georgiapeach30513 · 9 months
Hai Jenn, i know maybe you didnt want to answer to this but its worth to try 😂. I always love your take on chris drama cause you always been so neutral all along. So im just curious, on your personal opinion what is all this? Do you think since beginning they always been real? And the PR theory is only the fandom denying that they are dating? Tbh i always think they are, im not denying they are dating but the wedding news is kinda shock me, cause if i see their rs these past two years they giving casual rs but not serious one. Both of them is also didnt give the vibe that they are ready for marriage.
Whew…where to start with this one 😂 I know there’s 10k theories out there, and we may never know honestly.
I think, my personal opinion, it started off as a PR thing. We can’t deny the multiple UTA girls he followed all around the same time in 2020.
We can also say that just because it’s “PR” doesn’t mean real feelings or actions won’t take place.
I question more those timelines more than anything 😂 that living together in Atlanta for a year is a load of shit. Not going to say how I know that, because here’s the thing, it doesn’t matter anymore.
What matters is right now. He chose to align himself with this woman. He chose to continue to align himself with her and her friends. He chose to get married. I know some will say it was a ceremony and not a real wedding, but it doesn’t matter if it’s legally binding. He chose to put out there that they are married.
Now, it is his fans to figure out how they feel about that and how they proceed. I know some of my mutuals are dealing with separating the actor from the characters, some are pissed, some don’t care, some are just meh. I also think that’s how the GP feels, too.
What I will say, and what I have said from the beginning is I don’t think there is real deep feelings involved from either one of them. I think they both have this weird way of showing they care. Both of them have publicly humiliated each other in some way.
I can say it’s weird. I can say I don’t buy the timeline they’re selling. I can think they’re both idiots. But it is not my life to live. They have to be the ones to look at themselves in the mirror. If they got married for the wrong reason, that’s their deal.
I’ll leave with the saying, not my circus, and not my monkeys. I’ve got my own circus to deal with. Stop putting him and other celebrities on impossible pedestals. They are flawed humans just like we all are. We’re never going to know what is fully going on and we aren’t owed that. Take it for what it is.
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literaticat · 3 months
Hi Jenn. One more contract question if that’s ok. I’m negotiating a contract with a small press and so far they’ve agreed to my asks but they also know I asked someone familiar with book contracts to review it and told me to wait until that person contacts me so I can be sure. They now have and they pointed out that the contract omits the following - sections covering “a breach of contract, the liquidation of the publisher, dispute resolution, assignment of rights, or legal venue." How important is it to bring any of these up? If so, which ones? I’m not entirely sure about those points. It’s a short agreement for four years and there’s already a clause saying I can terminate it anytime with a few weeks notice. Also, if I decide to let it go and not bring that stuff up as I’m fairly happy with it as it stands, what will I say if they ask me what the other person said? Thank you!
I mean those sound like kind of important things to ME. What happens if the publisher is in breach of contract, or goes bankrupt or otherwise out of business, or sells their assets to another company? IF there's a dispute, where and in what manner would that be resolved? I'd be curious, personally! And I think you can just say, HEY, the person I had look at this pointed out that these following provisions don't seem to be in the contract; they are pretty typical for publishing contracts as I understand it, can you add them?
If you really just want to sign it and don't want to get into that (and it sounds like you don't, which is your prerogative, but it's kind of ODD to ME that a contract wouldn't contain those things, but hey, I AM NOT YOUR LAWYER AND I AM NOT GIVING YOU LEGAL ADVICE) -- then you just say, OK, thanks, we're good to go. I doubt they would ask what the other person said; if they do, you can just say, eh, nothing I felt was important.
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marvelmadam08 · 5 years
Uncle Fury
Part of 100 days of Marvel
Prompt 96: In my defense, I was bored.
Synopsis: Fury takes over looking after his niece (Jennifer) once her mother refuses to bail her out of trouble (again)
Warnings: Captain Marvel spoilers!! DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THE MOVIE YET! You have been warned. And swearing.
"I need to know what the hell is actually going through your head." Fury shouted "Honestly, this behavior needs to stop. One of these days no one is gonna be there to bail you out of trouble. Keep pulling these stunts and in a few months they’ll be sending you to big girl jail, and not those little detention centers."
"You sound like your sister." Jennifer slouched further into the passenger seat of her uncle's car
"Your mother is trying to look after you, and you aren't making it easy for her." Fury attempted to get a quick glance at her, but he kept his eye on the road instead. No point in trying to help if they got into a car accident.
"Then she should send me to live with my father."
"Jenn, you know good and well that’s not an option. You and your mother need time to cool off, otherwise a lot of ugly words are gonna get said.”
"So where are we going if you aren’t taking me home?"
"Work, that thing that adults do during the day."
"You got me from the police station to take me to another police station?" Jennifer asked "What the hell Uncle Nick?"
"Watch it with the attitude. I need to finish some paperwork, which would’ve been done if it didn’t have to pick someone up on the other side of town. When you get in here, you keep your head down and don't wander off." Fury pulled into his assigned parking space, Jennifer followed alongside him to an elevator “One last thing, call me Fury when we get inside.”
“Uncle Fury?”
“Just Fury.” he continued to face the back of the elevator
Jennifer looked over her shoulder in time to see the wall slide up, revealing an office floor with people sitting at desks or their heads buried in files while they strolls the aisles.
“You guys watch Star Trek way too much.” she muttered, still trailing behind her uncle “Is your partner here? I like him, did he lose an eye too? Maybe a hand? You never did say how you lost your eye anyways. Was it a knife fight?”
“Something like that.”
“Fury, there you are.” Coulson approached the two of them, a friendly smile appeared on his face when he noticed Jennifer “Uh oh, what trouble did you get into this time?”
“I might’ve gotten caught selling fake IDs.” 
“Fake IDs? What happened to changing grades on report cards, forging signatures?”
“Keep up Coulson I haven’t done that since I graduated. I need to expand my skill set, and in my defense, I was bored.”
“Don’t encourage her.” Fury said to Coulson “What’s going on?”
“Pierce wants to see us.”
Fury glanced over at Jennifer then pointed towards his office. “Wait in there, don’t come out and don’t touch anything.”
“Is Goose in there?” Jennifer’s eyes brightened
“Don’t touch Goose.”
“Oh c’mon, she’s the only cat I’m not allergic too.”
“Don’t. Touch. Goose.” Fury narrowed his eye at his niece
“Yes Uncle Fury.” she moped off to his office. Goose popped up from her bed in the corner when Jennifer walked in and strolled over behind Fury’s desk, going through the desktop and opening the pinball game. “Don’t touch anything, don’t wander off. Don’t forge signatures on legal documents. People over thirty are such a snooze fest.”
‘You’ve got mail.’ the notification binged. Jennifer clicked on the email icon, pausing when it asked for the password. 
“As if.” Jennifer’s fingers sped across the keyboard, bypassing all the security questions and opening up Fury’s emails. Goose watched up from the floor.
“Uncle Nick hoards emails, big surprise.” she scrolled through the endless unopened emails when another notification went off labeled ‘SHIELD INTEL’. She clicked on it without a second thought.
Multiple windows popped open on the screen, a few mentioning a possible known location for the tesseract and someone named Carol Danvers. Jennifer, fully interested, skimmed through all of them, ending on something called ‘The Avengers Initiative’.
Goose hopped up on Fury’s desk, sitting in front of the computer screen, blocking Jennifer’s view.
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“C’mon Goose, Uncle Nick says I can’t play with you.” she moved Goose down from the desk, only for her to hop back on “Fine but if I get caught I’m blaming you.”
A small choking sound came from Goose “Please don’t throw up on Uncle Nick’s desk.” Jennifer looked around the room for a towel as the choking got more intense “Oh gross.”
Goose let out one final hack before coughing up a large glowing blue cube. Jennifer eyes got huge, jumping back and forth between Goose and the cube.
“What the fuck?” she jumped up from the chair and ran out the office “Uncle Nick!”
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thotyssey · 6 years
On Point With: DJ Ten Yards
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Sam Branman, the DJ third of Brooklyn nightlife monster trio Str8 to DVD, is also churning out some of the skimpiest and most fashionable Speedos on the planet (among other things). Thotyssey tries to keep up with Ten Yards!
Thotyssey: DJ, hello! Thanks for chatting with us today! First of all, OMG YOU GOT HIT BY A CAR!? How exactly did this happen, and how are you?
DJ Ten Yards: It was super fucking annoying. I was actually on my way to Annie Mae, which is Laè D Boi’s party (currently first Sundays at The Rosemont) I’m the resident DJ / video curator for, and I was literally crossing the street one block from my house and a fucking pickup truck hit me from behind! I’m mostly okay--my left arm got banged up and I’m doing PT to get that back to full fighting strength. They also destroyed my laptop! The truck actually sped off after hitting me, but I found it thanks to some nosy neighbors, and I’m starting legal proceedings. I obviously didn’t make it to the party, and went to the ER instead.
Does this bring home how terrible the world and it's people can be?
I mean, everyone who saw me get hit were super nice and helpful! I’m not letting one asshole who can’t drive ruin my worldview. even if it did jack my arm up.
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That's the spirit! Will you still be making it to DragCon, if that's something you were planning to do?
Absolutely! I’m lucky in that I am able to work on jewelry and I’ve been preparing for it for months, so I have a lot of apparel no one’s seen yet ready to go! I’m at table C31, and I’m there all weekend (except Saturday morning because there’s no way I’m going directly from Str8 to DVD to DragCon, which starts at 9. My husband Erik can work that alone.)
Between your designs and your DJ’ing, there's lots to talk about, so we better start right at the beginning. Where's your hometown, and what came first: fashion or music?
I grew up mostly in Olive Bridge, NY, but I just say I’m from Woodstock because it’s the closest landmark that people who aren’t from there know. Fashion came first! I loved dressing up as a child, and I started sewing what mostly resembled actual clothing when I was 18. I had decided to go to college for photography, not fashion. But I’m a big nerd, so I’d do a few cosplay projects to wear at the anime conventions I went to every summer.
Who were you cosplaying as?
My first actual cosplay was Hirai Ken from the “Pop Star” video. There’s three of him in different colored jumpsuits, and I could sort of do the hair he has in the red one! I also did a very loose Tommy February6 (we share a birthday!), invented a fake Japanese band with friends, and Ray Watts from KMFDM / PIG / Schwein. I still wear the shirt I made for that, but the jumpsuit was sacrificed last year to become Beltane ribbons, and the others just languish in my clothing labyrinth.
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And when did DJing come into the picture?
I’ve always wanted to be musical, but I’m not. I tried to learn instruments, to learn how to write music. I was briefly sort of in a band or two (I even have album credits). I am, however, a collector and very opinionated... so I can DJ! My friend DJ A-Ron’s DJing partner moved away, and he offered to show me the ropes. We did a few gigs together at Nowhere back in 2013, and I struck out on my own DJing for a few now-defunct parties around Manhattan and Brooklyn. I didn’t start the drag-DJ gig until Qhrist With a Q and Sherry Poppins asked me to do what was then 1-900-HOT-GLUE two years ago!
You met Qhrist in a nerdy chat room, right?
Yep! Eightish years ago? I helped convince Qhrist to go to Purchase, too.
Good for you! What was the rationale at the time behind creating HOT GLUE, which is now STR8 to DVD?
At the beginning, I was just helping out! They wanted to make a space for themselves and the other performers coming out of Purchase, like Maxxx Pleasure, Lindsay Blowhan, and Jenn D'Role, and I was along for the ride. I didn’t initially do any production work besides promo, letting Qhrist and Sherry stay at my place, and making sure I had everyone’s music at first. But now we all do booking / coming up with names. I’ve been the one finding our newbie performers all year long, and I convinced them to change the name to STR8 to DVD.
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This has become a hugely popular night, enough so to warrant a recent move from monthly Mondays to Fridays! What have been some memorable moments for you from STR8?
Every single one of Qhrist and Sherry’s stupid, perfect, beautiful, unrehearsed duets. They’re so good together that people don’t realize how unrehearsed they are. When Sherry was still getting ready at my house with Qhris, they might listen to the song once or twice to get the words down, but that’s it! 
I’m also very fond of our massively overbooked Halloween show last year, when we all kept booking people and forgetting until it was too late. We wound up with 9 performers and 13 actual numbers. It was perfect. Half of them involved food, because we’re gross and live in Brooklyn.
That reminds me, I hear that pasta and fake blood were factors in a perilous Bushwig this summer!
I fully missed all of the mess, because of where my booth was at Bushswag! I couldn’t see shit. I made sure to see the performers I’d made clothes for, and my personal legends like Charlene, Untitled, Ragamuffin, Tyler Ashley, and Chutney Spears with that fucking snake.
Gurl, that snake! So STR8 is turning 2 this Friday at Gold Sounds ... what's in store for the anniversary?
STUPIDITY! I’m glad we’re leaning into being irredeemable and canceled. Qhrist already has to redo the flyer because one performer canceled, we forgot we booked one performer, and Lindsay Blowhan is coming all the way up from Virginia for it, and we should probably have her perform? I guess? It’s not like she’s Sherry’s daughter and performed at our first, like, six shows or anything. 
We’ve got Sandy Devastation who made her debut at STR8 to DVD, Papusa Smear who made their debut with us, and Kaey Kiel, a nice cabaret singer and journalist from Berlin who doesn’t deserve to deal with any of this! She’s staying with my husband and her dream is to perform in New York, so we’re making all her dreams come true.
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Another monthly (third Saturdays, in this case) you've been DJing, Emi Grate's “A+: The Asian Revue,” has also recently had it's own (1st) anniversary, and has moved to The Monster in the West Village. What has it been like, being a part of that?
It’s super fun! Emi is so fucking on top of every detail. She sends out a multi-page email with every piece of information you could ever want, she has the lineup a month in advance sometimes, and the show is at a reasonable hour! Never underestimate how great it is to leave the gig at 10pm and still be able to go out afterwards... or even just go home, have dinner, and go to bed. Because of the way Gold Sounds is set up, I don’t actually do much DJ work if there aren’t drag queens on stage. But with A+ (and Annie Mae), I spend a significant amount of time actually DJing. That’s always fun. For both those shows, I play exclusively Jpop and Kpop (and would happily take suggestions for fun pop and dance music from throughout Asia! A cute boy suggested some Hindi pop songs at the most recent A+)
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And the next “Annie Mae” is October 7 at the Rosemont! That's a super geeky celebration of genre fan culture that Laé D. Boi produces. That must be right up your ally!
It is! I always choose anime movies or TV shows to screen during the party on top of DJing! This month the theme is Studio Ghibli, so I think I’m gonna be playing Princess Mononoke, Kiki’s Delivery Service, and either Pompoko or Lupin III: Castle of Cagliostro. I’m pretty sure Sherry Poppins will bring one of her swords, too.
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So, your Ten Yards clothing line is all the rage! The sexy and colorful speedos are especially in demand! How did this come about?
I wanted to make bathing suits--made a few for myself. And then it felt like suddenly people started asking me to make them suits, and now here I am! A local bathing suit mogul. It’s been over four years, and all it took was saying “Sure, I can do that.” and then figuring it out.
How long does it take you to make a speedo now?
My first few took time, but I’m a fucking wizard now. Obviously with my arm it’s hard right now, but I can make a speedo from start to finish in about 35 minutes. Jockstraps are 27 minutes if I go at full speed!
And now you’re bringing us jewelry as well!
You can thank my mom for the jewelry! She made it all in the 80’s and early 90’s. I’m just the refurbishing squad. I’m actually photographing it right now, so I have a record of it, because most of it’s totally unique and once it is gone, it’s gone.
And much-belated congratulations on having your Fashions nominated for a Brooklyn Nightlife Award a few months back.
It was amazing to be nominated, and I knew I would lose to Florence or Diego because they’re both powerhouses! Luckily, Florence moved to Manhattan, so I have an entire year to snatch that brick from Diego’s beautiful and talented hands.
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Another thing to congratulate you on: being happily married! That may sound trite, but finding true love in the nightlife biz is damn hard. What’s your secret?
So, part of it is that we don’t live together, so I’m usually not disturbing him when I come home at 4am. And when we have problems, we talk it out! Erik’s also a lovely angel who supports me no matter what. He helps out whenever I have to sell shit, and buys fabric and zippers even if it makes him nervous. But he has a day job, so he’s only been able to come to three of my gigs in the five and a half years we’ve been together.
I also wasn’t working in nightlife when we met! That probably helps, too. He’s been there every step of the way as I’ve made the switch into nightlife and fashion design.
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Okay, do you have anything else you wanna plug or discuss before I ask the closer?
