#Jade Hahn
dqrshrtck · 1 day
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I'll say it, welcome back Michelle Gomez Doctor Who.
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someotherdog · 1 year
rose byrne is such a milf and the fact that no one has made a gif pack of her should be illegal. You’re all in trouble
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hollywoodfamerp · 2 years
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paperbackribs · 17 hours
Agatha. I. Am. Obsessed.
Sisterhood of the travelling jade eggs?
The gender flip of the jaded, experienced protagonist with the eager, enthusiastic younger side kick?
Kathryn Hahn's chameleon acting at the. drop. of. a. freakin. hat?!
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Title: Tomorrowland
Rating: PG
Director: Brad Bird
Cast: George Clooney, Hugh Laurie, Britt Robertson, Raffey Cassidy, Tim McGraw, Chris Bauer, Shiloh Nelson, Kathryn Hahn, Keegan-Michael Key, Thomas Robinson, Pierce Gagnon, Matthew MacCaull, Judy Greer
Release year: 2015
Genres: science fiction, adventure, mystery
Blurb: Bound by a shared destiny, a bright, optimistic teen bursting with scientific curiosity and a former boy-genius inventor jaded by disillusionment embark on a danger-filled mission to unearth the secrets of an enigmatic place somewhere in time and space that exists in their collective memory as Tomorrowland.
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ewkrzen · 2 months
# What is Zen about?
I've argued that Zen is characterized by:
1. Communities based on the 5 Lay Precepts www.reddit.com//r/zen/wiki/lay_precepts
2. Teachings that are described by the 4 Statements of Zen www.reddit.com//r/zen/wiki/fourstatements
3. A tradition of historical records (koans) necessitated by the practice of public interview (dharma combat)
If this is pretty incontrovertible, because we have 1,000 years of *historical* records that prove this over and over... where does the confusion come from?
# Enter Religious Exoticism
> This story/parable is a model of Religious Exoticism. A person is raised up in a certain religious setting. It may be okay when one is young, but as one gets into High School and College, one begins to notice problems. Your church (or some other religious body) is full of hypocrites. They don’t live up to high beliefs. They seek to justify their pettiness with religious bumpersticker language. They, frankly, are a bit embarrassing to be around. BUT… then you run into people from some fringe religious group. You had never even heard of the group (or at least met an adherent) when you were young. But now you run into them in college, or on the Web, or TV, or bookstore or wherever. They seem nice and friendly. They express spirituality in a new and fresh way. They are sooo non-hypocritical. Their words are deep and like fresh water to your jaded soul.
> This is religious exoticism… the fascination with religions or religious beliefs that you are generally unfamiliar with.
There's more:
> explain why an overwhelming number of individuals adopt only a selection of doctrines and practices, remain superficially and temporarily involved, and may continue to explore other religious teachings and alternative therapies. The success of exotic religious resources is therefore both triggered and limited by their foreignness.
> Buddhist studies in the US is overwhelmingly white (and overwhelmingly male, although this is slowly changing), and has a certain level of privilege within the academy. This privilege is grounded in the whitewashing of scholarship related to Buddhism and the systemic erasure of Asian Buddhists within convert Buddhist communities. Historically, non-Asian academics who studied Buddhism relied on Asian Buddhist informants and translators to carry out their research, and these contributions have gone largely unacknowledged and uncredited. As a result, in the US, scholars with academic degrees are presumed to have a more authoritative understanding of Buddhist traditions than the Asian people and communities who have performed the “physical, emotional, and spiritual labor” of maintaining these traditions for the last 2500 years."
Understand *why* white males are struggling in our society, especially with religious exoticism, is key to communicating across a divide of race, class, and culture.
When we look at the biggest names associated with Zen in the 20th century, Alan Watts, Shunryu, Tich Hahn. these people are deliberately misrepresenting Zen for the benefit of their own religions.
When we look at the biggest scholars of the 20th century, they were all trained in Buddhist religious schools, much like learning about Christianity in Brigham Young University.
The only reason that these people haven't been #metoo canceled is that there's a massive amount of ignorance about Zen culture.
And that's not unusual at all because the metoo movement itself was really a shock to almost everybody who hadn't experienced it firsthand... Or who had experienced at first hand but thought it was them and not a culture.
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anumcelni1981 · 6 months
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Glückstiere kaufen: Eine auserlesene Auswahl für Glücksbringer
Glückstiere, auch bekannt als Glücksbringer oder Glückssymbole, haben in vielen Kulturen eine lange Tradition. Diese kleinen Figuren werden häufig als Talisman oder Amulett getragen und sollen ihrem Besitzer Glück und Erfolg bringen. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem Glückstier sind, haben Sie heute eine große Auswahl zur Verfügung.
Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Glückstieren, die sich in Form, Material und Bedeutung unterscheiden können. Eine der bekanntesten Varianten ist der chinesische Glücksbringer, das sogenannte "Feng Shui Fu". Dieses kleine Tier ist oft aus Jade oder anderen edlen Materialien gefertigt und repräsentiert Glück und Wohlstand.
Ein weiterer beliebter Glückstier ist das indische "Ganesha", eine Figur des Gottes mit Elefantenkopf. Ganesha gilt als Glücksbringer für neue Unternehmungen und wird oft in Geschäften oder Büros aufgestellt, um Erfolg anzuziehen.
Es gibt auch eine Vielzahl von Glückstieren aus unterschiedlichen Kulturkreisen, wie beispielsweise die japanischen "Maneki-neko". Diese winkende Katze soll Geld und Glück anziehen und findet sich oft in Restaurants oder Geschäften.
Heutzutage können Sie Glückstiere leicht online kaufen. Es gibt zahlreiche Anbieter und Onlineshops, die eine große Auswahl an Glücksbringern anbieten. Sie können zwischen verschiedenen Materialien wie Holz, Porzellan, Metall oder Kunststoff wählen und diese nach Ihren Vorlieben personalisieren.
Bevor Sie ein Glückstier kaufen, ist es wichtig, sich über die Bedeutung und Tradition dahinter zu informieren. Jedes Symbol trägt eine eigene Botschaft und kann verschiedene positive Energien in Ihr Leben bringen. Egal, welches Glückstier Sie wählen, es ist wichtig, dass es Ihnen gefällt und eine positive Ausstrahlung auf Sie hat.
Insgesamt bietet der Kauf eines Glückstieres eine schöne Möglichkeit, positive Energie und Glück in Ihr Leben zu bringen. Egal, ob Sie an die Wirkung solcher Symbole glauben oder nicht, sie können dennoch eine schöne Dekoration oder ein Geschenk für einen geliebten Menschen sein. Wählen Sie Ihr persönliches Glückstier aus und lassen Sie es Ihren Weg mit Freude und Glück begleiten.
