#Jang Hae Ryong
fansof-heo · 1 year
⚠️ If you are in the middle of watching this drama, this could be spoilers ⚠️
Jang Hae-ryong appreciation post 😅. He would still be locked up in prison to this day 😭
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jugeullae · 3 months
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3rd Blue Dragon Series Awards Nominees
Drama Category
Best Drama
“Mask Girl”
“A Killer Paradox”
“Daily Dose of Sunshine”
Best Actor
Ryu Seung Ryong (“Moving”)
Ryu Jun Yeol (“The 8 Show”)
Byun Yo Han (“Uncle Samsik”)
Im Siwan (“Boyhood”)
Choi Woo Shik (“A Killer Paradox”)
Best Actress
Park Bo Young (“Daily Dose of Sunshine”)
Ahn Eun Jin (“Goodbye Earth”)
Esom (“LTNS”)
Chun Woo Hee (“The 8 Show”)
Han Hyo Joo (“Moving”)
Best Supporting Actor
Kim Sung Kyun (“Moving”)
Seo Hyun Woo (“A Shop for Killers”)
Ahn Jae Hong (“Mask Girl”)
Lee Kyu Hyung (“Uncle Samsik”)
Lee Hee Joon (“A Killer Paradox”)
Bet Supporting Actress
Kwak Sun Young (“Moving”)
Geum Hae Na (“A Shop for Killers”)
Yeom Hye Ran (“Mask Girl”)
Lee Joo Young (“The 8 Show”)
Tiffany Young (“Uncle Samsik”)
Best New Actor
Kim Woo Seok (“Night Has Come”)
Noh Jae Won (“Daily Dose of Sunshine”)
Lee Si Woo (“Boyhood”)
Lee Jung Ha (“Moving”)
Choi Hyun Wook (“High Cookie”)
Best New Actress
Go Youn Jung (“Moving”)
Kim Hye Joon (“A Shop for Killers”)
Lee Yul Eum (“The 8 Show”)
Jang Da Ah (“Pyramid Game”)
Jeon So Nee (“Parasyte: The Grey”)
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Jang Hae Ryong Part 8
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Hae Ryong stopped when he saw Ji Woo lying in the bed with a IV in her arm and a cast on her right leg. He frowned and his eyes teared up. “That son of a bitch broke her leg,” he thought to himself, “He is going to pay for this.” Ji Woo looked over and saw Hae Ryong. She smiled then frowned when she saw the expression on his face. “Hae Ryong,” she said. He blinked and the tears ran down his cheeks. He wiped them away as he walked over to her. Ji Woo held out her hand and he took it. He kissed the back of her hand. “Oh my baby, I am sorry that this happened to you,” he said as he looked at her, “I promise that I will capture the person that did this to you.” Ji Woo smiled and put her hand over his. “I know you will,” she said. Hae Ryong looked at her leg and sighed. Ji Woo saw and squeezed his hand. He looked back at her. “Sit down,” she said, and he went to the chair on the other side of the bed. He sat down and took held her hand. Ji Woo turned her head towards him and smiled. He looked at her then leaned towards her and kissed her lips. She kissed him back. Hae Ryong sat back down and looked at her. “Tell me what happened,” he said. Ji Woo glanced at her leg then looked back at Hae Ryong. “Didn’t Park tell you?” she asked. “Yes, but I want to hear it from you,” he said. Ji Woo took a deep breath and exhaled. She looked at her leg. “Okay. Me and Park were driving down the street then I saw an elderly woman wanting to cross the street, but couldn’t because it was busy, so I stopped the car and got out. I went to her and told her that I would help her,” she said and looked at Hae Ryong, who nodded. She licked her lips. “Half way across, I heard honking and looked to see a speeding car coming towards us. I yelled for Park to catch the elderly and I pushed her before the car hit me,” she said and looked back at her leg. Hae Ryong looked at it, too then put his hand on the cast. Ji Woo looked over at Hae Ryong and put her hand on his cheek. Hae Ryong smiled a little and looked over at her. “How’s the leg?” he asked. “It doesn’t hurt. It does itch a bit, but I am ignoring it since I can not get to it,” she said. Hae Ryong nodded. “When do you get out of here?” he asked. Ji Woo shrugged. “I think tomorrow. I am not sure,” she said. Hae Ryong glanced over at the door then looked back at her. “I will go check. Did you sleep?” he asked. “Not much,” Ji Woo said. “Alright. You close your eyes and rest while I go and ask when you can go home,” he said, and Ji Woo nodded. Hae Ryong got up from the seat and kissed her then went to the door. Ji Woo smiled and closed her eyes. Hae Ryong looked at Ji Woo for a moment, sighed then left the room.
Hae Ryong walked down the corridor and went up to the nurse’s desk. “Excuse me,” he said trying to get a nurse attention. A nurse looked over at him. “May I help you?” she asked. “Yes. I like to know when Miss Kang can go home,” Hae Ryong said. “Let me take a look,” the nurse said and looked it up on the computer. Hae Ryong looked around then looked back at the nurse. “Miss Park is going home tomorrow,” the nurse said, and Hae Ryong nodded. “Thank you,” he said and walked back to Ji Woo’s room. Outside the door, Hae Ryong looked through the window and saw Ji Woo lying on the bed. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly then opened the door and went in. He shut the door and walked over to the chair then looked out the window. He sighed then took a seat. Hae Ryong looked at Ji Woo and saw her eyes closed. He put his hand over hers that was on the bed. He looked over at the cast and pursed his lips then reached into his suit jacket and took out his phone. He let her hand go and called his assistant. After a while, the assistant picked up. “Hello?” he said. “Hey, Mr. Yang. Get CCTV footage of that accident that Miss Kang Ji Woo was in,” Hae Ryong said, “Work with Mr. Park Shi Yeong.” “Yes sir,” Mr. Yang said. Hae Ryong hung up, put his phone back in his suit jacket then put his hand back over hers and watched her sleep. “She have to take time off and she will with pay,” he thought to himself then looked at her leg, “I should help her when I am not working.” He licked his lips then looked back at her sleeping face.
