#Jamack x Dave
collydanny02 · 1 year
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a veces simplemente regreso por pura melancolia
necesito un confort y jamack lo es
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cottonspridet · 2 years
El cadaver de la novia
Okey, me vi el cadaver de la novia hace un día o dos y no voy a dejar de decir que es una ASOMBROSA película, nadie me va a hacer cambiar de opinion.
PERO me puse a pensar en como seria si los personajes de Kipo (Mutes) estuvieran en la película y TENGO QUE SUBIR ESTO:
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el personaje principal, obviamente nuestro flacucho en traje va a ser reemplazado por nuestro querido y apuesto hombre rana, Jamack , su personaje no cambiaria mucho, solo seria mucho mas expresivo y nervioso que el anterior, pero en si concuerda mucho.
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Estuve pensando mucho es quien seria, ya que Emily en el final de la película termina liberada pero no cumplió su sueño de casarse y estuve pensando en elegir a Dave o a Puck, ya que ambos hacen bonita pareja con Jamack y al final gano Dave.
Con la actitud cariñosa, amable y el optimismo que irradia Emily, Dave se quedo con el puesto, en vez de vestido creo que usaría un traje blanco con una cola, como un vestido, que comenzaría en la chaqueta y un velo en su cabeza con flores coloridas. Cuando se enoja da miedo, no se suele enojar mucho y menos por cosas como celos pero cuando encuentra a Jamack declarándole su amor a Puck eso lo enojo y comenzó a tener dudas de si era suficiente para su esposo, "¿Capaz estoy muy gordo? O ¿sera mi ojo lo que no le gusta?, ¿Acaso soy muy molesto? NO, el se caso conmigo porque me ama... ¿Verdad?
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Por ultimo, pero no menos importantes, el puesto de Victoria se lo lleva Puck, su actitud es calmada, no habla a menos que le hablen y cuando habla tiene un tono dramático que le sale natural haciendo llamar mas la atención, ademas de su belleza claro.
Sus padres lo obligan a cazarse con Jamack, a pesar de que este se niega al principio, se termina enamorando de el y comienza a ansiar el momento de su boda
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caramelbubbleart · 4 years
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been thinking about him...
reblogs are very much appreciated!
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fabulous-fan-fables · 4 years
Found a funny Jamack and Dave textpost and I had to draw. Quote by @mystical-salamander !
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Dave: I have feelings for you
Jamack: I have feelings for you
Narrator: The feeling was friendship, but neither of them have ever experienced it.
Anyway I feel like this is their vibe and I like it! Also idk how to draw Dave I didn't try lol.
Anyway now I’m actually gonna put effort into my next Kipo related project- hint: spinel 😔
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krazy-kipo · 2 years
(Based off a snipet I wrote about my o.c Pyro and how far they'd go for Kipo. Only for their sacrifice to horribly backfire. Also the idea of being anchorless was just really intresting to me. Just being lost to yourself and getting stuck in that animal mind set.)
You were falling. Grasping at air as feathers fluttered around you. You had just wanted to help. You wanted Kipo to know she wasn't alone. But now you were dropping, getting further and further from your friends. From the fight. From yourself.
Looking around trying to find something anything to stop your descent you begin to panic as you continue to free fall. Kipo needed back up, she needed support. She needed you! You thought if you did what Emilia did maybe... maybe...
There's a loud caw as the bird above you flaps their wings sending it's feathers fluttering down. Feeling the air leave your lungs as you fall they rise above you and you notice they're your favorite color. They're you.
Closing your eyes hearing the wind whistle in your ears as it throws your hair around, the shouts fade away, and you plummet. Slowly you feel yourself loose control receeding deep into your mind as adrenaline courses through your body. Reaching out hoping to grab something, anything, your head spins. Your grip is slowly slipping from your mute side as it begins to take over. As it forces you to keep falling.
