#IkeSen Headcanon
sasukeuchiha-24 · 3 months
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Sasuke | Itachi | Madara | Kakash
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sasuke-naruto · 6 months
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narutouzumaki-25 · 6 months
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Naruto Uzumaki 💛
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writingwhimsey · 1 month
400 Follower Celebration
In the poll you guys voted for HC prompts. And since my last follower celebration was fun, I thought I would do something similar. So I have a list of Fluff HC prompts. Smut/NSFW HC prompts, and crack HC prompts.
Rules: Select a prompt and up to three suitors for the prompt.
Suitor options:
ikesen: all suitors except Kicho (still haven't read his route and I don't feel like I have a grasp on his character)
ikevamp: Comte, Leonardo, Napoleon, Motzart, Arthur, Vincent, Theo, Jean, Vlad, Faust, and Charles
ikepri: Leon, Chev, Clavis, Jin
Suitor react to MC/reader telling them she's pregnant
Suitor takes care of sick MC/reader
Suitor reacts to MC/reader making their favorite dish
Suitor plans birthday party for MC/reader
Suitor as dad
Suitor reacts to seeing MC/reader as bride on wedding day
Suitor and MC/reader getting ready for a date together
Suitor and MC/reader cooking together
How suitor would propose
Suitor reacting to MC/reader playing with their hair
Free Space (any other fluffy prompt you would like)
Crack Prompts:
MC/reader makes suitor wear "pregnancy" belly to see what it's like
Suitor reacts to MC/reader pranking them
Suitor pranks MC/reader
Suitor reacts to MC/reader bringing home unusual pets
Suitor reacts to MC/reader's terrible cooking
Free Space (any funny/crack HC you would like)
Smut/NSFW prompt:
Suitor finds MC/reader's "toy"
Suitor reacts to MC/reader in a bikini
Suitor's favorite position
Suitor's kink
Suitor reacts to MC/reader's kink (pick whatever kink you would like)
Suitor reacts to MC/reader domming them
Suitor reacts to MC/reader wanting to be tied up
Suitor reacts to MC/reader asking to be bred
Suitor's reaction to MC/reader teasing them in public
Suitor reacts to MC/reader's fantasy (you pick the fantasy)
Free space (any NSFW HC)
Hope you guys enjoy and we can all have some fun with this! Any questions, just let me know! And seriously, thank you all for your support! I am looking forward to having more fun with you guys!
Taglist and a few others who might be interested: @zulablaise @limonzu @kisara-16 @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es
@otomewonderland @lucyw260 @selenacosmic @bjorkshire-pudding @eventinelysplayground
@kissmetwicekissmedeadly @aquagirl1978 @lettheratsin @atinyliliflower @venulus
@mllorei @fang-and-feather
If I have tagged you and you don't want to be let me know and I'll remove the tag. Just tagging some people who have supported me :)
edited to fix the tagging issue! Thank you to @mllorei for telling me how to fix it!
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the-stumbling-samurai · 5 months
The Warlords- Dad Headcanon: Hideyoshi
Hideyoshi my beloved <3 The man deserves a vacation into my arms or at least a decent lunchbreak, >Girl dad like Shingen, but "cursed". >5 daughters, all somehow seeming to take after their uncle Mitsuhide in one way or another, at least in Hideyoshi's mind. >Wouldn't trade them for all the sons in the world though. >Professional at playing pretty princess dress up. >Starts fighting off and worrying about boys at a young age. Sees his 4 year old daughter holding lets sayyyy little Nobunaga Oda Jrs hand in the castle gardens and nearly decides to switch sides just to get away from them. >Such a bragging parent. “well myyy daughter managed to hide the sweets this week and it took lord nobunaga double his usual time to find them.” >Meanwhile, the only reason Nobunaga found them was because one of Hideyoshi's daughter's is a master negotiator. >They suckered Nobunaga for some ponies in exchange of goods. >Thrives for his father daughter dates. He makes sure to do something special with each of them individually every week, even if it's something as simple as fixing her hair while sitting outside as they talk. >Takes all 5 on monthly father daughter outings to the local tea house. >Wants his daughters to stay as far away from war and fighting as possible so struggles when they start becoming interested in what he does. >Ropes Ieyasu into teaching them archery as a distraction and some basic protection skills. ".... Two horses, a new set of Kimonos, and a kitten." The little girl looked up at her father innocently. "That's all I asked for this time!" She sips her tea.
Hideyoshi sighs, rubbing his temples."Girls, you can't just say no to Lord Nobunaga and try and negotiate things with him! He's our Lord! Its not nice."
