#If anybody actually reads my tags I appreciate you for handling whatever is going on in my pea sized brain
bubbeebear · 1 year
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Baby duck guy, again.
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keiscait · 4 years
Hello!! I see that your matchups are open and I was wondering if I could get a Living Room and Bedroom one? Living Room would be more preferable if u can’t do both. I’m not sure if this is enough to cover both…I’m sorry agdhshdhejdbjdj
I’m not sure if u can do this but could u make this anon too? You can associate me by this emoji: 🕺
Here’s the info:
PRONOUNS: she/her
PERSONALITY (Living Room): I am generally very shy and closed off, always making sure I avoid people. I stay away from large crowds because I’m a ball of anxiety (I get anxiety easy) and I get really nervous whenever someone approaches me, especially around guys like I usually won’t look at them in the eyes because I become a blushy mess and lose my words. I am also usually very quiet too and don’t talk a lot. 
However, when I talk to my close friends, I literally become Hinata (no joke). I get so hyped, energetic, cheerful, make my friends laugh, and help them a lot too. I am also very passionate about things. When I am suffering with a problem, I don’t like telling friends because I don’t wanna worry them because I feel bad. I end up telling my best friend (they are literally Kageyama to me LOL). I also apologize a lot if I felt I did something wrong and I am quite odd to my friends. I end up getting into playful banter with my close friends where I tease them with playful jokes. I am quite observant too since I don’t usually talk to people, so I notice things from afar. I can tell if a friend of mine has a slight change in their behavior and I will ask if they are ok to be sure. I am also very honest, straightforward and pretty blunt about things. 
Do not get me upset. It takes a lot for someone to make me upset and actually angry. The most I would get is being annoyed. However, if you managed to get me angry, I lose my temper and yell and my friends have mentioned it’s as if I would snap someone in two. I do curse like crazy so people get surprised since I am usually quiet. Again it is rare, but I’ve been told it’s scary when I get angry. I will eventually be alone to recharge and wouldn’t want anybody to talk to me. 
When it comes to relationships, I don’t have that much experience…I hate PDA so I’m really private. I’m actually afraid to love somebody because I’m afraid I won’t be good at all so if somebody was crushing on me and shows affection, I try to divert that attention to something else because I get shy and get so scared. Again it’s hard to look at someone I like in the eyes because I blush so much. It’s hard to show affection by words so I show it by actions like hugs. I would love to hold their hands, caressing them or squeezing them just to feel the comfort and warmth. I think I might be very tender and gentle but I think as I open up, I might get cheery and energetic but that’s a theory. I do try my best to make them happy even if it takes me a while to get comfortable and I’ll try to shower them with love by physical actions. Maybe I’ll draw for them too to make them happy…
I love art. I love to draw for my friends because I love seeing them get so excited for the finished product. I also love listening to music every day so when I’m alone and away from everyone, I just blast music through my headphones. I love gaming too so you’d find me playing the Switch!
I am a perfectionist, hardworking and always try my best even if I get put down. Sometimes I might overwork when it comes to drawing but that’s because I get so eager to improve every day. I also love to give support to my friends for their dreams and but I am not an optimist or pessimist, I am a realist. 
IN BEDROOM: Pretty much the same when it comes down to relationships. I get extremely flustered and shy about physical affection and worry if I’m not good at all. I might be a bottom aagdhhshdhsjdjd I just don’t see myself having confidence in these kinds of experiences. I would love if somebody was gentle and passionate with me tho…Since I don’t rly interact with people in the public, I think I might be touch starved so any physical affection might drive me crazy (in the good way). As flustered as I get, I am pretty dirty-minded. 
THINGS I LOOK FOR IN A PARTNER: quiet, calm, observant, passionate, playful, a tease, cold yet caring, strong, emotional, empathetic, kind, understanding, respectful, and not afraid to speak their mind
HOGWARTS HOUSE: Gryffindor!!
FAV FOOD: I loveeee food. I am always hungry for food. I love spicy food especially. I love pasta/spaghetti, pizza, sushi, and I love chicken burgers
FUTURE PLANS/DREAMS: I just hope to be successful and actually feel happy. I hope I’ll land a good position for art like for animation or games (especially if it’s anime-related!) I’m not sure if I’ll find someone to settle down with but only time will tell. 
MUSIC TASTE: Rock, J-Rock, Future Funk, Lofi, and I adore anime and video game OST LOOKS: I’m smol like 5'3. I have light skin but not pale (it’s like Hinata’s) and I have red/brown hair and brown eyes. I also have little freckles on my cheeks I’m so sorry if it’s so much but maybe it helps ; __ ; Thank u for doing these and make sure to take breaks!!
Hello and welcome, dear! This is wonderful - thank you for all the details, it gives me a lot to work with! ❤️ I’m so excited to get started with this. Let’s go to the living room! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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For you, I’ve invited over…
Kita Shinsuke! (Runner up: Sugawara Koushi)
Our lovely Inarizaki captain may come off as cold and stoic, but he’s really just unbothered my trivial things. He strives for improvement daily, and ensures he goes through the motions before reaching perfection.
- When you two first meet, I don’t think there will be a lot of interaction there - but when there is, it’s definitely more comfortable than it is awkward. Kita has the effect on people that makes them feel safe and secure, like all the pressures of life just disappear for a moment
- This is how your friendship starts. He proves himself more and more approachable by the day. You’re both straightforward and observant people, so you two would probably tag-team when interacting with other people. He’ll make you feel secure in the friendship despite his no-nonsense bluntness, while he appreciates that you aren’t a flashy person
- The fact that you’re a hardworking perfectionist helps him relate to you on a deeper level. He’d be so happy to find someone who understands this part of him
- He will probably make himself more present in your life by doing little things - helping you clean up after class, sending you tips on how to study for a subject you’re having trouble with, offering an ear for you to rant if he notices something’s off
- He does everything slowly and with very close precision, all in the hopes of you becoming more comfortable around him
- the man is near perfect, what more can I say 
- OF COURSE he succeeds. He’s Kita Shinsuke
- Don’t worry, he won’t be thrown off by your more playful side once it comes out. Kita most likely already got hints of your sunshine here and there while he was slowly gaining your trust
- Once he feels like it’s the perfect time, only THEN will he ask you out
- Let out your inner gremlin!!!!! He can 100% handle it, since he’s so used to the chaos of his team by now and he has somehow remained?? completely SANE?? what a man
- AND the difference is, he LIKES YOU!!!1!!!!!!!1!!
- He will adore all your little quirks, and may even participate in your playful banter
- Does not mind that you’re not into PDA. Hell, he might even be relieved–
- He’d notice how you try to divert affection, and will try to talk to you about it. You won’t have to say much, he’ll be able to tell from your body language that it’s because you’re anxious to love somebody, and will never take that against you
- Will work on trying to break through those walls, but wouldn’t ever force it
- Prepare for a beautiful domestic future ����🥺🥺 a simple life on a farm in the Japanese countryside with the man of your dreams?? You, an artist, and him, a farmer???? The absolute PUREST domestic dream 😭😭😭
You were sat in your worktable, sketching away the morning. A deadline was fast approaching, so you could hardly allow yourself to rest - so the first thing you did today, as with most days, was work. 
The art block hit a few days back. Your nights have recently been filled with drooping eyes paired with a throbbing headache, and they were now slowly eating up your mornings, too. You massaged your neck, sore from hunching over your desk so much - all you could at the moment was stare at the now blank sheet in front of you. You weren’t satisfied with any of the pieces you made, so you always ended up scrapping whatever it is that you were doing.
You were snapped out of your daze at the sound of the cuckoo clock. You noticed that you were gripping the pen a little too hard, causing some redness on your fingertips. A frustrated groan escaped you as your hands rubbed circles into your temples. The morning felt so dull.
The time read 7AM. Two hours on the desk and not a single thing, you thought to yourself. Like clockwork, you heard the door open and close as Kita came back from field work. He stopped in his tracks upon seeing you.
“You’re awake?” His tone was more concerned than surprised. He had witnessed your restlessness these past few days, doing whatever he can to ease your frustration a a little bit. This wasn’t anything new to him, seeing as you were both workaholics, but he couldn’t help but worry about how this deadline was treating you.
You managed a weak smile as you met his eyes. He looked pretty in the morning light - sweat trickling down his neck, some of his hair clinging to his forehead, lips slightly parted to allow better breathing. It was rare for you to see him like this since he usually gets up and finishes work before you get up. The sight comforted you a bit, as if the bleakness dissipated for a little while.
He walked over to the coffee machine to run it. “Still no luck?”
“I’ve been at it since 5AM.” You let out an exasperated sigh. “I woke up when you went out to work. I couldn’t go back to sleep thinking about it.”
He hummed in acknowledgment. The two of you stayed quiet for a while, with only the sounds of the coffee machine and birds chirping. The peacefulness almost sunk in until you were reminded of the stress looming over your head. You let out another sigh.
You were staring down the blank sheet again, sick of the emptiness it posed. With a pen in hand, you tried to mimic the motions of drawing strokes, hoping for a sudden burst of inspiration. Nothing. 
Kita laid a cup of coffee next to you. “You barely slept, y/n. At least eat a bit.” That elicited no response from you - all you could do was lean back in your chair, feet put up onto the seat.
Your boyfriend placed his finger under your chin, making you look up at him standing next to you. “Y/n.” 
He examined your expression - you were so tired; redness peaked from the corners of your eyes, and your lips were almost pale. “You need food in your system, y/n.”
