#Imperator Ix
crim50n-r8er · 2 months
Back at it again with part 2 of the swaps found in my Blockbuster AU
Let’s go! Swaps under the cut for the viewing pleasure of those who don’t care
Shadow 🔁 Imperator Ix
Shadow: He behaves more like he does in SA2, Heroes, and 06 but more in an antagonistic role. He will be seen as the same as this version of the Nocturnus found the means of immortality through genetic alteration to the point of giving themselves longer lifespans, Shadow having what people would call immortality. He’s also the leader of the cult known as “The Brotherhood of Black Arms,” BBA for short, seeing Devil Doom as a divine being and seeks to bring its “glory” to their universe by merging the Twilight Cage with it. Keeps VA
Ix: He is now the immortal ultimate life form. His antagonistic side in the SA2 adaptation is similar to what he was like in Chronicles, just no insanity. He also is not as cunning, manipulative, or as good with persuasion as canon due to not having much wisdom by only being around 50 years old, with most of it in a comatose state. Not sure how he would act after redemption. I just know that I don’t want him to be an edgelord. He will not only be created by using Argus DNA but with chaos drives (Shadow’s original creation origin before Shadow 05) VA will be Jason Douglas
Silver 🔁 Shade
Shade: She is basically the same, but she can’t rely on technology to fight due to her world being in ruin by Dark Gaia 200 years in the future. So instead, she uses her stealth to get around Crisis City with Rouge providing cover if needed. She would soon get some tech of her own from stealing from Tails’s stuff in the present to finally fight along with the crew. VA will be Kimberly Brooks
Silver: With being the most notorious physic in the army of the BBA, he gets great acknowledgment for his efforts, even from Shadow himself. He is still skeptical about if merging the Twilight Cage with their universe is a good idea or not. He soon awakens to knowing for a fact that it isn’t due to being deceived for so long and immediately joins the side of good. Keeps VA
Cream role = Marine
Charmy role = Cream
Marine Role = Charmy bee
Think of Marine as a found family little sister of sorts for Vector who he protects with his life. She still behaves the same though, just no pirate stuff. VA is Kayli Mills
Cream, like her mother, is a member of the CAG along with her mother and Mighty. Best not to separate mother from daughter, right?
Due to not having any knowledge about Sonic Rush Adventure, I sadly will have to leave Charmy’s bio blank. I do know that he would be a pilot instead of a sailor.
Wisps 🔁 Chao
The Wisps would not have their variants who have different powers, just their appearaces, like Null Wisps filling the role of a Dark Chao
Chao variants will have the color powers such as Dark Chao giving us that demonic hungry hungry hippo lol.
Argus role = Devil Doom
I want Shadow to still have some relation to the Black Arms Remove VA
Black Arms role = Argus
Think of this as an alien species inspired by Argus from Sobic Chronicles and the 100-eyed giant of the same name from Greek Mythology
The E-Series role 🔁 The Gizoid
Emerl 🔁 E102 Gamma
Obviously the self-sacrificing robots have to swap. Gamma keeps his VA while Emerl’s will be Zach Aguilar
Gemerl 🔁 E123 Omega
Pretty similar, so I’d say it’s okay to swap Omega keeps his VA while Gemerl’s will be Johnny Yong Bosch
E101 Beta 🔁 Perfect Charib
These two are pretty similar to one another, so I’d say it’s a good swap. Beta: Keeps VA, Charib: remains undecided
E100 Alpha / Zero 🔁 Perfect Scylla
Scylla: He would chase after Tikal as she tries to save some animals from deforestation and due to her knowing to much of Noahs future plans. With him being so unhinged, I think it really works out well. VA remains undecided
Zero: I see it best to not separate Zero from the rest of the E-series. Keeps VA (if he has one, of course)
Rouge 🔁 Blaze
As the queen of the newly renamed “Unbra Dimension,” Rouge is the protector of the newly renamed “Umbra Emeralds.” Be careful, though. Rouge is very protective and possessive of these gemstones, and she will keep you away from them with her control over shadows (umbralkinises)
Blaze is now a Gem collector, but think of her more as the Indiana Jones type. Keeps VA
Illumina role = Solaris
Solaris Role = Gaia
Gaia Duo role = Lumina and Void (Components of Illumina)
Mephilis takes Void’s role, and since never takes his form based on Shadow, he will take form of the person he talks to. If multiple people are there, he’ll take form of the previous person who talked to him. He will act like he’s a sorrowful being, but it’s a trick to get back with Iblis to become Solaris again. Keeps VA
Iblis is just the same, a mindless monster of fire
Dark Gaia is the same, a monster of darkness. All that’s different is that it’s scaled down in size.
Chip is now an antagonist who sees the biological world as out of balance with so much sapien life, so he seeks to wipe out enough of the species to bring balance as normal Gaia. I’d say they’d go for about 3/4 of the world population. Keeps VA
Void is in Chip’s role, and he’s now a good guy as he, the god of nightmares, helps Knuckles in the events of my Unleashed adaptation.
Lumina will be in the antagonist as Commander Noah will seek the goddess of dreams to make his dream of ruling the world a reality.
Big 🔁 Froggy
A frog mobian girl who is always looking for her fat, purple cat. Froggy, now named Jelly, will be voiced by Cristina Vee
This will probably be it for now. I’ll cone back in the evening of my timezone to give you all the next part
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
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cowgirlhips · 1 year
Another batch of my Sonic art :)!!!
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crusherthedoctor · 2 years
Sonic villain tier list?
From top to bottom:
Eggman: Duh.
Hard-Boiled Heavies: All five of them had more personality in a game without dialogue than Sage did with it.
Chaos: The original monster, and still the best, with clever designs for each of his forms, and an interesting backstory. My only regret is that he started The Trend.
Erazor: The best villain that's not Eggman, made by Eggman, or associated with Eggman. He's everything Mephiles wasn't, and he brought out a lot in Sonic through his antagonism and his cruel relationship with Shahra.
Metal Sonic: His robot status and identity crisis give him an edge over other dark rival characters. His design is iconic, and he works not only as Sonic's equal, but also as an extension of Eggman's evil. (OVA Metal is the best, of course.)
Captain Whisker: He's a more compelling Eggman Nega than the actual Eggman Nega. And his boss music is peak 60's Spider-Man.
Infinite: Not sure why everyone likes to single this guy out as one-note when this franchise is utterly stacked with one-note villains, some of whom are praised for it. Infinite may be simple, but at least he's fun.
Gerald: His recorded video was certainly ominous, and he does work as a tragic character, but there's a lot of questions surrounding his story that take me out a bit, and while Chaos may have started The Trend, Gerald - by using Shadow as his posthumous proxy - was the one who established it as a trend.
Black Doom: Not actually a good villain (very controversial, I know), but everything about him is hilarious, and he never gained a disproportionate fandom like certain other villains, so I can't help but enjoy him ironically.
Merlina: She could have been great in practice, but she suffers from Disney Twist VIllain Syndrome, in that once you get past the fanfare involving the twist, there's actually not a lot to her beyond that, and we don't get enough of a feel for her as her true villainous self. There may have been some mild foreshadowing, and we may have gotten a look into her sympathetic motives, but all in all, it was very undercooked, and a major reason why I don't think Black Knight's story is that amazing.
Deadly Six: I defended them for so long, and I'll still defend their original outing (at least Zavok, Zor and Zazz), but ever since IDW turned them into yet another Better Villains Than Eggman... I'm not as dedicated in doing so as I used to.
Void: He exists.
Ix: He also exists.
Eggman Nega: Either he's a redundant presence since there's nothing he does with Eggman that the doctor couldn't do on his own (Rush duology), or he's another usurper and exists only to pose as a so-called better version of the main villain of the franchise (Rivals duology). Take your pick.
Mephiles: Complete dumbass that does not live up to the suave mastermind archetype that the writers intended him to be, and what fans pretend he is. "Eggman makes mistakes too!" Yeah, but never to this level.
The End: He brought back The Trend in the games. And he boasted about being better than all the other threats Sonic has faced, like a textbook bad fancharacter. And he never shuts the fuck up. And he failed to live up to his big talk. And his fight was Perfect Dark Gaia-tier. And he's a purple bollock. I really can't think of anything redeeming about this guy (as much as I hate Mephiles, at least he had Dan Green going for him). As far as personifications of death go, I'll stick with the Dreamworks Wolf.
I didn't bother adding non-game villains since most of them would have fallen into the same "shite, lol" category. Same for the post-Chaos giant monsters.
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They def got beef
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leechblades · 11 months
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" Why raise the other nations to the ground when you can just conquer them instead? "
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silver-the-hedgeblog · 5 months
Possible Silver/Echidna/Ancient connections
In Sonic Chronicles The Dark Brotherhood there is another tribe of echidnas called the Nocturnus Clan. The Nocturnus Clan was incredibly technologically advanced and nearly conquered the world thousands of years ago before they were trapped in another dimension with powerful alien races by an entity called the Argus.
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This game and the stuff in it is considered non-canon now due to legal issues that we are definitely not here to talk about but it was canon when it came out and different echidna tribes are referenced in Sonic Frontiers. The ancient portal technology in that game is also similar to the gear themed technology used by the Nocturnus Clan. So there's hope of Nocturnus or a rewritten version of them still being canon. Silver has many similarities to the Nocturnus clan and their creations.
Silver is visually similar to Imperator Ix, the leader of the Nocturnus Clan (Especially the cuffs which are similar to Silver's)
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The patterns on Silver's gloves and cuffs are also similar to the ones in Nocturne and the Cyberspace Portals in Sonic Frontiers.
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The convex patterns on Silver's cuffs can be found throughout Nocturne.
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Silver's front quills have a similar structure to the head crests of the Gizoids created by the Nocturnus Clan.
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The big quills on the back of Silver's head are similar to the tentacles that Chaos and The Ancients have on the back of their heads.
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Silver's big quills seem to have blood vessels? He puts bandages on them in Sonic Channel artwork and gets blood stains on them in IDW. Maybe they are tentacles?
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Sonic Team has foreshadowed connections with visual similarities before. In Shadow The Hedgehog before you find out that Shadow is part Black Arms you can see throughout the game that the Black Arms have red patterns like Shadow and in Sonic Unleashed before you find out that the Werehog is a portion of Dark Gaia you can see that Dark Gaia monsters have the same stretchy arms and attack patterns as the Werehog.
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One of the alien races trapped in Twilight Cage with the Nocturnus Clan in Sonic Chronicles called the Voxai has psychic powers like Silver. They have the psychic ability to fly like Silver and control minds.
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One of the leaders of the Voxai named Leucosia has the same colors as Silver's powers and patterns similar to Silver's PK Marks.
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The only named place in Silver's (good) future that we've seen is Onyx Island in Sonic Rivals. Onyx Island is actually the future version of Angel Island which is the home of the Knuckles Clan, The Master Emerald and Sky Sanctuary. Sky Sanctuary also has advanced ancient technology and patterns similar to the ones on Silver's gear.
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We don't know how connected to Onyx Island Silver is but it is the first place we see him after the reset in 06.
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This could just be because of his powers but Silver is very upper body oriented. He never kicks like Sonic and Shadow do. Whenever Silver does get physical he always punches things which makes his fighting style more similar to Knuckles and the echidnas than his fellow hedgehogs.
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Cyber Sonic's eyes are similar to the eyes Silver has in concept art.
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portaltothevoid · 11 months
you're losing me part ix -- copia x reader
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warnings: all the angst, brief mention of blood
word count: 4.8k
taglist: @bitchywitchygardener @calitmediondell @copias-juicebox @copiasprincipessa @da-rulah @deetz-ghuleh @fishwithtitz @ghostfangirlsweden @ivycasket @justa19 @ladyrevealedofcloak @lurancyvenom @sodoswitchimage @water-ghoulette @zombiesnips-blog (divider by @gothdaddyissues!)
Copia bursted through Sister Imperator’s office door, emotions still running high. “Where is she?!”
“Who– Where– What?” Her tired eyes showed a slight disdain at someone barging in unannounced yet again. She pinched the bridge of her nose with a lengthy sigh. “What happened now?”
“Fucking Terzo! All of a sudden he’s been talking to Infernals and saying there’s more about the goddamn prophecy!”
“Such as…?”
