#Iranian Animation Industry
writingwithcolor · 7 months
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Wednesday, Nov 1, 2023 to Thursday, Nov 30, 2023
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We've made tremendous progress on writingwithcolor.org and are almost ready to show off the more permanent residence of WritingWithColor! However, it'll take a lot of time to fully transfer posts and links. To get the new look and all its benefits to you faster, we plan for a soft launch of the content. This will include back and forth linking between WritingWithColor.org and our home on Tumblr. We'll try to keep things seamless and your viewing experience on Tumblr shouldn't be too interrupted. Launch date is coming soon!
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humansofnewyork · 9 months
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(16/54) “When the children were old enough I started reading them Shahnameh before they went to sleep. The stories of Rostam were too violent. They’d cry and cry. So I started with the stories of Iran’s mythic kings. These were the first kings of Iran. They discovered fire, language, and law. Some of them spoke to animals. Others lived for hundreds of years and sat on floating thrones made entirely of precious stones. It’s not known if Ferdowsi intended to name his book Shahnameh. The Book of Kings. But the title fits. For as long as there has been an Iran, there has been a king. In 1967 Mohammed Reza held a coronation ceremony. By that time he’d already been king for twenty years. But he’d wanted his coronation to wait, until Iran was prosperous. And now it was. The Shah had come a long way since that day I’d first seen him in the shrine. He’d tightened his grip on power, and his popularity was at an all-time high. The White Revolution had been a massive success. Iran was rapidly industrializing. Millions of Iranians were lifted out of poverty. Hundreds of new schools and universities were built. And it was a time of great freedom. Iranian women had more rights than anywhere else in the Muslim world. They could vote, obtain a divorce, own property, and run for office. In the words of Saadi: ‘The homeland is where no one disturbs the other.’ In Tehran you could see women in mini-skirts standing next to women who were fully-veiled. On the day of his coronation The Shah rode to the palace in a golden carriage pulled by eight Hungarian stallions. As he passed the streets were filled with shouts of ‘Long Live The King!’ Trumpets blared. Guns fired. The Air Force dropped 17,532 roses from the sky. One for every day of his life. At the coronation a crown of diamonds was placed upon his head, and he took his seat on the famous Naderi throne. It was decorated with carvings of lions and dragons. And it was covered with 25,000 precious stones.”
 هنگامی که بچه‌ها به سن دبستان رسیدند، شب‌ها خواندن داستان‌های شاهنامه را پیش از خوابشان آغاز کردم. بسیاری از داستان‌های رستم پر از خون و‌خشونت بودند. آنها را به گریه می انداخت. بنابراین از داستان‌های پادشاهان افسانه‌ای ایران آغاز کردم. آنها نخستین پادشاهان ایران و جهان آشنای آن روزگار بودند. آفریننده‌ی آتش، زبان و قانون. برخی از آنان جانوران را رام و با آنان زندگی می‌کردند. برخی دیگر سدها سال زنده می‌ماندند و بر تخت‌هایی که از سنگ‌های گرانبها درست شده بودند، می‌نشستند. روشن نیست که آیا فردوسی می‌خواست نام کتابش شاهنامه باشد یا نه. ولی نامی زیبنده‌ی کتاب است. از نامه ی شهریاران پیش سخن می‌گوید: من این نامه‌ی شهریاران پیش / بگفتم بدین نغز گفتار خویش. پادشاهی از ایران برآمده است. در سال ۱۹۶۷ مراسم تاج‌گذاری‌اش برگزار شد. تا آن هنگام بیش از بیست سال از پادشاهی‌اش گذشته بود. ولی او تاجگذاری‌اش را تا رسیدن به پیشرفت ایران به عقب انداخته بود. و اکنون پیشرفتی به دست آمده بود. شاه از نخستین باری که او را در حرم دیده بودم راه بلندی را پیموده بود. او بر قدرت سیاسی‌اش افزوده و محبوبیتش به اوج رسیده بود. انقلاب سفیدش موفقیت‌آمیز بود. میلیون‌ها ایرانی از فقر رهایی یافته بودند. سدها مدرسه و دانشگاه نوین ساخته شده بود. ایران به سرعت در حال صنعتی شدن بود. و دوران آزادی‌های بزرگ فرا می‌رسید. زنان ایرانی نسبت به دیگر جاها در جهان اسلام از حقوق بیشتری برخوردار بودند. آنها می‌توانستند رأی بدهند، درخواست طلاق کنند، صاحب دارایی شوند و نامزد انتخابات گردند. سعدی چنین گفته بود: وطن آنجاست کآزاری نباشد / کسی را با کسی کاری نباشد. در تهران، زنانی را می‌شد دید که با دامن‌های کوتاه در کنار زنانی با چادر و حجاب کامل ایستاده‌اند. در روز تاجگذاری شاه سوار بر کالسکه‌ی سلطنتی زرین که به وسیله‌ی هشت اسب مجاری کشیده می‌شد به کاخش رفت. در طول راه، خیابان‌ها پر از مردمی بودند که فریاد «جاوید شاه!» سر می‌دادند. شیپورها نواخته شدند. تفنگ‌ها شلیک شدند. و نیروی هوایی ۱۷۵۳۲ عدد گل سرخ از آسمان رها کرد. یک گل برای هر روز زندگی‌اش. در آیین تاجگذاری، شاه تاجی با ۳۰۰۰ قطعه الماس بر سر نهاد و بر تخت نادری نشست. تختی آراسته به ۲۵۰۰۰ یاقوت کبود، زمرد و یاقوت سرخ
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*trips* oh oops i heard we were talking about our a3! ocs
Name: Lemon
Age: 13 (year 1)
Flower: Water Lily
Quote: "I knew it! You're the one who murdered Mrs. Ingle... oh, wait. Sorry!"
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Citron's younger sister. She had a very sheltered upbringing due to being a princess so she can be a little naïve and airheaded. She learned how to play the Iranian barbat as a child, then later on guitar and ukelele, and has a video channel where she uploads covers of popular songs. LOVES murder mystery books and gets really into them to the point she forgets she's not actually in one sometimes.
Name: Moe Sakisaka
Age: 22 (year 1)
Flower: Primrose
Quote: "Don't be ridiculous, who *doesn't* carry around an industrial crowbar?"
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Muku's older cousin on his father's side of the family. She's an EMT, currently in training to be a paramedic, and crazy-prepared, carrying around a backpack that somehow always has what you need. When she's not working she likes rollerskating and learning how to do cool tricks.
Name: Shio Takuma
Age: 24 (year 3)
Flower: Aster
Quote: "Hey, you! Can you open this umbrella real quick? I wanna try something."
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Recently graduated from Veludo Arts University, where they majored in computer animation. Really big believer in occult-ish type stuff like healing crystals and used to ask Banri if they could "observe and study" his "luck-granting spiritual energy~". Post-graduation, now they're living in a one-room apartment downtown and trying to make a living running a blog documenting the existence of aliens. They have a hearing service dog named Rocket, a Bernese Mountain Dog that's best described as a 100-pound puppy whenever he's not working.
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ashitakaxsan · 1 year
The Value of  “The Heroic Legend of Arslan” Manga.
   Just recently the news got: Hiromu Arakawa's(the mangaka of Fullmetal Alchemist,Silver Spoon) “The Heroic Legend of Arslan” Manga is getting the great preparations for its "final,decisive battle". Namely the  outcome of the upcoming Fierce battle will certainly judge the life of Prince Arslan,and of all of the kingdom of Pars.Of course this,in one or other way, will have a Great Impact on its avid supporters in Iran.
