#It's okay Asra I have another /better/ MC for you
The Arcana HCs: M6 with an MC who's been bottling up their affectionate tendencies
Another very late sequel, for this post:
M6 with a touch/affection-starved MC
- to set the scene -
You learned very early on to suppress your affectionate impulses. As much as you love to spoil your loved ones with hugs and cuddles and homemade food and random gifts and helping them with tasks and clearing your schedule for them and complimenting them at every turn and maybe writing them a loving note or two in their lunch - you know better. You don't care to scare off new friends with that kind of intensity, and the few you've shown that side to who said they were okay with it usually ended up using you.
Nobody you know now would call you unfriendly, but you never initiate touch or ask for too much, and you certainly don't bombard them with gifts or compliments or acts of service or undividided attention.
But now, you're in a secure relationship with someone who adores you, who put their life on the line with you, who opened up their heart to you, who wants to build a future with you. You want to smother them with affection, and for the first time, you don't have to hold back.
You are about to rock their world.
One of the most affection desperate people you'll ever know. He's plenty familiar with driving people off by being or demanding too much
You've been the first person to accept all he offers you and hold onto him in return
Sure you're a little aloof sometimes, but he's happy just to be allowed to love you without the fear of pushing you away
And then a week or so after defeating the Devil, it was like a switch in your brain flipped and you sent him straight to heaven
Having you regularly remind him to eat, with food you made with your own hands?
Hearing your little affirming compliments multiple times a day??
Waking up to freshly cleaned clothes and a soft eyepatch that doesn't hurt his scalp???
When he made it to work one day to find a little love note tucked into his medical kit he nearly swooned on the spot
He doesn't know where all this has been hiding but he's not complaining. He will accept it all with outstretched arms
They left for trips so often that you learned not to get too attached so as not to cause unnecessary pain
Here's the obvious: so did he. He traded half his heart and only left to avoid hurting you
Every new liberty you take in loving them will be their cue to stop holding back as well
It's going to be insufferably fluffy for everyone around you until you get it out of your systems and learn to act normal again
If you wake him up with breakfast he'll surprise you on your break with lunch
If you hug them just because they were standing there, they are kissing you all over
Compliment wars that only get cheesier and more suggestive until you're both flustered
Close the shop for a few days so you can travel with him and he'll be your devoted shop assistant for the next week
Bring them something you saw in the marketplace and they'll appear a few days later with a bagful of trinkets
So, so, so many "I love you"s, because now you can both finally say it
She is not used to receiving affection. At all
She always interpreted her family's gestures as insults, there was no love in her marriage, and she hasn't been with anyone since
You, though, she loves to spoil you
And now - apparently - you love to spoil her
You drive her to distraction. Tell her she's the best on her way out the door and it'll power her through a whole morning of meetings
If you have a visiting Prakran teach you how to make spiced swordfish the right way she might actually cry
You pop into a meeting to drop off a love note before you go into town and kiss her cheek on the way out? She'll smile all day
Clear your evening for her and give her your undivided attention while she tells you about her ideas and plans? She's swooning
She's never been a hoarder but for you she is. She has shelves in her tower now where she stores all of your notes and gifts
Every time you show her your affection she lights up with surprise and delight. She can do anything with your love supporting her
You have to start slowly. For his sake
He's not used to a gentle world. Or gentle people. Or affection in general
He did not know the concept of emotional safety until you held him in your arms, and it both melted and terrified him
Loves it when you bring or make him food. Growing up without it makes it infinitely precious to him, especially from you
If he comes home to a clean space (floor, dishes, laundry, etc) he'll be silent and still for the next few minutes, just taking it in
Write him a list of all the things you like about him and watch his ears burn. He will make a waterproof pouch for said list and carry it everywhere
Show interest in the things he cares about and he'll melt. Help with the chickens. Play with Inanna. He can't look away
One loving glance from you and his heart will sprout wings and fly out of his chest
Seeing the way you love so freely is reminding him how to love in return - you, the world, other people, and even himself
She loves so freely, she's a little shocked when it starts to show how much you've been holding back
Her no-holds-barred approach to affection is all you need to lose your inhibitions
She makes breakfast. You pack lunch
You kiss her on your way out. She surprise tackles you with a hug when you return
You get Mazelinka to teach you some classic Nevivon foods. She smuggles you the Palace's finest dishes
You make her a magic charm. She takes you on a wild adventure to make use of it
You write her a love letter. She sends you her favorite poetry excerpts
Clear your afternoon to spend time with her and she'll take you on a spontaneous date
She's got a strong competitive streak too, so anything you do for her will be heaped back on you tenfold. If she doesn't have the skillset required she'll stuff you with pastries
Every day she writes down all the ways you showed her love. It's her favorite book, and it keeps her going no matter the obstacles
He's had it all already. Worship, adoration, flowery praise, luxurious gifts stacked to the ceiling, the best cuisine ...
But he's never had it from you. And he's never received affection from someone who meant it and didn't try to hide it
You don't compose symphonies for him. But you'll sing to him if he's scared
You don't give him the finest furs and silks. But you bring him trinkets that remind you of him in the most delightfully specific ways
You're not an internationally acclaimed chef. But you cook breakfast for him when he wants to sleep in
You don't wait on him hand and foot, but you polish his sword and cuirass
You don't heap praises on him like he's a god. But you know him, you see the good in him, and when you tell him you love him, he can trust you to mean it
You don't flinch when he looks at you or reaches for you. You meet his gaze with the patience that made him a better man and hold him every night. Oh, he adores you
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bunnydoobles · 2 months
im not too big on here so i doubt i'll have many people who care to see or read this but. okay,,, i can't get these out of my head so i decided to whoopty-doo and post all my old to newest paper art of the arcana!! majority of these are old and just my apprentice, Andrea, and Julian with occasional Asra so i am so sorry if you wanna see other characters (which i have drawn others so please lmk if you wanna see them!!) and what better than to post a shit ton of these drawings and then explain some (because you'll probably need it)
buckle up because these a lot to unload.
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my first ever time drawing our beloved leech doctor!! (what a sight he is...) and my first ever creation of Andrea! see, Andrea started out majorly as another self insert persona, but then developed his own personality and individual structure. Andrea has never changed design over the months of having him, but his overall vibe has been tweeked, he's no longer as outgoing and awkward (well, he's still awkward, just much less sheepish) and more reserved and.... just. quieter (for the most part)
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more funny haha Juliandy!! ft. some cute comics with Asra! at the time i was torn between Julian and Asra so i casually shipped Andrea with both, seeing as i was newer but over time, Julian inevitably sweeped me off my feet and i ended up adoring him. but! i do have a separate self insert MC for him as well 😭 more on him in another post. also! featuring the super cringe biologically impossible ship child i gave them! Dianna P. Devorak! its just a small dooble but i might post more of her if any of the void (you guys) is interested!!
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small interactions with my friend's MCs!! meet (first one) Auster!! and (second one) Harper! i love them dearly!!
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i remember making this while going stir crazy listening to lana del ray in my history class. i was so proud of it. i've come far!!
unfortunately, this is all i can show in this post but another one will be up shortly of the more RECENT art! (and by shortly, i mean literally after i post this one) :P
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saintunhinged · 2 years
Salutations! This one's going to be a weird one, so strap in. Imagine if, when Asra revived MC, they came back as an otherworldly, human-imitating cryptid who doesn't quite know how to Human properly. The only thing they remember is that Asra and Faust make up their Family Unit, and the only reason they don't attack random passerby on sight is because Asra Wouldn't Like That.
this was actually so fun to write. hopefully, you enjoy :) i haven’t proof read this yet
content warning : mention of death & violence.
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On the outside, you appeared to be as normal as the next person, but you knew you weren’t. You knew it from the moment you opened your eyes. You didn’t feel the sudden urges you had were strange, but the look Asra shot you when you were preparing to act on something made that clear.
You vividly remember the suffocating smell of lavender and dried flowers filling your nostrils. Its aroma was almost overwhelming, and your ability to think of anything else but the scent was quelled. You immediately noticed your field vision being locked by a person with fluffy white hair leaning over you.
You knew nothing about him whatsoever, but his presence alone was enough to make you feel at ease.
“Friend woke!” You heard a tiny voice, seconds later another head appeared, but it was much smaller in comparison, and blue.
Asra knew something was up. Every little thing seemed to spark irritation within you, and sometimes he’d even find you sitting in positions that no human could manage. Asra wasn’t naive enough to believe bringing you back from the dead meant you’d be the same, he just didn’t expect to bring back what he brought back.
Despite your condition, Asra was more than determined to get you to your best. You indisputably had a lot to learn. Knowing Asra and his familiar planned to be by your side throughout the journey was the motivation you needed.
Time passed before you were going through life as would you in your previous life. Asra was patient in teaching you everything you forgot. Praising you when you did something well, encouraging you when you didn’t. There were still many things you didn’t understand, but you were trying your best. If not for yourself, then at least for Asra.
Every day you were learning. You preferred to stay to yourself when you weren’t with Asra. Usually, you curled up in the corner and stared off into nothing for minutes or even hours.
You never went outdoors. The first time you did, someone got hurt. Asra had taken you to town to look for ingredients he ran out of at the shop. He didn’t want to leave you alone, but there were things he needed to get done. Trying to kill two birds with one stone, he figured he could restock the shop and allow you the chance to reconnect with society.
That trip ended with Asra apologizing on your behalf for attacking someone who walked too close for your comfort. Though he wouldn’t openly admit it, the frown that played on his face let you know he did not approve.
The walk back to the shop was eerily silent. He dolefully sighed, “I shouldn’t have brought you out here.” His remorse was merited, but you refused to meet his gaze. His purple eyes stared at you intently and he shook his head, hesitantly stating, “Too soon.”
He let you isolate yourself for a few hours, giving you time to process what happened, but knowing you weren’t going to come to him, he went to you. That night, even though you were hardly responsive, he explained why your actions weren’t okay.
You had predacious desires, that was something you couldn’t help. With Asra mentoring you, you were getting better at keeping them at bay, and matter how strong your urges became, Asra believed in you; the last thing you wanted to do was disappoint him.