“‘By her side remains one of the halves from the sacred consanguineous line. Together, they bring forth a new age.”
Imperator pursed her lips together, a look of concern eclipsed her face before she slammed her hand on the table in frustration. “We need those fucking books from Rome.”
“With all due respect, but what good are some books going to do?” 
“Cardi, listen to me. You and I both know Terzo cannot be the one by her side. I don’t care what the Infernals are saying to anyone. She needs to complete her first summoning ritual immediately and you– you need to summon an Infernal.” Her tone was stern, words commanding.
“He threatened to send me back to Italia,” Copia said, briskly and quietly.
Imperator let out a cold laugh. “Ha! He can try. Let me worry about that. Right now, you need to worry about finding her.”
Copia ran his hand through his hair as he let out a breath of disdain. “I’ve looked everywhere for her. There’s only so many places she could be!”
The sound of running could be heard from outside the office. Copia opened the door and stuck his head to see what the commotion was. Ghouls were bolting towards Terzo’s office. One looked at Copia and broke away from the others by his side. Copia presumed it was Swiss. He dragged Copia out of the office as he casted a glance back at Imperator, who hurried to follow them. “Wh-what’s going on? Is she in trouble?” Swiss only nodded in the response as he picked up the pace, quickly catching up with the other Ghouls.
That’s when Copia realized exactly where they were headed:  Terzo’s office. Anger instantly fueled up inside him. They burst through the door to find Terzo near purple and about to pass out with your hands wrapped around his throat. The determination in your eyes, the anger… No, the hatred that exuded from you. It permeated the whole room. 
Two of Terzo’s own Ghouls, Alpha and Omega, pulled you off of him. Your reaction, near animalistic. This wasn’t you. This wasn’t who you were. It couldn’t be. With your arms pinned down, you stopped thrashing your legs, realizing you weren’t going to be freed anytime soon. 
You were panting. Your eyes, crazed and wild, despite being completely black. A snarl was still plastered onto your face. Your eyes followed Copia as he approached you. You were too far gone to recognize him right away. 
In an instant, all sounds faded, everyone remained still, frozen in place. and then Copia felt a hand on his shoulder. 
“My child, it’s time we’ve had a talk, isn’t it?” 
His muscles tensed and his eyes widened. Slowly, he turned around to face a man, slightly younger than himself with pale white hair that cascaded down past his shoulders. His angular features made his beauty ethereal as did his brilliantly deep, crimson eyes. Copia didn’t even need an introduction; he knew exactly who was finally appearing before him.
Taking the hand on his shoulder in his, he turned and knelt down to kiss the ring on the man’s finger. “Lord Lucifer,” he greeted. 
“I truly admire your devotion, but I’m afraid we’re short on time. You’re on your knees enough for me already as it is,” he lightly chuckled, motioning him to stand up. Once Copia was at eye level with Lucifer, he continued, “I need you to forgive my tardiness. It seems we have a rogue part of The Trilogy who takes a liking to meddle in things.” He casted a weary glance at Terzo’s slumped form. With a heavy sigh, he turned back to Copia. “You are just as valuable as either of them. Just because I haven’t blessed you with a vision, doesn’t mean you are any less worthy than he is. Do you understand?”
Copia blinked at the Dark One in front of him, shellshocked. His worth was something he always struggled with. It’s partly why he was as high up in the Clergy as he was; he had to prove he deserved to be there. He had to do everything and more to make sure there was at least that one thing that stood out about him, above all else. Finally he nodded. “Y-yes. I– I understand,” he stuttered.
“Good! Between you and I… if I could choose who is by her side,” he said, pointing at you, “it would be you. Nothing against dear Terzo here, but he can be, eh… irresponsible at times. Whereas you are able to keep a level-head and stay steadfast. That being said, freewill does play a part in this…” Lucifer sighed and shrugged. “So, no matter what happens, you keep that in the back of your mind.”
“I– Heh… thank you, Your Eminence.” 
“You have a way with people, Copia. You understand them. You can lead them. And I know that’s no easy task. The rituals of ascension will be… demanding. Extremely demanding, but I’ve chosen you three, because I know you all can handle it. There’s just one thing you must remember. She may still love Terzo,” a look of pain shot through Copia’s eyes, “but she does love you too. You bring balance to her life; you keep her grounded. She needs that now more than ever.”
“Something happened between her and Terzo that started all of this, didn’t it?” His voice was quiet and soft. The question just sort of slipped out of him as he voiced his musings.
Lucifer nodded. “But that’s not my story to tell. You have a great deal of power, my child. Never underestimate the power of seeing, of understanding those around you. That will give you an upper hand… should you need it.” Copia furrowed his brows. He opened his mouth to speak, but Lucifer held his hand up, stopping him. “I’m sorry for the ambiguity, but I fear our time here must come to a close due to the state our beloved is in. But before I return you, I need you to give Sister Imperator a message for me.” Copia nodded. “She needs to stop hiding the truth. It won’t do anyone any good if she continues to keep her secrets.”
As quickly as He appeared, He was gone. It was like the play button on the scene around him had been pressed. Your snarling filled his ears. His head was swimming with what had just happened and the overload of information, but his attention was focused on you. 
Without hesitation, he strode over to you, cupping your face in his hands. You tried to thrash your head side to side to avoid his gaze. Your wild eyes bored into Terzo as he lay crumpled on the floor still.
Not that he had time to really register what he was feeling, but Copia’s white eye started to tingle the longer he looked at you. He changed his grip so he was holding your head tightly enough to stop your incessant thrashing. Shaking you, he forced you to look at him. “Come back to me,” he commanded, giving you another shake. Your eyes landed on his, which made the prickling sensation increase to the point where he was fully aware of it. Similar to pins and needles, it intensified to a burning feeling as your eyes locked. “This isn’t you, amore,” he added gently.
You blinked, his words enveloping you like a blanket after a day out in the cold as if warming you, comforting you. Slowly you feltl the darkness fade from you. Copia’s hold on you loosens as his hands slip to your shoulders, allowing you to take in the scene before you. 
First you see the look of total concern and worry etched into Copia’s features, then it hit you that you're being held by ghouls. Cautiously, your eyes find Terzo who had stopped his dramatic display on the floor and had sat up, resting his head in hands on his knees. He looked up at you, hearing your commotion stop. You see the bruises, in the shapes of hands, starting to form on his neck, and his beaten and bloodied face. His eyes met yours, fear instantly widening his, while tears formed in yours.
Abruptly, you turn away, shame diverting your gaze. You practically go limp in the ghouls’ hold as tears fall. They release you and you slump forward, Copia’s arms fly out to steady you. He could be looking at you with sympathy, with anger and frustration, or with hurt. After everything, it’s almost impossible for you to distinguish between them. 
Quickly your eyes dart towards the exit, your body twitching as if you’re about to make a run for it, but when you see Sister Imperator, Primo, and Secondo standing there, you stay frozen.
“Lucifer in Hell…” Sister Imperator gasps, clutching her grucifix. With a shake of her head, she doesn’t waste a single moment getting straight to business. “Copia, get her back to your quarters and out of sight. Primo, Secondo, you are to start preparing for the first ritual – her ghoul summoning. She’s left us no choice; we must start the ascension. Tomorrow it begins,” she barked.
Secondo nodded and turned to leave. Primo couldn’t help his eyes darting from Terzo, to you, and to Copia, then back to Terzo. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but no words came out. A pained look in his eye at what had befallen his family. “Andiamo, Primo,” Secondo said softly to him, as he tried to turn him away from the scene in front of them. All the oldest Emeritus brother could do was sigh and nod as he followed his brother to begin the preparations.
Omega looked like he was watching a tennis match with the way his eyes jumped from Sister Imperator, to you, and to Terzo, waiting for something to give him a command. 
Impatiently, she said, “Omega, take Terzo back to his chambers and get him cleaned up. And make sure his vocal chords aren’t damaged. We are set to leave for the last Meliora shows in Mexico the day after tomorrow!” She squinted her eyes at you, simultaneously blaming you for this mess and warning you not to fuck it up further.
Omega and Terzo pass by you on their way. He was practically clinging to his ghoul, but his eyes showed a forlornness that made you think he at least felt some sort of guilt towards all of this. You bowed your head, feeling nothing but shame and remorse.
“Sister, what if the siblings see?” Copia asked.
“It’s dinner, the chances of anyone besides ghouls roaming about are slim, but we need to act quickly. Move! Get her out of here!” 
Alpha places a hand on your shoulder. Are you strong enough to walk, Your Eminence? 
You nod at him. Just don’t ask me to run a marathon. You could see the ghoul’s shoulders shake from a fleeting burst of laughter. You took a deep breath and wiped the remaining tears from your face. After straightening out your clothes, you nod once, keeping your head held high as you make the trek back to Copia’s.
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The apartment is silent except for the movement from Cannoli in his cage. After taking a shower and changing, you took your usual place on the couch. Copia opted for the chair. A telltale sign the unreadable expression on his face leans towards your earlier assessment of him possibly being angry with you might not be far off; he always sat on the couch with you, always. 
“What were you doing in Terzo’s office? Aside from trying to kill him,” he asked, breaking the deafening silence. You winced at his tone.
“I… He wanted to talk to me about something.” 
Copia raised an eyebrow at you. “How long were you in his office?” 
You chewed on your lip, avoiding his eyes. Consequences, dear child… you heard ringing through your thoughts. Needing an outlet for the surmounting anxiety, your leg wouldn’t stop bouncing. “Not that long…”
With a shake of his head, he tossed a glance towards the ceiling. “Don’t fucking lie to me,” he said through barely parted lips. His exhausted tone was somehow worse than if he had yelled. “Were you there when I was?”
You opened your mouth to speak, but the words came up empty. The shame had opened a hole in the ground and swallowed you whole – or at least, you wished it would. Solemnly, you nodded.
“Why? Why were you even there? Why were you hiding? What were you tw–?”
“Because I was terrified of what he would do to me!” you cut him off as your words rushed out. “If I didn’t see him… I didn’t know what– how he would retaliate, s-so I went to his office when I didn’t hear from him. I was scared… I wasn’t sure if it was a test or not.”
“Terrified? What did he–?”
“I can’t talk about it, Copia. I promised… I can’t lose you. I can’t. I–” You pulled your quivering bottom lip in between your teeth, biting down just enough to try to keep the levy of tears from breaking. 
“He can’t send me away, if that was his threat, which isn’t even a new threat now that he said it to me himself. Sister Imperator would never allow it anyway,” he said as he waved his hand dismissively before he pinched the bridge of his nose. “You haven’t been yourself since the summons, all the changes aside. Just… tell me what happened.”
“It was my fault; this is my fault,” you mumbled. “I should have stopped– stopped it, o-or stopped him. And– and I didn’t.” You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him. A tear slipped down your cheek and you turned quickly to wipe it away. You sucked in a shuddering breath through your teeth. Nothing could hold back the tears now that you were left without a choice but to confess everything.
“What happened, cara?” he stressed. “Did he hurt you?” He shifted to the edge of his seat like he was seconds away from finishing what you had started.
Your eyes shut tightly again as you shook your head. “No, no. Not physically. I– we–” you stammered, before your voice turned into a meek whisper. “I think… I think there was a part of me that… that liked it…” What was the point of hiding anything now? You looked up and rapidly blinked, doing your best to keep the tears away.
Even without seeing him, you could feel the emotion draining from him. His posture turned rigid and tense. His jaw clenched and the leather of his gloves creaked under the strain of his hands balling into fists. He knew now exactly what had transpired. And that caused the levee to break and the tears to freely flow while the words flew from your mouth in a stream of consciousness. 
