#In moonsun we trust
orbiting-star · 5 years
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Thank you for your service ✊
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general-alder · 4 years
one day moonsun gonna be like: these rings we got for us represent our deep love and trust in each other. they are a symbol of the hardships we encountered but also show that we always stayed bonded through that
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moonmoon2102 · 4 years
A trade is a trade [MoonSun; Post-apocalyptic AU]
Uh... hi?
How are you doing? I hope you’re all healthy!
Part 3 is still on hold as I am incredibly stuck. I’m sincerely sorry about that. I am trying my best to continue because for me, I also want to finish part 3. Until I’m able to do so, here’s a little something for you to read :)
I’m also working on a lot of different AUs, so I write whatever comes to my mind. I won’t post them here since it’s explicit stuff but if I ever find the courage to upload anything on AFF, I may post the link here.
As always: To whoever is taking the time to read this: Thank you and enjoy :)
The tension was so thick Yongsun was sure she would be able to cut it with a knife if she tried. While the leader of the foreign camp was visibly tensed, Byulyi's posture was surprisingly relaxed, evident by the way she had her hands dug into her pockets. Perhaps another way to show she didn't mean any harm.
 "W-where's the medical supplies you promised?" the man asked, Yongsun noticed his voice shaking.
 "All here in the bag," Byulyi calmly replied, "the food?"
 "I want to see the bag!"
 "I promise there's everything you asked for. Our camp keeps their end of the bargain. How about yours?"
 The man gradually became even more agitated, shifting from one leg to the other, glancing behind him to look at two men he had brought with him for back-up.
 "O-of course we have the food. Why... why wouldn't we?" he replied and laughed in a nervous manner.
 "Look, let's both meet in the middle. We can take a look at the goods and then swap if that's what makes you feel more at ease."
 "I uh... a-alright..."
 Byulyi held her hand out towards Yongsun who handed her the small bag with the medical supplies. The dark haired woman nodded at Yong's whispered be careful before she moved to stand where they just agreed on.
 The man followed, the way his hands shook not gone unnoticed by Byulyi. She knew something wasn't quite right. Once he was close enough he reached for the bag in Byulyi's hands who caught his wrist, staring him dead in the eye.
 "Don't do anything stupid. No sudden movements," she hissed, letting go of his wrist to move her hand towards the left side of her chest, tapping it twice with her index finger.
 The other camp leader understood the silent prompt, eyes widening as he could see a red laser dot hovering just above the spot Byulyi had shown him.
 "My sniper is able to shoot off a squirrel's nuts from a fifty miles distance so you better not have any hidden agenda," the dark haired woman warned, "see it as a safety measure. If you suddenly decide to fuck me over."
 The man visibly gulped and nodded to show he understood, glancing at the laser on his chest once more.
 "Now that this is settled," Byulyi opened the bag, letting him take a look inside, "here's what you asked for. Every single bit."
 Byulyi's counterpart let out a low whistle, nodding in approval, albeit not able to hide his surprise that Byulyi had stayed true to her word.
 "You've seen the supplies, I've done my part. It's your turn."
 He cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck. He was hiding something. "Y-you know... there may be... a problem with the food I promised you."
 Byulyi raised her eyebrows. "What kind of problem? You said there wouldn't be."
 "T-that was before I... checked the supplies... I have... barely any left to feed my own people."
 "You do realize that's gonna minimize the amount of medical supplies you're getting, right?"
 "I... the thing is---"
 Before he could finish his sentence, the bushes behind him rustled which made Byulyi's hand shoot down towards her gun, ready to draw if necessary.
Her eyes widened as a small boy, not older than probably eight, stumbled out from his hiding, running over to cling onto the man's leg. She quickly lifted her right hand to signal Wheein to hold fire and for a moment she was glad her sniper wasn’t one to have a nervous trigger finger.
 "Papa... when can we go? I've been waiting for ages!"
 "Myung!! Didn't I tell you to wait?!"
 "You're bringing a child to a trade?! Are you out if your mind?! What if raiders showed up?! Do you even know how irresponsible that is?!" Byulyi growled, not caring if she crossed the line by berating the man.
 "He's my son! I couldn't leave him at the camp! My wife... is sick, she's the one I need the antibiotics for, she's got an infection and... and," he rambled, "I don't trust others to look after him! Please... don't hurt him!"
 Byulyi looked over her shoulder to see Yongsun having her hands clasped over her mouth. The dark haired woman sighed, slowly squatting down to look at the boy who hid behind his father's leg. She lifted her hand to signal his father she wouldn't hurt him as she saw him open his mouth.
 "Hey... Myung, right?" she softly said and smiled, "your mommy is sick?"
 She watched the little boy nod.
 "And you want her to get better, right?"
 He nodded again.
 "You're a brave little boy for coming all the way out here," Byulyi noted, "you want to help your mama too?"
 "Papa... papa said... we're gonna... get medicine for mama..." Myung answered, obviously not scared of Byulyi.
 'She seems to have a way with children...' Yongsun thought to herself as she watched Byulyi interact with the child. She couldn't quite put her finger on why but somehow this discovery made her heart swell.
 "Listen, Myung. Can I send you off to an important mission?" Byulyi asked, well aware of the father's eyes resting on her, hand ready to draw his weapon.
 "A mission?"
 Byulyi nodded and handed him the bag, "take this to your mother, okay? Don't lose it and keep your eyes on it. All the way back, you hear me?"
  She waited for his response which came with a firm nod.
 "There are pills, white round ones, in there. Make sure you give her one each day until you see the sun rise for the seventh time, including today. Can you do that?"
 "Yes!" Myung looked up at his father, "papa, this lady is nice!"
 Byulyi chuckled and straightened herself, looking at the camp leader who just stared back with his mouth agape.
 "Make sure she drinks enough and keep the wound clean, change the bandages every day."
 With that Byulyi turned, about to walk off when the man stopped her.
 "W-wait..." the camp leader said, holding up the bag in his hand, "a trade is a trade."
 The dark haired woman looked at him and took the bag, rummaging through it to take out four cans of beans, along with two packages of noodles before handing the bag back to him, leaving him with a baffled expression.
 "Keep the rest," she simply stated, walking towards Yong who carried an equally surprised expression.
 "But I thought... your camp members---"
 "We are hungry but that doesn't mean we're heartless. Rather than taking from others what they need too, we should share. What kind of human being would I be to take the last bits of food your camp has left?"
 Byulyi could feel Yongsun's hand slip into hers, giving it a gentle squeeze.
 "I... thank you! I owe you!" the other camp leader said, his voice sincere, "I'll never forget that!"
 "Take your kid and leave; you've got a sick wife to tend to."
 The couple watched the group disappear into the woods. Both listened intently as they waited for an indication they had left for sure; the confirmation came in the form of a car engine rumbling to life and the sound of screeching wheels.
 When the dark haired woman turned towards Yongsun, she didn't expect to be met with a pair of lips pressing onto hers.
 "W-what was that for?" Byulyi asked once they broke apart.
 "Because you, Moon Byulyi, are the most noble person I have ever met," Yongsun confessed, cupping Byulyi's cheeks to pull her into another kiss.
And with that we wrap up “A trade is a trade” It’s a bit all over the place but I do plan on tying that one into later events of this AU; I’ll have to see how it would work out. Once again, thank you for reading. I appreciate you’ve taken some of your time to do so :) Stay safe and healthy!
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tovanori · 5 years
Hey, sorry to bother you I basically have read all the moonsun fic you've recommended and like... I need more Do you have any other recommendations? Old or new Thanks a lot!
If you missed my other two rec lists here’s the links for them [1] [2]
🔞 - Mature Content
⭐ - Highly Recommended
AO3 List
⭐ The Stars by supersas99 - Moonbyul is famous and Yongsun is just another fan that gets an incredible chance that changes her life. (Complete, 12/12)
We Got Married (but maybe I don’t wanna be) by tried_to_write - Yongsun, Byulyi, and Eric through WGM. [Incomplete, 2/3] (So much pINING)
🔞 Beneath the Surface // Moonsun by StrangeThanDiction  - Crooked cop Kim Yongsun and charismatic gang leader Moon Byulyi have to work together to take down a new gang that threatens the safety of their city. [Incomplete, 18/?] (TW, Murder, Killing, Blood)
Never Eclipsed by hwasasnails - Moonbyul, a young woman battling the struggles of a not-so-glamourous life, stumbles into the clutches of Solar, the loan shark she owes money to. [incomplete, 7/15] (TW, Knives, Hurting, Blood.)
queen and lionheart by gendrys - in which moonbyul is named heir of the kingdom and needs to form an alliance with the kim clan before threats of war escalate further. never did she imagine that treating with kim yongsun would be more difficult than battle. Has BTS as side characters [incomplete, 6/7]
⭐ all about the talent by zucchinis (bc_bread) - AU where Byulyi and Wheein are members of crew and Yongsun and Hyejin just can’t leave them alone somehow. [incomplete, 5/6]
⭐ 🔞Mortals by moodbyul - Angels and Devils AU, but they’re actually working together to balance the world, but there’s a bunch of exceptions. [incomplete, 4/?] 
