#If you just wanted my stance it's 'Free Palestine'
gxlden-angels · 11 months
jewish americans support ceasefire
I'm aware! Free Palestine!
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thingsarentgreat · 1 year
Hey we shouldn't be celebrating the murder of civilians whether they're Palestinian or Israeli.
The conditions in Gaza are abhorrent.
But I guarantee you that a bunch of music festival attendees and some kids in a kibbutz had nothing to do with the policies that caused Palestinians to suffer. This is not a victory and this will bring no positive change for Palestinians. This will only serve to cause more bloodshed in the coming days for Muslims and Jews who have nothing to do with the ugly things going on.
I saw nothing on Tumblr about what Hamas' attack actually entailed. I thought it was directed towards government buildings or army bases. The way I heard about it here, I thought it was a victory and would make a point to the government to enact change.
It was not that. No one here told me about the music festival. No one here told me about the kibbutz.
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That is not something to celebrate.
No one deserves that. Those were innocent people same as innocent Palestinians that have been murdered. This is really fucked up. This is only going to serve to increase the islamophobia and antisemitism in the world as onlookers decide to blame people for the actions of oppressive governments which they have no control over. I refer to both Israel and Hamas by this.
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paopuofhearts · 11 months
it's almost like the only option is dividing things further black and white then just going hardcore to an extreme.
i spent all day yesterday cutting off friends and blogs of people i love in my native community because of the excessive call for violence as the answer to decolonization, maintaining nuance but only for one side and saying fuck all to everything and everyone else.
but then today.
the number of jewish friends and blogs i've had to unfollow because people are doubling down on "hamas bombed a fucking hospital" when there's clear evidence that isn't true and it's propaganda to perpetuate cycles of violence?
fucking horrifying.
#like as someone from a native background and someone working to convert it's just#heartbreaking and frustrating to feel absolutely abandoned by both sides#simply because pointing out israel is built on a settler-colonial stance even if jewish people aren't settlers and colonizers#because they are indigenous to the area#gets me beat to the ground in native circles because it means i support netanyahu and gver and genocide#and i get the same fucking condescending look of 'you shouldnt talk' from liberal jewish groups that are all for saying zionism is a diseas#and yes they agree as jewish people that they are white and israel is white supremacist like#like i'm sorry the fucking whiplash of what the absolute fuck#but then pointing out that palestinians are being mass murdered and their response is clearly understandable#and israel is purposely using this shit to perpetuate genocide#all of a sudden i'm a fucking hypocrite to both sides#and my poor fucking husband is standing here like 'yes thats what you get for being clearly aware and wanting nonviolence'#how dare i not stand solely with israel#how dare i not demand only free palestine#people are just so fucking toxic and caught up in their own opinions being the only opinions and nuance being a fucking crime for condemnin#as if talking about this shit does anything! people are dying on both sides - one clearly more than the other - and what#you truly think attacking people that aren't specifically nodding along in blind support is really the thing that'll change the world#also saw a thing today that was like “being an ally means i will fight for you” like fuck that#but that's a different thing anyway#anyway i hate both my communities and feel absolutely isolated from them and wow#community just really isn't a thing unless you're ride or die without speaking up about anything huh
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bugpill · 2 months
If I see any more misinformation about Kamala Harris to dissuade people from voting I will explode.
1. She did a lot of work as a prosecutor to dismantle the system. When she was DA in San Francisco she was labeled as being “soft on crime” which she in turn claimed was “smart on crime”. Harris made a program called Back on Track so that low-level nonviolent drug offenders could enroll in school rather than doing jail time. She has believe and continues to believe that supporting people prevents crime far better than criminalizing people.
Yes, she put people behind bars. I know she called herself the “Top Cop” and I fucking hate that. However, the number of people who served time in jail was significantly reduced due to her program. She’s not a saint, but she tried to reduce harm as much as she could in her position. Since then, she’s called for even more action in terms of legalizing marijuana and I believe recently fully endorsed it publicly.
2. She is not transphobic. Harris backed the state of California when it tried to deny gender-affirmation surgery to a trans prisoner, but as attorney general, she could not deny the state’s Department of Corrections as a client of hers. Essentially, she had no say in the denial of surgery herself, as she had to represent the department’s interests over her own. Once she realized what they were doing, Harris actually worked behind the scenes to get that very policy changed so that any inmate who needs that care could get it. Additionally, she has lead efforts to put an end to gay and transgender “panic” defenses in criminal trials.
