#It would haunt me otherwise
dea-thynote · 5 months
Death note au idea (that came to me from a dream) where literally after L dies, he wakes up and seemed to have time travelled. It would've been fine, better even for him, if it weren't for the fact he woke up as Light yagami.
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What happened in my dream was that after L dies he literally just wakes up in light's body, from the first day that the yagami household is under survelliance. But he doesn't notice that first because he literally just died. He panics, puts a hand on his heart and feels it beating before sighing in relief. After calming down, he puts his knees to his chest and bites his nails, looking down, and numerous thoughts wonder to his head but there is one thing for certain.
He was right. Light yagami IS kira.
He needs to do something about this, and if he's still alive, he would be able to test the death note and put both kiras to prison but... he looks around and sees that he's no longer in HQ. The place is famili-- this is light's room. And then he just hears ryuk trying to communicate with him, and in shock falls down, before looking at ryuk again, his eyes twinkles. I just remember L in disbelief whispers '... another shinigami' that was totally audible to the wiretaps alright.
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(But I never dreamt of what L, soichiro and watari'a reaction was. If I were to guess it would be similar with the response video by misa.)
He composes himself, and thinks, ryuk laughs at his reaction, but seemingly more amused with what's above his head with the way he had been staring at it. He looks down again and sees different clothing, it seemed right but also wrong. That's when he realizes, this is not his body. When Light (L) was about to ask ryuk questions, he shuts his mouth again. As he felt that he was being watched. A realisation dawns to him.
He's currently light yagami, and at the time the yagami household is under survelliance.
And now L has to struggle trying to act as light, which he does terribly, and avoid dying again, and as kira at that.
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I don't remember much, I just remember like these snippets of him being scolded by sachiko everytime he slouched, puts his feet on the chair, or does his staring. That when he gets scolded his eyes down turns and if his face weren't emotionless, it would look like he's pouting.
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The thing is, L is a great liar but not as much as an actor. Or when it comes to controlling his facial features, to make a comforting smile, an earnest chuckle or make a worried look. He often just defaults to blank. (This is a head Canon if I'm wrong lmfao I have to finished the anime help).
I dunno if he was able to actually pull it off, but what I DO remember is that HE FOUND OUT ABOUT THE POTATO CHIP.
That is all, thank you.
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politemagic · 3 months
sigh thinking about how iv is definitely a phenomenal cook. he enjoys the experience of cooking in the kitchen, picking a recipe and preparing it accordingly to nourish the bodies of those that he loves.
thinking about how if someone he cares about is sick he's instantly in the car on the way to the grocery store to get ingredients for soup, and he's slaving over that pot to make sure it's perfect.
he scoops it into a bowl, letting it cool a little bit while he prepares a small piece of toast to go with it. Then he's bringing it to them in bed, asking if they need anything else, even though they didn't even ask for the soup (but obviously they're accepting it graciously. he made their favorite, after all).
if the soup wasn't enough, maybe the warmth of his love could heal you
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brother-emperors · 6 months
Could I ask for your thoughts on why you say that Cassius should have been Crassus' political heir ?
so largely I’m half referencing this collection of quotes and the various attempts to fill in the space/grave with a body (like Cicero! Cicero was a contender for this!) and I’m sort of taking shots at Antony for fun and whimsy.
like in sports!! I gotta root for my man Cassius over Antony, especially because no one can actually fill the space left by Crassus after his death (literally, the political landscape makes this impossible), but Cassius assumes a command position due to everyone else (notably, Crassus) dying (so: inheriting Crassus’ leadership position) and wouldn’t be a bad follow up to Crassus in the realm of military command since they have a similar (strict, as opposed to friendly in a way is commonly associated with Antony) relationship with the men under their command.
& also bc Marcus Crassus jr seems to be disinterested in taking up space in the political spotlight on his return from the Gallic Wars otherwise I’d be advocating for him on the basis of family tragedy compounded. it’s time to fill the space/memory/grave of your father and brother, buddy!