Die Bedeutung von Glückstieren ist in vielen Kulturen weit verbreitet. Diese Tiere repräsentieren Glück, Wohlstand und positive Energie. Sie haben eine symbolische Bedeutung und werden oft als Glücksbringer betrachtet. In diesem Artikel werden wir uns mit der Bedeutung von Glückstieren genauer befassen.
In vielen asiatischen Kulturen wie China und Japan sind Glückstiere ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Glaubenssystems. Zum Beispiel gilt das chinesische Sternzeichen als Glückstier, das mit dem Geburtsjahr einer Person verbunden ist. Jedes Jahr wird einem Tier ein bestimmtes Symbol zugeordnet, das Einfluss auf die Eigenschaften und das Schicksal einer Person haben soll.
Die Bedeutung von Glückstieren variiert je nach Tierart. Das chinesische Zeichen "Hase" repräsentiert beispielsweise Frieden und Ruhe, während das Zeichen "Drache" mit Stärke und Macht in Verbindung gebracht wird. Der Hahn steht symbolisch für Glück und Erfolg, während der Tiger Mut und Entschlossenheit symbolisiert.
In der westlichen Kultur sind Glückstiere ebenfalls bekannt. Ein bekanntes Beispiel ist das vierblättrige Kleeblatt, das als Symbol für Glück und Wohlstand gilt. Der Marienkäfer wird ebenfalls oft als Glückstier betrachtet. Es wird gesagt, dass das Finden eines Marienkäfers auf der Haut Glück bringt.
Viele Menschen tragen Glückstiere als Schmuck oder als talismanartige Gegenstände bei sich, um Glück anzuziehen. Es gibt auch spezielle Rituale und Traditionen, die mit Glückstieren verbunden sind, wie zum Beispiel das Aufstellen von Statuen oder Bildern bestimmter Tiere in Haus oder Garten.
Glückstiere können jedem ein Gefühl von Hoffnung und positiver Energie vermitteln. Sie dienen als Erinnerung daran, dass das Leben voller Möglichkeiten ist und dass Glück und Erfolg jederzeit erreichbar sind.
Fazit: Glückstiere spielen in verschiedenen Kulturen eine wichtige Rolle und repräsentieren Glück, Wohlstand und positive Energie. Sie dienen als Symbol für Eigenschaften wie Stärke, Mut oder Frieden und werden oft als Glücksbringer angesehen. Die Bedeutung von Glückstieren variiert je nach Tierart, sowohl in westlichen als auch in asiatischen Kulturen. Der Glaube an Glückstiere kann Hoffnung und positive Energie vermitteln und Menschen daran erinnern, dass Glück und Erfolg erreichbar sind.
Glückstiere sind mehr als nur fantastische Kreaturen. Sie sind Symbole für Glück und Wohlstand und werden in vielen Kulturen verehrt. Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Glückstieren, die jeweils ihre eigene Bedeutung und Symbolik haben. Hier sind drei verschiedene Arten von Glückstieren, die man kennenlernen sollte:
Der Drache - Der Drache wird in vielen asiatischen Kulturen als Glückstier betrachtet. Er symbolisiert Stärke, Weisheit und Glück. Der Drache steht auch für Wohlstand und Reichtum. Ihn zu sehen oder mit ihm in Verbindung zu stehen, wird als äußerst glücksbringend angesehen. Der Drache spielt auch eine wichtige Rolle im chinesischen Neujahrsfest, wo er als Glücksbringer gilt und böse Geister vertreiben soll.
Der Elefant - Der Elefant ist ein weiterer Glücksbringer in vielen Kulturen, insbesondere in Indien und Thailand. Der Elefant symbolisiert Glück, Stärke und Weisheit. In einigen asiatischen Ländern glaubt man, dass das Berühren eines Elefanten Glück bringt. Darüber hinaus werden Elefanten häufig mit Wohlstand und Erfolg in Verbindung gebracht.
Das Einhorn - Das Einhorn ist ein mythologisches Tier, das oft als Symbol für Glück und Reinheit dargestellt wird. Obwohl es als Fantasiekreatur gilt, hat das Einhorn einen festen Platz in der Glückssymbolik. Es wird als ein Wesen angesehen, das Glück und Freude bringt. In der Popkultur wurde das Einhorn auch oft als Glückstier dargestellt und ist beliebt bei Kindern und Erwachsenen gleichermaßen.
Diese verschiedenen Arten von Glückstieren haben ihre eigenen einzigartigen Bedeutungen und werden in verschiedenen Kulturen geschätzt. Obwohl sie unterschiedlich sind, teilen sie alle die Gemeinsamkeit, dass sie als Symbole für Glück und positives Schicksal gelten. Es ist interessant zu sehen, wie Tiere in verschiedenen Kulturen als Träger von Glück und Wohlstand angesehen werden und wie sie in verschiedenen Formen und Interpretationen dargestellt werden. Denn letztendlich ist Glück etwas, wonach jeder sucht und Tiere uns auf ihrem eigenen Weg dabei helfen können.
Die Geschichte der Glückstiere reicht weit zurück und hat ihren Ursprung in verschiedenen Kulturen auf der ganzen Welt. Diese faszinierenden Kreaturen sind nicht nur ein Symbol für Glück, sondern haben auch eine tiefere Bedeutung und werden in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen eingesetzt.
Eine der bekanntesten Glückstiere ist das chinesische Glücksschwein. In der chinesischen Kultur steht das Schwein für Wohlstand und Reichtum. Es wird oft als Symbol für finanzielles Glück und Erfolg verwendet. Besonders zu Feierlichkeiten wie dem chinesischen Neujahr werden Glücksschweine ausgestellt oder als Dekoration verwendet, um das neue Jahr mit Glück und Überfluss zu beginnen.
Ein weiteres beliebtes Glückstier ist das japanische Glückskatzen-Statue, auch bekannt als Maneki-neko. Diese süße Katzenfigur mit erhobener Pfote ist ein häufiger Anblick in japanischen Geschäften und Restaurants. Die Maneki-neko wird traditionell als Glücksbringer betrachtet und soll positive Energie und Kunden anziehen. Je nach Farbe und Pfotenstellung wird eine spezifische Bedeutung zugeschrieben, wie zum Beispiel Reichtum, Liebe oder Gesundheit.
In der westlichen Kultur ist das Glücks-Kleeblatt eines der bekanntesten Glückssymbole. Das Kleeblatt mit den vier Blättern wird oft mit Glück und Wohlstand in Verbindung gebracht. Es wird als Amulett getragen oder als Glückssymbol in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen verwendet. Das Finden eines vierblättrigen Kleeblatts wird als glücksbringend betrachtet und bringt dem Finder angeblich viel Glück.
Ein weiteres interessantes Glückstier aus der Geschichte ist das Glückselefant. In einigen Kulturen, insbesondere in Indien, wird der Elefant als Symbol für Glück, Weisheit und Stärke verehrt. Elefantenskulpturen und Amulette finden sich in vielen Haushalten und Tempeln als Glücksbringer und Schutzsymbol.
