kingdaddydaichi · 2 years
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I’VE BEEN DYYYIIING TO SHARE THIS. My very first Daichi comm by the INCREDIBLY LOVELY AND TALENTED @aikk00 (tysm for being such a darling human 🥹🤲🏼🤍)!! I highly HIGHLY recommend comm’ing them if you get the chance. They are ADORABLY SWEET and an absolute JOY to work with! 🥰🫶🏻
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violette-hue · 2 years
An Encounter
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Summary: You’re at Prince Daichi’s Birthday Ball and it’s very boring.
Trigger Warning(s): being alone with a boy, boredom, mentions of kids and having kids
Pairing(s): Royal AU Daichi x female reader
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: Thank you @kingdaddydaichi for letting me joint your 31 Days of Daichi event! This was my first event, and I really loved it! Thank you @ceo-of-daichi for helping me proofread!
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This ball was horrendously boring. You had been standing in the corner for most of the night, watching all the Lords chase after the Ladies for a dance. You scoffed as you watched a nearby Lady wave her fan at a Lord to invite him over. At least this corner was quiet and pretty.
The doors to the veranda were just a few steps away, adorned by lavish drapes. Perhaps if you'd be able to slip away, you'd be able to enjoy the rest of your night peacefully. Your eyes slipped to the open doors for the hundredth time that night. If there were any chance, now would be it. There was no one in sight to stop you.
You took one more look around to ensure no one was watching and slipped out. The fresh air kisses your cheeks refreshingly. The night sky captured your attention with its scattered stars. If you closed your eyes you’d be able to imagine you were alone at your own home, not some Prince’s Summer home.
You sighed heavily. That was another reason you decided to slip out. It was “the season” and you were currently attempting to avoid any potential suitor. Marriage wasn’t necessarily something you hated, but you didn’t welcome it willy-nilly like the others. There was something you just found…weird…about it. How could you dance with someone a few times and decide that’s the person you want to spend your life with?
Another sigh. Perhaps you’d spend your life like your aunt—in the countryside with far too many animals for one person.
“Does this event truly bore you to the point of melancholy sighing?”
You jumped at the voice, not expecting anyone to be out here already. Your eyes tries to find the source of the words, but it was too dark. You could only make out a tall, thick shape. You stepped forward cautiously.
“Pardon my intrusion, sir,” you said wearily. “I wasn’t expecting anyone to be out here.”
The figure chuckled and shifted slightly, leaving on the veranda’s railing. “It’s quite alright, no need for apologies,” he said. His voice was deep and rich, with a bit of a boyishness to it. “What’s a Lady doing out here, when everyone else is inside?”
You rolled your eyes, smiling. “That the point, isn’t it? Everyone else is inside.” You, too, leaned against the veranda’s railing, facing the dark, beautiful garden. Without the Sun, the flowers and hedges looked daunting and mysterious. You wondered how many unchaperoned Lords and Ladies were within those hedge walls right now. You smiled wider to yourself. The scandal.
The man chuckled, his voice going softer with amusement. “A good answer we both share.”
You furrowed your brows, moving your head towards the shadowy man. “Why would an eligible bachelor want to avoid everyone? Shouldn’t you be—I don’t know—looking for a wife to give you a brood?”
The man laughed, his head leaning back. Was what you said that funny? At this point, you were thoroughly intrigued in this man. You turned your full body to him now and squinted, trying to see any features that might reveal his identity.
“Perhaps if all the Ladies and their mamas weren’t so persistently demented. They’re not being truthful anymore.” You saw him shift his body to face yours. “Why, just the last ball a Lady was claiming to be proficient the pianoforte. I asked her who was her favorite composer and she said Monet!”
A laugh escaped your lips, sounding something between a scoff and a snort. A most unladylike gesture, but you didn’t care. Not when this man couldn’t even see who you were. “He’s not a composer.”
The man let out a breath, almost sounding relieved. “Exactly. I’d rather sit this ball out of it means I won’t have to deal with any lies.” It was silent for a moment, only the sounds of the crickets filling the night air. “Shouldn’t you be looking for a husband to give you a brood?”
You couldn’t help the scoff that escaped your lips. You probably shouldn’t be so unguarded with this unknown man, but you couldn’t help it. You just felt so…comfortable around him. Which, in retrospect, was very silly. On top of not knowing this man’s identity, you had no idea what he looked like. Worst case scenario, he could be some random civilian who crashed the party. Still, you answered with candor.
“How can anyone decide their future based on one encounter?” you replied. “One dance and little conversation?” You laughed to yourself cynically. “It doesn’t make any sense to me.”
It was quiet for a few long moments. You were afraid you might have said the wrong thing and been too comfortable. It was hard to gauge the man’s reaction in the darkness, with no facial expressions visible. It was rare anyone would object to the way things were done in society, and even rarer that it be a Lady. But you couldn’t help your doubts and suspicions. Too many times had you heard—seen—failed marriages based on these one encounters. It’s easy to play a character, to lie your way up on the societal ladder, than to be yourself.
Finally, the man spoke. “I think it’s quite romantic,” he said, and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. “To meet someone and fall in love with them on sight.” You heard a shuffle and felt a man’s body heat.
He hadn’t moved that close, just close enough to barely graze your shoulder with his. His arms were crossed over his chest and leaning on the veranda railing. With the few lanterns and star out, you were barely able to make out some features in his face. Dark, cropped hair, a strong nose and jaw, full lips. You squinted your eyes slightly, a familiar sensation gnawing at the back of your brain. Did you know this man?
“I think I’d like to get to know someone before I decide to marry them. It’s only forever,” you responded. Your eyes scanned the man’s features, trying to recognize him. “I’m sorry, I don't believe we’ve formally introduced ourselves..?”
The man shifted to face you, taking your hand and placing a gentle kiss to your knuckles. He seemed stiff, as if you had asked him a question he didn’t want to answer. All the same, the action mixed with the anticipation of a revelation had butterflies storming your stomach. You couldn’t discern why you stomach was in knots, though there could only be two options—you were nervous at who this man might be, or the gesture had touched you. You mentally scoffed to yourself. A simple gesture done by every gentleman you meet managed to touch you. Possibly.
“Prince Daichi of Karasuno,” the man—the Prince—bowed. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
You blinked, too stunned to speak. Suddenly, everything and nothing made sense. Ladies lying to him just to get his fancy made sense, you could see anyone doing that. Maybe if you were a different person, or even if you knew you were talking to the Prince, you’d lie too. But this ball was in honor of him, why wouldn’t he at least try to keep to himself inside? You were sure people were already looking for him— Panic rose in your chest. People were looking for him. And you were with him. Alone. With no chaperone. In the dark. Close enough to be touching—
You removed your hand from his and curtsied. “F/N L/N,” you replied hastily. Your eyes grazed the closest areas for anybody. Maybe if you left now you wouldn’t be caught.
Prince Daichi furrowed his brows, his head cocking to the side. “I see my introduction has made you uncomfortable.”
“No,” you blurted, “—I mean yes. You see, you’re a Prince, and I’m…I’m just me. And we’re alone. In the dark.” You couldn’t pay attention to the Prince’s facial features, or even how he stepped closer to you. You were too focused on someone—anyone walking in. You’d never outlive the scandal. A Lady below his rank alone with him—they’d think you were seducing him. Testing his honor.
“Ah.” The Prince took a deep breath and extended his arm. “If you’d like we can go inside? Perhaps I can get a waltz in—”
You looked at him at that. “You want to dance with me?”
“Only if you want to..?”
You blinked, eyes wide. You were in disbelief. Why would a Prince want to dance with you? “And you want to use your only waltz with me?”
The Prince lifted a brow in amusement. “Yes? Am I not supposed to?”
“N-No—I mean yes—I mean,” you took a deep breath. “You can do whatever you want, Your Grace.”
The Prince shook his head with a smile and took your arm. “Then allow me to escort you to the dance floor.”
You swallowed hard, all of a sudden nervous. “And perhaps if you think I’m a good enough dancer, I can fill your punch card?”
You looked at Prince Daichi, astounded. He genuinely wanted to dance with you—all night. Someone who was just venting about the Ladies of today had their sights on you. Butterflies erupted in your stomach and fluttered up to your throat. How could you be feeling this way about someone you just met? After one encounter?
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ancient-pokehistorian · 10 months
Bio: Saburo
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picrew: [x]
Name: Saburo
Gender: Male (He/him)
Age: 31? Maybe? He made it up.
Birthday: September 18th
Occupation: Construction, odd jobs
Height: 6'5"
Orientation: Gay
Origin: Hisui
Personality: Loud and cheerful, he likes to be friends with anyone and everyone. Sometimes dense and a bit of a goof. Unflinchingly loyal to his companions and family. He's expressive with body language, usually making him easy to read, and pretty honest. However, while at first glance he may seem a bit over-the-top, he's actually very good at reading the situation and reacting with an appropriate level of energy; if someone seems uncomfortable, he'll tone it down really quick. 'Safety' and 'comfort' are his priorities.
But be afraid if you ever get on his bad side (though that's no easy feat). His energy goes from friendly to threatening in an instant, and he's downright relentless when it comes to his prey.
The only thing that seems to really scare him is his own strength. The blood of an Alpha flows through him, and even though he has the best of intentions, he worries he can't always keep it under control. He tells himself that, for this reason, he'll keep others at arm's length, but at the end of the day he can't help himself and is even more clingy. He just might not be too honest about his fears.
History (wip): He was normal once...wasn't he?
He remembers being an Arcanine, spending days on the cliffs of the Cobalt Coastlands watching his little siblings play. Fighting when he had to, hunting as they needed-just the regular life of an Arcanine. He didn't even mind the humans that occasionally came through, showing them how to navigate the treacherous terrain.
Then there's a lapse in his memory. He remembers red. He remembers power. He remembers the urge to fight, to destroy.
And something holding him back. Or rather, moving him foreword, transforming him. And suddenly the world around him looked so different, and he was standing on two feet, and there was something in his hand(?), and, and-
Oh gods he was a wreck that night.
All Saburo knows is that some legendary seems to have moved him through time and space, transforming him into a human in the process (complete with fake ids). He knows he wants to get back to protect his little siblings. He knows he still dreams in red. Sometimes he's better at passing as human than others.
He'll do whatever he has to do to get back home.
Pokémon (he's not using pokéballs, they just seem to follow him around. They can all communicate easily):
Daichi-Growlithe (Kantonian)(M)
Magnolia-Mabosstiff (F)
-Faceclaim: Ranmaru (Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast for Spirits)(minus ears)
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gxmonth · 3 years
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Month 2021
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Your prompt list for this year’s GX Month! The game starts August 31!
All submissions are welcome be it art, writing, AMV, or some other creative piece! Celebrate your way!
Don't stress out if you miss a day; late submissions are always welcome. And if you only some some of the days, that's fine too! We're here to have fun.
And don’t forget to tag your post with GXmonth2021 or the blog directly with @gxmonth!
If we miss a post, please contact a mod and we’ll fix it as soon as we can!
Day 1: “Hero Signal” We’re kicking things off with everyone’s favorite hero Judai/Jaden Yuki’s birthday! Show the fluffy boi some love!
Day 2: “Soul Exchange” Ever wondered what would happen if Jaden/Judai and Chazz/Manjoumei switched bodies? Or if Syrus/Sho was the protagonist instead? Get weird today with body swap and role swap shenanigans!
Day 3: “Mind on Air” Dreamers be dreaming with their heads in the clouds. Show us your favorite character’s dream career, their secret desires, or that diary they keep under their pillow. ;)
Day 4: “Swing of Memories” Ah, yes, those sweet, precious memories shared with siblings...and a few you’d rather forget. Explore the bond between Asuka Tenjoin/Alexis Rhodes and Fubuki Tenjoin/Atticus Rhodes today! A sweet sibling hug? A heated argument? Show us!
Day 5: “Dramatic Rescue” Quick! The script is on fire and it’s up to you to save it! ...There we go. Although it seems we’re missing some parts now. Guess we’ll just have to fill in the blanks. Show off your headcanons today!
Day 6: “Heartfelt Appeal” You find two characters that click so well, look them up...and there’s no content! ‘Why?? Someone please make content!’ The pleas go unheard. You’ll just have to make it yourself. Show some love for your rare pairs today!
Day 7: “Ojama Delta Thunder!!” That’s right! You know what today is! Today we celebrate The Chazz, the one and only Manjoume Thunder! Give sparky boi a hug!
Day 8: “Miracle Draw” GX is full of duels that are decided by luck of the draw. Show us your fav or least fav ‘luck of the draw’ moment. Or show us what could have been if a character’s luck of the draw had been reversed.
Day 9: “Mirage of Nightmare” Nightmares come to life and vicious intentions. Today we explore those whose stories lie in the shadows and all that created them. (It’s villain day. Be creepy.)
Day 10: “Standby Phase” Free day! Take a break today or introduce yourself. It’s your day today - do it your way. ;)
Day 11: “Bonding - H2O” Break out your calculators today and celebrate math and science with our favorite nerd, Daichi/Bastion Misawa!
Day 12: “Weapon Change” Ever wanted to see Zane/Ryo in the Red Dorm? Or Alexis/Asuka duel with dragons? Get creative today with dorm swaps and deck swaps!
Day 13: “Polymerization” We can’t have GX without a few fusion summons. Show off your favorite fusion monsters today, or a fusion you wish you’d seen in the show. Heck, show us what a fusion of your favorite characters would like!
Day 14: “Clock Tower Prison” A man imprisoned by his destiny and hellbent on revenge. Seek justice today with the pro duelist vigilante Edo/Aster Phoenix!
Day 15: “Ayers Rock Sunrise” The card designed by Hayato Maeda/Chumley Huffington himself. Show us your custom designs today, be it OCs, outfit redesigns, or custom cards!
Day 16: “You Activated My Trap!” It’s meme day! Break out the old favorites! Make some new ones! Set your inner troll free!