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longagoitwastuesday · 1 month
I have learnt things about Geto that I wish I could unlearn
#I think I'm getting about the same amount of spoilers as a few weeks ago except now I understand them#But like. I expected so much of him#Seeing gifs of that one scene in which Gojo gets distracted because of Geto almost made me watch this a year ago#Geto was actually my favourite character in that one JJK fanfic I read that I mention so often even if he had literally one scene#I know so much of the emotional turmoil and conflict in JJK and Gojo in particular depends on him#And you're telling me he's Thanos?#I learnt a few days ago that everything pretty much happens in one year. That there's one year between Geto's death and Gojo's#I thought it would be like ten years. Ten years of the act haunting him#But no? So it's not a broken teenager who has these ideas and is killed by another teenager to stop him?#It's a what? ~30yo man saying Light levels of stupidity? Even worse perhaps?#Goodness I hope this is not so. I hope this is better written than what I am seeing#Because goddammit I can't do it. It would kinda ruin every emotional scene from then on?#That one scene I was so looking forwards about patting Gojo's back or whatever. The one in which Gojo gets distracted. It just. I don't know#I won't be able to be moved if Geto doesn't work xD#I was fearing I wasn't going to like him a lot because my expectations were big but oh my god please not like this#This is way worse than I expected. Someone tell me he actually makes sense. What's the point of this whole political play#in which no one is fully wrong and no one is totally right otherwise? What is the point of the haunting. This feels just idiotic xD#And I don't care about the traumas and all that. That works for the teen not the ~30yo man#It would have worked if Gojo would have killed him like 1-2 years after everything not like a few months ago. Last winter#After like ten years a 30yo man should have realised this plan sucks.#Even if it's utilitarian. Who is going to make clothes? Buildings? Streets and railways? Bread??? Go have a talk with Nanami please#We have been told there are not a lot of jujutsu sorcerers. How are you going to fulfill all those needs out of nothing?#And even if it were little by little so the needs could be getting fulfilled little by little too#If you decimate humans won't that cause more curses? I guess he's thinking on the long run but still this plan seems like a mess#I hope it makes more sense than it's looking it will make because of my god this would truly be the last nail on the coffin xD#I am being more and more tempted to get to Utahime and then just drop this. This is breaking my heart xD#It could be soooo good and it always almost is#And then. AND THEN. Abfksbfndbfkan#Jen pick me up. Come solve this. I am scared xD#I talk too much
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yuri-puppies · 3 months
ok, i have two advisory meetings this week (first one tomorrow) so i have to be able to say truthfully that i've been working on my final papers,
i'm placing another fandom writing ban on myself. no original posts, no commenting, no long tag metas, no headcanoning/plotting/brainstorming, and most importantly no lavander fabru au
my main goal for today is to get the outline for Paper 1 done
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suikascribbles · 1 year
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Historia ver. Yachiyo transparent! A labor of love over several days, here she is in all her glory
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dramavixen · 1 year
are producers the clowns for approving subpar endings or am i the clown for expecting more
**Spoilers for:
Love Like the Galaxy (China, 2022)
The Red Sleeve (South Korea, 2021)
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Late as I am to every bandwagon, I at last completed my first watch-through of Love Like the Galaxy a few days ago. For the past couple of weeks, I have done nothing but think about, consume, and breathe this story. At last, a show that was ticking all the boxes! I could tear myself free from this drama slump of mine!
This celebration lasted until I sat down with my parents to observe that thing the producers might call an "ending," but which sparked a frustration in me so severe that it triggered a post-COVID coughing fit, which in turn almost made me throw up. I couldn't comprehend it: was this the same show? Did I accidentally click on a parallel universe version where everyone's intelligence was operating 20% capacity?
Since I'd like to avoid making myself physically ill again, I'm not going to focus too much on how logic abruptly becomes an imaginary concept throughout the last two episodes. At least all that did was make me angry. What I can't accept is that they use that lack of logic to curse our leads with the most careless of reconciliations.
To alleviate my distress, we're going to perform an investigation. A deduction, if you will, of precisely what the ending was lacking, and utilizing a case study of how to conclude a story in both a fitting and compelling manner.