“I didn’t want to. I didn’t. I told him to stop. I pushed him away. Please, please believe me. I didn’t want to hurt you. But… H-he said if I kept fighting him or I breathed one word of this to you… he’d send you away and I couldn’t– I didn’t know… And then there was this voice, telling me to… submit? And I just… I let him do whatever he wanted to me. I let him…” Your eyes scrunched shut, a look of pain casted over your face as you shook your head. “When he was done with me… when it was over… he said again if I said one syllable of this to you, you’d be gone. And that I was his. And I think that’s when… it happened. I don’t remember anything but rage after that. Pure rage. But it was my fault. It was all my fault I let him. And then I… I left s-something in his office and he texted me last night that I had to get them today and I just didn’t know what he would do. I didn’t know if he’d try and– try and hurt me again or hurt you if I didn’t. Even after the hex I casted, I just– I didn’t know what to do. So I went and then he told me everything. And I thought… It was like he was back, like my Terzo was back. And before I knew it, I– we were… we kissed and– but then he mentioned you and I pushed him away. And he kept saying how it would be him, it’s always gonna be him, and he promised to be better, but the promise… I just– That’s when I snapped. I tried to kill him. I tried. I just wanted to make it stop. But it’s all my fault.” Your voice finally broke after everything flew out of your mouth in a burst. When you finally looked at him, you couldn’t even register what emotions were on his face, if any. Your eyesight was so blurry with tears. So you flew off the couch, kneeling in front of him, sobbing. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m s-so sorr-rry,” you repeated over and over.
Copia slid out of the chair and onto the floor to hold you as you sobbed. He didn’t say anything. He allowed you the space to cry, the space to mumble your string of apologies between gulps of air and wails of despair. 
When you calmed down enough to almost be able to breathe normally, he was shocked when you pushed away from him suddenly. You pushed yourself back until you hit the couch, frantically shaking your head. “No, no, no. Why aren’t you– You should hate me. You should be— What are you doing? I don’t deserve this. I– I’m…” The pain that flashed through your eyes was nearly indescribable. Your voice sounded so strained as you tried to speak through your gasping intakes of breaths. “I’m– just– like– him.”
There was no way for you to see the utter look of shock and hurt and remorse that came over him. You missed how his eyes watered with tears he couldn’t let fall, because you needed someone strong, you needed someone to hold you up as everything crumbled around you. Leaning forward on his knees, he placed a hand beside on the couch to hold him up as he leaned over you. His other hand found its way to your chin, trying to gently convince you to look at him. 
“Dolcezza, look at me…” he spoke gently. “Look at me.” Reluctantly you obliged. “You are nothing like him. You will never be anything close to the monster that he is, do you understand me?” You couldn’t do anything but stare at him as your eyes continued to well up with even more tears. “He manipulated you, cara. He used you. Time and time again. The only way for that bastard to change is for his soul to leave his body,” he growled. He shut his eyes briefly, taking a deeping to regain his composure.
You shook your head, sliding away from him, trying to create distance. “No, I’m worse.” You hugged your knees to your chest. 
“You’re n–”
“I tried to kill him, Copia. I wanted to kill him.” Your eyes grew distant as you stared ahead. “I could have, too… if no one stopped me. Y-you don’t know what it’s like to lose control like that – to not have any control.” A humorless laugh fell from your lips as you shook your head almost in disbelief. “And then there’s everything I did to you.” Your lips curled over your teeth as you pressed them into a straight line in a feeble attempt to fight the next onslaught of tears. You turned your head away from him as one managed to escape.
Your eyes stayed shut as you heard the rustling of fabric as he got up, sighing as he did so. His soft footsteps told you he was walking around the coffee table to kneel beside you. “Cara, I was aware of the precariousness of our… relationship well before it began.” You weren’t sure what direction he was going with this, so your eyes snapped open in time to watch as he avoided looking at you. “What surprises me the most is that I didn’t see this coming.”
When his eyes met yours, you could feel the searing pain of your guilt slashing your heart with shallow cuts. He’s upset because he should have expected this of you? For a split second you thought about getting defensive. You opened your mouth, but quickly shut it. Copia was probably the only person outside of your relationship with Terzo who knew the ins and outs of it. You had confided in him time and time again; you sought him out for comfort. He knew the pain and devastation you felt. And he knew how much you had truly loved Terzo.
“I–I– I’m sorry,” you stammered. “I didn’t want to lose you and… I thought if I could hide it from you, it would hurt you less. It– I was– Everything is just so fucking complicated now.” You ran your hands through your hair, gripping it frustration.
“I just need you to answer one question for me. Will you be able to resist being intimate with him again if the opportunity arises?”
Hands falling to your side, you took in a shuddering breath, slowly turning to look at him with a dumbfounded expression. Your stomach dropped and you could feel the thundering in your chest as your hands trembled. There was no choice but to tell the truth. “I can’t…” you shook your head. “Copia, I can’t promise that…” you breathed out the words in shame.
He nodded once. His face hardened with stoicism akin to a marble sculpture. “Grazie per la tua onestà (thank you for your honesty),” he said with his voice devoid of any emotion as he stood up. “We need to tell Sister Imperator about what happened to you. She needs to know for the sake of the upcoming rituals.” He took out his phone and began to call her as he went into the bedroom. You couldn’t hear exactly what was said, but you knew enough that he had informed her of how urgently she needed to see the two of you. 
Somehow you were able to force yourself to stand up and get yourself a glass of water as you hopelessly tried to pull yourself together. He didn’t have to tell you that Sister Imperator was on her way. You weren’t sure how long you stood at the kitchen sink, staring off into nothing, until three sharp knocks at the door pulled you out of your trance-like state. 
She eyed you as you let her into the small apartment. You casted your solemn eyes down. Copia emerged out of the bedroom and gestured towards the chair, “Sister, please sit.” 
“So what is the arduous new development now?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. 
“The truth about her awakening,” stated Copia bluntly. 
“Ah. Of course. There had to be more than a mere conversation to set you off.”
You fought physically cringing, taking a deep breath to prepare yourself. Copia leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. He couldn’t look at you, his eyes trained to a spot on the ground. Sister waved her hand impatiently to tell you to get on with it. 
“He— Terzo, um…” you sputtered at first before you just spewed the story out without taking a breath. “Terzo forced himself on me and threatened to send Copia back to Italy if I said anything at all to anyone about what happened and said I was ‘his’ and I just remember the rage I felt after that and today I was hiding in office when Copia was there so I heard everything but he told me everything because Asmodeus came to both of us but then he made a dig at Copia and I tried to kill him.” You took a deep breath as you finished, sheepishly looking at Sister Imperator. During your small monologue you kept your gaze fixed on your restless hands in your lap, missing how quickly Copia’s eyes darted to you when you mentioned the visit from Asmodeus. 
Imperator’s mouth dropped slightly as listened. “Lucifer in Hell…” she breathed as she shook her head in dismay. “Do not utter a word of this to anyone, but the problem that is Papa Emeritus III will be dealt with in the coming days. I will not divulge any information on what is to happen for your safety; it is best you know as little as possible.”
“That’s not all, Sister,” Copia spoke up. “Something also happened — to me — today.” Both yours and Sister Imperator’s brows furrowed quizzically as your heads turned to face Copia. “I don’t think we need to, eh, prepare a ritual for me to summon an Infernal.” Deeper cuts from your guilt and shame slashed your heart further. He was sharing this information with Sister Imperator, not you. He probably would have shared this with you first and foremost, but not after the knife you just twisted into his heart.
Sister Imperator put two and two together. She recalled both you and Terzo having seen Asmodeus, which meant all three involved were having the visions concurrent with the awakening. The look of bewilderment etched itself deeper into the lines of her face. 
“Who did you see?” you asked, your voice sounded rattled and cautious. 
He rubbed the back of his neck as his eyes sheepishly darted between the ladies in front of him. “Lucifer himself, eheh.” 
“Copia that… That’s amazing. What did he say? What happened?” you asked, moving to the edge of your seat. Having not seen Lucifer yourself, you knew how significant this was.
“Terzo has really fucked things up, which was apparently the reason He hadn’t shown himself to me. He stressed that freewill plays a large role in your choice. So, um,” he cleared his throat, “in the end, the choice is yours and it will be respected. But, Sister… He– He had a message for you. He said that you need to start telling the truth and continuing to keep secrets won’t do anyone any good.”
You watched as the color drained from Sister Imperator’s face. She clasped her hand around her grucifix as she closed her eyes, probably muttering a silent prayer of strength. “C… I– I had wanted to tell you when I felt the time was right, but if The Dark One says that time is now…” She was stalling, trying to put together the right words. After taking a deep breath, she bared her secret she had been carrying around for decades. “There is a reason you have the Emeritus Eye. The claim you are not part of this bloodline simply is not true. This– Not even Papa Nihil is aware of what I am about to tell you. Maybe at one point he was, but I think we’re lucky he even knows his own name these days. I digress.” She paused as her hand covered her mouth for a moment. Her eyes scanned a distant spot in front of her as if she was searching for the next piece of the story she would tell.
“Before the awakening started, I was working on making it so that the rightful heir to the papal seat would be chosen. I suppose that process is now being rushed. Copia, you are the next in line to be Papa.” 
His mouth dropped, hanging open in shock. Your eyes widened. 
“Times were very different when you were born…” she continued. “The reason you will be our next Papa is because of your parents. It is true, Papa Nihil is, unfortunately, in fact your father, but why you deserve this is due to who your mother is.”
Copia blinked repeatedly before he interrupted, “But– But they told me my mother felt she was too young to have a child and dropped me off al Ministero della Roma (at the Ministry of Rome) with nothing but a note. How… How do you know?”
“That part is true. Your mother did feel she was too young to adequately care for a child, especially considering the antics of your father and his parenting, or lack thereof, of your brothers. It was best for you to be raised by the Sisters of Sin who could show you the care you deserve.” Copia scoffed. “Primo taking you under his wing was the best thing that could have happened.”
“But how do you know?” he repeated through his teeth. “What does my mother have to do with me being next in line for Papa?”
“Because, Copia, I am your mother.”
part viii | part x
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onedaughterofman · 2 years
About me and fic masterlist <3
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Hi! I can speak English and Spanish. This is a +18 blog, so please DON'T follow/interact if you're underage.
Also, PLEASE DO NOT repost my works on ANY OTHER SITE. They are exactly where I want them to be.
Fics are under #my writing tag!
Fic masterlist under the cut!
In all the fics the reader is gender neutral, unless I say otherwise.
You, forever: Papa Emeritus IV x reader. Angst, a bit of horror. Evil! Copia. Antichrist! Copia. COMPLETED
Chapter I: Life eternal
Chapter II: Maternal slave
Chapter III: If you have ghost
Chapter IV: A funeral pyre
Chapter V: Kiss the goat under the spell
Chapter VI: Your friend Death
Chapter VII: Zenith interlude
Chapter VIII: Spawn of pure malevolence
Chapter IX: Waiting for the night
Chapter X: Dance Macabre
Chapter XI: Thank you, now go, go
Evil: Papa Emeritus III x reader. Rated T, some sexual innuendos.
Admirer: Aether ghoul x reader. Fluff. PART II
Hope: Aether ghoul x reader. Fluff.
Ritual: Papa Emeritus (any of them) x reader x Nameless Ghoul (any of them). +18, adult content.
Sun: Papa Emeritus (any of them) x reader. Fluff, comfort.
Premature burial: Mary Goore x reader. Rated T, a bit of horror.
Call me: Cardinal Copia x reader. +18, adult content.
Night: Papa Emeritus (any of them) x reader. +18, adult content.
Ring: Cardinal Copia x reader. +18, adult content.
Sin: Papa Emeritus (any of them) x reader. +18, adult content.
Bless me: Papa Emeritus (any of them) x reader. +18, adult content.
Vampire Party: Young! Sister Imperator x reader. Rated T, vampirism.
Cold: Dew/Sodo/Fire Ghoul x reader. Rated T, some sexual innuendos.
Prime Mover: Papa Emeritus (any of them) x reader. +18, adult content.
For me: Papa Emeritus III x reader. +18, adult content.
Dying tonight: Resurrected! Papa Emeritus III x reader. Angst.
Garments: Cardinal Copia x reader. +18, adult content.
Dance Macabre: Young! Sister Imperator x reader x Young! Papa Nihil. +18, adult content.
Goodnight, again: Young! Papa Nihil x reader. Fluff.
Rebirth: Vampire! Papa Emeritus x reader. Rated T. Mentions of injuries and blood. Vampirism.
Feisty: Nameless Ghoul (any of them) x reader. Rated M. Light adult content.
Binding ritual: Nameless Ghoulettes x reader. Fluff.
Untitled vignette: Papa Emeritus III x Omega Ghoul. Angst.
That classic "getting sold to" fic: Papa Emeritus IV x reader. Humor, crack fic.
Dark Waltz: Vampire! Papa Emeritus (any of them) x reader. Rated T.