"(Y/N)!" Snapping your eyes open your floating in space. You can't see out of your own eyes anymore but you can see all your old memories. The mute is gone and you stand on nothing. Clouds surround you making you nervous as you begin to wander about trying to find a way to control yourself again.
"..." Unable to speak you walk, footsteps silent as the fog of your mind muffles all sound.
Seeing yourself and your friends you pause hand stretched to grab one but you feel yourself sinking into the clouds. Pulling back from your memories the sinking stops and your left alone and trapped in your own mind. Tears slipped down your cheeks as you open your mouth trying to scream but there's no sound.
Spinning around panicked you couldn't see a way out, you were stuck. You were lost in yourself. The cawing from before gets louder and as you fall to your knees sinking into the fog your surrounded by your repeating memories. Closing your eyes you feel yourself flying.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!!!" Kipo continued calling out to you but you had long stopped responding. Emilia was cured and gone forever, you'd done it.
As she stood there watching you, a mega bird she smiled sadly.
"Come on (Y/N)... Come back..." She mumbles but you don't hear her. You don't have an anchor, you can't change back and there's no more cure.
Shaking as she watches you, Hugo wrapped his arms around her and she began crying into his jacket, slowly sinking to her knees. You'd saved her life. You'd saved Hugos life. All the mutes. All her friends. But at what cost? Was it worth it?
"... Kipo..." Hugo mumbled. He looked up and the Mega Bird you'd become was flapping it's wings looking around confused. It cawed staring at something near them before looking away but it's eyes. They were devoid of intelligence. It was just a hollow husk of (Y/N) and there was no cure and no pre established anchor. If they couldn't find themselves they'd be lost forever.
"Hey Kipo it's okay-" Lio tries to soothe but Kipo shakes her head.
"No dad! No it's not!" Kipo responds. She's shaking as she clutches her brothers jacket. She was so close to loosing him. She already lost YumYan Hammerpaw and so many others. No you too. Please not you too!
"Kipo we can figure this out. We can help them." Song states but Kipo doesn't listen this is all her fault.
"(Y/N) PLEASE!!!" She begs pleading for you to change back. Tears streak down her face and her eyes turn pink as she shakes. They'd lost so much not you too!
"Wait kid you'll-" Jamack tries to warn but it's to late. With a couple flaps of the Mega birds multiple wings you were gone.
You were gone...
Your body felt heavy. Hand digging into the dirt like claws you were numb. Your entire body... something was wrong with it but you didn't know what. Grunting your eyes glance around, vision blurred.
"... Ugh..." You can't remember what happened. Why you felt this way but whatever you'd been through it made your entire body hurt. Had Emilia smacked you around that much? "... guys?" You call out but your voice is scratchy. When you get no response you slowly push yourself up and look around. The jungle your in is empty. You're alone.
Getting up you teeter before leaning on a tree and vomitting. Shaking after you finish, you wipe at your mouth once your stomachs emptied. A feather flutters from your hair and you pause remembering the hell you endured. Looking around there were feathers everywhere.
Lightheaded and dizzy the transformation being very draining, you begin stumbling in a direction hoping to find home. Minutes blend into hours as the sun falls and the forest becomes dark. Your cold, hungry, and tired but you continue to stumble.
Seeing the Timbercats village your vision goes blurry as you collapse outside the wooden wall. Noises erupt around you and feeling hands on you, you smile before everything fades to black that same voice that brought you back calling your name as you fade away.
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the-irreverend · 4 years
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P.S. Also, LOVED the arc between Wolf and Scarlemagne.
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weirdhappycigarette · 4 years
Kipo and Jamack's relationship is one of the most hilariously wholesome things in the entire goddamn show.
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Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts, Season 1 Episode 9 "Mute Eat Mute World".
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greatsweet98 · 4 years
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Happy 1st anniversary to....
🎊Kipo And The Age Of Wonderbeasts🎉
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local-space-gay · 4 years
Emilia is all dressed up??? what???
Lio with all the animals on him was really cute
Also Lio and Dave?? Were they stargazing together in the beginning ??