⭐ Amor fati by Verdan (Dandie) - Fantasy/Supernatural AU. Yongsun is a bounty hunter with her partner Moon Byulyi, they pick up Wheein and Hyejin along the way. [incomplete, 5/?] (TW, blood, gore I think)
Dragon for You by Egostistic - Moonbyul was sure that Hyejin had black hair and didn’t have any wings nor any horns. So– who the heck was this pale blonde lady? And why is she naked– | Spirit AU [Incomplete, 2/?] (Dumbassery)
It’s Not a Match! by ohnoeunwoo (namelessg) - After a weird break up and a lot of whining, Wheein convinces Byulyi to try Tinder again. [Incomplete, 3/?]
The Sun + Stars by StrangerThanDiction - Byul decides to form a band to win a competition and makes unexpected friends along the way. [Incomplete, 2/?]
i’d tell you flowers are pretty (but i’m looking at space instead) by moonddun - moon byulyi found shelter on earth in the form of a 5"2 music major with black hair, wide smile, eyes containing the universe itself, and chin dimples. [Oneshot, 1/1]
these lips on lips (they go like this) by singasongofus - five times byulyi almost kisses her roommate, and the one time she does. (Oneshot, 1/1)
⭐ More than Lovers by moodbyul - She left, leaving her to pick herself up, then came crashing back into her life once more; stronger than ever. Breakup AU but it ends happy, trust me. [Oneshot, 1/1] (TW, Domestic Abuse, suicidal thoughts, depression.)
Maybe It Was You All Along by J__J - Moonbyul and Solar are just friends… until Yongsun questions why they aren’t more. [Oneshot, 1/1]
I like you by patcheslick - Byulyi has a party, and Yongsun is for sure the best part of it. [oneshot, 1/1]
Can’t Help it if I Wanna Kiss You in the Rain by yongbora - “Remember how you told me you always wanted one of those stereotypical kisses in the rain?” [Oneshot, 1/1]
Game. Set. Match. by tftmtrise - Highschool AU. Moonbyul is part of the tennis team and runs into the girl of her dreams on her way to practice. [Complete, 22/22]
🔞Eclipse by  tftmtrise - Historical/Supernatural AU. Moon Byuyi pretends to be a man to bring honor back to her clan, it’s really not mulan I promise. [Complete, 38/38] (TW, depicted fight and gore, blood)
⭐Between Us by ghostReporting - Byulyi is dating a… cat? [Complete, 5/5]
⭐🔞Getting By, Just Barely by Saluhmander - Athlete AU. Moon Byulyi’s whole world has been revolving around basketball and somehow, Kim Yongsun ends up being part of her world. [Incomplete, 18/?] (There’s some almost sex scenes but y’know, just to be safe)
⭐🔞The Royal Match by cloudninexo - Moonsun AU set in the Joseon Era. Scholar Moon is tasked to find a suitable husband to the free spirited, Princess Kim Yongsun. [incomplete, 4/?] (Yongsun just wants to be happy damn)
The Stars Incline Us, They Do Not Bind Us by Desperauxx - Fantasy/Magic AU. One evening, just past midnight, a beast crashed through the walls of the infirmary and Yongsun’s path ultimately took a different turn, granting her much-needed freedom and altering her destiny entirely. [Incomplete, 9/?]
🔞Heartbeat by tftmtrise - Moonsun fanfic based on the webtoon Pulse by Ratana Satis. [Incomplete, 18/?]
In This World by omymnstr - Moon Byulyi is a self-renounced ER Doctor. Kim Yongsun is recovering from the burning back of a man’s hand. [Incomplete, 8/?] (Domestic Abuse, depression)
tech support by fleurly - yongsun is moments away from throwing her laptop against the wall in anger but luckily moonbyul is on the phone to help calm her down. [Incomplete, 4/?]
🔞Haven by @byulyi​ - Werewolf AU with ABO Dynamics. Yongsun runs away from her clan and seeks asylum in Byulyi’s. [Incomplete, 15/?] (If you don’t know what ABO is, you should look it up just for you to be safe.)
🔞The Education of Miss Moon by TagalogMamamoo - Professional Stripper Solar was hired to be Miss Moon’s first. Secrets are the currency of the rich. [Incomplete, 8/?]
⭐🔞Killer Instincts
- Solar honestly doesn’t know what she hates more about Moonbyul; that stupidly shiny silver hair, that greasy knowing smirk or the fact that she might not hate her at all. Domesticating Assassins AU. Doctor!Yongsun, Artist!Wheein, Ex-Assassins!Hwasa and Moonbyul. [Incomplete, 8/?]
Ok I hope that’s enough sdfhjkl
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tried-to-write · 6 years
We Got Married (but maybe I don’t wanna be)
Pairing: MoonSun
Summary: She did it for the publicity, it was a pretty well known show after all.
Yongsun, Byulyi, and Eric through WGM.
Chapter: 2/3 - Moon Byulyi
Links to alternate websites if you don’t like reading on tumblr: AO3 AFF
Yongsun was going to get married to a man, a stranger.
Byulyi had never felt that life was unfair more than she did at that moment.
Sure, it wasn't a real marriage. But it still hurt, the reminder that she would never be the one to stand on the other end of the aisle from the one she loved, her best friend, just for being who she was.
Byulyi felt like she was being torn apart internally, but she also couldn't deny that it was good publicity and decided that she would support Yongsun who had chosen to do it. So she put on the largest grin that she could muster and cheered on her unnie.
The initial few days after Yongsun officially accepted the offer were the hardest. Byulyi couldn't help feeling betrayed, even if she kept telling herself that it was all for business. So, Byulyi withdrew herself from her unnie, not wanting to accidentally hurt her in any way, attaching herself more to the two younger ones instead.
The ever observant maknaes noticed, of course, how dismissive Byulyi was towards their leader. They confronted her one day, after Yongsun had left on her own for a meeting with the managers. They noted her strange behaviour, wondered if their unnies had yet another fight.
Not for the first time, Byulyi considered revealing her (not so) little crush to the two girls. She trusted these girls with her life, had spent a good portion of it with them. In the end, she held back and told them a heavily downplayed version of her story, hiding her romantic feelings behind a veil of platonic friendship.
She hated herself for being such a coward, hated lying to two of her best friends. But, she wasn't even out to them yet, let alone willing to potentially ruin their whole group dynamic. Despite their continuous shows of support for the LGBT community, Byulyi told herself that it wasn't the right time.
The two girls listened and comforted her with sympathetic hugs. They reminded her of the upcoming comeback and encouraged her to make up with Yongsun soon.
She took their concerns and words of advice to heart and the following day, Byulyi greeted her unnie with a hug.
What she had not expected was for Yongsun to pull her in closer and whisper in her ear how much she'd missed her. Byulyi was left sputtering in response, face blazing as the leader giggled amusedly.
This weird behaviour continued on for the rest of the week. Yongsun would suddenly grab her hand or wrap her in a hug. Byulyi was sure that there was something wrong with Yongsun. She couldn't say that she hated it though.
Byulyi had to hide her disdain watching the fake couple when she appeared on the show several times to react. She watched as they did things that Yongsun had only done with her before, or things they hadn't, things they planned to do together... And when did they get so casual with hugging and holding hands?
Byulyi had to constantly remind herself that the relationship she was seeing on screen wasn't real. Still, her chest grew tight as she saw the couple get closer.
Byulyi did think that Yongsun looked uncomfortable with all the displays of affection. But then again, how would she know when she'd never seen Yongsun like anyone romantically before?
