#Jack Rivington
By: Jack Rivington
Published: Sep 29, 2023
Ahead of International Blasphemy Rights Day, Jack Rivington says freedom of religion or belief must include the freedom to criticise or dissent from religious orthodoxy.
The freedom to question and criticise religious ideas in the same manner as any other kind is foundational to a democratic society. Where it exists at all, this freedom is constantly threatened, both by its traditional enemies of theocracy and religious fundamentalism, but also increasingly from a misguided interpretation of liberal values.
A recent report from the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom identified 95 countries which criminalise blasphemy in some way. That number is at least one too few, as it fails to include the United Kingdom, where the offences of blasphemy and blasphemous libel remain on the books in Northern Ireland.
Punishments in countries which outlaw blasphemy vary, from fines to imprisonment and execution. Unjust though such legal processes are, the extra-judicial violence licenced and encouraged by such laws is of equal importance. The Center for Inquiry, which established September 30th as International Blasphemy Rights Day, has said to "charge someone with blasphemy is to value a person's life less than an idea". Though this is particularly true in countries such as Nigeria and Pakistan, where those accused of blasphemy are often murdered, it is also the case worldwide. Last year, Sir Salman Rushdie was attacked in Chautauqua, New York, 34 years after the Ayatollah Khomenei called for his murder for the supposed offence of blasphemy.
Those who would impose and enforce blasphemy codes on others do not respect or recognise national borders or sovereignty. A commitment to free speech must therefore be equally international in its scope. In failing to fully abolish its blasphemy laws, the UK validates the notion that perceived offence to religion or God should be prohibited, thereby undermining its ability to promote the right to freedom of expression elsewhere.
Attempts to shield religion from criticism are also underway via systematic efforts to characterise such criticism as a form of racial or ethnic bigotry. The concept of 'Islamophobia', vigorously promoted by Islamists both in the UK and abroad, is the most pressing example. Integral to the concept is the claim that criticism of ideas is equivalent to attacking individuals. Under the term's definition formulated by the All Party Parliamentary Group on British Muslims (APPG), to question Islamic ideology is to effectively express hate for Muslims.
This is a blasphemy law in another form – a point demonstrated by the case of Erika López Prater, who was fired last year by Hamline University after discussing artistic representations of Muhammad in an art history class. A Muslim student complained that as images of Muhammad are banned in Islam, the content of the lesson – and by extension Prater – was thus blasphemous and Islamophobic.
By agreeing that images of Muhammad are Islamophobic and should therefore not be shown, Hamline generalised the personal feelings and religious interpretation of one individual as the definitive position of Islam. But this view is not shared by all Muslims. As Anna Khalid - an associate professor of history at Carleton College and herself a Muslim - pointed out, in endorsing the supposed Islamic ban on images of Muhammad, Hamline "privileged a most extreme and conservative" point of view.
A policy which empowers the most fundamentalist elements within a religious community is neither liberal nor inclusive. Yet that is precisely what the current arguments around 'hate speech' have achieved. What we have, in effect, is a code which polices a particular theological interpretation of Islam against other interpretations. It is a gross perversion of laws intended to protect the right to freedom of religion or belief to enlist them in sectarian theological disputes in this way.
If the right to freedom of religion or belief means anything, it must include the right of those within religious groups considered blasphemous by more doctrinaire views to practice their faith as they see fit. The current understanding of 'Islamophobia' threatens those who perceived not to conform to traditional theology – Muslim women who reject the hijab, openly LGBT Muslims, and minorities within the religion such as Ahmadis, for example. It is absurd to think that a gay Muslim could be labelled 'Islamophobic' for criticising elements of their own faith which are homophobic. Yet under the current conceptual framework, such criticism could be labelled as such. The ability to criticise religion must therefore be seen as an essential component of the right to freedom of religion or belief, not in conflict with it.
However well-intentioned, politicians who endorse the concept of 'Islamophobia' are effectively reintroducing blasphemy laws by the backdoor and empowering fundamentalists within religious communities in the process. Concerningly, a significant part of the UK's political establishment appears unaware of the problem – the APPG definition has been accepted by all major parties except the Conservatives, along with one in seven UK local authorities.
