#Imelda x poppy
myokk · 2 days
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phinik · 1 day
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ohnoema · 6 months
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today I bring you: my fav lesbians
pls is there already a name for this ship? i just love them too much
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enoughyi · 3 months
#12: Among the Blooms
Ship: Imelda Reyes x Poppy Sweeting (x f!MC (Julia Wright))
Summary: The hills, the Sun, and Imelda's shy eyes whenever Poppy steals a kiss from her.
Prompt Number: 66. Staring At The Other’s Lips, Trying Not To Kiss Them, Before Giving In. [>>>link to the list]
Word count: 447. Rating: G-T.
A/N: It's brainrot-powered. Characters are in their 20's.
Tags: @phinik and @myokk because you are responsible for my deth. @infernalrusalka @celestial--sapphic @espressoristretto-patronum
Read on AO3:
Rocky hills of Wales turned a bloom came spring and sprung air with sweet odours of newly grown swards, quickly an ever-presence to the nose still used to scentless crisp of the winter's cold. Scotland could never compare to Wales albeit its strong breath of the soil was a miss.
Neither could gift a weather stasis of Room of Requirement's mellow, homely retreats. But in none of them were winds, or weak gust of sea breeze, or changed angle of its bright yet lifeless sun. Asking Julia or her house elf companion, Deek, wasn't an option; not when the ever-lasting summer of the forest biome became Imelda's favourite haven to escape from rigorous training routines and last year of school, and to kiss her, to kiss them, to have them both to herself without a single interruption minus curiosity from Hazel, the unicorn inhabitant. That cosy addendum to life was a miss, certainly, too.
Life had changed. For the better, not for worse, but the sense of long in the air, stuck in it as the sun grew warmer, reeled up the memories in Imelda's head, Poppy had noticed few years ago.
It wasn't a tough observation.
Each spring, there would be a hill; critters buzzing joyfully at its slope. Imelda will never chose any in particular, but it would be in the open; and years after Poppy could recall wherever Imelda decidedly asked for a tongue snog --and proceeded with it-- with a pinpoint accuracy.
The only ask of Poppy was, "Don't lay me down on a fairy's trail."
A simple ask not to disturb little people always challenged Imelda but not enough to refuse the idea altogether and as decidedly move it to the bedroom. It just meant wherever would be a free patch of land, there will be sun at an angle so peculiar pink on Imelda's cheeks, -- usually unseen but nearly heartfelt by how warm her face would turn, -- would come to sight. Would prompt Poppy to kiss it away from her like many years ago, it playing cheerful red on her lips keeping Imelda wondering if she… if she should and when.
She became less hesitant over the years.
But was it the sun, too, to make her lip captivatingly glimmer?
Was it the smile? the adorable gesture, few fingers covering lips?
The giddy giggle?
What was anything stuck on the lips so fascinating to Imelda she couldn't look away?
She never told, but her eyes were full of shy, back then years ago and right here and there years after. Liked kissing pretty girls under the afternoon sun a tad too much and couldn't acknowledge the silliness to herself, Poppy supposed.
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killsworthss · 2 months
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Poppy giving a nice treat to her lovely girlfriend Imelda
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Not So Little Things
Pairings: Sebastian x F!Reader, Imelda x Poppy
Summary: You receive unlikely advice from Imelda about how to focus on the little things in concern to your “overly friendly” boyfriend.
Warnings: kissing, fluff, brief (deserved?) bullying of Leander
Word Count: 3k
A/N: Granted, openly kissing each other in the 1800s at school, in front of teachers, probably wouldn’t realistically happen. But it does in the wizarding world, I’m making it canon. Also, I kind of fell into the grumpy x sunshine trope with Imelda and Poppy and fell in love with it. Enjoy!
“What are you looking at?”
Natty’s voice, warm like honey, washes over you. However, it does nothing to dampen the spark of anger you’re currently nurturing. At first you almost don’t notice her, until she drops her books down rather loudly on the table besides you.
“Oh, hi Natty,” you say absently.
Her brow furrows. “What is with you?”
In lieu of explaining, you motion across fhe Diviation classroom. A horde of other girls in your year surround Sebastian. The room lights up as he smiles, and his adoring fans giggle while he traces the lines in their palms and predicts their future with seasoned showmanship.
A ball of jealousy forms in the pit of your stomach, like you’ve swallowed something unsavory.
