moodboardmix · 2 years
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“An” Villa, Haoxing, Zhejiang provice, China,
Landscaping: TROP  terrains + open space,
For Yoland Real Estate, New Hope, Vanke
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Deity Drop 3: Imbrex
Another entry, and another new type of demigod, this time being one of the mighty fey Eldest!
As their name suggests, the Eldest are very old and very powerful, and many of them may in fact be old enough to remember when the gods first created the First World as a rough draft of what would become reality, and when they abandoned it for the creation they painted over their home with.
Because of this, the Eldest are the ones that feel the general fey estrangement from the gods the most. Most are content to ignore the gods just as they themselves have been ignored, while others treat them with disdain or even hatred, particularly their worshippers. In any case, while they feel distant from the divine, the Eldest are somewhat akin to them, being of demigod status able to grant boons and divine magic to those that devote themselves to them. However, unlike other deities or even demideities, the Eldest treat their relationship with their followers as a more mundane sort of fealty than true divinities, perhaps because comparatively speaking there is less distance between the Eldest and their mortal following, but also because most Eldest have much more in common with mortal rulers and figures than cosmic beings with esoteric moral agendas in the multiverse.
In any case, that brings us to today’s subject, and one of the more alien Eldests, Imbrex, whose mysterious form, origins, and motives make them bizarre even by fey standards.
It is said that Imbrex favors endings, statuary, and twins. The latter two making sense given their immobility and apparent form, but the exact nature of their connection to endings is unclear, as theories range from simply their tendency to make strange telepathic proclamations and prophecies, to rumors that Imbrex will only move when it comes time to destroy the Material Plane and First World alike and start anew
To stop beating around the bush, Imbrex is called “The Twins” because of the form they take, being a pair of massive statues of androgynous, vaguely reptilian humanoids that stand side by side, holding hands. It is not known if Imbrex is one entity with two bodies, or two entities with a linked identity, or even if the statues are their actual true form at all. Either way, they never move, and only communicate with occasional telepathic broadcasts to those below them.
Around the feet of The Twins, a city by the name of Anophaeus has sprung up, the oldest buildings of which are literally built atop their feet or wrapped around their ankles, though drilling into the stone of Imbrex themselves is forbidden for obvious reasons. The architecture of Anophaeus is otherwise fairly mundane, resembling a Material Plane city in most respects. There in Anophaeus, the population enjoy the strange and addictive effects of Imbrex’s dreams, and follow their commands, no matter how strange or nonsensical they may be. Imbrex, for their part, seems as indifferent to their population as they are for all living beings, though sometimes attackers that try to invade the city are blasted by a constant stream of psychic assault.
Imbrex’s worshippers are few due to their indifference and the seeming randomness with which they respond to questions or the actions of their cultists, sometimes punishing them for poorly understood slights, or rewarding them or equally inscruitable reasons. For the most part, such worshippers instead focus on trying to interpret the strange Eldest’s will and what role they may truly have in the end times, if any.
Like all Eldest, Imbrex has no known relationship with the gods, though they do seem to be on good terms with fellow Eldest Magdh and Ragadahn, who also have an interest in prophecy and fate. If they can make more sense of Imbrex than others, however, the two do not deign to explain The Twins’ actions to others.
Imbrex does not seem to have any special servants of their own, but the various fey and mortals living at their feet, and when they do send out devotees to do their bidding, it is for tasks that even their servants do not fully understand.
Imbrex presides over the domains of Community, Earth, Law, and Strength, as well as the subdomains of Family, Home, Metal, and Resolve, reflecting the protection they offer their city domain and sheer earthen size and might, both of which worshippers may try to emulate.
Meanwhile, in 2nd edition, they preside over dreams, earth, family, and might, reflecting much the same as before, but now adding their connection to their strange dreams to the mix. Additionally, their clerics gain access to spells that link minds with telepathy, create duplicate images, and harden the flesh.
Those who show special devotion to Imbrex undergo a ritual in which they sculpt a humanoid figure, break it in half, and then repair it or otherwise bind the two halves. Doing so gives them a small measure of The Twin’s stony durability, their skin turning hard and pale like white stone.
However, as lesser divinities, the other blessings of Obedience are much simpler, being naught but an array of spells. Imbrex in particular grants access to magic that immobilizes foes or leaves them under a curse of misfortune, projects illusionary duplicates, lets the caster take on a statue-like form, and finally, unleash a destructive divine storm.
The Fey Eldest are barely mentioned in Starfinder so far, but they are not absent. Imbrex has not been mentioned so far, but I imagine they are still around. However, given the belief that Imbrex will one day wipe the Material Plane clean to start over, I imagine that some cults and fringe theorists might believe that such a prophecy might have referred to The Gap, and that the fugue that all experienced during that time was a result of them resetting reality, or perhaps attempting to and having been stopped.
 That will do for tonight, but there are still two entries left to do this week!