Physician Yoshiki Tanaka created the Light Novel series Amir Arsalan,this is the basis for Hiromu Arakawa’s  action-fantasy manga through Kodansha's Bessatsu Shōnen Magazine.
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The story is:
   In the prosperous kingdom of Pars lies the Royal Capital of Ecbatana, a city of splendor and wonder, ruled by the undefeated and fearsome King Andragoras. Arslan is the young and curious prince of Pars,who despite his best efforts doesn't seem to be qualified for a proper king, like his father. At the age of 14, Arslan goes to his first battle,but loses everything as the blood-soaked mist of war gives way to scorching flames, he’s in pain witnessing the demise of his once glorious kingdom. However,Arslan is  destined to be a ruler, and despite the trials and hardships he faces,he has to reclaim his fallen kingdom.
The anime adaptation is set in ancient Persian-inspired fantasy world.
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The comments for The Heroic Legend of Arslan are largely positive: "Thank you Japanese for portraying Iran's history," or "You have brought pride to the country's history and culture."
Many netizens were surprised that Japan would make an animation about Iran. One fan thought that Japan "pitied" Iranian history and that "the world is gradually coming to understand our culture and ancient stories." Many regretted how much ancient Persian history was passed over in Iran in favor of Islamic themes. "Iran only makes movies about Islam and Arabs," the above fan wrote. "Our country has many glories and stories, but it doesn't make movies or dramas about them. There are countless religious movies and dramas, but the settings and characters aren't Iranian," another lamented, going on to compare Arslan's depiction of ancient Persia favorably to Hollywood portrayals like Prince of Persia, 300 and Alexander.
Some commenters were pazzled why Iran doesn't have an active animation industry,why Arslan wasn't made in Iran. "I think the country should make animation about our own history" is a typical remark. "Those who think this anime is worthless, why don't you make a better one? This is a very good anime. If you don't like it, you don't have to watch it," huffed another commenter. An animation student defended Iran's animators and pointes out that one, Rasoul Azadani, had worked on films of the Disney Renaissance, albeit opportunities to study animation and broadcast it were severely limited.
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A few comments took issue with the anime's so called immorality, especially since the priestess and formidable archer Farangis (above) is dressed immodestly. "The Japanese have certainly made a story based on Iranian civilization, but there must be ulterior motives behind this," one poster assertes. "It becomes clear when you look at the women's clothes. It's true that at that time Iranian women did not cover their heads, but they wore clothes that covered their bodies. Before others recreate Iranian history for us, why don't we study our own virtuous history?" Another viewer went further and claimed the anime was a plot to deceive Iranian girls. "The opinion that Farangis is virtuous, even though she doesn't wear a hijab, is ridiculous. There is a direct link between feminine virtue and the hijab... [but] Iranian girls are wise and the enemy is misguided."
Yet there are netizens perceiving  that Japanese animators were attempting to corrupt Iranians,or due to the anachronism of judging pre-Islamic Iran by Islamic standards of morality. "Unfortunately some people in our country think of other countries as against ours, and don't want to think that the expression of thought and speech in newspapers, animation or film is free." Another fan noted that "anime these days is full of [women dressed immodestly]. There are no Zionists or puppeteers behind the scenes. Why do Iranians question others so much?" Others pointed to ancient wall art showing nude women, or recommended the anime for its incorporation of elements from the national epic, the Shahnameh, like the stories of Rostam, Farangis and Siyavash. "You won't be able to say it has nothing to do with Iranian history and culture," a history aficionado asserted.
Below:the main cast of the series9art Hiromu Arakawa):
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My say:
Both Japan and Iran have ancient history and civilization.tanaka sensei,Arakawa sensei too took this bold decision due to their fondness for iran.And the Japanese animators went along well with the decision for this anime,which is Higher than Game of Thrones.No offence,the point is GoT is lame, compared to Arslan Senki.
Either Arslan will have a solid win either will fall into the battle will make Impressions domestically ,and in Iran too. the Iranian fans of manga,anime are waiting to see...
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foxydivaxx · 1 year
Fate Actor AU
I am literally on a roll with these xD. Like these ideas keep popping up every time.
- This show was also produced and directed by Jonathan Joestar. Yeah Jonathan is the King of anime shows xD.
- This show has the most culturally diverse cast
- Gilgamesh is actually Turkish, well part Turkish part Iranian. He was born and raised in Istanbul and he and Eren Jaeger were best friends and neighbours since childhood
- They both promised each other that no matter what they would both make it in the entertainment industry and be successful and famous. Their wish came true years later and the two of them always talk about it in interviews
- Altoria is actually British like her character, Iskandar is from Greece, Lancelot is American, Hercules is actually South American, Medusa is from France, Emiya is Japanese but was raised in Italy, Cu is from Denmark, Diarmuid is also Dannish, Gilles is from France, The Hassans are all from Saudi Arabia, Medea is from Greece. Enkidu is Turkish as well
- Everyone speaks their national language at times and they kind of understand each other
- Everyone agrees that Kirei is the worst cook whilst Emiya is the best
- Gilgamesh is different from his character in the sense that he is an actual chill dude though he can be tsundere xD
- He got tummy aches from the laughs
- Speaking of the laughs, he did several takes because he just could not stop laughing and that is because Altoria always says something to make him laugh
- He respects Altoria a lot and is protective of her much to everyone’s amusement
- Altoria likes Gilgamesh and teases him a lot
- The gang always swap stories about their upbringing and whatnot
- Everyone is protective of the younger Masters like Ritsuka, Tine and Hakuno
- Kirei and Gilgamesh often play chess on set and often ask Tokiomi to hang with them
- Rin is Tokiomi’s real life daughter plus she plays both Ishtar and Ereshkigal plus herself
- Her bickering with Gilgamesh when in Ishtar mode makes everyone laugh
- Sakura plays a handful of characters as well as Shirou
- There was a character so many Turks requested for for years to be added to Fate Grand Order- Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror
- Jonathan always wanted to add this character but could not think of someone to play this character until Gilgamesh suggested one name: Eren Jaeger
- Jonathan was skeptical at first till he saw Eren did a reading for him. Plus seeing Eren in full costume complete with the signature turban and giving off some Gilgamesh-esque vibes helped
- Eren loved playing his character and thanked Gilgamesh for helping him land the role
- The segments involving the Sultan and Gilgamesh were considered hilarious as the dynamic between those two is similar to the one Gilgamesh has with Ozymandias and Iskandar. Only difference is that these two always bicker xD.
- Eren’s signature Mehmed laugh is similar to Gilgamesh’s laugh and he too got tummy aches from excessive laughter xD
- Ozy is a proud Egyptian and gave the casta t our of Egypt alongside the Egyptian servants
-Nitocris always gets nervous whenever she shoots a scene
- Cleopatra once got severe burns on set thanks to some skincare product she bought and had to be taken to the hospital for treatment
- Caesar eats a lot and Cleo worries about his health
- Speaking of Ozymandias and Iskandar, the both of them plus Arthur, Eren and Gilgamesh hang out off-set and often get into prank wars on set with Jeanne Alter, Altoria, Ushiwakamaru, Rin and Sakura
-Jeanne and Jeanne Alter are twins
- Nursery Rhyme and Jack the Ripper always play outside with the other kids from other sets
- Gilgamesh wishes to settle down soon. Altoria always nags him to go get a girlfriend and she and Enkidu have tried setting up blind dates for him. Truth is Gilgamesh is in love with someone and it is not Enkidu or Altoria or even Ozymandias as many suspect. People suspect Eren because one story about them getting it on onset. Both have neither denied nor confirmed it.
