#JM's dad's cafe
kanmom51 · 1 year
This is so cute 😭😭😭
This is adorable.
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The art is adorable (Jikook holding hands) and the fact that JM's dad has it displayed at Magnate for all to see is amazing as well.
JM's dad clearly loves JK and accepts and supports JM and JK and their bond.
This isn't the first time JM's dad has displayed Jungkook or Jikook photos or accessories or art.
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And photo displays in his old cafe.
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So yeah, a proud father in law😉 .
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juliapark13 · 1 year
~Jikook’s families~
When I think about how supportive and accepting Jungkook and Jimin’s families really are it always gets me emotional. It must part of their destiny.
* This post isn’t about seeking validation from their families, it’s about true genuine support we were able to see.
1. Jungkook’s dad and brother and Jimin’s dad went with them to the airport to send them off to Tokyo in 2017.
2. Jungkook gave Jimin birthday flowers from jm’s dad.
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3. Jungkook’s brother used to like jikook fanart on instagram and recently he opened a tag only for 1 jikook fanart.
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4. Jimin’s dad used to have jikook photos in his cafe and he still has Jungkook’s cap in Magnate cafe.
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5. Jimin’s dad recorded full Euphoria performance and he was smiling while recording it. 🥲
6. Jungkook’s mom said I love you to Jimin immediately when she heard him. 🥲
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7. Jungkook’s mom made seaweed soup because it was Jimin’s birthday.
8. Jungkook said Jimin’s mom kimchi is really good.
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Unrelated 🫠
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9. Jungkook knows the date of Jimin’s grandma birthday.
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Unrelated 🫠
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+ This:
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Conclusion: JK’s family love Jimin and JM’s family love Jungkook. 🫶🏽
They are so lucky to have such a loving, truly supportive and accepting families. 💔
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not-goldy · 4 months
I'm praying for the day the crazy ass bitch gets sued. She's literally walking a fine line since she hasn't outright claimed it but instead constantly trying to link herself to him to start rumors. Jm's lawyers are probably waiting for her to actually claim it so he can sue her for deformation. She's doing this for attention and then will play victim when she gets rightfully dragged for it. Honestly I wish jm would pop up on weverse and publicly call her ass out bc she has literally done nothing but cause him trouble. The man literally moved his furniture out of his apartment to his dad's cafe so she couldn't keep acting like she lived there after she brought the same items that he had. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if jm moved out of the apartment completely bc of her crazy ass.
Take her for all that she's got and get Jungkook some nice pair of earrings his love is on top
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Holy cats, hoes mad:
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I just adore Black&White KM, don't you? Honestly, never yells at me no matter how often I steal their pics, they give out freebies at concerts, they're respectful -- if you're gonna make a living off photographing famous people, do it like they do. Honestly. So they're in Qatar doing their whole job and hoes losing their shit all over the internet, apparently, all because a certain JM is darker. STILL.
This is not a brand new development.
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And completely unedited, unretouched, the JM was darker enough then that I did a whole post about it.
I MEAN DAMN have we not gone over this, like, several times? (In case you're new to this house elf situation we have here, yes. YES WE HAVE.) We have talked about Jungkook's tattoos at GREAT LENGTH. Well, I have, as far back as a while ago, most recently along about here but also here and here and here and several other places. There is zero tag organization in this house, I don't know what else to tell you.
Anywho Jungkook's tats do not, as nearly as I can tell, mean this:
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Because, like the nice graphic above says that I just edited, THIS IS FAN-MADE BULLSHIT. I dunno who made it but I suspect the addition of the J upset some folk enough to need to make JeiKei's motivation anything OTHER than Jimin. Because, as we know, he started out with his ink like this:
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Yes, that is a pic someone ripped off. I don't like using it. But it's what we have, and it's years later, and it's been out there for a long time, don't shoot. But I have expounded more than once on why it makes NO SENSE to GO BACK LATER to add one letter to a near-complete hand piece. It doesn't. And that A is not, never has been, a V. In Korea you can go literally anywhere and see Samsung logos, Shilla hotel logos, and of course Jimin's dad's cafe' all using that stylized A with no crossbar.