Nah, just a schedule recap for people who get lost in my rambling! STR8 To DVD: CANCELED is at Gold Sounds (44 Wilson Ave) on 9/28, we have shows at Midnight, and it costs $5-10. I’ll be at table C31 during DragCon (that’s the 28-30th at the Javits, ugh), Annie Mae: Ghibli is at The Rosemont on 10/07, and is free, I’ll be there at 10:30 to start the movies! See you there!
Finally: who would you really love to see in one of your speedos?
Anyone who wants a pair! But I wouldn’t say no to some Instagram thots with 30k+ followers, so long as they tag me.
Thanks, Ten!
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Check Thotyssey’s calendar for DJ Ten Yards’ upcoming gigs, and follow him on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
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cessanderson · 4 years
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What Is Home Equity and How Does It Work? https://ift.tt/2vVwcyN
What is equity?
You’ll often hear the term equity when it comes to homeownership, but you may not even know what that means even if you already own a home. The amount of money you receive when you sell your house, minus any debt associated with it, is equity. When looking at it from an investment point of view, the owner of the asset (probably you in this case) is referred to as a stakeholder. There are two types of equity: book value and market value. Equity calculations occur most often in businesses and homes. 
Calculating the difference between an asset and its liabilities determines the equity’s book value. An equity’s market value is based on the valuation of investors, or its current share price if you’re calculating the market value for a business. For a home, fair market value is typically what people in the consumer marketplace are willing to pay for your house.
Understanding home equity
Say you want to determine how much equity you have in your own home. You can take its current value and subtract the amount you still owe. For example, if your home’s value is currently $130,000 and you still owe $80,000, you have $50,000 of equity. Two factors affect your home’s equity:
If appreciation occurs due to home/property improvements or inflation
Paying down the principal that you owe on your original mortgage
When you make a down payment during your initial purchase, that helps bring down the amount you owe on the mortgage. Down payments are both a portion of the home’s total selling price, as well as your initial equity stake. Many mortgages, like a VA loan or USDA-backed loan, don’t require a down payment, however, it’s common for homeowners to put down between 3-5%.
The loan interest you have on your mortgage affects how quickly you can build equity. Your loan interest is a percentage of your total balance, which most pay monthly until the end of the mortgage term. Loan collateral is when you take out a loan and, in the case of real estate, the home becomes collateral. This reduces a lender’s risk; if the loan goes into default they can sell the collateral to recoup costs.
The term lien means you have a legal right or claim against a property. The first time a home lien happens is when you obtain the original mortgage. In that scenario, the lien is helpful because the home becomes loan collateral and you can build equity. Keeping up with your mortgage payments helps ensure any other lien doesn’t attach to the loan. So make sure you’re paying it on time to keep any liens away. 
What happens to my equity if my home increases in value?
Let’s take the earlier example of your home being currently worth $130,000. You owe $80,000, so there is $50,000 in equity. Now, assume that the initial cost of your home was $100,000, and you made a 10% down payment at purchase. That percentage is also known as your equity stake. If you don’t incur any additional debt on your home, its equity will continue increasing as you make payments and its value increases.
$100,000 – 10% ($10,000) = $90,000 (original amount of the loan before making payments)
Original loan: $90,000
Payments to date: $10,000 ($90,000 – $10,000 = $80,000 owed)
Value of home: $130,000
Equity: $50,000 ($130,000 – $80,000 = $50,000 equity)
Tips on how to build home equity
There are lots of ways to build equity, including one that requires no work at all. When your property value increases due to rising prices in the housing market, you’re building home equity. Here are some additional ways you can build home equity:
Lowering your mortgage balance: The more you pay against your mortgage’s principal, the more equity you’ll have. Just make sure there are no pre-payment penalties.
Making larger mortgage payments: Each time you pay extra on your mortgage and apply that difference to the loan’s principal, you’re building equity.
Change the payment schedule: By making 26 half-payments instead of 12 full payments, you reduce the term of your loan, saving on interest and building equity faster.
Refinance the terms: If you opt to refinance your loan to a shorter-term 15-year loan, you’ll have higher payments but you will build equity faster than with a traditional 30-year loan.
Make improvements: Some home improvements increase the property’s worth and thereby your equity. But only certain types of improvements will pay off, so research for your area accordingly. And don’t forget curb appeal.
Keep it maintained: Keeping up with regular repairs and maintenance can increase your home’s worth when it comes time to sell, which results in higher equity.
Home equity loans
One of the most beneficial aspects of a mortgage is the ability to borrow against your equity. You can do that with a lump-sum loan or home equity line of credit.
How does a home equity loan work?
There are two types of home equity loans: lump-sum loans and the home equity line of credit.
Lump-sum home equity loan: A lump-sum home equity loan means lenders are allowing you to borrow a lump-sum of money against your existing equity. Because they fund in a lump sum, they’re similar to a personal loan.
Home equity line of credit (HELOC): A HELOC is a loan where the lender qualifies you for a revolving line of credit against a percentage of your home equity. This loan works similarly to a credit card whereby you carry the balance from month-to-month for the amount you’re allowed to borrow against your home’s equity.
Qualifying for a home equity loan
Qualifying for a lump-sum home equity loan means the lender looks at your credit history, income, the home’s current value and your debt-to-income ratio. When you’re trying to qualify for a HELOC, you must have at least 15-20% of your home’s value in equity. That determination occurs following an appraisal. You must also have a debt-to-income ratio that does not exceed roughly 40% (or a bit higher) and a credit score above 620.
Pros and cons of home equity loans
Easy qualification: If a lender knows they can use your home as collateral they are more likely to qualify you for and approve your application.
Lower interest rates: Even if the home equity loan is challenging to get, you may find it has lower interest rates.
Risk: If you cannot make your loan payments, you risk the home going into foreclosure.
Limitations: If you want to sell your home, you must pay off your home equity debt first.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is equity and how do I find out my home equity?  Equity is the amount of money an asset owner receives when they sell their house, minus any debt associated with it. To find your home equity, your first step is getting an appraisal. Then, take the value of the appraisal and subtract it from the amount you still owe on your mortgage.
Is it a good idea to take equity out of your house?  If you need to make home improvements, cover costs for college, consolidate debt, obtain emergency expenses or secure long-term investments, then you may want to apply for a home equity loan (assuming, of course, you can afford the increased mortgage payment). 
What credit score do you need to get a home equity loan?  You have a better chance of qualifying if your credit score is 700 or above.
Which is better to get—a home equity loan or personal loan?  If you need a substantial amount of funds, it’s more challenging to get a personal loan. A home equity loan allows you to repay over a longer-term as well.
Are there closing costs on a home equity loan?  Though rates differ from lender to lender, expect to pay between 2-5% of the loan in closing costs. However, it isn’t uncommon for lenders to waive these fees.
Author Biography:
Jenn Greenleaf is a professional writer from Maine who also works part-time as a bookkeeper for her husband’s residential construction business. She specializes in writing about HVAC, commercial construction, and other home-related topics.
The post What Is Home Equity and How Does It Work? appeared first on Freshome.com.
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reactingtosomething · 7 years
Reacting to Sweet/Vicious
Part I: Remember Fondly When 4th Meals Were a Thing and Breakfast at Night Reigned Supreme
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The Setup: It started, as much does, with a tweet. That tweet was followed, as many are, by regret. Fortunately, Jennifer Kaytin Robinson is a generous sort.
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Robinson’s glorious but short-lived vigilante dramedy Sweet/Vicious was always on the list of candidates for an all-hands Reaction -- Miri started watching a day or two after Kris did, back in the fall, so Liz and Marchae added it to their (lengthy) to-watch lists -- but we didn’t put a timetable on it until our loyal reader @crazyhannibalthedaisiesslayer suggested it.
In this post (and its continuation, on Friday), we cover the first three episodes: “The Blueprint,” “The Writing’s on the Wall,” and “Sucker,” and many thoughts and feelings about campus sexual violence and related topics.
LIZ: First thing: I only had time to watch the first 3 episodes, although I wish I’d been able to see more!
Kris you here?
MIRI: Ok, that’s how many I rewetted!
MARCHAE: I watched 4
MIRI: DAMMIT rewatched 
hahahahahha insert gif here
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So, Liz and Marchae, what did you think????
MARCHAE: It is oddly addicting
KRIS: Why oddly?
MARCHAE: I think because I used to work in student affairs and dealt with some of the scenarios so in that way it is weird to see a comedy/drama of this topic
LIZ: I am IN LOVE. I thought episode one was amazing and I am pretty much hooked. I am here for the message and the premise and i think every college campus needs these 2 ladies!
MARCHAE: however the characters are 100% engaging and you want them to win so hard...
I called my mom after episode one and was like should i feel bad for wanting to see the guys get beat up
LIZ: The way they show the victims of sexual assault and discuss their stories is just so real even though the show suspends our disbelief in other ways so much
MIRI:  Marchae, I don’t think you should feel bad
How do you feel about how stylized it is? I love it, but I feel like it’s not going to be everyone’s cup of tea
LIZ:  Rapists who are getting away with it 100% and ruining their victims lives? no I would not feel bad
KRIS: When I first saw trailers for it (while my old roommates watched MTV reality shows) I was like oh, man, I don’t know, this seems like it might be trashy and exploitative
MARCHAE:  I do agree Lizzie... it’s weird because my brain wants this to be a straight drama
yet i am oddly satisfied with the moments of comedic relief
LIZ: I didn’t think the stylization was OVER THE TOP
MIRI: Yeah, it’s a hard show to sell but SO GOOD
LIZ: theres a lot of comedy
MIRI: I think it all works together beautifully
LIZ: agreed
I was pretty much in love
KRIS: I was almost upset at how good it was
MIRI: For me, the cold open of ep one says it all
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KRIS: I had to text Miri immediately
LIZ: and then they were singing defying gravity in the car and i was like
MIRI: You were definitely upset
LIZ: yeah
M Scott Veach
MIRI: Cool!
LIZ: oh end of sentence about defying gravity.. i felt like the show understood my soul
MIRI: Moment of appreciation for Brandon Mychal Smith playing SUCH a different type of comedy equally well
LIZ: ALSO.. it takes a certain type of weird ass show for all 4 of us to be VERY on board.. and I also like that about it
KRIS: He’s one of the only men who can say the word “bitch” and not make me a little uncomfortable
MIRI: True!
LIZ: Is that Harris?
MIRI: Yes!
KRIS: Yeah
MIRI: Yay!
KRIS: One of the reasons I really wanted us to do 3 episodes was so you could see the start of his thing with Fiona
LIZ: What do you think about that?
MIRI: Is that the sorority girl?
KRIS: I like it!
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Lemon as the one of us with the most first-hand sorority expertise what’s your general sense of the Zeta dynamic?
LIZ: I identify with the sorority characters who are actually smarter and much more .. defined as human beings than most would give them credit for or that they initially come off as
KRIS: (Harris gets crystallized so instantly with the line “I’m not saying I have sexual dreams about Ruth Bader Ginsberg... but I’m also not saying I don’t”)
LIZ: I mean.. I had several (male) friends and family members say to me when I joined my very small.. one of a kind local sorority.. “oh so you’re a sorostitute?”
LIZ: Yes i have a note about the RBG line
MIRI: UM that’s horrible and fuck them
LIZ: right, but that kind of mentality and characterization of college aged women who are friends with other women in the form of a sorority is so widespread
MIRI: The pilot honestly does SO much to characterize Jules, Ophelia, and Harris so quickly
KRIS: I do really like how they initially lean into the less generous expectations about sororities and then flesh out I think all of those characters in great ways
Mackenzie was a sleeper favorite for me
(the anxious redhead safety chair)
LIZ: this gives them facets.. like fuck what you thought about me and also.. I don’t have to not like to do my makeup or sometimes dress up for me to be a smart or valid female.
MIRI: I feel like Kennedy takes a little longer, but not in a bad way
Liz, you are amazing and I love you
LIZ: i don’t know many shows that give girls that kind of credit.. very legally blonde of this show..except Elle Woods was the exception there
MARCHAE: They have to save Kennedy (I say this not Having seen more than 4 epi)
KRIS: You will be pleased
MIRI: Definitely
LIZ: Visually, I am impressed with the shows set designs, makeup, and wardrobe
MARCHAE: I feel like they have to hold her close because of nick and Jules 
LIZ: hold who close?
oh kennedy
MARCHAE: (Also back to thumbs on the phone)
KRIS: I LOVE the world-building, especially on what I assume is a pretty small budget
MIRI: I do love her moment when Ophelia tells her she has a very calming presence and she’s just like “I know"
LIZ: yeah i am also worried about her
KRIS: Lemon talk about makeup
MIRI: Yeah!
KRIS: (please)
LIZ: what else?
oh as far as this show is concerned
MIRI: yes, world building 
LIZ: Jules and Ophelia (yes to the names btw)
have such amazing looks and their hair is bouncy like they are comic book drawings, but their makeup isn’t like that (bc that would be fucking bizarre) and I love how the fresh rosy-cheeked and bright eyed look of Jules is enhanced with her makeup and Ophelia’s brows and eye makeup are dark and defined/ grungy at times, but she is also kind of sweet because they don’t cake her up or give her a heavy lip.. idk if that makes sense to anyone else
their eyes are so expressive as actresses
and then they’re important because of the ninja outfits
MIRI: That all makes sense to me and I would never have thought of it at all
KRIS: it is right on the edge of my comprehension
MIRI: Sidebar: SUPER excited for you to see more Orphan Black and discuss that makeup
LIZ: but I am pleased with the fine line between real world and cartoonish that the MUA on this show kind of stride beautifully to give them unique looks that foil one another and bring out their strengths and sometimes their faults
KRIS: Ophelia I think I understand best in this context
I do want to ask a question
LIZ: It is more subtle with Jules, because she is made to look more fresh, but I mean everyone on any show has lots of makeup on
ok done w makeup ranting/ observing
MIRI: What’s up, Marchae?
MARCHAE: *sorry liz...go on***
LIZ: oh no thats pretty much it
are you getting things in real time marchae? (with your computer)
MARCHAE: I wanted to chime in about wardrobe because it’s super similar to the way in which makeup is handled... and you definitely know who these people are and the kind of persons that this show is trying to share
MIRI: Ooh, please do!
LIZ: oh yes, the wardrobe feels almost theater like to me.. do you agree or am i wrong
MARCHAE: ( It was touch and go for a moment but me and my thumbs are finally #winning on the computer... I couldn’t take the tiny keyboard anymore)
LIZ: bless you for trying
MIRI: I never really notice Ophelia’s wardrobe that much, but the props they have for her are iconic and say so much
MARCHAE: I think it does... the show feels VERY comicbook-esq like I mentioned it reminds me very much in aesthetics to deadly class and there is another comic that focuses on a high school that I’m blanking on
LIZ: was this ever a graphic novel or comic book?
MARCHAE: but you get a lot in terms of wardrobe via colors that they use for these characters... Ophelia is almost always in darks, Jules in pinks and pastels
I quick checked and didn’t see it
KRIS: it was original to Jenn Kaytin Robinson
I mean she did a shit ton of research, and the producers watched The Hunting Ground and stuff
LIZ: nice..and yes I agree with the colors
MARCHAE: But these choices are interesting because they are almost opposite to the characters we meet in the show
LIZ: and the fact that Jules keeps her identity even as a vigilante with her pink backpack
MARCHAE: so Jules we meet as the original vigilante and she’s the one in the brightest colors ALWAYS in the show
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LIZ: and then Ophelia has that car!
MARCHAE: that backpack is definitely our hint
MIRI: Because she’s trying SO hard to still be that girl
KRIS: Oh that’s so interesting. Jules is super dark and “damaged” and Ophelia’s ultimately a sweetheart.
MARCHAE: and Ophelia is always in darks
LIZ: right!?
MARCHAE: **taps nose at kris**
MIRI: I like that even when they put Jules in the Spitters are Quitters shirt, it’s light colored
MARCHAE: so its totally the opposite of what we see
in terms of how they are portrayed in their “normal life”
any who enough of my rant
LIZ: I find Ophelia to be much more innocent.. not because of being sexually assaulted, but because she is kind of playing catch up and barfs when she kills a guy and Jules obviously took this mission upon herself to become a kick ass fighter and to start doing something
MARCHAE: liz i absolutely agree
ophelia definitely the more innocent seeming of the two
KRIS: Ophelia’s so fucking great
MIRI: Yeah, Ophelia thinks of herself as So Hardcore but is basically a sweet 19 yr old with some abandonment issues
I love her
MARCHAE: and she tells you as much in her dialogue
LIZ: I love her!
MARCHAE: some is an understatement miri
KRIS: I loved the vomiting and I don’t even know why
MARCHAE: she has ALL the abandonment issues
LIZ: i loved that it was pink
MIRI: Because it’s pink!
KRIS: I guess the unexplained pink?
