sillywoyscreenshots · 6 months
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tana-draws · 1 month
Shipcourse in the warrior cats fandom
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the-math-one · 6 days
ate too much mexican food yesterday and now I feel like a hyperboloid of two sheets
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thewirewitch · 1 year
I had a dream last night where I went to some kind of magic school, despite not showing any clear signs of having any kind of magical powers.
That was until I managed to break a magically reinforced window by kicking it a few times. I just really wanted to go outside, no time for doors.
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web-novel-polls · 2 months
You do not have to have finished the main story in its entirety for it to be counted as a "read." If you're currently being destroyed by your first reread / second read, for example, you can select, "Second read (I've read ORV twice)."
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natalynsie · 11 months
3 Times Cody Fell for Noah's Voice (And 1 Time He Told Him) (Noco Oneshot)
[this is a request for an anonymous asker. hope you enjoy, especially after the long wait!]
“Hey,” Cody greeted his new roommate as he walked through the door. “I’m Cody, I’m your new roommate.”
The boy who was already in the room, laying down on an already made bed sat up just to look at Cody. He had a book in one hand, and once he caught a glance of Cody, he returned to his book.
“Uh… are you okay?”
The boy nodded. Cody dropped his luggage on the empty side of the room.
“Well you’re just not talking or anything-”
“I’m reading. My name is Noah. Stop bothering me.”
“Oh, sorry,” Cody apologized.
Noah. That was a nice name. Cody had obviously heard it before, it was a common name, but part of it was how it sounded specifically from Noah.
In short, Noah had a nice voice. It was smooth and soothing. But Cody had a feeling he wouldn’t hear it all that much.
“Fuck,” Cody dropped his pen on the table, rubbing his eyes. It was past eleven at this point. Cody was doing his math homework, and Noah laid in bed on his laptop.
Noah turned his gaze to Cody. “Do you need help?”
Cody sat up straight, and turned his chair to face Noah. “Yeah. I’m stuck. Are you in multivariable calculus?”
Noah nodded, although it was hard to see in the dark. Cody was using a flashlight to see his paper, the lights in the room were off. Noah stood up and made his way to Cody’s desk, and Cody turned his chair back around.
“Quadric surfaces,” Noah whispered. “I know this.”
Cody picked up his pencil, and Noah started whispering directions on how to do the problem. He tried to follow around, but he couldn’t pay attention. All he could think about was how Noah sounded when he whispered.
“Cody! Pay attention!”
“Sorry. I can’t really hear you. Could you just… talk normally? I don’t think you need to whisper.”
Noah sighed. “Fine,” He spoke normally again. “Now listen. The equation of a cone is x squared over a squared plus y squared over b squared equals z squared over c squared. You know that?”
“So all you have to do…”
Cody listened to instructions, a little better than with the whispers. Even though he was a little distracted. Because it was so unfair that Noah was lucky enough to get such a pretty voice for free.
But, he managed to solve a whole problem! Now he just had to do the rest.
“So, you get it now?” Noah questioned.
“I think so. Thanks for the help.”
“No problem.”
“Really? It sort of sounded like a problem.”
“Oh. Well it isn’t.”
Cody smiled. “I thought you didn’t like being bothered.”
“I can make an excuse once in a while.”
“Beat again,” Noah smiled. Cody’s mouth hung open wide. Yet again, he’d been pummeled to the ground easily in Kosmic Kaos by Noah. Flawlessly.
“I don’t even know how you do that,” Cody looked at Noah in disbelief, controller loose in his grip.
Noah smiled proudly, sitting up straight for once in his life. “These are the skills that have kept me from having a girlfriend all my life,” He joked. “That among other things.”
Cody grinned himself. Ever since Noah had helped him with his math homework, Cody stopped being afraid of asking Noah to do things with him. And he realized he and his roommate had a lot more in common than he’d originally thought. They both loved Kosmic Kaos and Dragon Assassin, had similar taste in movies (even though Noah mostly made fun of them), and they took a lot of the same classes, so they were able to help each other with homework (well, more Noah helped Cody and Cody said he’d get him back someday). And they were still different enough to not get bored. Cody actually had interest in school, so he got to blab about his in-depth personal research with Noah for hours, while Noah would listen. Noah got to talk about his favorite books, and convince Cody to read them sometimes. And Noah and Cody made fun of each other for their different opinions on sports (Noah couldn’t stand them, but Cody always tried to get him to play dodgeball with their friends on weekends).
