#Jade the most anxious girl in town
crying-pan420 · 2 years
I wrote about the sillies in English today
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nectarinesalt · 5 months
TICK // 4.1 - the chain
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Rating: mature (talk of homophobia, angst, language, sexual content)
Word Count: 1300
Listen to the wind blow, watch the sun rise Running in the shadows, damn your love, damn your lies
December 1983 - junior year
The morning after the barn party, you sat uncomfortably on the pew in between your mother and Robin.
The pastor was ranting about something you really didn't believe in. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see your mother quietly nodding along to the sermon. Robin, on the other hand, was particularly jittery - her leg bouncing up and down made the whole pew shake slightly.
Your father leaned his head forward, shooting his two daughters a stern look. 
"Sit still. Can't either of you behave appropriately in public?"
You spoke up before Robin could. "Sorry, Dad. I shouldn't have had that second cup of coffee today."
He scrutinized his eldest daughter for a moment. "This is the house of God. Pay attention."
Once your parents stopped fussing, you looked at your sister. Robin still seemed anxious for some reason. Trying to make the best of an annoying situation, you gently pinched Robin's arm.
Love you, Robbie, you mouthed at her.
Minutes ticked by and it felt like hours. 
Successfully drowning out the noise of the church service, you pondered over your actions from the night before. 
Daydreaming about sinning in the Lord's house. You almost snickered to yourself. 
Eddie Munson.
You didn't believe in anything religious, but for lack of a better word, you felt possessed at the thought of him.
Sure, growing up you were a firm believer in God and everything that came along with it. Your parents were devout Catholics. They did their best to raise you and Robin in a God-fearing household.
Things changed over the last two years, though, and as you watched your younger sister suffer so greatly at your parent's beliefs, your own beliefs slowly dissipated. 
What kind of God wouldn't accept Robin Buckley, no matter who she loved?
You felt jaded and a little betrayed. The girl you used to be - who thought God was always right and we should repent for our sins - was naive and brainwashed by her parents. By the church.
You would take Robin's secret to your grave, or at least until the day where the younger Buckley girl could kiss a girl in public and not be burnt at the stake. You felt an uncontrollable instinct to protect your baby sister.
That's where your cynical view of the world began to take over. You suddenly felt free and independent, not to mention closer to Robin than you ever were before. But you were always on edge, fists up, ready to fight anyone who wanted to judge Robin.
And now you had a whole new thing in your life. A boy that most people in Hawkins looked down upon simply because he was different. Weird.
Your parents would probably have simultaneous heart attacks if they found out that you had your first kiss behind a dirty barn, kneeling in front of Eddie like you were worshiping at an altar.
Squirming a bit in your seat, you glanced at your parents with an irrational fear that they might read your mind and discover your sins. Melissa and Richard Buckley were completely ignoring you, though, and kept their full attention on their beloved pastor. 
Until you could graduate high school and move out, you came to the gloomy conclusion that hiding most of yours and Robin's personal lives from your parents was the path of least resistance. Best to not disrupt Mommy and Daddy’s image of perfection! 
Don't look behind the curtain, Mr. and Mrs. Buckley. One of your daughters is a raging homosexual and the other one fantasizes about sweaty premarital sex with the town freak.
You weren't really sure what came over you the night before. Maybe it was the stereotypical jocks pissing you off at the party. Maybe it was your religious parents neglecting you at home. Or maybe you just liked having secrets, like the tattoo. 
Including little secrets like your damp panties after kissing Eddie at the barn party, which were currently sitting at the bottom of the washing machine so no one could side-eye them in your laundry basket.
You didn't feel judged by Eddie Munson. Even though he was everything that you were taught to avoid as a child.
The pastor before you spoke calmly. 
"...marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral…"
And if you don't love me now You will never love me again I can still hear you saying You would never break the chain
Monday arrived quickly and, for once, Eddie was actually happy to go to school.
He was nervous, though. Crossing his fingers, he was hoping that you weren't the kind of girl to kiss him on a Saturday night and then continue to act like she didn't know him in public.
Anger bubbled under his skin, simmering frustration. He reminded himself that he didn't really know you yet. The older Buckley sister was mysterious and closed off. It was hard for him to guess what battles you could be fighting in your mind.
Cause, hell, did he know all about inner demons.
The feeling of your cold lips brushing against his own was in the forefront of his mind. It was a quick, simple kiss - he had wanted to touch you, lay his hands between your warm thighs, but you pulled away and rushed back inside the barn before he could get a word out.
Eddie leaned against his locker. Gareth was talking to Jeff next to him, something about new t-shirt designs for the Hellfire Club.
He remained nonchalant as he watched students flood past him, bustling and energetic on a cold December morning. Among the crowd, Eddie spotted your distinct figure. Thankfully, you appeared to be alone.
"Buckley! Y/N, wait up, will you?"
As usual, your face was expressionless, but your eyes glinted with some kind of emotion as he walked beside you. You fiddled with the knitted hat in your hands.
"You know, sunshine, I am a classy broad. I charge fifty bucks per hour for my services. How long was our kiss the other night? Five seconds?" Eddie's confidence swelled when you smiled at his crazy antics.
But you still looked a little defensive, stopping and looking around you. "Uh, yeah. Five seconds, tops."
"So…" he continued, pretending to count on his fingers. "You owe me…"
"Four dollars and fifteen cents." You smirked at him.
Eddie groaned dramatically. "Oh, Christ, don't tell me you're a math nerd."
"I like to call it a gift, Munson."
"I probably wouldn't have let you throw yourself all over me at that party if I had known any better."
You snorted, "You're kind of an asshole."
"That's hilarious, because you're literally the biggest asshole I've met in a long time."
And then Nancy Wheeler appeared, closely followed by Carol Perkins. “Hey, walk with us to History?"
You waved Eddie off as you strolled away. "See you around." 
He would have written the whole encounter off as a win if he didn't catch the conversation between you and Carol.
"...what did he want? He's so creepy."
"Oh, nothing. Just questions about math homework."
Listen to the wind blow, down comes the night Running in the shadows, damn your love, damn your lies
He felt a little defeated for the rest of the school day until he walked out to his van in the parking lot.
A folded piece of paper was tucked under his windshield wiper. Eddie quickly scoped the groups of people around him, checking for any sign of it being a dumb prank. Like the time last year when someone wrote freak in red paint on his back window.
But no one was looking at him. The paper was probably just an advertisement or something.
Eddie was surprised to see a crisp ten dollar bill laying inside the folded paper, like a makeshift envelope. 
Unfolding it further, he could see neat cursive handwriting.
This should get me a few more minutes with you, right?
Break the silence, damn the dark, damn the light
(song lyrics credit: "The Chain" by Fleetwood Mac)
TAGLIST for this series if you would like to be notified when I post new chapters!
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a-tale-of-legends · 9 months
Giving mini descriptions for my protag ocs lol.
Jin - Once an angsty pre-teen now a calm and collected adult, Jin is one of the first, if not the first, Chosens of the modern era. Despite carrying themself with a calming air, their snarky side still persists to this day, and if you push the right buttons, you'll realize their anger from their youth never truly went away. They are the Chosen of Rayquaza
Amber/Kohaku - The ever cheerful and reliable daughter of Professor Birch! She's a lover of all things nature and pokemon, and loves nothing more than to go out for some field research- even if she's a tad clumsy. It's rumored that she's strong enough to beat Jin and become champion, but when asked, she simply laughs and waves it off, her true passion being research. Amber is the Chosen of Groudon.
Kenji - The second coming hero, Kenji has and always will be an energetic, excitable young man. As lovable as he is reckless, Kenji often drives himself into becoming a hero for all- even if it means at the expense of his own well being. Still, his smile is as golden as the sun, being able to ease- or worry- the hearts of many. Kenji is the Chosen of Ho-Oh
Aiko - The spunky daughter of Professor Elm. She's constantly trying to figure out who she is, and having fun doing so! She had trained under the Kimono girls and gym leader Chuck, so she is just highly skilled in pokemon battling and martial arts! Don't underestimate her, or she'll knock you before you can even blink! Aiko is the Chosen of Lugia.
Beryl - Jokingly called the babysitter of Kenji and Aiko, Beryl was once a professors assistant, now a professor of their own, as well as head of the pokemon rehabilitation center that took the place of the old safari zone. She probably the most level headed of all of them, which is very much needed for the Insanity their friends can cause. Beryl is the Chosen of Suicune.
Danica - The quiet and often called "creepy" girl from Twinleaf Town. Despite her loneliness, she has a passion for battling, and aims to get stronger and stronger. Though this does result in her becoming a tad bored battling people who aren't Barry or the league. She does enjoy scaring the shit out of people though. Danica is the Chosen of Giratina( aka, Friend)
Kiran - The quiet, up tight but also surprisingly lazy assistant to Professor Rowan. Despite not being as interested in battling as his friends are, his knowledge is bountiful, though he can be a bit of a smartass, so humble him if you like. If you need Kiran to do literally anything for you, bribe them with food, coffee, or both. And an extended period of nap time. Recent events have made them a bit more proactive than usual, though. Kiran is not a Chosen.
Alexis - An anxious and depressed man that follows his ideals. Even if said ideals are hanging by a thread. Alexis is an unfortunate nuzlocke protagonist, and thus he has experienced things no trainer would ever want to. Because of this he has grown reclusive, no longer finding the motivation to battle, and overall slowly withering away his old relationships. All he needs is a good wake up call to get back his spark. Alexis is the Chosen of Reshiram.
Elliot - Alexis' loud and rambunctious twin sister,a girl who follows her truth. While she isn't a nuzlocke protagonist like her brother, she was affected by it all the same, seeing her brother lose hope and whither away into a husk of himself. She wants to help, but is afraid of ruining everything. Despite her usual can do and reckless attitude the whole ordeal has made her inner fire dwindle a little. Elliot is the Chosen of Reshiram.
Eva - A preppy and sporty girl from Aspertia City, with a knack for technology to boot! She always wants to see the best in people, though that blind trust has bitten her in the back. While she isn't jaded, and still lends a hand out to those who she feels need it, she's a bit more hesitant now. What's more, despite her sunny attitude, she comes out of her journey with a complex relationship with the cold. Eva is the Chosen of Kyurem.
Wayne - A child within the old Team Plasma, taken in by Clay, Wayne was always a shy but warm kid. Despite his desire to not associate with his past, it always has a way of coming up to him, dragging him to confront his own fears, and reevaluate his true ideals. Despite his fear, he grows more sure of himself as his journey ends, and is eager to experience the world he missed out on. Wayne is the Chosen of Keldeo.
Jude - A child of past pains, determined to keep people out of their heart. Aura and all. Jude is and was a bit of an ass, but despite that, they grew to be more kind, and realize the meaning of life in death. Jude is another unfortunate nuzlocke protagonist. Still, despite it all, they finished out on top. Still an ass, but also a leader, someone who wants to make good change. Just don't question them on their wine consumption. Jude is the Chosen of Yveltal.
Dante - A child with two veteran parents, he wanted nothing more than to make them proud, but also wanted to move out of their shadow.
Amsonia - Once an abused child, moving to Alola with her mom to heal, Amsonia is rather closed off, never fully trusting. But once she trusts you, know that they are fiercely loyal and protective. Despite their quietness- she's selectively mute- they are known to choose violence if something or someone annoys her too much. She has kicked many kneecaps. Ames is Chosen by Lunala.
Ray - A faller, thrown from the destructive of his home universe to Amsonia's, Ray is an odd child. He carries his loss and trauma with a coolness that's concerning to others, and tends to have a very go-with-the-flow attitude about everything. Still, he is a child of loss, so beneath that warmth is someone mourning. Ray is the Chosen of Solgaleo.
Naomi - Once a girl who was terribly shy with very little self confidence, being pushed into the gym challenge pushed her out of her comfort zone and fast. Having to find out the mystery behind her foggy memories, missing faces of her past, as well as Galar's, Naomi finds herself growing more and more confident by the day. Still, she's forever a sweetheart, and just needs a little push to be the person she knows she can be. Naomi is the Chosen of Zacian.
Carol - The bastard child of Chairman Rose, Carol's journey was a quest for revenge. Somehow. In doing so, they got themselves into lots of media trouble, as well as a nearly broken friendship with Hop and Naomi. They don't think highly of themself, despite their swagger, and only when realizing they are in fact valued, is when they truly start to grow and learn. Carol is the Chosen of Calyrex.
Now! Uh. The SV protags are pretty much complete, but how things go down is still to be decided. So...
Luca - An adventurous but traumatized boy who is written by the guilt that was thrown into him by his father. Because of this, Luca is always wanting to prove that he isn't a burden to others, even if it's at the expense of himself. He means well most times, and is very good at making friends, but he struggles with not overthinking some things and taking no as an answer. Luca is possibly the Chosen of Terapogos.
R.B - Also known as "The Calamity". She has been expelled from previous schools before heading to Naranja-Uva, and her only goal was to lay low and get it over with. Unfortunately for her, she caught Luca's eye, and thus the journey of healing and friendship began. It's not so bad though. Is often the one having to ground Luca, while in turn being reminded she is not what people thought she was. R.B, as of right now, is not a Chosen.
Phew! That's everyone! If you read this far, thanks! Feel free to ask about these losers ( affectionate).
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cinnella · 4 years
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Name: Calyx Everhart (chosen name); Izar Sauvageau (birth name)
Age: 22 years old
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Birthday: December 16th
Patron Arcana: Temperance (Major); Knight of Wands (Minor)
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Occupation: Herbalist, magician and jeweler-hobbyist
Height: 5'9" (1.75 m)
Weight: 152 lbs (69 kg)
Celeste Sauvageau - mother (deceased)
Isaac Sauvageau - father (deceased)
Elias Vincent - family friend (deceased)
Origin: Born close to the Macawi Port, grew up in Vesuvia
Race: French, with Spanish roots
Powers: Green (herbalogy) magic and the ability to control earth, plants and the alike
Intelligence Level: On a scale from 1 to 10, he's close to 6.4
Not far off from the Macawi Port, a small village sat between two hills, and one afternoon while his parents had been really busy, he was born unexpectedly.
He lived a simple life there for his first two years. His parents knew that he'd feel lonely so they wanted to gift him a sibling. When the time came for his mother to give birth, it went tragically wrong. Both her and the baby passed away.
His father fell into a deep depression and soon took his life, unable to live with the thought of losing them. Izar was left with no one, but Elias, his parents' old time friend.
But he was way too old to take care of a child. He didn't know if he'd live long enough to raise him.
Luckily, a traveler had been in town for a while, saying that they were looking for orphaned children that needed care. So, with pain in his heart and tears in his eyes, Elias gave little Izar away.
About a week later, he was brought to Vesuvia, to an orphanage in the South End where many others were taken care of.
There, he grew up a rather lonely child. He was sweet and kind, but he always somehow caused troubles for the others. Even so, one child in particular wanted to be friends with him.
She had dark skin, beautiful jade eyes and chestnut brown hair. The adults often referred to her as Allira. Almost immediately, they became best friends and quite inseparable at that too.
When he was around 5 years old, they both joined a small group of kids. He was told to be aware of them because they were troublesome and although Izar didn't want to mingle in such things, he felt good vibes coming from them.
The so called leader in group's name was Syro. The others were two girls named Morana and Eris. And even if the three of them were skeptical at best to let the two 5 year olds join them, they still did. After all, Izar kind of insisted that they do.
He already knew what the caretakers had in plan for him when he'd grow up some more- they made it their goal to teach the kids the basics of reading and writing and let them choose a name for themselves.
And when the time came, Allira was the first to change her name, into Libelle. Although there was only a two month gap between them, he felt a little jealous, being the youngest. But then his birthday came too.
And so, Izar Sauvageau became Calyx Everhart.
His childhood was nothing short of decent. It wasn't the best, but it was good enough for him. Full of adventures and mischief, things he surprisingly enjoyed, and a group of friends- or siblings if you will- who were always willing to make his day better.
But then, like a dam crashing, bad news came with the years that passed. The adults made it clear that they loved the kids as their own, but they were getting old and rusty to take care of so many. So, when each of them would turn 17, they'd have to leave and make their own future.
Eris was first to leave as she was eldest. Cal isn't the type to vocally admit his emotions, but he hugged her so tight that day, he was afraid to let go.
As time passed by, and he entered puberty, Morana and Syro had to leave too. In the end it was only him and Libelle left. The other three would visit of course, but it wasn't the same.
Then, when it was Libelle's turn, she couldn't leave him behind, so they left together. Their main priority was to find something left of their roots, their relatives.
They tried to find Libelle's first, but to no avail. They only found a distant friend of her parents who told them what happened to them. She was so shaken up from such revelations that they had to go back to Vesuvia to calm down for a while.
Not much later, after gathering enough information, they took a boat and traveled to the Macawi Port, where he was told he'd find someone who knew about his heritage. Eris accompanied them. After what happened to Libelle, they didn't want to risk the same thing happening to him.
There, they found Elias Vincent, his parents' friend that gave him away so many years ago. He was old, barely standing anymore, and it took him a while to recognize Calyx. Elias sat down him down, explained everything to him. After half an hour of discovering tragedies and rivers of tears on their cheeks, they spent the night there and left at dawn.
There was nothing left for Calyx there, he had his own family and future to make in Vesuvia.
But then, 2 years later, the Red Plague arrived. All of them except Eris knew it'd be better to leave, to flee from the place.
Him and Libelle took to their own path, and traveled across to Venterre, where Eris told them to find her brother, Sethos. He would shelter them until the chaos would be gone.
And so they did, but a couple of days later, the three of them were shocked to receive news that Eris had caught the plague and died.
Then one night, Libelle frantically woke both of them up, telling them she felt Eris' energy. That she had a vision of her being alive. So Calyx wrote a letter to Syro and Morana, letting them know they had to meet up in Vesuvia and find her. And true to Libelle's visions, Eris was alive and well.
Apparently, Asra, the one that she lived with in her shop, brought her back through a sacrifice. But they couldn't let her know anything of her past or it would trigger immense headaches and catatonia.
After she was assigned to Count Lucio's murder case, the others all made it their duty to help her in some way.
So he took it upon himself to make sure they had all the ingredients needed for any sort of ritual or potion or anything else.
And Portia, the Countess' trusted handmaiden, offered to help him.
He didn't expect to fall in love with her though.
Personality: compassionate, anxious, caring, loving, forgiving, determined, self-less, energetic, trustworthy, honest, faithful, genuinely passionate, friendly, a little shy and very kind-hearted
Interesting facts:
The identical tear-drop tattoos under his eyes are a result of Syro and Morana dragging the others to get tattoos as well.
Gemstones and crystals are his passion and number one hobby.
He doesn't trust easily, no matter how friendly and polite he may be.
Although he loves to create jewelry, he doesn't wear it often.
He's sometimes insecure about his appearance, but he tries his best to think positively of himself.
Loves animals, especially bunnies, they're his favorite.
He loooooves playing the piano, especially if he's dueting with someone.
He has a scar on the right side of his neck and one on his right pec, both from dagger cuts.
Appearance: Limestone skin tone, straight-quiff strawberry blond dyed hair, silverish-grey eyes, soft skinny inverted triangle body shape
Familiar: Mauve, the most beautiful and mischievous violet-backed starling in town
Voice claim: Heath Ledger
Full sprite:
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It didn't take me as long as I thought it would, the drawing process was actually pretty easy and smooth going.
Which makes me constantly think I missed something--
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Dig a Grave to Dig Out a Ghost - Chapter 13
Original Title: 挖坟挖出鬼
Genres: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural, Yaoi
This translation is based on multiple MTLs and my own limited knowledge of Chinese characters. If I have made any egregious mistakes, please let me know.
Chapter Index
Chapter 13 - Doubt
In the archaeological internship Lin Yan participated in, the Ming Tomb was undoubtedly a very peculiar place. The excavation work lasted three months. Before the excavation started, Lin Yan didn't even get any relevant background information. He asked his professor several times but never got a response. When he was told that would be staying at the tomb for only a week, he thought he was coming to be the team's water boy. Instead, he was unexpectedly sent to the site as soon as the plane touched down and was given one of the most important jobs of cleaning the body found in the main room of the tomb.