An unresolved misery
In recent years, my tolerance for male leads' misbehavior has plummeted down into the core of the earth. You could say that after years of being brainwashed by media into excusing male characters' questionable actions due to how much they "love" their partners, I'm taking back my common sense. So when faced with Zisheng's killing spree while armed with the knowledge that a "happy ending" was endgame, I anticipated how the writers would close such an abyssal rift in the leads' relationship. And the result was...well, not all that worth it.
If you need a memory refresh or you're reading this without fear of spoilers (godspeed), the conclusion of LLTG sees Shaoshang being kidnapped multiple times by people who she knows don't hold good intentions, but she goes along with them anyway. Don't ask why (the answer is so Zisheng can swoop in to rescue her). Some needlessly dramatic things lead to Shaoshang assuming for a few seconds that Zisheng has died in an explosion. But lo and behold! Here he comes, emerging unscathed from the ordeal. She flies into his arms and forgives him. Then they run off and save China, because it's not a historical C-drama until they do.
By the time we got to the fire/explosion scene, my mental state had already been reduced to a pulp. Therefore, to write this piece, I had to rewatch that part and make sure I was getting all the details right. It shocked me into a second round of holding my head to prevent my brain from ejecting itself as it sought to escape this reality.
(Also, I have to take a moment here to demand justice for He Zhaojun. They leave a pregnant woman on the floor after dragging her out of a fire, while she's having contractions, so they can instead take the time to hold a premature mourning session for Zisheng. Guys, it's not the end of the world if you don't have a brain. But please don't throw away your conscience.)
However the writers did it, it still counts as a happy ending. Such a conclusion should come as a relief, so why do I find it so hard to come to terms with? Let's rewind a tad.
Both Shaoshang and Zisheng grew up under grim circumstances, their identities subjecting them to emotional and social turmoil. But while they share a similar internal struggle, they must deal with it in opposing ways. Shaoshang opens herself up to anyone who shows her true kindness, desperate for someone to accept her for who she is. On the other hand, Zisheng can only isolate himself from everyone, unable to reveal his true self due to both political and personal interests.
Their eventual parting is unavoidable. Shaoshang is moved by Zisheng's unwavering love for her. Can't blame her all that much; just look at him. But the closer she gets, the more Zisheng fears dragging her into his mess of a life, and the more he pulls away. When Zisheng chooses vengeance over love, he's already crossed Shaoshang's bottom line several times by refusing to share his troubles whenever she asked—the irony being that he once scolded her for keeping things to herself.
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ZS: If, one day, they really intend to kill you, would you not tell me then, either? Shaoshang, exactly who do you take me for? Why must you always act on your own, and not trust me? SS: It is not that I do not want to trust you. I simply— ZS: You simply do not care about me. After betrothing you, I would frequently think about how great it would be if I could become your confidant and anchor. You could tell me about all of your fears and loneliness. I do not wish to control you. All I hope is that you can be honest with me. But how is it that your heart never warms toward me?
I see that Zisheng is a loyal believer of the "do as I say, not as I do" doctrine.
While it's initially funny to look back on the above scene in context, it's quite sad once you mull over it more. Zisheng's desire to know Shaoshang's troubles is rooted in a concern for her safety that is both emotional and practical in nature. When Shaoshang later applies that same thinking on him, the tables have turned completely. Zisheng is now aware that few situations are simple enough to be resolved just by being honest with someone else. And if the problem is severe enough, doing so may only aggravate it further.
From his perspective, telling Shaoshang would mean ruining her and her family's lives by association. Not to mention, she herself swore that she would stay with him through everything. So if he dies as a result of carrying out his revenge, the possibility of her dying solidifies itself as an inevitability. Leaving her behind is the one method he has to ensure that he alone would suffer the consequences.
Like it or not, it's hard to blame either of them for the end of their relationship. Is Zisheng wrong to keep Shaoshang in the dark? Arguably yes, arguably no. But is Shaoshang justified in her anger about being kept in the dark? Absolutely.