The UK must not sacrifice the right to free speech in a misguided attempt to promote social cohesion. Secularism, and a robust defence of the ability to criticise all ideas and ideology, is the only genuine way to achieve an properly inclusive society which respects everyone's right to freedom of religion or belief. In defending that right, we must remain vigilant.
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polikszena · 2 years
Ficlet advent calendar - The best of mistletoe
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In this post you can find some ficlets from the challenge that are related to mistletoes. You can ask the fics by clicking on their titles.
A happy accident
Fandom: Downton Abbey Characters: Mary Crawley, Evelyn Napier Relationships: Mary Crawley/Evelyn Napier Word Count: 885 Rating: General Summary: Lady Mary Crawley goes out from the hot ballroom to take some fresh air. What she doesn't notice is that she's now standing under the mistletoe. Sets in 1912.
Fandom: Turn: Washington’s Spies Characters: Robert Townsend, James Rivington Word Count: 617 Rating: General Summary: James Rivington was always trying to find out more about his business parter, especially regarding his love life, but this time he had gone too far.
Underneath the mistletoe
Fandom: 30 Rock Characters: Liz Lemon, Jack Donaghy, Tracy Jordan Relationships: Liz Lemon & Jack Donaghy Word Count: 1087 Rating: Teen and up audiences Summary: Liz Lemon wants to take down the mistletoes in the studio, Jack disagrees, but events take a different turn when they meet under one.
Three’s a crowd
Fandom: Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga, Kingsman Characters: Roxy Morton, Alexander Lemtov, Mita Xenakis, The Three Musketeers and Ilya, Lars Erickssong, Sigrit Ericksdóttir Relationships: Roxy Morton & Alexander Lemtov, Roxy Morton/Mity Xenakis Word Count: 1262 Rating: Teen and up audiences Summary: After the rather shocking Christmas performance by Lemtov's background dancers, Roxy and Mita accidentally find the only untouched mistletoe in the house.
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geneseedraws · 1 year
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Oh, how I adore my regency boys... He's some fanart of Oliver Rivington and Jack Turner from the amazing book, The Soldier's Scoundrel by Cat Sebastian 💕💖
I am so in my Historical Era (have I ever left?), but oh man gimme everything gay and 18th-19th century 🤌🤌 Oliver and Jack together forever!! These guys were SO fun to read about, such a great dynamic of a nobleman and a gritty scoundrel 🤭💕 Already want to reread it again... ✨
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kelandrin · 10 months
Hello! I’m Atlas (any pronouns are fine). This is my bg3 blog. It is 18+ so minors DNI. I like pretty much every ship and will reblog most content. I am always interested in how other people interpret characters and parts of the game, even if those interpretations don’t make it into my own head canons. Slowly putting together a list of my Tavs and Durges! I also post daily Tav Questions. All my dividers are by @cafekitsune !
Jan 22-29 Strike for Palestine: I am refraining from participating in the economy for the strike this week. If you cannot stop going to work or school, check out other ways you can strike by checking out this post here. More ways to support the victims here. Animal rescue donations here.
Ask Games
Tav Ask Game and Durge Ask Game. Not-so-nice Ask Game.
You can also send me your favorite pairing and I will say my favorite thing about it (you can also request my least favorite thing) tag: #multiship ask
You can submit your own Tav Questions!
Send me your Tav details and I will tell you how my Tavs would react to them!
Fic Masterlist
BG3 Character Profiles
Atlas - (he/him) Tiefling Paladin who is romancing Wyll. He can be a touch ornery but ultimately a good person. He was raised by a warlock on a farm on the edge of Rivington.
Kelandrin - (he/him) Drow Durge Paladin who is romancing Astarion. He is very evil, obsessive, and has a skewed concept of “love.” The only form of love he knows is religious submission.
Mavrin - (he/they) Half-Elf Durge Sorcerer who is romancing Gale. He is very troubled by his urge and hates feeling out of control of his body and mind.