- Hercules is such a gentle giant and everyone loves and cares for him, plus he talks normally
- All the Roman servants often annoy the Turks on set who chase after them every time
- Nero always gives everyone chocolate every single Valentine’s Day
- Elizabeth is an actual good singer and was confused as to how to sing badly for her character
- Camille and the vampiric servants drink wine a lot and often invite Dio over for a chat
- The Jojo set is close to the Fate set so the Jojo cast often visits
- The younger servants love playing hide and seek on set and also tag. The young Jojo kids join in the fun.
- One of the highlights every evening is that everyone from the Jojo, Fate and other related sets come out and sit by a bonfire and start talking about life. The older folks give the younger ones advice.
- Snowball fights ahoy
- Everyone calls Jonathan either Jojo or dad
- There was a lot of fight and stunt training for the entire cast, something they all enjoyed
- Gilgamesh likes the whole concept of the show which was why he agreed to it in the first place
- Medea always forgets her lines
- Illya likes messing with Hercules’s hair
- Everyone plays the different versions of themselves
- Ashiya Douman is the resident troll on set
- Gilgamesh did not like the armour at first due to how bulky it was but he soon got used to it and ended up liking it
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Great Salt Lake on path to hyper-salinity, mirroring Iranian lake, new research shows Starved for freshwater, the Great Salt Lake is getting saltier. The lake is losing sources of freshwater input to agriculture, urban growth and drought, and the drawdown is causing salt concentrations to spike beyond even the tolerance of brine shrimp and brine flies, according to Wayne Wurtsbaugh from Watershed Sciences in the Quinney College of Natural Resources. Deciphering the ecological and economic consequences of this change is complex and unprecedented, and experts are closely observing another stressed saline lake for clues on what to expect next—Lake Urmia in Iran. This “sister lake” offers obvious, and troubling, parallels to the fate of the Great Salt Lake, according to new research from Wurtsbaugh and Somayeh Sima from Tarbiat Modares University in Tehran. The history of both lakes has moved along similar trajectories, though at different paces. As less freshwater moves through connected rivers and streams into these lakes, natural salts become more and more concentrated in the water. Native brine flies and brine shrimp tolerate salt, but when saline levels reach certain extreme concentrations—at times reaching saturation—even animals and plants specially adapted to saline environments can struggle. This means as well that millions of migratory birds that depend on these food sources will also struggle, starve, or leave. Over the decades, expanding urban populations in northern Utah have claimed more freshwater for crops, lawns and faucets, putting gradually intensifying stress on the ecosystem. Now a 20-year drought is pushing salinity levels further towards untenable levels, Wurtbaugh said. At the Great Salt Lake a causeway divides the lake in distinct halves. With no freshwater inputs, the northern arm of the lake (Gunnison Bay) has become the saltiest with levels at saturation. A transfer of salt into the north arm has allowed the south arm (Gilbert Bay) to stay at a concentration range that allows brine shrimp and brine flies to tolerate the salinity. But salinities in the south are now also increasing to levels stressful for even those hardy species. The Great Salt Lake and Lake Urmia in Iran were once remarkably similar in size, depth, salinity and geographic setting. High rates of urban growth there also fueled demand for irrigated agriculture and human uses, putting extreme stress on the ecosystem. Compared to the Great Salt Lake, the fate of Lake Urmia is on fast-forward. Over just 20 years, diversions caused Urmia’s salinity to jump from 190 grams of salt per liter of water to over 350 grams, said Sima. (For comparison, ocean water has a salinity of around 35 grams per liter.) The decline in Lake Urmia’s ecosystem has been precipitous and easy to recognize. It has lost nearly all of its brine shrimp. How long brine shrimp can endure in increasingly salty water in the Great Salt Lake is a question researchers are eager to understand, especially for the south arm where salt concentrations are high, but still sustaining some shrimp. Gilbert Bay in the north arm of Great Salt Lake has reached an astounding 330 grams per liter (27% salt), and brine shrimp there are nearly absent, halting harvest there by the $70 million brine shrimp industry, said Wurtsbaugh. Now, shrimp harvest in the south arm is also being threatened by increasing salinities. Brine shrimp prefer salt levels at a comfortable 75-160 grams per liter. Brine fly larvae can tolerate higher saline concentrations, but even this uber-hardy species start to feel the pinch when things are so over-the-top. “Brine fly larvae get smaller at these higher salt levels, signaling ecological stress,” said Wurtsbaugh. “A combined collapse of these two organisms could have catastrophic ecological consequences for migratory bird populations and for the economics of the lake.” Managers still have some capacity to regulate flow of salt from the north to the south arms of the lake using an underwater berm at a break in the causeway. This flow is used to manage competing needs of mineral extraction companies on the lake and the brine shrimp harvesting industry. But if water development and climate change trigger further losses in water levels, even that option will become limited, Wurtsbaugh said. Lake Urmia has already lost most of its ecological and cultural function—but the Great Salt Lake has not yet crossed that precipice, say the authors. The ongoing crises at Great Salt Lake and Lake Urmia are not unique—around the globe, other saline lakes are facing a similar crisis and are entirely desiccated or quickly losing water, said Wurtsbaugh. But communities are noticing, which gives him hope. Making any progress will require considerable sacrifice from the water users if the lakes are to be sustained, said Wurtsbaugh. IMAGE...The Great Salt Lake is getting saltier, creating a serious threat to the ecosystems and the economies that depend on it. New research from Wayne Wurtsbaugh examines the trajectory the two halves of the lake might take on a path to hyper-salinity. CREDIT USGS
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undrgrnd-nft · 2 years
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Gril de voyage et justice sociale by Curandero
5 Artists From the UNDRGRND Collection 
UNDRGRND DIGS is a periodical feature showcasing artists that the UNDRGRND curators dig. We sift through the social media and NFT platforms to find the best artists waiting to be discovered. UNDRGRND believes in the artists we feature and we will purchase NFTs from each artist featured.
View the Tezos UNDRGRND Collection
Kro Beluss
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A strong start after minting for only 20 days in OBJKT, Kro Beluss released their series egalitarian???. In a series of collage portraits, Kro asks, “what is the concept of equality like today?” What is the answer? Is it complex? Comprised of predators and prey? Is it not possible between competing ideas like industry and nature? What shape, what color shows equality? Is it human? If so which? Kro may make a statement that it is ugly and messy to be equal or that it does not exist and is a fantasy based on these bizarre portraits.
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Iranian artist Ghazaleh’s art captures a child-like wonderment many adults strive to hold on to. Her paintings move as if they were animated pages in a children’s book. Her Xcollabz drop The Childhood Dream portrays her dream of becoming friends with a star, or alien; while The Doll tells the story of a discarded doll that is cared for by a friendly spider. Each one captures nostalgic magic many have trouble holding onto as they grow older but feels natural in Ghazaleh’s work.
Nathalie Arini
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You can feel Nathalie’s paintings. Each stroke or etch in her paintings comes from strong emotion, and without even knowing the context you get a sense of anger, frustration, pain and also healing. Her use of color is deliberate and even her colorful paintings can convey a process of dealing with pain, as she does in Painful past. Nathalie does offer a possibility for hope, somewhere, in Contemplation of the everlasting cycle, somewhere in universe, celebrating the beginning of the new spring. One can hope when all appears hopeless.
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Curandero has developed a set of different series showcasing a variety of styles at their disposal. Mixing motion, glitch, doodle, and creative coding could be from a different artist. Curandero’s use of glitches in their series Punk Times creates a drip paint effect, showcasing the violently aggressive times many of us feel we are experiencing. The brutality is alarming but the resulting art is beautiful all the same.