(Didn't know that she had seen it before, every time they looked into each other’s eyes)
Byulyi answered every question the panel had on Yongsun proudly, not able to hold herself back from showing off how well she knew her unnie. She wanted so much to proclaim how much better she would be with Yongsun instead of that Eric Nam, but knew it was a dumb idea. Instead, she sat there quietly, only laughing and commenting at the appropriate times.
No matter how much Byulyi didn't like it, she could still see that Eric was a good guy. He was treating Yongsun well and all Byulyi wanted to see was her Yongkong being happy, even if it meant supporting the Ddongie couple.
(Even the virtual couple's greeting sounded so much like theirs and Byulyi couldn't help feeling a little possessive)
(“Yongdong Yoondong” would never beat “Yongkong Byulkong” and no she was not jealous) So Byulyi held back on her disdain for the situation and put on a smile as she helped her leader get ready for her dates. She tried not to feel hurt when Yongsun sent her practice videos for her wedding, instead turning it into gratitude that she trusted Byulyi enough for advice. She lied about how cute she found the couple when it was really just Yongsun she focused on each episode. She tried her best to cherish the time they spent together preparing lunch boxes, even if they were for another man.
Through all this, Byulyi hid her resentful feelings, channeling them into song lyrics instead, writing about how worthless she felt.
Even when you’re here, it hurts I miss you but what can I do? I don’t want to make it obvious
Afraid you’ll find me pitiful, yeah
I’m so worthless, worthless, yeah
Whenever Eric was brought up yet again in press conferences or interviews, Byulyi worked hard to steel her jaw and keep her mouth shut as her leader laughed abashedly. Was their relationship really that interesting? Last time she checked, they were promoting for Mamamoo, not We Got Married.
Byulyi knew she was being petty and unreasonable but she couldn't help her exasperation.
These feelings turned out to be more serious than she had thought and she couldn't help the words that burst from her lips in yet another fight with her unnie.
The fight had started small, arguing over dumb things was a standard in their relationship. But all the pent up frustration and insecurities over Yongsun's relationship with Eric Nam that Byulyi had built up inside of her found it the perfect time to make themselves known. She lashed out at the leader, shouting things she didn't mean and accusing her of things she didn't believe.
And Yongsun shouted back, Byulyi knew she would. The leader would never let herself be accused with false allegations. Then Byulyi was suddenly out the door and finally freeing the tears that had built up behind her eyeballs, the guilt from fighting with her best friend eating at her from the inside. She wanted so badly to just go back in and apologise to the woman, accepting whatever scoldings might await her. But Byulyi was too worked up and heartbroken and maybe a little messed up because she actually didn't want to be on good terms with her unnie at the moment, didn't want to keep pretending that she was okay, and so she left it there and walked off.
An hour later, the door in front of her opened to reveal Wheein who looked questioningly at her as she quietly stepped into the house, eyes rimmed with red and a pack of beer in her hands.
Another hour later, empty beer cans were scattered across the floor among the two women sitting cross-legged.
“Wheein-ie...” Byulyi whined, dragging out her name.
“What do I do...? She definitely hates me now. You should've seen her face, she was so angry. But also hot. So hot . How can anyone look that hot when they're angry? Seriously... I slammed the door on that pretty face! Slammed! On her face! Now I'm angry at myself. Oh man, what if she doesn't want to talk to me anymore after this? Or worse, what if she doesn’t want to see me again? That would be hell...” Byulyi drunkenly rambled, leaning her forehead on Wheein's shoulder
“Wheein-ah, I can't live a life without Yongsun..!” Byulyi wailed in anguish, turning her head to cry into Wheein's neck.
Wheein sighed, bringing a hand up to sympathetically pat the older woman's head. “Get your shit together, Byulie-unnie. You know that she could never hate you, right?”
“You're right, she's too nice for that… And I still hurt that precious sunshine with my stupid words! Wheein, I'm such a terrible person!” Byulyi bawled.
Byulyi suddenly grabbed onto Wheein’s hand, flattening it against her chest. “Do you feel that? There’s nothing, is there? That’s because I’m heartless!”
She promptly let go of Wheein’s hand and burst into tears.
Wheein lifted an eyebrow at the silly display in front of her. After just a brief explanation of what happened, and then close to an hour of overdramatic blabbering about the same thing, her patience was starting to wear thin.
“I think you should just tell her.”
“Tell her what?”
“That you like her.”
Byulyi blanched. It was almost comical how wide her eyes grew and Wheein had to stifle a laugh.
“How- how did you know? Oh my god, Wheein-ah, are you psychic?”
“Um, unnie, it's pretty obvious.” Considering all the flirting, touching, and longing stares. “Hyejin and I have been suspecting it for a long time.”
“But I thought I was hiding it pretty well… I never even told you I was gay. Holy crap, do you think Yongsun can tell too then?” Byulyi started to hyperventilate. “She definitely, definitely hates me now.”
“Unnie, do you seriously think she would judge you for that? Anyway, Hyejin and I are pretty sure she's bisexual.”
“Do you mean that or are you just saying that because I happen to like her?”
“Alright, alright, sorry. But this is really bringing my hopes up and my heart is beating unhealthily fast right now.”
Byulyi knocked back a shot of soju and moved to refill her glass, only to realise that the soju bottle was suddenly in Wheein's hands. "You've drunk enough today. It's time to stop," Wheein said as she screwed the bottle cap back on and placed the bottle down an arm's length away. It was just out of reach of the inebriated woman who had too hazy a mind to think to just move to take it. Instead, Byulyi grumbled incoherently before draping herself across Wheein's lap, folding her arms and pouting. Wheein chuckled and gently pushed the woman off onto the floor, standing up and bringing the bottle with her to the kitchen. "No..! Wheein-ie don't leave me..." Byulyi whined. "You can survive the 10 seconds I'm away from you, and I'm like a metre away," Wheein called out, voice muffled by the concrete wall between them. A few seconds later, Wheein emerged carrying a glass of water in each hand. She placed one down in front of Byulyi who was still frowning at being abandoned.
“Come on, unnie. Drink some water.”
Wheein sighed. “You'll feel better in the morning.”
“Alright, well, I'm going to go sleep now. It's pretty late and we still have practice tomorrow.”
“Okay, and I'll sleep here, in the living room, away from you.”
Wheein had to hold back from slapping herself in disbelief. “Right. I'll wake you up in the morning.”
Before closing the door to her room, Wheein turned back and said, “By the way, I'm sure everything will be fine in the end, especially since it's you two. So don't worry too much about it, ‘kay?”
She gave a dimpled smile and shut the door.
Byulyi stuck her tongue out at the closed door and moved to the couch to finally sleep.
(She was tremendously grateful to Wheein the next morning)
It took less than a week of half-hearted perseverance before Byulyi relented, as she usually did whenever Yongsun was involved. She didn’t know how much she had missed the other woman’s embrace until she was finally in Yongsun’s arms again.
When Mamamoo was invited to guest star in an episode, Byulyi didn’t miss the worried glances cast at her by Wheein. She mustered a weak grin and a thumbs up that didn’t seem to convince anyone by the look on Wheein's face. But it was still a job, and it still had to be done to the best of their ability.
They got ahold of the Ddongie couple's schedule and planned their surprise visit behind their clueless leader's back. They thought of ways to get the couple closer and came up with games, already scheming their winning strategies. They loved to see their unnie put in uncomfortable situations.
She didn't expect how much harder it would be in real life. Watching them get along in person hit her hard in the chest
Byulyi volunteered to be the game referee, unsure if she would actually let herself beat the couple if she were a part of the games. Her mind went blank when she saw Eric place his lips on Yongsun's cheek. Reminding herself that there were cameras filming, she forced herself to smile and cheer for the couple.
She thought she could win an award for her acting.
It felt almost difficult to leave the place, knowing that she would be leaving Yongsun to sleep together with another man. Sure, there was cameras everywhere so there was almost no chance of anything happening and she had nothing to worry about. But Byulyi still felt uneasy, missed the nights she spent huddled under the covers beside the older woman. Their schedules had been packed and while they saw each other almost every day, there was less time for simply hanging out, just the two of them.
It must have hurt her more than she'd thought it did because she started tearing up soon after they returned to the RBW building. She didn't even realise it at first, not until cries of “Byulie unnie! Are you okay?” reached her ears and brought her back to reality. She noticed first the worried looks of the people around her, then the ever familiar feeling of tears trickling down her cheeks.
Their manager was at a loss on how to react and, after making sure she was not needed, left to give her some time alone with her teammates who were much better at calming her down.
