#Indonesian man
dadsinsuits · 4 months
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Arifin Tasrif
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fullpalacetrashhero · 11 months
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shayziekai · 2 years
Anvar being an absolute handsome stud. He is one of the most attractive males in the village, so much so that the men want him.
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mramur · 4 months
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dancingastralwitch · 11 months
A Palestinian man is asked in an interview by a white woman if he condemns Hamas while his people are being slaughtered in the open, and HE is the one condemned when he yells that it's injustice to insulate that his people deserve to be murdered, because "Hamas chose this."
A black woman is attacked first in a fight and SHE is the bad guy when she strikes back, she is the one whose face is plastered all over social media to be condemned and shamed for "aggression."
Two sisters are appropriately reacting to their oppressors by ripping off posters promoting their propaganda, and THEY are shamed and attacked for their lack of politeness when their people are being killed for existing.
An American democrat watches her colleagues cheer on genocide and ethical cleansing, the murder of children and the rape of women and the slaughter of families, and SHE is the one censored for speaking out in defense of them, despite her grief of losing family members.
Zionists are not condemned for enjoying the thought of children being killed, for calling Palestinians "animals" or saying Gaza should be "turned into a parking lot", Israeli doctors can get away with demanding that Palestinians, HUMAN BEINGS, should be murdered, that their only remaining hospital should be crushed.
They are not condemned for saying they wanted nuclear weapons unleashed on Gaza, they are not condemned for the imprisonment and torture of children, for desecrating dead Palestinians' corpses and mauling their bodies, for mocking Muslim Palestinians by rubbing their bullets against pig's skin before shooting them, for bombing Palestinian churches, for bombing universities, for shutting electricity from Gaza, cutting Palestinians from food and water, not letting them access to aid, for bombing CANCER hospitals and CHILDRENS HOSPITALS, for turning the sky of Gaza RED from explosions, for killing enough students that the entire school year was canceled, for annihilating families, for attacking Jewish people in Jerusalem, for cutting dead fetuses off dead mothers, for STEALING THEIR SKIN AND ORGANS and using them for their benefit, for forcing CHILDREN to hold a press conference to say that hey, they want to live.
Insinuating that this is about religion is the basis of Zionism. 60 members of Hamas were killed, and 10,500 civilians killed, 4000 of which are children. Over 800 bloodlines erased. Israel says they aim for "damage, not accuracy." Implying this is about Hamas is lies.
When white people in power tell you from their air-conditioned studios this is Israel defending itself, refuse to let Palestinian journalists explain things happening from their point of view, watch those journalists lose their entire families for speaking about what's happening to them, demonize Arabs who rage about injustice, ask Palestinians grieving if they condemn Hamas, know this is propaganda.
You shouldn't need them to tell you they're parroting lies to you. Their lies kill people. Their lies destroy people. Their apologies are insincere and their "sympathy" is limited only to those who look like them. It is unjust. It is cruel.
If I was were to narrate to you every atrocity Israel commited that I am aware of, I would never stop typing.
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random-brushstrokes · 1 month
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Lee Man Fong - Thian Hock Keng Temple (1977)
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fcbalding · 1 month
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veddriq leonardo aka indonesian’s spiderman won the first gold medal for his country!! 🫶🏼🇮🇩
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jesncin · 10 months
How many languages (Bahasa daerah included) do you think indonesian lois speaks?
Lois would speak a mix of languages in varying fluency because of her family's history!
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Lois and her family are first generation immigrants, having fled Indonesia in the late 90s for America when Lois was really young. Her little sister Lucy was born in the US. Their parents focused on assimilating into american society and felt it was unnecessary to pass most of their languages down.
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Lois can speak english fluently, Indonesian conversationally, sprinkles Javanese unknowingly sometimes, and as for Chinese languages (hokkien/ hakka/ mandarin mainly) she essentially doesn't know much outside of familial honorifics.
Lucy is a stewardess so she takes it on herself to know a few phrases in a couple of languages for work. Ibu Ella is the most fluent in Indonesian and several bahasa daerah! Because of her fluency in West Timor languages she can understand some Portuguese too. Despite being of Chinese descent, Ella (and the whole family really) isn't fluent in any Chinese languages because of systemic cultural genocide in Indonesia.