Martín La Spina
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Surrealist painter Martín La Spina takes the audience into a psychedelic dreamscape filled with ethereal spaces where everything resembles something familiar in a bizarre manner. In Transmigration of souls, Martín paints a white heron comprised of souls migrating to whatever the afterlife may be in his mind. Much of his work manages to convey the relationship between us and nature, as seen in Seed-man where a man becomes a tree symbolizing the circle of life our universal connection in our biology and fate; one will not survive without the other.
Each UNDRGRND DIGS will feature artists our curators have purchased for the UNDRGRND Collection.
Be sure to follow us on Twitter for more information: #UNDRGRND
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zooterchet · 2 hours
Injustice Society Van Meter (UMass-Amherst)
David Charlebois: Assassinations of major figures supporting Iranian-Mullahs, the Shah of Iran; the pre Civil War movement, militia leaders of the South, however defrauded by Jefferson Davis; not contacted by regiment, to call up, for hostilities against Abraham Lincoln.  All militias, deployed.
Jenna Williamson: Duplication of Sisak death camp, among African migrants, "Jews for Jesus", new Beta-Israeli movement; patronage of Ethiopians, in killing the retarded, those Germans of improper fate or faith to attend school bus, wishing special privilege instead.  Call contact, Army POW, test training, for American forces.
Allison Haimes: Training as defense counsel, for international military tribunals of enemies of United States; use of "Dragonball Z" cartoon animated feature, to place foreign defense counsels to test, as CIA, not MI-6, after having analyzed cartoon produced at own hand, while in North Korea.  On loan, from Bill Clinton, after having sexual fantasies about "female vulcans", of Star Trek fame.
Andrew Brooks: Defense attorney, federal narcotics Canada, and FBI agent, specialist in premitigation of male serial killers, at hands of female debutantes, those arranged in marriage in violation of Appomatox codes of marital bliss.  Having analyzed Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis is determined to be shamed by Papal Nuncio, at being offered Jesus's throne crown, as well as Bible and memoirs, to prove as failed business offer; Jesus Christ, wine debts of police industry per sportsmanship.
Calvin Williams: Cook and special police clerk liaison, UMass-Amherst confidential informant commander, Central Intelligence Agency; placement of communications program, as management of floor, for mass downsizings and firings, having floor committed ear worm advertising haze of American, NATO, or Israeli forces.  The common lessons, submitted per plot of act, to Massachusetts schools, to fire teachers in coercion with "Swift Nick" protocol, common refusal of students their own success, at having been too poor to afford a car or motorcycle.
Matthew Lennox: Hopkinton Sheriffs envoy, to Germany and Harmony Korine, through Werner Herzhog and lover "Ellen Page", Elliott Ledger; the shutdown, of abusive fathers, having struck their children upside back of head, or encouraged child to do so for another, "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"; lesbian identity, for daughters or gay men struck, and if refusing, thrown from abates, having used sensei training strategy "between french and koreans", actually Arabs and Asians of Chinese Triads, to refuse Tong; the abuse of Asian women via labor, the Tong, for the shutdown of independent black music, at the hands of Jewish converts.
Kevin Conroy: The claiming of own father, of Batman: The Animated Series, per art stifles and scruples, on the print of DC Comics CIA; the defrauding of the De Salvo family, those serving Army interests of reforming Jewish Holocaust survivors, and German Totenkopf thereof during World War 2, the shutdown of the "Crime Syndicate of America"; blocked by American soldiers desiring a fat, ugly, pork skin rhino wife for American soldiers, so the tradition of the death camps wouldn't spread, and Islam would spread instead.  Islam, being the German Holocaust, and for 12 centuries prior, every slaughter of police indemnified on slave conscript draft, by insurance brokers, homosexual men.
Nicholas Maynard: Renaming of patents, to suppress Kurdish identity, for betrayal of Saddam Hussein and desire of own regime in Turkey; the pressure, against those incompatible with Islam, homosexual identities as established under Muhammad for Marine Corps and molestation of little girls, from boys purchased and sold through youth adventuring clubs, for gender queer children, to operate as banker's finance; Arab mercantile clans.  The end to freedom of internet rights, under Israeli Ayatollah orders, the merger between the Jewish post-War Holocaust Nazi identity, and the Iranian Jewish pre-Phillistine identity, out of Benjamin Netanyahu, a terrorist responsible for 9/11 through French External Security; the Bin Ladens, the blood of Mahatma Ghandi.
Ryan Lewis: The print of "Thrift Shop", off of bassline played by Dave Charlebois, applied to trumpets and endorsing Barack Obama, through "economies of scale"; jazz music and failure of accounting records, to support Obama Care, the Afffordable Care Act, and the failure of farms and numbers overseas, to finally defeated the United States on behalf of Canada; Canada desiring the molestation of children, by teachers unions, the British method, an end to the United Nations sought; the exploitation of British schools, Russian labor, and Chinese pharmaceuticals, all of which used as slavery on local populace; a return to slave numbers of poor, per Canadian socialized medicine, the pointless return to space of childhood, to be fed vegetables and soy, not meat and beer.
Greg Connolly: The refusal of incense, marijuana, tobacco, charcoal, and pork, instead eating Chinese cuisine made from cats instead of pigs; the "Truth Orange" movement, enslaving common culture against the lessons of 9/11, that the world is filled with ignorant people, and for America to survive without terror attacks, America will have to be ignorant too; following public lies, and private policy contradicting, of Ronald Reagan, the slaughter and genocide of African-Americans for siding with Baptists, the Catholic Church of the greater South; having refused children per molestation by Iranian-Jews, the Rabbis, and having sought a brighter future for children, refused by gay men, those stroking beards to point out power at having removed the testicles of an African, Asian, or Mestizo child, all three the work force of America.
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actors32 · 8 days
Mohsen Bahrami: The Multifaceted Talent of Iranian Cinema and Theatre
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Dive into the captivating journey of Mohsen Bahrami, a luminary in the Iranian entertainment realm, born on March 25, 1982, amidst the vibrant streets of Tehran. With a career spanning over two decades, Bahrami's portfolio shines with his prowess as an actor, presenter, and voice artist.
Early Life and Career Beginnings From a tender age, Bahrami's passion for acting ignited. His inaugural role in the television series "Friend's Footprint" back in 1994 marked the genesis of a remarkable odyssey. This early exposure laid the groundwork for his future triumphs, allowing him to fine-tune his skills amidst the limelight.
Breakthrough and Theatre Contributions In 2001, Bahrami etched his name in the annals of theatre history with his captivating portrayal in "Lost." This pivotal role not only garnered him professional acclaim but also solidified his stature as a powerhouse in Iranian theatre. With a string of stellar performances in acclaimed productions like "Cherry Orchard" and "The Father," Bahrami continues to mesmerize audiences with his versatility and dedication to his craft.
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Television and Film Bahrami's talents transcend the stage, gracing both the small and silver screens with his remarkable presence. From fan-favorite series like "City Lights" to critically acclaimed films like "The Asphalt Jungle," his performances resonate with depth and authenticity, showcasing his versatility as an actor.
Voice Acting and Radio Beyond the visual realm, Bahrami's voice reverberates with excellence. His contributions to voice acting and radio have garnered him widespread acclaim, with his ability to breathe life into characters earning him numerous accolades. Whether narrating audiobooks or lending his voice to animated characters, Bahrami's storytelling prowess knows no bounds.
Streaming Media and Digital Presence Embracing the digital age, Bahrami seamlessly navigates the ever-evolving landscape of streaming media. His online presence not only expands his reach but also underscores his commitment to engaging with diverse audiences across various platforms.