After an hour, Ji Woo opened her eyes and looked over to see Hae Ryong with his arms across his chest with his eyes closed and chin resting on his chest. She smiled at him then glanced the room then looked at her leg. “I will need help with walking,” she thought to herself then looked over at Hae Ryong, “But I know that he will help me.” Ji Woo licked her lips and moved a little to get in another position. After a few seconds, Hae Ryong slowly opened his eyes and saw Ji Woo moving. “Hey,” he said as he leaned forward. Ji Woo looked over at him and smiled. “Hey. Sorry. Did I wake you?” she asked. Hae Ryong shook his head then got up and helped her. Ji Woo smiled and leaned forward, so that Hae Ryong can fix her pillow. “Thank you babe,” Ji Woo said as she leaned back on the pillow. Hae Ryong smiled and kissed her lips. “You are welcome babe,” he said. Ji Woo kissed him back. He sat back down and took Ji Woo’s hand. She smiled and looked at him. “Did you eat?” she asked. “No. I didn’t want to leave your side,” Hae Ryong said, “You must be hungry though.” Ji Woo nodded. “I can go ask if you can eat,” he said. “Okay,” she said. Hae Ryong smiled as he got up then walked to the door, but the door opened and a nurse came in. Hae Ryong stopped and bowed to her. “Hello. It’s a good timing that you came in here, I was about to ask the nurses if Ji Woo can eat, can she?” he asked. Ji Woo glanced at Hae Ryong then at the nurse. The nurse bowed back and smiled. “Yeah she can eat,” she said. Hae Ryong smiled and bowed again then turned to Ji Woo. “I will be right back with food for us,” he said, and Ji Woo nodded. Once he left, the nurse checked on Ji Woo to see how she was doing. “That is your boyfriend?” the nurse asked. Ji Woo smiled. “Yeah he is,” she said. The nurse nodded and continued to check the machines. After a few minutes, Hae Ryong came back with a bag of food for him and Ji Woo. He put the bag on a table that was over her, got the food out and they ate together.
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antiimp · 4 years
Abschluss des 8. Parteitags der PdAK
Abschluss des 8. Parteitags der PdAK
Fernsehbericht über den Rechenschaftsbericht von KIM JONG UN Rechenschaftsberichtzusammenfassung auf Deutsch Über den Rechenschaftsbericht von KIM JONG UN 8. Parteitag der PdAK (Tag 1) 8. Parteitag der PdAK (Tag 2) 8. Parteitag der PdAK (Tag 3) Fernsehbericht (Tag 4, Teil 1) Fernsehbericht (Tag 4, Teil 2) Fernsehbericht (Tag 5) Fernsehbericht über Änderung des Parteistatuts der…
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dramastream · 3 years
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Photographed by Ahn Seong Jin for The Korean Actors 200 KOFIC campaign ‘The Actor is Present’ sees the selection of 100 men and 100 women who represent the present and the future of Korean film. LEE DONG HWI ┃JANG HYUK ┃LEE JE HOON ┃RYU SEUNG RYONG┃UHM TAE GOO┃PARK SEO JOON┃PARK HAE SOO┃JO HYUN CHUL┃JU JI HOON┃LEE JOON
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hd-learns-korean · 5 years
The Fiery Priest...my new drama obsession!
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Warning! This post contains serious spoilers cos I’m going to geek out over this show like nobody’s business! 
Hi all! I hope you all had a good week and are on track for having an awesome weekend! Sooo if you have guessed by now I love a good K-drama and boy have I found a new one to be singing praises about *pun intended* today. 
I found this accidentally when I was scrolling through Netflix and thought the premise looked fun and interesting. I am so glad I gave it a go and ended up box watching all 20 full length episodes in less than a week! IT IS SO GOOOOD! 
So the premise of the show is this; 
Kim Hae-il is a kick ass Catholic Priest looking for vengeance! After someone close to him is murdered by a corrupt police force that has hands in the criminal underworld, Kim Hae-il and his team (which comprises of a priest with a background in acting, a nun that used to hustle money via gambling, a hip-hop obsessed rookie cop, a scaredy cat senior detective, and an equally fiery Prosecutor) are on a mission to bring the bad guys to justice. 
This show is action packed, witty, and downright hilarious. I sooooo recommend this program and I really do hope they come back with a second series!
The literal translation of this show is Hot blooded priest  열혈 hot blood 사제 Catholic Priest.
Now watch as I fangirl over all the things I loved about this show!
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Kim Hae-ils’s fiery temper and kick ass attitude. This guy takes no nonsense from anybody. He doesn’t like what somebody has to say to him, no problem they end up with a broken nose and probably a missing tooth!  His one liners are amazing. The best one that got me was when he was told to use a plastic ruler instead of a metal one to beat a suspect up with, and his response was along the lines of ‘oh I don’t like plastic rulers, they don’t whip as much as metal ones!’ I mean... I think I may shit my pants every time I see a priest now...like are they all trained in military combat? Is that the deal now to become a priest you have to know how to knock somebody out cold with a bottle of holy water and rosary beads?
