#Jason Grace death
kermitthesog · 16 days
ok quick rant post.
i just saw somebody say jason’s death was poorly written.
i mean this in the most respect way to those people saying that jason’s death was meaningless and careless…did we read the same book?
first of all, it was not anticlimactic. It would’ve been unexpected for me if i wasn’t spoiled. he quite literally went out with a bang. he made a gigantic tornado/storm to pretty much single-handedly fight an emperor. i mean, no one around him was equipped or ready to fight. he was doing so good, but he knew he had to die anyway. he might’ve tried harder if he hadn’t heard the prophecy about him or piper dying. my point is, he did not seem “nerfed” or “not powerful”, apollo was really impressed by his skills in his narration.
i saw somebody say they didn’t it like it because he had so much potential. that’s the whole point though!!! many tragic deaths are brought to life by an unkept promise or something they couldn’t carry out before they died. all of jason’s storylines were going to lead him somewhere great, but of course it couldn’t go like that. rick riordan pretty much put in that whole part with apollo and jason talking about his promise to the minor gods to dangle that in front of us. to emphasize how tragic his death was.
people say his death was only for apollo/lester’s character development? i don’t agree. i mean, yeah, that was a huge thing that came from it. throughout the rest of the books, he tributes his growth and actions to jason. but i don’t think that was the only reason for it. i saw a great post by @a-cup-of-coffee-and-the-moon about this. go check it out here, but basically they say that was it inevitable (they go to say it was because he went against zeus, and the greek leaders had a history of their sons overthrowing them). even other than that, it developed the storyline and the whole trials of apollo series in general.
ok so maybe that wasn’t quick. but still. i hope i proved my point. i am a huge jason defender and i just hate when people comment on his death like this. he’s dead, guys!!! that’s just like pooping on his grave! ok, but seriously, we need to end the jason death slander. i feel like some people see something they don’t like and come up with reasons as to why it shouldn’t have happened and why it was weird that it did. i mean, yeah, i didn't want him to die, but i’m willing to accept it and respect him.
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moa-broke-me · 1 year
Jason teaching Nico how to sew
Nico's hands trembling as he stitches the last patch on Jason's shroud, his tears staining the fabric.
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Jason: What's up, my dudes?
Percy *chokes on his blue milk*: What are you doing here?! You're dead! We know you're dead
Jason: Death is a social construct, babe
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the-gentle-jellofish · 6 months
The death of the son of the king...
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Piper is going trough it
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nervoustoastthing · 1 year
Jercy’s theme song after Jason died is “this is what losing someone feels like” by JVKE.
Because he never told Jason that he loved him.
Because he loved Annabeth too and was afraid to lose her.
Because Percy was Greek and Jason was Roman.
Because the sky and the sea were never supposed to be together.
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gl4ukopis · 1 year
I will never recover from Jason's death, here's why
His whole story is heartbreaking. His mum died, he was separated from his sister when he was just a baby, he was abandoned at the wolf house and was raised by Lupa. He grew up at the Camp Jupiter surrounded by harshness, severity and rigidy. Then he lost everything, including his memory and had to take part to a dangerous mission in order to save the world. After everything ended he was finally happy, he had found his place, his people, a family. He was reunited with his sister, Thalia, was happy with Piper, had a beautiful friendship with Nico. HE WAS ALSO GIVEN THE TITLE OF PONTIFEX MAXIMUS. Then in the Trials of Apollo he also finds out that Leo is very much alive.
Then when he is finally really happy, Jason dies. He was just sixteen. I couldn't get through that book knowing he would die, I haven't finished the trials of Apollo for many reasons including this one.
Jason is such an underrated character and it makes me so mad. I never understood all the hate he got from the fandom honestly.
He will always be my favorite Character in Heroes of Olympus.
Well sorry for this long and messy rant.
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star-dust-shark · 9 months
I love will solace, I do. But… ⚠️ TOA SPOILERS ⚠️
!!TW LANGUAGE!! that part in the last TOA book when Lester returns to chb, he finds Nico and Will sitting on the porch of the big house playing pinnacle ( trying to play pinnacle ) with Mr.D. Lester shows up, and obviously has been through some shit.
He hugs Will, Will comforts him. All good.
At some point ( after waiting for Lester to calm himself a bit, may I add ) Nico asks if it’s true. If Jason’s dead.
“Nico,” Will chided. “Don’t pressure him”.
Look my sunshiny little bi boy, I don’t friggin care how cute you are. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
Liek??? Am I over exaggerating or? Because like, idk about you, but if I thought my best friend was dead I’d want to no for sure right away. Honestly, I probably wouldn’t even wait a second. Nico waited to ask.