“I don’t have time to eat, Shin, this is–”
“Food is what the brain runs on. Even a child knows that,” he teased as he pulled you on your feet and led you to the kitchen table, “Eat.”
You had no choice but to oblige. You plucked a banana from its bunch, munching away while Shin scrambled some eggs. Before you knew it, a breakfast was spread out in front of you. The brown-eyed boy pressed a kiss at the top of your head as you praised him. “I don’t deserve you,” you said with a smile.
“It’s just breakfast,” he chuckled, “and you do deserve me. You deserve the world.”
The world suddenly felt full of color again, and you were ready to face the dreary white that’s been mocking you the whole week.
I hope that was alright with you, dear! Let’s head over to the bedroom ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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Look who’s here for some alone time!
Semi Eita! (Runner up: Kageyama Tobio)
One of the prettiest setters to date, Semi here has his moments of sincerity despite the scary attitude he puts up. He comes off as a domineering personality, but I feel like in the bedroom, he’d be incredibly tender.
- Don’t believe the mask he puts up. Semi bb is a big softie for his s/o!!!!! CHANGE MY MIND
- In the bedroom, you well-being would be TOP priority - he would constantly ask you if this or that is okay, and make sure your comfortable with whatever the two of you are doing
- Your first time would be SO intimate: if you planned it beforehand, he’d go as far as laying out candles, setting up a fragrance to fill the room, and maybe even laying out roses; if it isn’t planned, he’d hold you close the whole time, and won’t really get rough with how he handles you
- Has enough confidence to take the lead. He’s pretty self-assured, and this will really translate in the bedroom
- Knows where to touch you and is gentle about it, making sure to test things out first before going at it
- When he gets to know your more dirty side, that’s when he brings up stuff he’d like to try out. Try surprising him every now and then by telling him you want to try something new (  ・ิω・ิ)
- Oh, his moans. SO GOOD. They’re soft, but so raw, and it would almost sound melodic. Would also chant your name a lot
- I can’t imagine him being loud in the bedroom, but he’d definitely be into dirty talk - I imagine it’s one of his top kinks - more praising than degrading
- He’s also into choking, unless you’re not comfortable with it, then for sure, he wouldn’t force it on you 
- Would lay on top of you (or under, whichever position you were in) for a while before aftercare. He wants some time to hold you while winding down
- Aftercare would be quick but careful - he wants to ensure that he’s got everything covered
- The epitome of Making Love, as opposed to simply “having sex”
Sorry for the long wait, darling! I hope you enjoyed all of that, and thank you so much for your patience. Feel free to pay me another visit, or just sit and chat with me anytime :D
Thanks for stopping by! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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imagineredwood · 4 years
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Part 1  Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5    Part 6 Part 7    Part 8   Part 9       Part 10    Part 11  Part 12 Part 13   Part 14  Part 15  Part 16   Part 17  Part 18 Part 19  Part 20  Part 21   Part 22  Part 23 Part 24   Part 25  Part 26  Part 27  Part 28  Part 29  Part 30 Part 31
Pairing: EZ Reyes x Camila (OC)
Warnings: Talk of dysfunctional families
Word count: 2.9k
***Story lines are splitting and developing 💖***
Camila smiled and put down her coffee cup as the sound of engines hit her ears. She stood from her seat and walked to the front door, pulling it open so that she could wait for the boys. The bikes pulled into her driveway one by one and she laughed softly to herself as she imagined Eddy losing his shit next door. They all filed in and Camila could see that Letty was on the back of Coco’s bike. Her smile returned, having thought that the teen just said yes since Cam was standing there and would’ve bailed. Yet here she was, climbing off the back of Coco’s bike and taking the helmet off, shaking her locks out. Angel, EZ, Gilly, Bishop, and Taza all climbed off of their bikes as well. Camila had thought it would just be Coco and Letty, with probably the Reyes brothers and Gilly tagging along. She hadn’t thought practically the entire crew would come, and the sight made her heart swell.
As a kid, she had always wished that she could have a normal family. A family where everyone loved each other and always made sure it was known. Where they spent time together and created happy memories. She had waited years for it to happen and it never did, so she had figured it would never happen. Yet here she was, men wearing leather and smiles coming up to her to hug her as they entered her home where she had made them feel welcome. They came up one by one, a hug and a kiss on the cheek as they walked in. Coco and Letty were to the back and he did the same. Letty stayed to herself though and Camila understood. She gave Letty a smile and placed her hand on her shoulder to give it a soft squeeze before removing it. Letty seemed to appreciate the distance and returned the smile with a small nod as she walked into the house. Now it was the brothers last and she opened her arms to them, both EZ and Angel wrapping her up in a hug. She reached up and left a kiss to both of their cheeks before letting go and letting them walk into her house behind the others.
She closed the door behind them and locked it up, turning around to find them huddled up at her counter.
“Go ahead.”
Everyone smiled and grabbed one of her baskets from the box she had in the corned by the sliding door and Taza looked back.
“Have you ever thought about maybe getting a shelf for these? Maybe to put outside so it’s easier for you to clean them?”
With a pout, Camila shook her head.
“No, I haven’t. That would be a hell of a lot easier.”
Taza grinned at her.
“I’ll look around, see what I can find.”
The boys all went outside then, and Camila watched them, finding Letty over toward the hall, looking at Camila’s altar. Smiling, she walked up behind the teen quietly. Letty heard her and looked back, pointing at the photo of Abuelita.
“That your grandma?”
Camila nodded and Letty turned back to the picture.
“She looks nice.”
“She was. Best woman I ever knew.”
Letty nodded and gave a small, sarcastic laugh.
“Can’t relate.”
Her words brought a frown to Camila’s face and she wanted to inquire but decided against it.
“Do you want a basket?”
Letty turned around and nodded, walking with Camila back to the sliding door that led out to the garden.
“Any preference?”
Letty looked over the wicker baskets, all a natural brown but with different colored ribbons tied around the handle and pointed to the one with the bright pink. Camila smiled and handed the basket to her.
“One of my favorites too. The yellow is the one I usually grab though.”
“I would ask if that was your favorite color but,”
Letty motioned around the living room and Camila looked. Yellow blanket on the couch, yellow stand mixer on the counter, yellow coffee cup on the coffee table. She gave a small laughed and so did Letty. Looking back over at her, Camila grabbed the handle of the sliding door and pulled it open, motioning for Letty to go out. She took a step over the threshold and looked around the garden.
Coco smiled as he saw her reaction.
“Nice, huh?”
Letty nodded, her eyes flitting around as she looked at all of the vivid colors.
“How long had it taken you to do all of this?”
It was a good question and Camila had to stop and think. It was coming up on a year now and it shocked her. She hadn’t thought that amount of time had passed.
“Almost a year. I’ve had help though. EZ and Angel have done a lot of work with me, so it sped up the process.”
Letty took the answer and started walking into the garden looking down at everything while Camila watched her.
“A year already.”
Camila looked back at Coco and nodded, unable to contain her grin.
“Yep. Time flies.”
“It does.”
They were quiet again for a moment until Coco spoke once more.
“Do you think,”
He stopped and shook his head, looking conflicted with whatever he was going to ask her. Camila’s brows knitted together, and she reached over, tapping his shoulder.
“What’s up? Do I think what?”
Shrugging, Coco looked at Camila. The unsure look on his face wasn’t one she had seen before.
“I know it might be a lot to ask but do you think maybe you can hang out with Leticia? Not every day or anything, but just be around her a little? She’s just got a lot of shit on her plate and at home and I’m trying to do what I can but I think maybe her being around here with you, helping you garden or helping you out at the bookstore could be good for her. Maybe you two could bake some shit together or something. I don’t know. I just feel like maybe you can give her a place where she can do something, be productive, but be safe you know? Stay outta trouble.”
Camila nodded understanding what he was saying. She didn’t know anything about the kid, having just met her, but between her comment inside and Coco revealing she needed guidance, it was obvious that she maybe wasn’t exactly happy with how things were and as a result wasn’t making the best decisions. Camila didn’t want to judge, but she didn’t want to be naïve either.
“I don’t mind, but maybe give her some time to warm up to me. She may still be a minor, but she’s almost grown. I don’t want you to drop her off here and then she takes off and I have to send out a search party.”
Both laughed but Coco knew she was being somewhat serious, and her fears weren’t unrealistic. Nodding, Coco sighed.
“I’m just trying to do my best you know. I’m trying to spend more time with her, get her to have a more normal life. My mom is crazy and being close to her isn’t good for anybody.”
Camila laughed again and Coco looked over, eyeing her. She quickly held her hands up in defense.
“I wasn’t laughing at you. I was just laughing at how many times I’ve said the same shit. My mom was the same. Sometimes she was polite or on a rare occasion nice, but those times were few and far in between and more often than not she was just cold and detached. The only time she was warm was when people were looking. For me, my Abuela was the one that was really my mom in my eyes. My mom was toxic, still is, so I feel you.”
Coco nodded, thankful that she wasn’t laughing at him. It felt nice to have someone that understood and could relate. Having a better understanding of the situation now, Camila nodded.
“Let me get a little closer with her. Take her shopping or for coffee or something. Let her feel like she had a choice and if she’s game, I’ll hang with her as much as she’d like. OK?”
Coco agreed and leaned over, pushing his shoulder into hers softly. His smile was just as soft.
“Thanks, Cam. I appreciate it. I’ll talk to her.”
