#It&039;s The Squeeze
senorboombastic · 4 months
a/s/l: Dog Race
Remember the days of the old schoolyard? Remember when Myspace was a thing? Remember those time-wasting, laborious quizzes that everyone used to love so much? Birthday Cake For Breakfast is bringing them back!  Every couple of weeks, an unsuspecting band will be subject to the same old questions about dead bodies, Hitler, crying and crushes.   This Week: Off the back of releasing their…
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lushuponatime · 5 months
Big Squeeze Bath Bomb from Lush
The Big Squeeze Bath Bomb is a brand-new, limited-edition product from Lush’s 2024 Valentine’s Day line.Valentine’s day is traditionally celebrated with your romantic partner, but this year Lush have made several products that cater to a celebration of love in general, love for your friends, love for your family, all things LOVE.Big Squeeze is a two coloured, heart shaped bath bomb; One side is…
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periodicinspiration · 9 months
Foliage Collage
Foliage collage Early autumn in New England is like watching the pure pigments squeezed fresh from the tube directly onto an artist’s pallet – visitors from the cadmium family of greens, yellows, oranges and reds.
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hannahecareyauthor · 1 year
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Conor had dismounted and Rhiannon’s eyes widened as she realized two men were hefting the body of a man in their arms. A dead man, Rhiannon realized as her eyes fell on the rope around the man’s neck. Bruises littered the man’s body and dried blood covered his wounds.
The muscles in Conor’s neck had tightened as he hurried over to the two villagers. Brynn dismounted, Finn and Rhiannon following. Rhiannon hung back from the disturbing sight of the man’s mutilated body as they drew closer.
“Ri Conor,” the older looking of the two villagers said with a solemn nod as Conor came to stand before them.
“What happened?” Conor asked, his jaw clenched.
“Otho’s men came through last night,” the man answered. “They demanded to know the whereabouts of The Hunter. When no one would tell them, they hanged Fergal after beating him senseless. Took his wife and daughter to Clogwyn for Spirits knows what.”
A hard look came into Conor’s eyes and he took a deep breath before he responded. “I will not forget the loyalty and the sacrifice of the people of Sruth when this conflict is over.”
Conor beckoned for Finn to come help with the body and as he stepped forward to join Conor, Rhiannon felt her stomach turn, her eyes locked on the body of the dead man. Fergal, she reminded herself as she stared at the heavy bruising around his neck, who had a wife and daughter.
“Excuse me,” Rhiannon mumbled before she backed away from the horses.
She made it to the side of the road, stumbling through the fallen snow before she dropped to her knees and retched. Her whole body shook and tears streamed from her eyes as she squeezed them shut. How long had she believed Stelios’ lies and justifications while others suffered at Kelnore’s hands?
Celtic inspired epic romantic fantasy with Robin Hood vibes, enemies to lovers, found family, a broody outlaw king, a lost heir, wolves, and low spice romance. Get the eBook for FREE!
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vheartsblog · 2 years
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lahikmajoe · 2 years
Tell me another story about baseball...oh, the humanity
Tell me another story about baseball…oh, the humanity
Everytime I go to a conference, storytelling is a forum people are attracted to. It’s a human condition. Our brains shut off if you feed me too much theory, but if you tell me a story? I’m all ears. Both in our private lives & in business, storytelling is a powerful tool. We know this. Teaching about baseball in a Cultural Studies class When I had one of my first Cultural Studies courses,…
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healthnaturalguide · 6 years
Squeezing Old Man's Pimple
Squeezing Old Man’s Pimple
A Huge Pimple Popping Video By Dr Pimple Popper http://viralodity.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Squeezing-pimple-cyst-boilzit-Брызгающий-прыщ.mp4
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shoutoutwoofwoof · 4 years
Why Is Everyone Talking About Sergeant's Flea And Tick Squeeze On For Dogs? | Sergeant's Flea And Tick Squeeze On For Dogs
Why Is Everyone Talking About Sergeant’s Flea And Tick Squeeze On For Dogs? | Sergeant’s Flea And Tick Squeeze On For Dogs

Takata will be suitable to anamnesis addition 35 to forty actor airbags, on the top of 28.8 actor already recalled, in a pastime generic to aftermost capable-bodied into 2019. 