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LIZ: yes
MIRI: It’s absurd and so totally the show
LIZ: hahahha
KRIS: wow we are ALL on a wavelength tonight
MIRI: But it is!
LIZ: like.. I don’t need to see chunky soup barf
i get it
MIRI: The show is 100% going to show you the puking
MARCHAE: i usually don’t want to see it at all period ever
but it works for the show
MIRI: But it’s also going to make it funny and stylized
MARCHAE: and that character as kind of a she seems hard core but is not!
KRIS: LeBong James
MARCHAE: so my question and this was a thing that kind of made me curious
MIRI: She’s a nerd ❤️ 
LIZ: There is a lot of suspension of disbelief in this show.. not bc girls can’t fight injustices, but because of how they  should’ve gotten caught and how Ophelias mad hacker skills save the day alot
MIRI: I feel weird being the only one who hasn’t said LeBong
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there it goes
LIZ: Also the male assailants aren’t even cookie cutter like on other shows or movies
KRIS: Without spoiling anything I’ll say they’re generally really good about chickens coming home to roost
Maybe not DNA specifically? But the show is serious about Consequences
MARCHAE: so question... what institution do they go to where there is an assult like every freaking second
LIZ: they are all different and some are even charming (most are) and they have different personalities and hobbies.. like Nate is acting like a really good boyfriend to Kennedy so if we didn’t know what he’s capable of, we’d forgive his jerk reaction to her missing his football thing bc of his super sweet apology
MIRI: Well, it’s Darlington University, right?
KRIS: Well A) that doesn’t actually strike me as unrealistic but B) I got the sense of a “backlog” of assaults -- they’re using that wall, which was started who knows how long ago
MIRI: So it’s at least big enough to have masters programs
KRIS: not responding to like the student weekly or something
MIRI: True
LIZ: i mean i know so many people in so many schools (large, small, medium and very small) who all have sexual assault stories
MARCHAE: thanks for the wall reminder
LIZ: i didn’t find the number to be at all shocking
KRIS: yeah
MARCHAE: I think maybe again its the dissonance of this being a drama/comedy that has me a bit jarred
LIZ: maybe the number of guys that were turned in or reported seems high, but SO FUCKING MANY are floating around in my mind right now
MARCHAE: i dealt with lots (more than i have ever wanted to) but not weekly by any stretch
that definitely doesn’t mean it wasn’t happening
MIRI: Well, just because the show aired every week doesn’t mean it’s only a week in universe
LIZ: right
thats true
MARCHAE: thanks gang
MIRI: And Kris is right--they definitely go into past exploits some
KRIS: That wall, man
MIRI: It is BRUTAL and so effective
MARCHAE: yeah the reminder of the wall definitely does it.... i literally was like
DAMN this is INSANE and darlington should be shut the hell down
KRIS: I texted Miri something like “I never do this but there’s a pure drama beat that made me 😭😭😭😭”
LIZ: I wish every college had a wall
KRIS: and it was definitely Ophelia handing Jules the Sharpie
MIRI: He did and I treasure that text
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LIZ: oh something that I meant to google.. could be such a coincidence
LIZ: at my college, in the same kind of font.. the party dorm/ suites were called “Reimert Hall” and they are like “see you at Leimert” spelled the same and then they show “Leimert Hall” and it is creepily spot on
MIRI: Whoa 
LIZ: not related to the wall
MARCHAE: we did have a question from one of our readers and I promised I would bring it up to react to
LIZ: lol.. it is student housing but.. idk weird to me but maybe not to anyone else
MIRI: Yes, I want to talk about that!!!
LIZ: go for it! I don’t know the question
MARCHAE: about student housing or the question from our loyal reader
i get confused sometimes
KRIS: our loyal reader
LIZ: I’m assuming she means from the reader
MIRI: The question
LIZ: mine was just a point thrown out and doesn’t really leave much to comment on haha
MIRI: Share the question with us, Marchae
MARCHAE: OH MY GRIEF I  am typing then stop to read...
LIZ: I know.. Kris and Miri are too fast for me
MARCHAE: ok so the reader wants to know if we read Ophelia as bi
MIRI: Sorry!
KRIS: NO STOPPING the overlapping is half of our charm
MIRI: Omg Kris
LIZ: There was one thing that made me think that
MIRI: Ok, I am deeply bi-ased (hahahahahah) so I want yawl to discuss it first
LIZ: hahaha
MARCHAE: go lizzie
@miri you are my everything LOL
LIZ: Harris said something about her being with Jule (I’m having a brain fart and can’t remember if it is jules or rule..)
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MARCHAE: her being with rules?
LIZ: and I think Ophelia was like “not like that” kind of blushing
KRIS: For all of my striving toward wokeness I am generally still slow to pick up on, I guess, Sapphic vibes -- although being a social media-engaged Supergirl fan is training me better -- but I did also note that on my rewatch
LIZ: but it was a micro second kind of moment that made me think.. oh she dates girls too.. cool
so what do you think Kris
KRIS: This is pretty convincing to me:
MIRI: Kris I offer my services if you ever need a consultant on this quest
LIZ: OHHH and PERSON yes thats smart
I didn’t even pick up on it!
MIRI: Ahhhhhhhh shit I didn’t even notice the person thing
i also think there is a lot of tension with Ophelia
MIRI: Ok, Reacting to Something officially rules Ophelia to be bi
Or pan, who knows
LIZ: I kind of also thought that was just a more interesting way of putting it..  like IS THERE A LIVE HUMAN JUST RIGHT THERE IN YOUR HOUSE?
MARCHAE: the writing and ACTING are smart like that
KRIS: And on my search for gifs to add to the post later, the scene in the cemetery -- “I think you’re amazing” -- seemed to be another touchstone
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MIRI: So when we got this question I was like “huh, are people seeing that?
Outside of shipping her and Jules?”
MARCHAE: but we also know that Ophelia doesn’t have friends
MIRI: But upon rewatch it’s pretty solidly set up
MARCHAE: so before the question i suspected that she was just kind of enjoying her new friendship with this person
LIZ: wait whats solidly set up
MARCHAE: she’s wanted that
LIZ: her being bi?
KRIS: yes
LIZ: just confirming
MARCHAE: then after the question we received not only did I pay more attention, but I think again there is definitely some tension
MIRI: I’m honestly so jaded from shows that like to dip their toe in the idea of something happening but will never go for it that I tend to only accept stated queerness
MARCHAE: and she might have a crush on jules!
MIRI: But it does feel very genuine and deliberate here
Which is lovely!
MARCHAE: agreed miri
LIZ: good!
K: consider it canon
KRIS: I think it was a writers room with only one straight man
MARCHAE: That’s kind of awesome!
KRIS: (the past tense here kills me)
MIRI: I love it
UGhhhhhhhh I know
LIZ: wait
is it done?
KRIS: I don’t think I’ve ever been so upset about a cancellation
KRIS: They’re shopping it to streaming sites
MIRI: Guys, sorry we’re making you fall in love with a cancelled show
MARCHAE: yeah i found out today
MIRI: OMG did we not tell you???
MARCHAE: and like this is why I DON”T WATCH TV
LIZ: This is the devils week. why not this too!?
LIZ: also.. good girls revolt was amazing (to me)
MIRI: I loved it!
MARCHAE: also can i just have my moment for the fact that this show also digs into the issue of racism
LIZ: why can’t bad bitches get a win? why
MARCHAE: and handles it kind of nicely
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KRIS: That scene was surprisingly upsetting
LIZ: super upsetting
KRIS: I love that it’s the cop we saw be nice to Jules
MIRI: Yes! Let’s talk about that froyo scene
It’s so well done
MARCHAE: reminded me of trayvon martin
MIRI: And the other cop recognizing that it’s wrong, but not stepping up enough to actually stop it
MARCHAE: i also love that is it harris?
LIZ: like he was being racially profiled.. but he also had the one good thing he was looking forward to smashed on the ground
LIZ: yeah just kind of being like “sorry, but this is kind of what we do, i won’t stop it”
MARCHAE: it is heartbreaking and realistic
KRIS: That younger cop also comes back
MIRI: I’m glad that they played it very seriously
LIZ: ooo
MARCHAE: I was glad that he didn’t want to be seen as only one kind of black when he fought back with the paper editor as well
KRIS: This show has a really deep bench of minor-ish supporting characters
MARCHAE: they better had!
KRIS: MM I think that’s episode 4
On a lighter note I also really appreciate the importance of froyo to the world-building of this college town
LIZ: yes I’m not familiar
MIRI: Froyo continues to matter
As does pizza
MARCHAE: and dairy queen soft serve
LIZ: In college, we would plan a whole trek to froyo (we got one a few min away my senior year)
MIRI: We once drove to Waffle House at 4 am in the snow
In South Carolina
KRIS: From earlier than I remembered, too -- Ophelia running away from Barton and running into a guy carrying a cup -- “Tart?!”
MIRI: where they can’t handle snow
KRIS: YES the pizza place
MIRI: Huh? What is the cup thing?
KRIS: of froyo
LIZ: Food culture in college .. is something very important and lets think abouthtat
KRIS: Ophelia has no patience for Basic things, clearly
MIRI: Also that running away scene is great
LIZ: and by think of that .. I mean.. remember fondly when 4th meals were a thing and breakfast at night reigned supreme.
MIRI: Ophelia has a lot of opinions and I have a lot of feelings about her
KRIS: (I love Jules’s “I like sunsets on Instagram”)
LIZ: ophelia is hilarious.. i love her comment “she’s literate”
KRIS: Ophelia’s ramen diet
LIZ: and also that girl [Fiona] trying to be sexy and saying “there are no drapes” so seriously
MIRI: Yeah I definitely want to see that girl eat a vegetable
LIZ: and giving up and being  like “IM SHAVED” ahaha
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KRIS: Lemon I laughed so loud at “She’s literate?” on my rewatch
MIRI: I love that girl!
MARCHAE: there are a ton of one liners
LIZ: yeah the popcorn for breakfast made even me feel like OH HONEY NO NUTRIENTS
KRIS: So real
MARCHAE: that’s usually my breakfast on sundays after i mop
LIZ: miri what are your many opinions about ophelia
MARCHAE: and i’m old
LIZ: my dogs eat better than I do so I get it
MIRI: Marchae eat real meals please I worry
LIZ: and you mop before you eat
MARCHAE: yes almost every sunday
MIRI: Ok back to my many opinions: as stated I LOVE HER
LIZ: i had a banana, fake chicken, vegan pasta and granola today.. that is kind of healthy
MIRI: I also really love her need to belong
MARCHAE: i eat popcorn, drink a pepsi and catch up on my shows
LIZ: her need to belong to who or what
KRIS: just in general
LIZ: I guess I am really new
KRIS: to have friends, to have a cause
MIRI: She’s obsessed with the idea that she’s this cool fuckup who doesn’t need people, but she needs people so MUCH
LIZ: I get that
MARCHAE: its evident from episode one almost immediately
LIZ: we all do! even when we aren’t good at.. people!
MIRI: She jumps head first into this insane vigilante thing
MIRI: and kicks it into a higher gear
MARCHAE: i think it makes her so relatable too and you fall in love with her
LIZ: I know, she is the perfect.. not robin.. robin
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MIRI: She hurts Harris so easily but would be devastated if she actually lost him
LIZ: yeah i love her apology scene to him
MARCHAE: but he loves her no matter what
MIRI: She thinks she’s beyond needing that sort of connection because she can’t have it with her mom
LIZ: just a girl standing in front of  a boy.. asking for her job back
KRIS: Yes her bad-friend-ness is great
MARCHAE: *snap snap snaps fingrs*
MIRI: But she’s wrong
KRIS: Dammit Ophelia you know I can’t resist Notting Hill
MIRI: and she needs people so badly
Also she’s just hilarious and brilliant and I love her and Harris’s friendship so much
LIZ: her mom was so rude to her on the phone it made me sad especially because Jules doesn’t have a mom.. and I know those were really briefly introduced to me, but I’m sure those are important issues
On the subject of friendship, there are a ton of examples of girls being very affirmational to each other that really interest me
LIZ: I also love that Harris is.. presumably straight and is not afraid to love RBG or Notting Hill
KRIS: I’m so jealous you’re experiencing this show for the first time
MIRI: Because sometimes they’re played for laughs
But not most of the time
and I love that
MIRI: Like, the high girls just need to hug!
LIZ: I wanted to be in the back seat of their car screaming along to Defying Gravity
MIRI: And sometimes Kennedy is a bit ridiculous with her goddess stuff
MARCHAE: i love your love for defying gravity liz
MIRI: But for the most part it is 100% genuine
MARCHAE: Kennedy is the most
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MIRI: And so what I do with my friends
LIZ: yeah kennedy suggesting that shit to ophelia was HILARIOUS
basically like “HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO GOOP.COM?”
MIRI: kennedy is indeed the most
MARCHAE: I am so CURIOUS about what happens when Jules tells her
KRIS: That shot where I assume Fiona and Gabby are on a dolly when they enter Vinylton high on shrooms is perfect
MIRI: So I love that there’s drunk girl in the bathroom type compliments and Woke Freshman type compliments AND really genuine support for each other
KRIS: sorry I was just slow there
LIZ: i think that kennedy will eventually (i mean who knows since it is cancelled) be an ally and join the cause or at least be supportive in a protective way
MARCHAE: if she does I may ink myself!!!
KRIS: I repeat, I am so jealous you’re experiencing this show for the first time
MIRI: It’s a very well plotted season and that is all I will say
MARCHAE: *hugs kris*
UGHHHH i’ll probably finish it this weekend
LIZ: hahaha kris I’m feeling like that repetition is to keep yourself from spoiling
KRIS: There is Jules-Kennedy closure, for sure
Yeah, so, we went really long, even for us. Find the rest of our Reaction here.
EDITED 20 April 2019: You can and should buy Sweet/Vicious on Amazon, Google Play, or iTunes. If you’re here because you just watched Jennifer Kaytin Robinson’s Someone Great, maybe now’s a good time to renew calls for Netflix to add S/V to its library.
17 notes · View notes
jeremystrele · 4 years
What Is Home Equity and How Does It Work?
What is equity?
You’ll often hear the term equity when it comes to homeownership, but you may not even know what that means even if you already own a home. The amount of money you receive when you sell your house, minus any debt associated with it, is equity. When looking at it from an investment point of view, the owner of the asset (probably you in this case) is referred to as a stakeholder. There are two types of equity: book value and market value. Equity calculations occur most often in businesses and homes. 
Calculating the difference between an asset and its liabilities determines the equity’s book value. An equity’s market value is based on the valuation of investors, or its current share price if you’re calculating the market value for a business. For a home, fair market value is typically what people in the consumer marketplace are willing to pay for your house.
Understanding home equity
Say you want to determine how much equity you have in your own home. You can take its current value and subtract the amount you still owe. For example, if your home’s value is currently $130,000 and you still owe $80,000, you have $50,000 of equity. Two factors affect your home’s equity:
If appreciation occurs due to home/property improvements or inflation
Paying down the principal that you owe on your original mortgage
When you make a down payment during your initial purchase, that helps bring down the amount you owe on the mortgage. Down payments are both a portion of the home’s total selling price, as well as your initial equity stake. Many mortgages, like a VA loan or USDA-backed loan, don’t require a down payment, however, it’s common for homeowners to put down between 3-5%.
The loan interest you have on your mortgage affects how quickly you can build equity. Your loan interest is a percentage of your total balance, which most pay monthly until the end of the mortgage term. Loan collateral is when you take out a loan and, in the case of real estate, the home becomes collateral. This reduces a lender’s risk; if the loan goes into default they can sell the collateral to recoup costs.
The term lien means you have a legal right or claim against a property. The first time a home lien happens is when you obtain the original mortgage. In that scenario, the lien is helpful because the home becomes loan collateral and you can build equity. Keeping up with your mortgage payments helps ensure any other lien doesn’t attach to the loan. So make sure you’re paying it on time to keep any liens away. 
What happens to my equity if my home increases in value?
Let’s take the earlier example of your home being currently worth $130,000. You owe $80,000, so there is $50,000 in equity. Now, assume that the initial cost of your home was $100,000, and you made a 10% down payment at purchase. That percentage is also known as your equity stake. If you don’t incur any additional debt on your home, its equity will continue increasing as you make payments and its value increases.
$100,000 – 10% ($10,000) = $90,000 (original amount of the loan before making payments)
Original loan: $90,000
Payments to date: $10,000 ($90,000 – $10,000 = $80,000 owed)
Value of home: $130,000
Equity: $50,000 ($130,000 – $80,000 = $50,000 equity)
Tips on how to build home equity
There are lots of ways to build equity, including one that requires no work at all. When your property value increases due to rising prices in the housing market, you’re building home equity. Here are some additional ways you can build home equity:
Lowering your mortgage balance: The more you pay against your mortgage’s principal, the more equity you’ll have. Just make sure there are no pre-payment penalties.
