aricastmblr · 12 days
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JUNG KOOK ha superado 6 MIL MILLONES de reproducciones en Spotify bajo todos los créditos. Es ahora el primer solista de K-Pop en lograr este hito.
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arcadia345 · 8 months
The Natal Astrology chart of Jeon-Jungkook
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‼️🔞🔞🔞 not a real astrologer just my observations :) paid readings
Born in Busan, South Korea on Monday Sept. 1st 1997 at 3:23pm
ASC: Capricorn 6°
the first thing to stand out on him appearance wise would be his hands and arms, shoulders, teeth, hair, legs and thighs, but especially his torso! With his dreamlike and eccentric presence they didn’t take him seriously Saturn influence but as time passed and he worked on his crafts and himself everyone seen him as the star he is. Capricorns are known for having to mature quicker than others because of responsibilities. As a cap rising with Uranus and Neptune in the first just like him I KNEW he was a Capricorn bc of how his nose has always been prominent throughout his life but now he’s grown up/ into his features 🥹 and also how everyone always projecting (Neptune)onto him like???? Like when did he tell you this?? Definitely the dissociation king 👑. Very easy to dream about him I feel😭 he brings out our subconscious desires. His rebellious Uranus side popped out when he came out with his piercings and tats you could tell he was tired of being projected onto but also iconic because he’s kinda like the first A-list K-pop idol (bts in general tho)to go out of social norms appearance wise. In a way they kinda broke a generational curse 🥹 I remembered how he said he got the scar on his cheek because he was fighting with his brother which correlates to his Aries Saturn (his chart ruler) in the 3rd(siblings). Style wise he gets bored quickly so he’d like to switch up his appearance often. Most of the time he’d go for comfortable but still fashionable clothing, like you may see him in a chill outfit but it’ll cost more than ur rent💀. He could like to switch it up with odd/bold/flirty colors & fits but mostly he loves his darker colors like grey and black.
2nd house: Aquarius 14°
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Lemme tell y’all right now…. This man is WIERD at heart🤣🤣 like he’s genuinely quirky lol it’s not a front like fr he’s so down to earth it’s crazy🥹 also his whole chart points to being very spiritual? esp with that 8th house stellium like he’s very into expanding his mind in any way possible so his could be heavily gifted and in pretty sure he knows this by now. He definitely ask himself “why me?”all the time like what did he do to end up so blessed/different?. He definitely would’ve had money regardless of fame as long as he stays true to himself and learns to give enough without being taken advantage of. He loves watching television/listening to music to pass the time. (Any other Neptune in 1st feel like they were raised by television??) Jupiter is all about indulging so in the 2nd house he loves all the simple pleasures, he LOVES FOOD like omg & nice clothes and smells everything that makes you feel good, he likes to collect things that’ll make you go????🤨😃 also he’s DEFINITELY CHRONICALLY ONLINE AND STALKING US BUT HE CANT HELP IT he’s just really nosey lmao😂. He’s the type of celeb to be like “I’m bored, what are my fans doing?” Like omg pookie you genuinely curious what I’m up to??? I feel so special😭 he feels his real persona can come out online better than irl? I think it’s a shyness thing.
ꪔ̤̥ Now since he grew up in the spotlight please take into consideration since bts is his 2nd family a lot of the things I discuss would include them especially 3rd and 4th house but I’ll just call them family also
3rd house: Pisces 23°
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First off we already know how dreamy and passionate he is when it comes to his communication skills, in school years he could’ve been the kid nobody noticed in class, also bullying could’ve been a issue, the type to sleep through class, also his siblings could be talented as well, he/they could have many secrets they share between each other. I’m getting that it could be hard for him to remember his upcomings sometimes because like it genuinely flew over his head💀 like yes he was there but he wasn’t there mentally sometimes lol same. Saturn in this house his siblings/ family were strict on him he could be shy when it comes to expressing his emotions like it’s hard to just pinpoint one emotion when you feel everything all at once so that could discourage him from expressing himself. Also he could’ve been lied to /left out often and didn’t even know it omg😭 now don’t get me wrong even tho a lot of things fly past his head he’s VERY MUCH self aware he just doesn’t care fr💀 also since his 3rd house ruler is in the 1st the scenario that comes to mind is like someone seeing your sibling out and public and the first thing they ask is “where’s your brother(Jk)?” Saturn can represent the father and discipline🥺 trying not to cry while type this) him and his siblings went through a lot of difficult times together but also they taught him so much he has sooo much respect for them he knows he wouldn’t be the same person today without them omg like they really raised him🥺🥺😭
4th house: Aries 26°
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Now he could’ve had an erratic home life he could’ve moved around a lot & moved far away at a young age since Venus is in the 9th. There is a lot of mars masculine energy here so he likes chaos/excitement in his home also lots of sporty/action stuff around the house I feel like when he first met bts it was like his first taste of freedom in a way. I tell ya rn there was never a dull moment where he lived lol. Him and his family were always in competition with someone they had to fight for their place. Struggle wise at times he could’ve been FIGHTING for his life lots of arguments and aggression (which makes sense since they said they didn’t really get along at first)but with the Taurus degree there was definitely struggles with money and food / stability and personal possessions which drove him to work even harder. His 4th house ruler being in the 10th is giving I grew up at work😟😔
5th house: Taurus 22°
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Firstly he’d be such a great dad 🥺 a really funny one too 😂 . His flirting style is not flirting at all😎 well kinda he’s more of gift giving person. His love language is genuinely opening up to you because he barely gets to do that fr, for Capricorns that’s a big thing. Things like showing you the most simple smallest things that means sm to him🥹🥹 to things he created. also food is big to him like the key to his heart actually, that man loves his food! be ready to be wined and dined and spoileddd. He loves traveling, dancing, music, philosophies & beautiful things so he’ll want to get your input on almost everything he wants to pick your brain lol. Also he’s really clingy that’s important to him physical touch but he really doesn’t open up much because he knows he has a lot to lose so he definitely isn’t a fling type of guy he likes to build a foundation with someone unless it’s like a one time thing out of the country where he knows he’ll probably never see you again so might as well act on his instincts. He could be into choking/restrictions, taboos, spontaneity, feet??? One of his erotic zones is his neck. Also his siblings influence his creativity heavily because he knows they know what’s best for him. What he considers as fun is eating😭😭👀 playing some games, cooking, listening to his fav music, drinking, cleaning doing laundry like he’s such a simple man that a good day for him would be staying home all day 😂
6th house: Gemini 14°
He’s very versatile he likes learning he hungers for knowledge. He keeps a strict routine but still likes to switch it up cause he gets bored easily. He was very young when he started working and also he was one of the youngest of his peers so Gemini here makes sense also as he is naturally curious he likes working with his peers/ siblings and unique personalities. He likes traveling also and trying the different types of food they have and shopping there also he obviously spoils his pets feeds them the best food keeps them well groomed, it’s in a mutable sign so I wouldn’t be surprised if he had many types of animals but he’ll want to cuddle a lot with them so idk if he’ll be keen to reptilians with such a busy career atm. He’ll also be very vocal with them they could know a lot of tricks that he taught them. He’d like to travel with them also if he has the chance to, Taurus in his 5th he loves to dress them up and pamper them, wouldn’t be surprised if he was having danceoffs against them lmao 😂
7th house: Cancer 6°
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Let me tell you something…. This is HUSBAND MATERIAL RIGHT HERE. The type to be like “I can fix them.” Cause he loves a challenge but he’d actually be able to fix them ngl😭. But first let’s get into how other people perceive him on a 1-1 basis. Now with both these planets being in the 8th it’s very evident that they’d want to jump his bones/ spiral into obsession/ an awakening after meeting him. People naturally spill their hearts out to him, definitely a trauma dumping placement. Ofc people are gonna baby him it’s like he brings out people’s maternal instincts they just wanna keep him safe🥹 but this is also how he treats everyone, with genuine love and respect❤️ also he could get shy easily like the bunny Thumper from Bambi 🥹
8th house: Leo 14°
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Okay now bare with me on this one because it’s hard to really understand stelliums if you don’t have one in ur chart, but what I’ve noticed is no matter what they seem to get put in situations that correlate with the house the stellium is in, which causes them to focus on the opposite house to balance the energy’s out. Now first off this man has some HEAVY good karma from the past life he honestly deserves every abundant thing that comes to him x2. As you know he is very keen on perfectionism and order, I refuse to believe he wasn’t some cult leader /powerful witch or something in the past life. Especially a VIRGO stellium in the 8??!!? He was/is a natural born healer 🥹🥹 no doubts about it especially with his moon at a 0° so the moon is in its pure element no matter the sign he’s here to experience those raw emotions. I’ve never met someone with their moon degree at 0 cause its hard to find but i had a manager that had a cancer Venus 0° and when I tell you she made me feel soo special 🥹🥹 like you can feel how genuine she is she loved giving gifts and making sure everyone was okay like the energy was so PURE and innocent in a way it reminds me of jungkook and his acts of service . Also which is why I get why everyone thought he was a Leo moon cause he is in sidereal Astro but I don’t get that egoistic attitude from him if anything it’s the opposite. I don’t want this section to be too long so I’ll move on to his pleasures😈 he’s into praising, teasing, creampies, being rough, nipple play, playful banter, degrading, car s*x, breast/chest, backshots, anal, heavvvy on oral and hand play the type to tie you up 😳 he could possibly be LGBTQ+ friendly if ykwim since he has prominent Aquarius and Virgo is a mutable sign known for their curiosity and versatility, and yk Virgos are obsessed with perfection and cleanness so I’m assuming he likes to get extra messy and wet during the act and he’s not finished with you till you BOTH climax he refuses to be known for bad s*x😤 he likes to make a scene/put on a show. But like I said earlier with his moon and mercury conjunct he needs a strong emotional and mental connection with you before he does anything. His 8th house is so interesting I could go on and on but no😏
9th house: Virgo 23°
Jungkook is very sharp when it comes to the 9th and 8th house since they’re very important in fulfilling his life purpose. In later years school people could’ve seen him as perfect in a way very organized and on point probably a teachers pet or honestly it could’ve been the other way around 😹 ofc half the class had some type of crush on him or was just naturally curious about him but still with that Pisces degree he lowkey didn’t care to be there in a way he probably was absent often but the teachers didn’t care cuz hello??? It’s jk.🥴 Let’s not forget his Libra Venus is in this house as well so he’s natural charming without trying esp to foreigners (9th). He has a strong connection to his past life so I’m thinking he’s like a green witch in a way? Like healing/manifesting when cooking or in nature around plants and animals, singing or just by listening to someone who needs to vent or vise versa. When he travels he needs EVERYTHING to be clean and in place to make sure him and his people are safe bc if not he’ll spiral also he could get jet lagged easily but by now he probably has a routine that helps with that. Also I wouldn’t be surprised if he got married to a foreigner, someone in his circle that he’s known for a long time. Ngl I have Libra 19° in 9th and I tend to get reallly curious when I travel ifykwim 🥴🫣 I really like to experience the people aswell as the location that I’m in to get the full experience. Also with the Pisces degree he’s more likely to do substances like 🚬 and drinking when he’s with his siblings/cousins/ traveling
Mc : Libra 26°
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His mother has a heavy Venus influence on him, I’m getting his family altogether was close-knit growing up. He’s known for his worldwide aesthetics, and basically being perfect boyfriend/husband material. Hes known to be easily loved by many, but he’ll mostly be know for the pain he’s experienced, his healing abilities, and his versatility in skills. His Chiron is in this house so most of his pain comes from the industry he’s in, authority, and his public image, with it being at a 29° his ego can hurt him the most😳 which is why I don’t understand why people would get that cocky vibe from him other than his mars. With a Scorpio mars here he’ll also be known as a big sex symbol/someone who brings strong reactions out of people. Since it’s also the ruler of his 11th house so he’ll be known for his viscous and obsessive fans especially online. He’s prone to getting many stalkers/sesangs with how heavy his 10th and 11th house is with Scorpio energy and peers see him as competition even though they see he’s not a malicious person. On the positive side tho he’ll have the ability to feel & see what goes unseen, people’s hidden motives and desires, and so will his fans!! Iykyk👀 Also mars represents passions and pleasure so he could have a thing for love at the workplace, maybe into older/mature people or power play. He could have a porn addiction, definitely into some kinky 💩 with that Aquarius degree. yall plz don’t cancel me I’m just reading his chart. 😭
11th house: Scorpio 22°
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His internet presence with have good longevity, this house has to do with our wishes, I’ve been saying I really feel like he did something in the past life to “seal the deal” fame wise because that’s what his chart is giving doesn’t necessarily mean he did something bad but there was definitely intentional manifestation there. Esp with the kill or be killed degree here you don’t have room for mistakes. Yall this man is a stalker big timmme like he stalks us reallll bad but also so does his fans 😹😹 it’s definitely a 2-way street I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a spam twitter account to watch us start army wars💀. If you have Pluto in 11th you know how hard it is NOT to stalk people online😩??? I don’t even care about the people I stalk I’m just nosey asf lmao. His Pluto is at 2° so he could get a lot of gifts from seasangs esp food and material things I’ve heard him speak on these topics also. They’ll try to expose him for having fun since Taurus is in his 5th house,ie while out at restaurants, shopping, his creative endeavors, his love life, or just when he’s at his most comfortable, and children.(Omg? The way that sesang incident with Enwoo just happened right after I typed this wth😳)He understands how crucial his privacy is for his protection so he’ll choose not to post as much. He’s the friend in the group with the silent power/ magneticistm, he prefers to befriend people who understands his deep emotions, friends that have also went through traumatic experiences, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was apart of a online community secretly so he can feel normal for once. Also he’s known as the sexy emo friend lmao with the cool tats and piercings that smokes cigarettes to look cool 😎 he also prefers to befriend people who look like this also
12th house: Sagittarius 14°
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Sag in your chart is where your blessings are & what you’re optimistic about. Also where you tend to be a little pessimistic. Sagittarius reminds me of the feeling a sugar rush/liqour gives you, while Capricorn reminds me of the come down afterwards regretting all the decisions you made and how you’ll never do it again. Like I’ve said this whole time he is spiritually gifted and he has strong connection to his past life. He has a lot of Deja vu moments, the things/hobbies he loved then he loves in this life also it brings him a lot of fulfillment. He’d prefer to be in solitude than to be around people but his Jupiter is in Aquarius so this part is a bit odd… he’s comfortable having cameras around when he’s secluded esp with friends but in public??? He hates it especially when he’s not with anyone he knows I think he has social anxiety 🥺 could’ve been overweight in the past life that’s probably where his love for food comes from, he’ll be blessed with assets abroad from his homeland. He could look really similar to what he did in the past life I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a bunny or something.
