#In Praise of Shadows
neruomancer · 26 days
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That is Correct!
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victoriadallonfan · 27 days
I’m only halfway through, but this is an interesting video on horror, and YouTubers who present information wrong or hide alt-right connections
Internet Historian is one of them, but Wendigoon is included as well.
Why the FUCK would you claim (lie) about starting the Boogaloo Boys (an alt right hate group)
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billyboyblue · 29 days
I am so terrified for In Praise of Shadows on YouTube right now. He just released a pretty good video on Conservatism in Horror and called out YouTube's Darling Red Flag Wendi and made every perfect point possible.
Holy heck those fans are rabid and basically naz*s 😬 and I'm here thinking boy just drew a huge target on his back. He made so many points and I really hope it turns the conversation because hoo boy they've been letting that guy get away with so much. Good luck bud, keep ya head up.
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mingot-studios · 27 days
ok wtf is going on with wendigoon and in praise of shadows??
Im getting mixed information and I'm not sure whats true...
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dateamonster · 25 days
40 minutes into the new in praise of shadows video essay and im getting an irl headache from this dudes comments section. i havent even gotten to the w*ndigoon segment which has gotten him completely mobbed bu i cant get over how wildly "apolitical" conservatives lash out at even the most like base level film analysis. having Many Thoughts and none of them good.
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I understand that IPOS' video isn't the best when it comes to being accurate but that doesn't change the fact that We*digoon is comfortable being friends with nazis, transphobes, and racists.
Unless We*digoon makes a video shitting on all of his bigot friends, then he's a bigot in my eyes. Doesn't matter if he's "nice" while sitting back as his friends openly desire killing queer people.
Best-case scenario: He is standing back as his friends joke about killing trans people.
Worst-case scenario: He's a slimy fuck who supports their ideals but hides it under his YT persona.
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cellarrentalsvhs · 26 days
For anyone who's curious, yes, I saw The Video. Not only do I keep up with the analog horror space and am thus familiar with Wendigoon, I also happen to be a big IPOS fan, ever since his videos on Beksinski & Kenneth Anger.
Ironically, I'd unfollowed Wendigoon a month or two ago anyway, partially because of a lot of what IPOS addressed. Despite some flaws in his presentation, his critiques were valid as ever. I don't want to get too deep into politics here, but I genuinely believe Wendigoon is a very easy entry point to the alt right pipeline, and I'd honestly been trying to ignore it. His videos are incredibly basic and don't have much more to offer inquistive minds than Google, but when he's not recitimg cryptids' Wiki pages at you, some of them can be foundational for getting into the scene. I'd heard of it before, but his video is what got me into TMM (though I think his 2nd TMM vid is one of the worst I've ever seen.) But it reaches a point where it's just a never ending cycle of guns, god, & Magic Spoon, and you can't ignore that shit anymore.
He (and the people he promotes, you can whine about guilt by association all you want but let's be honest, public figures endorsing other public figures isn't meaningless) are gonna radicalize people. And right wing, Christian, police state shit is a death sentence to anyone who isn't white, straight, upper class, and "normal." And, as IPOS discussed earlier in that same video, horror is an inherently punk/counterculture genre that we can't let be co-opted by right wing chuds.
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medikkink · 23 days
“Call out random YouTubers” did you…listen to what was said, those YouTubers are bad people
(i assume this is about my in praise of shadows post.) a lot of that stuff was not true or over exaggerated. i watch a lot of the youtubers he talked about and they are just not like that. at all.
i encourage you to watch oompaville’s video on it or someordinarygamer’s video on the subject. just to hear both sides. and to see the stuff ipos got factually wrong in his video.
also, like i said, i do still agree with a lot of what ipos said in his video. it’s just the fact that other than the beginning and the end of the video, the middle seemed very out of place and unnecessary.
you don’t have to agree with me or the youtubers he mentioned, but i do encourage you to watch those videos on the matter - just hear both sides.
also centrist / left leaning does not equal bigoted. it seems like ipos believes that anything that isn’t liberalism is fascist. just wanted to throw that in there. i, personally, consider myself to be more so left leaning.
if you want to talk about this a bit more, you’re more than welcome to dm me. i’m interested in hearing more of your opinions on the subject. /gen
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bg-11 · 27 days
In Praise of Shadows seems like such a smug, lying piece of shit. Never watched Wendigoon, but Jesus, the hoops IPOS has to jump through to justify his hateboner for the guy.
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justplainsimon · 28 days
Wish the new in praise of shadows video was called "anti-intellectualism in the horror community"
Cause even though he does make pretty alright points, he writes in a very formal and detached way so when he gets a fact, like in his dune video, wrong, people just dogpile cause hes a robot
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The History of Insane Asylums and Horror Movies
A look at how mental illness, and insane asylums have been portrayed, not only in horror but in other types of media as well and how this division has always hurt the image of the mentally ill.
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Watched the new IPOS video and I'm... Hoo boy. I'm a bit sad he deleted the Wendigoon portion tbh, I understand why he did because as I understand it there was some misinformation in it and was also kind of catching his ass for it, but I did want to see it so I could come to a conclusion on it. But overall? I liked his video, and I think IPOS is a genuinely good dude overall and I'm upset that his genuine points on conservative POVs in horror are being overshadowed by people dog piling in his comments because he went after Wendi
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prettyputrified · 25 days
I think it would be nice if we did some fan art for IPOS to combat all the mean ad hominem art right wing grifters are making of him
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noosphe-re · 2 months
Lacquerware decorated in gold is not something to be seen in a brilliant light, to be taken in at a single glance; it should be left in the dark, a part here and a part there picked up by a faint light. Its florid patterns recede into the darkness, conjuring in their stead an inexpressible aura of depth and mystery, of overtones but partly suggested. The sheen of the lacquer, set out in the night, reflects the wavering candlelight, announcing the drafts that find their way from time to time into the quiet room, luring one into a state of reverie. If the lacquer is taken away, much of the spell disappears from the dream world built by that strange light of candle and lamp, that wavering light beating the pulse of the night. Indeed the thin, impalpable, faltering light, picked up as though little rivers were running through the room, collecting little pools here and there, lacquers a pattern on the surface of the night itself.
Jun'ichirō Tanizaki, In Praise of Shadows
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texas-gothic · 24 days
Its really sad to see how this situation with IPOS has unfolded. I could tell an hour into that video that this was all going to end badly. But here we are. He should have known better than to dive into this with the kind of vapid opportunists and click baiters who thrive on this kind of drama. He's never going to recover from this. Not ever.
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contremineur · 1 year
How, in such a dark place, gold draws so much light to itself is a mystery to me. But I see why in ancient times statues of the Buddha were gilt with gold and why gold leaf covered the walls of the homes of the nobility. Modern man, in his well-lit house, knows nothing of the beauty of gold; but those who lived in the dark houses of the past were not merely captivated by its beauty, they also knew its practical value; for gold, in these dim rooms, must have served the function of a reflector. Their use of gold leaf and gold dust was not mere extravagance. Its reflective properties were put to use as a source of illumination.
Junichirō Tanizaki, from In praise of shadows (Leete’s Island 1977)
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