It was a medium-sized underground mysterious tomb. Bluestone blocks were built into arches. The apse in the room was about forty meters long. A large black lacquered coffin left slightly ajar rested peacefully on the stone platform. Lin Yan and the rest of the crew held their breath together. When the golden nanmu wood coffin lid was slowly lifted, and the gold, silver, jade and rosy brocade around the corpse were exposed, a soft cheer erupted from the tomb. Everyone couldn't help but celebrate that they found such an magnificent mausoleum that had been left completely untouched by tomb robbers. After a long while, all nonessential personnel evacuated one by one. Lin Yan remembered that the professor was the last one to leave the scene. When he left, he rested his hand heavily on his shoulders, as if he wanted to say something but never ended up getting anything out. In the empty and dark main room of the tomb, only Lin Yan and a few lights, both bright and dim, were left. Sometimes, the miner's lamp was often extinguished inexplicably. He later recalled that the owner of the tomb might have been watching him ever since then.
The corpse in the coffin had rotted into a skeleton, but the hair that remained was soft and shiny. However, when Lin Yan sat alone by the coffin and skimmed through some history books, doubts arose. The identity of the owner of the tomb was like the bronze of this mysterious palace, unrecognizable under the green rust. There was no record, no genealogy, nothing even mentioned in town and county chronologies. The tomb's eternal light placed in front of the coffin had long been dried up, and a two-foot-long black name card behind it was coated with thick old blood. The place where the name should be written was empty, and it turned out to be a non-character memorial tablet.
When the last artifact in the coffin was successfully taken out, Lin Yan was told he could return. It only took them seven days and no one had ever told him about the origin of the tomb that whole time.
The sun was shining on Friday morning, and the roses in the flower bed were rushing to bloom. There was a soft fragrance of something oily like burning opium in the air. Lin Yan parked his car at the school gate and hurried through the small square in front of the building to get to the professor's office. He was in such a rush that he went through the ground fountain in the square. After he took a few steps, bells and drums started playing and spurts of water shot from the jets, the surrounding area immediately turning into a forest of water columns shooting up.
"Shit. . ." He couldn't dodge them and got completely soaked. Lin Yan internally cursed as he rushed forward, wringing out the hem of his shirt. A few school girls had just come out of the main entrance of the building and giggled at the embarrassing scene.
Lin Yan blushed a little.
Shiny drops of water splashed off his hair and a droplet fell into his eye. When he raised his hand to wipe it away, his wrist was caught by someone. The cold fingertips wiped the drop off one of his eyelashes. Lin Yan blinked and stood there silently.
When he walked up the steps, he saw a new large poster on the left side of the automatic door. A gentle-looking middle-aged man with glasses was holding a pen, and his demeanour resembled an unopened folder in a stationery store. There was a large line next to him: Chen XX, a well-known Chinese history professor, is coming to our school to give a lecture. All students are welcome to participate. This will be a great chance to interact with the professor.
The tune played was one typically used by the Propaganda Department, the following rows of small letters are written with the specific time and content of the event. Lin Yan struggled to twist the hem of the wet T-shirt and walked towards the hall, muttering that this was probably the reason that the fountain suddenly turned on. Turning back, he frowned and stood in front of the poster for a minute. He always felt that the man on the poster was a bit familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was. After thinking about it for a while, Lin Yan shook his head and stepped through the hall.
The professor's office was on the fourth floor.
"Professor, are you kidding me? From the preliminary preparations to the end of the tomb excavation, so many people participated in it. How could it be possible that nothing about the tomb owner's origins could be found until now?"
"That tomb was already considered to be average to wealthy for the time period. Even if the owner of the tomb was not of official origin, there is always a record in historical records for wealthy businessmen."
University institutions were never busy on Fridays. Everyone was waiting for the weekend. Lin Yan’s professor was no exception. He was sitting in the office with his legs crossed when the drenched student burst into his office. Behind the table, he held a heavy purple sand teacup in his hand. Because he often went to the West in his early years, his skin was wrinkled by the wind and frost. His midsection was blessed by some middle-aged fat, and the bags under the eyes were hanging loosely behind the glasses.
The professor grew impatient with Lin Yan's aggressive tone, and patted a stack of books on the table: "Isn't that so? You see, I'm more worried about writing a report on the excavation. I've been busy for more than a month and I haven't made any progress."
Lin Yan leaned forward impatiently with his hands on the glass plate of the tabletop: "The mausoleum was left untouched. The body and burial items were intact. Isn't it possible to determine the identity of the tomb owner?"
This student had always been known for his politeness and patience. It was rare for him to be this anxious.
"That's the problem. Comparing the data compiled based on the unearthed cultural relics with the records at the time, I can only say that he's completely unknown." The professor put down the cup and tapped his finger on the cover of the book a few times: "Ming Dynasty history is not my specialty. Tell me, why don't you do some research yourself? The students in our school must be able to research independently. You should make good use of the school library resources."
Lin Yan shook his head disappointedly. Just like the professor said, there was a lot of historical data to go through. He wouldn't make any progress in the next three months. Even three years might not be enough time to go through all the information. By then, he would have run out of ten lives. What's more, he has searched through the relevant history books of the library for the past week and even asked Yin Zhou to search through the database in less legal ways, but the strange thing is that no matter what keywords they use - the age, name, location - he couldn't find any information. It was common sense that, in ancient times, even a talented person would be written about somewhere in the county annals, but this Xiao Yu was like a person from another world. The records passed over him like he had never existed.
The faint scent of book pages and wood was floating in the air, and the light blue shutters broke up the rays of sun leaking in. Lin Yan subconsciously glanced back, as if there should be a companion waiting to respond to his doubts. But Xiao Yu does exist, he thought.
Trying his best to stay calm, Lin Yan lowered his head and lowered his voice: "Teacher, this is really important to me, can you help. . ." While speaking, his gaze was fixed on the table. Under the glass plate were many old photos of the professor when he was young. There was a row of people wearing work clothes and hard hats in the black-and-white pictures. Compared to the middle-aged man with swollen eyes in front of him, there was a strange sense of contradiction in the gray-headed but happy-looking man in the pictures.
Time really did wonders.
The instructor tapped two fingers on the table. He didn't look at Lin Yan when he spoke. His eyes were a little dodged: "Why do you need to know the owner of the tomb? Do you need to write a paper?"
Lin Yan took a deep breath. He had always had a keen insight into people's emotions. When he had been sorting through clues last night, the situation that occurred in the tomb flashed in his mind. He had already had his doubts at the time, but he was so nervous and excited that he didn't think too much of it. For example, ever since he joined the team, everyone had been keeping secrets, and the professor also looked at him with that dodgy look when the excavators all left the tomb. The whole thing seemed to have been arranged long ago, so Lin Yan hadn't cared about interrupting the teacher's off-time and grabbed the phone to set up a meeting time.
"Professor, you should know why; this is a matter of life and death." After hesitating for a moment, Lin Yan frowned and said this sentence with emphasis. He pressed his hands on the table hard and turned away.
When I walked to the door of the office. He paused, one, two. . . Lin Yan counted silently in his heart.
"Wait." The professor's voice sounded from behind.
"Lin Yan, this project isn't under my control. I just heard that a lot of strange things happened when the tomb was opened. Someone came to me and asked you to go. I didn't agree with it. . . If you really want to know more, you can go ask the coordinator of the excavation yourself." The finger tapped twice on the desk. "His name is Chen, he'll be at our school next Monday for a lecture. There are posters downstairs." After speaking, he took a few volumes from the neatly arranged books and put them back on the table, gesturing that he could leave. "You can get more out of him than me"
"Last question." Lin Yan held the door frame and poked his face in: "Teacher, do you know Xiao Yu?"
"No, I don't." The answer was quick this time: "Who's that?"
Lin Yan sighed and held the railing as he quickly walked downstairs.
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sams-sass · 4 years
Time after Time
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I heard the song “Time after Time” by Margaret Whiting and this idea just popped into my head. Thinking of doing a part two. 
Read Part Two: Part Two
GIF not mine
Summary: You and Dean are soul mates, but you may need to show him to prove it. 
Pairings: Dean x Witch!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, language 
The door was large and made of iron in front of you. You raised a fist and knocked three times. Seconds ticked by then he opened the door. His jade eyes met yours, and you almost melted. Seeing him after all this time was an overwhelming feeling. Overcome with joy and love, you took a step forward.
"Hold it right there, who are you?" Dean asked you. Remembering the conditions, you raised your hands in surrender.
“Hey, hubby.” You said with a small smile.
“Hubby?” Confusion clouded his handsome face.
“Dean, who is it?” Sam walked up the stairs and looked at you for the first time in ages.
“I’m your sister in law, Sam.” You said with a grin. Sam’s brow furrowed, his eyebrows coming together.
“Wait, you’re not saying that you’re my-“
“Wife.” You said proudly.
“My wife?!” Dean practically shouted.
"Are you going to let me in babe, it's getting rather chilly out here." Neither of the boys moved, so you brushed past them, walking down the stairs into the massive bunker.
"Sorry, it took me so long to find you this time. This place is very well hidden."
"Ok, who are you? What are you? You are not my wife. I do not have a wife, and what the hell do you mean "this time"" Dean said, his face hard. As much as he did not want to admit it, there was something familiar about you. The sway of your hair as you looked around the bunker, the way your hands moved to your heart when you saw him, the way you placed your hands on your hips. Familiar.
“Dean, I know it's hard to understand now, but I promise you we are married. Well, I guess not yet in this lifetime. We have been getting married every hundred, give or take a few, years since 1650. We are soul mates, destined to be together through all the lives we live. I usually find you sooner, and we get more time to fall in love, but as I said, this place is well hidden, and it took some serious mojo to find you. I am so happy I did; I missed you so much, Dean." You said, facing him. He stared at you; you looked deep in his eyes and tried to send him a reassuring smile.
"My name is Y/N, I am your wife, and I can prove it." You tore your eyes away from his to find Sammy.
"Sam, can you lead me to your kitchen, please." Sam only nodded and started walking. You gave Dean one last smile as you followed Sam. The kitchen was large; you couldn't wait to make Dean's favorite foods for him, pie, of course. You smiled to yourself as you ran your hands over the counter.
"I need a bowl and a glass to combine the herbs for the spell." You said, knowing exactly what reaction it would bring.
“The spell?” Sam asked questioningly.
“Spell? What are you a witch?” Dean came charging into the kitchen.
“Yes, I am. I’m a witch.” You sighed, placing your hands on your hips and facing them. Rolling your eyes, you tried to further explain.
"I am a natural white witch; I have never harmed anyone nor drawn any blood besides my own for the sake of the craft."
“The craft? I don’t like it.” Dean said, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Well, there's a fucking surprise. You never like it." You said, mocking his stance. Sam snickered behind Dean. Earning a smile from you and a bitch face from Dean.
"How do you think I found you? Why do you think I remember you and you don't remember me? I'm a witch. Every life, my only goal in life is to find you. My other half, we are each other's worlds, Dean. Now, I will whip up a spell that will help you remember, and you are going to drink it, and then you will remember me and all of the lives we have shared. Just like every other time." Dean didn't say anything, but you could see the wheels in his head-turning. See the light in his eyes sparkling.
“Sam, would you like me to make enough for you too?” Sam looked at you confused.
“Enough of what?”
“The remembrance spell, obviously.”
"Oh…well, what do I usually say?" He asked, and you smiled.
“Depends, I would say it is usually a yes.” You said. Surprised at how quickly he just accepted what was happening.
“Then yes.”
"What the hell, Sam!" Dean snapped, here we go. "We do not believe this shit; this is crazy. She's my wife? Reincarnation is real? All of a sudden? SHE'S MY WIFE?! No, absolutely not."
"We believe in crazier things all the time, Dean. We have an angel and Lucifer's son living with us. We have both died numerous times now. I say we just hear what she has to say."
“She’s a witch!”
"She seems….familiar, I don't know. I feel like I should trust her." As much as Dean wanted to argue, he couldn't help feeling the same way. Looking over at you, you were grinding herbs into the bowl, a look of concentration on your beautiful face. You licked your lips as you added the next ingredient, and Dean stopped. Everything he had ever learned in his broken life told him to push you out the door and never look back, but dammit, Sammy was right. There was something familiar about you, and Dean could already feel the pull of your souls coming together.
You stretched your hands over the bowl, “rursus animae adponentur" you said. A gust of wind blew the underground bunker, your hair blew around you, light emitted from your fingers as mist rose from the bowl. Placing two small glasses on the counter, you emptied the contents of the bowl into each one and walked over to the boys.
“I know this is a lot to process, but I promise it will all make sense when you drink this.” Sam took one of the glasses without question. Dean just stared at you longer, again, you looked into his jade eyes and tried to convey how much he meant to you through a look and a shy smile. He took the cup.
"I don't know if I can do this, Y/N." He said, looking at the floor. You reached up and placed your hand on his cheek; at the physical contact, a feeling of electricity coursed through you. He felt it too, his eyes shot to yours, and he nodded.
"You boys are going to want to lay down for this; the memories come in a dream-like state." You warned them. You all moved back into the living room as they each took a chair.
"I'll be here the whole time; you'll be safe with me here. Always have been." You promised your two favorite people in the world. They both nodded, and Sam shot you a crooked smile. They both raised the glasses to their lips and drank the whole thing in one swig. Falling back into their chairs, you sat down and waited.
Dean shot up in a field. He looked around frantically for Sam, anything he could recognize. Then he saw you, walking on a dirt road. You were wearing long skirts and a bonnet on your head. He smiled when he saw you. He watched himself then walk over to you and bow in front of you. You covered your mouth with one hand as the other was trapped between his fingers. He kissed your hand and slowly raised his eyes to yours. You two spoke for a moment, then he pulled flowers from behind his back and presented them to you, "Damn, even in this life, I am smooth as silk." He thought to himself. You two walked off, and Dean followed; you sat by a pond sharing words of admiration and shy glances. Dean smiled at the site. He was then pulled from that memory to standing in the back of a church. A door opened, and he saw you emerge in a long and embroidered gown. You had on a tight corset that showed off your body, flowers were twisted into your beautiful y/h/c hair as you smiled warmly. Dean was utterly taken aback by how beautiful you were. He glanced at himself at the end of the aisle and saw Sam standing next to him. That Dean looked so in love it almost made Dean jealous that he didn't remember experiencing this before now. You two exchanged rings and shared a quick but loving kiss. Dean was once again ripped from his memory and thrown into another one. You two were in a cottage, and you were rolling around dough on a wooden table. A young child ran into the cottage, and you laughed as you picked him up into your arms, "Jamie," Dean whispered to himself, all the air was sucked out of his lungs as he remembered his childhood. He had your hair color that bounced in curls around his smiling face, but his eyes. His eyes were all Dean, green and deep. He was pulled into another memory with a blink of his eyes. Your screams echoed through the room; you were on the bed heaving your legs open as the midwife chanted in front of you. The air grew thick around Dean, the wind began howling outside, and in the room, Dean heard a rumbling sound. Panicked, he looked around, then he realized, you were a witch, your magic was doing all this. The candles all blew out, and your screams got even louder, then he heard the most beautiful sound. A cry, Dean saw your baby girl, "Selena," he breathed, tears filling his eyes.
Dean then shot up again, this time in a town. He looked around for you, anxious until he found you walking into a house with him. You were still in skirts and a bonnet, but this time your dress sleeves were shorter, almost at your elbow. The homes were larger, made of stone, and had actual floors in them instead of just dirt. He followed the two of you in a house in what Dean assumed was the kitchen. You were making the spell that he had just watched you make, and this time period Dean was FLOORED. He was staring, pacing, running his hands through his hair. For a second, Dean thought he would run out of the house, accuse you of witchcraft, and burn you right there in the middle of town. You touched him, and he calmed slightly, drinking the potion. When he awoke, he ran to you and grabbed you so tight Dean could feel it himself. You cried in each other's arms and promised each other to always remember, always be there. Dean traveled through this life with them as well. Once again seeing the same boy and girl as your children, Jamie and Selena. After Selena was born, he was pulled into another memory. He found you two walking down the street, arm in arm. Sam rode over to them on a horse and dismounted. He turned and helped down the pretty young girl off his horse as well. The four of you walked through the town laughing and sharing stories. Dean closed his eyes, and when he opened them, he was somewhere new.
You two were gazing into each other's eyes, a glass on the table next to you. He had just drunk the potion. The world looked similar to the one you had just left. This life was seen in images of love as well—you cooking a meal in the fireplace. Your children were running into his arms, laughing and smiling. Dean took it all in, marveling at the lives you two had created.
When Dean came to again, he was in another house. You were in a blue dress that was tight up top and then flowed at your hips. Your hair was done in large curls around your gorgeous face. You had on red lipstick and heels. Dean felt his lungs tighten at the sight of you. You were once again making the potion in front of him. Dean thanked god Sam wasn't here to see him. Dean was in a suit that looked alright. His pants, however, must have touched his fucking nipples. They were so high. His hair was greased back, a cigarette hung out of his mouth. This must be the 1940s. He drank the liquid without question after sending a wink your way. After he awoke, he pulled you to him, the two of you falling into laughter mixed with tears, smiles, and soft kisses. Once again, you two had your two beautiful children, Jamie and Selena. It was always the same, he realized. You found him, sought him out, and pleaded with him to drink the potion. To bring him back to you. You were right; you two were always younger when you first met. He hoped that nothing was disturbed because of how long it took you to find him. He couldn't wait to wake up, couldn't wait to get back to you. Dean closed his eyes one more time.
When he opened them this time, he was back in the bunker. Sam and you were in a tight hug, you were laughing, and Sam looked like he might cry. Dean stood up, and Sam put you back on the floor and you turned to face him. He took three long steps to you, cupped your face in his large hands and crashed his lips to yours. Everything came rushing back as you both held on to each other. You broke apart and started laughing while tears of joy fell down both your faces. He wiped your tears with his thumbs.
“Thank you. For waiting for me. For finding me. You are my whole life. I want everything we had then, Jamie and Selena. I want it all. I love you.” He said, his face inches from yours.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way, Dean Winchester.” You said through tears.
"I will always find you, time after time." You promised him as he pulled you into another mind-bending kiss.
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gongju-juice · 4 years
1. Once Upon A Southern Night
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Not So Bad After All
Warnings: None that I can think of
“You look lovely, Y/N, why don’t you try to be more optimistic?”
You looked up at your mother’s hopeful features. Carmine Robynson was an exceptional surgeon with national and international awards in her field. She was also the most beautiful woman you’d ever see. Her skin was a glittering porcelain white, and she had pale pink lips and caramel colored eyes that seemed to change color every now and again. Today, her long blonde hair was pinned up in a bun—perfect for a long day at her new job at the hospital.
“I’m trying to be, mom,” you whined as she ran her fingers through your hair, bringing your curls to life. “But I’m so worried. I’ve barely ventured outside the state of Alabama, how am I supposed to fit in with people from Washington State?”
Carmine rolled her eyes. “How do you think I felt when I traveled all the way from England to the States? It was terrifying, dear. Much more terrifying than you moving to a new state. I promise, you’ll be fine.”
You grabbed her things, and she locked down the house. The new house was Victorian style, like one of the houses you see in the movies. You and your mom spent months picking out the perfect furniture and decor to make your new residence come to life. It was one of the positives about the move.
In the driveway, the car hummed quietly. It was a sleek silver Mercedes, perks of a surgeon salary. You climbed in and slumped in the seat.
The drive to the school was fairly pleasant. The long, winding road was flanked on either side by towering jade green trees that cast blue shadows on the ground. The sky, as it had always been since your arrival, was gray and overcast. It was quite a difference from your sunny home back south. 
The school was small, just about the size of your old school. Except this time, it was even. . .less diverse than back home. At your old school, you were normally the only black girl in most of your classes. However, there were still others in your school that made you feel less isolated. But here, everybody was white as a wedding gown, and it made you nervous. Growing up with a white mother, you’d think you wouldn’t have that issue. But if anything, your experience as an adopted black kid made it quite clear what it was like to feel different from everyone—from black and white kids alike.
“Love you. Have a good day,” she said with a kiss to your forehead.
