#JJBA: Plastic Beach.
cesca-untoldstories · 2 years
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It feels so weird to be back drawing-- I feel my style changed once again /sobs sobs.
I'm going to return to Plastic Beach, now that the second part of Stone ocean is back I think I'd like to start digging into my own arc where you can see more of Jonas ;)
Three of the four heads in charge of the Speedwagon foundation are our old but lovely Crusaders~! cool uncles ready to help his friend family <3
in Plastic Beach they change a little their names but they are actually the same, I wanted my old crusaders to be back and this is the first part of them! <3
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catbotnik · 9 months
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Art dump I’m so bad about remembering to post here I’m sorry
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aurik6 · 2 years
Stone Ocean has the ultimate Plastic Beach vibe.
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shadow-sombras · 1 month
Plastic Beach - Chapter 2
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Summary: On their first day of their research assignment to the pier of the Marina Vallarta, Jen attempts to be close to Jotaro in hopes of trying to kindle at least some kind of relationship.
5.7k words || ao3 version
start from the beginning
The morning felt calming after a night of disorganization and chaos on the first day in this city as sunlight creep over land and sea just for the cycle to start again and survive another day’s worth of lab work and exploration.
Jen sits in her bed to see the sun rise from the balcony window, revealing her messy side of the room. Scribbled papers were scattered everywhere over the covers as if she was writing something that was meant for her eyes only. She lowers her eyelids before flinching to hear the movement of her roommate shifting positions.
Her mind tries to keep in check in case he makes any movements that would signal anything that would wake him up but at the same time, something about the Joestar made her feel things that were set aside from everyone else. He was more real than the photo given to her by her friend from his ocean blue-green eyes that can see through someone’s soul to how he speaks. It’s hard to resist a man who looked like a Roman statue, who doesn’t? She continues to stare blankly from a distance, replaying their first meeting last night repeatedly like a broken record, unable to get over how wonderful he looked, maybe he had a better life behind that thousand yard stare.
How can you follow a man so pretty? It feels like she’s some kind of stalker but she isn’t. It’s just not fair.
After a long pause, leaving only the sound of birds chirping outside of the open window, Jotaro would finally wake up with his hair being messy and unkempt from the hat he casually wears every day. His aqua colored eyes tire from sleeping again with possibly the same nightmare nights prior before lifting himself up.
Her hands quickly picked up the scattered paper, folding it in half neatly as she could in hopes of fitting the papers into the journal perfectly to avoid any suspense and toss the book into the nightstand drawer. She exhales deeply before lifting herself out of the bed for breakfast with the others.
“...Good morning, JoJo.” She mumbles her greeting first before he walks past her. Nothing much to say outside of a hello. Even with a complaint of being soft spoken, no one would hear her before quickly changing into a set of clothes to catch up with the others.
Instead of responding to her muttering due to her soft-spoken voice through her mask, he dismisses her greeting and heads over to the restroom to get into his clothes before proceeding to move downstairs to catch up with the other students with her following after. He wasn’t one to ever talk to anyone regardless of the time of day with Jen being no exception. Because to him, she’s just like everyone else in this world and would soon come and go from his life just like the ones before and after him.
Her eyes darted everywhere as she descended down those steps as if she was in a panic of some sort but she was the opposite. She reflects back on the university counselor prior in hopes of letting her get out of her shell and instead of going through the same cycle of going to class and her dorm room. Of course she has friends but never puts in the further effort in hanging out outside of simple interest conversations, so obviously this school trip was the opportunity to explore and connect to people more instead of swirling in an endless cycle.
Anything circular is how she thinks her mind is, really; ranging from things like bubbles, perfect or misshapen, like the windmill on a windy day, like the clock on the church tower that rings every hour, or the way she swirls around her choice of drink in a circular pattern. 
It’s endless, and she hoped one day that she could get herself out of it. 
Jen smooths away those thoughts and finishes what’s left of her drink before the professor begins to speak up for the trip’s schedule for the entirety of the trip. Still keeping her consistent coverup by using her hand over her mouth as she eats if she ever gets hungry or thirsty.
The professor begins with the purpose of the trip was to simply explore what the degree of marine science would be like outside of simple lab testing purposes in hopes that students, once they get their degree, wouldn’t stay indoors and get bored. However, due to unfortunate planning from the start of the trip, it was required that the assigned roommates will be together for the remainder of the trip for safety reasons, as well as trying to keep the students together in a crowded, vivid environment around the time of year where tourists would flock for vacation.
She shrinks in her seat at the thought of being with someone like Jotaro but as long as she wasn’t bunked with those girls yesterday then she had no choice. Just by his exterior alone, he seems to look awfully scary with how angry he looks in her eyes but she tries to sweep it aside and hopes to be friendly with him.
“I guess we’re stuck together huh, JoJo?” She turns to him again, trying to find some silver lining but to her dismay, Jotaro does not respond outside of a deep sigh and a simple scowl on his face.
She contorted herself once again when she witnessed and kept herself calm and focused on the first assignment for the time being. Guess it’s not easy to be friends with someone like him. Instead of being thrown off by his aloof nature, she physically shakes it off and continues to push forward.
Her eyes stare down at her notebook in her unzipped bag, torn pages of loose leaf papers stuffed in perfect halves between the pages, a different way from how she talks or thinks. The only thing that was displayed was the fixed polaroid of Jotaro on the front cover that was shoved into her pocket based upon the crease on its edges.
“Hey.” Jotaro finally speaks up, causing Jen to quickly pull herself down to earth and turns to the Joestar.
“S-sorry, what?” She stutters out, closing her bag with a simple zip and remembers hearing his name.