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The friendship between the group and how it slowly grows until they become a family. They argue, they make fun of each other, however they have each others backs and if one of them is under attack they all come out ready for a fight!   Word of warning don’t. Mess. With. Ssongsak!
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I laughed so much at the scene when the mobsters are given laxative plant extract! Omg when they pooped their pants I couldn’t stop laughing as little flowers flew out of their arses!
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I really enjoyed watching how the criminal underworld all had links within the police and prosecution services. It was shady as hell man, I mean all of them were in on it weren’t they! For all that money too… I was watching it thinking daaaaamn how high up the chain does this go to! From Russian mobsters, to cult leaders to the chief of police and then the secret service. It’s intense man….intense! 
The friendship between Ssongsak and Oh Yo-Han. Their friendship is just too cute man! And what is going on with Oh Yo-Hans trippy audio skills. Give him a mocha bread and he’s like a human telephone mast!
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Seo Seung-A’s rapping skills! I nearly popped a rib laughing when she turned up for her first day on the violent crimes squad and busted out rapping! I mean the girl can spit a bar or two...but it’s probably best left to karaoke and not a team meeting! All her colleges were like who the hell is this? Her clothing though is on point!...I want those jackets that she wears!
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Kim In-Kyung’s fire gambling skills.
I love the way Kim Hae-il and detective Koo Dae-Young talk to each other.  I mean if threatening each other wasn’t enough their fights are legendary. I mean I didn’t know a beef rib could be used as a weapon but now I do! Plus the dog masks guys...the dog masks alone! If you’ve seen that part you’ll know what I mean! Their BFFness is adorable and cute and I. Can. Not. Get. Enough. of. it!
I feel so sorry for detective Koo Dae-Young. I mean how many times does he have to get hit on the head? I really liked how the show used this to include a slapstick sort of vibe. He hallucinates the strangest things though…
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Omg I nearly died when Kim Hae-il and Nam Suk-Goo go head to head and it took two teams of cops to drag them away from each other….their legs though...omg so funny when they still carried on trying to kick each other even when they were both lifted into the air by like 6 cops each!
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Jang-Ryong’s character in general. He’s the worst bad guy ever. He can’t fight properly, his suits look like something from the 1980’s and that bob! I mean every time he went to fight he had to move it away from his face. It looked more like he was trying to film a L’oreal advert than beat the crap out of somebody. He deserved to poop his pants after the way he treated Ssongsak! However I did like how he and  Ssongsak became friends in the end. He learnt his lesson….don’t tease a trained fighter!
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The OST for this is pretty alright. The music style definitely fits in with the theme of the show! More songs to be added to my Spotify playlist!
And finally I have to say the acting in this is SPOT ON! One of my most favourite K dramas so far! I give 5 outa 5 stars to this heavenly drama! 
Have you guys watched this show yet? I’d be so interested to hear your thoughts on this! Like I am the only one to fangirl over this show! 
Overall I highly highly recommend this drama. It’s got something for everybody and if you find crime drama’s boring give this one a go, the comedy in it alone makes it a five out of five for me! 
Right then lovelies I’m off to go find another drama to watch....
Until next time
Bye x 
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xraiyax · 4 years
Chapters: 3/4 Fandom: 열혈사제 | The Fiery Priest (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hwang Cheol-beom / Kim Hoon-suk, Hwang Cheol-beom / Kim Hae-il (no romantic feelings) Characters: Hwang Cheol-beom, Kim Hoon-suk, Kang Seok-tae, Jang-Ryong Additional Tags: drunken, Desperate, Angst, Hurt, Drunken sex, One-Sided Love, seeking comfort, rough sex (2nd chapter), Canon-Typical Violence Summary:
„I’m the worst monster of all, Hoonsuk.“
A soft hand against his cheek had him lean into it. And when fingers brushed through his hair he tilted his head back and looked up only to be met with worrying, loving eyes. The pure emotion filled his chest, a warm feeling that prickled under his skin that replaced the one of a cold knife cutting right through his heart.
 Hwang tries to deal with what had happened to father Lee.
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kangjooniee · 5 years
omg i knew from the start it was jang hae ryong! i always had my suspicions but the drama kept making it seem like it was mr do or jae myung, but i should've stuck to my instincts... but gosh next week episodes will be so good, i have a feeling they'll be totally grief stricken ;; i'm so sad it will be the end though, i've honestly been so invested with this show, what to do without watcher :((
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blogdoramistica · 5 years
Fiery Priest
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Gênero: Comédia/ Policial
Ano: 2019
Número de episódios: 40
Emissora: SBS
Elenco: Kim Nam Gil, Honey Lee, Kim Sung Kyun, Go Joon, Geum Sae Rok, Jung Young Joo, Kim Hyung Muk, Lee Moon Shik e Ahn Chang Hwan
Um padre estressadinho que não poupa indiretas e muito menos socos em quem merece acaba sendo preso, por isso, ele �� obrigado pelo padre da região a se mudar para outro local. Mas quem disse que o Padre Kim não ia arrumar confusão por onde passa? Na nova paróquia ele conhece uma promotora bem fora da lei, Kyung Sun é uma fiel que tá é gamada no padre (não julgo pois faria o mesmo).
O padre Lee, um idoso muito querido por todos, inclusive pelo padre Kim, acaba morrendo de forma suspeita e então começa a luta sem fim para desvendar esse mistério. Nessa investigação, há dois policiais, Koo Dae Young, um bobão medroso que só se lasca não importa a situação e a Seo Seung, aquela que manja dos paranâue tudo, teimosa que só ela e que se veste como uma rapper.
