. The blue lights were the only source of light that shone on the dancers. They stood less than a foot apart, moving to the music, but with each beat, Shiori drew closer to him until she was pressed against him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He placed his hands at her waist, matching the way her body rocked against his. Their foreheads pressed against each other, their lips were only a centimeter apart, their hot breaths mingling, sweet with hard liquor. Their bodies continued to press against each other to the rhythm of the seductive music.
Shiori slid one of her hands down to the top buttons of his black shirt, undoing the first button. “Shall…we go somewhere more private?”
They wound up going back to one of the apartments Shiori had nearby. Once inside, she pressed herself closely to him, pinning him to the back of the door. Cyan looked into soft green, their breaths mingling with each other before their tastes did. Shiori gripped his shirt, impatience flowing through her. She wanted him. Before her hands could rip his shirt open and send buttons flying, his hands gently stilled hers.
“Shouldn’t I take you out first?”
She blinked a few times before raising an eyebrow. “What?” This had never happened to her, when she was out to seduce, it never failed. Why was he questioning the fact that she wanted something with him here and now?
“...I…I usually only do this with someone I love.” He admitted shyly, bringing her hand with the dragon tattoo and kissing it.
“Love?” She scoffed and shook her head. “I don’t believe in love. What you and I feel right now is pure and simple desire, so don’t hit me with that love bullshit.” She hissed, ripping her wrists away. “And you don’t want to give into that?” To her, sex was just a way to show power and sometimes just for physical pleasure. That’s how she got her targets easily and swiftly. It wasn’t anything special to her.
When she looked in his eyes, they seemed…sad? No, it was a different emotion. 
Was he pitying her? She had power, money…why would she be pitied by someone?
Her cyan blue eyes glared at him. She would not be pitied. She opened her mouth to snap at him, but his soft lips brushed against her cheek. It had her freezing on the spot, heat rising in her own cheeks.
“Let’s start over.” He spotted a pad of paper on a table near the door and wrote down an address and a time. “Meet me here for some coffee tomorrow.”
Shiori stared down at the paper and glanced up when she felt his fingers tuck a lock behind her ear.
Iba gave her a gentle smile. “I hope to see you there.” His fingertips lingered at her chin as he stared at her pretty features before he exited the apartment.
Her heart skipped a few beats at his smile, her fingers lingering at her cheek where he’d kissed it. What was wrong with her? Why was she reacting like this?
Iba pressed his back to the door, running a hand through his brown hair, scenes of Shiori from earlier playing in his head. What was he doing? He was supposed to have done his job, looking for any traces of the Dragons, and instead he flirted, danced, and almost went home with an extremely beautiful girl. Her scent intoxicated him, her eyes captivated him…He’d never felt such a pull to someone before.
He didn’t want this connection to be a purely physical one, he wanted something more because he could feel something more.
He wanted to see her again.
Iba rose from his seat and greeted her with a tender smile. He pulled out the chair for her and sat across from her. "How do you like your coffee?"
"Black. Hot. That's it." Her eyes ran over his back as he went to the counter to place their orders as she placed her phone on the table and crossed her legs as her eyes took in her surroundings.
It was a quaint little cafe, wooden floors, brick red walls with paintings of different scenes from nature on the walls. Soft classical music played to fill in the silence.
Iba returned a few moments later with her coffee and his, along with a small paper bag.
The scent of his caramel latte hit her nose, and she wrinkled it a bit. She wasn’t very fond of anything sweet, but he seemed to love the stuff. She almost snorted, thinking back to that drink he had yesterday night, the overly sweet one. 
Iba leaned forward and gave her another perfect smile. “I forgot to ask for your number yesterday.” He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. “I was afraid you weren’t going to show up.”
Truthfully, she hadn’t planned on coming, but she could still feel his lips press against her cheek long after he was gone. She couldn’t stop staring at the address and time he’d written in elegant handwriting. She’d said “fuck it,” and gotten dressed to meet him. And now here they were, she was sitting across from this ridiculously perfect and attractive man that had rejected her last night. She honestly wasn’t sure what she was expecting in coming here. What the fuck was she doing here? “Mm, I didn’t plan on coming, but I decided to humor you, Iba.” She crossed her arms, peering at him with suspicion in her eyes.
“Do you think you could really fall in love with someone like me?”
“Well, I don’t know,” He put his hands on his cup of coffee. “That’s why we’re on a date. We have a mutual interest in each other, don’t we?”
Shrugging, she sighed and took a sip of her coffee, and she noticed the paper bag sitting between them. “What’s that?”
Chuckling, he dug out a pink macaroon from it and showed it to her. “I have a bit of a sweet tooth. This cafe happens to make the best macaroons around here.”
Shiori’s cheeks reddened when he reached over to feed it to her. “I can feed myself, you know.”
“I know, but humor me a little more, won’t you, Shiori-san? We’re on a date.” His smile brightened when she bit into it.
She didn’t really enjoy sweets, but this one was delicious. Perhaps…if she dared to be so cliche, was it because he fed it to her?
Iba bombarded her with questions, meaningless questions about herself, so she shot them right back at him as they sipped on their coffee. Her favorite food was carbonara spaghetti. Her favorite color was black. Her favorite book was Naked in Death. Her favorite band was Thirty Seconds to Mars. His favorite food was castella. His favorite color was green. His favorite book was the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. His favorite genre of music was classical.
The more they learned about each other, the more drawn to each other they became.
As they exited the cafe, Shiori felt his pinky finger brush against hers before he wrapped it around hers. She flushed and looked over at him, her heart beating faster as he smiled at her.
He took her hand in his after he was sure she wouldn’t pull away and brought it up to his lips, gently brushing them across her knuckles. Shiori quickly glanced at her feet. Why did that simple action seem so much more intimate than anything she’d ever done before?
They walked to a nearby park in a comfortable silence, both just enjoying the other’s presence. When he spoke again, his soft voice tickled her ears and they drew closer to each other until their shoulders were touching.
“I hope I’m not boring you with a simple date.” Iba turned his head to look at her, the way the sunlight illuminated her and the way the breeze played with her violet hair.
“It’s…quite different than the places I normally go to.” She glanced over at him, tucking her hair behind her ear. “And it’s a nice change.” Her usual date spots for business matters included night clubs, high end restaurants, and the occasional five star hotel. He’d been nothing but…wonderful. She wanted to see him again, to learn more about him…
Most importantly, he’d proved her wrong. Maybe there could be something more than just desire.
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Tension Part 3
Gasping and grasping the sheets, Shiori sat up, her hands searched for the body next to her.
"Shiori?" The light turned on and she grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly. He was real. It was just a dream. It had all been a dream. Thank God.
"Fuckin hell. That was some dream." She glanced at the book next to her, the one Etsu had lent her. Some Victorian romance that she'd been raving about for the past month, so Shiori decided to read it. It was very interesting, but perhaps she should refrain from reading it before bed.
"Mm, are you okay, darling?" Iba yawned and cracked his sleepy eyes open to look at his girlfriend. He wrapped an arm around her and brought her close, burying his face into her violet locks.
Sighing a bit, she closed her eyes and clutched his shirt. "Hachirō."
"Hmm?" He placed little lazy kisses on her cheek and looked into her cyan blue eyes. "I'm a little surprised you didn't protest at all tonight." He chuckled. "It's a work night."
"Don't you ever, ever give yourself up for me." She grabbed his cheeks and stared into his eyes. "Ever."
"But I would because I love you. I know you'd do the same for me, right?" Iba brushed his nose against hers and kissed her softly. "What did you dream about?"
"Still…I love you, so…I don't want to lose you. Don't do any stupid shit." Shiori yawned and shook her head, reaching over to shut the light off. "I'll tell you later. Just…let's stay like this. Chinatsu-chan and Etsu-chan are coming over…they want you gone so we can get ready for the ball."