Kalan - (he/they) Drow/elf ranger who is romancing Halsin. Says he doesn’t have a daddy complex but like…
Xyrra - (she/they/he) Lythari druid in lore but just plain elf druid in game. Romancing Shadowheart but it hard since Xyrra shapeshifts into a wolf.
Natlia - (she/her) Tiefling sorcerer/bard who is romancing Karlach. She starts off with a cynical streak because her fiancée was murdered and the Flaming Fist didn’t do jack to find his killer. She learns to move forwards over the course of the game.
Livna - (she/her) Drow durge monk who is romancing Lae’zel. She is looking for her next physical high all the time.
Vald - (he/him) Drow durge hexblade warlock who is romancing Minthara. He is very loyal by nature and easily molded by more dominant personalities.
Mutuals & Their Tavs
🚧 ⚠️ 🏗️ Sorry in advance if I missed anyone some people show up as following only on one blog etc. just @ me if I messed up or if I have any wrong tav info!
@tavsboots Velric - (he/him) Tiefling Fighter/warlock who is romancing Astarion and has the most beautiful beard. I'm sorry he was a PIRATE??? That is sick as hell.
@koalamatcha Crozier - (he/him) A "jaded" half-elf who romanced Astarion and I am told he is quite handsome!
@the-real-housewives-of-waterdeep Dulcinea Gohar Selemchant - (she/her) A human wizard turned fighter. The world's most beautiful rich girl. She is gorgeous and knows how to work a ballroom.
@desperatewomenenjoyer Durik/Дурик - (she/her) a drow bard who is romancing Minthara. She went from a pretty nice person (if you ignore what she did in the grove) to pretty jaded and manipulative over the course of the story. Love that for her.
@baldurspeen69420 Izra - (she/her) A githyanki monk who super duper promises she isn't questioning her queen.
Sophie - (she/her) If one more person calls her ugly I am letting Gale nuke the city. She is a half-orc and the prettiest girl at the party as far as I'm concerned!
@punk-muffins Daemys Daezorwyn - (she/her) She was raised in a monastery and trained to be a monk, later picking up fighter skills as well. She is romancing Gale.
@ellekhen Church - (he/him) A tiefling warlock who is romancing Astarion. You gotta check out ElleKhen's fanfiction!
@phoenixspencer Arali - (she/her) A tiefling who grew up in Baldur’s gate. She romanced Astarion!
Calryn - (he/him) A lolth sworn bloodhunter durge who is romancing Astarion. Very handsome.
@thecrowandtheraven08 Cassian - (they/them) A lolth sworn cleric who the more I learn about the sadder I get :( Recently learned what happened to their fiance. They are romancing Astarion and Halsin and I hope they get healed and cherished.
@spacebarbarianweird Tyreal - (she/her) is a half-elf barbarian who is romancing Astarion. They have a dhampir daughter together named Alethaine!
@primal-savagery Velvela - (she/her) A drow druid/fighter/cleric who is romancing Astarion. She is super pretty!
@taras-toe-beans Izzrhys - (he/him) A drow oath of devotion paladin. He is kinda messed up from the drow matriarchy which is honestly fair. He is paried with Gale!
Aratris - (they/them) A half-wood elf circle of the moon druid who spends a lot of time as an owlbear.
Leoryn - (they/them) A high elf lore college bard.
Talaak - (she/her) A durge silver dragonborn storm sorcerer.
Aesir - (they/them) A half high elf thief subclass rogue who was a preexisting dnd character!
Tag Guide
Special tags I use that aren’t common
#tavspawn - any posts featuring kids of tavs or canon characters
#bloodpact - wyllstarion ship name
#all the gods we cannot save - my large fic project for the supernatural/urban fantasy au
Dumb Discourse Disclaimer
Anything where anyone says another person’s interpretation of a character is wrong. I just like seeing people be happy. Sometimes someone else’s happiness includes reading a character differently than you do. This includes but isn’t limited to: spawn batstarion, transcharacter readings, autistic character readings, tavxorigin children, straight people, lesbians, asexual astarion, sexual astarion, tavxraphael, top raphael, dad gale, women, things contrary to “canon”, and that ship you find annoying.
