#Implementation Compliance
hargo-news · 6 months
Monitor Participants' Campaigns, Amran: Ensuring Implementation within Rule Corridors
#MonitorElectionCampaigns #ImplementationCompliance Monitor Participants' Campaigns, Amran: Ensuring Implementation within Rule Corridors
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – The Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) of Pohuwato Regency once again monitored election campaigns by participants in Taluduyunu Utara Village, Buntulia Subdistrict, on Thursday (14/12/2023). Amran Hulubangga, Coordinator of the Legal Division, Prevention, Community Participation, and Public Relations at Bawaslu Pohuwato, stated that the monitoring was carried out by a…
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SMBs in the Age of AI: Riding the Tailwinds or Bracing for Headwinds?
🧵 Let's discuss SMBs in the Age of AI: Tailwinds or Headwinds? AI has massive business implications, but the forecast isn't so clear for small and medium-sized businesses. This thread will break down the potential benefits and challenges for SMBs.
🚀 Tailwind: Operational Efficiency. AI automation can streamline business operations, freeing up valuable time for entrepreneurs to focus on strategic decision-making. It's not just about time-saving but also substantial cost savings.
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🎯 Tailwind: Personalized Customer Experience. AI has revolutionized customer relationship management. AI-powered chatbots, for example, provide round-the-clock service and can predict customer needs.
📊 Tailwind: Data-driven Decision Making. AI offers SMBs a way to make data-driven decisions that were previously out of reach due to resource constraints. AI can analyze customer data and forecast trends.
💰 Headwind: High Implementation Costs. AI solutions often require significant upfront costs and ongoing maintenance, posing a hurdle for SMBs with constrained budgets.
🔐 Headwind: Data Privacy and Security Concerns. The rise of AI has necessitated stringent data privacy and security measures. Businesses must secure data effectively, as data breaches can result in serious financial and reputational damage.
⚖️ Headwind: Regulatory Compliance and Legal Concerns. AI brings additional regulatory challenges, especially in sectors like finance. Compliance with regulations like GDPR and CCPA adds complexity and potential cost.
🎓 Headwind: Skills Gap. Integrating AI solutions requires specialized knowledge, creating a significant skills gap. For SMBs with limited resources, competing with larger corporations for tech talent can be challenging.
📦 Headwind: Complexity of AI Explainability. The "black box" problem with some AI models presents another challenge for SMBs. If an AI system leads to a poor decision, it can be difficult to discern why and how to correct it.
🗺️ Navigating the AI Landscape: To harness the benefits of AI, SMBs must understand its implications fully and strategize accordingly. While it can be a powerful tool for growth and innovation, it has challenges.
🎧 For more insights, check out Dror Poleg's 2-week AI tools and trends course, or listen to his podcast episode "AI and the Offline Moat" on Rethinking with Dror Poleg, available on Spotify and Apple podcasts.
Remember, the winds of AI can blow in any direction. But if we learn to harness its power effectively, we can turn even the strongest headwinds into tailwinds.
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betttoblock · 10 days
Designing a Secure and Fair Poker Random Number Generator: A Comprehensive Guide
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The integrity of any poker game hinges on the randomness and fairness of its Random Number Generator (RNG). This guide explores the intricacies of designing a secure and fair RNG for poker applications, a critical component for ensuring player trust and game fairness. Whether you aim to create poker app solutions or are looking to hire poker developers from the best poker game development company, understanding the core principles of RNG design is essential.
The Importance of RNG in Poker
A Random Number Generator is at the heart of any poker game. It is responsible for shuffling cards and ensuring the unpredictability of the game. Without a secure and fair RNG, the outcomes of the game could be predictable, leading to cheating and loss of player trust. Therefore, the RNG must be designed to produce truly random results, adhering to the highest standards of security.
Key Elements of a Secure RNG
Entropy Sources
Hardware-Based RNGs: Utilize physical processes, such as electronic noise or radioactive decay, to generate randomness.
Software-Based RNGs: Rely on algorithms and external inputs like mouse movements or keystrokes.