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And I think it's pretty clear what JK thinks the JM means. It means Jimin. Ji Min. JM. DUH. And just like his "rather be dead than cool / make hay while the sun shines" crossword ON HIS ARM, he has a crossword on his hand. A very obvious crossword. Who he loves is written for all of us to see: ARMY, and JM. And lest I forget about that crown:
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It's THE SAME CROWN. Wanna go one better but likely utter fanfiction, you could even go heart-arrow-crown like so: 💜 > 👑... ... and make that story work. It actually makes more sense than one J for four people and four letters for three. But we're not here for that. Occam's Razor tells us that the simplest explanation is usually the correct one, and the simplest explanation is the one that's got bitches tearing their hair out. Because THEY KNOW. They KNOW that JM means Jimin, and they HATE IT. (And so what, to quote JeiKei directly. We're gonna talk about fan hate today, too, just... not in this post).
MEANWHILE JUNGKOOK is always showing us his hand, too, have you noticed? Ever since he got the tattoos, but I think more in the last year. It's gotten really pronounced since the PTD dates.
Jeon Jungkook does what Jeon Jungkook wants, and what he wants is for us to pick up what he's been throwing down since, oh, FOREVER but even more recently. Like, it's NOTICEABLE, the way he gets that tattoo in frame at every opportunity. I'll run out of image space before he runs out of ways to show us his touched-up hand.
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Yeah. I think the fanmade bullshit has been exposed for what it is. Some of us have known it all along, but even if you're baby Army and you accidentally got stuck watching a lot of comic sans rainbow font youtube garbage (or got up on the wrong side of stan twt), there's no shame in that. I ain't even mad. I'm just happy you're here. Jeon-Park house elves, how we doin'?
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stormblessed95 · 11 months
Any rational reason for Jimin's dad having cooky toy along with JM and Chimmy on his billing system?
Because he is showing his son in law support from his family? Lol duh
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Honestly, no jokes and being more rational. All those little figures, it's VERY possible that fans gave them to him/the Cafe when they stop by. So he just displayed the toys he was given and not that he went and picked out a small Jimin, a cooky and 3 Chimmys for his register lol
But unless someone asks where they came from, we may never know! So 🤷🏻‍♀️
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mimikooandbts · 1 month
Let's be serious here.
You'll can't call out taekookers one time after everything happened and think your job is done.
Tkkrs and solos have been harrasing his father since 2022, after armys showed up at his cafe during Busan concert. They wrote pann articles, trended nasty hashtags and all that.
The fandom ignored. 3 years of that. No army account spoke about it, only Jimin report account was asking to report them. And now kmedia picked it up.
Suddenly a handful of armys are making posts calling out tkkrs and solos without even naming them.
Where were you'll for 3 years?
The number of army accounts who call out jikookers, and the frequency and over the most silliest of things is not the same as calling out tkkrs once after so much damage is done.
If you dont see the difference, then sorry you're part of the problem.
Anon, I normally don't respond to solos cause they're genuinely brain-dead, but I'll answer you cause you sound like an Army who decided to turn solo. Or at least someone who has been fed solos narrative.
Anon, I never understood how solos can pretend to know anything happening in the fandom. Y'all literally only follow your solo fanbases. You are surrounded by solos narratives all the time, and you think that you know the truth? Of course, you'll feel that only your solos peers support and defend your fav. Everyone's perception of reality is influenced by what they see, and what you see is what is in your tl. A solo won't know better than an Army what's happening in the fandom.
Let me tell you this. Yes, Army have been defending JM's dad as long as I remember. Army defend Bangtan family members. Did you know that Hobi's sister, jk's brother, and jin's brother were all being harassed by boycotters? Why would you care, right ? But let me tell you this, not every Army talked about it. Yet, Army defended them, the same way they called out boycotters when they were planning to harass papa JM and protest at his restaurant. This was an example to let you know some Army, I being one of them are aware and have been defending JM and his family. Not everything is talked about within the fandom in the big scheme, and this is regardless of the member.
