#It's just an additude I've seen
fae-scientist · 2 years
Quick reminder that being nonhuman does not exempt you from being able to perpetuate bigotry, nor does it relieve you of any privileges you may benefit from. You still grew up in the same bigoted society as everyone else, and a nonhuman identity will not prevent you from absorbing and having to unlearn prejudiced beliefs.
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reticent-writer · 9 months
Blood demon art: Botanical Garden P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, p9(current)
demon slayer masterlist
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Once you got back to the Infinity castle you sought out the demons that matched the flower crowns.
The sound of the biwa rang and you were teleported in front of the one-eyed demon.
"There is no need to shout Y/n. I can hear you even if you whisper."
"I have a surprise for you." You giggle as you hop around her. Once you faced her back you gently placed the mainly white flower crown on her head.
You then hopped around to face her with the brightest smile. You watched as she felt the crown without taking it off her head so she could see it.
"Thank you, Y/n." She gave a rare smile as she put it back on her head.
"Can you bring me to Daki and Gyotarou please."
"I'm sorry but they are busy at the moment. It wouldn't be safe where they are."
"Not here."
"Hantengu or Gyokko."
"Both are out, I'm afraid. Your father is here though."
You pouted ever since you've been back you haven't been able to leave without a trusted demon by your side. Muzan had you under lock and key but he also changed his additude a bit.
"Do you know when anyone will be back."
"No." this time she didn't wait for you to ask another question and with the strum of her biwa she sent you to Muzan's study.
You pushed the door open to see your father at his desk with his eyes glued to a book.
"Hello Y/n."
"Hi father, I made you a present."
"Oh and what would that be." He acted surprised as he looked up from his book. This was the change, he was nicer to you and actually acted like a dad for the first time in a long time.
"A flower crown. Koku brought me to a flower field."
He had a look of annoyance on his face but he tried not to show it. (he was definitely throwing it away once you were gone)
He bent down so you could place it on his head, which you did.
"Y/n did you like your time outside."
"Yes, very much."
"Good, I-"
"Can I go out more?" You asked using puppy dog eyes. (they never work)
"Absolutely not." He said sternly. "You take risks just but leaving the castle, If you try anything It'll be you that gets the punishment."
You looked at thr ground in throught.
'Did Akaza get punished because of me, is that why I haven't seen him since I've been back. I don't want people to get hurt cause of me.'
"Where's Akaza?"
"He's busy." He said going back to his book.
'he wouldn't notice if I went looking for Akaza would he?' You thought as you walked to the door of his office.
"Before you go I want you to know that I'll be checking on you every few hours, troublemaker. If you try anything I will know."
Tag list: @american-idiot21, @unhappy-filling, @lenasvoid , @abbylouamanda, @muichirolover , @sylum , @crazycatlddy , @tempest1art , @abandonedhhearts , @atwerkingbee , @yuna-senpaii , @darkcastle167 , @kiraisastay , @thatelizabethaftonfangirll , @legendaryflowercheesecake, @archer-fb, @xbieditz, @acoffeeaddict0-0, @1s3v3n1,
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lunaneko14 · 19 days
i've seen someone on twitter mocking Hinata fans calling Hinata a side character and i am like??? hon??? at least that "side" character ( and her kids, especially her daughter ) gets more canon and official content than your pink qkeen lmao. Where is Sakura in the official manga? oh wait! she's not in it for more than 2 years! you can go shave your back now hon! bye!~
like wtf is their problem? it seems like they are coping and jealous. And this COMES from someone who likes Sakura. Their additude is not helping their case making people have a positive reaction to Sakura honestly.
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Sakura stans trying to find Sakura in The Blue Vortex manga.
I always say that the fandom reflects the character. Same way Sakura was jealous of the other girl’s chests and Ino flirting with Sai, their fandom is jealous of all the positive things we’re getting.
Hell Himawari is much more powerful and relevant than even Sarada at this point. Although I do believe Sarada will get her moment to shine but I’m not sure if she could be as powerful as the strongest tailed beast. That would imply she’s on Madara’s level.
They need to go ahead and admit that Kishimoto never cared about Sakura and she was just “the girl” of the group as a placeholder with nothing behind the thought process of her character. When there was no more group he straight up abandoned her.
