okay since everyone is doing these:
spin the wheel of mozart opera characters (but only the ones from operas i know and care about, sorry not sorry entführung) and reblog this and tell me in the tags:
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firesofdainix · 11 months
BTW I have a classics side blog now ☝️
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dootznbootz · 3 months
okay okay idea- someone needs to make a family sticom about Penelope, Telemachus and Odysseus where it's just them doing family shenanigans!
Odysseus and Telemachus would be the father-son duo that causes chaos and then Penelope has to get them out of trouble-
Eumaeus would be the stinky Uncle character, Eurycleia the auntie (that's so done with everyones shit but is still really nice) and Iphthime and Ctimene could be the characters that only appear like- once every 2 seasons- (whenever they show up it's a good time)
Like imagine a family reunion episode where even Hermes shows up and it's all just chaos
An Ithaca sitcom would scratch my brain so good 😔
(I'd also like to hear if you have any ideas for this concept, that is if you wanna :D)
I've actually thought about this and an Ithacan Royal family modern sitcom would definitely be more like the Adams Family.
"These guys are weird and kind of scary but they love each other very much."
I think it'd be hella fun if it's Penelope and Odysseus kind of being scam artists or something and instead of them being "creepy" like in the Adams Family, it's more like their sketchy and lil shitheads!
Penelope: Bye, sweetie! Make sure to pack ibuprofen and your switchblade! Telemachus: Mom, they don't allow knives at school. Penelope: That's why I sewed those secret pockets in your clothes! Better safe than sorry!
and stuff like
Odysseus and Penelope, looking at Telemachus sternly: "What did you do wrong?" Telemachus, sighing: "I got caught forging your signatures." Odysseus: "Exactly. You know I always dot my i's with a slant. Practice it again."
That type of stuff!:D
The HOA hates them because they are constantly doing projects. "What do you mean I need a license to do this? It's our fucking house!"
They're the most insane cheerleaders of Telemachus at his little league games. (Hermione is a softball girl. I can feel it. I think Menelaus would coach.)
Silly things like that! :D
I had this silly post a while back that's "modern au" so stuff l like this too
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monotonous-minutia · 2 years
Trouser Role Asks
I made an ask game. it got way longer than I thought it would.
Aminta: was there ever a time you had to choose between something you wanted to do and something you needed to do?
Annio: was there ever a situation where you put someone else’s needs before your own?
Ariodante: do you believe actions or intentions are more important?
Arsamene: have you ever had a big fight with a sibling (or close friend if you don’t have siblings)?
Ascanio: what are your favorite hobbies?
Ascagne: what’s your idea of an adventure?
Bertarido: have you ever kept a big secret from someone you care about?
Cecilio: have you ever become enemies with someone who used to be your friend?
Cherubino: have you ever questioned your sexuality and/or gender identity?
Cinna: is having power important to you?
Don Ramiro: are you a persistent person?
Elmiro: do you believe in second chances?
Eustazio: what’s a favorite memory you have with a sibling/close friend?
Filindo: did you ever make a decision you regretted later?
Frédéric: what is your current obsession?
Fyodor: have you ever had to take on a great responsibility you didn’t feel ready for?
Giulio Cesare: have you ever had a near-death experience?
Goffredo: do you consider yourself a leader?
Hänsel: have you ever gotten lost somewhere?
Idamante: have you ever made a great sacrifice in your life?
Isolier: what’s the funniest event or series of events you’ve been party to?
Jemmy: what is the bravest thing you ever did?
Komponist: what’s your greatest passion?
Lazuli: what is something you're really good at?
Malcolm: what would you say is your greatest strength?
Mazet: are you good with animals?
Nerone: do you think dreams have meaning?
Nicklausse: do you think art can be separated from emotion/intent?
Nomio: have you ever given up something you really wanted so someone else could have it?
Oberto: have you ever lost something important to you?
Octavian: what’s the most elaborate prank you’ve pulled?
Oreste: what do you like to do to have a good time?
Orfeo/Orphée: what’s the greatest length you’ve gone to in order to get something you want?
Oscar: have you ever stood up for someone that no one else would?
Polinesso: have you ever lied to get something you want?
Prince Charmant: do you believe in love at first sight?
Prince Orlofsky: what do you do to amuse yourself when you’re bored?
Rinaldo: do you believe in magic?
Romeo: what would you do for the sake of love?
Ruggiero: have you ever had a moment where you question who you are?
Sesto (Clemenza): how far would you go to help a friend?
Sesto (Giulio Cesare): have you ever felt the need to avenge yourself or someone else?
Siébel: who or what are you most devoted to?
Smeton: is there anything you want that you know you could never have?
Stéphano: do you consider yourself to be a romantic person?
Thibault/Tebaldo: do you like to sing?
Unolfo: have you ever had an unrequited crush?
Urbain: do you consider yourself a religious person?
Xerxes: do you like to spend time outdoors in nature?