Yes Army use generalization to call out bad behaviors cause y'all litterally spend your time pointing fingers at each other with your whataboutism. Y'all are just different sides of the same coin. None of you is innocent.
I'm tired, and have enough of this hate measurement comparison bullshit. You guys sound insane. Every member gets hate from you. Everyone is being victim of your hatred and tantrum. Just dealing with this for a couple of hours was exhausting, I can't imagine dealing with this for years.
Alright, Army is and has always been the bad guy, but what about you guys having a group discussion where you talk about solving your issues and conflicts. I don't know, maybe make some rules or protocols that solos and shippers should follow? Us Army are gonna admit that we are the bad guys in the story, and we are tired of being the referee in your fights. So just talk among yourselves and solve your issue. What about that?
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peachjagiya · 4 months
One of the biggest debunking arguments is that all of JM's furniture is currently on display at his father's cafe. Setting aside the lameness of that reasoning, is it not weird that his dad did this? I have zero shade for JM -- he was one of the key factors drawing me into BTS originally. I know this is his dad's thing, leveraging Jimin and BTS for his cafe.. And most of the time I think of it mostly as proud dad thing. But a mock up of his extremely private son's apartment is weird. Now, sure, JM's likely fine with all of it. His apartment was, by his own admission, basically devoid of any personality. But that sort of makes it weirder -- it's not like it's a unique or reflects him. I would attend an exhibit of Tae's weird artsy apartment or NM's museum house. But a random gray couch in a cafe that's only defining characteristic is that it belonged to JM? It's like those weird artifacts, Elvis' pencil or John Lennon's paperclip, that only super (scary) fans really care about. And given the well known parasocial side of K-pop fandom and JM having some of the most intense fans, this just seems like a weirdly unnecessary thing. But maybe it's just me, a deeply introverted non famous foreigner.
This is all part of the effort since they can't disprove it entirely, to say it's not current. When really all that does is prove that it's been going on for awhile.
I've never ever understood this angle on fandom. Why would I want to sit on a chair that RM sat in?! Like... I dunno. It's not my way of being a fan but if some people love that kind of thing, who am I to judge?
Jimin is really close to his Dad right? I'm assuming it's all agreed even if I personally don't really get it. Maybe there has to be some plus side to intense scrutiny and if that's Jimin's Dad making a bit of money from it, I guess I understand that.
The furniture situation is both a straw to clutch at and a pretty reliable debunking of her being in his house right now, I guess.
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jiminsass-istant · 5 months
"RM's sister" anon here.
I didn't purposely stalk her. I went to Magnate's IG to see the flowers sent by JM to his dad for Parents' Day, and saw that he's following only 3 people so my nosy ass decided to take a look, surprised to see that he's following one girl. After browsing her page I found out she's RM's sister.
I just thought that's weird 'cause he isn't even following his own son??
I guess their families know each other well.
And if the cafe followed jimin, they'd probably follow all bts members and then bts main IG too.
His sister's account got exposed like a few weeks back i think. Idk how. Is it because Magnate followed her? We'll never know.
Anyway, I won't be surprised if all of bts's family hangout once in a while. Maybe she likes posting on insta and wants to grow her blog. Bts members couldn't follow her, so Magnate was a safe option. Families helping each other.
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Every second day, Jikookers set up JM and his family for hate. Why would they take a Jikook compilation as a gift for Jm and give it to Jm's dad? Why can't we see Jm and Jk as individuals first? Why not make a compliation of just Jm instead? And somehow his father accepting it means jikook is "real". Would he have rejected vmin, yoonmin, jinmin or any other compliations? Shippers are just getting out of hand. Taekookers are already a worst lot. And Jikookers are slowly moving to become the same. They are so desperate to prove who is real, they don't realise how far they take this nonsense.