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Amazon | Sergeant’s Flea And Tick Squeeze On For Dogs
The recalled units have been fabricated with ammonium nitrate propellant however after a actinic dehydration agent. That lets in damp to, through the years, abase and…
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memoshibu · 7 years
Was Shibuya-kei just a watered-down version of the Japanese avant-garde?
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Well, what if it was? What if “Shibuya-kei” wasn’t a unique movement at all, but instead was just a defanged copy of Japanese alternative? Could this be?!!! (more…)
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1,219.) Sat Apr. 4, 2020
‪The Song of the Day is: Aimee Mann - “One”(1995)‬ ‪#SongoftheDay #musicblog #parenting #journal @aimeemann #aimeemann #harrynilsson #threedognight #cover #Magnolia #one #birthday #birthdayinquarantine #HearTodayGrownTomorrow Support the Blog - Click Below‬
Babygirl’s First Birthday! The Song of the Day is:
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Aimee Mann – “One” From the tribute album For the Love of Harry – Everybody Sings Nilsson (1995)
One is the loneliest number that you’ll ever do Two can be as bad as one It’s the loneliest number since the number one
Harry Nilsson
*K.’s Pick
Happy birthday to our family’s newest member, affectionately known on this blog as “Babygirl”. Our little…
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vheartsblog · 2 years
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The thudded crackling echo of the BR55 Heavy Barrel Service Rifle’s three round burst tore through the densely populated forest. SPARTAN - 039 readjusted his aim and fired again. Three high-powered rounds, on target, bore violently into the towering alien’s right eye. A hulking beast of tight leathery muscle, resembling the pterosaurs of the ancient Jurassic, had ambushed the SPARTAN in the middle of a reconnaissance mission. Now they were locked in a battle for survival. 039’s heavy boots crushed the thick shrubbery below as he ran diagonally right from the alien’s position - cutting off the enemy’s move to reposition. He fired two more consecutive bursts from the battle rifle, but the rounds did little in the way of damaging the surprisingly tough hide of the creature.
: “Achelois, got anything on this guy?” : The SPARTAN asked with a measured voice. :: “If I knew anything, don’t you think I would have mentioned it by now?” :: The AI’s usual stale tone filtered through on the SPARTAN’s inner comm system.
He grit his teeth, stopped and planted his feet firmly. Instinctively the battle rifle had already been drawn up and ready to fire, but before he could squeeze the trigger the Neo Dino drew its tattered wings forward with tremendous force and speed. The weapon fired only for the bullets to be embedded in the thick webbing of the right wing. Broken branches and debris - ripped free by the torrential gust - came hurtling toward 039 and bounced cleanly off of his own sturdy build. He had failed, however, to notice that the beast hadn’t done this to protect itself but instead to distract him. 
From around the tree nearest to his left came the massive spear-pointed end of its monstrous tail. Even with his super enhanced reaction speed - it was too late. Almost immediately the dull point crashed into his left side, just above the hip. Comparable almost to the force of a bundle of frags going off all at once - the blow tossed the half ton of Isaac’s, modified MJOLNIR Mk VI Armor encased, body like a play thing and through a handful of heavy trees.
Approximately eleven meters from where he had been standing the SPARTAN - II supersoldier found himself splayed out and sunken into the fertile ground of Corvus III. Without a moment’s rest his foe was already falling upon him. The Neo Dino hung in the air, head drawn back and a fiery light soon escaped from the gaps in its terrifying mouth. No doubt charging the same nova-like bomb which had begun their encounter. That first blast had momentarily drained his suit’s energy shields and left his armor charred entirely black.
:: “Now would be a good time to move, dammit.” :: Achelois’ words still came in that stale tone, but he could tell they were filled with a venomous spite.
He hadn’t needed Achelois’ words of ‘encouragement’ though; already he scrambled to his feet knowing another big hit like that and he was done, and SPARTAN’s were never done. The battle rifle was no longer in his hands and nowhere to be seen, but he couldn’t think about that, and at this point it didn’t even matter. Racing out in a full on sprint he closed the distance between them in a second. Directly below the giant now he kept his body moving dead on, aiming for the large boulder cluster just ahead.