Tears kept spilling uncontrollably from her eyes no matter how much she tried to hold them back which was frustrating her to no end and only served to produce more tears. Her teammates embraced her as she sat on the floor and wept and she clung onto them like they were her lifeline. They stayed in that position till her cries reduced to just the occasional sob.
Byulyi was embarrassed by her breakdown. She didn't like crying in front of others, felt that it made her seem weak, vulnerable. But she knew her members loved her and would never judge her for it. She had restrained herself from showing anyone how upset she was at the situation, tucking away her feelings because she knew they would just be a burden. It was kind of relieving to finally let it all out.
“Unnie, are you feeling better?”
“Yeah I- ” Byulyi paused to sniffle. “I think so.”
“I'm so sorry, I didn't think that you were that affected by them,” Hyejin said, arms going around Byulyi again in another hug.
“It's fine, I didn't think so either.”
“Still, I should have known…”
“You couldn't have known, it's not your fault. If anything, it's mine,” Byulyi let out a hollow laugh. “I thought that if I saw them together, saw how happy he made her... Then maybe I could get over my feelings.”
A wry smile briefly appeared on her face before she continued, “But it didn't work. And now I'm disappointed in myself for being so selfish that I couldn't just be happy for her.”
There was a moment of silence in the room before Hyejin raised an eyebrow. She lifted a hand to knock Byulyi on the head. “Unnie, that's gotta be the most stupid idea I have ever heard from you, and I've heard a lot!”
Byulyi frowned at her junior and rubbed the stinging spot on her head. “Hyejin, that's not helping,” she grumbled.
“She's right though, unnie. And it's just as dumb that you think that you're selfish for not wanting to see the person you like being romantic with someone else,” Wheein chipped in.
Byulyi blinked at her two friends before finally sighing.
“Alright, alright,” Byulyi raised both her arms in surrender. “I got it. I don't need you two to gang up on me.”
The two childhood friends glanced at each other with serious expressions before swiftly high fiving.
Byulyi lifted the corner of her mouth in a half smile, hands lowering as the overwhelming feeling of gratefulness hit her.
“Thank you for this.”
“You know we'll always be here for you, unnie.”
There was a moment of tenderness as the girls shared another hug and soft smiles were exchanged…
“But I'm kinda hurt that you told Wheein but not me, though.”
The three girls burst into laughter.
The manager gave them the rest of the day off, told them that they did a good job with filming earlier. It was days like these that Byulyi felt truly appreciative of all the supportive people in her life.
After a restless night, Byulyi gave up on sleeping and went to practice early. Dancing had always been a way for her to clear her head and she let herself be immersed in the flow of movements, her body moving to the rhythm of the music.
The sound of the door opening was drowned out by the music but the reflection of a familiar face in the peripheral of Byulyi’s vision caught her eye and she halted in her movements. Byulyi hadn’t really been prepared to face her leader so soon and thought that Yongsun would even be late that day considering how filming had gone on overnight. Mentally bracing herself for the imminent conversation, she moved to turn off the music.
“Byul-ah, what are you doing here so early?”
Byulyi’s heart rate sped up and she wasn’t sure she could blame it entirely on her dance routine.
“I could ask you the same, Yongsun-unnie,” Byulyi said, reflexively averting her eyes as she deftly avoided the question. She wasn’t really in the mood to talk to the woman who she had been trying to forget when she came in earlier, but said woman obviously had other plans. Byulyi focused her eyes on the wall beside her instead, unable to meet the other woman’s eyes, and so missed the flash of annoyance on Yongsun’s face.
“Filming just ended so I came here early. Now it's your turn to answer the question.”
Byulyi didn’t really want to but could hear the tone of irritation in Yongsun’s voice and reconsidered.
“... I couldn't sleep,” she yielded after a moment.
“Byulie, look at me. What's wrong?”
Byulyi felt a pang in her heart at the gentle tone and finally looked up into her leader’s eyes. It turned out to be a mistake as her guilt just worsened upon seeing those concern-filled eyes directed right at her. Those eyes had always been a weakness of hers. Byulyi could feel herself about to burst and let out a deep breath, resigning to her fate as she forced the words out of her mouth.
“I was jealous,” she blurted out. “Of Eric.”
“I just- I'm the one who's always been with you, but now he's the one who's exploring new places with you and doing new things with you when- when-” Byulyi scrambled for the next words to say.
Her heart pumped fast and hard in her chest as she held the words she knew she wanted to say at the tip of her tongue. Her brain told her that those words could ruin their friendship forever. However, the previous night's talk came to the forefront of her mind and lingered.
Byulyi finally decided to just go for it and said, “When it should be me.”
Her shoulders drooped. She couldn’t bear to look at the leader’s face, afraid of what she would find.
There was a long period of silence in the room and Byulyi wanted to run away. But then Yongsun was suddenly embracing her and Byulyi clutched at the arms around her, afraid that the other woman would suddenly decide to leave. If Yongsun would accept her then...
“Byul-ah, you don't have to worry about losing me, okay? We'll always be the best of friends.”
Byulyi felt a stab in her chest.
“Right, just friends…” she whispered bitterly. Her leader was denser than she thought. Byulyi wanted to laugh at Yongsun, but decided to drop the subject and just enjoy the hug.
On the Ddongie couple’s last day of filming for that damned show, Byulyi couldn’t help rejoicing. She didn't feel as good about it when she saw how sad Yongsun actually was about the whole thing ending, but she still felt a little lighter. No matter how she felt about the situation, Byulyi was still grateful to Eric for providing her unnie a pleasant experience on the show.
It wasn't all over yet though, as there was one last event to be attended: the MBC Entertainment Awards Ceremony. Byulyi held it in the back of her mind as they were doing final preparations for their own event.
During a lull in activity, as they took advantage of the chance to rest their legs before having to be on their feet for a few hours, Byulyi glanced at the woman beside her in her pink-tinted dress. Said woman was typing rapidly on her phone, replying to one message or another on her SNS, not noticing or simply just used to the attention on her. She was so beautiful even with her mouth agape as she completely focused on her screen.
Byulyi took out her own phone and held it up, letting the strong urge to document the stunning woman beside her overtake her. She could never resist such urges anyway and the leader was used to it by now, usually complying with Byulyi's every need to photograph her. This time was no different.
“Unnie, look here.”
Yongsun glanced up from her phone, only to look into the screen of another. She naturally went into a pose for the camera, locking her phone screen with one hand while the other moved to lightly hold her chin, along with a gentle smile to complete the look.
Byulyi snapped several pictures, experimenting for the best angle. When she was finally satisfied, she brought her phone back to eye level, showing it first to her unnie who gave her nod of approval before returning to texting. Byulyi stared a little longer at the picture displayed on screen. Their outfits matched especially well, along with the colours and... they looked kind of like they were getting married… which reminded her of what was happening later on that night.
Perhaps out of spite (towards the man who had really done nothing wrong and towards the society that forbid two women from being together), Byulyi found herself posting the photo on their fancafe, with only the word "BEST” added on to it along with a quick caption of ‘Welcome to Byulddonie world’’ (because Yongsun was indeed her world). It didn't matter if she added the word “friend” to it, society deemed it impossible for two women to be anything more anyway, and if that's how it was then she would take advantage of the fact to be as obvious as she could.
It wasn't long before they were called out from their rest for some finishing touches before their performance. Soon, they were stepping off the stage decked out in all black. Their manager immediately pulled their leader to the side, ushering her urgently towards the exit.
Byulyi sighed as she was reminded of the other award ceremony that had already started. She had erased the upcoming event from her mind to focus on her performance. She hated that the events had such clashing schedules that Yongsun had to rush off so hastily. Almost missing the leader's absence, she hurried to catch up with the departing group, pleased that she managed to send off her unnie as she usually did.
Standing at the entrance waving her leader off, Byulyi even kept turning around as she went back in to continue waving goodbye, not disappointed by the silly faces she got from her yeba in return. She went back up to join the rest of the members in the waiting room, chatting with them for a bit before turning on the TV in the room and switching to the MBC channel.
They were all eager to watch their beloved leader appear on the screen and cheered noisily when she actually won Best Couple Award with her fake ex-husband. They all howled with laughter (as their leader had predicted correctly) when they saw her fumbling with her words on stage, a rare sight.