Coco gave her a last grateful look and then walked into the garden himself, following Letty and walking along side her. Camila watched from the porch, Coco pointing and picking strawberries with Letty, Taza gazing at the yellow butterfly that was perched on the stem of a tomato he was eyeing. She leaned against the pillar with a look on peace on her face as she watched the men walk around. It was finally fully donning on her that this was her family. That one that she had always dreamed for. A little unorthodox, sure, but a family nonetheless and she realized just how much things had changed since she’s moved her. She’d gone from the quiet, lonely girl in town that was unsure about everything to a woman who had a home made to her liking, a man that wanted to marry her, a job that she loved and a family to go with it. Abuelita had always said that she would have a life she was happy with, she just had to be patient and have faith and like always, she had been right. Looking over to the right, Cam looked at EZ who wasn’t actually picking anything, just looking around and enjoying the fresh air. His eyes raked over the garden feeling proud of his girl and continued looking around until they landed on Camila who was already watching him. He smiled and made his way back over to her, his arms wrapping themselves around her waist. She brought her hands up and placed them on his chest, softly massaging his collarbones and shoulders.
“What’s got you smiling so much?”
Shrugging, Camila looked around the garden once more before returning her eyes to meet his.
“Just how much my life has changed. How if I would’ve read the sign on your dad’s door, I wouldn’t have come in late and maybe would’ve never ended up in the position to meet you. Or to have any of this.”
Pouting, EZ reached up and ran his fingers through her hair, watching as the wave tumbled right back down to lay on her shoulder.
“You still would’ve had this garden whether you met me or not, preciosa.”
Shaking her head, Camila corrected him.
“I didn’t mean ‘this’ as in the garden. I meant a family.”
Her voice cracked slightly on the word family and EZ tugged her into his arms, one large hand cradling the back of her head as he spoke to her.
“Well it’s all yours now. You’re my Old Lady. Everything that’s mine is yours.”
Pulling away, she looked up at him.
“Old Lady?”
EZ laughed and nodded, taking her face into his hands.
“Yeah. Old Lady. Unless,”
“No, no! That’s just the first time you’ve said that.”
With a shrug, EZ smirked.
“Normally I guess I should’ve asked you first, but nothing is normal so what the fuck.”
Camila agreed with a nod and a smile, reaching up and pressing her lips to his.
“Call me your Old Lady more often.”
Nodding, EZ let his hands go back down to her waist, hands inching to her lower back and pressing her into him.
“Our anniversary is coming up.”
Camila’s eyes twinkled.
“I would say I’m surprised you remembered but what don’t you remember?”
The couple shared a laugh as well as a kiss and were interrupted by Angel coming up, wrapping his arms around their necks, damn near choking them as he dragged them into the garden.
“Come look at my plant, that shit got big as hell.”
“Your hair looks nice.”
Karlene looked up from the floor, halting her mopping as she heard the older Reyes brother’s voice. She smiled immediately and shook her head, tossing her long hair around to show off the vibrant cherry red.
“Cam dyed it for me this weekend.”
Angel smiled and took a seat at the bar, in front of where she was mopping.
“You guys spend a lot of time together.”
With a nod, Karlene continued making her way around the stained floor.
“Yeah. She’s my best friend to be honest. She reminds me so much of my sister.”
Angel took a sip from his beer.
“I assume that’s a good thing.”
Karlene nodded enthusiastically and halted her mopping once more.
“The best. After my sister passed, I didn’t think I’d ever have someone that I could lean on like her. My sister was the best person I ever knew. She always looked out for me, protected me, made sure I was ok. I loved her more than I’ve ever loved anyone. Cam is like that too and I’m thankful for her and that you guys have let me help out around here and with Vicki and just gave me a place to belong.”
She was out of breath by the time she finished, and she laughed as she tried to regain some air. Angel smiled as she did, happy that she felt comfortable enough to open up. He didn’t know everything about her, but he knew enough from Cam who had told Angel to offer an ear anytime he could because she could use it. Looking around the clubhouse t make sure Camila wasn’t anywhere around, Karlene leaned into Angel a little closer, whispering.
“Her birthday is coming up at the end of this month. What do you think I should get her? I thought maybe something for her garden or for baking, but she already seems like she has everything she needs.”
Angel agreed, having been dealing with the same dilemma himself, as well as the rest of the guys. Cam was simple and modest, never picky or asking for anything, but that was because anything she needed or wanted, she got for herself. It had proven difficult for the boys to pick what to get her because of that and he gave an apologetic smile.
“I don’t even know. We’ve all been trying to figure it out ourselves. I know that her and EZ will be gone Friday night, going out for their anniversary. We’ll all be here though so you can hang with us while we try to think of something. Gilly was talking about maybe doing a surprise party for her here. Nothing crazy, just the usual people. We’ll talk Friday, see what we can get her.”
Karlene beamed and gave him a thumbs up. Angel stood from the bar and made his way outside, Karlene finishing up with her mopping and grabbing a soda before heading out to the yard to see what everyone else was doing. Stepping out into the California heat, she walked out to where a few of the buys were working, Letty looking at her from the corner where she was perched next to Coco. Karlene smiled, but Letty didn’t return it and Karlene simply shrugged it off. The kid obviously liked her space and wasn’t quick to jump in and trust someone.
Coco on the other hand tapped her knee with the back of his hand and gave her a warning look. She looked at him at the contact and shrugged.
“Be nice.”
“I am being nice. I just don’t know her.”
Knowing that he couldn’t argue with that, Coco led the conversation in a different but still similar direction.
“So, Camila…”
Letty nodded, her eyes pulling away from the redhead and looking at Coco.
“She’s cool. EZ’s like a puppy after her.”
Coco laughed at that. It was true and ever the observer, Letty had picked up on it. Coco thought back to Cam saying that she should get to know Letty first and he tested the waters.
“You guys should hang out. Maybe go shopping or get your nails done. I don’t know, do some girl shit. She works over in the bookstore that has the café, maybe you guys could go and get some coffee.”
Letty pondered it for a few seconds before shrugging.
“Sure. Sounds cool.”
Coco’s smile was bright and he leaned down, pressing a kiss into her hair as she stood up.
“If we’re gonna be friends though, I should probably tell her that you’re not my brother.”
The two shared a small laugh and Coco nodded, standing with her.
“Yeah, maybe you should.”
“Is there anything I shouldn’t tell her?”
Coco’s brows furrowed.
“What do you mean?”
Rolling her eyes, Letty motioned between the two of them.
“Like should I tell her the part where your mom is a crazy fuckin’ bitch and destroys everything she touches including our family or should I skip that?”
Heaving a sigh, Coco looked at her deeply.
“Tell her whatever you wanna tell her. She’s a good listener, she won’t judge. She may even help you out.”
Letty couldn’t hold back the scoff as she laughed.
“Help me out with what? How could she know what its like? Her grandmother seemed like a saint.”
Shaking his head, Coco tossed his arm around his daughter and began walking to the clubhouse with her.
“You two have more in common than you think.”
taglist: @caramara3​   @lostgirl219​ @mrsjaxtellerfan​   @actuallyazriel​   @vannabanana1995​   @unnecessarypineapplesstuff  @thegreat-annamaria​ @negansdirtygirl22​ @svintsandghosts​ @piccasoe​ @tobesurroundedbysplendidthings​ @jadert15​  @lovejn29 @may114​   @meltingicequeen​  @spiced-reads​  @redheadonfire20​
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neshabeingchildish · 5 years
So, in true Nesha fashion, I’m gonna go a little bit in a direction that I’m unsure of whether or not it’s what is being sought out, but my interpretation of the prompts. Idk if I’ll keep up with it this week. We’ll see what type of feedback I get about today’s… Which… Anybody paying any attention to me will know that Fluff is not my ministry, but I’ll give it a try. Here is my premise: I am going to take the AU universes that I put out last week and give y’all a drabble for each with this week’s concepts. At least, that’s my goal. So, here goes.
No Capes AU   ♡ Charlotte, Student Mentor
There he was. Henry Hart. he was at his locker, which wasn’t very far from Charlotte’s and he actually didn’t look as tired as usual… but then again, school had just started. Piper rushed up and slammed herself against the locker next to him, and began talking to him, excitedly. He smiled at her, but wasn’t responding very much. It seemed more like he was a venting board for whatever she was speaking about. Charlotte watched the two of them for a moment. Piper, looking extremely animated and passionate and Henry just listening, sometimes making a face, but for the most part, smiling down at her. Then, whenever he closed the locker, she perched herself onto his arm and they began walking away. Charlotte wished she had a sibling in moments like that. There wasn’t a person that she could be that way with, except for Jasper, and that wasn’t QUITE the same because she couldn’t even go to his house. It was just cute to see the sibling love. They were sort of like parent/child, sort of like besties. She didn’t GET it, but she loved to see it.
Next day, whenever she saw Henry at his locker, she went over. “Hi, Henry.” He froze whenever he heard her voice, a thing that didn’t escape her notice, but he glanced at her and just nodded his head once in acknowledgment. “So, I wanted to touch base with you. I’m sure that Piper told you that I’m her student mentor for the program this year, so that means that I’ll probably be around your house some, for tutoring or whatever else. Wanted to see how you felt about that…”
“Because of what happened with us?” He wondered. “I’m fine. I’m over it. Just… don’t do that to her. She’s really a lot better than me and she deserves for somebody to invest some faith in her.”
“I… had faith in you…” Charlotte said, realizing that she didn’t even believe it when she said it at that moment.
