#Idc if you've already read it read it again
epsilon-system · 1 year
Imagine,, y2kvr! forzen x darnold x benrey,, and forzen pulling darnold and Benrey into a corner and playing calming music if they get overwhelmed or stressed ,,
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scekrex · 3 months
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Consider chasing dick instead of pussy
prompt by @akiriyo
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language & implied sexual intimacy I guess
note: not beta read bc idc
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You were completely zoned out, your hand was supporting your head so that it wouldn't slap down on the table.
It was yet another day of Adam complaining - seriously the guy was complaining more about his ex wives than you two were having a normal conversation about anything else. Because no matter what you were talking about, Adam somehow always found a way to talk about Lilith and Eve. And once started, his ranting could go on for hours, there were countless nights without sleep simply because the man wouldn't stop talking about his fucking cheating bitches of ex wives. And with every other sentence he then claimed that ‘he’s totally over it’ and that he doesn't need them anyways.
Fucking bullshit.
“Yo, are you even listening, bitch?” the first man asked all of a sudden, fingers snapping in front of your face to get your attention.
“You should've dated a fucking guy instead of these bitches, y’know. All fucking day you keep complaining about how awful they were, how they cheated on you with Lucifer, how they betrayed you and how you'll never be able to get into a healthy relationship with a woman ever again because of those two cunts. Well then fucking quit chasing after pussy and try dick, you fucking idiot.” In all honesty? You really didn't know where that came from nor were you sure if Adam had been able to understand you because of how fast you were talking but by God it felt good. 
Because for once there was silence. Pure, blissful silence.
“What?” was all that came from your counterpart. His golden eyes were widened, confusion was written all over his face and he seemed truly taken aback. You simply huffed, now that you had started it, you might've might as well finish it.
“Y’know all I hear from you lately is ‘That whore Lilith did this’ and ‘Fuckin cheating cunt Eve did that' fucking quit it already and date guys. If you would've looked at me back in Eden for once, just fucking once, you would've been able to save yourself a lot of trouble. But instead you were chasing bitches that were rather bouncing on fucking Lucifer's dick than yours.”
His expression changed, confusion was replaced with realization and you just thanked God that this man seemed to have enough of his brain left to catch on to what you were saying.
“Fuck, you-” the brunette started. He had sure been expecting something but this? This wasn't something he had been noticing, not until you brought it up that was. “You were visiting Eden because of me?”
“Ding, ding, full points. You want a fucking trophy for being able to follow my words?” you bit back, slightly annoyed by his oblivion. Had Adam really been that blind to not notice the ways you've been staring at him a little longer than friends did? That you were always there for him, no matter how late, no matter what?
Adam's expression soured slightly at your choice of words and he shot a quick “Fuck you” your way. “You could've just fucking said so y’know.” Another huff escaped you as you got up from the chair you were sitting on to be on eye level with him - Adam was still sitting on the chair across the small table. “I could've just said so? Are you kidding? I've been fucking trying to but every time I tried you brought up your ex whores.”
Adam was silent again, he did nothing but to simply look you in the eyes.
That was until he grabbed you by the collar of your robe and pulled you in roughly. You stumbled slightly forwards, your knees hitting against his as your arm shot towards the backrest of the chair Adam was sitting on in order to not collapse on top of him. And then his lips brushed against yours, harshly and firm, far from soft and lovingly. One of his hands wandered to your neck, he made sure you wouldn't pull away too soon. But you weren't thinking about ending the kiss, you had been waiting for thousands of years for this to happen.
Adam parted his legs to pull you in closer, your chest was now flush against his and his hand that had been gripping your collar just moments ago was now on your ass.
And all you were able to think about was that you now had an effective method to shut Adam up properly.
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hyperactively-me · 5 months
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You've seen his face countless times, but every time the helmet comes off, it's as though you're seeing him for the first time over and over again. His expression is more than it's normal stoicism; it's vulnerable, raw. His big brown eyes come into contact with yours as you reach up, your fingers gently brushing through his messy curls. Din closes his eyes for a brief moment, savoring the contact. "Hi there, handsome," you murmur softly, allowing your fingers to linger on his strands of hair. "You clean up well, don't you?"
massaging din’s sore, aching muscles ... leads to ... yeah. I'M SORRY (not sorry at all) PUT ME IN HORNY JAIL FOR THIS IDC. it started off so innocent but then the horny monster came out and took over.
tags: smut, OILED UP DIN DJARIN, I REPEAT, OILED UP DIN DJARIN. established relationship
Din has no issue praising and worshipping you with nothing but love and adoration. In fact, it feels like second nature to him.
When he's the object of your praises, though, he doesn't know how to act. He's caught off guard by your doting attention, your quiet praises, your gentle touches.
The gruff exterior that comes so naturally to him becomes a bit more pronounced when faced with compliments and affection.
His usual response was to deflect and downplay, wanting to be the one in control, the one doing the praising rather than receiving it. It's not that he didn't appreciate your words; it's just that the vulnerability of accepting them was difficult for him.
In those moments, you read his body language like the back of your hand. You could see the conflict in his eyes, a mixture of gratitude and discomfort. He had been alone for most of his time in this cruel galaxy, had spent so long being self-reliant, not needing validation from others, that being on the receiving end of such genuine affection challenged his identity of being the stoic, impenetrable Mandalorian.
So, when he finally comes back to the Razor Crest after catching an elusive bounty, you know exactly what to do to put him at ease, to show him how much you love him, your riduur.
You catch his hand before he can take any of his armor off.
"Don't. Let me do it," you say gently, tugging his hand away.
He stares at you with that ever stoic expression you know he has on his face right now beneath the helmet. A few beats pass, and he relents, letting his wrist fall limp in your grip.
"Thank you," you whisper quietly, now running your hands up his shoulders.
You start with his baldric and belt, catching it in your grip as you unfasten the clasps. It's surprisingly heavy in your hands, and you're already a bit weary to take off the beskar.
Next, you slip his worn brown cape off his shoulders, the rough material scraping across your fingers. You can still feel traces of warmth around the part that was settled around his neck and shoulders.
Din stands before you, now with his baldric, belt, and cape out of the way, the beskar armor still encases his form. You take a moment to appreciate the craftsmanship of the beskar, tracing the shiny metal with your fingertips. The material is cool to the touch, a stark contrast to the warmth of his body you can barely feel radiating off his form. Din still stands rigid, hands flexing at his side.
His gaze remains steady, a silent acknowledgment of your request. You take charge again, delicately unfastening the clasps of his shoulder pads and removing the plates, and you can feel just how tense even just his shoulders are.
You set them gently to the side and start to work on his chest plate, easing it away from his torso with careful precision. The beskar plates release with a loud clinking sound, revealing the fabric of his flight suit beneath. You can clearly see Din's chest rise and fall with a steadiness that betrays the controlled exterior he presents to the world. With a small grunt, you ease the heavy beskar chestplate to the side, shooting Din a look when he tries to take it from your grasp.
"You said you would let me do it," you whisper, a playful yet stern glint in your eyes.
He sighs through the voice transmitter, yet allows you to continue your process of taking his armor off.
His shoulders sag forward ever so slightly as the weight of the chest plate is removed from his body, grunting with relief as he rolls his shoulders back a few times.
Next, you move on to his vambraces, unlocking the beskar from his arms. As you work on removing the vambraces, the sleeves of his flight suit ride up and you notice the subtle scars and markings on Din's forearms. You're careful to not drop the one loaded with bullets and other small weaponry.
Your hands move with a practiced gentleness, and you can sense Din's quiet appreciation for the care you're taking.
As the small pieces of armor joins the growing collection of beskar beside you, the room is filled with a sense of intimacy, a shared vulnerability palpable between you two.
Din stands before you now, the upper half of his body free from the encasement of armor. The warmth of his skin is more perceptible, and you can see a slight relaxation in his demeanor.
You move lower now, unfastening the straps securing the beskar that adorns his thighs. Your hands brush against his skin, and that's when he starts to shift side to side. You smile to yourself as you set the pieces to the side, letting your hands drag from the back his knees down to his shins to remove the final pieces.
Beskar greaves protect his shins, and you get on your knees to remove them. You don't miss the way his breath catches in his throat at the sight of you on your knees before him, but he refuses to move a muscle.
Carefully, you unfasten the straps securing the beskar greaves, allowing them to slide down his shins. Your hands move with a deliberate gentleness as you catch them, setting them on top of the stack of armor. Now that all of his armor is removed, you can clearly tell Din is now more relaxed, not as rigid.
His head his angled directly at you, the black t-visor of his helmet piercing through you. You smile softly up at him, pushing yourself to standing but not without him grabbing your hand to help you up.
You know what he's thinking. You know what he wants. He'll just never say it.
You press up onto your toes, placing your hands on his shoulders. His hands finally move, coming to rest on your waist as you lean into where you think his ear would be.
"Later," you whisper seductively, and he firmly squeezes your waist in his grip.
You take a step back, now turning your focus back to his leather gloves. Taking his left hand in yours, you spread his fingers out so you're able to slip his glove off his easier. The leather glove comes off smoothly, revealing his calloused yet gentle hand beneath. You set the glove aside, repeating the action on his other hand.
Din watches you with that unyielding gaze, his helmeted face betraying no emotions, and the tension in the air does anything but subside.
As you remove the second glove, you can't help but admire his hands; how large they, how strong they are. They're the tools of a warrior: skilled and precise, calloused and graceful. With his hands now bare, you step closer to him, your fingers tracing the lineaments of his palm. The warmth of his skin contrasts with the coolness of the beskar that once covered him. His hands are strong, yet there's a gentleness in the way he allows you to explore them.
You finally look up to his helmet, clicking your tongue with disapproval. You couldn't really get his shirt off without stretching out the neck over his helmet, and we can't have that, can we? Poor shirt, all stretched out. Oh well! Looks like we have to see your beautiful riduur's face!
You run your hands on the underside of his helmet, tracing the hard edges with the pads of your fingers. Suddenly, you latch onto the edges and slowly start to pull it up and off his head. Din's breath catches as the helmet is lifted, his nose twitching ever so slightly.
The helmet comes clean off, revealing his face, his dark hair tousled from the snug fit. You're met with his intense gaze, and for a moment, your own breath catches in your throat.
You've seen his face countless times, but every time the helmet comes off, it's as though you're seeing him for the first time over and over again.
His expression is more than it's normal stoicism; it's vulnerable, raw. His big brown eyes come into contact with yours as you reach up, your fingers gently brushing through his messy curls. Din closes his eyes for a brief moment, savoring the contact.
"Hi there, handsome," you murmur softly, allowing your fingers to linger on his strands of hair. "You clean up well, don't you?"
His lips twitch in a hint of a smile, eyebrows quirking at your playful comment.
"Are you going to finish, cyar'ika? Or are you going to finish undressing me with just your eyes?"
You roll your eyes at his remark, fighting back a laugh at his nonchalant comment.
"I guess I do have some unfinished business," you reply, hands tugging at the hem of his shirt.
You guide his shirt up and over his head, pulling it off his form and letting it fall to the floor. You're met with his tanned, toned chest, marked with scars, the silent stories of the battles he's fought.
You run your fingers lightly over the contours of his chest, savoring the feeling of his tight muscles and soft stomach. He shivers under your touch at the way your nails drag across his skin, pressing into it ever so slightly. Din watches you closely, his gaze never leaving your hands. With a soft smile, you lean in, pressing a gentle kiss to his skin between his shoulder and upper chest.
Din's fingers find their way to your hair, but you pull back, now grabbing the waistband of his pants. You tug them down quickly, helping him step out of the pant legs, but leaving him in his loose boxers.
You reach for his hand, intertwining your fingers with his, and guide him to the bed. There's no rush, no urgency. For both of you, it's a moment to savor, to appreciate each other in a quiet, peaceful moment. Before he lies down, you pull him down for a chaste kiss, savoring the way his lips taste, the way his patchy mustache tickles your face. As he finally moves to lay down, you wordlessly motion for him to lie on his stomach, and he complies. He settles onto the bed, propping himself up with his forearms.
You retrieve a bottle of oil from a nearby table, and the gentle scent of lavender fills the air as you warm the liquid between your palms. You straddle his lower back, and immediately Din is biting his tongue to withhold any premature sounds.
The moment your hands come into contact with his broad shoulders, he's a goner. Your touch is firm yet tender, your fingers finding all of his knots and tension, coaxing them to release.
The room is quiet, save for the occasional satisfied hum or grunt from Din. As your hands move down his back, tracing the contours of his muscles, you slowly feel the tension in his body dissipating.
Your fingers trace the faint lines of his scars, and you can't help but marvel at the beauty of the man beneath you. He finds solace in your touch, a promise that in this moment, he can let go and just relax.
Din's body responds to your touch, his tension gradually melting away. Your hands move with a soothing rhythm, exploring every inch of his back and shoulders. The oil makes his skin glisten in the soft light of the room, and you revel in the way his body looks as though it was carved by the Maker himself.
As your hands work their way down his spine, you occasionally lean down to press soft kisses on his back. The combination of your mouth and hands on him causes Din to shudder, the sensations pulling him into a deep state of tranquility. The rise and fall of his breath shifts into something more rapid, yet you don't catch on quite yet. You lean down, pressing a soft kiss to the nape of his neck, and he responds with a soft hum of contentment
Shifting off his back, you move down to his thighs and calves, continuing to massage his muscles with the same deliberate care. His fingers twist into the thin sheets of his bed, groaning as you knead into his thighs. The tension in Din's muscles seems to subside even more as you move farther down his legs, the oil dripping from your hands creating a smooth glide as you knead his skin.
As your hands move down his legs towards his feet, you notice the subtle tremor in his muscles, a sign that your touch might be affecting him more than he's letting on. You can't see that he's biting the inside of his cheek, stifling every pathetic groan he wants to let out.
You reach the soles of his feet, and he reflexively curls his toes at the sensation. A small chuckle escapes your lips, and you gently press your thumbs into the arches of his feet, eliciting a low, appreciative groan from him.
With a soft smile, you decide to shift the massage to his upper back and shoulders again, allowing your hands to linger in the areas that are the most tense from his heavy beskar. As your fingers work their magic, you lean in close to whisper in his ear.
"Almost done," you murmur, your warm breath sending shivers down his spine. "Does it feel good?"
Din responds with a throaty, affirmative noise, and you can't help but smile at the effect you're having on your typically stoic Mandalorian.
Your hands trace patterns over his skin, kneading, massaging, and occasionally trailing higher than expected. His breathing becomes more uneven, and you can feel the heat radiating from his body.