Usually, when Asra was running the shop you stayed upstairs in the room where you were most comfortable. Today was no different. You weren’t necessarily fond of strangers. On the rare occasions you came down to observe what was going on, trying to pick up on anything you can to improve your comprehension and communication skills, you kept your distance. 
You never paid any attention to Asra’s conversations with any customer in particular, but the sound of raised voices followed by shattering glass caught your attention. Your light footsteps carried you to the main floor. You weren’t sure what exactly happened, but you could put together the pieces. 
The aggressive energy circulating the room influenced your emotions. Your penetrating gaze locked on the customer who was creating a scene in the shop. The snarl forming on your face was unable to be contained, seconds later an animalistic growl came from your throat, quickly catching their attention.
To his surprise, Asra’s eyes flickered between you and the patron. Your name left his mouth in a pleading tone and your gaze snapped to meet him. Seeing the signs of an oncoming assault, he timidly shook his head. If you wanted to attack, he doubted he’d be able to stop you before you leaped at them. He trusted you to do the right thing. After all, control was what he wanted you to learn the most.
Sensing the danger they were probably in, the shopper was quick to see themself to the exit. On the other hand, Asra stayed where he was until you calmed down. When he was sure you had no intention of acting irrational, he met you in a tight hug.
You’d never forget the look on Asra’s face when you first pounced on someone. The mix of shock and fear that was replaced with disappointment was something you couldn’t stand to see again. 
Unexpected maybe, but since it was coming from him you didn’t quite mind his warm, rather comforting embrace. “Thank you.” He softly murmured. It wasn’t much, but you’d grown accustomed to hearing it. It meant you did something right, that was all either of you could hope for.
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iamapoopmuffin · 5 years
Talking with Asra about whether or not getting close to Julian is a good idea:
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under-sedationnn · 3 years
the arcana: main six reacting to injured! reader
anonymous: Could u do m6 reacting to mc coming home injured? I want some hurt/comfort >:))
Warnings: talk of being injured, blood. if that bothers you or tiggers you in anyway, please scroll away! i want this to be a safe place, only :)
thanks for the request anon!! i hope you enjoy!! <3 requests for the kissing prompts and physical affection prompts are STILL OPEN. please send them in with the character of your choice (which could be any character from any series i write for) and i will create an imagine!! thanks and happy reading!!
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- tries his very very best to stay calm
- you can see panic bubbling under the surface
- faust is on high alert
- slithers around your shoulders and squeezes you for a hug
- "friend! hurt!"
- doesn't immediately ask what happened, just gets you to a comfortable place to be cleaned up
- then, and only then, will he brave to ask what happened to you
- or who did this to you
- wipes the blood from your skin with very gentle swipes
- winces when you wince, and apologizes profoundly
- "Y/n, how did this happen? i thought you were just taking a quick trip to the market."
- "i fell in the market, tripped over a stone"
- "and nobody helped you?"
- in this case he's disappointed with the bystanders, but does not become angry
- in a situation where someone hurt you?
- oh god
- "Y/n, how did this happen? i thought you were just taking a quick trip to the market."
- "yeah, well, somebody had their eye on the same apple i picked up. somehow, though, they managed to push me to the ground and steal it from my hands."
- i don't even think he would know what to say
- and asra is not really the type to march out into the streets of vesuvia and seek to challenge the one who hurt you
- but he would certainly hold a grudge against whoever it was if he did find out
- and would feel absolutely awful about letting you get hurt
- his mind would race about the possibility of losing you again
- because he simply can't handle it
- and what if that person had been particularly violent or malicious? what if you had been taken??
- you'd have to comfort the hell out of him to make sure he knows that you're okay
- "asra, hey, i'm fine! i can handle myself, you know that"
- "you're right, and i know you're right. it's just hard"
- "it's still hard for me, too. the market still makes me a little nervous and i got caught a little off guard, is all"
- that would make him feel better
- would finish patching up your wounds and would make sure to bring you to julian the next day if they were too bad for him to fix or needed stitches
- would also create a special brew to help with the pain and ease you to sleep
- "why don't i go down to the market tomorrow?"
- "why? so when you pick a fight over apples, i can pay you back for all of this high quality medical treatment?"
- "well of course, surely you didn't expect all this tender love and care to be free" *wink*
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- panicked doctor mode enabled
- immediately begins checking you over, asking questions
- something tells me it would be a head injury of some sort
- "oh darling, what happe- you're bleeding!"
- "julian, i'm okay! it's just a little scratch"
- "no no no you might need stitches, come sit down. i'll go get my kit!"
- there's really no use in arguing
- he has cold ass hands, so he tries to warm them up before he begins suturing the wound
- tries to be gentle, and his expert hands move quickly without any snagging
- "so, how did this happen?"
- his voice is literally trembling
- "well, i was in the clinic grabbing the list of ingredients we need for our next grocery trip and there was a puddle of... something on the floor. i slipped and hit my head on the corner of your desk"
- immediately thinks it's his fault
- like "oh shit i should have cleaned better that could have killed y/n and then what would i have done-"
- doesn't necessarily voice this, but you can tell by the silence that follows that he's feeling really guilty
- would kneel for you, head on your knees
- "y/n, i am so sorry"
- "juli, it's really okay, i should have watched where i was going"
- "i'll make sure to clean better from now on, okay?"
- would guard you throughout the night in case of concussion
- nurse juli <3
- but let's say someone had put their hands on you
- would patch you up the same way, and apologize profusely for not being there with you
- tuck you into bed and fetch mazelinka to keep an eye on you throughout the night incase of a concussion
- would most definitely be self destructive and seek that mf out
- maybe not successfully, but would try his hardest
- "i'll be back in the morning, get some rest"
- "I can find them myself if I want to, you know"
- embarrassed blush
- because he KNOWS you can take care of yourself
- "of course, but right now you're hurt. as your partner, i will do what must be done on your behalf darling"
- probably shows up the following morning with battle scars of his own
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- the guards found you in the garden, passed out in the maze
- blood trickled down your arm, a large gash marking your bicep
- ran you up to the palace and immediately to the medical wing
- them]n nadia gets word
- the calm, collected queen act disappears
- abandons anything she's doing, anybody she's talking to
- "we will finish this at a different time, i have more important matters to attend to"
- she is so worried and it's honestly adorable
- very much giving "where tf are they?" energy
- god i love her so much
- anyways um
- asks the nurses over and over what happened, if you're okay, etc.
- watches the physicians and nurses like a hawk as they clean the wound and suture the cut
- and they're so intimidated lmao they never come face to face with her literally ever
- brushes your hair back from your face as they do so
- holds your hands
- would demand that you be brought to her sleeping chamber
- so that's where you wake up! how cute
- she's laying beside you, her brows furrowed
- maybe even her eyes are a little hazy
- "y/n, sweetheart, do you remember what happened?"
- patiently waits for your answer, you're still a little groggy
- you were either attacked by an animal and passed out from the fright
- or you were attacked by an armed person and was knocked out
- either way, the guards are on it
- nadia isn't letting whoever or whatever did this get away without a fight
- the palace is meant to be a safe haven for you
- for the both of you
- "well, don't you worry, we'll take care of that"
- you try to sit up but she won't let you
- "oh no, you must stay down, y/n. you are possibly concussed from the fall"
- "oh okay, sorry"
- "is there anything i can get you?"
- the countess of vesuvia, serving you in your time of need
- "just some water would be nice"
- "of course, i'll have some brought up right away"
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- i literally feel like he would just start crying straight up
- cause like he has some problems anyway
- he big sad boi
- and you coming home to the hut bleeding from a gash in the arch of your foot is not helping
- picks you and carries you to the bed without a word
- just starts examining the cut
- inanna is also very concerned
- she licks the blood from the cut, she's trying to be helpful
- meanwhile muriel is stumbling around the hut looking for anything to stop the bleeding, disinfect it, bandage it, anything
- but he's not the best about keeping that stuff in stock
- keeps looking back at you with worry in his eyes
- he doesn't know what to do
- "muriel, let me see if i can contact asra. maybe he or julian can bring me a salve. i'm pretty sure i'm gonna need stitches"
- low-key makes him feel worse
- cause he feels like he's unable to care for you and keep your safe
- even tho this was just an accident
- he's breathing really fast, his anxiety creeping
- agrees anyway, but goes to get them himself
- "i'll be back soon, just keep this piece of cloth pressed against it"
- cause you're bleeding like a lot
- inanna stays behind
- he returns very quickly with julian in tow, though he doesn't look happy about it
- leaves the hut without another word
- julian gets to work immediately
- "so, you cut your foot i see"
- smartass.
- "yeah, muriel always tells me to put on shoes when i walk in the woods but i love to feel the grass beneath my feet"
- julian chuckled at this
- "and i'm assuming you, what, stepped on a rock?"
- "...yeah, sliced it right open"
- after julian is done cleaning up the cut, he tells you to just stay off of it for a while and make sure it doesn't get infected
- once he's gone, muriel trudges back into the hut
- "muriel, baby, it was just a cut it's not a big deal"
- but his eyes look hurt, and you beckon him toward the bed
- "hey," your hands on his cheeks, "i'm okay, really"
- "sorry, i just got scared. blood is still a trigger for me and since you got hurt in my woods, i felt like it was my fault"
- "muriel, of course it wasn't your fault"
- he really needed a hug
- after this instance, he made sure to keep medical supplies in the hut and you promised to try and wear shoes in the woods more often than not
- "i'll try my best to be more careful. deal?"
- sweet lil smile
- "deal."
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- "oh my god, y/n, what the hell happened??"
- you were tending the garden
- without her supervision
- and the garden sheers might have sliced into the palm of your hand
- deep
- brings you over to the sink and runs water over the cut, covering it with a towel when the dripping blood had been washed away
- girl is on the move
- cause she knows what to do! love that
- low-key a main reason why julian managed to live as long as he has
- pepi is curiously perched atop one of the counters, peering down
- finds her personal first aid kit she had stashed in the bathroom
- guides you over to sit on the counter while she tries to figure out what to do
- "damn, you really cut yourself, y/n"
- "sorry! i think i just got a little carried away"
- she giggles at that, though she is still worried about the fact that it won't stop bleeding
- gently wraps the cut in gauze and adheres it together
- places a kiss to your fingertips
- "all done! no more gardening for you!"
- "hey, why not?"