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naturalkillercyborg · 10 months
Making a separate, more coherent post for this now;
I've noticed a trend, especially among more popular Tumblr users, of never tagging the f slur, d slur or t slur when making posts containing them. It's been a thing for a while and I've talked about it at length, but I think I've finally figured it out.
It seems to be a combination of cringe culture and the fallout of the q slur discourse. Because the people who participated in that were deemed "cringe", many users went to the opposite end to openly embrace LGBT-centric slurs and never tagging them. A lot of LGBT media from the 20th century did this as well (at least that I've seen spread around on here), so they were likely thinking of paying loving homage to our history.
This could just be my personal high school flashbacks, but with the way a lot of these people seem to act about it/in general, it kinda reeks of that "haha I'm soooo desensitized aren't I cool" type edgelord additude that plague a lot of online spaces. Trigger tagging slurs might be seen by many as "weak" or "square behavior", even if just subconsciously. Cringe culture is inherently tied to a desire to make oneself look "cool". I'm not saying that EVERYONE who doesn't tag slurs in their post is like this (and of course I'm not against slur reclamation at all), but I feel this is a very likely mentality.
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sunsetsmakemesad · 10 months
Anywayyy I'm gonna analyse something again and it's gonna be Shinobu cause I really really really love her. Some spoilers below.
So uf, Shinobu is probably one of the more complex characters, which makes her so fun!
I guess the first place I'm gonna go with this is her relationships with other people.
Some of the most relevant ones would be with: Giyuu, Kanae, Kanao, the rest of the butterfly girls, and maybe Tanjiro??
Her relationship w giyuu is rlly fun to see, he's super stoic and friendless and she relentlessly teases him for it.
I saw many people in the past say that she bullies him, which is simply...not true. And it's not like we see her "bullying" have any lasting effects on him, most of the time he says ppl do like him(false) though he's never outright hurt by her comments. (To the gacha community, no she would not make fun of his sister's death, and no she wouldn't burn his haori). Well most of the relationship is Shinobu's teasing and Giyuu's "😐" additude. But we do see that they both care for one another, and I think it's safe to assume they are at least friends. And my guess is that Giyuu WOULD participate in the teasing, it's just that he has the emotional capability of a rock. But at the end of the day, she keeps him at arms length and doesn't tell him about her plan.
We also have the Kochou sisters, whom I love dearly. Their dynamic before everything happened was so funny. In one of the fanbooks, it says "Although she doesn't admit it, she's a natural airhead" when talking about Shinobu. We can assume she was pretty straightforward, Kanae was always understanding and cheerful, and well, Kanao was SUPER quiet due to her trauma, but I imagine it's also just part of who she is. Quiet girl with a pretty vulgar inner language(headcanon). Altogether, they make a pretty funny trio, and we see that they are all very important to each other. I've never written fanfiction before, but I might someday write one just for them, living their lives with a lot of shenanigans.
Kanae obviously meant a lot to Shinobu, so much that she tried to impersonate her completely to fill the hole of her death. If you've read "One Winged Butterfly" you can see that she acts a lot more different now than her actual self. The actual Shinobu is stubborn, gets flustered at praise, and very loud.
She was a bit bratty too, but she's older now so maybe she grew out of it. I've seen a lot of people saying that they like or dislike her personality, but if you're referring to her always-smiling self, then that's not her personality.
I think Shinobu is very strong, even if she's physically a little weak. She took up the responsibility of taking care of 5 young girls at the age of fourteen, and did a relatively good job. It takes a lot of energy to change who you are, at least on the surface, and even if that's not healthy at all, she was pretty strong-willed to do it till the end.
Not only that, she also came up with a whole new way to kill demons when she realised she could never cut of a demon's head.
In one panel she says "why are my hands so small?" And basically questions her strengths. I've seen people say she has an inferiority complex and honestly they're not too far off. She probably believed that Kanae was better than her in some way, but hey come on most younger siblings think like this (speaking as a younger sibling).
When it comes to impersonating her, she goes as far as to try to befriend demons(also partly because of her desire to understand Kanae's sympathy) though she always ends it quickly, since, at the bottom of her heart, she is still bitter and despises demons who took her family away.
Honestly something that's so intriguing about her is her outer elegance and inner rage. She almost always smiles, but you can often see her veins popping when she's losing her temper. Even when she fights, her movements are swift and light, like a butterfly. However, her sword is dipped in poison and cuts at demons with barely any mercy. (More symbolism wooo!)