Day 17: “Jurassic Heart” Travel back to the prehistoric past today with the dueling dino extraordinaire Kenzan Tyranno/Tyranno Hassleberry!
Day 18: “This Wasn’t in the Rule Book” Crossovers, coffee shops, and canon divergence collide today in the wonderful world of AU! Go nuts.
Day 19: “Side Deck” No cast is complete without a colorful array of supporting characters. Pick one you wish had more time to shine and show them off!
Day 20: “Main Phase” We’ve reached our second Free Day! Take the day off or show some love for your fellow creators!
Day 21: “Crystal Bond” Everyone has a special bond with their deck, but arguably no one more so than the Crystal Beast wielder himself, Johan/Jesse Anderson! Show off that colorful bond today.
Day 22: “Cupid’s Kiss” Kiss, kiss, fall in love! Who’s your OTP? OT3? Show ‘em off! Let your favorite ships sail today!
Day 23: “Evil Hero” Become evil to defeat evil today with the master of shadows himself, the Supreme King!
Day 24: “Exchange of Night and Day” Darkness and Light. Today let’s take a closer look at these two cosmic forces and the duality of each. The Gentle Darkness, the Light of Destruction, Darkness/Nightshroud, and...?
Day 25: “Power Bond” The Marufuji/Truesdale brothers steal the spotlight on Sho/Syrus’ big day! That’s right! Let’s celebrate our favorite sidekick’s birthday with some quality brother bonding!
Day 26: “More Than Mere Cards” As some duelists know, Duel Monster cards are more than just pieces of cardstock. Today we celebrate the spirits that live inside the cards!
Day 27: “The Shallow Grave” This is Yu-Gi-Oh, and death is cheap. Will you showcase your favorite revival today, or explore a scenario with a death of a more permanent kind? Or perhaps a revival went very, very wrong...
Day 28: “Internationals” We’re taking it to the big leagues today with the overseas champions, Austin O’Brien/Axel Brody, Jim “Crocodile” Cook, and Amon/Adrian Gecko!
Day 29: “Frontline Base” Even heroes need some downtime. Show us what the schoolyard crew gets up to when they’re not saving the world or studying for finals. Sleepovers perhaps?
Day 30: “End Phase” Our third and final free day! Feel free to do with it whatever you want. :3
Day 31: “Thanks for the Fun Duel!” Gotcha! We made it to the end! Did everyone have fun? Feel free to share your highlights from this event or drop off suggestions for next year!
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lacharcutiere · 3 years
still [sawamura daichi]
1,6k words
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part eight of i’m gone i’m gone i’m gone miniseries. you can only put these things off for so long.
JST: japanese standard time (GMT +9). EST: eastern standard time (GMT -5). EDT: eastern daylight time (GMT -4).
tings // fluff, a little bit of angst, kinda suggestive at the end ?? // i swear this søng is abøut eating øut my best friend's pussy - cøzybøy // dm, ask or comment to be added to taglist ! minors dni.
the summer passes like this: you and daichi laughing too loudly in busy restaurants and train cars; having arms around each other in the back of taxis on the way home from clubs; making instant udon at three a.m.; walking up and down the neighborhood a hundred times; laying silently side by side and not needing to say anything. it's a routine, it's familiar—it's home.
a couple weeks before you're set to head back to new york, daichi asks you a question as you lay next to him on a blanket in your driveway, staring up at the stars.
"have you decided what your plans are after college?"
"i'm gonna come back here."
"i thought you wanted to go to grad school? you can do way better in the states, especially with a degree from columbia."
you roll onto your side so you can look at him better. "i know. but i've been away too long already. i miss you."
he gives you a little smile. "but i'm right here."
"right here is pretty fucking far from america."
that's the end of the conversation.
— 2 AUGUST 2024. 23:09 JST.
everything happens the exact same way it has for the past three years: he takes you to the airport. you try hard not to cry; you say your goodbyes. check-in, security, buy some candy to eat at the gate. board the plane. sixteen hours later, you're in america.
one thing was different, though.
when he said goodbye, his lips touched yours.
you don't stop thinking about it for weeks.
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slightly relieving is the fact that amid thesis writing and too many classes and working an internship under one of your professors (that one's nice, it even earns you enough to get a small apartment a few blocks from campus), there proves to be little time to be spent missing daichi.
you finesse your schedule to fit weekly facetimes on friday evenings (new york time) and shoot random texts back and forth about your day between classes and during meals, and without much space for anything else, it's enough. good things are worth waiting for, anyway.
— DECEMBER 2024.
but then winter sem break rolls around and there's no school so it's back to having too much lonely alone time with your thoughts. you write daichi a christmas card and drop it off at the post office. it's early this year, but oh, well.
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a week before christmas you receive a call from an unknown number. the phone speaker crackles when you accept the call.
“hey.” the voice on the other end is bright, smiley, accented. it’s tōru.
“tōru? what’s up?”
“i’m outside,” he says, “come down and meet me?”
you’re a little confused, but you decide to humor him. “uh, okay, give me a minute… do i need anything?”
“bring a coat, it’s cold out. i’ll be waiting down here.” the call ends.
a few minutes later you push through the doors of the building to be met with a brisk wind and tōru standing by a payphone, grinning.
“do you have your subway pass?”
you feel inside your pocket for it and nod.
“good,” he says. “come on, we’re in a hurry.”
“where are we going?”
he laughs. “‘s not anything you won’t like, promise.”
you follow him into the nearest subway entrance, lost in thought as you push through the barrier and step onto the train. it's only when he nudges you and says, "this is our stop," that you realize you've been looking at the ground the whole time.
tōru notices how absent you seem to be and asks, "are you okay?"
"i would be if i knew what was going on," you respond.
"yeah," he says, leading you up the stairs and into the terminal, "yeah, i think you will be."
you're in grand central. tōru asks if he can borrow your phone for a second. when he hands it back to you, he doesn't say anything, just takes you by the arm smiling widely and leads you into the fray of commuters that fill the station.
"tōru!" you groan, "can't you just tell me where we're going?"
"magnolia," he replies simply.
"we came all the way here just for coffee?"
"tōru!" he stops walking and turns back to you, trying and failing miserably to stop grinning for a second. "what the fuck?"
"come on," he says, "you'll like it."
"we've been here before! what's so special about—"
"you'll see."
coffee in grand central is surprisingly good. it's also surprisingly expensive. ah, well, it's new york. new york has much more to offer than just overpriced cafés.
such as... this. such as a laughing man that leads a remarkably pissed-off looking girl by the arm, towards this stupidly good, stupidly overpriced café.
the pair are weaving through a stream of people, almost there, and then they're there, and the girl is looking much less agitated now. she looks somewhere between crying and wanting to run in the opposite direction. thank god, she chooses the former.
he loves you. so much.
"daichi?" you mean it to be a scream but your voice cracks a little and it comes out airy.
he has the exact same look on his face that tōru's had this whole time. "hi."
"oh my god, what the fuck?"
"you said it was lonely, tōru told me maybe it would be nice for you to have a date for new year's, i had some extra money saved up. so i came."
"you— what?" you look back at tōru. "you planned this? just? last minute?"
"nah," daichi laughs, "no, i meant to come visit you for christmas a while ago. i already had tickets and everything, i was gonna tell you but then i got your card and figured it might be more fun if it were a surprise."
"oh my god." that's all you can think to say.
you can't even explain how good it feels to wake up and walk into the living room to find daichi asleep on your couch on christmas morning, how good it feels for it to not just be you. the whole time he's been here, though, you've forced yourself not to think about the fact that he's going back home in a week and a half, forced yourself not to do anything just yet. soon, though. just a few more months.
when he wakes up, you're making coffee for the two of you.
"merry christmas," he says, wrapping one arm around your shoulders. he places a card on the counter in front of you. "open it."
its message is simple.
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you do as it says.
"i, uh, haven't gotten you anything yet, but—"
"daichi," you laugh, "it's okay. and um, i may have also not been able to get you anything. also because i didn't know you'd be here."
"wait, wait, i'm not finished."
"what do you want to do after you're done this year of school?"
"i already told you," you say, "i'll move back home."
"no, what do you want to do? you want to go to grad school, right? continue studying here?"
"no, i just want to stop waiting." you sigh, a little frustrated. "i don't wanna have to keep putting this off, it's been—"
he cuts you off. "i'll be here."
"i'll be here. or wherever."
"i don't get it?"
you've always loved the way daichi's nose scrunches up when he smiles. "you're the one planning on studying more, not me. not immediately, anyway. i'll go with you."
"you're fucking joking."
he laughs; you look so confused right now. "i'm not. promise."
"i don't even—"
"think you can handle long-distance for five months?"
"uh—" you inhale sharply. "yeah."
"good," he says, "then we don't have to keep putting this off."
it's been five months since you last let your lips touch his. it still feels just like the first time it happened.
— 31 DECEMBER, 2023. 19:36 EST.
he tries not to let you pay for dinner, but in the end, you slip the waiter your card while daichi's in the bathroom. it's his birthday; it's your treat.
and after dinner, there's that new year's eve party that tōru's been going on about. it feels good, so good, not to be there alone. it feels good to watch the broadcast from downtown and count the seconds to midnight as daichi's arms are wrapped around you from behind. the clock reaches zero; daichi kisses you hard. you're both drunk on champagne.
you watch him smile across the room at tōru, who's got his girl on his arm. the two of them look happy, too. everything is warm.
— DEPARTURE: 3 JANUARY 2025. 08:15 EST.
daichi's asleep next to you when the alarm on his phone goes off. you'll miss not waking up next to him for the next five months, but at least that's all it will be.
he makes faces at you in the mirror as you both brush your teeth; keeps trying to tug your sweater off when you get dressed. you spend these thirty minutes laughing with him until it hurts. the two of you take the subway back to grand central; make out in a corner of the terminal while he waits for his train to jfk international to arrive.
"see you in may."
— 21 JANUARY 2025.
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taglist: @sakruisin-thru @softetsurou @oligbia
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Haikyuu!! Sentence Starters #31-40
A collection of the Haikyuu sentence starters I've done, compiled for the sake of ease. These are all stand-alone stories.
31) Lee Suga, Ler Daichi
“If you’re going to be upset, then I’m going to make you laugh,” Daichi said firmly, grabbing Suga’s shoulders and staring him right in the eye.
Suga shoved him away. “Back off. I’m not in the mood for your games, captain.”
“Too bad.” Daichi reached for him again, but Suga batted him away, and thus a short-lived slap fight ensued, which the Karasuno captain quickly turned to his advantage by dropping to the ground and squeezing Suga’s knees.
“Hey!” Suga tried to sound angry, but it came out as more of a surprised squeal, followed by helpless giggles when Daichi prodded the backs of his knees hard enough to make him too weak to stand. Suga toppled to the ground, and the brunette quickly straddled him, yanking his shirt up to reveal his belly button. “No!” He hurriedly pushed his shirt back down. “No, Daichi!”
“Let it happen, Suga,” Daichi reprimanded, shoving the shirt back up. Again a fight ensued – the captain constantly trying to yank the shirt up, Suga always yanking it right back down. Finally, Daichi grabbed his wrists and pinned them to the floor by his sides, taking the shirt in his teeth and pulling it up that way.
“Whoa, hang on,” Suga protested, a pink hue flooding his cheeks. “Daichi, you’re not going to…”
Daichi flashed him a smirk, then took a deep breath and blew a raspberry right over the setter’s belly button, earning a loud shriek and cackling laughter for his trouble.
“NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!! DOHOHOHOHON’T DO THAHAHAHAHAHAT!!” Suga cried, trying to arch his back but finding that only gave Daichi better access to his weak spot. “I’M MAHAHAHAHAHAD AT YOU!!”
“Are you?” Daichi chuckled, taking a big breath. “Are you really?”
It didn’t take long for Suga to change his mind.
32) Lee Kageyama, Ler Oikawa
“Hey, you don’t have to look so scared.” Oikawa looked down at Kageyama, who lay against the pillow and mattress with flushed cheeks and a nervous expression he almost never let free around others. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, it’s just…” Kageyama murmured, seeming even more flustered. “I never thought…”
“I know. I didn’t either. But life is funny sometimes, isn’t it, Tobio-chan?” Oikawa brushed some of the setter’s jet black hair away. “What can I do to help you relax?”
“I don’t know…”
Oikawa hummed thoughtfully, then slid a hand under Kageyama’s shirt and gently fluttered his fingers against his hip. “Smile for me, Tobio~”
Kageyama bit his lip to try and keep from doing exactly that, but Oikawa’s fingers were persistent, and eventually he gave in, squirming away from the touch. “Stohohop…”
“Oh, Tobio-chan…you’re not ticklish, are you?”
“N-No!” Kageyama stammered, suddenly on high alert. Oikawa was using thatvoice. The voice that meant he was about to exploit this new weakness for all it was worth. He tried rolling away, but the older boy pinned him in place by straddling his hips and sitting on them, running his hands up and down his ribs and sides. “Nohohohoho!”
“Oh, dear, you lied to me,” Oikawa tsked, shaking his head with a smile. “How rude. I’ll have to punish you for that, Tobio-chan~”
“Wahahahait, Oikawa, p-plehehehehehease dohohohohohohon’t!” Kageyama dissolved into giggles, unable to help himself. The touches were so light, but so, so ticklish. He had no hope of getting away now, and so he surrendered and allowed himself to laugh openly, freely, without any fear of judgement.
They were way beyond their days as enemies, anyway.
33) Lee Tanaka, Ler Noya
“You laugh so loud!” Nishinoya giggled, clinging onto Tanaka’s back as he flailed around like he was trying to do some kind of monkey dance.
“Noya!” he squealed, trying to shove him away. “Noya, stohohohohohohohop!” It was true that his laughter was bouncing off the gym walls, but he couldn’t help it! The libero had attached himself to his ribs and underarms, and it just tickled so bad!
