#It’s only fair
persisting · 1 month
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a man who doesn’t get to have an opinion on anyone’s relationships or well being within them, fyi! or on anything else for that matter.
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codeopod · 5 months
The Hells dispersed into their tent and began dropping all their gear near respective beds and taking shots from the bottles Ashton managed to scavenge. Weariness and heartbreak had begun to give way to a delirious happiness at seeing their old friend return.
“Dorian! There’s someone else you have to meet!” Laudna flourished excitedly, “Oh Pâté!” She called.
Just over her shoulder a creature popped into existence, wobbling and flapping the bat-like wings that barely kept it aloft. “Yes mum watcha’ need?”
Dorian was taken aback. “Oh my god! He’s alive? He’s real? That’s a real-thing?!”
“Oh ‘ello Dory! ’s been a while.” The bird skull turned to address him.
“Dorian. It certainly has, wow, did you get…bigger?”
“He’s a bit bigger, yeah.” Imogen added, dropping her head over Laudnas shoulder.
“Oh an’ these two!” Pâté flapped out to turn and gesture at them. “They finally forked the meat pie-if you know what I mean-“
“Pâté! You crude little pest.”
“-‘ey lock me in ma’ house at night now, gets awful scary with the noises ‘ey-“
Laudna brought her hands together like she was swatting a bug midair and Pâté yelped as his form squisheed and burst into black goo. “That’s quite enough of that.”
“Oh, well-I, congratulations you two, if I am understanding his…way with words…correctly?”
“We’re datin’ yeah.” Imogen couldn’t help but laugh.
“That’s wonderful! Honestly I thought you’d been secretly together this whole time.”
“You’re not the first to say that, actually.”
“I also have a wolf in my chest! Would you like to meet him?” Laudna bounced excitedly towards Dorian, who scrambled backwards.
“A what?! I-um sure?”
Dorian watched helplessly as a massive wolf literally burst out of Laudna’s chest. He held his bladder but took several steps back to keep his shoes free of ichor. “Oh, wow-you weren’t kidding, that is a very large dog.”
The thing was half rotten and only really had fur along its head and spine. Ghostly glowing mist drifted around it and seeped from the gapping wounds in its side. It gnashed its teeth as it turned to look at him. It’s eyes glowed a sickly green that was almost hypnotizing, only breaking away when Imogen whistled and it bounded happily over to sit at her heel.
“That’s a good boy.” She cooed and rubbed at his ears.
Laudna echoed his praises. “His name is Caviar, isn’t he gorgeous?”
“He certainly…suits your style!”
Orym joined them then, watching Dorians expressions carefully. “Guys, maybe let’s save some excitement for the morning?”
“Rest does sound nice, though I may not sleep.” Dorian admitted his face darkening, “…not after seeing that!” He tried to spin it as a joke but Orym’s frown deepened.
“You can bunk with me -and Fearne- if you want?”
“…I will admit, I have missed our cuddle piles.” Dorian smiled softly. The two men stared at eachother for an extended moment while Imogen and Laudna looked between them.
Laudna snickered but Imogen’s eyes sparkled with mischief as she pressed into Laudna’s side. “Well then, are you ready for bed, baby?” She purred just loud enough to be overheard. “We can leave the boys to their…cuddlin’.”
Dorian choked out a cough, his cheeks darkening. Laudna melted, twirling her hair around a finger and smiling a dopey grin. “We can have our own cuddle pile.”
“Of course.” Imogen grinned before rocking up on her toes and pulling Laudna into a soft kiss. The hound at their side jumped to his feet and did an excited twirl, tail wagging as his master sighed happily.
“I-uh- we should just-“ Dorian sputtered. Orym resisted an eye roll but smiled fondly at the pair. “Yeah, let’s go find Fearne.”
“I heard we’re kissing?” Fearne popped up behind them with a wine bottle in her hand. “It’s about time!”
Orym groaned into his hands, face heating.
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that-one-english-nerd · 4 months
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canon stevepop musical contents folks, who cheered⁉️⁉️
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Can we all just agree when Eloise demands Penelope tell Colin she’s Whistledown right then and there to give Pen some grace? Considering the woman has been in a romantic relationship with the man for the grand total of HALF A CARRIAGE RIDE.
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splendidnothings · 1 month
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Ultimate Spider-Man #11
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gokustits · 4 months
My future kids will learn about goku like I learned about Jesus
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generaltulip · 11 months
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I just wanna see him break a lot a little . Is that really asking for too much.
