#It is the desparate act of a lover trying to save everything even if it means losing herself
zeldaelmo · 1 year
Ok, I already reblogged a post and said this but I know the zelink shippers would appreciate an own post about this, so here we go.
This is the German localization of Tears of the Kingdom. It's the last dragon tear, the moment just before Zelda's dragonification.
In English she says just before she gives up herself for (as far as she knows) forever,
"You must..."
In German, she says,
"Für dich..." which means "For you..."
A very, very different meaning and vibe, don't you agree? And the German voice actor, Julia Casper, manages to captivate such a bandwidth of emotions in two words that it still gives me chills. 👌🏻
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iammultifandomaf · 4 years
Chapter 26 - A roadtrip
Stiles briefly explained to Credence how to create a spell to block one's magical powers temporarily with blood magic and reminded him how to make one talk only truths.
Credence understood quickly and it didn't take long for him to perform the first blood ritual to numb Thomas' connection to the universe's energies which made him capable of using magic.
Stiles saw Lydia and Allison in his peripheral vision, standing at the door, watching him and Credence carefully in silence as if any noise could have hurt Thomas.
Stiles wasn't really fond of doing this. He did like Thomas. He was a good fellow, but their origins separated them dreadfully. Stiles did not desire to hurt Thomas and he wasn't planning on it. His plan was to take Tommy with him when he will be searching for his brother.
In a way, it was for their protection. Stiles knew Thomas nor Allison would perceive it that way but he knew that if the family of theirs found out, both Allison and Thomas would get some sort of a punishment for "helping" the enemy. Even if it were involuntary.
Thomas wouldn't get hurt, in Stiles' opinion. He was one if the strongest they had. But Allison... she could be facing death easily.
Stiles watched Thomas while he was being robbed of his magic. Yes, he knew exactly how it felt. At one moment you feel connected to everything, and then, there's nothing. Everything feels empty.
Thomas looked back into Stiles' eyes.
Rage. Desparation. Sadness.
It pained Stiles to see his ex-colleague in this situation but he remained calm, his face expressionless.
"Leave him be!" Allison suddenly entered the room with a demanding look in her eyes. Thomas glanced up at her.
"Allison... what are you doing here?"
"Tommy... I couldn't– I promise, I couldn't do anything to prevent this."
"Yeah, I know. You can't do anything about it," Thomas said flatly and looked back at Stiles who sent him a satisfied smirk.
Allison felt a sharp pain in her chest, realizing how useless she was, even in her cousin's eyes.
She felt Lydia's hand on her shoulder, squeezing her lightly.
"Alright, I am ready," Credence said, cutting his palm with his sharp claw. Stiles only nodded and Credence put his bloody palm onto Thomas' forehead, whispering something what the girls did not understand.
Then it took only minutes to get the needed information. Thomas' eyes were filled with rage and tears, however he couldn't do anything against Credence's blood magic which made his tounge give away everything they wanted.
"So, let's visit the Aymaras," Stiles said, clapping his hands together and turned around to face the girls.
"You are coming, too, to accompany your brother," he announced, looking at Allison.
"Why do we have to go with you when you already know everything?!" she cried out angrily.
"Just because," he said with a shrug and glanced at Lydia who was staring at him the whole time.
"Then, I'm going, too!" Lydia suddenly said.
Stiles raised his eyebrow at the redhead but did not say anything.
"Do you really want to take her with us, Stolos?" Credence asked slowly.
"She's a grown woman, she can do whatever she wants, I suppose."
Stiles exited the room, leaving the four in an awkward silence. Credence looked at the young girls, thinking about what Stolos is planning.
Why would he want to take her? Both of them – they will be just... in the way. What a roadtrip.
They left to the airport that very day to fly to Bolivia and find the natives who were supposedly in the possesion of Michendros' body – at least one part of it. Stiles didn't really know how they'll retrieve it but he knew he had to do try everything. It was his brother – he had to have him back, even though they haven't been that close for the last few years. That god damned curse.
Stolos and Michendros haven't been always with each other. They found a way out of the boring immortality they had to face – a self-made reincarnation spell.