Noya hooked a leg around Tanaka’s leg, trying to trip him up and succeeding marvelously. Tanaka tumbled to the floor, which gave Noya even greater opportunity to straddle his back and grab onto his thighs, digging and squeezing.
“NOYA!!” Tanaka screamed, laughter bursting out of his lungs. “STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!! ENOUGH ALREADYHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!”
“No way, dude! This is fun!” Noya traveled even further down to his knees and scribbled along the sensitive undersides. “Tickle, tickle, tickle!”
“NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU JEHEHEHEHEHEHERK!!” Tanaka pounded the gym floor in his ticklish distress, trying to roll over but failing. “YOU’LL PAHAHAHAHAHAHAY FOR THIS NOYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”
Noya chuckled. “I’d like to see you try!”
34) Lee Kageyama, Ler Yamaguchi
“Why do you have to be so arrogant?” Yamaguchi muttered, turning his back as Kageyama tossed him the ball.
The setter’s eyes snapped to him. “What was that?”
Yamaguchi sighed, turning back to him. “Would it kill you to stop being such a know-it-all all the time?”
“You think I’m the know-it-all? Have you checked who you always hang out with lately?” Kageyama grumbled. “Just serve.”
Yamaguchi considered for a moment. He and Kageyama never really got along per se, but they didn’t usually fight, either. He was content to watch from the sidelines as everyone else put him in his place. But right now, it was just the two of them. So it looked like he’d have to do the job himself.
He tossed the ball in the air toward Kageyama, who got under it, preparing to set as Tadashi hurried toward the net and leapt into the air. As usual, Kageyama set exactly to him, and he was able to spike the ball into the opposite court with ease.
Kageyama turned around to say something, but before he had the chance, Yamaguchi lunged for him, grabbing his sides and squeezing hard.
“He-EEY!!” Kageyama cried, pushing at Tadashi’s shoulders. “W-What – why are you – stohohop it!”
“Hinata always does this when you’re being a jerk, and it works for him, so I thought I’d try it.” Yamaguchi grinned at the soft, held-back giggles slipping from the setter’s mouth. “Feeling a little more humble, Tobio?”
“Shuhuhuhut up!” Kageyama grabbed his wrists, finally stopping the gentle assault. Breathing heavily, he muttered, “No fair.”
“I think it’s completely fair. We should have a way to knock you down a few pegs when we need to.” Yamaguchi smirked, grabbing another ball from the bin behind Kageyama and turning toward the end of the court. “Let’s do another one.”
35) Lee Tsukishima, Ler Bokuto
“Are you seriously ticklish here?” Bokuto laughed, pressing his thumbs deeper into the space between Tsukishima’s shoulder blades.
Tsukki gritted his teeth against the mirth that was bubbling inside of him, but he couldn’t stop his squirming. “Y-Yes, now stop it! This isn’t helping!”
The two of them had been practicing their spikes in the gym at camp when Tsukki’s left shoulder had suddenly gone tense on him, making it difficult for him to set or spike with any great force. Bokuto had offered to massage the area which – in retrospect – was probably not the wisest idea to begin with. Either way they were here now, with Tsukki lying on his stomach on the floor and Bokuto pressing into his shoulder blades rather than his left shoulder, too amused to continue the massage properly.
“This is hilarious!” Bokuto went on, switching from kneading to skittering. “Dude, this is great. You need to loosen up and laugh more, anyway.”
“I d-do not!” Tsukki growled, clenching his fists. He hated that Bokuto was planted on him too firmly for him to simply roll over and push him away. “Get off. I didn’t ask for this.”
“You didn’t ask for the massage, either. I offered.” Bokuto moved his skittering into Tsukki’s underarms.
Tsukki jolted, bringing his arms down, wincing at the throb in his left shoulder while also snickering uncontrollably into the gym floor. “S-Stohohop it, that hurts, Bohohokuto!”
“Does it? Sounds more like you’re giggling to me~”
“Knohohohohohock it off!”
Bokuto grinned. “Nah. I think this will work just as well as a massage, buddy.”
36) Lee Suga, Ler Kuroo
“That’s sensitive!”
“Well, it’s your most ticklish spot, so I’d imagine so.”
“Not that,” Suga insisted, hissing at Asahi. “The information.”
Kuroo smirked at them both in amusement. “Not inclined to share how easy it is to reduce you to a helpless puddle of giggles? I’m not surprised, really.”
Suga flushed pink and glared at Asahi. “You jerk. Now everyone on the Nekoma team is going to know.”
“I’ll keep my mouth shut,” Kuroo offered, “on one condition.”
“Which is?”
“You let me see for myself.”
Suga paled. “W-What? No, I…”
Asahi grinned, hooking his arms under Suga’s to hold him in place. “He’s all yours, Kuroo.”
“What?! Asahi, you traitor!” Suga cried, already giggling before Kuroo had even reached him. “Nohohoho, dohohohohon’t!”
“Wow, it must be bad if you’re laughing already,” Kuroo teased, lifting his jersey just enough to find his navel and wiggle a finger into it. “Tickle, tickle~”
“NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!” Suga screamed, tossing his head back and struggling so hard Asahi had to fight to maintain his hold on him. “STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP IT!! KUROO LET ME GOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!”
“I’m not the one holding you captive, my friend.” Kuroo continued to wiggle his finger, chuckling at the hyena cackles he was getting for his minimal efforts. “Cootchie coo, little setter~”
“STAHAHAHAHAHAP!! DOHOHOHOHON’T TEASE ME!! KUROO – AHAHAHASAHI PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!” Suga laughed and writhed and tried kicking his attacker, but it did him no good, and the ticklish feeling was so strong there, he couldn’t take it. “PLEHEHEHEHEASE NO MOHOHOHOHOHORE!! KUROO!!”
Finally, Kuroo let up, standing up with a big smile. “Adorable. Absolutely adorable. You’ve got a cute laugh, too.”
Suga slumped to the ground when Asahi let him go, blushing hard and trying to hide his smile. “Just shut up already.”
37) Lee Kageyama, Ler Kenma
“You’re not as intimidating as I thought,” Kenma murmured in his low, monotonous voice, watching calmly as he made a mess of the Karasuno setter.
Kageyama was on the ground, curled in on himself to protect his most ticklish spot while the Nekoma setter poked and scribbled along his sides and ribs. Just a moment ago they’d accidentally bumped into each other, and Kenma grabbed Kageyama’s shirt to keep from falling, grabbing onto his side and forcing a loud squeal out of the taller boy in the process. Well, much like a cat with a mouse, Kenma pounced on the opportunity and had learned rather quickly that Kageyama – for all of his height and strength and intimidating glares – was incredibly ticklish, and very easy to take down.
So take him down he had.
“Stohohohohop it,” Kageyama begged, trying to stay as quiet as possible. The last thing he needed was for Kuroo or any of the other Nekoma players to know about his weakness. He tried to grab Kenma’s wrists and force him away, but Kenma was quick on his feet when he wanted to be, and in the next moment both of Kageyama’s arms were above his head, Kenma sitting on them to keep them in place and reaching down to scribble in his open underarms.
Now he was even more helpless than he had been.
“Nohohohohohohoho! Kenma!” Kageyama squealed, giggling harder than he cared to admit, certain he had to be blushing by now. Thank god Hinata wasn’t here. “Plehehehehehehease, stop!”
Kenma hummed, reaching under the Karasuno setter’s jersey to scribble directly against his skin, earning an even louder squeal for his efforts.
Nekoma’s brain had gone to work, and there was no stopping him now.
38) Lee Suga, Ler Daichi
“You have the loudest, most dorky laugh of all time,” Daichi said, sitting on Suga’s lap and pinning his wrists above his head to the couch cushion at his back. “And I miss it.”
Suga’s eyes widened. “H-Hold on, I didn’t – this isn’t why I’m here, we’re supposed to be studying!”
“You’ve been studying so hard you’ve forgotten how to have fun.” The Karasuno captain smirked, wiggling his fingers in Suga’s line of vision, enjoying the way his cheeks turned pink in response. “If you don’t want to lighten up on your own, I’ll make you, Kou.”
“Daichi…” Suga trailed off, opening his mouth to protest but then changing his mind, looking away. “Please be gentle.” He cringed at himself for saying it, but Daichi smiled, slipping his fingers under his friend’s shirt to get at his belly directly, scribbling lightly.
“I’ll be gentle,” he promised, “for now.”
Suga giggled, trying and failing to twist out of the way, pinned firmly in place while his friend loomed over him, grinning at his helplessness, making him feel even more flustered. He jerked when Daichi strayed too close to his navel. “Nohohohohot thehehehehere, plehehehease…”
Daichi considered. “But I want to hear your hyena laugh.”
“N-Nohohohohot today, Dai…plehehehehease.”
After a moment, the captain nodded. “All right, I’ll stay away from that spot for now. But you owe me one, got it?”
At the lighter, happier giggling he got as an answer, he knew he’d made the right choice by being gentle for his friend’s sake today.
Suga blushed to his ears but nodded all the same. “Deheheheheal.”
39) Lee Yamaguchi, Ler Tsukishima
“Looks like someone’s ridiculously ticklish here.”
Yamaguchi squealed. Tsukishima towered over him, grabbing onto his sides and squeezing rapidly, making the smaller boy laugh despite how flustered he was by this whole situation. He’d always wanted Tsukki to tickle him to pieces like this, and now that it was happening, he didn’t know what to do with himself. He instinctually wanted to squirm and push Tsukki away, but he also didn’t want the blonde to actually stop, so he just awkwardly jerked and flopped around beneath his friend, laughing and sputtering and blushing so hard he felt the heat of it on his cheeks.
Tsukki watched him closely, a small smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. “You’re not asking me to stop.”
Oh, god. Tadashi whimpered through his giggles, clenching his fists tightly by his shoulders, fighting desperately against the urge to bring them down and protect his – as Tsukki had put it – ridiculously ticklish sides.
Tsukki chuckled, and the sound sent a cold shudder through Yamaguchi. He gasped when the blonde moved to straddle his waist, grabbing his wrists and pinning them to his sides with his knees. “T-Tsukki…”
“Just helping you out,” Tsukki teased, going back to squeezing and digging into his weak spot, making Tadashi throw back his head and laugh once more. It was so much worse now that he couldn’t even squirm! “Since you so obviously want me to tickle you.”
“Ahahahahahahahaha! Tsukkiehehehehehehehe!”
“D-Dohohohohohon’t-!” Yamaguchi hesitated, then forced himself to keep going. “Don’t stahahahahahahap!”
Tsukishima grinned wickedly. “Don’t worry. I wasn’t planning to.”
40) Lee Kageyama, Ler Hinata
“Get away from me!” Kageyama cried, trying to wrench himself free of the cursed net but failing. Hinata continued his slow advance, wiggling his fingers and grinning mischievously. Kageyama’s heartrate kicked into overdrive. He was stuck. The net was wrapped securely around his wrists and arms, keeping him trapped right where he was in the middle of the court, helplessly watching his friend get closer and closer with every second. “H-Hinata, wait!”
“Finally,” Hinata said, beaming. “Finally, I get to show you what it’s like!”
“What what’slike?!””
Hinata plunged his fingers into the setter’s underarms, scribbling and digging with everything he had. “What it’s like to be tickled to death while you can’t do anything about it!”
Kageyama burst into giggles. He was so ticklish, and being stuck in the volleyball net like this felt like being betrayed by his oldest friend, somehow. He wiggled and thrashed, but nothing helped him. Nothing got him away from Hinata’s tickling fingers, and the redhead was smiling at him, and he couldn’t stand how flustered it was making him feel.
“Hinata,” he wheezed, voice pleading, “stohohohohohop! Please, I c-cahahahahan’t – thihihihihis isn’t fahahahahahahair!”
“And tickling me when I got stuck under the bleachers that one time was fair?” Hinata traveled downward to his hips and giggled at the squeal Kageyama let free. He kept up easily with his thrashing. When the setter struggled so hard his jersey came untucked from his shorts, Hinata held onto his waist and blew the biggest raspberry he could manage on his friend’s belly, reveling in the absolute shriek he got for his trouble.
“Hinatahahahahaha!” Kageyama laughed, blushing so hard he could feel the heat of it running down his neck. “Plehehehehehehehease!”
Hinata blushed, too, mesmerized by how much a little tickling had transformed his normally stoic friend into this unstoppable giggling mess. He beamed. “I think I like tickling you, Kageyama.”
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mooifyourecows · 3 years
Anyway, here's the Daichi version because I have been stuck with this idea but it doesn't fit the characters I originally wanted to write it for (not that I really write such long things), so have fun(?):
They started dating at 19
Honestly, both had a crush for way longer than that. It wasn't even necessarily that they were in denial, it just..never seemed to happen before. (They were both nervous wrecks. Asahi made fun of them for years. He had to use the chances he got, after all)
It happened rather unspectacularly, all things considers. A valentines day, chocolate and way too warm faces for the sort of weather they had. But at least there were cuddles and baking after, with neither being a gigantic chocolate fan.
They made muffins with it. They also burned said muffins.
It became sort of their thing after, to bake on anniversaries or other moments were they just..really loved each other.
With 23 they decided to eventually open up a cafè, with baked goods they would make themselves and a small book collection.
Really, it was more of a dream and a what-if, future plans that they hoped they would get to do one day but knew were unlikely. Their hope would never die tho.
Suga loved spending time imaginig it with him, talking about what they would put on the menu and the decoration.
Daichi pitched in with teasing him. Because let's be honest, Suga would absolutely let their friends run tabs and then complain about them every day.
Sometimes, they practiced making coffee together, the fancy sort.
Not that either of them particularly loved coffee, quiet the opposite.
Both prefered tea or, if they needed to stay up, energy drinks.