You climbed out of the car, and immediately shivered from the morning air. It was September, and already it felt like winter. Sixty degrees back at home was December weather.
Your first class was homeroom. The teacher, Mrs, Bobbins, made you introduce yourself to the class. Everyone was very interested in the new girl on campus—the new girl who also happened to be the only black girl in class. This interaction did lessen your nerves some, but you were still anxious to get the day over with.
Second period was Advanced Chemistry. Honestly speaking, you hated the first Chemistry. But as a part of your advanced trek, you had no choice but to take the class. It wasn’t that difficult—not when you had a full on surgeon to help you out living in the house—but still, it was not your favorite subject by a long shot.
The space between the second and third period was strange. The school was allowed to have “break”—a period of time where the staff and students alike could chill for fifteen minutes and do whatever they wanted. 
Not knowing where to go or who to talk to, you stumbled to the canopied walkway on the side of the building. Here, there were fewer students. However, at the end of the walkway by the blue double doors, a group of gorgeous looking teenagers stood conversing quietly amongst themselves.
“Hello, Y/N, isn’t it?” called a voice beside you. It was a curly-head ginger girl with the prettiest ice blue eyes and freckled skin. She was very tall, and wore athletic tights and a long volleyball shirt with the school’s Spartan mascot.
“Oh, yes. It’s me,” you said, pushing up your thin-rimmed glasses. “I’m sorry, but what’s your name?”
“Amelia Bloom. You probably didn’t notice me, but I’m in your homeroom. You’re a new student, aren’t you? Your mom is Dr. Robynson that was just hired at the hospital?”
You were impressed by how much she knew. It always took time for people to figure out that Camille was your mother. And you thought Satsuma, the town you came from, was small. But Forks hit a whole new level of “everyone knows one another.”
“Yeah, we just moved here. Sorry if I seem a little antsy or what have you. I’m just a little nervous, that’s all.” You offered your hand. “I hope we can be friends, though.”
You swore you saw the blond hair boy of the group flinch. But just as quickly as she glanced at him, you saw he had never even moved. Great. Now your mind was playing tricks on you.
“Those are the Cullens,” Amelia explained, judging you wanted an answer by the spooked expression on your face. “The most coveted teens in all of Forks. They were adopted by Dr. Carlisle and his wife Esme, who are both pretty young themselves. Don’t try to make friends with them though, they’re pretty stuck up.”
You couldn’t help but feel disappointed by that, though it was quickly replaced with a wave of optimism. 
“Well, I don’t like to judge people before I meet them, but I won’t bother them then, if that’s the case.”
The bell rang loudly just then, and Amelia showed you to your next class.
Interestingly enough, your next class was history, and in it was three of the Cullen siblings. You wanted to sit near the front of the class like you always did (on the account of your poor vision), but lamented to find that the seats were assigned. Confused and anxious to blend in, you turned to the teacher for help.
“Ah, Ms. Robynson. Lovely of you to join us today,” said the man, who informed his name was Mr. Howard. “You can take the empty seat by Jasper. Jasper, please raise your hand.”
To your surprise, the blond Cullen boy lifted his hand in the air. Just then, all of the confidence left your body. You were intimidated by utterly attractive he looked—like a daffodil in a field of weeds.
You slowly walked to your seat, which he had already pulled out. Oh God, you thought. You would have to sit by him. You would be within a foot of his presence, and you’d have to act like everything was fine.
You brushed your skirt down as you took your seat and pulled out your notebook. Already, the lavender covered book had been used. However, you loved history and couldn’t bear to throw away your pretty notes from the beginning of your old class.
The first page you turned to was marked in postage stamps from the antebellum period. You had a picture of the Oakleigh Plantation Mansion from Mobile, one of your favorite southern pieces of history.
“Okay class, it’s going to be a sensitive unit, but we are moving on to the Pre-Civil era, also known as the Antebellum Era. It’s important to know the important parts President Andrew Jackson and James Buchanan played in shaping the tensions and economic standings that inevitably led to the Civil War. So for your bellringer, you’re going to be listing some factors that led to these said tensions. You have five minutes. Begin.”
You turned to a fresh sheet of paper and took out your calligraphy pens. 
Factors that led to Pre-Civil War Tensions:
Jackson left the country in an economic depression by his withdrawal of federal funds from the National Bank in 1832, thus causing the Panic of 1837 which heavily impacted cotton exports and revenue for the Southern economy.
The expansion West caused an imbalance of power between states which made Southern states feel they had no authority in the federal government. It was an intense competition between slave states and free states.
Events such as Bleeding Kansas, Harper’s Ferry, and the Dredd-Scott Supreme Court ruling caused many across the nation to become angered.
“Does anybody have any ideas?” Mr. Howard asked.
The class was silent, and you realized it was much different from what you were used to. Where you were from, everybody knew about the Civil War—no matter how skewed or racist their beliefs were.
Beside you, Jasper raised his hand. 
“Yes, Mr. Hale.”
“James Buchanan did virtually nothing to stop the wave of seceding Southern states, and although he believed secession was wrong, he didn’t believe he had the Constitutional power to stop them. Had he quelled the fears of the slave states, the war could have been prolonged another few years.”
“Right, as always, Mr. Hale. Would anyone else like to attempt?”
“May I?” 
Mr. Howard looked at you excitedly. “Of course. Have a go, Ms. Robynson.”
“The Southern states believed that they had done nothing Constitutionally wrong. According to them, they’d only joined the Union in the first place due to the Fugitive Clause added to the Constitution for the sake of the Southern states voting on the new Constitution after the Articles of Confederation. Because Northern states violated this clause, they felt that they were breaking the so-called “contract”, and that only they, as independent states, had the power to decide if their end of the bargain was being upheld. Even though the Fugitive Clause was not a part of the immediate Pre-Civil War Era, I feel it’s the most important aspect to mention when evaluating the factors that led to the war.”
Mr. Howard clapped loudly, waking up the rest of the class. “An amazing answer. I couldn’t have said it better myself. Now, without further ado, let us begin today’s lesson.”
Beside you, the Cullen boy shifted. “Not bad,” he murmured before gazing back forward.
Your heart leapt within you.
That night, your mom arrived home at seven. You had already eaten, knowing your mom only ate late at night. She was a strict dieter and pretty much only drank the tea concoctions from her thermal cup. But you were an avid omnivore and didn’t mind eating without her.
“How was your first day at school?” she asked, setting her things down on the couch.
“It was better than I honestly expected. I even met a new friend. Her name is Amelia, and she’s the captain of the varsity volleyball team and even plays softball and golf.”
“Wow!” she exclaimed. “See, I told you everything would be fine. How’s history?”
“Mr. Howard seems to know what he’s talking about. Not nearly as biased as Mr. Davis was, but very sympathetic to the North.”
“I guess now that you’re up here, you won’t have to worry about an abundant amount of hot-head racists. But if something does happen—”
“I know, Mom. I know.”
You dressed in your silk nightgown and headed for bed. On the middle shelf of your bookcase was a model of the Oakleigh Mansion. You didn’t know what it was about it, but the antebellum era intrigued you. And this house in particular. . .
You turned on the lights inside the little house and turned off the lamp. Now it was dark in your room except for the tiny chandelier lights glittering inside the white home. 
Sighing, you turned on your side. The curtains fluttered in the light breeze from your slightly open window. This gorgeous house, and quaint little town was your home. You’d have to come to accept the changes—which were not all bad. You miss your friends, you missed the warmth and sunshine, but the world was not over.
And maybe, just maybe, you’d have the opportunity to see Jasper Hale more often.
I hate the fact I can write faster for my fanfics than my actual real-life projects but you can thank sTePhEnIe MeYeR for that.
Part Two    Part Three   Part Four
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Why So Jaded? Chapter 9
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FFN, AO3, Enjoy. 
Why So Jaded
Chapter 9
Saturday morning Violet happily got dressed in a gorgeous floral dress that was tea length with a cardigan and beautiful comfortable sandals and did her hair and makeup to reflect a more- sweet, non threatening and likable look as she could, before she went to the florist to pick up the flower arrangements she had ordered for Beth, Tammy and Lisa and had ordered them to look like centerpieces because surely every woman enjoyed getting flowers and was happy when they came out looking and more importantly smelling- divine.
Then she went to the bakery, The Merry Cherry, to pick up the cake and the cupcakes, because Buddy and her had decided, especially since everyone was bringing their kids that they should make the cake tempting enough to encourage the kids to eat all of their dinner, so they got a galaxy cake and galaxy cupcakes which did look really awesome. Then she went to Chocolacier- a boutique chocolatier that was right around the corner from the Merry Cherry, to pick up her huge case of chocolate covered strawberries and four big cases of chocolates, one for each family to take home with them and the last one for Buddy and his guests to enjoy after dinner.
She had spent the night before with Jack who helped her get little gift bags together for all the kids at Party City, a party supply place which went with the galaxy theme because it was gender neutral and age appropriate for all the kids involved and Jack had been invaluable in making sure each child would receive something special, yet age appropriate and more importantly - super cool, before she made another stop across the street from Chocolacier, to Linster Rivera which was a very high end delicatessen and charcuterie bodega to get all the charcuterie elements because she was bound and determined to have a proper cheese and charcuterie board and even bought a huge authentic charcuterie board and a set of cheese knives because she had already gotten some cheeses and crackers at the liquor store’s market but she needed more to round everything out along with some last minute items before she drove into SEB to deliver everything.
Buddy frowned when he heard a thudding at his apartment door before he came and opened the door to see a pile of things so tall, he couldn’t see Violet’s head and knew she must have been “knocking” with the toe of her sandal but the flowers covering her head were breathtaking.
“Hi,” came Violet’s muffled greeting from behind the pile of things as her head had been nestled in the bouquet itself as everything else was precariously stacked within her arms, threatening to overflow them.
“Oh my goodness, here, let me help with that.” Buddy laughed as he took as much from her as he could manage but nearly dropped what he was carrying when he saw her. She was so beautiful. She was always beautiful but today, she was extra gorgeous and disarmingly bewitching that had him swooning, it was like seeing her for the first time all over again as the butterflies once again fluttered almost thunderously within his belly and his heart skipped a beat or two.
“Have you ever heard of taking two trips?” Buddy teased with a chuckle as he did his best to be as unaffected by her as he could and felt he was failing miserably.
“Well that’s the thing, I have another load down there, probably two or three.” Violet answered honestly as she organized what was left and avoided his gaze as she did her best to stamp down her own bashfulness as her cheeks flushed rose.
“Load of what?” Buddy asked as he tried to think of what else she could have possibly brought that he hadn’t prepared for.  
“Well, I got Jack off the bus yesterday and he asked about today and I told him about it and he suggested that we make gift bags for the kids and since we got a galaxy cake, we got galaxy themed gift bags and stuff because they’re age neutral and gender neutral and would be inclusive for everyone. And so we went to Party City and we kind of went a little nuts and then it snowballed from there. So I have gift bags for all the kids, and the baby.” Violet confessed because she had also drug Jack to Target to get together some things for Beth's baby- Roman, and Buddy’s heart melted that she was being so thoughtful and doubted Jack would really do such a thing and figured she was using her little brother as an excuse to do something nice and inclusive for the kids. Which was incredibly sweet.
“Aww, you didn’t have to, it’s just a dinner, not really a party. Very sweet of you to think of them though.” Buddy noted as he put his own stack on his kitchen island and started to unpack what she had gotten, impressed when he saw all the deli stuff as his stomach reminded him it was going to be lunch time soon.
“Yeah Jack, with his silver tongue, justified it as a mini SEB public relations stunt and I have extras just in case any of the kids end up bringing a friend or two.” Violet explained with a chuckle which got Buddy to grin, as he reconsidered his previous thought about Jack but also knew that Violet wasn’t one to be talked into something she didn’t want to do.
“So yeah, I have a big tub with gift bags in the back of my SUV.” Violet informed him bashfully and Buddy could tell she was nervous and anxious and obviously trying so hard to gain approval.
“Well let me help you unload the rest of it.” Buddy insisted as he slipped his own shoes on real quick as Buddy went with her to her SUV in the parking garage.
“How are the spider’s in here?” Buddy asked in a whisper as they walked side by side in tandem.
“Not nearly as bad, just watching, not listening.” Violet answered.
“Well let me know when their webs aren’t in the way.” Buddy said before Violet suddenly pulled them to be between huge SUV’s and Buddy didn’t even ask, he just pulled her into a tight hug and smiled sadly when she hugged him back just as tightly.
“Are you nervous?” Buddy murmured.
“I know I have no reason to be.” Violet answered with a defeated sigh.
“Do you by any chance feel the need to overcompensate?” Buddy guessed gently.
“I still feel like I’m intruding and I gotta make up for that.” Violet confessed.
“You’re not intruding. You’re just as invited as everyone else. They’re all cool with you coming. They were excited about it actually. Keith most of all, which is kinda creepy with how enthusiastic he was.” Buddy teased and smiled when he felt her smile into his chest.
“And even if they don’t like you, I can always get new friends.” Buddy offered which got Violet to snort a laugh.
“That’s ridiculous.” Violet murmured as she finally seemed to relax in his arms though as Buddy smiled happily when she finally did.
“Yeah but I like you better than I do them.” Buddy reassured her.
“You shouldn’t though.” Violet argued softly as Buddy felt her shoulder’s sag which got him to frown.
“Yeah, but I do, it’s too late to go back now, besides it’s going to be ok. It’s just a group of friends hanging out. That’s all it is and the moment they come into my place, you won’t have to be Ms. Parr for the rest of the day, all you need to be and should be is Violet. And that’s more than enough.” Buddy reassured her.
“Ok.” Violet finally caved as she nuzzled her face into the crux of his neck and shoulder before she got a call which caused them to part reluctantly.  
“Hey,” Violet answered when she saw the caller ID.
“Hey, what time is your thing today?” Violet’s mom Helen called.
“Uh, kind of an all day thing, but it technically starts at five, why? What do you need?” Violet asked.
“Could you get Jack, he spent the night at his friend Jaxon’s house and he was supposed to be spending the weekend with them and your Dad and I are already out of town on business and Dash is at Ashley's or Amy’s or I forget which girl he’s going out with now,  but Jaxon’s parents have plans tonight at someone else’s house and they don’t want to be rude to that host by having Jack tag along, so could you pick him up?” Helen asked hopefully as Violet scrunched up her face which Buddy thought was beyond adorable.
“Yup, I got him, I’ll give him a call.” Violet agreed.
“Thanks Honey, Jack will give you the address.” Helen answered.
“You’re welcome, have fun and be safe, bye Mom.” Violet bit her mom.
“You too Sweetie bye.” Helen thanked her.  
“Well, it seems Jack needs me to go get him. I’m sorry, I really wanted to stay and help out more.” Violet began to apologize.
“Well if it’s not too weird, Jack could just hang out with us, he’s more than welcome to and he can stay the rest of the day if he wanted to too, it’s not like he’s going to be the only kid around here.” Buddy generously offered.
“Really? You don’t mind?” Violet asked.
“Not one bit, as long as he’s ok with it.” Buddy answered before Violet reached up on her toes and kissed his cheek sweetly.
“Thank you.” Violet thanked him before she got back on her phone and called her brother.
“Hey Vi,” Jack greeted.
“Hey, so here’s the deal, Mom and Dad are already out of town, and Dash is still screwing his way through a model catalog…” Violet began before Buddy snorted a laugh before he quickly covered his mouth with his hand so he wouldn’t make any more noise as he and Violet shared a meaningful look.
“And I’m still here at work but I’m helping set up for the thing tonight, now my host has offered for you to just hang out with us…” Violet began.
“Yes! I’m ready now, you can pick me up now.” Jack eagerly insisted.
“Oh, ok then, text me the address. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Violet replied before she hung up.
“Hey, by any chance, did you ever have any other nicknames besides Buddy or Bud, because Bartholomew is a mouthful?” Violet asked Buddy thoughtfully.
“Yeah, why? Were you looking for one?” Buddy asked curiously.
“Yeah, because you have the distinction between Violet and Ms. Par and Invisigirl, I was hoping you had another distinction between Mr. Pine.” Violet explained as she self consciously put her hair behind her ears.
“Uh, well, Tali called me Tully, so that’s out.”  Buddy realized as his brain was spinning into a tizzy at the possible implications of what this could mean for them.
“Uh, otherwise, I’ve been called any number of things…” Buddy tried to think of something to give her but was coming up with a blank.  
“What about Barret?” Violet suggested hopefully and Buddy was ready to go down to the courthouse to change his legal name to that because the way she said it was making the butterflies flutter again, like they usually did whenever she was around but now they were about to become a hurricane in his stomach.  
“Barret totally works, honestly I could just answer to ‘hey you’ if you wanted.” Buddy answered as he tried not to giggle. Because Violet having her very own private nickname just for him? Sign him up.
“Well, cause I’ve been thinking about this since Wednesday, and it would be a nice way to cut through all the Ms. Parr, Mr. Pine stuff with, but wouldn’t set Phillip off, like a pet name but I guess, not a pet name?” Violet carefully worded as her cheeks flushed cherry and Buddy was about to squeal in delight. She wanted an intimate pet name for him without tipping off the sensors or anyone else. So she did feel the same way! Oh how sweet the vindication and validation.
“Yeah, Barret totally works, Barret and Violet, Violet and Barret. Winning combination.” Buddy blathered off, trying to keep his excitement to a reasonable level.
“Thank you. Will your friends look at me crazy if I call you that in front of them though?” Violet posed.  
“They shouldn’t care honestly.” Buddy shook his head no with a shrug.
“Ok, well help me with the tub and then I’ll go get Jack before he tries to portal here.” Violet urged before she turned and nearly ran into the SUV on the side of her which made them both erupt into laughter.
“Wow, so smooth.” Violet chided herself as she led the way to her SUV and popped the back hatch to reveal a big clear plastic tub full of gift bags, with all the kid’s names on the tags and yet even more things as she grabbed the big case of chocolate covered strawberries and put all she could on top of the tub's lid in Buddy's hands before she got the remaining flower arrangements before they walked back into the building as Violet made sure he was squared away in his ‘gilded cage’ before she left to go pick up Jack.
Violet was barely parked in front of the house before Jack came running out of the house and practically leapt into her SUV with his backpack.
“Let’s go, let’s go!” Jack insisted.
“What is going on?” Violet asked as she waived to Jaxon’s mother before she pulled out of the driveway.
“We don’t have much time. Step on it.” Jack insisted.
“Much time for what?” Violet asked as she got back on the road.
“Are the spiders awake?” Jack asked.
“No, they’re sleeping.” Violet answered.
“Ok, so I was up really late last night and I think I have a breakthrough on Phillip. But I need a lab and hopefully Mr. Pine’s genius will do the rest.” Jack explained.
“You...Do you mean to tell me- that Jaxon’s parent’s really don’t have other plans that they couldn’t drag you along with? And that you literally called Mom and Dad to pick you up, knowing they were out of town and Dash is busy so that left me to get you so that I could watch you myself because you wanted to get one on one time with my asset?!” Violet demanded angrily.
“Yeah, look, you told me that you told him about Phillip’s powers and the fact that he picked up on the fact that Phillip has them, and he was cool about it and he’s been really awesome about everything. If he likes you as much as you make him sound like he does, that gives him- opportunity, motive and availability, the magic trio to work miracles. Because I have a really bad feeling we are running out of time. Like I want this done before you leave for Hong Kong, Tokyo at the latest.” Jack insisted.
“You...manipulator!” Violet growled as she threw her phone at him before he let it phase through him and her phone hit the passenger door.
“You said that he said that he’d do anything for you right? Let him prove it.” Jack pleaded as he got her phone and handed it back to her.
“God damn it Jack, I also told you I could be reading in between the lines and going out on a limb there.” Violet groaned.
“Yeah, I doubt it, come on, plus you know Phillip agreed that the moment anyone from your family is on SEB property that he’d promise to turn off all the cameras and listening devices. This way we get most of the day without Big Brother watching us and listening to us the whole time. Look Edna and I have been hitting our heads against a brick wall here and we’re out of ideas. And with the pictures that came up when you went to Vegas, Phillip isn’t making it hard for anyone to guess what his intentions with you are. And if we can’t find a way to stop him- you’ll be trapped as Mrs. Sebastian for life, however long or short that would be. You’re already miserable being his handler. I can’t imagine how awful you would feel being his wife.” Jack appealed.
