meaningtotellyou · 5 months
realizing you relate to a ttpd lyric
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numberonecodwomenfan · 4 months
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freyjart · 1 year
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thirty days of canon lgbt characters // day three: prior walter
"This disease will be the end of many of us, but not nearly all. And the dead will be commemorated, and we'll struggle on with the living, and we are not going away. We won't die secret deaths anymore. The world only spins forward."
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woahjo · 8 months
for the love of god, tag your dark content. TAG IT. YES! EVEN DRABBLES!
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gayfranzkafka · 1 year
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the layyyyyyyers of insanity..... framing it as an egotistical power trip when really he's a scared little boy who needs a pseudosexual parental figure to fill the void of giving him direction and self worth
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cassmouse · 3 months
Yup that's it we're gone
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fallouttboy · 2 years
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noritaro · 1 year
Hello! Your art has relly nice, soft colors and I wanted to ask how you choose your color palettes if you don't mind.
well it's 4 AM so my thoughts maybe a bit jumbled and I'm totally ass with explaining but anyways- I learned colour by copying other artists and looking at a ton of photography... especially photography! There's a lot to learn about colour from all sorts of places be it people's clothing, small useless trinkets or insects
just be on a lookout most of art is just observational skills anyways
for pieces I actually care about I like doing colour thumbnails before doing anything like so- usually picking 2-3(sometimes more) main colours
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my goal is to try and frame the main focus and thats typically done using a very contrasting accent colour, be it a complimentary one, a bright neon one to contrast with pastel or a desaturated colour etc.
In general- I use a ton of compliementary and triad palettes
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on a related note, I actually consider the shading and lighting colours to be a significant important part of a pieces colour palette, since to me every single colour effects the piece
sometimes you will see me shade and light using existing colours around a piece, which ends up in weird sorta "unconventional" art decisions like using the colour blue to light yellow and sooo on- since I love experimenting with colour usage
and well it gives out cool results!
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really just have fun with colour and don't be afraid to be clumsy and insane with it like me :)
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syoddeye · 3 months
Hi! I am writing a Owner Price x Cat Hybrid Reader fic inspired by Siphon. ^-^ The tuna made me think of it. If I post it, do you want me to credit you? If I make a CAI bot based on it after (private and only for my personal use), is that okay if I credit you there too?
i feel like i'm being trolled because this is the third ai-related ask i've received in a week. in case i'm not, i'm just gonna go ahead and 'answer' this.
this warning is front and center on my pinned post:
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i'm flattered you liked siphon enough that it inspired you, but that's where the warm fuzzies end. yes - if a fic inspires you to write your own, you should credit the original author.
but a bot? do not do that, please. please reconsider any other bots you've made or may use. i don't condone that garbage.
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bedforddanes75 · 23 days
how and why is gracie abrams THAT popular i fully dont think ive ever heard a voice as bad as hers.
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majorasnightmare · 2 months
ending the dlc on Framerate Drop the Promised FPS Powerpoint when half that fuckin dialogue could be ripped wholesale for a certain cancerous death prince is definitely a. choice. for sure.
it just rly leaves a bad taste in my mouth because i waited to fight VILE BAYLE until right before and m a n. its night and day
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loserstripes · 1 year
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woahhhh mirror mirror on the wall thats so fucking cool
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tdutb · 11 months
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have a little warm-up drawing. as a treat.
@maxphilippa @moonmxple look. Mic :}
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archersgoon · 3 months
the men's fashion situation in charyn post-canon must be so fucking funny. like gargarin despite his personal preferences can dress if necessary (this is known) but froi and charynite fashion do not mix. despite the fact that as quintana's husband he would presumably be expected to not dress like shit
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average-book-enjoyer · 2 months
i hate glee broooo this show isn’t even pretending to be about a glee club anymore
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cassmouse · 2 months
I'm rewatching Reservation Dogs at the moment because I'm watching it with my mum (also this is a continued plea to my mutuals to watch it because three years on since season one and it's still my favourite show ever made)
But we're approaching season three and I've realised I'm gonna have to rewatch the season three Deer Lady episode and I genuinely don't know if I'm mentally ready to experience that again even after almost a year
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