(Suga swore firecracker chai up and down, but Daichi much prefered green tea with a salted caramel flavor. Suga called it a disgrace to green tea and kept a tally for "whenever you insult green tea like that. I'll demand you make me chai for it when the time comes")
With 25 they bought a fancy coffee machine.
From then on it became sort of normal, weekends with everyone, eating their baked goods and drinking coffee and tea. By now they had a whole shelf with just loose tea and dried fruit, trying new combos and scribbling them down, inventing names.
It became a joke, the tabs thing.
Suga saying that he would "note down whatever they were eating now - for later", everyone else insisting they were "just helping, and really you can't charge someone for help". Daichi helpfully threw in that Suga would forget their tabs either way.
They both ignored the little notebook tugged in a kitchen cabinet, filled with notes about what their friends liked or disliked, particular favorites to definitly include later. (Suga has a tally for them all. Daichi calls it his "petty listing habit". He is absolutely a sucker for it)
But sundays are just for the two of them. They make muffins (they still slightly burn the milk chocolate ones. By now it's anyones guess if they do it on purpose or as a sorta cute definitly weird habit) and their favorite teas and settle into a movie, or a show, or whatever, because honestly they never pay attention. They much prefer to just talk about everything and nothing.
They've watched Spirited Away like this 5 times and still could probably barely explain the plot to you. It's their favorite Introductory Fun Fact to tell at more relaxed parties.
At 27, Suga dies.
It was an abrupt one, the week before his 28th birthday. Funnily enough, it was during an errand for chocolate chips - he wanted to suprise Daichi with muffins.
At 31, Daichi opens the cafè.
It's named after Suga, full of the decore he planned up the decade before and the years in between.
Daichi still uses the fancy coffee machine, tho none of the muffins are ever even slightly burned.
That only happens when he practices, alone in his flat on sundays.
He's come to love the taste of slightly burned milk chocolate.
Only on special occassions there's a certain tea. It always seems to be random dates, like the week leading up to valentines, or the second week of June, but thoose are the times with the most foot traffic by regulars.
It's a firecracker chai with a note of chocolate.
And so Daichi turns 32, with a burned tongue and the taste of burned chocolate, thumbing trough the pages filled with scribbles of the past.
Maybe he lingers a bit too long on the page that has a barely starter tally and a sloppy 2022 written at the top, littered with dried drops of salt water.
Maybe he thinks to often of a man, stuck at 27 with a bright smile and tabs that would never be fulfilled.
He definitly crossed lines out of a certain tea tally, everytime he had a special tea in stock.
There were many debts to repay after all.
-angst anon
angst anon you are a devil and i love and hate you ��😭💔
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wantaichi · 4 years
haikyuu + skincare hcs
ever think abt how they treat their skin? probably not. but like. do they wash their face like a normal person? have a 32 step skincare routine maybe??
msg me for any character who’s not here and i’ll drop their routine for u
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sugawara. lives up to his title as mr. refreshing. cleanses, tones, and moisturizes. !chefs kiss! keeps a jar of aloe vera face gel in his fridge, his mom had a spare. carries around a 100-sheet pack of oil film, more out of habit than of need. good skincare just makes him feel in control of his life, ok
ennoshita. fuckin’ spotless. part of the 0.0001% who don’t sweat easily. doesn’t have a complete regimen but never skips out on cleansing and toning before bed. actually reads the product ingredients and googles the benefits before buying. neutrogena type of guy. 
asahi. facial scrubs are his holy grail. like. dead skin? stubborn hair follicles? haha not on his watch ヾ( ・`⌓´・)ノ゙ trims his goatee every 3-4 week bc a well-groomed beard goes hand in hand with proper skincare. a sucker for aromatic products. lavender? shea butter? SOLD.
daichi. “healthy lifestyle is key to healthy skin“ typa dude. rly just thinks natural is the way to go. drinks 8 glasses of water, eats his veggies, exercises regularly, gets 8 hours of sleep. sounds like smth off wikihow if u ask me. probably is.
tsukishima. cetaphil hoe. brand loyalty embodied. on it for 5++ years, and never once considered switching. BUT. his routine ends at step 1. cleanse. and that’s it. the fuck he need a 32 step skincare routine for? long as he gets a day’s worth of grime and dirt off his face, he gucci
yamaguchi. sensitive skin’s got him constantly changing/exploring different products. rode on tsukki’s cetaphil agenda for the first few years of puberty (rly just out of curiousity) but dropped out when his skin got used to it. thinks pimple patches are a blessing to mankind.
tanaka. fuck. chaotic greasy. asks for oil film from suga just to stick it on his forehead, lets it stay there. uses whatever’s in the bathroom to wash off, aka majority of saeko’s products. got yelled at once to “get his greasy ass over here” and got slabbed with aztec healing clay mask. converted to clay mask hoe after 20 minutes. “mm this shit’s dope!”
nishinoya. fuck. chaotic greasy part ii. but make it baby face. only does skincare when chillin at the tanakas. homie got him to try the clay mask bc chick’s dig that. “bro, u mean the mask or boys who do the mask?” “both bro” “awshit bro gimme that” thinks splashing some water twice a week is enough
kageyama. ? this yalls mans? oblivious to the whole concept of skincare, only acknowledges general hygiene. uses whatever’s on the soap holder to wash his face. probably dove. doesnt really have much skin problems to begin with, only breaks out once a year. living proof that god has favorites.
hinata. only started taking skincare seriously that time a huge ass zit grew on his chin. yachi offered him her unfinished bottle of cosrx (she’s a hoarder and u kno it), and has since been giving him all her leftover bottles. basically gets to use good quality products for free smh
kuroo. not very big on the idea of skincare per se, but supports any brand on that cruelty-free and vegan agenda. reads the product ingredients like a children’s book. “mm phenoxyethanol and retinyl palmitate.. i’ll take it.” always leaves the saleslady stunned.
kenma. too lazy to adopt a routine. but regularly uses his mom’s facial wash. you know. those mom brands. has a stash of facemasks from lev’s trip to korea —> only form of skincare he actually appreciates bc he can simultaneously play his games and be all bout dat self care 
lev. abuses his perks of having a sister. casually uses all alisa’s imported, high end stuff. la prairie. estee lauder. la mer. and she doesn���t mind bc her “levochka deserves all the finest things”. boujee ass russians
yaku. baby face. when god made it rain collagen, he was freestylin in a pool full of it while we was all sleepin. doesn’t exert much effort, just cleanses and tones bc it’s part of proper hygiene. girls envy him. parents in their 40s wanna be him. 
oikawa. SKINCARE HOE KING. fuckin high maintenance. goes to the derma for his monthly laser facial treatment. on broke days, he settles for a diamond peel. skin so smooth it puts the entire female population to shame. spends his savings on those clinique eye creams. probably modeled for the face shop once
iwaizumi. homie reeks of male cleanser. might either dove men or nivea men. there’s no in between. oikawa internally screams everytime he witnesses his bff wash his face. two words. aggressive. rubbing. bordering on hostile he might actually skin his face off
mattsun and makki. fuck. drugstore cleansers. the ones that come in sachets. agreed to take turns in buying bundles for sharing. sometimes sneaks a pinch from oikawa’s clinique products when he’s not looking. haha dumb hoe. may have an addiction to charcoal nose pore strips just so they can compare blackheads
bokuto. buys whatever’s on sale idfk. genuinely wants to get on kuroo’s go green agenda but too lazy to look around the store. normally just uses the bubbles from his soap or shampoo. his belief: if it cleans his hands and his ass, then it can fuckin clean his face too
akaashi. healthy lifestyle + decent regimen = pretty skin. cleanses and tones. tried his mom’s aloe vera face gel once and got hooked. shit’s relaxing as hell. owns a bunch of facemasks, sometimes uses but keeps forgetting to take them off before falling asleep. uwu af
futakuchi. doesn’t have a routine cause “who tf needs that” and “obviously not me.” or so he says. secretly the biggest spender on skincare in all of dateko. owns a bunch of anti wrinkle products and probably one of those jade rollers. but no one needs to know that. just wants everyone to think he’s naturally pretty
aone. told by futakuchi that “knitting your brows too much causes premature wrinkles, but not like i’m an expert on that hhhahaha dont get me wrong.” can’t rly do anything bout it. he was born with that face. also buys whatever’s on sale
ushijima. surprisingly blemish free? but not entirely smooth? just spotless? basically a rock? never went past step 1: cleanse. never realized he’s been skipping out the 31 next steps. cetaphil hoe.
tendou. dry. crusty. compensates by sweating a lot through practice. might be effective if he’d stop leaving the foam on longer than recommended, thus leaving his skin dryer than his love life. yeah, i went there.
shirabu. flawless at first glance. until you lift those uneven ass bangs. tbh its nothing serious except “are we gonna ignore the fact that his whiteheads follow the shape of his bangs” as pointed out by tendou. uses whatever cleanser his mom buys for him
semi. decent skin care routine. a big boy who’s fairly knowledgeable on other brands outside cetaphil and dove/garnier/nivea men. takes him less than 5 minutes to pick a product bc he’s tried them all, knows what works, knows his skin type in and out. stan semi for clear skin.
see inarizaki + sakusa here
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monstrsball · 3 years
in the last hours of daichi day (it's still december 31 where i am rn), i have come to ask you about your thoughts about daichi in the college au!! (as always, feel free to ignore any q's you're not interested in) does he ever stay with the core group? what does he think of their friendship? how does he fit in the general dynamic? also, curious what you think of daichi and iwa's friendship, if it exists, bc that's a pair i've never thought about but am suddenly very curious about how they would interact...
it's still december 31st where i am too!!
oooh okay daichi in the college au, here we go.
i've mentioned this before but in the college au, daichi stayed in miyagi bc he's training to be a firefighter. (bc i personally hate cop daichi, firefighter daichi is superior. sorry furudate) also so he can still help out with his siblings. - his own decision, not something his parents pressured him to do or anything, just to be clear. he mostly hangs out with kiyoko and the (previously second) current karasuno third years. sometimes he hangs out with the date tech alumni. 
he visits tokyo a lot and he usually stays at asahi and suga's place. he does hang out with the core group a lot!! he gets along fairly well with all of them. 
iwaizumi is the only one that he hadn’t hung out with before and he was a little worried about things being awkward but it wasn’t. they get along super well!!! daichi likes to joke that in another life iwaizumi could have been his best friend, mostly because he knows it gets on suga’s nerves lol.
daichi is, however, shocked to discover just how much iwaizumi lets kuroo and suga get away with. like things he probably would have put a stop to, iwaizumi just... lets happen and daichi is like ??? 
“shouldn’t we stop them?” “eh i want to see where it goes”
he understands what asahi means now when asahi says that all three of them stress him out sometimes. 
iwaizumi is shocked by how much daichi teases asahi. he somehow had it in his head that daichi was the nice one. he didn’t know that daichi and suga just liked to gang up on asahi. not that he’s judging because he, mattsun, and makki like to gang up on oikawa lol.
he and iwaizumi keep in touch after their initial meeting, they text from time to time. i really do fully believe that if iwaizumi and daichi met in canon, they’d be really good friends so i have to incorporate it here.
kuroo manages to rope daichi into really weird competitions bc kuroo knows just how to bring out daichi’s super competitive side.
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kingdaddydaichi · 2 years
x gn!reader. sfw. a little crack. imagining daichi being just the slightest bit insecure is so precious to me. for the record, i don't think he's a possessive partner, but you're so beautiful to him and maybe sometimes he worries you can do better. 🥺
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daichi doesn't get jealous too easily but it happens more often than you realize bc he doesn't say anything most of the time.
that’s not to say it happens a lot tho bc you’re a loyal partner and you don’t give him any reason to worry.
but it’s not you he worries about. it’s them - the other guys bc he knows how beautiful and wonderful you are…and he knows they know it too. i mean, pffssh, who doesn't know it? 💅🏼
so, if daichi sees another dude talking to you, trust - he’s watching. subtly. from the next room. like a hawk.
daichi’s tracking every move dude is making from his periphery. listening to every word too, even if he's in the middle of conversation with someone else.
he usually won’t step in though unless he senses that you're uncomfortable. and he just knows bc he’s finely in tune w his lover.
if he does step in, he squares his shoulders with the other guy and leans in with a smile while extending his large hand, obviously flexing his dominant energy. “hi, i’m daichi, (y/n)’s boyfriend/husband. i don’t believe we’ve met?”
you can almost hear the other guy's knuckles cracking as he grits his teeth and winces in pain.
daichi is king at lacing just the right amount of intimidation in with superficial tact that sends the clear and concise message that he will end them if they try any "funny stuff" with his sweetheart.
he’s not nearly as low key about it as he thinks he is.
like say he comes in and sees you wearing asahi’s hoodie or something.
aside from chuckling bc the thing is so big on you that it's threatening to swallow you up, daichi will say “hey baby, you cold?”
and thinking nothing of it you’ll smile at him and say, “i was, but asahi let me wear his hoodie so i’m fine now!"
“gotcha. well, i bet asahi’s getting a little chilled. how about you wear my jacket instead so we can give his hoodie bac-“
“oh, i’m okay! i'm not cold,” asahi will chime in with a smile.
and daichi’s eyes will darken as he glares at the former ace. “i said you’re cold…”, making the taller man flinch.
you take off the offending clothing and pat daichi’s shoulder to soothe the savage beast that wants to rip asahi's hoodie to shreds with his teeth.
“here you go, asa! thanks so much for letting me borrow it!”
then daichi will put his jacket over your shoulders and pull you in close to his side, smiling bc he's feeling much better now.
it’s so cute bc daichi thinks he's being slick, but everyone knows the diplomatic gentleman has a deep, but not so well-hidden territorial streak.