3. Kamala Harris is Black. For some reason, people like to say that she isn’t, and that she’s Indian and pretending to be black… for what reason? Depends on who’s telling the lie to begin with. Kamala Harris is Black and South Asian. Her father, Donald Harris, is a Black man who was born in Jamaica. Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan, was born in India. Speculating about her race with so much evidence towards the contrary is so wrong. If anyone tells you shit about this, just send them her whitehouse.gov biography.
4. Harris (reportedly) has different opinions than Biden on Palestine. Whether or not she makes a clear stance against Israel, I don’t know. That hasn’t happened yet, but I’ll remain hopeful until further notice. She reportedly tried to push Biden towards “a policy on Gaza that was both more humane and in alignment with international law” but wasn’t listened to. The only reason why this is one of my points is that I’ve seen a lot of people stating that she is totally behind every decision and stance Biden made as president, which isn’t necessarily true. I don’t want to give her credit for being pro-Palestine if she isn’t, just to be clear. That is not what I’m trying to do here.
I desperately want her to stand for a free Palestine. I cannot make the promise that this will happen. All I can hope for is that her policy will be less harmful than Trump’s- who wants Israel to “finish the job” and promises to “throw (pro-Palestinian protestors) out of the country”.
Conclusion: the fact of the matter is that people make shit up all of the time. Sometimes it’s propaganda they accidentally absorb, sometimes it’s deliberate misinformation. People often take rumors as facts, and we need to be more vigilant about it. What I know is that some people will do anything for you to not vote tor Kamala Harris, when in reality she’s our only hope here.
Is Harris my favorite person ever? Absolutely not. Does she share my exact views and opinions? Nope. Would I rather vote for someone who more aligns with my personal views? Yes.
Is voting for Harris the only way to stop Donald Trump and Project 2025? Yes.
Disclaimer for the blog: To be 100% transparent, this is only my (Fanya’s) opinions. Although this is a shared blog, I cannot claim that my stance and my voice speaks for everybody involved in this blog. Some members are not American. Some may have different takes. All I know is that all of us are anti-Trump. Don’t go after my friends if you have beef with what I’m saying. I’m trying my best here.
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fairuzfan · 7 months
I have concern that I may still be technically zionist despite claiming to be pro-palestine. This is because I knew very little about Palestine when October 7th happened, so in the time since I have been reluctant to have a stance on a two-state or one-Palestinian-state solution. I know now that almost all of Isreal is stolen land and recognize Isreal only exists due to colonialism, it took me a long time to learn that but I know it now. Before I knew that, I knew that regardless of the prior history that in current day Palestine is being subjected to a genocide. However, I struggle with politics and therefore struggle with understanding how a one-Palestinian-state could be achieved and have concern about what would happen to any genuinely innocent people who live in Isreal. To be clear, Isreal as a whole is guilty and I just have concern about what will happen to the portion of people in Isreal who are just as horrified as the rest of the world at what their government is doing. I do not personally know any Palestinians, so I have not known who to talk to about this especially since I do not want to overstep in any way. Theres more context I could provide but I wont because this is roughly the gist of where I am currently at when it comes to my concerns about whether or not I am still zionist. Do you have any reccomendations as to what I can do about my concerns? I am not sure whether or not I am overstepping right now by asking you this, but I do not know any other Palestians on a personal level that I can go to.
hey thanks for sending this in. i think we all have zionist biases that we have to unlearn, even i catch myself falling for it sometimes. so it's not necessarily a moral failing if you're trying to undo the zionism you've been taught. thanks for trying to undo it!
i do want to correct you a bit thought, in that *all* of israel is stolen land because israel is a settler colonial society. until it is relabeled as "Palestine" it can't not be stolen land.