"Very well, as long as you're not reckless." Iba softly chuckled and nodded, running his fingers through her violet hair. "Mm, I'm going to Okita-kun's. Apparently, he bought us all costumes…I am a bit worried about that, so I suppose I'll meet you there."
She let out a little grunt of agreement and settled into his arms. She wanted to forget about that dream about losing him. She hoped for a restful sleep in the arms of her boyfriend.
"I am not wearing that."
Etsu pouted as she held up the purple ball gown. "Why not? It's just one night! The theme is masquerade!"
"And who the fuck decided that?" Shiori grumbled, her hair and make up already done. The last step was getting dressed. Chinatsu was already dressed in her own red ball gown and Etsu in a light blue one.
"Kondo-san did." Chinatsu smirked as Shiori narrowed her eyes at her. "Just wear the dress. We're going to be late. We told the boys we'd meet them there."
"Besides, I don't think Iba-san has ever seen you in dresses or skirts, has he?" Etsu handed her the ball gown. "Just once, you'll look so beautiful!"
"I'm a cop! Dresses and skirts are harder to move in. I can't kick the shit out of perps in them." But she imagined the look on her boyfriend's face when he saw her dressed in the ball gown…Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to humor them.
"Mind givin' me this dance?"
Shiori rolled her eyes as she was twirled into a pair of arms. "Detective Sakamoto…I suppose we can dance for a bit. What are you supposed to be?" She'd been looking around for Iba, but there was no sign of him yet.
Ryoma winked and tipped his hat at her. "A pirate that steals a maiden's heart."
"Please. You seem more of the type to pickpocket."
"I had a record when I was young, but I turned my life around. And the Icy Princess's heart stays frozen." He looked around and spotted Kondō-san taking his leave with Hijikata-san. "Hm, there they go again. Seems like they can't get away from work."
Shiori snorted and shook her head. "Sakamoto, you haven't heard about Kondō-san and Hijikata-san?"
"Eh? What do you mean, Shiori-chan?"
Rolling her eyes, she sighed. "They're together."
"Yeah, I'm sure they have plenty to talk about, they run our prescient."
Shiori shook her head. "Ya idiot, they are together. As in, a couple. Everyone's known about it for months. I can't believe you didn't know."
"Wow, that's news to me. How do you know, Shiori-chan?" Ryoma led her through the dance, gracefully, across the dance floor. She still had her eyes open for her boyfriend.
"I've…walked in on them in Kondō-san's office a few times. It's a bit of an unspoken secret."
"Well then. I'll make sure to knock." Chuckling, he continued to dance with her until a hand took a hold of Shiori's hand.
"Allow me to cut your dance short." Iba spun her right into his arms. He kissed her, which caused her to blush. "My, I didn't recognize you, Shiori, until I danced with Etsu and she told me what you were wearing."
"Hachirō!" She flushed and looked away as they danced. He looked so dashing in his suit. "Please...we're in public…"
"You look so beautiful, I can't help myself." He hovered over her lips and stole them again.
Shiori flushed again and continued looking at him through her her white mask. "God, I'm remembering that dream form last night."
"You haven't told me about it."
"I'll tell you later." Sighing, she shook her head to clear her head of thoughts, focusing on dancing with him and feeling his body pressed against hers. She couldn't wait to get home.
"Darling," Iba peppered kisses along her jaw. "Perhaps we can head home…a bit early?" He leaned in to whisper in her ear. "I'd love to get you out of that dress."
"Hachirō!" She quickly pulled away and looked down at their feet. "But…I'm not opposed to the idea."
"We should stay here for just a while longer, or we'll never hear the end of it from Okita-kun."
"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure he's already gone. I don't see him or Chinatsu anywhere, so he can't even talk shit." Shiori leaned in to kiss his cheek. "So, we'll give them shit for it." She grinned. "So, let's get out of here."
"Yes, your Highness."
Chinatsu belongs to @resshiiram
Tagging: @resshiiram​ @hakuouki-or-hakuoki​  @sabinasanfanfic​ @flower-dragon​ @lescahiersdesable​ @221bbakerstreetirregular​ @meredith-stannards​ @hidetheremote​ @hakuyamazakisensei​ @shell-senji​
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Iba x Shiori. Victorian AU. 
Read on AO3 or FF.net
NOTE: I did add a cut, but tumblr mobile seems to be screwing it up.
The air was stuffy inside the ornate ballroom which was grandly decorated in the kingdom's signature colors of purple and red, as per the Queen's request, since they were also her favorite colors. Nobles and royalty alike stood in circles, sipping on expensive wine in the finest of golden goblets with all kinds of appetizers being distributed by servants on trays. The light music floated in the air as graceful dancers took to the dance floor. The only thing unusual about this ball was that everyone’s faces were hidden by very intricately decorated masks.
Shiori’s own was a white one that was adorned by sapphires and light blue feathers-how wasteful…The rich spent money needlessly, and Shiori loathed it. She was wearing an extravagant dark purple ballgown, the corset was a bit too tight for her liking, thanks to her Step-mother, the Queen. She was a perfectionist, even her own step-daughter was just an accessory. She glared through her mask as another snobby nobleman, probably twice her age, wrapped his arms around her, sweeping her offbeat to the light music. And as much as she wanted to cause a scene, she knew it was in her best interests not to. Just a few more dances and then she could escape outside for a bit. She mingled among the nobility long enough and hated every minute of it.
“Excuse me.” A soft but firm voice and a pair of hands swept her away from the nobleman she was dancing with. Familiar and warm hands. She looked up into soft green eyes that were peeking through a black mask adorned with gold. His short, brown hair framed his face nicely. He gave her a kind smile and spun her around into his arms. “I apologize for not getting here sooner, Shiori-sama.” His hand was on the small of her back and the other was holding her hand. When his hand made contact with hers, she felt a pleasant tingling.  
“I-Iba..” She whispered, her cheeks warming underneath her mask, glad that he couldn’t see her face clearly. Her body pressed closely to his, their faces mere inches from each other, as they danced slowly to the song. Since this was a masquerade, no one could tell who was actually who once they were all dancing on the dance floor.
Iba was her favorite knight out of all the castle guards and knights. She had to be escorted everywhere by order of the Queen Step-Mother, and she’d decided to choose the most handsome out of the ones that were being inducted back then. “Where were you?”
“Father was having me dance with some nobleman’s daughters. None as beautiful or as interesting as you, Shiori-sama.”Chuckling lightly, his soft green eyes met her pretty cyan ones.
Her heart sped up, doing flips, and butterflies flapped angrily in her stomach. She quickly cast her eyes straight ahead, but when he twirled her around back into his arms, their lips hovered dangerously close together.
Shiori froze for a few moments, tempted, oh, so tempted, to lean in and-
Iba’s cheeks were dusted with pink and he steadied her on her feet as he bowed and she curtsied when the song ended. “I regret your Knight in shining armor was not able to come for you sooner.” He kissed the back of her hand and led her to the refreshments table, her arm in his.
Her face reddened even more and she quickly grabbed a flute of champagne and downed it. “The Queen had suitors lined up to dance with me…men twice my age, Iba.” She took out her fan and hid the rest of her face with it.
Iba gripped his flute rather tightly after she mentioned that. He cleared his throat and led her outside to the balcony. The moon was full tonight, casting a glow on the both of them. Iba stared at her as she moved to lean on the balcony. Her beauty was unmatched by anyone. He longed to run his fingers through her violet locks, to look into her cyan blue eyes and-
His soft green eyes widened for a second and he looked back at her. “Yes, Shiori-sama?”
She opened her mouth and closed it as she stared at him, captivated by his soft and handsome features. His face was the only thing that kept her sane in this castle, trapped in a life of pointless and wasteful luxury, and by controlling monarch that was supposed to be her parent. He showed her kindness when no one else did. He didn’t do it out of respect for the crown, he did things for her. She could feel his…no, she wouldn’t go there. She didn’t even know what she felt for him. …What did she feel for him? “…The Queen has made a decision.”
