#Jason newsted fluff
weirdgenetic-fuckup · 4 months
Can you do the bassists too (safe words)
Absolutely! Here are Jason and Cliff with using safe words, I was going to add Rob but I literally couldn't think of anything, nothing against him as a bassist or person in general I've just never been into him I guess so I apologise for that lol. Other than that I hope you enjoy who I did write for :3
If you'd like to see any other band/musicians you'd like to see with this prompt let me know and I might write for it :3
Link to part 1
Warnings: Smut, angst, use of a safe word, rough sex, car sex, high sex, mentions of weed, if you think you won't be comfortable reading that that's fine protect yourself before reading content, if there's something you think I missed please let me know :3
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You came home after a long day at work, your body was sore and all you wanted to do was curl up on the couch with your boyfriend, Cliff.
As soon as you got through the front door you were hit with a very distinct smell. Having gone through this countless times before you made your way into the living room and found Cliff on the couch watching cartoons and giggling like a little kid. His eyes were red and he had a joint in his hand.
Cliff didn’t even seem to notice you had gotten home until you were standing directly in front of him. “Oh, hey.” He said, voice cheery as he smiled up at you. You crossed your arms in front of your chest. “You want to watch with me?” You didn’t want to watch with him when he was like this, not today, but you did want to just sit with him. You let out a heavy sigh and curled up next to him on the couch, trying to ignore the stench of weed.
As the cartoons progressed you relaxed a bit. You got used to the smell and were able to tune it out in a way. Cliff was shifting uncomfortably beside you and it was getting harder to ignore. “Is something wrong?” You asked, looking up at him. Cliff shook his head. You weren’t convinced so you kept an eye on him but continued watching the movie.
“Can I see your hand?” He asked, already reaching for your hand. You didn’t understand what he was planning but figured nothing was wrong with him just holding your hand, whether he was high or not he always enjoyed toying with your fingers. You turned your attention back to the movie, though watching a bit of what he was doing. Cliff took your hand, kissed your knuckles a few times before bringing your hand down to his crotch, palming himself through his jeans with your hand.
You pulled your hand away, even going as far as to scooch further down the couch. “What the hell, Cliff?”
Cliff just chuckled, giving a small shrug. “What? C’mon, been sitting here alone all day, ‘m bored.” He mumbled, reaching for your hand again. You sighed but let him continue. You unzipped his pants and tugged them down a bit along with his boxers, just enough to have his cock spring out. He was already fully hard, the tip was bright red and leaking so you started stroking him.
This was not how you wanted to spend your time at home, the situation as is was enough to make you cry. Your eyes were tearing up as you jerked him off but you managed to keep your emotions under control, thinking you could make him cum and he’d crash. This was not the case as his hand made its way to your head, tangling in your hair and trying to push your head down to meet his member. You stopped and got off the couch. “Cliff, I don’t want to do that.” You stated, your voice wavering.
“C’mon, ‘m almost done anyway.” He reached for you again but you pulled away. “C’mon, please?” He stood up, now towering over you as he wrapped his arms around you, kissing all over your face. His hand slid down your arm before reaching your own and brought it back to his dick.
“No, Cliff, stop! I-I don’t want to.” You protested, just barely holding back your tears. Cliff just kept going, your pleas just seemed to turn him on more and it didn’t take long before he came, white spurts getting all over your clothes and the floor.
“Hah, fuck, see? Wasn’t that-” He pulled away and finally saw your tear streaked cheeks. “What’s the matter?” He asked, bringing the hand that was just around his dick to your face. You took a step back and shook your head, wiping your tears.
“I said pumpkin, why didn’t you listen?” You asked through soft sobs. Cliff stood there dumbfounded, he hadn’t even registered you were speaking, let alone that you had said your safe word.
“I didn’t hear you.” He muttered, quickly trying to get himself situated so he could comfort you. You stormed off into the bedroom, locking the door behind you.
Cliff sighed and fell back onto the couch, falling asleep almost instantly.
A few hours later Cliff woke up again and noticed the bedroom door was still closed. He managed to sleep off his high and went over to check on you but the door was still locked, he tried knocking but there was no answer. He knew he messed up and wanted to do something to make you happy, so he got his keys and a jacket and went out to retrieve some of your favourite snacks.
Cliff returned with a bag of goodies and excitedly went to the bedroom and knocked. “Y/n? I, um, I got you some snacks.” He called through the door. When there was no response he knocked again. “Hello? Oh, are you sleeping? Fuck, sorry.” He backed away but quickly turned back. “You aren’t sleeping, you can’t be sleeping, I’m not sleeping with you.” He whispered to himself and knocked again. “Y/n, love, can you open up for me, please?” He huffed when there was yet again no reply. He just started knocking on the door, not aggressively just light tapping, enough to annoy the living shit out of you.
Cliff just kept on knocking and calling out your name, he didn’t notice you coming out of the bathroom and walking up behind him. “Y/n, please! I’m so sorry, please, just talk to me!” He called. You started digging through the bag he got for you which he finally noticed and glanced down and had to do a double take to make sure he was seeing things right. “Oh, y/n!”
“How long were you knocking?” You asked, pulling out your favourite drink from the bag.
“Doesn’t matter, I got you some snacks.” Cliff smiled as he held out the bag to you. “I wanted to apologise for today, I’m so sorry that I didn’t listen to you when you wanted to stop.” You nodded along and wrapped your arms around him, pushing your face into his chest.
“I just had a really bad day and wanted cuddles.” You mumbled, voice starting to shake again. Cliff wrapped his arms around you as well, kissing the top of your head.
“We can cuddle now if you want.” You looked up at him with a smile and nodded. The two of you got into bed, holding each other close as you snacked and talked about your days, mostly you venting to him about work. He was happy to listen and make your day just a little bit better.
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Jason was never the possessive type. He had his moments, for sure, but he always trusted you and there was never a time where he ever told you not to hang out with certain people or something.
You went to visit him at the studio and decided to bring him and the other guys lunch. When you got there Jason was in the recording booth, getting his bass lines down. Of course, everyone was very happy to see you, or rather the food that came with you. Jason wanted to finish up his parts before coming out for lunch so you found a stool in the corner and sat down to wait for him.
While he was in there one of the tech guys came over to you and started talking to you. Nothing much, just a bit of small talk. You didn’t see anything wrong with it but when Jason got out of the booth he was pissed. He came right over to you and stood between you and the guy, not waiting a second before smashing his lips against your. “Didn’t know you were coming down here, doll.” He muttered against your lips.
“Yeah, well, I thought it would be nice to bring you and the guys food.” You said with a smile, you could tell something was wrong but you weren’t quite sure what it was. Jason nodded and pulled you into his arms, picking you up and carrying you out of the recording room. James and Lars protested, saying he wasn’t done. They stopped when Kirk reminded them that he had actually finished his parts.
“Jase, where are we going?” You asked, giggling at his behaviour.
“Home.” He replied bluntly. “Need to remind you who the fuck you belong to.” You couldn’t deny that you were a little interested to see this side of Jason. This new dominating, possessive angle of the man you love.
Jason got you in the passenger seat of his car before going over to the driver's side. He didn’t even make it out of the parking lot before he started pulling at your pants, tugging them down your thighs. “Jason, come on, just wait till we get home.” You were still smiling and your tone was still cheery while he started to play with you.
He slapped your thigh. “Shut up, you were horny enough to go after the fucking bellboy or whatever he was.” You looked at him with a hurt expression as he tugged on your panties so hard they broke.
“Jason! These were expensive.” You whined, he didn’t care and just slid a finger over your slick folds. He kept his eyes on the road, glaring at all the passing cars and buildings while sinking a finger in you.
It started out fine, you were enjoying this version of him and the way he was making you feel. “Fuck, Jason, feels so good.” You hummed and rolled your hips against his hand, looking for more of his touch. He pulled his finger out and slapped your thigh again, this time much harsher.
“Shut the fuck up, who said you could fucking talk?” You bit your lip, staring at him a little worried. He stuck two fingers back into you but didn’t wait for you to adjust before he started pumping them in and out of you. There was a small pain but you thought you could handle it. Then he stuck another in, again he didn’t wait.
You were getting closer to home but not nearly fast enough and Jason already had four fingers stretching you out in such a painful manner. You were whining and crying for him to let up, you knew if you absolutely needed to you could use your safe word but you didn’t want to. You had been enjoying where this was going and thought he would let up soon, as soon as you got home. He didn’t.
He pulled the car into a parking lot and turned it off. “Get in the back.” He ordered and got out of the car. He stood there for a moment while you sat in the car, unsure of what to do. Jason came over to your side of the car and opened your door. “I told you to get in the back.” You started crawling between the seats to get to the back but he pulled you back. “Not that way you fucking child, c’mere.” He tugged on your arm to get you out of the car.
“What? No! I’m not going out with my fucking pants down, what if someone sees?” Your voice was a whisper as you expressed your concerns.
“There’s no one fucking here, come on.” He pulled you out of the car and got you into the backseat in a rather aggressive manner. Jason didn’t hesitate and put his fingers right back inside you. The stretch was unpleasant, the way his fingers moved didn’t feel half as good as they usually did. He took it a step further and got his whole fist in you, that’s when you had enough.
“Jason.” You squeaked. “Jason stop, it hurts.”
“Stop being a bitch and just take it, you were all over that bastard back at the studio, just wanna throw yourself at anyone, huh?” His tone and accusation along with the stretch was just all too much and tears started streaming down your cheeks as you cried.
“Please, Jason, I-I’m sorry! I didn’t-didn’t mean to I just-”
“Didn’t mean to? Fuck you mean you ‘didn’t mean to’? Didn’t mean to fuck other guys on your way over?” You shook your head, squirming underneath Jason.
“Please, Jason.” You whined.
“Please, what? Please let me fuck around? Please let me take whatever cock I want?”
“Pump-pumpkin, please, pumpkin!” You cried out. Jason stopped, pulling his hand out of you.
“Baby, what did you say?” His voice was the complete opposite as to what it just was, no longer harsh and accusatory but soft and sweet just as you were used to. “Did you say pumpkin?” He brought his hand up to your face, caressing your cheek lovingly.
“‘M sorry, I just-just couldn’t take it anymore.” You said through sobs. Jason shook his head and carefully pulled you into his lap. “No, no, don’t apologise, you didn’t do anything wrong, I’m so sorry I made you have to say that.” He held you close to his chest, kissing your forehead and cheeks. “I’m sorry I was so rough, you didn’t do anything to deserve that.”
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distorted59 · 9 months
Hey!! i was wondering if you could write something angst with happy ending? (with anyone and any era)
yes!! i can! love me some of that!!! here is late 90s Jason with some angst and a happy (smut) ending.
this might have been inspired by a dream i had, who knows?
Breakfast is Served
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summary: Jason shows up to your house after having a rough night, he's looking for answers and comfort. You are close friends with the band ^^
pairing: '97!Jason x fem!reader
warnings: just a lil angst, jealousy, slight smut, happy ending (wink wonk), again loving to beg, nsfw
word count: 789
A/N: like i said, majorly inspired by a dream i had a few months ago. still stuck in my head, and it was too good to not use it.
You're walking around your kitchen in some comfortable clothes, a big shirt and some panties. You’re cooking up a quick and easy breakfast for yourself, but of course, you’ve made way too much. 
 There’s a knock on your door, you walk towards it and you’re met with Jason’s excited, yet nervous eyes. “Jason! Oh my god!” you walk into his arms and he squeezes you tightly. “Hi baby…” he softly speaks. 
“You’re just in time for breakfast, come on!” you pull his arm towards the kitchen. 
“I, uh- I wanted to ask you something first, actually.” He shuffles in nervously and you turn around and notice his demeanor change. “If that’s okay.”
“Of course, are you alright?” you ask. 
“Yeah ‘m fine, ‘s just...” He scoffs for not being able to look you in the eye. “Do you love me?” 
Your heart sinks to your stomach, “what?”
“Do you,” he starts to tear up, “love me?” 
“Yes! I do!” you grab his face, “why are you asking me this?”
“Do you love me, like you love James?” He gulps. “Like you love Kirk?” He puts his hands over yours, squeezing them. “Like you love Lars?” 
“Yes, I love you the same way I love them.” you say. 
“Why does it sometimes feel like you don’t?” He’s almost crying at this point.
“Jason, I love you. Alright?” you hug him tightly. “Did the boys say anything to you?” 
“No… I can just feel it sometimes. Ya know?” He wipes his face. “Like when James puts his arm around you, he looks around the room like you’re his. And no one else’s.” 
“That’s just alpha male bullshit.” you laugh, “they all do that, even you Jase.” 
“And Kirk, when you sit next to him or hug him. His eyes just change, like no sharing. He wants all of you for himself.” Jason rambles on and you let him.
He frantically looks at you, trying to find an explanation. “Oh, and Lars!” 
“Lars just looooves it when you wanna play drums with him!” He chuckles dryly. “That would make you like him more, always will. Whenever you’re playing with him and he’s touching you, he just eyes everyone. Knowing that’ll be the reason you like him most!”
“Jason…” you start. “I can’t play drums, without bass.” you smile at him and start to rethink what you just said. “Shit dude, that was even cornier than I thought it would be.” you frown.
Jason starts laughing, finally cheering up a bit. You lean in and kiss him softly. He wraps his arms around your waist and immediately kisses you back. 
“Damn it, woman.” He murmurs between kisses, “I love you.” 
“I love you too.” 
We walk towards the kitchen and you lean against the dinner table. He leans against the kitchen island across from you.