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Awards and Recognition Bahrami's illustrious career is adorned with accolades that mirror his talent and dedication. From prestigious awards to heartfelt applause, his contributions to theatre, television, and radio continue to inspire aspiring talents within the industry.
Conclusion Mohsen Bahrami's journey epitomizes the essence of versatility and passion within the arts. From his humble beginnings in television to his triumphant strides across theatre and film, he remains an influential figure in Iranian culture, captivating audiences with every performance.
For a deeper dive into Mohsen Bahrami's illustrious career and achievements, explore his Wikipedia page.
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The Splendor That Endures With Time: Italian silk || ShopSofia
Throughout antiquity, Italy has been renowned for its culture and art, which have revealed many remnants of earlier civilizations and a touch of its past that is inextricably intertwined with modern culture. It doesn't take long to recognize the main sector of the Italian economy as you stroll through the streets of Italian cities. Some of the best silk textiles and clothing in the world are being sold in window displays that are stuffed with materials in vivid red, blue, and orange hues.
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 Following the arrival of weavers from Constantinople, Italian silk industry flourished. The people's inventiveness and the resources at hand were the keys to their success. Italy exports silk fabrics to all of Europe, primarily through the cities of Lucca, Venice, Florence, and Genoa. The primary location for producing silk fabrics that are sent to some of the best fashion companies in the world is Como. Due to the abundance of mulberry trees, which are essential for raising silkworms, and the widespread availability of water, which is crucial during many stages of silk production, it is referred to as the "silk city" in popular culture. While other procedures like weaving, dyeing, printing, and design are carried out in Italy, raw silk is also imported from China.
 Lucca silk
The city of Lucca in Italy was obviously well-established and a significant hub for the silk trade. Strong eastern influences can be seen in the designs of Lucchese silk fabrics, which feature roundels, birds, and single Persian animals. Their fabrics, especially those from the 12th century, have modest repeating designs in narrow decorative bands woven with silk and gold on a plain or geometric backdrop. Even now, these designs are fashionable, and they are used to adorn clothing. Lucca textiles are renowned for their variety and high quality. A weave of Iranian origin that resembles a damask and has a woven pattern that is lifted in relief from the backdrop is another prominent design. Gold is woven into the wings or heads of the majority of animals and birds that are woven.
 Special fabrics known as dropping auroserici, constructed from a combination of silk and gold or silver threads, are produced from silk in Lucca. They combined Islam and Chinese patterns in the fabric designs. Styles developed in a more complex and lively way. These fabrics' primary Italian design elements include vine leaves, flowers, and naturalist motifs like eagles, lions, wolves, foxes, and other animals. There are also Romanesque scenes, hunting scenes, vine shoots, and palmettes. Economic growth in Lucca is the result of the rising demand for luxury textiles in Western Europe. The economics of Lucca's silk business has a significant impact on Europe, mirroring the organization of the London and Lyon textile industries.
 China vs. Italy
When fashion was starting to become a big deal, in the 1980s and 1990s, the Italian silk dress business prospered greatly. The nation benefited from the increase in the mass consumption of fashion. In contrast, it is now more difficult to serve the luxury goods market because pricing is now a point of competition. But, in terms of innovation, quality, and design, Italy outperforms China.
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 Italian fashion designers and producers continue to concentrate more on the high-end market while also looking into possibilities with other, less expensive options and retail brands. Italian silk weave gives its materials a seductive sheen and a dramatic light-catching appearance, adding a delicate and refined touch that makes them crisp and well-structured.
 The market for luxury goods is global. As people's mindsets change and they start to have a special preference for luxury and style as well as wanting to set themselves apart from others, the market will get more prosperous and larger in the next years. Italy provides a diverse selection of works of art, its expertise in textile design, and an engaging trip through time from the time of the ancient Romans and Greeks to the present.
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The most popular handicrafts of Iran
The most popular handicrafts of Iran
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dorontash handicrafts magazine
Wherever you go in Iran, you can see male and female artists who  produce examples of the best and most popular handicrafts of Iran with their heart and soul. The diversity of these handicrafts is so high that it is not possible to introduce all of them completely, and therefore we have to name examples from each province of the country that are known as the most popular handicrafts of Iran.
1.  Metal crafts
Among the metal handicrafts of Iran, we can point to various items, the most famous of which are brushwork,  engraving on metal , and mesh work. In other words, the shaping and decoration of metals to make decorative and practical objects by means of different tools and methods in a volumetric and flat form is called the art of metalworking.
The diversity of traditional metal works and objects is caused by the three factors that make up handicrafts, namely, the type of use, appearance and method of making them.
We can call this art a metal hand art, which in the past was generally done on silver, copper and gold dishes. Painting is one of the practical and decorative handicrafts in Iranian handicrafts, during which various arts are performed on a container made of different metals.
These days, we can generally see the art of writing on metals such as copper and bronze. The art of calligraphy has a very long and strong history in Iran. This art was so popular and valuable that the artists themselves made a container or a device on which they wanted to paint.
2.  Pottery handicrafts | The most popular handicrafts in Iran
These characteristics and the brilliant record of pottery art in Iran show that we can have a significant activity in this field and by developing this industry in different parts of Iran, we can build a better country in many ways.
Currently, the “Laljin” area in Hamedan is one of the areas known as pottery in Iran, and many workshops have been operating since the past. Of course, other cities such as Meibod Yazd, Mand Gonabad, Mazandaran, Semnan, Gilan, Golpurkan (Baluchistan) and… are also active in this field.
3. Wooden crafts
Carving (traditional wooden sizes):
Wood carving is one of the branches of wood handicrafts, in which the carver designs the general anatomy of the human body, birds and animals in different situations, and transfers various designs to the wood using suitable tools and wood. He sculpts and leaves behind magnificent historical works.
Maraq: One of the most beautiful arts and delicate works on wood is Maraq. Beautiful wooden designs are created through cutting with a needle, which is then oiled to make it shiny.
Khatam Kari: Khatam is the art of decorating the surface of objects with small triangles, the various designs of which have always been regular geometric shapes.
Carving: Carving  is one of the arts and handicrafts of wood, which depicts patterns and designs in a prominent form and is obtained from carving on wood.
Lattice work with wood: One of the practical handicrafts is called ((wood lattice)). Lattice work is often associated with other arts related to wood (especially inlay). To implement mesh work, after implementing the desired design on the wood, the negative parts of the design are removed with the help of a tool such as a hacksaw and a hacksaw, so that the original design remains in the form of a mesh.
Sash:  It is a type of wooden window that has various designs and dimensions and includes colored glass, which is now less manufactured and is produced only for beauty and decor and on a smaller scale than before.
Fuel on wood: In the art of fuel on wood, different molds are made of steel or brass, which have the desired traditional motifs. By heating these molds on fire and pressing it on wood and transferring the effect of this burn, beautiful works of art are created.
4. Handicrafts of mat weaving
Along with countries like Japan, Korea and Mexico, Iran is one of the sixteen mat producing countries. The historical background of these products in Iran shows that the use of mats by ancient Iranians was not limited to underlays, and they also used mats to make dishes. Even today, unlike the main use of mats, i.e. mats, wicker containers are more popular among handicraft enthusiasts.
5. Leather crafts The most popular handicrafts of Iran
The traditional leather embroidery profession  (Saraji)  is  one of hundreds  of Iranian handicrafts . This art is an original art from the  Kermanshah region  , which   has recently been registered in the national register .