“A decision?”
“Yes…She wants me to marry soon.”
“What of your mission, Shiori-sama?” Iba’s voice dropped to a very low whisper. “You’re going to let your legacy perish?” He knew this was a poor excuse, but he didn't have the right, nor the power to speak out against this decision. He knew his Princess was not in a place to refuse either, but he still wanted her to fight it.
Shiori gripped his arm, her jaw clenching. “Unfortunately, I’ll have to spend nights with my husband,” She spat the word out with disgust, imagining any other man lay his hands on her. She couldn’t stand the thought. “Instead of robbing the noble houses.”
None would have guessed that the Princess of their very own country was actually the famous Phantom Thief, Morning Glory. She was dubbed that because she left morning glories in place of items she had stolen. After that, she used her name as the Princess to donate to poor villages and orphanages that were being neglected. She knew how much they suffered due to the wasteful and lavish lifestyle nobles led. It disgusted her, so she had to find a way to remedy that.
From a young age, she studied swordsmanship and practiced in secret with an uncle of hers. She was far more comfortable in pants than in ball gowns, and if the Queen Step-Mother found out, it would be a very disastrous thing…She honestly wasn’t sure how she would react, but she knew she would provably use it as an excuse to be rid of her once and for all.  
Iba hated the thought of another man putting his hands on his Princess. He hated even seeing her dance with anyone else. His head was turned constantly to look at her as he was dancing with other women. Shiori-sama…was special. The more time he spent time with her, the more he thought about her, learned about her…his heart beat faster just glancing at her, but he could never admit his growing feelings for her. It was out of line for him as a knight.
And yet.
Iba cupped her cheeks, and looked into her eyes. His thumb slowly ran down her cheek, before he reached for the mask, hesitating. He gently took it off of her, his eyes taking in every inch of her beautiful face. He’d remembered how shocked he’d been to uncover the identity of Morning Glory. He did feel ashamed that he’d clashed swords with the very person he was supposed to protect.
Shiori’s face reddened underneath his touch. Her breath hitched when his face drew closer, lips hovering right above her cheek. “I-Iba?” Her voice was barely above a whisper. She didn’t know what he was doing, but she wanted more. More of this.
He knew this was wrong. This was the Princess. He was just a knight, she was the Princess. The Princess that was about to get engaged. There were consequences to pursuing…dangerous feelings. “Shiori-sama…” He murmured against her skin. He had pushed away his feelings, but his heart felt like it would explode with them in this very moment.
Shiori reached up to place her hands on his cheeks, closing her eyes, her lips brushed against his, much to his surprise. Her heart was beating in her throat as her fingers went to weave into his hair. She didn’t want to think, nor care about the consequences. She just wanted to feel him. Their mouths molded together perfectly as they finally got a taste of each other for the first time.
They parted for a few moments, breaths mingling as they stared into each others’ eyes. Shiori blushed and looked down as their foreheads touched.
“Shiori-sama…” Iba reluctantly pulled away from her. He had made a grave mistake. Such a big mistake.
Shiori grabbed his arm before he could turn away from her. “No.” Placing her hands on his cheeks, she pulled him in again, and he couldn’t resist her. “I don’t care, Iba. I’m not letting you go.”
“Sh-Shiori-sama…” Iba took the mask and placed it back on her face. “This is improper of me. I shouldn’t have-” He sighed and peppered kisses along her jaw. He wanted to feel her skin to skin, to feel and worship every inch of her. “This is very inappropriate of me, Princess…”
“I don’t care. We’ve both been feeling it for a long time, and I’m tired of pushing my heart away. I don’t care what happens anymore. I want you. I…” She hesitated, taking in a small breath and kissed him again. “I love you.”
Iba’s cheeks warmed and he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in closer. “Shiori-sama, I am unworthy of your affections, but I also…love you.” He hummed over her lips before taking them again.
“Iba…we should…leave…”
He could see the lust in her eyes that probably mirrored his own. “A-are you sure, Shiori-sama?”
“Iba, the East Wing is abandoned. Please.”
“Yes, your Highness.”
The pair made it to a room in the very far East Wing. All the rooms were furnished and cleaned regularly, ready to be used whenever they had guests drop by.
Shiori removed her mask and threw it aside. She reached up to remove Iba’s, her hands lingering at his cheeks. His hands cupped her cheeks and he pecked her lips. “Shiori-sama, is this what you want? With me?”
“Hachirō.” Shiori grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down for a long kiss. “I’m very sure about this, about you.”
His hands slowly ran down her back, his fingers slowly undoing the laces. Shiori let out a small gasp as he kissed her bare shoulders and loosened the laces of her tight corset. Her hands were busy trying to free him from his clothes as quickly as possible. Her hands gripped his arms, biting back an impatient whine. Iba let out a low chuckle, taking his time with the laces of the corset, leaving a trail of slow kisses from her neck to her shoulder. Once she was free from her ball gown, Shiori pressed herself closer to him, lips and teeth at his neck. Iba let out a small gasp of surprise and helped her out of the remaining of her undergarments and let her long, violet hair down.
Iba’s teeth grazed her earlobe and he paused, stilling her hands. “Shiori-sama,” He whispered, his breath hot on her ear. “…Are you…sure this is what you want?”
Shiori pulled him to the bed and hovered over him, her violet hair tickling his cheeks, her lips taking his. “I want you, Hachirō. I’ve never been more sure about anything.”
Iba’s hands slowly ran up her back and up to her cheeks before kissing her again. “Shiori-sama-”
Shiori’s lips met his to silence him. “Drop it. Just say my name. No honorifics.” She ordered in her monarch voice.
“...Shiori…” He murmured against her lips. His hands trailed down to her waist and gently flipped their positions, his lips exploring every inch of her.
Shiori stared at his sleeping face, slowly turning towards him, her hand moving strands away from his face. She never imagined she’d be waking up next to him after a long, passionate, and loving night. She didn’t know what was going to come next, or how they were going to manage this, but she wasn’t going to let go of his hand, even if it costed her the crown or her life. She interlaced their fingers and moved closer, placing a kiss on his jaw.
Iba stirred and opened his eyes and gave her his perfect angelic smile, the smile he reserved for her and kissed her forehead. “Shiori-sama-” He chuckled when her cyan eyes narrowed. “Shiori. I love you. How are you feeling?”
She kissed him until they were both breathless. “Does that answer your question?”
Iba chuckled and pecked the corner of her mouth. “Plenty. Princess, we should get you back to your room. People will talk.”
Shiori kissed him once more before reluctantly getting up to get dressed. Iba quickly got dressed to help her with the corset. “It’s not too tight, is it?”
“It’s fine. You’re very gentle. My Maids are much rougher.” Shiori laughed and sighed, looking at her hair. “What should I do about this?”
Iba took her hand and led her to the vanity table and began brushing through her hair. “I can’t remember all the details, Shiori, but I can replicate it.”
“Hachirō, you…can do hair?” She raised her eyebrows.
Chuckling, he began styling it up as it was before their passionate night. “I am your Knight, Princess Shiori. I must be well-versed in all matters in order to serve the royal family.” When he was done he leaned down, placing his chin on her shoulder, he looked in the mirror with her. “How is it?”
“Hachirō, is there anything you can’t do?” Sighing, she kissed his cheek. “Hachirō,”
His heart sped up each time she said his name. “Yes, Princess Shiori?”
“...I know it’s probably a given…but…” Hesitating, she took his hand and gave it a squeeze.
“This is a secret. Of course.”