I guess my advice is that you read scholarship and perspectives on palestinian thought and heritage. i can't tell you what a free palestine will look like but i can tell you what i imagine it to be. but what i can tell you is that the state of israel is fully intent on erasing all traces of palestinian life no matter what.
i guess i can tell you why "two state solutions" don't really work because there is no.... prevention of settlement building in the west bank and they'll never really promote *not* settling in the west bank. like i really cannot imagine a world where there aren't settlers on palestinian land no matter the case. and that's even not allowing palestinians the right of return to their homes and expecting them to give up what they dedicated their lives to. many palestinians in the west bank and gaza are themselves refugees because they were displaced in '48. so no matter what, palestinians will always get the short end of the stick and told to "just deal with it."
plus, why are we concerned with the supposed future danger towards israelis when the current, very real danger towards palestinians exists? shouldn't we prioritize actual events over hypothetical ones? why should we concern ourselves with the future when for palestinians its not a guarantee? i have no idea what's going to happen to gaza, for example.... shouldn't we prioritize that gaza lives on today?
i think i would question why you think israelis are inherently in danger in a one state solution? like do you assume that palestinians will all universally commit violence on all israelis? is it because you believe that hamas wants to kill every single israeli jew no matter what? if so, i think that's where your problem lies — in the assumption that peace can only be achieved through segregation just in a lighter form (because the state of israel relies on segregation as a principal of its existence as a jewish state). what about the palestinians who fear living side by side with the same people who raped, tortured, and murdered them for 75 years, or advocated for their deaths? aren't they inherently in more danger?
i mean palestinians have consistently been painted as the villains for more than 75 years. like in every aspect. i think to really truly be antizionist you need to prioritize palestinian concerns and worries over israeli ones because of how.... unwilling much of the world is to even consider them.
approaching zionism from an idea of an inequality structure is also necessary — rather than assuming its a one off system, we examine it as a perpetuation of multiple types of systems of inequality embedded into one. i recommend the institute for the critical study of zionism (click) for more information on this. There's also this book by Ismail Zayid written in the 80's (click) about the longtime violence the ideology of zionism has done to multiple communities, not just palestinians.
Here's a great reading list by palipunk about different aspects of palestinian thought and culture (click). i suggest looking through them to help decolonize our way of thought.
i might add on to this later if i think of something else to say.
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thisgingerhasnosoul · 4 months
Hi, Australian Jew here.
Sending this anonymously because I'm not openly Jewish on Tumblr, however I am considering doing so in the short-term.
I'm sorry to bother you but I wanted to ask you a few questions, if you're open to it (feel free to ignore this if so). Just so you know, I'm asking the same questions of the Jewish bloggers I follow who post regularly - both those who blog about the current Israel/Palestine situation, and those who identify as Jewish but post mainly fandom/other content.
Do you or have you receive/d abuse for being Jewish, or for your stance on the war? If so, how often? How do you respond to any hateful messages? Do you post them publicly or answer them privately? How much would you say your mental health is/has been affected by any messages, or by the content you see on your feed? Have you developed any strategies for handling social media during this time?
Thank you for reading. :-)
Hi! Sorry it took me so long to reply.
My #1 piece of advice for avoiding harassment would be turning off anonymous asks (this is very much a do-as-I-say-and-not-as-I-do suggestion lol). I literally just turned it back on a few days ago after having had it off for months, and it really did make a difference, especially during the aftermath of heritagepost’s Zionist blocklist. People are a lot more afraid of spewing Nazi rhetoric at Jews when they have to show their faces (so to speak). It won’t stop you from seeing antisemitism, but it will stop it from being directly hurled at you personally.
As for whether this has taken a toll on my mental health… yeah. I’ve basically been bleeding trauma for the last 6 months. But honestly? The antisemitism I see in real life and on social media completely removed from Tumblr has been so bad that seeing it here doesn’t make much of a difference in regards to my mental health.
When I find some healthier coping mechanisms for it besides Tumblr venting, I’ll let you know.
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nickssidewitch · 2 months
Are they aware of palestine..
I mean you can not not be aware. I'm just wondering cause they sadly never cared to speak up about it
I know! It’s so unfortunate and disappointing how they haven’t spoken up on the issue at least once! But, from what I feel, the reason they don’t talk about it is because they don’t really know how to speak on the topic. They aren’t surrounded by people talking about it either, or around people who consistently do in their real life. They know it’s important to bring awareness to it, but they just have that “typical privileged young white American attitude” where they feel that if they bring up any sort of stance on a political issue, they’ll lose followers or be labeled as political people even if they aren’t. They don’t like being “uncomfortable”.
Personally, I find those to be terrible excuses because even when I was uneducated on the topic years ago, I still posted helpful links for my audience on other platforms to see. And also, who cares if you lose followers or are labeled to be political?; you’re standing up for something morally and ethically right!
Hopefully in the near future, they find some ways to talk about it or at least spread awareness for a good cause! 🤍
Speaking of links to help the cause, here are some links that speak on Palestine and can help the cause!! 🇵🇸🤍🥰 Please help however you can!!