“Jack this isn’t your problem to solve.” Violet answered.
“Well your way of handling it isn’t working, it’s just making it worse. If you told Mom and Dad half of what you’ve told me, then you know Dad would beat Phillip into a pulp but we both know Phillip would plant a suicide seed in his head before the first punch could be thrown. Same thing with Mom, that’s why you haven’t told anyone but me.” Jack explained and Violet couldn’t argue with that.
“But you said it yourself that whatever Buddy puts his hands on- he improves. Let him put his hands and his brain on this and the worst that can happen is he can’t come up with something. The best that can happen is he solves this. We just need to give him a starting point. Give him what we’ve come up with so far and have him do his genius thing. He's already been solving your medical stuff and you said you trusted him. So trust him, take the leap of faith Vi.” Jack pleaded.
“How am I going to explain to Phillip that you and Barret are working on a way to expose the very powers that he has killed -who knows how many- for even talking about?” Violet asked.
“Ooh, Barret, so he did go for the pet name that is so not a pet name .” Jack grinned cheekily.
“He did,” Violet confided.
“Well that and Barret is a good way to talk about him to Mom and Dad and get them to like him before they meet him face to face and freak out that you’re hot for the guy who tried to kill the family a decade ago.” Jack said with a shrug.
“Who said I’m ever going to let them meet?” Violet asked.
“As soon as you’re free from Phillip and you can hook up with him and go steady for a while.” Jack answered like it was the most obvious answer.
“Yeah, every day I’m little less and less certain that’s ever going to be a possibility and you’re almost making me regret ever telling you about any of this.” Violet confessed.
“You’ll be thanking me once this works, now call Phillip so he can turn off the cameras.” Jack prodded.
Violet begrudgingly called Phillip and told him that she needed to watch Jack and take him back to Mr. Pine’s floor because she was assisting Mr. Pine with the party which he agreed that the moment that Jack showed up on the cameras, they would all be shut off to protect Jack’s secrecy and privacy and they would remain that way until Jack went home. Even to the lab because he knew how Jack had a fondness for science equipment and Jack practically yelled into the phone that he had a science project that he wanted Mr. Pine’s assistance with which Phillip agreed to as well.  
“Perfect.” Jack beamed when Violet got off the phone.
“You’re lucky he still thinks he has to charm you.”
“And you’re lucky I’m immune so far.” Jack responded.
“It just sucks that Dash isn’t.” Violet grumbled.
“You really think he has a suicide seed planted in his head?” Jack asked worriedly.
“At this point, I assume everyone within a 500 foot radius has it, hell make it a thousand feet including and especially me, and especially Barret.” Violet confessed before Jack reached over and held her hand.
“Well then we have to find a way to find it.” Jack comforted her as she squeezed his hand back.
True to Phillip’s word, Violet could feel all the camera’s shut off and the listening devices get disabled as soon as Jack was seen by the cameras.
Meanwhile Buddy anxiously tried to get lunch prepared, he had to charm Jack. It was clear that Violet favored Jack and was especially close to him, more than anyone so if by a longshot, he could make a good impression with Jack, despite the history, maybe he stood a chance and just as he was getting things together, Jack burst into his apartment with a very irritated looking Violet behind him.
“Hey, Violet said I could call you Barret, you know I’m Jack, we got Phillip to put the spiders to sleep while I’m here, we need to get in the lab, we only got about six hours before your other company comes and we need your help.” Jack said quickly as he practically bounded up to Buddy eagerly.
“Help with what?” Buddy asked as he was completely but pleasantly surprised by this development.
“Help to expose Phillip as a Super, and save everyone who has to be around him, especially Violet.” Jack said as Buddy looked from Jack to Violet who seemed defeated and resigned as she leaned against the counter in the kitchen and looked apologetically from Jack to Buddy.
“Who else have you talked to about this?” Buddy asked them.
“Everyone else we can trust. Violet told me she trusts you. At least look at it.” Jack pleaded as he held up a case that had all the flashdrives of data in it.
“Please? Because I’m out of ideas and options and so is he and everyone else.” Violet finally spoke and the heartbreak in her voice was heart rendering.
“Violet? I really hate to do this to you, but, if you’ll finish cooking lunch, and follow this recipe, that’ll give me a head start on..” Buddy immediately decided.
“Let me clear your lab first.” Violet smiled in relief before the three of them went into Buddy’s lab and Violet pulled up the two computers side by side and started to put in two separate codes with each hand on two separate keyboards as she closed her eyes and focused on her finger movements, coordinating both hands to do separate things before she got two spare key cards and put them into the programmer and then went into The Agency’s database and brought up all the research she had been able to do in the last year and brought up everything every other agent had discovered in their post before the keycards finished programing before she handed one to Buddy and one to Jack.
“Ok, so the key cards are a shortcut to this project and they should disable all other eyes and ears when working on them and this way all three of us can work on this together and Jack I trust you’ll let Edna use yours when you’re not using it, all of this is encrypted, and if Phillip ever gets to see any of this, he’ll assume I’m working on someone named Dragon Eye who is actually a real guy in China who does have similar powers but he’s not nearly as dangerous as all this makes him to be, all the intel is on Phillip, but Phillip has clearance at The Agency and we had to make something he wouldn’t notice or suspect. Here’s how far I’ve gotten, Jack, your turn.” Violet offered before she left the lab and Jack immediately plugged in all the flash drives he kept for this into the computer as Buddy focused on reading all the could as quickly as he could.
“My sister really likes you.” Jack murmured to Buddy as he keyed in his own passwords to get to the contents of the drives.
“She shouldn’t.” Buddy blurted before he fully let what Jack said sunk into his consciousness. Holy shit, Violet really liked him?! Yes!
“But she does. Violet doesn’t trust people as far as she can kick them. She’s been doing the wrong kind of Super work for way too long and it’s changed her, but not for the better. She has no faith in people, much less humanity. She’s incredibly jaded and guarded. So for you to get through all that- says a lot about you.” Jack noted as he pulled up everything for Buddy to see.
“All I’ve been doing is just being myself.” Buddy muttered.
“And that’s all you needed to do. Violet has every reason to believe everyone she knows is in danger and can be used as leverage against her and despite everything that’s happened to her and everything else she’s done- she’s still a good person. And she will sacrifice herself to save others.”
“Even when those others aren’t worth saving.” Buddy finished as he carefully looked at everything.  
“If she deems someone worthy of being saved, then they’re lucky to have her view them as such. And it means that they should respond in kind.” Jack insisted.
“This is true.” Buddy had to admit.
“I like you.” Jack grinned at Buddy as he watched Buddy get to work.  
“Why? You don’t even know me.” Buddy frowned.
“Violet does, and that’s more than enough for anyone, even me. And don’t worry about everyone else, they’ll come around. Just keep having her back and do everything you can with helping us with this. It’ll work out, I got a good feeling about it.” Jack advised.
“There, now that’s everything.” Jack said once he was finished and once Buddy read over everything, his spark lit up like lightning again before he started to link things together, like taking two halves of a sweater and finally threading and knitting them together on both ends to make a whole and complete work as Jack simply sat back and watched on with proud excitement just as Violet came in several minutes later with two big bowls of chicken carbonara Buddy had started as she handed the first to Jack and then simply placed the second one into Buddy’s hands since he was preoccupied and already jumping down the rabbit hole.
“Thanks Vi.” Buddy answered a little bit distractedly as he blindly reached for the fork before he started to feed himself before Violet leaned over and kissed his cheek sweetly which did give him pause as his head skipped a beat or two.
“Thanks Barret.” Violet couldn’t help but coo before she left as Jack did his best to pretend he didn’t see it.
“You-you’re welcome.” Buddy replied before Violet retreated as she left and got her own lunch and before Buddy knew it he had already dived right in again with renewed vigor and enthusiasm and Violet was grateful Buddy had written down a ‘to do’ list on when to start what and already had all his recipes pulled up and Violet happily picked up where he left off while she happily danced away in the kitchen once she synced up her phone with the kitchen sound system so Buddy could focus on her own problem as Jack seemed to float back and forth between the two all afternoon.
“How’s he doing?” Violet asked Jack as she put two of the dishes into one of the ovens while the main course braised in the other.
“Oh he hasn’t barely come up for air, I’ve had to hand him- like two water bottles and a brain superfood bar so far. He’s dove in head first and he’s threading everything all together and making a proper spider web. It’s awesome. He’s even redesigning your suit. Because we’ve narrowed it down on which particular bandwidths that Phillip is “broadcasting” off. Like a radio tower. So the suit, as long as it can cover your head, can, in theory- protect you and he has already designed like a dozen more features that Edna would be drooling if she saw them and every other Super is going to want their own set of them. It’s working perfectly.” Jack informed her proudly as he got into the fridge to see what Buddy had in the way of afternoon snacks.  
“I can see what you see in him. For once you have really good taste in men.” Jack teased before Violet mused his hair.
“You keep that quiet.” Violet urged.
“He’s actually a really good guy though. And he clearly cares about you enough to take all this on with just a single ‘please’ from you and if I had to bet, he’s clearly way beyond head over heels for you. And I think you’re in just as much danger of being the future Mrs. Pine that you are being Mrs. Sebastian.” Jack hinted with a scheming grin.
“My love life is also not a problem to be solved, much less by you.” Violet tried to argue but the little excited grin that she immediately tried to swipe off her face was pretty telling to Jack especially.
“I’m not saying that like it’s a bad thing. You’d two be a cute couple. Whereas in the other one you’d be a hostage.” Jack shrugged as he found a string cheese and started to eat that for a snack before dinner which Violet had been doing so well at following the directions Buddy had left for himself.
“That’s true.” Violet admitted- as she got a blackberry yogurt from Buddy’s fridge and ate that as a snack herself.
“And the moment you pop out a kid, and give Mom and Dad a legitimate grandbaby they will be all on board.” Jack reminded her.
“What about the two they already have?” Violet argued, referring to Dash’s kids.
“They’re from two different baby mama’s and he’s not even with either one of them right now and he’s probably on his way to making a third as we speak.” Jack retorted as Violet did nod in agreement to that as she did her best to hide her own guilty expression.
“Maybe after Barret solves this, he can tackle a way to put a permanent condom on Dash.” Violet muttered sarcastically.
“It wouldn’t be a bad idea.” Jack offered.
“No it wouldn’t be.” Violet agreed as she wrapped her arm around Jack and gave him a side hug.
“Do you really think Barret can do it?” Violet asked softly.  
“I do. He’s working like over a dozen angles simultaneously and is using his entire lab to work on all of it. He really is a genius. Like a savant level of genius. Almost makes me wonder if he’s actually a Super himself.” Jack answered.
“He probably is a low grade one, but one that there isn’t a test for yet.” Violet mused. “Either that or one hell of a gifted normal.” Violet shrugged.
“Either way, good brother in law material.” Jack muttered.
“That’s if we can survive Phillip’s best efforts.” Violet murmured with a grimace before she could stop herself.  
“Well Barret gave Phillip the blueprint about how to come clean with you and how to move his relationship with you from asset and handler to genuine and legitimate and Phillip has yet to take him up on it or follow any of it. All Buddy is doing is following his own blueprint and it’s working out for him. That and your chemistry is pretty good if one kiss on the cheek from you sent him into a mini tizzy, I can’t imagine what he’d do if you actually kissed him- kissed him.” Jack teased and cackled when Violet smacked him upside the head.
“Get back in that lab before I hurt you.” Violet ordered.
“Ok, ok, I’m gone, one more string cheese and a Coke.” Jack said before he grabbed the can and another snack before he retreated into the lab again as Violet set everything up for the company and artfully arranged all the snacks on trays. Making not just a cheese and charcuterie board but also a tray for the remaining cheeses and fruits and nuts and of course the chocolate covered strawberries and even wrapped the cases of chocolates and made sure to fill the cards out for each of the families before putting the snack trays back into the fridge and even made an extra dish for the dinner because Buddy had the ingredients and did her best to keep her dress clean with the help of the apron but was all too happy and comfortable to be barefoot in the kitchen and out of her heeled sandals as she continued to dance around the kitchen, listening to her music and feeling right at home for some reason. Violet even had time to take a leisurely break and watch some TV as she waited for everything to finish cooking in the ovens before she set the ovens to be warm for most of the food so it wouldn’t overcook while the main course finished braising and arranged all the bottles of wine and beers before it was time for her to go greet her guests if they decided they would be coming early.
“Hey guys, we got about 25 minutes before our company should be coming. So try to wrap up what you can and just set things to process for a while.” Violet reminded them.
“Ok.” Jack agreed from his spot at one of the pieces of equipment from the other side of the lab.
“Yeah.” Buddy answered but Violet could tell by that tone that he was still super distracted with what he was working on before she simply shook her head and walked across the lab and purposefully sat in Buddy’s lap and placed her arm around his shoulders as the touch completely yanked him out of his hyper-focus.
“Wha- huh?” Buddy asked as he suddenly realized she was not only next to him but obviously in his lap and the serene but expectant look she gave him as she simply reached up and gently threaded her fingers through his hair and grinned when he seemed to melt at her touch.
“Did you hear what I just told you?” Violet asked sweetly but thoughtfully.
“Uh...something about the time?” Buddy asked before he noticed what time it was.
“Oh shit, the dinner…” Buddy realized.
“Nope, I took care of it. I just followed the to do list you left yourself and followed the recipes you had pulled up on the tablet in your kitchen. It’s all done, it’s all ready to go. The main course still has about thirty minutes left, but everything else is done. All the snacks and cold appetizers are in the fridge, already on the trays, all you have to do is pull them out of the fridge and set them on the breakfast bar. I’m just letting you know, you now have about 23 minutes before your guests arrive. So that gives you 15 minutes to wrap things up and set things to continue processing while we socialize. Can you handle that?” Violet reassured him in one of her more calming, soothing tones and Buddy was ready to propose to her in that instant as he readily held her steadily in his lap and was ready to break at least one chair if it meant she’d have nowhere to sit but his lap for the evening.  
“Yep, I can do that.”
“Good, give me your phone so I can set an alarm, just in case and then I’ll go down and see if anyone ends up being early. Ok?” Violet posed before Buddy freely handed her his phone as she put an alarm that would sound in 15 minutes.
“Thank you Barret, see you in a bit.” Violet thanked him and gave his temple a quick kiss she offered before she got up and sauntered away and left as Buddy was hopeless but to watch her leave. God was he falling hard and fast for her.
“Someone’s gonna be Mrs. Pine.” Jack teased in a sing-song tone from across the lab once the door was closed behind Violet.
“Shh! Don’t jinx it Man.” Buddy shushed him.
“Violet didn’t have any aversions to it when I said something about it to her earlier.” Jack added temptingly and nearly fell out of his chair laughing when Buddy reacted to that revelation.
“Wait what?” Buddy pressed as he nearly fell out of his chair as he leaned as far back as he could so he could see Jack clearly from across the lab.
“Look, with Phillip, she’s a hostage, with you she’s happy and more like her old self before she did so many missions as a spy. It’s just an observation.” Jack answered as he put his hands up in defeat.  
“Really? She’s happy with me?” Buddy pressed.
“You really need to ask that? I thought you were a genius?” Jack teased with a shit eating grin.
“Yeah with computers I am, to women and most social situations, not really no.” Buddy confessed.
“None of us can have it all Man.” Jack shrugged. “Come on, we only have like 12 minutes left.” Jack reminded him before they went back to work trying to get as many processes starting as they could before they ran out of time.
Meanwhile Violet waited anxiously at SEB’s entrance, having brought the tub of gifts down and set them up on a table on the other side of security so she could hand them to the kids once they came through the metal detectors before Greg and Tammy and their kids came in and Violet put on a bright, welcoming smile.
“Well hello guys! Welcome to SEB Industries. I’m Miss Violet Parr, acting head of security. And I’ll need all of you to come through the metal detector and then I just have some really quick paperwork for you.” Violet said sweetly as Greg’s little boy Alex, who was 4 smiled brightly at her.
“Hi!” He greeted.
“Hello, what’s your name Handsome?” Violet cooed as she turned to him from the other side of security.
“Alex!” He greeted.,
“Well come on through Alex,” Violet invited as she waived him through before his parents followed him through security as Violet got their paperwork in order.
“Ok, so in exchange for the cameras to be turned off so we’re not in a complete fish bowl, I need both of you to sign these. And while you’re reading these over and signing them. I have these for Evan, Alex and even Kaely, I didn’t know if they would be jealous that you guys got to sign paperwork and they didn’t. So I wrote up something they could “sign” too.” Violet informed them as she showed Greg and Tammy the “contracts” she had written that basically had big check marks next to the things she thought would be appropriate for each kid. Kaely’s paper just had pictures with check marks on. Which Tammy and Greg thought was super cute and agreed to let her show their kids as Evan took his “contract” and snorted a laugh but agreed and signed it while Kaely happily sat on the floor and did the same with hers, choosing to scribble on the pictures while Violet helped Alex with his.
“Ok Alex, while your mommy and daddy are signing their paperwork, you have the most important paperwork. Let me read it to you. Objective number 1, so think of this like your mission, should you choose to accept it- is you will have fun while you’re here. Do you agree?” She posed.
“Yes.” Alex eagerly answered.
“Awesome, so put a check mark right here.” Violet directed as she handed him a pen which he happily did.
“Ok, now, objective number two, you will eat all your dinner so that you can have dessert? Which there is an awesome cake up there, it’s super yummy. Do you agree?” Violet posed.
“Yes.” Alex giggled as he checked that off.
“Number three, most important, there are other kids coming tonight and a limited number of toys, so that means that you have to share what’s up there and do your best to get along, do you agree?” Violet posed.
“Yes.” Alex answered as he checked that.
“Ok, now all you gotta do is sign your name, which if you don’t know how to write your name, you can totally just scribble it in.” Violet reassured him before Alex scribbled excitedly.
“Now we gotta stamp this, can you stamp it for me?” Violet asked as she handed him the “Approved” stamp and had him stamp it which he did, like five times, all over the paper before Violet could get the stamp back with a laugh.
“Super duper approved! Awesome. Ok, so now we put the stamp back and we give this to your parents so they can keep it.” Violet urged as Alex took the paper and eagerly showed his parents who had just gotten done with their own paperwork as Violet traded and made sure that they had initialed, signed and dated it before she did the same and stamped the paperwork herself quickly before she directed them to the gift table to pick up the kids’ gift bags along with the family’s gift case of chocolates to take home which the wives all eagerly took and held onto as the others came and she repeated the process, all the parents thinking it was super adorable that Violet would include the kids and be as awesome with them as she was and Greg, Keith and Scott along with their wives were happy to see this soft side of Violet and the kids were super happy about the gift bags and had already looked through them a little and had found all kinds of goodies and even the "older" kids thought it was awesome that she made theirs different than the little kids.  
“Ok, is everyone here and accounted for?” Violet asked as she did a head count and double checked her paperwork to make sure she had everyone.
“Awesome, well follow me guys,” Violet said as she led the way to the freight elevator that would be big enough for all of them before they all squeezed in and Violet hit the floors with her passkey that she had on a lanyard on her neck.
“So how come he doesn’t have an actual floor on the elevator?” Evan asked.
“Oh it’s a safety precaution. SEB is not immune to corporate espionage and the last thing we need is for Mr. Pine to be subjected to any while he’s here with us since all the projects he works on are all the intellectually property of SEB.” Violet answered politely.
“But I thought that’s what you were here for as head of security?” Scott posed.
“I’m only one person. I can’t fight off everything and everyone.” Violet shrugged before they came to the floor and Violet led the way to Buddy’s apartment and walked in to see Buddy thankfully in the kitchen, putting out the trays of appetizers on the breakfast bar like Violet had suggested.
“Hey guys! Thanks for coming, take your shoes off, stay a while.” Buddy warmly invited as he came over and did the handshake hug thing with everyone as the kids eagerly went over to where the cake was set up to look at it in awe as they realized it was a galaxy cake as Violet simply slipped away to change out of her dress and into more casual attire before she seemed to reappear just as the adults were gathering around the breakfast bar to dig into the snacks provided before Jack came out of Buddy’s lab and into the apartment.