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shesnake · 6 months
deeply important to me that monkey man was shot in indonesia (mostly jakarta and batam) and a lot of the stunt team also worked on the raid and the night comes for us and other mo brothers and joko anwar projects
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geritsel · 10 months
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Lee Man Fong - Indonesian landscape paintings
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gomzdrawfr · 29 days
International followers are yall okay, specifically to the *takes scrolls out* Polish, Korean and Indonesian
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dadsinsuits · 8 months
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Dino Patti Djalal
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hatchiy · 2 months
Silly jokes (Saitama got funny jokes from Sonic and now using it to Genos)
Saitama : hey genos
Genos : yes sensei
Saitama : There was a plane carrying 100 bricks, one fell, how much is left?
Genos : (confused) 99
Saitama : good, How do you put an elephant on the fridge?
Genos : (more confused) eh? By chopping it up ?
Saitama : wrong
Genos : eh?? Buy a large fridge?
Saitama : nope!
Genos : I-i give up sensei
Saitama : you open the fridge, put the elephant in, then close the fridge again
Genos : that was unexpected...
Saitama : now, how to Put a geerafe to the fridge?
Genos : open the fridge put the geerafe in, then close the door
Saitama : wrong! You open the fridge, get the elephant out, then put the geerafe in, and close the fridge!
Genos : (speechless)
Saitama : The lion king held a birthday party, everyone came, except one animal, who is it?
Genos : cat? Cats are not in the forest
Saitama : wrong! I said every animals are Invited
Genos : fish? (Starting to get frustrated )
Saitama : nope! Give up!
Genos : (nod)
Saitama : it's the geerafe! He's still in the fridge! (Amused seeing how frustated genos is)
Genos : (He's on the ende of depression 😭)
Saitama : a little girl walk on the river filled with hungry crocodile, but she can walk through save, how?
Genos : (is actually not in a mood to answer anymore) t-the crocodile died?
Saitama : nope (getting more and more amused)
Genos : There is a bridge over the river!!!
Saitama : nope, wrong again! All the crocodile are in the lion's birthday party (🥳)
Genos mind rn : 😭
Saitama : but she still died tho, the Brick fell hitting her head
(this is a Indonesian joke that come from my childhood, i really love fooling my sisters with this joke :p)
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The Romance of Inao
The story of Inao originally comes from the Javanese and Malay Panji stories, centered around Prince Panji and Princess Kirana.
The stories have spread throughout SouthEast Asia and they have their own versions of the tales with different names for the characters.
I am going to focus on the Thai dance drama version where Prince Panji is called Inao.
Brace yourselves, this one is long and complicated and a lot of information is not easily available in English so it's not as complete as I would like it to be but here goes.
Inao is the son of the king of Kurepan
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Bussaba/Kirana is the daughter of the king of Daha
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At birth they are betrothed to each other
When Inao is 15, his grandmother passes away in the kingdom of Manya.
The kings of Kurepan and Daha send him to represent them at the funeral.
In Manya, Inao meets and falls in love with princess Jintara.
After the elaborate funeral celebrations are over, he wishes to stay in Manya with Jintara.
But his father orders him home and Inao leaves, after sending a lovelorn letter to Jintara.
At home in Kurepan, his father decides to speed up that marriage! (Clearly sensing trouble.)
But Inao refuses to go along with this plan and goes off hunting.
Having left the palace, he takes on a disguise, along with a few loyal followers and after an encounter with a bandit, he acquires two captured princesses.
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They all head to Manya where the king happily welcomes him and Inao makes Jintara his wife.
Jintra, clearly drunk on love, decides to magnanimously invite the two princesses to be Inao’s concubines (polygmy was standard in this time.)
Inao’s father orders him to return home and marry Bussaba but Inao send’s word that he is no longer willing to go along with those plans.
The king of Daha felt slighted and angry and Bussaba too, felt shamed by Inao’s actions, although at this point, they had never actually met each other. (Can you guess what is going to happen?)
Rather recklessly, the king of Daha decides to marry her off to the next person that asks and the king of Joraka, famously ugly, promptly proposes, much to the King of Daha (and Bussaba’s) dismay. Unable to back out of his rash declaration, he reluctantly accepts the proposal.
But, plot twist, the king of Kamang Kuning ALSO wanted to marry Bussaba, because unlike Inao, he knew what she looked like and he was prepared to fight to have her.
Daha Vs Kamang Kuning
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The King of Daha was obliged to ask Kurepan for help (which must have sucked) and Inao was ordered to go to Daha and help the king sort out this mess since it was all his fault for backing out of the betrothal.
Jintara does not want Inao to go, fearing the worst but Inao decides that this is one summons that he cannot ignore. Perhaps a twinge of guilt at work there too. He promises to return though. (do you think he will?)