The atmosphere in the room drastically changes from innocent and relaxed to something more sultry, the air thick with repressed tension. You can sense Din's arousal, the subtle shifts in his breathing, the way his muscles tense beneath your every little touch. A playful smile crosses your lips, realizing the effect you're having on the usually composed man.
The occasional brush of your fingers against more sensitive areas elicits involuntary reactions from Din, his groans growing more audible.
"Enjoying this, aren't you?" you tease, your voice a sultry whisper as you lean down to place soft kisses along his shoulder blades.
"Teasing me, aren't you?" he growls back, looking back at you with a heated expression.
"Maybe a little." You smile innocently. "But the best things are worth the wait, aren't they?"
Din responds with a low, husky chuckle, a sound that reverberates through the room.
"Yes," he states simply, his voice catching in his throat when you slide off his back.
You beckon him to turn over onto his back, and he complies. Once again, you straddle him, now sitting directly on his hips, over his crotch. Taking more lavender scented oil, you lather it onto your hands and start to knead into his chest. His hands reach up to grip your ass, squeezing your flesh.
You feel Din's chest rise and fall faster as your hands start to work over his toned muscles. The oil slicks up his chest, and your fingers glide smoothly over his skin. You can practically feel his desire for you that simmers beneath the surface, threatening to boil over. Din's gaze is intense, and you meet it with a playful yet innocent smile.
"Fuck, cyare," he groans as his hands trail up your sides, the touch possessive yet gentle.
As your hands continue their ministrations on his chest, you lean down to capture his lips in a searing kiss. The taste of his mouth is intoxicating, and Din responds with a hunger that surpasses your own. His hands tighten on your hips, pulling you to grind you down over his crotch, and you can feel the pressure of his cock against your core.
"Easy there, Din," you murmur as you pull away from his lips. "We've got plenty of time."
The sound of his name rolling off your lips never gets old to him, and he shudders at the sound.
You sit back, your hands now trailing down his abdomen as you move to sit in between his thighs. Grabbing his hands, you knead into his palms with your thumbs, maintaining an eye contact that you know drives him absolutely crazy. Din's eyes are dark with arousal, and he watches you with a hunger that sends shivers down your spine.
Eventually, you finish the massage after you feel the tension fully dissipate from Din's body. He lies there, relaxed and content, basking in the afterglow of your touch.
Without waiting any longer, you finally give the man what he wants. You bring his hand up to your mouth, and without hesitation, you stick two of his fingers in your mouth. Your tongue swirls around his thick digits as you maintain eye contact with him, eliciting a low growl to escape from the depths of Din's throat.
"You- you fuckin' tease, mesh'la," he growls as he starts to sit up. You take your free hand and push him back down, not letting him sit up.
You push his fingers deeper into your mouth, sucking them harder as your tongue runs over the pads of his fingers. Your other hand comes up to his thigh, resting dangerously close to his now fully erect yet still clothed cock.
After a moment, you release his fingers with a wet pop, a mischievous glint in your eyes. Din's breathing has become more ragged, his chest rising and falling rapidly with anticipation and arousal.
"Feeling better?" you ask innocently, sliding your hands up and down his thighs.
Din nods, swallowing thickly as he locks his eyes onto yours. Without breaking eye contact, you start to slide off your shirt, slowly revealing your skin beneath. Din's gaze intensifies as you slowly lift it up and off your form. Once your shirt is fully off, you let Din rove over your form, and you revel in the way he looks at you with a thirst that mirrors your own.
He tries to reach out for you again, but you stop him.
"I'm still not done. Be patient," you say gently, wiggling your eyebrows at him.
"Mesh'la, how can I be? I have to reward you; you've been so good to me, too good for me—"
You press a finger up to his lips, silencing him.
"Please, let me make you feel good. Please. You always take care of me. Let me take care of you. 'M gonna make you feel so good."
He takes a beat, studying your face with his mouth slightly agape.
Finally, he nods in agreement, his eyes on fire. You remove your finger from his lips, giving him a sickeningly sweet smile.
Your hands trail over his shiny, slick chest, down to the waistband of his boxers. Din's fingers twist in his bedsheets, a silent reaction for what he wants: more.
With deliberate intent, you dip your fingers beneath the waistband, teasingly close to his cock. His arousal is quite evident, straining against the fabric, and your fingers brush over his length; a feather light, teasing touch. He watches you with a hunger that's impossible to ignore, and you can't help but feel giddy at the way you make him feel so good, so appreciated, so loved.
Din inhales sharply, his knuckles going white at the grip he has on his sheets. You move your hands back up and delicately hook your fingers into the waistband, pulling it down slowly. The boxers slide down his legs, revealing his cock, and you discard the fabric on the floor.
You take a moment to appreciate your Mandalorian naked in front of you, vulnerable, and yet as powerful as ever in his raw masculinity. What a sight for sore eyes. Every square inch of his skin is coated in the lavender oil, his skin shining under the dim lighting of the Razor Crest. His body is sculpted perfectly, strong and lean, the power of his muscles evident from one look. The scars that span his skin, small and large, have their own story. You reach out, tracing the lines of a particularly prominent scar on the side of his abdomen with gentle fingertips.
Din studies you with a soft intensity, his eyes holding a warmth that he reserves for you, and only for you.
Your eyes trail up to his face, studying every lineament and pore, every little hair and freckle. He's so extremely handsome you could pass out.
How he chose you, you're not sure. All you know is that this man who has promised to be your protector, stay by your side, and be your partner loves you, and you love him.
"You're beautiful," you murmur, pure admiration coursing through your veins as your fingers now trace the curve of his jaw and the contour of his lips. "Absolutely perfect, in every single way. My big, strong, handsome riduur."
Din's mind goes blank, face and ears heating up as his mouth falls agape. He just studies your eyes, your lips, your nose, every little unique feature you have. Swallowing thickly, Din nods his head just a fraction of an inch, but you catch it; he's acknowledging your words, accepting them in his own way.
Your fingers finally find their way down the shaft of his cock, shifting your attention to his member. His breath hitches as your hand wraps around the base, and you begin to move in a slow, teasing rhythm. His eyes flicker to the sight of your hand wrapped around his cock, staring at the way you pump your fist up and down. Your thumb brushes over the sensitive tip, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from Din.
You lean in, pressing a tender kiss to the base of his neck, then to his chest. You start to kiss down further, from the top of his chest to his happy trail.
"Kriff..." he mutters, his hands loosely grabbing at your face.
You keep moving, now pressing kisses on the length of his member. His grip becomes sloppier as your lips trail down his cock towards the tip, pressing a feather light kiss on his leaking slit. He grunts as the sensation, sensitive and aching for your pretty lips to be wrapped around his cock. You give a swirl of your tongue around the tip, earning a sharp, deep moan from Din.
"Kriffing- perfect," he groans, his hips bucking a few times at your touch, begging you for more. His fingers weave through your hair, a silent encouragement.
With that, you finally lower your mouth over his cock, eliciting a long, drawn out moan from the man. You rest your hands on the base of his cock, pumping the bottom half of his length while your mouth takes the top half. Din absolutely revels in the way your mouth feels against his cock; hot, wet, and velvety soft. His head rolls back against his pillow as your hands squeeze tight around the base, stimulating every inch of his length. You take him in your mouth inch by inch, sucking his cock gently at first, but providing more pressure the farther down you go.
"Fuck— fuck- ing perfect, pretty girl," he groans breathlessly, making you hum in satisfaction. His hips involuntarily buck up as he feels the vibrations from your hum, causing the tip of his cock to poke the back of your throat. You choke on it, but you steady your breath enough to keep going down.
Din fights the urge to fuck your mouth, gripping onto his sheets tightly with one hand as his other hand tugs at your hair. You release a quiet moan of your own when he pulls your hair, encouraging you to take him deeper.
Din's eyes are half-lidded now, a primal need burning within them. He watches you with an intensity that makes your own desire flare. His sounds of pleasure, the way his hands feel on you has yourself throbbing with need, your core painfully clenching around nothing. Your panties are surely soaked through by now, your arousal having built up just by making him feel good. You press your thighs together, alleviating the throbbing pressure in your pussy.
You continue to move with purpose, lowering your hands to knead his oily thighs as you take his entire length in your mouth, the tip of cock hitting the back of your throat with each bob of your head. You suck your cheeks in, running your tongue along a prominent vein with each stroke.
His ragged breaths and the soft squelch of your saliva and mouth on his cock fill the room, and suddenly, Din is pawing at you. The need for more becomes undeniable, and Din, unable to restrain himself any longer, pulls you up with a sense of urgency.
"Wanna- come in you—" he gasps, pulling at your neck.
You press your thighs tighter together at his admission, moaning on his cock.
"Kriff, cyar'ika, j- just, please," he grunts, and you lift your head off his cock, saliva dripping down your chin.
When you finally look up at him, his eyes are blown wide with need, and he's fully sitting up now. You feel the sudden shift as he drags you onto his lap, his still erect cock pressing into your stomach. You push up onto your knees as Din's hand desperately claws at the hem of your pants, yanking both your pants and panties off at the same time as he mouths the tops of your still covered breasts. Once your bottoms are off, he unclasps your bra expertly, letting it fall to the side.
Once you're bare in front of him, he laps his tongue over your breast, sucking at your nipple as his other hand squeezes and massages your other. The sensation send an electric jolt through your body, and a soft moan escapes your lips. Din's touch is both possessive and tender, his free hand coming to knead the flesh of your ass.
In one solid motion, Din is lifting you up high by your hips, positioning you over his cock. Utterly desperate and aching for your cunt around his cock, he slams your hips down, splitting you open on his cock inside your dripping cunt. Your hands fly up to his shoulders, a warbled scream and moan slipping from the both of you as he plunges deep inside of you, filling you up perfectly. You give yourself a moment to breath, steadying your breath. When he rolls his hips once, you whimper.
"Maker, y- you feel so good," you moan, biting your bottom lip in pleasure.
You squeeze his cock tightly, back arching as you feel every ridge of his cock inside you. His hands squeeze your hips tightly as your hands run down to his chest, and you start placing open mouthed, messy kisses on his jawline and neck. He lets you adjust around him, giving you some time to feel his cock molded perfectly inside you.
"Take me so good...s- so kriffing p- perfect, my beautiful riduur," he growls, fondling your breasts as you sit on his cock. Your thighs press against his as you try to clench your thighs at his words, darting your tongue out to give his skin kitten licks.
Ever so slowly, you start to roll your hips against his, moaning at the sensation. Din hisses, forehead falling on your sternum, his hot breath fanning against your breasts.
"Riduur," he groans again, darting his tongue out over the tops of your breasts again. "Ride me."
Your hands find their way into his dark curls, tugging at them lightly as you start to lift yourself up his cock. The drag of your pussy against Din's cock makes him shudder in pure ecstasy, moving his head to rest in the crook of your neck.
"You- you're the best thing that's e- ever happened to me," you whisper in his ear, then you sink all the way back down on his cock.
He moans, sucking bruises onto the junction between your shoulder and neck. Din's face is flushed from your words and the way you feel on top of him. You lift yourself up a few inches and drop back down, relishing in the way he feels underneath you.
"Never thought I'd find s- someone like you, cyare," he admits in his gravelly voice, tightening his grip on you. "Someone I- I could c- come back to."
"You're m- my home, Din," you reply, your voice a breathy whisper.
You start to set a steady pace, rocking and grinding on his cock. Din grunts at the sudden change in pace, helping you up and off his cock as his broad hands help lift you up and down by your hips. With each bounce, his cock stretches you out deliciously, dragging along your slick walls with ease.
You move your hand down to your catch your clit, circling the bud slowly, building up the pressure bubbling in your core. Your back arches as you start to tease yourself, pussy clenching harder around his cock. Din's head is thrown back in pleasure, hands firmly on your hips as you keep bouncing, reveling in the way you squeeze slightly tighter around him.
Your walls start to flutter around him at the stimulation of your clit, picking up the pace as you chase your orgasm. You lock eyes with his, the rhythm of your hips against his causing him to paw at every square inch of your body.
With your free hand, you guide his strong jaw towards your face, capturing his lips in a searing, passionate kiss. You don't stop moving on top of his cock as you slip your tongue into his mouth, sucking and nibbling on his bottom lip with each kiss. His lips are warm and demanding against yours, responding with a fervor that has you leaning back.
The taste of Din is intoxicating, yet something you can never quite put your finger on. His low growls mix with your soft moans, your hands threading in his curls.
Din breaks the kiss, but rests his forehead on yours. His pants mingle with yours, warm breath tickling your nose.
"Can't believe I'm so lucky," Din grits, and without hesitation, he deftly maneuvers you until you're lying on your back.
You admire the way his chest heaves with a controlled intensity as he hovers over you, his cock still fully sheathed inside you to the hilt. Moving his hands, he presses your legs up against your chest, angling them in such a way to allow for a deeper penetration. The newfound angle sends waves of pleasure coursing through each of you, each movement building up the pressure in your lower muscles.
"Maker, Din," is all you can say as his cock reaches deeper inside you. You're utterly engrossed in everything about him; how perfectly he fucks you, how he protects you, how he always puts others before himself, how he never backs down from a challenge.
You watch as his mouth drops open when he starts to move again, pounding into you with a slow, measured pace. Every motion has your hot, soaking walls sucking him in greedily.
"Fuck me so perfectly, you're perfect," you murmur as Din pulls your legs up onto his hips, effectively spreading you wide open. His whole chest presses flush against yours, kissing your words away when he leans in.
Your hands fly down to grip his forearms that cage you under his body, nails pressing into his skin as he fucks you slowly. Each thrust is met with a soft whimper into Din's mouth as he takes his time, relishing the way your chest feels against his own. The measured pace of his movements builds a heavy tension in your core, drawing out the pleasure and anticipation with each deliberate stroke.
Din's hand finds your clit again, pressing his thick digits against your swollen bud. The added pressure sends electric pulses through your body, and your back arches involuntarily as the pleasure intensifies. Your pussy clenches around his cock, drawing a throaty groan from Din, who revels in the tight embrace of your walls.
"So strong, s- so good," you gasp, your words punctuated by your unrestrained sounds of pleasure.
"S' perfect, cyare," he murmurs against your lips breathlessly, pressing a kiss on your lips once again. He nips and bites at your bottom lip relentlessly. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling his face closer to you as you mewl into his mouth. Your fingers find their way back into his soft hair, scratching your fingernails on the base of his scalp.
With each enthusiastic response from you, he quickens his pace, the unforgiving rhythm pushing you both closer to the edge.