- "well you don't want that cut to open back up again and again, do you?"
- "no"
- "alright then," she smiled, moving to put away the first aid kit again, "and we're going up to the palace medical wing first thing tomorrow morning to make sure it's not infected"
- eye roll
- "yes ma'am" you mocked
- even though you know it's just because she loves you
- "but since you got hurt, you want me to bake you some cookies?"
- "only if you let me eat the dough!"
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- good god do i love this man
- but he is so self-absorbed it's actually insane
- and I feel like he wouldn't even notice at first
- cause he's too focused on himself
- gazing into the mirror without a care in the world when you walked in
- "y/n, thank goodness you're home, how do you feel about these pants?"
- you just hobbled to the nearest seat, hand resting over the gash on your knee
- mercedes and melchior were lazing across a rug at the base of his mirror, their attention set on you
- "u-um, yeah, they look good"
- literally just trying not to bleed out, over here
- "good? oh really, now, y/n don't they look amazing?"
- "yes, they look ama- ow, damnit"
- then he turned around
- immediate shock and worry! oh no oh no y/n is hurt!
- mercedes and melchior walked over first, whining as they took in the cut, brushing around the edges
- lucio raced over, squatting down in front of you, and began examining the cut
- "hey, hey, what happened?"
- "i accidentally tripped on my walk in the garden and scraped my knee on the cobblestone"
- he was lightly touching around the cut, gauging how sensitive it was
- when you flinched he stopped, looking into your eyes with a soft "sorry"
- "i think i need to go to the palace infirmary"
- "oh there's no need, i can take care of you!"
- you were not convinced he could take care of you, at least not well
- "uh, lucio, are you sure?"
- he looked slightly offended, at that
- "you know, y/n, i did fight in battles at one point. i have not only tended to my own wounds, but the wounds of others, as well"
- you giggled at the thought
- "much to your protest, though, i'm sure"
- he moved to the small cabinet of medical supplies in the ensuite to your bedroom, returning to your side with it in hand
- "at points, but i don't mind helping you in the slightest"
- for all of his antics, his soft side was enough to make you fall in love all over again
- and although i know he would take care of you in literally any situation, i can't say for certainty that he would stick around and place nurse lucio for long if a person had hurt you
- attacked you
- much like nadia, the guards would be sent out without a second thought, lucio leading the pack in the search for you aggressor
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xaharadesert · 3 years
Shifter MC - Headcanon Pt 5
Asra Alnazar x MC
A/N: part 5/6 for @tasteofgummies! Asra is my all time fav, but he’s also the one I mischaracterize the most :) I’m blinded by my adoration of him, so let me know if there’s anything that needs changing (don’t worry, I won’t be offended)! Also, please let me know if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes! Requests are open :)
Also, I don’t know if I ever made this clear, but when MC has to go back to their original reality, they take a “journey” alone away from their LI.
Spoilers!!! I can’t really get more specific than that, but it’s some pretty big stuff!!! So! Spoilers!
TW: angst, crying, guilt
So obviously Asra is the quickest to catch on that there’s something you don’t want him knowing
You can’t simply share a heart and keep major secrets from one another (well, he can, but he has a better comprehension of the specifics of your connection)
He tries not to pry, as he knows that you feel anxious when he asks about where you disappear to on your journeys
A part of him feels like he doesn’t deserve to know, after he did the same to you for so long
He feels upset when you leave without explanation, but mostly upset at himself, as he feels that any lack of trust you might have could be his own fault
He lied to you for so long, how could it not be?
Possibly the most terrifying part of you taking these journeys alone is the fact that at some point he seems to lose his connection to you
The first time it happened, he had what felt like an unending panic attack until you returned
When you spend so much time being aware of your other half, and being careful to ensure that it’s happy and safe, suddenly feeling as though it’s no longer there at all is absolutely horrifying
He had no way of knowing what happened to you, whether there was a flaw in the magic, or if you had died
From then on, while he would never stop you from going on a journey alone (as much as he would like to), he asks for a thousand reassurances before you go
It never really stops being scary, but he struggles with his own complicated feelings on the matter
Could he really ask you to stop, when he had so often left you at the shop with no way of knowing whether he himself was safe, or even alive?
His guilt would keep him complacent
But eventually, it would become too much
After a journey of yours took longer than usual (and longer than promised; you were usually punctual in your return), his panic had risen to the point that he could no longer contain his emotions
It was less an argument, and more Asra pouring his heart out all at once, tears streaming down his face as he begged you not to leave again
You’d have to be heartless to deny him the truth, but fortunately you had his own heart in your chest, so there would be no way to lie
You could try to comfort him in other ways, but with the knowledge that your trips were mandatory, he wouldn’t truly feel okay with it
So, really, your only option was to tell him everything
As he listened, he became less and less upset
Magic was something he could understand, and what you told him made perfect sense
It was reassuring to know that you took these trips and temporarily severed your connection because you had to, not because you wanted to leave him you were in some sort of danger
By the end, he would almost be laughing
It seemed funny to him that you felt the need to keep this from him; he was someone who regularly traveled through his dreams to different dimensions, why wouldn’t you tell him you had done the same?
He couldn’t describe the joy he felt knowing that you were as dedicated to him as he was to you— you had traveled across realities to be with him, and he knew that if he could, he would do the same
Although he’s upset to know that he can’t join you in your reality, he hopes you know that it’s okay to have your own adventures, because no matter how far you go, he’ll always be waiting for you to return
He likes to hear about your world the way you see it; he’s not interested in the logic of it all, he wants to know what your favourite places are, your favourite foods, your favourite hobbies
He’s seems to be delighted by everything you’re delighted by; your enthusiasm is infectious
Similarly, he agrees with you almost every time you complain about something in your reality that irks you (like capitalism, which Asra doesn’t really understand, as economics really isn’t his strong suit, but will agree with you is evil)
He’s also sad to hear about anything causing you personal trouble in your reality
He likes taking care of you, knowing that if something’s wrong, he can fix it— being the source of your happiness and comfort is one of his greatest pleasures in life— so knowing that there are things that he can’t help with breaks his heart a little
Of course, he’ll still do what he can
He can make your favourite drink, and your favourite foods
He can cuddle you, or distract you, for as long as you’d like
And he will always, always makes sure you know that he loves you more than life itself
For as long as you’ll allow him, he’ll be your home, your heart, and the one who loves you best
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portias-husband · 3 years
So I’m sick rn and I was just wondering if you could write how the LIs + Vulgora or Valdemar (mainly a sucker for Vulgora) would react to a sick MC? 🥺
I’m sick too at the moment so of course! I put Vulgora first and gave them more headcanons since you are a sucker for them 😋
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- When you tell them you are sick, they will look kinda worried for a sec, until they realise you aren’t deathly sick and they basically blush and yell at you to sit down and they run to go and get snacks and medicine for you.
- Their worry-induced rage is even kinda scary to Valdemar since they basically run into the medical dungeon and demand medicine to make you feel better or they will tear the dungeon down by the walls
- No-one dares get in their way of getting things to make you feel better since their face is as red as the plague beetles with anger at the fact that someone got you sick
- Speaking off, they start threatening anyone who has talked to you in the past few days and start saying they will kill them for getting you sick
- Will spend the day making sure you are taken care of and will whisper things like “I’m going to kill this sickness”
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- Makes Mercedes and Melchior lay with you and keep watch while he goes and fetches Jules and drags him to make sure you are okay
- Once Julian says you are just ill and that some medicine will probably help you get better, he lays down with you and the dogs and refuses to let you do anything without him helping
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- Okay so he gets pretty worried at first but then he remembers, oh yeh I’m a frickin doctor, and so he does a *ahem* thorough check of you to make sure that you are okay and won’t die again
- Mixes a medicine that will help you get better but makes sure that he leaves some water and a sick bucket nearby just in case you need to vomit while he is making the medicine.
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- Gets super worried and checks your forehead constantly and keeps asking if you feel faint and has Inanna, with her wolf senses, make sure that you aren’t gonna die.
- Since he’s lived out in the woods for a while, and being alone for that time, he probably knows what herbs and plants that help with sickness symptoms so he makes sure to get them from the forest and then goes and gets Asra to have him help with with the actual sickness
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- Tries not to show his worry but it’s definitely there, I mean you already died of the plague so he is terrified that you could die of another sickness and so even after confirming that it isn’t the plague, he is still worried.
- They make sure that all your needs are met, they make sure that you are comfortable and safe, whether that be making you countless cups of tea, cuddling you or using their magic to make you warmer or cooler.
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- Isn’t as worried as the others since she has all the best physicians and healers at her disposal, who are all perfectly happy to help the partner of the countess and so you will get better pretty quickly
- While you are recovering, she does make sure that you are pampered so much with all the niceties that being a countess affords her, like baths and the best foods, and she will even postpone her duties to be with you while you get better.
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- She’s not completely worried but she acts worried and starts babying you, saying stuff like “oh no, my poor baby feeling ill, quick Pepi, make some soup!” and she will not let you move a muscle, like seriously she will carry you if you desperately need to go somewhere
- She’s a great cook and so the soup that she and Pepi made is absolutely delicious and she’s so great to cuddle with so you will get better quickly, especially after making her brother help too.
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- They do get kinda creepy when you tell them you are sick, saying weird shit like “oh fascinating, I can examine how the human body recovers from illnesses and I can test all my cures” but it’s just their way of showing you they care
- You wake up sometimes while you are still recovering to them poking and prodding at your sides with medical tools and they just look at you and nod then they move away and start writing some notes.
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shadow--writer · 3 years
Ey, good to know that the headcanon requests are open! I was wondering if you could do one of the main 6 as MC's best friend? Like, what kind of stuff would they enjoy doing with them, how would that relationship feel like, stuff like that!
Bonus point if you write about how would they act towards an MC who has a crush/is on a relationship with someone else, I am mostly thinking about the other 5. I don't know if this may sound weirdly specific, I just think it's cute to imagine for example Julian giving you relationship advice for, like, Muriel or Nadia haha.
I hope this request is not too troublesome or long, but as an end note I must say that I love your work and that I am in love with the way you write. I hope you have a nice day!
Aww omg thank you for your kind words! I’m so sorry this took forever to get out haha. I burnt myself out with writing but I’m falling back in love with it. 
