#Investor Strategy
financebyjayberry · 1 year
Analyzing #NVIDIA Stock: A Tale of Innovation and Investment
In the dynamic world of technology, few companies have captured the imagination of investors like NVIDIA. As we delve into an in-depth analysis of NVIDIA stock, we uncover a narrative of innovation, resilience, and the potential for substantial returns. Earnings Triumph:NVIDIA’s most recent earnings release is nothing short of remarkable. The company’s consistent ability to exceed quarterly…
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elsa16744 · 1 year
Outlook on Sustainability: Is ESG an Investment Strategy or a Path to a Sustainable World?
Every new day, sustainability takes the stage, and organisations are gradually easing into incorporating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into their business decisions.
ESG is extremely important to nearly 87% of senior management and 74% of senior leadership. CEOs are now scrutinising internal systems, while asset owners are demanding greater transparency on ESG reporting from the underlying companies in which they invest. In a CNBC interview, Microsoft’s Bill Gates remarked that corporations who inflate their ESG credentials asserted that, while corporate sustainability credentials are controversial, they are critical in determining whether to invest in a company.
According to a KMPG survey, global CEOs are putting ESG aspirations on hold in order to prepare for the impending crisis. According to the survey, while organisations are dedicated to investing in transformational prospects for future growth, their ESG initiatives will be paused or reconsidered in 2023.
ESG has received some unfavourable attention as a result of a variety of difficulties, however definitions of ESG differ by industry. Some attribute it to a lack of standards or measuring methods, while others attribute it to marketing hype and, in some cases, political backlash. According to the 2017 EY Outlook Report, 34% of CEOs polled expressed concern about the impact of the climate issue, as well as the need to construct a new infrastructure.
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Technology’s Role
For many industries, the way to sustainability is through technology. In this regard, the technology sector has a disproportionate role to play in aiding all other industries with ESG tracking and measurement, as well as effective change.
According to a recent KPMG analysis, despite the pause caused by the worldwide pandemic, supply chain disruption, and impending recession, the use case for ESG remains good. According to the same survey, nearly 70% of worldwide CEOs believe that their company’s ESG programmes have aided in improving financial performance.
Technology such as IoT, edge computing, digital twinning, blockchain, and other software architecture are assisting organisations in identifying and regulating end-to-end emission flows throughout their operational networks.
Read More:- https://us.sganalytics.com/blog/esg-is-an-investment-strategy-or-a-path-to-creating-a-sustainable-world/
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stockstarsblog · 1 month
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Marcus Kitzmann: Ein Porträt des GROWTH-Investing-Pioniers
Marcus Kitzmann ist ein Name, der in der Finanzwelt zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnt. Bekannt geworden durch seine innovative GROWTH-Investing-Strategie, hat sich Kitzmann nicht nur als erfolgreicher Investor, sondern auch als Persönlichkeit mit klaren Werten und Prinzipien einen Namen gemacht. Seine Methode kombiniert Elemente der traditionellen Growth- und Value-Investing-Ansätze, um eine Strategie zu schaffen, die sowohl Wachstumschancen maximiert als auch Risiken minimiert.
Mehr dazu: https://strategiespektrum.over-blog.com/2024/08/marcus-kitzmann-ein-portrat-des-growth-investing-pioniers.html
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thepillsoflife · 2 months
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kajmasterclass · 3 months
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richardsays123 · 4 months
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impactfulpitch · 2 years
Why Angel Investors May Reject Funding for Your Startup
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Securing funding from angel investors is crucial for many startups, but it can be a challenging task. Angel investors are often high-net-worth people that offer funds in return for shares to early-stage firms. However, getting them to invest in your company is not always easy. 
There are several reasons why angel investors might say no to funding your venture. These reasons can include a lack of trust in the management team, unrealistic valuations, unclear exit strategies, and poor research. It's essential to understand why potential investors might reject your proposal and to take steps to avoid these pitfalls. 
This can increase the chances of success in raising capital and move your business forward. In this article, we will explore some of the reasons why angel investors might say no to funding your venture and provide insights on how to avoid them.
Investors find you untrustworthy: 
Trust is crucial when it comes to securing funding from angel investors. If investors perceive you as untrustworthy, it's unlikely they will invest in your company. This could be due to a lack of honesty and transparency in your communication, or a history of shady business practices. To avoid this, it's essential to be transparent and honest with your investors and to establish a strong reputation in the startup community.
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Lack of research: 
Angel investors want to see that you've done your homework before approaching them for funding. If you haven't conducted thorough research on your market, competitors, and business model, they will likely reject your proposal. To avoid this, make sure to conduct extensive research and provide detailed data to back up your claims.