Making larger mortgage payments: Each time you pay extra on your mortgage and apply that difference to the loan’s principal, you’re building equity.
Change the payment schedule: By making 26 half-payments instead of 12 full payments, you reduce the term of your loan, saving on interest and building equity faster.
Refinance the terms: If you opt to refinance your loan to a shorter-term 15-year loan, you’ll have higher payments but you will build equity faster than with a traditional 30-year loan.
Make improvements: Some home improvements increase the property’s worth and thereby your equity. But only certain types of improvements will pay off, so research for your area accordingly. And don’t forget curb appeal.
Keep it maintained: Keeping up with regular repairs and maintenance can increase your home’s worth when it comes time to sell, which results in higher equity.
Home equity loans
One of the most beneficial aspects of a mortgage is the ability to borrow against your equity. You can do that with a lump-sum loan or home equity line of credit.
How does a home equity loan work?
There are two types of home equity loans: lump-sum loans and the home equity line of credit.
Lump-sum home equity loan: A lump-sum home equity loan means lenders are allowing you to borrow a lump-sum of money against your existing equity. Because they fund in a lump sum, they’re similar to a personal loan.
Home equity line of credit (HELOC): A HELOC is a loan where the lender qualifies you for a revolving line of credit against a percentage of your home equity. This loan works similarly to a credit card whereby you carry the balance from month-to-month for the amount you’re allowed to borrow against your home’s equity.
Qualifying for a home equity loan
Qualifying for a lump-sum home equity loan means the lender looks at your credit history, income, the home’s current value and your debt-to-income ratio. When you’re trying to qualify for a HELOC, you must have at least 15-20% of your home’s value in equity. That determination occurs following an appraisal. You must also have a debt-to-income ratio that does not exceed roughly 40% (or a bit higher) and a credit score above 620.
Pros and cons of home equity loans
Easy qualification: If a lender knows they can use your home as collateral they are more likely to qualify you for and approve your application.
Lower interest rates: Even if the home equity loan is challenging to get, you may find it has lower interest rates.
Risk: If you cannot make your loan payments, you risk the home going into foreclosure.
Limitations: If you want to sell your home, you must pay off your home equity debt first.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is equity and how do I find out my home equity?  Equity is the amount of money an asset owner receives when they sell their house, minus any debt associated with it. To find your home equity, your first step is getting an appraisal. Then, take the value of the appraisal and subtract it from the amount you still owe on your mortgage.
Is it a good idea to take equity out of your house?  If you need to make home improvements, cover costs for college, consolidate debt, obtain emergency expenses or secure long-term investments, then you may want to apply for a home equity loan (assuming, of course, you can afford the increased mortgage payment). 
What credit score do you need to get a home equity loan?  You have a better chance of qualifying if your credit score is 700 or above.
Which is better to get—a home equity loan or personal loan?  If you need a substantial amount of funds, it’s more challenging to get a personal loan. A home equity loan allows you to repay over a longer-term as well.
Are there closing costs on a home equity loan?  Though rates differ from lender to lender, expect to pay between 2-5% of the loan in closing costs. However, it isn’t uncommon for lenders to waive these fees.
Author Biography:
Jenn Greenleaf is a professional writer from Maine who also works part-time as a bookkeeper for her husband’s residential construction business. She specializes in writing about HVAC, commercial construction, and other home-related topics.
The post What Is Home Equity and How Does It Work? appeared first on Freshome.com.
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owensrhodes · 4 years
What Is Home Equity and How Does It Work?
What is equity?
You’ll often hear the term equity when it comes to homeownership, but you may not even know what that means even if you already own a home. The amount of money you receive when you sell your house, minus any debt associated with it, is equity. When looking at it from an investment point of view, the owner of the asset (probably you in this case) is referred to as a stakeholder. There are two types of equity: book value and market value. Equity calculations occur most often in businesses and homes. 
Calculating the difference between an asset and its liabilities determines the equity’s book value. An equity’s market value is based on the valuation of investors, or its current share price if you’re calculating the market value for a business. For a home, fair market value is typically what people in the consumer marketplace are willing to pay for your house.
Understanding home equity
Say you want to determine how much equity you have in your own home. You can take its current value and subtract the amount you still owe. For example, if your home’s value is currently $130,000 and you still owe $80,000, you have $50,000 of equity. Two factors affect your home’s equity:
If appreciation occurs due to home/property improvements or inflation
Paying down the principal that you owe on your original mortgage
When you make a down payment during your initial purchase, that helps bring down the amount you owe on the mortgage. Down payments are both a portion of the home’s total selling price, as well as your initial equity stake. Many mortgages, like a VA loan or USDA-backed loan, don’t require a down payment, however, it’s common for homeowners to put down between 3-5%.
The loan interest you have on your mortgage affects how quickly you can build equity. Your loan interest is a percentage of your total balance, which most pay monthly until the end of the mortgage term. Loan collateral is when you take out a loan and, in the case of real estate, the home becomes collateral. This reduces a lender’s risk; if the loan goes into default they can sell the collateral to recoup costs.
The term lien means you have a legal right or claim against a property. The first time a home lien happens is when you obtain the original mortgage. In that scenario, the lien is helpful because the home becomes loan collateral and you can build equity. Keeping up with your mortgage payments helps ensure any other lien doesn’t attach to the loan. So make sure you’re paying it on time to keep any liens away. 
What happens to my equity if my home increases in value?
Let’s take the earlier example of your home being currently worth $130,000. You owe $80,000, so there is $50,000 in equity. Now, assume that the initial cost of your home was $100,000, and you made a 10% down payment at purchase. That percentage is also known as your equity stake. If you don’t incur any additional debt on your home, its equity will continue increasing as you make payments and its value increases.
$100,000 – 10% ($10,000) = $90,000 (original amount of the loan before making payments)
Original loan: $90,000
Payments to date: $10,000 ($90,000 – $10,000 = $80,000 owed)
Value of home: $130,000
Equity: $50,000 ($130,000 – $80,000 = $50,000 equity)
Tips on how to build home equity
There are lots of ways to build equity, including one that requires no work at all. When your property value increases due to rising prices in the housing market, you’re building home equity. Here are some additional ways you can build home equity:
Lowering your mortgage balance: The more you pay against your mortgage’s principal, the more equity you’ll have. Just make sure there are no pre-payment penalties.
Making larger mortgage payments: Each time you pay extra on your mortgage and apply that difference to the loan’s principal, you’re building equity.
Change the payment schedule: By making 26 half-payments instead of 12 full payments, you reduce the term of your loan, saving on interest and building equity faster.
Refinance the terms: If you opt to refinance your loan to a shorter-term 15-year loan, you’ll have higher payments but you will build equity faster than with a traditional 30-year loan.
Make improvements: Some home improvements increase the property’s worth and thereby your equity. But only certain types of improvements will pay off, so research for your area accordingly. And don’t forget curb appeal.
Keep it maintained: Keeping up with regular repairs and maintenance can increase your home’s worth when it comes time to sell, which results in higher equity.
Home equity loans
One of the most beneficial aspects of a mortgage is the ability to borrow against your equity. You can do that with a lump-sum loan or home equity line of credit.
How does a home equity loan work?
There are two types of home equity loans: lump-sum loans and the home equity line of credit.
Lump-sum home equity loan: A lump-sum home equity loan means lenders are allowing you to borrow a lump-sum of money against your existing equity. Because they fund in a lump sum, they’re similar to a personal loan.
Home equity line of credit (HELOC): A HELOC is a loan where the lender qualifies you for a revolving line of credit against a percentage of your home equity. This loan works similarly to a credit card whereby you carry the balance from month-to-month for the amount you’re allowed to borrow against your home’s equity.
Qualifying for a home equity loan
Qualifying for a lump-sum home equity loan means the lender looks at your credit history, income, the home’s current value and your debt-to-income ratio. When you’re trying to qualify for a HELOC, you must have at least 15-20% of your home’s value in equity. That determination occurs following an appraisal. You must also have a debt-to-income ratio that does not exceed roughly 40% (or a bit higher) and a credit score above 620.
Pros and cons of home equity loans
Easy qualification: If a lender knows they can use your home as collateral they are more likely to qualify you for and approve your application.
Lower interest rates: Even if the home equity loan is challenging to get, you may find it has lower interest rates.
Risk: If you cannot make your loan payments, you risk the home going into foreclosure.
Limitations: If you want to sell your home, you must pay off your home equity debt first.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is equity and how do I find out my home equity?  Equity is the amount of money an asset owner receives when they sell their house, minus any debt associated with it. To find your home equity, your first step is getting an appraisal. Then, take the value of the appraisal and subtract it from the amount you still owe on your mortgage.
Is it a good idea to take equity out of your house?  If you need to make home improvements, cover costs for college, consolidate debt, obtain emergency expenses or secure long-term investments, then you may want to apply for a home equity loan (assuming, of course, you can afford the increased mortgage payment). 
What credit score do you need to get a home equity loan?  You have a better chance of qualifying if your credit score is 700 or above.
Which is better to get—a home equity loan or personal loan?  If you need a substantial amount of funds, it’s more challenging to get a personal loan. A home equity loan allows you to repay over a longer-term as well.
Are there closing costs on a home equity loan?  Though rates differ from lender to lender, expect to pay between 2-5% of the loan in closing costs. However, it isn’t uncommon for lenders to waive these fees.
Author Biography:
Jenn Greenleaf is a professional writer from Maine who also works part-time as a bookkeeper for her husband’s residential construction business. She specializes in writing about HVAC, commercial construction, and other home-related topics.
The post What Is Home Equity and How Does It Work? appeared first on Freshome.com.
0 notes
What Is Home Equity and How Does It Work?
What is equity?
You’ll often hear the term equity when it comes to homeownership, but you may not even know what that means even if you already own a home. The amount of money you receive when you sell your house, minus any debt associated with it, is equity. When looking at it from an investment point of view, the owner of the asset (probably you in this case) is referred to as a stakeholder. There are two types of equity: book value and market value. Equity calculations occur most often in businesses and homes. 
Calculating the difference between an asset and its liabilities determines the equity’s book value. An equity’s market value is based on the valuation of investors, or its current share price if you’re calculating the market value for a business. For a home, fair market value is typically what people in the consumer marketplace are willing to pay for your house.
Understanding home equity
Say you want to determine how much equity you have in your own home. You can take its current value and subtract the amount you still owe. For example, if your home’s value is currently $130,000 and you still owe $80,000, you have $50,000 of equity. Two factors affect your home’s equity:
If appreciation occurs due to home/property improvements or inflation
Paying down the principal that you owe on your original mortgage
When you make a down payment during your initial purchase, that helps bring down the amount you owe on the mortgage. Down payments are both a portion of the home’s total selling price, as well as your initial equity stake. Many mortgages, like a VA loan or USDA-backed loan, don’t require a down payment, however, it’s common for homeowners to put down between 3-5%.
The loan interest you have on your mortgage affects how quickly you can build equity. Your loan interest is a percentage of your total balance, which most pay monthly until the end of the mortgage term. Loan collateral is when you take out a loan and, in the case of real estate, the home becomes collateral. This reduces a lender’s risk; if the loan goes into default they can sell the collateral to recoup costs.
The term lien means you have a legal right or claim against a property. The first time a home lien happens is when you obtain the original mortgage. In that scenario, the lien is helpful because the home becomes loan collateral and you can build equity. Keeping up with your mortgage payments helps ensure any other lien doesn’t attach to the loan. So make sure you’re paying it on time to keep any liens away. 
What happens to my equity if my home increases in value?
Let’s take the earlier example of your home being currently worth $130,000. You owe $80,000, so there is $50,000 in equity. Now, assume that the initial cost of your home was $100,000, and you made a 10% down payment at purchase. That percentage is also known as your equity stake. If you don’t incur any additional debt on your home, its equity will continue increasing as you make payments and its value increases.
$100,000 – 10% ($10,000) = $90,000 (original amount of the loan before making payments)
Original loan: $90,000
Payments to date: $10,000 ($90,000 – $10,000 = $80,000 owed)
Value of home: $130,000
Equity: $50,000 ($130,000 – $80,000 = $50,000 equity)
Tips on how to build home equity
There are lots of ways to build equity, including one that requires no work at all. When your property value increases due to rising prices in the housing market, you’re building home equity. Here are some additional ways you can build home equity:
Lowering your mortgage balance: The more you pay against your mortgage’s principal, the more equity you’ll have. Just make sure there are no pre-payment penalties.
Making larger mortgage payments: Each time you pay extra on your mortgage and apply that difference to the loan’s principal, you’re building equity.
Change the payment schedule: By making 26 half-payments instead of 12 full payments, you reduce the term of your loan, saving on interest and building equity faster.
Refinance the terms: If you opt to refinance your loan to a shorter-term 15-year loan, you’ll have higher payments but you will build equity faster than with a traditional 30-year loan.
Make improvements: Some home improvements increase the property’s worth and thereby your equity. But only certain types of improvements will pay off, so research for your area accordingly. And don’t forget curb appeal.
Keep it maintained: Keeping up with regular repairs and maintenance can increase your home’s worth when it comes time to sell, which results in higher equity.
Home equity loans
One of the most beneficial aspects of a mortgage is the ability to borrow against your equity. You can do that with a lump-sum loan or home equity line of credit.
How does a home equity loan work?
There are two types of home equity loans: lump-sum loans and the home equity line of credit.
Lump-sum home equity loan: A lump-sum home equity loan means lenders are allowing you to borrow a lump-sum of money against your existing equity. Because they fund in a lump sum, they’re similar to a personal loan.
Home equity line of credit (HELOC): A HELOC is a loan where the lender qualifies you for a revolving line of credit against a percentage of your home equity. This loan works similarly to a credit card whereby you carry the balance from month-to-month for the amount you’re allowed to borrow against your home’s equity.
Qualifying for a home equity loan
Qualifying for a lump-sum home equity loan means the lender looks at your credit history, income, the home’s current value and your debt-to-income ratio. When you’re trying to qualify for a HELOC, you must have at least 15-20% of your home’s value in equity. That determination occurs following an appraisal. You must also have a debt-to-income ratio that does not exceed roughly 40% (or a bit higher) and a credit score above 620.
Pros and cons of home equity loans
Easy qualification: If a lender knows they can use your home as collateral they are more likely to qualify you for and approve your application.
Lower interest rates: Even if the home equity loan is challenging to get, you may find it has lower interest rates.
Risk: If you cannot make your loan payments, you risk the home going into foreclosure.
Limitations: If you want to sell your home, you must pay off your home equity debt first.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is equity and how do I find out my home equity?  Equity is the amount of money an asset owner receives when they sell their house, minus any debt associated with it. To find your home equity, your first step is getting an appraisal. Then, take the value of the appraisal and subtract it from the amount you still owe on your mortgage.
Is it a good idea to take equity out of your house?  If you need to make home improvements, cover costs for college, consolidate debt, obtain emergency expenses or secure long-term investments, then you may want to apply for a home equity loan (assuming, of course, you can afford the increased mortgage payment). 
What credit score do you need to get a home equity loan?  You have a better chance of qualifying if your credit score is 700 or above.
Which is better to get—a home equity loan or personal loan?  If you need a substantial amount of funds, it’s more challenging to get a personal loan. A home equity loan allows you to repay over a longer-term as well.
Are there closing costs on a home equity loan?  Though rates differ from lender to lender, expect to pay between 2-5% of the loan in closing costs. However, it isn’t uncommon for lenders to waive these fees.
Author Biography:
Jenn Greenleaf is a professional writer from Maine who also works part-time as a bookkeeper for her husband’s residential construction business. She specializes in writing about HVAC, commercial construction, and other home-related topics.
The post What Is Home Equity and How Does It Work? appeared first on Freshome.com.
from https://freshome.com/home-building/what-is-home-equity-and-how-does-it-work/ via What Is Home Equity and How Does It Work?
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maxwellyjordan · 5 years
Small Firm Roadmap Stories: Vision and Values
Lawyerist Lab is a community where solo and small-firm lawyers go to innovate, test, experiment, and improve their law businesses. We’re interviewing Lab members on their experiences as they align with The Small Firm Roadmap.
Justie Nicol and Jennifer Gersch, partners at Nicol Gersch Law PC
“Our personal goals, vision, and values are keyed in across all six team members.“
Tell us about your practice. How did it start? What were you doing before you started it?
My partner Jennifer Gersch and I practice criminal defense around Denver. We’re a virtual law firm and travel through most of Colorado to reach our clients. It’s just the two of us — but we have a team of subcontractors.