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pretensesoup · 1 year
Queer books, day 22/30
Okay, I wrote this all and then Tumblr ate it, so here we go again. LOL help.
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Here we have Oliver Rivington, former army captain lately invalided home. He comes to see Jack Turner when he discovers his sister, Lady Montbray, has paid him 200 GBP. (This is like FOURTEEN THOUSAND POUNDS in today's money, so he is probably right to be concerned, actually.) Jack is a former scallywag turned private eye who tells Oliver to fuck off. While they're bickering, another client arrives--a woman with some missing letters--and Oliver starts in on the "exactly what kind of operation are you running here?"
Fortunately(?), Oliver has literally nothing better to do than to harass Jack and try to dig up dirt on him. This leads to shouting. Angry, stressed makeouts in an alley after an attempted mugging. A road trip that is full of intense longing and the two of them teasing each other sexually. Being detectives together as a love language! It's amazing, honestly. All written with Cat Sebastian's characteristic wit and "eat the rich" attitude, with a defense of women and the power men hold over them on the side. Lovely.
Key quote:
The lady obviously spent her days reading, napping, and eating biscuits. He didn’t know whether to be disgusted or jealous.
To be honest, this one has a bit of a rough landing. It's one romance novel where it felt like despite being in love, Jack and Oliver should maybe not have ended up together. They're well suited, but the class thing is SO MUCH of a thing that it starts to feel weird that they find a way around it. BUT. In the end, I love it too much to really criticize it for wanting to make me happy. 10/10, go read it.
Warnings for graphic sex and some period-typical homophobia, violence, and allusions to violence against women and women being subjugated to their husbands because it's 1817 and, you know, fuck everything. But Lady Montbray eventually gets a nice girlfriend, so it all works out in the end.
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hiidenneiti · 2 years
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Tällä hetkellä lukemassa LUIN JO — Cat Sebastian: The Soldier's Scoundrel. Avon Impulse, 2016.
Jack Turner grew up in the darkness of London's slums, born into a life of crime and willing to do anything to keep his belly full and his siblings safe. Now he uses the tricks and schemes of the underworld to help those who need the kind of assistance only a scoundrel can provide. His distrust of the nobility runs deep and his services do not extend to the gorgeous high-born soldier who personifies everything Jack will never be. After the chaos of war, Oliver Rivington craves the safe predictability of a gentleman's life-one that doesn't include sparring with a ne'er-do-well who flouts the law at every turn. But Jack tempts Oliver like no other man has before.
& The Lawrence Browne Affair. Avon Impulse, 2017.
Lawrence Browne, the Earl of Radnor, is mad. At least, that’s what he and most of the village believes. A brilliant scientist, he hides himself away in his family’s crumbling estate, unwilling to venture into the outside world. When an annoyingly handsome man arrives at Penkellis, claiming to be Lawrence’s new secretary, his carefully planned world is turned upside down. Georgie Turner has made his life pretending to be anyone but himself. A swindler and con man, he can slip into an identity faster than he can change clothes. But when his long-dead conscience resurrects and a dangerous associate is out for blood, Georgie escapes to the wilds of Cornwall. Pretending to be a secretary should be easy, but he doesn’t expect that the only madness he finds is the one he has for the gorgeous earl.
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stinastar · 8 months
“Jack was dangerously close to being impressed with Rivington, but he supposed he’d get over it.”
😂😂😂😂 sure, good luck friend
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magspeaches · 4 months
Hmmm I'm not too far from getting all the achievements for BG3 (69% - oblig "nice" lol), so I'm writing them all out under the cut with some thoughts and checking them off as I go, whenever I have some time to play.
I know nobody cares lol but I think it's fun to document this sort of thing so ALLOW MEEE. If this is interesting to you, feel free to give me tips for some of the harder ones! Of course spoilers below the cut, read at your own risk, etc. etc.
Escapologist - Break out of prison after being arrested - aren’t you daring? Done!