It should be noted that  the leather industry and the fur industry  are different and this difference is the importance of  the raw materials  used in each of them. The raw materials used in the leather industry are the by-products  of the meat industry  , and the meat is more valuable than the skin, but the raw materials   used in the fur industry are more valuable than the meat. Meat is considered as a side product. There are several ways that the result of them is that the skin of the animal turns into a flexible and strong material called leather. Leather has various uses in making  clothes  such as  pants, ties, gloves, coats, jackets and shoes and accessories such as bags and key chains  .
6. Textile crafts The most popular handicrafts of Iran
–  Textile industries (traditional textiles):  one of the valuable arts of Iran is the types of traditional handicrafts that Iranians have been engaged in for a long time.
Net weaving:  using nets to weave rugs and pads and nets. (Fishing net is also called weaving net)
Shawl weaving:  It is one of the traditional activities of Talash and the summer residents of Gilan. Shawl is a kind of coarse and monochromatic fabric made of sheep’s wool, which is woven in a shawl weaving machine. The best shawls are woven in Kobolan village, which can compete with foreign coats. But alas, this art is being forgotten in the region.
Zarbafi:  It is one of the authentic Iranian arts. Zari fabric is a fabric woven from gold whose warp and weft is woven from silk and glabton fibers. Glabton is a thread with a narrow strip of gold, silver or gold-plated silver, made in a spiral. In traditional zari weaving, both the warp thread and the weft thread are made of silk.
Wave weaving:  It is one of the traditional arts of the Kurdish people, which is mostly seen among nomads and nomads. A cloth made of woven sheep’s wool. It is used as a bed, blanket, back, etc.
 Woven Cashmere:  It is a fabric made of fluff and wool or silk. Delicate and delicate fabric that consists of two series of warp and weft threads. The weft on the back of the fabric is loose and dense in the weft.
Woven velvet:  Velvet is a fabric made of silk or cotton yarn, one side of which is smooth and the other side has short, dense and soft piles. These villi are close to each other and lying on one side. It is used in various designs on the top of sofas, chairs, tablecloths, bedspreads, cushions and clothes. This art is also being forgotten.
Silk embroidery:  sewing different designs with silk thread on fabric.
And …
7. Weaving crafts
In Iran, very beautiful handicrafts are produced using the art of weaving. Knitting crafts are generally divided into three categories. 1-Machine weaves 2-Dari weaves 3-Straw weaves
For the texture of all three models, they use thread or mat for warp and weft and create a very interesting texture with knots and a kind of interweaving. Next, we will examine the types of texture. Stay with us.
8. Enamelware
In enameling, natural and chemical elements are combined with the powder of precious stones such as gold, copper, tin, iron, etc., and produce enamel color. Any surface that we want to enamel on is first glazed, and then, according to enamellers, seven colors are used on the surface, which is the same as the enamel decoration stage.
9. Khatam work
Today, in some special works, inlay is used to show as much as possible. Due to the relatively reasonable price of inlay, this Iranian art can be found in many Iranian homes, and of course, apart from many applications in decorative and necessary accessories such as: page Chess pieces, jewelry boxes, chocolate containers are also widely used and welcomed outside homes.
Buying handicrafts
10. Turquoise Kobe
In Europe, turquoise was called “Turquoise Stone”, which means Turkish stone, and the reason for this name was that Iranian turquoise was exported to Europe by Turkic speakers. In Italy, smooth blue turquoise, which is known as ” blue gem “, is used as an expensive jewel, and in the necklace of the Queen of Egypt, turquoise obtained from the Sinai Peninsula (about 4000 years ago) was used. Is.
11. Carpet weaving
12. Felt handicrafts
The handmade felt products of Iran-Zamin artists have a wide variety. We can see felt underlays, padri, all kinds of felt clothing, coats, coats, hats, works of art, paintings, etc.
13. Leather craft
Fur is one of the oldest forms of clothing, all or most of which is made directly from the skin of woolly animals.
Leather embroidery is one of the most popular handicrafts in Iran, which dates back to the time when people used the first thing they thought of to warm themselves, and signs of the use of leather can be found in the paintings on the walls of old paintings. Different classes of society used leather according to their social rank and ranking. Wealthy people wore the skins of more valuable animals such as tigers and leopards on their shoulders.
The leather embroidery industry has been passed down from our ancestors to today’s men and women from the past, and today Khorasan Razavi (Shandiz region) is one of the main production centers of this art.
14. Traditional clothing handicrafts
15. Woven crafts
Knitting handicrafts are one of the most famous and popular handicrafts in Iran, which are as old as the history of several thousand years of Iran. The main material of these handicrafts is yarn. In these handicrafts, various products are woven. Weaving handicrafts are done both by hand and by machine. These industries have a long history, but since their main material is yarn, they have disappeared over time, and the exact date of their origin cannot be estimated.
16. Kari tapestry
17. Writing
18. Embroidery
The art of penmanship caused a huge change in the Achaemenid regime. In fact, it can be said that this art was seen more than before.
Some of the Aryan calligraphy works were lost during the invasion of Alexander and the Mongols. Although this art is not only related to Iranians and the Romans and Greeks also benefited from this art, calligraphy in Iran has been and is more prosperous.
19. Copper work
Coppersmithing is one of the most popular handicrafts of Iran, very old in the country. Copper objects and containers have been observed in various museums for a long time. When the name of Mes is spoken, the names of cities such as Zanjan, Qazvin and Isfahan also come to mind.
The production of all kinds of copper utensils and consumables, which today is considered one of the handicrafts of Zanjan and Isfahan, has gained many fans again for nearly a decade. Copper dishes have had a prominent presence in Iranian kitchens since the past. Copper sunbed and basin are among the oldest copper items in Iranian homes. Over time, however, things changed. Switching to teflon and cast iron removed copper from the competition for a while.
For several years now, the benefits of using copper have been talked about a lot. In addition, the producers of this group of handicrafts have made many changes in their products. Copper tools and utensils became more diverse and practical day by day. Due to the re-acceptance of copper dishes, not only in Iran but also in other countries, this industry has taken on a new life.
20. Wooden crafts
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Research notes on: "Films for the intelligent layman: the origins of the Sydney and Melbourne film festivals (1952-58)" by Cathy Hope and Adam Dickerson
"The first principle is that the festivals have their own institutional identity and history, and their own position in a network of other organisations and institution.”
“the organisational history of the two film festivals is best seen as involving a continuous negotiation between the demands of ‘culture’ and the demands of ‘industry”
“Films shown at olinda we not current Hollywood feature productions, they included documentaries, public relations films, animation, instructional films, feature films and amateur productions of every-day life. “
They covered topics from arena s as broad as science, religion and art and were either made or sponsored by extraordinarily diverse range of organisations. e.g. he Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, the Australian Army, Films of Africa, the International Realist Unit for the UK Ministry of Health, the North-Eastern Film Studio of the Central Film Bureau (China), Shell Oil, the United Nations Film Bureaus, and Walt Disney.
Olinda 1952 programme, passim
”Throughout the Olinda programme, terminologies are employed that assigned such value both to the Festival films themselves, and to the Festival audience. Such phrases as ‘good film’, ‘films of merit’, and ‘quality film’ are used repeatedly to refer to the films themselves, whilst the generic audience member is referred to as ‘the intelligent layman’”
Olinda 1952 programme, passim
The festival also included a range of lectures, seminars and discussion sessions, which were designed to allow the audience to reflect actively on the social and cultural value of film.In particular, 
Olinda 1952 programme, 1-11.
the committee debated at length whether to turn Melbourne into a competitive festival like Venice and Cannes – a debate that clearly reveals the opposition between ‘culture’ and ‘industry’.