I really hope I did this justice, this was a ton of fun! Platonic headcanons are so much fun to write 10/10. I hope you’re having a good day/night anon, and I hope you enjoy! 
Main six (not really x MC but hush) x MC best friends helping with crushes
~~~~ Julian
You two are such besties it’s not even funny
He loves you so so much and loves helping you out (even if his love life is a disaster most of the time as well)
The two of you have sleepovers all the time do not @ me
Gossip, painting nails, going to bed at such awful times, the whole ta do. Since you were specific with relationships with him we’ll do Nadia
So this is not main story so let’s say he has his memories 
LOVES the fact that you like Nadia, totally had a crush on her as well, I mean who wouldn’t?
Knows what she likes and would help you plan out dates and how you would ask her out. Wants to know all that happened. Give him the deets!
He’s protective, but supportive and sweet making him a wonderful friend. Terrible with secrets though. Terrible.
Y’all are already besties but you get even closer 
Asra has THE BEST sleepovers. Even when you two live with one another you can tell when it’s sleepover time
Makes AMAZING snacks and tea, you two make a pillow fort and stay up super late talking. Faust loves burrowing through the fort
Oooh boy we’ll say he gives advice about Muriel. Since they are also best friends and ugh this was one of my fav parts of Muriel’s route (when it was flushed out well)
Um, you liking Muriel?! He would die. Tell him EVERYTHING! Did you kiss yet? A date? Does he like you?
100% would help you plan dates and gifts. Wears the worst disguises to follow behind at restaurants for the story and to make sure his two best friends are doing okay
One of the best advice givers. One of the worst advice followers. Keeps a secret like he’s a safe. Always says he loves you, draws out the words but he means it because he does love you
Nadia is the best one out of the main six for friendship. The BEST
You two go on shopping sprees, hang around the palace, she loves going out with you as friends and just talking 
All of the main six have sleepovers with their friends. Do not come for me, I will die on this hill. Nadia’s sleepovers rival Asra’s. 
Pillow fights, long baths, long talks, a ton of gossip and just talking. She loves talking with you, about anything and everything. Adores hearing about your love life
When she hears how you like Portia sleepover is canceled and it’s operation get the MC and Portia together 
She gives the best advice (and follows advice) and has the best ideas for gifts. And you better tell her what happened on your date with Portia. 
Nadia is a very loving and warm friend. She (and Portia) give the best hugs as well.
Awww so Muriel would take a little bit to warm up to you with friendship 
Once he does it’s soft friendship hours. Sleepovers don’t happen super often unless you two were doing something and it got late
The chickens love you :]
Very soft friend. Stiff hugs. Takes him a little while to warm up to hugging but once he does you’re being lifted off the ground in a breathtaking bear hug
Quiet listener. Doesn’t really do advice but will listen to you talk. Figuring out you like Asra was no trouble 
He’s protective of you and Asra so he’d give Asra the same “hurt them if you dare” talk he gives you. But after…
Advice advice ADVICE! He knows what Asra likes and would have fun planning little dates and gifts with you. Loves seeing his friend’s in love. Would tease Asra a little as well.
He is like a SAFE. Better than a safe even! Best secret keeper. The BEST. He’s a quiet friend, but a warm one as well. 
Portia and Nadia are some of the best friends you could ever ask for. Portia gives you food she’s made at random times
Sleepovers every week when you two aren’t exhausted. Pepi loves playing with you when you come over 
She’s not the best advice giver but boy is she loving and protective. If someone hurts you you’d better hide the shovel otherwise Portia will be digging a grave
Her hugs are the best. The actual best. If you’re taller she pulls you down to bury your face in her shoulder. World cold. Portia titty soft and warm kind of thing. Pats your head at random times. Boops your nose. All the platonic touches
Loves love life talk. Loves crush talk. She’s like the main character’s friend in a teen romcom, all the gossip about her friend’s crush. So it turns out yours is Lucio. 
It’s uhh...a shock to her. You like...Lucio?
The most chill out of the main six with crushes. Squeals, but let’s you do your own thing for a majority of it. She helps when you struggle or ask. Teaches you to make cookies to give to Lucio
She gives you so many baking lessons. Most of which ending up with the two of you passing out in the pillow pile due to the amount of sugar you take in.
Also a safe. Way better than her brother. Locks her lips and throws away the key. 
The type of friend to burst into your house like: “wake up bitch you will NEVER guess what just happened”
Not the best listener. Sorry, he really likes to talk. You’d have to shut him up. He loves listening to your problems (laying on his stomach with his legs up lol) but he just runs his mouth
Also one of the worst secret keepers.  He seems fine at first but then he lets things spill at the WORST TIMES
Talking about crushes really brings out his whole romantic side
Finds out you like Julian and he will bitch, moan, and laugh
He’s so meannnnnnn. But in the friend way that makes you smash his face with a pillow. 
Yes he would help you with dates. He would want to dress you. And help you pay for gifts. Knows Julian pretty well but rocky relationship so he does his best to let you do your own thing
You two wreak havoc upon the palace at night
Sliding around the floors in your socks with Mercedes and Melchior charging at your heels
He never fails to make you laugh when you feel down though. He’s amazing emotional support.
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So for the headcannons, can we have the main six with an MC who has asthma? (Courtier HC too if possible 👉👈)
I might do the courtiers sometime, but they aren’t in this one since I need to know them better-
Thank you for asking!!!
(If anything is repetitive in any way, it’s because they are all looking out for you and don’t want anything to happen!!)
Adding this after writing like half of it- I realize a lot of this is verging on anxiety, but I have breathing problems and anxiety, so I feel like some of the symptoms are the same. (Like the triggers)
Second Edit:
I guess this counts for anxiety too, but if you want a specific anxiety one, I shall do it anyways
Has like- at least 5 inhalers placed strategically around the shop, makes sure that you both carry one at all times (individually, so you have one and he has one)
They have a mental list of what makes you comfortable and uncomfortable, and another list of signs that you are in trouble, or having trouble breathing
Knows when to lead you away from people and knows when you need space vs comfort
Faust scouts places that are safe for you to escape to when it gets bad!!
You get TEA that helps you relax
She’s worse than asra- she has an inhaler in every room in the palace and makes sure every servant carries one
Has no problem ordering people to leave the room or to just keep a distance from you so you don’t get overwhelmed
Makes sure to notice what exerts you the most, always makes sure you have what privileges that she believes will help you the most
Always knows what to say in a conversation to free you from the painful grasp
is probably the worst person for when you have asthma tbh- (loud, dramatic, flipping dances on tables for crying out loud)
When you need to leave the crowds and such, can make a distraction to allow you to slip away
Probably freaks out when you have an attack, probably has one inhaler that he misplaces all the time in his pockets but always has it on him because he will not. Leave the house. Without it. (Thank you, Julian 😄)
Once he realizes you have it, he does his best to slow down because he wants you to be at max safety
Carries an inhaler and has one in the cottage-
Pepi has been trained when it’s safe to cuddle, and when it’s needed to cuddle
“My S/O needs space!” Back up, she protecc!
When it gets bad, she always has to be next to you. She won’t crowd you but she does have to have a hand on you at all times- holding your hand, resting on your shoulder or thigh,
She is ALWAYS running around, so you probably takes rests and breaks often, but she doesn’t mind!
Has one inhaler on him at all times, it’s probably his most important possession, never loses or misplaces it
Is really good at hiding and such, so he knows where to lead you when you need space
Really gentle, knows not to crowd you but also stays nearby so that you can call him over to you if you need him
Probably carries you every once in a while
Always misplaces inhalers, but don’t worry, he can buy new ones!! Has at least two of them on him at a time, so he has a backup one
Like Nadia and Portia, has no problem declaring that you need space and demanding people to give it to you
He acts like he doesn’t care that much but if it gets bad or you have an attack- panic mode: ON
Always checking in but trying to keep it subtle pfft “is my awesomeness taking your breath away more than usual? I’m sorry- wait no MC are you okay????!!”
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nabesthetics · 3 years
Julian Devorak & magic
*sips tea* Hey look it’s 1 am, the perfect time to write down another mess of thoughts about an Arcana character. Headcanon rambling time, folks.
Outside of the magical realms and not pressed by a save-the-world situation or plot convenience, it’s significantly more difficult for Julian to get in touch with his magic for a while. If MC wants to teach him, he’ll try his best, you know he will, but it’s a slow going: Julian’s innate abilities aren’t as strong as, say, Asra’s, and the overthinking/over-analyzing everything doesn’t help the process at all.
One day, the Apprentice is cutting something for dinner/potions when Ilya enters the room dramatically, as he does, striking a pose and/or producing a terrible pick up line; distracted, MC cuts their finger
Doctor mode a c t i v a t e d. Yeah MC doesn’t really get to say “I’m okay”. Well, they can, but it’s futile.
“It’s not a deep cut, but still, better clean and cover it, I’ll go get the bandages-” “Julian, I can just heal it.”
That stops him in the doorway
“You, uh, you can what now?” “...actually, maybe YOU can just heal it!” “I can what-” (yeah I don’t know why are healing spells not mentioned in his whole route but here we are)
Suddenly, there is an impromptu magic lesson, with Ilya being the most motivated he’s ever been to perform a spell properly. Now, the way healing magic works is mentioned in the game only once iirc, and is described as “thinking of healing”:
“Oho? That I can do, darling.”
Lo and behold, after a few attempts, he does it. There isn’t even a spot left.
After that, the learning progress accelerates significantly, and Julian insists on treating every single scratch or bruise for friends and family (well, there are some exceptions for the Apprentice but that’s besides the point). He might even begrudgingly try to heal himself after a tavern brawl once in a while, “for practice”. It doesn’t always work, but he gets better over time, and at some point, maybe a few years later, Julian is capable of healing serious wounds.
In fact, he’s better at it than MC.
Reasons? Well, since the Arcana magic system heavily depends on mental visualization/feeling, healing magic would benefit from understanding of anatomy - as in, it's easier to heal something if you know how it should be like. Which is why MC can heal surface wounds, but is unable to fix organ damage, and even the muscle/skin wound healing is shown to be one of the most taxing spells for them, to the point of passing out. Julian, on the other hand, benefits from his medical knowledge, and has the potential to become really good at healing magic.