039 jumped, propelling himself with all the power the Mk VI armor could output. The Neo Dino was quick and it was smart; calculating for the SPARTAN’s break for safety it launched the nova directly below itself an instant before he took to the air. As the fiery sphere of explosive energy touched down it easily ate through the heavy green vegetation. It erupted leaving only destruction in its wake, felling even the oldest trees in a five meter radius, but this fight was still far from over.
:: “You’ll have to get in close if you want to kill that thing.” :: The AI offered resentfully. :: “Fighting from range didn’t do us any good.” ::
: “Yeah…” :
Crouched down against the other side of the boulders, he had managed to reach safety - only the armored plates on the back of his legs had received minimal damage. However, he had over-strained his body after subjecting it to the full power of the MJOLNIR so unexpectedly, and in turn he had suffered two minor fractures to the femur of his right leg. The injuries came up on the Heads-Up-Display, on his helmet’s visor, for him to inspect. With a simple thought he pushed the medical reports aside and the layer of hydrostatic gel, in his suit, tightened around the injured area forming a temporary brace.
A gauge at the top right of the HUD blinked and quickly filled, indicating his shields had replenished after being depleted by the hit which had sent him flying. Reaching for the secondary weapon mounted firmly to his back the SPARTAN moved to reposition around the rocks before his enemy came looking. Gripping the M90 Close Assault Weapon System (CAWS), a UNSC issue shotgun with immense stopping power, he knew what he’d have to do to take down the overgrown bird. He came around into the newly made clearing of smoldering ash and dirt; already facing him the alien stood as if it had been waiting. It seemed to challenge him as it belted out a shrill but guttural roar.
:: “I’ll watch for the tail, so go and take care of this thing, Isaac.” ::
He appreciated hearing the first helpful thing out of the AI, today, but the way she had used his name - it felt almost like he was being reprimanded. His muscles tensed, and before the other could make a move he charged into the fray. In an instant he was well within the M90’s most effective range and fired a three shot barrage of .35 caliber pellets. This time his assault proved effective. The pellets tore through the flesh of the enemy’s chest inflicting large gaping wounds.
The Neo Dino was obviously surprised by the SPARTAN’s upgrade in firepower. Its gushing wounds caused it to let out a feral shriek as it briefly withdrew from the pain. Trying to keep the SPARTAN from closing in he lashed out, clawing wildly with his large muscular forearms, but the armored soldier maintained its push forward - able to dodge most of the attacks and deflect the rest. 039 had come within a meter of his target that were the exposed wounds, inside of the alien’s defenses, and was about to loose another three shot volley, but as the barrel of the M90 became level the giant leapt into the air - its wings flapping carrying it further up.
Isaac took four shots at the creature as it ascended leaving him below. The first nearly exploded the monster’s abdomen, the grouping of the pellets being almost solid at close range. Blood, flesh and intestine splashed out and onto the ashen ground and his blackened armor. The pellets of the following shots fanned out leaving minor wounds across its legs and the base of the tail. The creature continued upward, further and further until he had to use his visor’s magnification view to see it.
This wasn’t the end though; he was sure of it, and so was Achelois as she urged him to stay on guard. He retreated into the forest, headed toward the gorge where this had all began. The density of the trees and the canopy of vines and branches would make being tracked by that thing difficult while he was left with no such disadvantage; the sensory technology and equipment housed in MJOLNIR kept track of the Neo Dino at all times - showing it as tiny red silhouette on a sonar type display on the bottom left corner of the HUD.
:: “I’ve pinged the ‘mongoose’. We’re one hundred thirty-eight meters out. :: Achelois paused then started again. :: “Tell me you’ve got a plan.” ::
: “Laser.” : Isaac said simply.
:: “You’ll only have one shot, you know.” :: She condescended.
There was no reply from 039; he only increased his pace moving as fast as he could through the dense woods. If he could get his hands on the M6 Grindell/Galilean Nonlinear Rifle, affectionately called the Spartan Laser, he could end that thing with one shot. All he needed was one shot, but that was also all he had. If he butchered it there would be no time to recycle the battery, and chances were things would get ugly all over again. 1349 Hours showed on the HUD. He had been in a firefight with that beast for seventeen long minutes. They both had suffered a number of injuries, but the worst of it was that Isaac wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep up such an intensive fight - something he could never admit to himself.