Another bloody Mary: Mary Goore x Young! Nihil. Angst, crack ship.
Untitled vignette #2: Rain Ghoul x reader. Humor, bit of crack fic.
Ruin me: Nameless Ghoul x reader. +18, adult content.
Untitled vignette #3: Papa Emeritus III x Omega Ghoul. Angst.
Untitled vignette #5: Papa Emeritus IV x reader. +18, adult content.
Untitled vignette #6: Mary Goore x reader. Rated T, angst and emotional hurt/comfort.
Writing Sessions #1: Papa Emeritus IV x reader. Rated M, manipulative manwhore Copia, sexual innuendos.
Terzo x Omega scenario: Rated T, angst.
Writing Sessions #2: Papa Emeritus III headcanon. Angst, self esteem issues, depersonalization, imposter syndrome.
Writing Sessions #3: Cardinal Copia x reader. Rated M. Not explicit, but sexual themes. Fluff. Copia being weird and dumb.
Writing Sessions #4: Papa Emeritus II x reader. Rated T, sexual tension, age difference, Secondo being dark and handsome.
Writing Sessions #4 PART II: Papa Emeritus II x reader. +18, adult content.
Writing Sessions #5: Papa Emeritus III x Omega Ghoul. Angst.
Writing Sessions #6: Mary Goore x reader. Rated T, mostly fluff, some sexual tension. Blood (fake)
Writing Sessions #7: Papa Emeritus I x reader. +18, adult content.
Writing Sessions #8: Papa Emeritus I x reader. +18, adult content.
Writing Sessions #9: Papa Emeritus I x reader. +18 adult content.
Sacrifice me: Papa Emeritus x reader. +18 adult content.
PD: The Devil works hard but I'm sitting next to him chugging coffee like it's water.
Feel free to share this list with your Ghesties. Spread the word of the Lord!
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fereise · 2 years
Overhaul/Update version for one of my proudest works, a main cover art(?) for my little project call Robotnik AU.
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Characters list:
Upper row/section (above Movie Eggman's hands), from left to right: - Sonic.exe (the utmost terrifying OC/FC from the creepy pasta thingy) - Queen Boom Boo, Merc version (OC/FC made by Dan-Habiki/@Dan_Daymaker) - King Boom Boo - Lah - Su & Uh - Shadow the Hedgehog (Team Dark) - Rouge the Bat (Team Dark) - E-123 Omega (Team Dark) - Dr. Eggman Nega - Doctor Albert W. Wily (Megaman, Archie comics) - Honey the Cat - Breezie the Hedgehog - Bocoe & Decoe + Bokkun - Dark Oak/Lucas - Dark Queen/Merlina - Erazor Dijinn - Coconuts - Scratch & Grounders - General Helmut Von Stryker - Anton Veruca (Shogakukan magazines) - Junior Robotnik - Captain Whiskers & Johnny - Opal the Jellyfish (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Dive the Lemming (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Blade the Shark (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Captain Shellbreaker (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Mr. Bristles the Yeti Crab (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Mephiles the Dark - Silver Sonic - Dark Enerjak (Knuckle) - Nazo (appeared in Sonic X's last teaser) - Eggette/Omelette Robotnik (famed OC/FC originally designed by Alpha Gamboa (blackbookalpha)) - Infinite the Jackal - Solaris - Black Doom - Eclipse the Darkling - Black Death - Dark Gaia (Perfect form) - Metal Sonic - Iron Queen aka Regina Ferrum - Time Eater - Mammoth Mogul - Iron King aka Jun Kun - Imperator Ix - Wendy Naugus - Bearenger the Grizzly (Witchcarters) - Carrotia the Rabbit (Witchcarters) - Falke Wulf (Witchcarters) - Walter Naugus - Fleetway's Super Sonic - Shade the Echidna - Boomer Walrus aka Anti Rotor - Patch D'Coolette aka Anti Antoine - Princess Alicia Acorn aka Anti Sally
Middle section (below Eggman's hands), from left to right: - Speedy (both Pre and Post-Super Genesis Wave versions) - Sage - T.W. Barker - Dave the Intern - Sleet & Dingo - A.D.A.M. - E.V.E. - Lyric the Last Ancient - Zor - Zash (OC/FC made by @saccharinerose) - Zeena - Zazz - Zomom - Zavok - Master Zik - Agent Stone (Sonic movies 2020/2022) - Orbot & Cubot - Wes Weasely - Snively Robotnik - Dr. Robotnik (Sonic movies 2020/2022) - Thunderbolt the Chinchilla - Predator Hawk (Destructix) - Anti-Miles - Scourge the Hedgehog - Storm the Albatross - Wave the Swallow - Jet the Hawk - Rosy the Rascal - Sleuth "Doggy" Dawg (Destructix) - Sergeant Simian (Destructix) - Fiona Fox (Destructix) - Duck "Bill" Platypus - Bark the Polar Bear - Bean the Dynamite - Drago Wolf (Destructix) - Nicolette 'Nic' the Weasel - Razorclaw - The Foreman (Grandmaster) - Hugo Brass - Diesel - Flying Frog (Destructix) - Geoffrey St. John - Hershey the Cat - Nack the Weasel/Fang the Sniper (Team Hooligan) - Fleetway's Chaos (Darkon fish form)
Lower section, from left to right: - Dr. Finitevus - Grimer Wormtongue - Dr. Fukurokov - Dimitri the Echidna - Maw the Thylacine - Mecha Sally - Mecha Sonic - Mecha knuckle - Jackal Squad, named by Nibroc-Rock as Uno, Deux, Trois, Quatre, Cinq & Sei (Shadowy figures) - Kayseri Valaedshkova (OC/FC made by dirtthefox/@Its_Dima_V) - Strike (OC/FC made by @speedofsoundsketches) - Surge the Tenrec - Kit the Fennec - Sofia the Gorgon (OC/FC made by Sofia-MMD/@GorgonSofia) - Clutch the Opossum - Kaibette the Genet (OC/FC made by @kaibette) - Rough & Tumble the Skunk - Battle Lord Kukku XV - ***Mecha Robotnik - Akhlut the Orca (both Pre and Post-Super Genesis Wave versions) - Tundra the Walrus - Mordred Hood (drawn with @adokle's style) - The Foreman/Tassel boy (Post-Super Genesis Wave) - Mimic (the Mimic Octopus) - Byte the Goat (OC/FC made by @bunniibones) - Lightning Lynx - Iblis - Phage - Conquering Storm (Post-Super Genesis Wave) - Bride of the Conquering Storm (Pre-Super Genesis Wave) - Dr. Starline - Biolizard - Sigma (Megaman, Archie comics) - Axel the Water Buffalo - Abyss the Squid - Cyani the Cobra (OC/FC made by @bunniibones) - Cipher the Owl (OC/FC made by @bunniibones) - Bleak (OC/FC made by HT-Doodles/@HtDoodles) - Clove the Pronghorn (my top fav among all the characters here) - Cassia the Pronghorn - Lien-da - Chaos - Tikal the Echidna - Pachacamac - Gae-Na - Kragok - Thrash the Devil - Warden Zobotnik & Znively (Zone Cop) - Belinda & Charlie - Nephthys the Vulture - ??? (Behind Nephthys) - Trevor Burrow the Mole (Desert Raiders) - Sonar the Fennec (Desert Raiders) - Spike the Porcupine (Desert Raiders) - Razor the Shark - Queen Angelica - Rusty Rose - Robo Tails (Brain-washed, based on Sonic Lost World's designs) - Beauregard Rabbot - Jack Rabbit - Matilda the Armadillo - Zefir (my main OC/FC) - Gamer Deer (aka 'Aleko' the Northamer Guard or the 'Gamerdeerdude' by @adokle) - Zonic (Zone Cop) - Chesah the Tarsier aka No.29 (my OC/FC) - Sandy the Caterkiller (OC/FC made by @the-hydroxian-artblog)
For the Alt version: FeReinsm on Instagram: “Overhaul/update versions for one of my proudest works, a main cover art(?) for my lil’ project - Robotnik AU. For the 2nd and 4th pics…”
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samobservessonic · 4 days
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New Knuckles story and I’m over the moon because Nigel Dobbyn has finally joined us in the main comic as an artist! Look at how pretty this looks! With Kitching on the writing that means we’ve got a double Nigel comic
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Yeah, I’m going to count “I’m shattered!” as another coin the in British jar
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Knuckles heads off to Megopolis to check out the disturbance, which he equally thinks could be dust in the system, but wants to be safe. Also, they bring up Knuckles’s people coming back more than I remember them doing. I always thought they just said that when Knuckles was introduced and then dropped it until the Sonic Adventure arc, but I guess not
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Future robot friend! I really like the design of these robots. I know I’ve said before that a lot of the non-game robot designs were misses for me, but these ones really do look great
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Still, for the moment they are not friends
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“Masonry can’t speak!” really tickled me for some reason. But more importantly, from the look of that fist, we’ve got a bigger matter to focus on right now…
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…It’s Dr. Zachary!
If you don’t know of him, then you probably will know of how the echoes of his character influenced the franchise. It’s speculated that he may have been the inspiration for the Archie Sonic character Dr. Finitevus, who in turn was possibly the inspiration for the Sonic Chronicles character Imperator Ix. And while he’s based on an entirely different egg-laying Australian mammal, it’s possible that IDW Sonic’s Dr. Starline was inspired by a soup of all of the above characters. So there you have it! A lot of stuff in different parts of the Sonic franchise have (admittedly unconfirmed) origins that could stem back to this one echidna guy There’s also something on the wiki about how he might be associated with the Wechnia glitch, which I don’t really know enough about to comment on. I always just thought he was coloured white to show he was an older echidna, along with that face scruff. And I’m not sure if Kitching knew about the Wechnia glitch? There’s probably a lot of folks out there more knowledgeable on that than me tho But who exactly is Dr. Zachary? He’s only just turned up, after all. Given that all those other characters I’ve mentioned who might’ve been inspired by him are villains, you can probably guess how this is going to go. Regardless, we’ll get back to these two next issue
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crim50n-r8er · 1 month
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Blockbuster!Imperator Ix
Imperator Ix from Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood is now the one who is The Ultimate Lifeform, and with it, he’s actually the latest in nine total experiments, hence the name, to achieve this feat by Gerald Robotnik. The Biolizard is actually experiment V (Named Vee). What’s different about this is that instead of Maria, Gerald is trying to cure a nine-year-old Ivo Robotnik (Eggman). And to accomplish this, a being that has similar design traits to Argus from Sonic Chronicles (as well as the giant with a hundred eyes of the same name from Greek Mythology) offers their DNA to aid in the process.
From there things are relatively the same as in canon so far….outside of Ix gaining that stupid edgy personality Shadow had in the 2010s games onwards because of Shadow 05 😅
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ottomanladies · 8 days
As we all know, Murad III was the sultan who had thirty daughters when he died, but in 1598 seventeen or eighteen daughters died due to plaque, so there were twelve or thirteen who were left. There were several daughters of Safiye Sultan, and much more daughters of concubines, who were married in mass ceremony in summer of 1613.
When Murad ascended the throne, Venetian ambassadors started to report about his family composition. Let’s now see reports from early reign of Murad III:
Report from Giacomo Soranzo from 1576 (page 205) (provided by Maria Pia Pedani)
Sultan Amorat III di questo nome, et XIII imperator de Turchi, è al presente di età di 33 anni. Ha una figliola di XII anni et dui figliuoli maschi, il primo, sultan Mehemet, di IX anni, et l’altro sultan Soleiman di VIII.
Report from Giovanni Correr from 1578 (page 239) (provided by Maria Pia Pedani)
Sarebbe, dicono, inclinato per natura a disordinar con le donne, perché si diletta grandemente della conversation loro; pure, con tanta commodità et quantità che n’ha, si tien per fermo che ’l sia contento della sola moglie, la qual se ben non le ha per ancora fatto chebin, che tanto vuol dire come indotata et sposata, ama grandemente, né mai dorme lontano da lei, et con essa ha tre figliuoli, una femina de XI anni et dui maschi, il primo di IX, et l’altro di V anni.