“I’ll talk to the boys, make it known that if everyone wants to keep up. You’ve all gotta share.” you wink at him. 
“Okay.” Jason smiles. “There’s one other reason I came here though.” 
“And that is?” you ask him. 
He picks you up and puts you on the table, making you squeal. 
“I had a dream about you last night, woke up a little…” he wanders off. 
“Hard?” you raise my brows. 
“The waking up bit, of course.” He raises his eyebrows too, a wide grin on his face.
“Of course.” you grin back. 
“On the way here, just got me thinking about stuff. Made my problem uh, disappear a little.” Jason blushes.
“What was it about? The dream.” you smirk.
“Well, I went over to your place. And I was met by you and you weren’t wearing any pants, much like right now.” He snaps the fabric of your panties against your thighs. 
He picks you up again and sets you on the ground. Slowly pulling down your panties and kissing you down your legs.
“And I leaned you against the table, like this.” He pushes you back. “And you put your leg over my shoulder.” He slowly grabs your thigh and lifts it up. “And you let me eat your perfect little pussy.” He shoves your leg over his shoulder and looks up at you. 
That look could’ve made you cum right then and there. Like he’s waiting for it, waiting for your approval. Not daring to touch you any further before that. your hands slide through his hair, tugging on it softly.
“You made me beg for it.” He groans. “You love it when we beg, don't you?”
“I do.” you whisper. “Go ahead and beg.”
“Oh fuck.” Jason hisses. “Please let me make you feel good, wanna show you how much i love you.” 
“Mhm, go ahead baby.”
Breakfast was served.
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If possible, dating Jase hcs please 🥹🫶🏻💞
Yes yes yes
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Jason is probably one of the most loving people you’ll ever know. He’ll treat you with respect and is genuinely soft. Jason = golden retriever bf
Jason loves spending quality time with with you. It’s a big love language of him. With all the touring and studio time, he just wants to spend time with you and love on you and get love.
He genuinely is happy to see you. His face lights up once he sees you, no matter if it’s been a month or so from touring you’re just coming back from the bathroom.
Loves hugs where he can just wrap you up. Loves hugs where can kiss your cheek. LOVES hugs where he can just hold you for as long as you’d let him.
This boy is a giggle butt and he’s got you laughing too. He’d always crack these stupid dad jokes or he’d talk like a muppet. He always knows how to make you laugh.
Jason thinks it hot when you put on one of his bass’s.
Usually would never be able to take a normal photo for you, hes always posing.
When you started sleeping together, you learned that he has cute little snores. Jason denies it and that he snores like a normal human being.
Jason will take you on hikes. Type of guy who does not need a map. This man will find a way to the most beautiful spots with no help. He’s also determined to find accessible trails if needed.
He is super sweet to your family. Always very polite.
If you smoke weed, he’d be so happy to share a blunt with you.
He’s protective of you. He doesn’t wants you hurt, but he is not controlling whatsoever.
Jase would DEFINITELY want to have a little group of animals with you. He’s the type of boyfriend to come home with a dog he saw on the side of the road and be like “this is ours now. Her name is biscuits.”
Jase loves taking you on tour, he wants to take you to places you haven’t been before.
Jase = cuddle bug
Jase = space heater
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rockstarslutt · 14 hours
Hi! I was wondering if you could do some fluff with Jason Newsted? There’s not enough stuff for him on here😭 and I love him sm🤭
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IKRRRRR??? Jason is so underrated and he’s so pretty like HELLO?!
Again, I’m gonna make a scenario. Basically it’s a movie night but he’s tired and he falls asleep on your chest.
I watched Jason bring some popcorn and Oreo’s and lay down next to me on the couch, a cute little smile plastered on his face. We settled on watching “pretty woman”. The movie was really good and the snacks too, but Jason seemed to not pay attention to the movie. I saw him stealing glances at me following small smiles.
“What are you smiling at?” I ask.
“Nothing. I’m just tired and I wanna fall asleep looking at something beautiful.” He answered. I wanted to hold him in my arms and squish him tightly.
“Awww” I pulled him in my arms and laid back with his head on my chest. We continued watching the movie until the end. I wanted to stand up but I couldn’t. Jason was sleeping on me, a small drool falling from his parted lips. I chuckled and kissed his head, slowly falling asleep too.
This is so short I’m so sorry… my time is limited because of the exams… school sucks but the whole summer I’ll be free to write your requests! LOVE YOU
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sk4rlette8008 · 7 months
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Room For More ☆ Jason Newsted, Kirk Hammett (18+)
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You bite back a smile and raise your cup to your slightly parted lips as a familiar set of arms encircle themselves around you from behind, your eyes nearly closing in bliss as your boyfriend's touch emanates much needed warmth and the heady taste of lager floods its way into your awaiting mouth. Your upper half feels pleasantly weighed down as your eyes venture over and through the ever-growing crowd impatiently barreling its way into the dressing room you two currently stood in, goosebumps awakening and creating dormancy on your exposed flesh as Jason's hands begin to wander their way down and explore.
You unevenly swallow as large and calloused palms make their way past and inside the top of your jeans and rest just above the beginning of your underwear, the studded and uneven designed rings adorning his thick and long fingers nearly intertwine themselves in the loose strands of fabric inside your pants as he does so. Light russet brown curls tickle the side of your neck as Jason rests his chin on your partially bare right shoulder, his rough-skinned fingertips gently massaging and drawing figure 8's into the soft skin just underneath the ending of the flimsy lace and cotton, on the precipice of your inner thighs.
"Hi baby," He breathes out as a greeting, nearly against you. The cadence in his soft and loving tone makes you fully relax back in his embrace, the motion lulling the two of you even closer together and nearly merging you both into one being. You turn your head to the side and place a wet kiss to his jawline, a light laugh making its way out of you as you watch him playfully raise his eyebrow in faux shock. Your laughter dies down and stutters to a hitched exhale as his blue and slightly dilated eyes peer down at your raised and beer-damp lips, his fingertips subconsciously pressing themselves even deeper into your sensitive skin and creating temporary indentations as he watches them further part and suck in a shaky breath. "Missed you."
Your heartbeat unevenly flutters in your chest at his sweet admission of truth, your tongue nervously coming out to flick against your drying lips as he brings his face even closer to yours. "I missed you too." You admit, your voice barely audible and coherent over the yelling and tipsy strangers in the room with you, completely ignorant and unknowing of the tension building in between the two of you in the back of it, near one of the exits. You eagerly inhale the intoxicating scent of your boyfriend's natural musk and cologne as his lips brush against yours, the grasp you have on your cup nearly loosening as his fingers curl up and bunch the fabric of your underwear in a slight grip.
"Oh yeah?" Jason murmurs, his bottom lip connecting with yours as he physically embodies every vowel and consonant he uses to speak to you with. You needily nod and blush as he chuckles at your enthusiasm, his eyes darkening and slitting as he hungrily takes in all of your aborted and heavy breaths breathed out against him. "How about you show me, and our guest how much you missed me then?"
You furrow your brows in confusion at his teasing words and tone, before freezing in place and shutting your eyes in mortification. "Who is it?" You ask in a groan, lowering your head to rest it against your boyfriend's chin as he heartily laughs out into the frenzied air.
"Just your best friend, is all," Jason announces easily, as if acknowledging Kirk watching you both from afar was nothing out of the ordinary. "Want me to invite him over?" You raise your head and open your eyes to gape at him in shock, before raising your free hand to lightly smack at his side once you see the amusement painting his features. You can't help but grin back at him as you watch his tired face brighten up from your reaction, all annoyance gone as he placatingly loosens his grip from around the fabric and grazes his thumb over your hipbone.
"He's your friend too, you know? They all are." You lightly remind him, fighting back the urge to roll your eyes as he lowers his head to lap at the side of your neck instead of verbally answering you. Jason half asses a grunt against your reddening skin, before moderately biting into the junction of your neck to leave a love bite. You moan out into the chilled air and nearly close your eyes, before a familiar head of curly hair grasps onto your attention in your dazed and slightly blurred, peripheral vision.
"Jason," you gasp as he sucks on your now bruising and welting skin, his ring finger traveling down your flesh to lightly tap against your still clothed and now pulsating clit. "Jason. Kirk's coming over." Jason lets out a sound filled with mirth against you, before pulling away and raising his head to look into your blown wide pupils and enlarged eyes.
"If you aren't comfortable with this, baby, just say the word and I'll take you to some place more private. This is all about you, and for you. We can wait." Jason promises you, swears. You go to open your mouth to question him, but pause as a third hand lightly wraps itself around your waist and almost beckons you forward. Kirk sends you a slightly nervous, but still beaming look as you gaze up at him from your position in between your boyfriend's legs and embrace.
"Did he talk to you yet?" Kirk asks you, his eyes trailing down your middle and finding purchase on the hands currently resting and caressing you in your pants. You let out a sound of disbelief and snap your head to the right, your boyfriend beginning to look sheepish as you glower at him. "You had this planned?" You question him, embarrassment filling and overwhelming you as Kirk takes the drink from out of your hand and places it off to the side. Jason starts to look regretful, bending down to place a calming kiss on your pursed lips as you tense in his hold and go to lift your back off of his front.
"It isn't what you think, I promise. You told me that you had a crush on Kirk when you were younger and all growing up together, and him and I had drinks and smoked on the road a few days ago. Came out while we were hammered, and he admitted to used to liking you too, and we just bullshitted around it for a while until this idea came to mind," Jason explains, his hands coming out from inside of your denim and up to lightly rub at your sides as he attempts to comfort you. "We spoke about maybe bringing someone else into the bedroom with us at some point down the line a few times before, and I thought that you wouldn't feel any more comfortable than with someone who knows you as well as I do. In some ways, at least."
Kirk nods and offers you a gentle smile of agreeance, the sight of his crooked and endearing smile making it hard for you to hold on to any further embarrassment or hesitation. "It's true. We spoke about this for hours and we planned on making this a private thing, but the rest of the guys ended up bringing the roadies and their girls backstage with them, and it all just kind of went to shit. I only came over here to offer the private room to you guys in case you and Jason still wanted to have a good night together, before we have to get back on the road for the next venue and concert," you watch as he playfully raises a key and waves it in your line of vision, before placing it on the table beside you and taking a step back, his hand falling from your side. "The last thing we wanted to do was make you feel uncomfortable, or make you feel like we were teasing you and fucking around with your feelings. I've wanted you for a while, but if this isn't what you want and your feelings are only for Jason, I completely understand."
You take in a deep breath and listen intently as Kirk trails off in a despondent tone, your hands coming up to rest on top of Jason's as he places a kiss on the top of your spine. "Jason will always be more than enough for me, but I have thought about you joining us a few times." You admit, bashful, a smile growing on your lips as you watch your best friend straighten up and lick his own. Jason's hands shift from underneath yours for your attention, his thumbs encircling around your own to caress them gently as he murmurs your name against the shell of your ear.
Blue eyes meet yours from over your shoulder, and your boyfriend nods in the direction of your best friend before sending you a sideways grin. "I'd take up the offer if I was you, baby. Five more minutes alone, and our lead guitarist is going to have a broad hanging off of each one of his arms." You giggle as Kirk's cheeks suddenly ablaze, the rare shyness while being around the two of you both brand new and sparking your interest, the warmth in your groin reigniting as you watch your best friend's eyes dance down your figure, starving-like and slow, before turning almost shy again.
You glance back at Jason one last time for confirmation, before nodding and stretching an arm out to grasp onto the key. You raise it in their line of vision and wave it around like Kirk had done earlier, a large smile making its way on your face and anticipation building itself in your core as they both let out matching sounds of amusement and expectancy.
"Take me to the private room then, boys."
"How am I supposed to make my way into all of this again, exactly?" Kirk asks you both, a tinge of nerves in his tone and his eyes erratically glancing in between the two of you. The on-and-off confidence your best friend showed earlier begins to slowly deplete as you all make your way down to the room, the party somehow still as loud as it was when you were all inside, now twenty feet away and with one of the two doors shut. Jason wraps an arm around his shoulders and brings him in close as he did with you earlier, you smiling gently and clasping onto one of Kirk's hands, as James and Cliff whistle and shout from the other end of the hallway.
"You filthy fucks!" "Get it on!" As it turns out, you three, especially you and Jason, weren't as subliminal and discreet as you all thought you had been. Kirk grins despite his nervousness and directs a hand behind his back to give two of his other best friends the middle finger. The loud bouts of drunken laughter that follow after the gesture makes you all smile and partially relax, their rowdiness comforting and familiar grounding before such a new beginning and experience.
"In the past year and a half I've been with you guys, I've never once seen you this strung up and nervous before a lay. What gives?" Jason responds and asks, a playful hint in his voice to hide his full-on curiosity. Kirk raises an arm to wrap it around Jason's waist and squeezes your hand before answering, glancing at you only momentarily. "I'm not nervous because I'm getting laid, I'm nervous because it's you. Well, the both of you, actually." You and Jason share a silent look, and both hold back smiles as you each catch onto the hidden words and meaning.
"It isn't going to be weird because we're your friends or because we're dating. You aren't going to make a mess of things, and we can stop at any point in case it all becomes a bit too much. Our friendship and all of our comfortability comes before any of this." You reassure him, peering over at the door they stop in front of, Jason leaning against the frame and looking completely relaxed as you take it in. Your boyfriend sends you both an untamed grin, before clicking his tongue and nodding toward the private sign dangling haphazardly on a nail in the chipped door.