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makingqueerhistory · 1 month
hi, i sent an ask ages ago asking you to not platform certain transphobic genocidal bloggers as if they are in good faith. and i've never seen a response but you've reblogged the post in question multiple times since. so i'm just wondering what's up w that
Yes, I remember you, you were on anon before, nice to see you again! If I am correct what you are refering to is me answering a question that came from someone who was a zionist asking about my stance on Palestine. Well here is the thing, I try to approach most questions asked of me in this project as if they were in good faith.
I knew it was unlikely to change anyones position, but a part of being an educational resource is trying not to write off anyone.
The question being referred to was from a zionist, which I knew upon trying to check for the context as the question itself confused me a little in its phrasing. I also am aware that engaging with zionists is not always the right choice. I don't know that it was the right choice this time, but I can walk you through my thought process and you can make your own judgement.
I specifically decided to answer that question on that day because it had been sitting on my heart for a minute. When it came in, it immediately made me uncomfortable.
I knew it might cause a bit of a backlash (which it did), but I realized that it was an opportunity to make clear my stance on free Palestine. I have made a couple of posts, but because I try to stay in my lane they had not been as direct as I wanted to be on here (though other social medias had more obvious moments), and I had not had such a direct question yet. I knew for me it was important to clarify that from everything I have learned and explored in both history and current events, a free Palestine is a necessary and urgent call. I also wanted to take a second to reframe the question.
I had gotten backlash for posting some amazing Jewish people because they are pro-Palestine, and I wanted to take a moment to make it clear that I learned to love and dedicate my time to free Palestine from Jewish people. In all the intentional obfuscating it is often portrayed as if Jewishness is synonomous with zionism which is a dangerous claim and an untrue one.
It's also necessary for me to say, I did not know that persons entire past. I knew that they were a zionist from a cursory look on their blog, but I learned after posting that they were rather notorious. If I had known their reputation before, I may have chosen not to answer. But I also think there is worth in answering a question honestly, no matter the asker.
If you still disagree with my choice, I understand and respect that. I am still not sure I made the right choice, but if I am being truthful, I have seen the impact of the answer I gave and it seems to be quite positive. Most people were glad to hear a clear stance from me, and the person in question got added to many blocklists on that day.
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certifiedlibraryposts · 8 months
re the palestinian bird thing: different anon here, idk what they meant but it’s worth noting that, in addition to political fuckery, that the campaign to remove the word “palestine” from the bird's name might have partially been an attempt to correct a bit of historical revisionism. the only reason that region of the world is commonly known as palestine today in the first place is because the roman empire renamed the area to “syria palaestina” after the roman-jewish wars. they had previously allowed the province to be called judea/judaea, as in jews and the jewish kingdoms that existed there before being conquered. and it wasn't until much later that the arabs now known as palestinians came to be. (disclaimer: I don't speak hebrew and can't be bothered to track down hebrew articles from a decade ago to translate by hand to fact check how much this played into the bird thing but it is a reasonable possibility and an understandable one, as jewish heritage has been so often destroyed and erased. regardless, the palestinian response to make the bird a symbol is equally understandable.) relatedly, be careful about the phrase “from the river to the sea”, because while it's sometimes about palestinian liberation, it's also often used as a dogwhistle that means “kill all jews in the levant”; and the dogwhistle version has become increasingly common as of late. look into the organization called standing together for antisemitism-free activism and jewish/palestinian solidarity.
I see what you mean, the history you mentioned seems to check out and it's unquestionably been a tumultuous part of the world that's been given a lot of different names over time. However I don't really feel comfortable in agreeing it was combating revisionism because it happened during what I understand to be a violent occupation. Without a source or truly knowing the intentions it's just kind of speculation.
"From the river to the sea" was used in that post in the context of Palestinian freedom and peace. Related to that point, I also received another ask concerned with my use of the word "zionist" as it has historically described a very wide range of ideas, and has also been used as an antisemitic dogwhistle. That was not my intent, it's the word I was most familiar with to get across my point that I don't support violence against or the erasure of Palestinian culture. Those using violence and calls for peace to excuse antisemitism are despicable. One can and should be an ally of both Palestinians and Jewish people.