The feeling of his cock moving inside you faster and harder elicits a cascade of moans and whimpers from your lips, your clit being stimulated nearly to the point of your impending release. He's fucking you hard into the mattress, unrelenting in the way he wants to feel every part of you.
Din, ever the attentive man, knows you're about to cum just from the way your face contorts, from the way your body reacts to the slightest touch.
You can also feel him nearing the edge, the tension in his body reaching its peak with each stroke. His skin is warm and still slick with the lavender-scented oil, intoxicating your senses and making your mind go blank.
"Please, come in me," you beg, wrapping your legs around Din's waist to pull him closer to you. "Please, please, Din."
His skin glides against yours, your hands travel across the expanse of his back, feeling the flex of his muscles as he moves with unrestrained strength.
Din's eyebrows are pinched in pleasure, mouth parted open as he pants. His fingers find the sweet spot of your clit, causing you to nearly scream in pleasure.
"That's it," Din encourages, coaxing your orgasm out of you as he maintains the pressure around your sweet spot.
Before you know it, you're cumming around Din's cock. The first contraction of your cunt around his cock has Din shuddering from his own orgasm, the feelings of your muscles spasming around him pushing him over the edge. His breathing is erratic, hot against your skin.
You writhe underneath Din, whimpering his name as you ride out your orgasm. Din pulls you in for a messy kiss as he cums inside of you, cupping your jaw with one hand as he guides your lips to his in a searing kiss.
Settling down from his orgasm, Din falls on top of you, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
Your hands run up and down his back, soothing him with the light scratching of your nails against his skin.
The gentle scratching of your nails against Din's back seems to lull him into a state of relaxation, his body going lax on top of yours. His breath and mustache tickles the sensitive flesh of your neck.
Both of you are still panting, trying to catch your breaths from your shared climax. Din's weight atop of you feels grounding, a comforting, welcoming presence that reminds you once again that he is yours.
"Feel better?" you inquire softly, your hands coming to rest around his neck.
Din lifts his head, his eyes meeting yours with a tenderness he reserves only for you.
Din mumbles in agreement, his body completely pliant in your hands. His chest rises and falls in a steady rhythm, the remnants of his panting gradually subsiding.
"Thank you," he murmurs, eyes studying your face intently. "Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum."
Your fingers move from his neck to gently trace lines over Din's flushed cheeks, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
"I love you."
Din's eyes soften even more. His hands, calloused and strong, come up to gently cradle your face. Thumbs brush over your cheeks in a tender caress, as if he's committing the feeling to memory.
He pulls you in for another kiss, a sweet, tender meeting of your lips in the aftermath of your care for him.
A thank you, if you will.
As Din's lips part from yours, he rests his forehead against yours, and you can feel the warmth of his breath mingling with yours.
You snuggle close to him, the scent of lavender surrounding you both. In the quiet aftermath, the only sound that remains is the beating of your hearts.
. . .
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) Masterlist
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lightlycareless · 6 months
I always wonder what naoya would act like if he had a new born baby? Would he be very soft towards his child? Akxjjzsbizzjj my heart needs y/n and naoya fluff😭😭😭😭
HI ANON YES THANK YOU FOR THIS ASK AAAAHGHAHAHAGH you've come to the right place!! Literally, the more asks I get of Naoya and Y/N with their newborn baby the more ideas I get I want to write (doing one already, xmas themed, idc if I'm late lol)
Anyways, here is the good stuff you asked for 😏 warnings: none. just fluff.
I hope it's to your liking! Happy reading ❤️
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Naoya is obsessed with the baby as soon as you tell him you’re pregnant, and soon, his days are filled with nothing but the pregnancy: from wanting to know if you’re alright, if you’ve had any nausea, if there were any specific cravings that needed to be satisfied, or his all-time favorite—if the baby was kicking.
You’d have to remind him that it’s too early for that, but when it’s finally time, his hands never leave your stomach, whether asleep or fully awake; he always must always be touching you, he needs to—as if he wasn’t already highly overprotective of you!
So, one can only imagine how this escalates when the baby finally arrives. (I’m still going with the idea that their first child is a girl)
When Naomi is born, all that Naoya desires is to stay by her side, her being the first thing he sees in the morning and the last in the night.
Naoya wants to be there as soon as the baby wakes up, hear her adorable coos and gurgles which he somehow always understands, as well as selecting her clothes for the day (they have to match. Non-negotiable) feed her (although that’s more like accompanying you while doing so.) and on and so forth.
And although there is nothing he loves more than being with his baby, his favorite thing in the world is seeing you bond with her.
Naoya just… melts when he sees you gush at their daughter, talk to her in that baby voice that always makes Naomi giggle, the occasional pinch of her chubby cheeks (which he likes to say she got from you—you, of course, deny it.) or how you seem to take her wherever you go, unable to peel away from her, not even a second! As if doing so would cause your immediate death!
I don't think I'll be able to convey just how overprotective the two are with Naomi.
Like, you and Naoya would be the type of parents to overdress her as soon as temperature drops the slightest for the simple fear that she’d get sick or something—obviously this didn’t last long because the doctor (alongside family members) would immediately remind them that being this way is only detrimental in the long term.
Rest assured, you and Naoya would find a way to compensate for that, specifically through toys, and outings when she's a bit older. Weekly trips to Tokyo Disneyland become the norm by that point (hell, if Naoya truly wanted to, he'd take Naomi to each worldwide Disney Park on a weekly basis, if only she didn't get crampy by flights—and if that wasn’t too much, of course.) which again, had to be stopped thanks to your dad advising both to take it easy, or she'll grow spoiled… the wrong way, that is.
I think out of the two, Naoya is the one that would struggle the hardest to not buy every single thing that reminds him of Naomi. But can we blame him? The nature of his work often keeps him away from you and the baby, which makes him very, very sad and resentful that it does.
He literally tried to get some time off so he’d be able to stay with you and the baby… but he wasn’t able to get much; so, he looks for all possible ways to make up for his absence, as well as reassure her that his career is not more important than her, or that he isn’t trying hard enough to be there.
Because of this, you make your best effort for Naomi's first word to be papa; it might not be much, but it’s your way to reassure him that he’s a good father and that she loves him very, very much. (The one deciding to name their children after him is your idea, because you want Naoya to feel included, loved. Like he deserves a family after all that he went through 🥺)
Going back to Naomi’s first word, this feat is easier said than done, but you do your best either way, and when it finally happens…. Oh my god is Naoya over the moon.
He literally died when Naomi cheerfully yelled “papa!” upon seeing him return one day from a mission, with that toothy grin he loves so much and those chubby little hands reaching out for him that immediately melt away all his stresses and anxieties away.
And we haven't even spoken of nicknames yet!!! He already had the habit of calling you all kinds of pet names, and that, alongside his tendency to pinch your cheeks, is something that Naomi will also inherit from him.
He'd call her all kinds of cute things, however, his favorite ones are the ones he associates with you, but adding a small differentiation, for example:
“Princess” and “little princess”
“Little mochi” and “littlest mochi”—this one you tell Naoya not to use just because of how silly it sounds, not that it works but hey, you tried.
“Pumpkin” and “little pumpkin”—this one was mostly used by your dad, which Naoya later adopted upon finding out about it—and if you already felt embarrassed by it, this sentiment just grew when Naoya began to endlessly tease you with it.
But now that it’s being used on Naomi, you finally began to appreciate it and subsequently, find it adorable!
So, yes. Naoya loves his baby very, very much, for Naomi represents a combination of all the things that make him happy: you, his love for you, and now, a family.
He'd go above and beyond to make them happy and keep them safe; when it comes to this, the sky is the limit.
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wow ngl. I want to write more. ajgajgjsaajgkja specifically the "Naoya placing his hands over your stomach to feel the baby kicking" or how he'd react to tiring nights where baby Naomi just can't sleep 🥺 if anyone wants to indulge me by sending in an ask of what you'd like me to write, you know where to find me 😏
thank you for this lovely ask!! Take care and hope to see you soon ❤️❤️
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callsign-rogueone · 30 days
My lovely sweet pie, ( the nicknames 💀😵‍💫 ) how are you doing?
I haven't really slept lately and my minds in overdrive, so that means Bren is also in my mind in overdrive hehe. Any sorrengail really, as I've noticed lately. ( I have issues)
If you have anything for it yet would you mind giving a sneak peak about Bren and duchess with Lilith sorrengail, I can't help but be so curious im sorry. ( If you have nothing or don't want to, it's fine. I know that I ask a lot of sneak peaks and I don't want to pressure you)
Also I know you've been working on it for a while, but I'm excited to see what you have in store for Aaric! I don't remember him popping up "all that often" in iron flame but I only re read what stuck to me. the only thing I remember was Lilith seeing him at the end and saying "you're father's been looking for you" and him saying he's a rider and she just responds with "idc" hehe. Its one of the few things that stood out to me of him. Well expect the kind of heist and Xaden showed no empathy that he killed his brother, (as he should have otherwise I wouldn't have my Garrick ) I don't care necessarily either but yk xadens bluntbess 😅 anyway I'm very curious, I wouldn't have an idea for a story to come up with him but I know your gonna make it amazing.
Well another short ask that ended in a long rant, sorry 💀❤️
hi my love 🥰 I’m good but tired. moving sucks (and it’s not even me moving lmao, it’s my relatives)
Aaric and Sunny are rotting my brain right now (and Sawyer and Peach. and Dain and Love. more of all three of those should be happening soon!) and we might get some of Aaric’s brother at some point in the gf chapters hehe
some Aaric and Sunny (it was so hard to find bits that don’t spoil anything…)
No, he decides, this is better. This feels right, seeing you in the slick black of the rider’s quadrant instead of yards of stiff brocade, being able to hear you laugh and sing and joke like this rather than sitting quietly for the rest of your days like an ornamental vase.
His back hitting the floor snaps him out of his daydream, and knocks the breath from his lungs.
and I’ve already spoiled this part for you guys a while ago so here’s more of that:
You yank your arm away, clearly done with the conversation. “Don’t worry that precious head of yours, my prince,” you condescend. “I’ll keep your secret. Consider it payment for helping me. We’re square now, so you can go about your life and I’ll go about mine.”
Duchess and Lilith — we’re going off-script with this one lol. + it’s gonna be a while, since I want to post all the “end of Iron Flame” gf chapters around the same time and intertwine them a bit. again very difficult to find lines that weren’t spoilers 😅
You lower your head to your mother-in-law in respect, one arm still around Brennan, who has stiffened at the sight of her. “Thank you,” you say quietly.
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aguyinthepubliceye · 2 months
12, 16 , 17 and 25
12. Who are five (or more) people you want to hug right now?
@gayfandomnerd225 , and my closest friends who I haven't seen in awhile due to exams. I miss my lesbians<\3 also @flaming-green cus she deserves all the hugs
16. Want any tattoos? What of?
Not really! But it would probably be my old cat's fur stripes if I had to choose. I don't think I would ever regret that
17. Want any piercings? Where?
Again, not really(?) I thought about the ring snake bites but 😭😭 idk I would probably do ear ones idk idk cries
27. What's your favorite book? Or just one you've read a few times?
MMMM you killed me with this one, I don't read actual books often. I tend to drop/forget them the moment I stop hyperfocusing on it. But I can tell which ones I hate. MARTIN FIERRO SIGLO XXI burn that shit. I already tortured @leosparkflame with 277482 audios but it ruins a classic piece of Argentine literature. It's cringy and badly written. GRAGH
I also found the good omens book to have unnecessary stuff that I found extremely boring and made me drop it. I don't remember well rn so don't quote me on this but it had moments where it would change the pov to a random ass character and it's just ?? idc about this stop. Still pretty entertaining tho, just wouldn't be one of my faves. annotated the hell out of it still JAVAJNA
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soaps-mohawk · 4 months
I don't know if you've already answered this, but how did you get into writing omegaverse? :)
I think it's really intereting how you use omegaverse for story building and smut isn't the main focus of your story. I see way too many stories only using a/b/o dynamics as another reason to write smut, that's why I really enjoy how you use the omegaverse to build the world around the characters! :) <3
Much love!
I don't think I've answered this one? Idc I'm too lazy to check so I'll answer again lmaoo.
I don't really know what fandom/fic introduced me to omegaverse? I was part of the Marvel fandom for years and years, so I'm willing to bet it was the MCU. I was also briefly part of the Supernatural fandom so it could have been that one? As well as the Teen Wolf fandom and werewolves/omegaverse has a lot of crossover.
Needless to say, I fell in love immediately lol. My first omegaverse fic was for the MCU. I have a suspicious lack of omegaverse fics for someone who loves it so much lmaoo 😂 I've read probably hundreds in the past like decade-ish that I've known about it, and written a handful.
Thank you, though, I'm glad you're enjoying the fic. This was originally going to be a mostly smut fic, but then the slow burn and world building got away from me lol. It became a lot more than it was going to be, but honestly no one's complained yet so 🤷‍♀️ we are getting close to when the smut will be coming in, though. I will say that. 💚
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acourtofladydeath · 7 months
Alright y'all, I want your insight.
I'm currently working on 4 main projects: Secret Santa, Carhysta smut, an immersive fic experience, and a super secret project you may already have some hints about if you've been reading my tags 👀.
I've deprived you of content lately, and I'm feral about this new piece. But it's a piece that needs to be mostly written (meaning at least half of the 7 planned chapters) before I start posting full product. This means it'll be at least a month before I'm able to give you the actual fic. BUT I wanted to give you some options for what I MIGHT be able to deliver a little sooner than that.
So vote! Tell me your thoughts! What do you want from me?
I'm very excited to see what y'all pick. My semester is about to be over and I hope (only hope, no promises) to finish or make considerable progress on all of these projects before school picks up again. No promises about what will come out of this poll, I'm just insanely curious and like to tease the shit out of you and myself.
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keibea · 1 year
15 Questions for 15 Mutuals
Is everyone sick of learning random facts about me yet? Yes? Well, here we go again, cause I LOVE THEM. Thank you @vmsims23 , @nectar-cellar and @johziii for tagging me, you all know me too well.
Are you named after anyone? LOL nope, I honestly wish I was. Jessica was the only name my parents could agree on BAHHAHA.
When was the last time you cried? Monday 🙃I had a painful exam experience.
Do you have kids? Nope and thank goodness for that because I can barely take care of myself BAHAHHA.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Oh yeah, I'm terrible. Not as much as I used to I don't think though, but often WHOOPS.