He shakes his head, already upset that his partner is nose deep into whatever she was doing at the time. “We’re going outside, come on. Unless you want to be left behind as usual.” His finger points at the other classmates, already standing up to head outside of the hotel lobby for the first assignment. She gives him a nod and picks up the pace, walking quicker than normal. 
His eyes roll to the side in dismay, obviously not caring but now that his partner will be the only person to talk to outside of the professor in his eyes, having a deep feeling that this trip would be a dreadful long week. 
Right off the bat, his interaction with her had started on the wrong foot. Just from last night and now, she seems to just be a clumsy person, maybe oblivious due to how less self aware she is to her surroundings. Despite that, she stood in her lane.
Maybe that’s good for the earth and himself. He hopes that she doesn’t do anything annoying that would let himself get involved into any bullshit that would relate to her. It’s the simplest thing she can do.
Opening the main door, the sun is slowly reaching over the buildings that it’s nauseating for those with lighter eye color. Jotaro furrows his eyebrows from the sight of the sun creeping from the horizon than it was back from the university considering he was surrounded by buildings. It’s a good thing he wears a hat everyday to avoid having the sun’s rays burn through his scleras like they would in sci-fi movies. Maybe he would shoot out sun rays out of his eyes. 
As the class walks through the warm colored streets down to the pier of Marina Vallarta, Jen thinks back and forth in hopes of making it count by starting a conversation until she had an idea of talking about the town after reading over one of the tour guides back at the airport and tries to start from there. “You know, JoJo…I read up on the tour guide about this place when we were flying abroad, things like how it’s famous for its mountain range at Sierra Madre, like…uhm…”
As she tries to continue the conversation, she turns around and notices the girl from yesterday seems to have slowed down on purpose to swoon over Jotaro’s looks again.
Of course it would be the same girl from the start of the trip that pushed her in front of Jotaro just so she can make ways of trying to get a better view at Jotaro when he’s not looking.
God, it’s so annoying. Make it stop.
Instead of trying to interfere with the girls’ currently scheduled drooling, she bites down her index finger and turns away to distract herself as the professor leads them to the main port not too far from the main building or the coastal shore.
The coastal port of Puerto Vallarta known as simply the Marina Vallarta, made for all types of boats, felt like an empty ghost town compared to the vividness that they had seen when they booked for the week. The sudden sense of how cramped boats are when they’re not settling out to sea, regardless of their purpose of fishing to tourism. Not helping all of the piers where they stood branch out to each boat is even more narrow.
It’s not even the first few days on this trip and she can see the dangers of falling into water with these thin pathways, that she can’t shake her head over it all. 
Standing in front of the port stood a young looking man whose face was covered by his hair that covered nearly half of his face, possibly confused as some kind of punk or band member. He must be one of the workers or an owner of a company to offer rental boats for them to use for the time being. 
“Welcome to Marina Vallarta pier!” The young man greets the class, shaking his hand with a beaming smile on his face. “I see this must be in a university class, is that correct?”
“I guess I can take you to one of the boats provided for you all. This way, if you will.” As the port owner leads the way, the students look around the place as they follow. There weren’t any people around, presumably due to how early today was that only a few people commune around these parts of Puerto Vallarta, let alone those that work close to the shore; however it makes sense for someone like him to wake up in the morning to watch over the boats somehow.
Regardless, he seems to be some kind of a morning person, or perhaps he just wants to get things over with so he can continue whatever he was up to.
The port-man shows around the place for the class next to things of the simple basis of boat safety standards finding a boat that would be suitable for the class, albeit a little smaller. Of course it’s always going to be the most boring yet important part that matters first before everything else.
“I guess that settles everything I have to tell you so far about these boats. As long as you’re able to come back without any conflict then everything should be alright.”  If there’s anything else you need, don’t be afraid to ask. Take care!” He waves at the group and pulls through the class to head back to his job again.
As he leaves, the professor and a handful of people give out a small wave before finally squeezing himself out of the small crowd, where Jen is sandwiched between the crowd. Just as when the port-man moves past her, a flash of light covers her face, blinding her in pure whiteness before fading back into the reality of standing in the pier again.
In an instant, her once optimism had dropped when she saw him face her direction. This had left Jen anxious at the young man. Her throat tightens at the sudden change in tone where the once bubbly port owner suddenly blinds her with a camera of some kind as he walks past her when everyone is distracted. It feels like some kind of warning or bad omen.
Her face hardened at the thought of knowing why the owner did that. Does he even know her? Perhaps it’s just a way to scare the shit out of her as a joke. Even then, why would that be directed toward her and not any other person?
There are so many questions swimming inside her head that it’s hard to get it out of her head.
“Is there something wrong, Jotaro? You seem to have spaced out.” The professor spoke out to the Joestar before climbing into the boat as he followed the other students. She must be either tired from last night or is just daydreaming. He couldn’t tell which since she was turning away, only seeing the back of her head.
Noticing that Jen was standing at the port as everyone else steps inside, the professor pulls themselves out to aid her.
She swallows tightly from that sudden interaction that it echoed through her mind. With instances like that, it’s hard to shake it out of her head as a child would when they were scolded over a mistake. Her breath was shaky before taking a deep sigh, trying to quickly calm herself as she could and holding her chest for a moment before turning to see the professor stand right behind her.
“Are you alright? You look like you saw a ghost.” He looks down at her to check up on her. To her surprise, jolted out at the teacher before he could speak out.
She stammers to the professor and tries to explain as best as she could. “T-the owner walked past me and –” 
“What did he say?” The professor asked, turning towards the same direction she is before perking up. 
“He said –” As soon as she turned back to see the owner again, the man was already gone. Only a pair of birds settled on top of one of the smaller boats cawing away with the only sound being the boats creaking back and forth to the sea. 