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31 days of daichi mlist | main daichi mlist | haikyuu mlist
taglist: @chaoskrakenuwu @yuujispinkhair @luvkun4 @briokayama @mrs-sawamura @heroesfan101 @millenialfanfictionaddiction @lanaxians-2 @darthferbert @hannas16 @a-girl-cant-decide-on-a-name @cookiesandmilksx @whinestonecowgirl @maexc @little-ms-awkward @samkysnks @anejuuuuoy @productivity-blogs @patheticliesblog @strawbmarma @lomons ++ get added
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nicka-nell · 4 years
New prompt! New prompt! N e w p r o m p t! ✪ ω ✪ So I hope I understand rules right, but if not - I'm so sorry. May I request Sawamura Daichi + childhood friends + fluff + 23 + 36 and Aizawa Shota + kiss at midnight + fluff + 1 + 31?
Midnight Kiss (Aizawa x reader)
Childhood friends to lovers (Sawamura x reader)
Oh hiii! ♥ I hope you are fine :)) Ahhh and thank you for the request. You understand the rules right yes :)) So let’s go!
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Valentine’s Day - Prompt Event | Masterlist (coming soon)
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Pairing: Aizawa x reader (kiss at midnight) Warning: just fluff  Prompts: 1.  “I missed being with you like this.“ 31. “Can I play with your hair?”
Again, you sit here, looking out into the dark sky, into the night full of stars, hoping Aizawa will be fine. Last time you heard from him was four days ago. A good night’s text, a message that he thinks of you and you should try to sleep. Nothing more. 
He is together with other top heroes in a battle against the villains. They work undercover and actually you shouldn’t know about it, but Aizawa could not just leave you in the dark. 
You haven’t seen him for ten days. For ten days you didn’t feel his warmth and sat alone outside on your terrace. Still sitting alone drinking your now-lukewarm tea. Even today he doesn’t come anymore. Admit to yourself, as you look into your empty teacup and change the cold of the night, by the warmth of your apartment to lie down in your shared bed. Without him. 
Another four days pass, in which you sit every evening on your terrace. Drinking tea and going to bed. Over two weeks have passed, the fifteenth night is coming.
Again, you sit in your sleeping clothes on the terrace, the long sleeves of your cardigan lie over your hands, while your tea cup is already empty and is now illuminated by the bright moon. He’s not here again. You sigh, hide your tears and close your eyes. You want to stay in the chilly night air for a minute. Sense the cold air on your skin for another minute. But it suddenly gets warm around your shoulders.
Aizawa is strongly convinced that you are already asleep. After all, it’s midnight. Therefore, he sneaks carefully into your apartment, only to acknowledge that the living room light is on and the bedroom door is still wide open.
Skeptically, he looks into it, finds there only an empty made bed, as he goes into the living room to see if you are not perhaps asleep on the couch. But you’re not there either. Instead, a slight breeze blows a strand of hair out of his face, causing him to look in the door's direction. He can look out into the free where he sees the person who gives him so much comfort.
Quietly you look at the sky, smiling a little while resting on the floor on a seat cushion, next to you an empty cup of tea. He doesn’t notice, but his corners of his mouth have slightly pulled up as he looks at your silhouette.
Again he goes back to the bedroom, fetches your thick blanket and steps together with it outside on the terrace. 
Quietly he sneaks up on you, lays the blanket over his and your body, before he silently pulls you from behind in his embrace. You say nothing either. Let his arms hold you to his body while he gives you a loving kiss on the crown.
Aizawa is not a man of big words. He’s not a person who reveals his emotions, but he would lie if he said he didn’t miss you. Although he never had a photo of you with him, because the fear was too big that the villains could do something to you, should they catch Aizawa. Still, he always had your picture before his eyes.
Your beautiful smile when you greet him with coffee in the morning. Your pouting when Aizawa had once again forgotten to eat the food you lovingly prepared for him. Your embarrassed gaze when you pulled on the zipper of his yellow sleeping bag to ask him to let you in and cuddle. He had really missed all that.
And now he is with you, has you in his arms, can feel your warmth on his skin, perceive your scent, watch you, while you can listen to the crickets chirping in peace. His arms pull you closer to him. Almost steal you the air out to breathe.
“I missed being with you like this.” His voice is serious, yet calm and full of love, as his thumbs caress your arms and he buries his head like a cat purring in the crook of your neck. Tired, Aizawa closes his eyes, enjoys the moment as your hand strolls towards his head and begins to scratch it.
You breathe with joy, smiling at the almost sleeping man on your shoulder as his lips separate and he lures up to you under his long eyelashes. “Can you turn to me, Y/n?” Although you are surprised that he is suddenly so touchy, you are also happy about his affection. After all, you missed him.
So you turn around, get closer to him to sit on his lap. But your smile fades. You gently pat him over his face, the beard stubble that has now almost become a real beard, over the large plaster that adorns his temple and think that he could probably have more injuries.
But your hand does not remain on his skin for long, as Aizawa’s hand wraps around your own and pulls it away from him, only to kiss your ankles afterwards. “Hey, kitten, it’s all right. Don’t look so sad.” 
Brooding, you try to believe him, try to smile as you look into his raven-black eyes. “Only on one condition.” You smile, but Aizawa doesn’t answer. He’s just looking at you, asking you with his gaze to continue.
“Can I play with your hair?” Of course you wanted that. Aizawa could have figured that out himself. You love burying your fingers in his hair, stroking them, playing with them. It always calmed you down, and he has to admit that it calms him down oddly too.
A slim smile spreads out on his lips, followed by a wordless nod which makes your face sparkle. The most beautiful sight for him.
Still on his lap, you braid his hair, humming happily and calming down in no time. You are sure that it will also calm Aizawa down, because his hands are no longer firmly around your body, meanwhile patting your back gently, while he has his eyes closed and tilts his head backwards.
For a while you linger like this until he bends his head slightly forward and looks at you with tired eyes. You notice how his grip gets a little tighter again, but not more tightly due to stress or tension, no more so, whether he is nervous, afraid of what he’s about to say.
“Y/n… You could really do this for hours… You know? I kind of like the way your little fingers glide through my hair.” Briefly he pauses, almost as if he is not sure to pronounce his next words. “If we ever have a daughter, you can both do it as long as you want.” His voice is confident, yet loving, while his gaze lies earnestly in yours.
You’re surprised by his words. He had never talked about own children. Always about his school class. However, it makes you happy, happy that he had thought about such a step. Happy that he apparently wants to make that step with you.
“Sounds good Shouta my love.” You smile happily and want to get up to go back to the warm with him. Since even if you’re clothed in the blanket, it’s cold outside. But his hands stop you, pull you up to him, so that your face is only a few inches away from his.
Embarrassed, he pokes your nose with his, gives you a nose kiss that makes you smile before he seals your quiet giggle with a proper kiss. Full of love, his warm lips press on yours, his beard tickles you a bit, but that doesn’t bother you right now.
For a moment, he loosens from your mouth, looks deep into your eyes, forehead pressed against forehead. “I love you Y/n. Let’s stay like this a little longer.” He whispers softly before closing his eyes to steal another kiss from your lips.
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Pairing: Sawamura x reader (childhood friends) Warning: just fluff Prompts: 23. “I’ve been in-love with you since we were kids.” 36. “I like the way your hand fits in mine.”
Like every year, Valentine’s Day is the day you hate the most. These couples in love running through the city, taking photos of themselves and buying themselves completely overpriced gifts they don’t really need. Only love movies run on the TV and there is nothing else but the topic of love.
“Same shit repeatedly!” You curse while sitting on the sofa. You are still wearing your sweatpants, a wide shirt and plush socks while you cuddle up in your blanket and watch the third love film with a large cup of ice cream.
You’re annoyed that the same thing happens in every movie. The two young people know each other from an early age. Fall in love with other people to find out in the end that they only loved one person. And that’s the childhood friend. In the end, they are always a couple and live happily together.
You don’t know why, but you must think directly of Sawamura. About the fact that you two have known each other since the sandbox. Sawamura has always been an incredible man. No wonder some girls are after him. But you and him?
You’ve always been superb friends. The idea of kissing your best friend… Just as you want to think further, your vibrating cell phone gets you out of your mind. Surprised, you look at your display on which the name of Sawamura lights up.
Man of justice: There, there! What’s up with my little couch potato? Are you watching those stupid movies again? What do you say we go out and don’t think about that Valentine’s Day stuff? I’ll be there in 20 minutes?
Even though you were cold through the ice cream, you feel like your entire body is blazing like fire. You’re happy about Sawamura’s message. About him wanting to do something with you. Strangely enough, more than usual.
In a flash, you get up, barely answer him that you are waiting for him and go to your closet to find something to wear. You don’t realize that you grabbed the outfit that Sawamura likes best on you. Where each time he had laid his hand in the neck embarrassed and told you how the color and cut flatters you.
Also, you have your hair as well as he likes it most. All that subconsciously, but now that you’re standing in front of the mirror, you realize it. You want to look good for Sawamura. Your body wasn’t warm because you were under the blanket, no it was warm because you were happy about Sawamura’s message. Are you in love with him...?
No, it’s all just because of Valentine’s Day. Shaking your head, you look at your phone one last time to check the time when you hear the doorbell ringing and run like a happy toddler to the door.
Even though he knows you’re about to open the door, it feels like forever. But when he sees you standing in front of him, he forgets to breathe for a moment. You look incredible. Breathtaking, enchanting, like a real, beautiful woman.
“Daichi? Everything okay with you?” Brings him your voice back to the present, while you wave your hand at him, as if you want to see him react. 
He is sure that his cheeks are red; he is sure that his voice will sound equally strange when he opens his mouth to answer you. “Sure! Anyway, let’s go, huh?” He answers you in an odd bright tone.
But you think nothing of it. Pat him on the shoulder and walk past him. In a funny way you bend forward, stretch one arm in the road's direction and bend the other to signal Sawamura to follow you. 
“Please… After you, my dear sir.” You say in a voice that should imitate a butler, as Sawamura laughs and pulls you along by your hand.
Together you walk through the park. As everywhere else, they set many stalls up for Valentine’s Day. Many couples walk hand in hand through the area. Everyone has roses, teddy bears, chocolate or any other cheesy stuff in their hands, which only makes your eyes roll. But Sawamura only laughs.
“Come on, leave the poor lovebirds alone. They’re all madly in love.” He smiles, which causes your pulse to speed up. If it’s his smile? Or his hand that suddenly touches your back gently? You don’t know, but for some inexplicable reason, you feel strange around him today.
The brown-haired one notices that you do not answer him, just looks at him lost in thought and is not sure if he has not said something wrong. Pondering, he puts his hand down his neck and looks carefully around the park. 
“Say Y/n… Are you maybe hungry? Should I get us two portions of the dumplings over there? They look good, don’t you think?” But you just shake your head. You’re still full of that cup of ice cream you ate at home, but it’s too embarrassing for you to tell Sawamura. So you tell him you’re not very hungry, but you’d like to share a portion with him.
Nodding, he makes his way to the stall, while you wait for him leaning against a wall. You’re watching him from a distance, how he, with his hands in the pocket of his coat, swaying back and forth on his legs, waiting for the line in which he is standing to get smaller.
“That such a pretty girl like you is all alone in this park is really a crime. Don’t you think?” Disgusted, you look aside, where that voice came from, when you look into the face of a young man who has already fixed you as his prey.
“I’m not alone.” You answer only annoyed and go a step further away from him, but that does not interest him, because he has already filled the gap with his body. “Hm, can’t see a person next to you.” Again, this man grins, and again you want to take a step backwards as you feel a hand on your lower back gently hugging your body and pulling you away from the man.
“Are you all right, sweetheart?” Kisses Sawamura’s loving words, your ears and makes your cheeks glow. “Yeah… everything’s alright.” You answer irritated, but play along with him, because you want to get away from this man.
“Good. Then let’s go. If you’ll excuse us.” With these words, Sawamura gives the man a dark look, which you do not notice. You’re too caught up in this brief illusion that Sawamura’s words could be true. 
But even as you turn around, Sawamura looks back at the man who stares at you with tight eyes when your best friend reaches for your hand. It is warm and incredibly soft. Yet, ironically, it’s big and strong wrapped around your little one.
Unconsciously, you bite your lower lip, trying to hide a smile, because this tiny touch makes you so happy. But you don’t seem to be the only one who likes it. Then Sawamura’s gaze is already on your face, walking down to your hands linked.
“I like the way your hand fits in mine.” He smiles as he raises your hand with his, as if he wanted to show you what he meant by that. Puzzled, you just stare at him with your mouth open, not noticing that you are standing in front of a bench where you wanted to sit down to eat your food.
“Come on, sit down and eat before the food gets cold.” He has barely finished his sentence, since his warmth has already left your hand. Smiling, he pats on the empty seat, asking you to sit next to him.
You sit there together now, eating your differently filled dumplings, while you wonder what Sawamura meant by the fact that your hand fits so well into his. 
“I’m really sorry about that guy. But I didn’t want to make a big fuss, so I thought it best to just call you my girlfriend. I’m really sorry if that made you uncomfortable Y/n.” Apologizes Sawamura, who has already eaten half of his dumpling. 
But you’re just mumbling that it’s okay. That you didn’t mind, you even thanked him for pulling you away from that guy. Instead of answering you, he turns back to his bun with a smile which you do too.
It tastes really delicious, is filled with an insanely tasty cream and stimulates your hunger. Sawamura would certainly like this cream, too, you think, as your heart beats a few beats faster. Why do you speculate about him so much suddenly?
“Do you want to try? The stuffing is really delicious!” Now it bubbles out of you, and your cheeks pound with warmth. Even a little overwhelmed by your loud voice, he startles briefly before he smiles again and puts his hand around yours as he leads it to his mouth.
Embarrassed, you watch him clasp your hands and bite off a piece. He chews pleasurably when his hand leaves yours. Sawamura notices that you are still looking at him, sees that your gaze is suddenly different.
“Are you okay, Y/n?” But you don’t answer him. Brooding, he looks down at his dumpling, which is almost eaten when he stretches it out to you and asks you if you want a piece too.