"But dad! You say no to him all the time! We were just trying to help!" his oldest daughter chimes in, the other 3 nodding their heads eagerly."He was trying to get into the candy again! So we hid it!"
"And instead of telling me so I can stop him you blackmailed him?!" Hideyoshi looks at them incredulously. "What in your right mind possessed you to do that?"
"Uncle Mitsuhide said to make every moment an opportunity! He thought it was a good idea and even helped by showing us a good hiding spot!"
Hideyoshi sighs, running his hands through his hair anxiously. "Of course he did." He groans, but he can't help but let a small smile slip onto his face as his girls giggle around him... "
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the12thnightproject · 6 months
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Warlords in a Snowball Fight
A general winter themed flash headcanon, as a gift for the Flash Exchange. @flash-exchange
Headcanon: Warlords in a Snowball Fight
In Azuchi…
Nobunaga – Strides through the field of battle, easily packing the snow into efficient weapons. Cooly confident that nobody would dare...  Splat!
Masamune – A snow battle? Bring it on! Runs wildly into action, skidding to a drift, quickly forms lopsided snowballs, and throws them with surprisingly good aim, especially given his blind side. Which… by the way… Splat!
Hideyoshi –  Sets out a list of rules, including, no ice in the middle of your snowball, no throwing snowballs inside the castle, absolutely no running! In the midst of announcing the rules… Splat!
Ieyasu –  Splat! He goes home and locks himself in his panic room with his emotional support sourdough starter.
Mitsunari – An army is made and broken by its organization. Carefully stockpiles snowballs at strategic points throughout Azuchi. Then gets distracted by a new book and forgets to join in the battle.
Ranmaru – Finds Mitsunari’s useful stacks of snowballs, and climbs to the roof, where he systematically picks everyone off, sniper style. Splat!
Keiji – Stands in the center of the field of play, grabbing the closest snow at hand, and throwing it randomly. He’s a dervish. Then he opens his arms wide and yodels, “Who wants to take on the wild child of these war-torn islands, he whose name is sung far and wide, the roguish misfit, Keiji Maeda?”  Splat! Splat! Splat!  
Mitsuhide – Excels at sneaking from hiding spot to hiding spot, surprising victims by popping up out of nowhere and disappearing before they can retaliate. Is also the reason Ieyasu is hiding.
At Kasugayama… things are slightly more dangerous
Kenshin – Instead of snowballs, hurls icicles like spears.
Kanetsugu –  When people complain about flying icicles, tells them they should be honored to receive such attention from the God of War.
Shingen – Organizes Yukimura and Yoshimoto into a team and carefully strategizes the best times and places to attack. Has also built a working snow catapult. In spite of all that, he ends up strangely covered in snow, because, let’s face it, the man looks great in a wet kimono. And out of one.
Yukimura – Is an athletic and efficient snowball thrower, very good on the front lines in an all-out battle, but not terribly good at sneak attacks.
Yoshimoto – Is every snowflake truly different? Let’s find out? He wanders out into the garden. Is not seen until spring.
Sasuke – After getting hit by one too many icicles, packs his snowballs with ground spikes and sets off smoke bombs to escape.
Lone Forces…
Kennyo –  Tricks Azuchi and Kasugayama into fighting each other, then goes off and feeds hungry forest creatures.
Motonari – Snow? Snow doesn’t burn. Hell has frozen over. Sets sail for more tropical climates at the first sign of a flake.
Kicho – Sets off an avalanche.
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The Warlords Come Home Injured From A Fight: Headcanons
He often has to leave you alone to go to the battlefield.
He's usually never in the frontlines and hence quite safe.
Being the lord of the Oda, he has the most guarded, safest place in the encampments.
But this time, an enemy manages to invade past the guards.
He comes home to you, bruised and bandaged.
You rush to him, worried.
"Do not worry, fireball. I've had worse injuries than this." He says with a smug grin.
As you reapply his bandages, he winces slightly, but refuses to show you that he is hurt.
He has his pride as the lord of the Oda.
He will never admit to you that it hurts and bear the pain.
Your presence always makes him feel better and helps him forget about his injuries...
He rarely goes to the battlefield after he had found his true love- you.
He has finally found his peace.
Except this time, he runs into a group of bandits in the forest.
He is a monk, so he prefers peaceful methods.
But the bandits unsheath their weapons.
So he has no choice but to teach them a lesson.
He returns to his temple, bruised and bleeding.
As you sit with him, applying salve and bandaging his wounds, he tells you not to worry much.
Even the forest animals seems to be concerned about him...
Kennyo pretends as if everything is fine so that you, his followers and the animals do not worry about him.
Shingen prefers peace, unlike Kenshin.