While we can be reasonably upset that post-timeskip Shaoshang possesses none of the outspoken nature of her teenage self, her lingering depression is the most realistic result of everything that happens. She has tried repeatedly to find her place in the world, yet arrives at nothing but failure every time. Not to mention, she suffers from an inferiority complex that intensifies the ache of each and every rejection. She isn't unfamiliar with being abandoned, but Zisheng doing it to her is the final straw that breaks her. The coffin her family was preparing for her didn't go to waste—the moment that Zisheng turned his back on her, he killed a part of her. Meanwhile, Zisheng becomes a corpse with a pulse, someone who only continues to breathe so he can regret what he has done.
When you delve into how much Zisheng hurt Shaoshang and himself, it becomes clear that a Michael Bay explosion shouldn't have been the answer to their problem. After the timeskip, the issue at hand should be less about her forgiving him than it is about each of them needing to redeem parts of themselves that they lost to the circumstances. That's why their interactions at this point are so painful to watch. Every word, every look, every movement brims with love for the other person, but they are both shells of their former selves that cannot move on.
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No words for the above; too busy sobbing as they each individually accept that they'll never experience true happiness again.
As a viewer, you know that Shaoshang accepting him at this point would be an objectively bad idea. But it's also hell to watch two people, both overly accustomed to suffering, walk away from the person who brought them the greatest joy in their life. That's the art of tragedy, flourishing before us in a quiet, leaden fog. And they killed it in a bloom of gunpowder, of all things?
The beauty in tragedy
To say that a tragic ending is inherently superior to a happy one would be a pretentious fallacy. At the same time, a forced happy ending will feel unstable enough that the slightest of questions will cast it into doubt. The genre of an ending is irrelevant. It only matters that the ending is the right one.
So should LLTG have ended with the leads parting ways for good? To find the answer, I want to first dig into a successful example of tragedy. For that, let's look to our dearest, our legendary, our precious: The Red Sleeve.
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Similar in premise to LLTG, TRS features a female lead with independent thinking and a dream for freedom, faced with a man of high social status who goes about chasing her in a way that flaunts his power. The stakes are higher in TRS since the man in question will one day be king, but the highlight of the show is the same as in LLTG: you bounce back and forth between hoping that she ends up with him and praying to any god that exists that she runs far, far away from him. You can't really win.
One day I'd love to write a thorough analysis on the amazing character that is Sung Deok-Im, but for our current purposes I'll focus on the nature of her ending. TRS is roughly based on history, and a quick Google search when you begin the drama will inform you that our female lead is fated to die at 33 years old—only a few years after she is "promoted" from gungnyeo to Yi San's consort. As a result, you spend much of the drama battling the lurking dread of how her death comes about.
A few months after her young son passes away, Deok-Im falls ill and dies. The unborn child in her womb follows her. Yi San is beside her as Deok-Im slips away, and her dying wish is cruel but fair: should they meet again in another life, she begs Yi San to pass her by. Only then can she choose to live a free life, full of choices, which was all she had wanted until she fell in love with him.
While watching LLTG, my emotions mirrored those I endured through TRS. Both dramas force you to get to know the female lead as someone who wants to be herself, a baffling idea in the face of a society where women's primary identities are those associating them with someone else: daughters, wives, sisters, mothers. Yet she continues to harbor hope that she can control her own life, even as she falls in love with a man whose station will certainly snuff out that possibility. The saving grace in LLTG is that Zisheng is not a part of the royal family, and even then Shaoshang goes through her fair share of frustration. TRS on the other hand...even if you haven't seen it, you can likely guess what happens.
The biggest tragedy in TRS is not that Deok-Im dies young. It's the despair that trickles through every part of you as she transforms from a free-spirited, boisterous young woman into an obedient consort whose every word and movement is straight out of the books of etiquette, who isn't permitted her own feelings or thoughts in the face of the country's interests. History may not share the specifics behind how the consort actually died, but the drama all but tells you that depression played a major role. By the end of the drama, Deok-Im hasn't existed for a while. She dies as Royal Noble Consort Ui.
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I wonder what I have gained by being in this place, and what I have lost.
I cry inconsolably whenever I see this expression of acceptance and resignation on her face as she sends off her friends and her former self, knowing full well that she has caged herself into a life of sadness so she can be with the one she loves—a man whose first priority can never be her.