He holds their hands so gingerly, the placement of his fingers on the lines of their palm deliberate and earnest. The same fingers that danced across your skin, played with your hair, and now traitorously entertained the likes of those girls.
Your quill snaps in half as your fist tightens.
Quietly, reserving judgement, Natty rummages in her school bag until she finds a spare. “Here,” she says, proffering it.
“Thanks,” you mumble, both sheepish and apologetic.
One of the girls, a pretty redhead, seizes Sebastian’s hand and presses her palm against his so that their fingers are aligned. Of course, his are much larger, and this contends as an incredibly hilarious reason to collapse into another fit of uncontrollable giggles.
“He doesn’t mean anything by it,” Natty says, finally settling in besides you.
Your molars grind furiously together. In response, you manage to hiss back, “Exactly.”
“He’s just a stupid boy.”
“Yeah but he’s my stupid boy.”
Class begins and you’re left to ruminate in your anger. You can barely focus on anything that Professor Onai is saying, and she mercifully deigns not to call on you; it’s undecided how much of that was Natty’s influence, as you swore you saw her jerking her thumb across her neck several times when her mother looked over in your direction.
As class concludes, you shoot to your feet and make an immediate beeline for the door.
“You can’t run from your problems,” Natty calls.
You throw over your shoulder, “Watch me!”
A stream of students envelope you in a facade of isolated safety. Above the din of conversation in the hallway, you hear your name being shouted. Cursing, you hunker your shoulders in a bid to make yourself smaller, but it was no use. You once watched Sebastian chase a first year from one end of the castle to the other just to return a dropped book — if he wanted to talk to you, he would find a way.
He manages to make it within earshot then, slightly breathless, asks, “Are you running away from me?”
“No,” you insist. Trenched in despair, your gaze darts back and forth, searching for a possible exit. “Not so much running, particularly, as just walking very fast in the opposite direction.”
Sebastian growls in frustration.
You glance over your shoulder. He’s elbowing his way closer and closer to you, using his advantageously long strides to close the distance faster then you can create it.
“Y/N, wait.” His hand locks around your wrist and spins you around. You’re merely inches from his face, which makes it just all that much harder to concentrate. He orders, “Tell me what’s wrong.”
“Um.” You swallow. “Can we do this somewhere else?”
“Can you please inform what this is we’re doing? You ran out of class like a dragon was on your heels.”
You debate the rationale of hashing out your issues here in the midst of the gallery tower. Preferably, you would go somewhere private, but that would involve telling Sebastian the problem, which furthermore would lead to you staying rooted to the spot, as you couldn’t imagine him agreeing to put a pause to the conversation to find an empty classroom.
You weren’t going to get your way.
Carefully, you pry off Sebastian’s grip on your wrist. “You basically humiliated me in front of the entire class,” you tell him.
Sebastian blinks, confused. “What?”
“You were like…” you wave your hand, as if hoping to magically summon the appropriate word, “seducing those girls and they were falling all over you.”
“First off,” he says, “if I was seducing someone, you would know it. Secondly, I was just being friendly.”
“Yeah, but do they know that?”
Sebastian’s expression, his usual look of bemused ebullience, shifts. A matter of seriousness crosses his face, so quickly and without warning that you might’ve laughed at him otherwise. “Of course they know that. You’re my best girl.”
A fission cracks through your heart.
“I just — I wish you would show it,” you say, although that’s not exactly what you mean. Words are escaping you. Sebastian shows you, but then he also goes and does that with other girls, and it makes your worries surface all over again.
“You don’t think I show it enough?” Hurt flashes across his handsome features.
You run your hands over your face. “Sebastian—what I’m trying to say — the way you acted in class today, nobody would even know that we’re together.”
“You’re being ridiculous,” he sharply replies.
Dread swallows you. You know that you’ve just pushed Sebastian very far from you, and there’s little chance in getting him back now.
The hallway has emptied, giving an echo to his words. You resist the urge to cry. You’re not necessarily upset as you are frustrated; frustrated that you feel this way, and frustrated that you’re not communicating it properly.
“Just forget it,” you say, voice wavering. Before he can see the first tear fall, you turn away from him. “Good luck on your match tonight.”
The only sound filling the Feast Hall is that of a kitchen elf, scrubbing the tiles and muttering about inconveniences. He, at least you thought it was a he, probably wouldn’t have shown his face if it wasn’t for the fact that you were the only one there; everyone else had bundled themselves in their warmest clothes and paraded out to the Quiddith pitch for the upcoming Slytherin versus Gryffindor match.