ꪔ̤̥ That’s it for now till next time❤️ check back for updates
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kawaikisses · 7 months
m.list ; Reading list.
Updated. Jan 22, 2024.
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Note : I read k-pop idols x reader/ orginal female character fics, so this list is organized keeping that in mind, I do not personally have any issues with other genders, this is just my preference. Thankyou. If you hate unnecessarily, sincerely, no fucks will be given.
(everything is organized by alphabetical order)
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angst .
fluff .
smut .
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artist au .
arranged marriage au .
assassin au .
baker au .
bartender au .
BDSM au .
best friend’s brother au .
best friends to lovers au .
best friend’s sister au .
boyfriend au .
camboy au .
camgirl au .
camp counselor au .
CEO au .
chef au .
childhood friends to lovers au .
club au .
college au .
coworker au .
crime au .
dad au .
doctor au .
dancer au .
detective au .
divorce au .
enemies to lovers au .
established relationship au .
exes to lovers au .
fantasy au .
farm au .
father au .
friends to benefits au .
friends to lovers au .
fuckboy au .
fuckgirl au .
forbidden au .
gamer au .
god au .
hitman au .
horror au .
husband au .
hybrid au .
idiots to lovers au .
idol au .
king au .
lawyer au .
mafia au .
magic au .
medical au .
musician au .
neighbours au .
noona au .
one night stand au .
photographer au .
pirates au .
professor au .
prince au .
rich au .
road trip au .
roommate au .
royalty au .
second chance au .
secret relationship au .
sex worker au .
single parent au .
social media au .
songwriter au .
soulmate au .
spy au .
superhero au .
supernatural au .
tattoo artist au .
teacher au .
unrequited love au .
vampire au .
werewolf au .
wife au .
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kim namjoon .
kim seokjin .
min yoongi .
jung hoseok .
park jimin .
kim taehyung .
jeon jungkook .
ot7 .
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drama .
hurt/comfort .
magic .
mutual pining .
mystery .
romance .
slow burn .
thriller .
age play .
crack .
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Note : please let me know if any of the links are not working. Thankyou.
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Note : since Tumblr only allows 100 links per page, so this list will be continued in another page, which is linked down below.
↬masterlist continued .
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stopaskinf · 2 months
“I bite my tongue, it’s a bad habit”
Songs that BTS boys remind me of:
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Summary: ^ Title explains it all fr.
Genre: Mostly fluff, Suga’s paragraph and songs are mostly smut, Jimin has vague Yandere themes, so if you want to skip go ahead 🫡
CW: Smut, facesitting, masochist Yoongi, a lot of these songs contain sexual themes, cursing and all that. Yoongi has songs that say the Word, so if you not black 🤨careful with ya act.
Word count: I cannot bother to count rn😭
A/N: Even when I’m not listening to K-pop, the brain worms will relate it back to kpop🙂‍↕️.
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🤪Cuff it - Beyonce
🤪Summer Renaissance - Beyonce
🤪Wasabi- Max
I will give a short paragraph because these songs all have the same vibe. Jin’s love feels light and fun. It feels like getting lemonade on a spring day. He’s truly the type of guy that when you fall in love with him, you fall for your best friend.
Additional song: Harley’s in Hawaii - Katy Perry
Min Yoongi:
🐈‍⬛I Will- Danny Brown
🐈‍⬛Throat baby remix
🐈‍⬛Here, there, and everywhere- The Beatles
We already know that Suga is the throat GOAT. He’s made it clear that his game is unmatched. On a more serious note, he’s lowkey a wild switch. Whenever he gives head he gets really submissive. Specifically when he’s in this headspace, he’ll want you to sit on his face. By that he means, suffocate him. He’s got a masochistic streak. However, when he’s not being a hoe, his love feels calm. Like chilling inside and then it begins to rain. I’d say it’s almost melancholic, but I think that’s because he’s a sad meow meow.
Additional Song: Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood
J hope:
🦄Honeypie- Jawny
🦄Electric love - Borns
🦄Classic - MKTO
Jhope feels chaotic, almost pure when he’s in love. It's like being a little kid and your crush passes you a paper asking if you like them. He’s cute, if corny, but the sincerity of his emotions more than makes up for his cornballness.
Additional song: Everybody talks - Neon Trees
Kim Namjoon:
💍Stupid for you- waterparks
💍Die for you- The weeknd
💍Nvrmnd- I.M
Namjoon’s love simultaneously feels both unplanned and grounded. It’s not like he meant to fall in love, but when he did, he accepted it. You can’t exactly be mad when the sun decides to shine on you. He’s uncoordinated to the point of recklessness, but his devotion runs deeper than any others.
Additional song: Running up that hill - Kate Bush
Park Jimin:
🐶Do you? -Troyboi
🐶Lovefool - Twocolors
🐶Dream girl- Tanerelle
Maybe it’s because I recently wrote a yandere jimin fic but Jimin’s love feels almost clingy but sickeningly sweet. He feels like the type of guy to ask if you would still love him if he were a worm. He would send you pictures and texts throughout the entire day, even if he was supposed to be busy. He wants you to know that he’s always thinking of you.
Additional song: Needy by Ariana Grande
Kim Taehyung:
🐻🐯Bad Habit- Steve Lacy
🐻🐯King - Conan Gray
🐻🐯Strawberries and Cigarettes - Troye sivan
I’ve been obsessed with fri(end)s lately, so all V does is remind me of like Indie pop songs. Tae’s love feels naive, but exciting. It’s like when you get into your first relationship. It’s nerve-wracking but special. He’s the guy who makes puppy love feel like forever.
Additional song: The lourve - Lorde
🐰Brainwashed- Waterparks
🐰Locked out of Heaven- Bruno mars
🐰Run away with me- Carly rae jepsen
Jungkook’s love feels out of the blue. He’s the type who falls first. The guy you’re friends with who started to be really complimentary towards you lately. It feels weird to both you and him, but it also feels right. Somehow his spontaneity makes him even more sure in his feelings towards you. He doubts he’ll regret you.
Additional song: I like U - Niki
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smolwritingchick · 5 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 60- Running Man: The Golden Duo
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Chapter Summary: Due to popular demand, Jennie is asked to guest star in a Couples themed Episode of Running Man, bringing Jungkook with her to go up against other groups of two
Words: 6,000+
Genre: One of my favs!! MAJOR Jungkook fluff and things get suggestive at the end with some suggestive Jungkook content!
Author's Note: I wanted to experiment just for shiz and giggles. Hope it didn't disappoint! <3 Lemme know what you think. And thanks again for reading!
All over the K-pop news sites, there had been a poll on who viewers wanted to guest star on Running Man, and surprisingly, Jennie was voted one of the top favorable picks. Viewers were impressed with her athleticism and passion and wanted her back on the show.
Once she was called and asked about being on the show again, she was thrilled and eager to come back. Besides, the Monday Couple wanted revenge on her, so that added to the anticipation.
When told that there would be other guests, competing against each other in pairs due to the episode being a couples themed episode, Jimin and Taehyung quickly suggested that Jungkook should join and be Jennie’s partner.
Naturally, Jen and Jungkook happily agreed, ready to take on the challenge.
‘BTS’ Jennie and Jungkook to guest on an Episode of Running Man’
Running Man announced today through its Instagram that BTS’ Golden Duo, Jennie and Jungkook are currently filming their guest appearance on the show to compete against the Running Man cast and other guest stars in teams.
The article went on to explain that Jessi, 4Minute’s Hyuna and Gayoon, Hayoon and Amber would be joining in the episode to pair with the cast members. Positive reactions were in the comment section for The Golden Duo to be working together again since they made an impact the last time BTS was on the show.
When all the couples were on the set, they were paired out with one another and wore team colors. Jaesuk and Jessi wore green, Haha and Gayoon wore orange, Gary and Song Jihyo wore blue, Sukjin and Hyuna wore purple, Jongkook and Amber wore yellow, Kwangsoo and Hayoon wore brown and JenKook wore red. 
Each couple stood by one another, inside a cozy room. They were told that their first mission was to play the pepero game and whichever couple had the shortest stick, would win the round and be one step closer to winning Korean Beef at the end of filming.
“How many times have we eaten pocky sticks together?” Jen recalled while Jungkook let out a chuckle.
Yeah, they had this in the bag.
This would be the second time they were filmed eating pocky together, bringing back Rookie King vibes. It was going to be interesting how things played out at this time.
The Monday Couple were the first ones to go up. 
“Golden Duo, watch closely because our stick will be the shortest,” Gary warned
“Wow, tough crowd.” Jen chuckled
The Monday Couple were impatient to get their revenge on them for the tag game the last time they were on the show. 
“Don’t get too cocky. We’re dealing with the Golden Duo here. Don’t get them angry. These kids are dangerous.” Jaesuk exclaimed
Jen’s mouth upturned at his statement as everyone watched the Monday Couple munch on their stick at a fast pace. Their noses briefly touched, causing the rest of the couples to giggle. Their lips abruptly touched and the stick fell on the plate, looking around 1.5 cm.
“Golden Duo can’t beat that.” Gary taunted and high fived Song Jihyo.
Jennie and Jungkook glanced at each other and smirked with amusement. It’s best to let their actions do the talking instead of entertaining their comments. They weren’t bothered by the Monday Couple. They’ll still win for sure with a strategy.
Jongkook and Amber were called up next, grabbing a stick. They both were flustered and giggly, trying to take it seriously. Amber couldn’t help but stay still, squinting her eyes, chuckling to herself while Jongkook did all the work. He continued munching forward until the stick fell before he could go further. JenKook took sight of Haha and Gayoon munching on their stick, and they ended up letting their stick be a little bigger than the Monday Couple’s, who were confident in winning because no one had beaten them, yet.
Jungkook took a stick out of the box and met Jen’s gaze.
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“Good ol’ Rookie King.” She mentioned, making them laugh at the memories. 
After they pulled themselves together, she stood in front of him. 
“Go slow and steady,” she advised, getting a nod in response from him.
Jungkook placed the end of the stick in his mouth, leaning down slightly for her to bite the other end of the stick.
They were told and slowly began munching, with their eyes on the stick. Both feeling keen to win and strategic to make sure their stick was the shortest, they ignored any distractions surrounding them which consisted of the Monday Couple playfully trash talking.
Jungkook ended up moving closer to Jennie, cupping her face as the stick got shorter and she slowly tilted her head to the side.
“You ship?” Amber glanced over to Hayoon, off camera.
“I ship,” she confirmed with a giggle.
“I ship too.”
Once their stick dropped on the plate, it was measured as everyone gathered around to see. 
It was announced, “It looks like 0.5 cm.” 
“No!” the Monday couple yelled.
“I ain’t even mad...” Jessi shook her head while Jen high fived Jungkook.
When it was Sukjin and Hyuna’s turn, they were a giggling mess and their stick accidentally broke in half, which made everyone laugh. Jessi and Jaesuk were finally up, going slow and steady. Jaesuk had accidentally dropped the stick, which made Jungkook place out a hand for Jen to slap for a low five, feeling good that they were still in the lead.
“Why is it so long? It should be shorter!” Jessi playfully scolded, causing Jaesuk to laugh nervously when she grabbed ahold of him.
“I-it was an accident!” he tried to explain
“Accident, huh?” she let go of him, narrowing her eyes.
Lastly was Kwangsoo and Hayoon. Jennie giggled at their banter when Hayoon kept covering her face, trying to get serious about the game. She was so adorable as her face became flushed. When they both had the stick in their mouths, everyone began freaking out when they started to munch. After their stick dropped due to Hayoon pulling back when he got closer, their stick was nowhere near close to JenKook’s stick.
“Winners! Jennie and Jungkook, Team Golden Duo!” the staff announced
Jungkook instantly fist pumped and high fived Jennie once again.
“This is unacceptable!” Gary complained.
“We’ll beat them on the next mission.” Song Jihyo reassured.