“I’m getting engaged today…but I’m going to fight it. We’re going to figure it out. I’m not going to get married to anyone. You…You’re mine. I want you.” She flushed and looked down, feeling rather embarrassed that she was baring her soul to him. It was the least she could do for the man she loved. He deserved to know what was in her heart. “If…I must relinquish my crown to be with you, I shall. We can run away and start a life elsewhere…”
“I know! I sound very idiotic, like a lovesick maiden that wants all of this, us, to work out! All of this sounds ridiculous to me too...but it’s the truth.” She shook her head and looked over into his soft green eyes.
Iba smiled and kissed her lips. “This is very bold you, Shiori…but I feel the same, however, I could not ask you to give all this up for me. The Queen’s word is law.”
“Fuck the Queen’s word.” Shiori growled angrily. “She killed my father. She’s nothing but a murder, throne-stealing bitch.” She closed her eyes for a moment, and took a breath. “She’s been trying to get rid of me. I might as well save her the trouble, but at least we can be together.”
“Shiori, we need to think about this more carefully. We can talk about this more later, for now, you need to get back to your room and change. The Queen asked for your presence in the throne room before breakfast.”
“Very well, Hachirō…”
After Shiori was changed into a new gown, Iba escorted her to the throne room and stood behind her as she stood in front of the Queen.
“Shiori,” The Queen waved a delicate hand. “Meet your Fiance.” 
Part Two
Tagging: @resshiiram​​ @hakuouki-or-hakuoki​​  @sabinasanfanfic​​ @flower-dragon​​ @lescahiersdesable​​ @221bbakerstreetirregular​​ @meredith-stannards​​ @hidetheremote​​ @hakuyamazakisensei​​ @shell-senji​​
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What You Mean to Me
@resshiiram​ requested this little piece based off an EB screenshot! Iba x Shiori! I HAD A BIT TOO MUCH FUN WRITIN THIS ONE....
“Her? As my wife?! I am unfit to serve as a husband at this time!”
Shiori’s head snapped up and her eyes narrowed immediately, hearing Iba’s response to Souji’s question. Her purple kimono fluttered angrily as she stood up to march over to the pair sitting at the other table while she had been working on her embroidery, having tea with Chinatsu. “Iba-san.”
Chinatsu quietly made her way over next to Souji as she elbowed him. She couldn’t believe he was doing this to poor Iba. The other pair had barely confessed their feelings for each other, but Shiori was rather shy…despite her sometimes harsh exterior. She’d heard it directly from her how much she loved and adored Iba. Unfortunately, he was rather unaware of how much Shiori truly cared for him.
Iba’s soft green eyes widened as he looked up at her. Her voice had been surprisingly soft but reprimanding, unlike her usual harsh tone. “Sh-Shiori-sama?”
“Repeat that.” She commanded, her fists clenched at her sides. “That’s an order.”
“...I…am unfit to serve as your husband, Shiori-sama.” Iba turned to look at her, slowly getting into seiza.
 “And who are you to decide that?”
 “Shiori-sama, you are the Shogun’s daughter…I…I could not marry you...” He cast his eyes down to his knees.
 A snort of laughter followed. Chinatsu sent her loved one a glare and tugged his sleeve, but he’d already interrupted them. “And to think you’d fall in love with Iba-kun, Shiori-chan.”
 Furious cyan blue met amused jade green. Shiori sat next to Iba, crossing her arms. “What, you’d prefer that I fall in love with you?” She scoffed and shook her head. “If I ever fell in love with you, I’d commit seppuku.” She shifted her eyes to her friend who was dating him. “No offence, Chinatsu-chan.”  
 “If you had, then Chinatsu could’ve fallen for Iba-kun. So, it would’ve worked out.” He nudged his strawberry-blonde girlfriend.
 Chinatsu narrowed her lavender eyes, shifting a bit away from Souji. “Right this second, I honestly kind of wish I had fallen for Iba instead of you.”
 A small, almost inaudible gasp escaped the First Division Captain. Before another word could be said, Souji had already gathered Kashuu Kiyomitsu and Yamatonokami Yasusada and stormed out. Chinatsu sighed and waited a few moments before excusing herself to go after him.
 An uncomfortable silence remained between the two of them. After what seemed an eternity, Shiori stood up. “While we’re on that topic, maybe I should have fallen for Hijikata-san, since you don’t seem to love me enough.” She gathered her flowing kimono. “Perhaps he’d consider building a future with me.” She was lying through her teeth and he probably knew it. There was no way Hijikata-san would give up his position in the Shinsengumi to settle down, one of the many aspects she admired in the Vice Commander. She stormed out to the garden, being met with a darkening sky. The sun was almost gone and along with it, the warm shades of orange and pink.
 Iba hesitated for a few moments, thinking, wondering what he could even say to her. He clutched the scabbard of his sword, sighing and taking out the handkerchief he’d received from her when they’d first met. It was embroidered with purple morning glories. It was one of his most prized possessions. He truly did love Shiori, but he was unsure of what the Shogun would say about their relationship. There was a part of him that was scared that he’d be moved away from Shiori and placed somewhere else, and perhaps even told to cease contact with her.
 And he probably would. He could not disobey orders.
 But she was more important to him. Much more important than the orders of the Shogun. More than anything in the world. He’d give up his life for hers in less than a heartbeat if the situation called for it.
 Iba gathered his courage and determination. He was going to tell her what she meant to him.
 The way the moonlight hit her long, wavy violet hair and enveloped her frame in a glow left him stunned by her beauty. He slowly approached her, reaching over her to pluck a flower from the tree to place in her hair.
 “Wha-” Shiori turned to look at him and quickly turned away from him. She was already weak-kneed looking at him, the way the moonlight hit his soft and gentle features. She was tempted to look back at him, but she held her ground.
 Shiori gripped a low branch, snapping it off, trying to ignore his soft velvety whisper. She squealed a bit when she felt his arms wrap around her and his lips at her ear. “I-Iba-san…Wh-what the hell are you d-doing?”
 She ceased her rambling when he whispered her name. It was the second time he’d said it so intimately.
 “Shiori, I didn’t mean that I would never marry you…” Iba carefully turned her around to face him. His cheeks warmed underneath her hands as she reached over to cup them. “I-I merely meant, in this very moment I would not be able to assume the position as your husband…I need more recognition before I could even think about asking the Shogun for your hand in marriage, Shiori…”
 “H-Hachirō…” She leaned up to gently press her lips against his. “I don’t want anyone else but you…I know sound foolish, but,” She drew in a breath before looking right into his soft green eyes that were illuminated by the bright moonlight. “I could never ever bear to be with anyone else but you. A life without you would be a fate worse than death, and I know I probably sound so stupid and lovesick and like a wish-washy maiden, but I truly feel that way. I love you so much, Iba Hachirō.”
 Again, he met her lips, this time a tad more desperate than before. “Shiori,” He whispered her name once more against her lips before taking them again. “Don’t doubt for a moment that my love for you is a lie. I’m going to work hard to get approval so that we can love each other freely and not have to hide. I want to make you happy.”
 “Hachirō…” Shiori buried her face into his chest, suddenly feeling embarrassed about what she’d said before and even more so that her eyes were leaking happy tears. Only he was allowed to see her in such an unraveled state. “Don’t you dare leave my side. Ever.”
 Iba kissed her temple before resting his chin on top of her head, his arms bringing her closer to him. “I promise to stay by your side, Shiori.”
Tagging: @resshiiram @hakuouki-or-hakuoki  @sabinasanfanfic @flower-dragon @lescahiersdesable @221bbakerstreetirregular @meredith-stannards @hidetheremote @hakuyamazakisensei @shell-senji
Let me know if you want off or on the list! 
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Okay, Fictional Kiss Prompt #5: hands on the other person’s back, fingertips pressing under their top, drawing gentle circles against that small strip of bare skin that make them break the kiss with a gasp for Iba and Shiori.