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tendaberry · 2 years
this idamante looks like michael cera 
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paulinedorchester · 4 years
Today is the 265th anniversary of the birth of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, one of the most prolific and influential composers in history. To celebrate, here’s a short excerpt from his early opera Idomeneo. In this scene, the Trojan princess Ilia (Janai Brugger), who in the aftermath of the Trojan War has been brought to Crete as a prisoner, thinks of her beloved Idamante — a Cretan, which is a bit of a problem under the circumstances — and asks the breezes to carry her love to him.
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lessthansix · 6 years
when idamante is a tenor
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Idomeneo (Met, 2017): Reactions, Part I
Because Elsa Dreisig’s top-notch “Tutte nel cor vi sento” on her new Mozart album reminded me it’s been for-fucking-ever since I watched this opera @monotonous-minutia​
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Eric Owens and Ponnelle Mozart productions my beloveds <3
also this overture bops but the conductor >:/
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also oh no oh Ilia oh honey
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he’s trying his best
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also this recit is fun
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Ilia: *is pouring her heart out in glorious fashion*
Elettra: “I will now silently assert my dominance”
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her voice is just so colorful
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even depressed, she’s got sass
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that’s very kind of you
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honey you are very clearly suicidal someone give him a hug and some mental health counseling
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rocking the aria
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poor Trojans
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also: love how Idamante gives Ilia the credit <3
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sparks fly...
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he’s got a good point
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rip (but not actually because...)
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“why the fuck are you talking to ILIA???”
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Elettra has no chill ever also I want her outfit
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2 for 2 on great “Tutte nel cor” performances today
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MATTHEW!!! also: rumors of the title character’s death before he even got onstage are greatly exaggerated
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seriously I love the production aesthetic
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and this is why you don’t vow to commit HUMAN FUCKING SACRIFICE
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he does sing this lovely aria in lovely fashion tho
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this is entirely your fault. this is on you, buddy
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he’s just trying his best
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he’s so pure
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“...I have severely fucked up”
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oh child
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“...and instead of trying to, y’know, actually save my kid I am now going to push him away”
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"...fancy seeing you here”
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well this is awkward
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we love the singers rocking the comprimario roles
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poor baby
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IDAMANTE :((((((((((
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firesofdainix · 1 year
carrd (that I will have to update again...)
Introductory Post
aroace spec | mirror pronouns
filipino 🇵🇭
undiagnosed ADHD
All of my Tumblrs are tagging archives, but as this blog is the first of many, it's seen tons of Fandoms.
This is my main blog, my 'fandom of the week' kind of blog. Where all my recent fixations are reblogged. The reason why my separate blogs exist is to have a different kind of tagging archive or for me to be insane in alt. accounts
I've had this Tumblr since 2017.
this blog is also a reblog cesspool. I may tag some posts here if I wish to catalog them into different tagging sections. If you want me to tag something please DM/send me an ask.
Original Hashtags:
I do more reblog content here rather than original content, as I think I don't have anything to say in a platform like Tumblr. I also take a long time (or maybe never) to answer asks, so sorry if your ask will forever be stuck in the abyss that is the inbox. I just don't know how to answer them. I barely know how to make meta posts or character analysis, so good luck getting those out of me. I also move on from fandoms easily, so if that's not your kind of thing, you can move on.
Basic DNI
Flag discourse/sexual orientation discourse peeps. no one cares
While I no longer associate with the anti label, proships are still in my DNI
Speaking of antis, those who police legal ships or Fandom culture are not welcome on my page. Yall are annoying
Fandom DNI
Bubblegum haters
Simon Petrikov haters who project their shitty ex onto a flawed character for the sake of making him seem like an abuser to Betty
Wu and Misako haters
Morro haters
I don't really care about what fandom you're in, just be sure not to be a fucking asshole
OC haters
Ford Pines and Mabel Pines haters GET OFF!!!
Various other links:
DC blog - @bi4biwallylinda
Classics blog - @idamante
Animanga blog - @falling-akiangels
My old country humans blog - @countryshitposts
| My Ao3 profile | NaNoWriMo profile | Instagram | TikTok |
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dootznbootz · 9 months
Me and @idamante got silly
Odysseus' youtube "apology video to Poseidon" would just be him staring into the camera for like 3 seconds before he flips the camera off. Penelope would come into view, go up behind him, wrap her arms around his shoulders, kiss his cheek, and then give the most scathing insults in the sweetest voice.
In the background you can see Telemachus trying to teach Grandpa Laertes how to do a fortnite dance not realizing Gramps is passed out on the couch.
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monotonous-minutia · 2 years
It's Idamante season
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loosealcina · 5 years
To kill one's own son/daughter as an offering to a god. There's a literature on that, from Abraham and Isaac to Agamemnon and Iphigenia, all the way to Stannis Baratheon and Shireen Baratheon (and obviously Melisandre the sorceress). Idomeneo deals with this topic. Besides, it's a mature masterpiece of Mozart's, hence there's no doubt it's a rich, multifaceted, ambiguous object which can (and will) originate a large number of different paths. (Here's a sketch of the storyline anyway. Fighting for his life in the middle of a thunderstorm at sea, King Idomeneo promises Neptune that, should he land safe and sound in Crete, he is going to sacrifice the first mortal he meets there. He lands and he immediately meets his son Idamante. He doesn't really want to comply, but a gruesome sea monster starts to raid the island and terrify and eat people in turn...). This iteration of Idomeneo came with ups and downs. To me, the most notable down of all consisted in the musical grayness of the performance; the orchestra conducted by Diego Fasolis was way too even, constant, mechanical in terms of pace, phrasing, volumes, hues. If I had to pick a sample, I'd go with the great scene that involves Ilia and Idamante (who love each other and are trying to overcome some apparently ill-fated circumstances) at the beginning of Act III.