When they traveled to the next destination, Amber and Jennie had discussed a date when they would be free to hang out and catch up. Both being busy with their respective group comebacks, they managed to find some time to hang out next week. Jen couldn’t wait to hear what F(x) was working on.
For the second mission, each couple stood on a big platform surrounded by water, located in an indoor swimming pool. The mission was simple. All they had to do was push all members of the opposing teams off the platform and be the last team standing.
‘Round 1’
“I have a plan! Let’s all take out the Golden Duo!“ Gary called out.
Wow, again?
“Man, you thirsty! He’s so obsessed with us.” Jennie called him out.
“I agree, they can’t win again,” Kwangsoo added. “Let’s take them out.”
“Geez, what is this? Survivor?” Jennie pondered
“I think they’re just jealous,” Jungkook added.
When the game started, Gayoon had decided to make the first preemptive attack, going after Hyuna. She succeeded in shoving her off the platform as she watched Hyuna fall into the water, giggling. She was clearly unprepared and wiped the wet hair from her face. She’ll get her revenge on her group member in the next round.
Gayoon had tried to push Haha off and they began to try to overpower each other. The other teams had been watching their match and finally got into the game, going after each other. Jongkook effortlessly began shoving people off the platform with his muscular arms.
Cornering Hayoon, Jennie bumped her hip against hers, causing the GFriend member to lose her balance and fall into the pool. 
“Hips for days. Sorry Hayoon, love you.” Jennie waved.
“I’ll remember that!” Hayoon called out.
Due to the slippery water and her shoes, Jennie yelped, about to fall. Jungkook was quick to scoop her up, bridal style in his arms and she held onto him. The sudden action made her stomach flip as she locked eyes with him.
“Careful,” he mentioned with a reassuring smile.
Carrying her, they decided to go after Kwangsoo when he was distracted by trying to push Jaesuk out. Using her feet, Jennie kicked Kwangsoo on his back to make him fall off the platform. The motion caused everyone to start laughing at Kwangsoo and JenKook’s unique teamwork.
“I wasn’t ready!” Kwangsoo yelled, with his guard down.
Getting set down, Jennie watched as the rest of the teams were all up on each other, grabbing and pulling, trying to shove each other off. Sadly, Jen ended up getting pushed off due to Song Jihyo tripping her. 
Swimming back up to the surface, she watched the rest of the match, rooting for Jungkook. When it was down to him and Gary, Jungkook had easily shoved him off the platform to win the round.
“Yes!” Jennie got helped back up on the platform by Jungkook and happily celebrated their victory.
“This cannot happen again!” Gary complained.
For Round 2, Jennie went on a defensive route, surviving with Jungkook as she managed to protect him. She would constantly get in front of him, shoving anyone back who tried to go after him. Jongkook, the tiger, began to get ganged up on, as most of the teams strived to shove him and Amber off the platform. Once they failed to shove Jongkook and Amber off, they went straight after the Golden Duo.
“Oh gosh.” Jennie stood back to back with Jungkook. 
After she took in the sight of what was going on, Jen made her move, grabbing a hold of Hyuna’s manicured hands. Miss Bangtan used her strength to shove her into the pool. Turning her awareness to Kwangsoo, he let out a yell, staring at her in horror. 
“Nope! Nope! Nope!” he ran and jumped off the platform
Meanwhile, Jungkook had worked on pushing Sukjin and Jaesuk off the platform. JenKook regrouped and stood in front of Jongkook and Amber. Jennie and Amber go after each other, clasping their hands together, attempting to push each other off while giggling at each other. Amber slipped on the platform and Jen took advantage by rolling her to fall into the pool. 
Turning to Jongkook, she noticed that Haha was trying to shove him off, ignoring Jungkook and she helped Jungkook up, bringing him to safety. The two managed to shove Haha and Jongkook off and happily high fiving each other.
“How many people have they taken out so far?” Amber laughed.
As the round progressed, Jungkook was shoved out by Song Jihyo. He was annoyed that he had lost but rooted for Jennie to win the game for their team.
Jessi had attempted to push her off the platform. 
“Sorry, hon. You gotta go.” Jessi said but Jen stood her ground and managed to push her off instead with the help of using her feet to trip her.
Distracted from Jessi, Jennie felt a strong push on her back and fell into the pool thanks to Song Jihyo.
“Yes!” Gary happily shouted, applauding her.
"Darn it..." Jennie swam up and Jungkook pulled her into his arms.
"Take that Golden Duo!" Song Jihyo smiled victoriously.
"We told you we'd beat you!" Gary added as the audience laughed at how passionate the Monday Couple was about beating The Golden Duo.
"Don't worry about it. We'll get 'em. Good job," the Golden Maknae reassured Jennie with a smile and gently moved some of her wet hair from her face.
In the end, Song Jihyo won the round for her team.
For the final round, everyone ganged up to take out Jongkook first, creating a big group on top of him. Jennie avoided the chaos with Jungkook and decided to start pushing people off who were near the edge to increase their chances of winning.
Standing in the middle of the platform, Gary and Song Jihyo faced off with the Golden Duo, as they tried to push each other near the edge.
“Jennie! I will get my revenge!” Gary yelled, grabbing a hold of her. "We are going to win this! We are not going to lose! We are not going to lose!” 
Miss Bangtan laughed, evading his attempts to shove her off the pool.
Song Jihyo shrieked when Jungkook easily picked her up over his shoulder and tossed her into the pool. With Jennie, she used her hips to bump Gary off the platform.
“Nothing personal.” Jennie shrugged, feeling victorious despite the Monday Couple’s complaints.
Kwangsoo had crawled away from them, on the platform but ended up getting rolled off by JenKook.
Near the end of the round, it was down to Jennie and Amber. They caught their breaths and stood in the middle of the platform. Going to strike, Amber had tried to trip Jennie, but Miss Bangtan evaded her move. It was a back and forth battle between the two, pushing and pulling each other, near the edge of the platform. In the end, Jennie caught an opening when Amber began to lose her balance on the edge. She then did one final push and watched as Amber fell into the water.
“Yeah!” Jennie cheered and jumped off the platform, landing into Jungkook’s arms. 
He embraced her and spun her around as they celebrated their victory.
“Great job, Jennie! You did it!” He giggled, wiping some of her wet hair from her face.
"Woo! That is what I'm talking about!" she giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.
“ARMY is going to be very happy to see them winning on behalf of BTS.” Jaesuk chuckled.
“They really want this Korean beef,” Jongkook added.
“Why do they always win?” Kwangsoo complained.
"This is not fair!" Gary complained as the audience laughed.
“I think we should just give them the beef. They already won.” Gayoon giggled.
For the last mission, everyone was scattered around a mall, by themselves. Jennie stood near an emergency exit, with her Korean spelled name tag stuck to her shirt.
On the speaker, it was announced that they would need to find their significant other. Once they reunite with their partner, they must team up and find the correct key. After they find the key, they must find the room where the key opens, and find a platform to land on while avoiding getting their tag ripped. If one person gets their tag ripped, the entire couple is eliminated.
“Gosh...really?” Jen cringed at the camera. “That’s...a lot of work.”
Once she heard the buzzer, the game began and she let out a breath. “ARMY, time to find our Golden Maknae.” she gave the camera a thumbs up and started walking with a cameraman following her.
With Gary, he carefully walked around the mall on the second floor. “I must find Jennie or Jungkook. We need to take out the Golden Duo, so they can’t win. Hopefully, I can convince everyone else.”
He was so fixated on making sure the two teenagers lost this time. They won too many battles. It was time to lose for a change.
With Hayoon, she chose to hide in a changing room that was in one of the clothing stores. 
“I’m going to hang in here for a little while,” she spoke on camera.
Back with Jennie, she walked slowly, looking at her surroundings. 
“All right...so far so good...” she mumbled. 
She recognized Gary walking by and immediately leaned against the wall, making sure he passed her, unnoticed. She let out a sigh of relief and quickly left the area to avoid being detected. 
With Haha and Gayoon, who had found each other, they go to each store to find the correct key. They came across three sets of keys, but none were the right ones.
“Found you!” Gary called them out, causing Gayoon to yelp in surprise. “Wait! Wait! I don’t want to fight. Let’s work together.”
“Why should we trust you?” she pointed out.
“I want to get the Golden Duo out, so they won’t win. Don’t you want to get them out too? Let’s work together, find Song Jihyo and take down the maknaes.”
“Well, those maknaes are insane.” Haha started to become convinced.
“Okay, we’ll work with you.” Gayoon agreed and the three of them began walking together around the mall to find keys and search for Jennie or Jungkook.
It looked like JenKook was in trouble if Gary continued to convince other teams to join him to take them out.
With Amber, she walked around, seeking to find her partner. “I have a feeling someone is hiding around here,” she murmured, going inside the store that Hayoon was hiding in.
Hayoon had heard a noise and remained quiet while Amber walked around to see if anyone was hiding. In the end, Amber couldn’t find her and ended up finding a key, but it wasn’t the right one. The rapper continued her hunt for Jongkook by leaving the store and going up the escalator.
Hayoon, still hiding in the dressing room, placed a hand over her heart. “Thank goodness. I don’t want to get my tag ripped anytime soon. Ah...maybe I should go find Kwangsoo. But I’m so scared. What should I do?”
With the Golden Maknae, he kept a low profile as he went to find keys. 
“Ah...I wish Jennie was here with me, right now. They are doing well to keep us apart. But I will find her. And we’ll win for sure.” he said to the camera, determined.
“Hey!” the sound of Jessi’s voice, caused him to look Jungshooked. 
He immediately began backing up while she walked after him. He ended up giggling at her as she tried to grab onto him to rip his tag off. His strength overpowered her attempts and he escaped. Jessi tried to run after him, but he was too fast and she stopped running. 
“I don’t know why I even tried.” she shrugged on camera, chuckling as the audience laughed.
Back to Jennie as she unsuccessfully discovered the right key in a shoe store, she came across the row of Nike sneakers. 
“Daaaaaamnnnnn, how much are these?” she exclaimed in English and picked up one of the shoes to check them out. “Yo...I need to get this after the show.”
Distracted, she was unaware that Hyuna and Sukjin had spotted her. Hearing footsteps, Jennie quickly set the shoe down and ran out of the store, with them high on her tail.
“Jennie!” Hyuna laughed and grabbed a hold of her.
“This is so cheap. You gonna run up on me when I was looking at Nike shoes? Really?” she evaded her attempts to grab her tag, defending herself against them both.
“Let us oust you, Miss Bangtan. We need to win this.” Sukjin responded.
“Sorry, but I didn’t come here to lose. I appreciate your determination. Not enough to take me out. Jungkook and I are going to win this.” she managed to push them away and escape. 
She ended up losing them, and she hid in another store to catch her breath, hiding behind the register. 
That was too close.
“Ah...I hate this. I want Jungkook. The heck, is he?” she complained.
Turning her head, she found another small box and opened it to find a key. Examining it, she realized that it was not the right key and placed it back. She abruptly heard Hyuna and Sukjin yelling in panic and loudly running past the store she was hiding in. She realized that Jongkook had found them and started chasing after them.
“So glad I’m not them right now,” she murmured.
As the game progressed, Gary managed to find Song Jihyo with Haha and Gayoon, discussing strategy when they found Jen or Jungkook to eliminate them. Unfortunately for them, they had bumped into Jongkook who had been chasing after Hyuna and Sukjin. The two teams instantly run with Hyuna and Sukjin, yelling and screaming all over the place. 
Hyuna got in an elevator but unluckily none of the others made it inside with her. When the door opened on the next floor, she saw the Golden Maknae quickly looking up from his feet, widening his eyes.
“Oh no!” she shrieked as he rushed in, grabbing a hold of her. “Wait, wait, please! The game just started!” she pleaded but unfortunately for her, he ripped her tag off to eliminate her and Sukjin from the game.
“Sorry, Noona.” Jungkook bowed and grinned.
‘Hyuna out. Hyuna out.’
Back to Hayoon, she still was hiding in her hiding spot. When she heard the announcement, she sighed out of relief when it wasn’t her partner. Out of nowhere, she shrieked when she suddenly saw the dressing room door swing open, locking eyes with her best friend, Jennie.
“Really?” Jennie laughed and took a seat next to her.
“Aw...it was nice when it lasted.” Hayoon pouted.
“Have you seen Jungkook?”
“I heard him in here a while ago. I have no idea where he went. Thankfully he didn’t find me.” 
“Thanks. Okay. See you.” she stood up.
“W-wait, you’re sparing me?”
“Yeah.” Jen nodded. “I love you, that’s why.”
Hayoon smiled at her answer and felt a little flustered.
“Just try not to get caught," Miss Bangtan warned. "And if we meet again, I won’t hesitate to take the tag off.”
“Gosh...you and Jungkook are so scary when competitive. Reminds me of our dodgeball game at school.”
“That’s riiiiight.” she kissed her forehead. “Be safe out there.”
“You too!” Hayoon watched her leave. 
Standing up, she decided it was time to move around and find Kwangsoo and some keys. No more getting scared. It was time to play the game.
As the game went on, Amber and Jongkook had found each other and were running after the rest of the teams that were plotting to find Jennie and Jungkook.
“Run faster! Run faster! They’re here! They’re coming!” Haha yelled.