Guess he must’ve left for his station to watch over the place.
“...It’s nothing, I’m sorry about that.” She paused and sighs deeply, shaking her head in disbelief. Her voice lowers to her regular soft-spoken tone again. Maybe it was just a daydream and nothing too serious. After all, she did stay up a bit late after midnight and tried to keep waking up as early as she could.
“Come on, watch your step now.”
Jen nods and takes a step into the boat, pulling herself into the back to meet with Jotaro again before giving him a smile to shake away the previous moment that occurred prior.
“Hey, JoJo!” She greets him again with a smile trying to keep up with everyone else, even if it means she wasn’t able to connect to them. It’s what the connection that matters at that point, knowing everything will be fine. Once again, she was ignored, mostly because of how focused on his studies or so she had thought.
Everything will be alright as long as she doesn’t think too much about it.
Once the engine turns on, Jen clings onto the nearby handle, seeing the water move a bit before the class could take off not too far from the shore. This was a whole new experience after all so it’s the first time for everything.
Not long after takeoff, she looks from behind if the port-man really had gone back to his working station, still unable to get rid of those words in her head earlier. As she turns to see where he had gone as the boat becomes farther away from the port or any nearby shore. It’s hard to tell due to her near-sighted vision but seeing him talk to an acquaintance gave her a simple sigh of relief and faced forward again. Maybe he was joking around and trying to scare tourists with jokes as such.
Once she was able to find the Joestar standing on the rails, Jen slowly settled herself right next to him as Jotaro, who was looking away at the sea to calm his nerves. Ignoring the girl again from earlier, she leans herself close to the railing, trying to keep herself close to the boat regardless.
“Hey, Jotaro.” Jen speaks up, still stuttering a little just by being this close. Finally she was able to gain his attention as she saw him turn toward her. “Can we…talk once we get back to the hotel…? As in like…talk about things, uh, getting to know each other.”
He cocks an eyebrow in skepticism. Considering it has been a little over a year since he had to witness anyone who had fond memories with unfortunately die in his eyes after knowing them for nearly 3 months, maybe he does at least reach out and be friends with someone. For now, it’s hard to be friends but knowing the world of Stands, it’s hard to trust anyone at this point.
It’s such a pain to have such a push and pull, even without them. 
After a few seconds of him closing his eyes and putting into thought, Jotaro opens his eyes and finally gives in to her offer of friendship. 
He seems to be very calm whenever he’s close to the sea, she thought to herself. Something about him is oddly comforting. As if she was calm and focused when he’s around him, it left her desperately curious to the point she wished to get out of her way to intertwine with him while at the same time, she wants to maintain any distance. It’s her way that she does care for him. Not that it matters since her mind is already scrambled and messy, just like the eggs she ate for breakfast this morning. 
Regardless, her mind and heart aches at what she has in store for him but not in a way that would make her happy. She wants to do everything but all she can do is nothing.
If only it could last for more than a moment. For now, she can do so much better than this.
Maybe it’s about time she can do something about it.
Every time I draw close to him, my body feels like it’s on the verge of exploding into pieces, with my hands trembling and my heart dropping to the floor, thumping in my chest with sheer anxiety, even if I don’t look at his face. 
Just from the photo given to me, he still looks the same. He’s like some kind of god that doesn’t move a facial muscle most of the time. It’s hard to focus on anything else besides him that it’s quickly starting to piss me off. Every girl swoons over him and yet…I want a piece of him myself. 
And it pisses me off. I hate seeing him like this, I hate it when she’s near him. I just hate it all. 
Even if that talk I remember having with my best friend wasn’t enough to calm me down, all I  want is to be as close to him as possible but…I don’t want him to get angry at me for coming back empty handed. He’s the only person that understands how much I suffer internally and of course I need to return the favor after granting me hope.
I made a promise to him in exchange for caring for me. I don’t care about myself, I don’t care about everyone else. He’s all I could rely on, and all he needs me to do is one thing and one thing only:
Kill Jotaro. 
As much as I want him, I don’t want anyone to get in my way of being close to him. And when I do, then and only then, I would kill him.
They’ll be so happy if I did.
Jen stares at the bathroom mirror, seeing the slight dark circles in her eyes and fully revealed face now that she no longer has that black mask she used to cover half of her face. Her hands curl onto the ceramic vessel sink, lightly gripping at the sight of her in a stressful state. It’s happening again, she assumes. She can feel herself getting angry again. 
No. Not again.
Another day had ended and saw there was very little effort outside of simple talk to Jotaro. That talk with the Joestar felt rough despite having an extroverted and eager outlook on wanting to be friends with more people. Knowing from past experience, she has yet to push in the effort in wanting to be friends with him. All she can do is to at least try and push herself unless there’s another way.
There has to be another way.
She can’t let him slip away from her fingers, not again, but has yet to take action until things come to her in hopes she can have a call to action. 
Too deep into her thoughts into overthinking territory, she missed the sound of someone walking into the bathroom. It was that female classmate again. Why can’t she go away?
“You there!”
Jen turns her back from the mirror to quickly take a paper towel over her face to keep up with the charade.
“Oh uh…me?” Jen responded, still facing the bathroom sink.
“Yeah you. Does the name Clairo jog your memory?.” The classmate from earlier named Clairo, approached her by the sink and continued. “Look, sorry for pushing you over the other day. We used to do that in high school and you would always laugh it off. You’re not mad at me for that, are you?”
Right from the start, she was already confused for being this supposed Rosa girl. Jen furrows but tries to stay calm from the anger prior, as she tries to keep her aggression as low as possible, hoping she could go away or even use the stalls. 
