#J.R Tolkien
ltwilliammowett · 1 year
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Topsail schooner J.R. Tolkien and Barquentine Loth Lorien
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caedmonofwhitby · 2 months
If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
from The Hobbit
by J.R. R. Tolkien
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Illustration by David Wyatt, 1998
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As J.R. Tolkien once said "Not all who wander are lost" but like, not me tho, I'm lost as shit
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J.R Tolkien: So are you gonna keep working on that battle scene with no women in it or . . . ?
C.S Lewis: No, I think I'd rather continue on for three consecutive chapters writing fanfiction where capital G Christian God gets lit and parties with Dionysus and Pan and several other minor deities in his sick lion fursuit while causing general mayhem to rigid traditional society schools and patriarchs. Btw if I don't get to fuck a MILF within the next five business days, I'll shoot myself.
J.R.R. Tolkien: (Catholic) Not a fan of the person I helped you become.
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snowbellewells · 5 months
Happy Happy Birthday Jennifer!! @whimsicallyenchantedrose
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So, while I wasn’t able to write you a brand new birthday story this year, I thought it might be fun to highlight my all-time favorites of your stories. You were the first fandom friend I met and interacted with, we talked the show and plot points and character development together, and you helped me begin to navigate Tumblr back when I first joined. It’s been a gift to know you all that time, and your writing is a gift to us all! You’ve written so many GREAT stories that it was hard to narrow down, but I have settled on my top half dozen at last to highlight for your special day -- with some cover art for a few of them!!! 💖 Hope this gift serves to remind you of all you’ve written and created and how much all of it - and you!! - are loved. 🥰
The Strongest Magic - This short MC is one of your very early works - a Neverland season 3a divergent tale, but where it diverges gives us powerful adventure and emotion, sacrifice, and much earlier admission and acceptance of the love between our Pirate and Princess. I simply adore it - it squeezes your heart for sure, but it also wraps you up in a wonderful happy ending by the time you are finished.
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A Wish Your Heart Makes , Getting to I Do & Mysterious Fathoms Below - This series of longer, connected multi-chapters (The "By Land or By Sea" trilogy) is simply EPIC!!! I don't know how to sing the praises of this story half as much as it deserves. There's adventure in the Enchanted Forest, Camelot, and even under the sea! There's so much beautiful love story for CS (and even some lovely, redemptive Outlaw Queen as well), and @whimsicallyenchantedrose even incorporates some unexpected and perfectly cast characters of myth and legend and her own creation alongside our faves. I don't want to give too much away, but these stories MUST BE read! Once you do, you'll want to read them over and over again.
Happily Ever After - This short MC was originally part of your Fluffy Fridays compilation, and I have often revisited the few chapters of this on their own and definitely think of them as their own little stand-alone story. I love the family recipes, the competition, the rivalry that becomes something much sweeter.... it's a truly delicious addition to your collection of writing!
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Caribbean Shores - This lovely little MC reads more like a modern day AU, though they are in Storybrooke and many of our favorite characters still appear. I love the cute sweetness of this one, and the adorable addition of a few scheming cuties from MM's class when she takes them for a field trip tour of the Jolly Roger from Killian. ;) All the sizzle and attraction is there for Emma and Killian right from the start, and though she tries to resist (Why is she always so stubborn?!?) She can't do it for long...
Under the Apple Tree - It's hard to even express how much I adore this fic originally written between season six and season seven of canon. The way @whimsicallyenchantedrose wove in what we knew might be coming in season seven and then supposed what still could happen (a lot of which I would have loved to really see!) is simply brilliant. I love the relationships explored and the way the plot unfolds. It's a special and unique version of our beloved characters, and of course the unstoppable power of Captain Swan to always find each other again is fully on display too! ;p
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Until the Stars are all Alight - Wow, this story must have been such a daunting task to undertake - one I would have been afraid to tackle, but the skill with which the OuaT world and the LotR world are woven together, how the plotlines come together and reach fruition, and how the characters coincide for best use so seamlessly is truly admirable and just adds to the depth and power of this full multi-chapter adventure. It has heart and hope and True Love conquering all - all the best things we love so much from the world of fairy tales and the brain of J.R. R. Tolkien!