“You had faith in yourself to change me, and when you couldn’t, it was because you didn’t have any in me. But, that’s okay. I’ve realized since then that I didn’t need to change. My surroundings needed to. And they kinda have, so… hooray for me. Don’t… use my sister for your transcript, Charlotte. I love you, but I would have to protect her if you seem to be doing something that might hurt her,”
Charlotte laughed, “You love me? Okay, Henry.” She rolled her eyes and shook her head.
Henry narrowed his and looked at her curiously, “Well, love is a choice and it is an action word. It isn’t a feeling. You were good to me in the best way that you knew how to be and I, being a grateful person who appreciates the good that is given me, have chosen to love you for it. I mean… nobody picks on you like they used to. Creeps stay away. If anybody does try anything, I’ve got your back. Love doesn’t have to be flowers and serenades, Dude. I love you in the Henry way. So, deal with that however you’re gonna, and consider it when you handle Piper. Because with her, love is a choice AND a feeling, and I just don’t play when it comes to that kinda love.”
“I’m not gonna do anything to hurt Piper!” Charlotte said, flustered. By the suggestion and by that whole weird love confession that honestly sounded more like, “Charlotte, I consider you a valued friend.” But, was worded in a way that made her face hot and her hands fidgety.
“Better not,” Henry said and winked at her. “See you ‘round.” He gave her a friendly punch to the shoulder and walked off, leaving her warm faced and sweaty palmed. What TF just happened???
A/N: It also should be noted that since I chose to do this thing this way today, I can’t put it all in one post, because that would be a monster! So, I am posting separate universe shorts and I’ll put them on a master post per prompt for y’all. I have several more to go. Sorry or you’re welcome. Accept that which applies.
I had stopped tagging folks, because honestly, I can’t ever remember who is reading what anymore, but I sorta remember who responded to this particular AU, so if I left people off, sorry to them people.
@chenoahchantel @henry-p-fart  @ciara-knightly @up-the-tube @kiddangers @rorythevambire @pearlselegancies
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
FFT: you jump, i jump jack; pete dunne
This came to my main asks via @vonschweetz​ and it got me thinking... What if I redid Barbie and Pete entirely. And made Barbie a brattier little Omega, more resistant. I still might want to do this, we shall see... It was an interesting take.
Bratty omega meets stubborn as fuck alpha. let the games begin.
Pete Dunne x OFC, Barbie
Uhh... flirtation and banter, bratty omegas and stubborn alphas. It’s cute. Seriously. I might actually try doing something with this.
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Barbie looked from man to man, totally unimpressed. Folding her arms, she cleared her throat when they finally took a break from their whole territorial thing. “Will you two kindly knock it the fuck off? And get lost, your Alpha stink is probably what’s keeping my true Alpha from making himself known.”
“You don’t have an Alpha. You could have me, but you won’t stop being stubborn.”
“I’d clearly be better for you than that asshole. C’mon. Think about it. You and me, baby.”
“All you two idiots are doing is making me dryer than the Sahara desert. Fuck off.” Barbie practically spat the words at the two men and luckily, it was enough to send them away. This time.
… oh but those two twat waffles will be back. They always come back… if I could just hurry and figure out who back here is my true Alpha…
… but what if it’s somebody you don’t want to be mated to?…
… anyone has to be better than Oney Lorcan and fucking Matt Cross… anyone…
Almost as if she’d summoned it, the scent was back again and it was… So heavy. It dominated the air and Barbie breathed in deep. Fanning herself, she leaned back against the brick wall and let her eyes flit around the room, careful to not settle on any particular member of the roster.
It couldn’t be Tyler Bate or Trent Seven.
She knew it wasn’t any of the Undisputed Era, she’d gotten close enough to each man earlier in the week to realize that they were not only not the scent she’d been trying to find, but their scents all actually repulsed her.
None of them had that unique combination of Big Red chewing gum and freshly upturned earth like this scent. And while normally, the scent of dirt did literally nothing for her, in this case it was… Like the most erotic thing she’d ever smelled in her life.
It wasn’t Johnny Gargano, either.
So far, no one she’d tried to get close to matched this particular scent.
Distractedly, Barbie stepped away from the wall and gave in to the urge to follow her nose. As she started to walk down the hall, the scent got heavier and heavier, beckoning her. Turning a corner and entering catering, she managed to collide with Pete Dunne around the same time that the scent suddenly intensified. Pete gripped her arms, a gruff swear coming as he said something to her about watching where she walked, only to trail off in mid sentence.
“It’s you.”
They both said it at the same time, but Dakota called out to her and she bit her lip, staring up at her true Alpha a few seconds, trying to get a read on how the current situation affected him.
She couldn’t. He masked his thoughts on the matter heavily.
Barbie’s face fell and she turned abruptly, hurrying over to Dakota and one or two of the other girls.
Pete blinked and turned to scowl at Tyler, who’d just come up behind him and shoved him playfully. “What was ‘at about, Dunney?”
“I found ‘er.”
“And yer not over there with ‘er why? Who was it?”
“The blonde talkin t’ Dakota and the other girls. Th’ one with curly hair.”
Tyler followed his friends gaze and he gave a low and appreciative whistle as he muttered quietly, “Y’ lucky fuckin bastard. Well don’t let me stop y’. Go on, go to ‘er.”
Pete raised a brow and rolled his eyes, shaking his head.
“Yer an idiot, Dunney.”
“Don’t think she was too happy with th’ realization I’m ‘er Alpha.”
“Or maybe, she took one look at yer grouchy mug and retreated because she thought she pissed y’ off. I mean if y’ gave ‘er the look y’ gave me just now, Dunney…” Tyler pointed out as helpfully as possible, but when Pete shook his head no, Tyler grumbled and shook his head.
“Well, I found him.”
“Seriously? Who? I need to know.”
“It’s Pete Dunne. But I don’t… I really don’t think he was thrilled when he realized what was happening… So.. That’s that.”
“What the hell do you mean that’s that? Pete’s always a grouch, that’s just who he is.”
“This was different. He looked annoyed. Maybe I should just give in to one of the other unmated douchebags who keep offering…” Barbie knew deep down that even as she said it, she’d never go through with it, because when she’d realized it was Pete… Something just clicked for her.
She sighed and shook her head, shoving it all out of her mind for the time being. “C’mon.. Someone in here is staring and it’s kinda creeping me out.” Barbie grabbed hold of Dakota’s arm, practically dragging her out of catering.
She collided with Roderick Strong in the hallway. Swallowing hard, she stared up at him, mumbling an apology. Roderick flashed her a grin and leaned against the doorway, pinning her in. “No need to apologize, darlin. You alright?”
“I’m fine, just.. In a hurry.” Barbie nodded to the doorway he was currently blocking and he chuckled, moving to the side. He caught hold of her wrist and held her there a few seconds the second he saw Pete Dunne staring at her from the doorway of catering.
“If any of these idiots mess with ya, Blondie.. Come find Roddy, alright?”
Barbie pried her wrist loose and gave him a thumbs up before rushing off.
Pete’s fists clenched and Tyler muttered to himself with an amused laugh, “And ‘ere we go.” before quickly grabbing hold of his best friend and starting the process of talking him down from whatever ‘punishment’ Pete was currently doling out to Strong in his head.
Pete growled and took a deep breath.
“What y’ need t’ do, Dunney, is go to ‘er and tell ‘er that whatever she thinks isn’t th’ truth.”
“What I need t’ do, Bate, is go down t’ the ring and call ‘im out. Maybe if I make an example out ‘f him, none of the others will even think about tryin it.”
“And when y’ scare th’ living hell out of ‘er Dunney… what then? Just wait til the next time y’ see Strong lurking around, go over and intervene. That proves yer point without anybody bein afraid or havin t’ die.” Tyler eyed his best friend as he said it.
For once, Pete seemed to agree. Tyler let out a breath and then, they made their way down to the ring for the match they had.
“Clearly, me staying at the hotel while everyone else went out was a stupid idea. I’m so freaking bored!” Barbie was pacing her hotel room, fingers tangled in blonde curls as she tried to keep the worst part of her heat starting at bay.
She eyed the door and then her phone and remembering the annoyed look on Pete’s face earlier, she swore and grabbed the phone, firing off a text.
→ Hey, I’m gonna meet you guys after all.
→ No sense in me locking myself away and saving myself for an Alpha who clearly couldn’t want me less if he tried.
→ It’s that club near the beach, right?
Without waiting on a response, she showered and got out, putting on makeup and digging through her closet. When she saw the skintight little red dress that one of her friends got her as a ‘joke’ she bit her lip and hesitated. She almost passed it over in favor of something casual, her favorite jeans and crop top, but then she thought about it.
She knew who her true Alpha was now. And given that he didn’t seem like he’d be beating down her door anytime soon, was there really any sense in waiting or getting her hopes up?
She tore the tag off the dress and took it into the bathroom, changing into it. Before she could talk herself out of going out and having a fun night, she walked down the stairs and through the lobby.
Just as she went to reach for the handle on the door out of the lobby, Pete stepped in.
“Where th’ hell are y’ going?” Pete blurted it out before he could stop himself from doing so, earning him snickering from both Tyler and Trent.
“Out where?”
“Out. I’m supposed to be meeting someone. Can you kindly remove yourself, sir?” Barbie gazed up at Pete, tapping a stiletto against the floor impatiently.
“Not like ‘at.”
Barbie glanced down at her dress.. Before she could stop herself, she was glancing back up at him with a smirk. “Oh? And you’re gonna stop me how, sir?”