Jen stares down at the sink as the classmate continues about how lucky Jen is to be with JoJo and assuming they must spark any relationship despite knowing him for roughly the first day or two before noticing she’s keeping her face hidden by her hair and inside the sink. Clairo stops for a second when she notices Jen is hiding her face.
“Hey, are you doing okay? I’ve never seen you wear masks, do you always wear them?” Clairo asks, starting to draw close to her.
“Of course I do, I just don’t feel like showing my face is all. It isn’t really necessary for me to show my face on some days. Why’d you ask?” Jen mutters, audible to the girl as she notices her coming closer towards the sink.
“Well, you usually show your face but I have never seen you wear it a lot, especially around this trip. Was there something wrong? It’s not like we’re near pollen or anything like that.” She continues.
“I’m just tired is all. I haven’t talked to JoJo much since he doesn’t seem to be much of a talker from what I know. He always seems angry but do you know anything about him? I’m not quite familiar with him but you seem to know him, do you?” Jen reaches out to the mask that was next to the facet but was met with sudden emptiness, quickly realizing that she had forgotten her mask back from the bathroom stall.
She widens her eyes and quickly pulls herself out of the sink, revealing the rest of her face with a round and slight chub on her face.
Clairo froze at the scene, realizing her supposed friend is not who she thinks she is as she turns to see her in full display. It was not someone who she believed to be Rosa, but someone completely different.
“What the hell…” She pointed at her, eyes widened in sheer terror. “You’re not Rosa, are you even a part of this class!?”
Jen panics and reaches out to her, trying to calm herself down. It's like she was some kind of freak of nature but she’s just like everyone else.
“Wait, don’t go, I can explain–!” 
As the classmate starts to back away, Jen extends her arm, quickly triggering a ghostly hand to grip her arm with a deadly grip out of a desperate attempt to pull her back.
Clairo reaches out to the main door to call out for help before seeing the door was unfortunately locked from the outside. She cries out in desperation before it is cut off by her lips being clasped shut by some ghost entity. 
Jen’s breath was shaky, repeatedly muttering ‘don’t leave’ to keep herself contorted and calm and locks the main doorway from the inside and opens the last stall as the ghostly hands follow after, dragging the classmate alongside her like she’s being dragged into hell.
Once her breathing went back to normal, she noticed her mask sat next to the top of the toilet and picked it up as the pair of ghostly hands tried to grip Clairo in the cramped space. 
Her expression was tightened up, looking down at the struggling classmate with pupils dilated with pure fear as the anger that was built quickly resurfaced, trembling at what she needs to do next.
“I’m sorry,” Jen covers herself back up and approaches Clairo again, trying to keep her quiet in hopes she can get things over with. “I’m so sorry…”
She could hear the back of her mind screaming constantly to get it over with, clenching her fist to get rid of the feeling until her knuckles turned white with anxiety. If she doesn’t do it now, her own mission would fail and would risk her cover being blown and is unable to stay close to the Joestar.
She doesn’t have a choice. 
It’s all she could do. 
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With very little option, Jen would reveal her Stand from the hands to the tip of her hair fading out of thin air. It was hard to make out what it looked like due to how dark the stalls are due to the lighting barely covering them, perfect for summoning her Stand without notice. Pitch black with two bright eyes staring at the classmate as its wavy hair floats like it was underwater. It felt like a goddess was staring down at her soul but at the same time, this supposed entity felt like a siren without the singing.
Good thing for Jen that the trembling classmate doesn’t see her. 
Clairo looks up with sheer horror in her eyes, unable to scream or thrash due to how her mouth is forced shut, movements being restricted by something that’s beyond her before the stall behind Jen would close the two from everyone else with a simple
Just a story above the main bathroom, Jotaro puts down the phone with a simple click, after having another conversation with Joseph once again before turning to see an empty space on Jen’s bed. It’s already a pain in the ass that he had to deal with another night of simple Stand talk with Joseph once again. He’s no longer a child, so what was the purpose of wanting to be cautious similar to Holly at the start of the trip? Nosy grandpa can’t seem to calm down but there’s nothing he can do now that he’s getting a little older now that his age is catching up to him. “Damn it, grandpa. Can’t you just stay out of this?” Jotaro squeezed the bridge of his nose, annoyed at Joseph’s phone call not too long after it ended.
Turning to her side of the bed with a now absent roommate, it has been over 20 minutes since she had left to use the downstairs bathroom after dinner, promising she could ever meet up in their hotel room. What’s taking her so long? 
He ponders to himself, wondering what’s taking her so long for something little as a simple talk. Maybe she’s too nervous or just having a hard time.
His eyes could only stare down at what’s left on her side of the bed, with her belongings being put on the bed and nightstand. Nothing too messy while also being as neat as she could possibly be at the same time.
Just as when he could shake off this feeling, he recalls his conversation with Joseph regarding Stand users and how they walk around the earth like humans do. Now that Dio himself is already gone, he assumes it was the end of it. The end of the era where his family tree is finally able to meet peace.
If only this moment of peace and quiet could last forever, he hoped.
Maybe Joseph was right, and he should keep his head up in case any Stand users are coming after him. They couldn’t just pop out of nowhere and attack him, not when he’s surrounded by those who don't understand what Stands are since they’re regular people. It’s hard to even know who it is as they’re human beings after all; they could be anyone at this point, friend or foe, making things even harder to avoid any witnesses or even getting innocent bystanders into danger.
After all, there might be people who worked for Dio long after his death.
Good grief. Just thinking about it gives him a fucking migraine.
As Jotaro heads over to open the door, he turns his head over to see if Jen was taking a moment to herself or is easily distracted and looking around the hotel lonesome. As he sees her slowly ascend the iron stairs to the second floor, her arm is wrapped around Clairo’s shoulder, keeping her balanced before taking a look around to settle her in bed before her roommate returns.