MFF – Min., 1 July 1953, Box No. 1.
the cultural note of the festival should be maintained and improved, and that trafficking in awards for commercial films was not a step towards this”. -Alfred Heintz.
MFF – Min., 1 July 1953, Box No. 1. 
announced in the 1955 programme introduction that the Melbourne Film Festival existed primarily to show films that would not receive commercial screening in Australia.
Melbourne Film Festival – 1955 programme, 1.
QUOTE FROM ALAN K STOUT, written in the olinda programme: ”The problem of the cinema is that it is both “big business” and at the same time one of the most powerful influences on character and outlook the world has known. But those who run the commercial cinema are not interested in education, in affecting people’s outlook, and in changing their habits of thinking and feeling and acting … [rather, the] box office is the criterion by which films are judged, and the only influence movie moguls want films to have is to preserve a social and political order in which the industry can flourish.” 
Olinda was considered by its organisers to be a surprising success. Originally estimating that the attendance at the Festival would be no more than eighty, they invested the entire funds of the FVFS (a total of £15) in hiring one “rambling old wooden guest house”.[15] However, in the end, Olinda attracted more than eight-hundred film enthusiast
Heintz, “Miracle at Olinda,” Walkabout 30 (1964): 28.
Heintz, 29; see also “Olinda Film Festival,” Guardian, 9 February 1952.
The Aims of Melbourne film festival:
a. To integrate films into programmes of significance, and each programme will be discussed by a relevant authority; b. To hold discussions on controversial subjects … making the Festival a sounding board for public opinion as represented by a diverse panel of experts; c. To enable people to enjoy and appreciate films which they otherwise could not see, but [sic] it will show educationalists and others how to go about making and using visual aids to the best advantage.
Melbourne Film Festival – 1953 programme, 3.
“Olinda was considered by its organisers to be a surprising success. Originally estimating that the attendance at the Festival would be no more than eighty, they invested the entire funds of the FVFS (a total of £15) in hiring one “rambling old wooden guest house”.[15] However, in the end, Olinda attracted more than eight-hundred film enthusiasts”
A. Heintz, “Miracle at Olinda,” Walkabout 30 (1964): 28.
the anti-Hollywood focus, quality international (primarily European) features,
0 notes
portofalafel · 2 years
Most Popular Tasty Middle Eastern Food
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Food is a love language for many people, good food can swing someone's mood, and people can express their love for someone with food. Eastern Hemisphere has many places blessed with good geographical conditions to have a variety of grains and vegetables, which converted into some delicious and heart-melting cuisines. The cuisines of the Middle East include those from the Arab, Armenian, Assyrian, Azerbaijani, Cypriot, Egyptian, Georgian, Iranian, Iraqi, Israeli, Kurdish, Lebanese, Palestinian, and Turkish people.
Like seven wonders of the World, 7 Famous Middle Eastern Foods are - 
Falafel - Middle Eastern cuisine uses falafel, particularly Levantine and Egyptian cuisines. The Middle East consumes falafel, which is a popular street snack. Most likely, Egypt's falafel came from there. Vegetarians enjoy it.
2. Hummus - A Middle Eastern spread, dip, or savoury food called hummus is created with cooked, mashed chickpeas combined with tahini, lemon juice, and garlic. It is produced industrially in the West, frequently served with crackers as a snack or an appetiser.
The traditional cuisine of Palestine includes many different meals in addition to hummus. But despite this, this is the most significant dish that Israelis and Palestinians eat together and share, possibly because both groups adore it equally.
3. Shawarma - A typical Middle Eastern dish called shawarma is made of meat that has been thinly sliced, layered in a cone-shaped pattern, and cooked on a vertical rotisserie or spit that rotates slowly. Shawarma is believed to have originated in the Ottoman Empire, Turkey. Shawarma is a popular street snack in the Middle East, including Egypt, Iraq, and the Levant.
4. Kebab - According to the unique recipe, kebabs are made from minced or ground meat, occasionally with veggies. Lamb is typically the traditional meat for kebabs. Kebab is a sort of cooked meat dish that has its roots in Middle Eastern cuisine. The category has many popular variations around the World, such as the shish kebab on a skewer and the doner kebab on bread.
5. Dolma - A family of filled meals known as "dolma" is connected with "Ottoman cuisine," the cuisine of the Ottoman Empire, which has continued in Turkish cuisine. While some varieties of dolma are produced by enclosing the filling with fruits, vegetables, animal parts, or seafood. Sarma is dolma that has been wrapped. 
6. Baklava - Turkish delicacy, known as baklava, consists of layers of filo pastry filled with chopped nuts and sweetened with honey or syrup. It originated under the Ottoman Empire and was one of the most well-liked sweet pastries in the Middle East. 
7. Knafeh – It originated in Nablus and is the most symbolic Palestinian dessert is one of the most well-known dessert dishes. It is a typical Middle Eastern dessert made from kataifi. The Middle East is where it is common. Additionally, it has variations in Turkey, Greece, and the Balkans.
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ashitakaxsan · 1 year
Bad news about Iranian  Animation(:
This real BAD news,that concerns not only the Present,but the Whole Future  of the Iranian Animation Industry.While the occidental news outlets are going with the approach about “the rights of women”,”equality” they don’t care about an awful news.
Iranian animators attracted to foreign studios over weak local currency: expert. December 4, 2022 - 18:37
Photo below: This file photo shows Iranian animators working at a studio of the Institute for Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults – Kanoon. (Kanoon/Hamid Tavakkoli)
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“Due to a sharp decline in the value of the local currency in comparison to the dollar, Iranian animation studios are willing to work for other countries,” Ali Azizi told the Persian service of MNA.
“These studios were previously selling their productions to the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), but I’ve heard that IRIB has not paid them as a result of the precarious circumstances surrounding its funding,” he added.
“Moreover, strict IRIB rules and regulations impose certain restrictions on animation works, while animators want to have a free hand to let them use their creativity. As a result, they are reluctant to work with IRIB,” explained Azizi who was formerly a manager of an animation school.
He has recently quit his job to direct an animation project.
Azizi said there are animation studios in Turkey that are working with Iranian animators who are even allowed to work remotely. Their projects are totally or partly done by Iranian studios.
The Turkish studios pay the Iranian animators less than they pay their local employees. Nevertheless, the wages paid to them are still higher than what they receive in Iran.     He said that some Iranian animators have also been duped and have failed to receive their wages from the Turkish studios.
The animation industry has developed in Iran over the past decade, but the country has failed to exploit its commercial potential.
Ashkan Rahgozar, the director of Hoorakhsh, a major animation studio in Tehran, has frequently warned about the emigration of skilled and even semi-professional people working in the country’s animation industry.
Images below:from the iranian,epic,animated movie “The last Fiction”.
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In an interview conducted last year, he said the financial motivations are the key factors in these migrations.
“Iran has not done well on efficiently training human resources in this field, and the professionals’ migration issue has really become serious. We are seeing them going to foreign companies for higher salaries. I see no bright prospect for improvement in human resources here, because even semi-professionals are easily attracted by overseas companies,” said Rahgozar who is the director of the acclaimed animated movie, “The Last Fiction”.
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My Understanding
This is the Real Significant news.I fear that the iranian animated movie “The Last Fiction” might be a Swan Song!(: “Who’s fault is this?” Not of the iranian regime.It’s of others, who fill us with the unessential claims(yes,claims isn’t the real thing)about human rights,and they passby that the strict sanctions make life harder for the creative people,such as Iranian animators.