Report from Giacomo Soranzo from 1584 (page 268) (provided by Maria Pia Pedani)
Questo sultan Mehemet, solo et unico figliolo maschio di Sua Maestà con doi figliole femine, se ben ha havuto altri quattro figlioli maschi, che son morti, tutti di una istessa madre, è hora in età di XVI in XVII anni, et la prima figliola di XIIII dissegnata, come si crede, a Ibrain bassà, et [6] l’altra più picciola.
Report from Paolo Contarini from 1583; book Relazioni degli ambasciatori veneti al Senato (page 243):
Ha Sua Maesta un figliuolo unico maschio chiamato Sultan Memet, di eta d’ anni 18, e che l’ anno passato fu ritagliato, com’ e noto alla Serenita Vostra, di maggior vita e di piu bella statura del padre, di color olivastro, e negli occhi mostra esser crudele; s’ intende ch’ egli abbia animo grande, e che spesso biasma il padre, perche dipende dal consiglio delle done e non va in persona alla guerra. Ha pure Sua Maesta due figliuole, una di eta di quattordici anni, che, come ho detto, e destinata per moglie ad Ibraim bassa, e l’ altra e di anni dieci, ne per ancora e destinata ad alcuno, sebben si ragiona che la sultana madre abbia intenzionne di farla dar per moglie a Mamut aga, capigi bassi del serenissimo Signor, allievo e molto favorito di Sua Maesta.
As far as I understood from reports above:
Beside Mehmed, Safiye gave birth to four sons who died before 1584; one of them was named Süleyman who was year younger than Mehmed, thus being born in 1567. Also, Mahmud and Selim (who were born respectively in 1572 and 1579; see A Comparison of Seyyid Lokman’s Records of the Birth, Death and Wedding Dates of Members of Ottoman Dynasty (1566-1595) with the Records in Ottoman Chronicles by Pazan Ibrahim), were also sons of Safiye, according to birth dates.
Safiye for sure had at least two daughters; Ayşe, who was four years younger than her brother Mehmed, thus being born in 1570, and Fatma, who was four years younger than her elder sister and eight years younger than her brother, thus being born in 1574. Beside them, it seems that Safiye had one more daughter, who was older from Mehmed two to three years, thus being born in 1563-1564.
From later reign of Murad III we have also some informations:
Report from Lorenzo Bernardo in 1590 provided by Maria Pia Pedani (actually the report was made in 1586/87; because this bailo was there until 1587)
Fra tutti questi che a quella Porta potessero far bene e male a questo Senato è la sultana moglie, uno de principali mezi appresso il Gran Signore. Questa è di natione albanese, molto savia e prudente, si è mostrata da un tempo in qua molto bene affetta alle cose della Serenità Vostra, e però mi son trattenuto con lei con alcune galanterie di poco valore, perché non si mostra avida né ha causa di essere tale perché è ricchissima. Il suo favore non solo è da stimare al presente, ma molto più per l’avenire, in tempo che regnasse  il prencipe suo figliolo, appresso il quale è di molta autorità. È d’età d’anni 38 in 39, e sono anni 25 ch’hebbe commercio col Gran Signore col quale per anni 18 continui hebbe molti figlioli, de quali al presente ne vivono tre solamente, cioè Meemet prencipe, la figliola maritata in Ibraim bassà et una figliola che hora è da marito.
Safiye’s Household and Venetian Diplomacy; page 29 note 64
16 Aug. 1590  – the marriages of two daughters of the sultan has been arranged; the first is beautiful and will marry the beylerbeyi of Greece; the other is humpback, but not a monster, and she will marry Siyavuş paşa
Safiye’s Household and Venetian Diplomacy; page 29 (note 63 confirms spring 1591 as date)
In 1591 the rich Hümaşah Ayşe, the daughter of Mihrimah and Rüstem, proposed to pay the expenses of one hundred galleys for six months, if her son-in-law Çiğala-zâde Sinan paşa was made kapudanpaşa. At the same time a sister of prince Mehmed tried to obtain the same office for her brother-in-law Mehmed paşa.
Report from Matheo Zane from April 18, 1592, to the Doge and Senate (source: Calendar of State Papers and Manuscripts Relating to English Affairs (1893); page 23 – I will only provide first part of the letter)
The appointment of Sciavus as Gran Vizir was made against the intentions of the Sultan himself, who, in his own mind, had designed to make Sciavus second Vizir, and Sinan Gran Vizir. But Sinan was far away, and his Majesty was aware that there was pressing danger if he refused to satisfy the troops by the removal of Ferrad; he accordingly conferred the seals to Sciavus. This appointment is more popular among the people and the merchants than with the troops, who remember that the disorders of their payment took place in the time of Sciavus, though the head of the Beglierbey of Greece paid the penalty for all. It is thought that if the Sultan’s daughter, who is twenty-six years old, marries Sciavus he will keep his office, if not there is danger of his losing it…
Alphonse la Martine claims in his work History of Turkey (p. 108):
Ferhad-Pasha, grown old in the wars of Persia, was appointed grand vizier in the place of Sinan-Pasha, who returned for the third time into his sumptuous exile of Malghara. Ferhad had espoused the daughter of the Sultana Safiye. This princess governed under her son Mahomet III from the depths of the harem, still more absolutely than under Amurath.
Report from Girolamo Capello from 1600 (p. 416, provided by Maria Pia Pedani)
Rimane per ultimo Sciaus, di nazione ongaro, e per quello che viene detto nato nobilmente. Questo fu grandemente amato da sultan Selim; è persona di bell’aspetto, grave, di poche parole e risoluto, e nessuno vien formato di maggior intelligenza di lui, né più atto a regger tanto peso, essendo stato tre volte primo visir, se bene gl’attribuiscono nome di sfortunato, essendo nel tempo del suo governo successi incendii grandissimi et accidenti infausti, e sempre che si sente voce di mutazione di governo egli viene nominato per primo; ma si giudica che non potrà riuscire per non esser in grazia della regina, essendo che doppo la morte della prima sua moglie, non volse prendere un’altra sultana. Con tutto ciò non manca chi lo pone innanzi. E l’ultimo ordine che diede il Gran Signore a Sciaus, ch’egli non dovesse partir per la Mecca, facendolo ritornar in Costantinopoli mentre era in pronto per andarsene (se bene altri dicono che fosse sua invenzione per vedere come si muoveva il re) lo pose in gran speranza, che Sua Maestà si volesse servir di lui. Nell’amicizia di questo si conserva il medico Benvenisti ebreo, che per vedersi privo del donativo che Vostra Serenità gli faceva già molto tempo di 500 zecchini l’anno, quasi pretesi da lui per obligo di servizi prestati, si rende ora poco ben affetto, se bene lo dissimula. Ma si ha da lodar Dio che Vostra Serenità ora si trova libera dalla mano di tutte quest’arpie delle quali non avrà bisogno, piacendo a Sua Divina Maestà per gran pezzo, e quando anco Sciaus risorgesse, saranno ambedue sempre amicissimi di lei perché sono avarissimi, oltre che Sciaus si è sempre mostrato ben inclinato verso questo Serenissimo Dominio.
From this reports I was able to obtain, I understand next:
Safiye’s daughter Ayşe, who was from 1586 married to Ibrahim Pasha was sent with her husband to Egypt where she lived until end of reign of her father. But, there were at least two daughters of Safiye Sultan in the capital whose marriages occurred, even if their ceremonies was not reported by bailos.
In 1590, two daughters of Murad III (and Safiye) were promised respectively to governor of Rumelia (ambassadors often reffered them as beylerbeys of Greece) and Siyavuş Pasha. It seems that Sultana who was promised to governor of Rumelia was married to him latest in 1591, as her sister tried to obtain function of Kapudan Pasha for her husband (even though daughter of Rustem Pasha succeeded in her intention for obtaining that title to her son-in-law).  It also seems that her husband’s identity was Mehmed Pasha, more precisely Nişancı Kara Mehmed Pasha. Sometimes referred as Boyalı Mehmed Pasha. Mehmed Pasha died in June 1593.
I would suggest that this Sultana might be Fatma, as she would be 16 y.o., by the same age her sister Ayşe married Ibrahim Pasha. Also, as Mehmed Pasha died in June 1593, she could soon remarry. Also, there is a interesting quote in work DAMAD HALIL PASHA (d. 1603): THE LIFE AND CAREER OF A “MODERATE” OTTOMAN PASHA (pp. 1643-1644) which says that ‘’the death of Nişancı Mehmed Pasha, one of the dome viziers, on 21 June 1593 seems to have made it easier for Halil Pasha to become vizier’’.
On the other hand, there is a Sultana who was promised to Siyavuş Pasha after he was widowed after death of Fatma Sultan, sister of Murad III. From 1592  report of Matheo Zane, we find out that this Sultana is twenty-six years old and that marriage negotiations are still going on. By report from 1600, it is clear that this Sultana who was engaged to Siyavuş Pasha was Safiye’s daughter, because Girolamo Capello reported that Siyavuş Pasha refused to remarry to Murad III’s daughter and he eventually fell out of favour of Safiye Sultan. It seems that this daughter was the eldest daughter of Murad III, beside Ayşe Sultan and Fatma Sultan, who were married at the time.
Beside that
In Sicill-I Osmani cilt 1, page 26, says that daughter of Murad III named Mihrimah was the eldest daughter of her father when she died and that she married Mirahur Ahmed Pasha. Also in work Bu mülkün kadın sultanları by Sakaoğlu, Mihrimah is claimed as eldest daughter of Murad III, and that she was married to Mirahur Ahmed Pasha in 1604. But, if she was eldest daughter and was married in 1604 to Ahmed Pasha, she was 40 years old, which means she had another marriages during reign of her father and brother about whom we know nothing. I would go with her being the one trying to be married to her late aunt’s husband Siyavuş Pasha. If the description is right, and she was humpback, but not a monster, I would suggest she was maybe retired in her Palace or Topkapi Palace the most of her time because of health problems.
It seems that Murad III also had another daughter, Hümaşah, who was absolutely wronged by Alderson, he assigned her husbands of Şehzade Mehmed’s daughter Hümaşah Sultan and Şehzade Mehmed’s granddaughter Fatma Hanımsultan. Actually, thanks to Ragusan envoys, we know that she was wife of Nakkaş Hasan Pasha. According to Factions and Favourites at the Courts of Sultan Ahmed I, this marriage occurred between January and March 1605, but there are venetian reports which claim differently:
Resta quarlo Visir Assan Nacas, che in turco vuol dir pittore, per qualche gusto che ha di quella professione; e uomo di 54 anni, picciol di persona, nacque in Russia, d’ingegno sottile, poiche oltre il dipingere, sa ancora lavorare un orologio. Fu Silictar del re passato che il fece anco Visir, e gli die’in moglie una sua sorella – zia del presente Gran Signore; onde resta egli ancora parente della Maesta Sua.
Source: Relazioni degli stati Europei lette al Senato dagli ambasciatori Veneti nel secolo decimosettimo, p. 142
Also, in Journal of Ottoman Studies cilt 11 from 1991 (p. 184) and Osmanlı Devletinin Saray Teşkilatı (1984; page 165) from Uzunçarşılı, there are claims of Ahmed I fulfilling his aunt Hümaşah Sultan’s reguest for some appropriate allocations from the imperial kitchen. Most interesting is 82 numarali muhimme defteri, where Hümaşah Sultan gave in 1617 some kethudas to her nephew Ahmed I, he even refers to her as hȃlem Hümaşah Sultan (derived hrom hala, which means aunt). I strongly suggest she being daughter of Safiye Sultan, as she was given name in honour of Şehzade Mehmed’s daughter who gifted her mother to her father. I also suggest she was the youngest of her siblings, being born around 1580. As she was child in 1580s, ambassadors probably didn’t have the chance to see her and she was confined to Topkapi. She received the highest salary for princess, beside four daughters of Kösem Sultan, as she was full-sister of Sultan. She also gifts during reign of Sultan Ibrahim, and on list of fourteen princesses which received gifts from envoys in 1655, in book ‘’Acta et diplomata Ragusina’’ she is reffered as Inasce sultana moglie di Hassan pascia.
Also, there were other daughters of Murad III, who were not daughters of Safiye Sultan.