“Come on, now. You’re almost to your room.” Jen softly speaks to her as Clairo shuffles alongside her. 
Once Jen takes a look at the doors, she turns to Jotaro with eyebrows furrowed in anger for a second before escorting the classmate to her room. For a moment, he assumed she was angry for some reason. It was hard to tell from that stupid mask she refused to take off if she was worried or upset and yet, something about her giving him a strange look in her eyes felt like some kind of omen for things that lie ahead. He may never know.
Jen closes the door behind her as Clairo settles herself into bed, leaving whatever happened to her behind and heads back to her own room to see Jotaro shuffling through work papers. 
She closes the door before lifting her bag for hers. “Sorry about that, Jotaro. She fainted and fell on the bathroom floor when she got out and I had to help her. Maybe we can talk tomorrow during lunch, yeah?”
Jotaro’s racing thoughts slowly came to an end and continued his cool exterior with a simple response. “It’s fine.”
As Jen heads to the bathroom for a change, Jotaro puts himself into a deep thought from what happened. It must’ve been more than just a slippery accident as he saw the girl looked a bit dead-eyed with hints of pink, as if she was under some sort of influence or perhaps took some medicine that makes her look drowsy. 
It just doesn’t seem to end, now does it? Once someone is defeated, another would pop out like the weed in a yard that never goes away no matter how much weed killer you pour onto it.
There's no doubt that a Stand user is behind it all, no shot. Especially when he’s surrounded by people who don’t see them that could get hurt, let alone someone like Jen that can be put in danger. Until then, Jotaro has to keep an eye out for the remainder of the trip.
As the young pier-lot owner returns back to his home, he decides to take a quick detour back to a familiar church, not that far to the main shore where it erects in its glory day in and day out. Closing the main door behind him, the main cathedral was lit by the moon outside with a handful of candles scattered around the three or more floors. Seeing a familiar figure loom over the main floor, he tilts his head up and greets them with a smile on his face, finally able to drop the fake smile that he carries around.
“Heeey there, it’s been a while! Sooo guess what? I met a girl that was with a university class today and I think she looks awfully similar to her and I was wondering if this is her? I promise to you that I’m not bullshitting, it’s got to be our girl. If you don’t believe me, I got a picture of her for proof.”
The figure reaches over to the rope to slide down to reach the main floor, perfectly sliding his body down like an acrobat to see if the claim was made true. Their frame is covered by a rich purple cape, leaving his face and stature unknown to the imagination before approaching the man to take a closer look of their supposed target. After connecting the dots together, they chuckle at the sight of the two photos, confirming that she was the target with a smirk of a predator on their face. 
“If what you’re saying is true, then that means the wait is finally over. I’ll tell the others about her return tomorrow morning. For now, it’s time to prepare our guest a warm welcome back to this town by the Cirque de Dionysos.”
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0 notes
mingot-studios · 1 year
The Plastic Beach crew meeting Jolyne during EoH
Aokun: So if you're supposed to be Joey, why are you so pale?
Joey: Oh my god, Aokun. You can't just ask people why they're white!
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noodleblade · 5 months
Miscellaneous Tag Game (stolen title <3)
thank you bestie:3 @searchingfortheuniverse I'll be working on this while im on and off phone calls~
A band you don’t like that many others do: UM idk...my music taste is all over the place and I really only know the bands i think?? oh- maybe Mother Mother, only because I have not bothered to listen to their music past Junkrat hype videos and that's probably tainted my view a little. For better or for worse.
A childhood memory that you remember vividly: during a summer in greece, idk how, but I got roped into selling watermelons off the side of the road. I couldn't have been more than 6 or 7, but I remember I would put the watermelon in a plastic bag and the farmers thought it was really funny because that's such a...united states thing...to bag 1 whole watermelon in plastic. Anyways, they paid me in cucumber slices with salt.
Least favorite animal and why: HUH LEAST. I'm not a huge fan of like reptiles? Specifically those smaller than a bread box. Too fast, too squirm. Im worried I'll crush them in my hands. (im thinking of specifically florida geckos...idk they are cute but i freak out trying to hold them).
Hot fandom take: just because something is popular and fandom-wide accepted doesn't mean it is good. and not agreeing with it/wanting to engage in it doesn't mean you or your own opinions are bad. the monopoly on accepted 1 true canon is boring.
Do you wear any jewelry, if so, what’s your favorite piece: I try an rotate my jewelry around but I'm usually wearing a few rings, a necklace and a pair of earrings. My favorites are the rings. They are my mom's old ones and I typically wear the same two every day. One is a gold key of greece and the other is a thin black bar but the sides have really small thin heart cut outs.
A movie others liked but you didn’t: HMMMMM probably the new star wars trilogy. felt unnecessary and i just didn't like it? big shruggies
Three things you love about yourself: my writing- its something that I enjoy the most in the world and something that I can claim as mine. I also think I'm pretty funny in a sillay way which is poggers. I like my openness to trying things. Think that's helped make me more well-rounded. I hope so at least.
A place you hope to visit in the future and why: HMMMMM. I want to visit Japan again. For a new place, I want to go to South America. Peru maybe??? Mexico would also be nice. So that's what I'm gearing up towards next.
An actor that gets on your nerves and why: Uh Matt Smith? No reason behind this. but I see his block head and kind of just look away.
Things you’re excited for in the nearby future? I have a lot of little house projects I finally feel like tackling which is exciting. Ive lived in my house for almost 2.5 years and still havent felt like parts of it are complete yet.