Would you have come to complain if the album consisted of photos of Jimin and any other member apart from Jungkook? Because I have this feeling that you wouldn't have. Just how I saw a tweet making rounds about how Jimin is acting like Zendaya, laughing at everything Tae does and how he is in love with him. Those were the actual words and no one in replies and in the quotes with their little 7 in their username or pjm stans were calling op out for saying such things. That's one aspect.
The second one is, how do you expect me to take seriously such a ridiculous perspective? Because what you're saying is that the opinion of haters on twitter is somehow more relevant than anything. You (and many others) are offering way too much importance to people who hate Jimin no matter what, regardless of this current situation. They will not stop, they will not change their opinion, but somehow other people are blamed primarily and not the ones who are constantly writing vile things about Jimin.
And in all this mess, everyone seems to forget that Jimin's dad has the mental capacity of making his own decisions. But I'm not surprised because that's how Jimin is treated as well. And other members. They are puppets and you believe you can control their lives from behind a screen.
A grown ass man had no fucking issue with a photobook. A man that has had photos of Jimin and Jungkook in his cafe because those two people are friends. Their families know each other, they meet. They have a private life all together that none of us have access to, but once again, the need to control that overcomes any sort of common sense.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Magnate cafe IG 26.4.2023
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As usual with JM's dad we get the 13 and the purple and yellow.
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juliapark13 · 9 months
Jk solo Stan’s and their jealousy and insecurities need to be study. Jm achieved everything Jk achieved WITHOUT the privilege of have all the resources Jk had. Jimin has been #1 on South Korea’s Spotify for what…170 days (or something around that number).
Jk had multiple versions so now they are saying Jm has versions too. They are saying that BigHit is using Jk to promote Jimin because if you search “Jungkook Closer” on Spotify Closer Than This pops up too. Yet, I search “Jimin Closer Than This” on Spotify, and JK’s whole solo album was on there. Two of Jin’s songs were on there. When I searched it yesterday, Sexy Nukim was on there. Jk solo Stan’s are trying so hard to start some shit.
Jk wouldn’t have gotten hate during his solo if Jk solo Stan’s (and others) hadn’t attacked Jimin when FACE was released. I don’t agree with anyone get called names but you can start something by attacking Jm and then get mad when PJMs retaliate. Not to mention them calling Jimin’s dad an attention seeker for support Jimin, BTS and loving JK.
Tae’s parents went to support Yoongi at his concert, no one complained about that but Jimin’s dad (maybe) having Cooky and Chimmy on a tree together in his own cafe WITHOUT POSTING IT ONLINE is wrong?
Jk would have gotten hate by pjms even if jjks weren’t dragging Jimin before and even if he didn’t get payola, because they always hate him.
But jjks are another level of mental illness. With muri as their leader. If they look like him, no wonder they are jealous of a pretty, talented and successful boy, moreover when Jungkook (their fave) likes him and of course they are jealous of his supportive dad too.
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not-goldy · 8 months
So apparently jm's furniture from his apartment is now at his dad's cafe. So either jm moved/is moving or just redecorating but either way now that attention seeking lady can't keep trying to link herself to jm by buying the same furniture that he has.
Better yet, desperate yoonminers and Tuktukkers homophobes and antis can no longer instigate her against Jimin.
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seoul-bros · 2 years
Magnate Official Instagram Speculations
Calico cat on what is reportedly the anniversary of the release of Serendipity (I haven't verified the dates).
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Also, someone else on Tumblr has already commented on the juxtaposition of the four previous posts on the Magnate Official Instagram page. Unfortunately, I can't find it to reblog it.
Do these photos remind you of anyone in particular?
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Post Date: 05/09/2022
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Sorry if you've already seen this.