Roberto and Asher/Dahlia not seen ??
Also do they go back to the goat ladies because I love them
But the main point is that I AM SO READY FOR SEASON THREE
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lesbianmity · 4 years
Kipo stuff we had confirmed (by Rad Sechrist and co.) on Twitter since the show ended (spoilers for s3) so far:
Troy is pansexual
Troy is Filipino and latino
Troy's last name is Sandoval
Molly cut Asher's hair with an axe
Asher, Dahlia, Lilly and Earl's last name is Berdacs
Benson's last name is Mekler
Not a confirmation, but Rad said he could see Kipasher happening (👀)
Wolf has a mother/father & daughter like relationship with Lio and Song, and she lives with them
Song couldn't do the vaccine, so the cured mutes never came back
Brad is dead on the timeskip :(
Rad likes to think Fun Gus took on the shape of Emilia brother, wanting a forever sister, forcing Emilia to confront her past every day. Originally they had a scene where Fun Gus dragged Emilia to her old bedroom recognizing photos of them both
Fun Gus breaks his "toys" when he gets bored of them
Originally, in the end of s1, they had a scene with Lio tucking Wolf into bed
Rad wants to make a Wolf movie of another streaming device picks up Kipo
He wrote a romance scene for Jamack on said movie
Jamack draws his mustache on
Again, not a confirmation, but Rad liked and retweeted Damack (Dave x Jamack) tweets shdnsjfkd
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cattywh0mpus · 4 years
things i’ve taken away from season 3 of kataow (spoilers obviously)
* Jamack can SING
* Jamack can DANCE
* Jamack’s voice makes B Billions feel things (me too dude)
* Jamack likes TRAPS (👀)
* Jamack eat PANCAKE with big SMILE
* Jamack ALSO enjoy t h e y a r n w a t c h i n g
* Jamack BELIEVED Kipo would come for him and talked about it NONSTOP
* Jamack CHEERING for Benson x Troy prahm-posal 
* Jamack VIBE with old lady
* Jamack betting that him and Troy can make more friends because they are more CHARMING (big agree)
* Jamack’s nice face is SPOOKY but he try him best
* Jamack SAVE Dave from initial cure bomb blast
* Jamack STAYED when everyone else LEFT h.m.u.f.a ;;;
* Jamack play SLAPPY GAME very cute
* I want Dave’s Jamack DOLL
* Jamack TOPS the cheerleader pyramid very talented
* Jamack dancing with Troy’s DAD
* Jamack do the HIGH KICK
* Jamack make peace with mega bunnies and now he LOVE THEM
* Jamack is a “BUS” DRIVER livin his god damn best life
* Jamack looks great in that HAT
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collydanny02 · 4 years
Ship of fools🐸💕🐛
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Dave's not good at keeping secrets
And Jamack is worse for trusting him
They're both fools, Dave dumber than Jamack, but they are👁️👄👁️
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cottonspridet · 1 year
Pequeño mimoso
Actualización del fanfic!!
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pointlessjey · 4 years
If you're taking requests how about for the ship Dave x Jamack 😳👉👈
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Sure I support it
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fabulous-fan-fables · 4 years
Spoilers for s2 of Kipo i guess? Not really
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Those darn chemicals, turning the frogs gay. I remembered that dumb Alex Jones meme and made this.
First panel: the chemicals in the water
Second panel: are turning the freaking frogs GAY
Also I’m not sure if a prefer Jamack x Puck or Jamack x Dave ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway I’m prolly gonna post a bunch of scarlemagne content soon cuz he cool, but he’s so hard to draw 😔
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krazy-kipo · 4 years
Being Kipos best friend in the burrow and going to the surface with her
~ Lio is like a father to you and Kipos baiscally your sister. You grew up in homes next to each other in the burrow and have been inseparable since you were kids.