(Somehow I've managed to avoid ever getting arrested, which is a travesty, given my first Tav's Criminal background. Maybe she was just too good at her crimes. That being said, I did once get my pal arrested and she got transported from Rivington all the way to Wyrm's Rock by herself hahaha).
Non-Invasive Procedure - Kill the surgeon before he performs surgery on your in combat (I've always just talked my way out of this, so guess I've gotta actually fight him lol).
Pest Control - Kill the spider matriarch before her eggs hatch - why do they have so many legs? (I've tried with this one, believe me ;-;)
Ceremorphosis - Make the ultimate sacrifice: become a mind flayer to defeat the Netherbrain (this one's in the bag).
Murder in Baldur's Gate - Coat the streets of Baldur's Gate in blood - become an Unholy Assassin of Bhaal (working towards this on my Durge run!).
Crash Landing - In the Wyrmway, wait until the dragon is mid-flight, then knock it out of the sky - KAPOW (I'll do my best lool, but this fight's been HARD historically).
Fancy Footwork - Defeat Gortash in Wyrn's Rock without activating any traps (I reckon I can get this one if I reload a prev save... don't hold me to this though).
Hot Date - (KARLACHHH I LOVE YOUUUU, I'm sorry I didn't give you more of a chance on my first or second playthrough, you'll be front and centre in my third though <3 )
Leave No One Behind - Save every tiefling refugee you can throughout the game in a single playthrough (on the list for my Gale Tactician run - we can do it! Although there are so many lool)
Critical Hit - Complete the game in Tactician mode. (On the docket!)
Jack-Of-All-Trades - Multiclass into every class in one playthrough without asking Withers to change your character (umm... FINE, I will do it lool, this seems really difficult to play effectively).
Sins of the Father - Claim your Throne of Blood: take control of the Netherbrain for Bhaal and break the world (Coming up in my Durge run!)
She Cannot be Caged! - Rescue Sazza from the Emerald Grove, Goblin Camp, and Moonrise Towers in one playthrough.
Punch Drunk - Defeat twenty opponents while drunk - down them (I feel like I can do this with a caster and a well-placed fireball... bear with on this one). I was right - done!
Busker - Earn a hundred gold from playing sweet, sweet music in a single playthrough (this one's sooo tedious, but I'm almost there on Multiplayer!).
Foehammer - defeat the game in Honour Mode (We'll see if this is even a possibility lool, I'll certainly try though).
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lolaslocker · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: J. Crew Rivington Shorts.
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odk-2 · 3 years
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The Trashmen - Surfin' Bird (1964) Al Frazier / Carl White / Sonny Harris / Turner Wilson Jr. from: "Surfin' Bird" / "King of the Surf" (Single) 'Cowabunga! The Surf Box: Set 3 "Ebb Tide" 1963-1967" (Rhino Records | 1996)
Surf Rock | Garage | Proto-Punk
Tumblr (left click = play | right click = "save as") (320kbps)
Personnel: Steve Wahrer: Lead Vocals / Drums Tony Andreason: Lead Guitar Dal Winslow: Rhythm Guitar Bob Reed: Bass
Arrangement by Steve Wahrer Produced by Jack Bates
Recorded: @ The Kay Bank Studios in Minneapolis, Minnesota USA during 1963
Released: on November 13, 1963
Garrett Records Rhino Records (Cowabunga! The Surf Box)
Surfin' Bird is a Combination of Two Rivingtons Songs: "The Bird’s the Word" / "Pa Pa Ooh Mow Mow"
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Published: Jun 29, 2023
An independent school has failed an inspection after it was found teaching the Bible "as fact" in subjects including science and history.
Bournemouth Christian School was judged "inadequate" by Ofsted after inspectors found multiple failings at the school during an inspection in April.
In a report published this month, Ofsted said the school's leaders have established a curriculum that presents "flawed and inaccurate information in all subjects", with pupils learning through an "unmoderated Christian worldview".
This includes presenting a Christian perspective as "more important than scientific fact", and failing to provide a "balanced, factually accurate curriculum". Ofsted said that this impedes pupils' understanding, and that they consequently do not gain the knowledge necessary for their futures.
