#Increased profitability
localseosearchcanada · 8 months
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eosnox · 1 year
The Top Benefits of Crypto Investment
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#Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual tokens that use cryptography to secure their transactions and to control the creation of new units.#meaning they are not subject to government or financial institution control. This makes them an attractive investment opportunity#as they are not subject to the same regulations as other currencies.#Faster#easier#and more convenient transactions#Crypto has revolutionized the way people think about#use#and store money. Transactions are now faster#and more convenient than ever before. With tokens and coins#there is no need to worry about exchanging currencies or paying high fees. EOSNOX is the perfect way to send and receive money quickly and#Increased profitability#In order to increase its profitability#the company must cut costs and increase sales. Cutting costs can be achieved through process improvements#lean management#and reduced inventory. Increasing sales can be done through marketing and sales initiatives#as well as by improving customer service.#Reduced risk#There are many ways to reduce your risk when investing. One of the simplest is to diversify your portfolio. This means investing in a varie#such as stocks#bonds#and real estate. You can also invest in different countries or regions.#Another way to reduce risk is to invest in companies that are financially stable. You can do this by looking at their financial statements#You can also reduce risk by buying stocks that are undervalued. This means that the stock is trading for less than its intrinsic value. You#Finally#you can reduce your risk by using stop-loss orders. This allows you to sell a security if it falls below a certain price. This can help you#Final words#Cryptocurrencies are a new and exciting investment opportunity. While there is some risk involved#the potential benefits make them a worthwhile investment. EOSNOX Global reduces the risk factors and suggest what fits your arms.
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sergle · 1 month
Every time YouTube nonsense happens I'm always like "I can't wait to see what Sergle says about this" because you're the only person I follow that talks about YouTube nonsense.
Please take this is an invitation for you to talk about the Watcher's apology video lol
I am a filthy youtube enjoyer so you can absolutely count on me and GODDDDDDDDDDD... I mean the apology is not NEARLY as funny as the blunder, so it hasn't kept my attention as much but like the obligatory upfront thing is that, like, it is good that they posted it, they apologized for being insensitive and whatever, they're not scraping their channel clean or going forward with their old plan to only post their shows on their own platform, and these are technically good and correct things, because they could have pretended not to notice all the negative feedback. So like, responding is good. BUT LIKE I HAVE QUESTIONS NOW... Because they took SO LONG to film and upload a video that basically is just "we fucked up, we're sorry, we're not gonna do that anymore", which doesn't exactly take a writer's room several days to cook, but I DIGRESS... They were quiet for long enough for everyone to LOOK REALLY CLOSE. After the initial reaction, people had time to do some pretty comprehensive cost breakdowns for their stuff, and for what they have to be pulling in from adsense, sponsored segments, patreon, merch, and touring Like, they'd need to be really mismanaging their finances, because they're doing very well for themselves, making good, stable money, and the vids they make are super duper advertiser friendly. SO... you take long enough without putting out a holder statement or a quick heel-turn apology or anything, it gives people more time to get comfortable with not liking you, and also to dig around and google things about you, or scrape up info/trivia about you to corroborate their new opinion of you. It gets personal, is what I mean. So pulling this move has still, at BEST, caused some permanent damage to their relationships with fans, in both directions. They all got a huge flood of negative feedback, and even a perfect, emotionally mature, non-entitled person would have a negative reaction to people being upset with them at such a high volume. But now they're gonna remember the things that people have said about them, and there's no way that at the very least, Steven isn't gonna feel spiteful about this. People TOTALLY unloaded on him (funny) (valid) about his evangelical christian conservative leaning tesla privileged out of touch boy gold flaked ice cream eating ways. He definitely is going to remember that ppl said they never liked him in the first place. As for Ryan and Shane, people didn't have any dirt on them, but they definitely still received a lot of angry messages from people, most of which will have been reasonable, but they're gonna remember the really really mean and intense ones. Anyway, they made a booboo dumb enough for jack to want to make a skit about it, so for that I'm very grateful, because I thought it was really really fucking funny
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thegreatyin · 17 days
arknights needs a jester character. i don't just mean a clown (we already have elysium) i mean a PROPER jester. give me a catgirl with a big floppy hat. make her jingle merrily across the floor. give me a goofy sillay
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The wait is finally over!! These sticker sheets can be yours! This is my first time opening online orders, so please be gentle with me! 🙏 Shop 🔗 FSSketches.etsy.com
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sixstringphonic · 1 year
“A recent Goldman Sachs study found that generative AI tools could, in fact, impact 300 million full-time jobs worldwide, which could lead to a ‘significant disruption’ in the job market.”
“Insider talked to experts and conducted research to compile a list of jobs that are at highest-risk for replacement by AI.”
Tech jobs (Coders, computer programmers, software engineers, data analysts)
Media jobs (advertising, content creation, technical writing, journalism)
Legal industry jobs (paralegals, legal assistants)
Market research analysts
Finance jobs (Financial analysts, personal financial advisors)
Traders (stock markets)
Graphic designers
Customer service agents
"’We have to think about these things as productivity enhancing tools, as opposed to complete replacements,’ Anu Madgavkar, a partner at the McKinsey Global Institute, said.”