The roar of the stadium reached your ears even from your position, sprawled out on one of the benches in the Feast Hall. You half heartedly took a bite from your cold dinner.
There was a twinge in your chest, a pinch, that you couldn’t seem to ignore.
You’ve never skipped one of Sebastian’s games before. Even before you were together, you went to every single match. And now, here you were, wallowing in your own self pity, too humiliated and heartbroken to muster the strength to go out to the pitch and face him. It wasn’t like you were even going to talk to him, but just the thought of seeing him hurt like a punch to the gut.
From your view on the bench, a familiar Hufflepuff slides into view. “Y/N, are you still here?”
You nod, trying your best not to appear glum. “I’m not feeling well. But you’ll cheer for me, right?”
Poppy makes a face. “You’ll cheer for yourself! I’m not leaving you here all alone. C’mon.”
“Poppy, really, I —”
The smaller girl had already snatched up your hand before you could finish your protest. For someone her size, she was surprisingly strong. She drags you past the kitchen elf, who apparates himself, towards the massive double doors separating the Feast Hall from the rest of the castle. You stumble upon an impatient-looking Imelda leaning, hip and elbow, against a pillar.
“Imelda?” You look between them.
Maybe it was just a coincidence. Surely Imelda was waiting for someone else, or perhaps to mock anyone going to the match. Last week, during the match between Slytherin and Ravenclaw, Imelda had gotten suspended for the rest of the season for punching an opponent.
Despite your theories, however, Poppy breaks every single one by strolling right up to the disgruntled Slytherin and taking her hand. “All ready,” Poppy chirps.
Imelda looks less than thrilled to be holding hands but she doesn’t immediately bite off her head, or even argue. You don’t realize that you’re staring at the two of them in blatant confusion until Imelda returns your stare with a pointed glare.
“Are you just going to stand there with your mouth hanging open like that?” Imelda asks. “We’re already late because Poppy insisted on getting your sorry arse.”
Poppy swats her arm. “Be nice.”
“Um.” You blink. “I didn’t know you guys were together.”
“It’s something new,” Poppy says.
She beams at Imelda. It’s quite infectious, her enthusiasm, and you find yourself smiling. You never would’ve pictured them together, but now that you were witness to it, it was undeniably adorable.
“Let’s go. All of the good seats are going to be taken and I want that Ravenclaw bitch to see my face again.”
With an indignant sniff, Imelda strides off, Poppy skipping after her like a bouncing puffskein. It’s subtle, but you notice Imelda glance down at Poppy with poorly disguised affection. Ever the traitor, your mind turns to Sebastian.
Even Imelda, the grumpiest person you know, makes it clear that she’s with Poppy.
Why was it so hard for Sebastian?
It’s a quite distance from the castle to the pitch. You shuffle behind Imelda and Poppy, grateful for the latter’s nonstop chattering. You don’t think you could collect your thoughts enough to hold a coherent conversation. Fortunate for you, though, the only person who typically could keep up with Poppy’s talking was Poppy herself.
You’re about a hundred yards from the entrance to the pitch when Poppy spots something in the tall grass and darts off with the vague promise to return shortly.
Your stomach plummets. Unlike Poppy, you don’t enjoy Imelda’s company. Especially today, when you’re already feeling low. Ever since you beat Imelda’s time in the broom trial, she had been painfully short with you.
“Why were you alone? Aren’t you, like, courting Sebastian or something?” Imelda asks, disinterest coloring her tone.
Awkwardly, you clear your throat. “I am. I just, um, wasn’t feeling well.”
You cough weakly.
Imelda doesn’t respond right away. Her gaze remains fixed straight ahead, undoubtedly tracking Poppy to make sure she doesn’t get lost. Then, she says, “I know we’re not friends, but you don’t have to lie to me. I saw Sebastian in Diviation today.”
You open your mouth to reply but then promptly shut it again. You’re not sure what to say — how many other people noticed?
“Everyone noticed,” she clarifies.
A groan escapes you. Embarrassed, you slap your hands over your face to cover it.
The start of the Quidditch match is preceded by a deafening cheer. You hear the whistle, then peer between your fingers to watch the miniature-looking players rocket into the sky.
Sebastian happened to be quite talented on a broom, but his reckless and competitive nature made you nervous. The stakes of today’s game would only exacerbate his willingness to ensure a win for Slytherin.
“You can’t let it bother you,” Imelda says, bringing you back. Poppy’s head can be seen, popping in and out of the tall grass.