Cryptographic Security
Cryptographic Algorithms: Use secure algorithms like AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) to ensure the unpredictability of random numbers.
Seed Security: Ensure that the initial seed value, which starts the RNG, is unpredictable and kept secret.
Regular Audits
Third-Party Verification: Engage independent auditors to verify the RNG's fairness and security.
Continuous Monitoring: Implement ongoing checks to detect and prevent any anomalies.
Fairness in RNG: Ensuring a Level Playing Field
Fairness in a poker RNG means that every player has an equal chance of winning, and the outcomes cannot be manipulated. Here are the crucial factors:
Algorithm Transparency
Open Source Algorithms: Use open-source RNG algorithms that can be reviewed and tested by the community.
Peer Reviews: Regular peer reviews to ensure the algorithm's integrity.
Uniform Distribution
Statistical Tests: Conduct statistical tests like the Chi-Square test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to ensure numbers are uniformly distributed.
Real-World Testing: Simulate real-world scenarios to verify the RNG’s performance.
Secure Hardware: Utilize tamper-proof hardware modules.
Access Controls: Implement strict access controls to prevent unauthorized alterations.
Implementing RNG in Poker Apps
When you set out to create poker app solutions, incorporating a robust RNG is paramount. Here’s how to effectively integrate RNG into your poker game development:
Selecting the Right Technology
Modern Programming Languages: Use languages like C++ or Java that have robust libraries for RNG implementation.
Framework Compatibility: Ensure compatibility with your chosen development framework.
User Experience Integration
Seamless Gameplay: Ensure that the RNG does not affect the speed or fluidity of the game.
Transparency Features: Provide players with insights into how the RNG works to boost confidence.
Compliance and Certification
Regulatory Standards: Adhere to regulatory standards like those from eCOGRA or GLI.
Certification: Obtain certification from recognized bodies to validate the fairness and security of your RNG.
Testing and Validating Your RNG
Testing is a critical phase in RNG development. Here’s a step-by-step approach:
Initial Testing
Unit Tests: Conduct unit tests to check individual components.
Integration Tests: Verify the RNG’s integration with other game elements.
Statistical Analysis
Randomness Tests: Use tests like the Diehard tests or NIST tests to analyze randomness.
Long-Term Analysis: Assess the RNG’s performance over extended periods.
Field Testing
Beta Testing: Release the app to a limited audience to gather real-world data.
Feedback Loop: Implement feedback mechanisms to quickly address any issues.
Expertise of Leading Poker Game Development Companies
Partnering with a top-tier poker game development company can make a significant difference. These companies bring a wealth of experience and specialized knowledge, ensuring your poker app is both secure and engaging.
Comprehensive Solutions
End-to-End Development: From concept to launch, top companies offer end-to-end solutions tailored to your needs.
Advanced Technologies: Utilize cutting-edge technologies and tools to develop robust poker apps.
Skilled Developers
Experienced Team: Hire poker developers with extensive experience in RNG implementation and game development.
Continuous Learning: Ensure the team stays updated with the latest trends and technologies.
Proven Track Record
Successful Projects: Look for companies with a history of successful poker game launches.
Client Testimonials: Check testimonials and case studies to gauge client satisfaction and project outcomes.
Designing a secure and fair poker RNG is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your poker game. By focusing on entropy sources, cryptographic security, and fairness, and by rigorously testing your RNG, you can ensure a trustworthy gaming experience. Collaborating with the best poker game development company can further enhance your app, providing comprehensive development services and access to skilled professionals. When you create a poker app with a robust RNG, you lay the foundation for a successful and reputable gaming platform.
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suchi05 · 18 days
SAP GRC Access Control | SAP AC Implementation | SAP AC Support | SAP GRC Tool | ToggleNow
Experience Top-Tier SAP Access Control Solutions with ToggleNow. Our Services include Implementation, Upgrades, and Unparalleled Support Backed by Exceptional Subject Matter expertise.