But oh, no; our suffering doesn't end there. Yi San lives on after her, looking after his country while carrying the lingering pain of Deok-Im's death. At one point, he retrieves her belongings and appears stunned by her gungnyeo clothing:
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It is so small. Were you always so small? Yet, I loved you.
In Yi San’s memory, Deok-Im was a person of great stature. What she may have lacked in social position, she more than made up for in personality. Her tenacity made her appear so strong that only in hindsight does Yi San understand just how vulnerable she was.
Yi San is also someone to be pitied. When we watch palace dramas, it's easy to say that the king's consorts have it far worse than the king. They fight over a man in order to survive, and arguably their sacrifices are greater in number and magnitude. But it's egregious to host a competition of suffering, and you can't deny that Yi San himself leads an unfortunate life. In the cold isolation of the palace, Deok-Im gives him warmth and company. It's no wonder that he wishes to have her by his side, but he is still willing to let her go when she pushes him away.
Almost every other palace drama would have you turning up your nose at the king or emperor's so-called "love" for one of the women in his harem. TRS leaves no room for such doubt. The throne takes away Yi San's ability to choose, and ultimately his ability to wholeheartedly love someone. Even so, Yi San holds Deok-Im so dear that you might want to blame him for how she ends up, but it's hard. Really, really hard. (For anyone interested and who hasn't already, I highly recommend reading the actual history behind this drama. Dude was so in love that it physically hurts.)
In the final scene, he reunites with Deok-Im in the afterlife. At last, they are together and without all the frills and chains of royalty tying them down.
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Many years have passed, and at times, I was not certain myself. Do I truly miss you, or do I simply glorify the past? Now I know. I missed you, and I missed the time that I spent with you. [...] Now I understand that we do not have much time. And we do not have the luxury to wait. So, love me. Please. Love me.
I'm always scared to watch the last episode because I just spend the full hour and a half bawling until I can't breathe. Taking these few screenshots was truly a test of my entire being.
So what makes a good tragedy? Tragedy is not "bad things happen." It's "bad things may have happened, but I wouldn't have chosen any differently." When Deok-Im becomes Yi San's consort, it isn't because he keeps her there. She chooses to stay. She loves the prospect of freedom, but she just loves Yi San more. It's awful, it hurts, and it's perfect.
What could have been
We've taken a slight detour, but have at last arrived back at the topic of: how should LLTG have ended?
If given the choice between Shaoshang and Zisheng being together and them not being together, I would obviously choose the former while beating the latter into a permanent nonexistence. With any degree of empathy, you can't watch two people suffer as Shaoshang and Zisheng do, then turn around and wish for their continued misfortune and loneliness. So although I'll concede that it would have easily made for a fantastic tragedy like TRS, I can't bear to say that it should have been one. But if the writers want to go for the non-obvious happy ending, it still has to follow the progression of things.
The current problem is this: Zisheng abandoned Shaoshang and scorned her trust in him. We're now in a position where Shaoshang has the decisive say in whether the relationship can be revived.
LLTG's primary focus has always been Shaoshang. Though multifaceted, her personality and motivations are pretty straightforward. Each time she suffers is a result of her lack of agency. She had no choice in her parents leaving her as an infant, no choice in her poor upbringing, no choice in agreeing to marry Zisheng. Even when she gave up Lou Yao, was that truly a result of her volition alone? For someone whose greatest enemy is helplessness, what matters most is maintaining her own free will.
Through this lens, each time Shaoshang asks Zisheng if he has something to tell her, not only is she asking him to trust in her as his equal, she wants him to let her decide to stay with him. Zisheng turning her away scars her so deeply because it's the same thing as telling her, "I don't care what you want to do." He's drawing a line while taking away from her the power to choose—the one thing she's told him repeatedly matters to her.
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SS: I used to hate you for abandoning me. I hated that you acted on your own. I hated that you would rather leap from a cliff than walk alongside me. I hated that I loved you so truly, whereas you told me lie after lie. It has been five years. It was not easy to let go of all of this. I can no longer give away my heart or trust again. ZS: I am sorry. Regardless of what choice you make, I will respect it. These last few years in the Northwest, not a day went by where I was not filled with remorse. I know you. I knew completely that you feared being abandoned. Yet I still chose to harm you in the way that would hurt you the most. In the first twenty years of my life, I lived in hatred. And for the rest of my life, I will live in remorse. If I could, I would tear my heart from my chest to show you. But I know I no longer have that right.