You exhale. “Yeah.”
“I like to say that I know him well enough, considering that we’re on the same team.” Imelda stuffs her chin further into her scarf. The tips of her cheeks are pink. “He’s just one of those infuriating people person who doesn’t realize he’s crossing any boundaries.”
“Maybe you’re right,” you agree hesitantly. “You’re lucky to have Poppy.”
Imelda tears her gaze away from her girlfriend long enough to scowl. “Please. She’s the second biggest flirt in the school. She doesn’t realize it, of course, because she’s just being nice to everyone. But people misinterpret it.”
You consider this.
“How do you handle it?” You ask Imelda.
The Slytherin lifts a shoulder. “It’s hard sometimes. I try to remember that it’s harmless, it’s the little things she does that reassure me.”
“Imelda, Imelda! I found this for you!”
Poppy bursts out of the grass. She has something in her hand, and you don’t know what it is until she steps away from Imelda to admire her work. A bright yellow flower sits in Imelda’s dark hair.
Poppy claps. “I knew it would look so pretty on you and I was right.”
Imelda pointedly glances at you as if to say see.
You find yourself smiling back at her.
The three of you resume your journey to the Quidditch pitch, the colorful tents rippling in the wind along with the four house flags surrounding the stadium at equidistant intervals. Rows and rows of students fill the bleachers, displaying an array of interest in the game. Some were actually invested in quidditch, while others used the game as an excuse to be sociable or avoid homework.
You maneuver through the crowd, mumbling apologies, until Poppy finds who she’s looking for: Natty, Amit, and Ominis are all huddled together, along with Garreth and Leander. Natty waves as you approach.
“Shoo, Leander,” Garreth says. His arms shoot out and he pushes his fellow Gryffindor onto a lower bench, effectively opening up enough room for you, Poppy, and Imelda to sit. Leander concedes, but not without a betrayed look.
There’s a moment of silent confusion as the former students absorb the cheery yellow flower in Imelda’s hair. Amit lifts a crooked finger, “Imelda, is that —”
“Do you value your life, man?” Garreth asks.
Bickering erupts between Amit and Garreth, joined in by Natty and Poppy.
You drown it out by turning your attention towards the ovular field. You instantly search for Sebastian and spot him cruising above the stadium, appearing relaxed, although you know he’s anything but.
“He doesn’t play well when you’re not here, you know,” says Ominis from besides you. He’s drumming his fingers on his knee.
You feel a twinge of regret. “I wasn’t feeling well.”
“Hm,” Ominis replies, unimpressed.
Why did no one believe you?
The announcer bellows, “Gryffindor, two hundred points! Slytherin, still behind at only sixty points!”
Quidditch players arc over your heads, emerald and maroon colored uniforms flapping and inciting a gust of wind. There’s plenty to look at during a game — the Beaters, the Chasers; the crowd; the professors, dressed in house colors and pretending not to care about the score — but you can only watch Sebastian.
Seemingly on a whim, he glides closer to where you are in the student section. His brown eyes meet yours. From your seat, you observe him as his spirits visibly lift, and he smiles.
He races off.
“If you care about me or my pocketbook, you won’t miss anymore games,” Ominis comments. “I bet Garreth ten galleons that Slytherin wins.”
You laugh. “That was your first mistake.”
“Betting on Slytherin?”
“No, against Garreth.”
“Sallow from Slytherin has spotted the golden snitch, and Gryffindor is right on his tail!” The announcer declares, voice ringing loudly. There’s a noticeable shift in interest as the crowd focuses on Sebastian’s emerald colored uniform and the Gryffindor chasing after him.
With your untrained eye, it takes you a moment to spy the snitch. It flickers erratically, flashing in the sun above Gryffindor’s goal posts.
“Go Sebastian!” You yell, cupping your hands over your mouth.
Amit, Natty, and Poppy cheer with you, along with Imelda. Garreth and Leader, starkly opposed, shout encouragements at their Gryffindor seeker. Ominis panic grabs your hand and leans into you as you narrate the game to the best of their abilities. When it gets too loud, he can’t hear the announcer, and prefers anyways to listen to your comments since you focus mainly on Sebastian.
Your voice rises and falls as Sebastian races after the snitch, weaving in and out of the podiums. “He’s close! Oh, he almost got hit by a Bludger!”
Ominis grip tightens. “Is he okay?”
“He’s fine,” you reassure him.