Padre Kim Hae Il/ Tsunami
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Já foi do Serviço de Inteligência Nacional, mas agora leva a vida como um padre linguarudo e nervosinho, que vive quase matando os fiéis do coração. É um homem extremamente inteligente e um lutador incrível, ama beber soju, muito melhor investigando que a própria polícia, tem um grande coração mas se culpa muito. Se ele decide fazer uma coisa, não há quem o pare ou que o tire de cima da geladeira.
Park Kyung Sun
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Uma promotora que faz de tudo para subir na vida, ela é ambiciosa, arrogante e ótima fonte para novos xingamentos. Desde o começo ela e o padre Kim viviam em guerra, mas após diversos acontecimentos e reviravoltas, eles acabaram se juntando.
Koo Dae Young
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Um detetive com um parafuso a menos, ele é covarde e só se mete em confusão, assim como todos naquela delegacia ele é pau mandado dos gângsters, mas não é dessa forma porque eles querem, há uma série de coisas envolvidas nisso. Ele tem um bom coração, mas por conta do que aconteceu no passado tem muito medo que outras pessoas se machuquem e se submete a fazer papel de idiota.
Seo Seung Ah
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Uma detetive novata que é ótima em bater nos bandidos e não leva desaforo pra casa, acaba se tornando parceira do Dae Young, imaginem só que dupla hein? Ela é determinada, teimosa e não aceita ser pau mandado de gângster nenhum.
Hwang Cheol Bum
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O gângster, boxeador que não vale o chão que pisa e tá envolvido em tudo quanto é falcatrua.  Se importa muito com sua gangue, porque eles são sua “família”.
Opiniões e comentários:
Comecei a ver o drama com 0 expectativa, não conhecia ninguém do elenco, mas acabei ficando curiosa sobre ter um padre pistola, e sinceramente, obrigada dona curiosidade por me deixar descobrir um drama incrível como esse, tanto a ação quanto a comédia são na medida certa. Digo e repito que foi a melhor comédia da temporada, SBS acertou em cheio com essa produção. Quando soube que era do mesmo autor que Chefe Kim tudo fez sentido, tanto um drama quanto o outro tem o mesmo jeitinho, você passa o drama todo rindo, mas a trama continua se desenrolando e começa a ficar complexo e cada vez mais interessante sem nunca perder a graça. Deveriam haver mais dramas assim, que misturem comédia e tensão de forma que seja gostoso de assistir e te faça querer mais, sem empacar no meio do caminho.
O trio da igreja, Padre Kim, padre Han e a freira In Kyung, foram incríveis, cada um deles tinha seu próprio passado e ficava cada vez mais inesperado, o da freira foi ótimo, jamais que eu iria imaginar hahahaha.
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Agora vamos falar sobre a duplinha do nosso querido Kim Hae Il e o Dae Young, quando eles se juntavam eu já sabia que iam rolar altas risadas, a cena das máscaras de cachorro foi demais.
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No início achei que o Dae Young ia continuar do mesmo jeito até o fim (falo sobre ser covarde e pau mandado), mas surpreendentemente, por influência do padre ele começou a ter mais coragem e enfrentar as coisas, se tornou uma pessoa muito melhor. É a primeira vez em um drama que quando tudo começava a dar errado, eu não pensava em chamar a polícia, mas sim em chamar o padre.
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O que dizer sobre Yo Han, Song Sac e o cachorrinho de madame? Hahahaha isso sem dúvidas foi uma das melhores coisas de fiery priest, nunca pensei que comer ajudaria na audição. Os trava linguas e depois a virada de mesas entre o Song Sac e o Jang Ryong foi ótima, aliás a relação desenvolvida entre os dois, foi na verdade, uma lição de vida e tanto. Song Sac tem um ótimo coração e não guarda rancor nenhum e Jang Ryong apesar de toda a canalhice tem arrependimentos.
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Tivemos também nossos ships furados, Padre Kim e a promotora que obviamente foi feito para que a gente se iludisse mesmo, porque olha foi cada olhar entre os dois e umas cenas aí que huum, aliás desde que ela o viu já achou um gato, ou melhor, uma benção de Deus (promotora Park somos todos nós).
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O segundo ship foi a detetive Seung Ah com o padre também, pois o pecado continuará entre nós, ela obviamente gostava dele e a própria admitiu isso. Em resumo ninguém resiste ao Hae Il, principalmente quando ele está de jaqueta de couro e com aquela farda de policial.
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Aliás, falando desse homem, que personagem hein? TODOS ao redor dele mudaram e muito depois de conhecê-lo e foi para melhor, como o Padre Kim não mede palavras e não se importa nem um pouco em jogar as verdades na cara de todo mundo, eles começaram a perceber o que estavam fazendo e como estavam agindo, é muito difícil admitir os próprios erros, ainda mais enxergá-los com os próprios olhos, então digamos que o Hae Il deu um empurrãozinho hahahaha.
A parte da política e corrupção, foi uma jogada de mestre, isso é muito presente na sociedade atual e não digo só na coreana não. A ambição e a sede de poder fizeram com que as pessoas se tornassem cada vez piores. Nós vimos como havia uma hierarquia mesmo dentro da “organização” e como as posições foram mudando, e enquanto uns eram empurrados ladeira abaixo, outros subiam na escada do poder.
O drama também fez alusão ao caso “Burning Sun” que envolve prostituição, distribuição de filmagens ilegais, drogas, entre outros. Utilizaram do clube “Rising Moon” para se referir ao caso, onde celebridades e políticos frequentavam, além disso as acusações eram as mesmas das da vida real.