Harsh light filtered in onto the forest undergrowth from the edge of the woods that was fast approaching. The M274 Ultra-Light All-Terrain Vehicle (Mongoose) was stationed out at the cliff edge of the gorge - about thirty-three meters from the treeline. The beast had definitely followed him all the way here, guided by sound perhaps, but he was betting on it not having a fix on his exact position. Isaac had learned from the start of this that the monster was too dangerous to take on in open spaces where it could fly freely.
039 crossed the threshold into the open, not stopping for a second. He kept moving forward; the mongoose was in sight and the Spartan Laser mounted to the rear seat was almost in reach. He noticed then the red silhouette, marking his enemy, had slipped away and disappeared. There was no chance the beast had run away, but it had flown well beyond the range of his equipment. This didn’t change the plan.
Mounted on his shoulder the Spartan Laser let out a whining drone which only grew louder, increasing in pitch as the weapon built up its charge. Not a second later the creature’s silhouette appeared from the opposite direction as it had disappeared. 039 spun instantly to face it. It came in low, tracing the cliff edge, moving faster than ever before. It reached supersonic speeds and would be on him in a handful of seconds, but that wouldn’t matter - the Spartan Laser was ready to fire now.
:: “ABOVE!” :: The AI exclaimed with what seemed like genuine fear. Isaac had no time to think; he reacted solely on instinct - the instinct which had kept him alive all these years. At the sound of Achelois’ sudden warning he forced every fiber in his body to move, throwing himself up and over the mongoose and into the gorge. The immediate jolt threw the Spartan Laser off center; the red hot plasma-like beam erupted from the barrel. Instead of striking the monster directly the beam cleanly eliminated its left wing.
: “Damn it.” : He said under his breath, but as he fell the threat from above was revealed to him. Another of those explosive spheres, only this time several times larger, came shooting down toward where he had been. Releasing the Spartan Laser, he crossed his arms in front of him bracing for the impact.
Massive chunks of stone exploded into the air breaking into hundreds of smaller pieces. Dirt, sand and pulverized stone burst out into a solid cloud. The following shock wave slammed into the falling SPARTAN hurtling him down faster. Countless bits of debris showered 039 draining his energy shields in seconds.
:: “Incoming!” :: Achelois alerted him.
Before the SPARTAN could respond, the Neo Dino’s gnashing beak broke through the thick suffocating cloud. Its one remaining wing pulled back it dove rapidly, and in an instant the talons of its right hand were wrapped around him. The grip was incredibly tight and Isaac struggled to free his arms from the hold. Together they glided down the length of the gorge.
A massive opening was built into the cliff-face, an entrance to an ancient Forerunner installation and the objective of 039’s reconnaissance mission. It seemed this thing had also come for the installation. As they got near the beast flung out its hand as to throw the SPARTAN into the recesses of the opening, but Isaac had succeeded in forcing one arm free. Taking the combat knife attached to his left breastplate he drove the twenty-four centimeter blade into the monster’s wrist.
Free from the overpowering grasp 039 climbed quickly up onto the shoulders of the alien beast which flailed in hopes of bucking him off. It was time for this bird to die. Isaac took the combat knife and savagely drove it into the creature’s remaining eye. Unable to see, the beast lost control of itself and crashed into the metallic slabs which made up the entrance of the Forerunner installation.
Shrieking cries of frustration, fear, rage and pain echoed horrifically in the cavernous space. Isaac, who had ended up on top after they hit the ground, carefully walked over to the giant’s head. Its beak fully opened as the never ending wailing continued. An armored boot came crashing down on the left side hinge of the lower jaw. Muscle shredded as bone snapped and splintered under the stomping force of the SPARTAN.
Keeping the head pinned with his boot Isaac took hold of the lower beak - gripping tightly with both hands. He jerked quickly, once, up and away. The sinew of tendons audibly popped as the SPARTAN ripped the lower beak away. The only sound coming from the beast now was a frantic gurgling as blood pooled in its throat. With the beak thrown aside Isaac took the M6G pistol magnetically mounted to his right thigh and brought it up to the back of the monster’s throat aimed up into the brain case - he pulled the trigger firing the weapon ten times ensuring the brain would be obliterated.
