#It's like 2am right now
chocolate-apple7 · 6 months
Spoilers for YR3 episodes 1-5!
Ok so I got to the buffer in s3. As I predicted, I really love this season so far (and totally called that angsty music room scene being in episode 5). I'll probably give a full review after the 6th episode comes out on Monday but here are a few things for now:
2 side things I really wanted to see going into this season was Micke and finding out what was going on with Stella and Fredrika. Loved the dad storyline and so happy we got to see more of him (even though it was concluded at the end that he really was just a horrible person). That being said, what is going on with Stella and Fredrika?? I can't be the only one to notice the romantic tension there right?? Like come on Young Royals! Please I am really hoping the 6th episode gives some conclusion on that storyline! I'm kind of sick of these shows sidelining the sapphic characters and I hope they don't do that with these two.
Really hope that Felice and Sara get resolved! I loved their friendship in the first two seasons. I know that Felice was hurt, but Sara seems like she is actually really sorry and wants to at least be friendly with Felice again. I don't think things will go back to how they were but I really hope they can at least make peace with each other.
Simon is fading. You can tell he is just slowly losing himself and its heartbreaking. I really hope that he and Wilhelm have an open and honest talk in episode 6 and he can be more himself again. It breaks my heart that he's not enjoying singing as much, keeps getting attacked, and had to delete his social media profiles. I really do love him and Wilhelm together but they desperately need to communicate and be more themselves in the last episode without all of the added pressure
Ok, I loved Wilhelm's outburst at his parents and then the scene directly after with Simon. I said a few episodes ago that Young Royals will building up to an explosion. Well here was that explosion. And we will get to see the aftermath in its entirety next episode! I don't blame Wilhelm for being angry and I'm glad he got it all out when he did. Can't wait to see what happens next with that.
The whole Erik thing has been so interesting and horrible to learn this season. I have been waiting to learn more about Erik since season 1 and I feel like season 2 just glossed over him. Learning that he was a pretty horrible person and was potentially homophobic is devestating but it also gives him so much more character. It further proves that he was not perfect and this is something that the Queen and the Duke really need to wrap their heads around.
Last thought for now: I actually have no idea how this season will end. Like I'm torn on whether or not Wilhelm will abdicate. He seems like he wants to, but he also doesn't want August to be king. I also think that Wilhelm would actually be a great king if he could just have more of a say and more control. In the past I could always predict how the season was going to end at this point but I can not tell you for this season. It's so exciting and also very scary. I am 99.99% confident Wilmon will be endgame though. The writers would not do us dirty like that. It will either be implied that they will get back together in the future or we will very clearly see it in the next episode. I also don't really think that last scene in episode 5 was a breakup. It was more of an invitation to talk?? I have to remind myself that they were in the palace in the same room (on Wilhelm's birthday for that matter) and that would be a really weird place and time for Simon to just dump him. (Also side note but "Arcade" by Duncan Laurence was the perfect music choice for that scene and so fitting for them as a couple)
I have so many more thoughts about this show but I will likely do a fuller review when that last episode is out. These are just a few things going into the last episode that I wanted to highlight. I love this show so much and can not believe it is almost over. I am so thankful that we will see the conclusion that was always meant to happen and I'll see you all on the other side!
Happy to have any discussions about episodes 1-5 in the comments!
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aphroditenyan · 1 year
small wip of my next drawing while i try and figure out how to simplify the background...
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wolfythewitch · 9 months
Do you think Jesus ever felt homesick. Do you think he missed his mom
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cozylittleartblog · 1 year
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New Family Speedrun 00:09.12 (World Record Not Clickbait???)
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lazylittledragon · 8 months
isn't it weird how if you get up at 7 or 8, do your work all day, then have free time and go to bed at 11 that's absolutely fine
but if i said i get up at 10, do fun stuff in the morning then work in the evening and go to bed late, i could be called lazy, nevermind that i'm getting just as much or MORE work done as i would in a traditional work day
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shimmershy · 2 years
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I caved and doodled Hunter instead of sleeping.
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yujeong · 2 months
The Score of 4 Minutes - Episode 2
Since the first post had a few people interested, I'll proceed to make another one for episode 2's soundtrack this time. Once again, this is some of the music I managed to find and only YouTube links will be included: - Gravity Fields by Hampus Naeselius: The opening scene, in which Tonkla seems to be killing someone - Lightness Falls by Craft Case: When Ms. Manee talks to Tyme about her son committing suicide - Song for a Stepdaughter by Christian Andersen: When Tyme overhears the nurses gossiping about him - Fear Me Not by Kikoru: When Dome catches Title and View arguing and intervenes (it's actually super cool how they managed to mix this with Song for a Stepdaughter to transition from one scene to the next) - Between The Mirror And Me by David Gould: When Dome and Title have their talk (There are actually two tracks playing here, one after the other, but I couldn't find the second one) - After the Fall by Max Anson: When Great sees Title has Dome at the back of his car and they argue about what to do with him - Legendary Myths by Jay Varton: When Great brings Dome to the hospital - Curiosity Kills by Stationary Sign: When Tyme is checking himself in the mirror - Window Weepin' by Lennon Hutton: When Tyme is checking Great's injury - Entering Multiverse by Christian Andersen: When Win gets introduced - Mosaic by Hanna Ekström: When Tonkla sees his brother's body - Dickie and the Gang by Roy Edwin Williams: When Tyme and Great talk in the park ! Tonkla's smoking montage also has Song for a Stepdaughter by Christian Andersen playing, but it's a violin version which I can't find - Tvivel by Hanna Ekström: When Korn meets Fasai and her father - Viljan by Bladverk Band: When Korn and Fasai are on their own
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yk its just occurred to me how fucking funny it is that a guy living is considered major spoilers
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hayaku14 · 3 months
what if kidshin had a gwen stacy moment where kaito was a little too late to catch shinichi......