“Well hi.” Greg greeted Jack as he looked from Jack to Buddy curiously.
“Hi,” Jack replied before he soon took refuge next to his sister.
“Is this your son?” Greg asked Violet but he was struck by how ginger Jack was, almost like he could be Violet and Buddy's son if they ever got to have kids.
“No, I’m her little brother, Jack, nice to meet you.” Jack immediately countered.
“My parents are out of town for the weekend so I’m staying with Violet and Barret agreed to help me with a school project.” Jack informed them casually as all the adults blinked in surprise as they looked from Jack to Buddy excitedly.
“What’s the school project about?” Tammy, Greg’s wife asked.
“Radio waves.” Jack answered.
“Oh, cool, well if there was anyone to help you with that, it would be Bud, or uh, Barret, rather.” Tammy nodded as she looked at him and tried to think of where she had seen him before Tammy’s son Evan came around his mom to grab another handful of snacks himself, mostly a handful of blueberries and another chocolate covered strawberry.
“Hey! I know you! You play at Millwood Park a lot.” Evan noted to Jack.  
“Yeah!” Jack beamed in excitement because low and behold, he had a friend at this shindig after all before he happily left Violet’s side to go over to Evan before the two went back with the rest of the kids to play among themselves in Buddy’s living room while Jack happily got to have his own gift bag from among the extras.
“Wow Bud you really went all out.” Beth, Keith’s wife noted as she appreciated the spread.
“Actually, this is all Violet’s doing. Jack and I went down a rabbit hole for his school project so Violet is the one that put this all together. Didn't she do a great job?” Buddy proudly answered as he marveled at these snack trays and happily started putting a little bit of everything together and marveling at the amazing quality of it all, being immensely proud of Violet for putting all this together and saving his bacon to speak.
Almost like a real couple should.
“Well I wouldn’t have done half as good if you hadn’t left a pretty good plan to follow, I just followed your ‘to-do’ list that had all the instructions on what and when to start all the elements. It was a piece of cake because of that.” Violet returned with a little shrug but her pleased grin shamed the sun at the praise, being ever so happy he pleased with it.
“Well now that you mention it, yes it’s obvious you did it because there’s no way he would have thought to include flower arrangements or half of these snack trays and look at that cake and those cupcakes, and this wine selection is flawless, I mean come on, all this does scream feminine touch.” Lisa praised as she gestured to everything as she even noticed Buddy’s table was set up beautifully too before they dissolved into idle chit chat before the oven beeped which signaled that dinner was ready before all the adults got a place around the table and all the kids got to sit around a second table that Violet had set up for them, complete with galaxy paper plates and napkins and cups as all the adults seemed to grab a dish and put it on the table before Buddy said grace and all the mothers got their kid’s plates ready and squared away before all the adults dug into what was left and even Buddy was pleasantly surprised to see Violet’s added dish and thought it complemented the meal perfectly and he was ever so grateful that Violet had just picked up where he left off so he could do the same for her and they had done it flawlessly together and with him sitting at the head of the table and her sitting to his immediate right, he was all too pleased about this and thought she fit in flawlessly, if anything she was the integral part to all of this and with the way they were kind of smooshed around the table, his knee was happy to rest against hers.
“So, where are you from Violet?” Beth asked.
“Uh, well my parents are originally from here but then they moved around a lot when I was little but when I was 14 we settled here back here in Metroville and my family has been here ever since.” Violet answered.
“Oh, so you’re just a hometown girl who’s made it big then?” Beth surmised.
“Well, yeah, I guess you could say that.” Violet mused.
“Where did you go to college at? I mean I assume you’ve been to collage if you’re head of security.” Beth furthered.
“Actually I didn’t go to collage, although I did have internships.” Violet said simply.
“Oh that’s nice, how did you manage that was the application process hard?” Beth guessed as all the guys looked a little worriedly from Violet to Buddy who looked tense who kept looking from them to Violet to gauge her reactions at being poked and prodded.  
“It was really a case of who I knew and developing the right skill set.” Violet tried to explain delicately.
“But what about you guys, since you brought up college, where did you go?” Violet returned, trying to keep the focus off of herself which Buddy and Violet were grateful for which worked for a little while before the conversation came right back around to her.
And then when they learned that Violet was "single" then all the girls seemed to try to make Buddy out to be this amazing catch of a guy. Which Violet thought was adorable because Buddy was getting a little flustered by it but when her hand went under the table to gently squeeze his knee, that had him relax a little and then to hold his hand under the table had him relaxing even more and taking it all in stride.
Then once dinner was eaten and the cake was cut and all the kids eagerly taking a cupcake before Violet put on a movie for them, the adults happily cleared the table and moved the snack trays to the table so they could sit and continue to snack as Violet opened Buddy’s case of chocolates to enjoy with them as Buddy eagerly and happily went through the case of chocolates to find his favorites as his friends gently poked and prodded Violet some more to try to get to know her better which was an easier feat with Violet happily drinking her favorite wine and with Buddy’s hand and hers both seemed to be drawn together under the table and before Violet knew it she was happily holding his hand under the table since they were still kitty corner to each other as they ate and drank happily with their free hand and Buddy was so unbelievably proud of Violet for staying Violet and it really was- for a few blissful hours- just a group of adults hanging out for a dinner.
It wasn’t until after the second movie that Violet put on for the kids, that the group heard the tell tail signs of little ones snoring as they had all snuggled up together on the couch with a couch throw over them and had fallen asleep since it was now almost midnight. But the adults had had too much fun just talking and catching up and getting to know each other better and Violet was very happy when all the women invited her and Jack to their kid's birthday parties and slumber parties and even to out to brunch and stuff which Violet was thrilled to have because she didn't really have any close friends besides other Supers and Tammy, Lisa and Beth were really fun actually as Buddy was grateful that they had eagerly accepted her into the fold.
“I think it’s time we better go.” Beth encouraged them before they all murmured their agreement and Violet happily, yet sleepily let them out.
“Please be gentle with him. Tali did a number on him when she left him, granted he’s changed quite a bit since then, but still. To see how you are with Phillip in the tabloids, I’m worried about how messy that could get.” Beth murmured to Violet as Violet carried Beth’s daughter Riley out to their van while Beth carried her newborn, Roman on her chest, covered in a thick baby blanket.
“I’m aware,” Violet nodded in understanding. “And I’ll do my best to do what I can.” Violet reassured her.
“Thank you Vi.” Beth thanked her.
By the time Violet got back into Buddy’s apartment and to see Jack still zonked out on the couch, she wanted nothing more than to just crash as Buddy was loading up the dishwasher and setting the pots and pans to soak in the sink overnight and noticed Violet was beyond tired herself.
“Why don’t you stay?” Buddy finally spoke up which caused Violet to turn her head to consider him.
“Oh, no uh, I really should get home.” Violet tried to refuse even though the thought of just crashing in Buddy’s bed sounded particularly fantastic.
“Vi, it’s late and you’ve been drinking, please, I’ll move Jack to my bed and you can sleep in it with him and I’ll take the couch. I don’t want you to chance you driving like this.” Buddy gently argued, even though Violet was far from drunk or even tipsy. He was more worried about her driving exhausted more than sober.
“Ok fine.” Violet easily caved before Buddy washed his hands from handling the dirty dishes and then happily came over and picked Jack up and carried him to his own room as Violet happily got her own bag and realized she had actually packed it for staying over which she thought was interesting that she had either consciously or subconsciously done that before she went into Buddy’s bathroom to wash the makeup off her face and brush out her hair and braid it so it wouldn’t tangle before Buddy simply knocked on the bathroom door and when Violet had opened it, he was holding an old tshirt and held it out to her so she had something to sleep in which Violet happily took, even though she technically brought pajamas, she readily accepted his offering, preferring his super soft, oversized shirt.
“Thank you Barret.” Violet cooed tiredly as she took and when she emerged, she noticed that Jack had already been tucked into the bed and a set of Buddy’s spare set of bedding had been taken out of his closet and when she had peaked into the living room Buddy was taking the pull out bed from his couch and setting up the bed and she was able to walk up behind him and hug him from behind and nuzzled his back with her face, letting his scent settle deep into her lungs and happily welcomed the comfort it brought which gave Buddy pause as he simply hugged her arms in turn.
“You’re welcome.” Buddy returned.
“Goodnight Barret.” Violet murmured.
“Good night Vi.” Buddy replied before he felt her pull away and retreat as he looked over his shoulder to see her go and blushed when he noticed she wasn’t wearing pajama pants or shorts or anything and took a moment to appreciate her amazing legs even though she was drowning in his shirt- just enough to be super adorable before she disappeared down the hallway to his bedroom before he finished making the bed and just as he was about to get into it , he heard a beeping sound in his lab which woke him up fully and got him to go into the lab to see what processes had finished before he once again happily plunged himself down the rabbit hole.
An hour and a half later, Violet woke up, having to go to the bathroom and decided to check up on Buddy before she noticed that the lights were still on and his bed was untouched which made her frown before she went around the apartment and turned the lights off before she opened the door to the lab to see Buddy still working on stuff.
“Barret?” Violet called out sleepily which got him to jump before he turned to her and was relieved it was only her.
“Hey, you should be in bed.” Buddy softly encouraged her.
“So should you,” Violet returned as she walked up to him.
“Sorry, I got caught up in…” Buddy gestured to what was in front of him which got Violet to hum and nod sleepily before she straddled his lap in his chair before she laid down on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his neck and shoulders.
“You got two minutes to set things to process overnight, then you’re getting in bed.” Violet warned.
“But…” Buddy tried to argue but once Violet lifted her head and fixed him with a look, that even though she was beyond tired, still conveyed the seriousness of her request.
“Do it or I will use my secret weapon on you.” Violet threatened and Buddy was both scared yet intrigued to see what exactly she would do before he simply reached around her and did as she asked before she let her head rest on his shoulder once again and for the last fourth minute it took him to get everything squared away, his heart was hammering, wondering if she was noticing it was taking longer than she told him to take and once he was done, he blew out a breath of relief.
“Ok, I’m done.” Buddy informed her.
“Good, come on, bed.” Violet insisted and got up but pulled him after her and got the lights to the lab on her way out before she led him to the pull out bed and practically pushed him into the bed before she got into the bed with him and pulled his head to rest in her chest as he readily gathered her into his arms and when she started petting his head , her fingertips lazily scratching his scalp as her other hand softly and comfortingly smoothed over his back.
“Is this your secret weapon?” Buddy asked, his words muffled by his own t-shirt she was wearing.
“Yup, works on babies and grown men alike.” Violet answered, refusing to open her eyes and smiled softly in the darkness when he felt her relax and in 5 minutes flat, he was out like a light as she stopped her motions and simply wriggled down so she could cuddle with his chest and go to sleep herself.
But that wasn’t until Violet heard Buddy murmur something in his sleep.
“Hmm?” Violet hummed in question.
“I love you Violet.” Buddy answered, even though he was completely asleep.
“I love you too Barret.” Violet murmured back, a pleased, but happy smile on her face as she fell asleep in his arms.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 5 years
Good Business: Part 10
Fandom: Marvel (Mob AU)
Pairing: Chubby!Bucky x Reader
Summary: Bucky Barnes is a ruthless mobster. He’s also referred to as Big Buck due to his towering strong frame as well as his round stomach. You’re the owner of a small diner, a place that Big Buck decides to visit. Based off this drabble.
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“You’re very...casual,” you say to Bucky as you approach his car. Instead of his usual suits, he’s wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and hoodie. A baseball cap and sunglasses hiding his face. 
He shrugs, watching you get into his car and buckling in, “I didn’t feel like being Big Buck, Brooklyn’s feared mob boss today. Today, I just wanna be Bucky, taking my girl out on a shopping spree so she can look perfect when she meets my family.”
You cocked a brow at him as he begins to drive away from the diner, “Shopping spree? I thought we were just gonna get stuff for the dinner?”
“And then some. I mean, if you see anything you like while we’re out, I’ll get it for ya,” he says with a grin.
You shook your head, “Bucky, you helping me find an outfit is good enough. I don’t need expensive purses or fine jewelry or anything like that. You don’t need to spoil me.”
He chuckled, reaching over and resting a hand on your knee, “I wanna spoil you though, sweetcheeks.” he then pulls away, “But if you really don’t want me to, then I won’t,” he draws an ‘x’ with his finger over his heart, “scout’s honor.”
You thought Bucky was going to bring you to some mall where you’d buy a dress from Macy’s or something. Silly you for thinking such a thing. No, he brought you to some of the finest stores in New York on none other than Fifth Avenue. 
Immediately as you drove onto the famous street, you felt out of place. Your outfit probably cost you about $30 at best, whereas everyone else walking the street was probably wearing hundreds of dollars worth of clothes on them. 
You could feel your anxiety creeping up on you and you looked towards Bucky, “Hey, um, we really don’t have to go here. We can just go to the mall or something.”
Sensing your discomfort, he took hold of your hand, “Sweet cheeks, there’s nothing to be afraid of, okay? I know these people seem intimidating, but they won’t bat an eye at you. It’s New York, babe, no one cares about anything or anyone going on around them,” he says his last remark with a snort. 
You felt a little more at ease as he shot a smile your way. You don’t know how he does it, but Bucky always seems to make you feel better, “Yeah. Okay.” 
He rolls up to a sidewalk, a valet immediately rushing to his side of the car, accepting the keys Bucky hands him. Bucky then rushes over to your side, opening the door for you like the gentleman that he is, and helps you out. 
You step out, looking in awe, your head moving left to right as you take in the stores surrounding you, “Not gonna lie, I’m already overwhelmed.”
Your honesty made Bucky chuckle and pull you into a one arm hug, “Don’t worry, sweet cheeks. I’m here to help.”
3 hours later, you’ve managed to collect several bags of things ranging from shoes, to clutches, to jewelry, to dresses, to coats. Yeah, so much for not going on a shopping spree. 
Bucky couldn’t help it though. He loved the idea of you walking around in things that he bought you, despite your many protests. But when you’re involved with the likes of him, you gotta dress up every once in a while. 
“Just in case, sweet cheeks,” he continuously said throughout your hunt for a dinner dress. 
Bucky circled you after you came out of the dressing room one final time. The velvet black dress clinging to your skin, showing off all your assets, but at the same time, giving you a classy look, “I think this is it, baby. You’ll wear this to the dinner with my family. Whaddaya think?”
You looked at yourself in the mirror, turning your body around to get a look at yourself from different angles, “I mean, I guess I look alright.”
Your comment made Bucky scoff, “Just alright? Baby, you look like a goddess,” he walks over to you, helping you step down from the small podium, “My goddess,” he says with a proud grin, resting his forehead against yours, “They’re gonna love you.”
“They’re gonna hate me!” you cry out as you pace back and forth in your bedroom. Sharon laying on her side on your bed as you pace. Her fingers playing with the soft velvet of your YSL dress, “They’re probably gonna think I’m some sort of gold digger or something!” It didn’t make sense, you know. Bucky said they insisted on meeting the woman who’s got him smitten, but the anxious part of you feels like it’s a cover up somehow, that they just want to make sure that their son isn’t involved with bad news.
Sharon can’t help but roll her eyes in annoyance, “For the last time, Y/N, they’re not going to hate you. It’s literally impossible to hate you with your kind heart and compassionate soul and shit.” the last part made you snort.
You shake your head, sitting at the edge of the bed, “This is insane. We haven’t even been dating for long!”
“Weeeeell, you sorta have. All those friend dates,” she made air quotes, “were honestly more like actual dates.”
You groaned, “I don’t know if I can do this! Meeting the people of his...organization, sure. That’s one thing, but his meeting his fucking family?! That’s a whole other thing and I can’t do this!”
Sharon sits up and grabs a hold of you, staring into your eyes, “Listen to me: you can do this. You care a lot about Bucky and he cares a lot about you. Meeting his family is important to him and if he’s important to you, then you need to do this. What can go wrong, Y/N?”
“They can hate me and tell Bucky to break up with me,” you say in a serious tone with a deadpan expression.
Sharon groans, “Stop being dramatic! You’re almost ready! Just finish your makeup and put on your dress! Bucky’s is coming to pick you up soon.” she gives you a pat on the head and headed out of your bedroom, closing the door behind her. 
You sighed, picking up your dress and carefully slipping it on. Once it was zipped up, you looked at yourself in the mirror, whispering, “You can do this, Y/N. You got this.”
You sat in the back of Bucky’s town car, the mob boss sitting beside you. Your hand was clasped in his and you can feel your palm grow clammy the closer you get to his place. 
“There’s no need to be nervous, Y/N. They’re excited to meet you, I promise.”
You let out a shaky deep breath, “But what if they hate me? What if they think I’m using you for your money or power or something.”
“Are you using me for money or power?” he asks, and when you shake your head, he softly smiles, “Then there’s nothing to worry about. My folks are the most loving and caring people you’ll ever meet.”
You can’t help but snicker, “And here’s their son running a mob behind his successful business.”
He gives you a pointed, but playful look, “Hey now, things just happened that way, alright? And they don’t know anything about my organization, you keep your pretty mouth shut about that. Alright missy?”
You smirk as you reply, “Yes, sir.” Bucky bites back a moan after hearing those words from you. He’s gotta explore that with you later on, once you become intimate. 
“Anyway, Becca, she can be a bit blunt and forward, but that’s just how she is and despite her being younger than me, she’s always been protective. Her husband is the literal opposite of her, but they mesh together well. And my nephews? They’re troublesome, but that’s expected from six and seven year olds.” he pats the top of your hand with his free one, “Easy breaths now, sweet cheeks. The dinner will be fine. You’ll meet my family and they’ll love you in an instant. Just like m-everyone you meet,” he catches himself. 
He’s only known you for some months. He couldn’t possibly already know that he loves you, right?
  Good Business Taglist (CLOSED): @cametobuyplums @sergeantrosabellaswan @asadmarveltrashbag​ @youcanhaveyourspacecowboy​ @reniescarlett​ @j-the-smol-otter @buckysknifecollection @lowkeysebby @rinthehufflepuff @134340-cm @snoot-snoot-toot @seabassali1328 @bluebellhairpin @emzy106 @viarogers @feelmyroarrrr @vxidnik @jasura @jade-cheshire3303 @yknott81 @baliebay19 @jessieray98 @fandommemporiumm @iluvsumbucky @bucksandroses @lecoindenox @ylva-stark @booktease21 @nerdy-bookworm-1998 @cheyenne222222 @momobaby227
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soulwillower · 4 years
separate seas • bill denbrough
(bill denbrough x plus size!reader)   
requested: Hi! Can I request another fic? I was thinking a Bill Denbrough x plus size reader were the reader was Bill’s next door neighbour who survived a Pennywise attack. When the Losers reunite Mike suggests to meet up with the reader because she wants to kill Pennywise the most. She now stutters (much like Bill did) and is very reclusive. It's not a full idea but I think you could write something great! Thanks!
warnings: swearing, fluff, poorly written, unedited
i was going to make it angsty but i just couldn't write it for some reason, im sorry  <3 i dont know how i feel about this, i’ve been trying to write for a while and have been discouraged /feeling bleh abt my writing but i truly hope u guys enjoy this!
[takes place during the events of chapter 2]
2.2k words
bill was floored at the emotions that coursed through him at mike’s words. of course, he was already floored by the sheer amount of information and memories that had taken to his mind like a brick wall to the face - poorly - so why did this brick wall hit so much harder than the other? mike’s words ring in bill’s ears like a church bell.
y/n, we have to go see y/n.
the air of the jade orient becomes increasingly stale and bill has to wipe his face with his forearm. he remembers suddenly a book he’d written nearing ten years prior to this moment, titled the plague of dawn.  it makes him frown in confusion. why did he think of that?
the book wasn’t anything special, in fact it was one of his lowest-grossing novels, despite it being one of his own personal favorites. there was a protagonist who was investigating the death of a young boy, and a mysterious love interest - a woman who was bright but with a troubled past and, from what bill remembers writing, a curvy figure and stunning eyes.
odd to remember that in such a time, but he supposes everything has been odd tonight. but bottom line, it was nothing special. in fact, the novel had been very cheesy, but it had stuck with him in this moment for some unknown reason.
y/n.... bill remembers cloudy memories of a girl with bright eyes and laughter. he sees his house, next to it, a blue one; georgie, with a bright smile, running up to a girl who came out of the garage of the blue house to the left. she hugs him and his arms squeeze around her middle, his face half buried in her soft stomach. he remembers thinking she is beautiful. 
looking around, he sees that the others are slowly remembering her too, but he thinks briefly that they certainly have different memories.