In mass marriage ceremony in 1613, seven daughters of Murad III who resided in Old Palace were given to court officials. According to book Topçular Katibi Abdülkadir Efendi Tarihi  (p. 624), we are given identities of husbands of those Sultanas
Küçük Mirahur Mehmed Aga
Mirahur-I Evvel Muslu Aga
Bostancıbaşı Hasan Aga
Cığalazade Mehmed Bey
Kurşuncuzade Mustafa Pasha
Kefe Beylerbesi Mehmed Pasha
Kapucıbaşı Topal Mehmed Pasha
Also, author puts in footnotes that there was one daughter of Murad III who married in Shaban of 1022 H. (September 1613) governor of Rumelia Ahmed Pasha.
* In work Bu mülkün kadın sultanları by Sakaoğlu, Fahri Sultan is claimed to be married to Çukadar Ahmed Pasha in 1604, who died in 1618. Year 1604 is incorrect, as she was married to him in 1613. Additionaly, in work Searching for Osman by Tezcan Baki, on page 328, it is claimed that daughter of Murad III who married governor of Rumelia Ahmed Pasha (later governor of Damascus; died 1618)  remarried to Çerkez Mehmed Ali Pasha, who was Grand Vizier of Murad IV. Actually, this Ahmed Pasha was Mirahur Ahmed Pasha, who was governor of Damascus from 1617 until 1618 (I checked on world statesmen site). It seems that Çukadar and Mirahur Ahmed Pasha are the same person, but it seems that when Murad III’s daughter Mihrimah Sultan died, pasha was remarried to Fahri Sultan. Additionally, her marriage to Grand Vizier would explain why she received the highest salary of 430 aspers in 1639. She was not daughter of Safiye Sultan, but she was wife of Grand Vizier of Murad III, thus being given the highest salary among full-sisters of sultans. According to Ulucay, Fahri Sultan remarried to Soffi Bayram Pasha, which is true, because she was recorded in 1639 as widow of his, and received gifts from Ragusan envoys as his widow. Interestingly, it seems that she remarried during reign of Sultan Ibrahim to certain Dilaver Pasha, who was vizier under Mehmed IV and died in 1656. In list of gifts, she was referred as Fahre sultan, moglie di Dilaver pascia in 1648, 1662, 1670 and 1676. She is recorded in Acta et diplomata Ragusina, which provides gifts for fourteen Sultanas in 1655 as Faslite sultana, moglie di Lauer bassa. There are also court records from 1662:
Eyüb Mahkemesi (Havass-ı Refia) 74 Numaralı Sicil (H. 1072 - 1073 / M. 1661 - 1662)
III. Murad’ın kızı Fahrî Sultan’ın kocası Dilâver Paşa’dan intikal eden malları satan vekili Süleyman Bey’den herhangi bir alacağı kalmadığı Husûs-ı âti’l-beyânı mahallinde tahrîr için kıbel-i şer‘den bi’t-taleb irsâl olunan mevlânâ Sâlih Efendi b. Mehmed, ol dahi zeyl-i kitâbda muharrerü’l-esâmî olan müslimîn ile medîne-i hazret-i Ebâ Eyyûb el-Ensârî -dâme fî rıdvâni’l-Bârî- de vâki‘ Debbâğlar Deresi demekle ma‘rûf mahalde sâkine fahrü’l-muhadderât zevi’l-muvakkarât tâcü’l-mestûrât aliyyetü’z-zât safiyyetü’s-sıfât Fahrî Sultan bt. el-merhûm el-mebrûr ed-darrâc ilâ medârici rahmeti Rabbihi’l-gafûr Sultan Murad Hân -aleyhi’r-rahmeti ve’l-gufrân- hazretlerinin sa‘âdet-hânelerine varılıp akd-i meclis-i şer‘-i şerîf olundukda, sultân-ı müşârün-ileyhâ meclis-i ma‘kūd-ı mezkûrda, işbu kitâb-ı sıhhat-nisâbın sâhibi kıdvetü’l-emâcid ve’l-ekârim câmi‘ü’l-mehâmid ve’l-mekârim Sultanzâde Süleyman Bey b. el-merhûm Davud Paşa mahzarında tav‘an ikrâr ve takrîr-i kelâm edip bundan akdem fevt olan zevcim merhûm Dilâver Paşa zimmetinde mütekarrir olan mehr-i müeccelim mukābelesinde mecmû‘-ı muhallefâtı hatt-ı şerîf-i sa‘âdet-makrûn ile bana ihsân buyurulmağın ben dahi muhallefât-ı müteveffâ-yı mezbûru izn-i hâkim-i askerî ile sûk-ı sultânîde semen-i misli ile bey‘ ve kabz-ı semen ve bana îsâle mûmâ-ileyh Süleyman Bey’i tarafımdan vekîl ve nâib-i menâb nasb ve ta‘yîn eylediğimde ol dahi vekâlet-i mezbûreyi kabûl ve târih-i mezbûrda mahrûse-i Galata’da kassâm-ı askerî olan Hasan Efendi ma‘rifetiyle muhallefât-ı müteveffâ-yı mezbûru sûk-ı sultânîde bi’l-vekâle bey‘ ve kabz-ı semen eyledikden sonra defter-i kassâm mûcebince makbûzu olan meblağı tamamen bana def‘ ve teslîm, ben dahi kabz ve tesellüm etmişidim el-hâletü hâzihî husûs-ı mezbûra ve mütâlebât ve eymân ve muhâsamâtdan mûmâ-ileyh Süleyman Bey’in zimmetini ibrâ-i âmm-ı kātı‘ü’n-nizâ‘ ile ibrâ ve iskāt eyledim min ba‘d mûmâ-ileyh Süleyman Bey ile merhûm Dilâver Paşa muhallefâtına ve sâir husûsa müte‘allik da‘vâ ve nizâ‘ım yokdur, zuhûr dahi ederse lede’l-hükkâmi’l-kirâm kebîrihimi’llâhi’l-meliki’l-Allâm mesmû‘a ve makbûle olmasın deyicek gıbbe’t-tasdîki’ş-şer‘iyyi’l-vicâhiyyi’l-mu‘teber mâ hüve’l-vâki‘ kayd şüd. Fi’l-yevmi’s-sâbi‘ min şehri Ramazâni’l-mübârek li sene isneteyn ve seb‘în ve elf.
Also, in document dated from late 1662, which is about vakfiye of Fahri Sultan, she mentions at the end her sister Saime Sultan. Source:
11 numarali Istanbul Mahkemesi Defteri (H. 1073) pp. 303-304
On page 304, you will see Fahri Sultan refers to her as kız karındaşım Sâ’ime Sultân hazretlerini.
But, this Saime Sultan was also on list of gifts; in 1642 she was referred as wife of Topal Ahmed Pasha, and in 1648 she is referred as wife of Sarhoş Mehmed Pasha. In 1662 and 1670, she received gifts as widow, but in 1676 she was not mentioned, which means that she died in early 1670s.
One of the daughters of Murad III was Beyhan Sultan. There is a proof of her being daughter of Murad III:
Eyüb Mahkemesi (Havass-ı Refia) 37 Numaralı Sicil (H. 1047 / M. 1637 - 1638)
Beyhan Sultan bt. Sultan Murad Hân’ın tasarrufundaki menzil, bostan, çayır ve tarlaları Fâtıma Hatun bt. Abdüttevvâb’a sattığı Fahrü’l-muhadderât zahrü’l-muvakkarât tâcü’l-mestûrât, iklîletü’l-muhassenât Âişetü’z-zamân Fâtımatü’l-evân Beyhan Sultan bt. el-merhûm el-mebrûr ed-dâricü ilâ medârici’l-rahmeti’l-gafûr Sultan Murad Hân hazretlerinin taraf-ı şerîflerinden bey‘ ve tefvîz-i âti’z-zikri ikrâra vekîl olup vekâleti müşârün-ileyhâ hazretlerin ma‘rifet-i şer‘iyye ile ârifeyn olan zahrü’l-kuzât Mehmed Efendi b. ( ) el-Kadı ve Hâssa Baltacıları kethüdâsı olan el-Hâc Mehmed et-Teberdâr şehâdetleriyle sâbit olan kıdvetü’l-emâsil ve’l-akrân Câbir Ağa b. Abdülmennân mahfil-i kazâda Sultân-ı müşârün-ileyhâ hazretlerinin kethüdâları olan sâhib-i hâze’l-kitâb kıdvetü’l-muhadderât zübdetü’l-muvakkarât Fâtıma Hâtun bt. Abdüttevvâb tarafından dahi ikrâr-ı câ’i’l-beyânı tasdîka vekîl olup vekâleti mezbûre Fâtıma Hâtun’u ma‘rifet-i şer‘iyye ile ârifeyn olan Rıdvan Bey b. Abdullah ve Mustafa Bey b. Abdullah şehâdetleriyle sâbite olan fahrü’l-cüyûş Cafer Çavuş b. Abdullah muvâcehesinde bi’l-vekâle ikrâr-ı da‘vâ edip müvekkilem Sultân-ı müşârün-ileyhâ hazretlerinin silk-i mülk-i sahîhinde münselik olan emlâkinden olup Havâss-ı Aliyye kazâsı müzâfâtından Terkos nâhiyesine Kiteli nâm karyede vâki‘ bir tarafdan Osman Paşa mülkü ve bir tarafdan zikri âtî olan çiftliğe tâbi‘ olan çayır ve bir tarafı Sinan ve bir tarafı ba‘zan câmi‘-i şerîf ve ba‘zan tarîk-i âm ile mahdûd beş bâb tahtânî odayı ve bir sofayı ve bir anbarı ve harâba müşrif hamamı ve bir büyük ahırı ve bir küçük ahırı ve bir fırını ve harman kenarında vâki‘ samanlığı ve câmi‘-i şerîf kurbunda vâki‘ iki bâb tahtânî odayı müştemil çiftlik ta‘bîr olunur mülk menzilini ve menzil-i merkūm dâhilinde üç re’s kara sığır öküzünü ve demiriyle iki sabanı ve bir arabayı ve bir döğeni ve sâir âlât-ı zirâ‘at ve esbâb-ı hırâseti ve menzil-i merkūm kurbunda vâki‘ harman yerini mezbûre Fâtıma Hâtun’a fıddî nakd-i râyicü’l-vakt yetmiş beş bin akçeye tarafeynden îcâb ve kabûlü hâvî ve bey‘-i bâtt-ı sahîh-i şer‘î ve safka-i vâhide ile bey‘ ve teslîm edip ol dahi minvâl-i muharrer üzre iştirâ ve tesellüm eyledikden sonra yine karye-i mezbûre sınırı dâhilinde mevâzi‘-i adîdede vâki‘ ma‘lûmü’l-hudûd olup merhûm ve mağfûrun-leh Sultan Bayezid Hân -aleyhi’r-rahmetü ve’l-gufrân- hazretlerinin evkāf-ı şerîfesinden olan bir kıt‘a bostan yerinin ve beş kıt‘a çayırın ve tahmîmen yetmiş beş müd tohum istî‘âb eder elli kıt‘a tarlaların dahi hakk-ı tasarrufunu, mezbûrü’n-na‘t yirmi beş bin akçe bedel-i tefvîz ve evkāf-ı mezbûre mütevellîsi ma‘rifetiyle mezbûre Fâtıma Hâtun’a tevfîz edip ol dahi minvâl-i meşrûh üzre tefevvuz ve kabûl eyledikden sonra semen-i merkūm yetmiş beş bin akçe ve bedel-i tefvîz olan yirmi beş bin akçe cem‘an yüz bin akçeyi bi tamâmihî mezbûre Fâtıma Hâtun yedinden ahz ve kabz eyledi ba‘de’l-yevm zikr olunan emlâk-i mezbûre Fâtıma Hâtun’un mülk-i müşterâsı ve bostan ve çayırlar ve tarlalar dâhil-i taht-ı tasarrufu olmuşdur. Keyfe mâ teşâ’ ve tahtâr mutasarrıfe olsun dedikde vekîl-i mûmâ-ileyh Çâker Ağa’nın bi’l-vekâle cârî olan ikrâr-ı meşrûhunu vekîl-i âhar Cafer Çavuş bi’l-vekâle vicâhen tasdîk ve şifâhen tahkīk edicek mâ hüve’l-vâki‘ ketb olundu. Hurrire fi’l-yevmi’l-ışrîn min Şevvâli’l-mükerrem li sene seb‘a ve erba‘în ve elf.