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Other critters I need to mention more on this blog at some point:
--The King of Glass: Outer God that’s a living planet. The world has fallen in love with its sun and showers it with ‘gifts’ taken from all over the cosmos. It primarily gathers these gifts by trading with mortals and immortals, sending out elaborate, eldritch artwork made from the rainbow-shaded glass it can create from the sand that makes up most of its body in exchange for gifts for its beloved. While these works tend to be mundane (if unsettling), more than a few of them have some unusual, otherworldly, or even dangerous function.
--Oa-Imago, the Deepwoods Mirage: Chaotic Good Great Old One that lives in the border between dream and reality and can cause the two to overlay with its presence. Enjoys dancing among mortal dreams and visiting its favorite ‘friends’ in the waking world to transform them into whatever they desire, though its efforts to contain its destructive and disorienting presence are... lacking, in some areas. It has little concept of pain, fear, or death; these things mean little to a dream, after all, though it’s come to understand that it must undo what it does to its ‘friends’ more often than not.
--The Gravesong: A mysterious melody that haunts the First World like a specter; some remnant of a fallen Eldest, or a haunting song too beautiful to ever stop playing, or perhaps the shards of whatever Death could be found in the First World before it was moved closer to the Positive Energy Plane. Anyone who hears it becomes obsessed with the idea of recreating it, but normal musical instruments won’t do. No, the only equipment that could properly capture the Gravesong have to be crafted from more robust materials. Flesh, blood, bone, and things still stranger, so long as they relate to death and decay.
--The Indomitable Radiance: A creature referenced a few times in other articles already; the Radiance is an Outer God of beauty so pristine, flawless, and true that no creature that looks upon it can bear to look away. With the loss of its home dimension, the Radiance is concerned with preparing a cabal of trusted individuals from all over the Great Beyond to maintain and impose its alien ideals of order and beauty on whatever unwitting world it longs to conquer, with the long-term hope of establishing a society so perfect and cleanly that it can march upon the universe and eradicate Chaos (in all its forms) altogether... because the background radiation of entropy itself causes frays and faults across its body, and that won’t do.
--Aquila-Rediannadier, the Inverse Orchestra: Perhaps it’s a song, or an idea, or a form of life so bizarre it could never survive in our cosmos in any other form. It is perhaps a child of Azathoth, because it seems to dance to the orchestra that surrounds the Sultan, but more importantly is that its amorphous body reflects alien melodies into its surroundings, much to the detriment of whatever creatures may be nearby. Some find madness, some find destruction, but some find twisted inspiration in watching it sing and dance.
--The Loathsome, Shaggy Beast: An abomination, a glitch in reality made manifest when the Eldest Fey Imbrex dared to dream a little too far beyond reality. It’s purposely nameless as to avoid being defined, rejecting any attempt by the world to tell it what it should be as it shifts from grotesque form to abhorrent shape; the title that it bears was imposed upon it by the Eldest in an attempt to cage its concept in a body that could be killed, but as a living recurring nightmare it cannot be permanently slain, rising time and time again from dream and memory.
--The Mother of Filth and her children: A disgusting and corrupt Outer God from a past cycle, the Mother of Filth is bound by obsession in all its forms, but is primarily obsessed with reclaiming all the power it once had by consuming and replacing entire civilizations with its Filthbreed simulacra. There’s also its children, the siblings of the Bloodletter and Clorpt, each claimed by a different obsession: The Wretched, obsessed with microbial life; and the Fragrance Architect, obsessed with scents and decay.
--A bunch of demigods: Like Caerbannog, Nascent Demon Lord of Aggressive Mimicry and Camouflage; an unnamed Vesltrac Demagogue of isolation and meditation, who locks victims away in featureless demiplanes until their sanities have snapped; Saint Caligine, velstrac founder of “Gastromasochism,” who encourages his followers to consume horrifying (and especially spicy) foods to experience new forms of pain; and a handful of disgusting qlippoth lords.
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enddaysengine · 24 days
Xulgaths (Paths Beyond)
One of the reasons for my posting slowdown last year was looking ahead and send daunting prospect of covering every xulgath variant featured in Extinction Curse.  Don’t get me wrong, I was also excited about it, xulgaths are great! At the pace I was moving out though, it would’ve taken months. Today we are going to cover the base model and expect those variations to pop up occasionally as side quests. And yes, if you plan on doing anything related to xulgaths, make sure you check out the Extinction Curse adventure path, along with Occult Bestiary, Monster Codex, and Darklands Revisited.  
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Xulgath's defining cultural feature is that they got knocked back several civilizational levels thousands of years ago and have been unwilling or unable to recover. While they are a Stone Age civilization, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. First, while they don't have the rest of Golarion's fancy new technologies, a lot can be achieved with stone, bone, and sinew, so they still have skilled laborers. Second, the ruined cities of their ancestors could contain just about anything, so they absolutely could reverse engineer lost technologies unexpectedly. Third, magic is still a thing and xulgaths definitely have access to it, with the arcane tradition being the only one that doesn’t fit. Plus, those unexpected past technologies could absolutely include magical innovations, not just engineering. 