After a while more, they finally wrapped up and headed home. Byulyi ultimately found herself unlocking the door to her unnie's house, washing up and grabbing some clothes she knew she had left behind last time. Stretching herself out on the familiar couch, she scrolled through her phone for a bit before eventually succumbing to the exhaustion that always came after events.
Byulyi jolted awake upon hearing the soft beeping at the front door. The resounding click that followed signalled the arrival of her housemate.
Muted footsteps shuffled across the floor.
Yongsun-unnie must be home, Byulyi thought drowsily. Not wanting to leave the comfort of the couch, she didn't bother getting up to check.
The footsteps halted, and the house was quiet again. The silence was lulling Byulyi back to sleep. She was just about to doze off when she heard her name.
“Byul-ah… You don't even know how much I love you.” followed by a soft chuckle.
The confession was soft and Byulyi might have missed it if the room wasn’t so quiet. But it was, and she heard it clear as day.
Her mind, still half asleep, took a moment to process what she heard.
Yongsun-unnie? How much she loves me? What does she- Yongsun-unnie loves me?
Byulyi opened her eyes and looked around the dark room blearily. The space in front of her was empty. Where did she-
The sound of the shower turning on interrupted her thoughts, coincidentally answering her question.
Letting her eyelids fall back shut, Byulyi buried herself into the back of the couch. She groaned. What did Yongsun even mean by that? Was it a friend thing? But it definitely didn't seem like a friend thing. Or was Byulyi simply just overthinking things?
She was so tired. It was so difficult to think. She decided that she'll worry about it in the morning (it's a problem for future Byulyi now) and promptly fell back asleep.
A/N: Has it been exactly a week? I kinda rushed some of the scenes in this chapter so I could get it out by today so sorry if it's not as good as the first chapter :’)
Stick around for next chapter where they’ll finally get their shit together… or won’t they..? ;)
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24hs · 7 years
summary: Once Yongsun realized Byulyi acted different around her, there was no way back to comforting ignorance.
pairing: moonsun
words: 1800+
also readable here
Yongsun had been reaching for assurance her whole life. In kindergarten, she always clang to her friend’s coat-tails, in high school there never passed a break without her being surrounded by colleagues and admirers. Yongsun thought that this was how happiness felt like, even though the well-known anxiety of being alone, lonely, miserable kept attacking in her dreams.
The feeling only started flaking off when she was with her.
Born Moon Byulyi, 670 days younger than her, 165 centimeters tall, weighing 45 kilogram. Communication student. Aiming for a journalistic career. Enjoys diving and drawing, loves dancing. Likes: sound of a piano, spicy food and suits. Dislikes: heights, hogs and honey.
Getting close with Moon Byulyi was sort of magical. It meant climbing through a restroom’s window to get away with stealing champagne from a 24-hours store, and then drinking it straight from the bottle, giggling together. It meant watching the sun rise from a roof top with wind blowing through their hair.
It meant falling completely heels over head.
Yongsun could barely remember a time they weren’t best friends. She remembered Wheein introducing her to Byulyi, and Hyejin telling her everything about Byulyi. Anything else was blurred, wiped out, too strong were the moments she shared with her, arms in arms, their legs tangled.
Yongsun could remember a time when she didn’t love her excellently.
Mainly because it was so much easier. There wasn’t lighting running through her chest when Byulyi smiled, laughed, grinned.
When Byulyi wasn’t with her the messy rain came and blurred the sun’s existence out.
She wondered if Byuyi felt the same about her.
It didn’t happen instantly, or at least, Yongun didn’t notice at first.
Byulyi still behaved normally with Wheein and Hyejin. Brushed their bare arms and legs, but she didn’t bother touching Yongsun the same way anymore. Sat on their laps and played with their hair, but never even looked her in the eye when Yongsun tried to cross her warm fingers with her cold ones.
Laughed with Wheein and Hyejin and stayed silent with Yongsun
What was the worst about the whole thing was Byulyi calling her Yongsun in that hard, distant way. The names they used to call each other - Moonbyul and Solar, the moon and the sun - faded away and Yongsun asked herself if the memories of Byulyi whispering dear, honey, love to her ear at night were a bland lie to comfort herself.
“Want to meet up later?”
Byulyi looked at her hands. “Can’t, I’m meeting up with a friend.”
Yongsun expected this answer. She had been telling her this since what felt like years.
“Do I know them?” Yongsun glared at Byulyi’s slender hands.
"She’s called Heeyeon. You may have seen her sometimes, she and Wheein share the same class.” Yongsun tried to ignore the goose bumps that crawled on her skin. It always did when Byulyi talked this politely to her. As if they were merely acquaintances, yet friends.
“What is she like?” Byulyi didn’t answer as Hyejin entered and let her body fall on a near chair. “I’m so done”, she sighed and put her arm around Byulyi’s neck. “The seminar was literally like hell.” Byulyi turned her head to look at Hyejin. Yongsun couldn’t help noticing that she seemed relieved. “You went there?”
“No, but I’ve got my informants.” Hyejin grinned and Byulyi laughed. Yongsun stood up. “I’m going”, she muttered and hurried out of the door. “Hey, Yongsun!”, Hyejin called after her - she could hear the frown in her voice -, but she didn’t turn around.
Guilt about making Hyejin worry strangulated her but Yongsun took weird pride in being selfish for once. She decided tp stop bending over for others from this day on.
Staying with Byulyi got harder. She felt dirty for doing this to her - the trembling fingers of hers, her lips that got bloody from biting on it, her lowered gaze. Yongsun could tell Byulyi wanted to flee whenever she was near to her, but she was too stubborn to actually do it. Yongsun was too, so she stayed, in bitter agony.
Was it possible for the moon and the sun to burn each other out?
Yongsun wanted to know why. Why Byulyi kept building up walls in front of her, why she wouldn’t look at her the same way she used to, why they didn’t dance slowly together anymore.
“Have you noticed something about Moon- Byulyi recently?” Yongsun’s tongue still stumbled over the unused sound of her real name. “What should have I noticed?” Wheein was a better liar than Byulyi – her voice didn’t shake and she didn’t blink nervously -, but she wasn’t good enough to fool Yongsun. “Please.” She rested her head on her shoulder and closed her burning eyes. Wheein idly ran her hand through Yongsun’s hair, but her fingers were tensed. “You should talk to her yourself.” It was exactly what Hyejin told her before, just a bit softer and less quiet.
Why did everyone know but her? Yongsun felt like she was buried alive.
The sun loved the moon so much she died every night to let her breathe.
Yongsun was very good at taking care of those being close to her. Yongsun was also great at working hard and holding promises. However, waiting had never been one of her strengths. Time was passing so slowly it drove her insane. She felt sick.
When she finally, finally heard the sound of a door getting unlocked, Yongsun already stood on her feet. Everything she planned to tell Byulyi was suddenly erased from her brain, every single thought she wanted to share was gone.
Her heart sprung as Byulyi stepped through her own front door, not seeing her. Yet. Yongsun had a full second of observing a face that had been frowning these past months whenever it saw her.
She froze.
Byulyi looked tired. Her eye shadow was smudged, her lilac eye rings badly covered, her cheeks sunken. What Yongsun didn’t noticed until now was her lost of weight. Byulyi’s wrists looked like they could cut stone.
It was almost grotesque what a mere whisper could do to her. Byulyi’s neck snapped back and her fingers knuckles turned white, clasping the doorknob. “What- You-” She ran her hand through her hair, restlessly, and bit on her lip. Yongsun could see her hand shaking when it let go of the handle and closed the door behind her. “What are you doing here, Yongsun?” Said bit her lips. Not only that the cold name made her cringe, all the courage that she had had vanished by now.
“What happened?”
Byulyi blinked. Not in confusion, Yongsun knew, rather in panic. Denial. “To..?” Her voice trailed off. Yongsun stared at her. It must seemed bold to her, but Yongsun knew she wouldn’t dare if Byulyi looked her in the eye and not on the floor.
“To us.”
Byulyi looked torn. It was a strange expression to see, her usual beautiful facial features contorted due to anxiety, dread- anger?
“Please leave now, Yong-”
Yongsun’s yell clanged high pitched her own ears. Judging by Byulyi’s eyes, widened in shook, it sounded shrill to her, too. Yongsun breathed out. “I’m not leaving until- until I have an answer.”
She wasn’t ready to let her optimism go. She wouldn’t let go of her, Moonbyul, without a fight.
“Why do you hate me so much?”