I looked up Standing Together, I can certainly get behind their message of peace and cooperation, and people in Israel who are working to end the genocide deserve so much respect and admiration. It seems like reception to the movement has been mostly positive, but I feel it'd be irresponsible not to mention that the PACBI wing of the BDS movement has taken issue with it in the past week. I don't feel qualified to take a definitive stance either way, especially as I also can't read Hebrew or Arabic to get more direct contex. I encourage anyone interested to learn more and come to your own conclusions.
My overall point is that I do not support the genocide the Israeli miltary is enacting on the Palestinian people. I want to share more posts about Palestinian culture, art, and joy in a time where there is effort being made to erase it.
Finally, while I do my best to make sure what goes on this blog is accurate, I just wanna make it clear that I'm neither an expert at research, nor am I able to be a definitive resource for this topic (or frankly most things).
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gallus-rising · 10 months
hey so an OTW (aka the org that runs Ao3) volunteer has been kicked for having the phrase "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" in their Slack status [link 1] [link 2]
if i see a single person bring the Discourse™ into this (ie: oh so they let people post underage/r*pe/incest/etc but not this?) i will fucking turbo block you. idgaf what your stance is on Problematic fic is, if i see someone bring up that shit even in a jokey way you are gone. you are dead to me. this is not a gotcha moment. get off the internet for 2 seconds and realize that some things in life are more important than fanfic
message them [OTW contact form] [Ao3 feedback form] and do NOT bring up any fiction discourse or discourse adjacent bs. please stay focused on the actual problem at hand here
personally i'll be uploading my fics elsewhere until further notice (this includes new chapters to WiPs) and will keep up what i have up for the sake of people's bookmarks. EDIT: people have pointed out that choosing to not use Ao3 will likely not have an impact, they run off donations, not ads and user engagement. do not harasses anyone over whether or not they continue using the site, that's a personal choice. do message Ao3/OTW with your concerns, withdraw financial support and tell them why. do not just stop using the site and end things there. i made this post in a bit of a rage last night and overlooked those things, very sorry about that
i hate to beg like this, but i'd really appreciate rbs
(if you want to "debate" about Palestine with me, consider, instead of pissing both of us off, doing some basic researched)
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snooziluvr · 5 months
hello caratblr <3 (and also any hybe group-blr!)
i don’t usually say anything on here, but i wanted to share this for my fellow seventeen photocard collectors, as the 17 Right Here comeback is just around the corner. as you may know, there is an ongoing target HYBE BOYCOTT for their hand in working with z10nists. here are some of the key points:
(1) The one (and currently only) CEO of Hybe-America is Scooter Braun, a whole raging z10nist who continues to try to push his pro-1sr4el stance on his artists and following. (2) HYBE signed a 10 yr contract with Universal Music Group (UMG), whose CEO is Lucian Grainge. lucian grainge, his wife, and other people within the umg company and friend groups openly/proudly have been and continue to fund various pro-israel and z1ionist organizations --they are not for Palestine. umg is the main distributor for signed albums during hybe artist comebacks, at least in America.
it’s super critical for us fans to continue to boycott hybe and email/show hybe that we do NOT stand on the side of Zionism. thus, it is important to NOT buy any hybe signed albums, or any albums at all.
so if anyone is interested, here is an open group order for 17 Right Here album pc replicas (still open as of 4.21.24) so we aren’t giving HYBE money!!! here is the link to the go (on instagram): LINK
so far, the group order manager has updated that people have ordered just under $35k worth of replicas, which is honestly so insane!!! like WOW OKAY already putting a huge dent in HYBE’s wallet!!!!! remember that we can still support and show love to svt/our other fav hybe groups without buying albums/merch and giving money to hybe.
i’ve listed some other hybe/kpop boycott related resources below!
+ hybe boycott introduction info (ig post) + umg boycott intro info (ig post) + downloadable music files for various kpop artists so you don't stream! tumblr post | twt thread // how to: import into spotify (twt)
thank you for reading, sharing, and participating! if anyone knows any similar gos/information regarding other hybe groups, please do share! also please do let me know if anything is wrong; as edits are made to the post, the edit details will be under the cut.
it has been, is, and always will be FREE PALESTINE!!! FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE!
(4.21.24) Edited: Scooter Braun is the CEO of Hybe-America, not the owner of UMG; Added: The owner of UMG is Lucian Grainge, who is also extremely pro-Israel. Two separate issues, but both relative to the boycott. (4.21.24) a/n: sorry for the confusion!