Source: https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/479368/Iranian-animators-attracted-to-foreign-studios-over-weak-local
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maan-is-done · 2 years
Alright I'm here with sk8 the infinity Farsi dub fam
It's been like a month that it has been out and the dub studio is not the best we have. But since the news about English dub and stuff hasn't been the best either i thought I'd cleansing things a bit
The lines are pretty much the same, except:
In 1:03 Reki called Langa's board his "kid" (bacham) which i thought really suits him :")
Ad*m is creepy no matter what language or dub it is and when in 1:17 he wants to touch Langa's leg he said "It's ok if i touch, right?" And then Reki went "dude hit the pause button..." LOL
In the famous 1:31 scene when Cherry approaches Joe he goes "You're GOOD at it, huh😏" which made me losing it
As u can see in 1:33 Ad*m calls Langa "azizam" which means my dear/my darling and unfortunately he says it in Farsi version A LOT.
And the most heartbreaking one so far is in 1:47 that teen Ainouske tells Kaoru "you are special to me" unlike the sub, which was "you guys are special to me"
And in 2:00 Langa says that he hadn't known that Reki was this "aziz" (dear/precious) to him before losing him :")
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iliyad · 3 years
everything that has happened in 2020, in case you forgot
because it’s been a long year. counts up to december 20. i tried to get in as much as i could, but there will still be some things missing, because it's been a long year.
january (timeframes will be rough)
australian bush fires
persian gulf crisis
taal volcano eruption
impeachment trial of donald trump
covid-19 pandemic what else is there to say?
the united kingdom’s withdrawal from the european union
delhi riots
collapse of malaysia’s coalition government
stock market crash
luxembourg made public transport free
conditional peace agreement between the united states and the taliban
afghanistan war crimes inquiry authorised to proceed
tokyo summer olympics postponed to 2021
north macedonia joins nato
russia-saudi arabia oil price war
united states designates a white supremacist group as a terrorist group for the first time
opec and allies agree to cut oil production by 9.7 million barrels a day
united states suspends funding to the world health organisation
nova scotia attacks
israeli politicians agree to form a unity government
iran deploys first military satellite
king salman declares people will not be executed for crimes committed as minors
the pentagon officially releases three ufo videos
colombia formalises its membership of the oecd
venezuelan dissidents and american private military attempt to infiltrate venezuela and remove president maduro from office
scientists discover parasitic microbe blocking mosquitos from carrying malaria
first black hole discovered in a star system visible to the naked eye
styrene gas leak in india
cross-border clash at the nantha lu crossing between chinese and indian soldiers
konarak vessel incident
fossil analysis indicates modern humans may have arrived in europe thousands of years earlier than thought
maternity hospital stormed by gunmen in afghanistan
discovery of millipede fossil as the world's oldest-known land animal dating c.425 million years
east africa floods
palestine terminates all agreements with israel and the united states after israel plans to annex the jordan valley
cyclone amphan
united states announces withdrawal from open skies treaty
mining company rio tinto destroys sacred aboriginal caves at juukan gorge in australia
george floyd is killed, beginning mass global protests against police racism and brutality
costa rica becomes first central american country to legalise same-sex marriage
chinese government votes for legislation granting powers to suppress democracy movement in hong kong
rwandan court sentences former mayor to life imprisonment for role in rwandan genocide
first crewed spacex flight is launched
state of emergency declared by russia after 20 thousand tons of oil leaks into ambarnaya river
libya’s government claims control of tripoli
turkish and iranian forces begin air and artillery strikes against kurdish forces in iraqi kurdistan
north korea demolishes kaesong’s inter-korean liaison office
solar eclipse
7.5 magnitude earthquake in oaxaca, mexico
historic three-party coalition government formed in ireland
china passes hong kong national security law
russian voters support constitutional amendment allowing vladimir putin to seek two further six-year terms
landslide at jade mine in myanmar
bulgarian protests against boyko borisov’s government
mass graves uncovered in burkina faso believed to be the result of extrajudicial executions by government forces
turkish president orders the hagia sophia in istanbul to be reverted from a museum to a mosque
china floods
twitter accounts of prominent politicians, ceos and celebrities hacked in bitcoin scam
flooding of the brahmaputra river
nasa launches mars 2020 rover mission
barakah nuclear power plant in the uae becomes first commercial nuclear power station in the arab states
beirut explosions
belarusian protests sparked by controversial presidential election
vladimir putin announces russia’s approval of world’s first covid-19 vaccine
israel and uae agree to normalise relations
stranded japanese ship breaks in mauritius and spills one thousand tonnes of oil into the ocean
coup d'état takes place in mali
africa is declared free of wild polio
amazon ceo jeff bezos becomes first person ever with a net worth exceeding us$200 billion
hurricane laura
japanese prime minister shinzo abe resigns after seven years
an agreement is signed to transition sudan into a secular state
largest find of mammoth skeletons at construction site for airport in mexico city
pope benedict xvi becomes longest-living pope
kosovo and serbia announce normalisation of economic relations
bahrain and israel agree to normalise relations
typhoon haishen
announcement of detection of phosphine in venus’ atmosphere
first discovery of perfectly preserved cave bear remains in siberia, believed to be 22 thousand - 39 thousand years old
venezuelan government is accused of crimes against humanity by human rights council
france, germany, and the united kingdom reject china’s claims to the south china sea
oldest known copy of any work by william shakespeare, a 1634 edition of the two noble kinsman, is found in spain
documents of the financial crimes enforcement network are released, detailing suspicious transations valued at over us$2 trillion
microsoft buys zenimax media in the biggest and most expensive takover in the video game industry
deadly clashes erupt between armenian and azerbaijani forces in nagorno-karabakh
the european union launches legal action against the united kingdom for overriding sections of the brexit withdrawal agreement
new caledonia votes against independence from france
mass protests break out in kyrgyzstan against controversial parliamentary election
thai protests
new zealand prime minister jacinda ardern's labour party wins second term in office by a landslide, gaining the first parliamentary majority since introduction of new voting system in the early 90s
nasa's osiris-rex spacecraft becomes their first probe to retrieve samples from an asteroid
geneva consensus declaration on women's health and strengthening families is signed by 34 countries
falkland islands declared free of land mines
israel and sudan agree to normalise relations
nasa confirms existence of molecular water on the moon
7.0 aegean sea earthquake
typhoon goni
amhara women, children and elderly killed in ethiopia
tumblr melts down over supernatural ship “destiel” (dean winchester and castiel), causing this site to crash several times
united states election concludes joe biden as president of the united states, STATES FLIP DATA
hurricane eta
united states exits the paris climate change accord
armenia and azerbaijan sign ceasefire agreement
hong kong pro-democracy lawmakers resign en masse
nasa and spacex launch to the international space station
hurricane iota
brereton report into australian war crimes during the war in afghanistan released
indian farmers’ protest
iranian nuclear scientist mohsen fakhrizadeh is assassinated
koshobe massacre
lunar eclipse
protein folding is solved
arecibo telescope collapses
the united kingdom approves covid-19 vaccine
three activists jailed in hong kong for part in democracy protests
united nations commission on narcotic drugs votes to remove cannabis from dangerous drugs list
united states announces withdrawal from somali civil war
russia begins mass vaccination against covid-19
venezuelan parliamentary election
the united kingdom begins mass vaccination against covid-19
report into the christchurch mosque shootings released
nepal and china officially agree on height of mount everest
israel and morocco normalise relations
end of nicolas sarkozy corruption trial in france
the european union agrees to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% over the next decade
bhutan and israel normalise relations
the international criminal court accuses the philippines of crimes against humanity in its war on drugs
the united states accuses switzerland and vietnam of currency manipulation
a new, highly-infectious strain of covid-19 begins to spread through the united kingdom and europe
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