Thank you @resshiiram for Iba and Shiori XD Here’s your prompt. Shiori is one of my OCs, and my lovely friend here gave me the pairing…Modern Cop AU! 
Officers walked around the station, carrying paperwork or guarding incoming convicts. The doors slammed open as a famed detective arrived with her latest arrest. Cold cyan glared at the man she threw at the officers that came forward to take him. “Just try groping another woman ever again!” She growled as the man ducked his head down, eagerly letting himself be led away by the officers. Her cyan eyes glanced back at her partner, a rather handsome detective with short brown hair that nicely framed his handsome and pretty features. He looked back at her, his head tilting in slight confusion, finishing the sweet bread in his hand.
“Ah, Shiori-san,” He smiled. “We need to write up that report.” He licked the sugar remains on his fingers and she quickly looked away, the man was always eating something sweet, and stormed to her desk. Iba Hachirō followed her and sat across from her in his own desk. He peered up from his computer as she watched her fingers move about on the keyboard, her expression fierce. Chuckling quietly to himself, he grabbed a wet towel from the inside of his desk drawer to wipe his fingers and opened up the shared document she was already working on.
Not long after turning in the report of assault, Shiori would be pressing charges against the man she’d been trying to find. The station had gotten numerous reports of a man that was groping women on two streets, near a bakery that Iba Hachirō only bought danishes from. She’d been hanging out there with her partner, Iba, undercover, to catch him, and today, the perp foolishly had tried to cop a feel of her ass. She’d twisted his arm and kicked him down, and if it weren’t for her more light-hearted partner, she would’ve given his face a few more bruises, maybe even a broken nose. He had stood by for a few moments and brought out the cuffs before Shiori could beat him completely senseless. He had to pluck her off of their perp.
He sighed dreamily. Even while bringing out her fists, she looked stunning.  
“Yo! Hachirō!” A larger man with vivid blue eyes and a green bandanna on his forehead clapped his back, startling him.
“A-ah, Nagakura-san…” He gave him a sheepish smile, as if he’d been caught eating sweets when he wasn’t supposed to.
He leaned down and peered over his shoulder to look at Shiori across from him. “Na, you’re staring more at Shiori-chan more than at your work, Hachirō~.” Shinpachi smirked and squeezed his shoulders.
A little pink dusted Hachirō’s cheeks. He didn’t think anyone was noticed him. “Nagakura-san!” He whispered and stood up, leading him away to the break room. Luckily, his partner was too engrossed in her work, so wasn’t going to miss his presence for a while.
Hachirō poured them both some coffee in mugs and they walked over to the little table that held sugar and various other things to add to their coffee. He liked his with three sugars and cream.
Shinpachi only added a bit of cream and a sugar. “So, when are you going to make a move, Hachirō, my man? You’re so stricken with her.” He chuckled and took a sip from his mug.
“That would be extremely unprofessional of me, Nagakura-san.” He sighed and stared down at the coffee in his mug. “Rather than me,” He noticed that his attention had shifted to the window. They had a good view of people coming into the station. Chuckling, he looked back at the older detective. “When will you make a move on Miura-chan?”
Shinpachi’s cheeks dusted with pink as he waved back at the cheerful girl that was approaching them. “..Not a word, Hachirō.”
“Nagakura-san!” Etsu had signed into the front desk and spotted Nagakura-san and Iba-san from the room. She was actually here at the station on business, but it never hurt to greet others. Besides, Nagakura-san looked rather dashing in his black v-neck and dark jeans. She admired the way the tight shirt fit him, her throat suddenly parched. She turned her head to avoid staring at him too much and noticed the other person present. “Ah, Iba-san’s here too! Hello!” She smiled sheepishly. She’d been excited to see Nagakura-san, she almost forgot that the gorgeous Iba-san was also present.
“O-oh! Etsu-chan! Hey, how’re ya?” Shinpachi admired how pretty she looked in her navy blue pencil skirt, white blouse, black pumps and her brown hair that was up in a bun today. He’d met her a while back when he was working on a case. Not all detectives and prosecutors get along, and he normally clashed heads with some of them, but he definitely had a weakness for the cute ones, especially Etsu. With her, there was more than just interest, but he just hadn’t found the right time to ask her out yet.
Hachirō took this chance to go back to his desk, pouring another cup of coffee for his partner. She took hers black, no sugar. He made his way back to his desk, placing the mug in front of her to interrupt her work.
Her sharp cyan blue eyes shifted over to his handsome face. Her heart did a little flip when he smiled that adorable smile of his.
“Shiori-san, we have a late shift tonight, don’t we?”
“Thank you…” She nodded, trying to ignore the heat in her cheeks as she glanced back at her computer screen, lifting her mug by the ear and blowing on it for a few seconds before bringing up to her lips. Perfect. Black coffee just like she liked it. “Iba, we know for sure that Takeda’s gonna be there tonight?”
Hachirō nodded and took out a case file from the locked compartment of his desk. “That’s what Chief Kondō told us, which is why he wants us to stake out tonight.” He furrowed his brows when he saw that look cross over her pretty and soft features. She was planning something. “Shiori-san…We’re there to keep tabs on Takeda tonight, we’re not going to bring him in tonight.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Rolling her eyes and drinking the remainder of her coffee, she stood up and grabbed her gun holster and slipped it on over her white button-up shirt. “I’m going down to the range. I want to be ready for tonight.” She grabbed her jacket and didn’t wait up for him.
Entering the range, Shiori’s jaw clenched when she caught sight of the messy auburn haired man, wearing a dark red button-up and black jeans. He smirked , looking over at her, when he set his gun down and took off his red ear muffs. “Did you check the board? I’m still ahead by one arrest.”
Shiori grabbed her blue ear muffs, safety glasses and bullets at the counter before slipping into the stall next to his. “Shut up, Okita. I brought in another one this morning. We’re tied now.” She loaded her gun and glared over at him, noticing that he was also refilling his gun with bullets. The two had a long bet. At the beginning of the year, they’d bet who could make the most arrests by the end of the year. In exchange, the winner gets to ask something of the loser.
“Loser buys lunch?” He cocked the gun and glanced back at her.
“Fine. But you’re buying for all of us, Chinatsu-chan, Iba and me.” Shiori smirked, tightening her ponytail, making sure her long, wavy violet hair was in place, before putting her ear muffs and glasses on.
“I hope your wallet’s open, Shiori-chan.” Green eyes met her cyan eyes, determination and fire in both of them before they turned to wait for the targets to appear.
Hachirō sighed and lightly shook his head as he stepped into the range, going to the counter to grab his equipment. He spotted Chinatsu a few stalls away from the rivals and greeted her pleasantly as he entered the stall next to hers, “Hello, Chinatsu-chan. They’re at it again, aren’t they?”
Chinatsu lowered her purple ear muffs and smiled back at him, nodding. “Seems like it. At least we don’t have to pay for lunch today.” She shrugged and reloaded her gun.
Hachirō chuckled and loaded his gun after putting on his glasses and ear muffs to practice his precise shots. He and Chinatsu had known each other as children, and they’d passed through the academy together as well. They were very good friends, and unbeknownst to them, their partners were watching their friendly chit-chat with envious cyan eyes and green eyes.
They turned back to the targets after they reset.
Shiori happily dug into her pasta while a sour Souji grumbled as he stabbed his meatball. “Italian. We could’ve had lunch at the hot dog vendor.”
“I won, I get to choose lunch. You know the rule. Shouldn’t have made the bet if you knew you were going to lose.” Shiori haughtily turned her head to him, taking a large bite of her carbonara pasta. “Delicious. Besides, fucking whine. Last time you won, we went out for fucking steaks. Steaks are way more expensive than pasta dishes.”
“I’m paying for the four of us.” Souji crossed his arms bitterly after eating another meatball.
