#Into the Void | Munday
absolasks · 10 months
Crackship thing: Sending VOID your way!
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Have fun!
Warning for multiple eyes, eye contact and realistic eyes below the cut!
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It won't stop staring.
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universal-legacy · 1 year
22. Who haven’t you met in person before and would like to?
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Yeah, there's a few people. @scuddle-bubble101 @kitxkatrp to name a couple of folks on here, actually.
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a-shy-mimiktwo · 1 year
Ask me stuff about the soon-to-be revealed character [VOID]
If you correctly guess what he is I'll reveal his design early
please guess. I'm bored
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Trying to see when is a good day to start marathoning T.rigun. I've been on a Fi.nal F.antasy XIV kick lately. I'm currently crafting an airship in my fc to take on expeditions. My pirates are leveling up slowly but surely, but I'm gonna do msq first before i do endgame stuffs.
Determined to get the horsies at some point. :u I think they're cool.
As for rereading F.airy T.ail, I am neck-length deep in the L.axus arc.
Also, I'm a giant whimp when it comes to P.hasmophobia, but I will call a ghost a nerd and wind up the first to die in-game.
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compassionatekiller · 2 years
Are there any AU’s you’d like to explore but haven’t had the chance to yet?
Munday Meme
There are so many AUs I have that I'd love to try out, it's not even funny. The AU page on my blog is already way too long and I'm still not out of ideas. So I'm gonna "limit" myself by just listing two from each of the three categories I have them separated into right now.
Bleach AU (For AUs that remain in the domain of Bleach specifically)
Transcendent Terror: In this AU, Unohana merges with Minazuki in a similar way to how Ichigo merged with Zangetsu and Zangetsu during the battle against Aizen. That state Ichigo reached has such fascinating implications that the form wasn't around long enough to explore, and I'd love the chance to really dissect it with someone as different from Ichigo as Unohana.
No Kings, Only Souls: My AU where Unohana takes Aizen's place as the Big Bad of Part 1. Mostly, this is because Unohana's so different from Aizen that her motivations and reasoning would inherently be different as well. Thinking about both her own internal rationalizations for her actions, as well as how Soul Society would react to their enemy being both understandable and actually likable, is just really fascinating to me.
Crossover AU (For AUs that crossover with a non-Bleach property)
Rurouni Kenshin: The author may be a piece of shit, but Rurouni Kenshin is still a fantastic series. It's so different from Bleach, so I'd be super down for exploring how similar and how different she'd be in its much more realistic setting.
Naruto: Okay, I don't have this one on the AU page, but god damn it; the Samurai of that setting are so cool and they deserve way more love than they got. Granted, she'd be a ronin by default, but still!
Genre-Shift AU (For AUs where Bleach is a different type of story)
Mecha Anime AU: From Mazinger to Gundam, from Evangelion to Gurren Lagann, I am mecha trash. I would love to explore Unohana in a Mecha anime setting.
Wushu AU: I'll be the first to admit that by "Wushu", I actually mean "stories and settings like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", but even so. Having Unohana go a different path, one where she goes from mere murderer to someone who uses the sword purely for the sake of self-improvement and enlightenment is a super interesting concept that I'd love to explore if I ever get the chance.
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flaynbestgirl · 2 years
i want everyone who thinks they know better than a professional translator despite not even having n4 level japanese to pull their heads out of their asses and remember they are tadpoles screaming at frogs
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wcrriorhearts · 3 months
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Happy Munday from my black void and your (semi) favorite Tumblr grandma
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cloudpools · 2 months
🌽 - Is there a fandom you’re too intimidated to join?
MUNDAY MEME || ⚜Accepting⚜
🌽 - Is there a fandom you’re too intimidated to join?
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Honestly? All of them? LOLOLOL I think at this point in my life, I like enjoying media on my own, and don't really need to enjoy it in a fandom setting. I'm not sure if that makes sense, but I have some mild fandom PTSD (**Stares into the Void**), and I think it's just better for me to like things on my own! That doesn't mean I don't chat about things with IRL friends, but I don't actively seek out online groups for this kind of stuff anymore. Just RP partners! XD
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asktheisle · 1 year
So About That-
I feel like I gotta say something personally instead of attaching it at the end of the last reblog but-
I’m not one to disclose personal details, however some of you may know that the person in question and I were in a relationship, and bits and pieces of that leaked onto the blog in regards to some character interactions
I say were because we broke off about a week ago now, before this PSA came out
I’m saying this now and saying this much about myself because I want you guys to know I’m not associating with them anymore, and don’t plan to in the future. That bridge is burned and will NOT be repaired
Those prior interactions are null and void, and honestly happened so long ago you’d have to go searching in the chrono tag for them-I’m only keeping them there because some have key plot points, but involvement with those characters themselves are out
Some of them have come into my possession-namely two of them being involved with the plot. Just saying if you recognize them, they’re no longer attached to Calypso and I’ve taken over their stories.