Die Geschichte der Glückstiere ist geprägt von verschiedenen Symbolen, die in verschiedenen Kulturen eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Sie sind nicht nur schmückendes Beiwerk, sondern werden als Glücksbringer und positive Energien in verschiedenen Bereichen des Lebens verehrt. Egal ob in Asien oder im Westen, die Glückstiere haben eine lange Tradition und sind bis heute ein faszinierender Teil unserer Kultur.
Glückstiere als Symbol für Glück
Glückstiere sind in vielen Kulturen ein beliebtes Symbol für Glück und werden oft als Glücksbringer angesehen. Diese besonderen Tiere repräsentieren positive Eigenschaften und werden mit Wohlstand, Erfolg und positiven Energien in Verbindung gebracht. In diesem Artikel werden fünf Glückstiere vorgestellt, die als Symbol für Glück dienen können.
Das Glückskatze (Maneki-neko): Die Maneki-neko Katze stammt aus Japan und ist für ihre winkende Pfote bekannt. Sie gilt als Symbol für Glück und Reichtum. Es wird angenommen, dass die winkende Bewegung der Pfote Glück und Wohlstand anzieht. Die Farbe der Katze hat auch eine Bedeutung: Eine weiße Katze steht für Glück und Reinheit, während eine goldene Katze Wohlstand symbolisiert.
Der Glücksfrosch (Jin Chan): Der Jin Chan, auch bekannt als Geldfrosch, ist ein Symbol für finanzielles Glück und Reichtum. In der chinesischen Kultur wird der Jin Chan oft in Geschäften oder Büros platziert, um finanziellen Erfolg anzuziehen. Der Frosch wird gerne mit einer Münze im Maul dargestellt und soll Glück und Wohlstand in das Leben bringen.
Der Glückselefant: Der Elefant wird in vielen Kulturen als Symbol für Glück angesehen. Besonders in asiatischen Ländern wie Indien und Thailand gilt der Elefant als Glückssymbol. Der aufrechte Rüssel eines Elefanten steht für Wohlstand und Erfolg. Es wird angenommen, dass das Berühren eines Elefanten Glück bringt. Zudem steht der Elefant für Stärke und Weisheit.
Der Glückshase: In einigen Kulturen, wie beispielsweise in Deutschland, symbolisiert der Hase Glück und Fruchtbarkeit. Besonders zu Ostern ist der Hase ein beliebtes Glückssymbol. Der Brauch des Osterhasen geht auf die germanische Göttin Ostara zurück, die mit Fruchtbarkeit und neuem Leben in Verbindung gebracht wird.
Der Glücksdrache: Der Drache wird in vielen asiatischen Kulturen als Glückssymbol verehrt. Er steht für Kraft, Weisheit und Glück. Der chinesische Drache wird oft als Symbol des Kaiserhauses betrachtet. Es wird angenommen, dass Drachen positive Energie anziehen und schützen.
Glückstiere können uns an positive Eigenschaften erinnern und uns Glück und Erfolg im Leben bringen. Egal, ob es sich um eine Glückskatze, einen Glücksfrosch, einen Glückselefanten, einen Glückshasen oder einen Glücksdrachen handelt, das Symbol des Glücks kann uns daran erinnern, dass Glück in vielen Formen auftreten kann und dass wir selbst aktiv daran arbeiten können, Glück in unser Leben zu bringen.
Hinweis: Dieser Artikel liefert nur Informationen über Glückstiere als Symbole. Die Beachtung und Verwendung von Glückstieren sollte den persönlichen Überzeugungen und kulturellen Werten jedes Einzelnen entsprechen.
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llhmua · 2 years
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Harper's Bazaar Serbia June 2022. Photographer -- Sebastian Hilgetag Stylist -- Jade Sheils Hair Stylist / Make-up Artist -- Julia Hahn Model -- Billy Arora
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mademoiselleseraph · 5 years
Sokka's necklace (and other Water Tribe Men's necklaces)
Katara's necklace is given plenty of narrative and thematic significance throughout the series. It's an heirloom that she wears to feel closer to her mother, taken away from them too soon. It's used to track down the group and near the end of season one, it's revealed to be a betrothal custom from the Northern Water Tribe, making it a symbol of cultural tradition. It's a nifty little way the writers combined worldbuilding with theme and characterization to make something memorable.
Less talked about is Sokka's necklace, which he wears as often as Katara wears hers and is also undoubtably Water Tribe. Exactly how thick it is seems inconsistant between episodes and even from scene to scene in some cases. But I think it's shown to have enough depth to rule out the idea that it's some kind of notched ribbon or strip of skin
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Now as a Real Life Eskimo™ (King Island Inupiaq, born and raised in Alaska) I've been to cultural fairs where traditional crafts have been displayed and sold, and what Sokka's necklace reminds me of most is walrus ivory jewlry, specifically that made of slices of ivory, like these bracelets
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(Made by Albert Olanna in Shishmaref, Alaska, featured here: http://www.maruskiyas.com/store/products/walrus-ivory-bracelets-albert-olanna )
Hakoda seems to be wearing one as well in Sokka's flashback of him leaving for the war (though his seems to also have dentalium shells, which I will talk about more later).
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Yue's betrothed, Hahn, also appears to be wearing an ivory necklace, though one with more variation in the beads and a piece in the center that seems to be of a different material (I'm tempted to say baleen, but baleen is much darker, maybe blue jade?).
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Of course, there is one man who doesn't wear a necklace of ivory:
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Yue's father, Chief Arnook of the Northern Water Tribe, is also wearing a necklace, but this one seems to be made of dentalium shells, which were traded a lot between Indigenous groups but don't prominently feature in Inupiaq or Inuit jewelry. You'll find some nice little earrings made of dentalium, but not much more than that.
Athabaskan jewelry, on the other hand, did feature dentalium shell quite a bit, especially for Chiefs' status symbol necklaces.
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(Unknown artist from Minto, Alaska, featured on a very interesting blog post about trade amongst Alaska Native groups here: https://akethnogirl.wordpress.com/2018/08/ )
But as you can probably tell, the Athabaskan Necklace pictured here is much longer than the one Arnook is wearing. Indeed, Arnook's necklace seems to be based more on Great Plains Native dentalium jewelry
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(19th century bracelet and choker from the Nez Perce Historical National Park)
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Press: Lifetime, Hollywood Reporter to Present ‘Women in Entertainment: The Next Generation’ Special on May 24
The special will feature talent including Padma Lakshmi, Anna Kendrick, Elizabeth Olsen, Gillian Anderson, Jurnee Smollett, ‘Girls5eva’ star Sara Bareilles and more as it spotlights five female students mentored by top women execs in Hollywood.
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THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER: As a presenting partner for The Hollywood Reporter’s annual Women in Entertainment Breakfast, Lifetime has joined with THR for the evolution of the event.