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ToggleNow specializes in optimizing SAP Access Control to increase your organization’s security and compliance. With extensive experience, we possess a profound understanding of its capabilities and evolution.
Beyond standard implementations, our expertise lies in leveraging SAP Access Control’s features to automatically detect, remediate, and prevent access risk violations, reducing compliance costs significantly. We excel in crafting tailored rule libraries for seamless integration with platforms like SuccessFactors and ARIBA, ensuring your organization maximizes the potential of SAP Access Control while minimizing limitations. Partner with ToggleNow to enhance your organization’s security and compliance measures effectively.
Read more: https://togglenow.com/services/sap-access-control/
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mohalicareerpoint12 · 20 days
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panchitacarmensita · 5 months
How Corporate Secretary Helps Compliance with Changing Laws
In the ever-evolving business world, the role of a Corporate Secretary is increasingly significant, especially when it comes to compliance with changing laws. This holds particularly true in dynamic business environments like Hong Kong, where legal and regulatory landscapes are in constant flux.
At the forefront of their responsibilities, Corporate Secretaries in Hong Kong ensure that companies adhere to current laws and regulations. Their expertise lies in interpreting legal mandates and translating them into actionable corporate policies. This role is crucial as non-compliance can lead to severe legal consequences and reputational damage.
Corporate Secretaries also play a vital role in monitoring and anticipating changes in legislation. Their ability to foresee potential legal shifts and prepare the company accordingly is invaluable. They keep a close eye on developments in corporate law, financial regulations, and other relevant legal areas, ensuring that the company is always a step ahead.
In addition to keeping the company compliant, Corporate Secretaries serve as the bridge between the company and regulatory authorities. They maintain open channels of communication, ensuring that any changes in laws are understood and implemented effectively. This role is particularly challenging in a diverse market like Hong Kong, where laws might be influenced by both local and international factors.
Corporate Secretaries also have the crucial task of educating and advising the company's board of directors and management. They provide insights on how legal changes impact the company's operations and strategic direction. This involves not only understanding the letter of the law but also grasping its practical implications for the business.
Moreover, Corporate Secretaries contribute to risk management strategies. By identifying areas where legal changes could pose risks, they help the company to mitigate potential legal and compliance risks. This foresight is essential in maintaining the integrity and reputation of the business.
Finally, Corporate Secretaries are instrumental in implementing and updating compliance programs. They ensure that all aspects of the company's operations align with the latest legal requirements. This includes revising internal policies, conducting training sessions, and ensuring that all employees understand their compliance obligations.
In conclusion, the Corporate Secretary's role in ensuring compliance with changing laws is multifaceted and indispensable, particularly in a complex and rapidly changing legal environment like Hong Kong's. Their expertise not only safeguards the company against legal pitfalls but also positions it to navigate the legal landscape proactively and strategically.
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garymdm · 7 months
Could data lineage be the reason your analytics isn't working?
Introduction In today’s fast-paced business landscape, data reigns supreme. It’s the lifeblood that fuels decision-making and drives enterprises forward. However, the mere presence of data isn’t enough; it must be harnessed effectively to derive insights that can steer an organization to success. This is where analytics comes into play, offering the promise of actionable intelligence. But what…
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aeldata-usa · 10 months
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sayruq · 2 months
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Berlin announced on 23 April that it will resume cooperation with the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in Gaza. Germany’s move came after an independent investigation headed by former French diplomat Catherine Colonna that found “neutrality-related issues” in implementing UNRWA’s procedures to “ensure compliance with the humanitarian principles of neutrality.” Colonna’s report made note that Israel provided no proof of whether UNRWA staff were involved with the Palestinian resistance’s Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on 7 October. “The German government has dealt intensively with the allegations made by Israel against UNRWA and has been in close contact with the Israeli government, the United Nations, and other international donors,” a joint statement by the German Foreign Office and the Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development read. The former French diplomat’s investigation proposed reforms to UNRWA to increase the neutrality of staff and behavior, education, and governance, including methods to achieve these goals through engagement with donors. Germany pushed UNRWA to implement these recommendations, strengthen its internal audit functions, and improve the external surveillance of project management. “In support of these reforms, the German government will soon continue its cooperation with UNRWA in Gaza, as Australia, Canada, Sweden, and Japan, among others, have already done so,” the joint statement continued. Germany gave the UN agency over $200 million in 2023 and is the organization’s second-largest donor after the US. In an interview with Al-Jazeera, UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini said the attacks on the agency “have nothing to do with neutrality issues but in reality, they are motivated by the objective to strip the Palestinians from the refugee status.”