What sports do you play/have you played? I was forced to play a lot for school, as I think most people were. The ones I can remember the most clearly are netball (I was let on the team out of necessity I think), bocce (because we could all get away with sitting around most of the time and occasionaly rolling the balls), zumba (it was mostly just dance which was SICK), and ballet (if that counts??) is the one I stuck with the longest and the only one I chose to wilingly do myself.
What’s the first thing you notice about other people? Hair or smile. I'm not quite sure. One of those I think.
Scary movies or happy endings? No scary movies for me, nope. I'm horribly paranoid, I will start checking my wardorbe. Happy endings ALL THE WAY. Genuinely I will only watch a movie and read a book if I know it has a happy ending idc YES IM ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE.
Any special talents? Depends on what you define as a special talent. So I don't know if this counts, but I am weirdly a natural at baking??? Definitely not freestyle but if I follow a recipe (which I always do because I like doing things in order) it always turns out really well. So I guess that's just following a recipe, but I like to think I'm special and naturally talented at baking. My mum always finishes my baking off though because I get bored halfway through whoops and she genrally always helps me because I'm terrible with the oven so tbh maybe it's just mum that's talented.
Where were you born? AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE, OI, OI, OI 🦘
What are your hobbies? Sims, sims, also sims, reading about early Victorian fashion, reading about the Victorian era, reading and that's probably it.
Do you have any pets? I have a beautiful little cat named Mikey. He is my best cat friend (and tbh, best friend in general) and I love him very much.
How tall are you? My father says I'm very short, and calls me a worm (both said affectionately I should add), so I assume pretty short. In terms of numbers though, not a clue. I believe I'm average-ish height for a woman, maybe a bit shorter.
Fave subject in school? HISTORY ALL THE WAY. Mostly modern history, purely because I love the Victorian era, but I do enjoy ancient history as well.
Dream job? Fashion historian! That or an author of historical fiction OR a book on early Victorian women's fashion.
Eye colour? I like to call them swamp green, but my mum would disagree, so I'll say green.
I shall annoy @lazysunjade , @amuhav , @thesimperiuscurse (oh yes you bet I am @ ing people who are inactive and who also never do these things, I am 100% that sort of person), @akioakashiya , @itssimplythesims , @lifewithmysims , @elderwisp , @happy-lemon , @servospawn , @tau1tvec , @bunmou , @stinkrascal , @cozygirlsimmer , @moonsonnet , @doka-chan
Please forgive/ignore me if you hate doing this sort of thing, or if you've been tagged and done it already, and wow thank you all for being my mutuals I didn't know I had so many amazing people following me back LETS GOOOO
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dead-loch · 9 months
Chapter 4 of Missing Time is up.
I got back into the groove of things with this chapter, I think. There is one important warning for this chapter (which is noted) and I've expanded on it a little below the cut (read the chapter first pls)
First of all to anyone who experiences traumatic flashbacks during intimate moments, incl. sex, I'm sorry.
I've actually never seen this explored much in fic (not in my lil corner of fandoms anyway) and considering I can, unfortunately, get flashbacks just from reading or seeing something (so, even when the thing isn't happening to me), it's something that I've wanted to explore because it's a real thing that happens and can Fuck With Your Head. And writing is cathartic!
So, I'm definitely weaving lots of my own experiences into Eddie, mainly in terms of how she deals with the fallout of having been in a relationship (of sorts) with Ray.
From him lying to Eddie to manipulate her into opening up about something (Lou/Bushy), to trying to gaslight her when she's rightfully pissed off at him, to him once again bringing up a fresh trauma so that he can throw her off and attack her, and like his entire demeanour changing when he gets upset (idc what anyone says, you could see the kind of person he would be in a relationship and it is SCARY), these things would wreck havoc on you after the fact. Like yeah, obviously it sucked in the moment, but considering he wasn't outright violent with her and didn't let his true colours really show through until the end, and considering he literally has the capacity and propensity for murder, it's easy in the moment and immediate aftermath to say, "I'm okay because I didn't suffer as much as ___".
However, when things have settled, these are also things that are going to hit you pretty hard. It could make you seriously doubt your ability to read people, would create and/or exacerbate trust issues, and knowing that you've been intimate with someone who is capable of harming others is, frankly, fucking terrifying.
With that out of the way, I also wanted to touch base a little on why I am playing out a (sexual/potentially romantic) relationship between Cath & Eddie moving faster than a relationship between Dulcie & Eddie.
Eddie has spent the ENTIRE season trying to convince herself and others that she isn't attracted to Dulcie (whether that's true or not). It's easier for Eddie, now the dust has somewhat settled, to have this relatively safe crush on Cath, especially given that Dulcie has not and will not react in jealousy to the little moments between them. As children (and adults tbh) we often develop crushes on people we have zero chance with, these end up being safe ways we can begin to explore our sexuality.
In this fic, although Eddie has "experimented" (which is canon), it was over 20 years ago, and never developed further than kissing before she was thrown into a world of toxic masculinity (and I'm going to assume it came with the usual misogyny, cis- and heteronormativity, racism, etc) and immediately decided that being the woman of colour on the force was preferable to being the queer woman of colour on the force. I do want to clarify that this wasn't a decision she just made one day. As with most things, it's something that developed over time until it became the new normal.
So, Eddie is realising that she may be developing a (sexual) attraction to Cath earlier than she's realising she may be attracted to Dulcie, too (even though there have been little moments between Eddie/Dulcie already). Cath feels like a safer crush because Eddie doesn't think that Cath would ever cheat on Dulcie.
Finally, shoutout to anyone who has to withdraw completely from human interaction every once in a while. This is something I've come to accept about myself, but it was a long time coming. As a child, whenever we had family anything (dinner, reunion, holiday, etc), I was the one who would disappear off to the basement, or outside, or even in a fking washroom, just to get some peace and quiet because socialising drains me so completely.
It's not exactly the same here in Eddie's case- she spends two days avoiding people because she's trying to sort out her thoughts and doesn't fully understand what she's feeling. But the end result is the same: she didn't want to be away from anyone in particular; she just needed some space for herself.
Bonus: the discussion at the end of the chapter isn't the one I was going to write initially, but Eddie is stubborn and it didn't feel natural for her to confess to any kind of feelings at this stage.
PS: in case this is bothering some people, Dulcie was NOT creeping around Eddie's bedroom. She honestly was just going upstairs lmao
PPS: if you don't think Eddie's capable of giggling (as she does several times when she's drunk in this chap), I urge you to watch Madeleine Sami on Taskmaster NZ.
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scekrex · 3 months
Ask and I shall, deliver! Since you've asked for some prompts, I've had this one in my mind :D
How about a male reader being married to Adam, the whole last extermination day happens, battle at the Hotel and Adam dying. The reader couldn't save his husband, goes back to Heaven depressed as shit and not even for one day believes that Adam is actually dead (reborn sinner!Adam is my jam, can you notice?), so in secret from Heaven he goes to hell under disguise to search for his husband. When he finally finds him, he runs at him full speed at squeezes him as tightly as he can. Adam thinking that reader forgot about him and wouldn't want to be with him even if he was alive since he was now a sinner and the reader just saying: When I was marrying you, I vowed to you "Through thick and thin, through sickness and health, till death do us part", you don't look very dead to me.
Basically just sweet ol' hurt/comfort with a happy ending :V Btw, love your work! Genuinely keeps me awake at night making up scenarios in my head, damn 💀
Also, you've just been squished Adam'd 😎
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squished Adam my beloved whoooooo
Till death do us part, but we're already past that phase
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, temporary character death
note: not beta read bc idc
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Lucifer was punching Adam, again and again. You couldn't see but you heard. You heard his groans and yelps filled with pain and then there was silence.
You stood up as well as possible. Your leg was badly injured, some fuck up had almost cut it off entirely, your shoulder was shattered because that fucking porn demon had managed to hit your wing with two bullets which had caused you to crash down onto the ground due to the sudden pain.
“Adam,” you groaned as you slowly made your way over to where your husband was. You were worried, fuck that, you were frightened. While the demons hurting Adam's soldiers was one thing, them actually hurting Adam was something different entirely.
Adam crawled out of the pit, blood smeared across his face, a blue eye and several other facial injuries. Fuck it would take a long time for all of that bullshit to heal. “No, you don't get to end this,” you heard the voice of the first man speaking to the sinners that had gathered up around the pit Lucifer had created when he and his hell spawn of daughter had slammed the taller man onto the ground. “I’m fucking Adam, I’m the fucking man,” he stood up, finally facing the sinners he had been battling the entire time and you wanted to rush to him, to simply grab him and fly off before worse things could happen. Adam was already hurt, there was no need to stay longer and make things worse. However, the cannibal that suddenly grabbed your food and yanked it off the ground caught you off guard, made you crash onto the ground yet a second time as a loud scream of pain erupted from your chest. That motherfucker had torn your leg off even more. It was still attached to your body but the wound was huge and the blood had already managed to get through the fabric you had wrapped around it in panic, covering the once black fabric in shiny golden blood.
Adam's head snapped in your direction at that though and he was quick to react and rush over to you. Not that you needed help however, once you had noticed the danger you were quick to shatter the cannibal’s skull and shove him off of you. “Adam,” you called out for your husband again, you stretched your arms out, ready to pull him into a tight, warm hug. A few steps in front of you he stopped though. It took you too long to register what had just happened and your brain only seemed to catch on when Adam's body hit the ground. He had fallen face forward, revealing the little demon girl that was now sitting on his back and that was happily holding onto the dagger that had just been rammed through Adam's chest. “NO,” you screamed, crawling over to the man you loved most. The grip on your halberd was far from steady and the pain fogged up your mind so much that you weren't able concentrate and use it properly, so instead of slicing that fucking whore in half, all you were able to accomplish was to poke her, maybe leave a scratch on her cheek.
However, it did the job and she got up, the little bastard happily walked over to where Charlie stood. “Adam, c’mon you fucking idiot,” you cried out once you had reached his body. Your physical pain was easy to ignore compared to the emotional pain you were feeling, so you sat down and pulled the brunette's head on your lap to steady him. “Please babe, you can fucking do this,” you ripped a huge piece of fabric from your robe and pressed it onto his still bleeding wound, panic filled your body.
What if…
“Don’t fucking leave me bitch, talk to me,” you were yelling and the sinners were watching, a thing you really couldn't care less about. “Fuck, babe, don't you dare and die on me,” you gently cupped his face with one hand, the other continued to press the fabric to Adam's chest in order to hopefully stop the bleeding. The sinners started to mumble, they were obviously talking about the both of you.
Adam turned his face slightly to look you in the eyes and all that he was able to manage was a smile. Fuck. “You’re not allowed to fucking die, you hear me? I-” you flinched when a hand came to rest on your shoulder in order to ground you. It was Lute who was standing behind you. She wasn't providing comfort, that much you knew. She was here to force you to leave. You shrugged her hand off of you forcefully, “Don’t fucking touch me, I'm not leaving him-” Lucifer interrupted you. “Yes you fucking are. You'll gather your fucking soldiers and you'll lead them back to heaven, right fucking now.”
You glanced down at Adam, who's eyes had fallen shut in the meantime and you couldn't help the tear that fell from your eye and rolled across your cheek. You were quick to wipe it away though. As gently as possible you moved Adam to lay on the ground. Lute reached for your arm in order to help you to get up and once she was sure you stood somewhat safely she bent down to grab Adam's halo.
You ripped that out of her hand faster than she was able to react. Usually she had a sharp tongue, this time she remained quiet though. Apparently she knew not to mess with you now.
You moved you wing a little to test the waters, the physical pain was numbed by the emotional pain you were going through and so you flew off, followed by all the angels that were still alive - compared to the amount of angels that had followed you from heaven to hell it was nothing though, so many soldiers had lost their lives.
Adam had lost his life.
Life in heaven without Adam was clearly not the same. Sera had seemed more grateful that the first man was finally gone than sad, fuck that stupid bitch.
It didn't take them long to heal your wounds once you were back in heaven, your leg sure had been a complicated case but only two weeks later it had been back to normal, well if you ignored the scar that was now wrapped around your thigh. But you didn't mind, how could you mind about something so small as a scar when you were dying inside more and more by every day that passed. There was no reason to care about the little things anymore. The only reason that had made you care before was gone for good now and the voices that kept telling you to visit hell weren't helping.
It had started one week after the extermination, one week after Adam had died. At first it had been subtle, just a tiny whisper every now and then, but as time passed they grew louder and louder until you weren't able to tune them out anymore.
You were sitting on the edge of the highest building in heaven and watched. You watched the lights and the angels, how everyone seemed so happy, how most of them didn't know. It seemed like everyone had just forgotten about your husband, that it was nothing, they acted like losing Adam for good was just a thing that they weren't gonna talk about because of him unimportant it was.
Fuck that.
The Hell Embassy was empty when you entered it, no angel ever went there because they wanted to - to be fair most of the time it had been Adam who had set foot in the building. You had accompanied him often enough to know about the elevator that went down there, it was used for Adam to travel down to hell safely when the yearly meeting with Lucifer popped up on his agenda.
You weren't sure why, you weren't sure what it was either but something was calling you, tempting you to use the elevator and go down to hell. Maybe it was so that you could say a proper goodbye to Adam? That had to be it. It probably wouldn't help much, why would it? But it was worth a shot. And you needed the voices compelling you to visit hell to shut up, it was unbearable being reminded about Adam's death daily.
The only angel in heaven that had offered to listen to you was Emily, the little girl had been quick to notice that something wasn't right, that something must've had happened. So you told her since Sera had decided that Emily's only task was to keep the people of heaven happy.
Another bullshit move from heaven, the kid was capable of more.
Once the elevator stopped and its doors opened in front of you, you stepped outside. You thought the voices would quiet down now that you were in hell, but the opposite was the case. The voices and whispers were louder than ever, they were almost screaming, yelling, crying out for you to step outside the Heaven Embassy.
You wanted to scratch your eyes out, rip your ears off, anything that would stop the voices from being so fucking loud. So you listened to them. You stepped outside the church-like building and your eyes roamed over the full streets of hell. There were people everywhere and none of them seemed to pay any mind to you.
Slowly you started to walk away from the building and once your foot stepped on the sidewalk the voices were gone. They didn't quiet down to a whisper, they straight up died, they were gone.
And then you saw him. A gigantic demon with fluffy brown hair, two huge, black horns were attached to his head and you were sure you noticed subtil golden highlights on them too. His face hadn't changed the slightest, he was still pale, maybe even a little paler than he had been as an angel. His eyes were still golden.
Your brain couldn't comprehend what was happening, what you were seeing.