“My name is Pete. Not sir.” Pete was moving closer, Barbie was… beyond well aware of the difference in their height. She swallowed hard and fought to reign herself in because if she didn’t…
It wasn’t going to be pretty.
Self composure was harder than she’d always thought it’d be when she finally found her true Alpha.
She felt her thighs clench.
Pete was eyeing her up, almost as if he were in disbelief that she’d talk back to him.
The thought made her smirk a little, giggling quietly. She cleared her throat. “I’m running late. Either you’re going to do something about what I’m wearing, Alpha, or you’re going to move out of my fucking way.” she said it in her politest tone of voice. Pete edged closer, a hand hesitating before settling on her hip.
He stared her down intently.
Tyler and Trent cleared their throats, exchanging looks and Barbie raised her hand, resting it palm down against the front of Pete’s hoodie, staring at the door they currently blocked intently.
“It looks like I’m gonna have to be the one who walks away.” Barbie said it as she tried to side step Pete.
Pete stood there, watching her walk out of the lobby, his hand in his hair.
“ ‘at went well, Dunney.” Trent broke the silence. Pete’s response was to shove his gear bag at Trent and start to storm out the door. Trent and Tyler shared a look and grumbled. Tyler found a room service attendant and put the bags onto a trolly to be taken up and he caught up to Trent in the parking lot just in time to watch everything as it happened.
Pete caught up to her and tapped her shoulder. Barbie came to a stop and turned, staring up at him with a look of curious amusement in her eyes. “You? I thought we settled this in the lobby, sir.”
“It’s Pete. And we didn’t.” Pete’s tone was firm but quiet. She was migrating closer.. A quick scenting revealed everything and he groaned inwardly as soon as he realized that Tyler had been right back at the arena.
She’d gotten the wrong idea. She had no idea just how blown away he’d been to find out that the vanilla scent he’d been chasing for a while now was her.
Or that he’d noticed her around the time he started to smell mentioned scent and he’d been… attracted, to say the least.
His eyes darted down to the red dress and he cleared his throat. “ Maybe y’ thought I was makin a suggestion, but I was being serious, Omega.”
“My name is Barbie.”
“Barbie.” Pete repeated her name, still gazing down at her intently. Barbie tapped her feet impatiently again, her tongue gliding over her lips to moisten them. Pete’s eyes darted up, settling on her mouth and the attention that the gesture bought to it. He shrugged off his hoodie and thrust it at her.
Barbie eyed the hoodie and then him and she gave a quiet giggle.
“I’m not bein’ funny.”
“No, but… Do you think when you say jump, Alpha… that I’m just gonna ask you how high?”
“Not at all. I’d say it goes both ways.”
“I’m not putting on that hoodie. And why does it matter anyway? What I wear, I mean..” Barbie was moving closer, despite her best efforts to refrain from doing so. Pete gave a satisfied smirk when he felt her body tuck into his. He chuckled and rubbed his chin, trying to think about a response.
Barbie’s phone lit up and started to ring.
“One second.” Barbie answered the phone and she was in the midst of telling Dakota the situation when Pete took the phone and informed Dakota that Barbie wasn’t going to make it.
After ending the call, he held her phone out to her.
“Y’ weren’t in any shape t’ go out alone tonight anyway.”
“Who are you, my father?”
“No, but I am yer Alpha. We both know it.”
Barbie scoffed. “Now you want to claim it.”
“Wanted to earlier. Someone didn’t really give me much time t’ react.”
“The annoyed look on your face was reaction enough.” Barbie stepped away, turning and preparing herself to walk away. She’d never been the kind of girl to just fall in line, follow a rule or an order.
She would’ve kept walking too if Pete hadn’t called out calmly, “ Y’ can keep fighting it.. But y’ know what y’ really feel. I can smell it in yer scent. Fightin is only gonna make it worse on y’.”
“I’m not fighting anything, pal. If you want me, come and get me, Pete.”
Barbie started to slink away and for a split second, because no one was around to see him do it, a smile played on Pete’s lips as he took a deep breath to reign himself in and started to calmly walk after her.
She’d just stepped into the club and was waving at the girls when she felt him pressing into her from behind. “Okay, Barbie. I’ll play yer game. But know that when I play games, I play them t’ win.”
Barbie bit her lip to keep from whimpering and after a second, she managed to reply, “We’ll see, Pete. Think you can handle dancing with me or would that be too much?”
Pete turned her around, pulling her close.
“I don’t dance.”
“This works too..”
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@uberoll-oystercrackers late night (early morning?) posting here but this is super nice ty and also again retroactively thank you additionally for all the long replies & kind tags you give
like really yeah it’s like, on the one hand, it’s fairly sucky having to have this thing where im always jumping the gun on considering someone Maybe An Friend and then having to remind myself / be reminded of the fact that like no probably not, which is true and yet sucks, which is just how some stuff is!! like sometimes stuff just is Not Good and is not ever going to Not Hurt, despite the fact you can kinda get better at living with it. and like this one isnt a huge deal even tho the larger problem of when ur like, lonely &/or isolated is kind of a whole real deal……
like it’s strange having these contradictory problems with it…..like, Being Myself has never really just been something i can Naturally do, so even just trying to be nice is like oh lord am i being ~manipulative~, and im always too prone to treat interactions like ive got to placate the other person, and then also just like….not having amazing social skills anyways in the sense that i know a lot of times i come across ~off~ to people and can’t really do a lot about that, but also, i feel like i’m always overcompensating for like, enthusiasm and just the fact i like to Get Silly and maybe i’ll act too cool~n~collected or come off like im trying to be all Smart and Smarmy and like jeez no……it doesnt help that when i was younger i generally preferred interacting with adults and so probably was trying to come across as clever and when i was wanting someone to like me i’d be real nervous and try to go too hard in seeming the opposite lol……oh the legacy of the time i found out my mom’s childhood friend who was funny and cool to us thought i was bookish (true) but like also snobby or something lmao like ah jeez i probably made too many sarcastic jokes about things….but oh well i was just like 10-ish at the time.
anyways tho i feel like that still kicks in and when i get the sense someone is cool and it’d be cool if they thought i was cool too i’m like Well So Then i gotta PLAY it cool!! and then like oh no am i coming across as a jerk? or an trying-to-be-an-intellectual?? i always have a lot of thoughts and i do go off when its like, also tied in to Opinions of mine, so im like, oh no am i coming across as trying to tell someone i think they should think exactly this?? or if i try to Be Witty and Tell Jokes are they just coming off as snarky b/c i hope not especially since a lot of times my actual Lighthearted Snark gets read as “i hate this and think its dumb af” lol. ahhhh i just do not know!! like, i wanna sort of dial back my Warmth b/c i can get enthused fast and i have a tendency to get too attached to ppl too fast, which really only sucks for me, but still!! yet i dont wanna rein it in too much and try to overcompensate and come off like im Eternally Unimpressed and don’t really care and etc etc and just…..idk its wild it’s hard to tell how i may be socializing awkwardly lmao ahhh….and on top of it all, i manage to be godawful at realizing when other ppl actually like me. like, that sort of sounds like The Opposite but i guess its just more of that problem of thinking that im going to always bother people….a lot of times it takes me like, months or a year (or two or three) to realize that someone who willingly interacts w me during that time probably does genuinely like me and is maybe a friend. wrow
uhhhh anyways lord that was all just. tangentially related. im Tangents
UH more to the point!!!! the good news is that yeah i don’t have to think “oh we’re totally real bffs” about anyone to really enjoy and appreciate Our Interactions…..and like i do have real appreciation and gratitude for basically all nice attention lol like, if a single reblog of smthing has kind comments, if someone cool just Likes a few posts, talking on occasion or like, ever at all. cuz for real The Little Stuff has always been a really good thing for years now, especially since there’s been plenty of times i havent really had anything happening In Person that was like….good interactions or ppl who were able to hear my actual thoughts and feelings about whatever and still be interested in interacting with me. cuz in terms of not being isolated and in what i find it easy to talk about and how, Online Interactions have been genuinely important and impactful in a positive way for like a solid decade now since i was able to be consistently Online and have my own accounts and stuff in the first place
so like yeah totally i really do appreciate stuff like that. i think its pretty incredible whenever anybody just like, thinks of me, and likes me. having None Of That Feeling is supremely trash and i so appreciate that i don’t have to feel like there’s nothing and that nobody out there in the world is aware of me, and yet i don’t need it to be that like, anyone is Constantly aware of me and like, intensely invested, cuz that’s just not how it goes lol and even kinda meaning a little bit to someone and having my tiny presence in their life be a positive one is a great thought and i really do appreciate it. Unfortunately for like….my entire life, The Contempt Of Others has been a consistent #thing i’m dealing with and it’s not great!! like yeah fortunately ive had the “felt so bad about myself that it eventually circled back around and now self loathing isnt too much of an issue for me” thing, but it still sucks experiencing it lol…..having any testimonials that like, whatever shit im talking about @ myself is fun to read, or i seem okay, or its fun to talk, etc etc, like thats fantastic really
and the kinds of leaf thoughts too, yeah, that kind of thing is nice to know too lol. i was hoping you were ok like, ten hours before i saw you posting again lol…..we’re out here……..