Biologically, xulgaths have two main features. Xulgath stench is iconic, so expect them to not be as bothered by the rotten and the foul as other humanoids. If the table is comfortable with it, this is a good opportunity to make the encounter more visceral. Smells don’t get involved as much in writing and games as sight and sound, so take advantage of that olfactory opportunity. The other thing about xulgaths is the generations of exposure to the Outer Rifts and (unrelated) magical radiation have made them extremely prone to mutation. This could be to a body horror aficionado’s delight, but it’s also a great excuse to throw new and weird variants of these reptiles at your players. Again, see Extinction Curse for exemplars.  
Finally, the T-Rex in the living room. Xulgaths have a strong affinity for dinosaurs, which is a great excuse to haul out every prehistoric critter in the book. It’s also a useful way to distinguish xulgaths from serpentfolk, who also live in the underground ruins of their empire and are also highly prone to mutation. The dino aspect does wonders for giving xulgaths their own identity, so make sure you use it. 
Relations between xulgaths and other humanoids range from uneasy tension to outright violence almost everywhere. They are likely the calmest in the Land of the Mammoth Lords, although they still aren't exactly friendly. Nevertheless, the region's Kellids and Xulgath respect each other's drive to survive and admiration of massive, prehistoric creatures. Once every decade, xulgath emissaries emerge from the Darklands for the Night of Skin and Scales, where they exchange tales of gods, spirits, and shamans alongside hallucinogenic fire pits. 
Szvean the Iconoclast spurns all gods, declaring that all deities have exploited and marginalized the Xulgath people. She hates demon lords, but truly despises Aroden. More than any other mortal, she has mapped the tunnels beneath Axis in search of a way into the Last Azlanti's realm. Once within, she plans to destroy the last of his legacy as he destroyed her people, but in the meanwhile, she must contend with Norgorber and Thamir's minions. 
Many xulgath communities consider conjoined twins, or twinskulls, to be blessed by one of several demon lords. Some less orthodox communities believe this blessing to come from the First World rather than the Outer Rifts. They believe twinskulls are touched by Imbrex, granting the power over stone and oracular insights. Many of these twinskulls dream of the Statue Lords, but in the place of the fey city of Anophaeus at Imbrex's feet, they see a vast plain of ancient ruins and megalithic stones. Most scholars are quick to dismiss these as flights of fancy, but some maintain they contain some element of truth. Whether these are prophecies of the future, recollections of the past, or some kind of dreamscape within Imbrex itself remains to be seen.
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Digging a huge Roman site this week..lots of pottery and enough imbrex and tegula to reroof my house.
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eldritch-transgirl · 1 year
Would pf2e deities be trans-positive?
List and descriptions of deiities from Archives of Nethys
I am right about all of these
In aphabetical order:
Aakriti: Goo god is strongly trans-positive.
Abadar: Capitalist bastard. Will charge exhorbitant prices for medical transition.
Abraxas: Could trans your gender but won’t because he wants to see you suffer.
Achaekek: Couldn’t care less. Although he doesn’t like transphobes, as being transphobic is a waste of time.
Adanye: Supportive, not mcuh more to it really.
Ahriman: Just a dick, doesn’t hate trans people, just hates everyone.
Alglenweis: CG so probably supportive? Cant really find much about her personality.
Alseta: Literally the god of transitions.
Andoletta: Old lady who just wants to “protect the children”.
Angazhan: Doesn’t care just wants you to kill things.
Angradd: Another deity where there isnt a lot to go off. LG could swing either way.
Anubis: Im just going to leave the ones where I don’t have enough to off blank.
Apollyon: You’re just another body.
Arazni: If your coming out goes badly, she’s the one to pray to.
Ardad Lili: If you pass she’s alright, if you don’t then she hates you.
Arqueros: Too busy to care.
Arshea: The perfect ally.
Arundhat: Doesn’t care.
Ashava: Will be there for you your entire journey.
Asmodeus: Could trans your gender, but you probably shouldn’t sign that contract.
Atreia: A little too obsessed with purity for me to trust him.
Ayrzul: If you aren’t Ymeri he does not care about you.
Azathoth: The embodiment of the uncaring, unfeeling universe.
Baalzebub: Doesn’t care.
Balumbdar: Entire personality is that he likes big things. You are too small.
Baphomet: Doesn’t care.
Barbatos: Doesnt care.
Barzahk: Doesn’t care.
Belial: This guy fucks nasty and as long as you do too he’s chill.
Bergelmir: I want her to be chill, but she’s just too attached to tradition for me think so.
Besmara: If you’re on her crew, full support. If not, she will be a bigot to get under your skin.
Black Butterfly: All about introspection, totally chill.