Actually, you are already full, but Sawamura keeps the bun so close to your face that you can not help but take a bite. Although it is quite hearty, it tastes delicious. Sawamura also seems to recognize this by your satisfied face, and by the fact that a bit of the cream filling sticks to your cheek.
He chuckles as he uses his free hand to position it under your chin and uses his thumb to remove the food. Embarrassingly, you freeze by his touch, by the incredible closeness, since Sawamura is now only a few inches away from you.
“What’s wrong with you today, Y/n? You’re acting weird.” His deep voice embeds your body. “Nothing…” You stutter, turn away from him and quietly eat up your dough bag without even looking in Sawamura’s direction once more.
You sit there in silence, with your stomachs full, and look at the giggling, kissing couples. But you want to break this unpleasant calm. Want to ask him if you’d rather do something else than sit in a park, but a whole other question slipping your lips.
“What did you mean earlier? That my hands fit so well into yours?” Frightened by your question, you put your hands on your mouth, but Sawamura scratches his neck awkward when he turns to you and seeks eye contact.
“You know, I kind of had to think about the past. Because I always helped you up when you fell. And back then, I thought it was cute how well your little hand fitted into mine.” Almost a little disappointed, your fingers slide down from your lips to your lap. You don’t understand why your heart suddenly feels so weird. Why it hurts, even though nothing bad has happened.
Again you look forward as Sawamura’s hand sits on your lap. “Earth to Y/n!” He laughs, but you don’t. You just stare at him before you wander at the hand in your lap. Unconsciously, your fingertips are moving towards them. Turn his hand before they tickle his palm.
Instinctively you stroll to the one place where Sawamura always twitches with his little finger when you tickle him there and have to smile unintentionally. Back then, you thought it was lovable. That he was still doing it is really sweet.
“Say Y/n… Can I tell you something without you getting mad at me?” His calm voice gets you out of your mind. Afraid you’ll swallow a giant lump. You’re afraid he’ll tell you something that makes you sad, but you nod.
“Okay, I’ll just say it straight ahead… I like you. No, I mean, I like you more than a normal friend would do. I love you. I’ve been in-love with you since we were kids.”
He… loves you? Sawamura Daichi, your best friend, your childhood friend should love you? Your feelings are no longer in harmony. They are going crazy. They show you at the same time that you feel fear but also joy. Let your heart race.
“I… I don’t know what to say, Daichi… The thing is… I feel really weird around you today. My heart feels odd, my stomach tingles and… And I don’t know why, but somehow I was hoping… You saying that to me…” 
Your last words are so quiet that the brown-haired man hardly understands them.
“But I don’t know if I feel that way just because it’s Valentine’s Day? I don’t know, Daichi… I don’t understand myself right now.” He sees the fear in your eyes. The fear he had before he confessed his feelings to you. The fear he still has, the fear of being rejected. But you don’t reject him.
Because your hands press the hand that lies on your lap so firmly that Sawamura almost senses the feeling of numbness in it. He just smiles, hopes to take away the fear you and bends forward.
He removes the last inches that still separated your face to give you a loving kiss on the cheek. “It’s all right, Y/n.” Take your time, I can tell you all this again in two weeks, when you don’t think about Valentine’s Day anymore.” 
He whispers to you with his eyes closed before he gives you a poke with his nose and moves away from you again.
But you don’t need two weeks. Then, in the evening, you lie on the sofa in Sawamura’s arms, surrounded by silence, listening to him revel in old memories while he plays with your fingertips in a loving way.
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karasuno-chaos · 4 years
Resolutions (Daichi x Reader)
Hello!  Happy New Year!  I’m just popping by to offer this little blurb in honor of Daichi’s birthday (Dec. 31) and the new year!  Enjoy some Karasuno third years bonding and the blooming of possibilities. -Giz
Genre: fluff
Word Count:  1,917
Warnings: drinking (but not excessively)
When Daichi pulled the cheap wig out of the bag, his face contorted into something between humor and horror.  Suga cackled at the reaction, apparently pleased with the response to his gift.  Asahi and Kiyoko laughed as well.  Even though you were confused, you cracked a grin.  You didn’t get the joke, but your friends’ amusement was infectious.
“This is terrible,” Daichi said with enough mirth to be half-joking.
“I think you mean perfect,” Suga grinned.
“Is Daichi going bald or something?” you asked in a whisper, leaning across the couch to Kiyoko.
“No,” she chuckled.  “It’s referencing that time the vice principal’s toupee landed on his head.”
“What?” you cried, looking around at the others in demand of an explanation.
“Y/N, you never heard about that?” Asahi asked.
“No!  I mean, I knew the vice principal had a toupee, but I didn’t know Daichi wore it once.”
“It was not intentional, I assure you,” he grumbled.
“So what happened?”
They recounted the event from two years ago.  Daichi’s face twisted ruefully at the memory.  You were amazed you’d never heard this story when it still affected him so strongly.  You and he had been friends through high school and managed to grow closer after graduation, but evidently there were still things you could learn about him.
“I can’t believe you never heard about it,” Asahi said once you had all of the facts.
“We were sworn to secrecy,” Kiyoko recalled.
“Daichi was very strict about enforcing that rule,” Suga snickered.
“Even now I get the sense that the vice principal is going to appear out of nowhere and lecture us.”  The former captain shuddered.  “It used to give me nightmares.”
“I still get nightmares,” Asahi groaned.
“You weren’t even there!” Suga laughed.
“That’s probably for the best,” Kiyoko chuckled.  “I’m not sure he would have survived living through it.”
“I can’t believe I never knew about this,” you said, directing your words to Daichi.  He gave you an apologetic smile and shrugged.  “What other stories did you keep from me in high school?”
“Nothing important,” he promised.
“HA!” Suga snorted.  Daichi gave him a look that you weren’t sure how to interpret.  You glanced at Kiyoko who shrugged and hid her smile in her wine glass.  You huffed out an exasperated breath before taking your own sip of wine.  You could guess at what they were implying.
By graduation, you’d figured out your feelings for Daichi, and so had your friends.  Despite their encouragement, you’d decided not to act on those feelings.  Navigating jobs and post-graduate plans was challenging enough without including a new relationship or a broken heart.  Besides, you were comfortable in your friendship with Daichi.  Yes you wanted more, but you could wait until your lives settled down a little.
Over the past year, though, you’d started noticing a shift in your dynamic.  There were more late night conversations or meet-ups for coffee.  The way Daichi behaved didn’t change, but you’d catch his eye more often, and he’d look at you with softer expressions than he used to.  Suga started teasing the both of you, saying you were behaving like Kiyoko and Tanaka.  You usually brushed it off like you did with most of Suga’s teasing, but your other friends were starting to drop hints that you should start dating, and Daichi managed to dodge their leading questions without denying the possibility.  You figured it was only a matter of time before you talked and made it official.  You just hadn’t had time to have that conversation yet.
You promised yourself to do it this year, but for now, you would enjoy this evening with your friends.  It was possibly the last time you’d get to hang out like this.  Kiyoko was engaged, and by the next New Year’s Eve, she and Tanaka would be happily married.  Asahi was starting to make his way onto the fashion scene in Tokyo, and while he wasn’t the most adventurous person, you knew he was excited about the possibilities before him and would run forward into whatever opportunities he discovered.  You, Suga, and Daichi were finishing up schooling and certifications, but then you’d be settling into careers of your own.  A lot could happen in a year.
You looked around Daichi’s living room at your friends.  Tonight you were celebrating Daichi’s birthday and the end of the year.  Tomorrow you’d make your New Year’s shrine visit and celebrate Asahi’s birthday.  You had two whole days to reminisce and joke around with your favorite people.  You thought it was the perfect way to kick off the next year.
You must have closed your eyes, content with the friendship and wine flowing through you, because the next thing you knew, you were bolting upright as something brushed against your shoulders.
“Whoa!”  Daichi flinched away, surprised by your sudden movement.  You blinked, taking in the blanket in his hands and the dimmed lights.  “Sorry, I thought you were asleep.”
“I think I was,” you mumbled, rubbing your eyes.  “What time is it?”
You looked at your other friends who had also fallen asleep.  Suga and Asahi leaned on each other, a blanket draped across them, and Kiyoko was curled under another blanket at the other end of the couch.  Everyone’s wine glasses had been carefully moved to the kitchen, and pillows were close at hand if anyone woke and wanted a comfier place to rest their head.
“Look at us,” you said with a grin.  “We can’t even last until midnight.  We’ve gotten old.”
Daichi chuckled.
“I debated waking everyone up, but I think we’d all agree that sleep is more exciting than midnight on New Year’s Eve.”  He caught your eye with a smile.  “I guess we are getting old.”
“Why are you still up then?” you asked.  He shrugged.
“Someone has to tuck you in.”
“Not me, not anymore.”  You hauled yourself off of the couch, letting the movement hide the fond grin that pulled at your lips.  “I’m staying up until midnight.  Want to keep me company?”
“Sure.”  He tossed you the blanket in his hands and grabbed one for himself.  “Let’s step out onto the balcony so we don’t wake the others.”
The apartment balcony was barely a balcony, but there was enough room for both of you to lean against the guardrail and take in the stars and streetlights.  Even for the end of December, it was mild, and you were comfortable wrapped in the blanket next to your best friend.
“Did you have a good birthday?” you asked after a moment, gently bumping him with your shoulder.
“It was great.  Thank you for making it happen.”
“No need to thank me.  Everyone was in as soon as I proposed the idea of this get-together.  I think we’re all getting something great out of it.”
“It is nice to have everyone together for a while.”
“Next time will probably be Kiyoko’s wedding,” you mused.
“Crazy,” he breathed.  “Who knew Tanaka’s persistence would pay off?”
“I did,” you chuckled, “but we’re not all gifted with foresight, so I won’t hold it against you.”
“Well did you predict that we’d be the only two awake to welcome in the new year?”
“No,” you admitted.  “But I’m not complaining.”
You smiled, and he grinned back in that slightly soft way he was showing you more and more often.
“I’m not either,” he said quietly.  You felt butterflies and anticipation in your chest.  You turned away before the feeling overwhelmed you.
“Do you have any resolutions for the new year?”
“A few,” he admitted.  “You?”
“A few.”  You checked your phone for the time.  “There’s only a few minutes left.  Care to share any before the new year arrives?”
“If I share them now, doesn’t that mean they might not come true?” he asked cheekily.
“I mean, they might not come true regardless.  Besides, you’re thinking of birthdays and shooting stars.  Those are different.”
“It is my birthday, though.”
“For another three minutes,” you said, checking your phone again.
“Well I’m going to keep my resolutions and wishes to myself, just to be safe.  If you wanted to share any, though, I’m all ears.”
“I think, to keep it fair, I’ll keep my resolutions to myself too.”
“I thought so,” he said with a grin.
“Oh, you think you have me all figured out, huh?”
“Maybe.  I’m pretty close, at least.”
“Bold words, sir.”
“You’re not denying it,” he challenged gently.  You looked at him, studying his face for traces of intention and seeing only understanding.  You felt your face warm under his gaze.
“Alright then,” you said, “if you know me so well, what are my New Year’s resolutions?”
“I’m pretty sure I know one of them.”  He took a step forward, unwrapping an arm from his blanket and reaching for you.  You were sure you were blushing deeply when his fingers reached your cheek and cradled your face, but you didn’t pull away.  You were excited more than embarrassed or nervous, even if your emotions had your head buzzing.
One of the nearby apartments must have been hosting a party as well because you heard a faint chorus of voices start counting down from ten.  You didn’t bother to check your phone.  You didn’t want to look away from Daichi or break this momentum.  You were on the brink of a new year and a new level of your relationship.  A smile spread across your face as the countdown reached zero, and he returned your grin.
“Happy New Year Daichi.”
“Happy New Year Y/N.”
Then, because it was the most natural thing you could do, you leaned forward and met his lips with yours.  The kiss was gentle yet firm, a question and answer and promise all in one.  You didn’t linger in its warmth, though, not wanting to overstep.  This was just the beginning, after all.  You stepped back, and Daichi let you, though his hand held your cheek a second longer.
“Well it’s about time!”
You startled at the unexpected exclamation, and Daichi’s hand retreated to his blanket.  Suga, Asahi, and Kiyoko were crowded in the balcony doorway grinning at the two of you.
“When did you wake up?” Daichi asked.
“A few minutes ago,” Kiyoko explained.
“So are you finally official?” Asahi asked, leading the others onto the small balcony.
“Well, we haven’t actually discussed anything,” Daichi said, and you caught a trace of uncertainty in his voice.  You understood the hesitation.  It was New Year’s, after all.  Sometimes kissing at midnight was just an act of celebration.  But the confidence you’d felt when you’d held his gaze in that second after you broke apart was something different.  You didn’t want this chance to slip away, so you reached for his hand and squeezed it gently.  He glanced at you, and your grin chased away his remaining uncertainty.
“But yes,” you answered, turning back to your friends, “I’m pretty sure we are.”
“I called it!” Suga whooped, slapping Daichi happily on his back.  You laughed, letting go of your new boyfriend’s hand to accept hugs and congratulations from your friends.
As you wished them a happy new year, you couldn’t contain the smile spreading across your face.  This was a new start.  The new year was spread before all of you with its possibilities and adventures.  You caught Daichi’s eye, and from his expression you knew he was just as excited for everything you would get to experience together.
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gxmonth · 4 years
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Month 2020
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We start on August 31! I realize this may be a bit short notice for some, so I’ll be sure to get the word out earlier next year. Just do your best, take breaks when you need to, and most importantly have fun!
Draw/write/create, it’s your choice! All creativity welcomed!
Please remember to tag you posts with #gxmonth2020. If I miss a post please let me know.
And special thanks to @crystalbeastruby​ for creating the awesome banner!
Day 1 (August 31): “Game on!” It’s Judai/Jaden Yuki’s birthday today! Let’s celebrate!