Byulyi froze. Her once so beautiful eyes went blank. “Hate?” The word was a mere breath through gritted teeth. “We’ve changed, and I know it’s-”, Yongsun stopped because she didn’t want the tears to fall. They did anyway. “My fault, but I- need to know-” She choked on her own words. Pathetic. “Tell me”, she whispered, “please tell me and I will go and never come back.”
Yongsun never had been a fan of talking without thinking. She always thought that words should be picked with caution, but not be sugar coated.
Byulyi’s reaction made her almost rethink her steely rule. Her hands tensed and relaxed in a one second span. Her eyes shuttered and were widely opened again almost immediately. Seeing her once best friend like this hurt her heart. Painfully. When Byulyi started crying, her heart sprung into thousands of pieces. Yongsun was unable to move. She stared at her, her hands raised to comfort her, but she didn’t dare to lay her fingers on her.
She was afraid Byulyi would break under her touch.
She was afraid of Byulyi slapping her hands back.
“I’m”, she hesitated, unsure what to say. “I’m sorry, I will leave n-”
Byulyi grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug.
Byulyi always had been bad at expressing her feelings. It seemed ironical to new people she met - an artist that’s not good at being in touch with themselves? -, but Yongsun never made fun of her. At least, not about that.
It was one of the many, many things about she admired. She cherished. She loved dearly.
Yongsun didn’t know what to do, so she just let herself go. Pulled Byulyi carefully closer to her and placed her hands on her hips, rested her head on her neck. Her view went blurry, thanks to the tears that now dropped from her cheeks as well.
Byulyi didn’t know what to do, either. She trusted what her instincts told her - and everything in her screamed to hug, touch, kiss Yongsun. She had been denying her true heart for the past days, weeks, months, but now that she held her in her arms, everything just seemed to be awfully clear.
Yongsun had never seen Byulyi this vulnerable in front of her, and she already was the person she trusted the most. Had trusted. Trusted again? Yongsun’s tears streamed down faster.
“Moonbyul”’ she whispered, “what are we?”
Happiness, luck, perfection. The personification of pure love, love that makes you greedy for more and more and more of that feeling. They were everything.
Moonbyul closed her eyes and didn’t dare to breath. “Solar, I love you.”
Cozy nights spent at home when it’s storming outside. The sound of silence in winter. A sun that melts everything, a moon that shines on everything.
Solar sniffled. “I love you too, Moonbyul.”
It took Solar some time to fully forgive Moonbyul, but she tried her best to do so. The kisses they shared these past days detoxicated her mind. How couldn’t she see Moonbyul’s obvious way of coping with her feelings - running away, like she always did?
Moonbyul didn’t want to run away anymore. She wanted to live now. With Solar.
Solar wasn’t reaching for assurance anymore. She had found it already.
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moonmoon2102 · 4 years
This... us... everything. MoonSun [Post-apocalyptic AU]
Holy Dduk! This is one of the things I don’t even know where it came from and how it sneaked into my mind. It wouldn’t leave until I typed it down. It may have come out as a little... weird but... I’m weird too so that’s alright, I guess
A quick heads-up: There will be mentions of Yong and Byulyi being... adults so if you’re uncomfortable reading that kind of stuff, I advise you to not read this one. If you don’t mind... go right ahead. It’s nothing too explicit though. Also, I apologize for possible grammar mistakes and typos.
With that said: Happy reading :)
"I haven't seen you and Yongsun sticking together recently," Wheein remarked, taking a sip of water. 
Byulyi froze at the mention of her name. She cleared her throat, picking up a piece of fruit from the plate Wheein had brought, immediately shoving the sweet treat into her mouth to avoid having to answer. 
"Are you guys... not fond of each other?" 
"She's a... nice person if that's what you wanna hear." 
"Oh, trust me, I heard how nice she is but especially how nice you were to her... you've been so nice your name echoed all over the camp a few nights ago."
 Byulyi nearly choked on the fruit, her face turned several shades of red, followed by a pleasant shudder she couldn't stop running down her spine as she thought back to that night. 
She remembered shushing Yong as soon as her moans picked up on volume, which Byulyi had to admit had just added fuel to the fire. Yongsun sounded incredibly hot and maybe she had drawn a little too much pleasure from the fact that she's been the one eliciting these sounds from the other woman. While it was easy to quiet her moans with kisses at first, the screams she couldn't stop from escaping Yongsun's throat. How could she with her head buried between her legs, Yongsun's fingers tangled in her hair, hips bucking and pressing her closer, urging her on to not stop.
 Byulyi shivered and clamped her thighs together, taking a quivering breath. 
"You're thinking about it, don't you?" 
"Why are we even having this conversation?" 
"Because I know you." 
"What is there to know about me, Wheein-ah? Yes, we had sex! It was amazing and that's it." 
The sniper shook her head and leaned closer, lowering her voice. "I said... I know you, Byulyi." 
"Yeah, I heard that. What are you trying to say?!" "I know it meant something to you, am I right?"
 "I..." Byulyi's voice trailed off as she laid eyes upon the woman that she had tried to avoid the past days. She watched her talk to Hyejin, admiring the way she ran her hand through her ashblond mane and the smile she flashed at Wheein's girlfriend as they talked about something she couldn't make out.
 A heavy yet frustrated sigh escaped Byulyi's lips. 
"Why are you avoiding her?" 
"Isn't it obvious? It probably... didn't mean as much to her as it did to me. I'm trying to... act normal around her." 
Wheein cocked an eyebrow, looking over at the woman that had turned her friend's world upside down. 
"You're doing the complete opposite. You're running from her." 
"I don't---" 
"Yes you do. Even a blind person would be able to see that," Wheein said, directing her gaze back towards the dark haired woman sitting across from her, "you fell for her, huh?" 
"Can we not... talk about my feelings right now?" 
"That's the problem, Byul. You never talk about your feelings. And I can see you have a lot, especially for Yongsun unnie."
 "You do know I hate it whenever you put your Sherlock Holmes mode on..." 
"Pfff, no one needs to be Sherlock Holmes to see there's feelings involved. You basically got this giant illuminated sign above your head that says I fell in love with Kim Yongsun." Wheein said and chuckled. 
"Good to know you find amusement in that," Byulyi growled, popping a grape into her mouth, "she obviously doesn't see said imaginary sign or she doesn't want to see it." 
"Oh my god, Byulyi unnie! You might be an excellent leader but you're a fucking mess when it comes to yourself! How should she know if you don't tell her?! What is she supposed to think if you avoid her like the plague after you two spent the night with each other?! I don't depict her as a person who just sleeps around with random people. She's obviously attracted to you!" 
"And you know that how?! Look... I was horny, Yong was horny... we slept with each other. It's as simple as that." 
"Are you even listening to me?!" 
"Yes I do but that doesn't mean she doesn't have needs too!" 
"You really don't want to accept it, huh?" 
"Accept what?!" 
"That there is a person who has an interest in you!"
Just as Byulyi was about to respond, Wheein jumped up from her seat. 
"I suddenly remembered... I promised Hyejin to... uh... join her on her patrol. You better work this mess out and... listen to your heart for once! I'll see you later!" 
"But Hyejin doesn't have---" she watched Wheein rush off, "patrol duty."
 Byulyi froze as she could feel hands on her shoulders, gently squeezing. All of a sudden she felt a lump form in her throat, her heart rate accelerated as soon as she heard Yongsun's soft voice.
Yongsun moved around to take the seat Wheein had been using before. “What were you guys talking about?" the ashblond woman curiously asked, picking up some cherries. 
"We uh... w-we talked about... a route." 
"A route? Which one?" 
Byulyi didn't reply, she couldn't help but stare. Never in her life she's seen anyone being this breathtakingly beautiful. She allowed herself to let her eyes wander, a surge of warmth rushed through her as she let her gaze linger on the already fading marks on Yongsun's neck. 
She watched the other woman's tongue dart out briefly to lick off the juice from the fruits she ate. Her heart skipped a beat once their eyes met, causing Byulyi to gulp. Yongsun's eyes were one of the things Byulyi liked about her; those wonderful, soft yet expressive brown orbs she had lost herself in one time too many. Even now they captivated the dark haired woman, especially since the sunlight falling into them made them seem a lot brighter; it reminded her of sweet, molten chocolate. 
"What are you smiling at?" 
Yongsun's voice broke Byulyi out of her trance like state. 
"You're smiling." 
"A-am I?" 
"Yeah, you do." 
"Don't be. I like it when you smile," Yongsun softly said, her lips curved into a smile of her own.