Something I wanted to end this on is her relationship with other people. As I said with Giyuu, she keeps everyone at arms length, not letting them in. Even her own little sister, Kanao, barely gets to see Shinobu's true self shine through. She plasters a smile on her face and doesn't allow anyone to see beneath that. She never even told anyone of her suicide mission to kill Douma. Only near the fight did she tell Kanao. She sometimes gets too caught up in her grief for Kanae, trying to keep her alive through herself, that she forgets about the living people around her. Inosuke and Kanao after her death are the reminder of people who loved her, who she left an impact on.
I think thats about it?
You could also read "The Wasp's Nest" by Buriko on AO3. Really good fic focusing on her unnamed tsugokos.
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enderon · 2 years
I'm reading Witch Hat Atelier right now and there are four major things I enjoy about it so far.
1. The art is just so, horrifically beautiful. I love that it's got these light lines that create that make the world feel so bright and soft. It's so incredibly detailed but without feeling cluttered. And oh, the fluidity of not only literal fluid but everything else as well, especially cloth. So good.
2. The magic system, from what I've seen so far, is so interesting and unique. It's simple enough that it doesn't go completely over your head, but it's clearly grounded and has actual rules that they explain to you. It might seem obvious that they would explain the rules, since it's about a magic apprenticeship, but plenty of stories about a person learning magic never actually EXPLAIN the magic to you. It's very nice.
3. On the topic of explaining/teaching the magic, as a teacher I adore the story's additude towards learning. Heck, early on there's a moment where a character is asked to say back what she learned, and while she feels bad that she can't recite all or even most of it, her yeacher commends her for how much she could for her first time and explains how the ability to explain why a thing is out loud means you actually understand the concept that mich better. Also the part where they talk about tests and why the special tests are specifically made to be like adventures, good stuff.
4. And finally, I gotta talk about it, how incredibly refreshing it is not to see a single one of these little girls be sexualized or put in a single compromising position. You'd think I wouldn't need to point this out, but in the world of manga, it's so good. Honestly, so far, really nobody is overly serialized, except maybe Quinfrey, but even then it's less equalizing and more the framing really just being like 'look how fucking pretty he is'.
All in all, I'm really enjoying it and encourage others to try it out as well. It feels like such a breath of fresh air.
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mitzvahmelting · 2 years
hi folks, this is your annual reminder that RSD or Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (as a symptom of ADD/ADHD) is not really a "thing" in terms of rigorous peer reviewed studies and publications.
Are your experiences of rejection sensitivity real? Yes! Do you deserve therapeutic treatment related to it? Of course!
But are there any studies proving that it is specifically connected to ADD/ADHD? No, not really. At least not that I can find.
(PLEASE let me know if you find any. This has been bugging me for years.)
In my experience, pretty much all publications about it trace themselves back to Dr. William Dodson. He seems like a cool guy doing good work or whatever, but his writings about this in ADDitude Magazine and elsewhere are based on his experiences with patients and case studies, not on any like... rigorous broad population studies.
Based on this, I strongly encourage people to say something like "I experience intense rejection sensitivity" (a true, meaningful statement) rather than "l experience RSD as a result of my ADHD" (fuzzy, jargony, takes for granted a link that hasn't been fully vetted yet).
Lots of people have read articles about RSD and felt like, god, that put into words something I've been struggling with all my life! And that's extremely valid and I'm glad y'all feel seen, it makes me feel seen too. I don't want to take that away from you: this term is describing something that is real. That's not in dispute.
It's just that when you're describing symptoms of ADHD and you're like:
Zoning out
Executive Dysfunction
I want you to know that one of these things is not quite like the others. At least not yet. Maybe in ten years the medical literature will catch up and we'll have some affirmative studies on it.
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ghostjelliess · 5 months
This has been on my mind a lot lately, so I'm just going to say it as succinctly as possible:
No matter how well trained your pet is, if, for some reason, they are off-leash in an on-leash area (i.e. not a designated dog park), and they run up to me and they get kick/punched, that's on you.
I'm not saying I'm out here kicking puppies okay? I like dogs. But we don't all have the same experiences. I grew up in a neighborhood that had active dog fights. Avoiding strays with rabies, being taught about locked jaws and not letting the dog bite at all costs, little kids with amputated arms, watching dogs for scared muzzles and flanks, and seeing them be poor victims but also vicious predators, that experience doesn't magically go away because the ring got shut down and I grew up, and my first instinct to your lunging dog is defense.