"Might end up with splinters in our asses, if the bed and framing are as messed up as the finish of this wood," he jokes, before sending Kirk a hearty and heavy look. "I invited you because I trust you, we both do. There's no one else I feel as certain to do this with, especially with my girl involved, man. There's always been space for you in our friendship and relationship, what makes it so different now that we're including you in our sex life too?" You blush at the vulgarity of his words, a complete contrast and opposition to how you were with him only a few minutes prior.
"What happens if feelings get involved? What if someone ends up wanting more?" Kirk asks, his confidence coming back after all the reassurance, now fully able to steadily look you and Jason both in the eye. Jason's cobalt eyes flash over to you, self-assured and secure, before shrugging and flipping the sign over to read occupied.
"For you, there's always room for more," he states easily, bending down to place a thankful kiss to your lips as you hand the key over to him. As your boyfriend unlocks the door for all three of you and pushes it open, you and Kirk share small, shy smiles. Whatever happens next, you were sure you were all looking forward to it.
You take in a deep breath as you follow the both of them in, Jason staying back to hold the door open for you. Butterflies erupt in the cage of your midsection as the door shuts behind you with a resounding click and the lights flicker on, a bright, yellow-tinged luminescence. You all glance at each other, before instinctively moving forward, Jason enveloping himself straight against your back and Kirk somehow already knowing how to mold himself to the front of you. And as your best friends lips make contact with your yours for the very first time and you boyfriend makes his way down the base of your spine with his mouth and teasing teeth, only four words come to mind.
To making more room.
You let out a soft pitter of laughter as Kirk trails his lips down your sternum, the light fabric of your t-shirt now untied and pillowed near your feet on the carpet. You feel his lips turn upward against your shivering skin as his mouth continues to tickle you, your boyfriend's mouth already at the base of your spine and mouthing at the back of your jeans.
"Why don't you tell Kirk what your favorite fantasy with all of us together is?" Jason suggests mercilessly, his domineering tone out of character but still pleasantly welcomed. Your best friend looks up at you with wide brown eyes, his red and bitten lips now only a few centimeters away from one of your perked and swollen nipples. You let out a moan as your boyfriend wraps his arms around you from behind to unbutton your jeans and lightly tug them down. "Go ahead, sweetheart."
You lick your lips and cry out a gasp as Kirk tongues his way around your areola, the same time as Jason's rough thumb makes contact with your clit through your soaking wet underwear. Kirk's mouth makes an audible slurping sound as he hollows his lips to suck at the mound of your breast, his free hand coming up to grasp and fondle the other, his thumb and index fingers tantalizingly rubbing your other nipple to intense sensitivity. You let out a pleasured hiss as Jason lightly pinches your clit in retaliation to not answering his question. I'm waiting.
"I picture Kirk on top of me, mounting me, while you're fucking my mouth and using me." You shakily whisper out, your face completely red and your lips gaping open in pleasure as your underwear are pushed to the side and a thick finger is ran through your folds.
"Sounds good, doesn't it?" Jason asks Kirk, a pleasured jolt shocking through you as your best friend disconnects from you to watch as your boyfriend brings you pleasure, his hand reaching down to cup his own dick in the confines of his tight jeans.
You watch as Kirk unzips his zipper and hurriedly removes himself from his briefs, letting out a sigh of relief as his cockhead slaps against his lower stomach and twitches with painful arousal. "So fucking good." Your mouth waters as he reaches down to twist his palm against his shaft and makes a fist, the pleasured arch of a wrinkle making its way in between his eyebrows as he pants is almost beautiful.
Jason makes his way to your front and helps you carefully remove your underwear and jeans down the rest of your legs and from around your ankles, before kneeling in front of you and leaning forward to lap at your swollen clit without any warning. The sound that expels and forces itself out of your throat is close to a wail, and you have to fist handfuls of his hair as your legs threaten to let you fall and give out from beneath you. You force yourself to keep your eyes open as Kirk pants and lets out moans of his own, the copious amount of precum leaking from his tip being more than enough for his tightening fist to use as lube.
Tears spring to your eyes as two thick fingers delicately make their way inside of your already clenching entrance, curling up and hitting your spongelike spot with finesse as soon as they reach hilt and his last knuckle. Jason sits back on the balls of his feet and watches as you fall apart from his fingers alone, the sound of his wet wrist making harsh contact with the inside of your tremoring thighs loud enough to make anyone within twenty feet blush and turn away.
Jason turns his head to glance at Kirk, before simply saying, "Stop." You watch in awe as Kirk's hand goes slack and falls limp on his thigh, his dick weeping another bead of precum as your boyfriend gives him an appraising look. "Good boy. Wouldn't want you to cum before you fuck our girl, isn't that right?" You pant out harshly in the nearly quiet room, the only sounds being your punched out moans and your boyfriend's wrist flicking upwards to fuck his lengthy fingers in and out of you.
You hastily reach down for Jason's arm and partially squat as your first orgasm barrels its way through you, your fists tightening and tugging on your boyfriend's hair as you do so, causing him to moan out loud from the pain and speed up his ministrations until you gasp out his name and plead for him to stop.
"Jason, please." You whimper and cry out, your boyfriend grasping onto your waist with his free hand just in time to catch you before you fall, your upper legs going numb and unable to stop seizing as you narrowly land in his lap. Jason coos and balances the combination of both of your weights, before standing up and bringing you with him. Kirk shakily rises and makes way for the both of you, readjusting you into a comfortable position as Jason lies you down on the uneven, makeshift bed.
Kirk's eyes stare down at you ravenously, his undivided attention only shifting off of you once two glistening fingers are placed in his line of sight. You watch as your boyfriend raises an eyebrow and glances down at his own digits, before imitating an opening mouth multiple times. "I bet you were wondering how she tastes," after Kirk's almost dazed and answering nod, Jason places his nearly dripping with arousal index and middle finger's right against the swell of his bottom lip. "Why don't you have a little taste then, hm?"
Your breath hitches as Kirk's eyes flicker over to Jason's and his lips part widely in submission, his tongue peeking out from in between his kiss chapped lips for an easier glide into his awaiting mouth. Jason smiles at him gently, pleased, before sliding his fingers into his warm opening, raising an eyebrow as your best friends lips enclose around them and almost suck them in.
Your clit pulses back to life as you watch Kirk's cock bead and dribble, his prerelease almost landing on your thigh and mixing in with your own. Jason removes his fingers from his mouth once they're licked clean, before bending down to a squat and taking your head in between his hands. "You think you can take another round?" Your boyfriend asks you, his gentle smile turning into a wolfish grin as he watches you glare up at him indignantly. "I'll take that as a yes."
You watch, enraptured, as your boyfriend undresses himself. It's like the first time each time, with the sound of his belt clanking together before silently hitting the carpeted floor. The muscles contract and tense in his visible forearms as he bends over to shove his jeans down his thick legs, his shirt causing his hair to mess and frizz as he lifts it up and over his head, his thick and long, accommodating length welcoming you with a bob as he kicks his briefs off from around his ankles.
You glance over at Kirk and blush as he lets go of his shirt and allows it to join in on the piles of discarded clothes already on the floor, his lean and soft ridged muscles encapsulating his body type in the most perfect way. A thick and yet cleanly trimmed happy trail makes its way down to his beautiful looking cock, already leaking and weeping precum everywhere and just begging to be inside of you. Kirk licks his lips repetitively, as if your musky and natural essence coated his mouth entirely during the taste test your boyfriend allowed him to have. Dark, spirally curls fan out around his sweaty face and cling to the sides of his cheekbones, his jeans now removed and legs tense as if he's fighting back the urge to jump you and take you in any way he's allowed.
Your legs spread open on their own accord as you feel a gush of arousal pearl and slowly make its way down your swollen and glistening pussy lips. A small and tired smile finds purchase on your face as you hear them both groan out in unison, and you shift to position yourself as you would in your favorite fantasy once you feel you have enough upper body strength: your body resting in the middle of the bed with your head being the only limb hanging off of it, your hands resting on either side of your head with open palms up, and your legs spread wide open and welcoming.
Jason lets out a winded curse as he makes his way over to where your head hangs off, placing a warm and gentle hand on the middle of the back of your head and bending down to guide you into a wet and promising kiss. Your tongues tangle together despite the contradicting position, your lips making audible smacks and thick trails of spit landing on your forehead as he gently moves away. Jason looks down at you in loving disbelief, as you already looked fucked out from his fingers and kisses alone. "You ready, Hammett?"
Kirk has to physically shake his head as if he's in a trance or a stupor, and you have to bite back a giggle as you watch your boyfriend look over at him exasperatedly. Kirk lets out a laugh of disbelief of his own as he stares down and marvels at you, his feet moving on their own accord as he finds himself kneeling on the edge of the bed and taking you in as you display yourself for them. You reach out and interlace your fingers with his own, your smile seemingly deemed delicate and comforting enough to have Kirk nodding his head and glancing up at your boyfriend with finality.
The first slide of your boyfriend's dick in your mouth is coincided and partially interrupted with Kirk's first full thrust inside of you, causing you to jolt upwards and nearly deepthroat the entirety of your boyfriend's length, while unprepared. You scramble for purchase on your boyfriend's thighs as you slide yourself back into place and only take him halfway, your tongue lolling out to massage the thick vein pulsating itself alongside your overly salivating tongue.
Kirk lets out a moan of an apology and he squeezes his eyes shut, the warm and tight heat of your walls being almost too much for him to handle at once, while your boyfriend carefully pushes the hair out of your face, whispering praises down to you as he carefully begins to fuck his way in and out of your mouth.
Tears cling to your lashes as Jason and Kirk somehow manage to find a matching thrust rhythm, each moan of yours being muffled by the length slowly making its way in and out of your throat and adding even more pleasure for your boyfriend. Kirk's thrusts hit right above your spot every time, each stroke of his hips almost bringing you even closer to your second orgasm, his added weight pressing onto your stomach in the most delicious way as he mounts you and fucks deep into you. You try to lift your hips to help Kirk rub his cockhead lower and against your g-spot, but your legs are too weak to even raise or wrap around his waist. Jason notices your slight struggle and laughs quietly to himself, before sending you a reassuring look.
You shout as your boyfriend leans forward to gently beckon Kirk to lift his upper half off of you, only to reach down and roughly rub at your clit with three fingers. Your best friend mutters out a curse, his eyes blown wide and his hands scrambling to keep you in place as your boyfriend directs him to situate himself in a lower position to help you cum faster. "She's so fucking pretty, isn't she?" Jason asks him as your tongue stretches out to massage his raising and tightening ballsack, his face only inches away from Kirk's and grinning as you swallow around him and rest your nose against his trimmed pubes and pubic bone.
Spit trails down your forehead and temples in thick globs as you shallowly breathe out around him, the slightly lack of oxygen only adding on to the insurmountable amount of pleasure you were currently feeling, eyes nearly crossing and rolling back in your head as Kirk follows your boyfriend's instructions and almost immediately hits your cervix and g-spot dead on.
"The prettiest," Kirk moans out, his tone lowering to a grunt as he bottoms his way out in you and thrusts in small pulses, his cockhead now easily nudging against your spots and your pussy walls eagerly sucking him in. "So fucking tight around me, I don't think I'm going to last long." Jason's lips spread wide as he moans once you suck against his shaft harshly, forcing himself not to fuck your throat as roughly as he'd like to with you already feeling sexually overwhelmed.
"Making us feel so good, pretty." Jason praises, letting out an echoing and ricocheted breathy moan as you raise one of your hands to fondle at his balls and the other to wrap around the base of his dick. Kirk stares at Jason as he feels his balls tighten and his cock begin to spurt out a large amount of precum as your walls begin to spasm around him, your second and last orgasm making you clench around Kirk so tightly, he wasn't able to continue thrusting.
Jason continuously rubs at your clit as he watches your bottom half flail and try to get away from his touch, before looking into Kirk's eyes to tell him exactly what he needed to hear. "You can let go."
Kirk's eyes widen as he's granted permission to cum, and the tight coil in his stomach seems to snap at your boyfriend's words. His hips roughly thrust and fuck their way into you with reckless abandon, his seed adding even more warmth into your already sweating and overexerted body. Jason carefully makes his way from on top of you once your hands begin to shake and your jaw begins to slack with exhaustion, his own hand creating a fist to fuck into as he slides his dick from out of your mouth.
Your boyfriend raises an eyebrow down at you as you lift a shaky hand and wrap it around his ministrative wrist, before gently tugging it away. "Finish in me." You barely whisper, the grated tone of your voice making his cock twitch and drop a teardrop worth of cum in between your own. You both blink at each other, before falling into deep laughter as the droplet runs down and condenses itself into the spit already drying and matting itself in your hair.
"If you're sure." Jason only moves once you nod in agreeance, taking the long way around so he doesn't have you shift your already sore and tensing neck. You look over and beckon Kirk to sit down next to you as your boyfriend carefully lifts up your hips and places a pillow underneath your backside. Your best friend sits right next to your head and begins to gently run his fingers through the mess of your hair, letting out a huff of amusement as his fingers get caught and tangled up in the first try.
"Maybe next time." You tiredly draw, sending Kirk a small smile as you watch him beam down at you and try to move your hair out of the way instead. Jason watches you two softly, before reaching down to delicately graze your clit, a barely audible coo coming from out of his lips at you lightly wince at the slight oversensitivity.
"I know, baby, I know." Jason slowly eases his way into you, relief filling him as he realizes that his plan of distracting you with stimulation would ease the discomfort of him entering you had worked. Your lips part with surprised pleasure as Jason slowly thrusts his cock in and out of you, the stretch only pleasant and your body fully welcoming his slightly girthier length as he carefully uses you for his own release. Kirk watches as your body greedily sucks him back in with every thrust and movement of your boyfriend's hips, as if even though you were exhausted and spent, your body still craved his release and wanted to be fully bred.