Lifetime will air a broadcast special titled Lifetime and The Hollywood Reporter Present Women in Entertainment: The Next Generation, a Voices Magnified program celebrating female trendsetters, industry leaders and potential future female power players.
The special, set to premiere at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Monday, May 24, will be hosted by Padma Lakshmi. The hourlong show also will feature appearances by Anna Kendrick, Anitta, Elizabeth Olsen, Emma Corrin, Gillian Anderson, Lana Condor, Jurnee Smollett and Kathryn Hahn. The special also will feature an interview and special performance by Grammy winner and Girls5eva star Sara Bareilles of her hit song “Brave.”
Voices Magnified aims to give “a national spotlight to timely and important conversations on equality and social reform which are occurring across America today.”
THR’s pioneering Women in Entertainment Mentorship Program, which, in partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles, grants $1 million in scholarships to L.A. high school seniors from underserved communities, will be spotlighted in the special. Five of the program’s mentees will share their stories, how they were motivated by their mentors’ belief in what they can accomplish and how their mentors guided them on their journey to college and their future career paths.
The special also highlights Comcast NBCUniversal’s workplace mentorship program with Big Brothers Big Sisters, which has become a mentoring model for corporations nationwide.
Scholarships to Loyola Marymount University and Chapman University underwritten by Spotify, Sony and The Chuck Lorre Family Foundation will be awarded. Lifetime also provides a $10,000 scholarship to each of the girls who participate in The Women in Entertainment Mentorship Program. Cadillac also is a sponsor of Women in Entertainment.
The five mentor/mentees that will be featured in the special include Ali Hoffman (president, domestic networks for Starz) and Emely Menjivar; Cassidy Lange (director, original studio film, Netflix) and Gracie Flores; Deborah Thomas (senior vp entertainment publicity for NBC) and Celine Mendoza; Mioshi Jade Hill (president, Sirens Media) and Miranda Brock; and Terry Kalagian (executive vp creative content, Gaumont) and Wynda Lee.
“Lifetime is proud to partner with The Hollywood Reporter on the evolution of the Women in Entertainment event to reach even more people with these inspiring stories,” said Paul Buccieri, president and chairman of A+E Networks Group. “I truly believe in the incredible power of mentoring and its importance in shaping an individual’s future, and I am honored that Lifetime will help showcase these rising young leaders’ stories.”
Added Nekesa Mumbi Moody, editorial director of THR: “The Hollywood Reporter couldn’t be prouder of the program we launched 10 years ago with Big Brothers Big Sisters. It’s a gift to be able to pair some of the most intelligent female thought leaders in entertainment with deserving mentees to help them develop the skills they need to flourish academically and professionally. We hope that in leveraging our legacy and partnering with Lifetime, we can continue to inspire engaged audiences to carry out the vital mission of giving back to the next generation.”
Said Dalila Wilson-Scott, executive vp and chief diversity officer of Comcast Corporation: “Our employees are passionate about being champions for young people and helping to change lives as positive role models. After more than a decade of partnering with Big Brothers Big Sisters, our workplace-based mentoring program remains one of our most popular volunteer initiatives, helping our employees to become better leaders while creating opportunities for the next generation. We are proud to join with Lifetime to highlight this partnership and the vital role of mentorship in the lives of young women.”
“Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles is proud to celebrate The Women in Entertainment Mentorship Program alongside The Hollywood Reporter and Lifetime. For over a decade, this unique and transformative program has helped more than 200 deserving young women in Los Angeles build confidence, find their voices and grow towards their biggest possible futures,” said Lauren Plichta, president and CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles. “During a period in our collective history where human connection is at an all-time low, we are incredibly grateful for all of our volunteers and allies who believe in the power of mentorship and work with us to keep kids connected.”
Lifetime and The Hollywood Reporter Present Women in Entertainment: The Next Generation was executive produced by Sharon Scott, Kristy Sabat and Annie Allen for the Category 6 Media group. Lifetime executive producers were Amy Winter, Brie Miranda Bryant and Shura Davison. Nekesa Mumbi Moody, Elisabeth D. Rabishaw and Victoria Gold executive produced from The Hollywood Reporter, while Curtis Thompson produced
Press: Lifetime, Hollywood Reporter to Present ‘Women in Entertainment: The Next Generation’ Special on May 24 was originally published on Elizabeth Olsen Source • Your source for everything Elizabeth Olsen
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seyaryminamoto · 4 years
Hope your Computer is working properly again=) I have some questions, one of them about the North Pole. Will Sokka go there at the beginning or the end and how will his interaction with Yue go? Will they spend a long time together? And in what mood will he be there since I think he will be in a devastating Situation in the whole of Part 3, until he meets Azula?? I'm fearing to ask this one, will the fight between Sokkla in which they go for the kill happen??0_0 (Reviews Party, remember) This is too spoilery but when will Sokka meet Hotaru and by the time he does will he ...ehm know the truth??=')
Eeeeh, it’s really not @_@ but I am procrastinating so hard on writing atm that I decided I needed to address the veeery long overdue asks in my inbox xD hopefully I can get my computer to make sense within the next month or two, but we’ll see @_@
And now, for your questions...!
Sokka will go there at... eh... god this is tricky xD not the beginning, no, but I’d say he goes after the first half of Part 3? And he’ll visit the North Pole for a second time in the final arcs of Part 3. His interactions with Yue will be positive, she has some wisdom to share with him regarding how to cope with certain matters... as may be obvious, our Yue has been through a very different life than the very young and innocent Yue we saw in canon. She’s married, has children, and her husband abandoned her, so she’s a bit more jaded in some regards, but also very wise in others. I think my favorite interaction slated for those two will be with Sokka asking her some very important questions regarding how she feels about her children having Hahn for a father, and if that affects at all how she feels about them. I’m sure you can venture a guess or two as to why he’d ask such questions... xD
They won’t spend that long together, no, and to be perfectly honest, while they’ll get along, Yue’s going to interact a lot more with another character who will travel to the North Pole with Sokka rather than with him. As you bring up how Sokka will be acting and what mood he’ll be in... he’s not going to be all sunshine and rainbows, nope, we’re going to see a much darker Sokka throughout Part 3. He’s not going to be at his absolute worst mood while in the North Pole, but he’s not going to be as relaxed and cheerful as we’ve seen him in Part 2, at all. He’s a bit unapproachable for a lot of people across Part 3, and he’s very much focused on achieving what he’ll set out to do, soooo... serious Sokka galore, all throughout Part 3.