Iba and Chinatsu sat next to each other, doing their best to ignore the bickering pair and focus on their food, which their partners didn’t take too kindly to.
“Iba, hurry up and finish since we gotta go back to prepare for the stake out.” Shiori took another large bite of her pasta. The faster they finished, the faster they could go check on their equipment on their own.
Hachirō chuckled and wiped his mouth. “I’m done, let’s head out then.” The pair stood up and walked off. Shiori blew a kiss to Souji rather mockingly, which irked him.
Chinatsu stared after the pair and turned back to her partner. “They’re staking out Takeda, aren’t they?”
Souji nodded and sighed. “That’s going to put her so ahead if they actually wind up busting the deal.”
“The Chief’s orders were to just observe.”
“And how many times have we heard that and wound up making the big busts?” Souji smirked, reaching over to wipe some sauce off her lips with his thumb, tasting it for himself. “Hm, the alfredo’s not bad. Might have to go for it next time.”
Chinatsu opened her mouth in shock and a blush spread across her cheeks. “O-Okita-san! What are you doing?!”
“Just tasting the pasta. Why? Would you like a taste of mine?”
She wanted to hide behind her strawberry blonde locks. She stood up, not bothering to finish the last bit of her pasta. “P-pay the check. I’m going to the bathroom.” Chinatsu took rapid steps towards the bathroom.
Souji chuckled in amusement as he took out his wallet.
Guns. Check. Bullets. Check. The bugs. Check.
Shiori continued making a mental checklist as she looked over the equipment in the trunk of Iba’s car. His car was a bit more reliable than hers and would be fitting in more with the scenery they’d be going to. Her car was a bit older and had its issues. She didn’t drive much anywhere else besides the station and her apartment, so she didn’t see the need for a new car. They normally used his on stakeouts because it was newer. Guess it paid to be a wealthy politician’s son.
Hachirō slipped next to her, setting bullet proof vests in the trunk. “You forgot these.”
His sudden presence made her heart jump. “Th-thanks.”
“They’re just a precaution. We’re just observing.” He said firmly as he looked at her with his soft, but serious green eyes. Those eyes that just made her forget what the hell she was doing.
“Yeah…I know.” She repeated for the hundredth time that day. Of course, Shiori wasn’t just going to let Takeda go without a fight, and it seemed like her partner was painfully aware of it.
Hour five. The sun had already set a long time ago and Shiori was becoming restless just sitting in the driver’s seat. Nothing had happened yet, and she was wondering if the tip had been to throw them off.
She sighed loudly, blowing her violet bangs out of her face as she looked over at Iba, who was taking out another donut hole from the bag he had. With all the sweets he ate, it was no wonder he oozed sweetness.
Shaking her head, Shiori almost slapped herself. Her thoughts like this about her partner were becoming too frequent. Glancing back at him, she nodded to herself. The man was ridiculously good-looking. She’d been told too many times how jealous someone was because she got to work with him so closely.
Guess she was lucky. He was more than just a pretty face. Iba had the skills to back her up in any given situation, and had saved her ass more than just a few times with his quick thinking or sharp shooting skills. He was the calmer of the two. She liked to act more than think about acting, and with a short temper…she often jumped on the gun too quickly.
Her cyan eyes wandered back to him, watching his lips as he licked the sugar off of them. She licked her own and nearly slammed her head into the steering wheel. Just what the hell was she thinking?!
“Shiori-san, are you okay?”
NO. Shiori turned to face him. “Fine. Just irritated that we haven’t seen any sign of Takeda. Chief told us to give up at dawn, didn’t he?”
Hachirō patted her shoulder, smiling gently. “Yeah, but there’s always next time, Shiori-san.”
His touch sent little electric shocks through her, and she quickly shrugged his hand off. “Guess this tip was a fake.”
“Hold on,” Hachirō’s brows creased in confusion as he turned up the volume. The bugs they’d planted before the building was going to be used was picking up some new voices. “Listen.”
Shiori leaned closer to him to listen closer. “The fucker’s there, we have to get him Iba! There’s only like ten of them!”
“Shiori-san! We don’t-” She was already getting out of the car to grab her vest and gun. Hachirō sighed and followed after her after calling for backup. With that, the Chief and Captain would know what was going on.
The pair went around the back, and Hachirō nervously kept his ears open, hoping to hear sirens soon.
“Fuck it, I’m going in, Iba.”
How many times had he heard that phrase before he could stop her? He lingered outside for a few moments, letting her get ahead a bit. He ducked behind a large pile of crates as he heard someone approaching. He heard a gun cock. Someone had definitely seen Shiori go inside.
Shiori crept inside the warehouse, biding her time for backup before she took action. She managed to hide behind a pillar, able to catch what the voices were saying across the warehouse. It was a big deal.
She was pushed down and heard one gun go off, followed by several. “Iba!” She hissed, staring up at him. He’d tackled her behind a mess of boxes. “What the hell! You gave us away!”
“There was someone following you.” Hachirō scrambled off of her to take his position to shoot from behind the boxes.
“Fuck.” She muttered, peering from behind the boxes. She spotted Takeda, his long, dark purple hair flowing behind him as he made his escape. “Not today, you don’t! Cover me, Iba!” She managed to shoot he hand of a man closest to her to stop the oncoming barrage of bullets.
“Shiori-san!” Hachirō managed to get the next one that was about to shoot at his partner as she darted out to run after their prime target. He managed to walk forward and shoot their hands or arms to force them to stop shooting at them.
“Takeda!” She continued running forward, now outside. He was attempting to make his getaway in a black car. “You’re under arrest!”
A bullet grazed her cheek. They had counted he number of lackeys wrong. There was one more they’d missed. She tried to shoot his arm, but her gun clicked. Her gun was out of bullets. She wouldn’t have time to reload before he took another shot. From the corner of her eye, she could see Takeda smirk and roll up the window of the car.
Before she could brace herself for pain, the man let out a cry and fell to the floor.
“Shiori-san!” Hachirō yelled and gripped her shoulders tightly. They could finally hear sirens in the distance. “Do you know how reckless that was?!”
“Very…I thought we could get him…” She clicked her tongue in annoyance.
He shook her lightly, one of his hands taking her chin so she’d look into his wide eyes. “Shiori-san, you put yourself in too much danger tonight! You were too careless tonight! What would’ve you have done if I wasn’t here?!”
She’d never seen Hachirō lose his composure like this before. “Iba, I’m fine. I knew you’d cover me. I wouldn’t have taken the risk if you weren’t a good shot.”
“Do you trust my ability to shoot so much? If I had missed?!”
“You don’t.”
Hachirō was growing more frustrated by the second. Did she not see her injuries? Many bullets had grazed her arms and face. Even though she was wearing the vest, it didn’t mean it would stop her from receiving a bullet to other fatal parts of her body, like her head. “Shiori-san!” Before he could stop himself, his lips had already crashed onto hers.
Shiori closed her eyes and her fingers wove themselves in his hair, pulling him closer.
When the sirens grew louder, Hachirō reluctantly released her. “We need to get you a medic.” He turned away, embarrassed with himself. He couldn’t believe that he let his emotions get the better of him. He stood by as he heard Captain Hijikata bark orders. He knew a lecture was going to be coming.
“Fucking Kaneko Shiori!” Captain Hijikata’s loud outburst could be heard throughout the warehouse. He stormed towards the pair. “Intel. All you had to do was observe!”
Shiori quietly lined up next to her partner, letting the Captain scold her. She knew she was in the wrong, and though they managed to capture an integral part of the drug ring, Takeda had escaped them.
“Now, go see a fucking medic. Don’t ever do dumb shit like this again, Kaneko.” Captain Hijikata dismissed them.
They both saluted him. “Yes, sir!” She bowed deeply.
Hachirō forced her to get her wounds checked out and bandaged, though she insisted they were mere scratches. He wasn’t hearing any of it, and he was personally taking her home.