Pupils "do not learn much about the world around them", including "citizenship in modern Britain", Ofsted said. It added that the curriculum's "focus on America" does not help pupils "prepare for life in modern Britain" or beyond school. This includes a focus on "the American literary tradition", which means pupils "do not learn about the literary traditions that have shaped the United Kingdom".
The school also fails to provide an effective personal, social and health education programme for students, including appropriate relationships and sex education.
The school, which teaches pupils between ages 3 and 18, uses the online curriculum of SwitchedOn Education. SwitchedOn Education describes itself as providing a "Christian digital education curriculum" for both "schools and home schools" in the UK and internationally.
Ofsted found teachers "do not have the subject knowledge to support pupils effectively" and are unaware of what pupils do or do not know, with pupils interacting "mainly with computers".
Ofsted said the school has also failed to "create an effective culture of safeguarding", with pupils at a "serious risk of harm". Leaders do not address concerns about pupils or ensure that pupils were safe in school. The school site was found to be insecure, with pupils easily able to leave.
NSS: school "more interested in indoctrinating its pupils than educating them"
National Secular Society campaigns officer Jack Rivington said: "This damning report from Ofsted reveals an organisation more interested in indoctrinating its pupils than educating them.
"The presentation of religious dogma as more valid and more important than scientific fact is unacceptable, and deprives children of their full right to an education.
"The appalling quality of Bournemouth Christian School's curriculum, teaching methods, and safeguarding processes revealed in this report is highly concerning. This school should now receive further scrutiny to ensure children and young people's rights are protected."
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ozkar-krapo · 4 years
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•••• musique jaune ••••
"Born bad vol.3"
(LP. Born Bad rcds. 1986 / rec. 1956-64) [US]
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platypusreads · 6 years
“So, is this to be a business arrangement?” “No! Of course not. I want to share my meals and my bed and my life with the man I love. Christ, Jack. Don’t say such filthy things.”
Cat Sebastian - The Soldier's Scoundrel
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winterskywrites · 5 years
In which Oliver meddles for a good cause.
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A Chat With Cat Sebastian About Writing Queer Characters in Historical Romance by Kelly Faircloth for The Muse on Jezebel.com 
Of all the longstanding, beloved subgenres of romance novel, among my personal favorites and also perhaps the most specific is the Regency, set around the same time as Jane Austen. Like Austen, the setting has been occupied by everyone from feminists to conservative evangelicals. Author Cat Sebastian uses the setting to write queer romance that she refers to as “Marxist tracts with boning.”
In an interview, Sebastian told me that she wants “to populate history with every possible variety of queer person—which is totally my goal as a writer and a human.” Thus far, beginning with her first book, The Soldier’s Scoundrel, her characters have been gay and bisexual men; the upcoming Unmasked by the Marquess will include a non-binary character. She’s billed it as “sort of a queer Frederica,” which points to one of the things that’s so fascinating about Sebastian’s work. Frederica is a beloved novel by Georgette Heyer, the Regency subgenre’s J.R.R. Tolkien. Heyer’s books paired a formal prose style with a propensity for madcap antics, the result being an ironic hilarity. She was also an incredibly conservative, prejudiced, downright frightful product of the Edwardian era. Sebastian—like several of her fellow modern Regency writers, such as Rose Lerner—has adapted her style of storytelling to more liberal values, writing with an eye toward the actual class realities of England in the early 19th century and incorporating characters who existed in history, but have often been missing from Regency Land.
I talked to Sebastian about how she came to the genre and how she handles her characters sensitively. Our conversation has been edited and condensed for length (because I could talk to any romance novelist for three hours).
Click the link in the title for the interview Q&A!
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hp-bodiceripper · 3 years
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'To get you in a romantic mood and spark some ideas for potential prompts, here is some inspiration in the form of romance novel covers and plots. With many thanks to @skeptiquewrites
What are your favourite romance novels? Do you know any particularly delicious cover art? Please share!
You can browse current prompts here. Prompting will end 2nd April.