On a leash, I can often reach out my hand, get to know the dog, let it sniff, and do all the right things because I'm not irrationally scared of them (but also cus my fiance is a golden retriever and he's already bff's with the dog by the time I'm there usually). Off-leash in a public space, your Rottweiler running at me is gonna get tossed, no matter how much you tell "she's friendly!" Bish, so is a 22 if you're tryna die.
It's not subjective, it's just facts. I don't know your pet, I don't know how "well trained" it is, but if its running at me despite you yelling for it to stop, it's a predator in that moment. This isn't anti-dog. I love dogs. It's pro-responsibility. Training is important for the safety of others but also for your beloved pet. You have no idea what world people are coming from. I've seen well trained dogs off leash and not felt threatened, it's the "trained enough" that bothers me. It's the uncontrolled, barely restrained, and blaming others for feeling uncomfortable that bothers me.
I saw someone else bring up a point about traumatized animals as well, about poorly trained dogs running up on shelter pets who get scared and might bite out of fear. We see dogs so often, and are around so many different kinds, that I think we forget to respect the diverse reality. If you've never seen a dog with rabies, you might not know that ancestral fear, if you've never seen a dog lock jaws, you might only think of it as a mythical ability. You might think of cats as undomesticated but dogs as obedient, and there's probably entire research papers of discourse on the strange social dichotomy of dog vs. cat, though historically they fill very important but different roles in human survival, but dogs can be feral, rural areas can and do (from personal experience in the high desert and UP) have wild dog packs.
Again, I don't hate dogs. I don't seize up at the sight of a pitbull, and I know tons of people are just trying their best, I've simply had it with the naivety I keep encountering on the bike path where leashed dogs lunge and couples who can't hold them get offended when I yell at their dog to back off while it's chasing me with an open mouth. Laugh all you want at people's fears, think it's dumb that you need a leash, train your pup well, call out that he's friendly as he races after a stranger, but please also protect your dog by understanding that if that stranger in a public on-leash property, pops your doggo with a foot, a fist, or a rolled magazine, it's not right, it's not fair but it is your fault, your responsibility, and your job to protect your pet.
Okay, I'm done. I just... People really don't respect their dogs it seems lately. They get cute puppies bred for generations to be really good at a job, and then are denied the space or resources to enact that action. Then they get brought to a park to "run around" or be free or whatever, and end up covered in ticks and running up on someone about to knock their lights out if they get any closer, with good cause!
It's the same additude of people who cross the road without looking or push their buggies without looking. You've endangered your baby because you are entitled to crossing. It's true you have the right of way, it's not true that everyone saw you and stopped, you have to look both ways, and I'm really annoyed with the amount of people thinking they're entitled to their dog's innocence, meanwhile their dog is actively in attack positioning and lunging at strangers. Ha-ha he likes to nip ankles, it's playful and he doesn't bite usually....and you, apparently, like to play American courthouse roulette, the way that stranger could sue if and when something does happen.
Protect your dogs, educate yourself, look both ways before crossing the street.
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911weewooshow · 6 months
So I've had some thoughts (late night ramblinges) regarding Eddie's bro behavior from 7x04. I've seen people post how they hated it and felt it was off about him. And in some ways I do agree with it but also at the same time I do understand his mindset a bit.
Eddie as least from my knowledge and remembrance from the show, hasn't really had many casual friends (outside of the 118). Lena was probably the first friend I feel like he's been shown to have outside of the 118 that he felt comfortable with hanging out with. And that is pre-therapy and that relationship didn't really get that deep as a friendship.
Eddie has always been known to be the calm, never-let-your-emotions show kind of guy. After therapy, he's opened up a lot more but still kind of keep that calm demeanor. And in my head, I kind of feel like I'm happy for him in the episode (and I know people are going to be mad about how he treats buck but just let me cook for sec).
How I kind of see his whole vibe from that episode is coming more from a place of healing. Gradually he has been opening up more and really expressing himself. And a long comes a guy that shares his hobbies and likes and isn't directly tied to the 118. I feel like Eddies usually doing one of the 4 things in his off time. Hanging out with the 118, doing something with Chris (and his family), Dating and doing stuff with whom he is with, and then lastly he's by himself doing whatever. To have someone to share your hobbies and likes with is a very comforting feeling. It's not to say he doesn't love hanging out with others but they don't necessarily share his hobbies.