"A married couple exists as one entity." Such is what the drama emphasizes time and again, but what does that mean? Not that one party is in automatic agreement with the other. It's about learning to reach compromises and understanding what's important to the other person. When you don't give your partner their say in that conversation, then what relationship is there to be had?
That is why Shaoshang's unwavering desire for individual opinion matters even more after entering a relationship, and why she still struggles to come to terms with what Zisheng has done. She doesn't blame him. She doesn't want him to beg for forgiveness. After everything she's been through, she just can't put herself in the same vulnerable position again. And he's learned to fully respect her opinion, which means that he has to let her go.
TRS's ending works for the simple reason that it remains true to the characters and their motivations. The tragedy isn't there to make us sad, it's just where the story was always going to find itself. This is why we as viewers hate the ending, but we wouldn't have wanted it written any other way—to do so would be betraying Deok-Im and Yi San.
But when you look LLTG, it gives you a very weak argument for Shaoshang and Zisheng's reconciliation. In front of you are two people whose love for one another could not run any deeper, yet there are legitimate obstacles to their relationship. Shaoshang needs to relearn trust and feel respected. Zisheng's conflict mimics that of Yi San's; as much as he may regret the past, there is nothing about it that can be changed. That regret is something that has to be addressed. (Of course, in Yi San's case, that was addressed through his death. So maybe not that for Zisheng, if you please.)
I can see where the writers attempt to cure Zisheng's remorse, but come on now. They stage a bizarre speech for him where he denounces his previous actions, like a child being punished by his parents and being forced to write a 200-word essay reflecting on his wrongdoings, and while they're being held in the most asinine hostage situation ever known to man. He seriously proclaims that he should have walked the honorable path instead of opting for vigilante justice.
This entire scene was a nauseating roller coaster, but that last part threw me for a major loop. Sir, the only reason you can say that so shamelessly is because your soon-to-be wife found evidence after you killed the guy. Are you really going to stand there with a straight face as you tell me that you regret how you killed the man who you watched murder your father, and who brought about the horrific deaths of your entire family? There was no other option at the time. Of course you had to kill him. It was as much a personal vendetta as it was political. No one likes what happened after that, but those are consequences that should be dealt with separately. Also, Shaoshang's qualms aren't rooted in you killing the guy, they're rooted in you killing him and then trying to kill yourself, all without taking her desires into consideration.
And just as I was thinking the above, the next thing that happened on-screen: Shaoshang turns to him with an expression that says, ah, so he's learned his lesson! Oh...my goodness.
Hi, ma'am? Question. What exactly is more emotionally persuasive about this weird declaration now than when he laid his heart out that night when you wished one another well and said goodbye? Is it because he almost explodes afterward? In the five years he spent out on the battlefield, was he not always in danger of exploding, or being stabbed, or being tortured to death, etc.? Did he not almost die saving you from falling off a cliff two days prior? Why didn't you waver then, especially since it should remind you of, you know, the other time that he jumped off a cliff?
During the scene where she runs to him after discovering he miraculously is not dead, a severe suspicion came over me that perhaps they inhaled so much smoke that they were no longer thinking straight.
A solid happy ending was clearly a possibility. Even if they wanted to go with the above nonsense, could we not also have had a moment where they admit to one another that while overcoming their pain will be difficult at first, being apart from one another for eternity would be much more painful? That nothing in life is easy, but it will be easier with each other? That that commitment is what makes a married couple a single entity, and they just want to commit to each other? Then they can go off and save China, whatever.
They deserved an ending that had me rejoicing that these two are finally, finally, finally on the same wavelength. It should have been more introspective and more considerate of Shaoshang's hurt and Zisheng's regret. Their psychological wounds are instead dismissed through an absurd monologue in a basement and the arbitrary realization that death is lurking around every corner.
The hilarious part is that in the last two episodes, even the actors are noticeably less enthusiastic. In their performances, I see essences of how I feel when a client requests edits to a design that will make it significantly uglier. You gotta do what you gotta do to pay the bills.