Even if he cannot heal the whole wound due to energy limitations, he will mend some parts of it, like sealing the larger vessels, immensely increasing the patient’s chances of survival and faster recovery.
Eventually, Julian might even unintentionally begin a change in the medical field, with other local and visiting doctors considering including magic into their skillset.
Congratulations, MC, you might have revolutionized the advancement of medicine by romancing a dramatic leech enthusiast.
He’ll definitely magically over-exhaust himself tho, so please keep an eye on him ok? Good.
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wonderlandgoblin · 3 years
Hello! I hope your doing alright, if it’s ok could you do one where Mc wakes up in the middle of the night to get a snack and runs into an intruder who attacks them and they call out for the main six? If it’s easier for you you could just do Lucio and Julian unless you’d prefer all of them, which ever you’d like ^^
Hello! I have no excuse for why i took this long, i just wanted to say im sorry and i reaally hope you enjoy it 🥰❣ 
Intruder at night Main 6 
You and Asra had a tendency to forget to sleep.
It was late at night and the both of you had the idea to make a baking contest which turned into a make out session in the middle of it.
By the time you remembered that you were cooking, a lot of the ingredients that were on the counter had fallen to the ground, making a huge mess.
As Asra tried to clean up, you went downstairs to pick up more ingredients.
Once you got down to the shop, you were surprised to find another person with you.
You scream startled, making the person jump and run for the exit.
You cast an offensive spell, but considering how dark it is, you end up missing the target.
Asra comes running down the stairs just as the intruder reaches the door.
Together, you menage to stop them.
After being roughened up by the two most powerful magicians in Vesuvia, they are unlikely to invade any other establishment any time soon.
Once they’re out of sight, Asra turns to you, pulling you into his arms.
He holds you tight, telling you how scared he was when he heard you scream and how proud he was of your courage and bravery.
It was a while before he let you go.
When the two of you went back inside, the baking contest had been forgotten and all Asra wanted to do was take care of you.
He stirred you to the bathroom where you helped each other clean up from all the mess your baking caused.
You were trembling from head to toe, too shook up about what happened.
The warm water and Asra’s soft hands on your skin were a blessing, urging you to relax.
You didn’t say a thing. There was a silent understanding between you. You didn’t need to talk… you just needed each other.
Once you were both clean, you went straight to bed.
Asra held you tight as you fell asleep, feeling thankful to have him in moments like this.
If anyone ever had the courage to invade the palace or the shop of the countess’ partner, they sure would regret it.
If that event ever happened, the culprit would suffer dire consequences and, gods forbid you were hurt or even scared from the invasion.
Although Nadia wasn’t a violent person, she wouldn’t hesitate to sentence anyone to a hanging if they dared hurt the one she loved.
When it came to making sure you were okay, Nadia would have the entire palace staff do anything she could think of to comfort you.
She would have them prepare your favorite meal, hire a band to play your favorite songs, buy you all the most beautiful and expensive flowers, all to make you feel better.
She would even have Valerius take over her duties as countess for the day, so she could spend it with you.
You would be covered in kisses and caresses until you told her to stop, although she would constantly disobey your orders (it’s not like you were complaining).
The entire day would be like a date, she’d take care of you and make sure you felt like the most loved person in the world.
Because you most certainly were.
He’d desperately ask if you were okay and check you for any injuries or wounds.
If he found any indication you had been harmed, he would rush to get his medical kit and would start treating you on the spot.
Once you were treated, he wouldn’t really know what to do to comfort you and make you feel better, so he’d take you to someone he was sure would know what to do.
You would be ushered to Mazelinka’s so you could have some of her famous soup.
If you tried to resist, Julian would carry you himself.
Mazelinka was happy to make you anything you wanted and, as she cooked, she would ramble about how reckless the invader was and how she would’ve given them an ass beating if she was around when it happened.
You wait patiently for the food, with Julian’s arm wrapped around your shoulder.
You didn’t talk much, which was a first when it came to Julian.
He kept glancing at you every five seconds, as if making sure you were still there.
Once you ate, Mazelinka retired to the hole, offering you both the bed.
As you got ready to sleep, Julian barely said a word.
You decided not to pry. It’s not like he could keep to himself for very much longer.
Eventually, his façade broke.
As you set down on the bed, he pulled you into his lap, holding you so tight it got a little hard to breathe.
With his head buried in your hair, he admitted how scared he’d been when he saw the intruder fighting you.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you”.
It didn’t take much to assure Julian you were alright.
A few kisses and a few sweet words were enough to have him melting under you and kissing you back fervently.
That night, you desperately hoped Mazelinka was a heavy sleeper.
You were alone at the hut and Muriel had gone out to collect more firewood or something like that.
That’s when a stranger knocked on the door.
They said they were traveling and needed a place to spend the night. They were hoping you’d let them come in for a hot meal and a place to sleep.
You let them in. You couldn’t just leave them out in the woods at night!
You offered them dinner and you both started a conversation.
The stranger seemed very… well… strange.
The longer you spent with them, the more unease you felt.
Eventually they started flirting and coming on to you.
You pushed them away and asked they leave, but they wouldn’t listen.
They tried to pull you in for a kiss and despite your effort to throw them out the door, they weren’t making it easy.
Finally, the door was thrown open from the outside and Muriel walked in.
The stranger was paralyzed with fright, which gave you the opportunity to push them away.
Muriel didn’t take long to read the room, and with one murderous look he sent the stranger running.
As they ran out the door, Innana decided to chase them just for good measure.
Muriel didn’t waste any time in crossing the room and pulling you into his arms.
You were shaking with both anger and fear while hot tears streamed down your cheeks, but having Muriel holding you was working in calming you down ever so slightly.
He didn’t question you about what happened, he simply hugged you until your trembling and crying subsided.
He gently pulled away, with a kiss at the top of your head.
He led you to the bed, got you blankets and furs and grew the fire.
As he turned to make you tea, Innana climbed on the bed with you, giving your face a few licks before laying her head on your lap.
Muriel came back with your tea and sat beside you.
You leaned against him, straying for all the comfort and heat you could get.
You hadn’t quite comprehended what happened, but you couldn’t shake away the fear of what might have happened if Muriel hadn’t arrived when he did.
You both stayed silent.
There was nothing to say, and Muriel seemed to understand that.
He stayed by your side, hugging you close, and that was enough for now.
The next day, after a very much needed night of sleep, you woke up to find Muriel outside, putting up more protective spells.
You smile as you sneak behind him and hug him from the back.
He startles but pulls you in for a kiss as you say “thank you”.
She would most likely beat the crap out of anyone who ever tried to hurt you so… yeah.
She would scare them so much that when the guards came to arrest the intruder, they’d be happy to go as long as they got away from Portia.
After the culprit was dealt with, Portia would cover you in blankets and make you tea.
The two of you would cuddle with Pepi as you told Portia how you were feeling, and she covered you with kisses and caresses.
She would listen to every word you said and do her best to be there for you.
She would tell you stories and jokes to make you laugh and you would stay up late into the night just talking (and kissing too).
The next day she would ask Nadia to relieve her from work so she could spend the day with you.
Nadia obviously agreed and you spent the entire day with Portia all to yourself.
You had a picnic at the gardens, walked throughout the town, and made your last stop at the Rowdy Raven.
When you came back home, there was no memory of the night before or of the intruder.
There was only Portia, laughing and stumbling inside her house.
Her hair and clothes were a mess, and she was sweating from all the dancing you did back in the Raven.
But her eyes were shining, and her smile was so beautiful it took your breath away as she pulled you closer, whispering “I love you”, and kissing you deeply.
Lucio woke up in the middle of the night feeling terribly cold.
When he realized you weren’t in bed with him, he assumed that was the reason why (not the fact that he was sleeping practically naked on a winter night).
Instead of putting on more clothes or getting more blankets (like a normal person would), he decided to go look for you around the palace.
He mopped around for 5 minutes before going to the dogs for help.
Mercedes and Melchior weren’t very happy about being woken up in the middle of the night, but after some pets and a promise of snacks, they were ready to search for you.
They found you being comforted by one of the palace guards, while another disappeared in the distance.
You had been attacked by an intruder, but, luckily, the guards heard the commotion and came to help.
As soon as he heard you were attacked, Lucio’s expression contorted in anger and he didn’t lose a second before telling Mercedes and Melchior to find the intruder and chased after them.
The guard escorted you back to Lucio’s room and assured you that they would keep watch all night.
It worked on making you feel safer, but you were mostly worried about Lucio.
As if on cue, Lucio burst into the room. He desperately looked around searching for you and when he finally set his eyes on you, Lucio crossed the space between you in a second, pulling you into a tight hug.
He kept asking how you were, if you were hurt, what he could do… he promised the person would pay, and said he’d already made sure that they regretted ever coming near you.
He pulled away, cupping your face in his hands to look into your eyes.
That’s when you noticed the blood. Both on his face and on his hands.
You pulled away, taking his hands into yours.
The look you gave him must’ve been harsh, since he let out an “oopsie”.
Before going back to bed, you cleaned the blood off him and through the entire time, he wouldn’t take his eyes off of you.
Once the blood was gone and you helped Lucio put away his golden arm, you both settled to sleep.
But before you could lie down, he took your hand in his and, as he stared into your eyes, he took a deep breath and said “I know I’m not the kind of person you expected to end up with. I know you think I shouldn’t have hurt that guy but… I protect the things I love.” There was a strong resolution in his tone. “And I love you so much, y/n. I’d do anything for you. I will never let anyone hurt you again”.
You’d never seen Lucio look this serious before.
Looking deep into your eyes, with his makeup all smudged, his hair a complete mess and without his treasure arm, he looked so vulnerable…
Maybe he wasn’t the kind of person you’d expected to end up with, but you were sure as hell that he was the one you wanted.
You smile and tenderly comb your hand through his hair, pulling him closer.
His breathe catches as your mouths are barely touching.
“And I…”, you whispered “…would do anything for you, my love”.
At last, you pull him in for a passionate yet delicate kiss.