I kind of like to voice it like how the 911 fandom works. Like we (as a community I figure) have been hyper fixated on this show and to be able to talk to someone who is also hyper fixated on something you like is a hell of a drug.
It's like you are screaming into the void and then it talks back to you.
So in a way I view it as Eddie just being really fucking happy that he's got a new friend and is kind of in a blissful unaware state of how its effecting Buck. It could also be a mix of him thinking that maybe it wouldn't have bother Buck cause when you are a really good place, sometimes its hard to see other people's grief. I also like to think that this episode with those scenes are also shown from Buck's pov simply by how much Eddie's broness is played up.
I find the whole thing rather interesting to see since by Tommy's words Eddie realized how he was acting towards Buck and how it was making him feel. Eddie's not stupid after all and he understands how Buck tends to dive into himself if he thinks someone is going to abandon him (which I will talk about extensively in another post I'm sure, brainrot go brr).
But that's just my two cents about the whole additude shift.
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dirtmunch · 1 year
So I got in my first car accident yesterday, someone rear ended me so at least it's not my fault lol. But dude was a dick, did an absurdly stupid mauever which resulted in my getting hit (tried to merge into the right lane under the assumption that I'd read his mind and speed up, which obviously and unfortunately I'm not a psychic so just kept??going the speed I was going??). It's rlly made me hate Texas as a whole even more and especially Texas driving, roads and city planning, likely a result of the lower taxes. The roads here are unbelievably confusing, poorly planned, and in a state of disrepair I have never seen even in Chicago or the podunk rural areas of Illinois. Not to mention this combined with absolutely awful, aggressive drivers and bad additudes leads to a very stressful driving experience. At least Chicago drivers are shitty and aggro but they actually have the ability to maneuver around other cars, granted in an assholey manner but Texan drivers have all the confidence and aggression (if not more) of any Chicago driver but without the ability and with even less brains ohhhh my fucking god. I've driven 4 years amongst Chicago city drivers in my boat of a mini van and not once got hit or even grazed and 1 month into being in Texas I get my cars ass smashed to pieces by some dick hole in an impala. It's made me very very nervous to drive which sucks because the grocery store is in the thick of the worst of the wonky road city planning and busy roads. I really really fucking hate Texas so far and the only good things about it are the beach and grad school. I want to get my schooling over and get out of this stupid ass shit state asap and head back to Chicago and never have to set foot in this godforsaken 10000° laser sun shit hole ever again
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sassypantsjaxon · 3 years
So you know how there’s a bunch of ‘fans’ who are all like “Oh yeah, I love Hetalia, but not, like, actual Hetalia, just this highly specific version of it I’ve built up in my mind where the characters are pretty much ocs at this point”
Are they about to come out of the woodwork complaining about everyone being ooc now? Because if that’s the case....please don’t
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hollyhomburg · 4 years
Unpopular opinion: "fanservice" really makes me cringe into oblivion,,, it's just so awkward for everyone involved😞😞😞 (like acting the fans are their girlfriends and stuff😭😭) The companies just fuel delulu behavior.. I've seen people CRY on tiktok because they came to the conclusion that they won't get to marry *insert any boygroup member*
oh, I totally fucking agree- some of it just takes it too far. the ones I DO LIKE are the ones where you can see them being honestly flirty. like that one time where Jimin was like “don’t say that~ your boyfriend will beat me up`” to the girl who said “I can live without my boyfriend but I'm not sure if I can live without you” like YESSSSS CONFIDENT KING JIMINIE <3 <3 I LOVE HIS additude so fucking muchchhhhh i am salivating 
tell me your unpopular kpop opinion 👁️👄👁️
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reticent-writer · 2 years
(fluff) Muzan with reader thats like marceline from adventure time? pranks, awesome abilities, musical, estranged demon overlord parent from a alternate dimension- seems very fun, don't it?)
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Let's say your father is alucard from hellsing (he is gorgeous)
Akaza tolerates you (kinda like he is princess bubblegum without the relationship problems)
He is your prime subject for pranks. He gets you back everytime. If someone were to hurt you he'd kill them and not just because of muzan
Doma cherishes you
He loves pulling pranks with you, no matter how much the others hate it. You keep him entertained
Kokoshibo has a soft spot for you
He likes you additude and how you deal with your feelings in song. Anytime you want him to listen he will
Muzan is... Muzan
He doesn't even remember when you first came to the infinite castle, it's like one day you just showed up and never left.