You were seeing Adam.
You rushed over to him, flying faster than ever before. You tackled him to the ground, made sure you'd be the one hitting the ground in order not to hurt him. “Adam,” you whispered happily as you held the taller man tightly. The demon had tensed up at first but the second he had heard his name being spoken so softly, so lovingly, he eased up. “The fuck are you doing here, you crazy bitch,” he mumbled as he wrapped his arms around you tightly. You didn't respond though, it would be too complicated to explain everything to him and you just got him back.
So instead you wrapped your wings around the both of you and kissed him softly, your hands in his soft, brown hair. The taller man groaned against your lips with pure delight, kissing you back just as passionate. “Dear God, I thought I'd have to die in order to kiss you like that again,” you mumbled against his lips. A soft chuckle rumbled through Adam at that and he pulled you even closer, “Knew it, you can't get enough of me.” You simply placed yet another kiss to his lips, “Correct, that's why I'm gonna stay here. With you.”
Adam froze at that, his arms around your body tightened a little, “You still wanna be with me?” The question seemed stupid to you, what was the man you had married thinking? Of course you still wanted to be with him. “When I was marrying you,” you began, a small kiss placed on his lips, “I vowed to you ‘Through thick and thin',” a quick kiss was pressed to Adam's cheek. “‘Through sickness and health, till death do us part’ and let me tell you babes,” you leaned in close, your lips softly brushed against his ear as you whispered, “We were already past that stage when we got married, I'm not giving you up because God decided to be a motherfucking bitch, that fucker can suck my dick, he won't take you away from me.”
At first Adam didn't respond, he just looked you in the eyes for a couple of seconds. Then he grabbed you by your collar, pulled you closer, closer, closer and hissed, “The only one allowed to suck your fucking dick am I, is that clear?”
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lostfracturess · 2 months
wow nici. wow. i really don't what to say, feeling empty. firstly, i want to thank you for this chapter, the wait was so so much deserved! secondly, personally i think you've surpassed yourself with this chapter, it's incredibly good and feels like a separate story within the story. 😭😭😭 you're truly a writing genius, the way you describe emotions is agonizingly good, the actions, the dialogues, everything is on spot. i am applauding to you and your hard work!!!
I've said it already but i KNEW he would be up to something like that! of fucking course he decided everything for both of them and now drowns himself in pity, what a loser 😭 (i still love him and he's very dear to me and i pity him as well, but satoru 😭😭😭 are you for real????) actually i feel all of these things will be like a cold shower to him, a point of no return, it's whether he finally decides to do something or succumb to the mess and drugs fully. I hope for the first one ofc. everything is for him actually, he just has to take it, have some courage and let it. lose control for a little bit and then he should understand it's not anything bad with losing control to a person he trusts. nobody will break him 😩😭 (those who love him ofc)
and my reader girlie...i love her so so much, she's such a strong bold fierce defiant woman, I totally understand why satoru likes her, because how he couldn't??? please stop torturing her and all of us!!
and now to the quotes i wrote my thoughts as i read i thought it might be funny😭😭 might send it in parts as well, sorry 🙏
"Me, who knows how to soothe the invisible wounds, the ones even she denies exist. Me, who knows the soft words she needs to hear after it passes" DAMN NICI FROM THE START? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME I AM REALLY AFRAID
"I didn't want to breathe anymore.
Not in a world where every breath ached without her" what if i jump out of the window ❤️
i don't know what to say rn but the way you describe his feelings is agonizingly beautiful
"She is everything.
Oh, sorry. Forgot. Past tense.
She was everything" who are you telling this bullshit rn NO ONE GONNA BELIEVE THIS, SHE IS AND WILL BE, IDC. I STAND FIRMLY ON THE GROUND.
"Let them drag my name through the mud, tarnish the reputation I'd worked so hard to build." my poor baby boy (let's forget he's a grown up man HE'S A BABY 😭😭😭) i want to hug him so much
yeah now his office is the same as his soul and heart all shattered and broken i am gonna die
I pinned him against the door. Forearm across his throat, crushing his windpipe. His eyes widened, but even then, there was that damn flicker of amusement" what kills me is he fucking knows how bad gojo is feeling rn and still he comes into his office to mock him... this ass doesn't even have some basic human sympathy, he chose the most vulnerable moment and stroke gojo AGAIN
"Or maybe," Sukuna drawled, pushing the knife deeper, "maybe you wanted to see where this goes. Stain her a bit, make her just a little bit more like you." SEE THAT'S WHAT I MEANT SHUT UP YOU USELESS PIECE OF SHIT YOU DON'T COST EVEN A FINGER OF GOJO 😭😭😭😭
ahhhh girl !! firstly thank you so so much for your overall support, so glad to have you as a reader but also thank you so much for your messages omg !! and you saying i surpassed myself with this chapter ?? i'm fainting 🫠🫠💔
and you're absolutely right, this is a major turning point. gojo's been hurtling down this path of self-destruction, rationalizing and avoiding at every turn, and now he's face-to-face with the devastating consequences of those choices. it's that cold shower moment you mentioned, where he can either start swimming or drown.
love your insight about losing control !! gojo's terrified of vulnerability, of trusting anyone enough to let go. he equates control with safety, with not being broken again, even if that means breaking himself in the process. but what he needs most – letting someone in, trusting them with his messiness and pain – is the very thing he fights against hardest. he's really stupid 💔
also so glad you like the female lead !! she's force of nature, fierce and unwavering even when her heart is breaking too. their dynamic is so complex and messy and utterly compelling. you're right, she's everything gojo needs and more. it's just a matter of whether he can finally get out of his own damn way. he's really stupid, again 💔
and omg, sending your live reaction quotes is fantastic!! that's honestly so much fun, getting to peek into your thought process as you're reading. it's so gratifying as a writer to see the moments that hit hardest 😭😭❤️
lol sorry hehe. but this is really so soft i can't 😭😭
i don't know what to say rn but the way you describe his feelings is agonizingly beautiful
so glad you like it, i spend a lot of time to decide on how to write these things and change sentences like 500 times, it's really hard work, so i'm so glad you appreciate it ❤️
what kills me is he fucking knows how bad gojo is feeling rn and still he comes into his office to mock him... this ass doesn't even have some basic human sympathy, he chose the most vulnerable moment and stroke gojo AGAIN
yes yes yes !! wanted to make sukuna really a bad person like he is in the jjk universe, someone who just thrives on chaos and the pain of others.
and sukuna knows how satoru is struggling with his addiction for years !! and still he's a dick about it because it amuses him. what a loser.
see you in part two lol ♡
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francy-sketches · 11 months
16 & 20 for the ask meme
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc
already had my f&b hater moment but I'm gonna do it again idc. how does that book have so many diehard fans i dont get it
part of canon you found tedious or boring
all the davos chapters this man is so boring. ok your sons exploded and you've wanted to suck stannis off ever since he cut off your fingers I get ittt say something else now.
also most of dany's chapters it's not her fault bc i like her pov it's just grrm half assed writing the side characters in her story. I kept falling asleep reading the mereen chapters I'm not exaggerating lol
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googoobabajogwick · 1 year
Hot Knife Chpt. 4
description: john pleads his case which leads to more arguments and then you make your decision, also you tell your daughters about a little secret you've been keeping and more about your past.
triggers: unhealthy coping mechanisms, mini spoilers (aka some of the plot of part 4 is explained) misogyny, john getting ganged up on lol
wordcount: 6.5k
mini authors note: this chapter probably sucks but idc im sick and tired of looking at it... also very dialogue heavy.
Hot Knife Chapter Four: Follow Your Heart But It's Split In Two
“I brought the marker.  I didn't want to but, you are my last hope. I can’t kill everyone myself.” John sounded desperate, “Believe me, of all people, after everything, I didn't want to drag you into this.” 
“And yet, here you are.” Kat butted in. 
You knew it would be impossible for him to talk with your daughters there so you excused them. The two of them were a bit reluctant but then you gave them that look. They stood up right away and began to leave the room without another word but not before Kat went behind your desk and opened the drawer. You were about to ask her what she was doing when she pulled out a bottle of vodka. 
“So you don’t make her drink herself into hysterics again.” She all but spat at him. 
“Christ! Tatyana, Darya, leave now.” Your tone was commanding.
They looked at you with worried eyes and left. Although they were nervous they knew you were not one to fall right back into his arms. Both women just hoped that he wasn't going to hurt you again, not physically, but mentally.
Now that it was just you and John you leaned back in your chair and took a deep breath. 
“Do you drink a lot?” He asked and you looked at him with rage in your eyes. 
“It’s none of your business but no, I don’t.” 
“Tatyana seems to think you do.” He knew you tended to have unhealthy habits. 
At this you sat up straight, feeling like a bomb about to explode. 
“So let me get this straight. You break my heart, you come find me after like twenty years to what? Call me an alcoholic? Like bringing the marker here wasn’t a deep enough cut you have to rub salt in the wound?” You asked, getting louder and louder. 
“No. You know I wouldn’t do that.” 
“You just did!” 
The thought of taking a sip of alcohol filled your brain. How you would instantly relax even from the smell. You never let it get in the way of your life or work. You didn’t drink that much in your opinion… Maybe he was right but you’d never tell him that. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it just as fast. You needed to change the subject or else you would attack him again because his face was looking quite punchable in the moment, 
“Whatever. Let’s just not talk about me. Back to it, why don't you ask Sofia? I know you have her marker.” By the look on his face you could tell the answer. 
“I told you, I already did, I have her, The Bowery King and others helping me. It’s still not enough.” He tried to read your facial expressions. “Please.”
He went onto explain the out Winston had given him. That he already tried to convince The Elder to let him… Go away. Which didn’t work.  John just needed to get to Japan and Berlin. Lots of old names were brought up but you didn't focus on that all you could focus on was when he mentioned the Roma Ruska in Berlin. 
The “family” that brought you in after your father was shot and killed. Not that you would ever refer to them as your family, that just made it appear like you and him were brother and sister… They called each other cousin, brother, sister, aunt and uncle but you never did. You chalked it up to the fact that you had a family already. These people could never be that. 
You wanted to escape that place from the moment you were brought there. The only good memories from there were Jardani himself but even so, most of those memories were painful too. You spent too many years crying every night because you hated it so much. Sobbing for your father and mother in the privacy of your room. Then the whole Vladimir situation happened and deepened that hatred. 
The Roma Ruska was the only part of your past you'd never told your daughters about. It was always just ‘where I grew up’ whenever you would talk about your younger years. Never would you even want to tell them about that place. John could, if he wanted to. Since your ‘family’ had seats at the table he would be able to challenge the Marquis de Gramont to hand to hand combat. 
“Why should I?” You questioned back.
John could tell there was so much more to talk about but there just wasn't time, he needed your help now. He would answer every question you had if there was. There was a new resentment for you in a way, for hiding your children. He had never even considered being a dad but he did know he never wanted to be a deadbeat one. 
That's how he knew your children viewed him too. He began to think about how you would've told him, watching your stomach grow, finding out they were twin girls, taking their first steps, their first words. Teaching them to drive, to read, to defend themselves, the list was endless. His chest grew tight.
“You never told me about them.” John tried to hide the emotion in his voice but you heard it. “I knew there was a reason you were throwing up…”
“You broke my heart.” Your voice was a whisper.
“I would’ve-“ He stopped as you cut him off. 
“You would’ve what? Decided to be with me because you felt obligated to?” 
“No- That’s not…” The man put his face in his hands. 
He never really cared about you seeing his real emotions because even if he tried to hide them, he knew you could see them. This was true, and if he could go back twenty years and slap his younger self he would. In fact he'd slap the face of himself from a month ago. Then maybe he wouldn't be here, dragging you into what could possibly be the death of you. 
After thinking of the math for a second he looked up at you. The betrayal in his eyes was overwhelming to look at 
“You came to my house when they were what? Ten? You could’ve told me.” He was talking louder than usual.
John never got angry with you. Frustrated and upset but almost never angry. Right now though you could tell he was enraged with you by the pinch of his eyebrows and the slight snarl on his lip for a brief second but you wouldn’t be intimidated by him. Even if he had a right to be angry, you had your reasons.
“When I came to your house it was for one reason to get my favor and I had no clue you were,” You curled your fingers up and down, mockingly, “out of the business.” 
“I told you—.” 
“What? That you left? Sorry, I didn’t want to break the news with your wife upstairs. Hey John, remember me? Well I bore your seed ten years ago!”  
He scoffed and then groaned but you continued on. 
“Plus I really don’t think you’d want me to meet her, which would’ve happened if you met them. At that point we were all strangers, no point.” Your arms came up as you crossed them. 
John’s grip on the arm rest tightened at what you were insinuating. Were you really that angry? To hurt an innocent woman who’d done nothing to you? That wasn’t like you at all. You ended things! He wanted to talk things through, you wanted to run away and start a whole new life. 
“We could have made things work.” John insisted.
“Oh yeah like what sneaking around behind her back for visits? Hm?” 
“No. Helen could have met them, you could’ve met her. I don’t know but you could have told me.”  
You stood up and placed your palms on the flat wooden desk. Your body leaned towards him as you got closer. The pain meds they gave you worked well but it still stung. How dare he! How dare he walk in here and even bring up the idea of another woman helping you raise your children. Yeah you had multiple women help you raise your girls but it was different when it came to your ex and his wife.
There was jealousy and anger. In  a perfect, normal world yeah maybe you, John and his wife Helen could have raised your daughters. But you guys weren’t normal. He made that very clear when you broke up. 
“Let me make one thing clear Johnathan, at that time in my life I would’ve rather drown my girls than ever let you and another woman raise them together.” You sat back down and crossed your arms again, “I asked you to leave with me and we could’ve found out together. You said no and made your decision, so I made mine.”
He listened to your words. There was nothing he could say. There would be no compromise with your anger. At the time John was younger and a fool. It took him making the one single right decision— leaving for Helen— to see this fact about himself. Too caught up in his rise to fame in such a taboo career to see how all it was all one big painful reminder of all the pain you suffered. John remembered you always wanting to spend more time with him and your occasional random questions about your future and leaving. 
At the time he thought they were just fun little ideas to imagine to escape the reality that he’d be leaving the next day and he could be gone for hours, days or even months. That he could die. Being away from one another all the time had caused issues in your relationship a lot in the past. The two of you fought the most while he was in the military but that was because he’d be gone for so long with long periods of no contact.
If the two of you weren’t spending all day in bed or having sex when he had time to spend it home, petty arguments would begin. He didn’t miss you that much, it was his choice to join, when he’d try and tell you how much he missed you. He’s just going to leave again, when he’d tell you he was coming home. You’d never argue with him when he had time to talk to you while deployed, that time was precious. 