What will be eliminated from all of these industries is the ENTRY LEVEL JOB.  You know, the jobs where newcomers gain valuable real-world experience and build their resumes?  The jobs where you’re supposed to get your 1-2 years of experience before moving up to the big leagues (which remain inaccessible to applicants without the necessary experience, which they can no longer get, because so-called “low level” tasks will be completed by AI).
There’s more...
Wendy’s to test AI chatbot that takes your drive-thru order
“Wendy’s is not entirely a pioneer in this arena. Last year, McDonald’s opened a fully automated restaurant in Fort Worth, Texas, and deployed more AI-operated drive-thrus around the country.”
BT to cut 55,000 jobs with up to a fifth replaced by AI
“Chief executive Philip Jansen said ‘generative AI’ tools such as ChatGPT - which can write essays, scripts, poems, and solve computer coding in a human-like way - ‘gives us confidence we can go even further’.”
Why promoting AI is actually hurting accounting
“Accounting firms have bought into the AI hype and slowed their investment in personnel, believing they can rely more on machines and less on people.“
Will AI Replace Software Engineers?
“The truth is that AI is unlikely to replace high-value software engineers who build complex and innovative software. However, it could replace some low-value developers who build simple and repetitive software.”
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ivan-fyodorovich-k · 4 months
insiders in the entertainment industry have reported that thanks to advances in artificial intelligence and pitch-shifting algorithms, beginning in 2025 all voice actors in film, television, and video games will be replaced by a Chris Pratt simulator.
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fishyartist · 3 months
Please learn what the Luddite movement actually was and why it failed I’m begging
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smallsinger5901 · 5 months
fighting for my life rn in duolingos instagram comment section after calling them out for firing 10% of their translators and replacing them with AI on their latest post
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race-week · 1 year
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radkindoffeminist · 7 months
The thing that so many bootlickers don’t seem to understand about being a landlord is that the vast majority of the income you receive from being a landlord isn’t the cash you have leftover at the end of the month, but that you have other people paying for you to own a house.
Like, think of it this way: you rent out a house for £1,500 a month. Your total mortgage cost is £1,000/month (£100 of that is interest). You don’t pay utilities, Wi-Fi, or property/council tax on it but you set aside £100 for repairs and maintenance and other odd costs which pop up now and then. The bootlickers will then tell you how terrible of a margin that is: you’ve got a property and you’re only making £400/month off of it pre-tax? But you’re not making £400/month. You’re making £1,300 a month. The other £900 is being put towards greater ownership of an asset. (And the interest I’ve put as a cost but even in this economy, housing is increasing faster than the interest on it.)
Look at it over the long term: a landlord buys a house for £250,000 with a £20,000 deposit. It’s then rented out immediately and continually for the entirety of the 25 year mortgage. How much has the landlord themselves paid for the house at the end? Still just £20,000. Yet they now outright own a house that’s probably doubled in value over that period.
Cash income is not the only form of income. Stop acting like it is because you want to continue to lick the boots of landlords.
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awkward-teabag · 3 months
Of course the moment my province announces increasing the minimum wage as it's tied to inflation, people pop out of the woodwork saying that this will mean prices will go up as if there hasn't been rampant inflation already.
I'm pretty sure it's not a future $0.65 raise which was just announced that's causing you to pay dozens/hundreds extra a month on food and rent alone for the past several months if not a year or more.
Stop gnashing your teeth at people already scraping by because you "went through the same and managed" and focus that anger at the people and systems that are actually causing it.
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miraphoenix · 7 months
re: this post, discord isn't a social media, but fuckers keep treating it like one by migrating all of their communities and posts to discord in the wake of each social media fuckup, so it kind of is one by usage at this point?
Like. Nine times out of ten, if you're looking for information on something, whatever you're looking for is locked in some fucking discord server.
If you want help with a game or a mod? "Oh, come join the discord!" You want some support or have questions about a medical condition? "Hey there's a discord for that!" You want to talk to somebody about a hobby? "There's a great discord community!"
All of these things used to be on forums that were accessible without siloing yourself into an instant messaging box full of people all talking at once, to search for the one nugget of information you actually need in the moment. It would be like if you wanted to get eggs at the grocery store, but to get that one thing, you had to naturalize as a citizen of a foreign country first.
And don't get me wrong; I have a discord account, and I use it to talk with friends. But I would rather eat my own shoes than join a "community" just to get some answers to a question that used to be posted visibly on reddit, tumblr, or fuck forbid, a topic-specific forum.
(To top it off, this doesn't even touch on my thoughts that discord, being a social tech company in 2023, is going to implode like all the other social tech companies because of increased monetization pressure. It's just a matter of time before they make dumb decisions like reddit, or get bought out like skype.)
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quecksilvereyes · 1 year
"lets make smoking more expensive that will stop people from-" people are addicted, jürgen. you need to support programs that help people get over their nicotine addiction not make them spend even more money, jürgen.
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katabay · 8 months
hey everyone :') I'm having trouble with my paypal account right now and I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem: currently, I can't log into my account because it wants to send a security code to an out of date phone number. and. the whole reason I wanted to log in was....to update my number.......because I no longer have access to the old one......
the customer service line is automated and I can't get a real person, and the chat function requires you to login (which I can't do!!!!), and I'm just. uhhhh. trying to find out if there's a solution to this before I like…..send a DM to their support twitter......because you can't send support emails anymore........
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basketcat · 5 days
random people on newgrounds were making better animations on their pc made in 2003 that could barely run windows xp than modern day studios
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