As weird as your relationship with muzan is he knows all your insecurities and makes sure that no one brings them up around you weather they know or not
Daki loves you while gyotaro is wary of you
If you are around gyotaro would never put his guard down while you and daki have fun doing whatever
It's never quite in the infinity castle with you around and they like it that way
This is kinda sad, but I was scared to watch adventure time after that one episode where they were on the train and people turned into skeletons, I think it was Jake's birthday. But I've seen enough clips to be familiar with her and marshal lee. I like her and this request. thank you.
Sorry it took so long
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evenmywordsare · 5 years
I've always seen Frisk as a bit of a defensive kid. Like they arent the kind of person to hug anyone they spot. They have kind of a mean additude and they can even be aggresive or violent at some situations. But they actually are a kind person! I actually think we, as the player teach Frisk how to be kind through the pacifist run, just like how we teach them otherwise in the no mercy run.
i definitely see frisk being a bit defensive! and not just immediately trusting people. i can’t see them being violent or openly mean, though. i’ll always remind folks what frisk is capable of in neutral routes and such but i think they were just.. a frightened kid honestly. i can’t see any of the killing they do outside of no mercy as having malicious intent. i think of it as self-defence across the board.
don’t take this as me calling you wrong though lol, you’re not. that’s the nice thing about frisk! their personality does come through in the game but only in subtle places, and it’s such that there are lots of valid interpretations for it (’it’ here meaning their personality and only their personality, NOT their gender which is firmly canon) based on the various actions and dialogue choices they have in the game. frisk definitely has a LOT of mean dialogue choices lol. it’s just that my brand of frisk would never use them.
and there definitely is a teaching aspect, too, but i’m more inclined to say that we as the player influence and teach chara, not so much frisk. i mean this is all very much under the assumption of narrachara, which i understand isn’t canon on paper but even outside of that, at the end of the no mercy route chara themself even says that you, the player, influenced them that way. so it’s kinda like.. we influence chara, who in turn guides and shows different options to frisk based on how we’ve influenced them. if that makes any sense and isn’t just completely convoluted lol
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defilerwyrm · 6 years
Hey Tom! Have you ever seen Additude, the web magazine by the name? It's a fantastic well with regards to ADHD Health, knowledge, and cares and living as it is generally, and as far as I'm concerned a GREAT resource for just about anyone ranging from adult to their child to really whomstever may be interested. This is probably a cheesy question, but since I've never seen you mention it this far... I just came to think about it. Ok cheers! And also have all the goddamn luck here going forward!
I haven’t heard of it before so thank you! I’m poking around at it now and it definitely has stuff that’s relative to my...I won’t say interests, but issues certainly.
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For the record, intrusive sleep can go fuck itself
So one of the symptoms of ADHD that I can't find talked about enough is Intrusive Sleep. It is explained in an article on ADDitude in this way: "If... an individual with ADHD loses interest in an activity, his nervous system disengages, in search of something more interesting. Sometimes this disengagement is so abrupt as to induce sudden extreme drowsiness, even to the point of falling asleep." The next paragraph explains further "that brain wave tracings at this time show a sudden intrusion of theta waves into the alpha and beta rhythms of alertness. We all have seen “theta wave intrusion,” in the student in the back of the classroom who suddenly crashes to the floor, having “fallen asleep.” This was probably someone with ADHD who was losing consciousness due to boredom rather than falling asleep." It also mentions the fact that this can be especially dangerous when driving on long stretches of boring road. Or, in my case, my afternoon commute home. A lot of people that know me probably recognize this pattern in me. Interacting with life, everything is normal, suddenly having really extreme difficulty keeping my eyes open or my head up. Like clearly trying really hard and doing the "nod off and twitch awake" thing like every 15 seconds. It's happened in classes (all the way back to freshman year of high school at least) and at work, and like I said before, while driving. It fucking sucks. I'm trying to function and to focus. And my brain decides it's bored and and it's time to just check out. The only thing I've found helpful so far is taking a quick 15 minute nap, wherever I am, then getting back to my life. The driving one I still don't have a solution for. I blast music and sing along and keep my eyes open by sheer force of will. I don't really have a good question or wrap up statement here. It just sucks.
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