“Well, maybe I can make up for being worse at video games than you by scoring with the ladies.” Cody finger-gunned.
Noah snorted. “Yeah right. All myth no legend.”
Cody shut up. Not because Noah totally obliterated him, but because he was a little flushed. Myth had rolled off of Noah’s tongue so perfectly. Cody was floored to say the least.
Noah’s voice wasn’t the only thing about him that was perfect. He had silky brown hair, a charming sense of humor, and deep, brown eyes. Sometimes Cody just had to stare at them.
And he had perfect, unchapped lips. Lips that Cody just wanted to-
“Cody? Are you okay?”
Cody coughed, a little too loud to be natural. “Yeah. Nothing’s wrong.”
Noah raised an eyebrow at that.
“But Justin doesn’t want that song on the album, he thinks it’s too unfinished,” Cody ranted. He was sat mirroring Noah on Noah’s bed. It had been a stressful week for his band. Things weren’t working out with the other members, and they couldn’t choose which songs they should include on their new album, and they only had a week left to decide. “So, what do you think?”
“I think I know absolutely nothing about music. I barely even listen to it myself.”
Cody’s eyes just about bulged out of his head. “You what? You don’t listen to music?”
Noah shrugged. “It just isn’t for me. I mean, I like the instrumentals in a few Santana songs, but generally I don’t like music all that much.”
“I mean, everyone likes Santana, come on.”
Noah brushed him off silently.
“Dang it, now you got Black Magic Woman stuck in my head by bringing him up.”
Cody grabbed and opened his laptop from behind him, looking up the song. He clicked on the first audio that appeared after he searched it up. Noah smiled softly.
Cody tapped his pencil against his notebook to the tune. Noah hummed along, and Cody had a small smile on his face.
The song went on for what felt like forever and no time at all, when Noah started mumbling the lyrics to himself as he stared at his book.
Cody’s eyes were wide as he stared at Noah’s moving lips. When the lyrics ended, briefly, he went back to humming, and when the lyrics started, he mumbled again. Call Noah the black magic man, because Cody was enchanted.
When the song ended, Cody was stuck staring at Noah. Noah finally looked up and at Cody. “What?”
“You know,” Cody hung a hand on the back of his neck, “you have a really pretty voice.”
“Oh.” Noah looked like a deer in the headlights. “Thanks,” he muttered sheepishly, averting his eyes.
“No problem,” Cody smiled, a bit more confident. He reached out for Noah’s hand and loosely held his fingertips.
Noah looked back at him with a small smile.
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marvellouspinecone · 1 year
I've tried two times already and each time tumblr has crashed. So maybe I shouldn't tell you. But maybe third time's the charm. (if this doesn't work I'll give up)
ANYWAY. I am in love with your new description!! It is absolutely perfect!! Conic sections my beloved <3
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And then adding the imaginary unit i (making quadric in general and conics in particular easier to work with) and getting to iconic! It makes so much sense mathematically and is so fun.
Plus you're a cone, so related to conics (see above).
Just, like, 10/10, never change it. (or do change it because your descriptions are generally fun and I don't get to tell you what to do <3 but yeah this one's my favourite so far!)
Oh my god this is so cool!!! Like what? I'm so glad it ended up making sense in math (i didn't intend it obviously), it's just as cool as when someone finds accidental symbolism in my writing, but better bc i wouldn't be able to see it myself.