I spent four years as a solo attorney before I teamed up with Jenn. And I own and manage a second business (property management — a different skill set!), I had a toddler, I had multiple pets (including an office horse), and everything was getting a little chaotic. 
What made you go solo?
Ha! I can’t be a good employee. But really, I reached a point in my career where I wanted the discretion to do what I think is right. I’ve been a prosecutor. I’ve done bankruptcy and tax law. I was an unemployment appeals judge on a contract basis in Idaho. I’ve dabbled in aviation law. You name it. I liked the criminal courtroom because it lets me be creative and I was great in court.
But working in a firm or as a prosecutor, I couldn’t be there for my family and all of my other responsibilities. It was time for me to choose my own fate. I had an undergrad in Accounting and knew I’d like running a business. My dad, an entrepreneur, raised me to be an independent thinker. It all seemed to fit. 
What qualities does someone need to be a successful solo or small firm lawyer?
A couple of things. Ideally, a business background — or at least, a willingness to learn. Business work often doesn’t come naturally to lawyers. So, I’d suggest solos audit a couple of business courses where you can learn organizational systems and accounting control procedures. 
Also, a thirst for knowledge. Study marketing and accounting, along with systems and processes. These days, you can audit courses for free from places like Harvard and MIT. Listen to a couple of lectures on systems thinking. (Lab’s a good resource here.) Don’t forget your local bar associations and other groups for continuing, substantive, legal education.  I know more now about family law – even having never practiced in that area – than I did when I sat for either the Colorado or Idaho bars.
Third, a risk-taker. I was terrified when I started. Probably 90% of lawyers who go out on their own are scared of not making it. You think to yourself: What happens if I invest my personal money and six months from now I’m belly up and I can’t continue doing this?
Solo isn’t sustainable for people who aren’t ready to take that risk. Identify your stomach for risk early. Like, do you hit the six-month mark and fold, or do you go for another twelve months and hope to turn that corner? Know what you’re going to do.  Have a plan and know when enough is enough. Thankfully, I haven’t reached that point yet. 
Last, be organized. Have a backup plan. You can always approach another like-minded attorney and join forces. You may also be able to sell your practice and go back to big-firm or government work. Or you can give up the law entirely, and rely on things like a real estate broker’s license or another career altogether.
Before you joined Lawyerist Lab, what was happening in your business?
I’d been solo for years, and I was about to team up with Jenn. Before joining Lab, I was an Insider. I read all the free resources. I dug into how to write a business plan. I listened to the podcast. But then when it was time to bring on a partner, I felt lost. 
I didn’t know how to get the systems in my head onto paper so a new person could understand. I had to drum up my supervising chops again. I needed help figuring out how to make this transition.
Having a partner is different than a junior associate. She’s a friend and a peer, so I had to reframe my approach. I had to think about compensation systems, maternity leave, caseloads. It was overwhelming. I needed some help!
What Lab tools have you found the most helpful?
For one, vision planning with the team. Along with new partner Jenn, we’ve added contractors and interns, and we want everyone to be on the same page. It was enlightening to work on planning with the team and see what feedback I received. Working with everyone on our values and our future was a big step.
Second, the community — having a group of people to bounce ideas off and getting that validation from lawyers who are working on the same issues or have the same ideas is really, really valuable. 
Lab feels like a backup plan and a safety net, in some ways. I’m not doing this alone. 
What’s one area of The Small Firm Scorecard where your firm is doing well? How are you maintaining that growth?
Our personal goals, vision, and values are keyed in across all six team members. 
We maintain a master vision notebook, which is also where we list our goals, as well as KPIs. We’re starting to build out the notebook to include client journeys and marketing. 
The vision book (which is branded and nicely designed) is for everyone on our team — not just partners and associates. It’s so much more than a business plan. I update it monthly and email it around to keep it top of mind for everyone — but it’s always open for anyone to review. 
We also have assigned homework prior to team meetings to help us set our vision and values for the whole company and incorporate everyone’s answers in this vision book. Everyone has a stake that way. 
What are you working on for the coming quarter?
Partner Jenn is going on maternity leave, so we’ll be in a bit of survival mode. We have contract attorneys coming into help. We’re exploring partnering with new associates. And we all have kids! So I love the idea of turning the stereotype of a criminal defense firm on its head — we’re all women, we all have kids, and we’re blowing it up. 
Along that line, we’re focusing on our core values. Having kids brings work/life balance into focus, along with being able to hold on to who we are. As a personal example, I got hired at a firm years ago who made me take out my facial piercings. They had sentimental value and they were me. I don’t want a firm where we have to change vital things about ourselves to conform. I’m not into conforming. I want to support our people so they can support our clients. 
We encourage rebelliousness. We’re a remote firm. We don’t care when or how you work— just if you get your work done. And I’ve never had to check-in with any employees to make sure they were doing their work. My team is killing it. So, for this quarter, we want to continue that momentum. 
Nicol Gersch Law was founded in 2019 when long-time colleagues and friends, Justie Nicol and Jennifer Gersch, looked around at the criminal defense community and realized partnering up was the way to go.  Not only are Justie and Jenn working together now, but they’ve litigated cases together for about 15 years–all the way back to their Moot Court days at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law. Hear more about Justie’s philosophies here.
The post Small Firm Roadmap Stories: Vision and Values appeared first on Lawyerist.
from Law http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/solosmalltech/~3/N-v0dJbtshI/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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lesliepump · 5 years
Small Firm Roadmap Stories: Vision and Values
Lawyerist Lab is a community where solo and small-firm lawyers go to innovate, test, experiment, and improve their law businesses. We’re interviewing Lab members on their experiences as they align with The Small Firm Roadmap.
Justie Nicol and Jennifer Gersch, partners at Nicol Gersch Law PC
“Our personal goals, vision, and values are keyed in across all six team members.“
Tell us about your practice. How did it start? What were you doing before you started it?
My partner Jennifer Gersch and I practice criminal defense around Denver. We’re a virtual law firm and travel through most of Colorado to reach our clients. It’s just the two of us — but we have a team of subcontractors.
I spent four years as a solo attorney before I teamed up with Jenn. And I own and manage a second business (property management — a different skill set!), I had a toddler, I had multiple pets (including an office horse), and everything was getting a little chaotic. 
What made you go solo?
Ha! I can’t be a good employee. But really, I reached a point in my career where I wanted the discretion to do what I think is right. I’ve been a prosecutor. I’ve done bankruptcy and tax law. I was an unemployment appeals judge on a contract basis in Idaho. I’ve dabbled in aviation law. You name it. I liked the criminal courtroom because it lets me be creative and I was great in court.
But working in a firm or as a prosecutor, I couldn’t be there for my family and all of my other responsibilities. It was time for me to choose my own fate. I had an undergrad in Accounting and knew I’d like running a business. My dad, an entrepreneur, raised me to be an independent thinker. It all seemed to fit. 
What qualities does someone need to be a successful solo or small firm lawyer?
A couple of things. Ideally, a business background — or at least, a willingness to learn. Business work often doesn’t come naturally to lawyers. So, I’d suggest solos audit a couple of business courses where you can learn organizational systems and accounting control procedures. 
Also, a thirst for knowledge. Study marketing and accounting, along with systems and processes. These days, you can audit courses for free from places like Harvard and MIT. Listen to a couple of lectures on systems thinking. (Lab’s a good resource here.) Don’t forget your local bar associations and other groups for continuing, substantive, legal education.  I know more now about family law – even having never practiced in that area – than I did when I sat for either the Colorado or Idaho bars.
Third, a risk-taker. I was terrified when I started. Probably 90% of lawyers who go out on their own are scared of not making it. You think to yourself: What happens if I invest my personal money and six months from now I’m belly up and I can’t continue doing this?
Solo isn’t sustainable for people who aren’t ready to take that risk. Identify your stomach for risk early. Like, do you hit the six-month mark and fold, or do you go for another twelve months and hope to turn that corner? Know what you’re going to do.  Have a plan and know when enough is enough. Thankfully, I haven’t reached that point yet. 
Last, be organized. Have a backup plan. You can always approach another like-minded attorney and join forces. You may also be able to sell your practice and go back to big-firm or government work. Or you can give up the law entirely, and rely on things like a real estate broker’s license or another career altogether.
Before you joined Lawyerist Lab, what was happening in your business?
I’d been solo for years, and I was about to team up with Jenn. Before joining Lab, I was an Insider. I read all the free resources. I dug into how to write a business plan. I listened to the podcast. But then when it was time to bring on a partner, I felt lost. 
I didn’t know how to get the systems in my head onto paper so a new person could understand. I had to drum up my supervising chops again. I needed help figuring out how to make this transition.
Having a partner is different than a junior associate. She’s a friend and a peer, so I had to reframe my approach. I had to think about compensation systems, maternity leave, caseloads. It was overwhelming. I needed some help!
What Lab tools have you found the most helpful?
For one, vision planning with the team. Along with new partner Jenn, we’ve added contractors and interns, and we want everyone to be on the same page. It was enlightening to work on planning with the team and see what feedback I received. Working with everyone on our values and our future was a big step.
Second, the community — having a group of people to bounce ideas off and getting that validation from lawyers who are working on the same issues or have the same ideas is really, really valuable. 
Lab feels like a backup plan and a safety net, in some ways. I’m not doing this alone. 
What’s one area of The Small Firm Scorecard where your firm is doing well? How are you maintaining that growth?
Our personal goals, vision, and values are keyed in across all six team members. 
We maintain a master vision notebook, which is also where we list our goals, as well as KPIs. We’re starting to build out the notebook to include client journeys and marketing. 
The vision book (which is branded and nicely designed) is for everyone on our team — not just partners and associates. It’s so much more than a business plan. I update it monthly and email it around to keep it top of mind for everyone — but it’s always open for anyone to review. 
We also have assigned homework prior to team meetings to help us set our vision and values for the whole company and incorporate everyone’s answers in this vision book. Everyone has a stake that way. 
What are you working on for the coming quarter?
Partner Jenn is going on maternity leave, so we’ll be in a bit of survival mode. We have contract attorneys coming into help. We’re exploring partnering with new associates. And we all have kids! So I love the idea of turning the stereotype of a criminal defense firm on its head — we’re all women, we all have kids, and we’re blowing it up. 
Along that line, we’re focusing on our core values. Having kids brings work/life balance into focus, along with being able to hold on to who we are. As a personal example, I got hired at a firm years ago who made me take out my facial piercings. They had sentimental value and they were me. I don’t want a firm where we have to change vital things about ourselves to conform. I’m not into conforming. I want to support our people so they can support our clients. 
We encourage rebelliousness. We’re a remote firm. We don’t care when or how you work— just if you get your work done. And I’ve never had to check-in with any employees to make sure they were doing their work. My team is killing it. So, for this quarter, we want to continue that momentum. 
Nicol Gersch Law was founded in 2019 when long-time colleagues and friends, Justie Nicol and Jennifer Gersch, looked around at the criminal defense community and realized partnering up was the way to go.  Not only are Justie and Jenn working together now, but they’ve litigated cases together for about 15 years–all the way back to their Moot Court days at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law. Hear more about Justie’s philosophies here.
The post Small Firm Roadmap Stories: Vision and Values appeared first on Lawyerist.
from Law and Politics https://lawyerist.com/case-studies/nicol-gersch-vision-values/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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michaelfallcon · 5 years
Umeko Motoyoshi: The Sprudge Twenty Interview
Umeko Motoyoshi (Photo by Evan Gilman)
Welcome to The Sprudge Twenty Interviews presented by Pacific Barista Series. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be featuring our 2019 featured class of Sprudge Twenty honorees, each one changing the coffee game worldwide. For a complete list of 2019 Sprudge Twenty honorees please visit sprudge.com/twenty.
Umeko Motoyoshi is an entrepreneur, coffee professional, technologist, social media provocateur, whistleblower, and advocate for the marginalized. They are the founder of Umeshiso.com, the VP of Technology at Sudden Coffee, and the creator of @wastingcoffee on Instagram, among other ventures. They are the Sprudgie Award winner for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence for 2018, and the founder of CHANGING STRUCTURES in collaboration with the #CoffeeToo Project. In 2018 Motoyoshi was a named whistleblower in the Four Barrel Coffee sexual harassment scandal and subsequent legal action.
TBCH that’s roughly half of what we could have listed here for accomplishments related to Umeko Motoyoshi, who exemplifies the spirit and intentionality of the Sprudge Twenty through their multi-faceted work across the specialty coffee industry. Read more in Sprudge co-founder Zachary Carlsen’s recent interview with them here.
Nominated by Kat Melheim.
What issue in coffee do you care about most?
Balancing distribution of resources (especially financial resources) throughout the value chain, improving worker conditions throughout the value chain, and modeling positive change for other industries throughout the value chain.
What cause or element in coffee drives you?
Space for growth, because I believe that the specialty coffee industry has the potential to radicalize into a social and political movement to end colonial norms within supply chains across the world.
What issue in coffee do you think is critically overlooked?
The imbalanced power between different genders compounding with imbalanced power between customer and hospitality worker, and how that compounded imbalance is both constructed and supported by current hospitality standards. It’s been written about brilliantly and still is not taken into account in any well-established hospitality ethos.
What is the quality you like best about coffee?
I love there are a million new things that I can learn about it every day. It moves through such a broad range of systems at micro and macro scale and can be examined through infinite lenses.
Did you experience a “god shot” or life-changing moment of coffee revelation early in your career?
My interest in coffee began during childhood as an appreciation for ritual, while I watched my father perform Japanese tea ceremonies.
The sensory component came later. I’d worked in coffee for about six years before I experienced a coffee that really amazed me—it was a Colombian superblend from the Andino association.
That coffee, the first coffee I ever felt dazzled by, was roasted and brewed by Four Barrel Coffee, and I’d just started work there as a barista. About five years later, I co-organized a multi-complainant lawsuit against that company for sexual harassment and assault.
This is just one example of the ways that my experiences within specialty coffee as a taster and learner hold tension with my experience as a femme person within structures of shockingly enabled misogyny.
And because both realms have deeply impacted me, I work to reconcile them—both externally and internally.
What is your idea of coffee happiness?
A rewarding value chain that is accessible and positive for everyone from pickers to consumers.
If you could have any job in the coffee industry, what would it be and why?
I think I have the job I want. I’m a writer, consultant and inventor, and I sell gay spoons.
Who are your coffee heroes?
Everyone who uses their knowledge and skill set to connect with and support others in their learning.
Every barista who has never competed but works floor shifts every day, shows up for their co-workers, looks out for their customers, knows how every coffee is tasting, and lowkey covered every item on the shift change checklist so everyone could leave on time.
The people who don’t necessarily get a spotlight on them but they’re doing the damn thing and they’re doing it with incredible skill.
If you could drink coffee with anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?
My dad, who passed away in 2012, because I miss him. I never got to make him a pour-over. I never got to make coffee for him when I actually knew what I was doing. I wish I could source and roast a really nice coffee just for him, based on the flavor profiles he enjoyed, and serve it to him in a small, handle-less cup with a ceramic carafe, paired with Japanese pastry.
If you didn’t get bit by the coffee bug, what do you think you’d be doing instead?
I’d be an herbalist and performance artist.
Do you have any coffee mentors?
These are people who I look up to a lot, that I continue to learn from all the time: Jenn Chen, Michelle Johnson, Kim Elena Ionescu, Jen Apodaca, Candace Madison Zachary, Laura Perry, and Mayra Orellana Powell.
What do you wish someone would’ve told you when you were first starting out in coffee?
Name three coffee apparatuses you’d take into space with you.
Ok, so I’m going to assume I’m inside a space station for this question. First, probably an AeroPress (I’m counting filters as part of the AeroPress). On Earth, I don’t normally use an AeroPress that often, but in zero gravity a pour-over system wouldn’t work, and I couldn’t commit to drinking a French press every day. Other brewing systems that might work in zero gravity involve too much user complexity or power draw to be my daily go-to on a space station.
I just don’t know how I would get the coffee and water into the AeroPress in zero gravity. So I might try to rig some kind of seal with valves so that I can force coffee and water into the brewing chamber, then place the AeroPress plunger on top, and then slide the seal out. So that might be the second apparatus. I might try agitating and ensuring even saturation by gently shaking the sealed AeroPress.
Also, I’m assuming I’d be in a space station where the internal atmospheric pressure is regulated so I could boil water at a high enough temperature to brew coffee. But I don’t know enough about that.
I would store my coffee outside in the cold vacuum of space for ultimate freshness. So I guess I’d take a string to tie my bag of coffee to the outside of the space station. The string would be my third apparatus.
Obviously, if this were the Star Trek universe I could just get a raktajino from any replicator.
Best song to brew coffee to:
“Pour It Up” by Rihanna
Look into the crystal ball—where do you see yourself in 20 years?