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Unrealistic valuation and/or investment terms: 
Valuation is one of the most critical factors in securing funding from angel investors. If your valuation is too high, investors will be less likely to invest, as they will see a lower potential for return on their investment. Similarly, if your investment terms are too onerous, investors may be hesitant to invest. To avoid this, make sure to conduct thorough research on industry standards for valuation and investment terms, and use this information to set realistic expectations for your company.
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Poor management team: 
Angel investors invest in people as much as they do in ideas. If your management team lacks the necessary skills, experience, and vision to execute your business plan, investors will be less likely to invest. To avoid this, make sure to assemble a strong management team with the necessary skills, experience, and vision to execute your business plan.
Unclear exit strategy: 
Angel investors are looking for a return on their investment, and they need to know how they can exit their investment. If you don't have a clear exit strategy, investors will be less likely to invest. To avoid this, make sure to have a clear exit strategy in place, and communicate this to potential investors.
In conclusion, getting funds from angel investors might be difficult, but it is not impossible. By understanding the reasons why investors might say no to funding your venture, you can take steps to avoid these pitfalls and increase your chances of success. Remember to be transparent and honest, conduct thorough research, set realistic expectations, assemble a strong management team, and have a clear exit strategy in place.
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ramyashree · 10 months
Grocery App Development Company
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The grocery app is creating a win-win situation for both business owners as well as grocery shoppers. If you have a grocery shop and are looking to improve your business, Connect with the best grocery app development company- Smarther Technologies, to avail your grocery app that suits your business. Contact us at 9003162488.
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crudeinourtrading · 2 years
It’s important to review the investment strategy being used for your portfolio at each stage of your life to ensure that you are not taking too much risk. Doing this can help you avoid losing money and experiencing unnecessary stress. Based on our experience of talking to innumerable people, nearly all investors over 50 have their money invested in a much higher risk strategy than they realize.
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investornewstips3 · 2 years
Read Business News Daily To Keep up with the Markets
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The companies with net worth are referred to as Stock Market Quotes on the market. They are constantly in the news through Business News. Gillette, Microsoft, Wall Mart and Citigroup are a few that usually beat market's expectations.
The companies are evaluated for their marketing strategies, sales and product launches, as well as international investments, and profits and losses. Each one of these could create a rally, increase the market indices upwards and contribute to economic growth. Business News also provides the economic perspective of the government which aids the investor in weighing the risks based on market's sentiment.
Many people are unable to discern through the text of Finance News flashed or published in the media. It's an art. The ability to look past the words to understand what's really happening on the market or in the economy, or even with the stock is a matter of an analytical mindset. If you see a headline article about Facebook in its announcement of a new mobile phone in the midst of the Facebook IPO crisis A discerning reader needs to inquire if it is an unintentional tactic used by the clever PR company or is it actually a brand new innovation that could boost the value of the stock. These kinds of questions are not mentioned in the majority of the stories we read within Finance News.
What role will the most recent information on the market have in the lives of a typical investor? Does any significance to him when stocks fall? Does it matter if the market prices go up the charts?
The issue becomes more relevant in light of the stories in the press that claim investors have lost millions in the market as it fell 200 points- that show the massive impact of the fluctuation and rise of the markets for stocks.
An investor who is speculative gets directly affected by these changes However, a committed investor is able to record a nominal loss. The most current market information provide an estimate of our holdings and helps us assess our investment strategies in the future.
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mollyjames · 2 months
Even in food service, there is the demand for exponential growth. Each store has a profit target you're expected to hit every quarter. Each quarter the target gets bigger and bigger. The only way to make sure you hit or exceed that target is to increase sales or cut costs. Sales can only go so far though, so at a certain point there is the understandable temptation (not justifiable, but understandable) for your manager to start cutting hours. Once they do, your location has entered a Death Spiral.
The thing about the Death Spiral is it is nearly impossible to escape. It starts innocuous enough, with a few hours getting shaved off every week. And true enough at first you probably didn't need those hours. They were the slack, the extra hands that helped distribute the work and made it easier on everyone. You might not even notice they're gone. Maybe the morning rush is a little harder to handle, maybe there isn't as much time to chat as there used to be. But on the whole nothing has changed. You're still hitting your sales quota and, hey, everyone seems to be working a little harder. That's good, right?
Then the next quarter rolls around. You exceeded your quota. Upper management is very excited. But now your new quota is even higher than it would have been if you had simply performed to expectations. You raise prices a bit, push more expensive drinks, and sure, cut a few more hours. Bit by bit the slack gets tighter. The fat gets trimmed. All because continual growth, continual improvement, is not just demanded, but expected.