like yeah ldmbgglh whatever my weird problems are with being overexcited abt any Potential Friendship, and also being bad at realizing if people do like me, and also just being Weird and not great at talking, and overcompensating for whatever and maybe coming across too Coldly when rly im a fiery dumbass, wanting friends but also wanting not to be burned by getting ahead of things and being reminded that most ppl aren’t like, as starved for even just friendly interactions……..i’m better at navigating and handling it in some ways but c’est a m’ess!!! aaaggbfg
really what im trying to say is i do appreciate that sort of thing a lot yeah. i could very well Not be thought of by anybody and that would suck and the fact that i get to know that i am is a really great thing. maybe i couldve said this all better last night cuz i was kinda in my feelings abt Life a little but then also it was in a sort of déspresso way so, maybe this is okay lol….
also i worry i don’t express affection and appreciation enough!!! it’s not that i’m like Oh i don’t want to Commit to Being Friends ew…..it’s that i don’t wanna be the one pressuring someone else into being like uh oh i have to play up being invested in milo!! but then maybe my playing-it-cool just makes other ppl do the same thing or think i don’t care or something. like oh i appreciate this person a ton and think they’re great and they’ve been kind to me but if we only talk so often and obviously im not There for them and involved in their life in the way a ~real friend~ would be, maybe it would just ring hollow to say i love them, for example. lord lol……. it’s all “oh don’t dial down your kindness and affection” and yet also “but don’t wanna inadvertently push other people or Be Weird or get myself invested in something where i don’t mean as much to the other person not cuz they suck but because like, of course im just a fun internet acquaintance, which is fine!!” ahhhhhh the challenges. anyways!!!!!!!
the point is well i do like ppl yeah and i really appreciate ppl liking me. every now and then they do it online or even in person and thats just a Joy and i wish things were more secure!!! i also have to not even necessarily want ppl to get invested in me in case things go to shit too soon or whatever and it doesnt help that ~being open~ means talking abt depressingass stuff sometimes that like, i don’t mind being open about, but i also don’t want to put on other ppl. which, sidenote on that, im feeling relatively alright all these recent months even if im not technically thriving; it’s okay. it’s a hot mess! but that’s just How It Is sometimes!! it’s what it is. and ive had support from ppl in big and small ways that i know i could have had to go without and all the ways ppl are nice to me count for a whole lot and i have appreciated it, and do appreciate it, and will continue to appreciate it.
tldr 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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thorsthot · 6 years
♡ thorsthot’s writing challenge ♡
It’s deadass amazing that 2.5k+ of you actually read my shit and talk to me on a daily basis; cause I don’t know what the fuck I be doing. I decided to do a writing challenge cause I know that a lot of y’all are extremely talented and you deserve to get your writing out there. So, we’re gonna try this shit the fuck out. I hope it don’t flop lmao. There will be a masterlist of all the fics submitted. 
Rules n shit ↠
Gotta be following me to enter. Let me know if you’re posting from a side blog (though, i don’t really care)
Deadline ↠ August 16th
Thor & Howard Stark are greatly appreciated (and you’ll get bonus points)
You can write for any Marvel Character (MCU or X-Men/X-Force)
Yes, you can even write for Lowkey, Dr. Rat, and Black Window (I said what I said, idc)
Stories are anything from Angst, Fluff and/or Smut
Any Peter Parker or underage smut will be reported cause bitch what the fuck
No weird shit like incest, r*pe or abuse. And it’s a no on A/B/O. 
Only reader inserts
500-word minimum 
4k word max (but idc if you go beyond)
Fics should include word count, summary, and warnings. Should also include the prompt you’re using.
One prompt per two people so make sure you have a back up prompt
EDIT: Prompts already used by two people are strikedthrough
EDIT: You can write two stories
edit: you can use two prompts in one fic
Send an ask (or message) with the prompt + character you are using
Tag me in the fic and use the tag #thorsthotchallenge
Message me with the link if I don’t reblog it within 24 hours
Once you pick your prompt, you’ll be tagged in this post. 
Last but not least, try to make me feel in any way possible.
Once again, Deadline ↠ August 16th
What Happens When Entering ↠
By entering you’ll probably get a follow from me. 
Feedback on your writing if you’d like it. (Just let me know in your author's note)
But most importantly you’ll get all my love and appreciation.
Prompts n shit ↠
“Is it hot in here? Or is it just me?” (+ #5 w/ Peter Parker @avengingmelanin)
“I’ll always be here for you, just stop being a douche.” ( w/ Clint Barton @avengersandlovers)
“Oh look there’s some mistletoe.” “In July?” (w/ Sam Wilson @vulnificura)
“I want you to love me.” (w/ Thor @arinharin)
“Listen, hot stuff, now’s not the time for all that attitude” ( + #18 w/ Loki @beautifulbows924)
“You have to beg for it.” (w/ Thor @steviejazz)
“I just want to hold you and love you.” (w/ Thor @awkward-walking-potato)
“Oh! I thought you could handle it. I guess not.” ( +22 w/ Wade and Jack @thranduilxlegolasx)
“Don’t let my love go to waste.”
“Did you really think you’d get away with this?” (w/ Steve & Thor @killmongerrss)
“I will always love you. Never forget that.”
“For the last time stop playing Despacito.” ( w/ Bucky Barnes @novakkaia)
“It’s 3 in the morning. Why are you here?” (w/ Peter Parker @delicately-written)
“Maybe you should listen next time.” (w/ Thor @carriefish-er)
“Let’s watch a vine comp.”
“Will you stay awake with me? I can’t sleep.” ( w/ Thor @writingsformuse) 
“Shut up or I’ll make you.”
“I am totally not jealous.” (+ #23 w/ Thor @sarcastic-bisexual)
“This is the moment I’ve been waiting for.” ( w/ undecided character @hoe-sterfield)
“No thanks. I’m gay.” (w/ Thor @therevolution-willbelive)
“Please don’t cry. It’ll tear me apart.”
“Okay, but when are you going to cook?”
“Kiss me, you idiot.” ( w/ Peter Quill @laurens-lil-fics)
“I don’t need anybody else but you.”
“Do me a favor, kiss my ass.” (w/ Thor @gofandomsandotherstuff) & (w/ Sam Wilson @helplessly-nonstop)
“I don’t love you anymore.” (w/ Tony Stark @carriefish-er)
“Do whatever you want to me.” ( w/ Thor @ironman-trilogy)
“Till death do us part.” (w/ Thor @hazelgem29)
“Will you marry me?” ( + #38 w/ Howard Stark @ttaikas)
“Please don’t leave me.” (w/ Steve Rogers @batisalia)
“If you know what’s good for you, you better answer.”
“Do you trust me?” (w/ Thor @rowdyhooliganism) 
“Are you sick?” (w/ Howard Stark @ghost-with-spaghetti-arms)
“Can you give me a lap dance?” (w/ Bucky Barnes @whichwayisthebeach-seabass)
“You make my days brighter.” (w/ Peter Parker @swellwriting)
“At least take me out to dinner first.”
“Please don’t push me away.” (+ 41 w/ Thor @history-freak1)
“You drunken idiot.” (Valkyrie @therevolution-willbelive)
“I never wanted to love you. I just did.” (w/ Blade @vulnificura)
“You’ve been naughty.” (w/ Steve @tropicalcap)
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you. Hope you’re doing okay.” (w/ Thor @pagethepunisher)
“The food looks great, but, there’s something much more delicious I’d like to eat right now.” (w/ Thor @rowdyhooliganism)
Let me know if you need to drop out of this or anything lol. But have fun :)
106 notes · View notes
poipoi1912 · 7 years
Carisi-centric thoughts on Ep 19x08
Here we go.
Disclaimer: I will try to remain objective. Be warned lol. My undying love for Barisi influences my fic, of course, but I try to analyze the actual episodes as realistically as I can. (if by “realistically” you mean “realistic-ish while always allowing for the possibility of Barisi)
Overall Thoughts
I really enjoyed the case. Even if we've seen it all before (wasn't there an episode with Kevin Pollack and an Eyes Wide Shut situation? Where he was a judge and he genuinely thought a woman wanted to be raped?). The double catfish element was sort of new, I guess. I did also like all the performances, even if the female perp was written in a stereotypical way. And I appreciated the guy's attitude, and the contrast between his appearance and his mild behavior, but also the contrast between someone seemingly sweet and someone who would act out a rape fantasy no questions asked, i.e. without making sure the woman was consenting, at least in person. I don't know if the writers intended that last part or if I'm reading too much into it, though.
That said, deep down I wish he'd had an attorney like Rita or Buchanan, because they'd never let him plead guilty and we'd witness another awesome trial about that aspect of the case (though I did love his actual lawyer, whom he did not listen to). Still, it's nice to see a decent if flawed person doing the right thing, SVU used to do that a lot in the early seasons. I believed that the guy was conflicted about it, at least, so that entire scene worked for me. I also appreciated that the victim's trauma wasn't instantly healed in the end. It felt more real. So the overall idea of the episode was solid (if unoriginal), and the execution was very good.
The Rollisi Corner
First thing I need to get off my chest: Sonny clearly bought coffee and breakfast for Amanda the morning after, hopefully to go with his apology, and then, when he saw the bartender leaving her room, he turned around and left and hE DIDN'T GIVE HER THE COFFEE??? OR THE FOOD??? Like she didn't deserve his croissants because she had sex with another guy? WHAT A DICK.
OK, onto my analysis.
The Facts
So, Sonny and Amanda get visibly drunk, they get in a bar fight which excites them both, because they enjoy punching people I guess (is that a thing?), and then Sonny tries to hook up with her, but Amanda awkwardly nopes the fuck out of there before hooking up with the guy she flirted with earlier. I'm with them so far.