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Imagine the M6 and MC proposing at the same time. Like they pull out a ring only to turn around and see that the other person also pulled out a ring. I think its very silly but also very cute :3
The Arcana HCs: MC and M6 proposing at the same time
~ ahaaa I love silly and cute! This is a wonderful suggestion and I adore it. another addition to the marriage themed hcs! - brainrot ~
Fumbles and almost drops the ring in shock
Is quick to pull himself back together and relax into his typical roguish grin
"Well that answers the question for me."
Will 100% forget to put the rings on because he's too busy frantically making out with you in relief
You'll have to be patient when you do go to put the rings on, because he's trembling all over
Is it the leftover nerves? The excitement? The week of sleepless nights he suffered overthinking it ahead of time?
Will need you to reassure him later that your answer was in fact yes
Will suggest you kiss him again to prove it
You're about to watch him agonize over one of the most difficult decisions of his life regarding his ring
Does he wear the original size that fits his finger? Does he request it be sized up to wear over his glove? He wants to show it off, but he wants to wear it all the time, and he can't ask you for two, and -
He's pacing? If you pin him he'll stop
Moment of silence while they turn bright red, because seeing you offer your commitment unprompted instead of themself suddenly makes it 1000x more real
Says yes so quietly you'll have to ask him to repeat
Will zone out staring at you adoringly until you make a move or they realize that you're looking at them too
Kisses you before you can give him the ring but at some point they'll magically appear on your fingers
You keep having to pause because they can't stop chuckling
Teases you relentlessly about it later
"So eager, MC. When did you become so forward?"
Picks up a new habit of kissing your wrist, palm, and ring finger every time you hold hands
Develops a strong preference for holding the hand with his ring on it
Doesn't make any kind of announcement, just visits all of their friends and acquaintances and waits for them to notice
Selasi the baker has the quickest time
Delighted and trying not to show how peeved she is
She loves you. You love her. You love her so much that you're proposing
But she was already proposing
She's in the middle of following through on an elaborate plan that she's been putting together for weeks
She has a lot of backup plans too for when things can and will go wrong -
- she just doesn't have one for when they go right!
It's only a second of her grieving her initial plan of sweeping you off your feet before she's nodding and smiling and saying yes
Puts the rings on before kissing you
"I had a wonderful event planned. May I show you?"
Will have the grandest engagement announcement and celebration you're comfortable with
Decides in hindsight that the proposal was much better this way
The story about who proposed to who changes depending on whether she's talking to family or to friends
Secretly relieved, he'll let you take it from here
Immediate reaction is to pull you into a hug. He's so happy and he wants to savor this moment
Doesn't need to say anything more unless you ask him, just let him enjoy this
He made the ring he gives you
Even more shy than usual about kissing you. He really wants to, but this is something he's been working up to doing for months now and it's a lot
Inanna gives him so much grief about it
Avoids going into town for a week after the news gets out. He knows he's going to be congratulated and he appreciates it but that requires responding to lots of people at once
Will frequently get lost in thought admiring his ring
It takes him a few tries to say "my fiance" out loud without overheating
Those first few tries happen in front of Asra, who brings it up regularly in conversation for years
Squeals high enough to make your ears bleed
You proposed at the same time! That's so romantic!! That's so in sync!!! This is clearly meant to be!!!!
Screams yes before kissing you breathless, the rest of the proposal completely forgotten
Talking excitedly between kisses about how much she loves you and how perfect that was until she remembers she didn't see the ring you chose
"Where's my ring? Oh, it's so beautiful! Quick, let's put them on!"
Nonstop ecstatic giggles for the rest of the day
Announces it to every person she meets and shows off the ring like it's a trophy
Has an ongoing story about how the rings are also in love with each other, and sometimes her ring gets lonely for your ring and wants a kiss, and oh look, now you're holding hands
You two should kiss too
Uses this story to introduce you on every single one of her ambassador trips
Pouting at first because you interrupted him in the middle of proposing before he realizes that it's because you're proposing too
Well hey if you thought of it too then it must the perfect plan
Very aggressive making out, regardless of the setting he chose and whether anyone's watching
Secretly ecstatic about the ring
It's been a while since he's received something new and shiny to wear, and this one's a lifetime of special
Consistently fishes for compliments on the ring he chose for you. He just wants to ensure that his taste is the best
Mercedes and Melchior are so tuned in to him that they start going nuts every time he glances at his ring or introduces you as his fiance
If anyone asks, he proposed first and then you proposed immediately afterwards
Will either completely forget to mention that you're engaged or introduce himself to everyone he meets as "MC's fiance"
Forms a habit of flipping people off with his ring finger because "it's extra powerful if you're involved."
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thecardsimagine · 4 years
Hi! Can I ask for sleepy headcanons you do for Lucio but for Asra instead.?
Thanks for requesting!
≿————————   ❈  ————————≾   
❈   If there is a chance for Asra to acquire a new pillow, he won’t say no. That and blankets are a weak point for him, probably stemming from the time he lived by the docks and had to keep himself warm at night. He just loves to cuddle into them and feel comfortable and safe, and he has enough to substitute a bed if he didn’t have one. That said, he’s not exactly good at keeping them tidy and neat, but that makes for its charm
❈   Asra is a light sleeper, a neat skill for his travels, but it also means he will wake up from small shuffles around him, no matter if it’s Faust caught in the sheets or the salamandar moving on the coals. It doesn’t leave him groggy or resentful that he’s losing sleep over those incidents, usually checking if everything is okay before going right back to dreaming away on the spot. Only if he finds himself awake from his s/o moving beside him does he stay awake for a while longer, wanting to know they find a spot to settle down again and their expression softens as they dream of another adventure, before he can bring himself to sleep again
❈   In the past, he and Muriel used to cuddle up at night, and the place of Asra’s cuddle buddy now shifted to the MC mostly. It doesn’t need much for him to be satisfied, the touch of their arm against his mostly being enough. But why settle for so little when they can have it even better? Spooning is one good option, or just having their head on his chest his hand brushing up and down their shoulder and arm. Anything is good as long as they are close, and one of his biggest problems is having to seperate from them in the morning
❈   There are some underlying fears that rarely show, if not in his sleep. Even if the Devil is defeated, Asra will still suffer from his past experiences, tears falling from his eyes while he sleeps only for the pillows to catch them. He likes being so close to the MC so that he doesn’t need to worry about losing them again overnight, just like he did over the plague. It’s a terrible scare to experience when he wakes up and they are gone, even if the just went to the restroom and he happened to not notice. The best they can do is allow him to hold them tight even if he doesn’t notice it, taking the strain of his mind off him that they could disappear again, just like back then, and his parents before them
❈   Even if he doesn’t admit it, he’s usually the last to actually fall asleep. It’s weird since he always seems so carefree and ready to take a nap everywhere, but when he’s with the MC he can’t help himself from watching over them. Asra wants to be sure they actually do fall asleep too, especially if they had a rough day and could perhaps end up overthinking and staying up way too late. If anything, he wants to be there for them. He pulls the blanket tighter around them, holds them closer to him or rocks them if they seem distressed, and he knows no greater joy than to know they are well-cared for and at peace. It would be worth staying up all night long for them, to achieve this
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sandwichfox · 4 years
AHH LISTEN! You write such beautiful headcannons, I feel like I'm literally there. 6x the joy of getting married and having gorgeous competent spouses to help with our gorgeous grumpy children! Thank you so much for this gift! Would you be down to write for the main 6 a lil oblivious, mutual pining and what causes them/the MC to finally snap? (And if you wanna get racy, what happens next? ;) )
Listen, listen, you came for my entire heart with this ask, the compliments definitely punched me in the face but the mutual pining was what KO’d me, my forking jam. (Also, we are always happy to get racy here in la mía casa)
★ He already really, really loves you, so it just kind of evolves naturally for him. There’s no internal conflict on his part, because of course he would fall for you, it’s only right. 
★ However, he does want to be absolutely sure you’re ready before taking any next steps, he doesn’t want to set you back in your recovery.
★ Except for Asra, that translates into never initiating anything, ever.
★ He hugs you and touches your shoulder and all, but that’s just Asra with anybody he trusts. He does stare at you an awful lot though. If he catches you staring, this fluffy idiot will think nothing of it.
★ Physical contact is already so natural between the two of you. That one day you just.. kiss him? Oops.
★ “wait was that-?” “…oh! Sorry I-“ “No it’s- can I kiss you again?” The answer is yes, he kisses you with purpose this time, soft and warm. Then immediately dissolves into giggles. He kisses you again, still giggling. “I love you” he says, voice stuck between a laugh and a sigh (and a kiss).
★ It was meant to be a brief kiss, but now he can’t seem to stop. (He’s lost count of how many times he’s kissed you now), but his hands -they’re shaking- skim tentatively up your arm, into your hair, hold you by the nape of your neck. And when you sigh he can’t help but brush a finger against your collarbone, then kiss that same spot. 
★ He feels drunk (he probably knocks against the shop’s counter, almost drops a jar of some herb or another), but now he’s got you pressed against it and he’s not laughing anymore, his brow is furrowed with want. He pants your name and you’re both gone.
♠ Doesn’t want to come on too strong but she is starting to suspect she fell for an entire dumbass.
♠︎ Maybe you just don’t want her? It’s entirely possible, but then what about all the times you seem to be flirting with her? 
♠︎ She’s tried everything, lavishing you with gifts, turning on the charm, even showing you off at parties and to dinner guests. 
♠ Problem is, she’s the countess, and why would she be interested in you? That’s ridiculous. All this must be because she has all this money, and you’re a special guest, and she’s just amazing like that.
♠︎ But one day you can’t take it anymore, and ask her outright what her intentions are. (Literally “are you flirting with me?” “I have been for a year now, thank you for noticing”)
♠︎ Oh boy, she has to make up for lost time, now doesn’t she? She asks you (up front this time) if you’d like to come up to her room at the palace. “Don’t worry, nothing nefarious” her gaze says otherwise. Goodness, she’ll eat you alive. 
♠︎ You get to her chambers and, unexpectedly, she asks you to try something on for her. A necklace, she says, that has been sent to her. She’s not sure about it yet, and would like to see it on you before deciding if she likes it. You’re a bit taken aback, but agree.
♠︎ She’s wicked, dragging the cold metal chain slowly across the skin of your shoulders, breathing against your neck as she fastens the clasp, she takes you (legs shaking) to stand in front of the mirror. She places a kiss against a soft spot on your neck and then presses her teeth against it, her hand travels up to your throat. “Darling, you look ravishing” but you barely hear her, your ears are ringing. 