And well, yes, he won’t be particularly happy until he finds Azula again, but even then, the circumstances in which he’ll reunite with Azula won’t be the brightest or the prettiest because of, yes, what you said right there :’D it’s still slated to happen, still going to be (hopefully) the most epic scene I’ve written in my entire existence, and I hope the payoff will devastate us all in the BEST of ways. Because that is what we all need, readers and writer and characters alike (?) Eventually, this boy will be happy again, I can guarantee as much... but we’re in for a world of strife for our two main leads for a fairly long time @_@ It’s so daunting to even think of it, really, and I’m almost there... TT_TT
And your last question! Will Sokka know the truth? Well... not all along, he won’t xD I have hopes that Sokka’s approach to Hotaru, once he hears about what’s going on, will be very touching and show just what a good man he really is. Part of what that approach entails, though, is for him to not know the truth for a very long time. Some characters will suggest the truth is a possibility, you could say? xD But he won’t want to fill his head and heart with those ideas because he hopes to be a good father, if he can, regardless of the baby’s circumstances. But yes, by the final arcs of Part 3, Sokka will indeed meet Hotaru... and on the very first time he sees her he’ll find out the truth right away :D
... And there we go. I’d say that was pretty spoilery x’D
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anyathebloodshell · 3 years
BG&E Headcanons (part 2);
- Jade speaks more than one language, including some dialects.
- Double H’s family was supportive of him when he decided to join the Hillyan Army.
-Pey’j and Jade’s dad were actually childhood friends.
-I said that Jade is pansexual and I do think some characters aren’t straight either in my eyes. Pey’j and Hahn are aromantic, Nino and Mei are bisexual and Double H is demisexual.
-Mei is actually Double H’s adoptive sister.
-Jade didn’t liked going to school as a teen, she prefered to mingle in the streets around Canal City.
-Double H has a crush on Jade. He had these feelings confirmed after that lighthouse scene.
-’Dancing with DomZ’ is actually a prayer to Shauni and the DomZ see Shauni as a divinity, and it is within Jade’s body. 
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thebookishgothgirl · 4 years
Rules! Choose 21 books you want to read or goals you want to achieve in 2021. That’s it! It can be a mix of books and goals, or 21 books, or 21 goals…. it’s up to you. Then tag some friends to play along.
Thank you for tagging me @therefugeofbooks
1. Deep and Dark and Dangerous by Mary Downing Hahn
2. Wait til Helen Comes by Mary Downing Hahn
3. Bottle Toss by Howard Odentz
4. One Of Us Is Lying by Karen McManus
5. Small Spaces by Katherine Arden
6. Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim
7. Pine by Francine Toon
8. Open Mic Night at Westminster Cemetery by Mary Amato
9. Paper Valentine by Brenna Yovanoff
10. Now Entering Addamsville by Francesca Zappia
11 The Girl From The Well by Rin Chupeco
12 Sadako At The End Of The World by Koma
13 Mieruko Chan by Tomoki Izumi
14 Frozen Charlotte by Alex Bell
15 The Trials Of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend
16 The Haunting Of Aveline Jones by Phil Hickes
17 Vampironica Volume 1 by Megan Smallwood and Greg Smallwood
18 The Name Of The Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
19 The Priory Of The Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
20 Jade City by Fonda Lee
21 Fledgling by Octavia E Butler
I will tag @peracute and @bookish-words
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Ricky is very proud of his painting!
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fortey · 4 years
Nic Cage vs Zombies the Comic
If you want to appreciate how Nic Cage vs Zombies would work in comic book form, here’s the script for the first issue.
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Nic Cage vs Zombies: Issue 1
The point here is to be the most intense thing anyone has ever seen or imagined seeing. This story exists for one purpose - to convince you the world can only be saved by Nic Cage.
 Panel 1 - long panel across the top 3rd of the page
Nighttime in Chinatown. The street is crowded despite the rain.  Shops are crammed tight together and signs in different shapes of pink and red and yellow neon advertising restaurants stand stark against the black of the night.  Cars and bicycles go up and down the street, as do pedestrians with umbrellas. Paper lanterns are strung from one side of the street to another in criss cross patterns
CAPTION: Chinatown.
Panel 2 - tall panel, the left half of what remains on the page
A figure stands at the mouth of an alley in a long coat and rumple cowboy hat. His back is to us and he is hallowed by the massobe, pink neon sign of the DRAGON COURT Chinese restaurant.  The people on the street pay him no mind.
Panel 3: - identical to previous panel on the right on the page
The figure crosses the street towards another alley on the side of the Chinese restaurant
Panel 1 of a three panel bar across the top
The figure sidesteps a scooter the splashes him from a puddle
Panel 2: 
The figure makes his way down the alley. A single bulb at the end draws him in
Panel 3: 
close on the hand knocking on a thick steel door under one of those sliding peep hole things.
Panel 4 of another 3 panels across the center of the page
The peep hole slides open. Eyes gaze out.
Panel 5:
The door is open and the cowboy hat-wearing figure is silhouetted as he enters.
Panel 6:
The door is closed.  The rain pelts down
Panel 7 of another 3 panels on the bottom
Side view of the figure as he walks down a dim, concrete hall lined with pipes.  He is still cast in silhouette so we only see his shadowy proflle
Panel 8 
The figure is heading down a staircase.
Panel 9: 
The figure from behind in a basement. The quarters are close. Water drips from apipe. There is a bulb on the ceiling.  Our figure is in the foreground, a black shape.  
SHAPE:  Uh… hey.
splash page, one single panel
Our figure is in the foreground but the focus is not on him.  In the center of the hall before another door is a hulking beast of a man.  It is the ALBINO.  He is 7’4” tall, think The Mountain from Game of Thrones but pale white and smooth hairless.  He wears leather pants and no shirt, but he does have on a leather apron. At his hip is a holstered meat cleaver.  And on his massive bald head is a bike helmet with a GoPro affixed to it.  His eyes are pale blue and his jaw is thick.
SHAPE: Nice apron.
Panel 1 of a two panel spread on the top third of the page.
The Albino takes hold of the handle of a huge wooden door and pulls it open.  From the cracks, golden light spills out.
Panel 2: 
Our shape stands in the doorway, He is a black silhouette against golden light that spills out like the sun itself was in the room on the other side of the door.
Panel 3 spreads across the entire middle third of the page
The room beyond the door is like Shangri-La - it’s a casino but no ordinary casino.  The room is enormous with massively high ceilings.  There are wall sconce torches and dozens if not hundred of patrons at all manner of tables. Everyone is dressed formally, and suspended from cords Cirque du Soleil style are wait staff who descend from the ceiling.  There are dozens of gaming tables and everything is gold and silver.  There are statues lining walls and it’s basically the fanciest damn place you can imagine
Panel 4 is the bottom third of the page.  Finally we see the shape’s face.  It’s Nic Cage.  We’re medium close on him as the door shuts behind him.  
Panel 1 - this is the top half of the page, so only two panels total here. 
Cage descends a small staircase, handing his coat and hat to someone in a tux. Servers on lines descend from a bar that is suspended above the entire room. They bob up and down like spiders here and there.  