There are multiple and equally valid interpretations for these actions. Maybe Sonny was vulnerable after his deleted break up, maybe he's been harboring feelings for Amanda for a while, maybe he was just hyped up after the fight and he wanted to casually let off some steam thinking Amanda would be up for that, maybe Amanda is open to that but didn't want to start anything while they were kinda drunk, maybe she was weirded out because she wasn't expecting it and she doesn't see Sonny like that, maybe she was unsure but horny, because that bar fight got her going, so she called that bartender, maybe she was really into the bartender and she had decided to sleep with him long before Sonny's proposition. Fine.
My problem starts after that.
In my view (which, going by the tags, is shared by many), Sonny should have apologized to Amanda the next day. For the drunkenness alone. For possibly making things weird between them. For getting caught up in the moment and hitting on her like that, instead of talking to her about his feelings (whatever they may be) or even (gasp!) asking her out. In fact, that's what I was expecting. That's how I thought they would get Rollisi going. By Sonny apologizing and Amanda jokingly saying she didn't want to "take advantage” of him in his drunken state, but leaving the door open for something in the future. Basically I was looking for a sweet interaction to show that Sonny has actual feelings for Amanda, as opposed to just wanting to sleep with her, and she's maybe willing to entertain that notion, just not yet. Neither of which happened.
Instead, the show chose to put a stop to it, before it even started. Instead, Sonny got jealous, and weirdly entitled if not territorial, and he started acting all petulant in front of a suspect, not to mention in the middle of the precinct, to the point where Amanda had to call him out on it. Of course I get why he would be hurt (and I was totally expecting some adorable sad sack moping lol) or even offended (because his fragile male ego couldn’t handle the fact Amanda chose to sleep with someone else), but why would he let that affect his working relationship with Amanda? Hasn’t he never heard of putting on a brave face? Has he no dignity? Conceal, don’t feel, Sonny!
My Thoughts
On one hand, I feel this could have been handled a lot better, by giving us a good idea about where their heads are at. Instead of leaving us totally wondering about their potential feelings, romantic or sexual or nothing at all, this could have been something heartwarming, something meaningful and consistent with Sonny and Amanda's prior supportive and friendly relationship. Like, imagine if he had sweetly tried to kiss her at her place, while making dinner. Perfectly adorable, and perfectly in character (and, yes, maybe a little too Hallmark, which I would have preferred over the soapy methods the writers chose to employ). And they could have still had that awkward "um, nope" moment afterwards, perhaps interrupted by Jesse crying or something.
Or, even in this random context (out of town, drunk, high on adrenaline), imagine if Amanda had sternly told Sonny to keep his feelings separate from the job, but also that she values his friendship and she needs some time because this is new territory for her (valuing a dude lol). That would have told us that there’s a real connection, as opposed to a simple possibility for a hook-up, if Amanda ever feels like it, and if Sonny’s ego isn’t too bruised to accept.
On the other hand, this is a heterosexual SVU relationship (the only type of relationship allowed apparently), and drunken messiness and awkwardness and weird aggression is the only way those seem to ever happen on this show (see Rollaro, Bensler). So I get it. I don't get why Amanda had to sacrifice (thankfully only) some of her progress (enjoying drunken bar fights? That's so S15 and it also made me miss Amaro, her OG bar fight sidekick) or why Sonny, a character who hadn't displayed similar traits, had to suddenly change to fit that mold. Then again, maybe the change was not so sudden. Sonny hasn't been Sonny in like 2 years 👀
I suppose I always thought that, if Rollisi were to ever start, it would be different by default. For Amanda's sake (and I've posted about this in the past). I thought it'd be about feelings, not misplaced lust. Like, not to diss Sonny, but he ain't no Amaro. "Unresolved Sexual Tension" doesn't quite work when Sonny is involved, you know? No matter how good he looks in a henley. Which was especially evident when Amanda flirted with that bartender. There was a clear physical component to that brief interaction. With Sonny, there was awkwardness. He tried to move in, Amanda pulled away, and he laughed it off like it was dumb of him to even try. No heat. But that's fine, too. I just thought a potential "moment” would take that under consideration. That sweetness.
I certainly wasn't expecting Sonny to make a move while drunk, and then suddenly get all passive aggressive, and then get rewarded for it in a weird "so you're telling me there's a chance" moment which did nothing to inform us of anybody's feelings, if any even exist. Especially considering his totally ambivalent expression in the end. Amanda has always been a straight shooter. And Sonny has always been respectful. Why not take advantage of their actual personality traits and dynamic, instead of writing in a contrived bar fight, a drunken almost hookup and the awkward aftermath? This is a little too blurry for me, and it just might suggest that the point of that side-plot was to show that Sonny and Amanda are not going to go there, at least not for a while. The hot bartender’s inclusion specifically, it was unnecessarily soapy (no reason why Amanda couldn’t just turn Sonny down and go to sleep), and it served no other purpose but to kill the momentum between them.
Speaking of, Amanda's whole "people have sex" speech kinda framed their situation weirdly. I'd like to think that her sleeping with someone wasn't Sonny's problem (it better not have been!). His problem was that he was confused, and possibly jealous, and self-conscious. So why did Amanda purposely choose not to address the real reason he was being annoying? Why did she act like Sonny was judging her out if some misplaced sense of morality? (By the way, I truly don’t believe that the show was suggesting that Sonny only has sex out of pure love and that's why he was judging Amanda in the year of our lord 2017. I have a different theory about that conversation.)
My Predictions
Is it possible that Amanda was trying to avoid talking about it altogether? Did she maybe want to cool things off, and twist the argument around, and steer Sonny toward a more manageable direction, one less uncomfortable for her?  “Don’t judge me” as opposed to “yes, I rejected you”? For the sake of their working relationship, since Sonny seemed fully intent on perpetually moping? Maybe she decided that acting like she might one day sleep with him was the best way to keep things cordial between them? If so, yikes. 👀👀👀
Personally, however, I choose to fanwank that Sonny was not so much petulant but moreso embarrassed, after a rejection which possibly forced him to reconsider is own behavior, and the reasons why he may have misread the situation. I also choose to believe that Amanda cleverly used teasing and joking as a more palatable way to set Sonny straight and to press pause (at the very least) on whatever almost happened between them, because she's not willing to go there, or else she would have done it.
Anyway. Let's see if and how this progresses. In about 15 episodes, if and when the show remembers this even happened. My guess is, that talk was supposed to end the awkwardness but also kill the "what if", and Sonny and Amanda are going to interact normally for the forseeable future.
Barba Thoughts
We sure got a nice amount of Barba this week (all things considered), and I sure loved it! I always prefer the episodes where police work only gets them so far, and they need a Barba assist to win the case. And this wasn't a rabbit out of Barba's hat, by the way. This was a legitimate interrogation. I loved seeing him so confidently getting the job done. It had been a while since we got a longer trial, and this case was interesting enough to sustain it, so I'm glad we got to see it. Raul was fantastic in that moment, by the way. As always. Selling that "compassion” while making it perfectly clear he didn’t believe any of the victim-blamey things he had to say to get Heather to crack? That was masterful. I love him.
The Barisi corner
"Tell Rafael not to worry" :D
Barba's sweet face when he saw Sonny :D
"Hey!" :D
Sonny's eager face when he delivered the slam dunk Barba needed, his eyes literally hanging off of Barba's lips, waiting for approval? :DDDD
Barba's joy because Sonny brought him something juicy he could use to win the case? :DDDDDDD
I love their love :')
Stray Thoughts
So Noah gets kidnapped by Sheila and we don't even get to see her twirl her mustache? Come on now! I want my money's worth. I sat through the boring grandma scenes, I'm gonna need to see Brooke Shields go full-on villain. I can't wait for the "reveal" that she has him.
Guys, is a bar fight, like, a good thing? Is it actually fun? Was I supposed to be rooting for anybody in that scene? I wouldn't know, violence just doesn’t do it for me.
Does anyone remember that Amanda has a kid (a toddler, by now? I think?). Are they really sending her to spend the night in West Virginia without anyone offering to cover for her? I guess that's what happens when you're short-staffed and Fin gives zero fucks. Still, they could have at least let Amanda mention having to get an overnight baby sitter, or even say something like “I love my kid, but it’s fun to remember what it was like when I was carefree” etc. Does Jesse even exist anymore, or is Noah the only child in the Tri-state area now?
Barba's hair!
Sonny in a henley!
Cauliflower ear! Nice attention to detail.
Brooke Shields is a good actress. I enjoy her scenes with Benson, Mariska is really good in them as well. I just wish the writing wasn't so trite.
This was yet another episode where a psychiatrist would have been useful. Heather didn't look like she was all there. I was waiting for Huang to pop in and suggest she wasn't competent to stand trial.
The sleazy defense attorney handing Benson his business card was a flawless character moment. Straight out of the early seasons.
Sonny: These influencers are the voice of Gen Z
me: please stop
Fin: Don't people know porn's free these days?
me: i love you
Fin: I'm allergic to West Virginia
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nalufever · 7 years
Fairy Tales/Mythology
‘Since Forever’ Read on FF.net: ch 1   ch2   ch 3   ch4   ch5   ch6   ch7   ch8
Prompt: Fairy Tales/Mythology. Natsu planned to read Lucy a fairy tail he'd written himself - but they got to talking. Natsu decides to abandon some of his plan - being under the romantic stars and having a deep conversation about them is pretty good in his book. There's no way he's gonna back down from telling Lucy how much he loves and cares about her though.