To everyone involved and those who had to go through similar circumstances, I see you and I hear you, and I’ve got your back 💖
I’ll be keeping this lil announcement here, it’ll always be searchable in my ‘mod speak’ tag
on a MUCH MUCH lighter note: we’re gonna move munday to tomorrow with a bonus positivity round thrown in there, stay tuned in the morning and I’ll see y’all
-Apollo/Mod Kuix
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maria-rayro · 2 years
...where the first words that your soulmate will tell you are written on your wrist.
when Munday turns sixteen and the cherished words finally appear on his skin, he falls into a stupor. "please don't kill me!". it raises many questions for him. perhaps some of them fall away when he meets manny sherman. the thought of becoming a killer and finding a soulmate is lit in his mind.
Charlie has a void in his wrist, and at first he feels angry and upset at his fate, but over time he comes to accept it. however, inside he feels insecure and often has problems communicating with others. once Mark hears from the man about this, he rather optimistically suggests that his soulmate is simply deaf and dumb, and so Lonnit begins to learn sign language.
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universal-legacy · 1 year
25. Who is someone you admire?
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Oh, this is the part where I get to make a few other people say "Fuck you" and other such variations of the phrase!
@infinitexmuses @kitxkatrp @scuddle-bubble101 and many more. But these are the folks that I've interacted with on here, at least a little, that I admire.
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cryptidsncurios · 5 months
@cursedfortune sent: belated/early munday question: horror stories you're ride or die for? it can be from any media.
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Eyyy, guess what, it’s munday now, so thanks for the question friend! To start, my blanket statement concerning my faves is that I absolutely love any story that explores the unknowable, the unexplainable, and the extraordinarily eldritch. Cosmic and monstrous horror is MY. JAM. I’m into the gore, the body horror, the things that are just TOO. BIG. for our brains to comprehend so they just.. yknow… explode. Bonus points that I am a notorious terato and appealing monster designs are just……. hhhh
So in terms of specifics: it’s sad that Lovecraft was such an asshole, bc honestly some of his stories serve as the cornerstone for a lot of my inspo, primarily his works like Call of Cthulhu, At the Mountains of Madness, Beyond the Wall of Sleep, Dagon, The Shadow Over Innsmouth, and etceteraaa. Thankfully, his ideas have since been better adapted for people who AREN’T raging bigots like himself, which is why I HAVE to give a big shoutout to Lovecraft Country, of which I’ve only read the book but I hear the show is awesome too.
And nooooow let me kinda do this by categories with some of the highlights off the top of my head:
The Thing (or anything John Carpenter tbh)
Hellraiser (plus the book Hellbound Heart, and just Clive Barker in general)
The Ritual
The Void (the ultimate love letter to practical effects horror, would recommend 10/10)
Color Out of Space (also the short story, plus I gotta credit Nic Cage, his performance was actually fantastique)
EVERY. SEASON. OF. CHANNEL. ZERO. No lie, it's AMAZING. (And it's not like American Horror Story that's like.... icky to me, ngl. Some parts of that are cool, but then others are.... yuck. iykyk
Uuuuh tbh haven't watched too many shows, but I do have every intention to watch The Last of Us (as well as play it)
Tomie (and like, ALL of Junji It's stuff... so can we get some love for Junji Ito heeere!!)
Camp Damascus
And I'm working on reading Shadows Over Baker Street now, which is like, if Sherlock Holmes was in the world of HP Lovecraft and so far it's WICKED SICK and Neil Gaiman writes the opening short story A Study in Emerald and I love that man, he is a fantastic human being)
Also since I'm on the subject of Gaiman, Coraline gets a mention
The Turn of the Screw (read in college and the first paragraph is a doozy but the ending HIT ME)
Video Games:
Silent Hill (any time it's foggy I'm like "i..it look..looks liiike....... o_o u know what... O-O )
The Evil Within (both games---they have their problems, but the haunting atmosphere is A+++ (well, in-between all the... horrific dying... pffff))
And like……. whatever it is that’s going on in Kojima’s silly little mind
Also I would like to give a shout out to the comedy/horror genre, like the Evil Dead series (Bruce Campbell, pls slide into my DMs), Dude Bro Party Massacre III (I'm not sure this counts as horror??? but OH lord my brain is still trying to wrap around this insane mess and I need people to watch it), and Tucker and Dale vs Evil.