It's a long sequence which features a number of breathtaking moments, but very little seemed to happen this time around. (I'd say this specific Idomeneo fared better when depicting and expressing wrath, terror, tempests, and annihilation—essentially in the style of Giuseppe Verdi's Requiem). As far as narration is concerned, the new production created by Matthias Hartmann (with Volker Hintermeier, Malte Lübben, Mathias Märker as set/costume/light designers respectively) was rather plain and monotonous. Apart from paying homage to the Minotaur (also from Crete) and making good use of a fog machine, the staging made a point of presenting the main characters as regular guys. Ilia and Elettra (her rival for Idamante's heart) are just two girls. Idamante, a devoted son. Idomeneo a father who struggles to keep his job. (Everything got a little more colorful toward the end. The unexpected placement of the whole deus ex machina thing [including the bone-chilling three-trombone train] made it a compelling, rightfully otherworldly apparition. And I'm a fan of Diego Fasolis's stand against leaving out the extended dance detour right before the finale. The outcome made me think of a decidedly mild/optimistic version of Le Sacre du printemps; still it was interesting, refreshing, and absolutely welcome).
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rudyroth79 · 3 years
„Idomeneo” de Mozart
La 29 ianuarie 1781, la Teatrul Cuvilliés (Residenz) din München se prezintă cu succes opera Idomeneo a lui Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Celebrul tenor Anton Raaff, primul interpret al lui Idomeneo, cântă aici ultimul său rol principal. Mozart a numit opera cea mai bună din toată viața. Idomeneo, re di Creta ossia Ilia e Idamante (Idomeneo, regele Cretei sau Ilia și Idamante) este o operă în trei…
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operascenes2021 · 3 years
10th October Rosie Meeting
First half inside outside
what is in the space
White platform
Can we make the steps 
lighting ? who do we have
fencing on the platform ? 
huge old fashion metal bin (where do we find that) 
the ground is the place of trash, where people are thrown away 
It is a messy space, crumpled 
Flute - dream world colorful, part of the magician world 
Office wear for the ‘workers’ ? or office wear 
Tatyanna and Sophie are in white 
Bin ladies, costumes, Annie and Rael (think of Hermit crab and Mag pie) 
Oder of second Part - Cenerentola, Fille, Rake, Midsummer, Idomeneo)
Nick Shadow, bin person in disguise 
Tom is in a Boiler suit, Father truelove and Anna are in white 
Midsummer - All in white, trying to throw Hermia in the trash (Demetreius’s Edward’s Final disguise)  
Fille : Marie, wants to go down ? Marquise in white, Sulpice is in the trash world (same character as Nick shadow)
Cenerentola : Don Magnifico and sister, are in boiler suits, Prince and Dandini, in white, Cenerentola, in the bin 
Idomeneo : Rhydian, Electre and Ilya is in white, Idamante trash
For Monday : make model, have costume drawings, and mood boards. 
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Idomeneo (Met, 2017): Reactions, Part III
let’s finish this up @monotonous-minutia​
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...you okay there???
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she’s simply magical and this is gorg
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they’re just so cute and iconic
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pair the cinnamon rolls :)
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well this is awkward
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oh this HURTS
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dream team, one night only, no encores
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“aight too painful imma head out”
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Arbace you’re still not helping
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someone’s pissed also I want the High Priest’s outfit
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that is a CHILD
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thank you for being the only tenor in this opera with any common sense whatsoever
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“everyone...I have fucked up”
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“uh, YEAH. YOU DID.”
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really, a phenomenal chorus (both the piece itself and the Met chorus, which is always fabulous)
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oh this music is lovely
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Matthew is just *chef’s kiss*
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at least someone is actually effective
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...but don’t do that
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Eric Owens...indeed the voice of a god
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I love how Neptune’s just like “dude you fucked up too much stuff to still be king so let’s put in your son who’s actually good at this”
like, that isn’t actually what he said but...yeah
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deus ex machina, like any proper opera seria
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feelings are...varied
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such a diva and I love it
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everyone is traumatized
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(it’s like the one thing from this opera I’ve listened to with any regularity, although that will be changing in light of this)
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and she killed it! (and also apparently herself in the process because she just. flops down and dies.)
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and now it’s time to move on
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operatic royalty
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wuv twue wuv
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all hail the TRUE king
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go be ineffectual and gay together please <3
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time to love and heal and move forward <3
anyway this was FANTASTIC
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mezzowatch · 7 years
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Disney prince Frederica von Stade as Idamante in Mozart’s Idomeneo
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