 Byulyi inhaled deeply and cleared her throat, trying to remain composed. 
"So... about the route?" 
"O-oh yeah... uh... it's about..." the dark haired woman trailed off, thinking about Wheein's words, "it's about a route that I should take..." 
With that Byulyi got up from her seat, holding her hand out towards the ashblond woman who looked at her with a slight hint of confusion in her eyes. Just as discouragement was about to take over, Byulyi felt Yongsun's hand slip into hers, fingers intertwining. 
“Come on. Let’s take a ride,” Byulyi said, holding Yongsun’s hand tightly as they made their way to the camp’s garage where she had her bike parked at.
 Byulyi didn't expect that to happen. She thought they'd just ride out to the river, the place she remembered Yongsun saying it was her favorite as it was quiet and a place nature had remained untouched, evident by the lush grass, tall trees and patches of reed around them. Her original plan was to get out of the camp so they could talk in private. 
Yet here they were, both panting and drenched in sweat, their naked bodies pressed onto one another with their limbs tangled and Yongsun pressing soft kisses along Byulyi's jawline. The dark haired woman could still feel the tremors of her orgasm ripple through her system and according to the way Yong's body trembled, along with the soft whimpers she released, she experienced just the same. Both of them took a moment to come down from the high clouding their senses, allowing their heart beats to slow down to a normal pace.
 There was a comfortable silence between them while they listened to the river purl. Byulyi felt Yongsun's hand on her cheek, gently caressing it with her thumb before she slowly turned her head towards her to capture the black haired woman's lips to a soft, sensual kiss. Byulyi allowed herself to sink further into the kiss, granting access to Yongsun's begging tongue. 
A quiet moan escaped both their throats as Yong slightly tilted her head, deepening their liplock. Byulyi's body tensed as she noticed the ashblond woman's hand traveling south once again, a clear destination in mind. 
"Yong," Byulyi breathed, breaking the kiss in the process, hand shooting down to grasp the other woman's wrist, "w-wait..." 
"Still sensitive?" Yongsun huskily whispered, placing a kiss just below her ear, teeth sinking into the skin of her neck. 
"T-that too... but..." another soft moan stumbled upon the dark haired woman’s lips at the feeling of Yongsun’s tongue swiping across the mark she just had left, "w-we need to... talk..." 
"Mmm... now?" 
"Y-yeah... please... so if you could... just..."
 Yongsun pressed one more kiss onto Byulyi's neck before she moved back a bit, resting her head on her arm while she gazed into the other woman's eyes. Her free hand came up to brush a few strands out of Byulyi's flushed face, gently combing her fingers through the silky hair a few times before she let her palm rest upon the dark haired woman's cheek. It was such a simple touch, yet it made Byulyi's heart thump eagerly in her chest. 
"What is it?" 
As much as Byulyi enjoyed the feeling of Yongsun's skin against hers, it was too much of a distraction, a temptation even, making it hard to gather a clear thought. 
"I think we should... get dressed."
 It was only a little while later when the two women sat next to the river with Yongsun snuggled into Byulyi's arms as they silently watched the clear water flow. A soft smile appeared on the dark haired woman's lips as Yongsun scooted closer, arms circling around her waist while her head came to rest on her chest. Byulyi didn't think much of it. She figured Yong must be someone who needed physical contact after she had sex, snuggling with the one she had shared the experience with.
 Byulyi certainly didn't mind being this close to her. She too had always been the type to snuggle afterwards, maintaining the intimacy between both parties. She remembered that one ex-girlfriend who got up instantly after her needs were satisfied, making Byulyi feel like a toy being tossed aside once it had fulfilled its use. Needless to say, the relationship didn't last for too long.
 For a moment Byulyi allowed herself to relish the connection between them, absentmindedly running her hand up and down Yongsun's back, eliciting a soft, content sigh from her. Byulyi glanced down at the other woman, gently brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. She could feel her heartbeat quicken when Yong's lips curved into a smile, a smile she had grown so fond of.
 "You okay?" the ashblond woman asked, gently caressing Byulyi's stomach through her t-shirt. 
"Your heart is pounding." 
"I... uh..." 
"Is there anything on your mind?" 
The black haired woman took a deep breath, deciding it was better to just be straightforward rather than beating around the bush. 
"Yong..." she began, gulping as she gathered all the courage she had, "does this... mean anything to you?" 
"What do you mean?" 
"This... us... everything."
 Byulyi would lie if she said Yongsun's silence didn't make her nervous. All of a sudden she regretted her decision to voice her thoughts, to have felt the urge for clarity. Yet at the same she didn't want to keep stumbling around in the dark regarding this particular matter. She couldn't deny it, she had fallen in love with Yongsun and needed to know if they were on the same page. Yes, the sex was mind-blowing, to a point Byulyi found the high Yongsun brought to her addictive. No one else has ever made her feel this way. But she wanted Yongsun for more than only that reason.
 The black haired woman's speeding train of thoughts came to a screeching halt as she noticed Yongsun move, wriggling out of her embrace, straightening herself to look at her. Her eyes were different, the intensity made the hairs on the back of Byulyi's neck stand up yet it caused the nervousness inside of her to amplify. The fact she couldn't read the older woman's expression made the feeling even worse. 
"Byul..." Yongsun's voice was low, "I... I'm sorry..."
 Byulyi felt a lump form in her throat as soon as the words had left the ashblond woman's mouth. She slightly lowered her head to avoid Yongsun's eyes, afraid she might be able to read the myriad of emotions running through her right in that moment. 
"Byul..." Yongsun softly said, gently cupping her face in her hands "hey... look at me." Byulyi followed the small nudge the ashblond woman gave her, her heart nearly jumped out of her chest once she realized how close their faces were to each other. Yongsun leaned in further, lips brushing against Byulyi's, capturing them in a slow kiss. 
"I'm sorry, Byulyi..." Yongsun whispered against her lips, both kept their eyes closed "I'm sorry... for not trying harder."
 "W-what?" Byulyi moved back a bit, meeting the other woman's eyes, noticing a slight blush on her cheeks. 
"I... I wanted to tell you but I didn't... I didn't know how. Whenever I tried you just... ran from me, putting me off with some kind of silly excuse. It lead me to believe you had regrets about..." Yongsun took a quivering breath, her voice became small "us sleeping with each other. I thought you avoided me on purpose because... it didn't mean anything to you."
 Byulyi was dumbfounded. All this time she had avoided to pick up this conversation, afraid she might be rejected, afraid she had fallen in love with someone who didn't feel the same and just slept with her to let off some steam. The fact Yongsun actually has had the same thing on her mind all along, made Byulyi's thoughts run wild though not for too long.
 Once again Yong's lips found hers, wrapping her arms around the younger woman's neck. Byulyi responded, hands came to rest upon the ashblond woman's hips, gently pulling her closer until Yongsun was on her lap, straddling her in the process. No space was left in between them, one kiss chased the other, both utterly lost in the moment. Almost reluctantly their lips parted as their bodies reminded them they needed oxygen. With their foreheads pressed onto one another, they panted, trying to catch their breaths
 "I love you, Moon Byulyi."
 Byulyi's heart soared, a warm sensation spread through her body and her stomach felt like as if a thousand butterflies had been released with Yongsun's whispered confession.
 "I love you too, Yong."
 The kiss that followed was deep and meaningful, a silent confirmation of their feelings for each other connecting their racing hearts. 
"Can we... stay a little longer?" Yongsun breathed against Byulyi's lips, tightening her grip on her. 
"We can stay as long as we want... it’s not like anybody is gonna tell us to leave..." 
So they stayed; whispering sweet nothings into each other’s ears as they made love once more; twice and even a third time. That night they declared the spot near the river as their safe haven while they both basked in the afterglow, relishing the feeling of intimate togetherness with the stars being the only witnesses in the black and blue sky.
And this concludes "This... us... everything" In case it still left anyone wondering: The reason Byulyi never read the obvious signals Yongsun sent out to her right is her being an absolute mess! Sometimes people tend to not read too much into an action or a gesture in order to prevent themselves from getting their hopes up or even worse, get hurt. So Byulyi saw these things as friendly interactions. Yes, even after they’ve crossed the line by sleeping with each other. That’s how much of a mess Moon Byulyi is in this AU; at least when it comes to Yong
Again, to whoever read this: Thank you for taking the time to read :)
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general-alder · 5 years
Haven! A good balance of hot + soft lmao.Well written smut is appreciated, especially when it’s abo bc you once again don’t make it completely about the power dynamic and you can tell their relationship is built on love +trust. The marking moment was a big uwu and just moonsun’s love for each other 🥺 you get them so good even in an AU. Sad to know the story is coming to an end but ofc we know you’ll make it good 💙 keep on being awesome, take care of yourself, and I hope you had a lovely day!