You carefully lift a still tremoring leg and wrap it around Jason's waist, pressing the hell of your foot into the dimpled skin of his lower back. "You know what I want you to do, don't you?" You murmur, swallowing drily as your throat protests every vowel and movement. Jason mindfully propels himself forward and rests his hands on either side of your head, his eyes searching in yours as he feels his abs start to constrict and his groin begin to burn.
"You want me to breed you nice and full, have me watch as my seed runs down your legs afterwards. Want me to feed it to you." You moan in unison with Jason as his cockhead continuously makes contact with your spongelike spot, shock running through you as you feel another seemingly impossible orgasm build inside of you.
"That's right, sweetheart. You're so fucking smart. So good and open for me, still nice and tight after all we did to you." Kirk's cock begins to fill once again as he filters your praise as his own, his hands gripping onto his thighs as he watches you both moan into each other's mouths and cum together at once.
Kirk watches as you both impossibly and easily fall into each other like puzzle pieces, and he falsely smiles to himself before lifting himself off of the bed and reaching down to grab ahold of his underwear. Jason raises his head from yours and raises an eyebrow as he makes eye contact with his band member from in between his legs. Kirk bites back a huff of amusement as he sees the shock on his best friend's face at his flexibility, before freezing at the words that come out of his mouth next.
"And where exactly do you think you're going?" You tilt your head to the side and frown as you see your best friend pause in the middle of reaching for his pants.
"Come back to bed, we've got like three more hours until we're kicked out of here and you guys are back out on the road." You lightly instruct, your heart beginning to feel heavy as you catch sight of the insecure expression on Kirk's face. You lightly tap on Jason's shoulders to flip you two over once he carefully removes himself from inside of you, and you go to sit up on his chest to gain some height, smiling down at him gratefully as his hands encircle themselves around your waist to steady you and keep you upright.
"I don't think you guys have enough space for me in there, or anywhere else." Jason goes to open his mouth to rebut, before stopping as you place a firm hand on his chest, your other reaching out for Kirk to grab onto. Once he hesitantly walks on over, you entangle your fingers with his and delicately tug him back into bed, and into yours and Jason's welcoming arms.
"For you, there's always room for more."
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doubletalkingmaeve · 10 months
Random Jason Newsted!Univeristy Headcanons
This is fuelling me to not drop out
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The two of you would meet during your first day because he was the strange guy next to you that needed to borrow and pen and couldn’t be quiet!! He’s just weird
You managed to get a job at a cafe by the campus and noticed how that weird, curly haired man kept coming back more and more til you two finally talking and got close.
Boom you’re dating
He’d constantly tease and flirt with you during classes. Sometimes he doesn’t realise it but the majority of the time, the class is boring him and he just wants to get a reaction out of you.
Jason loves how commuted you are to your classes which sometimes means date night consists of the two of you studying together in the library.
And he’s 100% a-okay with that, along as he gets to spend time with you he’s happy.
If you’re struggling with some things about your course he’s more than happy to come over and help! He hates to see you stressed so anything he can do, he will!!!
Speaking of stress, he is CONSTANTLY checking up on you, especially during exam season or when he just knows somethings up.
Sometimes you get homesick badly and that’s when Jase rushing over to you. He’s bringing a bag full of things to stay overnight and lots of treats for you.
“Sssshhh, it’s gonna be okay. You can let yourself cry, I’m here I’ll listen! I love you so much”
The two of you live in deprecate accommodation/building so you ALWAYS have to sneak each other in after curfew just to chill together .
Bonus: flatmates and friends will always lie and back you up whenever. They’d also go out for the night so the two of you can have the place to yourselves.
If you’re busy studying or working, he tires to make you dinner so you can remember to eat. With emphasis on tries because this man cannot cook for shit.
He burns everything, the kitchens a mess and you’re wondering how he managed to get it on the ceiling. The two of you decide that maybe a take-away is better.
Uni parties are an experience and the two of you always go together. You walk in together had-in-hand and you leave together hand-in-hand.
He’s always talking to people at these parties with a beer in hand and you on his lap, he’s a content man.
This calls for any uni event. The two of you never leave each other. It’s gotten to the point where if on of you is absent, everyone is always worried somethings happened.
Even though he works hard with his studies he also forms a band with other music enthusiasts which means you get to become the supportive girlfriend, and you’re singing these songs louder than him at this point.
You always stay round his family’s house for a bit. He insists and sometimes outright drags you back to Michigan whether you’re prepared or not.
When you’re back at your own home and when he’s back at his, he misses you so much. Sure, visiting family is great but he’s so used to seeing you every day that a long weekend just isn’t enough.
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khaibdl · 5 months
Can you write an 80s jason newsted smut where its Jason's and the reader's first time and its super sweet
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Genre: Smut & Fluff
Warnings: Smut (unprotected sex)
Word count: 1,045
I met Jason a year ago. We have mutual friends who eventually has set us up. He is the sweetest and most kind hearted person in the world.
We have been dating for around 2 months now but we haven’t had sex yet. We wanted to take things slow and just not rush it.
He is now in a band called Metallica and i couldn’t be more proud of him. He is an amazing bass player and loves sharing it with the world.
The guys are touring now around North America and Jason asked me to visit him for a while. I immediately said yes.
So that’s why i am in a taxi, on my way to the tourbus. Jason told me that the guys were going out tonight so that means well have some privacy, thank God.
No offence to the guys though, i love them, but i haven’t seen Jason in a while and i missed him so much.
The taxi drops me off as the doors of the tourbus opens. I see my favourite curly haired man.
“Hey baby!” Jason walks down the stairs of the bus and opens his arms. I immediately run into his arms as they pick me up from the ground.
We keep hugging like this when i start kissing all over his cute face.
“I missed you so much already Jase!” I say with a huge smile covering my face.
He places me back on the ground but keeps his big arms around my waist. He pecks me on my lips with a big smile and says he missed me too.
“Come on, let’s get you inside.” He walks up my suitcase that i left a few feet away from me. He picks it up and walks inside the bus with it.
“Did the guys leave already?” I ask looking around. I don’t see anyone, not even the bus driver.
“Yes. They will be back later though. There exited to see you again.” He places my suitcase next to a small closet already filled with some of Jason’s clothes and turns to me. His blue eyes are so captivating to me.
I turn my head to look outside and see the beautiful sunset. I turn back to Jason, my gaze met the ground and take a deep breath.
“Jase… I’m ready.” I say as I fiddle with my ring. Im too scared to look him in the eyes right now.
I hear him walk up to me in slow steps.
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything. You know that right?” He takes ahold of my slightly shaking hands and lifts my head with his other hand.
“Of course i know. But i feel ready now. Do you feel ready” Both Jason and i have never had sex with anyone. We were both waiting for the right person and i believe that Jason is the right person for me right now.
“Yes im ready.” He takes a look around the bus and says “Let me just make it cozy in here really quick, wait for me here on the couch!” He sprints to a cabinet almost tripping over some of Kirk’s horror magazines laying on the ground.
I laugh as i shake my head. Im so in love with him.
And i feel so ready for him. It kind of soothes me a little to know that he hasn’t been with anyone either. We get to know ourselves and each other for the first time. I love that idea.
“Jase… im a little nervous.” My voice quiet as i watch Jason unbuckle his belt. He was so gorgeous to look at. His big curly hair. Broad, muscular chest and the brightest blue eyes that i have ever seen.
“It’s gonna be okey baby.” The eyes i love admiring my already naked body. He pushes his pants and underwear away as he is now totally naked too.
We were on a big couch surrounded by some candles, giving us a little romantic light. The sleeping bunks were too small for two people do some activities in it…you know what i mean.
He positioned himself between my legs and i take ahold of his shoulders.
He took his cock in his hand and rubs it on my clit softly. He keeps doing it to make me feel a little more relaxed and it’s working.
“Are you sure? I want to make sure that you won’t regret anything.” He leans down and kisses my lips while stroking my head.
“Im a hundred precent sure Jase.” I give him a nod to signal that im ready one last time.
I feel him start slowly pushing in, the both of us whimpering from different feelings.
“Jase…” i close my eyes and tilt my head back. I have to get used to this feeling. “Go slow.”
Jason places his thumb on my clit, slow and gentle, as he lets me adjust to his size. His breath was shaky as it took every ounce in his boy to not cum on the spot.
“You’re so pretty baby. Im sorry if i don’t last long.” He slowly speeds up while he puts his forehead against mine. He keeps rubbing my clit and it starts to feel good right now.
“I love you so much Jase.” I moan softly into his mouth. His hips are going a steady pace and i think he’s really close. I scratch his back a bit as he turns his head to kiss my neck.
I suddenly feel him cum inside of me as he groans a little. He stays still for a few seconds and he lifts his head.
“Im so sorry I didn’t wait for you.” He presses light kisses on my face as they tickle me a bit.
“It’s fine Jase. It was amazing.” I laugh from the ticklish feeling. I hug him close against against me because i don’t want him to feel bad. It was the first time for the both of us and it was perfect to me.
“I love you so much baby.” His hands stroking my hair again.
“I love you so much Jason.” I kiss him on the lips while were both smiling.
It really was perfect.
Im so sorry that it took so long for me to post this. I was really busy with school. I hope you liked it! 💋
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aishnico · 10 months
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#𝘾𝙇𝙄𝙁𝙁 𝘽𝙐𝙍𝙏𝙊𝙉: 𝘸𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦
» summary: spending valentine’s day with your beloved one while listening the vinyl he bought for you
» word count: 1.2k
» warnings: major fluff to angst with no happy ending, grammar issues
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"hey babe! i have a surprise for you," you called happily while approaching him with a small box.
"oh? is that my late birthday gift?" he asked playfully.
you rolled your eyes. "babe, you know i didn't forget your birthday. indeed, i was the first one to celebrate you."
"yeah, because we live in the same house." he got more playful.
"ugh... i just wanted to connect your birthday with today. i'm not that rich, you know. so i bought only one thing for these two days."
"hey..." he said while taking the small box away from you and putting it on the coffee table. "i'm just messing with you. you don't know how much i appreciate all the things you do for me. i love you and you only. i'm so lucky to have you." he now trapped you between his arms. he was smelling mix of cigarettes and your favorite cologne of his.
"i love you too cliffy. so, so much. and i think we are both lucky to have each other." you looked up to him and met with his sweet smile. he kissed your forehead and then gently pulled you away.
"i have a surprise for you too. wait here." while leaving the living room. making you feel excited.
after a couple of minutes, he returned with a brown paper bag. he then sat next to you.
"first, open yours." you said while grinning. he nodded and took the box from the table and started to open it.
"it's kinda heavy. babe..?" he looked at the thing inside the box. it was a bass pedal he had been looking for a while.
"babe!" he put away it and then hugged you tightly. "you don't know how much i needed this, thank you so much!" he said while hugging you tighter.
you were working hard on your job to buy this. you didn't tell him, but he already knew that. it was the best gift for both his birthday and for valentine's day.
"cliff, babe, i can't breathe-" he finally let you go but the grin on his face didn't.
"now open yours."
you took the paper bag to your lap and took out what was inside of it.
holy shit...
it was pink floyd's wish you were here vinyl.
and it was from the 1975 edition. even so, the cover of it was looking new.
you couldn't help but gasp loudly. he knew this was your favourite album of them. whenever y'all go to vinyl shops you would look for this.
"cliff, babe-"
"shh," he said while taking the vinyl from you and opening the cover of the record player. he then carefully placed the vinyl on it and placed the needle. seconds later, you heard the intro of shine on you crazy diamond. the vinyl sounded so clearly. he really did find the best for you.
you then snuggled each other. him resting his head on your head while you rest yours on his chest.
"you know, this is not the best album to listen to on valentine's day."
"then why did you place it there?"
"just wanted to make you happy."
"well then, let's just relax a little. then i promise to listen with you to motorhead, sabbath, misfits, or whatever you want."
"i'd like that." he said happily before dozing off on you. you joined him minutes later.
you both woke up at the beginning of wish you were here. looking at each other sweetly. he then suddenly got up and reached out to you. you gave him your hand not knowing what's he planning.
he dragged you a few steps from the couch. placing his arm to your waist and other is pulling your arm up. you smiled at him while placing your free hand behind his neck. burying your face in his chest.
so, so you think you can tell
heaven from hell?
blue skies from pain?
can you tell a green field
from a cold steel rain?
a smile from a veil?
do you think you can tell?
"clearly this is also not the best song to listen to on valentines day." you said breathing in his presence. your voice sounded sad. knowing the story behind this song.
"yeah... hey, what's wrong?" he asked and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"i don't know about the other songs but, this song and shine on you crazy diamond were written to group's old band made, to the soul of the group, syd. listening to it now reminds me of him." you paused. "oh, sorry... today is supposed to be our day."
"well, i'm sorry for him, for them. i know this is not going to help but, if you don't pay attention to the lyrics, it sounds like a song to slow dancing with your partner."
you smiled. "you're right though." buried your face further on him.
how i wish, how i wish you were here
we're just two lost souls
swimming in a fishbowl
year after year
"you can't even imagine how much i love you cliff. i always gonna love you, i always gonna support you. as long as you let me, i always gonna be by your side. even if we break up in the future, i'll always wish you and to band the best."
"bold of you to assume that we're going to break up in the future." now both of his hands were on your waist. leaning his head on yours. "i swear to you, i'll never leave you and let you leave from my life. you're all i want, all i need. i love you, more than you'll ever know."
tears were continuously falling from your eyes. he gently pressed his hands on your cheeks and wiped them away with his thumbs.