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deorwineinfotech · 1 year
Will ONDC sound the death knell for digital platforms like Zomato, Swiggy, or any other digital commerce Platforms, or will it ignite their evolution and adaptation? Read till last as we delve into the possibilities and uncover the transformative power of ONDC.
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interviewhelps · 1 year
Top 25 Job Interview Questions for Medical and health services manager
Here the Top 25 Job Interview Questions for Medical and health services manager Can you tell us about your experience in healthcare management? How do you handle difficult situations with staff or patients? How do you prioritize and manage your workload? How do you stay current on industry developments and regulations? Can you give an example of a successful project you managed? How do you…
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s-bhat-associates · 1 year
S Bhat & Associates carry out the audit under following sphere:
Statutory audits and assurance
Tax Audits
Internal Audit etc.
We enjoy the value adds we can provide to clients in internal audits, assurance and advisory services using our expertise and knowledge base of various regulatory binding on Indian Businesses.
Visit here and read more about our services!
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quadrictechnologies · 2 years
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biteofcherry · 11 months
Shiny Trinket
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Heart of Ruby Masterlist
part of Ruby Garden series
Dom!Ari Levinson x submissive female reader
summary: Don't ever think that your Dom doesn't take your opinions into consideration. Ari's about to thoroughly review your small suggestion about the Ruby Garden club's interior.
warnings: Dom/sub dynamics; bdsm; Dom!Ari Levinson; power imbalance; safe, sane and consensual; established relationship; mild bondage; use of sex toys; explicit s**ual content; very light objectification;
word count: 3.6k
In response to the pleading I wrote something with Dom!Ari to start the weekend. So grab a drink, don't drink it while reading, but hydrate afterwards as aftercare is important even for readers 😂
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Head resting on Ari's shoulder, you mindlessly play with the button of his partly-open shirt as your gaze trails across the space. Soft timbre of Ari's voice as your Dom talks to another member is soothing enough that you let your thoughts simply wander.
Dark tones on the walls, which at first sight may look like simple black paint, are in fact a velvety wallpaper encrusted with decorative swirls. BDSM equipment in red leather and old-wood styled designs is mixed with black, French-style furniture; like the curved dresser which drawers are filled with small fun implements, from nipple clamps to gags.
Ornamental iron hanging from the ceilings in various spots around the club serves as rafters to which poor bottoms can be cuffed. The chandeliers, most in red or reddish-gold, a decorative echo of old French districts.
No wonder Ari feels here so at ease. Not only because he owns the place, but because he made it a much kinkier, lush reflection of the New Orleans, which used to be his home. 
You like the quite luxurious feel of the Ruby Garden, with the enticing shades of black and titular red, wood and upholstery that sometimes make you fantasize about past century brothels or private clubs where kink started to bloom amongst bohemian passions.
But there's something missing. At least according to your eye.
"It could use some sparkles," you mutter under your breath, not fully aware you said it out loud.
Ari's legs beneath you jerk up slightly, nudging you as he tilts his head and glances at you.
"Hmm? What were you saying, mon Chérie?" He asks.
Ari never loses his focus on you, even if he's engaged in a conversation with someone else, his instincts are always zeroed in on you.
It's endearing, but sometimes also scary. Especially in moments when you'd rather not have your Dom sense you're about to get into trouble.
"Nothing important," you shrug. "Just that something shiny could be added to the club's interior."
"What?" Ari arches a single brow, now fully looking at you.