He is usually in a safe place on the battlefield, being the lord of the Takeda clan.
In the heat of the battle, he strayed away from his army, into the enemy lines.
He is rescued by his men in time, but he is gravely injured.
When he returns home, you rush to him, surprised to see him in that state.
"Do not worry, princess. If I have lived so long with my condition, these little scratches cannot kill me."
He tries to act brave and strong in front of you.
He is disgusted when you try to feed him bitter medicine.
So you have no choice but to bribe him with sweets.
He pouts as he takes his medicine and swallows quickly.
The aftertaste is awful and almost makes him puke, he complains.
So you have to get permission from Yuki to let Shingen have some more sweets.
Thank you for reading! Unfortunately, I do not know much about Mitsuhide, so I could not include him in this.
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ikeromantic · 5 months
Ikesen Boys React to Tattooed MC - All
Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Masamune
Kenshin, Shingen, Yoshimoto
Mitsuhide, Keiji, Ieyasu
Sasuke, Yukimura, Kanetsugu
Mitsunari, Ranmaru, Kyubei
Kennyo, Motonari, Kicho
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keithsandwich · 5 months
Y'all know about my astrological ramblings, right? So, I decided we can have some fun with it as well.
Send me your OC/SI sun sign and who you ship them with, and I'll reply with some headcanons about your relationship based on Astrology. You can add a theme if you want (i.e. domestic, romantic, spicy, platonic etc.)
I won't set a time limit, but I can close the requests when/if I feel overwhelmed.
IkePri, IkeVamp, IkeRev and IkeSen fandoms only.
Try to keep the maximum of three ships/partners per request.
If the canon character is a secondary character, please, tell me the sign you believe they are. I won't assign signs for characters or OCs.
This is just for fun. Please, remember that you're more complex than your sun sign but I won't be reading full charts. If you disagree with the headcanons, don't be rude about it.
I might take a while to answer to your request, but as long as I am accepting them, they will be answered eventually.
Rest assured I WILL NOT say a ship is incompatible, this isn't even how Astrology works for real. I can talk about challenges in the relationship if you specifically ask for it. Otherwise, they'll always be positive aspects between the characters or you and your f/o.
No spicy headcanons for minors or ageless blogs.
No romantic headcanons for minor and adult.
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aquagirl1978 · 1 year
Can you make a headcanon for the Ikemen Sengoku guys getting jealous due to the MC like flirting with another man? Mainly, Ieyasu, Nobunaga, Masamune, Mitsuhide, Shingen and Kennyo's reactions?
Thank you for this request, anon. Hope you're having a great weekend!
IKEMEN SENGOKU HEADCANONS - JEALOUS WARLORDS (Ieyasu, Nobunaga, Masamune, Mitsuhide, Shingen, Kennyo)
Ieyasu Tokagawa
Did he notice you spending a bit too long chatting with that merchant? No, of course not - Ieyasu does not know feelings of jealousy. He sternly calls your name, stealing your attention from the merchant, reminding you of the schedule you need to adhere to. For the remainder of the shopping trip, he demands that you stay by his side so he can keep a close eye on you - there is no time to waste with worthless chatter.
Nobunaga Oda
How dare that man engage your attention, even for a fraction of a moment, during a party in Nobu's honor! He immediately calls over another servant, and asks her to take over tea service for you. Nobu sees you frown when your replacement informs you of what's going on. He waits for you to make eye contact before waving you over. To his side. Where you belong.
Masamune Date
Is that another man talking to his lass? His hand is on his sword in a gut reaction, he slows his steps down the hallway so as to not scare you by surprise. Is that your laughter he hears? His fingers tighten around the hilt of his sword, ready to bare his fangs and show this other guy who owns your heart. Masamune's face falls when he overhears the man say goodbye, his chance to fight for you love slowly walking away.
Mitsuhide Akechi
Little mouse, are you trying to get my attention by flirting with the merchant? His golden eyes glitter as he watches you discuss the different fabrics, your eyes lighting with a passion he so rarely sees outside of the bedroom. He is filled with curiosity as to what he could do in the bedroom to elicit a similar, passionate reaction from you later tonight. As soon as you are done with your purchase, Mitsuhide whispers to you that this shopping excursion is over, and it is time to return home.
Shingen Takeda
Shingen's brows furrow, his eyes darken as he watches you talk to the guest at the party. He notices your bright smile as you touch this man's arm. Confident that this is just an accidental touch, he continues to watch you as this man doesn't take his eyes off of you. Nor you he. Shingen strides over to you, a smile on his face, ready to introduce himself - as your lover. From there, he will keep a tight arm around your waist, not just to show everyone in attendance that you are spoken for, but because he just can't keep his hands off of you.