Probably on the space station with my string and my AeroPress.
What’d you eat for breakfast this morning?
Water, vitamins, more water.
When did you last drink coffee?
Around 11am today.
What was it?
An espresso flight.
Thank you.
The Sprudge Twenty is presented by Pacific Barista Series. For a complete list of 2019 Sprudge Twenty honorees please visit sprudge.com/twenty
Zachary Carlsen is a co-founder and editor at Sprudge Media Network. Read more Zachary Carlsen on Sprudge. 
The post Umeko Motoyoshi: The Sprudge Twenty Interview appeared first on Sprudge.
Umeko Motoyoshi: The Sprudge Twenty Interview published first on https://medium.com/@LinLinCoffee
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epchapman89 · 5 years
Umeko Motoyoshi: The Sprudge Twenty Interview
Umeko Motoyoshi (Photo by Evan Gilman)
Welcome to The Sprudge Twenty Interviews presented by Pacific Barista Series. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be featuring our 2019 featured class of Sprudge Twenty honorees, each one changing the coffee game worldwide. For a complete list of 2019 Sprudge Twenty honorees please visit sprudge.com/twenty.
Umeko Motoyoshi is an entrepreneur, coffee professional, technologist, social media provocateur, whistleblower, and advocate for the marginalized. They are the founder of Umeshiso.com, the VP of Technology at Sudden Coffee, and the creator of @wastingcoffee on Instagram, among other ventures. They are the Sprudgie Award winner for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence for 2018, and the founder of CHANGING STRUCTURES in collaboration with the #CoffeeToo Project. In 2018 Motoyoshi was a named whistleblower in the Four Barrel Coffee sexual harassment scandal and subsequent legal action.
TBCH that’s roughly half of what we could have listed here for accomplishments related to Umeko Motoyoshi, who exemplifies the spirit and intentionality of the Sprudge Twenty through their multi-faceted work across the specialty coffee industry. Read more in Sprudge co-founder Zachary Carlsen’s recent interview with them here.
Nominated by Kat Melheim.
What issue in coffee do you care about most?
Balancing distribution of resources (especially financial resources) throughout the value chain, improving worker conditions throughout the value chain, and modeling positive change for other industries throughout the value chain.
What cause or element in coffee drives you?
Space for growth, because I believe that the specialty coffee industry has the potential to radicalize into a social and political movement to end colonial norms within supply chains across the world.
What issue in coffee do you think is critically overlooked?
The imbalanced power between different genders compounding with imbalanced power between customer and hospitality worker, and how that compounded imbalance is both constructed and supported by current hospitality standards. It’s been written about brilliantly and still is not taken into account in any well-established hospitality ethos.
What is the quality you like best about coffee?
I love there are a million new things that I can learn about it every day. It moves through such a broad range of systems at micro and macro scale and can be examined through infinite lenses.
Did you experience a “god shot” or life-changing moment of coffee revelation early in your career?
My interest in coffee began during childhood as an appreciation for ritual, while I watched my father perform Japanese tea ceremonies.
The sensory component came later. I’d worked in coffee for about six years before I experienced a coffee that really amazed me—it was a Colombian superblend from the Andino association.
That coffee, the first coffee I ever felt dazzled by, was roasted and brewed by Four Barrel Coffee, and I’d just started work there as a barista. About five years later, I co-organized a multi-complainant lawsuit against that company for sexual harassment and assault.
This is just one example of the ways that my experiences within specialty coffee as a taster and learner hold tension with my experience as a femme person within structures of shockingly enabled misogyny.
And because both realms have deeply impacted me, I work to reconcile them—both externally and internally.
What is your idea of coffee happiness?
A rewarding value chain that is accessible and positive for everyone from pickers to consumers.
If you could have any job in the coffee industry, what would it be and why?
I think I have the job I want. I’m a writer, consultant and inventor, and I sell gay spoons.
Who are your coffee heroes?
Everyone who uses their knowledge and skill set to connect with and support others in their learning.
Every barista who has never competed but works floor shifts every day, shows up for their co-workers, looks out for their customers, knows how every coffee is tasting, and lowkey covered every item on the shift change checklist so everyone could leave on time.
The people who don’t necessarily get a spotlight on them but they’re doing the damn thing and they’re doing it with incredible skill.
If you could drink coffee with anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?
My dad, who passed away in 2012, because I miss him. I never got to make him a pour-over. I never got to make coffee for him when I actually knew what I was doing. I wish I could source and roast a really nice coffee just for him, based on the flavor profiles he enjoyed, and serve it to him in a small, handle-less cup with a ceramic carafe, paired with Japanese pastry.
If you didn’t get bit by the coffee bug, what do you think you’d be doing instead?
I’d be an herbalist and performance artist.
Do you have any coffee mentors?
These are people who I look up to a lot, that I continue to learn from all the time: Jenn Chen, Michelle Johnson, Kim Elena Ionescu, Jen Apodaca, Candace Madison Zachary, Laura Perry, and Mayra Orellana Powell.
What do you wish someone would’ve told you when you were first starting out in coffee?
Name three coffee apparatuses you’d take into space with you.
Ok, so I’m going to assume I’m inside a space station for this question. First, probably an AeroPress (I’m counting filters as part of the AeroPress). On Earth, I don’t normally use an AeroPress that often, but in zero gravity a pour-over system wouldn’t work, and I couldn’t commit to drinking a French press every day. Other brewing systems that might work in zero gravity involve too much user complexity or power draw to be my daily go-to on a space station.
I just don’t know how I would get the coffee and water into the AeroPress in zero gravity. So I might try to rig some kind of seal with valves so that I can force coffee and water into the brewing chamber, then place the AeroPress plunger on top, and then slide the seal out. So that might be the second apparatus. I might try agitating and ensuring even saturation by gently shaking the sealed AeroPress.
Also, I’m assuming I’d be in a space station where the internal atmospheric pressure is regulated so I could boil water at a high enough temperature to brew coffee. But I don’t know enough about that.
I would store my coffee outside in the cold vacuum of space for ultimate freshness. So I guess I’d take a string to tie my bag of coffee to the outside of the space station. The string would be my third apparatus.
Obviously, if this were the Star Trek universe I could just get a raktajino from any replicator.
Best song to brew coffee to:
“Pour It Up” by Rihanna
Look into the crystal ball—where do you see yourself in 20 years?
Probably on the space station with my string and my AeroPress.
What’d you eat for breakfast this morning?
Water, vitamins, more water.
When did you last drink coffee?
Around 11am today.
What was it?
An espresso flight.
Thank you.
The Sprudge Twenty is presented by Pacific Barista Series. For a complete list of 2019 Sprudge Twenty honorees please visit sprudge.com/twenty
Zachary Carlsen is a co-founder and editor at Sprudge Media Network. Read more Zachary Carlsen on Sprudge. 
The post Umeko Motoyoshi: The Sprudge Twenty Interview appeared first on Sprudge.
seen 1st on http://sprudge.com
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mrwilliamcharley · 5 years
Umeko Motoyoshi: The Sprudge Twenty Interview
Umeko Motoyoshi (Photo by Evan Gilman)
Welcome to The Sprudge Twenty Interviews presented by Pacific Barista Series. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be featuring our 2019 featured class of Sprudge Twenty honorees, each one changing the coffee game worldwide. For a complete list of 2019 Sprudge Twenty honorees please visit sprudge.com/twenty.
Umeko Motoyoshi is an entrepreneur, coffee professional, technologist, social media provocateur, whistleblower, and advocate for the marginalized. They are the founder of Umeshiso.com, the VP of Technology at Sudden Coffee, and the creator of @wastingcoffee on Instagram, among other ventures. They are the Sprudgie Award winner for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence for 2018, and the founder of CHANGING STRUCTURES in collaboration with the #CoffeeToo Project. In 2018 Motoyoshi was a named whistleblower in the Four Barrel Coffee sexual harassment scandal and subsequent legal action.
TBCH that’s roughly half of what we could have listed here for accomplishments related to Umeko Motoyoshi, who exemplifies the spirit and intentionality of the Sprudge Twenty through their multi-faceted work across the specialty coffee industry. Read more in Sprudge co-founder Zachary Carlsen’s recent interview with them here.
Nominated by Kat Melheim.
What issue in coffee do you care about most?
Balancing distribution of resources (especially financial resources) throughout the value chain, improving worker conditions throughout the value chain, and modeling positive change for other industries throughout the value chain.
What cause or element in coffee drives you?
Space for growth, because I believe that the specialty coffee industry has the potential to radicalize into a social and political movement to end colonial norms within supply chains across the world.
What issue in coffee do you think is critically overlooked?
The imbalanced power between different genders compounding with imbalanced power between customer and hospitality worker, and how that compounded imbalance is both constructed and supported by current hospitality standards. It’s been written about brilliantly and still is not taken into account in any well-established hospitality ethos.
What is the quality you like best about coffee?
I love there are a million new things that I can learn about it every day. It moves through such a broad range of systems at micro and macro scale and can be examined through infinite lenses.
Did you experience a “god shot” or life-changing moment of coffee revelation early in your career?
My interest in coffee began during childhood as an appreciation for ritual, while I watched my father perform Japanese tea ceremonies.
The sensory component came later. I’d worked in coffee for about six years before I experienced a coffee that really amazed me—it was a Colombian superblend from the Andino association.
That coffee, the first coffee I ever felt dazzled by, was roasted and brewed by Four Barrel Coffee, and I’d just started work there as a barista. About five years later, I co-organized a multi-complainant lawsuit against that company for sexual harassment and assault.
This is just one example of the ways that my experiences within specialty coffee as a taster and learner hold tension with my experience as a femme person within structures of shockingly enabled misogyny.
And because both realms have deeply impacted me, I work to reconcile them—both externally and internally.
What is your idea of coffee happiness?
A rewarding value chain that is accessible and positive for everyone from pickers to consumers.
If you could have any job in the coffee industry, what would it be and why?
I think I have the job I want. I’m a writer, consultant and inventor, and I sell gay spoons.
Who are your coffee heroes?
Everyone who uses their knowledge and skill set to connect with and support others in their learning.
Every barista who has never competed but works floor shifts every day, shows up for their co-workers, looks out for their customers, knows how every coffee is tasting, and lowkey covered every item on the shift change checklist so everyone could leave on time.
The people who don’t necessarily get a spotlight on them but they’re doing the damn thing and they’re doing it with incredible skill.
If you could drink coffee with anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?
My dad, who passed away in 2012, because I miss him. I never got to make him a pour-over. I never got to make coffee for him when I actually knew what I was doing. I wish I could source and roast a really nice coffee just for him, based on the flavor profiles he enjoyed, and serve it to him in a small, handle-less cup with a ceramic carafe, paired with Japanese pastry.
If you didn’t get bit by the coffee bug, what do you think you’d be doing instead?
I’d be an herbalist and performance artist.
Do you have any coffee mentors?
These are people who I look up to a lot, that I continue to learn from all the time: Jenn Chen, Michelle Johnson, Kim Elena Ionescu, Jen Apodaca, Candace Madison Zachary, Laura Perry, and Mayra Orellana Powell.
What do you wish someone would’ve told you when you were first starting out in coffee?
Name three coffee apparatuses you’d take into space with you.
Ok, so I’m going to assume I’m inside a space station for this question. First, probably an AeroPress (I’m counting filters as part of the AeroPress). On Earth, I don’t normally use an AeroPress that often, but in zero gravity a pour-over system wouldn’t work, and I couldn’t commit to drinking a French press every day. Other brewing systems that might work in zero gravity involve too much user complexity or power draw to be my daily go-to on a space station.
I just don’t know how I would get the coffee and water into the AeroPress in zero gravity. So I might try to rig some kind of seal with valves so that I can force coffee and water into the brewing chamber, then place the AeroPress plunger on top, and then slide the seal out. So that might be the second apparatus. I might try agitating and ensuring even saturation by gently shaking the sealed AeroPress.
Also, I’m assuming I’d be in a space station where the internal atmospheric pressure is regulated so I could boil water at a high enough temperature to brew coffee. But I don’t know enough about that.
I would store my coffee outside in the cold vacuum of space for ultimate freshness. So I guess I’d take a string to tie my bag of coffee to the outside of the space station. The string would be my third apparatus.
Obviously, if this were the Star Trek universe I could just get a raktajino from any replicator.
Best song to brew coffee to:
“Pour It Up” by Rihanna
Look into the crystal ball—where do you see yourself in 20 years?
Probably on the space station with my string and my AeroPress.
What’d you eat for breakfast this morning?
Water, vitamins, more water.
When did you last drink coffee?
Around 11am today.
What was it?
An espresso flight.
Thank you.
The Sprudge Twenty is presented by Pacific Barista Series. For a complete list of 2019 Sprudge Twenty honorees please visit sprudge.com/twenty
Zachary Carlsen is a co-founder and editor at Sprudge Media Network. Read more Zachary Carlsen on Sprudge. 
The post Umeko Motoyoshi: The Sprudge Twenty Interview appeared first on Sprudge.
from Sprudge http://bit.ly/2GpHgGs
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haleyfury · 5 years
I’ve read many good books so far this year, but I think March has been my favorite reading month in 2019. I was on spring break for the first week of the month, in which I devoured 5 books while crying over school assignments and binge-watching two seasons of a Netflix show. While I have been reading for fun during the semester, I just felt so much like my reading self during the break, devouring books left and right! I read a total of 10 books in March and did get to some “meaning to watch” TV and movies this month.
Within These Lines by Stephanie Morrill (ARC) | 4/5
I’m always ready for a World War II historical fiction read, including Stephanie Morrill’s Within These Lines. This book is really unique in the genre, as one of the main protagonist is sent away to a Japanese internment camp in the 1940s US.
The Wrong Side of Right by Jenn Marie Thorne (ARC) | 5/5
The Wrong Side of Right was a recent TBR addition that I’m so glad is now part of my recently read shelf. I consider myself a connoisseur of my local library’s YA section, so I don’t know how I haven’t read this 2015 release before!
Small Town Hearts by Lillie Vale (ARC) | 5/5
Small Town Hearts is 100% the summer contemporary everyone needs in their bookish lives. This book still has me craving beach days with an iced coffee in tow.
Serious Moonlight by Jenn Bennett (ARC) | 5/5
My most anticipated book of 2019, Serious Moonlight completely delivered in all the right feels. Jenn Bennett is seriously the queen of contemporary romance. I still find myself thinking about Birdie and Daniel’s story.
Puddin’ by Julie Murphy | 4/5
After rereading Dumplin’ in January, it was time to move on to its companion novel, Puddin’. I actually didn’t mind the dual perspective narrative, although I did prefer Mille to Callie (I just didn’t understand some of Callie’s actions). I really liked the focus on friendship in this one and Millie’s positive attitude was just so contagious. I found myself rooting for her throughout.
Girls With Sharp Sticks by Suzanne Young (ARC) | 4/5
Suzanne Young’s latest release, Girls With Sharp Sticks, was another addicting read this month for me! This book about girls who are trained to be proper women (for men) was quite an eerie and thrilling read, but also in ways, felt similar to own world.
The Girl He Used to Know by Tracey Garvis Graves (ARC) | 4/5
I love a good adult contemporary read, including Tracey Garvis Graves’ upcoming The Girl He Used to Know. This book felt like a mix between Taylor Jenkins Reid and Gail Honeyman’s Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine. If you’re looking for a sweet contemporary romance, this one is for you.
99 Percent Mine by Sally Thorne | 3.5/5
I had a long weekend home this month, and after a stressful few weeks at school, I knew I needed some light contemporary to help relax. 99 Percent Mine was a fun and swoon-worthy read, but I felt that the story could have gone a tad more in-depth and the dialogue was hard to follow at times.
Fame, Fate, and the First Kiss by Kasie West | 4/5
Feeding my need for light contemporary, I picked up Kasie West’s first 2019 release, Fame, Fate, and the First Kiss. While it had some predictable storylines, this book was just really fun, as Lacey stars in her first movie and deals with sabotage and on a much sweeter note, first love. I also liked its role as the companion novel to Love, Life, and the List. Overall, this book made me even more excited for Kasie West’s next 2019 release, Maybe This Time!
Catwoman:Soulstealer by Sarah J. Maas | 5/5
I wanted to end this month with a book that wasn’t contemporary, which led me to the only book I haven’t read by one of my favorite authors: SJM’s Catwoman: Soulstealer! I completely loved SJM’s take on Catwoman and Gotham City, including the appearances from Batwing, Poison Ivy & Harley Quinn!
Last Chance U S2 and S3 (Netflix) – Blame it on my Friday Night Lights addiction, but I’ve been more  interested in football. This Netflix docuseries following junior college football is just so good! It provides such great insight into college and professional football and sports. You’ll also find yourself cheering for so any of the people involved.