Brigh: Totally cool.
Calistra: Doesn’t care.
Casandalee: Chill.
Cayden Cailean: Will fight anyone who misgenders you.
Chaldira: Will also fight anyone who misgenders you.
Chamidu: Chill.
Charon: Doesn’t care.
Chohar: Chill.
Count Ranalc: Doesn’t care.
Cyth-V’sug: Doesn’t care.
Dagon: Doesn’t care.
Dajermube: Goddess of self-realisation.
Desna: Chill.
Diomazul: Doesn’t care.
Dispater: Doesn’t care.
Doloras: Doesn’t care.
Droskar: Doesn’t care.
Eiseth: Chill.
Erastil. Values the community over the individual. If your community doesn’t accept you, he doesn’t either.
Eritrice: Chill.
Falayna: Terf.
Fandarra: Terf.
Findeladlara: CG but her edicts are all about tradition and shit. idk probably a terf.
Gendowyn: Terf.
General Susumu:
Geryon: Chill.
Ghlaunder: Doesn’t care.
Gogunta: Doesn’t care.
Gorum: Doesn’t care.
Gozreh: Doesn’t care.
Grandmother Spider: Chill.
Groetus: Doesn’t care.
Gruhastha: Chill.
Haagenti: Chill.
Hastur: Chill.
Hei Feng: Depends on the day.
Hshurha: Chill, but would like you more if you didn’t have a solid form.
Imbrex: Doesn’t care.
Immonhiel: Terf.
Iomedae: Doesn’t care.
Irez: Doesn’t care.
Irori: Chill.
Jin Li: Chill.
Kabriri: Doesn’t care.
Kalekot: Chill.
Kazutal: Chill.
Kelizandri: Doesn’t care.
Kerkamoth: Chill.
Kitumu: Doesn’t care.
Kofusachi: Chill.
Korada: Chill, but wants you to keep in touch with transphobic family members.
Kurgess: Doesn’t care.
Lady Jingxi:
Lady Nanbyo:
Lamashtu: The m-preg goddess. If you want to give birth but can’t, and don’t mind if it’s to a monster, pray to her.
Lao Sho Po:
Likha: Chill.
Lorthact: Too desperate to be transphobic to you, if you pray to him.
Lubaiko: Chill.
Luhar: Doesn’t care.
Lymnieris: Chill.
Lysianassa: Doesn’t care.
Magdh: Know’s that you’re trans before you do, and will bring it up multiple times. Other than that chill.
Mahathallah: Doesn’t care.
Mammon: Doesn’t care.
Marishi: Chill.
Mazludeh: Chill.
Mephistopheles: Can trans your gender, but it’s a bad idea.
Milani: Chill.
Moloch: Doesn’t care.
Monad: Chill.
Mother Vulture: Chill.
Nalinivati: Terf.
Narakaas: Chill, if you die before you are happy with your transition, they will help.
Narriseminek: Will trans your gender, no strings attached.
Nethys: Either chill or wildly transphobic depending on the day.
Ng: Chill.
Nhimbaloth: Doesn’t care.
Nivi Rhombodazzle: Chill.
Nocticula: Chill.
Norgorber: Doesn’t care.
Nurgal: Doesn’t care.
Nyarlathotep: Doesn’t care.
Orcus: Doesn’t care.
Otolmens: Chill.
Pazuzu: Doesn’t care.
Pharasma: Chill.
Picoperi: Chill.
Pulura: Chill.
Qi Zhong:
Ragadahn: Doesn’t care.
Ragathiel: Chill.
Ragdya: Chill.
Ranginori: Chill.
Ravithra: Doesn’t care.
Rovagug: Doesn’t care.
Rowdrosh: Chill.
Sairazul: Doesn’t care.
Saloc: Chill.
Sarenrae: Chill.
Set: Doesn’t care.
Shax: Doesn’t care, just hates everyone.
Shelyn: Terf.
Shizuru: Chill.
Shyka: Chill.
Sivanah: Chill.
Skode: Chill.
Soralyon: Doesn’t care.
Stag Mother of the Forest of Stones:
Sun Wukong:
Suyuddha: Doesn’t care.
Szuriel: Doesn’t care.
The Green Mother: Doesn’t care.
The Lantern King: Chill.
The Lost Prince: Chill.
Thisamet: Chill.
Torag: Has no idea what your talking about, but is supportive of whatever you want.
Treerazer: Doesn’t care.
Trelmarixian: Doesn’t care.
Tsukiyo: Chill.
Urgathoa: Chill.
Uvuko: Chill.
Valmallos: Loves making things difficult for others, won’t misgender you but will make medical transition a process.
Vildeis: Doesn’t care.
Vineshvakhi: Doesn’t care.
Walkena: Doesn’t care.
Xhamen-Dor: Doesn’t care.
Ydajisk: Chill.
Ydersius: Doesn’t know what that means.
Yelayne: Doesn’t care.