“Ah...we are in deep trouble!” Jaesuk huffed
“This was not part of the plan! Work with us to take out the Golden Duo!” Gary pleaded.
Jungkook had found himself in the mix when Song Jihyo spotted him and started running after him. Now it was Gary, Song Jihyo, Haha, Gayoon, Jessi, and Jaesuk running after Jungkook while running away from Amber and Jongkook.
“Get Jungkook! One team has to sacrifice themselves so we can oust Jungkook!” Jaesuk shouted.
“Go! Go! Go! We’re losing him!” Gary yelled, determinedly.
Out of breath, Jungkook came to a stop and had to fend for himself desperately as he saw the three teams halt in front of him. The three teams were distracted because they wanted to focus on Jungkook but Jongkook and Amber were behind them and they weren’t sure what to do.
Out of nowhere, Jennie jumped into the fray, grabbing a hold of Jungkook from behind. He widened his eyes in surprise when he turned to see her, gesturing for him to run with her. Everyone noticed that Jennie and Jungkook were finally reunited and freaked out.
“No! This was not supposed to happen!” Gary whined as all the teams scattered to go after them and escape Jongkook and Amber.
“Ah! Separate them!” Haha shouted.
“They’re headed downstairs! Go down!” Jessi yelled.
Song Jihyo managed to grab a hold of Jungkook’s arm, which made Jennie get pulled back with him.
“Uh, uh, not today! Kook and I will live to see another day! Get off of him!” Jen made her lose her grip before running away with her Golden partner.
“Aish...these kids...they’re too fast,” Jaesuk called out.
“We are dealing with two pains in the asses here.” Jessi chuckled, shaking her head. “These kids need to go but they run so fast. So how are we going to beat them?”
Once Jennie and Jungkook found a safe area to hide, he wrapped his arms around her tightly for a hug.
“Are you all right?” she asked.
“I am just very happy to see you, right now.”
“Feeling is mutual. I really thought I wasn’t going to be able to make it. Catch your breath, I know you’re tired.”
They sat on the floor as he tilted his head back, making it rest on the wall. Jennie laid her head on his shoulder and rested with him while keeping her eyes and ears alert for anyone walking by. 
Finally, they found each other and can work on winning.
After resting for a while, they walked around the mall to find the keys. As they strolled down the hallway, they heard a loud noise behind them. Jungkook was quick to grab her to safety by wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her against his chest. He looked both ways to see if anyone was there.
“That scared the crap outta me,” Jen said in English, exhaling sharply with a hand on her chest when they noticed that one of the camera crew had knocked over a plant by accident.
“What are we going to do? Everyone is after us. Should we go stealth?” Jungkook suggested as they continued their search for keys.
“No, I don’t think we should do stealth this time.”
“Yeah because they aren’t focused on getting the key, they’re focused on getting us out. They’re gonna do anything to eliminate us. They’ll try to corner us, distract us, this, that, and the third. We need to be quick and on full offense. No more messing around. We gotta win this. So, let’s find this key and if anybody runs up on us, we’ll rip the tags off. No more running away. I won’t let anyone rip your tag off. I promise.” she reassured him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I got you, Jungkook.”
A bunny smile appeared on the Golden Maknae’s lips, motivated by her words. “I got you, first. Now let’s go.”
As time went on, the Golden Duo searched around, undetected, and managed to find the right key. All they had to do now was find the room to open the door and stand on the platform. 
Walking to the door that leads to the stairwell, Jennie opened it and walked in with Jungkook, only to spot Jaesuk, Jessi, Kwangsoo and Hayoon, Gary and Song Jihyo trying to get each other’s tags after they all had turned against each other.
The sight of JenKook caused Kwangsoo and Hayoon to rush down the stairs in panic while the rest of the teams were caught off guard and ran down the steps to avoid them. JenKook had decided to dash after them, going after the Monday Couple first for revenge. 
Running through a door, the Monday Couple had pushed to close it shut, only to have JenKook push forward to push it open.
“No! It won’t end like this!” Gary yelled.
“Don’t let them in!” Song Jihyo shouted.
Jennie, using her strength, gripped the doorknob and placed her foot on the wall, slowly pulling it back as the door gradually opened. Jungkook took advantage by grabbing Song Jihyo’s arm. He pulled her to him and used his other hand to search for the name tag on her back.
‘Song Jihyo out. Song Jihyo out.’
“Ah...I can’t believe this.” Song Jihyo slid down and sighed in defeat with Gary. 
After bowing and thanking the Monday Couple, Jennie and Jungkook continued their search for the platform.
“Are you okay?” Gary helped Song Jihyo up.
“Wow...the Golden Duo is no joke,” she mentioned, bewildered.
“They have to be the strongest guests we ever had. Iron Man and Captain America strength. This won’t be the end. We will get them next time.”
Near the end of the game, Jennie and Jungkook finally found the door. Managing to open it with no problems, they quickly jumped onto the platform as confetti popped out from the ceiling, making them the winners of the game.
All the teams had met up in the room to recap on the episode and congratulated JenKook on their successful win despite the odds not being in their favor.
Receiving Korean Beef as their prize, Jungkook happily announced, “We’ll eat this proudly. Jin Hyung, prepare to make this for us when we get home!”
“Ahhhh, they came to our show and won everything. They cannot be beaten.” Haha shook his head as everyone laughed
Once Jennie and Jungkook went back to the dorms with Seijin, the members greeted them with loud cheers when they saw the Korean beef in their hands. 
A victory dance commenced between the members and afterward, Jennie showered and helped Jin cook the beef. 
After dinner, Jennie chose to turn in early due to the full meal and long day of filming. Wearing a white tank top with black shorts, she dozed off in her warm bed.
Buzz Buzz Buzz
Stirring in her sleep, Jen slowly woke up and grabbed her phone off the nightstand. Squinting her eyes at the high brightness of the screen, she turned her brightness down and checked out the message.
Kookie: You awake? I have a headache. Could you massage it away?
Jen: Sure. Drink water and then stop by
She sat up and stretched her limbs. Turning on the lamp, she turned to look at the time. It was past 1am. It looked like Jungkook was done gaming for the night with the rest of the Maknae Line. 
Noticing that her bun was messy, she realized that her bonnet had fallen off while sleeping. Yawning, she took out her bun and shook her hair out, deciding to fix it after massaging Jungkook. 
Hearing a firm series of knocks on her door, she called out with her voice filled with sleep, “Who?”
“Golden Maknae in need of Miss Bangtan’s famous massages.”
His bright voice made her smile. “How much are you paying?”
“I’m sure we can negotiate with smarties.” he quipped, making her giggle softly.
“You got me there. Enter my realm.”
She watched him walk in with a big smile as he closed the door. She noticed he was wearing one of his many white shirts and a pair of shorts that came to his knees. His hair was messy, too, it made him look even cuter.
She scooted over as she felt the bed dip when he got on the bed to lay down next to her. 
“I told you don’t eat so much candy. But what do you do? Eat a lot of candy. Now, look at you. Suffering from a headache.” she scolded.
“The candy Hyung buys is really good. I can’t help it.”
“I can’t help it.” she mocked in a low voice, making him chuckle. “How much did you even eat after dinner?” she let him lay his head on her lap as she gently began to massage his temples.
“You don’t want to know.” he let out a content sigh, closing his eyes.
“No more eating a lot of sweets, especially before you go to sleep. Those sugar headaches are killer. And make sure you drink more water and take aspirin."
“Yes, ma’am.”
“You’re a handful.”
After a while, he ended up falling asleep, with his headache nearly gone. She gently removed his head from her lap and let him sleep next to her. Moments later, Jen decided to play on her phone, to pass the time until she felt herself getting tired.
After ten minutes, she glanced over at the Golden Maknae, watching him sleep as his chest rose and fell slowly. Placing her phone on the nightstand, she turned to her side, to continue observing him. Her hand slowly ran through his soft hair. Gently brushing her fingertips against his cheek, she absentmindedly ran her thumb over his bottom lip. Glancing at his lips, she quickly shook the thought away and removed her hand.
‘The heck was that Jen?’ she looked away from his lips but couldn’t help but look back at them.
Jungkook had grown up. His vocals get better and better throughout each comeback. He had gotten so much taller, it was like it was yesterday when they were almost the same height. His English skills improve day by day, making her proud of his efforts. And he had become so handsome over the years.
Her body began moving on its own as she found herself slowly leaning down. She stopped midway, looking at his gentle face. Closing her eyes with hesitation, she pulled back. 
Jen laid on her back and looked up at the ceiling, inhaling and exhaling deeply. She didn’t understand what she was doing. What this strange feeling was. 
Turning her head to the side, she looked at him, falteringly.
After a moment, she turned her body on her side and leaned forward to press her lips to his. She kissed him softly while closing her eyes. His lips were softer than she anticipated, taking her off guard. Nonetheless, she felt something strong from the kiss. 
When she realized what she had done, she pulled away, confused by her abrupt actions. 
‘What the hell, Jennie? Why did you do that? Stupid, stupid, stupid. I am such an idiot.’ she thought to herself, touching her lips.
She was so fixated on thinking of what she had done, that she didn’t even notice Jungkook slowly opening his eyes.
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Consequently, he knew exactly what she had done and when she met his gaze, her stomach dropped.
She stiffened, widening her eyes while her face felt flushed. All she wanted to do was crawl into a hole. She had no excuse for her actions and couldn’t even think of coherent thoughts without making a fool out of herself.
“...u-um-I’m...” she hesitated, averting her eyes from him. “I-I’m sorry, I don’t know what got into me. I think I’m gonna go get something from the kitchen.”
She began scrambling to get out of bed but felt his warm hand, firmly grabbing her wrist to stop her from getting off the mattress.
“Don’t leave,” he whispered.
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Jen let out a sharp gasp when he gently pushed her down on the bed, feeling the soft, warm sheets under her. Her heart raced quickly as she watched him slowly climb on top of her, placing his palms on the bed, next to both sides of her head.
She couldn’t look at him in the eyes as she felt a mixture of crazy emotions while still feeling awkward by her previous actions.
“Look at me,” her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his low voice. 
She nervously held his gaze, unable to ignore his request. She didn’t understand where this sudden desire to kiss him was coming from and it bothered her.
It bothered her because she shouldn’t even be in this foreign position with him.
It bothered her because the way he was staring at her made it harder to resist him.
It bothered her because he looked so enticing and she anticipated what he was going to do to her.
Her chest rose up and down with the butterflies in her stomach getting worse. She watched him take a good look at the position they were in. 
From his face, it seemed like he was contemplating if he should risk it all. It was like he was struggling to suppress the urge to do whatever his mind was thinking of doing to her. She regarded that he had licked his lips and placed his bottom lip in between his teeth as his eyes traveled down to her bare, thick legs. When he locked eyes with her, she felt her nervousness intensify.
He slowly leaned down, pressing his body against hers, gently kissing her softly. She froze, widening her eyes as she felt his lips move on hers while he tilted his head to continue kissing her slowly.
‘What the hell? What the hell are we doing? What the hell are we doing?’ she thought in panic.
His lips were tender and he pulled away briefly, leaving her breathless. Jungkook moved some hair from her face before leaning down to crash his lips against hers again.
Part of her wanted to push him off.
Tell him that this should not be happening.
But his kisses were too much to handle and she found herself kissing back, uncertain. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Gradually, she became in sync with his lips, finding a rhythm, despite her lack of kiss experience.
With a hand in his soft hair, she ran her fingers through it. Shortly after she felt his large hands caressing her legs and she hitched a breath. 
Jungkook’s hands were all over her. Places that a friend shouldn’t be touching but he was so gentle that she couldn’t help but melt into his touch. They slowly eased back from their lingering kiss to catch their breaths. 
Jennie, unable to resist and giving in to this heated encounter, sat up with him to straddle him on his lap. The sudden gesture made him grunt softly as she gripped onto his shirt. 
The way he looked at her looked like he was giving her permission to do whatever she wanted. Sensing her hesitation, he ended up guiding her hands to remove his shirt before tossing it to the side.
'Oh my God...' she thought as she ran her hands down his chest and then took his face in her hands. 'What's gotten into me?'
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She resumed kissing him again as she felt warm and tingly. Each kiss felt better than the last one, making her feel good. Their kissing got heated as he slowly ran his hands down her back and squeezed her hips. He was starting to drive her crazy as he continued his frisky behavior when his hands slowly traveled down to squeeze her rear. The sudden gesture made her jump and let out a squeal of surprise before resuming their heated kissing.
Once they pulled back to breathe again, a thought in her mind made her place a hand on his chest, as the doubts came back.
‘We shouldn’t be doing this...I should not have kissed him. This isn’t right. But it feels right. But friends don’t do this. We need to stop. This can’t go any further. I need to get out of this.’ she thought, feeling conflicted with everything that was going on.
Jungkook noticed her pulling away and closed the gap by pulling her back against his body.
"Don't. It's okay," he murmured and swiftly laid her back on the bed, climbing on top of her to kiss her again.
Jungkook made her forget about the doubts as he deepened the kiss, causing her to softly moan. It made her feel embarrassed that an abrupt sound like that came out of her since she never made a sound like that before. She felt his strong hands grab her wrists, pinning them on the bed, beside her head. His hands gradually slid up to her hands slowly intertwining his fingers with hers. He kept a firm grip, making her unable to escape his passion.