♦︎ Oh boy.
♦︎ This dude right here invented pining. He thinks you’re absolutely gorgeous the moment he sees you, but then you two get to talk and it’s over, my man is gone.
♦︎ Alternates between the smoothest man alive and a literal mess. Also, he wants to date you so bad, but he thinks he’ll be bad for you. Can’t decide between being selfish and a self-sacrificing idiot.
♦︎ You like him so much, but he keeps sending these mixed messages, you wonder if it’s better to just maybe just steal longing glances at him for the rest of your life.
♦︎ One day, when he’s feeling particularly angsty, you ask him what’s wrong and he tells you in many, many scrambled words that he likes you. You had thought you had mistaken his usual Julian-ness for flirting, but this new revelation changes everything.
♦︎ “You like me” you breathe. He looks up miserably from his pint and nods. You already had a hand on his shoulder from where you were comforting him, but the surprise makes you tighten your hold, dig your nails in. And he- did he-? You snap your gaze to his and yep, he’s red to the very tips of his ears, lip caught between his teeth. “Oh?” You smirk. He lets out another tiny, miserable whine. 
♦︎ You can’t remember ever feeling this giddy, your heart is pounding and your hands feel clumsy, it’s nearly impossible to get the buttons of his coat to come undone. And you’re hiding in an alley, goodness. Julian’s lips still taste of salty bitters, and he’s clutching at you like he wants to climb inside you.
♦︎ “You’re drunk” you say “on you” he retorts, though muffled, he didn’t even miss a beat. You bite his lip playfully in response and he, mmmelts (seriously, you have to catch him a little). “Okay” you say, hot all over, “okay” and you kiss him some more. 
♣︎ Hates it. Hates that he’s pining for you so hard. He tries the whole avoiding you thing and everything but it doesn’t work.
♣︎ It never even crosses his mind that you might want him back. Sometimes he catches you looking at him and his immediate reaction is to be absolutely mortified (has he had something on his face this whole time?!)
♣︎ Doesn’t know what to do with himself, basically. He wants to talk to you but he only goes so far as to following you around at a distance. He wants to touch you but doesn’t want to ask for contact. He brushes against you once in passing and immediately goes beet red. 
♣︎ Thing is, you’re so good. So good, soft, like he doesn’t deserve. You treat him like he’s… Sometimes you bring by some of your cooking, or a shiny rock that you thought was pretty, or you take him out for some smoked eel (and keep him company while he eats it, sat in the shadows). You constantly check that he’s alright “is it okay if I put my hand on your shoulder?” “Are you alright?” “Can I touch you?” “Can I help you?” “Can I hug you?”…
♣︎ “Can I kiss you?” You whisper, he can only nod.
♣ Muriel is so sensitive to touch, starved for it, though he’d never admit it. So when you start kissing him there’s an immediate churning heat in his belly. He’s lightheaded, feels like he’s about to boil over, he doesn’t know where to put his hands. 
♣︎ Somehow you’ve ended up in his lap, though he can’t say exactly when that happened (time is strange, when he’s kissing you), his hands have traveled to your sides and something about having you there, holding you to him, he’s going to go mad.
♣︎ He doesn’t want to ask for more than you’re willing to give him. But you give so easily, each tentative press of his lips is met with wet, purposeful pressure from yours. When his hands first brush your skin you shiver and come closer. He kind of never wants to stop. 
♥︎ Is a whole mess.
♥︎ Listen, she gets lost in your eyes sometimes, alright? That doesn’t mean she’s in love with you. Or maybe it does, but you don’t have to know that.
♥︎ Maybe you’re an oblivious fool (u are) because that’s the only way that you wouldn’t have noticed her pining. Literally goes ‘eep!’ every time you catch her staring.
♥︎ Portia is the kind of person that talks about their crush all the time, (‘the other day I was with MC and-‘ ‘and then MC said- insert mildly funny thing- and haha- wait- hahaha- they said- hahsghdgsh’) so literally everyone knows she’s crushing but you. 
♥︎ She’s naturally flirty with everyone, but one day she says something that you read as actually flirty, so then you’re like wait, really? And Portia’s all ‘oh! Sdgdhhdj I was just, I didn’t mean- I was just, uhm- KIDDING! Just kidd- unless..’ (anyway spoilers you both like each other and then make out lol)
♥︎ She spent so long having a crush on you and daydreaming about being with you and now she can actually have you. She has to hide away with you for a little while ASAP. You notice her acting giddy one day in the gardens and ask her what’s wrong “nothing!” She says immediately, then a pause “actually, do you want to stop by the cottage?” A perfectly innocent question, but she’s gone all red. Oh. 
♥︎ You stop by her cottage. As soon as you’re in through the door she turns up the flirty-ness tenfold (you’re gonna pass out), until she finally takes your hand and walks you backward against a wall. “Wanna make out?” She whispers. You do, actually. She’s surprisingly bitey, and very responsive. 
♥︎ After a few moments her hands start wandering, “you’re so cute” she sighs “beautiful, wow”. She’s letting out these breathy little sighs, pressing closer until there’s no space between you. She has one leg slotted between your own, her back arched to press the length of her against your body, one hand on your back at your waist, the other clutching at her shoulder, and she’s moving in a slow, waving motion, kissing your jaw and lips and ear and scraping teeth against your neck (you’re going to die).
▲ Oh he hATES it. (Feelings?! No thanks, yuck). It’s probably the whole ‘feelings make you weak’ mentality he grew up around, because he’s not above indulging in company, if ya know what I mean.
▲ But he doesn’t just want that from you, and it throws him on a loop. He keeps bouncing back and forth between sending for you about the most ridiculous things just to see you, and sending you away in a huff when he realizes that no, bad Lucio.
▲ It can’t be helped though, and soon he’s head over heels. He gets ridiculous, honestly. ‘Subtly’ asking about you and giving you increasingly odd, expensive gifts and trying to get your attention. 
▲ As soon as he gives in and admits to himself that he actually likes you his first thought is to go out and demand that you be with him. But he’s actually nervous, and not exactly sure that you would like that at all. So he starts testing the waters. 
▲You think it’s just Lucio being Lucio but you’ve liked him for some time and it kinda? hurts? when he suddenly starts complimenting you and making jokes about being with you for real, saying it so casually like there’s no way in hell and it hurts. So one day you tell him to stop.
▲ “Wha- huh?” He says, and you’re embarrassed, maybe you shouldn’t have said anything, but Lucio’s already seen your face, and now he knows what’s going on. “Oh, sweetheart” he says in a drawl “I’m being perfectly sincere, I love your pretty face” he takes a step closer “that amazing body” his voice is softer, you blush, he takes another step “your powerful magic” another still “your sharp mind” he’s right in front of you know, reaching out with a clawed finger to tilt your chin up “I’d like to be with you, if you’d let me.”
▲ “I’d like to do so many things to you, magician.” His golden hand trails from your chin to your bottom lip, tugging down before letting go and traveling up your cheek to the side of your head. He’s holding himself up against the wall with his other hand, bracketing you in against him, all in your space. “Perhaps I’ll call you to my room, feed you whine and fruit and sweets, drape you in fine silk” he leans in close to your ear “I’ll keep you to myself all day, kiss every inch of you, maybe keep you all night as well.”
▲ “Lucio” you gasp, he grins devilishly and surges in to kiss you. He kisses you long and hard right there in the hallway, pulling back a few inches just to hover near your lips, you lean into him and he pulls back a little more, teasing. “Please” you pout. “Oh no, beautiful, you’re much too pretty to be begging a man like me for kisses. I should be the one doing the begging, getting on my knees and showering you in gold.” He’s grinning, but he’s glowing red with enthusiasm at the thought. “Kiss me then” you say, pulling him to you, he shivers like he’s weak at the knees and does just that. 
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sunflowersseemhappy · 4 years
May I ask for the main 6 with an mc who's plague eyes resurface when they're angry/sad/scared?
This ask had me feeling a lot, so it’s good that I no longer had the moving tiredness. 
REQUESTS ARE CLOSED, but for now here is my Masterlist!
I hope you enjoy and thanks for reading!
It happened immediately after he brought you back and Asra thought he had got the ritual wrong bringing you back as you were after you got ill.
He was almost afraid to touch you, almost...
But after all this time all he wanted to do was hold you, he didn’t care if you had the plague or he got ill he just wanted to comfort you when he saw how confused and scared you were.
He held you until you stopped shaking and your breath grew steady and when he pulled back to glance at your eyes again they were bright and clear. No red.
Maybe... had he imagined it?
Over the course of teaching you how to be you again Asra saw those red eyes again, when you were angry, sad or scared.
He had to teach you early on that not everyone would understand and that they might be afraid. You’d have to be careful because people might panic thinking the plague was back.
But he’s been invested in making you feel like you have nothing to hide from him and that he’ll always try to understand what you need.
Those red eyes are a harsh, constant reminder that he could have done better, but at least you are here.
The first moment Nadia saw that flash of red was after Valerius had spilled that wine all over your front, she dismissed it as a trick of the light.
It was fair to say it didn’t immediately occur to her that it was a sign of the plague, seeing as her memories where so scattered.
However she got a better glimpse the next day and when you saw she saw you had to hastily tell her that it certainly wasn’t how it looked.
As you explained Nadia sat patiently and even though (at the time) you had no idea why exactly it happened, Nadia wholly believed you.
She would have known if you were lying anyway.
What’s more she saw how much it upset you, and it’s certainly not her nature to alienate others for something so trivial.
All she can do is comfort you.
Promising you need never worry about hiding them from her.
Or worrying about what others may think.
Nevertheless she takes great care in keeping you happy so that your plague eyes don’t show, but in the end it’s a part of who you are.
For better or worse.
He shuffled into the room after you had just let out a string of curse words as you stubbed your toe against the bed frame, he went to laugh but it died inside his throat as he looked at your face.
Your red eyes are glaring angrily at the fame before you realise he’s staring at you with horror and you quickly remember why.
Both of you are silent before Julian practically trips over his feet to catch your face in his hands, turning it about and checking your temperature.