Ylimancha: Doesn’t care.
Ymeri: Doesn’t care.
Yog-Sothoth: Chill.
Zevgavizeb: Doesn’t care.
Zohls: Chill.
Zon-Cuthon: Wants you to mutilate your body, not be happy in it.
Zura: Chill.
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homregeszet · 1 year
Miskolci Régész Enciklopédia - Tetőcserép
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A Magyar nyelv értelmező szótára alapján ez a tárgytípus nem más, mint a háztető fedésére használt, (lapos, illetve öblösen vagy hullámosan formált) cserép. A meglehetősen tömör leírás azonban egy sokkal izgalmasabb tárgytípust takar.
Tetőcserepeket már az ókorban is készítettek. A Római Birodalom idején is több helyen használták az épületek tetején ezt a fajta fedést. A náddal vagy zsindellyel ellentétben a tetőcserepek tűzállóbbak, az időjárási viszontagságokat is könnyebben átvészelik, emellett élettartamuk is hosszabb. A római lapos cserepek neve tegula, az ívelődő cserepeket pedig imbrex-ként találjuk meg a szakirodalomban.
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1.kép: Római tetőcserepek Pompeiben
A Római Birodalom bukását követően a tetőcserepek használata, készítése is feledésbe merült. A közölt régészeti adatok alapján a 9. században emelt hildesheimi katedrális tetőfedésénél használtak ismét cserépből készült elemeket. Ebben az időszakban azonban még nem a teljes tetőt borították be cserepekkel, csupán a gerincet és annak környékét fedték kemény anyaggal – a többi részen nádat vagy zsindelyt alkalmaztak.
A 10-11. században az uralkodói és vallási központok épületein egyre gyakrabban alkalmaztak cserepeket Nyugat-Európában. Az elemek felhelyezését ekkor már az ókori cserepekhez hasonlóan végezték. A szakirodalom ezt a fajta rakásmódot barátfedésnek írja le: a két lapos elemet az ívelt példányok „átölelik”. Az alábbi grafika is ezt érzékelteti.
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2.kép: Barátfedés
Néhány alkalommal a római kori elemeket is újra felhasználták. Erre szép példa hazánk területéről a balatoncsicsói templom, ahol a 14. századi templom tetejének egyes részeit a környékbeli római villák romjaiból összegyűjtött cserepekkel fedték be. Az antik darabok mellett a középkorra keltezhető, lekerekített végű, cseréplécre akasztható töredékek is előkerültek a feltárás során.
A cserepeket a tetőn vízszintesen futó lécekre helyezték fel. Az elkészült darabokat vagy szöggel erősítették fel, vagy a hátoldalukon lévő bütyökkel, más néven orral akasztották fel azt. A képi ábrázolások és a régészeti leletek alapján azt is tudjuk, hogy a cserepeket egy vékony habarcsréteggel egymáshoz is ragaszthatták. Ezt a módszert láthatjuk egy 15. századi, nürnbergi mesterről készített rajzon is.
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3. kép: Fritz Decker tetőfedő munka közben. Forrás: https://hausbuecher.nuernberg.de/75-Amb-2-317-24-v/data
A tetőcserép meglepő módon egyfajta luxuscikknek is tekinthető a középkorban. Előállítása ugyanis nem volt olcsó mulatság. A megfelelő nyersanyagok mellett szükség volt a készítéséhez értő mesterre és egy jól felszerelt műhelyre is. A kész áru törékeny volta és nagy tömege miatt nehezen volt szállítható. Éppen ezért többnyire egy-egy nagyobb beruházás közelében hoztak létre a mester szerződtetésével egy ideiglenes műhelyt, amelyet az építkezés befejezése után általában meg is szüntettek.
A sima, barna vagy vöröses cserepek mellett ismerünk mázzal fedett, színes darabokat is. A zöld, sárga, fehér és kék színekben pompázó példányok segítségével akár mintát is ki lehetett alakítani. Egy ilyen cserepes tető pedig már messziről hirdette, hogy fedele alatt fontos egyházi vagy világi épület található.
Miskolczi Melinda
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endawn · 1 month
azarain once told me I was the strongest warrior in all of tamriel. but that is a lie. a strong man would have ended his life long ago. he would have delivered sten..darr's justice upon his soul. i am weak man, and so, i live.