Jungkook took his time, placing sweet kisses on her face. From her cheeks to her jawline, he made her feel wanted and cared for. He needed to stop kissing her like this. Every time he kissed her sweetly, he would glance at her lovingly before doing it again. His kisses were making her heart pound. She couldn’t take much more of this.
Turning her head to one side, she closed her eyes and let out shaky breaths when she felt him shift down to her neck. His nose nuzzled against her neck before placing, soft and gentle kisses around it, leaving her panting from the foreign feeling.
‘Oh God...why am I enjoying this?’ she thought as she threw her head back against the pillow.
She tightened her hands against his, writhing underneath him while trying to fight back any sounds. Of course, with Jungkook pinning her down to the bed, focused on her neck, she failed miserably, becoming undone. Jungkook appeared to be satisfied with his efforts and her reactions because he let out a low chuckle in response.
“Jungkook,” she whispered breathlessly as she felt his warm breath against her ear.
“Relax, baby girl...” he whispered, feeling her squirm from all the overwhelming and foreign feelings in her body.
This was torture, what he was doing to her, and she couldn’t do anything as he held her down.
"Do you trust me?" she heard him ask in her ear, making her shiver. 
"Y-yes," she breathed out. 
Suddenly he let her go and began kissing down her neck and started to move lower, making her feel flushed
"W-wait...where are you going?" she stuttered with her breathing increasing as she placed her hands in his hair when he continued to travel down to her stomach. 
Never would she think that Jungkook would ever do this, especially to her.
Jennie ended up falling off her bed with a big thump. She quickly got back to her feet. Snapping her head from side to side, looking around, she noticed that no one was in her room but her.
“What the hell...?” she placed a hand on her hair, which was still in a bun, and checked her phone to see no messages from Jungkook that indicated that he needed a massage tonight.
She then realized that she was just dreaming.
“Oh no. Oh my gosh, please. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.” she started pacing around, in panic. “No. No. No.” she shook her head repeatedly, trying to get the thoughts out of her mind.
It startled her that she just dreamed about her friend this way. 
“That meant nothing. That had to mean nothing.” she tried to convince herself. “No way. No way this would happen. Why did I dream of that? Why? Am I drunk? Did I eat one too many Smarties? Get it together!”
She slapped her cheeks with her palms. Going into her small bathroom, she splashed her face with cold water and sat on top of the toilet seat, to collect her thoughts.
That imagination...came out of nowhere.
Jungkook would never think of this, would he?
He would never think of her like this, right?
So why did she think of him like that?
He probably never dreamed of her like that, either, so why did she?
He would never think about making out with her, would he?
She was so confused.
Friends don’t just make out with each other like they did in that dream and she shouldn’t be having these types of thoughts of him.
“This is wrong. We can’t...we’re friends.” she reminded herself. “Best friends. In a group. We are in a group, working together. Professionally. This...can’t happen. It meant nothing. It meant nothing, Jennie.” she tried to convince herself as she worked on pretending that the dream didn’t happen.
Boy, it was going to be hard to act normal around Jungkook in the morning.
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jiinjiinjarra · 1 month
⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆ Jin & Jungkook Fancafe Links ⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆
Staff Diary Posts: 2013 year ★彡 I Part 2/2
2013-09-04 Rookie King Episode 1★
2013-09-14 Rookie King Episode 2★
2013-09-22 Rookie King Episode 3★
2013-09-24 [Extra episode] Rap Monster & Jungkook’s birthday story★
2013-09-30 Rookie King Episode 4★
2013-10-05 Rookie King Episode 5: Pt.1★ & Pt.2★
2013-10-09 [20130907~15] Comeback first broadcast STAFF DIARY-1★
2013-10-12 Rookie King Episode 6★
2013-10-15 Jimin’s birthday celebration STAFF DIARY★
2013-10-17 Rookie King Episode 7★
2013-10-19 [20130917,25,27] Comeback STAFF DIARY Part 2★
2013-10-23 Rookie King Episode 8: Pt.1★ & Pt.2★
2013-10-26 [20130922] Inkigayo STAFF DIARY★
2013-10-31 Happy Halloween★
2013-11-01 [20130926] M Countdown STAFF DIARY★
2013-11-04 [20130928] Music Core STAFF DIARY★
2013-11-11 [20130929] Inkigayo STAFF DIARY★
2013-11-13 [130930&1001] Simply K-Pop, The Show STAFF DIARY★
2013-11-16 [131003,04] M Countdown, Music Bank STAFF DIARY: Pt.1★ & Pt.2★
2013-11-22 [131005&06] Music Core, Inkigayo STAFF DIARY★
2013-11-28 [131009,10] Show Champion, M Countdown STAFF DIARY★
2013-11-30 [131011,15] Mu Bang, Simply K-pop STAFF DIARY: Pt.1★ & Pt.2★
2013-12-05 Jin’s birthday celebration Birthday★
2013-12-10 [131016,18,20] N.O STAFF DIARY: Pt.1★ & Pt.2★
2013-12-14 [131106] Show Champion STAFF DIARY★
2013-12-19 [131107] M Countdown STAFF DIARY★
2013-12-26 [131108] Music Bank STAFF DIARY★
2013-12-28 [131109] Music Core STAFF DIARY★
2013-12-31 Gayo Daejeon STAFF DIARY (Subtitle - V DAY)★
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Jinkook 'Traffic Lights' Photo Indicator:
green star '★' - there is 'ultimate' jinkook photo in the post (only 🐹🐰 on the picture - no other members)
orange star '★' - 'if you crop - you see jinkook'
red star '★' - only solo or 'far far away' group photos
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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roo-bastmoon · 8 months
Friday Thirst: Jimtober (Voting Links Below)
Blogger is on rest; these posts are auto-queued. Please be kind to one another. Love, Roo
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It's Jimtober!!
Let's all take a page out of Jungkook's book and please be sure to give some love to each of Jimin's songs!
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Also! Please make accounts on the corresponding apps and sites NOW (new accounts won't always work once the voting periods open). Then please vote for Jimin as often as possible!
DABEME -most Handsome Faces KPOP http://bit.ly/3NLTMTu
Star Ranking Now http://bit.ly/3Zz6p8G
Jimin Voting Mnet Plus - MAMA oct 19 http://bit.ly/3RUee50
KINGCHOICE -King of K-Pop Oct 31 http://bit.ly/45farnQ
NPop Pre Vote Oct 21 http://bit.ly/3Z4UBeg
Thank you, puppykitties!
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prettyrealm · 1 year
celebrity readings masterlist
☆ yes or no questions
k-pop industry
☆ how did the aespa members feel about giselle’s n-word scandal?
☆ will giselle be in more controversies in the future? will she be a better person?
☆ karina positives + negatives
☆ san positives + negatives
☆ san positives + negatives (updated!)
☆ san ideal type
☆ san reputation within the industry
☆ san as a boyfriend
☆ san & wooyoung dynamic
☆ seonghwa love life
☆ hongjoong positives + negatives
☆ lisa ideal type
☆ jungkook positives + negatives
☆ what really happened between jimin & jeongyeon?
☆ jungwon positives + negatives
☆ kai positives + negatives
☆ jay ideal type
☆ yuqi positives + negatives
☆ how does sungjong feel about his “feminine” image?
☆ how does ryujin feel about her “masculine” image?
☆ ryujin ideal type
☆ yuna as a bestfriend
☆ how do ive members see wonyoung?
☆ gaeul positives + negatives
☆ wonyoung positives + negatives
le sserafim
☆ chaewon positives + negatives
☆ yunjin positives + negatives
monsta x
☆ i.m ideal type reading
☆ minji negatives + positives
☆ how do the newjeans members see danielle?
☆ was the zoo unit specifically taeyong annoyed at giselle for messing up on stage?
☆ how does nct taeyong view nct haechan?
☆ jaehyun negatives + positives
☆ jeno negatives + positives
☆ haechan negatives + positives
☆ lily positives + negatives
☆ most to least likely to date a fan in p1harmony?
☆ soul positives + negatives
☆ soul ideal type
☆ soul as a boyfriend
red velvet
☆ yeri positives + negatives
☆ sieun reputation within the industry
stray kids
☆ bangchan & felix dynamic
☆ felix positives + negatives
☆ hyunjin reputation within the industry
the boyz
☆ sunwoo ideal type
☆ jihyo positives + negatives
☆ mina positives + negatives
☆ nayeon securities vs insecurities
☆ sana positives + negatives
☆ tzuyu positives + negatives
☆ jeongyeon positives + negatives
☆ what really happened between jimin & jeongyeon?
☆ soobin positives + negatives
☆ conversations with soobin
☆ yeonjun positives + negatives
☆ yeonjun ideal type
☆ jeon somi positives + negatives
☆ lucas reputation within the industry reading
k-drama industry
☆ current events: han sohee vs lee hyeri
☆ Iee hyeri reputation within the industry
☆ haruma miura positives + negatives
☆ kentaro sakaguchi positives + negatives
☆ chloé bailey current energy - may 23, 2023
☆ doja cat current energy - may 31 2023
☆ beyoncé current energy - march 11, 2024
☆ how does taylor swift feel about the drama around her dating matty healy?
☆ what is the nature of the relationship between halle bailey and jonah hauer-king?
☆ aaron taylor-johnson positives + negatives
☆ billie eilish positives + negatives
☆ blueface positives + negatives
☆ hailey bieber positives + negatives
☆ harry styles positives + negatives
☆ ice spice positives + negatives
☆ jenna ortega positives + negatives
☆ kendall jenner positives + negatives
☆ lana del rey positives + negatives
☆ matty healy positives + negatives
☆ how does matty healy feel about his recent scandals? - june 27, 2023
☆ pedro pascal positives + negatives
☆ pinkpantheress positives + negatives
☆ taylor swift positives + negatives
☆ timothee chalamet positives + negatives
☆ how did taylor swift feel meeting future for the first time?
☆ interview series: doja cat
☆ current events: drake vs future
147 notes · View notes
floradinterlunium · 11 months
The reason why Bang PD hasn’t been able to replicate BTS is because he won’t recognize the member most responsible for their fame. Yes, all of BTS are talented in their own right...but it is unmistakably true that all BTS’ breakout moments in Korea and in Hollywood are linked to one member and that is Park Jimin!!!!!
BTS became a K-pop sensation following the release of Blood Sweet and Tears!  You cannot think of BST without thinking about Jimin. Without Jimin BST would not have topped charts!
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BTS cemented their number 1 spot on October 29th, 2016...you want to know what was released that month-LIE. Lie was released October 10, 2016. Know who wrote and performed that song? Jimin! 
BST era was the era of Jimin, as well as the era in which BTS rose to the top! That is not a coincidence.
Now BTS became internationally famous in 2017 when their album Love Yourself: Her was dropped. What song started the Love Yourself Era? Serendipity. What BTS song is still ranking as one of BTS’ most popular songs? Serendipity. Who sang that song? Jimin. And who, despite language deficits is the most popular member in America? Jimin. 
Jimin doesn’t need tons of press releases and promotions because he’s simply that popular. He’s a household name! He is without a doubt the best performer K-pop has ever seen and I don’t think his company realizes enough that no other group will reach the levels of BTS unless they find someone else like Jimin. 
They replicate Jungkook in all their knew boy bands...which don’t get me wrong Jungkook is right behind JM in being a great performer. He’s right there at the top...so I get trying to replicate Jungkook...But Jimin is the showstopper! 
And maybe they don’t know how to replicate JM because you can’t replicate raw natural talent? Or maybe they don’t focus their efforts on JM because they don’t understand his fame! It goes against everything they thought to be true...masculine tough boy image, naturally good singer is what brings the fans. JM is the opposite of that. Jimin is an androgynous performer...the way his body moves and his facial expressions are feminine but the energy he gives off is very much so masculine. He’s not a natural singer it’s something he’s had to learn but...he’s still the King of K-pop! It makes no sense and I think PD has taken the road of least resistance. Replicating JM is too hard...so they don’t. 
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eclipseaotters · 11 months
I really just can’t contain myself and I just have to let this out.
Don’t you think it’s amazing that the ONLY two K-soloists that have topped the Billboard Hot 100 are dating?
I really can’t contain my head around it. We’ve given them a lot of nicknames to celebrate how they’re a power couple—ace duo, Busan’s pride/princes/kings, main pop boy and it boy. Usually, it comes up when they, as a unit, are highlighted in front of everyone. For instance:
My absolute favorite: Black Swan Jikook
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The Flying Yoga Run BTS episode
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Topping Brand Reputation rankings as #1 and #2
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Topping the charts as #1 and #2
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I always feel a great amount of pride when stuff like this happens. It reinforces what an actual power couple they are. But god, this Billboard Hot 100 No. 1 achievement takes it to the next level.
I’ve seen dozens of posts and tweets today celebrating not just Jungkook, but Jimin too. And I know, I know, we’ve never really needed all that external validation, but it FEELS SO NICE, doesn’t it? To see non-Jikookers, non-fans, the media just keep repeating how Jimin and Jungkook are the only Korean soloists who’ve reached No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100.
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Do you see how hot this is?