"Hey, I find the club very chic and stylish," you playfully tug on the collar of Ari's shirt, "but even with the addition of red it's still mostly masculine. A few shiny trinkets here or there could level it up."
Okay, so maybe you like sparkling things a bit.
Maybe a lot.
Maybe the vanity at your place is stacked with four jewelry boxes that beside your usually worn jewelry contain lots of broken strings of colorful beads, which you didn't have a heart to throw away because they were so pretty and shiny.
"Shiny decorations?" At first Ari looks at you as if you lost your mind, but his eyes slowly darken as he deliberates on something.
You tilt yourself back warily, as much as Ari's heavy arm securing your back allows. You don't trust that look on his face, when his features harden and evil kind of mischief ignites in his blue eyes.
When he gives you that look, it usually means you're about to suffer his wicked ways.
"I think I have to seriously consider such a proposition." Ari hums, tracing his fingertips down your arm.
He gently takes your fingers in his and lifts your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles like a gentleman. Reminding you of the movie vampires you once compared him to, saying he had that southern charm blinding his victim into compliance so that he could rip her apart and leave her body in the bayou.
Ari had laughed then; rich and genuine amusement that carried through his apartment and made your heart flutter in happiness.
Then he'd tied you to a reupholstered Bergere chair and wrecked you to a point that you prayed for being dumped dead in the bayou.
So now that he's dropping into his charming deception again, your heart jumps in reasonable fear. And your pussy clenches.
"Stand up for me, Chérie." He helps you up on your feet, moving along with you, until he's towering over you.
"Remove your clothing, please." Though he's polite, you know it wasn't a request, but an order.
One you don't have much trouble complying, despite there always being that first wave of embarrassment when you undressed fully in the club, since there were always curious eyes around you.
"Wrists, please."
It's an instinct, to place your hand in Ari's grip without hesitation. Even if you're wary of his creative type of evil, you trust him deeply.
Ari's leather cuffs are already in place, always put on before you enter the club floor. Now he links them together, binding your hands. Then he lifts your arms above your head.
Your eyes follow the line of Ari's arms as he stretches them - one hand holding your bound wrists, while the other reaches for a chain hanging from the rafters above.
He chains you in place, pulling you up 'till you're balancing on the balls of your feet.
Ari tenderly runs his fingertips along your arms and down your sides, reminding you of his presence and care, despite having just thrown you off balance.
"A second, if you please." He smiles at you, but it's not really reassuring. Not at the moment when you see the wicked hunger gleaming in his eyes.
Ari sways you gently, chuckling when you squeak as your feet slide across the floor.
He moves past you, walking a few steps away. You can hear amused huffs coming from the few people who are around, including the Master with whom Ari was speaking before.
You try focusing on the sounds of what your Dom may be preparing, but the mixture of the club's noises drowns out the quiet slide of a drawer being pulled open.
Ari doesn't take long, but enough for you to start stewing in images running wild.
There's always an element of surprise (to not say shock) when being with Ari. No matter how many details you talk over before starting some scenes, your Master always twists it up and makes your head spin.
He stands in front of you again, steadying your body with a hand on your hip. He lets his gaze roam over you; slowly, so that you feel the burning attention rousing each part of your body.
"I'm always open to suggestions," he says, squeezing your flesh, "so I'll happily consider the option of adding more sparkling elements to the interior."
"But I'd rather keep with the color scheme, okay?" He asks you, as if he was really talking about simple interior design.
You know he's not. You can practically see the cogs in his devious mind twirling rapidly, creating a plan of your demise to the tune of his evil laugh.
You swallow nervously, nodding your head hesitantly.
Then Ari takes something out of his pocket and your eyes widen.
The chain that dangles on his finger isn't long. It has three red, crystal hearts placed evenly across it. And a pair of biting as fuck nipple clamps - each on one end.
"Oh no, no, no, no!" You shake your head, scrambling away as far as your chain allows, which isn't far.
Ari sighs.