Aprendi tanta coisa com esse drama, não esperava lições de vida em uma comédia, muito menos tanta realidade e profundidade. Me fez abrir os olhos para tantas coisas, ás vezes nós só precisamos olhar para uma situação de outro ângulo, o perdão é necessário, a capacidade de se arrepender verdadeiramente é a maior virtude que um ser humano pode ter. Em muitos momentos nos acorrentamos a determinados acontecimentos, mas a vida só anda para frente, não podemos mudar o passado, mas o futuro somos nós que o fazemos.
OST’s favoritas:
Hero – Norazo
Paradise – Chin Chilla ft. Ga Eun
Fighter – Jung Dong Ha ft. La.Q
Se vocês também querem cobiçar o padre e rir loucamente sabendo que vai ter continuação, vão até o Kingdom Fansubs ou Viki e aproveitem
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kdramastuff · 5 years
who do you think is Soo-yeon’s “boyfriend”?? my vote is on Chief Yeom 😅🤔
I’d bet on Deputy Park, since he was the one insisting that Chief Do absolutely needed the girl in his team. Chief Yeom got involved with them later thanks to Han Tae-joo. But I always lose bets, and my version is the most obvious, so you might be right. I also would’ve loved it if Jang Hae-ryong was the one to send the girl, that would be scandalous! I doubt he has that power, but still. I would like to see them meeting at night.
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fansof-heo · 1 year
Surviving Drama Characters:
1. Jang Chil-sung (Psychopath Diary)
2. Kim Jae-sun (The Silent Sea)
3. Wang Jung-cheol (Saimdang: Light's Diary)
4. Drug Dealer (Voice 3)
5. Gangster (Live Up To Your Name)
6. Jang Gil-kang (Big Forest)
7. Samcheonpo Mayor assistant (Reply 1994)
8. Detective Oh (You're All Surrounded)
9. Cho Won-pyo (Bloody Heart)
10. Choi Tae-sung (Adamas)
11. Boss Ma (A Model Family)
12. Condoler (Liver Or Die)
13. Koo Hae-jun (Behind Every Star)
14. Nam Won-seong (Jeong Do Jeon)
Deceased Drama Characters:
1. Jang Deok-su (Squid Game)
2. Kim Hyung-beom (Cross)
3. Jung Ho-young (Tunnel)
4. Royal Assassin (Queen For Seven Days)
5. Sang-bok (Kingmaker: The Change Of Destiny)
6. Matsuura (Different Dreams)
7. Baek Sang-ho (Witch's Court)
8. Seo Tae-seok (Big Bet/ Big Bet 2)
9. Noh Sang-cheon (Decoy/Decoy 2)
Jailed/Sacked Drama Characters:
1. Jang Hae-ryong (WATCHER)
2. Lee Chang-jin (Beyond Evil)
3. Hong Jung-soo (Your Honor)
4. Coach Cheon (Racket Boys)
5. Yoon Byung-wook (Insider)
6. Mr Park (Bride Of The Century)
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Jang Hae Ryong Part 7
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On Friday, Hae Ryong had his daughter, Yoon Ji, for the weekend. He picked her up after school, so he got off work early. He helped her with homework and played with her toys. He cooked her dinner. Hae Ryong was going to tell her about Ji Woo. He hoped that she was okay with him dating her. Once dinner was ready, he put the food on two plates then put the plates on the table. He got two glasses of water and put it on the table then went to get Yoon Ji. “Honey, dinner is ready,” he said as he walked to her bedroom. Yoon Ji went to him and he took her hand. They sat down at the table and started to eat. Yoon Ji told him about school. “That’s good honey,” Hae Ryong said, “You should work hard to get where you want to go and get.” Yoon Ji nodded. Hae Ryong smiled and continued to eat. After a few minutes, he smiled then looked at Yoon Ji. “Yoon Ji, do you remember the woman that came over to see me when I was sick?” he asked. “Yes. Why?” she asked. Hae Ryong glanced at his food then looked back at Yoon Ji. “Well…me and her are,” he said then paused. He took a sip of his water, and Yoon Ji looked over at him. “What is it daddy?” she asked. He looked back at her. “I’m seeing Ji Woo,” he said. “What? Is she coming over?” she asked. Hae Ryong took a deep breath and exhaled then shook his head. “No. I mean that me and Ji Woo are dating,” he said. “Really?” she asked then ate some of her food. “Yes. Are you okay with that?” he asked. Yoon Ji looked at him then at her food. Hae Ryong watched her and waited for her to say something. After a few minutes, Yoon Ji looked at him. “Why?” she asked. Hae Ryong pressed his lips together then smiled. “We are dating each other because we like each other. We have feelings for each other,” he said. Yoon Ji looked at him for a minute then ate her food. Hae Ryong smiled and ate his food, too. Yoon Ji looked over at her dad. “Are you going to marry her?” she asked. He looked at her and pressed his lips together in thought. “Maybe one day,” he said. She nodded. “If you are happy with her. I’m happy for you,” Yoon Ji said. Hae Ryong smiled as he nodded. “I am happy with her. Thank you honey,” he said. She smiled and they continued to eat. After dinner, Hae Ryong cleaned up while Yoon Ji played in her room. At 10 P.M., he put her to bed. Before he read to her, she asked if she will see Ji Woo again. “Yeah, you will. Next week when you come over,” he said. She nodded, and he read her a book. He left the room after reading the book and went to shut the lights off before going to his room and calling Ji Woo.