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sl-ut · 8 months
what's happening in gaza?
i know first hand that it's very difficult to fully understand what's going on in the world right now, especially coming from somewhere that is so different culturally, geographically, and historically as palestine. being online recently and seeing that people are being called zionists for simply asking questions about what's going on or not fully understanding bc, for the most part, it isn't your fault that you are so ignorant to the issue at hand. news sources based around the world and misinterpreting the situation in order to put palestine in bad lighting, so it's important that you all take some time and do your own individual research to look into what's going on, what your stance is, and what you can do to help. no one is asking you to donate your last $100 if you cannot afford to do so, but the acts of declaring your side and participating in boycotts are enough support to at least show the people of gaza that THEY ARE NOT ALONE.
below i've put together a few articles from different sources with different backgrounds, if you're interested, please read a few of these sources and educate yourselves on the situation. i've included sources to explain what's going on now, what's happened between israel and palestine in the past, the kinds of things that are happening in gaza, and why this is being treated as a genocide instead of a war. this is what i've been able to find, but if you discover some more pls feel free to reach out and i'll add them to my list!! everyone be safe and be kind to one another <3
What is Hamas and why is it fighting with Israel in Gaza (BBC)
Israel and Palestine: a complete guide to the crisis (The Guardian)
Timeline: A look into the long history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (ABC)
The history of conflict between Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza (CBC)
A 'cultural genocide': Which of Gaza's heritage sites have been destroyed? (Al Jazeera)
Key takeaways from UN court's ruling on Israel's war in Gaza (AP News)
Israel-Palestine conflict: what is the two-state solution and what are the obstacles? (Reuters)
'Chilling effect': People expressing pro-Palestinian views censured, suspended from work and school (CBC) (this one is not directly about gaza, but shows the way that people are being punished just for supporting the people of palestine against this genocide)
ALSO PLS KEEP IN MIND THAT any acts of violence being committed by the hamas group is NOT a representation of the people of palestine, and the inhumane and monstrous treatment of these people absolutely is not deserved in return for the things being done by the hamas. regardless of your political stance, if you believe that the way that israel has treated palestinians in the past and continue to treat them in the present in deserved or justified in ANY WAY, pls unfollow and block me bc i want nothing to do with you.
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describe-things · 2 months
notfriendlyhougen said 2 hours ago
not reblogging to feed the trolls or whatever but @describe-things please get those pride flags the fuck off of your profile if you actually care so little about queer people and the like by not voting in support of them
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[ID: A screenshot of the reply showing the text above. End ID.]
@notfriendlyhougen "stop letting people make their art accessible if you don't support genocide"
ok fascist. You really think you can use Queer people as an excuse to support genocide. You're really that dedicated to pinkwashing genocide to uphold white supermacy you're gonna get mad that I provide people with accessability tools. Do you not understand how pathetically racist and queermisic this is?
You cannot fucking claim you support Queer people if you're going to use our existance to uphold genocide. You are not supporting Queer people by using us as a bludgeon with which to uphold white supremacy and genocide.
Legitimately what has to be wrong with you to make a statement like this. "stop providing people with accessibility tools if you won't support genocide"
Yeah, no, that's not how this works. You do not get to use Queer people to support genocide.
None of us are free until all of us are free. You cannot fucking sacrifice Palestinians or anyone else to win "freedom".
You racist fascist shitheads do not get to pinkwash genocide and pretend that Queer minorities are the "real villains" when we refuse to play your fascist racist genocidal game.
What part of "Queer as in free Palestine" do you not understand.
I am lesbian and transgender. I am a working-class, secular Jewish socialist. So let my first words be these: I stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Arab and Muslim people in this room and around the world in the battle against the real axis of evil: the White House, Pentagon and Justice Department. And with every breath and every sinew, I fight for Palestinian liberation.
-Leslie Feinberg at the Al-Fatiha international retreat in Washington DC in the spring of 2002
@notfriendlyhougen you will never get Queer liberation without Palestinian liberation. White Supremacy and Genocide will never pave the way for Queer liberation.
Don't you fucking dare tell actual Queer fucking minorities that we're harming ourselves by giving a shit about people suffering literal gods damned genocide. Don't you fucking dare try to use us as a weapon to silence opposition to white supremacy and colonization.
Voting for Genocide is never voting for the rights of Queer people. And the fact that you want to pretend otherwise just goes to show how despicably fucking evil you've allowed yourself to become.
You want to pretend you care about Queer people but you really only mean Privileged White American Queers. You don't give a single shit about anyone else.