He takes one step to the side. Then lands a slap on your ass so solid, that the crack of it echoes through the club and the painful sting makes you jump forward with a shriek.
Rough fingers squeeze your chin harshly when Ari faces you again. his eyes hold a reprimand that's a hair away from punishment.
"Nipple clamps are not on your hard limits list." He reminds you. "Or has that changed?"
"N-no, Sir," you want to cast your eyes down, but with the way Ari's holding your chin you're forced to withstand the eye contact.
"Do you perhaps need to safeword?"
Though his voice is a low graze of displeasure, you know it's at your antics, because Ari is always - absolutely always - serious about consent and safewords.
"No, Sir," you don't hesitate in your answer, even though you know it's sealing your fate.
"Are you in the yellow range? Do we need to pause and talk?"
He would. Immediately. If you hinted at actual discomfort beyond what you could take for your Master.
But you were nowhere near that stage. You were simply fussy and maybe the tiniest bit bratty, which meant you were getting yourself in even more trouble.
"No, Sir," you grumble in defeat.
"Ah, so you're being whiny just for the sake of it?" Ari releases your chin, but his fingers curl instead around the back of your neck as he steps so close to you that his clothes graze your naked skin.
"I don't like nipple clamps!" You blurt out, unable to stop the petulance from spilling.
"Tough." Ari shrugs. "Because I like putting them on you."
"I like how you squeak when I attach them," he murmurs, running his fingertips under the swell of your breasts. "How you pant as you breathe through the pain for me."
"I love how wet you get from them," he pinches your nipples, at the same time capturing your lips in a kiss.
Your yip melts on Ari's tongue, dispersing into a moan the longer he holds your nipples between his fingers.
You'd tell him it's not the clamps themselves that do it to you, but the fact Ari makes you suffer them. Also because his voice, warm and raspy, is like prelude to sex itself and you would get wet and needy from his talk alone.
But any coherent thought leaves your brain when Ari's mouth descends down your neck and onto your breasts. He cups each in his big hands, squeezing. Then his mouth is on one of your nipples, sucking and tormenting it into a stiff point.
He lavishes the other tit with the same voracious attention, tugging on the stiffened peak with his teeth, before releasing it.
Straightening up, Ari holds your gaze as he rubs your poor, tortured nipples with his fingers, wiping away excess of his own saliva, so that the clamps would hold on better.
And then he's attaching the first one; impish glee lighting up his eyes at your hiss.
By the time he secures the other clamp, adjusting the tightness, you're trying to steady your ragged breath and not close your thighs, because your folds are getting puffy and wet.
"See? Shiny." Ari mocks you, flicking one of the crystal hearts hanging from the thin chain attaching both clamps.
The impact, however minimal, tugs on your nipples, sending another zap straight to your core.
"But I think, if we're going for a proper shiny ornament to decorate my club-" Ari's mouth curves in a smirk as he reaches into his pocket once again- "it needs to be opulent."
He lifts his hand up and the first thing that you see is a red crystal heart between his fingers.
Ari turns his palm up and a wave of heat washes over you. A butt plug. Very reasonable in size, but it doesn't change the fact you're still squirmy and shy when your Dom initiates anal play.
You almost caused him a laughing hiccup when you tried to talk your way out of it, by blurting out it's unhygienic.
In moments like that, when you knew Ari was going to push against your resistance, you considered moving everything into a hard limit list. Though Ari had the skill to use kissing alone as a damn torment.
You curse under your breath when Ari moves to stand behind you and kicks your feet wider apart. You catch a small audience glancing your way, quickly shifting your own gaze to the floor.
There's a snick of a bottle being open and then Ari's finger slides between your buttcheeks, smearing a dollop of lube around your rim.
The plug is coated in lube as well, easing its way inside.
Your breath quickens, a whimper spilling on your lips when Ari pushes the toy in.
"Push back, Chérie. That's it," he encourages you.
While his voice is soft and the hand steadying your hip is reassuring, the pressure against your tightest hole is merciless.
“There you go,” Ari forces the whole thing in, tracing the heart-shaped securing end with his finger. “So pretty and sparkly.” 