Panel 2: 
Cage passes by tables of gamblers. People are pushing unusual items across tables, placing bets not with money but with things like jewels, a fossils, strange bundles of papers and curious, rare knick knacks. A 4 piece string band plays on a stage to the side
Panel 1 of two panels across top of page
Cage, from behind, in foreground as he approach a set of double doors set into the wall.  It is guarded by two identical women in matching suits and sunglasses on either side of the door.  The only difference between them is that they have the opposite side of their heads shaved, so that the side facing out has long,shoulder-length straight black hair hanging down and the side facing in, towards each other, are bald.  The women have dark skin and wear sunglasses.
The doors look to be carved from solid jade.  They are ornate and carved with dragons and Chinese lions.
Panel 2
The women wordlessly pull open the doors for Cage. Inside is a single table with three people seated at it, and some other elegant furnishings.  The people are  ways from the door and not terrible detailed by they are TEDDY SOLSTICE, a young, dark-skinned man in his 20s who has a wooden box about the size of a loaf of bread on the table before him. MRS. LUMBERG, a very rich, very elegant woman in her 40s sits before a manilla envelope and LAO CHE-FUNG, a Chinese man in his late 70s who is very decrepit and somewhat sinister.  Behind Che-Fung is a beefy man in a suit, his bodyguard, who stands next to a large, tarp-covered object.  Though we can’t sea it, it is the man-sized cage that holds a zombie.
Panel 3 of a two panel spread in the center of the page
Cage shakes hands with Teddy Solstice over the table.
TEDDY: Welcome, Mr. Cage.
NIC CAGE: Teddy, please, it’s just Nic. How are you this evening?
TEDDY: Very well, Mr. Cage. And you?
Panel 4
Nic Cage clasps the white-gloved hand of Mrs. Lumberg.
NIC CAGE: I am so much better now that I see the lovely Mrs. Lumberg is here!
MRS. LUMBERG: Flattery gets you everywhere, my dear Nicolas.  Do sit down.
Panel 5 of two panels across the bottom of the page
Nic Cage has taken his seat, and Teddy Solstice now sits also.
NIC CAGE: Sorry for being so late, parking is a nightmare.  Good to see you as well Mr. Lao. Do we have stakes?
Panel 6
Nic Cage sets a small, glass jar with a cork stopper on the table.  Inside are teeth. Human teeth.
NIC CAGE: Elvis Presley. Or his teeth, at least. Clone yourself the King of Rock and Roll or just make a necklace.
Panel 1 of three panels on the top of the page
Centered on Teddy Solstice hold open the box before him. There is a fist-sized rock within, dotted with what looks like yellow glass or gems. They glow very softly in the grey stone.
TEDDY: The largest pallasite meteorite yet discovered on Earth with this degree of radiance.
Panel 2
Centered on Mrs. Lumberg as she pulls files from the manila envelope. They are property deeds.
MRS. LUMBERG: The deeds to the childhood homes of Ed Gein, Jeffrey Dahmer and Charles Manson.
Panel 3
Centered on Lao Che-Fung.  He is simply sitting still, looking old and decrepit, lifting a hand to gesture to the bodyguard.  Behind him, on his left is the bodyguard and the tarp-covered structure.
LAO CHE-FUNG: While your tokens are rare indeed, I would be remiss if I did not say I had expected something more...
Panel 4 One full panel encompassing the rest of the page.  The body guard has pulled the tarp and we now see what appears to be a human-sized aquarium.  Inside, restrained with shackles as ancient as Lao Che-Fung himself, is a zombie.  It’s flesh is ragged and dusty old looking, like leaves on a plant that is on the cusp of death.  It is insanely thin, bones are visible beneath its flesh, and it wears only one item - a simple jade necklace on a silver chain about its neck.  One of its eyes is milk white but the other is all too sharp and alive, staring out at everyone.
The others are not visible in this panel, except for a partial view of the bodyguard to one side.  When Lao -Che-Fung speaks, his words come from off panel.
LAO CHE-FUNG: … unusual.
Left panel of two panels on top of the page.  
Panel 1: Nic Cage has stood from his chair and looks shocked.  Mrs Lumberg clutches at her chest in that offended, old lady way.  Teddy Solstice looks terrified.
NIC CAGE: What the hell is that?!
Panel 2: Lao Che-Fung has still not moved at all, looks like he may as well be asleep.  He is sitting in the foreground at the table, with the zombie visible behind him.
LAO CHE-FUNG: Do relax, my friends, there is no danger. In a game where money is no motivator, I had expected perhaps one of you could say you had brought to the table an item of value on par with my own.  Please, behold the abomination of Emperor Li Hahn, cursed to live beyond death.
Panel 3 of a two panel spread in the center of the page 
Close on Nic Cage’s face with an arched eyebrow.
NIC CAGE: I’m sorry, my blood sugar must be low. Did you just imply that this is a zombie?
Panel 4 on Lao Che-Fung, his expression still set and unmoving, like he just doesn’t care.
LAO CHE-FUNG: Indeed, Mr. Cage.
Panel 5 of a three panel spread across the bottom of the page.  This one just focuses on the shocked face of Mrs. Lumberg.
Panel 6 is framed exactly the same, the shocked face of Teddy Solstice.
Panel 7 is framed the same on Nic Cage, only with a wry smile now.
NIC CAGE:  Huh.  Well, that’s funky. Can’t say that I’ve ever seen one of those before.
Two panels across top of page.  The first panel focuses on Lao Che-Fung who, for the first time, has changed his expression to the barest hint of a smile.
LAO CHE-FUNG: Emperor Li Hahn is the only of his kind in the world.
Panel 2: Nc Cage looks considering, sitting back in his seat.
NIC CAGE: Well, and don’t get me wrong, this is very far out stuff, but I’m not sure why I want a zombie.  I mean, it’s rare, sure, but what can it do?
Panel 3 of two middle panels focuses on Teddy Solstice
TEDDY: Carry luggage?
Panel 4 is Mrs. Lumberg, holding a gloved hand to her nose.
MRS. LUMBERG: It smells atrocious.
Panel 5 of two bottom panels goes back to Nic Cage
NIC CAGE: It does! It’s like beef jerky in a toilet on a hot day. Or like -
Panel 6:  The door has been kicked in and a DETECTIVE stands front and center with uniform cops streaming in behind him, guns drawn.  The detective is holding a warrant.
DETECTIVE: Mr. Lao Che-Fung, this is a warrant for your arrest!
PAGE 10:  
Long panel down the left side of the page.  One of the uniform officers is at the zombie aquarium looking freaked out.  The poker players are still seated and caught off guard.  The detective stands at the edge of the table.
DETECTIVE: We’ve got you on charges of operating an illegal gambling facility, trafficking in antiquities, rare and endangered animals and -
COP: (Interrupting detective):  Detective Mills, what the hell is this?
Panel 2 is the top half of what remains of the page.  The uniform officer is at the aquarium and the zombie is focused on him as the officer reaches for the latch on the door.
COP: My God, what are you doing to this man?
LAO CHE-FUNG: Detective, please, you must not do this!