It was like clockwork; He’d come home, the first four days were amazing. Filled with sex, cuddling, deep conversations and going out. Then came the smaller disagreements, until you were crying and arguing all night. If he loved you, why would he leave you? If he missed you, why did he take hits when he wasn’t deployed? 
Once he was out he became a hit man full time, working for Viggo. Killing. It came so naturally to him it was inevitable for him to become a preeminent assassin. Which meant the whole life was unavoidable. John was beginning to believe he’d never escape but it seemed so close and if you helped him nobody stood a chance. But then again If he survived and you didn't, could he live with himself? If one of your girls died?
Maybe John couldn't do this. Maybe he could just continue on as he has been. After that horrible first meeting about an hour ago, did he really want to do this to you? Maybe if he never fell off that roof he could do it alone but even though he’s lucky to have survived, things still hurt. He stared at your bandaged hands and now noticed the faint scars on your wrist, he almost wanted to ask but vertical cuts were self explanatory. 
John couldn't look at them anymore. He’d already hurt you and it was just by showing up. Dragging you into this mess would just be causing more damage. You still had yet to say anything else but you watched him, lost in thought thinking about what to say. Finally he nodded and stood up.
“I'm sorry for coming here, I really shouldn't have.” He was willing to be the bigger person, and with that he stood up and turned to leave. 
You almost wondered if this is how he felt watching you get up and leave. Probably not because the strong emotional connection wasn't there anymore. It would always be there but it was no longer that huge inferno it used to be. There were still lit embers. John was going to die if he walked out that door. Were you ready for that? It would seem after so long the answer would be an obvious yes but if you were being honest, no you weren't. You slammed your hands on the table and winced.
“John, wait.” You avoided his gaze as his hand held onto the doorknob, “A marker is a marker.” 
The long haired man went to say your name but you stopped him. 
“A marker is a marker, but then, we are done. Forever.” You got up. “Please wait here.”
You left the room and went to go talk to your girls and inform them on your decision. As expected they were not in agreement with you. Kat had asked if he had something against you, which he did, but not like she thought. It wasn’t really about the marker. Darya just watched while she shook her head in disappointment. Sometimes you felt like they were the mothers and you were the kid. You explained to them that sometimes, when you burn bridges, you burn the strong foundation but there is still debris.
The debris of yours and Jardani’s bridge reminded you that there were still things that needed to be talked about. Two of those things stood right in front of you. You had grown up. Yes, you were still emotional and impulsive but what you did back then was too impulsive. When you thought back all those years ago you were too blinded by anger to see that he really did want to work things out. The time had come to face your mistakes, the guilt hidden by rage. You always felt like you never got your closure, maybe now would be the time to get it. Still you would not let him off easy as it was not that simple.  
Plus.. There may have been one lie you had been keeping to yourself, even away from your own daughters. The truth was, the last time you saw John was after you had gotten the news that he had fallen from The Continental roof. Yes, your reaction was genuine when he told you though, I mean, who falls off a multiple story high building and lived to tell the story besides John fucking Wick? The story had brought back feelings you thought were gone. You thought he was going to be dead. A month ago you’d say John Wick’s death would be a holiday for you to celebrate but then it almost actually happened. 
Late into the night you snuck out after Algo had explained to you that he was under The Bowery King’s watch. At the time you had to see for yourself, you were always good at getting into places you weren't supposed to be, so, you snuck into his created kingdom to find your ex-lover. John was sedated at the time as you looked down on him. He looked terrible and you had to keep yourself from touching him. You saw that he was missing a finger and gasped.
“Now how the hell did you get in here?” You jumped at the King’s loud, booming voice. 
He looked at you and then John. 
“I'm not here to start anything, I just had to see for myself.” Your arms came to wrap around yourself as you suddenly felt very uncomfortable. 
“The whole underworld thinks you to be dead. Love and grief brought him back, don’t let it bring you back.” He chuckled.
“I don’t know what you’re saying, I just had to see. He fell off a roof for Christ sake!” You didn’t like what he was implying.
“Uh-huh.” He paused for a moment, “He’s one strong motherfucker that's for sure.”
You nodded. Jardani had always surprised you, always. He always bounced back and he could always do what you thought was impossible. There was a time when you believed you were unlovable and that one could ever get past the strong brick walls you had built yourself but, he had done that as well. You smiled at the memories even though it made your heart hurt and you preferred not to think of them. John looked so peaceful and young as he slept. His chest went up and down with every breath, the only sign that he was alive. 
“What is his recovery plan?” The doctor in you had to ask.
The Bowery King went on to tell you that he showed really good signs of healing and walking. He told you he had the best doctors helping out but that was a lie, because you were the best. You listened and gave some advice before giving him a small smile. When John groaned you took it as your cue to leave, not wanting to face him. With a please to the King not to tell him you were there, you left. The entire way home, making sure no one was following you. You couldn’t stop thinking about how much you wanted to reach out and touch him. 
Later that night while you showered you pressed your forehead against the ceramic tiles. Your emotions were all over the place. You felt like you were going insane. How does one feel so much hatred and anger and so much love and worry at the same time. The only comfort you had was the hot water hitting your back. You knew John had your marker and if there was a time he was going to have to use it, it was now. The only thing that gave you hope was that he had no idea where you were but The Bowery King must’ve by now. You were still hidden but the thought wouldn't leave you, you just had a bad feeling. 
Your daughters looked at you, their mouths agape. The anger on their face was evident. You had lied to them and that was something that was very serious between all of you. 
“You do realize that's most likely how he found us!” Tatyana yelled.
“Kat is right, it was your doing that brought him to us.” Darya shook her head.
You scoffed at them.
“Enough. I am in my fifties. I don't need you two acting as if I'm the child!” 
“All the nights of us listening to you cry! As kids we had to endure watching our own mother struggle, even try and kill herself all over that piece of shit man! And now, you just fell right back into his arms.” Kat was furious.
Now you frowned at them. What they said hurt and you knew their reasonings, they had to witness things kids are not supposed to. You took full credit for that and although it never spoiled your relationship, it had caused some bumps. After so many years and them reaching an age when they began to understand things healed. You'd done so many things you regretted and now seeing him and talking to him in person, it brought up a lot of feelings you had buried deep inside. You looked at your two beautiful girls who looked so much like him. 
“We just want what's best for you mama.” Darya said in a soft tone.
Kat glared at her before she looked defeated and stared at the ground. With reluctance, she nodded. You were their mother, and there was no greater bond than a mother and her daughters. Their role model, their protector, their rock. If anything happened to you, they would burn down the Earth just as you used to tell them growing up. Tatyana didn't want to admit it but she was intrigued with her father, having always wondered what he sounded like or what he'd be like. Darya too. 
“I love you girl’s more than anything. He was going to leave. He was going to let us be… I just can’t but, if you really don't want me to, I’ll tell him no. You two are my world, way more than he is.” You teared up.
The two of them watched you for a moment longer. Of course they wanted you to tell him no, but they couldn't, they knew how bad it would hurt you if he died and you didn't get your closure. The one minute older sister grabbed the youngers hand and began to drag her away.
“Come on Rya, we have to go pack.” 
“You two aren't coming! I don't need you getting hurt.” Your eyes widened and you protested.
“You can’t stop us.” Kat said as she took her sister away.
You stood there dumbfounded. There was no changing their minds, they were stubborn just like both their parents. Your children, no matter how much you loved them, seemed to have gotten all your bad traits. Perhaps that was your doing by having children during the most stressful, horrible time in your life. 
Fear gnawed at you, they were skilled but they had only ever gone after normal, weaker men who attacked their girlfriends and wives because it was easy. Never someone who’d been training their whole life and taking contracts on people who were skilled in their fighting techniques.
You stayed in that hallway for a few more minutes before going to find Algo, it would be her who would gather the women who wanted to help and those who didn’t. Though you preferred to just go at this alone with him, you knew if you could not stop your girls, you could not stop any of the women who had grown to love you and them. 
It was decided that the team of female volunteers, Algo and your daughters would move to a second location somewhere out of state. There they would set up. INM was already hidden, outside the city down a long dirt path. You always said you wanted to go back to the woods and the woods helped keep it secret. 
The only way people knew about it was word of mouth. You had friends in doctors offices, psychiatrists, police officers, women who just worked everyday jobs and even homeless women who just patrolled the streets of the city to watch for women in need. It was your own classified network that expanded all over the country.
You wanted to spread it out more and while there was only one physical Izanami No Mikoto the idea had unfurled farther than you ever thought it would. What helped, in your opinion, was that the network was made up of everyday women. This meant that every female affiliated with the INM had a sworn duty to help other women and children in need. 
The lawyers offered free legal representation, doctors had free medical care to give, the wealthy had money to provide, it all worked out even more perfectly than you could have ever imagined. Your dream had become a reality and you would do anything in your power to protect that… No matter what and that’s why they were leaving what you felt was your home. 
Any male who followed a woman there or found the place was disposed of right away. It was a female sanctuary. John would be the only one to walk away but still, he was male and knew the location and it was decided that Shizuoka would stay and run INM, while also looking for a new place to move to. 
After everything was planned out you embraced Algo and Shizuoka. You thanked them for everything and being by your side through even the worst of times and most of all, you thanked them for all their help in raising your beautiful daughters. You’d be forever indebted to them. It was a tearful goodbye with Shizuoka crying out,
“This is not goodbye! We will see you soon!” She pulled you in for one more hug. 
You walked with your daughters who had joined halfway through to their shared room they never grew out of. Tatyana had her own room but never slept in it, she liked to be with her sister. When they were fourteen you all redid their room together. Painted blue with two double beds on opposite sides of the room. Kat’s side was cleaner than Darya’s which came as a surprise to you. 
Your quiet daughter tended to be more serious. She had a very dry sense of humor and spoke in a way that drove most who didn’t know her insane. Yet for all her more proper qualities she couldn’t put her clothes in a basket to save her life. Kat always cleaned the room, in fact she loved cleaning. You thought it was a good outlet for her as she did it a lot while she was stressed. 
As you followed them into their room your eyes noticed the painted hands on the wall. It was yours, Tatyana’s, Darya’s and Algo’s. You smiled. All of you were messing around after you finished fixing up the room. Algo had the great idea to leave your mark on the wall. You would be cutting that off the wall and taking it wherever you went next. Kat laid in her bed and you sat by her feet which she placed on your lap. Darya went on and continued packing. 
“So, all this? All because our father is here? I mean we usually plan things out this way but we don‘t evacuate.” Your daughter asked with a confused face as she put a couple shirts she liked in a box. 
“Yeah, he’s a very wanted man. We don’t want to risk anything.” You explained. 
“What does that mean for you? Like are the stories I’ve overheard true? Has he killed that many people? Have that many people died?” Kat asked. “I mean how much danger are you going to be in by helping him?” 
You sighed. As they grew up you didn’t tell them much. They sure as hell didn’t know you used to kill people until they were older and found out themselves. A common game they liked to play; Why Won’t Mom Talk About Her Past? Something they played a lot much to your dismay. You told them multiple times to stop when you would catch them playing it— which wasn’t hard for you— that there were things they didn’t need to know. 
Tatyana and Darya were trouble makers but always for the right reason. Getting suspended for defending someone or themselves. Finding out information on you because they were worried about you. While it was annoying— and expensive because you had to bribe the school with all your money to keep them enrolled— you knew they did it because they had good hearts. 
Something you were going to inform John on when you next saw him, was that they grew up with you teaching them everything you knew about fighting under the guise of self defense. This was because you only trusted yourself to educate them the best, considering your vast knowledge on the subject. They were good but they had never seen something like this.
You gave them— for the most part considering they now help you— a normal life. They went to a private school, partook in sports, clubs, graduated early, and had a good group of friends. It was really starting to hit you just how much you fucked up showing up to see him. Your momentary lapse in judgment put your children in a world of danger they didn’t know about. You trusted Algo to keep them safe but you suddenly felt sick. 
“I’m so sorry. I should’ve told you this all before I made my decision.” Your hand left its current resting place to lay on Tatyana’s knee, “I will tell you everything but I want you to know that I didn’t keep this from you to lie, but to give you a normal life.” 
Although you were going to leave it up to your ex— lucky him, you rolled your eyes— you began to tell them the story of your past.  
“My father wasn’t a good person. Taught me everything I knew and loved me. I didn’t get to go to school like you guys did. He homeschooled me, taught me to live off the grid.” You chuckled thinking about how crazy your biological father was, “He was a bit of a doomsayer but he had his reasons, surviving all he had. You have to remember he was born during the 1930’s Ukraine. I- I shouldn’t be defending him.” 
“Why? What makes you suggest he is a bad person?” Darya looked intrigued. “You always talked about him when we were kids.” 
“He was a good father to me.” 
This was something you struggled with a lot. In fact you would lay in bed a lot when you and Jardani were together and express this to him as he was the one person you felt couldn’t judge you no matter what. Your father was your number one support system as a child. Always spending time with you, listening to your feelings and protecting you. Teaching you to be strong and frightening.
With such a cold mother it was hard not to gravitate to the parent that gave you warmth and love. Little did you know how cold he could be towards your mother as they both hid it well from you. As you grew older you understood why your mother resented you. She knew all he was doing, and put up with it out of love and fear but still he treated you with so much love. 
How horrible; A mother jealous of her own daughter, a twelve year old at that. When you began to understand her a bit more, thanks to therapy, it all made sense in a very sad way. While your father could do romantic gestures— having random outbursts where he was quite passionate— he could only experience romantic love in his own way.  
You believed to him it was easier to love you than your mother, but he did love her. Your mother was insecure, and affectionate. When someone like that is starved of the love they crave they’re bound to get jealous at the sight of any bit of kindness that's not directed at them. Sadly it happened to be her own child. You’re mother should’ve never been a mother and it’s as simple as that. 
She died for him; teaching your twelve year old brain a sick way of thinking about love. Still, in a guilty way, you missed him and her even though they were horrible people. You had good stories because you were oblivious to his crimes for a long time before you found out. 
“One day I ventured out into the woods of my backyard and I found him, killing a man. I ran to my room and freaked out, I was twelve. That was my father, I almost thought what I saw wasn’t real… but it was.”
“Holy shit.” Kat got up but leaned back on her arms.
“Before I could make up my mind, the cops stormed my house and my mother and father were shot dead right in front of me. He was a serial killer” Your voice was calm, though you had never told them, you yourself had come to terms with what you witnessed.