After that kiss, she’d wanted to escape from him, but he wasn’t giving her a chance. The car ride to her apartment was a bit of an awkward one. Iba just had to be a gentleman and walk her up to the door. She didn’t want to face him or her feelings right now.
But when she turned back to thank him, her hands automatically reached for his cheeks, her lips meeting his.
She wasn’t going to let him go now.
Shiori managed to unlock the door without breaking their kiss for long. She gasped when she felt his fingertips slip under her tank top and draw small circles on her sensitive skin. “I-Iba…”
He stilled his hands, loosening his grip on her waist. “…About earlier…I’m sorry, Shiori-san…I…”
“Fuck it all, Iba. I want you, hell, I’ll admit it,I like you…” Her cheeks reddened as she looked up at him. “And like hell do you think you’re going to get away tonight.” She growled and tugged him down from the collar of his shirt. 
“E-eh?” Her sudden confession had him both on cloud nine and rather confused. “Shiori-san?” Their kisses had been rather heated, so they were kind of past the point of talking it out….And he felt the same too…He never would’ve imagined it like this. 
“Kiss me again, Iba.”
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iba-hime · 6 years
for the ship meme: Etsu x Kazama; Etsu x Shinpachi; and Iba x Shiori x Souji ;-)
KazaTsu Here
*Sigh* Here’s the Sammich…Iba x Shiori x Souji
By some miracle Shiori decides “fuck it, I want both,” and this is what happens.
· Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
· How long will they last? -Hard to say….LOL
· How quickly did/will they fall in love? -Iba at first sight, Shiori couldn’t make up her mind until they confronted them and she said BOTH, and Souji, it took him a while to admit it, until he saw Iba making moves.
· How was their first kiss? -(How would this work?) Um, Shiori probably instigated something. Or maybe Souji. (THIS IS COMPLICATED)
Sex: (*SCREAMS*)
· Who is on top? - HOW DOES THIS WORK. (Shiori’s a switch(?), Souji tops(??), I think Iba would fill in the gap(???))
· Who is the one to instigate things? -Probably Souji or Shiori tbh
· How healthy is their sex life? - (HOW DO I MEASURE THIS, UM IT’S GOOD? WAIT, UM HEALTHY????) Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
· How kinky are they? - (WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO BREAK MY HEAD) Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
· How long do they normally last? -(TBH IM NOT SURE ABOUT THIS ONE???)
· Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? -I’d say so…?
· How rough are they in bed? - *SCREECH* Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
· How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
· Who does the most cooking? - Iba, hands down
· Who is the most picky in their food choice? -Souji
· Who does the grocery shopping? -Iba and he drags Shiori for some alone time, but Souji ends up tagging along
· How often do they bake desserts? -at least three times a week bc Iba is a sweet boi
· Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? -Shiori and Souji love meat more, Iba’s both
· Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? -Iba, occasionally Souji
· Who is more likely to suggest going out? -Souji probably bc Iba made something he didn’t like
· Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? -Souji
· Who cleans the room? - all three
· Who is really against chores? -maybe Souji
· Who cleans up after the pets? -Iba
· Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? -Souji
· Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? -Shiori, (BC OMG PEOPLE)
· Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? -Iba bc he a lucky boi
· Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Shiori
· Who takes the dog out for a walk? -Iba
· How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? -not often, but Iba will put stuff up for fun.
· What are their goals for the relationship? -(I honestly don’t know tbh LOL)
· Who is most likely to sleep till noon? -Souji
· Who plays the most pranks? -Souji
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hs4rtn3ss · 4 years
Doushino, fem!Douma x Shinobu - Reencarnaciones - Parte 1: El lugar donde la conocí
"Escucha tu interior, pues aunque no lo creas, te está dando pistas constantemente."
— Osho.
     Primera parte: El lugar donde la conocí.
Las flores de un árbol de cerezo caían, volaban al compás del viento y forraban el suelo de un suave matiz rosáceo.
Uno de los árboles más grandes de una de las escuelas exclusiva para mujeres en Japón, se situaba en el patio. Un hermoso jardín que todas las estudiantes cuidaban recién empezaba a surgir aquella mañana, todas las flores se abrían mientras que un sinfín de mariposas revoloteaban alegremente sobre las mismas. Ahí fue donde la conoció. Shiori estaba regando las flores. Douko la apreciaba desde una distancia prudente, sin ser notada del todo debido a que se encontraba detrás del tronco de árbol de cerezo.
(...) ¿Cómo no estar cautivada desde el primer día en que la conoció?
Si Shiori era lo más hermoso que sus ojos de un particular color arcoíris habían podido apreciar en toda su vida. Douko se limitaba a mirarla desde lejos, la joven muchacha de cabello oscuro siempre estaba junto a una mujer que compartía rasgos similares con ella. Y, por la forma en que se trataban la rubia suponía que eran familia.
Los primeros días, luego de ser transferida a la escuela para señoritas, Douko no tuvo contacto cercano con aquella mujer cuya horquilla para el cabello era de una mariposa; sin embargo, logró hacerse amiga de una gran cantidad de chicas que rápidamente comenzaron a hablar con ella. Se enteró del hecho de que, efectivamente, Kanomi era la hermana de Shioru. Sintió un gran alivio de que no fuera alguien de algún interés amoroso, ¿por qué? Douko—por primera vez en su vida—había experimentado un sentimiento de envidia. Quería hablar con Shiori, quería ser algo más que una amistad en su vida, pero no tenía una razón lo suficientemente elocuente como para acercarse a ella y—si lo hacía de la nada—, quizás aquello podría haber parecido inapropiado y mal visto desde la perspectiva de la azabache.
No fue hasta que la rubia ingresó al club de jardinería que tuvo la gran oportunidad de cruzar palabras con Shiori. « Hola. Mi nombre es Shiori, bienvenida al Club de Jardinería y Floristería. Mi hermana es la presidenta y yo la vicepresidenta así que, por favor, ante cualquier duda no temas preguntarnos. Siéntete cómoda. » «Hola. Mi nombre es Douko. Un placer y gracias, ¿podemos intercambiar n��meros telefónicos? »
Hubo un gran silencio por parte del resto del club en aquel momento. Douko se removió, nerviosa, en su lugar mientras se daba cuenta de lo imprudente que había sido con aquella petición. Sin embargo, no todo fue tan nefasto como pensó que sería porque sorprendentemente, Shiori sí le dio su número telefónico.
La mujer de ojos color arcoíris empezó a escribirle esa misma tarde luego de que ambas salieron de la escuela. Shiori no solo era hermosa, sino también una persona amable y simpática, misteriosa, pero dulce y con un toque enigmático. Douko solo se enganchó mucho más en su /admiración/ por ella. Pronto, empezaron a reunirse a la hora del almuerzo en el jardín para compartir la comida. Aquello era como de ensueños para la rubia.
E, inesperadamente, un día mientras caminaban de regreso al aula de clases, las manos de Shiori y Douko chocaron. Una corriente eléctrica había recorrido de pies a cabeza a la rubia, Shiori también se había quedado paralizada un momento, pero luego retomó la caminata como si nada hubiera ocurrido.
«¿Qué significa esto...? »
Douko, durante algunos escasos segundos, creyó ver una extraña ilusión que se formaba dentro de su cabeza al momento en que su mano hizo contacto con la de la azabache. Visiones extrañas de una batalla, había una mujer que—juraba—era idéntica a Shiori y un hombre alto que se parecía mucho a ella misma. La rubia no supo cómo reaccionar ante aquello, así que solo siguió a Shiori de regreso al salón de clases.
Y, al volver a casa, no logró conciliar al sueño aquella noche debido a la peculiar /alucinación/ que cruzó su mente.