"hey now, i didn't say all of this just to make you cry." he smiled at you and gently pressed his lips against yours. it was a sensual kiss. after a couple of minutes, you pulled away slowly, smiling at him.
when the last song ended he took out the vinyl carefully and placed it back to its cover.
"don't forget, only death can separate us. i promise." he said and grinned before he went to place the new vinyl on the shelf and pick the vinyl he wanted.
— october, 1986
he really kept his promise.
you didn't know when you finally accepted this to yourself.
you didn't even know if you could visit him, did you really have that strength? could your heart endure?
endless telephone calls, visits from your beloved ones, the newspapers... all of these made you weaker and weaker.
but you had to. you had to fly there and tell things you wanted to say. you had to be strong for his family, you had to be by their side. you had to support the band emotionally like they've supported you.
you finally got up from your couch, went to the bathroom to wash your messy face. after taking a deep breath you started to look for plane tickets to sweden.
running over the same old ground
what have we found?
the same old fears
wish you were here
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distorted59 · 9 months
bro my period cramps got me feeling like im strapped to an electric chair
i need jason to take care of me while im on my period (i js need him in general)😖😖
I'm sorry babe :( hope you feel better soon!! <3
i'm seeing this Jason in my head, cause he's such a cutie here. (always will be)
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He'd be prepared to drop everything he's doing and comfort you whenever you need it. Making you some tea and preparing a heating pad. making sure you take the right amount of painkillers at the right time.
and the cuddles!!!! if you're in bed he'll place you on his chest and wrap his arms around you, but not too tight, because he's scared he'll hurt you in some way.
"Are you comfy, babe?" his hand caresses your back carefully.
"very." you mumble tiredly, your voice muffled by his chest.
"oh, good." he sighs happily. "just wanna make you feel better."
and if you're on the couch, you'll lay on your back and he would carefully lay his head on your stomach and you two would watch your favorite movies or just enjoy each other's company. <3
and him rubbing your belly and back because they hurt so much!!?? yes, yes he definitely would!
i wanna cuddle with him too :(
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nostallicca · 10 months
The Memory Remains
~ Heavy rings hold cigarettes, up to lips that time forgets, while the Hollywood sun sets behind your back. And can’t the band play on? ~
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Episode 1: Mirror Vain
Warnings: Alcohol usage, mentions of throwing up, mentions of drug usage
Fortune, fame Mirror, vain Gone insane But the memory remains
The year was 1999 and you had just graduated high school. 18 years old...18 years old. That's when they say your life truly begins. You have your whole life in front of you. All the milestones are still there for you to experience. Finding the right man, getting married, having children and living an ordinary, predictable life. But you wanted something not ordinary. You wanted something extraordinary. Despite outside pressure, you did not know what you wanted but you knew that it was not what they wanted for you. And you were fine with that.
You checked the time. 6:37PM. You sat in front of the mirror, applying the last strands of your eyelashes with mascara. The ball of anxiety in your stomach was almost enough to cancel all your plans right there. But you had decided to not let the anxiety make your decisions for you anymore. You downed the last of your beer, hoping that the last mouthful of alcohol would eventually have the effect that your were chasing. You took a quick peek outside your window and saw the car you had been waiting for. Celeste. Celeste was your best friend and she had managed to fix a ride to this party you were going to. You had no idea who was going to be there and that's maybe what made you so god damn anxious. You were not a particularly shy person, just timid? Yeah maybe timid was the right word. You hurried, grabbing your purse and a worn out jean jacked that actually matched your outfit for once. You were wearing a tight, white mini dress with a pair of white, slightly dirty sneakers and the jean jacket. Your hair was kind of messy but somehow it looked intentional. You took a glance in the mirror, touching up your lipgloss when you heard the car honking the horn one more time. You stepped outside and was hit with the stifling weather of San Francisco on this particular summer night. Stepping in to the car you were hit with the smell of weed smoke and beer. The two girls who were sitting beside you in the back were complete strangers to you. Amanda, a petite blonde with major fuck me eyes and red pouty lips. And Hannah, a curly haired brunette with big brown eyes. They were nice enough but Celeste who was sitting in the front seat was the only reason you were even here. Celeste's boyfriend was driving, slightly annoyed by the constant chatting coming from Celeste and your mouths mixed with the loud instrumentals of Mötley Crue's kickstart my heart, combined with Amanda's and Hannah's voices somehow managing to overbear the actual music. Celeste handed you a beer and you quickly chugged it knowing you were going to need it.
Arriving at the destination of the party made you squirm. First of all, you had to enter a closed gate and then drive for a while to reach the actual house. The house was huge, with a slight farm vibe. There were people everywhere. On the front yard, on the outside patio and the music was LOUD. The music was definetely up to your standards though. Pantera, The Misfits, The Stones were just a few bands that were piercing through your ears. You, Celeste and the two girls Amanda and Hannah joined forces and started walking up the rocky trail leading up to the house. Before even entering the house you were faced with a few girls throwing up on the front yard and a few girls holding their hair back. If they weren't friends before that, they would definetely become friends after that. That's a universal bonding experience for all girls. As soon as you entered the house, Celeste brought you in to a bathroom for a couple shots of cheap, imported, lukewarm vodka. The bathroom was very big with hard wood floors, two sinks with two big slightly stained mirrors. A big very fancy shower with marble flooring. The bathroom smelled like a mix of aftershave, wood and smoke. You could feel the two shots of vodka coupled with the three beers you had catch up to you, impairing your already barely there judgement. Walking out to the party, all of a sudden you came to halt. You felt like you had just collided with a brick wall, head first. It took a few seconds for you to realize that it was in fact NOT a brick wall but a human chest. A man's chest to be precise. You apologized before you even raised your head to face the person you just bumped your head into. Raising your head, you were faced with a tall and buff man with shoulder length, dirty blonde hair. Wearing a white t-shirt slightly covering a few tattoos on his arms. He let out a low chuckle and a slight grin ''Woah, watch out there sweetheart'' he said before walking past you and into the bathroom while having a blonde chick glued to his arm, entering the bathroom with him. That same ball of anxiety had entered your body once again which forced you to drink yet some more. You found a bottle of Jägermeister on a dresser that looked to have cost more than your monthly check. You grabbed the bottle and took a few chugs from it.
Taking a small tour of the house you noticed who's house you might have entered. You saw a few platinum and gold certified albums hung up on the wall. A bunch of guitars and gear that only someone who was professionally into music would possess. It was clear that the house you were in belonged to one of the members of Metallica. You knew Metallica obviously. Everyone on the face of the earth probably knew about Metallica. You were not a particularly big fan but they were a good band and you had heard some of their songs. But just the knowledge of you being in a world renowned rockstar's house was enough for you to get slightly more excited than you were before.
You and Celeste were having a good time dancing and fighting off unwanted attention from absolutely hammered guys who definetely had a drink or two more than they should have. Your vision hade become slightly blurred after the extra chugs of Jägermeister that you hadn't even noticed that the man standing across the room from you was the same guy you collided with while exiting the bathroom. The same blonde chick was still attached to his arm as if she was afraid he could find someone better any second and leave her behind. He was something different. He had an aura about him that was so unique. It was almost as if he had a visable halo around him at all times. Your eyes were now stuck on him and he couldn't help but notice you as well from across the room. You saw him place the beer bottle to his lips and taking a big chug while locking his eyes with yours. With the liquid courage now in your body, you couldn't bear to look away. None of you broke eye contact for the next however many seconds that felt like an eternity until the blonde girl permanently attached to his arm seemed to notice and managed to steal his attention from you for a second by dragging her hands up his arm to his shoulder. He sneaked a quick glance to her before shifting his eyes to you again. You still had your eyes on him when you left Celeste's side and walked off in to the kitchen. You placed your back against the kitchen counter and took a few deep breaths. Somehow that man who was a complete stranger to you had managed to take your breath away by just a look. By just existing. You didn't turn around until you heard a low yet strong voice that was somewhat familiar to you. ''Looking for something?'' You turned your head quickly to look where the voice was coming from. There he was. Standing tall and proud while opening another bottle of beer with the help of the kitchen counter's edge. ''Oh, no not really'' you said with a slightly slurred speech. He looked you up and down which made your knees weak and gave you a slight shiver across your chest. ''You want a beer?'' he said while taking a sip. ''Sure, thanks''. He grabbed a bottle of beer and yet again opened it with the help of the kitchen counter edge. He reached over the counter to give you the bottle. You took it from his hand and the slight touch of his big hand sent a warm flush across your body. He took his hand and pushed some of his dirty blonde hair back ''So, what's your name?'' He asked while staring into your soul. ''I'm Olivia''. ''Olivia...hm'' he said dragging out the a at the end, making it sound better than ever before. ''How did you end up in my house anyway?'' The question gave you a weird feeling. You felt misplaced and put on the spot. Was it just an innocent question or was it intented to make you feel nervous? If it was the case, he certainly managed to do so. You felt your cheeks become hotter and you looked down while answering in a lower tone than usual ''I came with a few friends''. He nodded while gritting his teeth. ''Well, welcome to my shithole'' he said while letting out a small chuckle. You flashed him an inch of your smile while putting the bottle of beer up to your lips and taking a sip. ''Thank you, it's an honor''. He downed the last of his beer while keeping his eyes on you before letting out a small grunting noise and walking over to you. Your body became tense immediately and he seemed to notice. He grabbed your hand and dragged you along with him. You followed him aimlessly while holding the beer bottle with your other hand. You could feel your hand slightly gliding off the bottle because of your sweaty palm. You could feel people's eyes on you which made you push your head down to avoid any and all eye contact. You walked up behind him on a flight of stairs. Up there it was a lot more calm, almost no people. As if he had told everyone when they entered his house that this part of the house was off limits.
END OF EPISODE 1 - I did not want to end it here but the word count was too much. Let me know if u like it and if u want me to continue <3
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kirkycurls · 10 months
You Jump, I Jump, Jack
When a gorgeous metalhead and his band move into town, your dreary summer pouring coffees is turned on its head—for the better.
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Chapter Two
CW for this chapter: Mentions of alcoholism/mean drunk father, bullying, anxiety attack.
Flinging your house keys and some other bits into your handbag, you practically ripped your hair out of its ponytail as you held the wardrobe door open with your foot, eyes erratically scanning your array of neutrals and old tees for something a bit more glam.
You were getting worked up. Accosted by your elderly next door neighbour on your way home from work, you’d ended up with your head under her sink for the best part of an hour in an attempt to “knock some sense into that damn leaky pipe”. She knew you were good at fixing things and had used and abused that knowledge at least three times since the start of the year.
Eventually you’d escaped, explaining with a wave that you had to get an early night because you had jury duty the next day—a bold-faced lie you usually saved for only the most dire circumstances, which this was turning out to be. Margaret could, respectfully, screw herself. There was a cute guy waiting for you downtown and you were not going to be late.
You shot a glance at the alarm clock on your bedside table: 7.48 pm.
Okay, you breathed. You still had twenty minutes or so to get dressed and head out. It was only a fifteen minute walk from your house to work—ten if you power walked. But you didn’t want to get to Metallica HQ too early.
Pizza and beer. It would be nice. A chance to meet Kirk’s friends and see him again in a casual setting, sans coffee-stained apron and awkward customer service persona. And you really wanted to see him again.
You’d parted ways that afternoon with easy smiles on your faces and his hand falling a little too close to your waist as he’d thanked you for “showing me a hoppin’ time at Yvette’s coffee shop”. You’d snorted at that and blushed hard, your thoughts immediately jumping back to the cringeworthy drinks spillage. Something was definitely in the air between the pair of you and it was more than the electricity of the stormy weather.
As the thought of your last interaction with Kirk faded from your mind, your faint smile slowly succumbed to the weight of a familiar dread that had quietly invited itself into your bedroom and settled, heavy and grey, above your head. You’d known it would be paying a visit at some time this evening, but you’d so far held off its approach.
Pizza…and beer. If there were two things you didn’t like mixed, it was men and alcohol. In fact, you barely touched the stuff yourself, only giving in for special occasions.
It was your father’s fault. Night after night you’d lay in bed as a kid, eyes aching to close but knowing that at 2am on the dot he would explode through the front door after hours necking spirits at various bars with his friends.
You never knew what mood he’d be in. If his favourite team had lost a game, he’d return fuming, an active volcano slamming doors and swearing so loud it made you cringe with embarrassment that the neighbours would hear. On his happier nights he would be eerily quiet, but you could feel his fee fi fo fum energy coming up the stairs…alcohol running like a current through his veins, just one irritated moment away from getting nasty. 
That’s how your mother described those nighttime hours fraught with paranoia and anxiety… “Keep your door closed sweetie or your dad might get nasty”. And yet she’d stayed with him all these years, too in love; too far into a deep hole of denial.  
The relief you’d felt when you moved to college was unparalleled. You felt like a wave far out at sea, lapping and crashing undisturbed in a space that was entirely yours. A letter from your mother had arrived one day not long before graduation, letting you know she’d got the promotion she’d been chasing and would be working at a fancy bank closer to the city.
Your heart had leapt. You knew exactly what that meant—you’d been dreaming about it for months. Your now unemployed drunken Da would be upping sticks with her to a new house far away from you. You’d miss your mother of course, but if weeks at a time away from her meant exorcising your childhood home of him, you’d suffer the pain. She’d promised it would be your place anyway and you'd intended to make it perfect.