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andreabaideas · 2 months
Djats review by non fans aka my Dad part I
My dad gave me his opinions , so i'm sharing them, because his lack of filter Its just XD
Context : My mom and me forced him to read and watch Djats to see how he would react.
AN = Authors note. /// ?! = What ?! I dont agree or fully agree
Dad reviewing things: Daisy Jones and the Six part I.
Warning : my father lacks of filter and takes no bullshit, so brace yourselves for hard truths said by an older man almost at his sixties, sorry 59 XD
Let's start with the Book rating : 5/10 (and he is being generous).
He liked : - Daisy and Karen. *Autors note : Especially Karen , he adored her.
- Warren laidback attitude.
- The book cover and Its cover writing font.
- The book writing font.
- The abortion story cause he found It original and brave to write about.
- Daisy takes no shit from Billy "as she should". Thats It!!! *AN : "I just read this shit because I LOVE you and your Mom, kid XD"
What He didn't like *AN : Its long but worth reading"
- The interview format present all the time It was too much, and sometimes boring to read.
-Also he found It lacked of complex vocabulary, too simple.
- The songs are "shitty poetry I can't imagine how they would sound. Don't look like real songs."
- He dislikes romantic books, especially those aimed at Young Adults " Why dont teens read good shit like Orson Scot Card, J.R. Tolkien or Úrsula K Levuin instead??" *AN: Of the Young Adult genre he Only liked The Hunger Games series. He thinks most teens are dumb...And It may be my fault for complaining loudly about some of them at home, as i work as highschool teacher XD.
- 70's rock stars men were unfaithfull and didnt regret It , they didn't gave a crap, period. No 70's man who liked a woman and was reciprocated by that woman just went and didnt have an affair with that girl later, dont be naive. They were lying because Julia Its the interviewer.
- Daisy stopping singing and becoming writter doesn't fit her and was loser behaviour, cause " she was the musically talented one she shoulve kept singing".
- Camila developement (?! ), he disliked her and called her fake , calculating and unfaithfull golddigger. "Kid Its obvious that She just married him after he got his music contract, hadn't he got it she wouldn't had married him...That IS a Golddigger in the making, Kid"Also she didn't visit her husband at rehab, may be a good Mom, but she is a bad wife".
- He found the book unrealistic and too obviously "written by a woman for other women as a rock and roll 70's fantasy" : 
1 - "Billy never relapsing Its not real. Period. Alcoholism doesnt work like that." 
2-  Camila and Daisy's final conversation.  "It isn't realistic and IS obviously a book scene. She should've dumped Billy. No woman speaks that calmly to her husband's lover".
3 - "Billy and Daisy's affair IS just not real"... I asked why and he told me that: 
 "Most men wouldnt even consider as wrong (or even as an affair) a non physical relationship"
All of his friends would see It like that...
As he said to me "Dont be naive kid, most men philosophy IS : No skin  = No  sin"  In spanish It was "Nada fue tocado = No hubo pecado" 🙄. 
He does think a non physical affair is an actual affair and considers it wrong and doesn't get why Camila IS with Billy, "because he is Hot and wrote her a lousy song? "Because he stayed the second time she gave birth, as if that were something meritory, every decent man should do that!!! "...(he hadnt watched the series yet so, imagine how he'll react XD)
*AN:  He is a rarity among men his group. When you see him you realise he IS a weird one: he doesnt smoke, he doesnt drink, he never lies in fact he IS too truthfull... never ask him if you look fat with a dress or a pair of jeans , cause he'll tell you the truth XD and he worships my Mom (as he should)...  
And I thank God for that weird blunt Dad of mine every single day. 
Thats part one!!!
(I can't wait to do the Twilight and the hunger games ones!!!)
