#Imperium WWE
6urn1td0wn · 2 months
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Warmup sketch so it’s not my best work but I do like it!! I’m mourning imperium so bad rn
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sikoazayn · 6 months
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more evil men i need srry this is my entire blog now
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beakerhoneydew · 2 years
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Legitimately these are so funny to me. Why does he still look like a bond villain.
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delilahcalicocat · 2 months
I'm Making a bracelet for each winner of the matches, for both nights. Since I like bracelets :) and have a bunch of stuff for them!
[Please forgive the votes! I misclicked :(]
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Is Gunther really gonna stand on the table the whole match 😂
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princedevitt · 2 months
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void-detective · 2 months
Still my Champion ❤️‍🔥
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((GIF NOT MINE!! Dividers made by cafekitsune))
Author note: Due to somewhat popular demand and encouragement from @eboni-napalm. The Gunther story continues! First part is here! Thank you for the support and please remember to repost if you want to see more! Sorry for any punctuation mistakes!
Warnings: 18+, hand job, mild voyeurism, gender neutral reader, face fucking, and rough sex/handling.
Word count: 2,324
Summary: After WrestleMania 40, the Ring General was frustrated and exhausted by the end of the match. And with you following him around like a loyal puppy? It was the perfect way to let out frustrations.
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You had been dreading this day for weeks but it seemed that the big day was finally here. It was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the Lincoln Financial Field where it warmed out towards the ring.
The biggest stage of them all, WrestleMania.
You knew that creative had already long planned Gunther's title reign to end, and you knew he wouldn't be happy to lose his title to the likes of Sami Zayn, the underdog of the story. It had been weeks of built up tension between Sami and Gunther, along with the addition of Chad Gable being thrown in the mix as a way to distract Sami during their matches.
You however had been attempting (and failing) to get the attention of the Ring General. Which had proven to be much easier said than done. The Imperium were tightly knit, and gaining the favor of any of the three men had proven to be a hard task to accomplish, especially with Gunther. The easiest one to gain favor or more so trust was Giovanni, who was more quiet and more observant than the other two men, Maybe he was just used to being the silent one of the group?
Ludwig, on the other hand, was a whole other story to begin with. Arrogant and loud to voice his distaste towards you anytime you tried to get too close to Gunther, almost like you had a disease. Whether it be that Kaiser saw himself more of a personal bodyguard or not, he was constantly at Gunther's side. Waving off interviews or keeping an eye peeled for threats or any of their rivals that they were currently feuding with.
Most of your support came from silent cheering or rooting for him backstage every time he appeared out for a match. Most of the time you only really got in a passing comment or compliment when he returned from a match and you received a smirk and knowing glances between his tag team members.
The glances and looks were enough to have you weak.
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Sami Zayn v.s Gunther (Intercontinental Championship) - Day 666 of Gunther's Intercontinental Championship reign. 
The match had been positively grueling for both men and by the closing minutes of the match, they both were exhausted. You had been sitting backstage with baited breath while the other two Imperium members watched the tv with interest and a hint of worry for their leader.
Sami’s chest had begun to turn a dull but noticeable red color from the constant chops and blows to the area and Gunther had exhausted every move on his move set towards Zayn.
You could see the frustration and irritation growing along with Gunther's temper flaring as he tried harder and harder to hit Sami with more devastating blows, in an attempt to deter him. But predictably, with the crowd's support and determination, Sami had willed himself to deliver a powerful helluva kick to the champion.
And with the three count the longest IC run in WWE history had ended.
Immediately upon the loss you were quick to hop to your feet and follow in pursuit of the Imperium in the hopes of getting a few words in with Gunther and check on him. Though you had received a nasty glare by Ludwig you had decided to follow anyway and decided to mentally prepare yourself in case Gunther lost his cool.
Although anxiously, you had waited by the gorilla till the large form of the former champion pushed through the curtains and started making his way back through the halls to his locker room. You trailed after the team while they made their way backstage and ignored the glances you received from your coworkers and friends. For someone who was always so calm and collected it freaked you out to see the scowl worn by the taller man.