And perfect you’d made it. You'd spent the last few years ripping out the old kitchen, bathroom, master bedroom—anything permanent that served as a reminder of your father's leering presence. Long weekends spent in Yvette's rooms above the cafe embroidering cushions, painting landscapes and abstract nonsense to line the staircase, even testing out recipes from far-flung corners of the globe so that home cooking made your space smell like yours and yours alone. So much hard work, but it was empowering and proved you could take care of yourself; proved you could hold your own hand as a grown up, just like you'd had to all those years with the beast prowling around.
Yet all that focus on you and your haven had taken its toll on every serious attempt at a relationship since leaving college. Accusations of not wanting to commit, seeing someone else, even being too far up your own ass had followed you to mens' bedrooms (never yours) time and again. The last one had made you laugh. By that point you'd accepted you simply weren't ready for a boyfriend. You just couldn't let yourself trust that the next long-term male presence in your life would be safe. That was what it all boiled down to. You were still that frightened child, trembling under pretty pink covers, soothing whisky-stench nightmares by tending to her doll's house. Forever playing pretend. And none of the boys could see.
Except, maybe...
You sighed, refocusing on the task at hand. Drifting into a fantasy world was the last thing you needed right now.
7.54 pm.
The closet rail screeched as you gave in trying to be original and selected your outfit for the night.
It won’t be that bad, you thought. It’s going to be fine.
A little black dress sliding off its hanger.
So long as you keep it together.
And the sweet kitten heels.
It’s going to be fine…
The temperature was comfortable as you made your way towards town, heels tapping rhythmically on the concrete and a gentle breeze whispering through your loose hair.
It was still light out, although the birds were calming and there were less people around than when you'd walked home after your shift. Nonetheless, you spotted a few stragglers here and there doing their best to clean up as much of the fallout from the last deluge before the next working day. It hadn't rained since lunch time, which at this point was nothing short of a miracle.
You'd caught the weather report before leaving for the night: clear this evening; clear tomorrow.
Wow, you'd thought. Could this actually be the start of summer?
Turning onto the street housing your journey's end, you peered up at Yvette's window. Her curtains were closed. You smiled to yourself. She was always back the night before. Never late. She loved her customers and her cafe too much to stay away for long, and lateness was practically immoral. No, she would be tucked up in bed watching Poirot until around 9, complete with a hot chocolate and a slice of leftover carrot cake Steven had saved for her. After that it was lights out. Many accidental sleepovers with paint up to your elbows and the soporific aroma of her vanilla-spiced perfume had taught you that.
You were in a better mood than before. In fact, you'd almost forgotten what you were worrying about as the thumping of a stereo to your left brought you to your senses.
But don't push me to the maximum
Shut your mouth and take it home
Cause I decide the way things gonna be
Okay, now you were excited.
Taking the steps to the main doors of the old Sunday school two at a time, you were met with the back of a delivery guy's head. Judging by the tower of boxes in his arms and, ugh, heavenly smell, the pizzas had arrived. You clutched your gurgling stomach, realising you hadn't eaten since the peanut butter sandwich you'd swallowed in a girlish daze after Kirk had left.
Hands fussing nervously up your torso to fiddle with the straps of your dress, you took comfort in the spare seconds you had unseen to make sure everything was in place. It wasn’t often you got dressed up, never mind agreed to hang out with a guy you actually liked, and there was no turning back now. 
“Whewwww, that’s what I like to see.”
You looked up to see the delivery guy staring anywhere but your face. His arms were now empty and reaching out as if to pull you into a bear hug.
“You don’t wanna hang out with these losers do you, hon?”
Behind him, the guy who’d accepted the pizzas cleared his throat territorially. 
“These losers are paying your wage tonight, buddy. Why don’t you get back on your bike and do your job.”
He placed the pizzas down on the ground beside him and straightened, arms crossed. 
The delivery guy stiffened, your radar for conflict responding in kind. Your muscles locked in anticipation of an argument.
“Or shall I tell Ricky you’re shorting people their change again?”
The delivery guy ignored him. He shot a smug smile in your direction and swaggered around you, painfully slow, taking his time down the steps and back to his bike. He said nothing.
You watched him sidelong before returning your attention to the disgruntled customer, satisfied there would be no fight. 
“You okay?”, he smiled, pure warmth bottled in his eyes. 
Something told you this was Jason. 
“Yeah”, you replied, tension melting from your limbs. “Um, Kirk said to meet him here ton—.”
“Oh it’s you!”, he interrupted. “Sorry, I didn’t know you’d be here so early. Didn’t Kirk tell you he usually turns up late to these things?”
Early?? So much for your plan to be fashionably late. You felt like an eager schoolgirl now. And dressed like a hooker... And why did you wear your hair down? They were all going to think you were—
“Oh no it’s fine, you’re welcome to come in”, he laughed, no doubt noticing the checked out look on your face that usually indicated panic beneath the surface. “I’m Jason”.
Bingo. Kirk was good at describing people’s energy, that’s for sure. Another point in your book. Perceptive. Attentive. You’d be in love with him by the end of the night at this rate.
You shook off your prior anxiety and returned a laugh.
“Hey Jason. I’m sure I’ll survive a while without him. You want some help with these?”
Nodding to the stack of pizzas at Jason’s feet, an image of lunch time lit up your mind momentarily, fizzling out again like a sparkler. You smiled.
Assuming this was due to any receding awkwardness, Jason smiled even bigger, which made you smile even more, until you were both grinning as he thanked you and agreed to split the boxes, although he took more than half. 
Jason offered multiple apologies for various damp spots, cans of paint and trip hazards as you made your way in. The air was getting closer and almost sticky the further you went into the foyer, the music now thumping in your chest. Girlish giggles pierced the heavy bass at regular intervals and the smell of alcohol stung the inside of your nose. You shuddered, an all too familiar response. Then, as if passing the infernal gates and arriving straight into heavy metal heaven, the entrance area opened out into the main room you remembered from childhood. 
Your jaw dropped. Strung from every available fixture were wrinkled clothes and sagging travel bags; six mid-sized tables had been pushed to the left wall and were currently littered with old takeout packaging and empty beer cans; instruments were somewhat more carefully propped up beyond them in the far corner against a small army of equipment trolleys, a shelving unit above stocked with possibly the most extensive record collection you’d ever seen. The carpet had been ripped up and a few windows sat propped open using piles of newspapers. (You silently thanked the guys’ common sense, as the breeze that entered provided a pleasant respite from the fuggy air just outside the doors. You didn’t think you’d have survived the evening without fainting had you been forced to suffer it all night.) 
Kirk was right about removing the old furniture; the hundred or so chairs that used to fill the space like an assembly hall had dwindled to a dozen dotted here and there, mainly replaced by three leather sofas on your immediate left that were pulled in tight around a chipped coffee table you were pretty sure had been stolen from the staff kitchen. The right of the space was fairly empty, drawing attention to the expanse of flaking paint practically hanging off the wall. Tomorrow's job. You guessed this area would eventually become the studio setup. 
Finally, straight ahead at the back of the room were the stage and heavy blue velvet curtains you’d hidden behind with friends as a kid, giggling and making undeserved jokes about the nuns while you waited your call to stride out stony faced and depict various scenes from the Bible. It was smaller than you remembered and untouched by the band. Above it, a pint-sized figurine of the Virgin Mary hung demure and unspoiled. It was the only unmoving, peaceful spot left in this now chaotic place. 
Your reverie was interrupted as the evening’s cargo was lifted from your grip and set down on the coffee table. A grabbing frenzy started up as what seemed like a hundred pairs of hands tore the lids from the boxes and swooped in to claim a slice.   
“Dive in”, Jason said to the group sarcastically, turning to you and rolling his eyes with a look that said what can you do. 
“Five minutes and it’ll be gone, promise. You want a slice, you got to fight for it ‘round here.” 
He smirked and jumped over the back of one of the sofas, landing next to a waifish girl who promptly snuggled into his chest, content with her slice. Your eyes roamed the mess of tangled limbs flung in various positions across the sofas. Another two girls, who looked like twins but realistically had just gone for the exact same look, had a band member each to themselves. Lars (head thrown back in laughter, just like the first time you saw him), held two slices one on top of the other while a red-taloned hand gently stroked and tugged the lengths of his hair. Across the table, James sat the other girl in his lap, laughing through a mouthful of pizza and holding her tight by the waist. 
This girl you locked eyes with, and boy did she look like every Little Miss Popular you’d ever had the misfortune of crossing a school corridor with. Your throat tightened. She had a fiendish glint in her eye. She was about to make a comment—you could feel it. 
Mary, help me…
“How you doin’ pretty girl?", she shouted over the music. "Someone made an effort tonight. You hopin’ to get lucky?”
The noise died down the slightest amount as heads slowly turned to face you. A tiny flicker of anger nudged you in the gut—how could she possibly know whether or not this was you making an effort—but you ignored it and returned a warm smile. 
“Just dressed for a party, that’s all. Nothing special.”
“I’ll bet”, she replied, well-hidden poison nevertheless leaking from every fine line in her makeup; every crease she’d gained from snide smiles and viperous remarks over the years.
"Can it, Marth'", James squeezed the girl's waist, squeezing a horribly over the top giggle out of her at the same time. He met your eyes briefly with a faint look of camaraderie, jerking his head in greeting before turning back to his conversation with Lars. Marth shot you another snotty look and buried her face into the crook of James's neck. You had a feeling she wasn't done with you.
Luckily, the girl who sat with Jason was a friendlier sort. She called you over, grabbing your hand as you passed behind her and pulling you down onto the couch.
"Ignore her", she whispered in your ear. "She's only jealous 'cos she knows you're here with Kirk."
"But I—." She shushed you, eyeing Marth sideways with a look of tense worry, as if expecting her to produce snakes from her hair at any moment.
"She wanted him first. Got rejected. Very politely but rejected nonetheless."
Interesting. You'd never gotten a chance to get your own back on the cruel girls in high school, and despite your generally even-tempered, kind nature, you had to admit this was a confidence boost. Kirk had standards. And taste.
The girl cut in again before you could share your confession.
"I'm Claire by the way. You wanna beer?"
Crap, you thought. Here we go. You usually had a response planned based on the situation: I'm PMSing; I can't handle my drink in the heat—but tonight you came up short.
Claire was smiling at you expectantly. Little did she know there was a knot in your stomach growing tighter by the second. You wiped your sweaty palms on your legs and donned your best, most capable, carefree smile.
"Oh uh, no thanks. I don't really drink."
Motörhead, remember me now
Motörhead, it's only you now
Motörhead, only you, babe
Motörhead, yeah, yeah, yeah...
You couldn't believe it. The song that had been bouncing full volume off the walls mere seconds ago had closed out right as you opened your mouth.
The air felt like it had been sucked out of the room.
Of course Marth heard immediately and let out the most condescendingly pitiful laugh.
"Oh sweetheart, how'd you expect to be a groupie if you won't drink a little?"
"Or a lot...", her ghoulish friend chimed in, both of them descending into a fit of laughter.
Lars was reclining with an amused smile. James was rubbing his temples like he'd heard all this before.
"I'm not a groupie and I have no intentions of becoming one tonight or ever, thanks." you shot back, glaring like something feral.
"Sure babe", Marth rolled her eyes. "Dressed like that and hanging out with a band on a work night? All for Kirk no doubt." Laughter again.
"Martha, enough!", James boomed.
You jumped, a lightning bolt of panic overriding your senses. Even Claire flinched. Men and alcohol. It was men and alcohol. Him. Again. Always and again.
Despite your best efforts to stay in control, you could feel yourself spiralling. A door banged somewhere. Someone entered or left. Had the windows been closed? It was so hot. Raised voices...
The ensuing argument was probably nothing more than a tiff, but your hearing was tinny and the edges of your vision were quickly turning black.
Everything muffled. Gasping for breath.
Thirty seconds felt like thirty minutes as you sat caged inside sensory overwhelm punctured with jolts of anxiety. To anyone else you likely appeared a little stunned and upset, oblivious to the chaos within.
More seconds passed. Sounds that might have been voices but could easily have been your own brain hummed and buzzed somewhere beyond your helpless body, which felt like it was shrinking to the head of a pin.
As you tried to steady your breathing, you calmed a fraction, staying earth-side long enough to notice a dark shadow crouched before you. It was barely recognisable through your swimming eyes as it placed a hand on your leg; then, a hand in yours. Warm, strong, grounding. You blinked the wetness away, now doing your very best to breathe normally and come back into the room.
“…over there?”
Definitely a voice. 
“…to sit over there?”, it said again.
Your vision was clearing. You glanced at the hands gently squeezing your forearms and up past a Night of the Living Dead tee tickled at the shoulders by a familiar mass of dark, curly hair. Then, ahh. Those comforting brown eyes. Now your cage was for two, but the bars were melting and a cool mist settled in tiny stars on your face. You turned to see Claire, perfume bottle in hand, spraying what could only be tap water on every bare patch of visible skin she could find and watching you like Bambi.
You swallowed. A sorry laugh cracked your dry throat.
"I'm fine, Claire."
Suddenly, smothered. Man was this girl a tight hugger.
"Are you sure?", she asked, pulling away only to play with the ends of your hair. "God you looked so pale. You wouldn't reply or anything it was like you were d—."
"Claire", Jason stopped her. "C'mon, let's go for a smoke. Kirk's got her." He mouthed a sorry as he prised the bottle from his girlfriend's hand and set it on the table, steering her towards the door by the shoulders.