He pats your ass lightly, rounding you again. A glint of recognition in his eyes tells you that he's acutely aware that you’re settling into every sensation, every part of the scene that’s unfolding. 
Ari knows your body is throbbing with growing need, that you’re focusing on the feeling of your nipples being crushed and your ass being stretched; as well on the helplessness of being bound and naked in front of him. In front of other people, too. And he knows being at his mercy (while also deeply certain of remaining in his care) tops your arousal. 
Your gaze is a little dazed already as you look up at him, a blissed sigh leaving your lips when Ari’s touch marks your body.
He’s tracing lines along your sides, moving closer to caress your back and then up your arms. He draws patterns with his fingertips, then squeezes your ass with both hands. 
Breath hitches in your lungs as Ari crouches down, his hot breath tickling your belly while his large hands grip your thighs. 
For a long moment nothing happens, just Ari keeping his mouth an inch from your wet core as he slides his hands up and down your legs, each time moving them a little higher, a little further between your thighs. 
When his tongue flicks against your clit, your whole body jerks with sensation. The chain clinks, your feet scrambling against the floor, and the heart-shaped weights on the nipple clamps tug harsher. 
“Shh,” Ari coos, wrapping his arms around your thighs to help you steady. 
He works wicked eights on your swelling nub, his tongue putting spells that drive you surely to the edge, but keep away from finishing your torment. 
When he pulls back, you have half a mind to glare at him. The fact he doesn’t immediately retaliate with a swat to your clit only increases your worry. Turns you on even more, as well. 
Ari reaches into his pocket once again. It takes your glazed eyes a few seconds to make out the glint of the implement within his palm. Similar to a minimalistic, curved brooch, with a single red, crystal heart. 
“Oh God, Sir.” You nearly weep, tugging on the chain binding your hands. “Please no, Sir, please, please.”
Ari doesn’t show an ounce of irritation this time, he’s too smug about drawing reactions from your body. Though you are certain that the clit clamp he has prepared for you is for his own amusement, not your own pleasure.  
“Color?” He simply asks, referring to the traffic color system that’s the classic and most basic form of stating your state when in a bdsm scene.
You whine again, because you can’t lie to him and because you’re not even distressed. 
“Green,” you admit, pouting.
You try tilting your ass back, moving your sensitive parts away from the wicked Master with his stupid implements of evil. A smack on the back of your thigh has you yelping and scooting back forward. You earn another slap for glaring. 
“FuckjesusohgodSirfuck-” you babble, eyes screwing shut as Ari pinches your puffy folds together and clamps them.
Your engorged clit is fully exposed in the tear-shaped hole, its sides squeezing it only a tad lighter than the torture devices do your nipples. The heart shaped crystal falls right atop your exposed clit and you know it will bump it with every move. 
Sucking in a breath, you press your lips together and still your body. If you won’t move a single muscle then it will be alright. 
Moderately alright, since you’re suffering already, but better than the-
Your mouth falls open on a cry and your whole body jolts when Ari pats your clit with an open hand. 
Your core burns, walls fluttering rapidly. Your ass clenches too, which in turn leads to a dirty reminder that it's stretched around a plug. Movement causes the chain between nipple clamps to sway, tugging on your abused peaks. 
The heat inside you grows, blood rushing through you and buzzing in your head. 
Lips parted, as moan after moan trickles out, you fall deeper into sensations spreading through your body. Your mind gets a little cloudy, shutting out everything that isn’t connected to your body.
Ari’s touch becomes a beacon, drawing your attention to wherever he points. Light strokes of his hands, instead of soothing your body, escalate the madness. His mouth joins the torment, kisses and bites overloading your senses. 
You keen loudly when he brushes the back of his hand against your trapped, swollen folds. You don’t even register the hum of delight from your audience when Ari taps the crystal over your clit and it bounces, making you cry out.
“Who would’ve thought that a shiny trinket is so whiny?” Ari mocks.