The endgame of the Death Spiral is the expectation that every worker will operate at 100% efficacy 100% of of the time, and that nothing will go wrong ever. It never reaches this point, as any food service worker will tell you, shit goes wrong. Service gets worse, you lose a few customers, and you miss your quota. This is the point of no return, because the only way to solve the problem is to add more hours. But there's no way upper management will approve spending more money. On a failing store? Don't be ridiculous. Maybe get those numbers up and we'll consider adding hours back. But the only way to get those numbers up is with no hours. It's a Catch-22. You're trapped. Slowly, inevitably, the store fails, and then closes.
The Death Spiral is a doomed strategy, but it is the one corporations push in response to investor pressure. It tricks workers into more work for the promise of relief later, if they do well and succeed, not realizing they'll only be asked to do even more next time. So how do you fight it? Know your worth. Don't let anyone give you more work without some kind of kickback. Don't fool yourself into thinking that being indispensable will lead to a reward later.
But the best defense? Join a union.
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srghousingfinanceblog · 16 minutes
SRG Housing Finance Ltd - Investor Desk
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Welcome to the Investor Desk of SRG Housing Finance Ltd. Here, we provide valuable insights and resources for investors interested in our financial services. Explore our financial reports, investor presentations, and the latest updates on our performance and growth strategies. We are committed to transparency and maintaining strong relationships with our stakeholders. Stay informed about our initiatives and discover opportunities for investment in the housing finance sector with SRG Housing Finance Ltd.
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champstorymedia · 3 hours
Behind the Scenes: How Founders Overcame Challenges and Setbacks to Secure Funding and Build a Sustainable Business
Starting a business is not for the faint of heart. It requires determination, resilience, and a willingness to overcome challenges and setbacks along the way. In this article, we will take a closer look at how founders have navigated the rough waters of entrepreneurship to secure funding and build sustainable businesses. Section 1: Identifying the Right Idea One of the first challenges that…
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mssalsathebiz · 3 days
The Secret Weapon for Business Success: A Business Plan
You probably want to act immediately upon a fantastic business idea. You’ll want to get started as soon as possible by searching for suppliers, creating products, and locating clients full of energy and inspiration. I promise you won’t want to sit down and draft a business plan amid all of this excitement. But you might be surprised to learn that skipping this crucial first step before starting…
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2happyherder · 13 days
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#The Ultimate Guide to Successful Rental Property Investing: A Bloggers Perspective#I recently finished reading The Book on Rental Property Investing by Brandon Turner#and I must say it's a fantastic resource for anyone looking to delve into the world of real estate investing. Turner#an experienced investor and co-host of the BiggerPockets podcast#shares practical advice#strategies#and insights that can help both novice and experienced investors build wealth through rental properties. The book is divided into several#each focusing on a specific aspect of rental property investing. Turner covers a wide range of topics#from the fundamentals of real estate investing to more advanced strategies for growing and managing a rental property portfolio. One of the#you'll find valuable information and actionable tips in this book. One of the key takeaways from The Book on Rental Property Investing is#understand the local rental market#and calculate the potential returns on a property before making a purchase. He also provides practical guidance on negotiating deals#managing properties effectively#and dealing with common challenges that landlords may face. Throughout the book#Turner shares personal anecdotes and real-world examples to illustrate his points#making the content engaging and easy to digest. He also includes helpful visuals#case studies#and checklists that readers can refer to as they navigate their own rental property investments. Whether you're interested in buy-and-hold#house hacking#or Airbnb rentals#there's something in this book for everyone. One of the aspects of The Book on Rental Property Investing that I found particularly valuabl#establishing a budget#and managing personal finances in a responsible manner. By laying the groundwork for financial stability and understanding the basics of in#readers can set themselves up for success in the world of rental property investing. Overall#I highly recommend The Book on Rental Property Investing to anyone who is interested in building wealth through real estate. Brandon Turner#real-world experience#and accessible writing style make this book a must-read for both aspiring and seasoned real estate investors. Whether you're looking to sup#build a retirement nest egg#or achieve financial freedom through rental properties#this book provides the tools and knowledge you need to get started on your investment journey. So
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allaboutforexworld · 1 month
Bull Market in a Nutshell
A bull market represents a period when the prices of assets, particularly in stock markets, are rising or are expected to rise. It is characterized by investor confidence, optimism, and expectations that strong results will continue. Understanding the dynamics of a bull market is crucial for traders and investors who wish to maximize their returns. What is a Bull Market? It is a financial market…
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