Kaiser and Giovanni stopped you in front of the locker room while it was turned inside out by Gunther who had already known about the loss but was angry over it regardless. You watched in worry while he paced the room and wiped down his body with a towel to wipe the sweat, or at least get most of it off so he could cool down.
You caught the stare of Ludwig and Giovanni while you watched Gunther, but still ignored them regardless of the fact they clearly didn't like you around. You snapped out your thoughts when you heard the familiar strong Austrian accent call your name and make you lift your head to look again.
The Ring General had his fingers curled in a ‘come here’ motion and you found yourself anxiously itching yourself within his locker room. You kept a distance watching the way he motioned and you heard the door close to the locker room as well. Your gaze momentarily averted his blue eyes to glance over at the two men now standing guard before the closed locker room door. ‘What?’
Your heart began to race as your mind went through different scenarios to why this had ended up happening. Had you been annoying? Was he going to leave you with another ominous threat? The longer you felt all three men's eyes on you then longer you felt the increasing effects of being in his presence for so long. Were you hot and bothered? Maybe but you couldn't blame yourself when you watched him pin people or that stupid cocky grin.
“Come on, I'm not going to bite you.” Gunther mused and put a hand on his hip while his eyes followed your movement to stand in front of him. “Why are you following us around like a lost puppy? Is there something you want?” He questioned giving you a more serious stare as he frowned, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked down at you.
You opened your mouth to reply, but found yourself stammering and turned your gaze down to the floor as you felt the blush raise on your cheeks in response. Yes, you did follow him like a lost puppy but it was more because you hoped it would result in Gunther catching onto what you wanted. Yet again your anxiety began to take course and you curled your fingers into the hoodie you wore as a way to try and distract yourself. Why were you such a wreck?
Gunther raised your chin by gently clasping it in his larger digits and cocked an eyebrow at your reaction. You couldn't tell if he was scrutinizing you for your reaction or if there was worry buried beneath his stoic expression. Either way it made you shrink momentarily and swallow the lump that you felt had formed in your throat. The intensity of his eyes made it felt like he was staring into your very soul and you swore your heart would beat out your chest.
“Are you really that desperate for my attention?” Gunther chuckled and stepped forward as he released your chin. You felt your anxiety spark as your back collided with the wall and you realized he had you trapped between himself and the wall.
Your eyes went wide and your hands went to your sides as you gazed up at him being so close that you swore he was messing with you. The heat from his body alone felt like stepping out into summer heat, and with his arms caging you against the wall? You might as well melt into a puddle right there.
Reality hit you when you heard the sound of another chuckle and tore your gaze over at Ludwig and Giovanni, who were observing your defenseless position. You furrowed your eyebrows and frowned looking up at Gunther as you shifted your weight on your feet. “..do they have to be here?” You whispered and rubbed your neck.
“Of course they do, why? You don't like it?” The bigger man smirked and leaned toward you with a tilted head. “You want to gain my favor so bad, hm?” He added and brushed your hair out your eyes so he could see them better.
“I do.” You meekly responded, quietly yet audibly as you nodded your head in agreement. Your eyes stayed focused on his expression as he took a step back and placed a hand on top of your head.
“On your knees.”
The demand had your heart skip a beat and you found yourself kneeling down on the soft carpet below. You leaned back from the position you were in, you were right in front of his crotch and you felt your mouth suddenly go dry at the implications of this position.
One of his large hands kept you seated there while the other looped a finger around the waistband of his wrestling trunks. You felt dirty but it was mostly because you were aware that you had an unwanted audience watching you two.
Gunther was average for a man his size which wasn't a bad thing, all things considered but you could see how thick he was from the view. You grunted feeling his fingers curl in your hair and tug you toward him, he stepped forward to meet you halfway.
You were exactly expecting him to be gentle, but this? It was a whole other level, almost like the way he treated people in the ring. It wasn't like you weren't doing this but you were more scared of the fact you never did this with any of the talent here. You always thought it was wrong or feared you could get fired if caught by anyone else in the locker room.