A cold chill has his hands clammy and fumbling, he’s too worried and asking too many questions to acknowledge your own words.
When you get the chance you seize his face and point it to yours demanding he watch your eyes and as you calm down the red disappears.
You tell him it’s okay and although he’s unsure if that’s true he listens as you carefully explain the situation.
He is too relieved for words.
And kind of embarrassed he freaked out so much.
It makes him feel a bit better about his own eye, knowing you two share a similar scar from the past.
Has a laugh at the thought of you wearing two eye-patches to hide it.
From that point on Julian gets the odd chill up his spine when he sees it happen other times, but so long as you’re healthy he’s happy.
It’s all he can ever ask for.
The day Muriel saw that red in your eyes you were clinging to him after slipping in the fast current of the river and had just inexplicably been frightened of drowning in it.
Asra almost definitely told Muriel that it happened every so often before the mountain man even met you.
Of course hearing about it is one thing, seeing it is another. It made him uncomfortable to say the least when he saw that scarlet red a reminder of Lucio and the pain he brought to many lives.
You practically felt him stiffen at the touch of your arm (and not just because you were touching him).
Those red eyes reminded him too much of the past.
Seeing the hurt in your eyes as the red dimmed, that was harder.
He should have known better
After all Muriel’s appearance had always been, he knows what its like to feel judged and looked upon in fear.
He doesn’t want you to feel that way and even if other people might be afraid he vows that he won’t (just as you are not afraid of him).
So he takes your hand and gives it a squeeze with apology in his eyes, the two of you don’t really have to say anything but an unspoken word passes between the two of you.
I’m here, I always will be.
She had never seen the red eyes of plague victims until that evening when you cried over the passing of the injured bird your had been nursing.
At first she thought it was because of your tears but taking a closer look she saw just how red your eyes were and she was instantly bombarded by all the horrible stories people had told her about the plague.
She began crying. A lot.
She didn’t want you to die, and she sniffled that thought out when you asked her what was wrong.
It was a bit awkward telling her what was actually going on with your eyes, and she wanted to triple check your eyes and your temperature.
Afterwards she was quite relieved.
No, very relieved.
You’d just found each other and she could not bear to loose you, it would have been sweet her saying that.
Except when she said that if you left her in such a way she’d probably end up becoming a crazy cat lady and kids would throw stones at her window and then maybe one day she’d meet a kid who would ask her story and then she’d tell them the tragic tale of her sickened lover. And then go on a grand adventure, etc... for a way to bring you back once more.
She has an... active imagination to say the least.
But the two of you wouldn’t have it any other way, you can become crazy cat lady’s together.
Indeed you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Naturally he sees your red eyes when you angrily tell him off for doing the stupid stuff you told him not to do and he visibly winces at the sight.
He actually falls back in shock and after you realise what he saw you feel pretty bad, but he’s holding out a hand as if to ward you back.
It’s a few moments of terror for Lucio because he remembers being ill and how bad he had felt for all that time and he never wants to feel like that again.
But you’re standing there as the red in your eyes fade and his heart shatters, he didn’t mean to...
You softly explain to him from across the room that you can’t help it, you’re not ill, it just happens when your angry, sad, or scared.
Lucio wouldn’t admit it but he knows he makes plenty of people angry.
Of course at some point he had to make you angry...
Yeah. Maybe he deserved the scare from your eyes...
But right now seeing the hurt in your eyes, Lucio knows you need comfort more than the satisfaction of scaring him after he pissed you off.
So he’ll sigh and grab you into a hug asking you to forgive him for everything and promising you he didn’t mean it.
Maybe he’ll admit to you he was scared, maybe not.
But he won’t ever shy away from you again because through everything you trusted him and he wants you to know you can trust him to stick by you even when he’s scared (of you or something equally as fierce).
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faustonastring · 4 years
Hello! Could I get headcanons for the main 6 with a MC who likes to leave love letters around for them to find?
Hi! Thanks for requesting I hope you enjoy it!
(Request R Open!)
Main 6 with an mc that leaves love letters around!
His half of the heart could just explode. You did this for him. You wrote him these letters. It takes him a minute to fully wrap his head around it. But when he does? Expect some love letters hiding for you too.
He often feared that he would never get you back, that you would be gone for good, in a blink of an eye, but you’re here. With him. Scribblling down another letter for him to find, in the corner of the shop, while he’s frantically searching for the ones you left before.
If he’s ever having an off day, they cheer him up in an instant, he keeps all of them, tucked away in a box, somewhere hidden where you’d probably never find it, so if he’s ever having a really bad day, and he found and read all the ones you left already, he’ll go through and re read them all, spending a little longer on some of his favorites. (Theyre just good reminders that you love him.)
His faveroite love letters are the really personal ones, maybe it’s an inside joke the two of you share, or a story, romantic or funny that happened a couple nights ago or a couple months ago, or maybe it’s a letter reminding him of last nights activities, and how you can’t wait till the next time (which may be sooner than you think)
They brighten her day. Everytime she finds one hiding around the palace, she snatches it before any one else can get a chance to read it. You have to leave the spicier ones in her bedroom, hidden somewhere the servants won’t find, because, to be expected there have been some servants who’ve come across something they weren’t supposed to read....
She already had one, very unromantic marriage and it would be very bold of you to assume she’ll settle for another one. Writing letters brings a little more intimacy into your relationship. It’s something that she didn’t get to experience before, and she’s glad she gets to experience it with the right person. You.
If she’s ever having a stressful day, she tries to take as much time as she can to find all the letters you have hidden around the palace. She thinks of it as game. And she does not want to lose. (Even if it’s to herself). Reading your letters help her calm down and relax, and running fast walking through the palace helps her blow off some unneeded steam.
Her faveroite love letters from you are the ones that encourage her. That tell her she’s gonna push brought it, and in time everything will blow over. She also enjoys it if you were to mock, or make fun some rich noble person in your letter especially if they upset Nadia, or if she doesn’t like them too.
Oh how his heart swells. None of the letters he’s ever received can top these. Forget about the letters he received during his sea voyages. Or the letters he received from a flopped fling he had. These? Oh these are nice.
They’re a good reminder of his self worth, that you love him for who he is: an apologetic insomniac who’s doing his best. And he loves that. He loves feeling loved and loving you back. And he loves your letters. Because your letters are the best reminder of them all.
When ever he’s feeling really self-deprecated, like more than usual your letters could bring him to tears. And they do, matter of fact. The fact that some one loves him so much, even after all his stupid mistakes- the poor man just can’t handle it. (Also he would sob if he ever did something stupid to you, like spilt coffee on your clothes, and you still wrote a letter, and mentioned in the letter that it was okay, or play it off as a joke.)
His faveroite types of letters are the ones that describe the future you want to have with him. Anything from you describing your perfect date, to the perfect ‘night’ or your plans of the future with him, or how you can’t wait to start a family with him (that is if you want too, or haven’t already!) it just gieves him a lot to look forward to.
For her??????? You shouldn’t have! But in all seriousness, you shouldn’t have unless you were expecting about a million letters with some type of treat attatched to it in return. (By ‘treat’ I mean cookies, little crotchet things she made, etc, etc,)
She is almost always at the palace, so try leaving them in little crevices that she likes to hide off too, hidden in secret tunnel ways, next to the bookmark of a book she was reading, behind portraits she dusts often. She’ll look for new ones everyday, and her face always brightens up to the max when she finds them.
If she’s ever having a bad self love/mental health day, your letters will either make her cry, or smile, sometimes both. It all depends on context of the situation at hand, and the context of the letter. They make her cry, not because they’re mean, because they’re so well thought out and loving, and make her smile, because they’re funny, and cheer her right up.
Her faveroite types of letters are uplifting ones. Ones that tell her she’s got it! That she is the most beautiful bad-ass red head that you have ever had the honor of meeting, let alone dating. She espically likes the ones that remind her that she’s more than her brothers little sister, because I think we all need to be reminded of that, even Portia.
For him? Really? Are you sure you got the right person...you didn’t leave this here for some one else right, is it really for him?- the poor man forgets how to act. Everytime.
You can’t erase trauma over night, he still is a little iffy on receiving nice things, and he considers your letters nice things, which is a compliment, and a curse at the same time, (depending on how far along in your relationship you are, that is) but he keeps them everytime. And even though he isn’t fond about reading them in front of you, every time he does, he always has some type of smile on his face, small or large, it doesn’t matter, because he’s smiling!
Everytime he’s having a bad day, your letters bring him to tears. No, not tears, full on sobbing. He just doesn’t understand how some one so nice, so cute, so loving, can love a monster like him? After everything he’s done your still writing him those stupid letters, and his heart just can’t take it. He just loves you so much, sometimes he forgets if he’s allowed.
His faveroite types of letters are simple ones. The ones that are telling him to have a good day, or something that the chickens did, while finding away to express your love to him, like maybe by saying how he handles the chickens better than you, and he should come help you next time. Letters like that? Those kinds of letters will make his heart melt.
Oh? What have we here.....don’t write anything too personal, because more or likely he’s going to be showing his letters off to any one who is willing to listen. He’s just so happy and excited he doesn’t know how to contain himself!
As soon as he spots one, he goes on a wild goose chase for all the others, checking high and low, for them. He also forgets about all of his meetings and plans until he finds them all, so make sure you let him know in some shape or for, how many you hid, or not lucio is going to be looking for a very long time. (He also gets sassy if you hide them in the same spot too many times, so better get creative)
If he’s having a bad day, he clutches the letter you wrote him, sobbing into messing up the ink, thus making it impossible to read, then either cry’s some more if he’s having a sad cry, because he ruined his letter, or gets angry if he’s having an angry cry, and tries his best to very ‘politely’ ask you to write him another one. And if you do the cycle continues until he feels better. Or until you break your wrist writing all these damn letters
His faveroite kind are romantic ones. Ones that take his breath away. Ones that he wouldn’t dare show other people, no matter how much they ask, (no ones asking, but don’t let lucio know that, his ego is already hurt enough) letters that leave him weak in the knees, running off the find more, or to find you if you know what I mean
Thanks for reading! I enjoyed writing this one, so hopefully you enjoyed reading it!
Next head canon: Main six with a furby fanatic Mc (5/15)
Request R Open! ;+)
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