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
Sometimes I get frustrated because I want to ask you so many things about your AUs but my level of English gets in the way and I'm left speechless. (I'm a native Spanish speaker, I can understand written and spoken English, but when it comes to speaking/writing by myself I just, forget everything)
Speak in whatever language you’re more comfortable! Don’t feel like you have to speak English just because I do!! Talk to me in whatever language you want!
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cheese-water · 1 year
After today’s stream, I feel the need to say this to Ranboo again. Dude, I’m all for keeping my hopes down, but this is just getting crazy now.
YOU HAVE MADE IT. THIS IS REAL. Stop acting like this is all some sort of fluke when you got yourself here. No one is gonna be "disappointed" that Genloss wasn’t "officially nominated" or won an Emmy or whatever. WHO CARES AT THIS POINT?? This has already gone way beyond all of our expectations. Why be disappointed over just missing the target when it was already a long shot to begin with?
Throw a party. Get fast food. Make this the only thing you talk about for the rest of your life. I DO NOT CARE. But for god’s sake, Ranboo, revel in what you’ve accomplished in such a short amount of time. And at such a small scale generation loss is planned to be, it truly can only go up from here. Do you know how inspiring that is? You and what you create are an inspiration to so many people, including me.
Never ever forget that Genloss wasn’t nominated because of our promotion. It’s because of the hard work and dedication you and your team put into making generational loss a marvel to experience. Cause trust me, if it were garbage, I wouldn’t have written all those essays. NO ONE WOULD HAVE SHOWN UP TO THAT GODDAMN PANEL OF YOURS IF IT REALLY DID SUCK.
There’s nowhere to go from here but up. Generation Loss to the Moon, baby. I expect an "I kind of got nominated for an emmy" cake in one of your next streams. Candles and all. Please and thank you. :)
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aduckwithears · 11 months
Petition for a flashback set in Wales in GO s3 so Michael gets to use his Welsh accent
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lau219 · 21 days
PSA: If you ask a writer about the progress of a fic or request an update, you are then legally required obligated to comment and/or reblog when you get what you asked for, either as yourself or anonymously.
It’s called common courtesy, people. Show some appreciation.
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moonshine999 · 11 months
Goddess of wisdom, warfare, military victory, handicraft , strategy
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Wisdom is a funny thing.
You never know what someone might spout as “wisdom”. To some, blatant lies are the only wisdom they have known. To others, devastating truths. 
To the rarest - prophecies. Never the full truth, never the whole lie.
“What is the power of a dragon, next to the power of a prophecy”
The earliest dreams were horrid. Blurry messes, too loud of sounds and bursts of pain that left her crying, wailing for her mother.
It was indescribable at the time, mindless words made her way through the curtain of tears while her mother sat confused, unsure of what to do or say.
But how can one respond to nonsense.
The pain ceased over time, at least she felt as such. The words still came, without rhyme or reason. 
She distracted herself as much as she could. From the stares and whispers, from the bursts and sounds, from herself and everyone else’s talks.
The words always had an edge to them.
“The young princess is sweet but a bit strange, you don’t think?” 
“Oh what a beauty the princess Helaena is, if only she could speak properly.”
“Despite her mannerisms, the Queen is a very kind woman I’m sure.”
She embroidered whenever she happened to get the time. Things around her. Normal things. The flowers, the gardens, the sun, the moon, the prettiest of birds, the vilest of animals. 
She was aware. 
Of the way people assumed her to be idiotic or peculiar. Of the way her wretched father felt about her and her siblings. Of the ways a war had to be won. 
Of entirely too much.
For someone like her.
The only time she spoke louder than she intended was at the green counsel. The oh so sweet, docile Queen Helaena damn near shouted at one of the men that a war cannot so simply be won. Silence followed. She liked silence.
She explained her reasonings. Slower than everyone else. It kept the nature of the room longer. Good. 
She stared right at the king’s smile. He looked at her and winked.
Fucking twat.
Through all her life, she had garnered many a cheery praise, many a snide remark. 
But it remained difficult.
To understand this strange wisdom. 
To have the power to dream of the future and yet have no knowledge of what to do about it. 
Because oh if only she had enough knowledge. 
If only she had enough wisdom.
“History only remembered them as Blood and Cheese.”
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Following in the footsteps of my first messy lesbian relationship (12 year age gap btw) and making girls younger than me be my big sister 🤭
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hanchandraws · 1 year
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I made an outfit for Kodya too <333
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Need Christian to bleed tonight
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baggy-holmes · 10 months
no offense to any of you but i hope wherever you’re at, you’re freezing like i am
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