It seems that Beyhan Sultan was recorded in 1648 as widow of Nideli Mustafa Pasha, who was actually Nigdeli Mustafa Pasha, who was killed in rebellion 1632. He was briefly Kapudan Pasha, governor of Egypt and defterdar. It seems that Beyhan Sultan was granted almost the highest salary (415 aspers) because of her husband’s positions during reign of Murad IV. She wasn’t of list of sultanas in 1655, so she died before that year.
I just don’t know if Nigdeli Mustafa Pasha is the same Mustafa Pasha that one of the daughters of Murad III married in 1613.
It seems that on list of gifts in 1642, there was daughter of Murad III named Abide Sultan who was wife of Muslu Pasha. Muslu Pasha was one of grooms in weddings of 1613.
There was also daughter of Murad III called Gevherhan Sultan, who died before 1639/1642, but was still alive in 1624, and was most probably wife of Bostancıbaşı Hasan Aga
Rumeli Sadâreti Mahkemesi 40 Numaralı Sicil (H. 1033-1034 / M. 1623-1624)
Vefat eden Hasan Paşa’nın III. Murad’ın kızı Gevherhan Sultan’a mehir borcu olduğu Bi’l-fi‘l atabe-i aliyyede baş defterdâr kāimmakāmı olan emîrü’l-ümerâi’l-kirâm kebîrü’l-küberâi’l-fihâm sâhibü’d-devleti ve’l-ikbâl sâhibü zeyli’l-izz ve’l-iclâl câmi‘u vücûhi’l-emvâl âmirü’l-hazâini bi-ahseni’l-a‘mâl Mehmed Paşa -dâme ikbâluhû- Dîvân-ı âlî -dâme mahfûfen bi’l-me‘âlî-’devüzerâ-i kirâm zümresinden olup azm-i dârü’s-selâm eden merhûm Hasan Paşa’nın halîle-i celîleleri dürre-i iklîlü’d-devleti’l-aliyye gurreti cebînü’l-hilâfeti’l-behiyye tâcü fırakı’n-nisvân min men lehünne ulüvvü’ş-şân sâhibetü’s-sa‘âdeti ve’l-ihsân sâhibetü zeyli’n-ni‘meti ve’l-ihsân Fâtımatü’z-zamân Âişetü’l-evân hazret-i Gevherhân Sultan bt. es-sultâni’l-a‘zam ve’l-hâkāni’l-ekrem el-merhûm el-mebrûr es-sultan Murad Hân -beşşerahullâhü te‘âlâ bi-rahmetihî minhü ve rıdvân- cenâb-ı ismet-meâblarından husûs-ı âtîye vekîl olup vekâleti nehc-i şer‘î üzere sâbite olan merhûm müşârun-ileyhin kethüdâsı fahrü’l-iştibâh Mehmed Ağa b. Abdullah mahzarında takrîr-i kelâm edip merhûm-ı mezbûrun Rumeli’nde vâki‘ hâssları mahsûlü bin otuz üç senesi Martı ibtidâsından sene-i kâmile tamâmına varınca merhûm-ı mezbûrun voyvodalarına ber vech-i maktû‘ deruhde olunmuş olup hâlâ müşârun-ileyh Hasan Paşa merhûm olmağla havâss-ı mezbûre cânib-i mîrîden zabt olunmak lâzım geldikde müşârun-ileyhâ sultan hazretleri dahi sene tamâmına varınca yine havâss-ı mezbûreyi merhûm-ı müşârun-ileyhin voyvodaları zabt edip sene tamâmına değin cümle mahsûlü vezîr-i müşârun-ileyhin mûmâ-ileyhâ sultan hazretlerine mehr-i müeccelinden olan deyni için sultan hazretlerine teslîm olunmak üzere vekîl-i mezbûr Mehmed Ağa yediyle Hazîne-i âmireye on iki yük akçe teslîm olunmağın ber vech-i meşrûh cânib-i mîrîden dahi deruhde olunmuşdur min-ba‘d havâss-ı merkūmeyi sene tamâmına varınca yine merhûm-ı müşârun-ileyhin voyvodaları zabt edip cümle mahsûl sultan hazretlerine teslîm olunup muhassıl ve müfettiş ve ümenâ taraflarından kat‘â dahl olunmayıp ta‘arruz olunmamak üzere yedlerine emr-i şerîf-i âlîşân verilmişdir dedikde gıbbe’t-tasdîk vicâhen mâ-hüve’l-vâkı‘ bi’t-taleb ketb olundu.
Also, there was daughter of Murad III called Rukiye Sultan, but we know nothing about her except she was also daughter of Şemsiruhsar Hatun.
There was one more daughter of Murad III whose name we know, Hatice Sultan. She was married in 1613 to governor of Kefe Mehmed Pasha. She was still alive in 1639, when she was recorded in harem records as wife of late Mehmed Pasha-i Kefe. She was might remarried during reign of Sultan Ibrahim to some Magrip pascia, as she is recorded in 1648.
So, my final stating is as follows:
Mihrimah Sultan (1564 — before 1613); daughter with Safiye. Her marriages went unnoticed, she was might engaged in 1590 to Siyavuş Pasha, who later refused to remarry. She was married to Mirahur Ahmed Pasha in 1604. She died during reign of her nephew Ahmed I, and after her death her husband remarried to her sister Fahri Sultan.
Ayşe Sultan (1570 — 15 May 1605); daughter with Safiye, married firstly in 1586 to Ibrahim Pasha, married secondly in 1602 to Yemişci Hasan Pasha and lastly married in 1604 to Mahmud Pasha.
Fatma Sultan (1574 — 1620); daughter with Safiye. Might married firstly in 1590 to Nişancı Kara Mehmed Pasha, married in December 1593 to Halil Pasha, married in 1604 to Cafer Pasha (vizier, kapudan pasha (1606-1608), governor of Cyprus until his death in 1609). Öztuna claims she married two more times; in 1610 married kubbe vizier Hizir Pasha (d. 1610) and in 1611 to Murad Pasha.
Hümaşah Sultan (1580 — before 1662); daughter with Safiye. Married in late reign of Mehmed III or early reign of Ahmed I to Nakkaş Hasan Pasha. She was still alive in 1655, but died before 1662.
Fahri Sultan (1594? — 1579?); married in 1613 to Ahmed Pasha (once Mirahur), who was once married to her sister Mihrimah Sultan. After his death in 1618, she remarried Çerkez Mehmed Ali Pasha, who was Grand Vizier under Murad IV. After his death she remarried Soffu Bayram Pasha, and after his death she remained a widow for long time, receiving highest salaries among Ottoman princesses as once she was wife of Grand Vizier. During reign of Sultan Ibrahim lastly married to Dilaver Pasha. After his death, she received gifts as his widow in 1662, 1670 and 1676. She was omitted from gifts in late 1670s and she complained to Grand Vizier (Miović; p. 166). She was longest-lived child of Murad III.
Beyhan Sultan (?? — before 1655); married in 1613 to Kurucubasi Mustafa Pasha, remarried later to Nigdeli Mustafa Pasha.
Hatice Sultan (?? — after 1639); married in 1613 to governor of Kefe Mehmed Pasha.
Gevherhan Sultan (?? — after 1624); married to Bostancibasi Hasan Aga.
Saime Sultan (?? — before 1676); had at least three husbands during lifetime. Shie died in first half of 1670s.
Abide Sultan (?? — before 1648); married in 1613 to Muslu Aga. She died during reign of Sultan Ibrahim.
Rukiye Sultan (?? — ??); daughter of Şemsiruhsar Hatun, maybe one of the princesses married in 1613.
2 unknown daughters
I hope you like my analysis, and that I gave you interesting sources, reading and insights. I can't wait for your reaction and comments!
You really worked hard!! Thank you for sharing this with me, I really appreciate it. (I think you should be the one running this blog lmao)
Ottoman history is kind of a pain in the ass because Ottomanists do not speak to each other, apparently; one discovers something but that something gets ignored by everyone else. Also, Turkish historians tend to not use foreign sources, and it’s such a pity because there is so much information in ambassadorial reports.
I’m not sure Mihrimah was the eldest child of Murad III. Only Sicill-i Osmani says this (Sakaoğlu just cites it) and she was not given a “famous” husband, while Ayşe married Damad Ibrahim Pasha. Unless, as you said, she had some health problem so her marriage was delayed until Ahmed I finally “forced” her to get married like his other aunts. I’m sorry if I sound stupid but I don’t understand how you calculated her age 😭. Oh wait, did you just assume a year before Mehmed III? She undoubtedly existed, though.
About the marriages of Ahmed I’s aunts, I would add this from Ragusian diplomats:
30 June 1613: “...quel medesimo giorno che noi arivamo qui si sposso una delle sultane, zia del Gran Signore per suo Capicilar Chiehaia e l’altra si dice che la setimana prosima si sposara per il Beglerbei d’Urumelia stato prima Aga di Gianizari [Mirahur Ahmed Pascià — Mihrimah!!]; et cossi di mano in mano le altre cinque ...” 17 July 1613: “Questi giorni passati dopo l’arivo nostro si sono maritate tre soltane zie del Gran Signore figliole di Murat, et altre quatro sono sposate le quali fra quatro setimane si maritarano ancor loro, le maritate sono una per il Beglerbei di Romania, l’altra per il Bostangi Bascia gran nemico nostro..., la terza soltana vi e maritata per il Capicilar Ciechaia, ancor lui homo di cativo porto, et mal disposto verso le cose nostre..., le quatro soltane sposate vi sono una per il Pascia di Cairo l’altra per l’Aga di Gianizari la terza per il Ciuciuch Ibrachor Basci, e la quatra per Basc Capici Basci del Gran Signore, vi sono adesso quindeci soltane...”
These two dispatches seem to confirm the information you found in Topçular Katibi Abdülkadir Efendi Tarihi.
It would make sense for Safiye to be Ayşe, Fatma, Mihrimah and Hümaşah’s mother because their names carry meaning for Murad III (well, Ayşe and Fatma are for religious reasons) so I would venture they’re his eldest daughters.
About one of the husbands in the 1613 mass marriage, I have found — do not ask me where, I don’t remember — that Sülün Muslu Pasha was a vizier during the reign of Ahmed I. He could be Abide’s husband, as the Ragusians called him “Sulun Muslia”.
What about (in Öztuna):
MlHRBÂN SULTÂN: Med.Murâd III T. =Dâmâd Topal Mehmed Ağa, kapıcıbaşı, izd.21.2.1613.
Did you find anything about her? Uluçay, on the other hand, didn’t assign a husband to her but said that she was buried in the mausoleum of Murad III (the source is Hadikatü’l-Cevami). He also cited Uzunçarşılı’s Osmanlı Devletinin Saray Teşkilatı, page 162, but I couldn’t find anything about her in there. Or maybe it’s just Mihrimah but Hadikatü’l-Cevami called her Mihriban. According to Alderson, she was a consort instead.
Off topic but I can’t believe that Saime is an actual name because it’s so original. I spent hours trying to find an Ottoman name who sounded like Seime, when I first found it in Ragusian reports 😭
Anyway, you’re a really good historian!!
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ghuleh-witch · 2 months
And We Are Tied As One Eternally-IX
Fandom: Ghost Rating: Explicit Warnings: stalking Relationships: Papa Emeritus IV/Copia x OFC Additional Tags: soft!dom Copia, eventual smut, developing relationship, kind of a slow burn, no beta reader Chapter Word Count: 2341 Summary: Ellie Moran just wanted to make a new life for herself. Running to escape the people in her past, she ends up in a small town in the middle of nowhere that happens to be home to a Satanic church. She never expected her life to change again after she started attending the public masses at said church. Ao3 || Masterlist Chapters: 9/? Previous Chapters Tag list: @sodoswitchimage Fic Divider by @gothdaddyissues
“He asked you to the ball as his plus one?” Gemma asked Ellie a couple of days later. After confiding in Gemma about everything that happened involving her apartment and her history with Ethan, Gemma just held her and soothed her. She felt closer to the other woman and it felt nice to have a friend.
“Yeah,” Ellie said. “He said we can go as friends or whatever I want. Whatever that means.” 
“Sounds like he doesn’t want to presume it’s a romantic thing like a date unless you want it to be,” Gemma said. “But you said yes?”