“Hey, I told Yoon Ji,” Hae Ryong said. “That is good. How did she take it?” Ji Woo asked. “She is happy for me. She asked if I would marry you, and I said one day,” he said and smiled. Ji Woo smiled and glanced around her room. “Also you can see her when she comes over next Friday,” he said. “Can’t wait to see her,” Ji Woo said. “Same,” he said. They talked until they were tired. “I love you,” Hae Ryong said. “I love you more,” she said. Then they hung up and went to bed.
On Monday, Hae Ryong went back to work. He was excited to see Ji Woo. In his office, he texted Ji Woo. “Come to my office please.” He put the phone down and waited for Ji Woo. She was in the locker room getting ready for her shift when she heard her phone. She smiled to see a message from Hae Ryong and send a quick “Coming” back and left the locker room. Ji Woo quickly walked to the office. She missed seeing Hae Ryong over the weekend. When she got to the office, she knocked on the door then opened it. She poked her head in and saw nobody near the desk. “Come on in Ji Woo,” Hae Ryong said. Ji Woo smiled as she walked in and closed the door behind her. She went to the desk and saw Hae Ryong, who looked over at her. “Babe,” she said and smiled. He got up from the chair and walked over to Ji Woo. She took his hands and kissed his lips, and he kissed her back. “I miss you very much,” he said. “I missed you more,” she said, “Did Yoon Ji had a good time with you?” He nodded. “She did. We went to a playground and I watched her play,” he said. "That is great,“ Ji Woo said. Hae Ryong smiled and kissed her lips again. “You going out to patrol?” he asked. “Yeah with Park,” she said. “Alright. Well have fun and be careful. I don’t want you to get hurt. I would die if you did,” he said. Ji Woo smiled and kissed his lips. “I will be careful babe. You be careful, too. Work hard,” she said. Hae Ryong nodded. “I will. See you later after work,” he said. They kissed once more then Ji Woo left to go on patrol. Hae Ryong watched her leave then sat down at his desk.
Ji Woo went to the police car and got in with Park, who got in the passenger’s seat. He started the car and drove to the main road. Ji Woo looked out the window and looked around to see if there is any trouble. After a few minutes, Shi Yeong and Ji Woo stopped a car, who ran a red light. Ji Woo got out and went to the driver’s side as Shi Yeong went over to the passenger’s side. Ji Woo talked to the young guy and asked for his driver’s license. Shi Yeong glanced in the backseat then at the passenger seat. The guy was alone. The car was nice and not dirty at all. After Ji Woo gave him a ticket, she and Park went back to the car. They got in and Ji Woo drove down the street again.
After a while of driving, Ji Woo saw a elderly women trying to cross a busy street, but couldn’t, so Ji Woo pulled over and looked at Park. “I need to help the elderly women,” she said. Park glanced at the elderly women then back at Ji Woo. “Okay,” he said then got out with Ji Woo. She went over to the elderly and bowed. “You want me to help you cross the street?” she asked. The elderly women looked at Ji Woo and bowed back. “Yes. It’s so busy here,” she said. “I can stop the traffic,” Ji Woo said and held her arm out. The elderly took her arm, and they started walking. Park stood by the car as he watched. Ji Woo put up her hand for the people to stop which they did. Suddenly there was a honking coming from a car that didn’t stop. Ji Woo looked and saw a speeding car coming towards her and the elderly woman. Everything went into slow motion. “Oh,” she said and turned towards Park, “PARK! CATCH HER!” She pushed the elderly towards Park, who ran over and caught the elderly before she fell to the ground as the car hit Ji Woo.  Hard. She screamed as she rolled onto the hood and hit the windshield. The car stopped and Ji Woo rolled off the car to the ground. “MISS KANG!” Park yelled as he went over to her. The person in the car didn’t even get out to check on Ji Woo. The elderly woman was shaken up as she watched what was happening. After a few seconds, the car drove off. “Ah,” Park said as he watched the car leave, “That punk just left a hit-and-run scene.” He got out his cell phone and took some pictures of the car then called for backup and an ambulance.
After a few minutes, another police car and ambulance came. Park moved out of the way, so that the paramedics took care of Ji Woo. One of them asked her questions and she answered them. He put a neck brace around her neck. Ji Woo glanced around then closed her eyes. “I need to tell Hae Ryong. He’s going to be crush,” she thought to herself. The paramedics got her on the stretcher then into the ambulance. Park stayed at the scene to talk to another police officer about what happened. In the ambulance, Ji Woo looked over at the paramedics next to her. “I can’t move my right leg,” she said. The man looked at her. “You might have a fracture. They will check at the hospital,” he said. Ji Woo nodded and closed her eyes.
At the hospital, Ji Woo got to a room and the nurses did the check up to make sure there is no other injuries. She had cuts and bruises on her arms and legs though. She went to get an X-ray on her leg to see if it broken. She hasn’t called Hae Ryong yet. Who knows Park has probably told him already which he has.
At the police department, Park ran to Jang Hae Ryong’s office and opened the door without knocking. He saw him sitting at the desk. “Ya! What are you doing?!” he asked as he looked over at Park, who was getting his breathing under control. “Mr. Jang, I am sorry,” he said as he bowed then looked at Hae Ryong, “But…it’s Kang Ji Woo.” Hae Ryong’s eyes widen when Park said her name and suddenly stood up. “What?! What happened?!” he asked.  Park told him and Hae Ryong listened to him with bated breath. When Park was finished, Hae Ryong exhaled as he hung his head. His eyes teared up as he frowned. He blinked and a couple of tears dripped down onto the paper. After a few seconds, Hae Ryong said, "I need to go to the hospital now." He grabbed his phone and hurried out the door. Park watched him and hung his head then went to the locker room.