You turned to him, feeling vulnerable and worn out. His gaze was sincere, roaming, protective. You couldn't hold it. Right now you were eleven and wounded. And he could see it. You knew he could. Something connected you both and it was sending coded messages back and forth in the jumping air between you. A different song was playing.
You opened your mouth to speak and he shook his head. It's okay.
All the energy drained out of you then and he hoisted you up, kicking beer cans out of your path and smacking the head of a joking Lars with a curse and an admonishing glare as he moved you away from the scene. Lars swore back then quickly returned to the group banter. Nobody seemed to have noticed your mini meltdown; they were too tipsy to clock such fine details.
Sat on the stage on some cushions Kirk had propped up for you, you watched him empty the contents of a duffel onto the ground near Lars's drum kit and rummage around. He retrieved a heavy jacket from the pile and jogged over to the others to grab a miraculously still full box of pizza. Both arms full, he returned, disappearing from view momentarily as he took the creaking wooden stairs back up onto the stage, handing you the pizza and muttering under his breath as he emptied a random assortment of stuff from the pockets of his jacket. Once satisfied, he slung it round your shoulders and pulled it tight at the front, practically tucking you in like a baby bird.
It was far from cold enough to warrant such a thick layer, even with the open windows and sitting up here on the draughty stage. But Kirk had mistook your post-anxiety shakes for shivering and leapt into action. Besides, the look on his face as he'd noticed had warmed you more than any jacket could.
"Kirk", you said softly. No response.
You grabbed his hands, forcing him to stop.
"It's okay," you smiled. "I'm comfy."
He examined you for a moment, then released his hands and threw himself down to your right, punching the cushions into a comfortable position and crossing his legs to face you.
"You sure you're okay?" His eyes again roamed yours intently, scanning for any signs of distress.
"Yeah I am now", you replied, tucking your hair behind one ear. "Thanks for this." It was a small lie but you'd survived worse panic sessions than that and wanted to forget about it.
Kirk nodded with a smile, somewhat reassured.
"So, what was going on over there?", he asked tentatively. "You looked pretty wiped out."
"Oh", you managed, clambering for an explanation that wouldn't lead to that topic. You didn't realise he hadn't heard your tee-total confession. The door you heard must have been him arriving.
"It was nothing, um. I dunno I just felt a bit faint. Hungry I guess. Need to get some of this in me." You laughed, flinging open the pizza box.
Kirk eyed you suspiciously, your attempts to cover up your discomfort too stilted to come off natural. The corner of his mouth quirked into a sympathetic smile but he said nothing. He didn't know you well enough to poke about for more info.
You silently thanked his perceptiveness.
He was quiet for a short time, tearing a slice for himself and rotating the pizza to leave the cheesiest side with you. A butterfly stretched its wings in your chest.
"Aw, the heart attack side for me?" You batted your lashes cartoonishly, confidence returning as your meal became the focal point instead of you.
Kirk's hand clutched his chest in mock offence.
"Excuse me Miss Picky, I went to culinary school I know what I'm doing."
Show off. "Oh really?"
"Yep, can make you anything your heart desires, just say the word."
"Hmm, ham and pineapple? Can you make that work?"
"Sure can."
You scrunched your nose.
"Umm potato salad? That's so bad, bleurgh."
"I could make you a potato salad so freakin' mind blowing you'd eat it for a year and thank me." He threw his head back, arms wide open and shaking like a man possessed.
"Oh Kirk, god of potato salad, more, more!"
You didn't care if you scared the roosting birds into tomorrow with the banshee laugh that pulled out of you, he was just so... You couldn't explain it. He was just so him. And the ache you usually carried with you, of an empty space beside you, was almost undetectable as you sat up here with him now on this dusty stage and laughed and joked.
Talk carried on in that fashion for a while, debating about what made a stellar grilled cheese and Michelin-standard spaghetti, you boasting with none too feminine glee how your breakfast muffins were the talk of the town and even your black coffees had men lovestruck at your feet.
Kirk's gaze stilled on your lips at that, rich pools shaded by those lovely curls.
"They sure do."
Your fingers grazed the dusty stage floor absentmindedly, pricks of static adding a pleasant thrill to the memory of this morning. You knew Kirk was thinking of it too. You'd been stealing glances at each other since he'd arranged the cushions for you; drawing freckles and dimples, jawlines and lashes in your minds' eyes to pull out later and colour in with imagined touches when you were both alone.
An hour or more passed much the same as you dove into each other's hobbies and interests, Kirk lighting up as he spoke at length about his guitar and the band's upcoming gigs, offering recommendation after recommendation of horror films, comics, and kickass albums; meanwhile you shared stories of your amateur art, not-so-amateur house renovations, and hilarious mishaps at Yvette's.
Listener gazed intently at speaker, hooked on the most mundane anecdotes like a sugar rush. The pizza was quickly demolished, Kirk kicking the box off the stage with the force of an Olympic curler once you'd plucked out the last crust, sending you both into fits of laughter. The cushions were rearranged, then your bodies, as you moved from crossed legs to laying on your elbows facing each other, closer in the absence of the pizza.
One song faded out and another started, both of you taking a minute to sit and enjoy the silence and nurse your ringing ears. You were lost in a joyful daydream about a disastrous performance of Jonah and the Whale about fifteen years ago, the nuns frozen in abject horror as they watched a group of nine year olds pull water pistols out of their tunics mid-song and announce war on the "watery beast", nevermind that it was a life-saving gift from God.
You smiled, intending to share the tale with Kirk. He was chewing his lip and watching Martha follow James to the window, now as many drinks deep as there were cans of Aqua Net in her crispy hair. He looked troubled. You waited, still buoyed up by your daydream and the night's conversation, and were about to touch his arm when he spoke.
"Hey look, I know Martha probably started all that before."
His focus was still on the others, where an intense make-out session was currently underway between Lars and Martha's friend on the sofa where you'd previously sat. James and Martha were engaged in a tense bickering session, Martha's beer spraying the window as her arms flailed. James looked wild eyed and under the influence. You looked away. That image was too close for comfort.
Jason and Claire stood in a drunken embrace in the middle of the floor, laughing with their heads thrown back as they pointed at the dusty chandelier bolted high above. They were slow dancing to the current track—a crooning metal song that sounded weirdly romantic, even if the opening line was there's fifty-two ways to murder anyone.
A slight smile touched your lips.
"Don't let her get under your skin, okay? Cos' I'm glad you're here. I mean, not as a groupie or anything..." A tinge of pink coloured his cheekbones. You caught a view of his long, dark lashes as his interest was briefly held by a speck of lint on his shirt.
You mirrored this action, suddenly shy yourself.
"Thanks", you mumbled. "I'm glad you invited me. And I...I don't want to be a groupie anyway."
Now he was interested. "No? Why not?"
A breathy laugh escaped your lips as you considered.
Yeah, why not? You'd be good at it after all. Can't keep a guy. Always hopping from one to the next. You may as well just own—
You pushed the intrusive voice into the recesses of your brain and let your eyes wander Kirk's patient face. You knew he wasn't going to judge you. Even so, it was an intimate topic...
"Well, I uh", an awkward laugh. "I don't think I'd be first pick looking like this". You hadn't seen yourself in a mirror since your anxiety attack and assumed there were muddy rivulets of mascara crusting your cheeks. Not to mention your hair felt distinctly frizzier on one side due to Claire's perfume baptism and you probably had tomato sauce around your mouth. The chances you looked like a swamp monster were high.
Kirk appeared not to concur with this negative self-assessment.
"C'mon", he challenged, his expression screaming seriously?
You blinked. Seeing your blank face, he propped himself higher on his elbow with a disbelieving laugh and crinkled brow. You looked away, spotlight burning your face.
"Sorry", he laughed again, gently. "But you're crazy." You scoffed. You were self-conscious and yet desperate to hear his opinion.
Kirk continued, "If that lot cleared out", he said, pointing lazily to indicate the other girls—though you were sure he wasn't including Claire—"the guys'd be all over you. I'd have to fight them off." He hooked the fingers of his free hand into a claw and pulled a face like one of the creatures on his shirt, eliciting another, albeit more restrained, giggle from you.
Calming, you locked eyes with him again. Your cheeks warmed. He was nodding, brows arched and lips pursed, enjoying the effect this revelation was having on you.
"Yep. It's not every day a girl with class turns up at these things you know. Even got here almost on time just for you." He winked.
"Class, huh?" You pumped your eyebrows suggestively, biting your lip and hamming up the Martha act.
He rolled his eyes and waved a hand dismissively, shy once more.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry", you laughed, tugging on his sleeve.
"I just... I don't think any of the guys I've dated would describe me that way."
A pensive gaze. Gears ticking in his brain.
"Yeah well, they clearly weren't seeing straight. Probably be bled dry on groupies if they were 'round here." A look of discontent hovered in his features for a second. Seconds ticked by as you considered him.
"You're really not into the groupies are you?"
He shrugged as best he could on one arm.
"I was, it's just...I mean some of them are great girls, like—not just sex, it's...". You let him think.
"It just wears out after a while, I dunno. It's not sustainable."
You nodded, sending him a comforting smile.
"Is that what you want then? Something, you know, long term?" A flash of possibility zipped through your brain; a picture of years from now. Who you might be. Who he might be. Who you might be together. You shook it from your mind. Not even twenty-four hours.
He closed up then, suddenly distant. You didn't think you'd said anything out of line.
"It's hard...trying to hold down something normal when you're in a band." He sounded so small. So young. You longed to reach out and comfort him with more than words.
"You gotta balance things. Make time for other stuff. I can't be here twenty-four seven."
Your stomach tilted, a wave of empathy for the sweet creature lay next to you. You didn't know what hidden things he was thinking about but you were grateful he was sharing all this. It was clearly personal.
You decided to push a little further, curiosity winning out.
"Is that why you were kinda late tonight?"
He looked at you, conflicted, as though urging you to keep pressing but simultaneously let him keep his privacy. You certainly knew that look. It eclipsed your features every time a guy asked why he couldn't stay over. Why it was always his place. You never told them. You let them try, then tire, then get frustrated and finally, leave.
"Just that Jason said you usually turn up late to these things. I thought—"
The pair of you shot up. The ancient clock that had hung over the door to the foyer since the fifties was on the ground in pieces, chunks of yellowed glass standing to attention like stalagmites, others fallen chess pieces scattered in a radius of at least six feet.
Jason and Claire were nowhere to be seen and the girls were flat out on one couch, too much drink and too little pizza.
"You were meant to get a new nail for that, Laaaars", James staggered up from the adjacent sofa to inspect the mess.
"Was busy nailin' chicks, HA", Lars fired back, both of them absolutely wasted.
You erased the sight immediately. You didn't want nightmares after the best night you'd had in ages.
You hoped the death of the clock was your fairy godmother across the street defending the importance of an early night from her current jaunt in dreamland, rather than a bad omen, but luck hadn't been your destined bedfellow so far in life.
You brushed the crumbs from your dress with a sigh and stretched, standing up to collect your heels from where you'd tossed them a while ago and handing Kirk back his jacket. He followed your lead, shucking himself into the leather and rubbing the back of his head awkwardly as he waited for you to be done so he could focus on your face instead of your cleavage.
You straightened, the conversation of a few moments ago quickly receding into unreachable waters and remnants of the night's jovial tone returning to view.
"Guess that's a sign to head home", you shrugged, a nervous laugh overwhelming any other words. You didn't want to leave. You could sit on this stage all night with the boy stood before you until the stars twinkled and faded and a new day blossomed on the horizon.
But you also felt like a teen on her first date, overtly aware of your arms and legs, feelings and desires. How you were standing; what form the goodbyes would take. The things you'd said and everything you hadn't.
What were you now? Still acquaintances; friends; flirting partners? Would you still be welcome tomorrow? How were you gonna navigate the topic of your sobriety and the distress that came with it, should it re-emerge? You pushed it out of your mind. A task for another day.
Kirk kicked his cushions out of the way and offered a hand to walk you down the stairs.
"Yeah I might go soon too. Should probably clean that up so those assholes don't accidentally impale themselves." He rolled his eyes jokingly.
"Sorry that was your first impression of them. They're not all bad. Hope I left a better mark at least."
"You did", you replied, too eager.
He nodded, sucking his lip, a glint in his eye.
Outside on the steps he discretely pushed the offer to walk you home, eyes raking up and down the street for any signs of drunken idiots like the two inside. You declined with gratitude, taking a deep breath of the night air. It was fully dark now and the heat had broken. You felt refreshed, despite the nag of the goosebumps littering your arms and legs. Kirk noticed.
"Oh hey, keep this", he insisted, removing his jacket and draping it once more around your shivering frame.
"Thanks", you smiled, lashes downcast in anticipation of something more.
Would it happen?
Seconds passed on the concrete as two pairs of eyes glossed over the other's hair and cheeks, landing on yearning lips and drifting up again. Kirk took a half-step forward, the magnet in your sternum pulling you an inch closer, followed slowly by—
A sharp breath.
You both turned in the direction of the voice.
"Kirk! You gonna help or what cuz I c-can't hardly walk haha."
James was hanging off the doorframe and swaying like a tree in a tornado. You sighed, running a hand through your hair and taking a step backwards to leave. You finally felt tired.
You heard Kirk swear under his breath.
"Yeah James, f-ck. Just don't touch it. I'll be there in a minute."
He turned, the sight of you leaving knocking him into action. You felt an arm shoot around your elbow, balance nearly lost as you pressed your heels firmly into the ground.
You turned, smiling.
"Nine o'clock tomorrow. Don't worry, I know."