Sigh. I could forever grieve what could have been, but this is still one of my favorite dramas. Characters that feel like real people, relationships that make your heart hurt. Those should be common sense in media but are hard to come by in reality, and I'll continue to appreciate what LLTG gave me.
All I really want from the drama industry is for it to please, for the love of our collective sanities, stop thinking that "happy" endings are a valid shortcut to satiating an audience. Good tragic endings are difficult to write, yes, but good happy endings are not any easier. To underestimate that is to let down the story and characters that were so painstakingly brought to life in the first place.
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kitnita · 9 months
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@moregraceful 'bryce shot him a text this morning' 'i see bryce harper got ahold of him' is this not basically where your head was at just Sooner
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zestials · 6 months
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general ramblings about zee & how he operates.
while zestial has some level of fucky - wucky morals , they heavily rely on the kind of respect that was so deeply embedded into him in his time alive. ( albeit without the blatant misogyny of the time period , zestial drinks respect women juice. ) meaning , he doesn't give all that much of a shit what sins have been committed but how one acts towards him ( or by extension , those he cares heavily for / his domain or souls under his protection ) he doesn't even particularly care if you don't like him , but if you can show him respect you'll usually get the same in return --- ** if you are on his level or higher.
he doesn't work without reason , but zestial's still a demon overlord , he makes deals , he's been collecting souls for centuries. he's charismatic & polite , you want to tell him things ! ( that is , if you get past the looming unknown threat of his general presence !!! )
but if you aren't of use for him / don't interest him ( or aren't associated in some way with someone who does , i.e. he wouldn't go randomly targeting those at the hotel since their associations with the morningstar family / alastor , etc. ) or you cross him , he has no problem decimating you for his own entertainment. on the flip side , if you stay out of his way & don't poke & prod him , you're usually fine. he has ensured however that his reputation stays a bit more ambiguous to keep the fear he's instilled very much alive. ( if he has to make the occasional spectacle , oh well ! he does love his theatrics & can be undeniably petty / also hold a grudge for a long , long time. )
so in this vein , while zestial doesn't particularly like the vees , it's moreso about their general attitude / actions he deems " tasteless " so publicly. but also the reason he'll gravitate more towards dealing with vox rather than vel or val for the more respectful showmanship , doesn't matter if it's sincere or not.
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romanceyourdemons · 1 year
i was trying to remember what movie had a scene where a harmless old man strips to reveal the most hugely and grotesquely muscled body i’ve ever seen, like buff iroh but live action and infinitely more disturbing, and i knew as i did that the knowledge i sought would only hurt me but i continued seeking nonetheless, and then when it finally clicked that the scene was from ichi the killer (2001) i was overwhelmed with memories of the visuals like a cosmic horror protagonist schmuck overwhelmed with eldritch knowledge
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auroradicit · 3 months
@backwaterscum said: handhold emoji | send 👫 for four headcanons about our muses' relationship
I just know these two are going to end up adopting okay I just know it. semi-officially or not. it takes a village is especially true in the post-apocalypse, I'm not putting any money down on a traditional family dynamic. but I think about the two of them helping raise little hellions and I lose my shit. breaking the cycle. kids getting to be kids even in the dark times. but also those are the strongest kids on god's remaining green earth. every time I think about daryl with a kid on his shoulders and sabi with one holding her around the middle I am changed as a person.
sharing clothes. sharing weapons. daryl being familiar enough with sabi's rig that he can get her in and out of it practically with his eyes closed, can pull a knife from one of her holsters without either of them blinking. he already made her bow with his own hands. they barely have to share a glance for her to throw him one of her rifles in an emergency. two knives under their pillows. doesn't matter who grabs which. they take what's mine is yours to an almost eerie and occasionally disgusting level.
hm. jumping off of the above. daryl being badly injured and them having to risk giving him a transfusion. sabi's probably also a little scraped up but will literally physically fight anyone who tries to stop her from being the one to donate. idk if daryl has a canon blood type or if you've given him one but the symbolism of one or both of them being O- is so. it could only be you and also for daryl especially I am built to give. no one bothers to try and separate them afterwards and sabi falls asleep with her head on his chest listening to the pulse of their blood in his veins.
when they fight, it freaks everyone right the hell out. but they're also such a "never go to bed angry"-coded couple. sure, they can sleep separately. but they've basically pavloved themselves into feeling safe enough to rest when they're touching or at least nearby each other, so they tend to end up splitting up to cool off and coming back to each other in the middle of the night. sometimes they're able to talk it out. sometimes they're still mad at each other in the morning. not sure exactly where I'm going with this one but it sure is a vibe.