“Yeah, I said I’d go with him.”
Gemma squealed as softly as possible as they were sitting in the library. “Do you have something to wear?”
“Well, no,” Ellie said. “Formal dresses weren’t high up on my things to pack while fleeing my ex.” 
“I’ll take you dress shopping,” Gemma said. “This weekend.” 
“Okay,” Ellie said. “Thanks, that actually sounds really nice.”
“We’ll make sure it has pockets so you can carry some condoms on you.”
Ellie chocked. “What?”
Gemma rolled her eyes. “For when you bang Papa.”
“I’m not going to bang him,” Ellie sputtered. “This is just a friend thing…”
“And I’m the king of England,” Gemma smirked. “Hey, I don’t care if you use them or not, at least have some on you just in case. Anyway, let’s focus.” She reached for the paper she had read a few moments before. “Where were we? Ah, okay this one, This doesn’t apply to you because you’re not becoming a Sibiling of Sin, but if you change your mind—Upon completion of your intitionary training, the current Papa will complete the initiates induction through way of the ancient rite.” 
“Uh, wait, what,” Ellie said as she registered what Gemma said. “Papa has sex with everyone who becomes a Sibling?”
“Yep. The reigning Papa—so Papa Copia will finish an initiates induction through ritual sex. For me, it was Papa Secondo,” Gemma sighed dreamily. “The best sex I’ve ever had.”
Ellie bit her lip as a pang of jealousy rushed through her. “And you all have to do this?”
“Yes, but if someone doesn’t want to do the sex part for whatever reason, the ritual is done symbolically. We’d never force someone to have sex if they didn’t want it, but there are only a handful of people who have done it symbolically. Everyone wants to sleep with the Papas.” 
“What if the reigning Papa is in a relationship?” Ellie then asked. 
“I guess that would be a discussion for the two of them then,” Gemma shrugged. “I’ve never seen a Papa in a relationship while he was Papa, at least not a monogamous one. Either way, it’s a Papa’s duty as a representative of the Olde One.”
“And I don’t have to do it because I’m not joining as a Sibling?”
“Correct. For you, you’ll have to make your case to Sister Imperator with me and Papa to vouch and then she approves you or not before you have an induction with Papa. It’s like a communion ceremony or something. Super tame,” Gemma said.
Ellie barely heard Gemma continue on the subject of the duties of the Sibling. Her mind was caught up on Copia sleeping with every new Sibling that came to the Ministry since the start of his reign. She understood it was part of his job, but the jealousy she felt disgusted her. She should be jealous. Copia wasn’t hers. He was a friend and nothing more.
When she finished her lesson with Gemma, Ellie packed up her backpack. The door to her apartment was replaced and her landlord had her new keys. She told Copia the night before she would be returning to her apartment. He tried to convince her to stay a little longer, but Ellie knew she couldn’t hide. He refused to send her off alone though. He said he would have Aether and a ghoul named Swiss patrolling the street outside of her apartment to make sure Ethan didn’t show up. Ellie didn’t argue. She was thankful for it.
“And I’ll come by when I’m not needed here,” Copia then told her. “I’ll bring some dinner.” Ellie didn’t argue. She was looking forward to spending more time with him. 
Aether took her to her apartment once she was ready to go. Ellie stopped in the office and picked up her new set of keys and then went up to her apartment. She felt Aether’s eyes on her back as she unlocked the door.
“Do you want to come in?” Ellie asked.
“I should go outside and start my watch,” Aether responded.
“Does it matter if you’re outside or in my apartment?” Ellie asked. “You’re supposed to make sure Ethan doesn’t come to my apartment, and wouldn’t it be better if you were already inside with me?”
“I suppose,” Aether said with a shrug. “Alright, fine, but just for a couple of hours. I should be outside when Papa gets here. I don’t want him catching me not following his specific instructions.” 
“Fair enough.”
Aether turned out to be an excellent helper when it came to cleaning up her apartment. What would have taken her four hours only took two. By the time they finished, Aether was heading outside and Ellie was flopping back on her sofa. She lit a candle and looked in her fridge. She had half a bottle of wine, milk that was souring, three bottles of water, and a pack of cheddar cheese. She grabbed the win and hoped Copia didn’t mind how cheap it was. She poured a couple of glasses when there was a knock on her door.
She glanced out the peephole and saw Copia standing there with red oven mitts holding a foil-covered dish with another foil-wrapped package on top. She grinned and opened the door. “Hey,” she greeted, moving aside. “That smells delicious.”
“Thank you, tesoro. It’s my brother’s lasagna recipe and garlic bread,” Copia said as he made his way to her tiny kitchen to set the hot dish down. “Just came out of the oven before I left, so it’s very hot still.”
“Greet, I’m starving,” Ellie said. “I hope you like cheap wine because it’s either that or water. Unless you’d like to sample some sour milk. I won’t stop you, but I will judge you.” 
Copia laughed. “Wine is fine,” he said, unwrapping the food. 
“Your brother’s recipe huh?” Ellie asked looking at the melted cheese and sauce-covered noodles.
“Secondo is a very good cook,” Copia said. “I get a lot of recipes from him.”
“Secondo is your brother?” Ellie asked.
“Si, I thought it was obvious,” Copia said gesturing to his white eye.
“I…I guess I never thought about it,” Ellie responded. “So all the Papas are brothers?”
“Si, we’re all half brothers. Nihil is our father,” he grumbled the last part. “He isn’t much of a dad though.” 
“And your mothers?” Ellie asked.
Copia shrugged. “Women Nihil knocked up and when they saw the white eye they left us at the Ministry. I think Primo had a relationship with his mother, but the rest of us?” He shrugged again. “It doesn’t matter. We have each other. Even if we do want to strangle one another at times.” 
“I’m glad you have each other then,” Ellie said opening a cabinet and pulling out some paper plates. “All I got is paper, sorry.”
“Hey, it works,” Copia said, putting a piece of lasagna on the plate and giving her a chunk of garlic bread. “I hope you like it, cara,” he said handing it to her. 
“I’m sure I will.”
They sat on the floor at her coffee table. Ellie loaded Netflix up on the PlayStation and put on a cheesy horror movie as they ate.
“This is amazing,” Ellie said around a mouthful of cheese. “I haven’t had a decent meal in a while.”
“I imagine moving from place to place doesn’t allow you to keep a fully stocked kitchen,” Copia said.
Ellie shook her head. “It’s been a lot of frozen meals and instant soups.” 
“You can’t live on that, cara,” Copia said sipping his glass of wine. “Secondo and I will make you some food that you can keep in the fridge and reheat.” 
“You don’t have to,” Ellie said, cheeks flushing. She was touched. No one ever offered to cook for her before, but she didn’t want to become someone’s burden.
“I want to,” Copia reassured her. “And Secondo won’t mind.” 
Ellie nodded. Who was she to deny him that? “Okay,” she responded. “Thank you. I really appreciate it. I’m so sick of eating instant ramen.” She laughed softly and finished off her wine to hide the fact that she was tearing up from his offer. “This movie sucks,” she said, changing the subject.
“I know, it’s great.” he laughed. “I love B-rated horror movies.”
They sat in a comfortable silence for a bit. Eventually, Copia got up and put away the rest of the food, telling Ellie to eat through the leftovers and return the dish when she was finished. “Now, to more serious shit,” he said, sitting on the opposite end of the couch from her. “What are we going to do about your ex?”
Ellie sighed. “I don’t know. I’m going to go down to the police station in the morning and try to plead my case again and see if I can get a restraining order. It won’t do me much good, but it’s something at least. Otherwise, there’s not much I can do. I don’t know what he will do if he confronts me.”
“Are you sure you just don’t want to stay at the Ministry until this is dealt with?” Copia asked. “You’ll be safe there.”
“I know,” Ellie sighed. She considered it, she really did. But she needed to deal with this herself. She needed to stand up to Ethan and put an end to this once and for all. “But I need to deal with this, or at least try to.”
“I understand,” Copia said. “But if you change your mind…”
“You will be the first I tell,” Ellie said
“Well, Aether and Swiss will be around all night. They won’t let him near your building. And if you need anything, call me.” 
“I will.” She watched as he stood, wishing he’d stay longer. “I’ll see you for mass on Sunday.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” he smiled. He reached the door and turned to her, taking her hand and bringing it to his lips to kiss. “I’ll see you in a couple of days, tesoro.”
Ellie felt an inferno consume her at the simple gesture. If his lips on her hand did that to her, what would kissing him be like she wondered. “Y-Yeah,” she responded. “I’ll see you. Have a good night.”
“You too. Sweet dreams, Ellie.” 
She watched him leave out the door and make his way down the stairs before she closed the door and locked up. She cradled her hand to her chest and sighed. 
“Shit,” she said to herself. “I like him.” 
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He was watching her apartment from across the street. The Airbnb he rented was perfectly positioned to see into her living room. She only had a sheer lace curtain over the window, allowing him to see practically everything inside. His Elenor was so stupid.
He took a drag on his cigarette as he watched the man who had gone into her apartment a couple of hours before leaving. Ethan wasn’t sure who he was exactly. He knew he was affiliated with that damn Satanic church though.
“Oh Elenor, how you have fallen,” he muttered as he watched the man get into a white car and drive off. Ethan tapped the cigarette against the ashtray as his eyes returned to the window. He watched Ellie tidy up her apartment and turn off the light. As if on queue, two masked figures appeared on the street below. Ethan noticed one of them earlier when Ellie had returned to her apartment.
“Freaks,” he muttered. “Playing bodyguard huh? So Elenor isn’t running this time.”
He leaned back in his chair and took another drag. He’d see Ellie tomorrow and have a chat with her. She’d see reason and come back home with him. They’d be together and have the family they were supposed to have.
And if she didn't? Well, he had a plan. 
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jibbingjibberish · 14 days
very intrigued by comyverse bdsm au legality as mentioned in a prev ask answer. take this ask an an invitation to talk about it whenever you want/get the chance
ooooooo okay okay okay. SO (btw all of this is intended to be covered in future fics, and is subject to change.) (under cut bc its gotten kinda long lol)
quick timeline for context (this is what martyn specifically knows):
1960's - ppl w hybrid traits start randomly popping up. lotta theories come around, and governments try to quash it, but it just happens so fast.
1980's - martyn is born in,,,, 1980-81, around there. most chars in this vers are, too, i just wanted to point that out
1994 - portal technology breakthrough (thanks doc!) new hybrids dropped.
1997 - as of the latest fic, present day! ('(was) the final barrier' starts oct-nov of 96, btw.)
also, ppl r legally documented as dom/subs. why? same reason why we document ppl's gender and age. idk lol
as a clarification, dom/sub is a Thing And Always Has Been; society is structured to allocate their needs. there is a portion of the population that isnt either (unoriented, abt 0.5% or so), but im not sure how much that plays into things, here.
as a result of the following, martyns driver license, for instance, in 1997, in *waves hand* us of a, would list 'sub' and 'nh' (non-hybrid), along with all his other information. ren's would list 'dom' and 'h' (hybrid).
i love not being able to delete paragraph breaks on mobile what the fuck why cant i
subs are societally viewed as weaker, so, while a protected class under title ix iirc? theres still a lot of discrimination against them. one of the leftover things from days of old is subs being allotted more days off, tho, and many places still mandate shorter shifts (which martyn fucking hates lol, he is not in a good financial place.) its pretty weird. doubly so for fem subs and other minorities, who really get a lot of weird attention & fetishization. probably been multiple counterculture groups against this, but theyve kinda fizzled out.
hybrids are currently not protected federally, but many states have passed some sort of legislation for or against. im not sure what the case is for where this fic is tbh; i imagine protections for hybrids there, tho. theres some interesting stuff going on there that i want to cover eventually. with hybrids overall, tho, theres this gov imperative to definitely document them, what types, when they become hybrids, etc etc. hybrids are about 40% of the population, overall, and that number keeps growing, but many choose to be undocumented. if someone's born w hybrid traits, tho, medical personnel r required by law to ensure legal and medical documentation reflects that.
again, none of this is really set in stone, and my personal authorial perspective is heavily flawed on its own, so if anybody has any questions, comments, or suggies, im more than happy to hear them! send them my way please <3 i might do another post abt the medical side of things if anybody's down for that btw
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