You, amusing him further, whine again, your head lolling forward. 
Ari’s fingers push between your lips, coarse pads rubbing against your tongue. He drives two, then three, almost to the back of your throat. Then withdraws them, a string of saliva stretching between your mouth and his fingers. 
He brings his wet fingers to your clit again, circling it oh so slowly, then flicking the crystal over and over again. 
He gives you short reprieve, enough for the pulsing in your clit to marginally subside. Enough that when he finally takes the damn clamp off, you don’t come immediately from the sheer return of blood to your sensitive parts.
You’re nearly panting and doing your best to keep your legs spread, because if you closed your thighs an inch, it surely would be a stimulation enough you’d orgasm.
Which, actually, is tempting as hell…
You don’t get to try it, however. Ari is pushing between your thighs; pants undone and cock sheathed. 
He grips one of your legs below the knee and pulls it up, wrapping it around his hip. Bending his legs slightly, Ari guides the head of his cock into your pussy. Standing still for a moment, he moves his now free hand to grip your ass and then plunges in one, swift stroke.
The stretch is maddening enough to have you push up on your tiptoes, but Ari drives in to the hilt, sinking himself so deeply that your oversensitive clit crushes into his pelvis.
You come with a scream, body convulsing in pleasure so high it’s almost painful. 
Ari holds you through it, a vein in his neck pulsing as he forces himself to stay still and not fuck into the clenching heat of your cunt. 
When you slump forward, head resting in the crook of Ari’s neck, he teases loud enough for your hazy brain to register and for your audience to hear:
“So much trouble with shiny trinkets. You poke it and it immediately breaks apart.” 
Your incoherent mewl against his neck makes Ari huff a laugh. 
He kisses your shoulder softly then starts moving. He keeps the few first thrusts slow, finding the best angle for his own pleasure. Then steadily increases the pace and the force. 
You start responding, as each push jolts your body and the embers of arousal ignite into flames again. The clamps on your nipples are still attached, pulling on your peaks with each roll of Ari’s hips. His hand on your ass angles, long digits resting atop the crystal of the anal plug and tapping it repeatedly. 
“Oh! Ohh!” Your head tilts back, cheek squishing into your outstretched arm. 
Ari tugs on the butt plug, cock driving into you harder. Among the fizz in your head, you can hear faint jingling - of the chains on the rafter, of the chain swaying between your tits, of the buckle in Ari’s belt. 
There’s also the pitiful babble coming from your own mouth: begging and prayers, all at once. 
Ari’s grunts elicit a special type of pleasure, a certain fulfillment at knowing your Dom is satisfied. That you give him this pleasure. For a submissive like you it’s a gratification greater than your own orgasm. 
Though you sure love the shattering climax that Ari rips from you when he rams into your pussy at a particular angle.
The squeeze of your walls topples him over soon after you. The feelings of his cock twitching inside you makes you sigh in contentment. It always does, whether he finishes in one of your holes, or in your hand. 
You don’t fully register the tenderly spoken “I’ve got you, mon amour,” when Ari slides out of you a few heartbeats later. 
It’s the rush of blood returning to your nipples after he takes off the clamps, that shakes you out of daze. The zap of pain surges to your core in a twisted ripple. 
Ari rubs your nipples gently, easing the ache. Kisses each tip. 
He eases out the plug from your hole, then gathers all the toys into a small zip-lock bag to take it cleaning later. One strong arm around your middle, Ari uses his other hand to unchain you. There’s no stumbling as you sink boneless into his arms, Ari's an expert in catching and holding you. 
With your head resting against Ari’s chest when he sits down on a small sofa, after wrapping you in a soft blanket, you focus on the pounding of his heart beneath your ear and don’t hear the passing comment of one of the Masters about it being a fun idea to have someone be made into a trinket once a week. 
Ari doesn’t mind this type of recurring decoration at the club. 
As for the kind of shiny trinkets you liked, Ari decides on buying you a few sun catchers to hang in the windows, so you could chase the shards of rainbow scattered on the floor and walls.   
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