And—at least for us over here—they just happen to date each other? Do you see how fucking special that is? It’s one thing for Koreans to celebrate two Korean idols topping the Hot 100. It’s another thing for ARMYs to celebrate two idols belonging in BTS topping the Hot 100. It’s another thing for Busan residents to celebrate two idols from their city topping the Hot 100.
It’s another thing for Jikookers to celebrate that 2/2 of their ship are the only two K-soloists that have topped the Billboard Hot 100.
And as if that’s not enough, Jimin just had to post Jungkook’s achievement on his IG. And Jimin’s dad just had to hold a surprise event today.
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Jimin posting isn’t unlike the other posts he’s made for the members. That’s not a Jikook-only event. It’s the fact that BB Hot 100 No. 1 Artist Park Jimin posted about BB Hot 100 No. 1 Artist Jungkook. Doesn’t that give you goosebumps? It’s worth reporting!
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I know it looks like I’m inflating Billboard Hot 100 a little too much. But we know something like this means a lot to them. And I definitely think it means a lot more that both of them achieved it.
Imagine them just casually saying good night to each other last night, while cuddling.
“Good night, No. 1 Billboard Hot 100 artist.”
“Good night to you too, No. 1 Billboard Hot 100 artist.”
Because they are.
And all we can do is imagine, because obviously, that’s not the kind of thing they’d share with us. And that’s the best part, you know? They get to be in their bubble and celebrate by themselves, the way they were in their bubble in NYC/CT.
Except now they’re two No. 1 Billboard Hot 100 artists. And they’re probably just eating cake or boxing or doing something familiar—and normal—together right now. They’ll celebrate, and then they’ll just be.
We can all argue our asses off here. And they won’t care. And their akgaes and antis can keep blaming either half of Jikook for sabotage or favoritism, and Jikook won’t care.
[I do believe Jimin was wronged in the grand scheme of things, but Jeon “You know I’m-hyung’s fan” Jungkook is NOT to be blamed.]
Jikook will be in their protective bubble, doing their own thing the way they did in Tokyo, in NYC, in Connecticut, the way they always do in Korea. It’s a BTS thing and a Jikook thing.
They don’t owe us photo dumps, and GCFs, and lives, and Weverse posts, and confirmations of relationships.
It reminds me of AO3 writer unconscious’ description of Jikook in her canon compliant Taemin/Kai fic “this love isn’t crazy” (yeah, it’s not Jikook-centric, and I’m not even a Taekai shipper nor a stan of either, but the description stuck with me).
Here’s an excerpt, from Taemin’s POV:
“Bye, Yoongi,” Jeongguk says. He walks backward, tugging Jimin along, and offers Taemin a small smile over Jimin’s head. “Bye, Taemin-hyung.”
There’s an ease to the way they touch each other: familiarity and laughter as Jeongguk wrestles a bedroom door open with his back to it and falls inside with Jimin nearly on top of him.
Taemin’s not that much older than them, really, but watching them he suddenly he feels older. It’s a deep ache, affection and longing and something else—something in between nostalgia and envy. Was this something he could’ve had? (He said no.) It seems impossible. What Jeongguk and Jimin have is bottled lightning, like everything else Bangtan touches: impossibly lucky, impossibly successful. It depends on that strange insularity Bangtan survives in. They’re in their own world, most of the time, working endlessly but also detached from the larger industry; they have a defensive bubble around them, so their personal defenses aren’t so severe.
Not to discredit BTS or Jikook, but I do think there’s a level of luck that played into it all at the start. Or fate. Maybe they were all fated to meet, but they definitely worked hard to get results consistently.
But maybe, as in Serendipity, all this is no coincidence? I mean, this one gave me goosebumps.
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As if it isn’t crazy enough that Hirai Saya looks so much like Jungkook, she just had to be born on the exact same day and year as Jimin? What?
I don’t know where I’m getting at. I just have so much love for Jikook and so much pride for what they’ve achieved on their own and together.
I cannot believe I just went from Billboard Hot 100 to Hirai Saya. Anyway, stream Seven and Like Crazy!
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Jeon Jung Kook (BTS) Relationship Role Analysis based on Tarot Reading
Hello and welcome!
I’m Kleo and I’m here to present some k-pop related tarot readings to you.
I would like to state that all these readings have a purely entertainment nature and their purpose is to bring some fun into my and hopefully yours lives. I have never ever met any of the idols / actors / celebrities in my readings, I don’t know them personally. Tarot reading isn’t an exact science and I can never guarantee any of it. Most of it is my intuition mixed with fantasy. Don’t take these readings seriously and don’t base any important decisions on tarot readings only, use your common sense.
If you wish to request a tarot reading, please read the pinned post on my profile first to see the instructions on how to request. I only do readings for idols / actors / celebrities of 18 years of age or older. Requests for readings including younger people will be automatically dismissed. If you feel uncomfortable with these tarot readings, do not engage in reading my posts. Thank you for understanding.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: Relationship Role
Full Name: Jeon Jung Kook
Stage Name: Jungkook
Group: BTS
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Jeon Jung Kook
Jungkook (BTS)
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: Relationship Role
Friend - Knight of Swords, 5 of Wands
When it comes to friendship, Jungkook can be a pain in the ass. He’s likely very smart but he also likes to show off and can be stubborn and unwilling to compromise or change his opinion. It can cause tension between him and his friends. The fact that he’s usually right isn’t exactly sweetening things for his companions. He needs to learn to maintain calm and respect that everyone has the right to be wrong and make mistakes and stop forcing people to do things his way.
Boyfriend - Ace of Cups, King of Pentacles
While being a jerk of a friend, Jungkook absolutely changes colours when dating. He’s sensitive, caring, overflowing with affection and sweetness towards his love interest. He’s pampering them with all the best world can offer, becoming a sort of a sugar daddy. He simply loves his date too much to ever refuse anything to them. He wants to be admired by his lover.
Lover - I The Magician, Ace of Swords
When it comes to the physical aspect of a romantic relationship, Jungkook is a truly well educated lover. He’s likely to be interested in all sorts of techniques and his theoretical knowledge is vast and abundant. However, he might feel like lacking the opportunity to actually practise in real life. His demands are high, he’s a perfectionist and he’s searching for the right person to experiment with.
Husband - Ace of Wands, 10 of Pentacles
If Jungkook got married now, he would be a happy and devoted husband. He’s likely dreaming about having a big family, leaving a great legacy behind. He would be a very fun and easy going husband and father. Jungkook would likely make sure his family is well secured on a material level and all the members are encouraged and inspired to pursue their individual dreams.
One-Night-Stand - Queen of Cups, 5 of Pentacles
Jungkook has likely mixed feelings about one night stands. He wants to follow his instinct and hook up with someone based on his intuition but at the same time he feels some inner moral conflict about it. He might want to solve the dilemma by simply getting drunk and let the faith lead him.
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aricastmblr · 4 months
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Jungkook becomes the fastest K-Pop act to reach 5 billion streams on Spotify.
Jungkook se convierte en el artista de K-Pop que más rápido alcanza los 5 billones de reproducciones en Spotify.
JUNGKOOK ahora ha superado los 5 billones de reproducciones en todos los créditos en su perfil solista de Spotify, convirtiéndose en el PRIMER y ÚNICO solista coreano/K-pop de la historia en alcanzar este hito
También es el acto de Kpop más rápido en superar dicha cifra en 748 días, haciéndolo dos veces más rápida que el poseedor del récord anterior en 1612 días
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peachjagiya · 2 months
Fri(end)s had SUCH radio potential. And it has gotten some play (Organic King) but if BH had actually pushed it for radio play, it could have been dominating.
I could even see the gimmick of playing him and JK back to back or in the same segment.
Ok lil secret about me: I have been doing radio in the UK as a side hustle since I was 15 so just under 30 years, god I'm ancient. Note: I do primarily behind the scenes stuff now. So I love radio discussion.
I gotta say I was BAFFLED but also unsurprised. I was really excited when I heard it because I was like ok yeah Layover was so niche, so jazzy but this is RADIO-Y.
The current hits stations (Capital, Radio 1 in the UK) should have been picking it up. A high profile artist with a fully English song (which unfortunately matters 🙄) that isn't like an overtly niche genre? It should really be there!
I don't think I'd have expected it to go to the A or B playlist, honestly. A playlist is usually reserved for like a couple of the HUGEST songs. Regular play during the day, once every couple of hours though it varies station to station. B playlist would be maybe three times a day.
I am not certain but Seven peaked at 3 in the UK charts and I think it was B playlist on Radio 1. Again, not entirely sure.
C playlist is likely once a day and that's where I'd expect Friends to go.
But it's currently not on Radio 1 or Capital playlists at all. 🙃
The trouble is current hits radio stations want to play what's popular and not what could be popular with support. There's no taking a chance on a great song anymore. Radio used to set the trends, now they follow them according to what's popular on tiktok. It's kind of sad.
Also kind of terrible marketing by the radio stations?! Everyone knows ARMY supports people who support us. I think they're fools not to play music with such high profiles and dedicated fanbase.
I think there's a reason and I think it's racism. Kpop artists fight a battle to be seen as anything other than kpop. I can only speak about the UK but I was literally in a store the other day trying to check prices on Face album and it took me ten minutes to realise Jimin wasn't under J. He was literally just under K-pop. As were BTS themselves. Like all of kpop was one artist! When they're fighting that kind of silliness, the songs aren't being judged on quality or voice or genre. They're just kpop and that's a niche radio isn't investing in despite kpop being made up of many genres and styles. Korean isn't a genre, UK music industry 😐
That said, Jungkook did pretty well with a peak in the top ten for all three singles from Golden. So how come he got decent play? I think that might come down to the very commercial sound - absolutely not a critique, I love it - of his music.
But I also think Tae is fighting more internal issues of general nonsense from his label. Basically it's an uphill struggle and I'm so proud of what he has achieved despite those issues. 💜
Ooh I loved answering this. Thank you, anon! 💜
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ugh-yoongi · 4 months
favorite kpop group(s): tag game edition
tysm for tagging me @highvern, @cordiallyfuturedwight, & @hvseoks!
who is your favorite k-pop group?
bts, ateez, seventeen, the boyz
which member sparked your interest first?
bts: i'm pretty sure it was taegi? my best friend texted me this thesis-length primer and all i could remember later on were the ones named suga and v, lol.
ateez: mingi
seventeen: jeonghan
the boyz: kevin
who was your first bias?
bts: seokjin
ateez: mingi
seventeen: jeonghan
the boyz: kevin
who is your current bias?
bts: seokjin
ateez: seonghwa
seventeen: jeonghan
the boyz: younghoon
what makes them your current bias?
seokjin: just my number one boy. my comfort human. someone who is kind and takes care of others, who always tries his best and perseveres, who will be the first one to make a fool of himself to lighten the mood and make others more comfortable.
seonghwa: a lot??? like seokjin??? just a sweetheart. makes his little animal crossing sounds. isn't afraid to be himself. takes care of his members. insane duality.
jeonghan: chaotic. a schemer. makes his own rules and follows those instead. but also very sweet and subdued. takes care of his members.
younghoon: i honestly do not know how this happened. i went into watching content a staunch kevin bias and now i'm not. idk. maybe when i re-watched kingdom and he got in the water tank with sunwoo because he was scared. bee will say it's bc he's a leo.
who is your bias wrecker?
bts: yoongi; namjoon & hobi
ateez: hongjoong & mingi
seventeen: seungcheol, jun, & seungkwan
the boyz: kevin, chanhee, changmin, juhak
which members are you currently obsessing over that aren't your bias/bias wrecker?
bts: jungkook
ateez: yeosang
seventeen: mingyu
the boyz: sangyeon
when did you first discover this group?
bts: 2017. my best friend was into them first and sent me the mic drop mv. texted me the aforementioned primer. i kept up with them since then but didn't know kpop was... like this? like, the entire culture. was very unaware and thought it was just kinda like western groups.
ateez: 2019
seventeen: 2021
the boyz: 2021. it was either getting into them or seventeen and i went down the seventeen route first.
have you ever been to one of their concerts?
bts: twice as a group and d-day tour twice
ateez: three times
seventeen: twice
the boyz: no
what are some of your favorite songs by the group?
bts: best of me, blood sweat & tears, save me, ugh!, heartbeat, spine breaker, intro: never mind, intro: what am i to you, all of the cyphers, all of jin's solos, mikrokosmos, black swan, 2nd grade, the stars, spring day, autumn leaves, love maze, louder than bombs, 21st century girl, war of hormone. idk they have a massive discography how do you choose????
ateez: still here, twilight, say my name, hala hala, utopia, wave, wonderland, mist, answer, thanxx, fever, the leaders, take me home, dreamers, deja vu, turbulence, the real, don't stop, the king, cyberpunk, guerrilla, halazia, duna, matz, django
seventeen: fear, lie again, light a flame, super, i don't understand but i luv u, monster, lilili yabbay, trauma, highlight, march, ash, cheers, fallin' flower, don't wanna cry, my i, our dawn is hotter than day, good to me, getting closer, anyone, gam3 bo1, to you, run to you, 24h, a-teen
the boyz: ego, crying&laughter, no air, whiplash, b.o.y, bump & love, roar, breaking dawn, lip sync, eyes on me, d.d.d, drink it, echo, scar, 4ever, russian roulette, shine shine, tattoo, c.o.d.e, kiss me if you can, closer, levitating
no pressure tags: @the-boy-meets-evil @hot-soop @effortandmore @moni-logues @tbzhub & anyone else who wants to! do it and say i tagged ya :)
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misswoozi · 2 months
Can you tell us more about your Tae/JK/Yoongi hc, please? -xoxo, 🦒 anon
I can indeed! It's a very longstanding headcanon (seriously,,, several years old lmao) I've always shipped Taekook, Taegi AND Yoonkook so the idea of a stoner FWB threesome just came naturally??