a journal documenting a vigilant's attempts to cure his vampirism
Ste..ndarr, also known as Stendarr the Steadfast,[1] is the God of Mercy, Charity, Well-Earned Luck,[2] and Justice.[3] He is also acclaimed as the God of Compassion,[4][5] and Righteous Rule by Might and Merciful Forbearance.[6] Sten..darr is the Apologist of Men,[7] patron of the Imperial Legion,[8] magistrates, rulers, and knights errant,[9] and one of the Divines.[10] [...]the mercy of Sten..darr does not extend to the enemies of mortals, who are referred to as Abominations, and the Divine considers them abhorrent and unnatural, and deserving of extermination without mercy.[41] Vinicius Imbrex, Archbishop of Chorrol, defined four kinds of Abominations - daedra, lycanthropes, the undead and vampires 
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sandstore · 2 years
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#art #design #landscaping #gardens #trop terrains + open space
#yoland real estate #new hope #vanke #poetry
#heritage #roof #imbrex #tegula #roof tiles
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phileartfrog · 4 years
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this year i had a great time doing a big revenge chain with oldchalk (yes, they’re all their characters, they’re all great, in order : Kluggius, Imbrex, Sherlinnio and Solnan)
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dailycharacteroption · 4 months
Planar Tour Guide: The First World part 2
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(art by davvworlds on DeviantArt)
Like I said yesterday, The First World is ever-changing, with only the will of especially powerful fey keeping any area stable in a decently permanent fashion. While it is true that a particular biome could last decades on it’s own, every part of the plane is subject to the potential of great waves of change rushing over everything, turning forests to deserts, mountains to oceans, and the familiar into the utterly unfamiliar. Remember that this plane contains every concept dreamed up by the gods before the final creation was made, so impossible physics, magical laws, and the like are all possible. You might see floating islands, or colossal trees with continent-spanning branches, strange places where all that is naturally tiny is massive, and so on. You might even see strange playtime lands where massive cards and dice are overgrown with plant life like the stones of a long-dead city, and the like.
So with all these constant changes, it can be difficult to try and make broad statements about this vast realm. As such, instead we’ll focus on listing the semi-permenant realms ruled over by Eldest and other powerful fey with the wills to keep their personal domains stable.
One of the biggest cities on the plane is Anophaeus, the so-called First City on account of having existed supposedly even before Axis. The city is the divine domain of Imbrex, the fey eldest resembling colossal twin statues, while the city sprouts up around, over, and even up the feet and legs of the immobile divinity. There, First World gnomes and other fey trade in many wondrous things and try to interpret the telepathic dreams of their patron.
As the name suggests, the Crumbling Tower is a partially ruined edifice that serves as the home of the Lost Prince, the Eldest of melancholy and lonliness. It is inhabited by him and his followers, who work constantly to shore up the construction of the tower even as it’s top floors continue to crumble and fall. Though hardly an appealing place for most, the Lost Prince’s library, the Helix, is one of the best in the First World.
Meanwhile, in a misty forest where mirror-like pools abound, the Forest Pools is the realm of Magdh and her norns, all of which quietly watch the future and see all possibilities for both the First World and the entirety of the cosmos.
Cast in perpetual twilight by the canopy of the Silkwood and suspended on cords of spider silk, the Hanging Bower is the home of the Green Mother, the eldest of the predatory allure of nature. It is a place of sensual revelry where companionship and intoxicants are at their most varied. It is also, however, a place of politics and intrigue, with many a deal conducted in a seedy pleasure den. Just be careful if you catch the attention of the Green Mother herself. While she has her own desires and intrigues, not all survive her attention.
Rising high atop a mountain and constantly shifting between different eras of it’s own construction, the House of Eternity is home to Shyka the Many, the eldest of time. Shyka’s library the most comprehensive that most beings could ever hope to find, supposedly having a copy of every book that has or ever will be written. Of course, Shyka is likely to demand a price, usually some unique artifact, in exchange to taking a peek.
Ruined and sunk to the bottom of the deepest trench of the Cerulean Sea, Karaphas the Drowned is home to the father of linnorms, the eldest Ragadahn. Few are allowed to enter, but ramshackle cities spring up along the outskirts populated by those seeking the favor of their ruler.
Count Ranalc is long gone, but his domain Nighthold remains, though not unchanged, with the Bleeding Mount volcano raining ash and fire on the ruins of his acropolis. Shadows and wicked fey rule, held back by a fence of magical lanterns. According to legend, if someone can make it to and sit on the throne of the realm, they will become it’s ruler, though no one has survived the attempt thus far.
An onion-domed compound with inward-curved walls, the Palace of Seasons lies in the middle of a desert, and is watched over by the eldest Ng. Within it’s empty halls one can find many secrets, including specimens of exotic seasons that were tested, but never implemented on any world of the Material Plane. Though regarded by most as his home, Ng claims that he is actually watching over the realm for another eldest.
Finally, the Witchmarket, is an oddity among permanent fey realms in that it is much more mobile than they are, a roving caravan of fey merchants that travel not just around the First World, but also onto the Material Plane, though it is clear to those who enter that they are not quite within the familiar world while among it’s wagons and tents. It is said anything can be found there, but the merchants do not truck in coin, instead accepting payment in often-dangerous services, new magic, and seemingly impossible and ephemeral things.
Additionally, there are a few things one must also note about the First World beyond the tricks of fey and the ever-shifting landscape. The first is that magic is wild and unstable. In many places, it is traditionally wild, but in others, it simply becomes unpredictable, forcing casters to focus their will to make sure the spell happens as intended, though some of these effects are beneficial.