The twins watched you, intrigued. They were finally going to find out everything they wanted to know about you, straight from the source itself. 
“A detective took me in for a bit. He was never home, always out and I practically lived on my own for a year until he brought me to meet a woman who went by the name The Director. She took me in and that’s where I met your father, he was the only one who could ever make me feel safe. Where I grew up was called the Roma Ruska. Due to my prior history, she trained me to be a skilled assassin alongside Jardani.” You rubbed your thighs out of an anxious habit. 
“My eyes were opened to a completely second, secret world. When I was fifteen the worst event in my life took place, causing me to hate the Roma Ruska even more. I grew up taking hits with him and completing contracts until we broke up. I left, everyone thought I was dead apparently, except John and a couple others. Then I found out I was pregnant with you… The rest is history but now he’s here because he needs help and has my stupid marker.” 
“What like exactly is a marker anyways?” Kat was listening with an intense interest. 
“It’s a blood oath. When someone does a big enough favor for you, you give them your bloody finger print and if they ever need you to do anything for them, they bring the marker to you. It’s only complete when both parties' finger fingerprints are there. John and I gave them to each other because…” This time your voice started to waiver, “We were in love with each other. I didn’t think they’d be used this way but I was an idiot and had him complete his.”
“Why don’t you just say no?” Darya came to sit on her bed which was across from her sisters.
You sighed. 
“There are two rules in that world. No business on hotel grounds and you must complete the marker, or you will be taken care off. No refusing or killing whoever has it. I used mine years ago for something small.” There was no reason to explain what the first rule was and they didn’t seem to care anyways.
“And he’s making you do this? What if…” Kat started.
“Someone else was to kill him?” Darya finished. 
“You two are not killing your own father. At first he was but like I said he changed his mind and got up to leave. That’s basically all of it, so to answer your original question, it’s very dangerous. But I promise I’m good at what I do, and so is he.”
Both of your daughters stayed silent for a few minutes, taking in everything you had just said. They had millions of questions but based on your demeanor you didn’t seem in the mood to go into more details. The two women looked at each other before Darya got up and sat on Kat’s bed, giving you a hug. Tatyana joined in on the little group hug. 
You let out one sob before wrapping your arms around them. These two women were your whole world, your reasons to continue on. Once they were born it was easier to forget about Jardani and everything you had been through. No matter what, you always had them, always. You pulled back to smile at them. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“For what? We still love you!” Tatyana hugged you tighter.
Your response was immediate as you loved them too. More than they could ever begin to believe. With a kiss to each of their heads you thanked them and promised you’d say goodbye in the morning. Lots of hugging was happening as you embraced them longer and tighter than usual. They wished they could come with you but it was just too dangerous. 
It was about an hour later when you made it back to the room you left John in. He was probably dying of boredom and you laughed. Just as expected he was half asleep in the chair, looking uncomfortable. You called his name and he jumped up, prepared for anything but it was just you. He relaxed and exhaled. 
“So?” He asked.
“There are some things you need to know. One, I gave our daughters a very normal life and I just had to tell them everything. Something I never wanted to do. They can fight but they aren’t experts, I taught them myself.”
“Then maybe I should leave. I don’t want to put them in danger.”
You didn’t miss the way he only mentioned them. Of course he wouldn’t care about you being in danger but at this point even you didn’t care about yourself too much. It was too late, you told him. By showing up he had ruined everything and you all would have to start new. There would be a lot to do tomorrow morning and the day was coming to an end. You told him to follow you and  brought him to your room. 
“Two, you’re not allowed anywhere else in this building. In fact you’re going to be the only male to ever walk out of here alive.” Your tone was harsh and your face was serious. “You can sleep on the floor because you certainly are not getting my bed.” 
With that you threw some oversized men’s sleep pants and a shirt that you liked to wear at him. You were not going to make him sleep in that suit. Not for his sake though, you told yourself, but you didn’t know if you could fall asleep with him in that insufferable thing. Too formal, too fitting and not at all stretchy enough. It would be like sleeping in wet clothes in your opinion. 
You hated those suits no matter how good he looked in them. John gave you a nod of thanks and you both turned to change. 
Being all snuggled into bed you knew it would take forever for you to fall asleep as you were very worried for the up and coming days. You grabbed a hidden vodka bottle that was under your night stand and took a shot. A moan left your mouth at the familiar burn in your throat. You threw back another before offering it to John which he denied. You shrugged before taking two more back to back.
The buzz was a bit strong and although you wouldn’t get a good night's rest it would help you fall asleep faster than without. The silence was almost deafening as all you could hear were the sounds of your guys breathing. The two of you hadn’t slept in the same room in decades and the awkwardness was very strong. You just couldn’t take it.
“Jardani?” You whispered into the dark.
“Why did you wear that stupid suit here?” It made no sense for him to dress his best to see you.
“It's bulletproof.” He responded. 
“Oh.” You winced, it still probably hurt like hell to get hit. “That’s new.”
John gave you a hum of acknowledgement to let you know he heard you. The silence settled once again but this time it wasn’t as uncomfortable. The alcohol was taking effect and before you knew it you were falling asleep. It had been a rough day and you hoped that tomorrow would be better but you didn’t have high hopes. Things were only going to get much worse.
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raid3r-r4bbit · 9 months
HOWDY! AS of posting, I'm on my way to the airport and going to be traveling to wasteland weekend, and while my posting's already been a little erratic in the last few days its about to do that again lol. I might have time to do some stuff while hanging out at the airport and while in air, not sure about actually at the air bnb and shit, but whatever. so no promises, no guarantees, treat it like a Wishlist, drop an ask or two (fr idc) and i might draw something. I will even make memes. OK Das it for announcements
(Lmao i typed this whole thing up and then my computer fucking crashed, saving none of it, so take two ig.
Fair warning, I make more drug references than probably needed in this, and made a fun little list at the end for you all. There's def a bunch of spelling errors, sorry I dont have the time to fix it all. I've also jumbled details about all of them together because of overlap, so if you really want to know you have to read the whole goddamn thing) Ok have fun reading.
JOLT ✧˖°. PERSONAL $ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty ✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non-applicable ✪ Class/Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other ✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other ✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed ( The four of them aren't nessiciarily impoverished, or living in poverty, but it's hard to expand when you're either living in a small city or traveling in a small trailer, life isn't the worst, nobody's strugling to make ends meet (not that anyones charging them rent, though.) but at the same time, they arent living in some kind of mansion. Jolt mostly manages money in the group, and all together they do pretty well.
Jolt is muscular, but he tends to over do it with training and fighting, occasionally skipping meals, definitly fit though. there isn't much of a caste system within the story, you've either got someplace to stay or you dont.
Jolt, like the rest of them, hasnt had a "proper formal education", but he's the most well written of the group, able to read and write in both spanish and english, as well as being fluent in both. His mathmatical skills are enough to get by with, simple maths. He's also read a lot of history books in his free time, so he knows a suprising amount of US history, not that most of it matters anymore.
Most of the time, the crimes he's commited have been done in places where it doesnt really matter- around other raiders, killing people in arena style fights, ect. He's not got the stickiest hands, but he's swiped a few things in his life. Over all, he's intimidating and skilled enough to swipe stuff without gettign caught.)
✧˖°. FAMILY ◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children ◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased/?????? ◔ Affiliation: orphaned / abandoned / adopted / found family / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable (Jolt is worried about the idea of raising children in the wasteland without a solid comunity or stable way of life, and he's also concerned about his own addiction and behavior affecting them, but he enjoy the idea of being a parent and raising kids.
Before everythign happened, his family was a very close unit, definitly closer to his mother than his father, though. His father rough around the edges, but overall a good man. His mother wanted to make sure her kids were intelligent and capable, and enjoyed passing on information from her life, and her family, history, to them. His siblings and him were also quite close, often depeneding on him when his mother passed away.
Jolt's mother died when he was around 14-15, and his father passed away a few weeks before he turned 19, after which he left his siblings. Over time he eventually found himself tangled with a few people and groups but never really found a home until he was tangled with Bux, Keres, and Rikki. The four of them make up a somewhat weird but very close family.)
✧˖°. TRAITS + TENDENCIES ♦ extroverted / introverted / in-between ♦ disorganized / organized / in-between ♦ close-minded / open-minded / in-between ♦ calm / anxious / in-between ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in-between ♦ cautious / reckless / in-between / highly contextual ♦ patient / impatient / in-between ♦ outspoken / reserved / in-between ♦ leader / follower / in-between ♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in-between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in-between ♦ traditional / modern / in-between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in-between ♦ cultured / uncultured / in-between / unknown ♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown / highly contextual ♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown ((yea im not explaining all of that))
✧˖°. BELIEFS ★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic ☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don't know / don’t care / in a matter of speaking ✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking ✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking ❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don't care ✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious ❀ Philosophical: yes / no / highly contextual ((spoilers?) Jolt's belief's are similar to Kere's somewhat pagan in nature, but also a bit alternative. One of his major beliefs is that most people are inherently evil, and people who claim they aren't are often far worse.)
✧˖°. SEXUALITY & ROMANTIC INCLINATION ❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual ❥ Sex: sex-repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable / naive and clueless ♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious ❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious ⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all ⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all (Jolt is demi Romantic and Pansexual, He doesnt really have a prefrence sexually, but romantically he isnt really insterested in dating women, (on top of not already being interested in dating.) He's previously been promiscuis, having hooks up and one night stands but mostly as a result of need or drunken mistakes. He's pretty tied to keres, however.)
✧˖°. ABILITIES ☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none (Jolt has pretty extensive training and combat experience, and is likely not someone you want to pick a fight with, he does loose advantage in ranged combat, not being skilled with guns, and not being very fast and flexible, but he's pretty much gaurenteed to at least break limbs (at least ) in hand to hand combat.
There a few things he forgets how to spell, and occasionally forgets words in english/spanish, but nothing outside the normal relm of someone who's bilingul. He's decently literate though, and enjoys reading and writting.
Jolt paints fequently and paints things like aniamls and plants to catolauge them, writing down information as he learns about them, either for saftey, hunting, or foraging, sometimes even receipes. He's not super skilled at it, and struggles to draw people, but it's still a hobby of his.
He's skilled with things like cooking, construction, and he's pretty good at taking care of weapons/ maintaining them. he's not great with machinery, things like cars and what not, he is decent at wiring though, and can hot wire cars in case of emergency. )
✧˖°. HABITS ☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / alcoholic / former borderline alcoholic turned sober ☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker ✿ Recreational Drugs: tried some / never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict ✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess ☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater $ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic ♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler (Jolt isnt an alcholic in the same what your mom isnt an alcholic but drinks 2-3 glasses of wine every night, except it's whiskey or burbon. He doenst really drink to get drunk, maybe a little bit buzzed, tipsy at most, but over all just enjoys the warmth from alcohol.
Jolt smokes pretty regularly, often smelling like it too. Nicotine is one of the only things that helps his hands from trembling, but also makes it worse in the long run.
He's got pretty hardcore psycho addiction. while using he's either highly aggressive and manic, but often is subject to bad trips becoming emotional and mostly inconsolable. He also uses day tripper and marijuana, but less recreational and more medicinal, using them to manage his psycho addiction and mental health issues.
stimpacks, med x, rad away, rad x for all of them, jolt also uses buffout but like a pre-workout/training situation, often only taking half a dose. He also uses Calmex but as directed.
Jolt dies most of the cooking, cooking a lot of mexican and native dishes (or as close as he can get) so mostly things fluctiate from extremely healthy to very deep fried. He really enjoys spicy food more then sweet food, and his favorite foods are often served over rice, or fried. Some of his favorites are Pemmican (my mom made this a lot as a kid and its like a larabar with meat. highly reccomend), Tamales, and menudo (personally, i hate tripe, it makes me want to crawl in a hole and die, but my mom loves and says its very good for you.)
He's pretty stingy with money, budgeting everything, drugs, drinks, cigarettes, food, everything is included. Every so often he'll splurge on new spices or food, paint suplies, or on something as a surprise for Keres (which is usually new herbs or candles.) He also enjoys buying and trying unique cuts of food or veggies or meats he's never tried before.
as for gambling:
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gambled once, and vowed to never do it again. He does do betted fights, but he's rarely lost a fight, picking his opponents carefully.)
KERES (im switchin up the placement bite my ass i dont care) ✧˖°. PERSONAL $ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty ✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non-applicable ✪ Class/Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other ✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other ✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed (Keres is a little chubby, but not really over weight, just kinda thicc, but over all they are healthy.
Keres has proably had the best education of the group, learning both "traditional" subjects and also more alternative once (natrual medicines, and other things)
Surprisingly, Keres isnt really into the whole stealing things thing, and will pretty much only use violence as a means to protect themselves or their friends.)
✧˖°. FAMILY ◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children ◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased ◔ Affiliation: orphaned / abandoned / adopted / found family / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable (Keres isn't sure if they want kids, or can even have them. Keres is intersex, and with their specific condition it isnt impossible, just highly unlikely. As for wanting kids, keres hasn't really been around enough children to know if that's what they want, basically raising Rikki and taking care of Bux pretty much fufills that need for them.
Keres had a close but strained relationship with their family, their parents being strict, but not rough or hateful. They chose to leave after taking in Rikki, seeing that their family wasnt really capable of feeding more people. Keres has five other siblings, none of which they're particularly close with. Over all like the rest of the group, its mostly a found family type situation.)
✧˖°. TRAITS + TENDENCIES ♦ extroverted / introverted / in-between ♦ disorganized / organized / in-between ♦ close-minded / open-minded / in-between ♦ calm / anxious / in-between ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in-between ♦ cautious / reckless / in-between / highly contextual ♦ patient / impatient / in-between ♦ outspoken / reserved / in-between ♦ leader / follower / in-between ♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in-between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in-between ♦ traditional / modern / in-between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in-between ♦ cultured / uncultured / in-between / unknown ♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown / highly contextual ♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown ((yea im not explaining all of that))
✧˖°. BELIEFS ★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic ☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don't know / don’t care / in a matter of speaking ✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking ✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking ❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don't care ✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious ❀ Philosophical: yes / no / highly contextual (again, very pagan like, but keres holds more beliefs than Jolt, believing things like almost anything pre war, with some exceptions (mostly the trailer and shoes if needed, other vehicles, and some simple things like abandoned tins, jars ,mugs ect.) are inherently evil and useless, and that items that are prewar are not to be used.
They spend a lot of time meditating, or crafting spells for the others, things like talismans and pocket spells.
Their over all belief is a bit similar to traditional Native American beliefs, celtic and/or norse paganism, and a few other things that have, like everything else in the wasteland, evolved or changed over time.)