They created it together. Once they casted it, their bodies would perish and their spiritual energy and consciousness would transfer into a new born baby. They lived again, not remembering who they were until they reached the age in which they got morphed into these beings, there once in Rome. And then they would find each other again, spend some years together, telling stories of their previous lives and after they felt like they sourced out the life they had found for each other, they were reborn, again. Never knowing where or exactly when would they appear again. Stolos especially loved the uncertainty of it. Maybe even secretly hoping to find the end of his path – ultimate ending with no returning.
It took them five days to arrive at the forests where the Aymaras supposedly lived. The five days were filled with awkward silence between Lydia, Allison and Thomas who exchanged words only rarely. Thomas was visibly enraged by the situation he got himself into.
How can it be? We've been planning this for such a long time... I can't believe that a stupid vampire was stronger than me. I am the strongest from our coven – what does it mean then? That I am actually weak? That I lived in an illusion for so many years. I can't bear this desillusion.
Stolos and Credence tried to ignore the atmospehre and just looked after their "captives" so they wouldn't run off.
Stiles was trying to avoid Lydia's glare which was filled with resentment. He knew she was there only for Allison. He lost her for good. How could he not? He acted arrogantly, shamelessly mean and pitelessly. Of course she lost any respect she had for him before. And most importantly, she lost her trust in him.
They decided to walk through the forest with Thomas' guidance which was achieved by some blood tricks of Credence. Thomas went first, Credence just a step behind him. Then the girls followed and Stiles closed up their group at the end. He noticed that Lydia slowly grasped Allison's hand and held it as they walked.
Stiles had to admit that the surroundings seem familiar but paid no attention to it. He has been to many places and in the end, they somehow all look the same in retrospect.
They arrived at a small clearing where Credence stopped and turned to Stiles.
"Look, the tribe is pretty close now. I suggest, I go with your friend here to find the... well, you know. I suppose that the girls won't run when Thomas is with me. And even if they do, we don't really need them-"
Stiles glanced quickly at Lydia who watched their conversation carefuly from afar and then looked back up at Credence.
Kind of miss the days when I was taller than Cred, Stiles thought automatically and then shook it off, focusing on what Credence was saying.
"They are just some common folk, right? It's going to be easy. Just wait, we'll be right back, alright?"
Stiles nodded, not having any complaints. He couldn't do much anyways. The only thing he could probably do is defending himself against the two girls who stayed behind with him.
Thomas and Credence took off then and Stiles was left alone with Lydia and Allison.
This might be awkward, Stiles thought. He looked at Allison and Lydia who were staring at him as well. It made him a bit uncomfortable.
"You know what, stay here, ladies. I'll go look around," he said and quickly escaped Lydia's angry eyes.
Stiles wondered around, letting his thoughts flow freely.
How do we even bring him back, though. Credence can do some magic but it's very limited... putting a whole being back together. His life force being in pieces like that. I have no idea how to fix this. With me being absolutely useless. God damn it. I hate this feeling. Not able to do anything... Tommy casted a curse not even knowing what it entails... stupid modern magicians, thinking they are all super smart.
Stiles leaned on a tree and looked up at the blue sky. Mich, I am so sorry this happened. I shouldn't have distanced myself from you. I should've looked for you... I fucked up real good.
Stiles wanted to run his hand through his hair but suddenly he realized that he can't. He was paralyzed. But why?
His eyes looked to his right to recognize a few figures closing in. Someone from the tribe... but why can't I move?
"Hoho, what do we have here?" a man with a lot of jewlery and tribal tattoos smiled mockingly at Stiles and continued speaking in broken english.
"Isn't it my dear foe, now all... weak?"
Stiles looked at the man's face again, more carefully, realizing that he actually knew the man.
"Stolos, what did you think, appearing here? Without power? You thought you could retrieve your relative? Brother, is it? The new generations of these witches may be weak, too, but they know your enemies, they knew where to hide him."
"Save the speach, please," Stiles said, annoyed.
Of course, he knew the shaman. Stiles killed his lover a few decades back. Silly, Stiles thought.
Why did he kill her? Stiles wasn't sure. Maybe there was even a reason.
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