THANK YOU I LOVE YOU 💕❤ I am going to try my best to bring haven a worthy ending 😭
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orbiting-star · 5 years
can u do a moonsun fic rec list? :)
Oof i’ll try my best anon, this might take a little while
These aren’t smut fics but some might contain a little, easy enough to skip over though if it really disturbs you so it should be ok
Maybe by Feomarzo (https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1381078/maybe). I’ve recommended this one a million times before (the author even came and thanked me lmfao), it’s really good and well written. About dancer!yong hiding her sexuality photographer!byul with a dark past and their on & off relationship. Very painful, VERY slowburn, I recommend tissues
Like Spring Love Will by trohoc_0 (https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1376119/like-spring-love-will).I read this one right after Maybe and it healed me spiritually. About actress!yong and actress!byul meeting and falling for each other, not yet complete but the chapters that are out are really adorable (and it doesn’t end on a cliffhanger!!! so it’s ok even if the author abandons it).
Severed by ninecube (https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1013652/severed). About air stewardess!yong and inspector!byul and a case that brings them together again. This was is really well written and the plot is genuinely really interesting (not JUST about the ship, it has its own storyline).
Finally by spacedouche (https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1358480/finally).An adorable one-shot about Byul being a complete mess during finals week. This was just really made me smile, it’s short but sweet.
Flowers are not enough by spacedouche (https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1328212/flowers-are-not-enough). The flower au you didn’t know you needed about trainee!byul and trainee!yong. Really well written one-shot with a bit of angst but it’s ok sjkdqhk
Apples by SlytherinMoo (https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1305904/apples).Another one-shot that made me sqkjqhkjzq about “Big bad wolf”!byul and “little red riding hood”!yong (I put the “ there coz it’s not really,,, read to find out lmao idk how to explain. It’s really well written and made me uwu I highly recommend.
Life may not be fair but it sure is beautiful by buzuki (https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1285378/life-may-not-be-fair-but-it-sure-is-beautiful).Royal guard!byul being forced to live as a man and protect princess!yong. A classic trope for historical au moonsun fics but I LIVE off of it so aye.
Save Me From Myself by fluffsaur (https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1097304/save-me-from-myself).Oh man. Oh boy. The first moonsun fic I ever read and one of the best. oh BUDDY BOY. this shit literally BREATHTAKING bro. About patient!yong and psychologist!byul. Take your time with this one. I cannot stress this enough- literally one of the best fics I've ever read!!!!!
That kind of love by Mufasaisalive (https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1117413/that-kind-of-love-edited).Kinda a collection of one-shots?? That are kinda related??? No real timeline but you’ll see when you read it. Made me v v soft.
Eclipse by tftmtrise (https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1399812/eclipse).Another historical au with princess!yong where byul was forced to live as a man. I genuinely thought it was the same story as the last one at the beginning but it took its own twist on the story and it’s actually pretty decent. Not yet finished but it’s updated SUPER frequently so no worries.
Love & Hate by StrangerThanDiction (https://www.wattpad.com/story/161567289-love-hate-moonsun).yEp a wattpad fanfic this time. High school au about photographer!byul who’s in denial about her Big Gay and trouble maker!yong (kinda). I don’t really trust wattpad fanfics coz they’re not often that decent bUT this one is actually really good. 
Cross my Heart by Hwabyul (https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1317280/cross-my-heart).Coz we all need some werewolf!byul and vampire!yong in our lives honestly. Basically, Byul is this really clingy werewolf who can’t remember her past for shit and Yong is a vampire who’s like “oh my god you’re so annoying” but secretly loves the attention. I mean honestly apart from the whole vampire/werewolf thing it’s pretty realistic (not the story just their personalities lmfao)
I Will Stand By You by Purple-HoodedNinja (https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1374455/i-will-stand-by-you). CEO!yong and hot security guard!byul where Byul is literally a man and has to protect Yong. I was sceptical at first coz Byul has said she doesn’t like being referred to as a man, I still am, but it’s well written I guess?? Read it if you want, very fluffy but the byul being a man thing disturbs me. Updated recently so updates should be coming more often.
Aight that’s all I can find for now, hope it’s enough!! I definitely recommend Save Me From Myself if you wanna read that first, it literally took my breath away. I’d read it again honestly.
Have a nice day anon!
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tovanori · 6 years
Quesetion 1 thru 70!
Damn anon lmao I guess I’ll put this under a cut because damn
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Uhhh outwardly sometimes, but in reality no we don’t
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
I think @siderial​, i love you fam
03: Do you regret anything?
I regret a lot of things tbh
04: Are you insecure?
yes LOL
05: What is your relationship status?
Single and not sure how to mingle
06: How do you want to die?
In an accident hopefully
07: What did you last eat?
Last night
08: Played any sports?
I used to play badminton and basketball, I do some boxing now tho
09: Do you bite your nails?
10: When was your last physical fight?
Ah damn I can’t really remember, I haven’t really confronted anyone since I was in elementary school LOL but me and my brother used to have fist fights when we were younger, but now we’re like really close.
11: Do you like someone?
I do and it’s sad because she’s most likely straight and it’s been 3 years since I’ve genuinely crushed on someone :’) so it’s like…. I don’t remember it being this painful lmao
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
Over 48 hours, yes.
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
Other than myself? I guess my family lol.
14: Do you miss someone?
I do
15: Have any pets?
Yeah I have three dogs and technically one cat hue
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
Hungry and sad lol
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
I’ve never even kissed anyone
18: Are you scared of spiders?
Small spiders? No. Big hairy ones? Yes.
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
I would, just to see what it was like but I don’t think I would change anything. I am who I am now because of the things that happened.
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
I had to google snog and I repeat, I’ve never even kissed anyone. Not even a peck lol.
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
This weekend? Uhh I have my finals projects to do LOL and we might?? Dye my friend’s hair?? Unsure lol.
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
I do actually. But I’d rather adopt. Uhh I’m fine with 1 or 2 tbh.
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
Uhh I used to have my ears pierced but that’s because it’s a catholic country thing where female babies have to have earrings :v or whatever I think the holes have closed now tho.
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
I used to be really good at english and science.
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
Yeah I do
26: What are you craving right now?
Buffalo wings…
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
I think I have once.
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
I don’t really know
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
Probably lol
30: What’s irritating you right now?
This unbearable fucking heat lmao
31: Does somebody love you?
Platonically? Yes. Romantically? Probably not
32: What is your favourite color?
Right now it’s grey and orange
33: Do you have trust issues?
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
God hell if I know what happened in my dream last night lmao, all I know was that it had something to do with my old school and kangaroos
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
UHHHHHHHHHHHHH fuck idk tbh it might have been my friends when Monty died.
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
it depends on the first offense
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
I think it’s easier to forgive but what happened will stay with you for a long time and will keep you wary
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
uhh we’ll see
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
I want to know that too LOL (cries stop assuming I’ve had it)
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
51: Favourite food?
That’s hard I have too many. Bacon.
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
….For certain things only I think
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Read fanfiction
54: Is cheating ever okay?
It’s never okay
55: Are you mean?
to myself? yes to others? depends
56: How many people have you fist fought?
I don’t know LOL I used to get in a lot of fights when I was younger.
57: Do you believe in true love?
No I don’t.
58: Favourite weather?
Cloudy and Windy
59: Do you like the snow?
I’ve never seen snow so I wouldn’t know.
60: Do you wanna get married?
Yeah I do.
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
Depends I guess. It’s a lil cringy but hue.
62: What makes you happy?
My friends, hanging out with them, my hyperfixation, Mamamoo. LOL
63: Would you change your name?
legally? YES LOL
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
Yes because they don’t exist
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Lmao I’m gay
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
yes lol
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
This got really hetero real fast, and it was probably Zo
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Zo LOL, he deals with my dumbass at 3 o clock in the morning.
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
No but if they were real my soulmate is taking for fucking ever to find me. (I wanted to say yes because of Moonsun hAH)
70: Is there anyone you would die for? 
I think yes.
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