All or Nothing: The Michigan Wolverines (Amazon Prime) – If you couldn’t tell, football-inspired TV seems to be my new thing. I flew through All or Nothing: The Michigan Wolverines over one weekend (and yes, I made sure most of my homework was done first).
Brooklyn Nine-Nine S6 (NBC) – I love giving my mini Brooklyn Nine-Nine S6 updates in each wrap-up. “The Golden Child,” featuring the one and only Lin Manuel-Miranda, was so hilarious, but I think my favorite episode this month was “The Therapist!” It made me want to go back and rewatch the season.
Period. End of Sentence. (Netflix) – This short documentary about the stigma surrounding menstruation in India was so insightful and really makes you think about such stigmatization around the world. I’m so happy it won the Oscar!
One Day– Maybe it’s because it’s a book-to-movie adaptation, but I’ve seen so much love for One Day in the book blog community. BUT THE ENDING JUST RUINED IT FOR ME!
The Notebook– Okay, okay, yes even I can’t believe I haven’t watched this classic before (shoutout to Netflix for adding more 2000s movies!). I really didn’t understand what the hype was about, until the last 15 minutes! Highly recommend having the Kleenex prepared.
Amy Schumer’s Growing (Netflix)- I’ve really enjoyed Netflix’s female comedian specials. Growing was the perfect laugh I needed after a long two days of school and homework.
Selling Sunset (Netflix)– This fangirl loves her reality TV binges, including Netflix’s first docusoap series. I found myself especially invested in the last four episodes and I am already more than ready for a hopefully S2.
Favorite Movie rewatches: Mona Lisa Smile and Legally Blonde (Netflix)- If you’re in need of some motivation to get through the rest of the semester or your current work life, look no further than these two favorite movies of mine.
CAN’T PUT THIS BOOK DOWN: Girls with Sharp Sticks Review
BEACH & BAKING: Small Town Hearts Review & Recipe
MY READER HEART: A Heart in a Body in the World Review
NEW AUTO-READ AUTHOR: This Adventure Ends Review
COLLEGE YA FUN: The Dating Game Review
LIVE LOVE HISTORICAL FICTION: Within These Lines Review, Quotes & Giveaway
FEMALE FANTASY LOVE: Truthwitch & Windwitch Review
Bookish Fun: 
Top Five Wednesday: Spring Reads
Top Five Wednesday: From Liking to Loving Books
Parks & Recreation Book Recommendations
SPRING SHELVES: Spring 2019 Anticipated Releases
BRING ON THE BOOKS & TV: February 2019 Wrap-Up
What did you read or watch in March? Share in the comments!
A FAVORITE BOOK & TV MONTH: March 2019 Wrap Up I’ve read many good books so far this year, but I think March has been my favorite reading month in 2019.
0 notes
Where to go to get a quote?
"Where to go to get a quote?
Hi people, I'm seventeen, taking my driving lessons but find it incredibly hard to get a quote for insurance. I want a rough estimate so i know how much to save but every site i have checked is for someone who already owns a car. If anyone has any good sites or references for my position it would be appreciated. thanks dudes XD
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Whats the cheapest insurance company?
parents wont get me a car cause the insurance is to much. i will be the only driver on the car. any suggestions?
How much will my auto insurance go up after a at fault accident?
I has a at fault auto accident in California. My insurance policy is not up until July. They will not tell me how much it will go up until 30 before my policy expires. I am 19 (got my license at 18) and have no other tickets or violations. I currently pay $57 month. Should I be expecting a drastic increase?
How much do you pay for full coverage car insurance?
i'm 19 and going to buy a car soon but i'm trying to get a ball park figure on how much i can expect to pay
Car Insurance coverage?
I was driving in a dirt parking lot at my school, I drove over some 3 foot tall weeds, I didn't see there was rocks underneath and as a result, damage to the under carriage occurred to my vehicle as follows: 1. Radiator crack 2. Transmission oil pan bent, 3. Exhaust damage total est cost $1,800 I am wondering whether or not this will be covered by insurance this happened yesterday I have not yet contacted my insurance company it occurred within 100 Yards of a paved road.""
Where can I find affordable dental insurance for my father?
He is 50+, I live in Michigan,help please?? I tried looking, but no progress. I want him to get something affordable so he can have better and healthier teeth. Thank you, Jenn""
Cheap on insurance motorcycles?
im looking for a sporty bike that wont kill me on insurance (only 22 yrs old). something that looks like a kawasaki ninja, or honda cbr. thanks""
Does the monthly payment on a lease vehicle include taxes and car insurance?
I am looking to lease a car but I am on a budget. Ive been looking online at some people that want to sell or transfer their lease because I would only want it short term. Since lease cars are usually new insurance would be too much for me to pay, so I was wondering if a monthly lease payment includes it, and taxes.""
""With car insurance, can you only have one driver per car insured?
Some updated papers came today and I saw that a woman was listed as driving my dad's truck. I called to ask if there was a mistake and he said that because she is a fellow inspector she also drives his truck and his work told him that he needed to add her to his insurance. I'm just wondering why only her name is listed as driving the truck. What would happen if he got into an accident with it? I'm sending the papers to his hotel so he can look them over and call the company but in the meantime I am curious!!!
Short term car insurance (UK)?
I need to renew my car insurance policy soon but am going away in June for a year so cannot get a full years policy. My company has told me to take out a years policy then cancel it before i leave in June. Does anyone know of a UK insurance company that could give me a policy for just a few months to save me cancelling it later on. Thanks
Insurance on a used 2006 EVO 4 DOOR?
This is just a maybe. I'm 18 and was thinking of going for a 2006 mitsubishi lancer evolution. I just got my license not to long ago But I'd probably be using the car to go school and to go to work. I might use my parents cars every now and then since they're better on gas. I might finance the car. I KNOW IVE TRIED estimates but CAN I get an average? And would it be cheaper if my dad was under the insurance policy and I was added as a secondary driver? THANKS IN ADVANCE
""How much would it be if got allstate insurance for a new 2009 nissan altima. im 20yrs old, live with my parets?
my parents have allstate. this is my first car under my name.
Which minivan has the cheapest insurance for a NEW driver?
looking at second hand minivans - been doing some rough online insurance calculations but so far all above 1000. any body know any minivans which will have a low insurance for a NEW driver
For a learners rivers permit in california do you need liability insurance?
If so how much would the cheapest I can get it on average?
The Best Health Insurance ..?
Hi there folks, I am new in this health insurance business and we are shopping for one. We live in Texas. Im looking for a plan for me and my wife. What's the best plan you guys have that affordable plan with the best coverage for 2 people.What do you have and what would you recommend? And whats the best health insurance plan that is affordable and also covers pregnancy? Please do let us know , I would really appreciate your responses. Camry Lover""
What's a good cheap health insurance for a college student?
My college doesn't offer any health insurance and I don't have much money. What should I do? I need to get my throat checked out.
Car insurance price comparison?
I'm 17 and possibly getting my own car, but my parents are concerned about the price difference between getting added on as a driver to one of their cars and being a sole driver on my own. We use geico, and i would be getting a used 1998 honda civic. message me if more information will help""
If you can't afford health insurance?
How will you be able to pay the $3800 fine proposed by the democrats? Also are those fines figured into the cost of the democrats insurance reform as a revenue to aid in paying for the program?
How much is car insurance for an 18 year old female in the state of Florida?
How much is car insurance for an 18 year old female in the state of Florida?
2013 mustang v6 insurance?
I'm 16 years old my dad took me to look at a 2013 mustang v6 the other day I just want to know the avg. rates for it I live in Katy Texas 16 years old Male Don't have a driving record but I had my permit for 10 months I think I will be under their insurance Don't say I should just get a **** car and wait for a mustang.
Is insurance for a V6 going to be automatically higher than a 4cyl?
Getting an Audi A4. The 1.8t (4 cycl) is the same cost as my insurance now. I found a 2.8t (v6) that I liked better though, and did not ask if that would cost more... Think it would kill my insurance?""
What is the best UK car insurance for me to get?
Ok, i'm a little confused here. Basically my insurance expires in a few days and i'm coming up to 4 years no claims. I've never protected these claims (obviously as you cannot protect less than four years) and on my renewal i've come to a dilemma; 1) I have got a fairly cheap quote which includes courtesy car, legal cover and windscreen cover (this is cheaper offer but doesn't offer protected no claims). or 2) courtesy car, protected no claims and windscreen cover (this is a little more expensive but doesn't have legal cover). Now my question is (since I don't know much about car insurance, i just know its a law), how important is legal cover? i'm assuming its very important but for the last four years i've never had any claims or been in any accidents, and i really want to start protecting my claims since my car is kind of old now and i'm worried about losing the last 4 years, any tips or advice? oh this is on comprehensive by the way. Thanks in advance to anyone that can help.""
How much does your car insurance increase with a new car?
how much of an increase would you sprend on insurance if you went from a used car thats worth about 5k, to driving a brand new car worth 15-20k?""
Are health insurance premiums that I pay and are deducted from my paycheck paid with after-tax dollars?
My health insurance is through my employer but I have to pay part of the premium and it is deducted from my paycheck each pay period. I am filing my taxes and am being asked if the premiums are paid for with after-tax dollars. Any answers?
""I'm traveling for a month, do I need car insurance?""
I'm going to be traveling for a month, during which nobody will use my car. My insurance expires right before the month starts, and I want to switch providers after that, but is there any good reason to continue paying insurance for that month at full rate when nobody's even going to touch the car? Or, is there another way I can save money?""
""Does mercury auto insurance, offer motorcycle insurance?
Im about to buy a motorcycle. If not do insurance companies insure bikes with a salvage title?
Where to go to get a quote?
Hi people, I'm seventeen, taking my driving lessons but find it incredibly hard to get a quote for insurance. I want a rough estimate so i know how much to save but every site i have checked is for someone who already owns a car. If anyone has any good sites or references for my position it would be appreciated. thanks dudes XD
How much does gender affect car insurance price?
I'm writing an essay on seemingly biased car insurance charges. Does anyone have any facts or statistics involving car insurance? Thanks!
If I cancel my car insurance will my rate go up later?
I'm going to sell my car and use public trans and my bike to get around. I'm wondering if/when I get a car again will I have high rates because it will look like I had a laps insurance.
Insurance for learner drivers?
I am going to put on the insurance of my Granny's brand new Kia Picanto next month to practise driving as well as having lessons. My grandparents, parents & me are going to be insured and I just wanted to know what the cheapest insurance company for learner driver's were. I have already used comparethemarket.com but some were very expensive. Are there any cheap insurance companies for learner drivers? I am aged 17""
Free medical insurance and dental in cali??
hello, im a 21 year old student who needs insurance! my family doesnt qualify for free insurance from the state, but my mother is not working to get insurance. does anyone know of a free or at least cheap way to get insurance? thank you.""
""Car shopping, when do I get the insurance?""
Im looking for cars, and I currently dont have full coverage, which I will need once I get a car I have to finance. Since I dont know if Im going to get the car Im going to look at I'm obviously not going to get the insurance for it before I leave my house! My bf said to call an insurance company and give them the info and get a quote, then if I get the car I can call the insurance co from the dealership and complete it. But I may look at several cars, so I dont know how this works. I thought it would be best to buy the car, go home and take car of the insurance thing and just go pick up the car the next day. Is that nuts?""
Insurance rates for Volkswagen beetle?
Hi there! I'm 16 and looking into getting a Volkswagen beetle. I've been searching on craigslists and they have some cheap ones on there. What are the insurance rates on them?? I'm looking at year 1998-2003.
Will you buy the Life Insurance ? Why? How much?
Some people are concerning about Health Insurance more than Life Insurance and I don't know which one I should buy first.
Computer experts: tips on how to insure the longevity of ones computer?
System Properties: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Version 2002 Service Pack 2 Dell Dimension DEO51 Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.53GHz 2.53 GHz. 768 MB of RAM AT&T Yahoo service provider - MODEM Speedstream 4100 My Comp. Tech told me he had tripled the memory; so the above specs. may not be accurate with regard to this. When not in use, I always put it on Stand By . Disk Fragmenter: when should I, and should not, utilize this? I'm 74 yrs. old, and had never even touched a computer til I retired; and have no formal education in computer operations. So please delineate your responses in layman's terms. Any recommendations so as to insure my computer's longevity would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Alberich""
Should an average person buy a life insurance?
Should an average person buy a life insurance?
First time dealing with car insurance for a 19 yr old?
I just finished drivers ed today and I want to go ahead and get my drivers license because also Lowes called me and want me to come in for orientation! Crazy day right? 2 good things in 1 day. But anyways the Lowes that I should be working at is maybe 15 minutes away and the position I have should be a night position. I'm sure my mom doesn't want to drive around at night so I told her she can just give me the car at night. Here's the thing my dad said he'd have to put me on his insurance. I would like to get my own insurance so they can save some of there money. So can anybody point me in any direction or give me some tips. Because im clueless when it comes to car insurance. Right now my mom is asking me do I have to work there. I plan on grabbing this job because I've been looking for awhile and I finally got 1. Ain't no telling when I'll get another one
What is the average insurance rate for a 16 year old driver.?
16 year old driver with a 3.2 GPA. PLEASE GIVE ACTUAL ESTIMATED RATES, NOT A BUNCH OF PARAGRAPH TALK. I do realize I must contact my agent (dads agent) for exact amounts, and that it varies a LOT even by zipcode. But I am needing just an estimated amount to draw up some figures. I am looking at a 2009 Suzuki Equator or a 2008 Suzuki XL7. Please help! Thanks! (California)""
How to buy insurance for short-time visits to USA?
Some friends/family are visiting USA for 3-4 months. What insurance is the best to buy?
How to lower my auto insurance?
Ok so I bought my 2004 volvo S60 2.5T AWD on 05/11/2011 and the insurance is killing me. I'm 20 years old and had my license for 2 years. I know it goes down when you've had your license for 3 years but that won't help right now. I'm with GEICO right now paying 371.00 a month! I know and this is actually the cheapest insurance company I was able to get!! My last payment will be on 10/11/2011 and then I will have to start a new policy. However I called them and asked them if my rate will go down once I renew with them, and they said no...... Well I did a new quote online and my rate would be $318 a month so I don't know why they keep telling me it won't change!!!!! So my question is can my mom get the insurance even though it's my car?""
What is a good and cheap insurance for a Acura Rsx 2002?
I just recently got my license and want to know of good and cheap insurance for my car.
How much is insurance??????????
i want to buy a used car/motorcycle but i need to pay rent and im scared my job wont cover insurance anyways how much would insurance be for 1 year? can i get a better deal also if we have a family plan thing or w.e i mean we got 3 cars and have insurance but i want my own car idk if my parents are up to pay but would it be cheaper if i put it under their name with the plan or w.e PS. WE DO NOT HAVE ANY DUI's OR CRASHES OR ANYTHInG WHATSOEVER that has to do with our cars getting hit or dmged or anything.
How does the insurance company know what Annual Mileage I am actually doing?
I bought a car last Sunday from a private seller, but was not able to drive it home because of no insurance. The person kindly offered to keep the car in his garage till I get an insurance cover. Today I went to pickup my car, but that guy was not there, his friend was there to hand me the keys and drive back home. When I test drove the car it was 87k miles exact, now today when I collected it, it went upto 87,806 miles, +806 miles extra. The seller is not answering my calls, the only thing worrying me is that I quoted my Annual Mileage up 6000miles, but already my car raked up 806 miles in one week. Please help, and don't abuse coz I am already down being cheated? Why bad things happen with do-gooder?""
I need help understanding Health Insurance Deductibles?
Ok, so I'm going to get health insurance and I'm Having a challenge trying to understand the deductible situation. The Health Insurance I'm looking into is Blue Shield of California and they have many plans, and it seems that the prices get a bit higher when the deductible gets lower. What does the annual deductible mean? Is that the amount that I have to pay off first before my insurance can cover me?""
How much does my car insurance go up if someone sues my insurance for getting hurt in accident?
my daughter was driving my car and got in accident (her fault) and the girl with her is suing, will my ins go up a lot more than just the four surcharges for an accident?""
How much is car insurance for a range rover a month?
I'm almost 16 and I wanted to know how much is car insurance for a Range Rover HSE, since that's the car i want.""
Education in finance and insurance?
I am 43 and working as middle level executive in insurance.I would like to know about some advanced courses in life insurance and finance.
Any suggestions on how to lower my car insurance?
I'm an 18 year old female driver, and about a month ago I got into a bad car accident due to a malfunction. When this occurred, the insurance and everything else was under my dad's name. Now that I bought a new car, my dad wants everything to be under my name because he doesn't want to get screwed over with high insurance and such, but the quote I got from Travelers (which was the insurance my dad was under)was around $800 a month, to insure my 2007 Honda civic, and my job doesn't pay enough to afford that. And I have other monthly bills to pay as well. Any suggestions on what I could do? Or what insurance company to switch too? Any helpful information is appreciated!""