Just fucking say you want to go back to brunch and leave fucking Queer people who actually have morals out of your fucking excuses for why you think it's okay to uphold colonialism, white supremacy, and literal out and out genocide.
There is no Pride in genocide. You cannot fucking weaponize us to support genocide.
I hope you spend every waking moment of the rest of your life suffering in shame for what you've done and what you're going to do.
Don't you fucking dare pretend you care about Queer people when you're fine with them being slaughtered on live TV as long as you think it'll benefit you.
You are not taking a stance for Queer rights. You are willingfully and proudly supporting genocide and white supremacy. And you do not get to fucking weaponize Queer people to justify it.
The fucking gall to demand I stop providing people with accessability tools because I refuse to support genocide. Do you have any fucking clue how absurdly racist and queermisic you are?
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The discourse about Sarah J Maas being called a Zionist is giving witch hunt vibes at this point. Nothing I've seen has been conclusive at all. Just because she's a Jewish woman who went on birthright doesn't mean you should loudly denounce her as supporting genocide.
I am a Jewish woman who is pro-Palestine — so, not a Zionist — but who loves her Jewish diaspora culture. I have anti-zionist and non-zionist Jewish friends who went on Birthright because it's a free trip abroad. I know Jewish people who are staunch Israel supporters and I have Jewish friends going to pro-Palestine protests. Jews are not all one thing, and in fact it's ingrained in our culture that we have NEVER been one thing. There are Jews of all races, of all levels of religious belief, across the political and socioeconomic spectrum, scattered across the world.
If I were a semi-public figure (I say semi because Sarah has been clear that she is not the one posting on her public accounts and she doesn't have much interaction with fans outside of tours) people would probably have loud assumptions about me being a Zionist because I am publicly Jewish, I was a Jewish Studies minor in college, and I used to work at a synagogue. Guess what? I'm not a Zionist. I donate to UNWRA monthly, I do my clicks for Palestine, and I do my best to support with what I have. As a multi-disabled person that's all I can handle right now. If I were a semi-public figure I don't know if I would feel comfortable posting anything publicly either, because people are vicious and terrifying creatures. Sarah has a husband and child. She had gotten threats about fucking ship wars. This is so much more intense than ship wars.
Making these loud assumptions and calling for boycotting SJM, commenting on her social posts even though she isn't the one reading those comments — this is what antisemitism looks like. I know those of you who are angry at Sarah won't want to hear that, or will say that 'everything is antisemitic now' — which is a refrain that should raise red flags since it's the same argument other people use about transphobia, homophobia, racism, etc. You're the good guys, you support Palestine and you're anti-genocide and so on. But using stereotypes about an ethnic group to make assumptions and harass an individual of that ethnic group is not a good look even if you're convinced you're doing it for a good reason. Take that energy and put it toward spreading awareness, contacting politicians, attending protests, maybe even sharing messages from public figures who have posted publicly.
I understand that a lot of non-Jews (and a small number of Jews) are saying that it "has nothing to do" with Sarah being Jewish, it's just that she hasn't "used her platform." I implore you to consider why you are seeing and sharing such anger toward this one (fairly private) Jewish woman and not toward other prominent authors, especially those who are more active online, who have also not spoken out. Do some soul-searching and many of you may find that because Sarah is Jewish, you feel that she owes you a public stance more than other people. Because she is Jewish you feel confident enough to make an assumption about her views and post publicly about these assumptions. That is antisemitism at work. That is why this feels like a witch hunt to me, and why it is upsetting to watch.
As a reminder, I am pro-Palestine. I am not posting this to defend anyone. I am posting this to remind everyone that Jews are not all Zionists. Jews are not all one thing, ever. And deciding you get to hand down judgement on a Jewish person who has not shared their views publicly is antisemitism. It is deciding that you can assume negative things about Jewish people from afar. It is deciding that some antisemitism is actually okay — good, even, if you think it's warranted. I understand that people have other qualms with her writing, but those are not tied to her Jewishness, they're tied to her doing things like using the name Illyria and Illyrians for her ACOTAR series, etc, which is the kind of thing other fantasy authors have done over the years. Doesn't make it good or right but it certainly doesn't have anything to do with Palestine or Zionism.