The Soldier's Scoundrel by Cat Sebastian
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A scoundrel who lives in the shadows Jack Turner grew up in the darkness of London's slums, born into a life of crime and willing to do anything to keep his belly full and his siblings safe. Now he uses the tricks and schemes of the underworld to help those who need the kind of assistance only a scoundrel can provide. His distrust of the nobility runs deep and his services do not extend to the gorgeous high-born soldier who personifies everything Jack will never be.  A soldier untarnished by vice After the chaos of war, Oliver Rivington craves the safe predictability of a gentleman's life-one that doesn't include sparring with a ne'er-do-well who flouts the law at every turn. But Jack tempts Oliver like no other man has before. Soon his yearning for the unapologetic criminal is only matched by Jack's pleasure in watching his genteel polish crumble every time they're together.  Two men only meant for each other
The Reluctant Royal series by Alyssa Cole
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While her boss the prince was busy wooing his betrothed, Likotsi had her own love affair after swiping right on a dating app. But her romance had ended in heartbreak, and now, back in NYC again, she's determined to rediscover her joy--so of course she runs into the woman who broke her heart. When Likotsi and Fabiola meet again on a stalled subway train months later, Fab asks for just one cup of tea. Likotsi, hoping to know why she was unceremoniously dumped, agrees. Tea and food soon leads to them exploring the city together, and their past, with Fab slowly revealing why she let Likotsi go, and both of them wondering if they can turn this second chance into a happily ever after.
The Lady's Guide to Celestian Mechanics by Olivia Waite
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As Lucy Muchelney watches her ex-lover’s sham of a wedding, she wishes herself anywhere else. It isn’t until she finds a letter from the Countess of Moth, looking for someone to translate a groundbreaking French astronomy text, that she knows where to go. Showing up at the Countess’ London home, she hoped to find a challenge, not a woman who takes her breath away. Catherine St Day looks forward to a quiet widowhood once her late husband’s scientific legacy is fulfilled. She expected to hand off the translation and wash her hands of the project—instead, she is intrigued by the young woman who turns up at her door, begging to be allowed to do the work, and she agrees to let Lucy stay. But as Catherine finds herself longing for Lucy, everything she believes about herself and her life is tested. While Lucy spends her days interpreting the complicated French text, she spends her nights falling in love with the alluring Catherine. But sabotage and old wounds threaten to sever the threads that bind them. Can Lucy and Catherine find the strength to stay together or are they doomed to be star-crossed lovers?
Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender
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Felix Love has never been in love—and, yes, he’s painfully aware of the irony. He desperately wants to know what it’s like and why it seems so easy for everyone but him to find someone. What’s worse is that, even though he is proud of his identity, Felix also secretly fears that he’s one marginalization too many—Black, queer, and transgender—to ever get his own happily-ever-after. When an anonymous student begins sending him transphobic messages—after publicly posting Felix’s deadname alongside images of him before he transitioned—Felix comes up with a plan for revenge. What he didn’t count on: his catfish scenario landing him in a quasi–love triangle.... But as he navigates his complicated feelings, Felix begins a journey of questioning and self-discovery that helps redefine his most important relationship: how he feels about himself.
Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall
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Luc O'Donnell is tangentially--and reluctantly--famous. His rock star parents split when he was young, and the father he's never met spent the next twenty years cruising in and out of rehab. Now that his dad's making a comeback, Luc's back in the public eye, and one compromising photo is enough to ruin everything. To clean up his image, Luc has to find a nice, normal relationship...and Oliver Blackwood is as nice and normal as they come. He's a barrister, an ethical vegetarian, and he's never inspired a moment of scandal in his life. In other words: perfect boyfriend material. Unfortunately apart from being gay, single, and really, really in need of a date for a big event, Luc and Oliver have nothing in common. So they strike a deal to be publicity-friendly (fake) boyfriends until the dust has settled. Then they can go their separate ways and pretend it never happened. But the thing about fake-dating is that it can feel a lot like real-dating. And that's when you get used to someone. Start falling for them. Don't ever want to let them go.
Common romance novel tropes @ TVTropes
Romance genre @ Goodreads
Best Historical Romance Covers @ Goodreads
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