(...) Los meses transcurrieron, la temporada de invierno iba a mitad de su tiempo. Diciembre había llegado. La hermana de Shiori había propuesto invitar a una de sus compañeras del club a su casa y, por supuesto, Douko se postuló a sí misma de manera abrupta. Shiori rio entre dientes, ¿cómo era que aquella rubia podía ser tan peculiar, todavía en medio de la clase? Y, bueno, aceptó sin muchas quejas el hecho de que Douko iría a su casa para navidad.
« Shiori...»
« ¿Si?, dime.»
« ¿Crees que nos pudimos haber conocido antes?»
«No entiendo a qué te refieres, Douko. »
«Es decir, en otra vida. »
«Fufuf, no puedo tener esa certeza, así que no podría afirmarlo o negarlo.»
«Estás pálida, ¿sucede algo?»
«No, no es nada... » Y, aunque lo negara, si estaba ocurriendo algo. Douko, en sus sueños, podía ver cosas que nunca antes en su vida había visto. El mundo de ensueños la llevaba a una aparentemente época antigua, ¿no era similar a los libros ilustrados de la Era Taishō? Siempre la situaban en una batalla a muerte, donde el mismo hombre y la mujer (parecida a Shiori) peleaban hasta que ambos caían. Era extraño y, bueno, curioso por decirlo menos.
(...) La noche de navidad, justo cuando Douko pensaba expresar sus verdaderos sentimientos por Shiori, ocurrió.
— ¡Me gusta, Shinobu!
— ... Douko quedó en blanco. Y, en primer lugar, ¿por qué llamaba a Shiori como la mujer que salía en sus sueños específicamente cuando planeó una confesión perfecta? Shinobu. Shinobu. Shinobu. Por qué el mismo nombre hacía eco dentro de su cabeza, una y otra vez, como si quisiera darle una pista sobre algo importante que había ocurrido. Shiori, por los momentos, no supo exactamente qué decir, solo terminó agradeciendo la estima que tenía Douko por ella y—finalmente—le dejó en claro que solo podían ser amigas.
Shiori se sintió extraña cuando la llamaron por aquel nombre, casi sintió que le pertenecía en su totalidad, pero el hecho de que viniera de parte de la rubia hacía que en su pecho un particular sentimiento oprimiera como si quisiera asfixiarla. Quizás por eso la rechazó, no se sentía del todo cómoda en aquel momento, aunque lo cierto es que consideraba la confesión por parte de Douko. La noche de navidad no terminó como una de historias de fantasía, pero al menos ninguna había quedado en malos términos.
—Shiori.. lo siento. —la expresión de la rubia parecía sentida, penumbrosa.
—¿A qué se debe esa disculpa tan repentina, Douko?—trató de sonreírle como siempre, pero desde aquella noche no había podido tratarla como habitualmente lo hacía.
—Te llamé de otra forma la semana pasada. —sentía que debía disculparse, por más mínimo que haya sido su error.
—No te preocupes, no me molestó. —no era mentira, pero admitir que le había causado cierta incomodidad no estaba en sus planes por el momento.
— Ese nombre lo escuché en mis sueños, no esperé que se me escapara de esa forma. —Douko suspiró prolongadamente, al final le fue imposible ocultarlo. Además, quería conversar al respecto con Shiori.
—¿...Sueños? —inclinó la cabeza a un costado, intrigada.
— ¡Sí, sueños! Unos raros, donde está una mujer muy parecida a ti y un hombre alto, ambos pelean y-... —Shiori le interrumpió, sin embargo, la voz de la muchacha de cabellera oscura parecía un poco más relajada que la de ella, como si estuviera analizando las cosas entonces dijo:
— He tenido sueños similares, pero en los míos pareciera que muero en manos de un demonio llamado... Douma. —acotó como si nada, no sabía demasiado sobre el tema de los demonios así que no podía profundizar más al respecto.
— ... —Douko empalideció, quedándose momentáneamente en silencio.
— Jaja es un nombre muy parecido al tuyo, Douko. —hizo énfasis en ese hecho con un tono de voz hilarante, aunque sus palabras causaron que la rubia se sobresaltara.
— ¡Pero yo nunca le haría daño a Shiori! Eres lo más importante para mí. —Douko se atrevió a tomar las manos de la muchacha delante de ella, pero, justo cuando iba a acercarlas hacia su propio cuerpo con la intención de frotarlas contra su mejilla, Shiori las apartó. Era como si no quiera ser tocada por Douko, sin embargo, su rostro no mostraba ningún gesto de desagrado o molestia. Tal vez por ello la rubia no se quejó al respecto.
— Tranquilízate, solo han sido sueños. —sonrió con indulgencia, esperando que con ello se apaciguaran sus nervios.
— ¿Y si fueron vivencias de vidas pasadas? —había leído muchos libros y, entre ellos, estaban las teorías sobre la reencarnación.
— ¡Jajaja! —no pudo evitar reír, no podía creer que Douko se estuviera tomando eso tan a pecho.
— ¡No te rías, tonta! Estoy hablando en serio. —hizo un mohín, quería que sus palabras fueran algo significativo al menos para Shiori.
— Perdón, no pude evitarlo. —al terminar de reír, la azabache se limpió una pequeña lágrima cómica de su ojo con el dorso de la mano.
— ¿No crees en esas cosas...? —quiso saber.
— No es cuestión de creerlo o no. —impuso Shiori, soltando un suspiro cansino.
— Douko, en mis sueños yo envenené a ese demonio. Murió poco tiempo después de que yo pereciera. Estaríamos a mano, es decir, si se tratara de vidas pasadas, como dices, no tienes por qué sentirte culpable.
Las conversaciones de ambas chicas empezaron a abarcar los sueños que ellas habían tenido.
Y Douma.
Muchas veces intercambiaban información sobre cada una de las personas que aparecían en sus sueños. Sobre lo poco que recordaban. Sobre las circunstancias que se plasmaban en sus cabezas una vez estaban en el mundo de los sueños.
Douko, aunque no fue correspondida en aquel momento, estaba conforme con poder seguir al lado alguien como Shiori. Hablar con ella era, sin lugar a dudas, una de las mejores dichas de toda su vida. Nunca se arrepentiría de haberla conocido, de haberla espiado a escondidas mientras cuidaba del jardín del club o de haberle pedido el número de teléfono en medio del aula de clases.
Shiori en algún momento u otro tendría que corresponder a sus sentimientos.
。☆✼━━━━━ NOTAS DEL AUTOR ━━━━━★✼☆。
¡Hola, hola!
Hace bastante que no escribo fanfics, pero me alegra haber vuelto luego de años- en fin, traje este pequeño fanfic DouShino con Douma versión femenina. Y, bueno, debo aclarar que el nombre de Shiori , Kanomi y Douko lo inventé yo para referirme a las reencarnaciones de Shinobu, Kanae y Douma.  Jajaj, perdón si quedó cutre todo- se me ocurrió esto mientras miraba en mis carpetas las imágenes DouShino. ¡Ah! @btym49 es la artista de este bello fanart que tiene la portada (Agradezco a @blumv_v por proporcionarme la fuente de la imagen. Qué grande sos, ídola. ), Esta historia será publicada primero en el grupo de facebook Culto al Paraíso Eterno 《 Douma Cult 》 ❄. , así que le doy la gracias a los respectivos administradores y las personas que siguen la historia por medio de ahí.
(Apropósito, cambié de cuenta, tenía una cuenta anterior en wattpad donde subí por primera vez este pequeño fanfic pero he decidido mudarme para acá. Continuaré la historia, sí. ¡La verdad me dieron muchas ganas de seguir escribiendo! No esperé que esta obra tuviera criticas positivas ;; ay, la verdad me emociona mucho) ¡No te vayas sin dejar un comentario! Me gustaría saber tu opinión respecto a la historia, si quieres darme un consejo o alguna sugerencia, también estaría encantada de saberlo.
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