“Don’t pressure him”!? Don’t pressure him MY ASS. I will beat the crap out of this guy, idfc if he’s a god. I wanna know if my friend’s ok.
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thedevilsfamiliar · 7 months
My heart? Gone. My baby boy… the fact she mourned him…
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pjo-worshipper · 1 year
About Jason‘s death:
Here's a post i found ages ago that gives a good explanation (imo)
"It didn't make sense for his arc? The thing that has been foreshadowed several times and as soon as the Lost Hero didn't make sense for his arc? Lmao x)
[TBM SPOILERS] The fact that he was killed when he was starting to develop an identity is precisely what makes his death tragic, particularly in the context of TOA. TOA is all about showing how the gods are awful to humans, and Jason is the person who embodies that the most in the entire series. He was never his own person because he lived for the gods, for Juno, for Jupiter, then he became the plaything of Aphrodite. And despite all the gods did to him he still honours them and becomes a priest. And ultimately, a god shows up and asks for him to do his bidding, again, and he is killed by a man who wants to become a god, and the actual gods didn't lift a finger to help. He was really the only character who could have embodied the callousness and the hypocrisy of the gods as well as was done in TOA, and if all you got from that was "RiCk KiLlEd HiM fOr DrAmA" then I suggest you read the books again because you've obviously missed the whole point"
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6vaguebook · 7 months
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*through actual tears* RICK WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU
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wickeddamian · 1 year
I just read the part of The Burning Maze where Jason dies. I'm- devastated is not enough to describe it. The fact that this is the end of Jason's story just breaks my heart. I feel like I'm somehow in denial but I know it'll hurt deeper because we all know he deserved so much better after all he went through.
Also I now know what I'm drawing next.
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kermitthesog · 10 months
I think Uncle Rick was really harsh when it came to Leo. And yeah, a lot of people talk about his backstory and that being really sad, but I’m here to talk about his ending and future.
He never found his soulmate. All of his other friends did, (well Piper and Jason didn’t last forever, but they were still really close) but he didn’t. The one time he found somebody, she was toxic and just plain mean to him. Calypso said, “You can’t fix everything, Leo.” even though this is clearly a coping mechanism for his trauma. In the end, they didn’t work out. But even that wasn’t the worst part.
It’s the Jason part of it. He was away for too long and didn’t get to say goodbye to Jason or hi for that matter. He didn’t get to say a word to him before he died. All he saw when he came back was a coffin and Piper telling him the story. This was his best friend ever. And the fact that he not only lost Jason, but Leo and Piper separated very far apart. The Lost Trio shattered, and Leo isn’t getting any happier.
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athenafire2000 · 1 year
I finally added another chapter to my fic :D more incoming soon, I just had to finish it before I kept publishing things cuz I couldn’t make up my mind about how I wanted to do things.
Chapters: 2/10 Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan, The Trials of Apollo - Rick Riordan, The Sun and The Star - Rick Riordan & Mark Oshiro Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Nico di Angelo & Will Solace, Nico di Angelo & Jason Grace Characters: Nico di Angelo, Will Solace, Kayla Knowles, Austin Lake, Chiron (Percy Jackson) Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Nico di Angelo, Dead Jason Grace, Angst and Feels Summary:
"You're impossible," Will said as they began walking back to the Apollo table. Nico smirked and let out a small huff. Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks, a look of shock creeping across his face. "Nico?" Will said, but his voice sounded far away. The plate and goblet fell from Nico's hands and clattered on the floor of the dining pavilion. Nico doubled over and clutched his ears, praying it would make the buzzing stop. It didn’t. "Jason," Nico whispered. "No, no no no no no no," he murmured, stumbling to the edge of the dining pavilion.
Nico feels Jason's death and Will doesn't know how to help. Minor/indirect TSATs spoilers (first kiss) For Day 3 of Solangelo Week 2023: River Acheron (Hurt/Comfort) Title from "The Ghost of You" by MCR
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Nico: Thank you all for coming
*Campers and staff members crying*
Nico: We are gathered here today because *glares at Jason's coffin* someone couldn't stay alive
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sodamnbored · 2 years
ToA Spoilers! You won’t wanna look if you don’t wanna know what happens~
Totally just gonna use polls to quiz people about fanfiction lol.
I’m pretty much going with one of these two options for this specific thing for reasons I have thought about carefully, so this is really the choice to be made. But by all means if you think it should be a different option, please do speak up.
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Happy Birthday to Jason Grace. You will always be loved my boy.
Rest in Peace
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