The other thing to remember is that just as parts of the First World are stabilized by the will of the Eldest, so too is the rest of the plane affected by the will of those within. Though difficult, it is possible to create temporary changes to the environment by focusing on it, though exactly the extent of how much can be changed depends on the power of the one doing the altering. These can range from reshaping a wood thicket to allow a path through to cleaving out a temporary demiplane from the First World, which appears to outsiders to be a fenced-off realm within the plane that none without strong magic can penetrate or peer into.
That will do for today, but as we can see, the First World is capable of cities and structure, but the fact it is made up of everything that is or might have been part of the Material Plane makes it a place of abundance and wild chaos, of infinite generation and renewal as all ideas are constantly changed and remixed with each other. Look forward to tomorrow when we talk about the creatures that live there!
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btcmanager · 6 years
Ethereum dApp Roundup Part 1: Platforms
Ethereum dApp Roundup Part 1: Platforms
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The incredible versatility of the Ethereum blockchain has enabled a plethora of different decentralized apps (dApps) to exist. In the following series will see ten platform dApps under the spotlight. 1. Golem Making extra cash while browsing social media is the central promise of Golem, a...
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Our orc this week in our random rolls gave us some limited choices in classes. Pretty much any caster class was out or she wouldn’t be able to cast any spells. Her eventual turn from the traditional orcish chaotic evil to becoming lawful neutral ment barbarian was out as a class as well. So I decided on her becoming a fighter. Not a traditional role for orcish women but then the joy was in making that work.
Is this how your character turned out? What class did your orc choose? Who was the demon that possessed her? What was the war of her childhood? Why did she take up the worship of Imbrex?
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imperiumrp · 2 years
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 Lawren Maximus’s rule is spoken of like a distant memory— for 15 years under the steel tyrant felt like a lifetime. Nearly two decades have passed since Maximus made his long awaited move. The differences that once allowed the individual kingdoms to thrive became unrecognizable under the King’s totalizing rule. The kingdom of EDESSA, once known for their brilliant scholars and powerful mages, wilted under the new magic laws. The use of the elements becomes illegal in all factions— mages are rounded up, and the remainder go into hiding. Most are confronted with an impossible task; regaining some sense of normalcy, through obtaining a life wholly unlike the existence they once led before. Some would adjust without issue. The majority would not. The kingdom of FLORENTIA, once a whispered legend of wealth and luxury, became a center of greed. Their hidden pile of gold and jewels became another source of power for the royal family, a way to fuel their efforts to expand their rule even further, and the citizens could do nothing but watch as their life’s work became another jewel in the tyrant’s bloodied crown. The kingdom of CELEIA was hit the hardest. Once a center of trade and commerce, the citizens watched as their harbors got taken over by warships. Trade slowed to a near stop as traveling merchants struggled to get through the wall of ships, and the citizens grew desperate as their livelihoods disappeared across the ocean. It is this very dissatisfaction of a small majority within CELEIA that leads to the conception of FORNACE. It was started by ANDRONICUS IMBREX, who could no longer watch firsthand the continuous destruction of his community and livelihood. Many older, disillusioned members of the kingdom would join this secret group, with the intention of infiltrating the king’s ranks— and inciting a rebellion from the inside. Several years have passed since the group’s inception— and many of its members began growing restless. One member in particular was at odds with Andronicus, so much so, that AELIA VESTA, with a face reminiscent of a fallen queen, would form a group of her own, and thus, OBSTINATAM is born. A group willing to achieve their freedom by any means necessary— a group willing to resort to the lowly ways that first allowed the tyrant to secure the kingdoms in the first place. Restless, and at odds, the groups continue pursuing their respective plans— knowing that those aligned with the KING, ZENO MAXIMUS, and those of NEUTRAL allegiances possessed undertakings of their own, one’s that could present roadblocks in the path to their desired retribution. Most understand now that there is no returning to the normalcy achieved prior to the Maximus siege. There is only the promise of the future, and the potentialities it may hold. THE DIE HAS BEEN CAST—
IMPERIUM is a 21+ fantasy roleplay taking place in the kingdom of Celeia 15 years after King Lawren Maximus of Tyrus deposed their ruler and the rulers of all the neighboring kingdoms. The people in the kingdoms have grown restless. Two clashing rebel groups are presently plotting against the monarchy— while people aligned with the king and neutral allegiance pursue desires of their own. With all the conflicting motivations, what truly is in store for the kingdom of Celeia and beyond? Inspired by The Crown and The Flame, Game of Thrones, and The Cruel Prince. REBLOG this post for a SNEAK PEAK at the MASTERLIST and  for a chance to pick the skeleton of your choice to drop first!