“not that i don’t miss her, but… why y/n?” bev asks. the pieces were falling into place, it seemed, all at the same time in their own heads. “wait. didn’t she go to the hospital for-“ eddie starts rushed, but richie snaps a few times as he speaks up.
“oh, fuck. wait- It. It got her, right? and she survived?” richie says, fingers pressing on his head as he squints. he looks just as pained as bill feels when  memories of her - and of It - fill his senses.
your eyes. your laugh. your hair. your skin. your silhouette. the bedsheets bill would sometimes catch a glimpse of when he looked out his own window. much like the ones he wrote for the plague of dawn’s  - oh.
bill can’t help but drop his head into his palms in realization - had he written a character based off of a repressed memory of a childhood crush? christ.
“…she was bill’s neighbor.” ben adds, looking puzzled. everyone turns to look at bill, and he swallows. “y-uh, y-yeah. i r-remember.” and he does. "sh-she was attacked right at the beginning of the s-summer." it's silent. "she wants It dead more than anyone. we need her help." mike says, standing up.
and then twenty minutes later, bill finds himself on an unfamiliar porch step with five of his childhood friends, staring at an unopened door. why is he so fucking anxious to see her? will she remember him? will she care?
mike has to knock three times before the door opens, revealing a woman that makes bill's breath falter.
“h-holy shit.” the woman mutters, eyes flickering between everyone on her porch step. those eyes. bill would recognize them anywhere. she looks different than he remembers, but more than likely she’s matured just as much as him in the last twenty some years. she looks really good.
"y/n." mike says, giving her a tight-lipped smile. bill watches her, her face even and unrevealing. she doesn't try to hug anybody. there’s a long, staggering scar that pokes through the collar of her shirt, and yes, now bill knows for sure that this is his old neighbor, y/n. 
she seems to have the same eyes, the same face. he wonders briefly if she remembers him the way he remembers her.
“what’s g-going on?” she says, looking suspicious of the group in front of her, eyes flitting over everybody with little to no emotion. it feels like a cool breeze blows down the spine of everyone present. 
bill takes in her figure and swallows, shocked to be seeing her so suddenly. she catches his eyes and recognition flickers in the depths of her face, a small quirk of her lips betraying her menacing stare.
“caroling group.” richie deadpans, bringing everyone back down to the present as his hands are in his pockets and he’s rocking on his heels. bill barely spares a glance behind him to richie as he stares at y/n. does she have a stutter too? she didn’t always have it. the look on her face is mysterious and pained.
"we need your help." mike says, giving her a look. as bill watches her reaction, he can’t help but feel like the seven of them were all swimming in separate seas at the same time, being masked by a false sense of belonging. was this going to work? could they really do it? 
y/n seems to understand grimly, like she feels whatever this is too, as she takes in the faces of people she hadn't seen in years. but then she turns away, walking back into her house. bill blinks.
at first he thinks she's abandoning them, but then she waves her hand expectantly. she does actually invite them in, leaving bill to watch in curiosity as she leads them to a back room in her house, seemingly unwillingly. she seems determined, but not very excited. he doesn't blame her.
they all sit awkwardly as mike and y/n talk about the summer of '89.
"our wh-whole town was full of nightm-mares. not just It." y/n shrugs, the cloud of mystery and self-isolation wrapping her up and pulling her farther and farther out of bill's reach.
"b-bowers." bill says, noticing how y/n's eyes dart to ben's quickly. she and ben went through very similar situations with bowers and the memory of their fucked up childhood makes bill's head spin.
"th-that doesn't matter r-right now." y/n says dismissively, waving her hand. bill stares at the table as he remembers the the character he wrote in the plague of dawn - the love interest had been tormented relentlessly, particularly for her weight.
god, how awful is that? bill didn't even mean to, but he had essentially broadcasted y/n's life into a novel.
“y-you punched him, once.” bill blurts, a laugh escaping his lips. y/n looks at him and for the first time, she looks like her old self, smiling and happy. 
“y-yeah, i suppose i d-did, bill. he d-d-deserved it.” she says, smug look quickly retreating back to the wall of blank emotion. something stirs him on, “you got that r-right. it was inc-credible, that was th-the best thing i’d e-ever seen. i was o-obsessed with y-you.” 
its silent and bill realizes what he just said.  “well this is awkward.” richie says with a grin, nudging both ben and eddie’s sides. they just give him a look. y/n’s smirking at the table and bev is grinning at bill with a knowing look. 
"-we're going to kill It." mike says, voice wavering only slightly, breaking the tension. and just like that, the moment is over. bill shivers but he nods, looking over richie, to eddie, to bev, then ben, mike, and finally y/n.
"yeah, well. f-fighting I-It wasn't too easy, i'm sure you kn-know." y/n says shortly, her fingers ghosting over the scar on her chest. bill's stomach flutters with something between fear and admiration. he remembers - she doesn't have to say it. they're all remembering.
she had been outside in the ravine down the street by herself when pennywise had found her. bill remembers sirens, he remembers the blood as she stumbled across the street towards their houses. he remembers watching her get carried to the hospital and then riding silver down to the clubhouse to tell the others. he doesn't remember much else from that summer, just a whole lot of pain and fear. but he remembers not hearing her voice much, or seeing her nearly at all those days. he had missed her, but he'd never said anything.
the bubbly girl was not quite there anymore.
she speaks up and immediately pull bill's attention from his thoughts. "but this time, we're a-all going to b-be together. It is g-going to die."
after the conversation and getting y/n to agree (which wasn't very hard, she was very determined), bill was left with a bitter taste in his mouth and a pit in his stomach. it was weird being back in derry, and catching y/n's eye, he could tell she thought it was weird for them to be back too.
bill was exhausted and thought he might be sick, head swirling around with images of the jade of the orient, of stan, of pennywise, and georgie. he feels empty, and so he can’t help himself from asking y/n to come back and grab a drink at the townhouse.
he needs a distraction, or something. something. 
she had shaken her head, but instead taken him by the elbow and told him she had a full bottle of scotch in her cabinet. he was shocked to receive an invitation to stay longer at the reclusive y/n’s house, considering how withdrawn she’d been (understandably) this whole time, but he eagerly told the others he would see them back at the townhouse. he ignores richie when he makes lewd gestures through the window as they all leave.  
when they’re in her house alone, she places what is indeed a full bottle of unopened, aged scotch on her table unceremoniously as her hair shines in the lamplight and her clothes cling to her shape.
he tries not to linger his eyes on her body but can’t help to admire her curves and how soft her skin looks as she places a glass in front of him, pouring out three fingers, no rocks.
he doesn’t flinch, completely intending on finishing this glass and then some if he’s going to do this whole fucking thing.
"it’s from the t-trauma." she says and he blinks at her, confused. she smirks lightly, as if mocking herself. "the stutter." she elaborates, and he nods slowly. he understands that.
"m-mine came back wh-when i did." he explains. it’s quiet again and he watches as she pours her own glass. he’s slightly thrown off as he watches her move the bottle over to set it on top of a stack of paperback novels. he skims the stack, his eyes catching bold lettering: THE PLAGUE OF DAWN.
he almost laughs, but his stomach  coils tightly with something akin to embarrassment.
his body carries him to pick the book up, plopping back down after it's clutched in his hands. “d-did you read this?” he asks, looking at her with a raised brow.
she grins, not looking a single bit ashamed. “y-yeah, i did.”
well, fuck. 
“the m-main character, it’s…” he starts, unsure how to say it. but she never left, she never forgot anything - did she notice? 
she nods slowly, face flushing. “i’ve talked with mike long en-enough to know you didn’t remember me wh-when you w-wrote it. i just… i can’t help but n-notice…”
“it’s you, y/n. i d-didn’t- i don’t think i really kn-knew it then. wh-when i wrote it, i kn-knew i was writing about my ch-childhood, i just- i didn’t realize…i’m s-sorry.”
“i know.” she says simply and there it is again, the mysterious shroud that prevents bill from knowing y/n y/l/n fully. its awkward for a moment, and then : “did you at least l-like it?”
she cracks a grin as she sips on her scotch. she’s beautiful and it makes bill blush almost like he’s 13 again and completely unsure how to flirt with this woman.
“well, i don’t know. y-you killed me off, b-bill. wh-who kills off the l-love interest before they get any c-closure?” she says, lifting a brow. bill can’t help the sheepish grin nor the blush from creeping onto his face. 
"its f-fucked!" she adds. he can't help but huff a laugh, feeling eerily similar to how he used to feel when he was young. and he was okay with that.
“n-no it isn’t- i just, i- people l-loved it, okay.” he defends half-heartedly, knowing it to be untrue. she laughs openly at this, watching him as he thumbs through the pages of his own words, looking embarrassed.
“it’s so c-cute that you think that, b-bill.” she says coyly. he looks up from the book then, a grin of his own on his face as his cheeks dust pink. she’s pulling his leg. 
"you- er, i just c-can't believe th-this all happened." he mutters, scratching his head. she lifts a brow and it flusters him again so he tries to add on. "and i wish th-that i hadn't forgotten it. y-you, particularly." his words come out awkwardly and he feels like a dumbass.
“p-poetic, denbrough.” she grins, hands grabbing his shoulders gently. he grins at her, raising his hands to her shoulder and another to her waist, squeezing the soft skin. he shrugs, "what can i s-say, i-"
and then before he can add anything more, she closes the gap, leaning to press her lips against his. it's soft at first, as if being gentle after the black hole of trauma they are soon to reopen. 
it’s bold and shocking and surprising. 
but bill moves his lips against hers and they both come to life, kissing fiercely as the world stops around them. there's pain in the kiss, there's devastation, there's fear. but there’s also light, there's love. he feels it all as she kisses him.
when they pull apart, bill looks at her with wide eyes. "that was- unexpected." he says as she stares up at him. he can't tear his eyes away from her and she shrugs, staring back in shock,"i-i’m sorry." she says quickly, hands still holding her face. she stares up at him, "d-did i fuck it up, th-though?"
she looks like she already knows the answer but wants to hear him say it for himself.
he shakes his head, "d-don’t think so, y-y/n." he pulls her in for another kiss and she sighs into his mouth, holding him tightly.
 there’s still a looming sense of dread over their heads, staring down at them with its ugly impending danger. but he has her in his arms and he can’t believe it. 
and maybe, it'll be okay. maybe these separate seas aren’t too different. 
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crying-pan420 · 2 years
Diego: Given the circumstances, I will let you hug me for four to five seconds. Jade: Forty five seconds?!? Diego: No! I said four TO five seconds. Jade, hugging Diego: Too late!
He just be standing there unmoving for those 45 seconds secretly enjoying the hug
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Birch—the first of the Celtic tree symbols—for the first moon cycle in the Ogham Tree Calendar, known by celts as Beith. A symbol of new beginnings, hope, new dawns, and the promise of what’s to come…
Bella // Leah new moon era extended fic series. Instead of calling Billy, Charlie calls Harry about his Bella’s depression over Edward leaving. Charlie knows that Leah went through something similar with Sam and hopes that the two girls can help heal each other. (insp). (read along playlist).
Ch 1 // Ch 2  — A Drop in The Bucket
Leah felt a hitch in her side and she eased up from a sprint to a jog. She slowed even further, taking in the deep grey ocean to her right. The sound of her labored breathing and the rain beating against her lightweight rain slicker were completely drowned out by the sounds of the angered ocean, heaving toward shore. She came up here every other day, rain or shine—though, she preferred the rain. Not only for the way it pummeled the sand into an even surface, easier to fly across, but for the privacy it allowed.
It had been almost a year, but people still gave her that all too familiar look whenever she went anywhere in town. Despite how angry she was, she didn’t hate Sam or Emily. She hated how they had reduced her identity to two words: jaded ex. The tide swelled again, hitting the sand with a loud cadence, and her emotions swelled with it. She thought the start of her last year of high school would be different. Sam had graduated and was no longer there to torment her in person with his remorseful eyes and presumptuous manner. She tried to start anew, even forced herself to join the robotics club the first week, but no gossip had come along in their boring town to trump what was now her life’s story. People still stared and whispered in the halls. Freshmen gawked as they were filled in on the drama. Why try? When everyone was already convinced they knew everything about her. Leah spent her days in the backs of classrooms, dreading group projects and resenting the eyes on her in the halls.
She broke out into a jog again, picking up speed as the rain battered against her hood, dripping down her brow where it gathered from hitting her face. She smiled wryly to herself at the irony, leaning into the jaded ex persona by running alone in the rain at the beach. At least no one tried to talk to her anymore. The first year had been brutal with do-gooders and Nosy Nancy's trying to pry their way into her life so they could watch her sadness for entertainment to give them a sense they were the better person. At least their life wasn’t in shambles. At least they weren’t angry at the world. At least they made the effort to help the local sad girl. It bored Leah to no end, so she stopped responding with fake niceties whenever they invaded her space with their sympathetic smiles and presumptuous ‘so how are you?’s. She frowned as her legs carried her further away from home. There was one person who probably knew all too well how she felt, even after a year had passed for Leah.
Bella Swan. She had heard her name echoed over and over again earlier in the year when she blew into town. Charlie’s only daughter, exiled to rainy Forks from the land of sunshine and cacti. Leah heard the whispers that she was dating a Cullen, ironically enough from Sam. He and his gang were always hanging out in town, or over to see Harry, or at Jake's to see Billy; she could never avoid them for more than a week. Leah heard their judgmental musings and laughed to herself, the way they were concerned with a Forks girl's dating habits. Leah hadn’t heard much more about it since the initial whispers, until the night before.
Her dad had gotten the call last night.
“Charlie—how are ya?” Harry fell into their familiar pattern. “Oh gosh, no we haven’t seen her up this way. Do you want . . .” He shifted his weight and motioned to Leah. She hadn’t realized she stopped what she was doing to listen. “No, no, it’s no problem Charlie. Our boys know the woods better than anyone else. Let me gather the troops and we’ll be over. Hey—we’ll find her, okay Charlie? She’s going to be fine.” His voice was fervent and full of promise. She knew he had been a good friend to Charlie for far longer than she had been alive. Leah wanted to offer to come along, mostly out of curiosity—a curiosity she couldn’t trace—but she knew ‘the boys’ meant Sam, and Sam meant not if Leah could help it. She stayed put, heading out to their garage while Harry started a phone chain to reach Sam and his apostles.
She busied herself in the garage for more than a few hours, time never really existed when she was working on a project. She’d been working on this one for almost six months. It was her and Harry’s baby, a ’67 mustang the local junk yard was about to compact before they found it. She and Seth pushed it across town, easier than they would have thought considering the engine—and by extension the majority of the weight—had dropped out the bottom long ago. Harry had told her she needed an outlet for her negative energy. She scoffed at the implication, but knew he was right. Fixing up cars had been something they had always bonded over, since she was a young girl. She would wait at the door for him to come home and run down the driveway to meet him when his car turned off the street. He’d open the door and scoop her up into his lap, letting her steer while he gassed the car up the short drive to the house. She never noticed the guiding finger he held on the bottom of the wheel. He always cheered as the car rolled to a stop, giving her high fives and lifting her out of the car to spin her around.
He was in the garage every weekend; either fixing up a friend’s car or one of his own. They got her a matching grease monkey suit that was made for a six foot man not a three foot girl. Harry would roll the sleeves and pant legs up so she could shuffle around and bring him a rouge wrench from the tool chest. Harry always took the time to show her what he was doing and even put her hands on the engine and tools to let her get a feel for which tools went with which parts. Leah's eyes alight with a child’s curiosity, she never failed to be in that garage with him every weekend. They became less frequent when Harry tore a ligament in his knee. A long recovery and a difficult injury to begin with made it rough to be crawling around beneath the body of a car. He still worked with her though, getting his hands dirty when he could and instructing her when he couldn’t. It was a hobby that fell by the wayside when her life fell apart last year. The most she could handle were staying alive and staying in school.
Harry didn’t come home until after midnight. He came to check on her and she rolled out from under her mustang.
“Find Swan’s girl?” Again, Leah struggled to source her interest.
“Yeah, she’s doing alright. Pretty shaken up. Cullens left town.” He didn’t need to explain further. For the longest time the Cullens had always implicitly included Bella, even far removed from Forks, Leah knew this. He didn’t sound as thrilled as the rest of the tribe about the Cullens skipping town. Leah had been vaguely aware of the celebration raging in town through most of the night. She heard the whoops and hollers up and down the street as several groups of rowdy teens clamored down to the beach. Leah rolled her eyes; any excuse to light a fire. Harry wasn’t torn up about them leaving, but he certainly wasn’t exuberant. Leah respected him for that.
Harry rapped on the doorframe, “It’s getting pretty late, better finish up here.” He eyed her progress, smiling as he saw the tools sprawled out on the floor. This had been their baby initially, until Leah got frustrated with the old man’s pace and continued it without him when he was too busy. She liked working with him, when he was available to work. Her family were just about the only people she could stand to be around. They never patronized her or handled her with kid gloves. Well, not for a long time at least, but Leah could see the anxious squint to his eyes as his smile turned down. Something he saw tonight must have reminded him of her, a year ago. He cleared his throat and bent down to help her clean up; she let him without protesting.
They continued in silence, putting tools back in appropriate places and a tarp over the exposed engine. Leah hated to admit it but she had put her parents through . . . too much in the early days. She had fights with her mother over not eating enough, fights with her dad over picking fights with people in school. Even fights with Seth, although those were a pretty normal occurrence in any other circumstance, but these were more bitter than joking. She hadn’t been the easiest to handle, but she evened out as her anger turned toward resignation.
Leah trotted to a stop where the beach turned to rocks too awkward for her to traverse across, lining the coast in slate and umber tones, slick with rain. She walked toward the ocean, still in a rage with the storm. There were so many times she stood in this exact spot; the precipice of pain pulling her forward, the promising violence of the black ocean calling to her from the shore. She found a home there, in the beautiful chaos of the tide. It wasn’t a call of temptation anymore as it once had been, but more of an acknowledgment of comradery. They tipped their caps, her raging storm bidding hello and goodbye to that of the sea. This is the place she grew from her pain. She let her inner tide overwhelm her fully, learned every force driving it to crash to her shore, all the while she was crashing with it. She let herself fall apart here, only ever here, with the salt in her lungs and the cold water rushing against her bare toes. Her pain felt tangible when she was standing in front of the unstoppable force of the ocean.
She took a deep breath and launched herself in the opposite direction up the coast, toward home. Bella Swan’s storm must be just beginning.
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the-golden-onion · 5 years
What if Bella had been a Leo? (cause they both would've been lions)
sorry for taking forever to get to this!! at first I didn’t know how I felt about this, if I could even see her as a leo, but then I remembered that my moon sign is in leo and Bella and I share some similar qualities, so here we go!! (this doesn’t really focus on Bellward, but I really love it!)
leo!Bella is still an awkward, clumsy, introverted bookworm, but she puts more value on her relationships with the people in her life than she does in canon. She loves her mother but wishes Renee would spend more quality time with her instead of stringing her along on wild adventures that leave her anxious and drained, or abandoning her entirely as she galavants off after men or quests to “find herself.” Coming to live with Charlie is an unexpected blessing - sure she had to give up her beloved sunshine, and she still cooks and cleans and is largely independent from parental guidance, but Charlie is a stable rock to build her new life on, quiet and unassuming, but always there for her when she needs him. He’s not used to having someone in the house with him, but he makes an effort to include her in his daily life. He asks her to watch football games with him after dinner, takes her on a fateful fishing trip where she manages to tip them both into the water, and even, upon seeing the few books she stacked on her bedside table, takes her to get a library card on her first day in town, an unexpectedly kind gesture that will forever warm her heart. The library’s collection is abysmally small, but she gets a card anyway to humor him. They’ve both grown to be very independent people over the years, but they start to orbit around each other, and these quiet moments fill a gaping void in her that she hadn’t quite realized was there. Renee’s mark on both of them starts to lessen, and Bella finds a new warmth in this cozy little house in the woods.