~ Your nights and days are filled with making fun games, exploring the caves that surround the burrow, discussing flora and fauna, and playing/singing music. It's always an adventure with Kipo as she brightens any room as she talks and laughs. One of her favorite things to do is sit together or lean against each other and read books while acting out the characters. Sometimes she'll try and make it a small play and invite other friends so everyone's included.
~ Kipos cuddly and often shows her affection through touch. As her best friend you get several hugs a day (sometimes sneak attack ones) and it's your duty to return them in kind. If you don't like touch thought Kipo gives lots of compliments and verbal affirmation instead. Whatever makes you comfortable, she will do.
~ Kipo always talks about the surface and theorizes what it's like with you. She wishes she could go up there but knows she never will. She's fascinated with the idea of mutes and tells you all her ideas of the surface world.
~ You were with Lio and Kipo rock climbing when you felt the tremors. You were slightly under Kipo and nearly fell off the cliff side as the mega mute passed. Suddenly the tremors get worse and you feel yourself falling after Lio unclips you and Kipo. You hear him shouting as you and Kipo are carried away by the current.
~ You're eyes burn when you wake up. The suns brighter than you'd ever imagined. Kipo is looking at everything and you have to pull her away when she tries to touch something that looks very dangerous.
~ You and Kipo are pretty torn up. First things first. You need new clothes, supplies, and food. Having a mini fashion show after stumbling into a store you grab a backpack and rush after Kipo as she runs outside. The Surface is so exciting and new and fun! It's obviously very dangerous and you both have to be careful but it's hard to be careful when there's so many new sights and sounds and feelings!!!
~ When you go to the school and find Mandu you can't help but coo and pet her. Such a sweet and cute mute! You wish all mutes were as awesome as her.
~ It's weird seeing a surface school so damaged and weathered by teh elements and looking at the class photo you wonder what life was like back then. On the surface. No mutes. No burrows. No being forced to be underground... You don't tell Kipo your thoughts but you have a feeling she knows and is probably thinking the same thing. You leave the school to explore more and almost loose your new friend Mandu!
~ Wolf is your first human friend on the surface once you make her not eat Mandu but she didn't start out as the nicest friend. However you could tell she was warming up to you and Kipo quickly. Especially since she was nice enough to help you two find your way home.
~ The Mod frogs are terrifying especially since you've never really seen real mutes before but their also oddly adorable as well. Frogs and toads in suits!!! Jamack gets so confused when you and Kipo coo over him and his outfit until it hits him your burrow people and he's hit the mother load! Wolf ends up saving you thankfully.
~ You meet Benson, and Dave not long after. The surface world is scary and very overwhelming but with your new friends and Kipo by your side you know it'll all turn out fine. Hopefully.
~ Ben and Dave steal your stuff and act like it's fine. You catch up to them and they laugh it off handing your stuff back. Suddenly the Mod Frogs attack and their captured. Kipo of course says go back despite your objections and eventually you save them depsite getting caught yourselves. Thankfully Megabunny furr comes in handy when trying to escape Mod frogs.
~ Once you escape you're fuming! You kick Dave and Bens ass after you save them! How could they betray you like that??? You become very close after but they definitely will not forget your wrath any time soon. They're excited to live in a burrow with you despite Wolfs distase at the idea.
~ As Wolf gets closer and you all truly become a pack your adventure and life on the surface only gets crazier and the mutes only get bigger scarier and stronger. The hunt for your new burrow feels more and more impossible depsite Kipos hope and you wonder if the surface will be your new home. When you learn Wolf tried to sabotage you and Kipo from getting to the new burrow you feel hurt and angry in a way you can't describe but like Kipo you understand and hug her forgiving her.
~ When Kipo learns she's half mute you're the first to hug her and say she's no different. She's still Kipo and you still love her. Wolf isn't so understanding but while Ben chases her you stay with Kipo right as Jamack comes along and kidnaps you. Not the best time JAMACK.
~ The journey is hard and every mute on the surface seems to be after you and Kipo including Scarlemange but you know together you can take on the world. Burrow people or not the surface is no match for you and Kipo.
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