I always saw Taehyung buying them all their own 1g cart (he prefers flower but the smell of smoke gets stuck in his apartment and he hates it) and they make a plan to just sit in his living room, smoke, watch movies and order takeout. It's just stoner bros being stoner bros... but the weed his Jungkook AND Taehyung like a truck and they go from giggly and mellow to horny as fuck really quickly.
This is a trio that's really comfortable together and really open with this kind of shit and Jungkook is quite literally the KING of subs. If he sees Taehyung is shifting in his seat and straining against his (expensive, designer) pajama pants, he'd be MORE than happy to make his way across the couch to suck him off.
Yoongi is the most mellow and he's a bit of a voyeur so he'd be watching, smoking. (Taehyung notices this, of course, and he's a bit of an exhibitionist so he fucking loves it.) When (dom!)Taehyung finishes, he suggests that Jungkook take care of Yoongi and that's exactly what Jungkook does -- and it results in him riding Yoongi.
It's maybe the most compatible threesome in K-Pop lmao these three click SO well and they fit into all kinds of scenarios and situations. But in honor of (belated) 4/20, THIS is my one true Taekookgi scenario!
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smolwritingchick · 6 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 3- Rookie King Episode 1
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Chapter Summary: Jen hopes that luck is on her side so she doesn't get a skull card and endure punishment for the first episode of Rookie King. Jen assists Jungkook after his spicy punishment. Suga gets his revenge on Jen after what she did to him in one of the punishments.
Words: 4,000+
'Bulletproof Boy Scouts & Girl Scout'
'The broadcast will start shortly'
'Screen under adjustments'
The show opens up with Jin sitting at a table, looking like a news broadcaster.
"Hello, I'm VJ Bangtan Commando's MC Jin! In the year 2013, BTS who's hit the idol industry like a comet with their likable looks and overpowering charisma, they've received a lot of love. The things that have not been revealed till now, the 8 members' private dorm life and Bangtan's
Flavor House. Also the activities in the practice studio. We the VJ Bangtan Commandos have it all covered. Let's take a look together!" He smiled
As the show continues, they reveal the inside of BTS' dorm as the members are still asleep.
'2013 Music industry, BTS is here to take over! The name that you won't forget after the first hearing, BTS! Today we're going into their daily lives. The members who are flustered at the camera's intrusion! Inevitably their sleepyselves and even bare faces are all revealed. The practice studio overwhelmed with manly scents along with Jennie's perfume and up till a fansign session's venue! Bangtan's 24-hour daily life, follow me'
'We're finally here, this is none other than BTS' home sweet home!'
The camera pans down to the shoes of the boys of BTS.
'It cannot be unseen the smell from men's passion! We wonder how Miss Bangtan deals with the smell'
The cameras head into the dining room where they see Jennie in a pair of yellow baby duck pajamas, eating some eggs for breakfast. Barefaced with a little bit of acne and her hair in a messy bun, she was wide awake, playing a game on her phone. She was oblivious to the camera crew walking in as she had her headphones in, listening to music.
A few moments later she senses movement from the corner of her eye and looks up, to see the camera crew and the manager. 
"Whoa!" She dropped her phone on her eggs and fell out of her seat.
She's left with chuckles as the manager helps her up. "Thank you. What in the world is going on? Darn it, my phone." She took her phone off her eggs as the manager explained why the camera crew was there.
"O-oh." She replied with her face heating up from embarrassment. She turned to the camera and waved. "Hi! Yeah, I totally need to get used to this. Hey, how ya doing guys?" 
She bowed. "I'm Bangtan member Jennie. The first African-American female in a boy K-Pop group. It's really humbling. Oh, and I'm way cooler than the rest of them just to let you know. Me falling was my awesome entrance. I have my own room. Smaller than the others, but it's perfectly fine. The rest of the guys gotta share. It's pretty nice to just have girl time by myse-"
She's cut off as she suddenly trips over pairs of shoes in the hallway. 
"UN-believable!" She exclaimed and started cleaning up their shoes. "Being in a household with seven guys...I'll never get used to it."
"Do you usually wake up early?" The camera crew asked her.
"Yep! I love mornings. I'm a morning person."
'While Miss Bangtan tries to calm herself down and get ready for the day, we continue to look at the identifiable ornaments to possessions of teen boys laid all around. Taking a look at their basic necessities. All the chicken breast meat kept neatly in the fridge! Ah Hyung's crying...crying!!'
As the camera crew heads into BTS' bedroom, Jennie finishes eating and continues getting ready for the day. She heads into the closet to see Tae putting on his shirt backward.
'Excuse me Tae Teacher, you've worn your shirt inside out'
"Dude, your shirt is backward." She laughed. Tae grinned cheekily as she fixed his shirt.
'Jennie to the rescue!'
After BTS and Jennie finish getting ready, they head out for the day.
'Wherever they are Bangtan's contagious happiness, they all look excited'
The group happily stepped into their favorite restaurant and sat down at the table. 
"You sure you're not full? I can eat your food for you!" Jungkook offered with a grin, hoping she'd say yes.
"Ha! Ha! Ha! Nope! You're not taking my food like you did last time!" She accused
"Wha? I did no such thing!" He tried to look innocent, playing off a confused facial expression.
"Jungkook took all her food when she went to the bathroom," J-Hope explained to the camera.
"Jimin helped me!" Jungkook admitted.
"I did not!" Jimin stammered 
"Ha! You just ratted yourself out!" Jennie pointed at him. "So it WAS you." She crossed her arms and shook her head.
After they get settled down, Rapmon is asked why they come to this particular restaurant. "We've been coming here to eat ever since we were trainees and also since the basement floor is our practice studio. So while going to the practice studio when we have to eat, the aunt here takes such good care of us. Even during our breaks at least 2 of our meals in a day would be eaten here."
"Her cooking reminds me of being home with my mom. It's so good! As soon as I came to Seoul and met BTS, Rap Monster immediately took me there. I always look forward to eating here." Jennie addressed.
After their meal, the rest of their day consisted of practicing in the practice studio, and then the fan meeting in Gwangju, J-Hope's hometown for a fan sign. They took their seats at the fan sign, Jennie looked in awe at the very excited fans while sitting in between J-Hope and V.
"Whoa." She murmured looking at all the Jennie fansigns. 
This was something she'd never get used to. They were all so decorated and had so many hearts. She was happy with the support BTS was getting.
'Fans who are happy seeing oppas and Jagi, Bangtan too are excited to receive all the support'
There were male fans there too, especially there to see Jennie, giving her cute gifts and shyly confessing their crushes on her, making her face heat up. She received tons of cute presents from the fans. They even got her the Smarties candies from America which shocked her the most as she told them it's her favorite type of candy. They let her know that they paid attention to some of the photos she would post on BTS' Twitter and would always see Smarties with her. 
"NO WAY!" She squealed in excitement at the smarties. "Thank you so much!"
She loved the chalky colorful tablets. She could never get enough and if she could get sponsored by them, she would.
"We're gonna have a very hyper Jennie later on tonight." Jin sighed.
"Yay! I love hyper Jennie! I can't wait to see it!" J-Hope encouraged.
"Meeting your fans like this today, how are you feeling?" The camera crew asked after the fan meet.
"Y'know I still can't believe it. People really are interested in BTS and people here actually take interest in me. The amount of support they give us is so amazing. It's hot as fudge but seeing our fans today even in this hot weather was so worth it."
'Bangtan Secret Camera'
'8:00PM SangAmDong SBS Prism Tower'
BTS and Jennie were being informed by the fake writer, what their filming was about. They were told to film in an elevator and it has a camera on the top. Meanwhile, BTS was on standby with no idea what was to come. First up was Jimin then it was Jin, V, Jungkook, and Rap Monster.
"Jennifer." Her name was called as she looked up at the producer. "You're up."
She happily stood up. "Let's go!" She gave the camera a thumbs up and went into the elevator.
As soon as it closed, she started to ponder. "Let's see...what should I do?"
She starts goofing off by doing jumping jacks and shadow boxing. 
"Here is your winner! And new champion~ Jennie! Woo hoo!" She cheered and began doing the Gangnam Style dance to celebrate.
'Jin was right. Jennie had too many smarties and began to act hyper. If only J-Hope was here to see this.'
In addition to her hype nature, she began to beatbox 50 Cent's In Da Club, rocking back and forth, preparing the rap. "Go, go, go, go, go, go. Go shawty, it's ya birthday, we're gonna party like it's ya birthday, we gon' sip Bacardi like it's ya birthday."
'This sugar rush is intense'
Afterward, she pretended to have a hat on as she attempted to moonwalk and dance like Michael Jackson, singing Billie Jean. At one point she ended up kicking out her leg and accidentally kicked the elevator. 
"Whoops." She grins sheepishly at the camera.
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Afterward, she starts doing the Carlton dance with a goofy smile on her face. She was so into the dance she didn't hear the elevator ding and open, stopping on the 6th floor. As soon as a cute guy begins walking in on the phone, she shrieks, tripping on her feet and falling on the floor.
The guy had to contain his laughter as she scrambled up to her feet and fixed her hair before clearing her throat. Face heated, she backs up to the corner, with her head down in embarrassment.
Meanwhile, the guy presses all the buttons before standing across from her in the back of the elevator. 
"You're breaking up with me?" The guy asked in shock as Jennie looked up to see him looking troubled on the phone. "Please don't do this, Jagi..." He let out a breath and hung up, looking sad
'Awkward...' She mouthed to the camera, looking up at it. 
She did feel bad for the guy, getting broken up over the phone. She raised her head to see the guy looking at her as she shot her face down to her feet again, flustered. She let out a nervous laugh. 
Suddenly a whole group of people rush in, crowding the elevator as the cute guy gets extremely close to her as they're chest to chest.
'Oh-my God.' She mouthed to the camera on top of the elevator. 'HELP-ME'
She turns her head to the side and fails to move around thanks to everyone crowding her way. She squeezes her eyes shut to try to get away from the awkwardness but with no avail as she opens her eyes, looking down to the side.
As soon as they reach the 15th floor, everyone gets out and she sighs out of relief. But suddenly, she hears them say, "You've been pranked."
"Wh-what?! SERIOUSLY!?" She screamed as everyone started laughing while the door closed. "That was so embarrassing! GAH!" She groaned and ran her hands through her hair.
On the 12th floor, everyone was waiting for her as they applauded her and laughed at her reaction.
"You guys are so mean!" She laughed and stumbled out of the elevator. "THAT was so embarrassing!" She fanned herself to get rid of the heat she was feeling all over her body.
"The girl suddenly came on the 6th floor, too?" Rap Monster asked.
"No, it was a guy. He was so close, man. I couldn't even say anything, I was so flustered."
She turned to the camera. "I was so shocked, but that was really fun."
'King/Queen of the end plate'
"BTS, I welcome you to King/Queen of the end plate." The manager said as everyone clapped
'A game that tests their luck! King/Queen of the end plate is starting!'
"I wonder who will be the king. Or if Jennie will be the Queen." J-Hope pondered
'BTS, King/Queen of the end plate. Testing their luck with cards.'
'1. From all the 8 cards, only one is the King's/Queen's. If the King's/Queen's card is pulled out, he/she is exempted from all the punishments.'
'2. For the rest of the members, they'll get 6 safe cards and one skull card.'
'The member who turns the skull cards and pulls them out will win the penalties!'
'The fate game that can test the member's luck will start now'
"Hello, I'm Rap Monster who today, luckily took over Bangtan's good luck." He said as he sat in the middle. Jennie sat in between J-Hope and Suga. "BTS' sauna rally will start now!" He announced as everyone woo'ed and applauded.
"One. Two. Three." Rap Monster opened up the box. 
'Flick without moving the body.' 
"I know some people who have been practicing their flicks." he pointed out.
"Last time I received one from Jimin on the hand," J-Hope said. "My hand was burning."
Rapmon distributed the cards as everyone eagerly awaited his countdown, putting their cards face down on the mat.
"One, two, three!" He yelled as everyone flipped over their cards, revealing Jimin having the Skull Card.
Loud cheers and yells were heard as Jimin started freaking out that he got caught. Suga began happily dancing goofily while Jennie high fives J-Hope and Jungkook. Jimin whined in despair, still in disbelief.
"V will be the one who will do it," J-Hope announced as Jimin got on his back in the middle, getting held down.
"How much have I taken care of you!" Jimin exclaimed to V. 
All of a sudden V flicked him on the forehead as a chorus of ohs surround him. He sits up and places his hand on his forehead to get rid of the stinging sensation.
"He hit him without any hesitation." Rap Monster said in awe
They placed Jimin back down again as J-Hope mimicked an elbow drop, frightening him as he laughed.
"Since it's the warm up round I'll go easy on you." J-Hope decided and flicked him on the forehead.
"Tears have started to appear in Jimin's eyes!"
Jennie's muffled laughs were heard as she tried to cover her mouth.