His eyes flicker from the flowers he is looking at - is that another man you are speaking to? He listens to you and hears the lilt in your voice - that beautiful, sweet voice that has so often comforted and calmed him, now being spoken to another man. He watched calmly as you engaged this other man in what sounded like innocent chatter. Kennyo smiled as you finished your conversation. His turn would come later that evening in the bedroom when he would make you sing his name. Over and over again.
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sasukeuchiha-24 · 4 months
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sasuke-naruto · 1 month
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Der grüne Drache bei Sasuke erinnert mich an Rayquaza aus Pokemon:"D
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narutouzumaki-25 · 6 months
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writingwhimsey · 29 days
Hello! Congratulations on your milestone!! For the prompt, i thought it would be interesting the one with the suitors reacts to mc wearing a bikini, with Shingen and Motonari!
Thank you my dear! And thank you for asking for my top two faves! This one is definitely spicy! And it was fun to write!
400 Follower Celebration
Smut/NSFW Headcanon: Suitor reacts to MC/reader in a bikini
Suitor(s): ikesen Shingen & ikesen Motonari
NSFW 18+ content
Shingen’s gray eyes are always on you. You are his favorite person to look at and the most beautiful sight he has ever beheld. But when you step out onto the beach, wearing a bikini… his eyes are glued to you…and so are his hands.
“This is the clothing you wear to swim in this time? I like it.” He says, his hands sliding over the bare skin of your curves. “So…revealing.”
You giggle and do a little turn, holding up a bottle of sunscreen. “Can you help me put this on?” You ask.
“With pleasure, my goddess.” He answers. He then gladly lathers you in the sunscreen., his hands moving sensually over you bare skin…even the parts you could actually reach yourself. His fingertips “accidentally” slip under your bikini, caressing your breasts and the curve of your butt.
You will spend your time at the beach, laying out or playing in the water, Shingen unable to keep his hands off of you. And when you get into the water? Oooh…those hands get to wandering, knowing no one can see what is going on beneath the water.
He holds you, your back to his front, allowing him to place kisses along your neck and nip at your ear. His hands will be fully under your bikini, playing with your breasts before one of them slips down beneath your bottoms, fingers playing with that sweet spot between your legs. He will keep going until he has you cumming at least three times…or until you’re begging for him to take you back to your room, which he will happily do.
Once you two are back in your room and alone, he is spending the night properly worshiping his goddess and telling you just how stunning you look in your bikini. He mentions wanting to bring the bikini back home when you return to the Sengoku so he can enjoy you in it more.
Man goes from zero to horny in an instant upon seeing you in the bikini. He hadn’t anticipated that your swimming clothes would be THAT revealing! You had tried to warn him, but he didn’t think the warning was enough. It wasn’t any different than the underwear you had been wearing since you guys had arrived in the modern day!
You give him a playful smirk as you look at him. “You like it?”
Motonari blinks as he looks at you, his face heating up. “Ya really hafta ask?”
You do a little spin, going slowly to make sure he gets the full view. Hips shaking a little when your back is to him. “What? I still want to hear it.”
Motonari doesn’t let you finish turning around before his hands are on your hips and he’s pulling you back against him. You can feel that familiar hardness pressing against your ass. “LIke ain’t the right word fer it.” He growls into your ear, before leaving a stinging kiss on the side of your neck. You KNOW there is a red mark there now.
“There’s others here.” He said. “Gotta make sure they know yer mine.” He says before leaving a series of love bites over your neck and shoulder.
Your face heats up…but you can’t be upset. Enjoying his possessiveness. “Come on, let’s go for a swim.” You say, pulling away from him and heading towards the water.
Motonari quickly chases after you…and realizes the bikini only gets sexier once wet. You’re not in the water for long before he is pulling you out and then throwing you over his shoulder. He gives a playful smack to your ass. “We’re goin’ back. I ain’t waitin’ any longer.”
You gasp and then giggle. In this position, you are able to return the smack with one of your own. When you make it back to your room, he is tossing you down on the bed and climbing on top of you. He is not letting you go for the rest of the night and you are not walking the next day… or the day after that either.
Taglist: @limonzu @zulablaise @kisara-16 @tele86
@lovely-bubb1es @lucyw260 @selenacosmic
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the-stumbling-samurai · 5 months
The Warlords- Dad Headcanon: Shingen Takeda
Hi I am just trying to get my thoughts out as I obsess alone over this series. I am feeling just very domesticated this week and have a ton of headcanons and scenarios about these guys as dads and can't help myself :')) I love them so much
First up is Shingen because I am just in love with the man, unconditionally.