Bella was dreading the first day of Forks High, used to being shoved off as the nerdy shy girl in school, but for some reason - to both her mortification and quiet delight - everyone in Forks wants to be her friend! She doesn’t trust the attention at first, especially from the boys. She knows that by default she’s the most exciting thing in town and fame is fickle, but the days go by and she never sits alone at lunch or in class. Even when she trips and spills her books in the hallway, face burning with shame as she waits for her newfound friends to mock and abandon her, they only ask her if she’s alright, Mike gallantly picking up her books as Angela turns back to give her a concerned look from the classroom doorway. Eric laughs a little, but it’s a good natured laugh, and Bella finds herself laughing along with him as Jessica helps her to her feet. She starts to enjoy the time in between classes even more than her studies, even sneaking off campus with the gang to grab lunch at Cora’s Diner, an act of innocent rebellion she never would have even dared to think of in Phoenix. She gets a job at the Newton’s store, enjoying her time joking around with Mike between customers for a few hours after school a couple days a week. Jessica invites her on weekly outings to the small but quaint shopping venues in Forks, or over to her house for chick flic nights. Angela offers to let her peruse her personal library, an offer that Bella quickly accepts and reciprocates. As time goes on Bella even ventures to invite the girls over to her house as well, a planned evening of studying quickly devolving after they try her homemade cookies and demand she share her baking secrets.
When Edward abandons her in the woods, her mind goes blank. Thoughts of worthlessness and “of course he would leave me” flutter around the edges of her mind, and the empty void she’s so used to living in threatens to consume her once more. Charlie does what he can, and his presence does help a little, but he’s never been exactly verbose, and the warmth Bella felt in this fresh start of life dwindles into darkness. She wakes from a nightmare the day after he leaves, one hand pressed over the gaping hole in her heart, only to find Jessica and Angela at the foot of the couch, eyes wide with worry and understanding. Bella reaches for them, and as soon as their arms tighten around her, the emotions come flooding past the dam of numbness in her mind. She breaks down and sobs against Angela’s shoulder as Jessica’s fingers run soothingly through her hair. “We’re here, it’s going to be okay, we’re here. We’ve got you, Bella.” Their words make her cry even harder, but it’s a good hurt, one of love and belonging and the faintest glimmer of hope. Days pass, and when she finally manages to show herself at school again, she finds her friends waiting for her. Mike’s constant attentiveness takes a softer, quieter turn, Eric’s jokes a bit less jaded than usual. The bite of Jessica’s fierce protectiveness extends even to their teachers, who quickly learn to not bring up the noticeably absent family of students around Bella or her posse. Angela’s constant presence at her side is a comfort even in her darkest moments, a shoulder to lean on when she feels the most alone. A bridge forms over the void in her chest, sturdy and unyielding beneath her wavering feet, but with her friends at her side, she braves the first step forward.
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Cut The Bullshit - B.H
Belch Huggins x OC Angst
September 8th.
The gang woke up that morning even more exhausted than usual, especially since they knew what the day had in store. Belch had ended up driving everyone home around two am . Although he was looking forward to being able to sleep in a little later now that he wasn't the token chauffeur of the group, his girlfriend was responsible for that now.
When the time arrived Tulip had picked up Victor and Henry who were now snoozing in their respective seats. Henry to her right and Victor sleeping behind him. She was now currently parked in the driveway of Patrick's house at 6:47 in the morning waiting on him to come outside. She didn't want to be late for her first day and starting the year off with a tardy wasn't a good idea. Not to mention she still had to pick up Jade and Belch.
A sigh of relief left her as she saw him exit the house and walk up to the van. She watched him climb into the back, he seemed tired. Good. That meant it would be quiet. Quickly she hit the gas and picked up Jade. Waving to Angelica, she thought of how lucky she was that the woman wasn't making them take a 'first day of school' picture.
"Hey" Jade said as a yawn left her, now fully closing the door to the van. She seemed to be the most awake.
"Wow, don't you look put together" Tulip chuckled and pulled out into the street.
Each of the girls seemed to be a little more put together that morning. The night prior was the first time either of them had slept in their respective homes in a week. Naturally they looked a lot better when they weren't using Patrick's 3-1 shampoo or bar soap at Henry's.
Within minutes they were outside Belch's house and Tulip looked to the other girl. Jade looked confused. She tried to recall a time Jade had been to the house. The driver squinted and saw that Reggie's mother was on the steps of the porch to see him off. The girls smiled and Tulip put down her window.
"Hey Mama!"
"Holy crap... is that Reggie's mom?" Jade had said to the other girl with a smile
"She's an absolute sweetheart. I love her"
Mrs. Huggins smiled and waved, she watched her son climb into the back of the van and returned inside her home. Belch closed the door to the car and held out a to-go mug for Tulip. Smiling tiredly he kissed her cheek and quickly took his seat in the back with Patrick.
"Gross"  Jade muttered
"Don't be jealous just because your poor excuse of a boyfriend is napping like a toddler right now" She snickered in response.
It was 7:02 and Tulip was praying that they wouldn't be late. They had to be inside their homeroom classes by 7:15. Tulip was certain they wouldn't make it. Even still, she turned on the radio and kept it quiet. She sped off, nearly blowing a red light speeding to the school. Needless to say she got them there with a grand five minutes to spare, Tulip was never one to drive like a psycho, she knew the dangers of what she was doing. But that didn't stop her from parking like an asshole in the school parking lot.  She opened her car door and got out grabbing her coffee.
"Alright fucktards. Get out!" she hollered and slammed her door shut, effectively waking up Vic who in turn shook Henry into consciousness.
Everyone moved to the side walk and entered the building, the crowds split for them.  Jade wasn't used to seeing them like this. She'd never seen the gang scare this many people. Whispers were heard around, all eyes were on them as per usual but this time? This time it would appear that most of the whispers being shared were about her, Everyone had seen Jade with the gang around town all summer. But now they were up close and personal with her.
Henry shoved some poor freshman out of the way. He grabbed Jade by the wrist.
"We're here"  He pulled her into the room as the bell rang. She stumbled from the harsh tug.
Henry stood before the desk he had been sitting at for two years, and sent a glare at the boy who sat behind him. "Fucking move." he snarled watching the boy quickly scramble to leave the seat. "Jade. Sit". The couple took their seats  along the wall, right in front of the door. He began to explain her schedule to her, he took the paper that she had gotten a few days prior and examined it. He sat backwards on his chair to lean over its backing and loom over her desk. He began to give her directions on where she'd be going as best as he could. His directions weren't good in the slightest.
Meanwhile the rest of the gang split up to go to their homerooms. Patrick had branched off first and entered his class Vic, Belch, and Tulip all walked to the next hallway and entered the B Wing. Belch pulled his girlfriend in for a quick kiss to say goodbye. Vic gagged dramatically.
"You're both fucking gross" the blond swore laughing
Each of the two rolled their eyes and split up, Belch and Vic going into one class and Tulip going to the end of the hall and entering hers just as the second bell rang. Everyone was on time but that certainly wouldn't be the biggest surprise of the day.
Despite being separated in different rooms every member of the gang was slouched the same way in their desks. Jade and Henry sat back and looked around the room. The male was studying his fellow classmates, that's when he saw two boys in the back of the class sending glares in his direction, he could tell they weren't towards him but at the girl behind him. He nearly got up to brawl the second he connected the dots. If looks could kill the boys would have been dead. It was clear that they'd be getting a beating from him later. That was for damn sure.
Patrick picked a random seat and snickered at the sight of the inconvenienced girl who now had to look around the room for somewhere to sit in a panic. He watched her like a hawk, he was so entertained watching the fear on her face as she struggled to find a seat next to someone she knew. People were so easy to make anxious. It was so much fun. He made a mental reminder to try and do this more often. Relaxing back in his chair Patrick surveyed the room.
Victor and Belch sat at their assigned seats, front and center. Immediately they were back on their bullshit. Vic gave an overly enthusiastic and obnoxious greeting to the teacher at the front of the room as he passed her desk. Belch just snickered behind him.
"Hello Victor. Remove your hat Reginald" the woman said boredly with a sigh. She wasn't ready for another year of this and took attendance.
Tulip in her own opinion had it the worst. She was by herself now, originally Gard Jagermeyer was in homeroom with her. That was before the stunt they pulled during their sophomore year, it got to the point where he had to switch homerooms. They gave a girl a full blown panic attack. There was crying, some screaming, and a desk and chair pushed across the room. During a fifteen minute period they managed to make a girl flip her shit. They were quite proud at the time, but now she was bored and slouched back in her seat.
The school day moved in fragments. Everyone in the halls had no idea where they were going besides the seniors and a few of the juniors.
It was fourth period and the minute Tulip actually looked to her schedule she knew she'd have to go to the guidance office and get it switched. There was no way in hell she was gonna spend half the year in a drama class. She sat down in the classroom. God she hated electives, she studied the few freshman and just to be an asshole she slid a kids back pack across the floor.
"Move it lardass." She hissed and took the kids seat. She looked around for a familiar face.
"R-Really?Isnt- Isnt that a b-bit behi-ind you? Kasprak?" A young males voice was heard behind her. She knew that stutter.
Nothing could of stopped the grin on Tulips face as she turned around. Maybe she wasn't gonna switch classes, this could end up being a lot of fun. She turned around and saw none other than one of her least favourite freshmen, the stuttering kid himself, Bill Denbrough.
"Ah hey there DJ, you here to remix Shakespeare for us ?"
Tulip was about to start something spectacular but her dream was cut short by the teacher telling everyone to take their seats. Bill shuffled away.
A few minutes in and the door creaked open, in walked Jade. Tulip broke out into a smile.
"Jade" she called out and nodded to the seat beside her.
The girl took the seat and looked around her eyes landing on the freshman who was glaring at Tulip. They met eyes and his softened. Jade was nice to the losers yes, but Bill pissed her off to no end.
"Today we're gonna be doing some ice breakers so we can get to know eachother" The teacher started and the class groaned.
After the hour ended Tulip booked it out of the class, dragging Jade with her. Juniors and Seniors had lunch fifth period and truly she was just excited to see everyone. Jade had no idea why the other was so excited.
"This is gonna be so much fucking fun" Tulip mumbled as she let go of Jades wrist and walked with her through the hall.
Tulip walked with her head held high, much different than most of the kids shrinking into them selves and staring at the floor. She expressed a level of confidence that Jade had never seen her wear before, she was happy for her despite that confidence coming from the fear that students held. Then Kade heard her yell across the hallway.
"Is that who I think it is? Holy shit! Jade it's Moose! And he ain't too bad lookin!" She laughed and followed him into the cafeteria.
Who the fuck was Moose? What kind of name was that? Was it some kind of dumb nickname like Belch has? Jade had a lot running through her mind as she blindly followed the girl into the cafeteria. The girls looked around trying to find the table where the boys were seated. It didn't take long to locate them once Jade saw Henry seated on the table surrounded by a group of boys.
Jade migrated towards them faster now with Tulip falling behind her. She saw Henry's grin upon her arrival and honestly she hated how her stomach fluttered. Two weeks ago Jade had convinced herself she needed to break up with him. Obviously she didn't go through with it but the thoughts still ran rampant, as well asked the guilt.
"Jade! Come here meet the guys" Henry said waiting for her to come closer so he could wrap his arm around her.
Her eyes moved to Tulip to silently plead for help, then she saw that the girl was already seated and talking with Belch. Damn. Jade walked to Henry and looked around at the group of males that seemed to flock around him. Great, more white boys.
"Jade, this is Moose and Gard. They're part of the group too" Henry said introducing her to the two boys.
"Where the hell have they been all summer?" She asked him, Henry snickered in response.
"Stevie here had summer school and Gard was shipped off to summer camp" he laughed and looked around the cafeteria.
Tulip opened her lunch bag and started to spread out her food to everyone. Then she felt two hands cover her eyes and a deep voice come from behind her. Jade was watching this and she'd of sworn she'd never seen that boy before but all she could tell was that his clothes were expensive. She watched her friend grin.
"Guess who?"
"Holy shit!" Tulip whipped her head around and smiled. "Peter! I haven't seen you in fucking months!" She beamed now moving to sit on the table and look back at the boy.
Reggie was looking between them, a look of distaste covered his features. Both Jade and Henry took notice, they met eyes and Henry laughed. The final bell rang and everyone was accounted for at the entire table they took up.
"Who's this?" Jade asked looking over to the new character who had arrived and was still speaking with the other girl of the group.
"Jade you remember Peter right? This is the motherfucker who left us hanging after the rock fight" Henry said flatly.
Everyone went quiet, except Jade.
"Hank. Everyone left you hanging at the rock fight" She said to him crossing her arms. She had watched it happen.
"I didn't. I wasn't there" Tulip had objected. She immediately regretted it.
"Shut it Tulip-" Henry and Jade spoke in unison, Jade's tone wasn't nearly as harsh as her boyfriends.
"Henry. Cool it" Belch warned, he was starting to grow sick of this. He knew his girlfriend could fight her own battles but at this point he was fed up and all around done with this. Henry ragged on her more than anyone else.
"Look who finally grew a pair" Henry taunted, he felt a hand on his arm.
Jade had placed her hand on his forearm a warning for him to calm down, that these weren't the people he should be insulting. It didn't really matter though, Belch sank back into submission right after.
"I'm gonna go to the music room I want to see if my shit is still in the recording booths" Tulip grumbled standing up and walking out. She didn't want to deal with this shit. Sometimes Henry's voice sounded just like his fathers and it shook her to her core. She'd handle Henry and his temper later after school.
"Nice going Hank" Peter grumbled
"The fuck you just say?" Henry asked, his eyebrow cocked up in question.
Jade tightened her grip on his arm. But she looked to Belch who as well as Henry, didn't look too happy. She could recall a time where she was jealous of him and her friend. They seemed to be the most healthy couple she knew but now she was starting to second guess that. He looked jealous, and over what?
While Tulip entered into the empty classroom she slipped into the cold recording room. Sneaking to the latter on the back wall, she began to climb. The girl sat on the floor of the room it lead to, she finally let herself breathe. Pushing her black hair back behind her ears she looked around. Sure enough there was a backpack and walkman up there from the last year.
Jade wasn't sure what was going on beside the tone of the table turning sour. It was the first time she met half these people and she was beginning to realize just how much she didn't like them. They just seemed weird, she didn't click with them like she had with the boys and with Tulip.
"I think I'm gonna go check on T" the girl muttered
"I'll go with you" Reggie and Peter said in unison. Reggie shot to his feet quickly.
"I got it. I'm fully capable of checking on my girlfriend. Gordon. " he sounded annoyed, like on the verge of telling him off for real kind of annoyed.
"Belch. Sit. Who fucking cares about what's got wheezy crying this time-"
Belch got up and ignored him.
All that was heard was Patrick's laughter as he and Jade left the table. They walked together in silence for a few moments. She could see the other loosen up the further they walked away from the cafeteria. She didn't expect the words that left his mouth, it felt like a fever dream.
"Do you think Tulip is cheating on me? You guys are practically connected at the hip. You'd know... and we're friends right? You'd tell me if she was, wouldnt you?" he said lowly
Jade had to look at him fully. She stopped walking. "What the fuck are you talking about?" Why did he have to drag her into this?
"You've seen the way she looks at the rest of the guys still. You saw her and Peter in there. Wouldn't be surprised if she was fucking him too" Belch grumbled as he waited for Jade to keep walking.
Tulip switched out the batteries in her Walkman and sat there with her homemade tapes. The headphones over her ears didn't do much to block out the sound of the door from the room under her opening. Her breathing was shallow, she'd been doing this for years, there was no way she'd get caught now.
Then she saw the latter shake and a low voice swearing. It was Belch. She let out a relieved breath. Thank god.
"Hey" she hummed scooting over to make room as he sat down beside her.
"Hey" he said while looking down to Jade and making sure she was okay on her way up.
The white girl followed his lead and did the same. She saw Jade and couldn't help but smile. They both came to check on her. It was sweet. She didn't know a damn thing about the conversation the other two had just shared.
"You okay? I know Henry's been on your ass lately" He commented. His voice was rather neutral, but it was a lot softer than the tone Jade had heard outside.
" 'm fine. I'm a big girl you know" she joked nudging the boy beside her.
Tulip watched Jade get settled and smiled faintly. This was the first time she had been there. The gang rarely ever went up there all together, it was Tulip's little hideaway, really. She was the only one who consistently traveled up into the ceiling of the school.
Belch looked over to the walkman his girl was holding, he took the headphones off her head and took off his hat to place them over his own. Their music taste was fairly similar if not identical.
"Whatcha listening to?" He asked as the sound waves finally registered in his head. He cringed immediately
Watching the scene before her Jade felt like she was intruding. Like she was witnessing something she shouldn't of been.
"The fuck are you listening to? Is this the backstreet boys?" He asked dumbfounded
"Uh... yeah?"
"I thought you hated them" he asked confused. He knew damn well that the tape had been up here and now he was growing curious of whatever else she was hiding. Music or otherwise.
"That's what I tell you. You'd make fun of me. Just like you do with Mötley-"
"Yeah because Vince Neils voice isn't cut out for heavy metal" he said to her quietly. It was a common and rather playful 'argument' they'd have.
"Oh my god Reg. Backstreet is Gordon's I nabbed it from his place like a year ago"
Reggie tensed and stopped as he heard the last name. There it was again. Peter fucking Gordon. So much for waiting. He was having this conversation now even if it killed him. Since when did she listen to music like that? The concerts they'd gone to, the ANTHRAX and Ozzy shirts she'd wear, or even the useless Mötley Crüe trivia she'd throw at him that he didn't give a shit about but still remembered because it was something she liked. Since fucking when did she listen to crap like the Backstreet Boys?
"Jade can you leave us for a bit?" Belch asked her and watched the internal struggle take place inside his friends head. She was scared of what would happen if she wasn't there to supervise the couple.
"Jade it's fine just go back to the cafeteria. I'm sure Henry wants you there" Tulip said gently a small smile on her lips, it was forced and everyone in the room knew it.
Jade hated how she brought up Henry. After all this time they still took orders from him. It was so stupid in her eyes. She let out a breath and nodded. "Fine but we're talking later" she grumbled and moved towards the latter.
She was worried leaving them and she was beginning to think she had too much trust in Tulip. Lord only knows what was happening up there while she was walking to the cafeteria again. There wasn't even a point in her going back because as soon as she sat at the table the bell had rung.
"Reg is everything okay?" The shorter girl asked grabbing her old backpack and shoving all of her dusty belongings back inside. Fighting back a cough she zipped up the dirty bag.
"No. Can you just be fucking honest with me for a change?" His tone was bitter as he grabbed her wrist and held her in place.
He watched her brows furrow in what seemed to be panic and confusion. In his eyes he thought he now had some kind of proof. That the memories were registering and she was shocked that the other knew about what she'd been doing. Which was the farthest thing from the truth. She was wondering what the hell was going on.
"What haven't I been honest about? If this is about the poker thing-" she was cut off by his voice.
"No! I'm talking about you and Peter. You're screwing him behind my back" The male accused angrily
Tulip was taken back by the claim, just by how fucking absurd it was. "Are you? Are you fucking kidding? Reg why would I do that? I haven't seen him since fucking June." She defended
"Oh bullshit Tulip! I don't even know how many guys you were fucking around with before I asked you out" he said quietly in a grumble.
"That's none of your fucking business"
"Yes it fucking is! Tulip just admit it" he said to her almost pleading.
"I didn't do anything! Reg I wouldn't of accepted being your fucking girlfriend if I was gonna do that "
"I just want the truth. Okay, that's all I want"
"Sounds like you won't be satisfied with the answer unless it's me confessing to something I didn't do!" She shot back her eyes narrowed, steel grey eyes boring into his.
"Tulip I'm sick of this. Just cut the bullshit!"
