#Japanese bush warbler
tanuki-kimono · 7 months
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Beautiful pattern placement for this kimono depicting turning leaves ivy, and tiny birds in flight (op describe them as uguisu/Japanese bush warblers).
The light background "stripes" are actually bamboo stalks on which the ivy crawls. This is so pretty!!!!
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sugiichi · 2 months
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Horornis diphone [ウグイス,Japanese Bush Warbler]
暖かくなって、動きが良く見えるようになりました😊 囀りの練習もしているようです。
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korurichocolat · 4 months
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Japanese bush warbler
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birdmemorandum · 13 days
ウグイス。 Japanese bush warbler.
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sukimas · 5 months
Many other peculiarities and idiosyncrasies used to cause his wife much perturbation of soul. "He had a rare sensibility of feeling," she says, ''also peculiar tastes." One of his peculiar tastes, apparently, was his love of cemeteries. She could not find out what he found so interesting in ancient epitaphs and verses. When at Kumamoto he told her that he had "found a pleasant place." When he offered to take her there, she found that it was through a dark path leading to a cemetery. He said, "Stop and listen. Do you hear the voices of the frogs and the Uguisu singing?" The poor little woman could only tremble at the dark and the eerieness.
She gives a funny picture of herself and Lafcadio, in a dry-goods store, when clothes had to be bought "at the changing of the season," he selecting some gaudy garment with a large design of sea-waves or spider-nests, declaring the design was superb and the colour beautiful.
"I often suspected him," the simple woman adds, "of having an unmistakable streak of passion for gay things — however, his quiet conscience held him back from giving way to it."
this is all so much fun to read
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hokameshi15 · 2 months
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Doma challenge100
No.025 "Plum & Japanese Bush Warbler“
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hideki-koga · 1 year
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ウグイス(Japanese Bush Warbler)?
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japanese-plants · 5 months
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Cherry, Japanese Bush-Warbler and Varied Tit by Utamaro Kitagawa (1753-1806), included in Momochidori Kyoka Awase published in 1790
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skrunksthatwunk · 7 months
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also here's what a japanese bush warbler sounds like it's very pretty :3
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tokidokitokyo · 1 year
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春の音・The Sound of Spring
さらさら with a rustling sound (e.g. flowers and trees); rippling (of a stream, etc.)
ちらり fleeting (glimpse, glance, etc.)​ as in cherry blossoms
ホーホケキョ call of the Japanese bush warbler (ウグイス)
うらうら gently and clearly shining (like the sun in springtime)
にょきにょき (shooting up) one after another, (sprouting up) all over the place
こぼこぼ water bubbling up gently
ぽかぽか a comfortably warm feeling (e.g. a warm spring day)
ウキウキ happy and cheerful
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tanuki-kimono · 4 months
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Adorable early spring plum satin antique obi, with ume ni uguisu (bush warbler in plum tree), a pattern hinting at "match made in heaven" imagery.
Cute birdy looks sooo plump nestled among the first blossoms of Spring!
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valkyrietookme · 10 months
Petal's Resolution - Kohaku solo translation
Japanese lyrics used are at the very end. Feel free to let me know about any mistakes or ask any questions about the translation
It was just biding together a faint image, the scenery in my chest like a fleeting dream Is it truly there? Or would you say it’s an illusion instead? I’ll go convey it to you A dazzling petal, just like a single pixel Can you really draw something out if you keep piling them up? Only vivid ambiguity is projected over the thin silk [1] Let’s go beyond the vibrant garden masking as nature [2] If you can’t even touch or talk about it, then that is a fantasy Can you name a flower even though you don’t recognize its scent? These feelings can no longer be contained A flurry of letter petals, just like written novel They come to bloom but can never wilt Longing made you aware of the projection did it not? Let’s go feel the colors that have no boundaries If you want to touch it, if you want to talk about it, shall we meet to make certain of it? You cannot find meaning in yourself if you don’t even know what a human heart is Because each and every one of them is bound to be different I’m sure you can both stomp over and cherish the fallen flower petals Now, come here. I want you to tell me, what is it that you felt? I want to be close enough to touch, close enough to talk, that’s what I’ve been thinking Tear apart the thin silk that acts as a partition between dreams and reality Let’s freely know a world where we can feel the warmth of the words of the ever singing bird [3] The flowers’ sweeter scent, the way my heart beats I want to tell you, who is right by my side, all about it