(now in SOME versions, an alternative situation occurs where poor Jintara is tricked away and murdered and Inao goes mad with grief for a time before finally regaining his senses when his original intended comes to save him. In this version poor Jintara is usually a commoner and so, sadly, easily got rid of.)
Inao rides in to the rescue and kills the king of Kamang Kuning.
Entering the palace of Daha to celebrate, he finally comes face to face with Bussaba.
(I like to imagine a Bollywood slo-mo moment here, where a mysterious wind blows Bussaba’s hair back from her face, as their eyes meet and a song starts to play.)
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He instantly falls in love and realises what a MISTAKE he’s made. (It’s really all your own fault Inao. Minimal sympathy right now.)
I particularly enjoy the accounts where he is standing by Siyatra (Bussaba’s brother) when he spots her and he is so overcome with passion that he repeatedly kisses her brother, mistaking him for her. (Ok, Inao, you tell yourself that.)
The King of Joraka was ALSO on the way to help Daha but he arrived too late to be of any assistance. (Ugly and useless!)
Inao was now desperate to prevent Joraka’s marriage to Bussaba and the king of Daha was sympathetic but he had already given his word. (Unlike some, he doesn’t renege on a promise.)
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Beach holiday filler episode time!
Ok, not really but the king of Daha and his wives and followers decide they simply must climb the mountain Wilismara to make offerings and worship to the Buddha image there.
Madewi, the king's second wife, suggests that Bussaba go and ask the image about her fate. Using lighted candles to decipher the Buddha’s message.
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She lit three candles, one for Joraka on the left, herself in the middle and Inao on the right.
Bussaba asks the sacred image to extinguish the candle of the person who is not her soulmate.
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Inao had secretly followed her and overheard this conversation and he plays a trick, pretending his voice is that of the god’s and persuading Bussaba and Madewi that Inao is her true soulmate.
He sends his follower Prasanta to drive out the bats and extinguish the candles and the darkness he finds and embraces Bussaba.
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Madwei is furious about this (Bussaba less so,) and she argues with Inao who has the audacity to claim that he never refused Bussaba. (I think your dad has a letter suggesting otherwise buddy.)
Inao reluctantly hands Bussaba back to Madewi but asks Bussaba for a piece of cloth from her clothes, to hold when he is missing her. (smooth.)
What comes next is a cycle of adventures where the lovers are separated and have to search for each other before they are eventually reunited in a happy ending but they are not all told in the Lakhon Nai dance drama.
In many versions, Bussaba has to temporarily take on the disguise of a man and she has an active role in trying to help rescue Inao.
In a Javanese version, a demon takes her place and pretends to be the princess, called Candra Kirana in this story and the real princess appears at the court, disguised as a man to win back her man.
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karstenasha · 6 months
Hello there folks!
A major publisher in my country just published (finally!) the translation for Black Powder War this January 2024, and I wanna show you the Indonesian cover for Temeraire series so far!
I don't think the dragons are accurate and I have no idea who the fuck is that man in book 1, but I think there are very pretty, especially the gold colorings.
I also wanna explain some funny translation things, which may contain spoiler, so beware.
His Majesty's Dragon
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Who the fuck are you??
So that guy clearly is not Will Laurence. And the funny thing is, the meaning of the title "Naga Sang Kaisar" is more closer to "Emperor's Dragon" than "His Majesty's Dragon"
I mean they can perfectly chose Raja (King) to translate "His Majesty", but they chose Kaisar (Emperor) instead. Maybe it is a winkwink spoilery thing to sneakily hint who the actual intended resipient for Celestial egg is.
In that case—is that Napoleon then???
Anyway, I just know that, because of this cover, the new reader in my country will always pictured Laurence with dark hair until in the book six or something when they'll be like, wait, he is bLOND??
Throne of Jade
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Black Powder War
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So did you see anything wrong with these two?
I LOVE the art and the color scheme, it's perfect and all, but, I think ... they get switched??
The ship and the water in book 3 cover should be for book 2. And the building in book 2 cover is resembling Istanbul's palace more than China's. Don't you think?
There is not even a ship in the book 3 other than Allegiance in the chapter one, right?
The sun shining in book 2 cover potrayed desert pretty clearly, right?
Am I going crazy?
Regardless how bonker it is, I still love 'em! And i hope you love 'em too!
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whoregaylorenzo · 11 months
it will be strange not to see Santi's face on my side
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