"How many people are left?" Jimin exclaimed as he was held back down. 
Suga flicked his forehead as a clear sound was heard. Jimin quickly sat up, holding his forehead in pain.
"Woo! That was a good one!" Miss Bangtan high fived Suga.
'Raw egg? Boiled egg? Between 7 boiled eggs, which one is the raw egg?'
They choose cards again before flipping them over, revealing Jin having the skull. Jin is laid on his back while everyone else has their eggs. 
Jimin is the first one to smack the egg on Jin's forehead but Jin hesitates. "Wait a bit, wait a bit, why do you hit me like that? H-here...hit sideways, sideways!"
Jimin started practicing his egg smashing at a crazy speed, making everyone chuckle. 
"I'm really scared, really." Jin admited. "Just do it fast."
Jimin smashed the egg on his forehead but it turns out it was raw. J-hope and V go next and it was the same result. Then it was Miss Bangtan's turn as she kneeled before Jin.
"Jin, are you still going to make those cookies for me?" She grinned, before moving some hair from his forehead. 
Earlier today after practice, Jin mentioned he was in the mood for baking and wanted to bake some cookies. Jennie requested him to make sugar cookies.
"I dunno, do you have the raw egg?" He questioned, looking up at her.
"Maybe. Maybe not." 
"If you have the raw egg, I'm not making you cookies. I refuse to reward you cookies if you hit me with a raw egg." He scolded.
"Can I have her cookies then?!" Jungkook raised his hand, earning giggles from the guys.
"Wha-are you-NO!" She stammered to Jungkook before turning back to Jin. "That's it, you asked for it! HIII-YAAA!" She yelled and smashed the egg on his forehead, making a clear and loud smacking noise.
"Yikes!" Rap Monster said with shock. "She packs a punch."
"Nice hit!" J-Hope praised.
"Just as expected from Miss Bangtan." Jimin cheered.
"Oh great, it's boiled. I can get my cookies." Jennie clapped for herself.
"No cookies for you." Jin declared.
"I will get my cookies!" She replied with a huff.
After J-Hope, and V went, it was Jungkook's turn. "Do you have any displeasure against Jin-ssi?" Rap Monster asked.
"He orders Jennie and I around a lot!" Jungkook replied, earning laughs from everyone.
"Oh yeah, he really does. I smacked him good, though! I just...really want my cookies." Jennie responded
"Well of course the oldest one orders the youngest ones around a lot!" Rap Monster replied.
As soon as Jungkook smacks Jin with the egg, it breaks, turning out to be raw as everyone gets hyped, happy that it finally broke. Jin slowly stood up, with a red forehead.
"What is this?" He asked the camera crew.
'Jin is still handsome-Jin even after hit with raw egg'
'Bangtan's Sikhye drink king/queen!'
"What's sikhye?" Jennie asked the guys, still getting used to Korean food.
"It's a sweet rice drink. The staff seemed to have prepared Sikhye for one of us. I actually accidentally drank some of it before we started this and I spat it out immediately." she was told
"Oh dear..." She cringed. "I don't trust it! Please don't let it be me!"
"The sihkye has of course, sikhye, a little bit of vinegar and salt." Rap Monster informed as Jennie widened her eyes, looking at him like his crazy.
"Heck no! Oh my gosh, PLEASE don't make me have the skull card this time." She groaned
Everyone gets their card and they flip it over, revealing Jimin again with the skull card as he jumps away, landing on his back. 
"WOO!" Jennie happily cheered with the rest of the guys, raising her hands in the air. "Thank ya, Jesus!"
Jimin started bowing on the mat, mentally preparing for his fate as the guys started singing 'A-PINK's NoNoNo' to him, making Jennie giggle. J-Hope sniffed the cup of Sihkye that Jimin had to drink and immediately made a face of disgust, handing it to him.
Jimin held his nose and took a big gulp before coughing and placing his head down.
'Acupressure massage'
'Acupressure massage in order to loosen BTS' knotted muscles'
"The people who haven't received it don't know how much it hurts," Jimin replied
Everyone gathers their cards and quickly flips them over, revealing Suga who has the card. 
"Oh no, Suga!" Jennie laughed
A woman comes over and begins her acupressure massage on Suga as he yells in pain, groaning out how much it hurts while the guys clap and fail to suppress their laughs. Jennie looks on in amusement. After the massage was done, everyone gathered back for the next stage, before questioning how the massage could be the 4th stage. 
"You all...it looked like it didn't hurt right? It re-ally hurts." Suga stressed
"Your face has gone white." J-Hope pointed out.
"Yeah, I've been noticing that ever since the massage. You okay Suga?" Jennie asked, suppressing a chuckle.
"Do I look O-K to you?" He halfheartedly glared at her, earning a giggle from her.
'The members will do your makeup and convert you into a beauty!'
"I'll have a blast if Jennie gets this one." Jimin teased, thinking of some evil tricks in mind for her.
"HA! HA! HA! NO!" She replied, earning a giggle from him. "I'm looking forward to a second Miss Bangtan that I can makeover. Is it you Jimin? I'll happily do your makeup for you."
"HA! HA! HA! NO!" He mocked her.
Everyone gathers their cards and flips them over to reveal Suga again, who cringes while everyone else whoops and celebrates.
'Suga is the king for the 2nd time!'
"Why is it me again?" Suga questioned before laying down on his back while V began placing makeup on his face. 
Then the rest of the members add on. Jennie decides to draw smiley faces with the black eyeliner on his nose, sides of his cheeks and chin. Then she writes, 'Jennie is awesome' on top of his forehead, making the guys snicker.
"Jennie...what-are you-doing to my face?" Suga questioned in his deep voice.
"Oh, nothing...just making you beautiful." She replied with a bright smile.
"I'm going to kill you if I see what I think I know you're drawing." He playfully threatened her.
J-Hope and Jimin gasped loudly and grabbed onto Jennie, hugging her. 
"You can't hurt our Jennie! She's our precious little Miss Bangtan! Don't worry, we'll save you from Suga's wrath!" J-Hope reassured with a smile.
Suga couldn't help but smirk, already plotting revenge. "No, they won't. Be on your toes, Smartie." He teased.
"Ooh, I'm so scared. Nice try Suga. I'm not falling for it." She remained unfazed.
Jimin places lipstick on Suga while everyone tells him how pretty he looks. After his makeup was done, Suga got up to everyone laughing and applauding. He stands to see what his face looks like and stumbles back in shock.
"Whoa! What is this!? What!?" He exclaimed. "I feel like I've become a newlywed bride. Prettier than Jennie."
"Oh~ Jennie has some competition." Rap Monster pointed out.
"Really?" She deadpanned
'Chili Horseradish'
'The one who receives the punishment has to eat the eggs with the horseradish the staff has prepared.'
"Gross!" Jennie sticks out her tongue while everyone asks why this a punishment. "I would like to live today, please!" She pleads to the producers with the guys.
Everyone flips open their cards to reveal Suga again as he starts laughing while everyone else celebrates. 
"WOO HOO! Triple King! Snooze you lose buddy! HA!" She pumped her fist up in the air.
"Guys I've received the triple crown...this is definitely set up between the writers and Rap Mon."
Suga accused. "This is a conspiracy!"
V places the chili horseradish right in Suga's mouth. He reluctantly chews it and starts cringing and laughing because of the salt while the rest of the guys celebrate because they weren't forced to eat it. Meanwhile, Suga begins to tear up.
"Poor Suga." Jennie patted him on the back.
'Ai! It's hot.'
Everyone flips over their card to reveal Jungkook getting the skull card and everyone gets hyped.
"Golden maknae~ golden maknae~" The guys stood up and started dancing around while Jennie jumped up and down.
"AWE YEAH! I didn't get chosen at all! Beginner's luck!" She danced around with J-Hope.
The final punishment was Jungkook wearing multiple layers of clothing, including a Santa hat, and eating hot ramen in the charcoal sauna room. Jennie approached Jungkook after he was prepped.
"Jungkook I just want to say it was nice knowing you." Jennie addresses with a sad smile.
"Does it end like this? It was nice knowing you too, Jennie. C-can I have a hug before I go?" He grinned shyly and opened up his arms.
She playfully sniffed. "I'm gonna miss you." She wrapped her arms around him, pressing her cheek against his layered chest. In return, he wrapped his arms around her for a warm, friendly hug, oblivious to the rest of BTS walking over to them.
"Ooh! Group hug!" J-Hope intervened, joining by wrapping his arms around the two, who chuckled in response. Afterward, the rest of BTS follow suit before releasing each other.
After they finish filming Jennie waits for Jungkook to get out of the sauna as he sighs out of relief.
"Hey! You're alive!" She beamed, hugging him after he took off the extra layers. "...And sweaty. Very sweaty. Thanks." 
She released him and wiped the sweat off his damp face a towel she had in her hands. "And your breath is really spicy." she pointed out
"Sorry." He grinned sheepishly as she handed him a cold bottle of water. "You're a lifesaver. It's so hot in there." He rubbed the water bottle all over his face.
"Well when you wear layers in a sauna, you're bound to sweat more than usual." she teased
"Thanks, Captain Obvious." He started drinking the water in big gulps.
She rolled her eyes with a smile. "How are you feeling?"
"Much better now, thanks to you! I appreciate you looking out for me."
She was flattered by his kind words. "Well, you know...I'm Miss Bangtan after all. More awesome than you-"
"All right let's not go too far. You're nowhere near as awesome as me." He interrupted playfully.
"Well, who was the Maknae that got caught with the skull card and who didn't?" She countered, leaving him stuttering. "OWNED!" She smacked him on top of his head and ran away with him right on her tail.
How can he be so fast?!
Before she could even get past the hallway, he caught her and picked her up over his shoulders. 
"Jungkook! Put me down! You're still sweaty!" She tried to squirm out of his strong grip but to no avail as he started walking around. "How long are you gonna keep me up here!?"
"Until I get tired of it." He laughed with joy.
"Real funny, Jungkook..."
A few hours after heading back to the dorm, Jennie headed into the living room to see Yoongi chilling on the couch, watching TV.
"Where'd everyone go?" She asked, popping the last few smarties in her mouth that she received from the fan meeting
Yoongi turned around and shrugged. "Have no idea. Took a shower and then they were gone."
"Huh. All righty." She turned around to go back to her room but stopped when Yoongi spoke up again.
"So remember that you drew smiley faces on my face, right?"
She turned and watched as he got off the couch. "Yeah?"
He takes out a permanent marker from his pocket and uncaps it, slowly turning to stare her down. The sight made her stomach drop. How was she going to escape this?
Chuckling nervously, she started to back up.
"H-hey...I just remembered I need to go for my jog. I'll catch up with you, later, mkay? Mkay." she tried to dash for the front door but he beat her to it, earning a loud shriek from her. "Oh come on!"
Yoongi sighed and shook his head. "Y'know, I should be napping. Been looking forward to napping all day. But getting my revenge on you is worth my nap time." He started aiming for her face, lunging at her with the marker.
"Agh!" She ducked and started running around the dorm with him keeping up with her. 
Breathing hard, she dashes into her room and slams the door shut before attempting the lock it. She heard a loud bang of Yoongi's fists at the door before he busted open the door just before she could lock it. 
"Yoongi, let's talk about this!" She jumped on her bed with him following her every move.
"Why talk when I can write all over your face, smartie?"
He was enjoying watching her try to escape. It was no use, she was about to get what was coming to her.
Jennie leaped off her bed and sprinted out of the room. "So long sucker!" She yelled and opened the front door. Before she could even run out, she screamed when he grabbed her back by the waist, effortlessly pulling her back in. "No! No! Yoongi, I'm sorry!" She pleaded as he placed her over his shoulder, shutting the door closed.
He placed her down on the floor, before restraining her as he started drawing and writing on her face. She tried to break free from his stronghold but failed 
"Fighting is only gonna make more marks on your face. Which I don't mind." He laughed. "I told the guys I was plotting my revenge and I
wanted no distractions. Looks like Hobi and Jimin aren't saving you this time, Smartie."
"UN-BELIEVABLE!" She yelled and protested but it was all ignored as he put on her face,
'Suga is awesome'
'Suga was here'
'Only Suga draws here' which was written all over her face in Korean as he snapped a picture and posted it on their Twitter captioning it by saying 'I told her I would get my revenge for drawing on my face. Worth my naptime #Suga'
He finally let her go as she looked at the picture. "OH MY GOD! YOONGI!" She dropped his phone in shock, earning a laugh from him. "I can't stand you!"
"The feeling's mutual, Smartie." He revealed his gummy smile and went to place a hand on top of her head as she playfully kicked him away.
"Off the hair!" She headed to the bathroom to try to clean off her face.
Twenty minutes later, the rest of BTS came back to Jennie and she walked out of her room to confront Jimin and J-Hope. 
"YO! Where have you guys been!? I got my ass handed to me by Yoongi! He wrote all over my face! What happened to 'We'll protect you, Jennie'!?" She questioned.
"Yeah...about that..." Jimin rubbed the back of his neck, smiling nervously.
"Sorry, Yoongi scares me! He was so threatening. Sorry Jen Jen." J-Hope patted her head and went to the kitchen, earning a victorious smirk from Yoongi who sat on the couch.
"Wow." She starts laughing."You guys are a piece of work."
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