Hae Ryong drove to the hospital as fast as he could even though he had to go the speed limit. "I can't believe that happened to my baby," he thought to himself as he gripped the steering wheel, "I will catch the bastard that hit her." Once he got to the hospital, Hae Ryong quickly went inside and up to the front desk. "May I help you?" a woman behind the desk ask. "Yes. Please tell me the room where Kang Ji Woo is in please," he said. The woman did, and he quickly walked to the elevator and up to her floor. In the VIP area, Hae Ryong got to a door. He took some deep breaths. "She better be okay," he thought to himself. After a few seconds, he knocked on the door and heard Ji Woo's voice saying "Come in." He took another deep breath and exhaled slowly then opened the door and walked in.
(Ya is the Korean word for Hey, if you didn’t know)
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antiimp · 4 years
Die Tagung des 8. Parteitags der PdAK am 6. Tag fand statt
Die Tagung des 8. Parteitags der PdAK am 6. Tag fand statt
Fernsehbericht über die Wahl des Generalsekretärs der PdAK Fernsehbericht (Tag 6) Fernsehbericht über die 1. Plenartagung des ZK der PdAK in der 8. Wahlperiode Fernsehbericht über den Rechenschaftsbericht von KIM JONG UN Rechenschaftsberichtzusammenfassung auf Deutsch Über den Rechenschaftsbericht von KIM JONG UN 8. Parteitag der PdAK (Tag 1) 8. Parteitag der PdAK (Tag 2) 8. Parteitag der PdAK…
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chltlssbtm4793 · 2 years
'Song Hae-gil' found even by Japanese broadcasters
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The 'national MC' Song Hae, who has made us happy for over half a century, has passed away. He died at the age of 95.
Songhae passed away on the morning of the 8th at her home in Dogok-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul. He recently went to the hospital for health problems, and in March his body was debilitating as he contracted COVID-19 at an advanced age. As he met in relatively healthy condition until recently, his acquaintances could not hide their dismay at the sudden news.
On this day, 'Songhae-gil', located in Nakwon-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul was also crowded with citizens than ever before. White chrysanthemum flowers were piled up in front of the statue that saw the Songhae, and citizens on their way home from work stopped their way to pay tribute to the deceased. A reporter from a Japanese broadcasting company also went to 'Song Hae-gil' to interview citizens and capture the mourning scene on camera.
'Songhae-gil', a 244-meter road that leads from Yukuijeon Building to Nakwon Shopping Street, is an alley in Nakwon-dong where Songhae, a native of Jaeryung, Hwanghae-do, opened the 'Elderly Celebrities Sangnok' office and made it his base for over 50 years, and regarded it as his second hometown. In 2011, Jongno-gu was selected as an honorary resident in gratitude for Songhae's dedication, and in 2016, at the suggestion of residents, part of the road was designated as Songhae-gil. It is reported that Song Hae visited the 'Sangnokhoe' office until recently.
In the funeral hall of Seoul National University Hospital in Jongno-gu, Seoul, where her burial place was set up, rooms 2 and 3 were filled with mourners commemorating her deceased.
Yoo Jae-seok and Jo Se-ho were the first to visit the mortuary. The two arrived at the funeral home before the start of the mourning to mourn the deceased. Afterwards, the funeral chairperson Um Young-soo, Kim Heung-guk, Im Ha-ryong, Kim Hak-rae, Johnny-ri, Jo Young-nam, Lee Sang-byeok, Lee Yong-sik, Kim Su-yong, Hong Rok-ki, Yoon Hyeong-ju, and Jang Min-ho, etc. Political figures such as Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Park Bo-gyun, former Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn, Gyeonggi Governor-elect Kim Dong-yeon, and National Assemblyman Joo Ho-young also followed.
At the mortuary, there was a harmony sent by former Prime Minister Kim Bu-gyeom, the founder of the Ministry of Culture and Sports, Park Bo-gyun, the production team of 'Immortal Song', Kim Tae-ho, Na Hoon-ah, Lee Mi-ja, Yoo Hee-yeol, Taeyeon, and Ma Dong-seok.
In commemoration of Song Hae's contribution to the development of Korean popular culture and arts, President Yoon Seok-yeol conferred the 'Gold Crown Order of Cultural Merit', which is a first-class decoration.
He continued, "I can't help feeling saddened by the news of Mr. Song Hae's passing. As a singer, comedian, and national MC for over half a century, he brought great laughter and emotion to the people," he said. It is very regrettable that we will not be able to see each other again, but the friendly songs and stories of our neighbors who cried and laughed every Sunday day and day with the teacher's friendly society will remain in the hearts of the people for a long time."
In response, Eom Young-soo, chairman of the funeral committee, said, "The Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism delivered the Golden Medal of Cultural Merit from President Yoon to Teacher Song Hae. Thank you to all the fans who gave us a lot of support."
Song Hae's funeral will be held on three days as the president of the Korea Broadcasting Comedians Association. Her funeral is at 5 am on the 10th, and a funeral ceremony will be held for 30 minutes prior to this. Her burial site is Songhae Park in Okpo-ri, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, where her wife Seok-oki, who passed away first in 2018, is sleeping. During her lifetime, they are buried together according to the wishes of her deceased.