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moonchild-in-blue · 6 months
I just got the biggest jumpscare of my life, so naturally had to run here real quick.
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askamnesiamoonjumper · 3 months
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This was initially a doodle but then just accidentally turned into a new ref sheet ig even tho the guy didn’t really need a new one oh well shrugs I love him everyone look at aau shady sunburnt Ahit right now ok?
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thedisablednaturalist · 11 months
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"It’s a very weird creature,” Dr. Davranoglou said, adding that it’s able to leap three or four feet in the air to escape predators. “We were quite awestruck, really.”
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dykelawlight · 11 months
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jinxed-sinner · 3 months
I 100% think Alastor's behavior is a trauma response tbh. It feels like something happened that inhibited his ability to be fully open with other people, sorta like Blitz. In fact, how about we look at differences and similarities between Blitz and Alastor, since we know Blitz's behavior is a result of trauma?
Both Alastor and Blitz take pleasure in hurting other people. With Alastor, he doesn't care who he hurts (although I 100% think he'd feel guilt for hurting Rosie), while with Blitz, he cares about hurting other people when they're close to him (most recently made clear in Full Moon and Apology Tour). Blitz enjoys hurting people as long as he's not close to then/doesn't know them, which is, in my opinion, a likely reason he started a freelance assassin business (and I actually wouldn't be surprised if it contributed to IMP changing their business from a general Hell assassin business to an assassin business that focuses on offing humans that have wronged sinners). The main difference here is that Alastor's emotional responses are muted (which is why he's significantly less likely to act out), while Blitz's resemble splitting in BPD.
Both Alastor and Blitz are reckless and impulsive. Alastor's recklessness is most clearly seen in The Show Must Go On when he fights Adam, while Blitz's recklessness is made clear throughout Helluva Boss (takes his team to the human world without proper disguises, visits a party where if anyone except Verosika and Stolas knew he was there he would be murdered for it, etc). Alastor also berated Husk on an impulse born from already being stressed out. I can't really think of any specific examples of Blitz's impulsivity and I can't decide if it's because he's so consistently impulsive or if it's because I genuinely can't think of any examples lol
Neither of these two assholes (affectionate) will open up to people unless something forces them to (and potentially not even then in Alastor's case). The only times Blitz has opened up is if he's forced to (Truth Seekers) or if circumstances lower his inhibition (emotional outbursts, Queen Bee, arguably also Truth Seekers). The closest we've gotten to Alastor "opening up" is his mental breakdown that he had when he knew he was alone.
They're both still capable of making genuine connections. Alastor is incredibly close to Rosie (something I personally think is because she has motherly tendencies), and Blitz, despite all his tendencies towards them, seems to consider Moxxie and Millie friends. They're both capable of forming genuine connections, but don't, at least not often; for Blitz, it's because he's afraid of it, and for Alastor, it's likely because he either views it as a weakness or would just rather manipulate people for his own benefit.
It feels a lot like Blitz and Alastor have similar types of trauma; their responses to that trauma are simultaneously similar enough to be comparable and on wildly different ends of the same spectrum. Blitz craves connection, so he seeks it out, then sabotages it when he thinks it's going too far. Alastor avoids connection aside from a few genuine close friendships here and there that he can count on one hand.
I don't think Alastor is incapable of forming genuine emotional bonds with other people, and Rosie and Zestial are proof of that. It comes off more like he actively avoids connection; he doesn't interact much with the hotel's staff and residents aside from Charlie and Niffty, and when everyone's partying in The Show Must Go On, he's watching from afar with Niffty. I also feel like you can easily interpret Alastor's muted emotional responses as him actively trying to mute them; he sounds like he's actively trying not to have a breakdown after he gets slashed by Adam.
He would've largely grown up probably between 1895 and 1915 (or something close to that, depending on his age when he died) as a mixed race kid in New Orleans. You absolutely can not convince me that alone did not in some way contribute to how he is now. Add in a potentially abusive dad and yeah, is it really surprising that Alastor is the way he is? It genuinely just feels like he's a product of his circumstances in childhood. This is doubly the case if the theories that 1, his first murder was that of his dad, and 2, he basically did vigilantism turn out to be true. He himself implies he finds it cathartic to kill the loan sharks in Dad Beat Dad and is pretty much content the rest of the episode after that, he doesn't even seem to care that he's sharing a space with Lucifer after that. I'd be more surprised if his killings in his human life weren't him taking out his trauma on people he thought deserved it to be completely honest.
*Also as a last minute addition, I think it's also easy to interpret Alastor's attitude towards emotions and relationships as viewing them as a weakness, something that it's very likely is also a sign of him being a product of the time period and circumstances he was raised in.
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stupidppenguin · 3 months
ladies and gentlemen, the lambs
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and this kids is why you shouldnt let me near a phone at 2am. i get ideas -30/6/24
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helianthus21 · 4 days
whenever i think about food, sex or going home: another win for lestat de lioncourt😔
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