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odnagnisul · 2 years
100 livres à avoir lu dans sa vie (entre autres):
1984, George Orwell ✅
A la croisée des mondes, Philip Pullman
Agnès Grey, Agnès Bronte ✅
Alice au Pays des merveilles, Lewis Carroll ✅
Angélique marquise des anges, Anne Golon
Anna Karenine, Léon Tolstoï
A Rebours, Joris-Karl Huysmans
Au bonheur des dames, Émile Zola
Avec vue sur l'Arno, E.M Forster
Autant en emporte le vent, Margaret Mitchell
Barry Lyndon, William Makepeace Thackeray
Belle du Seigneur, Albert Cohen
Blonde, Joyce Carol Oates
Bonjour tristesse, Françoise Sagan ✅
Cent ans de solitude, Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Charlie et la chocolaterie, Roald Dahl ✅
Chéri, Colette
Crime et Châtiment, Féodor Dostoïevski
De grandes espérances, Charles Dickens
Des fleurs pour Algernon, Daniel Keyes
Des souris et des hommes, John Steinbeck ✅
Dix petits nègres, Agatha Christie ✅
Docteur Jekyll et Mister Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson ✅
Don Quichotte, Miguel Cervantés
Dracula, Bram Stocker ✅
Du côté de chez Swann, Marcel Proust
Dune, Frank Herbert ✅
Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury ✅
Fondation, Isaac Asimov
Frankenstein, Mary Shelley ✅
Gatsby le magnifique, Francis Scott Fitzgerald ✅
Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers, J.K Rowling
Home, Toni Morrison
Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte
Kafka sur le rivage, Haruki Murakami
L'adieu aux armes, Ernest Hemingway ✅
L'affaire Jane Eyre, Jasper Fforde
L'appel de la forêt, Jack London ✅
L'attrape-cœur, J. D. Salinger ✅
L'écume des jours, Boris Vian
L'étranger, Albert Camus ✅
L'insoutenable légèreté de l'être, Milan Kundera
La condition humaine, André Malraux
La dame aux camélias, Alexandre Dumas Fils
La dame en blanc, Wilkie Collins
La gloire de mon père, Marcel Pagnol
La ligne verte, Stephen King ✅
La nuit des temps, René Barjavel
La Princesse de Clèves, Mme de La Fayette ✅
La Route, Cormac McCarthy ✅
Le chien des Baskerville, Arthur Conan Doyle
Le cœur cousu, Carole Martinez
Le comte de Monte-Cristo, Alexandre Dumas : tome 1 et 2
Le dernier jour d'un condamné, Victor Hugo ✅
Le fantôme de l'opéra, Gaston Leroux
Le lièvre de Vaatanen, Arto Paasilinna
Le maître et Marguerite, Mikhaïl Boulgakov
Le meilleur des mondes, Aldous Huxley
Le nom de la rose, Umberto Eco
Le parfum, Patrick Süskind
Le portrait de Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde ✅
Le Petit Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery ✅
Le père Goriot, Honoré de Balzac ✅
Le prophète, Khalil Gibran ✅
Le rapport de Brodeck, Philippe Claudel
Le rouge et le noir, Stendhal ✅
Le Seigneur des anneaux, J.R Tolkien ✅
Le temps de l'innocence, Edith Wharton
Le vieux qui lisait des romans d'amour, Luis Sepulveda ✅
Les Chroniques de Narnia, CS Lewis
Les Hauts de Hurle-Vent, Emily Brontë
Les liaisons dangereuses, Choderlos de Laclos ✅
Les Malaussène, Daniel Pennac ✅
Les mémoires d'une jeune fille rangée, Simone de
Les mystères d'Udolfo, Ann Radcliff
Les piliers de la Terre, Ken Follett : tome 1
Les quatre filles du Docteur March, Louisa May
Les racines du ciel, Romain Gary
Lettre d'une inconnue, Stefan Zweig ✅
Madame Bovary, Gustave Flaubert ✅
Millenium, Larson Stieg ✅
Miss Charity, Marie-Aude Murail
Mrs Dalloway, Virginia Woolf
Ne tirez pas sur l'oiseau moqueur, Harper Lee ✅
Nord et Sud, Elisabeth Gaskell
Orgueil et Préjugés, Jane Austen
Pastorale américaine, Philip Roth
Peter Pan, James Matthew Barrie
Pilgrim, Timothy Findley
Rebecca, Daphne Du Maurier
Robinson Crusoé, Daniel Defoe ✅
Rouge Brésil, Jean Christophe Ruffin
Sa majesté des mouches, William Goldwin ✅
Tess d'Uberville, Thomas Hardy
Tous les matins du monde, Pascal Quignard
Un roi sans divertissement, Jean Giono
Une prière pour Owen, John Irving
Une Vie, Guy de Maupassant
Vent d'est, vent d'ouest, Pearl Buck
Voyage au bout de la nuit, Louis-Ferdinand Céline ✅
Total : 37/100
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pepperdadog · 7 months
A list of Tolkien's best names
(To be updated if I come across more)
J.R. Titmass
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smalltownfae · 2 years
Favourite Opening Lines:
“He came one late, wet spring, and brought the wide world back to my doorstep.” - Fool’s Errand by Robin Hobb
“In the land of Ingary, where such things as seven-league boots and cloaks of invisibility really exist, it is quite a misfortune to be born the eldest of three.” - Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
“I lost an arm on my last trip home.” - Kindred by Octavia E. Butler
“No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream.” - The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
“Let’s start with the end of the world, why don’t we?” - The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin
“The  unicorn lived in a lilac wood, and she lived all alone.” - The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle
“In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.” - The Hobbit by J.R. R. Tolkien
“I’ll make my report as if I told a story, for I was taught as a child on my homeworld that Truth is a matter of the imagination.” - The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
“Marley was dead, to begin with.” - A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.” - A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
Favourite Ending Lines:
Careful with spoilers.