Day 2 (September 1): “Red, Yellow, Blue!” Ah, the tier system at Duel Academy. Which dorm is your favorite?
Day 3 (September 2): “Rule the School” These kids might be saving the world, but they’re still students with homework to do and exams to pass. Celebrate the school life today!
Day 4 (September 3): “Sometimes I Can’t Believe We’re Related” 10Join! Today is all about the iconic brother-sister pair, Fubuki Tenjoin/Atticus Rhodes and Asuka Tenjoin/Alexis Rhodes!
Day 5 (September 4): “Pass The Salt” No story is perfect. So what is something you wish you could have seen in the story of GX?
Day 6 (September 5): “Going Down With The Ships!” You know what I’m talking about. We all have an armada parked in the bay, but there’s that one ship, that one ship, that you would die for. Today is all about OTPs and OT3s!
Day 7 (September 6): “Bring the THUNDER” Ichi! Juu! Hyaku! Sen! Chazz it up! Today the world does in fact revolve around Jun Manjoume/Chazz Princeton.
Day 8 (September 7): “The Power of Friendship!” Favorite dynamic duo, two characters you think would have been friends if only they met, how friendship saves the day, or maybe a friendship fail. It’s up to you!
Day 9 (September 8): “Born to be Bad” Inherently evil, brainwashed, misguided, or misunderstood. GX boots a colorful cast of villainy. Who’s your favorite bad guy?
Day 10 (September 9): Free Day/Introductions Tell us about yourself and your GX experience! Your favorites, why you like it, how you got into it. Or leave the day open to do whatever you want!
Day 11 (September 10): “Cyber Legacy” No Yu-Gi-Oh! show is complete without a pair of brothers. Today’s stars are Sho Marufuji/Syrus Truesdale and Ryo Marufuji/Zane Truesdale!
Day 12 (September 11): “But What If We Had Bikes?” That’s right! It’s time for the GX crew to rev it up on their very own D-Wheels/Duel Runners!
Day 13 (September 12): “And You Are...?” Got a favorite OC? Or one you’ve been hiding in the closet? Introduce them to the world today!
Day 14 (September 13): “The Perfect Formula” He duels with the power math and science! Today, show the world that you still remember Daichi/Bastion Misawa!
Day 15 (September 14): “Insert pun here” It’s meme day! Recreate your favorites! Make some shitposts! Be the troll you’ve always wanted to be!
Day 16 (September 15): “Creation and Destruction” The Gentle Darkness and the Light of Destruction. The eternal struggle. And also the Darkness that tried to drown the world. Huh. Feels a little unbalanced.
Day 17 (September 16): “Putting the D in Destiny” Pro duelist by day and crime fighting vigilante by night. Today is Edo/Aster Phoenix’s day!
Day 18 (September 17): “In Another Life” It’s AU day!
Day 19 (September 18): “I Was Here Too!” GX has a vast array of unique characters, some of which we only saw once. Pick a “one shot” character and show them off!
Day 20 (September 19): Free Day 2/Support Fellow Creators Show some love for your favorite creators, or leave the day free for whatever you please!
Day 21 ( September 20): “Prehistoric Predators” The dino duelist with a fossil in his leg. Today is all about Kenzan Tyranno/Tyranno Hassleberry!
Day 22 (September 21): “Stop Blowing Holes In My Ship!” Some ships are popular and some are...not. Today is all about rare pairs and crack ships! Give those underdogs some love!
Day 23 (September 22): “And For Today’s Lesson...” The teachers at Duel Academy have their work cut out for them, but they still take care of their students. Show the DA staff some love today!
Day 24 (September 23): “Legend of the Seven Gems” Resurrect the greatest light in history today with Johan/Jesse Anderson and the Crystal Beasts!
Day 25 (September 24): “For The Glory of Academia!” We got to see Asuka/Alexis and Edo/Aster over in Fusion Dimension, but what about the rest of the cast? Show us some Fusion counterparts today! What are these dorks up to and what part do they play in the war?
Day 26 (September 25): “Dream Team From Overseas” Austin O’Brien/Axel Brody, Jim “Crocodile” Cook, and Amon/Adrian Gecko. Today is all about them!
Day 27 (September 26): “Duel Monster Spirit Day!” The world of GX is full of spirits. Do something fun to celebrate your favorite!
Day 28 (September 27): “Gold Eyes in The Darkness” Today’s all about the Supreme King! Unleash the Darkness and create your content!
Day 29 (September 28): “Don’t Forget Me!” Have an underappreciated character you wish you’d seen more of? Give them some love today!
Day 30 (September 29): Free Day 3 Share anything. Anything at all. It’s free game.
Day 31 (September 30): “Gotcha!”  The series ends with Judai/Jaden running off another adventure. But where is he going? Today’s the day to share your post-GX headcanons!
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the-kings-of-games · 4 years
GX Month 2020
SUper late and I’m too lazy to do anything (as always), but this seems like fun to think about. So let’s go!
Day 1 (August 31): “Game on!” (It’s Judai/Jaden Yuki’s birthday today! Let’s celebrate!): 
Jaden is a great protagonist. I love dumb but OP main characters, especially when they got lucky-go attitudes. 
Day 2 (September 1): “Red, Yellow, Blue!” (Ah, the tier system at Duel Academy. Which dorm is your favorite?): 
I’m attached to Slifer Red, lol. They got a cat for mascot, what more do I need? Also, they serve tempura for lunch.
Day 3 (September 2): “Rule the School” (These kids might be saving the world, but they’re still students with homework to do and exams to pass. Celebrate the school life today!):
Don’t know what to put here, but I was a terrible student because I didn’t study or do things in a timely manner. Do better than me, kids. 
Day 4 (September 3): “Sometimes I Can’t Believe We’re Related” (10Join! Today is all about the iconic brother-sister pair, Fubuki Tenjoin/Atticus Rhodes and Asuka Tenjoin/Alexis Rhodes!):
I love this sibling pair! ^^ Alexis is really cool, and Atticus is so far out of the left field. I really thought Atticus was going to be cool like his sister, or edgy like Zane, but nah, this guy is, like, I just want to support my sister and play this ukulele. They make such a contrasting pair, so it adds to the humor.
Day 5 (September 4): “Pass The Salt” (No story is perfect. So what is something you wish you could have seen in the story of GX?)
I can’t think of anything. 
Day 6 (September 5): “Going Down With The Ships!” (You know what I’m talking about. We all have an armada parked in the bay, but there’s that one ship, that one ship, that you would die for. Today is all about OTPs and OT3s!)
I really like Rivalshipping. I don’t really have that many ships for GX. 5D’s and Zexal are more of my jam. 
Day 7 (September 6): “Bring the THUNDER” (Ichi! Juu! Hyaku! Sen! Chazz it up! Today the world does in fact revolve around Jun Manjoume/Chazz Princeton.)
HANDS DOWN, one of my two top choices for favorite rival. (Jack’s the other.) My favorite things about Chazz are his name, his energy, and that fact that he’s a baby brother. He’s so cute! ^^ I just want to make fun of him.
Day 8 (September 7): “The Power of Friendship!” (Favorite dynamic duo, two characters you think would have been friends if only they met, how friendship saves the day, or maybe a friendship fail. It’s up to you!):
Chazz and Pharoah, lol. I need Chazz to hold that cat and pet it. Why didn’t he? :’(
Day 9 (September 8): “Born to be Bad” (Inherently evil, brainwashed, misguided, or misunderstood. GX boots a colorful cast of villainy. Who’s your favorite bad guy?):
I haven’t finished season 4 yet, but Nightshroud. 
Day 10 (September 9): Free Day/Introductions (Tell us about yourself and your GX experience! Your favorites, why you like it, how you got into it. Or leave the day open to do whatever you want!):
I’m known as kappa. I got Hulu, and Hulu has almost all the YGO series excluding VRAINS and SEVENS which is fine because I also have Crunchyroll and the internet, lol; so, I watched all the YGO series simultaneously, skipping back and forth between series. I did not watch any of them in order. GX was number 5 or 6, but it’s the one series I’m putting off. 
Day 11 (September 10): “Cyber Legacy” (No Yu-Gi-Oh! show is complete without a pair of brothers. Today’s stars are Sho Marufuji/Syrus Truesdale and Ryo Marufuji/Zane Truesdale!):
I love these guys! It was great to see them grow and become their own people. ^^ They had, I think, the most realistic relationship.
Day 12 (September 11): “But What If We Had Bikes?” (That’s right! It’s time for the GX crew to rev it up on their very own D-Wheels/Duel Runners!):
Day 13 (September 12): “And You Are…?” (Got a favorite OC? Or one you’ve been hiding in the closet? Introduce them to the world today!):
I only have a Rivalshipping OC baby. Her name is Mira Princeton, and she has Jaden’s brown hair and Chazz’s dark eyes (with a bit of a golden glow). Since both her parents can see spirits, it’d make sense that she can too, lol. Her companion is Yata-Garasu, a rare card that her mama won at a tournament. She likes pink and flowers. She is very close to Aster and calls him Uncle Aster. She’s four, and most of her life, she knows her dad as the “Slifer slacker but a really good duelist.” 
I love her. :)
Day 14 (September 13): “The Perfect Formula” (He duels with the power math and science! Today, show the world that you still remember Daichi/Bastion Misawa!)
Bastion is a funny character. “Everything is science. I’m going to disappear for several months. Don’t forget to forget me,” I think. 
Day 15 (September 14): “Insert pun here” (It’s meme day! Recreate your favorites! Make some shitposts! Be the troll you’ve always wanted to be!):
Bastion: SIr, I’m afraid your DNA is backwards.
Jaden: AND?
Day 16 (September 15): “Creation and Destruction” (The Gentle Darkness and the Light of Destruction. The eternal struggle. And also the Darkness that tried to drown the world. Huh. Feels a little unbalanced.):
It’s pretty cool to have darkness and light reverse, and then watch as darkness conflict with itself, lmao. The Light of Destruction would be a chaotic good, and the Gentle Darkness as chaotic neutral. (Don't quote me on that, I don’t do personality quizzes.) 
Day 17 (September 16): “Putting the D in Destiny” (Pro duelist by day and crime fighting vigilante by night. Today is Edo/Aster Phoenix’s day!):
He’s great. I like him. He’s the precursor to Declan Akaba’s D/D/D archetype. Maybe not. Can you believe that he actually said “Shmaden Shmuki on national TV???? LMAO
Day 18 (September 17): “In Another Life” (It’s AU day!):
Currently trying to write a fantasy-ish AU in which Jun marries the Supreme King. Trust me, I have no idea what I’m doing.
Day 19 (September 18): “I Was Here Too!” (GX has a vast array of unique characters, some of which we only saw once. Pick a “one shot” character and show them off!):
I really like Princess Rose. She was pretty, and her spirit monsters care for her. I appreciate that. 
Day 20 (September 19): Free Day 2/Support Fellow Creators (Show some love for your favorite creators, or leave the day free for whatever you please!):
Literally @ everyone whose work(s) and/or post(s) I’ve reblogged. Keep up the good work!
Day 21 ( September 20): “Prehistoric Predators” (The dino duelist with a fossil in his leg. Today is all about Kenzan Tyranno/Tyranno Hassleberry!):
Dino DNA is so funny; I’m sorry, Hassleberry, but I don’t like dinosaurs. At least you were cute as one. 
Day 22 (September 21): “Stop Blowing Holes In My Ship!” (Some ships are popular and some are…not. Today is all about rare pairs and crack ships! Give those underdogs some love!):
Tanya/Bastion is kind of cute. And I guess Chazz/Atticus too. ^^ 
Day 23 (September 22): “And For Today’s Lesson…” (The teachers at Duel Academy have their work cut out for them, but they still take care of their students. Show the DA staff some love today!):
Fonda Fontaine!
Day 24 (September 23): “Legend of the Seven Gems” (Resurrect the greatest light in history today with Johan/Jesse Anderson and the Crystal Beasts!):
Johan is very cute! I’m so glad they gave him a Southern accent in the dub. ^^ It makes him extra soft and lovable. I can’t believe that Johan/JIm is called Cowboyshipping, but I love that name so much.
Day 25 (September 24): “For The Glory of Academia!” (We got to see Asuka/Alexis and Edo/Aster over in Fusion Dimension, but what about the rest of the cast? Show us some Fusion counterparts today! What are these dorks up to and what part do they play in the war?):
I’m bad at rewriting canon. ^^: Sorry. 
Day 26 (September 25): “Dream Team From Overseas” (Austin O’Brien/Axel Brody, Jim “Crocodile” Cook, and Amon/Adrian Gecko. Today is all about them!)
I absolutely love Jim Cook, from him being Australian to having a crocodile as his best friend to getting burned with a mysterious object to cowboy hat. xD 
Day 27 (September 26): “Duel Monster Spirit Day!” (The world of GX is full of spirits. Do something fun to celebrate your favorite!):
Mine would be Scapeghost and Rose Garden Maiden! 
Day 28 (September 27): “Gold Eyes in The Darkness” (Today’s all about the Supreme King! Unleash the Darkness and create your content!):
I like his aesthetic. I’m into Chazz/Supreme King for sure.
Day 29 (September 28): “Don’t Forget Me!” (Have an underappreciated character you wish you’d seen more of? Give them some love today!):
Miss Dorothy! She’s wonderful, she’s friend shaped. 
Day 30 (September 29): Free Day 3 (Share anything. Anything at all. It’s free game.): 
The Chazz/Supreme King fic I’m working on: The Supreme King’s Husband (Prologue)
Day 31 (September 30): “Gotcha!”:
Is this a Pokemon reference? O_o
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lacharcutiere · 3 years
wrap me up in gold, baby [sawamura daichi]
1k words
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part six of i'm gone i'm gone i'm gone miniseries. between time zones, between arms, between feelings: honestly, it's not a terrible place to be.