Car financed by me with co-signer. Co-signer pays insurance?
I'm planning on purchasing a car with the help of my dad co-signing, since he has established credit. Can my father pay for the auto insurance (it'll be cheaper), while I own the car? In other words, can I get the car registered under my name with the auto insurance under his? Reason for this is to help me establish my credit also. Or should I forget all the idea and just have my father's name under everything?""
Think of buying a catagory D car which is an insurance write off?
I have just been to view a 2005 Nissan Micra with 13100 on the clock the car had a crush which damage the tail gate and the bumper both have been replaced to a high standard. The car would be worth 5000 but is selling for 2200. Everything seems good at 1st glance but i am concerned about insurance and weather or not it's a good ideal to take the gamble. The seller showd me the before and after pictures of the car and it seemed to fit wot he was saying. He also has a valied MOT which is a month old I don't plan on selling the car if i buy it. How much damage can a knock do to the front of the vehicle or any of the important parts? Please can someone advise wot the best thing would be to do?
Can a financial advisor from AXA sell you New York life insurance?
I'd like to know if a financial advisor that works for AXA Advisors offer clients New York Life insurance products. Thanks in advance! I'm in CA by the way.
Auto Insurance Increase?
My family lives in New Mexico and my son is planing on moving to Arizona I want to keep him on my insurance but when he changes his drivers license to the state of Arizona will my insurance go up?
Where to go to get a quote?
Hi people, I'm seventeen, taking my driving lessons but find it incredibly hard to get a quote for insurance. I want a rough estimate so i know how much to save but every site i have checked is for someone who already owns a car. If anyone has any good sites or references for my position it would be appreciated. thanks dudes XD
Driver Education/Insurance Rate Information?
For my Driver Education class, one of the assignments goes as follows: Call a local vehicle insurance company and ask if you can take a few minutes to ask some questions. Ask what the insurance rates will be for you when you are ready to drive. Also, ask what the rates would be for someone your age who is not taking any driver education classes. What will the rates be when you are 25 years old? What are they for a person without driver education? What are they for someone convicted of driving while intoxicated? If anyone could spare me the phone call, it would be greatly appreciated.""
Low- cost insurance for my 2 year old???
Is it possible to get insurance for my 2 year old at a low rate WITHOUT insuring myself or my husband? We tried getting on our state's medicaid program (which was originally started for people who couldn't get health insurance through their jobs but left that behind long ago!) but of course my husband and I make too much money. Every insurance quote we've been given has been astronomical and we'd have to insure one or both of ourselves to get insurance on the baby. What can I do??? We've also both asked our employers to look into health insurance for their employees and it's still just too expensive!
How much does canadian car insurance cost for a 20yr old male NEW driver for a used CAR or used SUV?
Just give me an estimate for a car or an suv in canada. Just an estimate. I know its different for all cars and suvs but just give me an idea obviously the differences CANNOT be thousands and its gonna be in a certain range. if u can give me a range fine, give me a range im just a new driver and male, 20. these stupid car insurance companies cant even give me that much its not like im going to be paying 9000$ instead of 300$.""
Is there affordable insurance that covers pre-existing pregnancy?
My friend lost suddenly in a car wreck a couple weeks ago. Days later she found out that she is expecting. Cobra coverage through his insurance company is over $600 monthly. She is having a hard time finding insurance with her pre-existing condition. Does anyone know of an insurance company with reasonable rates that would be willing to cover her?
Car insurance quote help!?
I am 18 years old and received my Florida permit when I was 16, and my Florida drivers license when I was 17. I'm looking for a car and have been searching for a good insurance quote. I've tried everywhere from geico, progressive, all state, etc. But they all seem to be VERY high. Anyone know of a cheaper/better insurance company that will give me a good quote? Thank you for the help!""
Car insurance questions please help?
my husband's car has been in the shop for a week i have been driving him back and forth to work when i can and he has been asking friends for rides when i am working yesterday i was in a car accident, someone u-turned into me, i can no longer take him to work obviously because my car is now getting repaired, his friends are tired of making the drive (it is about 20 miles one way) they keep offering him their cars saying because he is an insured driver and their cars are insured that it is fine for him to drive it I don't buy this because when we were shopping for car insurance the people made it clear to me the only person aloud to drive his vehicle was him even though I was insured with a different company under my mother's name what is the truth concerning insured drivers on separate policies driving other insured vehicles that their name is not on the policy""
Where can i find cheap full coverage auto insurance?
Where can i find cheap full coverage auto insurance?
Insurance complaint?
i just insured my car and my previous insurer will not send me my no claims forms for me to show to my new insurance company which is resulting in my insurance going up 500 is there any where i can complain
""How much is Insurance on Fireworks up to $2,000,000.00 in Maine?""
Thinking about opening up a Fireworks shop and want to know how much I'm looking at a year for insurance need a policy with the min $2,000,000.00.""
Whats the cheapest car insurance for a 16 y/o boy?
I'm getting my liscense soon and we have allstate and its expensive as hell! I live in texas and i dont plan on buying a sports car so how much would my insurance be you think and where should i go for cheap insurance?
Car insurance rate (red light ticket!)?
Sorry if this is too long, but i really need help! I just got a ticket for turning right on red w/o stopping in WA state. i googled and know that insurance companies don't often check driving record. unless when you make some change to your policy, make a claim or every 2 renewal cycles? my questions are: -How long does it take for my insurance company to notice this if i don't make any changes to my policy or make a claim within 3 yrs (this will stay on my record for 3 yrs right?)??? -Usually how long is ONE renewal cycle in car insurance? -If i tick the mitgation hearing option, and explain the infraction to the judge and he/she reduce my penalty, Does that mean the record will stay on me shorter? the penalty money will reduced? and hopeful insurance company will not increase my rate? -I am a student and I am cover under my dad's insurance, so if they increase my rate, does that mean the whole amount of premium increase or just my part? PS: if this help, my insurance company is American Family Insurance. I just switch to it 3 months ago.""
Which is better hmo or ppo insurance?
Which is better hmo or ppo insurance?
How Fast Does Car Insurance Start?
Can I buy insurance today and have it ready same day or next day or is there a long process before it starts. I want to buy a car tomorrow, get insurance, and drive the car to my job by Friday.""
How do I know if my insurance company is treating me fairly?
I was recently in an accident. The offer that my insurance company is making is much lower than NADA and Kelley Blue Book values--the insurance company is offering 9,200 and the NADA value is 11,600 (KBB is 12,500). They said that their estimate was based on the local market value and was an average of private party and dealer values. They looked within a 100-mile radius and found similar cars. They then adjusted the value to reflect the mileage of my car, but I don't know how exactly they calculated this adjusted value. I bought my car from a dealership seven months ago--shouldn't the replacement value be the retail value? Also, I had a Subaru WRX and they compared it to WRXs and to Impreza Outback Sports. I looked on autotrader.com and on other Internet resources and found WRXs that were listed much higher than the WRXs in their market report, and I don't know what to do--I don't want to spend the money for a lawyer, but I feel as if I am fighting a losing battle.""
How much would my insurance be?
I am a 17 year old male and I'm looking a getting a ford mustang. I am trying to get a 2008 v6 4.0 L convertible is my car insurance going to be rediculously high?
Is there a health insurance in PA that covers pre-existing conditions?
I just moved currently, from where my previous employer covered my insurance, now that I have moved, I need a insurance policy that covers immediately as I'm trying to figure out what is wrong. Please help.""
My younger borother owns a moped how much would it cost for me to be put on his insurance?
i have a full driving licence i only need to be put for for 2 month or so not even that
Insurance on a 2005 hyundai tiburon?
17 year old guy First car Blue exterior Automatic car 4-cylinder Allstate insurance
Why does car insurance quotes change every day?
Why does car insurance quotes change every day?
Is a scraped car door handle worth the rise in insurance rates?
If someone scraped against your car door and the only thing damaged was the handle on the passenger side door, would you file an insurance claim and risk a rise in insurance? The scrape is only about 1-2 inches long.""
Health insurance?
affordable health insurance in Houston
How much does car insurance usually cost for a regular car?
don't give me a stupid link or tell me to check out a website just give me your estimate. How much do you pay?
Is it true that you MUST purchase health insurance?
So, President Obama says you MUST purchase health insurance or face fines by federal government. How do you feel about that? (Also, wondering how many actually care about their rights being trampled on by Obamacare.)""
Paying my car insurance off early?
I have the cash to do so. And i only owe about 200 cause i already paid 2 months off early. But im jw when the next bill will be so i dont have to worry about. If it helps any i have the general car insurance they are local so idk if itll help lol
Cheapest way to insure 19 yr old boy with one year no claims bonus?
owns own car,has pass plus. been driving 1 yr on own insurance.wants me to put him on mine as he can't afford another yr on own. Can i do it? Is it legal? Is it cheaper?""
Where to go to get a quote?
Hi people, I'm seventeen, taking my driving lessons but find it incredibly hard to get a quote for insurance. I want a rough estimate so i know how much to save but every site i have checked is for someone who already owns a car. If anyone has any good sites or references for my position it would be appreciated. thanks dudes XD
How much does it cost annually to live in california?
Me and my two friends want to move to sacramento,california and i wanted to know how much it is annually I don't mean where we go out and party every night im talking food, rent, utilites, internet, gas, car insuranse and anything else you can think of that is a need(internet is for us gamers) any help would be great if you can't think with all of this cause the car insuranse depends on the car and that but what ever guess or average you would guess for there.""
Wanna get the cheapest auto insurance?
Wanna get the cheapest auto insurance?
Where can i get cheap car insurance for a new driver?
Where can i get cheap car insurance for a new driver?
Can I have two cars under two separate car insurance companies read my situation please!?
I have my own insurance on my own car with Farmers Insurance. However, my best friend just bought a new car and her insurance rate sucks. Can I insure my friends car under my name with Gieco and add my friend as a secondary driver and keep my Farmers insurance under my own car? Also, is there any way that Farmers would no if I did this? Do I have to tell anyone I have two insurance companies? Just put insurance, right? THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!""
Cheapest Car Insurance?
Whats the cheapest I can do for Auto Insurance? I lapsed a few times with my first Insurance, and had to switch cuz it was too much to renew. Then I qot a speedin ticket, 18 over limit (the speedin was unintintional), but its all paid for, and Im usinq Cuise Control reliqiously from now on. And I very cautious as far as wrecks qo.. Anyone have any suqqestions where my best bets would be? I need somewhere under or at $200 at most, per month. And yes Im aware of other details about the car itself is required, but as far as what I just presented, whats my best chances? (KY Farm Bureau, State Farm, qeico, and Allstate are out, Ive tried them)""
Can i get insurance with my learners permit?
Hi i finished my MSF course about two months ago and i want to get my own insurance, since my brother is leaving to collage. im 18 and have my leaners permit for about 2 months. I'll get my motorcycle license in 4 more months. i asked PROGRESSIVE and they said they won't be able to insure me till i have my license. BQ: what insurance do you have? any you recommend? I have a clean record.""
Can my grandmother add my car to her auto insurance policy?
I have a car that's in my name, with no insurance. I wanted to know if my grandmother could simply add my car to her policy. I'm a 19 year old male, if that makes any difference.""
Have a car but no insurance?
This is an answer I got about owning a car with no insurance and if my license would be suspended even if I turn in the tag and registration. It makes no sense as a lot of people have licenses for ID only and do not have a car (because they aren't allowed or can't drive): By law if you have a driver's license you are supposed to carry insurance whether you own a vehicle or not. It's usually called non-owner's liability coverage. Because of this law they would be able to suspend your license if your company cannot provide proof that you have coverage. This answer makes no sense. I won't say who provided it/they don't allow me to answer them though.
Car insurance question?
I got an insurance question. I let my fiance, who is not insured by my insurance company drive my car. I was in the car with him. He was intoxicated and hit 9 parked cars causing minor damage to all of them. Will my insurance company have to pay for the damage?""
What is the cheapest car insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
Can i get my MOT done without insurance?
My car needs an MOT and right now its on a SORN because im waiting for my paycheck so I can get insurance, my question is as follows: i know that you need an MOT before you can insure your car but to get my car to its MOT I would have to have it insured? How does this work? can i drive to the garage without insurance and get away with it or is there some special policy I need to take out? Please help.""
Cheapest car insurance????
looking for a cheap car insurance guys, plz help""
Car insurance and deductibles?
Last year I hit a car the damage was way less than the deductible. The person had on there car. The car insurance company wants me to pay for damage plus the deductible. Is that legal. I have know problem paying for damages, but the damages are only 1/3 of what they are demanding I pay.""
Average cost for motorcycle insurance for a 16 year old?
i know that the rates will be very expensive for a street bike for a 16 year old first rider, but i just want a round about. i have car insurance with state farm so thats who i would get the insurance through. from what i found it will probably be better to start on a dual sport bike rather than a sport bike due to the cost of insurance and the possibility of not being able to get insured due to my age. i want to get a street bike, but i know insurance would be nearly affordable.""
Will my Car Insurance rates go up for 1 speeding ticket?
I just got a speeding ticket this morning (66mph in a 50). I have a really good record. Will my insurance go up? I have State Farm in Ohio. Thanks!
What is the best and cheapest car insurance for me?
Okay so im 18 and im buying a brand new car all myself in about a month maybe less a kia sorte 2013 and of course i will need full coverage. I have good credit and i dont know anything about all this stuff i could use some help please...i just want to know what is the best choice for me i live in brownsville texas if that helps..
If you don't have car insurance.. is it okay if...?
I live in Oregon. I was wondering if you don't have car insurance does your license get suspended? someone said it did, someone else said it didnt.""
A question about car insurance?
We own three cars and have insurance on all three. If my daughter moves to another city and takes one of the cars, will the insurance still cover her? Typically the rates are based on where you live. Thanks for any advice!""
What does this dental insurance code mean?
The code is 42560 and it's by the insurance company equitable life insurance company of Canada . So what does this dental insurance code mean? How much will they cover for the gum graft? It's only one tooth that I need to have done for 600$. It's medical not cosmetic.
How do insurance companies make money?
i know not everyone is going to be sick at once, and that they assess risk, but what's their model for actually making money?""
""Whats the cost to own a brand new BMW 3 series in CA, US (with Tax, insurance etc.)?""
Whats the cost to own a brand new BMW 3 series in CA, USA (including, Taxes, Insurance, and other hidden costs if any)?""
I suffer chronic pain and have trouble working. I'm 37. I have no health insurance. I need advice please.?
I'm 37, and I have degenerative joint disease of both hips (related to a childhood hip disorder). My hips ache, but I also suffer chronic back pain/strain from the effects of a car accident in '04. I have no health insurance, and I don't earn much money. I am forced to live with parents. Needless to say, my life is not very bright. I also suffer severe depression brought upon by my life situation. I returned to college last year, and I am working towards finishing my degree (English/ethnic studies). I need help, both medical/financial help, but I'm not sure where to turn. The job I have is an independent contractor job (I'm not a salaried employee); therefore, I have no benefits. I just drive around to local police stations, pick-up arrest records, transcribe them, and send them in to company. Very basic! My life feels like a living hell; the only thing that makes me feel better is that I am an active student (CSULB) who is about one year away from my degree (better late than never). But I have extreme difficulty functioning day-to-day because of my chronic pain issues and depression. Living with my parents at my age makes my depression worse. I would appreciate any advice. The last full-time job I had was when I worked for the city of Los Angeles (up to 2007), but I had to give that up because of my hip/pain problems. It was a civil service job, so we didn't pay into social security. I'm not sure what I qualify for, and trying to search around on the internet is exhausting. I'm basically in this position: little money - chronic/daily pain - ho health insurance - difficulty working a regular job Thank you to anyone who might offer some guidance or recommendations. I live in Southern California.""
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance with a dui in northern michigan?
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance with a dui in northern michigan?
Buying new car; 1 day insurance?
I am going to look at a car soon, with intentions of making it into a winter project. It is drivable, but I do not plan on driving it until summer. I would rather not tow it home, but without insurance I dont want to drive it. Is such a thing as 1 day insurance an option, just to get it home? If so, how much does this usually cost? If not, are there any other possibilities besides a tow? State of Pennsylvania by the way.""
Where to go to get a quote?
Hi people, I'm seventeen, taking my driving lessons but find it incredibly hard to get a quote for insurance. I want a rough estimate so i know how much to save but every site i have checked is for someone who already owns a car. If anyone has any good sites or references for my position it would be appreciated. thanks dudes XD
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