Your narration reaches a crescendo as the snitch disappears behind the stadium, the two seekers hot on its trail. Breath hitching in your throat, you shoot to your feet. If Slytherin loses this game, you were never going to be able to forgive yourself.
Unwittingly, Imelda’s words enter your thoughts.
You had to admit, begrudgingly, that she made sense. You couldn’t change Sebastian, or his tendency to be overly friendly. In fact, it was something you loved about him. It was the small things that mattered.
And, if one thing was clear to you now, it was that despite being upset with his actions, you still loved him dearly and wanted the best for him.
Murmurs rise as the seekers fail to return.
On the field the game continues, albeit somewhat slowly. Everyone is waiting for the snitch to be caught, inevitably changing the tide of the game. You held Ominis’s hand tightly. Slytherin’s only shot at winning was if Sebastian caught the snitch, subsequently preventing Gryffindor and securing the one hundred and fifty points.
Garreth bends over Amit and Natty. “Ready to pay up, Gaunt?”
Ominis’s only response is a gesture that could be considered poor sportsmanship. Normally you would’ve laughed but you’re wound too tightly with nerves, holding you together.
A stream of emerald across the sky, then maroon.
Tension fills the stadium, then —
“Sebastian Sallow from Slytherin has the snitch! One hundred and fifty points are awarded to Slytherin, and they win the match!”
Jumping up and down on your feet, you cheer with the rest of the Slytherins as a roar of excitement rumbles through the stadium. Even the other houses could respect a good match, and an even better play on Sebastian’s behalf.
Laughter erupts as Garreth digs into his robes and then miserably hands Ominis a pouch of galleons.
“Butterbeers on Ominis!” You shout, smiling so wide that it hurts. Besides you, Natty’s eyes widen. “What? Is something —”
Diverting your attention to whatever has claimed hers, you discover Sebastian hovering on his broom only a few feet away.
You’re struck by how unfairly handsome he is. Every time you see him, it’s like the first time all over again; a hand reaches into your chest and squeezes your heart.
The wind has ruffled his hair and pinkened his freckled cheeks. His shoulders heave, either from excitement or exertion, but he’s never looked happier than he does now. You know how much he loves Quidditch and how undoubtably thrilled he is about winning the match.
He prompts his broom forward.
Sebastian eclipses your vision, turning so that he’s sideways in front of you, still straddling the broom. He smells deliciously of sweat and the freshly cut grass on the field, and something else; fire, your brain decides in a haze, the danger of an opened flame but warm and safe like a hearth.
His brown eyes twinkle. “This,” he says, grinning broadly, “is how you know I’m seducing someone.”
In a fluid move, Sebastian scoops one hand behind your head to cradle it, then pulls you close and presses his lips to yours. A cry of delight breaks out as he deepens the kiss. For you, however, the rest of the world falls away, and all you can focus on is pouring yourself into this boy. You try to impart your apology, your forgiveness, your love for him, and you can taste on his lips that he understands.
Another shriek of approval echoes as he triumphantly pumps his fist into the air as he continues to kiss you with unabashed abandon, holding up the golden snitch. Finally he pulls away as a few professors start to protest, but instead of looking ashamed he looks even more exhilarated than before.
You grin wildly at each other.
He’s swept away by his teammates, then, and you watch his retreating form as he celebrates.
Your friends and several strangers pat you on the back and congratulate you for the kiss, making you blush. Imelda is last, the yellow flower still sitting in her dark hair. “Maybe with Sebastian it’s just not so little things.”
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superconductivebean · 3 months
#1059: has someone said, throuple wlw?
Well do I have some! For those who doesn't fancy AO3, my tumblr.
Ship: Imelda Reyes x f!MC (Julia Wright) x Poppy Sweeting
A currently ongoing series of ficlets written for the Kiss Prompts List from this tumblr.
Word count: 2,158. Rating: from G to E.
A/N: It's brainrot-powered. Characters are in their 20's.
Themes & Modes: Slice of Life, Established Relationships, Fluff and Smut & Domestic Fluff, Sweet/Hot.
Tags: @thriftstorebabayaga @espressoristretto-patronum @boxdstars @celestial--sapphic @myokk @caramel-hufflepuff
AO3 link:
Feel free to request me wlw!
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enderwings12 · 5 months
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Imelda Reyes
My own take on Imelda Reyes' vibe.