If you disagree with me, please do not send hatred into my inbox. I am asking you to interact with this post thoughtfully. If your disagreement is going to be an explanation of how Jewish people owe the world every ounce of our energy, health, safety and lives, please step away and take a breath. I do not share your opinion. I have great admiration for those risking life and limb, risking jobs, risking arrest, to support Palestine. However, not everyone should be *required* to do all of those things, especially if you're disproportionately expecting those larger actions from Jews, thinking we "owe" it to the world.
Also, I want to be clear: This is not really about whether Sarah is a Zionist. It's about the fact that we don't know, and you cannot pretend to know. Most of the arguments I'm seeing are making a lot of assumptions, and that is the part that makes me uncomfortable.
If Sarah ends up being a Zionist, I still stand by this post, because it isn't about defending Sarah, it's about my hurt and disappointment in seeing people make assumptions rooted in antisemitism, assuming someone's views based on Jewishness and little else.
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papurgaatika · 7 months
People trying to tell me zionism isn't rampant in TLOU and that Neil isn't a zionist. Okay sure, let's get into it really quick.
First of all, there's no such thing as an "innocent israeli" they're all settlers aiding a settler colonial state. If they truly wanted to change things they would leave occupied Palestine, but they won't, because it's easy to blame your government and move on when you're being aided by the privilege they're giving you.
Second. He is a zionist. He has made his stance on the matter extremely clear. Whether or not you understand and use your own critical thinking skills, is up to you. He has stated in many interviews that pt. 2 is based on the "conflict" (if you want to call the resistance to colonization of a native people a conflict) happening in isreal and Palestine. Do you believe that when Neil said that "if [he] could just push a button and kill all these people that committed this horrible act, I would make them feel the same pain that they inflicted on these people." after the killing of two IOF soldiers, he was somehow supporting Palestinans? Or are we choosing to ignore his blatant hatred?
Third. Over 30,000 individuals have been killed because they are being bombed, forcibly starved, trapped under rubble, or getting medical supplies cut off. There is no way you can ask me to condemn a freedom fighter for shooting down an imperialist soldier, it's stupid to even think that.
Fourth. Do not ever tell me what I can and cannot write. If my morals and values make you feel like you need to write a stupid ass reply to my fic, shut the fuck up!! I don't need you to read my work, and lord knows that I don't need to hear your blabbering. If you take such great offense that I've linked ways to donate to a vulnerable people, i don't know what to say to you. Seek help and gain compassion* maybe.
Anyway. I know for a damn fact that if you're mad that I oppose an ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing that you're not going to comprehend anything ive said nor will you read anything that I link in here, but what the hell. I have sources to back myself up. I don't speak out of of my ass.
If you've made it all the way down here and want to actually help the people in Gaza right now, I'm providing some links below. Goodnight everyone and free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Remember that E-Sims are how people in Gaza are able to use the internet so PLEASE donate those if you can as well.
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fairuzfan · 5 months
I'm sorry for being so stupid with this stuff but what exactly is not voting supposed to do?
I always see people say not to vote and just leave it at that with nothing to do beyond that and I'm not entirely sure what the purpose of not voting is anyway because I don't think the movement is big enough for politicians to really care. I would love it if you could explain it to me please.
I guess my question in response is that I don't understand what *voting* is supposed to do? Like what are your goals for voting? For the "vote uncommitted" campaign, it's to scare Biden enough that he takes some sort of a stance. But for voting for him...? What does that do other than not have trump in office? And "not having trump in office" is an ideologically meaningless position if the person you're voting for is an out and proud genocider. So like, who are you helping if you claim to care about Palestine?
My point is, I genuinely don't understand that if you're someone who cares about people dying — which is what Biden supporters say is the reason they're voting Biden no matter what — then why are you voting for the guy that is killing people so openly? What is the moral reasoning? Is it "sacrifice the few to save the many"? If so, then you're not voting on the basis of caring, you're doing a cost benefit analysis using human lives. That's at its core a morally flawed way to look at the world.
So how can you, as a moral person, agree to subscribe to such an immoral system that forces you to make this "decision"?
I know I'm getting more ideological than practical here but there needs to be a serious reckoning behind why everyone is ok with being part of this system we are in. "Well what else would you have us do?" Some might say. And in response, I'd say, I don't know. But to be a moral person as you claim you want to be, should you not refute immorality as a structural system?
I'm not sure if this answered your question, if not feel free to send again but honestly, my only real response to "what does not voting do" is a headscratch because I don't understand what *voting* does that you believe will fix any of the problems we have?
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