Least favorite ship in a fandom you’re in: oof I lowkey kind of hate saying things I don't like on here. bad experiences in the past when people were upset I didn't like a thing they did and got mad at me. But uhhh not the biggest fan of most rodimus ships? but I think mega/rod is my least favorite of them. sorry!
What’s the most toxic fandom you’ve been in? hahaahahahhahahah can you believe Game of Thrones wasn't the most toxic???? it was jjba. I got put on a ban list which was kind of funny. I also got kind of show-ponyed in a toxic discord server for a while which has completely ruined me in the ability to act normal on discord outside of my irl friends. that account is deleted but the ao3 is still circling around.
List three things you find beautiful about life: Friends and family- sometimes I want to kill but I really do love them so so much. I like creating things and creating things with people. I also really like my area as far as nature goes. the beach to swamp ratio sings to me.
Any dreams for the future? I want to go on a really long hike. Maybe like a 2 day one? (< says the person that has gone on a max 2 hour hike before). Also just working on my original fiction again. I miss those fellas.
How are you really feeling today? Motivated!!!! Im a little groggy still, but I've been really excited about life and betterment lately so its overcoming my sleepy brain.
Tags: feel free to do or not: @honkytonka, @elmonstro, @huanted-dennys, @feral-birb-husband, @solarstormstuff @anyone else who wants to!! I'd be happy to read them:3
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the-pantry-of-art · 24 days
Judge my taste in music based on albums I love listening to!
Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys
Either/Or by Elliott Smith
Is This It by The Strokes
The Queen Is Dead by The Smiths
Magnolia Electric Co. (Deluxe Edition) by Songs: Ohia
Lent by Autoheart
The Last Stand by Sabaton
Heroes by Sabaton
Toxicity by Systen Of A Down
Graduation by Kanye West (I have lisened to nearly all of his albumes but this one I like the most[or just listen to the most})
Kids See Ghosts by Kid Cudi & Kanye West
Good Kid, M.A.A.D City by Kendrick Lamar (Same as above in KW)
Rodeo by Travis Scott (same as above in KW)
Plastic Beach by Gorillaz
An Evening With Silk Sonic by Bruno Mars
Oh My Heart by Mother Mother
The Sticks by Mother Mother
Eureka by Mother Mother
Touch Up by Mother Mother
Le Pop by Katzenjammer
A Kiss Before You Go by Katzenjammer
Ants From Up There by Black Country, New Road
Random Access Memories by Daft Punk
Discovery by Daft Punk
American Idiot by Green Day (fun fact on of my all time Fav T-Shirts is a black T-shirt with the ,Dookie' album cover on it ;)
The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
The Normal Album by Will Wood
Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum by Tally Hall
Good & Evil by Tally Hall
Hawaii: Part II by Miracle Musical
JJBA Intro's by Lito Munoz
The Doors by The Doors
Chłopi (Original Soundtrack) by L.U.C
All Things Must Pass (2014 Remastered) by George Harrison
Yellow Submarine Songtrack by The Beatles
My Head Is An Animal by Of Monsters and Man
Polka's Not Dead by The Dreadnoughts
Uncle Touchy Goes to Collage by The Dreadnoughts
Drunken Lullabies by Flogging Molly
Pelicans We by Cosmo Sheldrake
The Much Much How How and I by Cosmo Sheldrake
Hung, Drawn & Portered by The Rumjacks
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel
The Glow, Pt 2 by The Microphones
Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Haven by Godspeed You!Black Emperor
Hell's Comin' with Me by Poor Man's Poison
(I have lisened to all af this from cover to cover)
Other bands/musisians I listen to a lot but not to any particular album just some songs:
Tyler, the Creator
Dawid Podsiadło
Arek Kłusowski
Lady Punk
Mindless Self Indulgance
Smash Mouth
Panic!At the Disco
Bloodhound Gang (tbh they'r like top 7 on my list so <3)
Molchat Doma
Jeff Rosenstock
The Killigans
Sir Reg
Paddy And The Rats
The Rumpled
Smokey Bastard
The Cloverhearts
Rusty Cage
Nocny Kochanek
Bad Religion
Billy Talent
Black Sabbath ( & Ozzy Osburne ofc)
The Real McKenzies
Britney Spears
Death Grips
& more, theres just so meny I'm to tired to write everyone down XD
Uhh It was a lot of writing... I'm awaiting ur Opinion!
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jjba-plasticbeach · 4 years
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Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Plastic Beach (ジョジョ奇妙な冒険プラスチックビーチ) It’s an alternate universe explained after Enrico Pucci’s first universe reboot. in other words, the universe that Emporio Alniño ends up stepping. A reboot that is not so different from original,the one we all know, but there are certain events that unfold in different ways.
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Disclaimer: This Arc is clearly original and worked by a group of friends, therefore it has original characters, separate stories, pairings, among others. but all in a context of having a good time and having fun.
Contributors: Katt0 | | Fran | Fren | Alex | Red | Dadchis  | Michi | Benja
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uunbreakablegirl · 3 years
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KNEEL! Before your Queen. Happy New Year i guess? And yes, i know her arm is normal here This is for @jjba-plasticbeach ♥
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Made myself into a Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure character. Complete with my very own stand, “Plastic Beach!”
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loviswriting · 5 years
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Bizarre Beach! Torn Between Scylla and Charybdis!
JJBA part 4 fan fic. Chapter 2: Sand in the water, Stand in the water!
Summary: During his stay in Morioh, Jotaro needs to come up with a subject for his doctoral thesis in marine biology! Strange happenings in the waters of Morioh beach piques Jotaros interest, making him investigate strange sightings of a mermaid, followed by injured surfers! In hopes of finding a subject for his thesis he teams up with Kishibe Rohan and Joseph Joestar to solve the mysterious happenings! Is it the work of an actual mermaid or is there a Stand user lurking around the corner?!