Panel 3 is focused on Detective Mills as the uniform officer has the latches open.  Mills has his gun trained on Lao Che-Fung
DETECTIVE: You better think twice about telling me what I must do, Lao. I’ve had enough of your crap over the last 6 years, and this is the final nail in your coffin.
LAO CHE-FUNG: Please, Detective! I beg you, you have no idea -
One giant panel of madness.  The door has burst open, the zombie has leapt on the uniform officer.  The others in the room are reeling back, the poker table is in the process of being knocked as the officer falls on it, the zombie atop of him, its yellow teeth crunching into the officer's neck, blood exploding outward like a fountain.  Nic Cage and Lao Che-Fung are to the right side of the page, Teddy, Mrs. Lumberg and the Detective to the right with the zombie and the dying officer front and center.
The zombie’s attack is bestial, like a cat pouncing on a mouse.  Its body is lithe and thin, but ropey with muscles.
Large panel across the top of the page. The zombie is now feasting on the bodyguard as the Detective and two other officers draw firearms.  Mrs Lumberg is on her butt against the wall, Teddy Solstice has stumbled back and steadied himself on a small cabinet.  Lao Che-Fung is scuttling back to a folding partition where we can see the barest hint of a door hidden. Nic Cage has leapt back.  A massive fountain of blood is spurting up from the bodyguard.
Panel 2 across the center of the page
The detective and two uniform officers open fire. The zombie lifts its head in a snarl as holes riddle its body.
Panel 3 of two panels on the bottom of the page
Teddy Solstice pushes past the cops for the door as Lao Che-Fung escapes out a back door. The zombie is on its feet  Here the detective aims point blank at the zombie’s chest and fires
Panel 4 is the zombie.  Its snarl turns to a very slight but noticeable smile.  Its chin and chest is soaked in blood.
DETECTIVE: Mother of God...
Another large panel on the top of the page.  Behind the zombie, the officer is back on his feet.  The red blood from his neck has soaked his uniform, but the wound is now spiderwebbed in angry, black veins that run up his face.  His expression is vacant.
DETECTIVE:  Officer Riley?
Panel 2 is one half of two panels in the center of the page.  Riley is now fury as he lunges at Detective Mills, who is caught off guard.
Panel 3 is the second half of the middle scene.  Riley is on top of Detective Mills and has sunk his teeth into the detective’s face, biting his cheek, lip and nose.
Panel 4 is the full panel across the bottom.  Emperor Li Hahn is on one of the uniform officer’s and the bodyguard is grasping Mrs. Lumberg’s leg.  Only one uniform officer remains standing along with Nic Cage.  
MRS LUMBERG: Help me, please!
This is 5 small panels across the top of the page, like a pure action sequence, all close ups.  
Panel 1 shows Mrs. Lumberg as the bodyguard bites into her ankle.
Panel 2 shows the officer tearing a strip from Detective Mill’s face
Panel 3 shows Emperor Li Hahn biting into the next uniform officer
Panel 4 shows Detective Mills with black veins spreading all around his ruined face wounds
Panel 5 is just zombie teeth splattering blood and gore
Panel 6 is in one of two panels in the center of the page.  Nic Cage has edged to the door where the final officer fights with Li Hahn. The officer is reaching out to Cage.
OFFICER: Hel...p!
Panel 7 is Li Hahn literally pulling the throat out of the officer.
Panel 8 is  the first of three frames across the bottom. Nic Cage runs from the room, so we see him head on with the door behind him.  He has a spray of blood across his face and he’s in the casino proper now. He’s in a dead run.
Panel 9 is the casino in chaos. Detective Mills and Riley follow Cage out of the room, both dripping blood and gross and looking horrifying.  
Panel 10 is other officers rushing to the scene, patrons running wild
Panel 1 of two panels across the top of the page.  The second officer, who asked Cage for help, lunges at one of those Cirque du Soleil waiters next to Cage
Panel 2 is Cage smashing the jar of Elvis teeth upside the zombie’s head as he pulls the waiter away with the other hand.  Shards of glass and teeth fly to one side along with dark blood.  The zombie’s face is busted pretty badly.
Panel 3 of two panels that make up the rest of the page, so they’re each two thirds of the page long, give or take.  I want the height here for what’s about to happen.  Cage and the waiter reverse bungee up to the catwalk ceiling bar.
Panel 4 is Cage and the Waiter now suspended from the ceiling.  The bar up here is glass with a steel grate floor, and a grate catwalk that leads away to a door.  All the wait staff are on these reverse bungee cords which are attached to mobile rigs that let them scoot around the room.  Minor detail, but they’re up there on the ceiling.
WAITER: What the hell is going on?!?
NIC CAGE: Zombies, man.
WAITER: Who the hell brought zombies to a casino?!?
NIC CAGE: Old Chinese man.
WAITER: Are we safe up here?
Panel 1 of two panels on the top of the page.  Nic Cage and the waiter are interrupted by a new waiter rolling up to the bar, clutching at the edge of it with one of the two zombified twin door guards on his back, biting his skull.
NIC CAGE:  Oh man…
Panel 2 is the waiter pointing to a door set into a wall at the end of the catwalk
WAITER: That leads into the kitchen, we can get out there.
Panel 3 of two panels across the center of the page is Cage running down the catwalk with the waiter behind him.
Panel 4 is another wait springing up to the catwalk.  He is zombified, and latches onto the waiter’s leg.  
Panel 5 of two panels across the bottom is Cage turning.  A second zombie server, a woman in a tuxedo shirt soaked in blood, has sprung up on the waiter’s other side.  
Panel 6 is Cage grabbing the waiter’s hand while the new server is biting down on the waiter’s shoulder.  The first is still eating the leg.
Panel 1 is a long one across the top of the page.  The waiter’s arm comes off in Cage’s hands thanks to the zombie eating his shoulder.  The waiter is falling off the catwalk under the weight of the two zombies eating him.
Panel 2 of three panels in the center of the page.  Cage is just holding the arm still as the barest hint of the waiter is visible, falling from the catwalk.  
Panel 3:  Cage looks at the hand and arm he’s holding
Panel 4:  Cage tosses the arm 
Panel 5 is another long panel, showing a long shot of the whole scene.  There is chaos on the floor as people scramble and fight, while above on the catwalk, Cage runs for the door.  This is all seen at a bit of a distance to fit it all in, so it’s more the silhouette of Cage running, while small figures fight below.
Panel 1 of three panels across the top of the page.  Inside the kitchen, with Nic Cage bursting through the door from the catwalk beyond.  Staff inside are busy prepping food, dressed in typical kitchen whites.
Panel 2: Cage rushes into the kitchen past stoves and cooks.
Panel 3:  From Cage’s perspective now, as a handful of cooks and a dishwasher lean back to look down the way at Cage with silent, confused expressions.
Panel 4 of two center panels. A zombie waiter lurches through the kitchen door.
Panel 5: The zombie grabs a cook and bites his arm.  The cook screams.