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” - Animal Farm by George Orwell (Name a more iconic ending. You can’t.)
“If Hundreds Hall is haunted, however, it’s ghost doesn’t show itself to me. For I’ll turn, and am disappointed –  realising that what I am looking at is only a cracked window-pane, and that the face gazing distortedly from it, baffled and longing, is my own.” - The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters (Killer reveal)
“Oh,Constance,” I said, “we are so happy.” - We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson (this has the same effect on me as the ending of the movie Midsommer)
“I When they entered, they found hanging upon the wall a splendid portrait of their master as they had last seen him, in all the wonder of his exquisite youth and beauty. Lying on the floor was a dead man, in evening dress, with a knife in his heart. He was withered, wrinkled, and loathsome of visage. It was not till they had examined the rings that they recognized who it was.” - The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
“In the darkness, two shadows, reaching through the hopeless, heavy dusk. Their hands meet, and light spills in a flood, like a hundred golden urns pouring out the sun.” - The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
“Wolves have no Kings.” - Royal Assassin / “We dream of carving our dragon.” - Assassin’s Quest / “She settled into it and continued towards her destiny.” - The Mad Ship / “The past is no further away than the last breath you took.” - Fool’s Errand / “Perhaps having the courage to find a better path is having the courage to risk making new mistakes.” - The Golden Fool (all by Robin Hobb)
“Hoping that this time it will remain a lullaby. That this time the wind will not hear. That this time – please just this once – it will leave without us.” - Chocolat by Joanne Harris
“And Cat, though he was still a little lonely and tearful, managed to laugh too.” - Charmed Life by Diana Wynne Jones
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burningblake · 2 years
tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better.
tagged by: @robntunney 💖
- 3 ships: jane x lisbon (the mentalist); tim x lucy (the rookie); yennefer x geralt (the witcher)
- first ever ship: flor & fede from argentinian soap opera "floricienta"
- last song: (lemme check spotify) rainy dreams - anne sophie versnaeyen
- last movie: no reservations (rewatched)
- currently reading: the fellowship of the ring - j.r. tolkien (mainly to study 3rd person omniscient pov)
- currently watching: the rookie & lucifer s6
- currently consuming: it will be coffee in a bit
- currently craving: see above
I tag: @lizzybennets, @robintunney, @matt-casey, @payidaresque, @elena-gilbert, @lordbelacqua, @timlucys, @jesperfahxey, @the-maidofmischief
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kultofathena · 2 years
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Darksword Armory – Anduril Sword with Black Scabbard with Integrated Sword Belt
The Lord of the Rings Anduril sword is a recreation from the popular trilogy written by J.R,.R. Tolkien. The Anduril is hand Crafted with 5160 High Carbon steel, dual hardened to a Rockwell of 60 at the edge and 48-50 at the core. The beautifully detailed leather handle is accentuated by the unique pommel, making this one of the most recognized fantasy swords. The blade is forged with a deep full length fuller and is etched on both sides with runic inscription. The guard and pommel are crafted from steel and the sword is matched with a wood-core scabbard which is tightly bound in leather and completed with a protective steel chape and an integrated sword belt.
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madamairlock · 1 year
Top 5 favorite books please? 🥰
Oooooh god, that is such a tough one.