The café Magnate playlist features BTS songs (understandable), Jimin solo songs (also understandable)... and Jungkook solo songs. Nobody elses. Understandable? Definitely - unless you are unwilling to consider the context and implications 👀
IDK, sometimes I think I overthink stuff. But JMs dad's cafe seems to be the gift that keeps giving for little nuggets of insight. I can't see how a parent as loving as JMs would play up a 'fanservice' dynamic involving his own son. JM is incredibly close with Tae, Hobi, Joon... but it's only JKs hats on the shelf. His songs on the playlist.
I have some thoughts. Pretend you’re surprised. Oh we’re all so shocked YSJ has ideas, lolsnore 😄
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Oh THIS playlist?
Actually the first thing I noticed was Filter and Serendipity are not on this list but then I went "eh, they've probably heard those songs... a LOT" sooo.... The Korean titles are, in order: Boy With Love (A Poem For Small Things), Spring Day, Run, Mikrokosmos, BS&T, Fire, The Truth Untold, Dope, So What, and Boy In Luv and I LOVE IT SO MUCH I mean.
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Now, they've had to remove the "Jungkook" hat and also Koo's "Butter" heart-shaped sunglasses because ... it's a cafe' that lets customers TOUCH THINGS AND POSE STUFF FOR PICTURES
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I need to find the owner of those dolls, she also has a JeiKei one, and buy them. Immediately. So the most recent shot of the shelves I have is this one:
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People who will remain unnamed have made it a point to argue with me extensively about Jungkook's overt presence in Jimin's dad's restaurant (NOT YOU NICE ANON). They say "well they're both from Busan" like it's a small town and not a city of over 3.4 MILLION PEOPLE.
Seriously. But that playlist is.... A Statement. If so-called ARMY can't see what the in-laws themselves are putting down, beyond even the usual Jeon-Park Married Behavior we see on the regular, I don't know what else to tell 'em.
Oh and HAPPY PRIDE MONTH even though Seoul Pride doesn't get to start until July 15 :
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And a PS from me because I'm an old broad and I think Park Hyunsoo is hot:
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I SEE THE RESEMBLANCE. Nobody better ever say a bad thing about Jeon Jungkook's father-in-law to me. He's a great dad with great sons and a great son-in-law and he's proud. As well he should be.
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peachjagiya · 4 months
I think the major factor here is simply brand competition and the bottom line. JM's dad's cafe promotes JM's brand and BH/Hybe directly and indirectly. Furthermore, there is no direct competition -- there is no BH/BTS cafe. JK's brother's clothing isn't JK or BTS brand or bottom line. For the rich to get richer, JK, as one of the biggest assets for the company, should be promoting what helps the company's bottom line, either through company merch or endorsed brands -- not sending consumers somewhere else.
Ok I had to reply to this one.
JK is inadvertently a part of a capitalist machine but he is wilfully a human being. He wants to support his brother. It's as simple as that.
Frankly, I don't for a single solitary second believe that people criticising him for it do it because they just care deeply about BH/BTS bottom line. It's just a really good excuse to find reasons to kick him.
Most of the time, it feels like they retrofit their criticism to disguise their knee jerk reaction. JK is the bad guy by default... and THEN they go find an argument to support it. Sometimes the argument sounds intelligent and everyone with an anti-JK agenda latches on to it to defend their baseless vitriol.
Criticising him for a t-shirt choice implies he woke up and twirled his villain mustache as he put on a competitor brand, laughing evilly. 😑
JK wearing his brother's brand is because he loves his brother and wants to help him succeed. That's the only thing to take away from it. You have to have a really low opinion of him to think otherwise.
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akookminsupporter · 2 years
Can we talk about Jikooks dedication to covering for these other relationships. they’re really committed. Hickeys, almost kisses, celebrating couple holidays alone out with friends. Oh & the riding together for years & staying for each other’s rehearsals. The way they even got their parents involved. JKs mom greeting JM with I love you & JMs dad having JKs personal items in his cafe along with his son’s items. The dedication from these two. might as well date at this point since yall act like it
Right?! I hope they are paying them very well because that's commitment!
Next year give them an Oscar because they deserve it! ajaajajaj
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