Panel 6 of three panels across the bottom.  Cage grabs a meat cleave off of a nearby cutting board.
Panel 7: Cage’s arm cocks for throwing, the blade of the cleaver glints
Panel 8: Cage’s arm is fully extended, the Cleaver is in flight
Page 19
Panel 1 of two panels across the top of the page: The Cleaver spins like a ninja star, the background is just a blur
Panel 2: The cleaver hits dead center, embedded right between the zombie’s eyes and splitting its head like a super gross melon.
Panel 3 of two center panels:  The kitchen staff are all in the exact same position as when they first leaned back to look at Cage on the last page, still silent but now they all look totally shocked.  When Cage speaks, it comes from the bottom of the panel as he is not visible and this is his view of the kitchen staff.
Panel 4:  The kitchen staff bolt for the door and Cage runs with them.
Panel 5 is one large panel at the bottom. 
Nighttime in Chinatown. The street is busy despite rainfall - the neon lights and paper lanterns give it life and there are pedestrians with umbrellas and cars filling the streets, minding their own business.  The restaurant staff are bolting in all directions Cage is running into the street.  To his side, dangerous close, is a Chinese food delivery guy on a scooter.  They’re about to collide but haven’t done so just yet.
Page 20
Panel one is the full panel across the top of the page.  Cage and the delivery boy collide.  The delivery boy is JEFFREY, a kid of about 20.  He’s wearing a helmet and a red jacket with the dragon logo of the restaurant on the back.  His scooter is one of those e-bike types, with a little basket on the back for holding orders.  He’s a skinny kid, with brown hair and a bit of a dork appeal to him.
Panel 2 of two center panels:  Nic Cage is splayed out on the wet street.  The scooter is overturned, Jeffrey is down next to it on his side
NIC CAGE: Not..good…
Panel 3 is Nic Cage getting to his feet, looking over at Jeffery
NIC CAGE: Hey, kid, are you alright I’m really - 
JEFFREY: Nic Cage!
Panel 4 of two on the bottom is Cage offering his hand to help Jeffrey up.
NIC CAGE:  Yes, actually.  But also sorry.  But listen, we have to -
JEFFREY: Oh my God, I love you! Like not in an insane way.  Face/Off is such  bad ass movie! Can I shake your hand.
Panel 5 is Jeffrey taking Cage’s hand as Cage pulls him to his feet.
NIC CAGE: You can! You are! But hey, we really have to go.  
JEFFREY: We do? Why? Where?
This page will be 6 even panels, three on top and three on the bottom
Panel 1:  Cage is holding the handlebars of Jeffrey’s scooter
NIC CAGE: Is this yours? Give me a ride to my hotel and I’ll tell you all about it.
Panel 2: Jeffrey looks unsure.  This is a side view with him in the foreground and the restaurant behind him, so you can see his jacket and the restaurant have the same logo.
JEFFREY: I don’t know, Mr. Cage. I have to get back to work soon, this is my delivery scooter.
Panel 3:  Someone in a tux, one of the gamblers, runs screaming from the restaurant as Cage takes his position on the scooter
NIC CAGE: I think you’ve probably got the rest of the night off...uh… what’s your name?
Panel 4: Jeffrey gets on behind Cage, another person runs from the restaurant.  
SCREAM SFX (maybe a little bit smaller and seeming to come from deeper in the restaurant):  NOOOOOOO!!!!
JEFFREY: Jeffrey.  Hey, what’s going on?
Panel 5:  Cage is tearing off down the street, as fast as one can tear off on a double-occupied e-bike scooter.  Behind them, the sound of sirens approaches, and more screams
NIC CAGE: Zombies, Jeffrey. Zombies are going on.
Panel 6: rear view of the scooter vanishing into the distance, and in the foreground, a pair of zombies, one the kitchen staff guy who was bit and one the cirque du soleil waiter who helped Cage, are shambling into the street.
One panel of two across the top of the page here.  A long shot of a fancy hotel with a curved laneway leading to the front door.  Cage is driving up with Jeffrey on the back of the Scooter.
Panel 2: Cage tosses the keys to a valet as he heads to the big glass doors of the hotel. Jeffrey is following but looks very confused and lost.
Panel 3 is one wide center panel of Cage entering his hotel room, key card in hand, with Jeffrey following behind.  It’s a nice looking hotel room, but nothing out of the ordinary.  It’s what you might expect a movie star to stay in. The far wall is a giant picture window with the curtains drawn.
Panel 4 of three across the bottom of the page.  Jeffrey is standing while Cage is holding a phone to his ear.
Panel 5: Close on Cage as he talks on the phone.
NIC CAGE: Marty, it’s Nic. Listen, I need a flight home. Things got weird here.
Panel 6 is a wider shot.  Cage has a remote control in his other hand and has turned the TV on.  There is a shot of a flaming zombie and the chyron reads “CHINATOWN PANIC”
NIC CAGE: Marty, I need you to listen carefully.  I saw a zombie tonight. It ate about a dozen people and now everyone in Chinatown is dead I think. I would like to go home.
Panel 1 is a large panel across the top of the page.  Jeffrey is looking shocked, checking out the mayhem on the TV. Cage is pacing the room talking on the phone.
NIC CAGE: Look at your TV, Marty.  It’s the walking dead.  I killed one with a meat cleaver and I bungeed to a ceiling bar and I just came here to relax before the opening.  This is not relaxing.
Panel 2 is one of three long panels that make up the remainder of the page.  Nic Cage is chewing his nails while Jeffrey is glued to the TV which depicts the tiny image of a zombie biting someone.
JEFFREY:  Uh, Mr. Cage.
NIC CAGE: Jeffrey, please, I’m on the phone.
Panel 3: Jeffrey is plastered to the TV.  Chinatown is on fire.
JEFFREY: Mr. Cage, look at this! I live on 14th Street, that’s like 10 blocks from here.  My girlfriend is home with her brother! I have to get to them!
Panel 4 is Nic Cage holding up a finger to shush Jeffrey.
NIC CAGE: Jeffrey -- wait, what? Marty, how the hell did they shut the airport down already?
Two panels one on top of the other to end this issue  Panel 1 features Jeffrey turning away from the TV and instead taking hold of the curtains.  Nic Cage is still on the phone.
NIC CAGE:  If I die here, Marty, you’re fired.
JEFFREY: Mr. Cage…
Panel 2 on the bottom of the page.  Jeffrey has thrown open the curtains and he and Nic Cage are in the foreground, from behind, looking out.  The view out the window is the bulk of the panel.  Normally this would be an amazing view looking down from a decent height at the city at night.  Instead, it shows a scene that could be mistaken for the end of the world.  Fires burn in numerous places, including one massive fire in the distance that we can assume s Chinatown.  There are helicopters in the sky, and small fires all over the place.  In the near distance there’s even a flaming zombie walking down a street.
NIC CAGE:  Marty, I gotta go.
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