薄衣 is said to be both type of thin kimono, or thin yukata, but also a layer used in old kimonos, a type of cloth and even a type of snack, so I decided to translate it as silk since it keeps with the clothing line and silk is one of the material a kimono can be made out of
借景 is a way of arranging gardens that uses the of nature from outside the garden as background to simulate a more realistic scenery. To my knowledge there is no equivalent word in English so the line was adapted so it keeps the meaning of getting and seeing out of that narrow garden
歌詠み鳥 is a more poetic way of referring to a Japanese Bush Warbler. It’s a bird that can be heard in most parts of Japan all year round (even if the mating call in spring is most recognizable) so that’s why the sentence was translated as “ever singing bird” instead of referring to it by the bird’s actual name
朧げな像を結ぶだけだった 淡き夢のような胸の風景が 本当にそこにあるのか それとも幻というのか 伝えにいくよ まるでピクセルのような 眩しい花びらを 重ね続ければ 描き出せるかい? 鮮明な 曖昧を 薄衣に映すだけ 鮮やかな借景の向こうへといこう 触れることさえも 語ることさえも 出来ないのなら それは幻想 花の匂いを知らないままで 花の名を言えるのか? 想いはもう閉じ込められない それは小説のような 文字の花びらだ 咲いてゆくけれど 散ることもなく 憧憬が 投影と 気づかせてくれただろう 境目のない色を感じにいこう 触れたいのなら 語りたいなら 確かめるため出逢おうか 人の心も知らないままで 自分の意味は見つからない 一人一人違う筈だから 花屑の跡を踏みしめることも 愛でることも出来るはずさ ほら、ここへ来て 教えて欲しい どう感じたのか 触れるくらいに 語れるくらいに 近くにいたいと思うんだ 夢と現の境を隔つ 薄衣を剥ぎ取って 歌詠み鳥の 言の葉の温度 感じる世界で自由を知ろう 花の匂いの甘いほうへと この胸が躍ること すぐ傍の君に伝えたい
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birdmemorandum · 15 days
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ウグイス。 Japanese bush warbler.
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korurichocolat · 1 year
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Japanese bush warbler
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softsky-daily · 3 months
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Today's sky was carpeted by clouds.
Positive thing: Work was not very busy, and someone complimented my dress.
I did not have a good morning, since I woke up with this horrible anxiety that had been a very long time since I had to deal with. After it passed I was pretty much exhausted, and the tiredness followed me all day. But since I had done basically everything at work I needed to last week I had very little to do today. I mostly spent my work hours translating a Japanese 逃げ恥 fanfiction and looking up stuff about 日本三鳴鳥 (the three Japanese songbirds). There's a little green bird I always see depicted alongside Japanese plum blossoms so I wanted to figure out what it was. Apparently it's called the ウグイス (Japanese Bush Warbler) and is part of the 日本三鳴鳥 which are three songbirds that Japan is famous for. They all have a distinct song. I listened to it and it does have a unique sounding cry, although I don't really know much about birds.
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(This is from Wikipedia.) Look at this little guy. She has a lot to sing about I'm sure.
Well now I'm looking closer at some bird information and maybe I've been mistaking the ウグイス for the メジロ (Warbling White-Eye). Birdwatchers got it rough, man.
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(This is also from Wikipedia.) I can see why they called it "white-eye." They're both very pretty. I'm glad there's so many green birds out there.
Anyway, I indulged in my little guilty pleasure of watching those clickbait-y Tokyo vlog videos that are like "Top 20 Things You HAVE to Do in Japan!!!!" just because I do actually find them interesting and because I think it's funny to see what (clueless) tourists get up to. I always feel bad for everyone who has to walk around their selfie-stick vlogging because, speaking from experience, they are very annoying to walk around since they're always loudly talking to themselves and not watching where they're going.
The image these kinda videos give off of Tokyo and Japan in general is always fascinating to me. I agree Tokyo especially feels very modern and whatnot, but some people go far as to be like "this is straight out of a sci-fi novel" or "people here are so advanced". I think it's easy to forget that it's full of regular people and not some exotic land of mystery, which the thought process of just feels steeped in orientalism. Having been there myself I always wonder what they must've been seeing that I didn't, or what kind of point of view they had that I simply didn't understand. To me Tokyo felt huge and bustling but also cozy in a way, like becoming one with the crowd. And away from the city it's just so peaceful, like genuinely peaceful. But I think it's cool people can notice different things and have different experiences, even if I think some of their tourist behaviors are cringey.
Tomorrow my bosses and coworkers and I (which sounds like a lot of people but it's only 5 of us total) are going to get brunch at a fancy breakfast place, and my boss is paying, so I'm excited for that. Hopefully we can leave work early too.
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hideki-koga · 3 months
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ウグイス(Japanese Bush Warbler)
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