✧˖°. SEXUALITY & ROMANTIC INCLINATION ❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual/Other ❥ Sex: sex-repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable / naive and clueless ♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious ❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious ⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all ⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
(Keres is androsexual, preferring men/masculine individuals.)
✧˖°. ABILITIES ☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none (not traditonally trained in combat, but decently skilled, enough to defend themselves or others, or potentially ward off potential threats.
Keres is mostly blind, having severe cataracts in both eyes. they could read previously, and with some aid still can. Jolt and Rikki often sit down and rewrite books using extra pressure so that keres can read the indents (like braille but none of them know it.) have several books they can use. Other wise, they are literate. they also know some spanish, not enough to be considered fluent, but enough to hold private conversations with Jolt right in fron to rikki and Bux.
Keres isnt the most technically skilled, they can sew decently well, can crochet and knit at alarming speed for someone with little to no vision, and again, despite being blind, makes a decent medic.)
✧˖°. HABITS ☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / alcoholic / former borderline alcoholic turned sober ☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker ✿ Recreational Drugs: tried some / never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict ✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess ☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater $ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic ♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler (Keres drinks occasionally with the others, but otherwise rarely drinks. they enjoy the taste of alcohol, but they dont enjoy the feeling of being drunk, or getting disoriented. On occasion, they may get a little tipsy, provided someone is there to help them get back home.
They enjoy the smell of cigarette smoke on other people, but not the taste of inhaling smoke. they've smoked before, but never really enjoyed it.
Keres smokes a lot of weed, but also has a decently high tolerance to it, rarely actually getting high. They dont have a lot of anxiety but they seem to be a bit inattentive without it. They also use Jet, a lot, it helps again from being disassociated, or over stimulated, using it to regulate themselves.
Most medicinal medicines keres uses are once they've made themselves, and are usually tinctures, teas or topical ointments. Keres loves anything Jolt cooks, being unable to cook themselves, rikki being unable to handle spices very well and Bux incinerating everything he "cooks". His style of cooking is nearly identical to their families' and Jolt's curiosity for trying new receipies is exciting to keres, as it mean flavor and textural variety. They enjoy savory and bitter foods, and also fermented dishes. Keres doesn't really have any particularly favorite dishes, but anything with seafood, jerky, or fried is likely to be enjoyed. All that being said, they won't eat anythign pre-war. Probably for the best.
Keres is not allowed to buy things. They will spend all their money on candles or yarn.
Keres has never had in interest in gambling, but is inexplicably good at dominoes.)
RIKKI ✧˖°. PERSONAL $ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty ✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non-applicable ✪ Class/Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other ✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other ✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed (Rikki in on the underweight side of things, being incredibly thin. her anxiety makes it oftenndifficult to eat of keep food down. She's had no education, and Keres and Jolt have attempted to teach her how to read and write, with very little success. Jolt often sits down with her, making little work sheets for her. She picked up math pretty quickly however, and enjoys doing the various math problems the pair have her work out. Rikki is a little bit of a kelpto, and her small size and bubbly personality make it easy for her to get away with taking things, caught or not.)
◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children ◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased/unknown ◔ Affiliation: orphaned / abandoned / adopted / found family / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable (Rikki is scared at the thought of having children. It's not that she doesnt enjoy children, it's just the idea of the entire proccess is traumatic for her.
Rikki doesn't know if she has siblings, She thinks she has a brother or a cousin. She knows she has a father, but she knows very little about him. the relationship between them is nonexsistent.)
✧˖°. TRAITS + TENDENCIES ♦ extroverted / introverted / in-between ♦ disorganized / organized / in-between ♦ close-minded / open-minded / in-between ♦ calm / anxious / in-between ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in-between ♦ cautious / reckless / in-between / highly contextual ♦ patient / impatient / in-between ♦ outspoken / reserved / in-between ♦ leader / follower / in-between ♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in-between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in-between ♦ traditional / modern / in-between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in-between ♦ cultured / uncultured / in-between / unknown ♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown / highly contextual ♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown ((yea im not explaining all of that))
✧˖°. BELIEFS ★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic ☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don't know / don’t care / in a matter of speaking ✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking ✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking ❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don't care ✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious ❀ Philosophical: yes / no / highly contextual (Rikki doesnt hold an particular beliefs, but enjoys watching/listeing to Keres and Jolt talk about things, and occasioanlly participates, enjoying having her palms read, or using tarot cards with keres, or listening to jolt ramble about nature while they forage together.)
✧˖°. SEXUALITY & ROMANTIC INCLINATION ❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual ❥ Sex: sex-repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable / naive and clueless ♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious ❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious ⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all ⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all (Rikki is Aceflux, she fluctates through various states, but over all reamains asexual, and is sexually replused. She isnt oppsed to the idea of being romantic with someone, but is often to anxious to persue a relationship.)
✧˖°. ABILITIES ☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none (She isnt the best in an actual fight, but she's a phenominal sniper.
Rikki is surprisngly good at math, but also not very great at reading.
She can maybe draw some stick figures, but enjoys doodling with Bux.
Rikki is great at sewing, and also extremely talented at maintaining and fixing guns, and other mechanical weapons.)
✧˖°. HABITS ☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / alcoholic / former borderline alcoholic turned sober ☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker ✿ Recreational Drugs: tried some / never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict ✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess ☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater $ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic ♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler (Over all, most subsance use on her end is pretty casual, rikki basically enjoying her freinds being around her and partaking a little bit here and there, or enjoying a drink on a nice after noon. She's the "designated driver" who cant actually drive.
Rikki is a very picky eater, typically subsiding off of simple sandwiches, or soups that are made specifically because of her squeamish nature to texturally adventurous foods, and she cant handle spicy foods to save her life.
Rikki likes to buy herself nice things sometimes, occasionally going overboard and buying mostly uselss trinkets.
She's a pretty decent gambler, and most of her money is made gambling people who clearly aren't great at what they're trying to do.)
✧˖°. PERSONAL $ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty ✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non-applicable ✪ Class/Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other ✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other ✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed (Other than the excessive drug use and munchies, Bux's pretty active, and stays pretty thin. He's got a good bit of muscle, and he sometimes has a little chub, but he's definitley not as fit as he could be.
He was in school for a bit before his parents divorced, he father then pulling him out of school to work on the farm. Bux has probably the stickiest fingers of the group, he could steal an entire cart of stuff and not only would you not see him do it, youd have no idea where any of it went. )
◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children ◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased ◔ Affiliation: orphaned / abandoned / adopted / found family / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable (He's not keen on the idea of having kids. he'd rather avoid them entierly.
He's got a complex relationship with most family members. He doesnt resent his mother, but he's upset with her for not taking him with her when she and walter divorced. Then she married Perry. Perry's great, super nice, and seems like he actually enjoy's Bux's enjoyment of machines and tattoos. But he still had two kids with his mom and didnt think to invite him over even once.
His two sisters adore him, having an older brother who got in trouble for sneeking out and hanging out with a bunch of raiders seems cool to them. He however, does not want to spend time with them. He doesnt hate them, but he feels a twang of envy and sometimes guilt everytime he sees them.)
✧˖°. TRAITS + TENDENCIES ♦ extroverted / introverted / in-between ♦ disorganized / organized / in-between ♦ close-minded / open-minded / in-between ♦ calm / anxious / in-between ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in-between ♦ cautious / reckless / in-between / highly contextual ♦ patient / impatient / in-between ♦ outspoken / reserved / in-between ♦ leader / follower / in-between ♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in-between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in-between ♦ traditional / modern / in-between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in-between ♦ cultured / uncultured / in-between / unknown ♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown / highly contextual ♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown ((yea im not explaining all of that))
✧˖°. BELIEFS ★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic ☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don't know / don’t care / in a matter of speaking ✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking ✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking ❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don't care ✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious ❀ Philosophical: yes / no / highly contextual (jesus himself could decend from heaven and bless this boy personally and he still wouldnt believe, but he swears up an down he's seen mothman.)
✧˖°. SEXUALITY & ROMANTIC INCLINATION ❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual ❥ Sex: sex-repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable / naive and clueless ♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious ❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious ⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all ⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all (he's bi, leaning prefrence towards women.)
✧˖°. ABILITIES ☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none (Bux is not well trained in combat (despite Jolt's attempts.) but is still pretty skilled. Mostly melee, and using his terain to his benefit, prefering to ambush or corner people.
Bux can read, just not well or quickly; on top of needing to focus to read, he has no ability to focus, so he often seems illierate, but he's just a little stupid. He (and Rikki) only speak english, so hearing jolt constant swearing in spanish, or jolt and keres talking "serect older adult stuff" right in front of them is frustrating. Rikki's tried to pick up spanish, but picking it up from two affulent people (who aren't trying to teaching you) is harder then it looks (sounds?); Bux on the other hand, has chosen to ignore it.
Jolt is normally the one considered the artist of the group, and sure, when it comes to drawing plants and animals, he's better than Bux, but when drawing people Bux is usually better. Bux likes making more abstract desgins, anyways. He's maybe not the best with paint and paper, but he can tattoo something else.
On a technically level (on all levels except physical) Bux is pretty impressive. with machines, anyways. He seems to speak to the hardware, and know where it goes. software is a little trickier for him, which isnt saying much cause you could probably hand him a peice of technology he's never seen or heard of and be able to fix it after about five minutes of inspecting. ✧˖°. HABITS ☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / alcoholic / former borderline alcoholic turned sober ☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker ✿ Recreational Drugs: tried some / never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict ✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess ☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater $ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic ♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler (When it comes to drinking, smoking, and drugs, Bux makes the others look like they only rarely or barely use. He's so constantly high or drunk that the few times Jolt has seen him sober he's been genuinely worried. If he's able to come down from it all gracefully, he hits a major low pretty easily. Often mopey, quiet, avoidant, and typically irratable. If not, He's more likely to have a shakey, screaming meltdown. Keres and Rikki cant handle the meltdowns, and Jolt is freaked out by the mellow (even if his highs can be annoying) so the group does not prevent him from indulging in his habits. He'll pretty much drink whatever, smoke whatever, but in general, Jet is his drug of choice. Jet, weed, and maybe a little calmex (generously spared by Jolt at the request of Keres when they travel.) other than the occaisonally calmex, he's taking mostly uppers.
Bux enjoys a good bit of Jolt's cooking, but he's not a fan of the more 'explorative' dishes, and isn't quite accustomed to other culture's foods, so he can be rather picky. He however, will devour anything prewar, very happily. His favorite are the yum yum deviled eggs. Jolt has attempted to make him fresh, homemade, non irradiated, likely moldy, and properly seasoned deviled eggs, but Bux still prefers the stuff out of the box. He does think Jolt's pork n' beans is better, though.
While not quite as bad as Keres, Bux is also not allowed to spend his own money. He gets an allowance though. He enjoys gambling, too, so that adds on to the "List of Reasons Why." posted on the fridge by Jolt. He mostly spends on drugs or food, but will also spend on tattoo and pericing supplies, or bust it all gambling. He likes dice games, and betting games. He's not great at it. )
(fun fact about the various drugs of fallout; they're inspired by real world drugs/medications, and when writing stories you can apply the real world affects and repercussions :D I've seen a few different interpretations, but here are mine personally (having worked in (and currently working for) various biomedical pharmaceutical distributions or management companies, and while not being a doctor, I know more than the average person about these drugs. (I've mostly included the ones that are important story wise.) Psycho: Methamphetamine Jet: Jenkem (I've seen some people say its an amphetamine, and i think the effects of jet are pretty similar canonically, but it's definetly jekem.) Med-x: Morphine Buffout: roids. Calmex: Ketamine. Daddy-o: Xanax or adderall. (Or something similar.) Day Tripper: LSD or shrooms but bottled for your conveinence. (some people say that day tripper is weed, going off the effects it could be, but i'd rather just have my characters smoking weed. )
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ask-serendipity-sky · 7 months
Even they are kinda chill with vmin. The only pair they have hate for is Jkk... then maybe yoonmin because of Yoongi's bullying tendency.
As they don't care for ships at all.. they doesn't really have a problem with tae nor vmin unless Tae stans drag Jimin, which again applies for every member and their ships. Personally I'm living like that lol. I'm a jkkr and if jkk moments happens I'll be happy and enjoying it, with other jm ships too.. otherwise I just concentrate on Jimin. If Jimin have moments with other members I'll be enjoying that. After Vmin talked out their issues.. I absolutely don't have any problem with tae. I'm here for Jimin and Jimin only.. so if he's very chill with a member then why tf should I hate him for other things he does ? He can do whatever he needs and Idc.. as long as Jimin doesn't too.
Idc for other's solo contents nor their ships or how one ship affects another lol. Majority of it are shipper theories, one shipper projecting their feeling to one member/ a ship. And idc for the conspiracy theories of solos too. If I see a real issue I'll talk about it, otherwise nope. I don't have intrest in speaking about same thing over and over again either. JK getting push is his thing, when it happened affecting LC ofcourse I was angry but now that LC's tracking is over no matter what push happens its not affecting Jimin nor his fans.. so why should we even be bothered about it ? Damage is done months ago, no use about beating the same dead horse a million times. So I developed a thick skin towards JK's push too. Regarding ot7s too.. they treat Jimin like an outside.. it's like asking to support Jimin to blackpink Fandom lol. So I decided to only mingle with people who genuinely care about him and work together with them. A so called ot7 doesnt want to post about him? Fine.. you do you, Jimin has his own fbs to update about things. I won't get upset seeing a blink dragging Jimin.. just like that I started treating otee7s hater Fandom too. So I stopped getting upset when they does wierd stuffs regarding him, they are haters so there's no need to expect anything from them.
I've a JM concentrated yt channel with almost 12k subs, it's 90% Jimin, 8% Jkk and 2% bts posts. As I'm applying same policies there too I really don't have much negativity in comments. It's so easy to manage a channel, which has 1m+ videos, myself than getting into shitty circles with shippers and toxic solos. It's so peaceful while updating on my channel with everything related to JM than to read posts/ comments on diff platforms. I'm here for only Jimin and entertainment so why tf I should ruin that experience lol
As long as im getting my Jimin contents and he's able to release stuffs peacefully nothing matters to me. Being invested in other things, is only making things so complicated as if it's not already.
Tbh the best thing I did 🙂
You have a perfect kpop life! I wish I had your chill, for reals. But for that I would need to be reborn into a new person lol
I'm glad you've found something that works for you. It sounds like a perfect approach to Jimin and the things that surround him.
You should share your YouTube channel if you are down!
Thanks for sharing
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