''Me, Slytherin Quidditch captain, jealous of you?'' - Imelda Reyes
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Poppy x Imelda is the best sapphic ship in HL and does not get enough love at all! Opposites attract, slytherin/hufflepuff dynamic, sharing their passions, the tiny height difference - it has so much potential 🥺🥺
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queenveela · 1 year
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Seb and Poppy wishing their girls luck before a match.
I love quidditch Avian she’s so cool, I like to think that Sebastian gifted her that snake hair clasp that she wears during matches, and that’s it’s her good luck charm ☺️ it’s enchanted so it wraps around her hair when she uses her wand on it.
I also have this hc, that they are really supportive during that match, like cheering their s/o’s on really loudly and getting really into it 😂
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phinik · 6 months
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choccy-milky · 3 months
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⭐ HL x ghibli! ⭐
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enoughyi · 3 months
#0: masterlist
Hi, I'm J, and I write Hogwarts Legacy lesbians.
My OT3: Imelda Reyes x f!MC (Julia Wright) x Poppy Sweeting; but sometimes, I pair any two of them. They're not a love angle, they're a throuple. One day I'll post a bigger work where How They Came To Be will be explored in greater detail; same goes to the current timeline of my fics i.e. 10 Years After HL. Fics here are silly little drabbles, no less, no more. Enjoy!
Themes: Slice of Life ; Established Relationship ; Domestic Fluff
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Kissy Throuple Fluff! - series tag:
Tag for the random stuff on this blog.
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arthenaa · 1 year
Unspoken Attraction — Sebastian Sallow x Reader
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The girls and you have a talk on who they'll date amongst the students in Hogwarts. No one mentions Sebastian despite being deemed the most handsome in your year. You wonder why?
gossip gossip hihi, imelda being the best and just roasts every1 esp seb, seb being down bad, realizations, friends 2 lovers, kiss kiss fall in love, gender neutral reader, readers house is up to u, fluff disgusting fluff, i love u sallow boy.
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"I think Amit is quite handsome. I suppose he'd be a good conversation partner." Natty hums as she rests her chin on the palm of her hand. Imelda looks at her with disgust.
"He'd probably love astronomy more than you in your relationship. I'd punch him on the first date." Imelda scoffs, rolling her eyes. Poppy just gives the Slytherin gal a glare for her unkind words.
The four of you were lounging in the empty Beasts classroom, relaxing in the cool breeze coming from the forest. Professor Howin had allowed the four of you (originally you and Poppy, but Imelda and Natty had passed by and decided to tag along) to stay in the classroom in hopes of teaching the new 5th year (You) more about Beasts but all you've done in the past hour is sit on one of the tables and talk about the most random of things. Now you were talking about who to date in Hogwarts.
"What about Yrma?" Poppy suggests. "She's nice."
"Stop suggesting Ravenclaws. I physically cannot handle it." Imelda grunts. You shoot her a sympathetic look to which she flips you off. "Also, she's a third year. I'd die if you pair me up with someone younger. A journalist, too, she'd know every step I'll do, and I'll just have an aneurysm because of it."
"Alright, what about Weasley?" You suggest. Natty makes a look, considering the option. Poppy sighs and shakes her head.
"Which one?" Imelda jokes, to which Natty smacks her arm. Poppy rolls her eyes before answering the question.
"He's cute but too mischievous." Poppy lists. Imelda nods, agreeing with her statement. Poppy pets the Puffskein sleeping on her lap, smiling softly at the cute creature snoring away.
"Eh. He's fun. I can probably handle him." Natty says. You let out a small laugh.
"I'll pass. He's like a brother to me. Probably because Professor Weasley acts too much like a mom." You reply. You lean closer to Poppy, glancing down at the Puffskein to coo at it.
"What about Dale? She's cute." Natty suggests. She then turns to Imelda, who looks like she'd complain once more about a Ravenclaw being listed. "Don't."
"What? I wasn't gonna say anything..."
"It's because her past lover was from Ravenclaw that she's like this." Poppy says with a disappointed look on her face. "Clumping up all Ravenclaws and putting your prejudice that was originally for one person into the general public, huh?"
"Shut it, Sweeting." Imelda glares at her.
"Alright, stop fighting. I know you'd rather date a Hufflepuff, Reyes." You tease. The Slytherin's cheeks flush, and a harsh kick to your knee sends you jolting up against the table with a pained groan. The Puffskein awakens to the sudden harsh movement and jumps off Poppy's lap.
"Imelda!" Poppy whines as she watches the Puffskein hop away to its den. "Look at what you did!"