Number of chapters: 9
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Total word count for all chapters: 12 749.
Chapter 2 word count: 1715.
Authors note: this is my first fan fic, I tried my best and hope you will enjoy it! You may also read it on my Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20937995/chapters/49778429
The next day Jotaro went back to the beach, which today hosted a festival, with lots of people, vendors and activities. None of it was of interest to Jotaro, he was there with a purpose and hired a small motorboat to go out into the waters. He drove around for two hours in the beautiful blue water, without noticing anything out of the ordinary, only seeing occasional surfers and swimmers closer to the beach. He did, however, notice how much trash that was floating around in the water in several places; plastic bags, old newspapers, cans and other things. Despicable, no respect for nature, he thought and sighed. If he weren’t able to find another subject for his thesis, he might just give up and write his thesis about the effects of trash floating around in the oceans, a subject many already written… his thesis would wind up being what its subject would be: trash. Just as he was on his way back to the beach, his face was hit with what he was currently thinking about; trash. A wrapping from some fast food had flown right into his face. He wiped it away, disgusted with some ketchup now on his cheek, and failed to catch it as it flew away in the wind, fuck, Jotaro thought with a sting of guilt for second-hand littering. Suddenly, his boat rocked a bit and waves were starting to splash wildly around him and he started to hear distant screams from the beach, which he was fairly close to by now. He saw people getting up from the water and running away from the beach. Jotaro heard a sudden roar behind him and quickly turned his head around and saw a huge wave of water quickly coming towards the beach seemingly out of nowhere. The edge of the wave was to swallow him in seconds, forcing him to act hastily. “Star Platinum!” Jotaro shouted and his fierce blue and purple Stand manifested, as he accelerated the boat and steered it to move horizontally along the wave, “ZA WARUDO!” A shockwave burst out from Star Platinum as time around them froze, but the boat Jotaro drove still sped on to ride alongside the wave’s front, leaving an empty trench in the water behind the boat. Star Platinum rose its fists as they approached the wave, “ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!” the Stand shouted and delivered punches into both the wave and the water in front of it, until Jotaro finally made it to the other end of the wave, reaching his limit of stopping time. “Resume time!” Jotaro said and the gears of time started to turn once again, making the big wave burst from Star Platinums punches, whilst also being stopped by a smaller opposing wave created from the punches directed at the water in front of the wave. The empty trench from the boat sucked it all up, creating a broad geyser turning everything into a shower before the water stilled once again. The panic on the beach started to settle down and Jotaro slowed down as he went into the beach to return the boat. That wave was not natural, he thought, looking out over the ocean, which had gone from calm to calamity in seconds. Maybe he couldn’t dismiss the possibility that this was the work of a Stand, and suddenly he realized... Stand users are drawn to other Stand users. And this one seemed to be in the beaches water; the beach that Jotaro frequently visited. “Shit,” Jotaro sweated and thought, I’M the Stand user that is being drawn to the other Stand user!
Jotaro decided to go back to the hotel and regroup his facts and impressions. He knew the following: - People had been attacked out of nowhere with no provocation given quite severe injuries. - Attacked people had seen, what seemed to be, a mermaid. - He himself had been attacked by a huge wave that came out of nowhere without warning, that probably was the attack of a Stand user.
He sat at the table in his hotel room, with a cup of tea, pondering these thoughts. How could they be puzzled together? Logic dictated that the mermaid could not be a Stand, as normal humans could not have been able to see it, had that been the case. So the mermaid could instead potentially be a Stand user – if it was a mermaid or just someone mistaken for a mermaid. He knew he once had battled a water Stand and held his breath for a long time, so it was possible there were more Stand users with that lung capacity. But why would a Stand user attack normal civilians in the water? Did it want to lure out Jotaro and his friends? He had to find out the reason and to do that he had to find the user. He hoped it was not related to Kira and that it could be settled peacefully in the case that the user was an actual mermaid. He was not fond of the thought of beating up what could be a great subject for his thesis. Jotaro picked up the phone next to him and dialled a number, “Hey. It’s Jotaro. … No, JOTARO. JOJO. … Meet me at the beach tomorrow at 12am. … No, the BEACH. The B-E-A-C-H. … Good,” he hung up the phone and sighed, “Yare yare…” this was a gamble but he had to try it.