The clang of the last spent casing dropping to the metallic floor, and scattering along, hung in the air as it was met with an uneasy silence. 039 slumped backwards and dropped to his left knee. Exhaustion cascaded over him in waves; the reading of his own vitals were all flashing ‘DANGER’ in his HUD, but they went unattended. A sharp piercing pain radiated through his right leg. Both of the fractures had developed into full breaks after he had stomped through the alien’s jaw. He was in poor condition, but he would live. : “Not today…” : He let out, with a deeply drawn sigh, in celebration of another victory.
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Harley-Davidson putting the squeeze on it's dealerships. Harley seeking $6.3 million from New Berlin, Janesville dealerships. Damn!! Iron Town dealership owner plans to sell
Harley-Davidson putting the squeeze on it’s dealerships. Harley seeking $6.3 million from New Berlin, Janesville dealerships. Damn!! Iron Town dealership owner plans to sell
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The Hottest New Biker Book of the Year “The New Age of Biking & Brotherhood” Now Available on Amazon and every major online book retailer. Buy Now
by Arthur Thomas
Harley-Davidson’s financing business is seeking nearly $6.3 million from the owner of dealerships in Janesville and New Berlin, alleging check and inventory fraud and breach of contract.
In addition, court records also show the owners…
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freenewstoday · 3 years
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New Post has been published on https://freenews.today/2021/04/04/doha-moto3-acosta-converts-pitlane-start-to-maiden-victory-by-0-039s/
Doha Moto3: Acosta converts pitlane start to maiden victory by 0.039s
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Acosta, along with six other riders, were slapped with pitlane starts for irresponsible riding in FP2 on Friday – but the Ajo KTM rookie carved through from nine seconds off the rest of the pack on lap one to score one of the most sensational wins in grand prix history.
Binder grabbed the holeshot off the line from sixth on the grid, the Petronas Sprinta Honda rider one of only a handful to gamble on the soft rear tyre.
In typical Moto3 fashion, the slipstream effect down the Losail circuit’s main straight meant the lead changed hands constantly as Binder shared first with the likes of Tatsuki Suzuki, Andrea Migno, Filip Salac, Gabriel Rodrigo, Jeremy Alcoba and Kaito Toba.
The lead group did not thin out as the race entered its later stages, where chaos ensued.
Binder was squeezed out wide by his team-mate John McPhee at Turn 1 on lap 11, dropping the South Africa to 14th, while Alcoba engaged with Tech3’s Ayumu Sasaki for the lead.
Andrea Migno blasted his Snipers Honda to the head of the pack at the start of the following tour, while team-mate Salac’s race came to an end following contact with with Sasaki at Turn 2 on the next lap.
Drama struck at Turn 1 at the start of lap 15 when Gresini’s Alcoba clattered into the rear of Binder and was thrown off his Honda, the bike smacking a helpless McPhee and taking him out of the race.
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Start action, Gabriel Rodrigo, Team Gresini Moto3 leads
Photo by: Gold and Goose / Motorsport Images
The incident and McPhee’s violent outburst in the gravel afterwards is currently under investigation.
Qatar GP winner Jaume Masia emerged from the chaos of lap 15 to lead on the following tour, while team-mate Acosta worked his way through the top 10 having worked his way from the pitlane.
Acosta led over the line to start the final lap and tried to pull away from Binder behind, though the Petronas Sprinta rider reeled him back in come the end of the tour.
The 16-year-old rookie nailed his run out of the final corner and claimed his first grand prix victory by just 0.039s from Binder.
Niccolo Antonelli completed the top three on the Avintia KTM, pipping Migno and Toba, while Aspar GasGas rookie Izan Guevara recovered from a heavy fall in warm-up to finish sixth.
Sasaki slipped to seventh at the chequered flag, with Ryusei Yamanaka (Prustel GP) heading Masia after the Ajo rider had contact with Rodrigo on the last lap.
Max Racing’s Romano Fenati also came from the pitlane to complete the top 10, while Rodrigo came away with 13th for Gresini after his clash with Masia.
Having served a double long lap penalty for a collision in the Qatar GP, Leopard rookie Xavi Artiga was taken down by Avintia’s Carlos Tatay late on.
Acosta now leads the championship by nine points over Binder heading to the Portuguese GP in two weeks’ time.
Doha Moto3 results – 18 laps
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