"How'd you even know it was me?!" Imelda complains. Poppy crosses her arms over her chest.
"You're seated directly in front of Y/N. They'd never jump for no reason, and also, Natty's an angel. Besides, I could feel the kick." Poppy chastised. Imelda looks away with furrowed eyebrows and a pout as she grumbles about it, not being her fault. You look at the two with a smile.
"It's okay, Poppy, let's just continue." You send Imelda a knowing smile to which she scowls at. Natty giggles at the interaction.
"Ooh, what about Gaunt?" Natty wiggles her eyebrows. "He's a young lord. Deemed one of the most handsome in our year. I'd date him."
"Really? You'd get pulverized by his crazy blood status fanatic of a family." Imelda leans forward to place her arms on the table before leaning down to rest her head on it. "But I guess he's decent. The type to defend you against them. A typical romantic cliche."
"Doesn't he have a lover?" Poppy mentions. Imelda immediately rises up at the information.
"Oh yeah. I saw them snogging near DADA. Sebastian looked like he was constipated, muttered about when it was his turn to be happy or something." Imelda cringes at the memory. At the mention of the Sallow boy's name, Natty and Poppy glance at each other with knowing looks. Suddenly, their attention is on you.
"What about you, Y/N? Will you date Ominis?" Poppy smiles knowingly. There's something about the two's stare that puts you in an uncomfortable position.
"Uh..." You purse your lips in thought. Ominis was one of your best friends. He had been with you through thick and thin, but that's all he ever was. Besides, he was happily in love with someone else. "Not really? Same answer with Gareth's."
Natty nods in understanding. Imelda glances at the two in confusion. "Why do you two look like you're the one who's constipated?"
"Shut it, Reyes." Poppy rolls her eyes. You laugh at their bickering. At this point, there was one person who definitely should be mentioned in this conversation. He was already well known in the school for his charming personality and handsome looks. People always gossip about him. You let out a shaky breath before nervously glancing at the three.
"What about Sebastian?" You suggest. The three fall in silence, not responding to the question. It didn't even look like they were contemplating about it. "Hello? Did you not hear me or what—"
"Oh no, we heard you." Imelda chuckles as she smirks at her. When Imelda smirks, you know it's not good. "I just don't think we can claim him."
"Claim him?" You tilt your head in confusion. "You make it sound like he's already dating someone."
"Ehh..." Natty shrugs her shoulders. "Aren't you?"
"Aren't I what? Huh?" You sat, baffled at their curious looks. "I'm not dating Sebastian?"
The three look at each other before laughing. It wasn't even a casual laugh, it's full on stomach grabbing, tear inducing, I'm-gonna-pee what the fuck laugh. You look at them in confusion.
"Merlin, I can't take this seriously." Natty wipes a tear from her eyes as she continues to laugh.
"I'm really not dating him!?"
"You're so funny!" Imelda pats your shoulder. "Don't tell me kissing each other everywhere except the lips counts as friendly. Who the fuck kisses their friend on the neck?"
"Uh, she has a point." Poppy shrugs. "He walks you to class, holds your hand, and not even in a normal way. It's the intertwined one, and if looks could kill, Garreth Weasley had already been buried months ago."
"Also, he always touches you. An arm on your waist, hugging you from behind, fixing your hair, looking at you like you're the Messiah yourself." Natty lists on, continuing Poppy's evidence. Surely not?
You stare at them with wide eyes and an unreadable look. You and Sebastian had always had a strong bond. Ominis often commented about feeling left out whenever you two were together. You always thought that he was just teasing you about it. The things that you've gone through had eliminated all barriers between the two of you, so physical affection had seem normal for you. Had the line between friends and more than friends became too blurred already?
"Merlin's beard. You don't know!" Natty gasps in shock. "Rafiki, that is more than just friendship."
"But I'm really not..." You try to defend yourself, but the more that they stare at you, the more you start to realize how obvious it should've been. Before you could try and convince yourself about how ludicrous it is all, Imelda delivers the final blow.
"Love, everyone knows Sebastian is yours."
Heat rises to your cheeks, and as if things couldn't get any worse, a familiar voice calls out to your little group.
"There you are!" Sebastian Sallow, the devil himself, grins as he approches your little group with Ominis trailing behind. The three cough at his sudden appearance and you freeze in your seat.
He makes his way behind you, grasping your shoulder firmly before leaning down close to your face. "Hey, I'm here. No greeting?"