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catoseveran · 2 years
WHO: closed for @andronicusimbrex​ WHERE: imbrex’s forge WHEN: 11 aprilis
NOT MUCH TIME PASSES BEFORE news of a certain blacksmith’s visit makes its way around the castle staff— and further information is uncovered once Cato finally promises not to scare their now beloved blacksmith away. He does not dwell on the reality, and low probability of him even being capable of such, and instead assures them that he’ll try his best not to. And in all honesty, Cato wasn’t quite sure what to do about it in the first place. 
They still weren’t exactly sure, even as they departed in the direction of Imbrex’s Forge, and even still with their body now propped up against the forge’s door. Planning felt all the more daunting with the uptake in unpredictability following the Maximus siege. “You’ve made quite the stir amongst the castle staff, Andronicus. Though, not for the reasons you’d expect, I can only assume.” His pleasant demeanor and agreeable features were details Cato politely insisted were irrelevant to his present inquiry, but ones that remained centered in the stories of most of who’d he asked.  
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“So, either you considered the risks of me potentially finding out and did so anyway,” Cato outlines, eyes still leveled at Andronicus searchingly. ”Or you decided me knowing didn’t pose any sort of risk in the first place.” Neither possibility was ideal. “Careful. You wouldn’t want the treatment of your allies to begin reeking of Maximus tendencies.” What sort of information had Andronicus sought that would lead him to circumventing Cato altogether? The very possibilities deflate their lips into a firm line, and they look to the blacksmith expectantly— the budding suspicion enough to dull his once lustrous eyes.
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selenaevander · 3 years
Prompt #10: Heady
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(Thomas Kinkade, Country Living)
The soiree, by all technicalities, was exquisite, I suppose. A coterie of well-intentioned men and women porting dainty champagne flutes swayed to the sweet wail of an orchestra and did their due diligence in running up the silent auction with the cushion of charity sending the amounts into the stratosphere. Besuited gentlemen clapped each other on the shoulders, attaboy after attaboy for their wins in the form of royal portraiture, nude women draped like velvet across expansive divans, and a particularly controversial piece of an Imperial legatus in nothing but his helmet, cradling a young pugnax with a half-stirred erection which fetched sums into eight digits. For my part, I spent most of the evening studying brushstrokes and contemplating the intent of the artist while pointedly ignoring my wealthy colleagues, largely pleased with the curation of the evening until they arrived at their last offering.
On the easel stood a landscape depicting a rural scene in vivid color, invoking every possible color of the rainbow to render in excruciating detail the most yawning facets of such a numbingly primitive existence. The artist spared nothing right down to the ruts in the dirt road, reminiscent of tank treads, though admittedly that might have been one detail that would improve the pointless and saccharine fantasyland that one intrepid artist wasted paint on in order to give life to his awful vision. I was certain this saturated nightmare would be met with silence, particularly after such a strong showing of previous oeuvres, but one brave sign flew up in the back ten seconds after the opening bid, and it was followed closely by a smattering of audacious competitors. I watched in mute horror as a handful of attendees racked up a total that hit six million before the gavel came down, and the winner was declared to be none other than famed philanthropist and doctor, Darius mal Imbrex.
The auction was adjourned to hearty applause, but I was left with a nagging bother that demanded satisfaction. I couldn't tell you what it was exactly that possessed me to approach the bidder where he admired his spoils; a glass of wine too many is an easy culprit, or perhaps an innate lack of shame if the tabloids are to be believed, but hear me out. A man with the gall to announce his awful aesthetic choices to a room of class and distinction (or so I thought) can afford a little scrutiny.
When the crowd thinned, we stood side-by-side in front of the framed work in shared silence, me clutching a glass of red between three fingers, him adjusting his cufflinks in the shadow of his newest possession. I caught him glancing at me from the corner of his vision, waiting for me to behave in the expected fashion and introduce myself, which I didn't. I rarely have to, these days. He wanted me to say something, to state my business being so close, but I allowed the discomfort to stretch on for what must have felt like an excruciating forty-six seconds for him until he broke. "Lovely piece, isn't it?"
"You paid six million for this...?"
"That's right." He tried to exchange a smile, hoping for the shared experience of admiring fine art with a stranger, but I was only just beginning.
"You couldn't pay me six million to take this unless it was to promptly dispose of it," I declare crisply, wine glass pinched near my chest with three fingers. It's then that I smile, the absolute bitch.
"Excuse me?"
"It's gaudy. And not only is it gaudy, but it's sentimental, syrupy, and garish. It's as though the artist asked himself about what color palette he ought to use and his answer was simply 'yes'. Perhaps the art here is the delusion of what it's like to live as a peasant where you wake up to the smell of an animal's ass every day. Has this man ever seen a farm? It's horrible. Nature is unruly and disgusting."
The offense was written all over his expression, something I'm all too familiar with when I give in to my most bullish tendencies, but he surprised me, too. When the initial shock faded from his proud features, he turned his body toward me and away from the painting and pressed further: "What else do you dislike about it?"
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