And so the next day came, and Jotaro made his way to the beach. He looked out over the setting to observe the surroundings. The festival was still on for another day, but today there were a lot of lifeguards around and warning signs to not get too far out in the water. Also, the coast guard had a boat patrolling. Yesterday’s sudden violent wave had made the town cautious and the number of people out enjoying themselves was slightly fewer than yesterday. Good, thought Jotaro, in the events of encountering the possible Stand again he would prefer there to be fewer people in the risk of being injured. “Aah, there you are, Jotaro-kun!” an old familiar voice called behind him, Jotaro turned around and saw his company had finally arrived, his old grandpa Joseph Joestar, but he was not the only one approaching them. “Good morning, Jotaro-san,” Kishibe Rohan spoke, walking together with Joseph. “Rohan-san?” Jotaro said surprised. “I ran into Rohan-kun at the bus stop! He was also heading for the beach!” Joseph answered before Rohan could say anything. “Yes, and I helped you get on the right bus... I thought that the recent activities happening here at the beach might be a good inspiration for my stories!” Rohan said and stroked a pose, sketch block in hand. “I see,” Jotaro said, not very surprised over the mangakas motive for being here but also not very interested either, “Listen up, old man. I believe there is a Stand user in the water. I need your help tracking it down.” “A sand user in the water, Iggy's alive?! OH MY GOOOD!” Joseph burst out in shock, putting his hands to his cheek. “Joseph, please, Iggy's been dead for years… I said a Stand user in the water, not sand user…” “Huuuuhhh?? Sand in the water??” Joseph said confused, “is there a problem with that?” “No, a STAND in the water,” Jotaro said louder. “Hahaha! Silly boy, you’re not standing in the water, you’re standing at the beach,” Joseph turned to Rohan, “he is standing at the beach, right? My eyesight has gotten worse lately, I wish it was as good as my hearing…” he took off his glasses and wiped them off at his jacket. “Uhh…” Rohan had a lack of words. “STAND USER. WATER. FIND THEM,” Jotaro said irritated, as Star Platinum manifested behind him, pointing towards the water. “There is a Stand user in the water?! Why didn’t you say so! We have to find them!” Joseph eagerly said, starting to walk towards the beach. “Joseph, wait!” Jotaro walked up to him, “I’ll take a boat out into the water and lure the Stand out, then you will use Hermit Purple to track it down and write a map in the sand and then we will come back and see its location on the map. I suspect it is a short-range power Stand with the ability to manipulate water. Therefore, I believe it is the safest choice that you stay at the beach.” Joseph looked up at him and nodded with a serious expression on his face, “Got it.” Rohan cleared his throat, “Ahem, excuse me, but may I be of assistance? I cannot see a better opportunity to observe these happenings than to be on the boat as well,” he politely asked, then changed his tone, “and if there really is a Stand user…” Jotaro nodded at him. Looking back at how he barely made it yesterday, he could need some extra help, although his motives were to only find the Stand user and not fight it – but if it were hostile he might have no other choice than to face off with it. “Let’s get the boat,” Jotaro said to Rohan, nodding towards the boat shack close by. “Oh, before you go,” Joseph said, “Could you spare me a paper and some Ink, Rohan-kun?” “Sure,” Rohan answered and pulled out a spare bottle of ink, handing it over to Joseph with a couple of papers, “Why?” Joseph smirked, “Just in case, you never know what may come in handy! Or I might get bored and feel like making a drawing!” he then let out a laugh which turned into a cough, “God I’m starting to get too old for this…” Rohan and Jotaro made their way to the boat shack, “Are you sure he is fit for this…?” Rohan asked worried, feeling like Joseph wasn’t the most reliable, although he knew Joseph at least had paid in time for a drawing commission he ha made recently. Jotaro smiled faintly, “No worries, the old man may not have a body as ripped and sweet as back in the days, but when it comes to getting things done, he never lets you down. Let’s go!”
Thanks for reading!
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cesca-untoldstories · 2 years
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hahaha Oldie Tenmei is besto Tenmei~!
I'm working on him and his whole family, as his name changed to Johei Kujo (due you know, fusions) but for what I can tell about Jot Jot in this Arc is that he is not that harsh and heart-closed. he is just a serious grumpy dad that fell asleep in the sofa with the TV on watching some documentaries of his own studies~!
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boingo · 7 years
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better! not gonna tag anyone but feel free to do it and put me as who tagged u Tagged by my good pal n friend sheep @nintendont
Nicknames: ein mostly, but ppl i met on overwatch call me frap Star sign: taurus Height: 5'6" Time right now: 5:25 pm here Last thing I googled: i think it was “mesentery organ” bc i was talking with my anatomy teacher Fave music artist: oh damn it’s all metal but nightwish, sabaton, sonata arctica, delain, and epica are my faves Song stuck in my head: plastic beach by gorillaz Last movie I watched: i saw sing over christmas break and rly liked it actually Last TV show I watched: idk rly bc i never watch tv/netflix but i have been catching up on part 4 of jjba lol What I’m wearing right now: a sabaton concert t shirt and pajama pants lmao When I created this blog: 2013! 8th grade was weird Do I have any other blogs: @imaginaerums is my band/aesthetic sideblog and @chariots-fr is my flight rising one Do I get asks regularly: not rly :^/ Why did I choose my url: my url was vulpes-incultas forever but i finally got the canon one recently! i got the old one when i was rly into new vegas (i still am) Hogwarts house: i’ve never read or watched harry potter but i got slytherin Pokémon team: idk if this means team comp?? my dream team if pokemon were real would be archeops, garchomp, mawile, honchkrow, mienshao, and gliscor Fave color: probably silver or crimson tbh Average hours of sleep: like 5 Lucky number: 7 bc that was the date i was born on Favorite characters: SO MANY but currently polnareff from jjba, reinhardt and lucio from ovw, vulpes from fnv, and like all of my wow characters lmao.. Number of blankets I sleep with: like two bc it’s still 80 degrees in florida Following: 941
like i said i’m not tagging anyone in specific but if u wanna do it feel free to say i tagged you :0
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cesca-untoldstories · 2 years
Gnomeo and Juliet AU for Jotacesca is now my Life
Also if you've seen Sons of Anarchy I think Jotaro would be so hot as a biker 😩😩😩
(( I need to watch Gnomeo and Juliet! It been a long time since I saw it and I can't remember much but is a pinky promise hhahaha little bizarre gnomes fighting a yellow gnome that vents his dong haha xD))
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DADTARO THE BIKER AND HIS IRRESPONSABLE KIDOS THAT WANTED TO GO TO A DEATH METAL CONCERT AND ENDED UP IN A FIGHT. (Irene started the fight, Camillo joined and the one that got hit was Jonas)
Dadtaro just wanted to be young again ;w; calling his gang friends that are old as fuck to revive his crusade days~
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cesca-untoldstories · 2 years
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Meme to tell I'm still alive and just working on commissions ;w; <3
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cesca-untoldstories · 3 years
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i may offer memes for this saturday morning....
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