I did not know there was a difference between parabola and hyperbola (actually, i wasn't aware that hyperbola existed lol). I tried looking up how they are different, and google told me that hyperbola has greater eccentricity, which... i have no idea what that means, but i think mathematicians are the best at naming their stuff. Like - eccentricity! It's so charming. Hyperbola is also a great name, bc it shares it's name with a literary device, and as we know physics (and math) and poetry (and puns, apparently!) are the same thing bc everything rhymes
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jadeseadragon · 2 months
"their candidate is a quadrice-indicted twice-impeached once-convicted popular-vote-losing adderall-huffing insurrection-leading ear-diapering testimony-ducking judge-threatening lawyer-ignoring witness-tampering day-one-dictatoring disabled-veteran-dishonoring inheritance-squandering rube-fleecing clown-makeup-smearing language-mangling sneaker-hawking serial-sexual-predating draft-dodging casino-bankrupting butler-bullying daughter-perving hush-money-paying real-estate-scamming bone-spur-faking ketchup-hurling justice-obstructing classified-war-plan-thieving golf-cheating weather-map-defacing horse-paste-promoting paper-towel-flinging race-baiting tax-evading evidence-destroying charity-defrauding money-laundering diaper-filling 88-count 78-year-old fluorescent tangerine felony factory — and his veep is a misogynistic weirdo you wouldn’t leave alone with your cat — or your couch."
- Jeff Tiedrich
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thatoneweirdo0113 · 11 months
Meducoid Mycelium Cure
So I've had this theory for quite a while and thought I would share it. I would like to clarify that I don't have any type of high education in chemistry or biology so take this with a grain of sugar. This theory doesn't cover the sugar bowl or the apples in the arboretum.
So, as a bit of context, this theory came to be when I was doing an in depth re-watch of A Series of Unfortunate Events (Netflix) and by in depth I mean pausing at least every 5 minuets to have a debate with my friend. We noticed that at 4 points rutabagas were mentioned, and mentioning something once is fine, twice is a coincidence, thrice is suspicious and quadrice means that its important. 2 of the times rutabagas were mentioned were in areas where you had to pause to see (Rutabaga River and rutabagas mentioned in 'An Incomplete History of Secret Organisations'). the other 2 times was Esme having a basket of rutabagas and Colette (or Kevin) saying how they could start a rutabaga farm.
My first thought was that it was a substitute for horseradish but because I have no culinary knowledge (and have never had horseradish, wasabi or rutabagas so I have no idea if they even tasted similar) I went to reddit to find if they knew but I only had two answers, one person said that using rutabagas to cure the Meducoid Mycelium would be useless and the other said maybe as they are both spicy vegetables.
But I wasn't satisfied so I did my own digging.
I figured that if both horseradish and wasabi cure the Meducoid Mycelium they mush share a chemical of sort so I googled it. Apparently they share a chemical called Allyl isothiocyanate (AIT). I got this from this website. so you can judge how true this is. Also on that website it mentioned that AIT is well known to prohibit bacteria and fungal growth (this is on sentence 3, this is the direct quote 'It is well known that AIT shows inhibitory effect on the growth of food poisoning bacteria and fungi.').
I then went digging and the website is right AIT is a fungicide. Also I went digging some more about other foods with AIT in it and this is the list Wasabi, Horseradish, broccoli, radish, cabbage, mustard and other cruciferous vegetables (I got this information in this website on the first paragraph of the introduction).
so I did my final bit of research of what more examples of cruciferous vegetables and here is the final list of foods that should cure the Meducoid Mycelium: Horseradish, Land cress, Ethiopian mustard, Kale, Chinese broccoli, Cabbage, Savoy cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Kohlrabi, Broccoli, Broccolini, Broccoloflower, Broccoli romanesco, Chinese cabbage, Cauliflower, Wild broccoli, Komatsuna, Mizuna, Rapini (broccoli rabe), Choy sum (flowering cabbage), Chinese cabbage (napa cabbage), Turnip roots, Siberian kale, Canola/rapeseed, Wrapped heart mustard cabbage, Mustard seeds, White mustard seeds, Black mustard seeds, Tasoi, Wild arugula, Arugula, Field pepperweed, Maca, Garden cress, Watercress, Radish, Daikon, Wasabi and yes Rutabaga.
(this is my proof of were I got these . I know its Wikipedia but I trust it with this. )
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deritosmi · 6 months
Feh… actually, it’s quadrice….