>sweetest girl dad to I'm gonna say 3 princesses.
>Hair bows and flowers and dolls everywhere.
>They practice putting ribbons in his hair right in the middle of war council meetings with Kenshin and his vassals and it doesn't phase him one bit. Makes uncle Yukimura the make up guinea pig though.
>Will go out of his way to have tea with them every day he can.
>His girls are the pride and joy of Kai and he will boast about them to anyone who asks
>Oh boy though are they some warriors.
>Oldest child is stoic and somehow takes after Uncle Lord Kenshin.
>Middle child spends too much time with Yukimura. He's actually very sacred of her. nagging little sister energy.
>Youngest daughter is an absolute monster and Shingen loves it when he isn't the target of her assaults.
>Wants his daughters to be fierce warriors, but amazing women and supports them in nearly everything they are interested in.
".. The Takeda Forces will attack from the north, as originally planned." Shingen states, trying to point to the location on the map in front of him."Yukimura. I need you to-"
"Daddy hold still!" The little girl behind him orders, taking another lock of his hair into her grasps as she tries fitting it into another bow. "You keep messing it up!" Shingen clears his throat, leaning over slightly so his daughter can reach better."Yukimaru, as I was saying... I need you to lead the men before down in order to surprise the Oda forces. We can have them surrounded by-" "Yuki can't do anything until his nails are dry!" The middle girl chimes in, looking up as she blows on Yukimura's freshly painted hands. He grimaces, looking over at Shingen who just sighs once again, continuing. "What do you think, Kenshin?" He asks, looking across to his ally, who was eying Shingen's oldest child suspiciously while she staring at him, wide eyed and unblinking. "Is... she okay?" Kenshin asks, unwilling to break eye contact with her. "Yeah she's fine. that's how she says hi." Shingen waves his hand dismissively, handing his daughter another ribbon to tie into his hair. "Anyways...."
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klutzyroses · 1 year
hi ! Could I request (Ikemen Sengoku) Kenshin's, Mitsuhide's and Yukimura's reaction/scenerio to finding out y/n is pregnant ?? Their first reaction and maybe some afterthoughts , would they prefer girl or boy are they anxious stuff like that ^^
IkeSen HCs: Pregnant SO
Suitors: Mitsuhide, Kenshin, Yukimura
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Oh ho...what a surprise.
To be honest, it wouldn't be too shocking that he probably figured out she was pregnant before she did.
He is happy of course, though he will likely focus on teasing her about it.
But inside he is just a little conflicted about being a parent, let alone about whether he would make for a good one. He has no doubt that Y/N will be a splendid mother. Him as a father....debatable.
However, he will resolve to be there for her and take care of her every step of the way, she will want for nothing.
He finds himself deep in thought ever since discovering her pregnancy. Contemplating. Planning. He wants this child to grow up happy and safe, but he also knows life tends to have other plans.
If he had to choose between genders, he'd pick a little girl. He will unabashedly say he'd a little girl to spoil and tease as much as he teases his little mouse.
"Now wouldn't that be fun, hm?"
He...almost doesn't understand what she is talking about?
A child? Inside her? What was it doing there?
Logically he knows how it got there but...
His initial reaction may not be the best, as he is not entirely sure how to take it, not because he necessarily upset, even if he may seem that way at first.
He may come off as sullen or despondent at first, but that's only out of shock and maybe some worry.
He doesn't consider it a bad thing when he settles and actually thinks about it. Truth be told, the more he does think about it, the more he likes the idea of having a child with Y/N. A bit apprehensive but glad, even if he doesn't say as much.
He will feel infinitely more protective of her, being extra picky about who is near, how near they are and for how long. This particularly applies to Shingen.
He will cut any potential threat to her and his unborn child to pieces.
He doesn't think too much about the gender but...perhaps a boy? And then the next baby will be a girl. In that order.
"Why settle for just one of them? We will have both."
He is broken. Has ceases to function.
He feels as though she is joking at first but no, she is very much carrying a baby.
His baby no less... Well of course its his, there would be no way it could be anyone else's!
Yuki is...losing his mind a little here. He is just short of mentally running around in circles, as though she is already in labour.
Of course he is overjoyed in ways that can't be described. Once the shock has dissipated, he will pick her up and spin her around, his smile capable of lighting up the night sky with it's brightness.
He does worry about being a good father to the baby, but he vows in his heart he will do everything in his power to be there for his child.
He may not mind the gender of the baby, but if asked, he may say he would prefer a girl. If asked why, he may stutter and grumble that he just wants one, avoiding eye contact and his cheeks tinting red a bit.
"...I want her to be as pretty as Y/N..."
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