Meanwhile, Song Hae, born in Jaeryeong, Hwanghae Province, on April 27, 1927, fled to South Korea during the Korean War in 1951 after learning vocal music at Haeju Arts School. He made his debut through the Changgong Music Theater in 1955, and has been the MC of 'National Singing Pride' since 1988, and has been broadcasting for 34 years, receiving much love as 'Sunday Man' and 'Oldest National MC'. In April, he entered the British Guinness World Record for 'Oldest TV music talent show host'.
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amongbusiness · 3 years
Drama Baru Disney Snowdrop 2021
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Drama baru Disney yang akan datang, Snowdrop 2021, menggabungkan obsesi K-Pop Amerika dengan TV Korea. Perusahaan telah mempromosikan film "Squid Game" selama berbulan-bulan, dan drama baru ini adalah sarana yang sempurna untuk memanfaatkan popularitas kedua genre tersebut. Film ini mengikuti dua mahasiswa saat mereka jatuh cinta pada tahun 1987, selama masa gerakan massa pro-demokrasi di Korea Selatan. Film ini dibintangi oleh Jung Hae-in dan Kim Jisoo.
Sinopsis Drama Snowdrop
Sampai tulisan ini dibuat, pemeran Snowdrop belum ditentukan. Acara ini memiliki beberapa aktor dan aktris. Eun Young Ro akan berperan sebagai wanita misterius yang jatuh cinta pada Su-ho. Produksi akan ditinjau di kemudian hari. KCSC sedang dalam proses pembentukan panitia untuk mengevaluasi drama tersebut.
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Snowdrop 2021 adalah drama yang sangat dinanti dengan setting tahun 1987 di Korea Selatan. Dibintangi oleh Im Soo Ho (mantan aktor cilik dari Jerman), Hong Ae Ra, Lee Hwa Ryong, dan Jang SeAh. Aktor utamanya termasuk Eun Chang Soo, yang telah berakting di sejumlah film. Pemeran utama wanita, Jung Hae-in, telah menjadi produser dan aktris utama dalam beberapa film, termasuk "While You Were Sleeping" (2018). Selain akting, ia juga memproduksi film "D.P." (2021), yang akan keluar pada 18 Desember.
Premis dari drama Korea baru Snowdrop adalah salah satu yang menarik. Meski bergenre komedi romantis, film ini juga berkisah tentang kisah cinta yang terjadi selama Gerakan Demokratik pada 1987 Korea Selatan. Plot berpusat pada Im Soo-Ho, seorang mahasiswa pascasarjana Jerman-Korea yang diserang pada protes pro-demokrasi. Dia mencoba untuk menutupi jejaknya dengan menerobos masuk ke asrama wanita di universitas Seoul, tetapi penyerangnya telah memukulinya dan dia dibiarkan berlumuran darah. Dia kemudian bersembunyi di asrama wanita dan merawat luka-lukanya.
Pembuatan Drama Snowdrop 
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"Snowdrop" adalah serial roman baru yang dibuat selama Gerakan Demokratik di Korea Selatan pada tahun 1987. Ini dibintangi oleh aktor top Korea seperti Jung Hae-in dan Jisoo sebagai pemeran utama, dan seorang gadis terkemuka dari BLACKPINK, Jisoo. Film ini diatur selama Gerakan Demokrasi yang terkenal pada tahun 1987, dan merupakan cerita bergaya rom-com. Acara ini akan tayang di Disney+ pada 18 Desember dan JTBC pada 19 Desember dan 17 Januari.
Seperti yang ditunjukkan trailer Snowdrop, film ini mengikuti kehidupan dua mahasiswa - Su-ho, lulusan misterius, dan aktor populer. Aktris-aktris dalam film tersebut sama-sama dalam peran utama pertama mereka dan akan memainkan karakter lawan jenis. Hyung, Hye-sun memiliki latar belakang dalam "Snowdrop" yang mencakup peran satir dalam kisah cinta modern.
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kangjooniee · 5 years
sadly watcher is over (for now??) but what an ending it was, instead of purely just tying the lose ends, it gave us more twists and action, with the death of the deputy commissioner and comission yeom having involvement with the death, and how mr do struck a deal with her, and just all sorts. this show was incredible, from the get go it messed with our heads and kept us in total suspense. i know with the jang hae ryong part, we all kind of guessed from ep one but then the writers led us to believe it was various other characters, till like last weekend we found out that it was in fact him lol, but i enjoyed the ride, esp on the part of going crazy over, if it was mr do or not; though even know he lowkey is turning out to be a sort of anti hero with all his schemes etc. but yeah, i really loved the sense of not knowing where the show was going and thinking we had come to a conclusion but then some evidence or whatever was missing etc, like you could genuienly not trust anyone and had no idea where things will lead. though i have to say i'm glad the corruption team got to stay together and with the open ending, theres a chance that they'll have a second series, so i'm psyched for that and hope they do go with it and have all the same cast, which will probs be likely since they all joined again and since young goon said he'll watch mr do etc, so yeah. overall just to sum up, this show was a masterpiece, a real fine psychological thriller, i think it was written well and the cast did a totally superb job, it's definitely a much watch! ugh i'm just really going to miss this show ;; but i have to mention as a seo kang joon fan, i really do think this was one of his best ever acting displays, he did totally incredibly and outshone, his portrayal of young goon, a boy with a sorrowful and traumatic past but who still had such a kind and sweet heart, was superb. he truly was a striking character from watcher, not only was skj great at showing such raw emotions, he totally nailed the action scenes and really showed everyone, how versatile he can be as an actor. i truly hope he'll get a lot of recognition for how amazing he was!
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