"Reg. He's my friend I kissed him when I was ten. That's it." She emphasized her words "Now let go of me" she whimpered lastly trying to twist her hand out of his iron grip.
He hadn't even realised his grip on her wrist had tightened until he saw her wince and immediately he let go.
"I'm sorry-" he immediately blurted out in a panic. The guilt filled him to the brim in an instant. What had he done?
She looked at him there was a blank stare for a moment that quickly seemed to turn into a sad anger. She went to open her mouth and the bell rang beneath them.
"We can finish this later" she growled grabbing her back and sliding down the latter quickly. "Hurry the fuck up Reginald" she spat lowly and moved out into the hall and walked along to her next class. Leaving him to find his way in the crowds.
Tulip was so beyond pissed and so lost in her own head she stormed right past Patrick who went to talk to her in the hall.
She wanted this day to be over.
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goddamnwritersblock · 5 years
Edda, Elizabeth, and Jade
Chapter 2
847, December 359
That woman. Edda. She was with the church and let me tell her what they were actually doing. She believed me. She told me that she had some thinking to do and left before she could even eat the meal I had made. What a gullible girl. It’s almost charming. I’ve only talked to her once and it was a sensitive topic for both of us and yet she never leaves my mind. I don’t know if that’s a bad thing yet or not.
847, December 360
I want to see her so desperately and I don’t know why. What reason do I have to be so infatuated with her? She’s just another woman! And yet… there’s something different about her that has me in its hands. Maybe if I see her again this feeling will go away.
847, December 363
Well, I finally saw Edda again. But now the feeling is stronger than ever! Why did it have to be me Freyja? Why with her? I suppose I shouldn’t question you.
848, January 002
She came to me in a panic today. She said she had converted to my religion and announced her leave and that she had nowhere else to go so she came to me. She’s in the spare room sleeping. Freyja I don’t know how much more I can take of this. I think I know what this is but I’m still unsure. Please give me strength.
With that being said and done I leave the book where it lays to clean up the mess from tonight’s meal, feeding the scraps of meat to Bjorn, and setting the bones out to dry for later use. My mind keeps wandering to her. Checking on her won’t hurt right? I nudge the door open seeing her sleeping form. I’ve never seen her without that headdress on. Now it’s strewn about across the pillow and the bed eventually falling off the edge. It was quite long actually. It’s beautiful. Long, straight and snow-white, I’ve never seen anything like it before. She stirs a bit in her sleep so I decide to leave the room. Perhaps I’ll visit the shrine.
With my warmest furs on I write a quick note to Edda which reads:
“Edda, I have left to go visit a shrine two towns over.
Perhaps you should have come with me to learn more about the gods but I am in dire need of answers to a personal issue.
I’ve left some basic recipes on the back and the locations of where to find utensils and ingredients. If I’m not back by the day after tomorrow and you have food leftover feed the meat to Bjorn and set the bones out to dry. I like to use them for many things.
Just don’t burn down the home! I mean that in a joking way, sorry.”
I pet Bjorn goodbye and walk out into the cold of winter dawn and begin my journey. I’ve only just reached the end of the small dirt path when I hear the sound of feet hitting the ground getting closer and closer. Turning around I see Edda quickly approaching trying to fasten the buttons on the fur cloak I’d gifted her.
“I saw your letter! Do you think I could come with you? I want to see what it’s like.” I do really want her to come with me and she could give a prayer if she wants to and it’ll be educational.
“Alright. When we get there please stay close. I don’t want any accidents.” As the words left my lips a big grin appeared on her face. It was a kind of joy I’ve never seen on her before. Surely it can’t actually mean that much to her, right? “Well, let’s go. It’ll be a bit of a walk.” With that, we begin walking side by side, Edda admiring the bare trees and talking about this and that. I’ve learned that she likes sweet things and she likes the different shades of green and brown. She learned I like storm clouds and stars. She told me she likes living with me more because I’m kinder than they were both in my actions and words. I’ve noticed that she flinches away whenever I raise my hand and I don’t think I want to know.
We walk a few hours more in silence, the only noise coming from animals and the freezing wind that blows occasionally. Every now and then I think I catch her looking at me with a certain look on her face. It reminds me of the looks my father would give my mother after a long day working in the fields. He would come home, give her that very same look, and hold her as close as he could until she pushed him away to share the expression. I doubt Edda would actually be looking at me the way they looked at each other no matter how badly I want her to. Wishful thinking I suppose. I must admit that I’ve been looking at her too whether I’m supposed to or not.
We finally decided to stop once the sun started going down over the mountains. Wanting to help she took it upon herself to gather wood for a fire while I hunt for a rabbit or a bird to eat. I only have five arrows in the quiver I brought so the shots need to count. After catching two smaller rabbits and returning to the camp we set up, I start preparing everything to eat later on. Edda sits next to me happily drawing pictures in the dirt with a stick. They aren’t very good. I’ve taken to whittling a small figure, I don’t know who or what it’ll be yet I’m just carving as I go. Soon after I hear a startled gasp come from the red-eyed woman next to me and when I look over her face held an expression of excitement and fear looking into bushes across from us.
“Mjoll, look!” She points at a pair of glowing yellow eyes staring back at us. With slow movements I leave my dagger and wood laying on the ground, reaching for my bow. Knocking it I take my aim. “Hey! What are you doing?” She exclaimed in a hushed voice.
“I’m going to shoot it, what does it look like?!” I match her volume as to not make whatever is in the bushes run away. It could be useful to us later on.
“You can’t do that! It’s just a fox, he's done nothing to you!” She seems to really care about it. Despite my gut telling me to shoot the damn thing I put the weapon down and watch as the fox slowly and carefully makes its way towards the two of us. Edda reaches out, letting the fox cautiously sniff and lick her open hand. She starts petting it with gentle touches, it flinches away but soon melts into the touch.
“Mjoll you have to pet him he’s so soft!”
“You’re no fun.”
“And here we will have our first lesson on the gods. Loki is the god known for mischief and putting others in danger due to his own recklessness and personal pleasures. He’s not to be trusted and one of the forms he likes is a red fox.” She stares blankly, simply pointing to the fox that has curled up and fallen asleep. “Yes. For all you know that could be him trying to gain trust for some ridiculous scheme of his.”
“Well… If it is him then I guess I’ll just have to suffer the consequences.” Why would she think this is a good idea? I just told her it could be dangerous!
“Okay, you do that. I’m going to eat and go to sleep.” All she does is give a hum in response and let me eat alone, paying more attention to the fox. Eventually, I lay down with the last thing being heard is Edda cooing at the animal as if it were a human child.
Another day and night pass before we reach the shrine. There are not many people here which I suppose is a good thing. I whisper to Edda letting her know that I’d be praying at one of the singular shrines within the building. She simply smiled and nodded. I sit and finally start my prayer while she looks around. I mumble through my prayers for a few minutes seeking some sort of answer to why I feel like this. Why do I want to spend almost every waking moment with her, why I want to be so close to her, why do I want her to hold me in her arms and never let go? Why do I catch myself looking at her the way my father did with mother? Why is she one of the most beautiful people I’ve seen? The feelings are amazing but I hate that I can’t make sense of them. My heart always speeds up and I get almost anxious when she’s around. My face heats up as well, I always feel like I look like a red rose but one that’s starting to wilt. I feel like a very soft clay or maybe mud. I hate it. I get pulled away from my concentration by the sound of something falling. When I turn to look at what the noise was I see a statue of Freyja rolling away on the floor and Edda scrambling to catch it and put it back on the pedestal. She finally catches it and I go back to my prayers without another thought. She comes over and sits next to me simply watching as I continue my work.
”So, Mjoll. What exactly are you doing?” She asks with seemingly all the curiosity in the world.
”I’m praying to Freyja.”
”Is it for forgiveness? Like what we had to do in church?”
”No, it's a… A personal matter.” She lets out a soft ‘oh’ and looks at the floor for a bit. ”Well I’m finished. Are you ready to go?”
”I want to make prayer too. I don't know who Freyja is though.”
”She’s a goddess of things like love, fertility, beauty, gold, and cats. Women often come and ask her for help with fertility and love. They leave her offerings. I actually have some I need to put by the altar.”
”Were you asking for love? I think that's what I'll do.” My face goes red at her question and I quickly deny it. Even if she had someone she liked it definitely was not me. I walked over to the altar and opened the bag I brought with me and pulled out a honey nut cake wrapped gently in cloth and a small jar of honey cream both of which I made the day before we left the hut. The tie on the cake has a golden pendant that I have no use for anymore attached to it. I place them gently among all the other offerings of food, fine wine, mead, gold, and figures of cats in various metals and materials. I was very lucky to get everything to make them.
”Mjoll? I’ve finished.” I jump slightly in surprise, it's like she appeared behind me out of thin air. I turn and nod and with that, we start walking back home. Hopefully this time without a fox to distract her.
We return home and Edda goes straight for Bjorn to start petting him, which he thoroughly enjoys. Meanwhile, I begin making dinner which, honestly, isn't much. Just some fish and herbs which will be fried on a pan over the fire with some vegetables. I prepare the fish, herbs and the other greens before lighting the fire and cooking everything together. It takes longer than I expected it to but, eventually, it’s finished and I’m able to serve everything at the table. Before we start eating I cut off a small portion of my fish and give it to Bjorn on his own separate little wooden plate. The meal was silent for the first few minutes before I broke the silence.
“So… Remind me, what did you pray about?” Her answer came out very casually as if it weren’t actually that big a deal.
“Love.” That was it. Nothing else came out.
“What does that mean?”
“I mean the romantic kind. The kind you see between all the newlyweds. Only I’d like it to last.”
“Do you already have someone you like?” She choked a bit at the question and turned very red in the face. Perhaps it’s just because of how pale she is or maybe it really was that personal or embarrassing.
“I mean um… Maybe I do, maybe I don't, who really knows?”
“You should know Edda. After all, it’s your own feelings.” Her eyes darted around to anywhere except me. She looked at her cup, the fire, the cat, the tapestry on the wall, everything but me.
“Is there anyone you like, Mjoll?” I sat silently debating whether I should tell the whole truth or not. I decided on a partial truth, after all, it seems like she already has her eyes on someone else.
“Yes. But I doubt they’d like me back. I haven’t even known them for that long and I’m already head over heels for her- THEM! Head over heels for them!” I give a nervous chuckle and take a long drink from my cup and keep my eyes averted, hoping she didn’t hear my obvious mistake.
“You like girls too?” When I looked up at her she had a very hopeful look on her face.
“Well I like men but I’ve found myself looking at the women too. I guess I like both but I feel like I shouldn’t. It feels wrong but at the same time it feels so natural.”
“I understand how you feel.” She reaches across the table to take my hands in her own. They’re soft and delicate. Like they’ve never had to work a day in their life, yet they are riddled with small thin scars. “When I was with the church I revealed my thoughts to one of the sisters and she told me that I was being sinful, that God was sure to send me to hell if I didn’t set my mind straight. That Lucifer had taken hold of my heart and was twisting my thoughts. She told Father Williams and… Well, he did a few things that I don’t want to talk about. They all made me feel like I was an abomination but the romance I feel for women feels right.” Her voice started trembling when she mentioned Father Williams. I try and comfort her the best I can and we continue eating once she’s calmed down.
The table has been cleaned along with the dishes. It would’ve been much easier if Bjorn would stop tugging at my skirt and pawing at my legs. Once everything was put away I decided to follow him only to end up right in front of Edda. I would walk away to get more of the housework done but he kept dragging me to her. This went on for a good week. He just wouldn’t leave me alone. When he did finally give up he did the same with her for, again, a week straight but she enjoyed the attention he was giving her. And that’s when it hit me. He was acting as a messenger. Both of us had prayed for love related things. I wanted to make sense of them and to know if there was any chance of her liking me back in that way and she said that she asked for a good and true kind of love. Over the two weeks, we’d become more comfortable and got to know each other even more.
I think today is the day where I’ll tell her. I asked her if she wanted to come with me into the forest to hunt for mushrooms and other things of interest. She immediately perked up at the question and agreed quickly. In the meantime, I had been teaching her how to weave a basket which she was actually quite good at. I wish I could say I was a fast learner like she is, it took me until last summer to get the hang of it. Edda had finished it early this morning so she was ready to go. We both get ready in our own rooms, getting our boots on, our heavy dresses, our hoods, and whatnot. Bag and quiver at my sides and bow and basket in hand I walk out to the main room where she was already waiting for me. When she noticed my presence she got this big smile and a sort of softness in her eyes before she came over and brought me into a firm hug. It’s been so long since I’ve had physical contact like this that it took me a bit to react and hug her back. The height difference made it slightly awkward, with my face having nowhere else to go but her chest. My short arms also couldn’t quite reach all the way around her body. We stood like this for maybe a minute before separating.
“Well, I really liked that.” She has her hands on her hips and looked very pleased with herself. With all that said and done we leave and wander into the forest.
It didn’t take long to start finding the things we were after. We found some berries that were safe, mushrooms, some bones, things like that. The entire time we made small talk about the flora and fauna and which ones were safe and which were not. Somewhere along the lines of words, we started talking about our feelings on various things, for the most part we agree. I was thinking of when I should pop up with the things nagging me. But so far there hasn’t been enough silence between topics to actually say anything. It wasn’t until noon that the silence I was waiting for appeared.
“Hm?” The noise was cheerful, the mood Mjoll was trying to get her in.
“I think I have something I want to tell you.”
“Oh dear, is it serious?”
“Yes but not in a bad way! I um…”
“I think… We should pick up some oysters from the market before we go home.”
“Oh yes, that sounds great!”
She’s now talking about how we should have them what should go with it. I’m angry at myself, I don’t understand why I couldn’t do it. Perhaps it’s the fear of rejection that’s holding me back.
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midnightcradle · 5 years
The Birth of a Siren
This month’s cradlesona event is Mythology! I wrote a bit of an origin story about how Kairi earned the nickname Siren. Tagging: @cradlesonanetwork I had this idea in my head for a while, and the event has encouraged me to finally go ahead and write it. Get to know my cradlesona  Warnings: mentions of death
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   The day Kairi of the Phantom turned five was a day the girl would never forget. Not because the day was special, no. Quite the opposite. This was the day she earned the nickname “Siren”. In the eyes of her pirate crew, this was like a birthday present.  The day that came once a year was never celebrated, and hardly ever mentioned. Yet her fifth birthday would be the most important, for this was the day she became a true pirate.
Her birthday had started off just like every other day. She had been up on the Phantom’s crows nest gazing out at the vast sea before her when her father, Captain Alaster, called the young girl down with big news. She was to accompany the pirates into town that night. Not only that, but she had an important role to play. Kairi’s heart jumped with delight at the news. She had always wanted to go on a mission and be a real pirate. Usually they’d leave the girl behind, thinking she’d only be a hindrance. The pirates hardly understood why their captain kept her around in the first place. What use was a child? But this evening was different. It’s because I’m a big lass now, Kairi had thought.
“I have a very important job for you today, lass. Think ye’ can handle it?” Her father’s voice held doubt, but the girl had eagerly agreed. There was no doubt in Kairi’s mind. Whatever it is, she’ll do it. 
 That afternoon, the captain of the Phantom took his daughter into town and bought her a beautiful pink dress. Amazing, the girl thought, I never get to wear pretty dresses. This was a first for her. This is surely going to be the best birthday! “If my memory serves me right, today you turn five.” “Aye, father.” Kairi held her chin up proudly. “And you want to be a real pirate? Tonight you’ll prove to me if you can.”
What Kairi had been instructed to do was simple. She could do it. She had to. If she could pull this off, her father had promised to train her and teach her to use a weapon. Then she’d really belong on the Phantom. And all she wanted was to belong.
Now, the girl stands outside of a tavern, quietly waiting for one patron to exit.  The night is cool, and the breeze causes her to shiver. At least that’s what she told herself. Her shivering couldn’t be because she was afraid.  Just as she’s growing anxious, a man steps out of the tavern. It’s time. Kairi wills tears to her eyes and is surprised at how easily they come. Maybe she’ll be good at this.  “Excuse me, mister!” Kairi’s voice rings out desperately in the quiet night. She quickly catches up to the man and tugs on his sleeve.  “Oh, hello there, poppet.” The man’s surprise is written across his face at the sight of the child. “You lost?” “Yes, sir! I lost my papa, you see.” The term is foreign to her, she’s only ever called Alaster ‘father’ and ‘captain’. The word comes out clumsily and she sniffles loudly to mask her unease. “Won’t you help me find him?” The girl pleads with her eyes. And who could resist those big, tearful green eyes? The man has no choice but to agree. “He went this way!” Kairi tugs on his hand and leads him to the docks. She can’t help but feel proud of herself. She’s doing it right! Her father will surely be pleased.
The docks are seemingly empty, the eerie place dimly lit. A layer of fog rolls through, as if warning the man and child to turn back.  “There’s no one here, poppet.” The man frowns as he takes a look around. “Look again, thief.” The band of pirates begin to emerge from the shadows. The man tenses and steps in front of Kairi as if to shield her.  “Run, child.” He whispers and takes a step forward. “Fine words coming from a filthy pirate.” He spits the word out like an insult. “My money, thief. It’s time to pay up.” Kairi’s father steps forward as well. “I told you, I don’t have it.” “How unfortunate. That just means you’ll pay with your life.” Kairi’s heart lurches at the cold words. Although weaponless and outnumbered, the man lunges forward in an attempt to strangle the captain. A useless attempt, really. For the captain draws his sword and slashes, causing the man to fall to his knees. Kairi feels frozen in place at the sight before her. Eyes wide, unable to look away. The man who had so gently called her “poppet” now clutches at his bloody chest. “Let this serve as a warning to any fool who thinks he can steal from me.” Captain Alaster buries his sword in the mans chest, instantly killing him.
 Kairi can’t believe her eyes. She can’t stop staring at the crumpled body in front of her. This man was full of life a moment ago. What has she done?  The pirates all cheer for their victorious captain and it startles the girl out from her dark thoughts. “Looks like we’ve got ourselves a baby siren, lads.” One of them grins at Kairi. Their cheers shift from their captain to his daughter. They pat her on the head and tell her she’s done a great job. For the first time, she’s seen as important. She’s seen as a pirate. She’s seen. “A siren indeed.” Captain Alaster whispers to himself. He’s realized the weapon he can turn her into. A secret weapon that no one will see coming. He can see all the wondrous things she can become. All he has to do is sharpen her edges, and this Siren will soon serve him well.
 Aboard the Phantom, Kairi dwells on the night. Her mind and heart are still racing from the night’s events. She killed that man. That was her fault. The guilt weighs heavily on her slight shoulders. And yet, the pirates cheered for her. They were all proud of her. That’s what she wanted, wasn’t it? This is what it means to be a pirate. She’s longed to fit in and become a real pirate. All it took was her innocence.  Well, it was her first night out with the pirates, perhaps it’ll get easier as time goes on. She can only hope that the immense guilt will eventually fade away into nothing.  
A knock on her cabin door pulls her from her thoughts. Her father enters and takes a seat beside her on the small bed.  “You did very well today, lass.” He ruffles her hair in a rare gesture of affection. “You’ve proven yourself.” From his coat pocket he brings out a dagger sheathed inside an ornate holster. “Wow!” Kairi can’t hide her surprise.  “I once gifted this to your mother.” Her father so rarely spoke of her. All Kairi knew was that she had died after giving birth to her. “And now it belongs to you, Siren.”  She pulls the dagger out to admire it. The handle is made of jade, a beautiful green that nearly matches the girl’s eyes. The short blade is etched with intricate gold details. It’s somehow beautiful yet haunting at the same time.   Her father promises to teach her to use her new weapon and many more in time. A reward for such a job well done.  ”’Night, Siren. Sweet dreams.” The captain shuts the door to her cabin after bidding the girl a good night. Sweet dreams. Her dreams that night would be anything but sweet. That night, she’d have the first of many nightmares to plague her for years to come.
The newly turned five year old girl tucks herself into bed with a troubled sigh. Once her head hits the pillow, she does her best to keep her thoughts locked in a box for now. “Good night, Kairi.” She whispers to herself. “And happy birthday.”
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