You were pulled forward by the hair and nearly choked when he drove his hips forward into your mouth. His fingers kept you from pulling away as he steadied your position with him nestled halfway in your mouth. The sounds were dirty and the quiet of the locker room left you being able to hear yourself struggling to take him fully.
He would bury himself deeper, even if you couldn't take him fully down and stayed there with your nose flush against his crotch. The only sounds being both your labored breathing and the small hums of approval that occasionally left Ludwig. Deep down you knew you couldn't ignore the, arousal from being manhandled by the larger man like some kind of toy.
Gunther would tug your hair back to watch you struggle to breath and the small muffled moans that escaped you from him tugging your hair so hard. You could see the smugness and amusement coming off him from seeing you so disheveled and shaky because of him. And you thanked the crew for giving superstars rooms that were mostly sound proof.
Each thrust had you whimpering and trying to take deep breaths through, your nose while the assault continued on. And the Ring General was relatively silent through the whole session, only letting out some guttural sounds. You could feel your own spit down your chin and looked up at him through hooded eyes just to see the large smirk plastered on his features.
The salty taste on your tongue startled you and you felt some panic bubble in your stomach that he might just cum straight down your throat at the moment. And Gunther must've sensed your inner turmoil because he tugged your hair back rather roughly. The sound when you were pulled off made you flush a darker shade of pink and you found yourself gasping shortly for breaths to fill your lungs.
You swallowed hard and lifted your arm to wipe the spit off your chin as you shifted on your knees. You could tell he was still waiting for you to do something and you assumed that if he pulled off he was waiting for you to finish the job. Your own arousal and need mostly pushed aside unless he gave you permission to even touch yourself as you scooted forward. His hold on your hair finally relaxed when you wrapped your hand around the base.
It was an easy job from you coating most of him, you took a moment to squeeze him before stroking him at a decent pace. You could hear the soft breathing above you and smiled to yourself when he rocked forward into your hand with a grunt. You moved your hand faster and watched the precum leak down the tip which you leaned forward to lick, knowingly teasing the bigger man.
That really must have set him off because you felt his body tense up and his grip on your hair tightened dangerously once again. His hips thrusting forward and you leaned back ever so slightly to avoid getting the cum in your hair. Your eyes closed as you tried to not grimace even if it was the better option, you still weren't fond of getting cum on your face.
Finally his presence left you and you heard the footsteps of Kaiser and Giovanni as they moved to your side. You felt a soft fabric hit your face which made you flinch and open your eyes to find a towel had been thrown at you. You rubbed your face off and lowered it to your lap to see Gunther wiping his body down again, already tucked back into his trunks.
“You know.. maybe we could give you a role inside of Imperium.” Gunther gazed down at you with a condescending but amused grin. “What do you think?” He turned his head to Ludwig and Giovanni who had returned to his side with grins. They both just nodded along in agreement to their leader, all to knowing of the implications at hand.
The former lC champion squatted down to your level on the floor and lifted your gaze to meet his icy one. His smirk only grew as he lightly squeezed your chin in his larger fingers with a hum.
“Welcome to Imperium, I hope you can take the heat..”
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samijey · 3 months
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Love my faves Ilja and WALTER/Gunther being heel buddies back in the day (WxW's Shortcut to the Top, 2019)
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mrawkweird · 2 months
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What are you talking about? This is all of Imperium.
No one is missing.
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jasvvy · 2 months
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dynamitekansai · 4 months
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6urn1td0wn · 1 month
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Had to draw my wife <3 there is no bigger Gunther fan than me
If anyone has any good Gunther fic refs lmk :3
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freakin-nightmare · 2 months
let me hold you in my arms before i betray you.....
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sikoazayn · 4 months
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dannyuta · 1 year
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wwe monday night raw — june 12th, 2023
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Sami: where’s baldy at?
Pierce pops up
“There he is”
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