"Give it to me!" Lucy wanted to stamp her feet and shake her fists - but that never worked. It was more apt to escalate this into a shouting match. Or worse, he might hold the letter over her head and taunt her by holding it out of reach.
"Give it to you? You didn't even buy me dinner first." Natsu laughed awkwardly. "You don't want to see this." He scooted away from Lucy. "Trust me!"
"Give it to me!"
Lucy scooted closer. "Give it to me!"
"Give it to me!"
Natsu moved away again. "No!"
"Give it to me!" Lucy kept pace, leaned forward and stared Natsu in the eyes. They were forehead to forehead - and that's when a couple of older ladies passing by intervened.
"Millicent, can you believe how shocking young women are these days?" Phyllis gasped, her hand on her ample chest. In a judgemental tone of voice, she spoke to Lucy. "No means no young lady! Respect your date!"
"Give it -" Lucy broke off what she'd intended to say. "He's not my date. We're just friends."
Millicent clucked her tongue. "Such a pity! You'd no doubt get further into his knickers if you asked nicer!" She shook her head and addressed Natsu who was almost as red as Lucy. "Is she harassing you?"
Natsu took hold of one of Lucy's hands and squeezed reassuringly. He met the older woman's gaze. "This is a misunderstanding - I'm okay. We're actually very close, good, friends."
Millicent focused on Natsu and then Lucy, looking them up and down with the ghost of a smile on her wrinkled face. "Kids these days can't see what's staring them in the face." She tittered. "Just friends."
Phyllis offered Millicent her arm. They strolled off, their last words to Natsu and Lucy: "Doesn't look like it!"
Natsu regained his composure first. "Let's go back to the hotel and have a serious conversation."
A bit humiliated, Lucy nodded - unable to speak past the tight feeling in her throat. She watched Natsu stand and walk away. He took only a few steps before noticing Lucy wasn't following.
Natsu turned around and laughed. "C'mon! I have a story to tell you."
Lucy pushed herself to her feet, keeping her eyes lowered. "Okay."
"Yeah?" Lucy sighed, taking another look around the area where she and Natsu had first met. It was like any other small town. Nothing fancy or memorable - to her, but Natsu had cared enough to find the same spot. He'd cared to take her to the same restaurant - and he wanted to have a serious conversation. Her spirits rose. "A story sounds good." Slowly she extended her hand to Natsu. "Let's go back to the hotel."
"I woulda ordered room service!" Natsu held onto their steaming hot drinks as Lucy unlocked the room. "It's part of the fun!"
From over her shoulder, Lucy said, "Why pay three times the normal price? The little shop needed the business more than this place."
"Doncha like it?" Natsu followed his partner. "It's got a balcony that faces the water - and most nights you can see lots of stars!"
"It's better than I'd hoped - but it makes me," Lucy shrugged and bit her lip, "feel like there's something, I don't know. Wrong."
"Would you be happier in a seedy motel?"
Lucy shook her head. "No! But it's like there's something. I need to relax!"
"Let's sit on the balcony and chill." Natsu pointed to the patio door. "You go first, I need to get my book of fairy tales."
The surprise of what Natsu'd said made Lucy burst into giddy laughter. "You're going to read to me a fairy tale?" She clutched her stomach and had to lean against the overstuffed club chair near the far wall.
"I know you and the rest of the guild think I don't even know how to read -"
"No! I'm not laughing because of that!" Lucy stood up straight, all mirth draining away from her voice.
Natsu could see the remorse in her eyes. He stood stock still, having abandoned rooting in his luggage for his book.
"You're so much smarter than they give you credit for. But your choice of reading material is a wee bit juvenile for what I thought was going to be a more grown-up conversation." Lucy felt bad - had she insulted Natsu too much? It wasn't like she thought it was childish to read fairy tales. Imagining Natsu curled up with a giant book, reading about princesses and peas, crickets working as consciences, pigs building houses, and trolls hiding under bridges - it was cute.
"Yeah, I'm smarter than what the guild thinks." Natsu gave Lucy a warm smile. "What else is new? But what's got you laughing over my book of fairy tales?" He tilted his head, smile growing wider. "They're entertaining and deliver a lesson anybody can appreciate."
Glad that Natsu didn't seem to be mad over her hasty words, Lucy let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. "Then I'll be out on the balcony waiting for you. Hurry or I'll drink both hot chocolates."
Lucy busied herself positioning the chairs, all the better to watch the now appearing stars as the evening darkened. No more distractions. No odd passersby to interrupt. Nobody but them. Lucy leaned over the balcony and looked at the neon lights floating on the surface of the harbour water. The gentle, random bobbing was soothing.
The air held the sharp tang of salt and a faint whiff of fish - but it was invigorating. Lucy had been anxious to hear Natsu's reasoning behind calling them soul mates for what felt like an ageless time. The moment was here and she wasn't quite sure if she could handle whatever it was Natsu was going to say.
I remember the time Natsu was going to kiss me because Asuka wanted us to kiss - and I sabotaged that moment. I thought he was going to confess to me when he wanted to meet me at that tree - but he wanted to use Virgo to dig for treasure! He sleeps in my bed - and has never tried to take advantage. He's sure to make being soul mates just a fancier and nicer version of being best friends.
From inside, Natsu could hear Lucy sigh, as if she had the weight of the world pressing on her shoulders. He clutched the book to his chest and bowed his head, closing his eyes. Do I go with the plan or just give Lucy Mira's letter and throw myself on her mercy? Mira's letter rustled in his pocket - was that a sign from the universe? It was time - hell, way beyond time to talk to Lucy.
"Got room for me?" Natsu cringed. Not the strong opening he'd wanted, but - it was a beginning. He shut the door behind himself, sat his book on the side table, walked over to where Lucy was and touched her elbow.
"Always." Lucy looked at Natsu briefly - then back over the water, trying to hide her blush. "This is a perfect view." Reaching out, she pointed to a cluster of lights. "That looks like a flower."
"I'd have to say the view is perfect - but what I see isn't a flower."
"Well, what does it look like to you?" Lucy couldn't have stopped herself if she'd tried, she had to see the look on Natsu's face. He hardly ever sounded so serious. The only problem was, he wasn't concentrating on the water - he was looking at her.
"I see you."
Honesty, raw and pure shone in Natsu's eyes. He wasn't making a joke, nor being prompted by an external source. Natsu was still looking at her - and it didn't fit any of the comfortable patterns they had. What should she say? About to say something, she opened her mouth. Before she could speak, Natsu silenced her with his fingertips on her lips.
"I see my best friend, the person I like the most." Natsu gulped. The moment of truth - he had to follow through. Time to confess, and confess fully. "I've been trying to tell you exactly what you mean to me, Lucy. It's not a surprise I'm not good at romantic gestures, but I know my own emotions." He let his hand glide across to cup Lucy's cheek and then drop back at his side. "It's always better when we're together."
~end of chapter 8~
A/N: Oh ho ho! It's used a lot in stories 'It's always better when we're together' ~ but I like it and hope it wasn't too cheesy. There is one chapter left - and the bonus of Mira's letter - so forgive me for leaving the chapter where I did (at least this chapter was longer ^^) Thanks for reading!
Tag Squad: @impracticaldemon @rocktqueen @unashamed-shipper @ftfanfics @fic-writer-appreciation @eliz1369 @shell-senji @celestialgeekmage @celestialspiritqueen @nalu-fluff-week
Wanna be added or dropped? I’d be happy to fix that for you  ^^
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imaginenarusasu · 7 years
I really quite appreciate your existence in this world omg. Don't give up on yourself, whatever you're going through, things will get better. Idk if this helps but in my religion, there's a saying that each person will only be given hardship which they can definitely overcome/handle. And also that the best and most patient people will be often tested and that's how they become the great people they are today. That's you.
Thank you so much for your kind words my love. I know I’m replying too late today, but I want you to know that I had seen your message when I got home and I was honestly surprised. Pleasantly of course.
I took my time to reply because I was on mobile (still am) and wanted to reply properly on the laptop so I could also tag properly; also because I was still dealing with the nasty things weighing me down. I wouldn’t call it dealing because I did just have a mini breakdown lol some ‘dealing with’ smh Of course, other things happened and I wasn’t able to go from my grandma’s to where I’m currently staying at these days and I’m having to spend the night with no laptop, and an urgent sense of responsibility to respond to your message.
I really want ro apologize to you for the tmi in my tags that may have worried you. this goes for anybody that read those tags and i’m especially sorry if it was a more sensitive topic for some
For the rest of your very sweet, thoughtful message: I think we may have the same religion. Because there’s a very similar saying in mine too; though it gets really easy to forget it in the throes of depression and self loathe. So thank you so much for reminding me.
Though I fee like anything but strong or brave or any combination of those things,I’m really grateful you took the time to talk to me and that you see me in such a way. Perhaps I feel everything too deeply? Which is bad enough already. But… I’ve been trying to talk to my family about those issues and I only get either yelled at and told to keep doing what I need to, or being told I’m making a big deal out of nothing; that I should suck it up and get used to it. Nobody seemed to actually want to listen to or understand my problem and I had to keep silent eventually.
I’m feeling somewhat calmer now though, through all the stresses of shifting from what i’ve come to love as my home country, to having to attend a uni i can barely stand setting foot in and the awful staff to the environmental change and the general feeling of losing something valuable before even gwtting it among other things. I am calm now. Much better than the suffocation and insane amount of other awful things I’ve been feeling since a few days . Thank you so much for talking to me and i’m so sorry if i shared more than you wanted
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wuyesule-blog · 7 years
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