So yeah, is a messy list tbh and there’s a ton more, but these ARE my ride or die picks and I'm sorry that this got so long but I have FEELINGS for horror aaaaaah
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apalestar · 10 months
Have a void in the garden for Munday
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weavewilled · 1 year
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hi it's munday but honestly i feel like it's more important to show off my absurd flufferpants. godzilla, aka sir peeps, aka the void kaiju
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hopeful-hugz · 5 months
What are some similarities between you and your muse/muses?
What are some differences between you and your muse/muses?
Munday Questions Time || Accepting
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🕯️ Aight List Time!
🤍 Hope
Similarity :: Both cannot swim well if at all and struggle with sleep and nightmares.
Difference :: Hope is significantly smarter and has more experience in the outside world than Egg.
💙 Teal
Similarity :: Both have a fluctuating empathy-apathy scale that skews with how attached they are to someone.
Difference :: Teal is significantly more skilled with technology than Egg is, as well as runs a much more successful shop and trader outpost.
🖤 Chamyle
Similarity :: Both have a desire for more than the place they are confined to; they want to see what's out there that they can't see.
Difference :: Chamyle adores camping out with her small handful of friends, while Egg feels a lot safer and more comfortable sleeping in her own bed.
💜 Melody
Similarity :: Both love their mothers very much and love to sing and voice act for people.
Difference :: Melody's dream work path is to be a musical performer, while Egg's is to be able to create and sell her creations to people and make them smile.
🧡 Fir
Similarity :: Both have a complete fascination with cryptozoology and love reading up on it, even if they struggle with reading.
Difference :: Fir is significantly more of a risk-taker than Egg, who is rather paranoid and careful nowadays.
💚 Noir
Similarity :: Both have gone though extended periods of being around others and isolation, as well as doing their best to be the best older siblings they can.
Difference :: Noir is a lot more morally loose than Egg is for obvious weasons.
💖 Divodas
Similarity :: Both are extremely creative and enjoy fishing quite a bit.
Difference :: Divodas has a preference for fish, while Egg's meat preference leans more towards chicken.
💛 Leah
Similarity :: Both struggle with maintaining bonds or leaving their place of residence unless it's absolutely needed.
Difference :: Leah holds significant grudges when he thinks someone has critically wronged him, while Egg tends to be a lot more forgiving and forgetting. Especially forgetting.
🤎 Amygdala
Similarity :: Both have a significant desire to be something they know they never can be, due to how they biologically are.
Difference :: Amy is near-completely void of emotion and tends to be cruel because of it, Egg has significantly more emotion. Enough that it makes it hard for her to function some days.
💔 Riley
Similarity :: Both suffer from Graves Disease and Depression and are medicated for both conditions.
Difference :: Riley is significantly more cocky and sassy than Egg; who is pretty quiet nowadays. One is also in a loving relationship while to other has no chance of that in the slightest for multiple reasons.
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casteliacityramen · 1 year
Rules and FAQ's!
I won't be answering any questions that are...
Overly rude to the owner of this blog (characters are free game!)
Any non-relevant questions unless there is a specified event going on (ex: Munday, Community Events, etc)
Anything that can severely change the course of the story unless I deem it as something I want to pursue. (AKA no godmodding(
Hateful or contain any anti LGBTQIA+ sentiments (character interactions are a toss-up. Please PM me if you'd like to do something with that)
This blog will only interact with characters in the pokemon universe.
Non-in-character questions are more than welcome! An ask from the void peering into a character's mind is always fun.
I can't promise asks will always be answered in a timely manner. I might save one for later, especially if it is one that I think will highly benefit the plot at a certain point in my story.
I can't promise to always draw your character when you send in an ask.
I cannot promise that upsetting imagery or writing will always be hidden underneath a readmore, or prefaced with a content warning. When sharing posts within servers or on other social media, I will do my best to provide content warnings. However, that might not always be the case when I post on tumblr, itself.
Q: What's on the Menu?
A: Please see the pinned post! Be careful, the menu might change!
Q: Can I order ___?
A: Of course! Please be aware that I might save your order for a more opportune point to further my story.
Q: Can humans eat here?
A: Yes! Castelia is a city with humanity and pokemon living beside each other in society. Although, keep in mind, I might sit you next to other blog's characters (pokemon or human) for the sake of drama and shenanigans! If you prefer that you eat alone, please specify in the ask!
Q: Wait, how much money can I give these guys? It's not like it's actual money coming out of my pocket...
A: On one hand, this falls under the "no godmodding" rule (even if your character is LOADED), but on the other hand... a generous donation might end with the IRS audit. Or a plot related event. Or a sudden fiscal emergency...
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