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me 🤝 you
knowing too much about shannons old keeper art
sorry shannon but I'm about to put you on blast for a moment:
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she doesn't say that these are drawings of Fitz. but I'm pretty sure they're intended to be? and on the one hand, it's very cool to have art from the author themself because you can't really get more accurate/authentic than that, you know? but on the other I think he's staring into my soul
this one is definitely fitz though
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not bad!
this Dex (and yes, it's confirmed Dex) however, has me questioning whether i know who Dex is at all:
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(shannon drew this before he was even on the cover)
this one isn't keeper it's just cute though:
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but not at ALL what I'd expect from her. it doesn't seem like any of her styles, so when I saw it I did a double take.
Anyway! you can find so many things when you go through shannon's instagram. and also her facebook. fun to see what people posted a decade ago compared to now, how it's changed :)
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thetimelordbatgirl · 5 months
Watching a video on the woman who cleans graves on tiktok and oh my god, the inner used-to-walk-around-graveyards-when-visiting-dad-at-work is coming out of me in a bad way because holy shit, stop using products that will erode the grave stones faster??? Stop doing so many product placements while talking about someone whose dead??? Stop asking so many weird questions like, 'was she pretty?'??? Like, it'd be one thing if she was being respectful and using products that don't fuck up the grave stones chances further and actually not promoting other products and even her own, but she is only seemingly respectful to graves belonging to people who did stuff like fire fighter duties, everyone else just gets no respect.
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monsterhugger · 1 year
fr if you're interested in urban exploration but you're lowkey scared of getting arrested go into engineering. spent all day today in a semi-abandoned office building/warehouse that was half-renovated into a haunted house before the city shut it down
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jensensitive · 1 year
the idea of a kripke spn continuation manages to give me anxiety every day, i wish i was normal
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spring-lxcked · 10 months
like half-asleep and abt to genuinely sleep and yet thinking abt giving in and giving william a movie verse even tho i know literally the only difference will be his kid(s) lmao
#—— ✧ ooc »#.tbd.#i've been against it mostly because i think by the time i adjust the verse to my liking it'll just. be game canon fkjdhfjas#like: i'm not a fan of him 'controlling the animatronics somehow' for example#but that singular change makes a large part of the movie entirely different#like the ending wouldn't have happened That Way because my william genuinely fears the haunted animatronics#claims otherwise obv but they both intrigue and terrify him#he won't face them during their active hours w/o thinking he's safe ( me when dumbass still gets springl.ocked )#i'm thinking i'm thinking... but yeah if i make him a movie verse i'll come up with a Default AU for it#and then me and anybody else can plot stuff out as needed if they don't vibe with it#def a request-only verse tho#should note i'm a major fan of the whole 'mike's blacked out his real memories & actually is an af.ton' tho#both because he'll always be an af.ton in my heart AND because his memories were KDSHFSDFHDSJLA#sorry but i can't explain it. they screamed fake so hard i was shocked when there wasn't a Big Reveal.#like why were his memories like that. why is your family Generic Good Family Number 1. what is going on.#like to be clear if it was intentional it was really good lmao#ANYWAY 'would your william stab van.essa' if we're talking abt movie canon w/ her as his daughter? ehhhhhhhhhh#like in that exact scenario maybe but also he wouldn't be in that scenario if that makes sense#by and large i stand by my portrayal being unwilling to kill his kids pre-springlo.ck incident#like he's a real bastard but part of that is him believing he can always Pull Them Back To Him No Matter What#ANYWAY GOODNIGHT#will maybe rb this in the morning with more thoughts
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