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shovson · 6 months
📸🍪💎 for the emoji asks!!
sorry for the late reply seanagh!!! busy mornins'
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?
its a pic of max from 2023! i want to change is so bad but me and him are thrice quadrice divorced bound by fate and one sided hatred unfortunately so i have to stare at him forever....and also the fernando/george pic from 2023! love to see some weirdos partying
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🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?
maybe a sugar cookie that was meant to be a cool shape but it was overbaked and accidentally flattened. maybe with a silly frosting design too LOL
💎 What’s your most prized possession?
fat pikachu plushie means the world to me like i might actually kill someone if they took him away from me. he was a gift from one of my friends during uni and i love and snuggle him a lot!
emoji asks!
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moookar · 8 months
In DnDads the DM refers to some identical twins as "the same man twice", and my W.BG brain has completely run with it. yeah the council of Hunters, the same man thrice. Satellite base, the same man... (looks something up) quadrice
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omoriboii · 1 year
I've said this quadrice, now I shall say it quintice.
U art good.
thank youuuuuuuu
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macwantspeace · 1 year
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Always gives me a giggle when Jeff Tiedrich copy/pastes this into a post. today, of course, comes the main event. that quadrice-indicted twice-impeached popular-vote-losing insurrection-leading judge-threatening lawyer-ignoring witness-tampering game-show-hosting serial-sexual-predating draft-dodging casino-bankrupting daughter-perving hush-money-paying real-estate-scamming ketchup-hurling justice-obstructing classified-war-plan-thieving weather-map-defacing paper-towel-flinging tax-cheating evidence-destroying charity-defrauding money-laundering fluorescent tangerine jackass will surrender himself to authorities.
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soul-of-rei · 2 years
if i had a nickel for everytime i got into media wherein the main protagonist has a skrungled arm, id have 4 nickels. which isnt a lot but its weird that its happened quadrice
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breakbcnes · 2 years
Stood pressed as closely as her swollen belly would allow, the Princess's green eyes dart back and forth as she peers into the blue-green of her husband, Harwin. They knew this was a possibility, that one day he may need to leave her to fight for the safety of the people of their kingdom, but it always seemed like a far-off dream for the blonde. They had been making plans for their future, guess God had other ones… She knew his duty would win out, though it hadn't stopped her from pleading with him not to leave, not when she was this close to birthing their last child. Watching him leave had been hard enough, each day she waited for news of the tides turning, each day she waits to hear of when he is expected to return, all while anxiously rubbing her belly. Troubled eyes watch the skies when she hears a timid knock at her door, to which she calls softly, ❝ come, ❞ over her shoulder.
Hearing the young maiden clear her throat, it draws the blonde from her thoughts and she turns to look at her, head tilting as she studies the other curiously then looks to the girl's left to see her father-in-law standing there. Without even thinking about it, her hand comes up to cradle her belly as she feels her heart drop into her stomach as she notices the shiny look to Lyonel's eyes and she starts to feel numb. His words translate to the sound of a horn playing as the realization hits her at the precise moment she feels a contraction. In the span of a heartbeat she was made a widow and a mother quadrice as the life inside her chooses the day of their father's last to be their first. She ache both inside and out as she mourned for the life of the father of the child within her and rejoiced for the child who would be entering this world and into her open arms.
As the room erupted in a blur of activity with the maidens rushing in to grab her and get her situated for the birth, Yelena couldn't stop crying, tears both salty and sweet as she processes the fact that her beloved, darling husband, was no longer alive. He would not be coming home and sweeping each and every one of their children up into his arms, to give them love and dote on them before shining his devotion unto her, at which then she would introduce them to their precious daughter, Lenna, she cried for the knowledge that their lives would never be the same. She was alone now and her beautiful baby girl will never feel the warmth of her father's arms. Crying out she wails her pain, both emotional and physical as their daughter's discontent joins her own. Slumped back, she waits and watches as the child is placed in her arms and she cries for the knowledge that he will never see her grow, that he will never come home and she will never find another to love her for all the love she had left transferred to her fallen husband to the newest member of their family.
My muse is dead. Tell me how yours is dealing with it. | Accepting
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