JST: japanese standard time (GMT +9). EST: eastern standard time (GMT -5). EDT: eastern daylight time (GMT -4).
tings // fluff, angst // i swear this søng is abøut eating øut my best friend's pussy - cøzybøy // dm, ask or comment to be added to taglist ! minors dni.
— 16 APRIL 2023.
you and tōru both knew it wouldn't last. so after fourteen months, you call it quits. he's sad to see you go, but he kind of knew all along. he takes it pretty well, all things considered. you decide to stay friends.
you don't tell daichi.
not yet.
you don't know why, but something tells you it's not the right time.
for the next month or so, life dulls, just lectures and evenings in the library and preparing for another year's finals. it's boring without tōru; you still see him sometimes, he still helps you study (because he's still better at math than you), but he's not around nearly as much. you can't blame him.
there's your consistent—though sparse—correspondence with daichi, but then again, these days it's hard to keep in touch as he insists you need to be getting enough rest and time zones don't seem to like that.
— 1 MAY 2023
a week before finals, a letter arrives for you.
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you're about to call him when you realize that it's, like, three a.m. back home. so, just like you've been doing every afternoon recently, you stuff your bag with notebooks and textbooks and your laptop and head up to the library. you'll call him when you get back.
but when you return to your room at 11:30 that night, the only thing on your mind is sleep.
— 14 MAY 2023. 00:03 EDT, 13:03 JST.
and then the school year is over and you can't sleep so you're up late packing all your stuff again and you remember, daichi. you scramble to grab your phone from under a pile of laundry on your bed and call him immediately.
"hi," you say, and then you're shy and you can't figure out what for. "school's over."
he smiles. "i know."
"i'll, um. i'll be home on the eighteenth."
"thursday, yeah." a second of quiet. "'s like, four or five days."
"i can't believe it's been almost a year."
"hah, me too. how're you and tōru?"
and there it is. you planned to just tell him in person; you've put it off long enough by now, anyway. but like hell you're going to lie to daichi.
"um. friends."
"we're... just friends now."
he doesn't ask you why. you figure it's because he already knows.
— ARRIVAL: 18 MAY 2023. 06:31 JST.
you're home before you know it; your plane touching down, the never-ending line to immigration, the even longer line to the ladies' bathroom, it all passes in a heartbeat before your phone's buzzing in your pocket and daichi's on the other end saying, i'm here.
and then he's there. right in front of you, standing there with a huge smile on his face as you roll an overflowing luggage cart away from the baggage claim, and he's walking up to you, and he says, "can i take that for you?"
you're jumping up to wrap your arms around his neck and yelling "hi!" in his ear and he laughs and you can feel his chest moving against yours and oh, god, it really has been so long, hasn't it?
"i missed you."
you laugh, letting yourself down from your tippy-toes to just look at him, in the flesh, right here. "i know." you're grinning; he grins back.
"miss me, too?"
"of course."
funny, how things end up the way they do.
this summer's not like the last; you hardly ever want to leave daichi's side. just as friends, for now. two more years as just friends. but still.
and then kōshi decides that you and all your friends from high school need to do something before you go back to the states for another nine months, and that's how you've ended up at this club, drunk, hair damp probably with sweat, a few drops of vodka splashed on the hem of your skirt, sitting next to daichi. his arm's around your waist and you think nothing of it.
he's the one who accidentally splashed vodka on you. his breath was warm against your face as he whispered an apology, and you leaned into him as he did.
you don't notice the way he looks at you when you're not looking, the way he watches your hips move when you get up to go to the bathroom. but even if you did notice, you wouldn't mind.
— 01:!2 JST.
by the time you leave, neither you nor daichi is incredibly aware of anything but your own thoughts and what's directly in front of you.
funny, it's almost like déjà vu, how you end up kissing in the back of the taxi on the way home. funny how you end up in his room again, but just blacked out fully clothed on his bed. he takes the liberty of changing you into a clean t-shirt and falls asleep next to you.
it's hot in japan this time of year.
— DAY OF DEPARTURE: 29 JULY 2023. 10:01 JST.
you wake up alone, still slightly tipsy, in daichi's bed. you're in a shirt that smells like him because it's his, and your dress from the previous night is draped over the back of his desk chair.
when he walks back into the room, he's brushing his teeth. "you're up," he says, words muffled by a mouthful of toothpaste.
"hmm." you sit up. "daichi—"
he raises a hand, signaling for you to hang on, and leaves again. he returns a minute later, toothbrush gone.
"what's up?"
"did anything happen?"
he shakes his head; you sigh.
"what?" he says.
you look up to him, aching to pull him back into bed with you. "two more years."
he smiles. "two more years." he reaches down and pulls you into him, the side of your face resting against his ribs.
your flight's at midnight; he takes you to the airport at eight-thirty. he presses his lips to your forehead when he says goodbye.
taglist: @sakruisin-thru @softetsurou @oligbia
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karasunonolibero · 5 years
2019 writing self-evaluation
so i did this over on my main last year, and since i had what i felt was a productive year, i wanted to do it here! i’ve included all works, from every fandom i wrote for, so there’s definitely a variety but also a clear distinction of when i stopped writing 1d and started writing for haikyuu, heh. anyway, i’m proud of all the work i’ve done this year, so here’s to 2020!
1. Number of stories (including drabbles) posted to AO3: 50
2. Word count posted for the year: 147,038
3. List of works published this year (in order of posting):
two loves have i (5 january)
it’s only your imagination again (25 january)
the pain’s only temporary (8 february)
blow a kiss, fire a gun (9 may)
waiting to be found (14 may)
a swim with a shark (6 june)
sweet and lowdown (19 june)
one more time as if we planned it (24 june)
always be my thunder (23 july)
will your mouth read this truth (30 july)
tumblr drabbles & prompts (last updated 3 august)
I’m on my way up (’cos you make me bliss out) (completed 4 august) (collab with Rider_Of_Spades on ao3)
even mountains crumble into the sea (7 august)
we’re on each other’s team (14 august)
dangerous, tainted, flawed (20 august)
life can do terrible things (25 august)
the night before life goes on (1 september)
when the letter says a soldier’s coming home (17 september)
when the air ran out (19 september)
something missing tonight (21 september)
built castles from sand (26 september)
underneath the stars we came alive (8 october)
sweet talk and sugar (10 october)
got my name on this treasure (11 october)
just a little taste, babe (14 october)
iwaoi horror week drabbles (completed 1 november)
don’t let the tide come (31 october)
daisuga week drabbles (completed 24 november)
how (not) to put on a condom (26 november)
taste the tension, now i’m begging (2 december)
kiss the boy (7 december)
till tonight do us part (11 december)
i wish i could be there now (13 december)
on our way to twenty-seven (15 december)
for the dream far away (24 december)
a collar full of chemistry (25 december)
fall down and commune with me (28 december)
a little of love’s electricity (31 december)
the city is at war (last updated 31 december)
4. Fandoms I wrote for: (stats pulled from the ao3 filter feature on my works)
haikyuu!! (41)
one direction (9)
the legend of zelda: breath of the wild (3)
all time low (1)
crystalline (1)
5. Pairings: (i didn’t count side or past pairings)
iwaizumi hajime/oikawa tooru (14)
sawamura daichi/sugawara koushi (13)
oikawa tooru/sugawara koushi (4)
azumane asahi/nishinoya yuu (3)
kuroo tetsurou/sawamura daichi (2)
kuroo tetsurou/yaku morisuke (1)
akaashi keiji/oikawa tooru (1)
sawamura daichi/sugawara koushi/terushima yuuji (1)
sawamura daichi/terushima yuuji (1)
sugawara koushi/terushima yuuji (1)
link/revali (1)
mipha/zelda (1)
louis tomlinson/harry styles (5)
louis tomlinson/zayn malik (1)
alex gaskarth/louis tomlinson (1)
liam payne/louis tomlinson (1)
zack spade/pixel fade (1)
6. Story with the most:
Kudos: two loves have i (275)
Bookmarks: two loves have i (34)
Comments: two loves have i (25)
9. Work I’m most proud of (and why):
on our way to twenty-seven! i was digging into some identity and sexuality issues that i myself have dealt with in the past and writing about it was the first time i’d really dove into some of that stuff, so i really enjoyed writing it and i think it’s some of my best.
i’m also really proud of i’m taking back the crown and i wish i could say why. i just really like the way it came out. writing oikawa as this desperate dethroned prince trying to reclaim his kingdom at any cost only to be beaten at his own game in his own home was just...ugh. it was so much fun to write.
10. Work I’m least proud of (and why):
one more time as if we planned it, definitely. i just felt super rushed writing it. it was for the one direction rarepair fest, which was super fun, but i had Just finished a longer fic a few days before this one was due and i initially tried to drop out because i thought i wouldn’t be able to finish it, but i did, but i still feel like it’s rushed and just not as good as it could have been if i’d planned better and given it some more time.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
im gonna do what i did last year and post more than one, because 1. i can’t decide and 2. i quite honestly am pretty proud of a lot of what i wrote this year
from when the letter says a soldier’s coming home —
Tooru’s squealing somewhere behind them, and Hajime’s gruffly trying to get out the door, and he’ll have to call the school and make up something about being sick so he can spend the day catching up with Daichi, but it can wait. It can all wait. Because Koushi’s waited long enough. It’s about time the rest of the world waits for him.
from strawberries on a summer evening —
Suga hums against him, licking strawberry seeds from between Daichi’s teeth, like he’s just as intoxicated by Daichi as Daichi is with him. Daichi could live here, in this feeling, ignoring everything except how Suga sounds (like bliss personified), smells (like sunblock and sweat), tastes (like sugar and salt). He’s the hottest part of the summer, high noon in mid-August, just this side of too much to handle, but addicting in how it leaves you at its mercy.
from on our way to twenty-seven —
“Sorry, what was your name again?”
Tetsurou opens his mouth to say his American name, but he catches Daichi and Suga looking at him, and he swallows it down. “My name is Tetsurou. Tetsurou Kuroo.”
“I thought you wanted people to call you Tyler,” Timothy says.
Tetsurou shoots him a glare and says it again, feeling his confidence start to grow. “My name is Tetsurou Kuroo. Tetsu is fine, too, but I don’t go by Tyler anymore.”
12. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
any time tasteofsummersnow left me a comment, it made my heart go doki doki!! her comments are so in depth and so very sweet and it’s so much fun to see her real-time reactions to my writing. i go back and reread them like once a week they’re so nice ;_;
13. A time when writing was really, really hard:
the spring/early summer in general was tough, like from march to june. i didn’t post anything between february and may, and i feel like i was struggling a lot creatively around like may/june of this year. i think it’s because a lot of stuff in the 1d fandom was really turning me off at the time and that’s when the burnout fully hit.
14. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
definitely sugawara in the city is at war. i was writing that first chapter and initially i just wanted to see him step up when daichi wasn’t around but he very quickly turned sadistic and ruthless and scarily sharp, which is just so much fun to write him as. and his relationship with daichi is just—ugh. love that violence-fueled romance. they would kill a hundred men for each other and be turned on once they were finished.
honestly, all of the city is at war has surprised me. the idea came to me in a dream on a long bus ride, of all the clan leaders having a meeting and being attacked, and i woke up and banged it out in 36 hours. i meant it to be a oneshot but as i wrote it, i realized i loved the au so much there was no way i could leave it at that. so now it’s got a whole plot and all that. fun!
15. How did you grow as a writer this year:
last year i said i felt i grew writing angst and exploring different emotional themes, and i think i built on that even more this year. i did a bunch of shorter pieces this year and i feel a lot of them really explored emotions and characters more than plot, and that’s been so much fun. and then as well, like i said before, i’ve branched out into the crime-action genre with the yakuza au. and! iwaoi horror week was my first real attempt at spooky/creepy/horror-type writing, and, it was a fun challenge for sure.
i also said i wanted to just keep writing and be spontaneous and i definitely did that this year. i posted so many fics not caring how long it had been since the last one—sometimes it was less a day. numbers stopped mattering to me. i posted just because i wanted to put my writing out there and share it with the world, knowing there had to be someone out there who’d like it.
16. How do you hope to grow next year:
i feel like 2019 was a year of trying a lot of new things, so in 2020 i’m hoping to explore some different ships and tropes. the sheer number of characters and ships in haikyuu means there’s a ship for just about every trope and au out there, and i want to play around with some dynamics i’ve never written before.
17. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
as always, a shoutout to the loggies, who have been a fantastic source of inspiration and support all year even after i retired from 1d fic. and i would also like to thank the people i met via various hq discord servers—you know who you are!! thank you for the sprints, the encouragement, the inspiration, and the friendship. as someone brand new to the fandom, the support and sense of community has been nothing short of amazing, and you guys are part of the reason i felt so comfortable in this fandom so quickly.
18. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
actually, yeah. even mountains crumble into the sea was written the night before i broke up with my ex. i wrote it as an exercise to get all my feelings out, lay them all on the table where i could see them and pick through them, and then imagine the best possible way the scenario could go.
19. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
honestly—just write! write what you’re happy with. write even if you don’t post it. write, because everything you do is practice that’ll help you improve.
and don’t be afraid to write out of order or write more than one project at a time. i know that won’t work for everyone, but for me, if i didn’t immediately write what was on my mind, i probably wouldn’t have posted half of what i did this year.
20. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
hey remember last year when i said i was gonna finish the breath of the wild au?? L M A O i’m really gonna finish it next year i swear!!
i have a fic posting in the spring for the nsfw big bang which i’m ALSO very excited about! i’m lucky to be working with such a talented artist and the end result is gonna be amazing and i’m so so excited.
i also want to keep going with the city is at war, because that plot was a pleasant surprise. and there’s an ever-growing list of fic ideas and aus that i’m so excited to write—some of them were originally for larry aus but i’ve repurposed them for haikyuu pairings and that’s helped breathe new life into some old ideas.
21. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read.
anyone who sees this and wants to do it! just tag me, i wanna read your answers!
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