You turn your head towards him, glancing at the three girls who look away, trying to contain their laughter. You look back at Sebastian, who smiles, expecting something. You sigh, giving him a chaste kiss on his cheek. He lights up like a Christmas tree.
At the sight of affection, the three suddenly stand up, collecting their things. "O-oh I just remembered I forgot to water the chinese cabbages again, haha! Silly me! I better go get it!" Natty says with a poorly concealed smile. Sebastian looks at her, confused.
"Uh? Okay?" Sebastian awkwardly laughs. You glared at her as she grabbed Imelda and Poppy who make haste in gathering their things.
"I also have to bring them and Ominis because of ... uh... safety." Natty bullshits her way through as Imelda grabs the young Gaunt's arm, pulling him with them.
"Huh what? I didn't get a say in th—" Poppy covers his mouth as they walk away, dragging him along. Natty gives her a final thumbs up of encouragement as the two of you watch in confusion. You watch as their figures disappear before the boy beside you finally breaks the silence.
"There they go." Sebastian sighs. "I was hoping I'd get to hang out, but oh well. I don't really have complaints with just us here."
You flush at his bluntness as he sits down beside you, pulling your figure to his arms. He hugs you tightly before resting his head on your shoulder. "History of Magic felt like forever. I swear I'd never be able to stay awake in that class. Binns must've put something in the air."
You couldn't focus. He's so close.
"Lucky that you and Ominis get to share that class. At least you'd have someone to suffer with." He jokes as he raises his head. Silence engulfs you both as he stares at your face.
"Stop." You groan as you try to push his face away, but he only grasps your hand in his palm.
"Why? You look like you're about to explode." He laughs softly. You still couldn't look at him, eyes trained at the table in front of you. To make things worse, he grabs your chin before softly turning your head towards him.
"I'm talking to you. Look at me." He mumbles lowly in a deep voice. You almost wanted to whimper at how attractive that was.
"Stop doing that, I swear." You whisper as you look at him, nervousness creeping. He smirks, leaning in.
"Why? You seem so quiet today." He chuckles, pulling you closer as he tucks a stray hair away from your face. "What's got your pretty little head busy, hm?"
"You." You admit as your eyes admire his features. He lets out a soft smile.
"Yeah." You raise your hands to cup his cheeks. The two of you had been sitting so close that if you just lean a little bit forward, you'd be able to kiss him.
"Yeah?" He raises his eyebrows in amusement as his gaze flickers from your eyes to your lips.
"You're so annoying." You pout. He bites his lip before dropping his head on your shoulder. Your fingers then softly scratch his scalp and twirling his curls. He raises his head back up before unashamedly stares at your lips.
"I don't need to tell you what's going to happen, right?" He whispers. You gulp nervously as your arms slide up to wrap around his neck, pulling him closer.
"Mhm." You hum before placing a chaste kiss on his lips, testing the waters. He lets out a shaky breath at the sudden action. You look up at his eyes, trying to discern if what you did was okay before he grins fully and leans back down to kiss you again.
Your body unconsciously pushes against him, craving his touch. You tenderly kiss him back, hands occuppied with his soft hair. His hands rub your lower back gently as he continues to kiss you. You don't know how much time has passed before you pull away. You both smile at each other before Sebastian leans forward to give you more pecks on the lips. You giggle at his behavior.
"I like you." He whispers, nudging his nose against yours. You smile at his confession, palms now cupping his cheeks. You press a firm kiss on his lips before staring at him in adoration.
"I like you too."
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A/N 1.1 : IM DEAD i love this. Also im not sure if I said friend in Swahili right ,,, lmk if its correct 🫶
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5sospenguinqueen · 6 months
Professor Fig: I said you could invite one friend.
MC: Sir, they don't come separately.
Sebastian: Yeah, we're pack animals.
(Ominis, Poppy, Imelda, Natty, Garreth and Leander nod)
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superconductivebean · 3 months
#1066: a little boost for my wlw fics
For those who doesn't fancy AO3, read on my tumblr.
Ship: Imelda Reyes x f!MC (Julia Wright) x Poppy Sweeting
A currently ongoing series of ficlets written for the Kiss Prompts List from this tumblr.
Word count: 3,579. Works: 5. Rating: from G to E.
A/N: It's brainrot-powered. Characters are in their 20's.
Themes & Modes: Slice of Life, Established Relationships, Fluff and Smut & Domestic Fluff, Sweet/Hot.
AO3 link:
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