The Redemption by M.L. Tyndall. I'll probably never read it again, but I've read it 13 times and it's the book that inspired me to start writing, so I owe a lot to it.
Born With Teeth by Kate Mulgrew. I've read it twice and it is such an inspiration book, but I love the insight into her life and what she's gone through.
Wishful Drinking by Carrie Fisher. Same notes as above, honestly.
Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw. A weird one and a play, but I loved this so much in high school and still casually quote it to this day. Squashed cabbage leaf is such a good insult.
Lord of the Rings by J.R. Tolkien. No, I won't pick one of them and you can't make me. Partially because I have the three in one copy, so it counts as one book.
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poppletonink · 2 years
1 2 Books To Read While Awaiting Christmas' Arrival
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A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding by Agatha Christie
Let It Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson and Lauren Myracle
Silent Nights: Christmas Mysteries (Written by Various Authors; Edited by Martin Edwards)
Father Christmas's Fake Beard by Terry Pratchett
The Christmas Book by Enid Blyton
Letters From Father Christmas by J.R. Tolkien
Hogfather by Terry Pratchett
Coppelia by Krystyna Turska
The Christmas Mystery by Jostein Gaarder
Ghosts of Christmas Past (Written by Various Authors; Edited by Tim Martin)
Christmas Tales by Enid Blyton
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sophietdblakes · 1 month
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18 août - Bibury, Burton and the Slaugthers
Notre visite des Cotswolds aujourd'hui a commencé avec Bibury, et ça a bien failli ne pas être le cas, j'ai réussi à trouver une place pour me garer in extremis. Encore une fois, la ville est victime de son succès et attire de nombreux touristes dans une zone très restreinte. Nous avons fait le tour (très rapide) de la ville, de ses quelques rues (la plus photographiée étant Arlington Row), de son église et de son magasin et nous avons repris la route direction la prochaine ville : Bourton-on-the Water.
Celle-ci nous a surprises, nous nous attendions à un village et nous nous sommes retrouvées dans une ville avec pleins d'échoppes, de cafés et de pubs, mais encore une fois, aussi beaucoup de touristes. Nous nous sommes installées au bord de la rivière pour manger notre pique-nique, et nous avons profité de l'atmosphère particulière de la ville. Nous avons pris le dessert dans un très mignon salon de thé, puis nous avons arpenté la rue commerciale. Emilie a été la plus heureuse en découvrant un magasin qui vend des décorations de Noël toute l'année, jour très important pour elle puisqu'elle fête aussi son anniversaire le 25 décembre. Nous avons terminé notre tour de Bourton en visitant la version miniature du bourg.
L'arrêt suivant était Stow-on-the-Wold, surtout connue pour son église et sa porte entourée d'ifs qui auraient inspirée J.R Tolkien, l'auteur du "Seigneur des anneaux". Nous avons repris la route après avoir profité d'un Pimm's en terrasse, mais pas avant un dernier arrêt à Lower Slaughter, un petit village construit autour de la rivière Eye et de son moulin.
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anders-jjk-drabbles · 4 months
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MDNI THIS IS AN 18+ BLOG ////TERFS, SWERFS and general bigots DNI .
a little bit more about Anders!
Hi!! Thanks for coming into my Forest! At the moment there's not much here but I hope to change that over time. Just so that we are all on the same page, I'm ENBY and use they/them pronouns. I am also neurodivergent. I want to cultivate my blog to be a LGBTQ+/Queer, and neurodivergent safe space. So I will do my best to make sure it is.
I won't lie to y'all-- It's been a few years now since I really sat down and wrote anything. I write between juggling a full-time job and being a full-time student-- so at least for now, my posting schedule will be heavily limited by the happenings of my life.
Other than JJK, I love several more fandoms!
★ J.R Tolkien's Middle Earth
★ My Hero Academia
★ Demon Slayer
★ Ouran High School Host Club
★ Stardew Valley
★ Animal Crossing
★ Fruits Basket
★ Kamisama Kiss
★ Critical Role
★ Dungeons & Dragons in general Tbh
★ Skyrim
★ Dragon Age
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credit where credit is due!
picrew link used for avatar
lily of the valley eight bit by freepik
tumblr theme by yeoli themes
Headers made by me in Canva!
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msbparker · 5 months
Kicsit késve, de ez valami gyönyörű. Szerintem.
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