You pulled away from Kirk's tender grip and descended the rest of the steps, the smile never leaving your lips. The feel of his protective gaze resting softly on your back as you walked away never left until you were down the street and around the corner, out of sight.
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sk4rlette8008 · 7 months
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Biting his forearm/bicep.
it is a need.
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After Afterparty ࿐ James Hetfield (18+)
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Laughter bellows out of your boyfriend as you tipsily stumble forward and toward your shared hotel room for the night in haste, your right hand clumsily digging inside of your dress's hidden pocket for the key card, as alcohol laced lips lazily make their way to your neck. The sounds of the other band members and their friends and lovers never ending partying and celebrating only a few feet away, seem to dissolve and disappear as soon as James presses himself flush against your back, the comforting smell of his natural musk and whiskey emanating off of him becoming the only thing you can truly focus on as you now absentmindedly continue to search.
A flush makes its way up to your cheeks and down your chest as you successfully locate the card, and your eyes almost flutter shut as large hands come up to securely wrap themselves around your middle. A calloused and rough hand presses itself into your stomach, and you fully relax against the comforting and welcomed, added weight.
"Any reason why you're rushing us into the room we have all night, when the party's still going on with the rest of our friends?" James asks you, amused, his bottom lip distractingly caressing the sensitive skin right underneath your left earlobe. You let out a teasingly quiet hum instead of verbally answering, and grin to yourself as you feel him exhale a hearty huff of a breath against the nape of your neck in retaliation. Before he could ask any more questions, you quickly find your bearings and slide the key into its receiver and push the door open, your breath hitching in your chest as you take in the shocked silence coming from behind you.
"I was thinking," you begin, licking your lips nervously as you feel James' arms tighten around you to bring you in impossibly closer, as if he was reminding himself that you're still there and with him. "That if you can't come home with me just yet, then I'll bring a little bit of home to you."
Your eyes drift over the room and a content smile lifts your lips as you take in the handful of framed photos and memorabilia you sneakily brought with you; the jacket James lent to you on your first date strewn across the loveseat near the dresser and standing out against the all-white theme of the room. The set of matching gold bands of promise rings resting on the bedside table, mimicking the time when James surprised you the morning of your two-year anniversary. The stapled together concert tickets of your favorite band, in memory of the night he first told you he loved you and promised you forever. The scuffed up and discolored set of keys belonging to your first shared apartment, standing up proudly against the photo of you two in your now current and co-owned dream house.
You tilt your head up to press a comforting kiss against the scruff of facial hair on his chin and gently untangle his hands from you as you take a step further into the room, airy laughter filtering through your lips as you're instantly tugged back into his personal space. James rests his head on top of yours and lowers his hands down to stroke his palms against the soft skin of the insides of your wrists.
"This is amazing." James whispers, his eyes watering as he stares at the photo your friends took of the two of you on your first date together. You turn yourself around to face him and coo as you watch a stray tear slide down his beautiful, acne scarred and dimpled cheek. You lift yourself to the tips of your toes and raise a hand to use your thumb to gently brush it away, before delicately grasping onto his chin and guiding him down to your height and line of view. James looks down at you adoringly as you send him a soft smile, his own lips lifting up from the sight of yours alone.
You take in the look of genuine exhaustion on his face, the alcohol and your presence being calming enough for him to fully wind down after the three-hour concert and afterparty, and you silently tilt your head toward the bathroom. The few drinks coursing themselves through you make you feel abnormally bold and confident, and you loosely pluck at your boyfriend's sweat clad shirt.
"Take a shower with me?" You ask, your dress beginning to feel heavy and too over the top as the room's door firmly shuts and locks itself behind the two of you. James nods against your hold and lowers his head down to give you a whiskey flavored and passionate, thankful kiss, his practiced fingers instinctively reaching behind you to unclasp the seam on your dress and pull the zipper down with finesse.
"Anywhere you want to go, I'm coming with you." He responds, answers, promises. You carefully step out of the dress once James bends down to collect it, and you tug his shirt over his head as he guides you backwards, his hands reaching down to help you unbuckle his belt, as yours are unsteady. Your eyes darken as you stare down at his now bare skin, the happy trail of dirty blonde hair on his lower stomach becoming fully exposed as he pulls his boxers down. Your eyes quickly zero in on his biceps contracting from the movement, and you bring your bottom lip into your mouth, imagining yours as his. Heat begins to coil and tighten in your groin, and you feel a small surge of a pulsation make its way down to your clit.
James sucks in a deep breath once he straightens up and absorbs in the sight of you. Nipples hardening from the cool air and hair askew from the earlier wind and dancing, your doe eyes wide and pupils dilated, with a beautiful flush taking over the upper half of your body. James feels his cock begin to harden and fill, and he lets out a moan filled with pleasure just by looking at you. He quickly kicks his underwear to the side and reaches an arm out to touch you, craving the contact of your skin. Your eyelids flutter once his thick and long fingers entangle themselves into the stray baby hairs lying on the nape of your neck, and your upper half leans forward to arch into his hold right away.
"Are you still too drunk?" He asks you, worry filling his tone, even in his highly aroused state. You hastily shake your head no and rest your lower spine on the tiled wall behind you, the coldness of it making you jolt in shock and helping you sober up. Gasping as your hardened buds brush against your boyfriend's firm and muscled chest, you suddenly decide you were now wide awake and completely clearheaded, and ready to take whatever he was willing to give you.
James closes his eyes with a grunt as he feels your stomach press against his aching and pulsating dick as you purposefully brush up against him, and his fingers tighten in your mane, causing you to gasp out in the quiet bathroom and squeeze your legs shut.
"Please, I want you." You plead, your eyes blearily looking up into his as he holds you in place, his own eyes heady and weighed down with pure, adulterated lust.
"Yeah? Where do you want me, baby?" James asks you huskily, using his grip in your hair to guide you toward the see through and ceiling high, glass walls and doors of the shower. You place your hands on the door in front of you and breathe shakily against it as he removes his grip from your hair and kneels down next to your backside. Your breath fogs the glass as you feel his teeth teasingly tug your cotton underwear down your now trembling thighs, and your hips jump as he places a peck on the backs of each of your knees.
"I want you everywhere, want to feel you even after I leave." You whisper, your heart unevenly pounding in your chest as his hands dance on your skin as he stands back up. James places a gentle kiss on your shoulder and guides you back up straight, before turning you around and lifting you up. You both let out harsh pants as his cockhead brushes against your clit from the movement, and he dazedly nods, his head swimming as your legs wrap around his waist and bring his hips even closer to yours.
You encircle your arms around his broad shoulders and use the hold as leverage as you carefully lift yourself up, a moaning tearing itself through your chest as his shaft slides in between your slick and swollen folds. James lets out a curse and unwraps an arm from around you to slam one of the shower's doors open.
"Don't make me wait," you murmur against his lips shakily, your arousal beginning to bead and drip onto the tiled floor as your boyfriend hastily carries you into the compartment.
You don't even flinch as your back makes contact with the freezing cold wall, or when the water cascades down the two of you, a handful of degrees too low. Ravenous hands run their way down the both of your bodies, and the only sounds that emanate through the entire enclosed space of the hotel room are pants, whispered pleads of names, and thick droplets of water running themselves down heated and sumptuous skin.
James licks into your mouth like a starving man, craving your taste and your touch, just like you with his. You cry out his name and beg for him to touch you as his hand teasingly makes its way down your front, only stopping centimeters away from your throbbing sex each time your hips buck into his touch. Tears sting your eyes and merge into the water pouring over the two of you, and James finally relents once he sees the desperation painting itself all over your features, your begging and tears making his ballsack throb and raise with gut wrenching pleasure.
And who the hell was he to ever tell you no?
You grip onto James' soaked locks as he surges his tongue inside of your entrance, two fingers already knuckle deep inside of you and curving up to dig into your sponge-like and pleasure filled spot with ease. Your legs spasm around his shoulders and you cry out shakily as he relentlessly fucks you with his fingers and tongue, his cock hot and heavy on the shower's floor and weeping precum.
James moans against you and grins almost sadistically to himself as you scream his name, your third orgasm ripping its way out of you and causing your groin to tighten with overstimulation, your releases being back-to-back and with no breaks in between.
"Please," you sob out, your legs seizing against his scratch covered back and your arms falling limp to your sides. "No more."
James slowly removes himself from you once he laps up the entirety of your arousal and licks you clean, and you torridly blush once he comes into view. Your cum is matted in his facial hair and his expression is smug, yet also fucked out and disheveled. His hair is soaked and fully curled, matted to his forehead and cheeks and causing his usually blue eyes to look almost obsidian. You wince as he removes your legs from his shoulders, and annoyance runs through you as he lets out a huff filled with amusement, his eyes staring down at your twitching and oversensitive cunt.
Your swollen and hickey bruised pussy pulses out another beading of arousal as you take in his still hungry expression, and you shakily make your way onto your knees, ignoring his new surprised and worried looks. You guide your perplexed boyfriend onto his back, before straddling him and reaching down to enclose your hand around his red and leaking dick. James moans and pants out harshly as you roughly squeeze his shaft and trace the fingertip of your thumb alongside the pulsating vein underneath his tip.
You watch in satisfaction as his mouth falls open into a perfect O as you bring his length up to your entrance and insert his tip into your tight heat, and you smoothly make your way down until your reddened asscheeks meet his trembling hips to the hilt. James stares up at you with wide and dazed eyes, seemingly unable to speak, and your smirk to yourself, feeling just as he had earlier.
"Where do you need me, baby?" You mockingly ask him, before steadily squatting down on top of him and riding him for all he's worth. You cry out in tandem as his satisfactory length hits all of your right spots, making sure to fully ride him so that every time your hips meet his, your clit rubs against his toned and heaving stomach. James stutters for breath underneath you, the now freezing cold water doing nothing to help the heat emanating from his body as you ride him until he's incoherent, his hips being held down by your hands and making him only something you can use for your own pleasure. James' eye shut at the thought, the thought making him gush precum and add even more slick to your already soaked, velvet-like walls. Your hips smack down onto his with tenacity, the sound echoing off of the walls and almost louder than the duet of the sounds of your guys' moans. You twist your hips and tremble mid-thrust, as his tip punches right against your cervix.
Mouth gaping open, you repeat the movement and sob out James' name as you orgasm once again, your vision flashing white and your pussy walls constricting against your boyfriend's dick in a death grip. James wraps his shaking arms around your shuddering figure and thrusts his hips up to meet yours, grunting as your walls accommodate and welcome him in, no matter how sensitive.
You can only hold onto his shoulders as he uses you for his own pleasure, your nails digging into his skin as he pounds and fucks into with reckless abandon. You look down into his eyes and nearly gasp as you find him looking back up at you.
"I love you, doll." He murmurs to you, the sentiment almost being drowned out by the sound of the water spurting itself out of the showerhead just a few feet away from you. You couldn't help but laugh at the inconvenient timing of his words, and he soon chuckles after you begin, his ending in a grunt as he finishes inside of you and pumps you full of his seed. Your pussy instinctively clenches around him to keep him close, not wanting to lose a single drop of his warm release.
You sigh out in relief and fully sit back down once you hear his bottom half make contact with the wet floor underneath the two of you.
"I love you too." You grin out, feeling high as you slump down against his chest and try to catch your breath. James places a delicate kiss to the crown of your head, before sliding a hand down to tap at your sore asscheek.
"Time to get up." He announces, causing your eyes to widen and for you to immediately shake your head. "James, I don't think I can walk after that."
Your boyfriend raises an eyebrow, biting back a cheeky grin and using his feet to slide you both up into a sitting position, the cool wall being a welcoming contrast to his now sore and burning back. "Shouldn't have ridden me stupid, then."
"Shouldn't have eaten me out until I nearly cried." You rebut, the building and broad smiles on your faces turning into shared, warm laughter, and you lean up to place a kiss on his bruising lips.
"I missed you," You whisper, the warm atmosphere turning soft as you peer up at him, your heart feeling full and joyous as you pick up on the devotion and love beaming from his eyes. James rubs soothing circles into your back and brings you up until your chest to chest and face to face with him. "I hope you liked my surprise."
"Sweetheart, I love anything that comes from you. And I promise to love anything and everything else that comes from you for the rest of our lives." You blink back tears, opening your mouth to say something sweet back, but pause as you feel him begin to harden inside of you once again. You look at him in disbelief and let out a giggle as he shrugs back at you with an innocent expression on his face.
"Sentimental shit gets your hard, huh?" You tease, letting out a squeal as he flips you over onto your stomach, and you place your hands on the fogged up and condensation covered shower glass wall as he situates himself on top of you in a mounting position.
"No, just you." You rest your head on your stretched out arm and shake your head in amusement, before crying out and curling your toes as he reaches that deep spot inside of you with his very first thrust, this time, with your mouth gaping open in a perfect O.
You two take full advantage of the hotel room, especially every inch of the bathroom, for the entirety of the rest of the night. And maybe for some of the morning, too.
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bubbledtee · 1 year
𝙏𝙬𝙤 𝙎𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝘼𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖 𝘿𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙡
Warnings: none, just domestic fluff with Jamie and your daughter,
Summary: Your daughter, Aurora, has her first snow since she was a baby and James and you take her out to play.
Pairing: Death Magnetic!James Hetfield x fem!reader w/ 18-month-old daughter
Word count: 1295
A/N: forgive me if this sucks guys i didn't proofread and I finished it at 12:15 pm last night.
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“Go to Daddy, baby! I’ll be right there,” you tell the toddler, gaining a big smile from her before she turns and runs to the front door from the kitchen, the sound of her little nonsensical babbles as she ran down the hallway melting your heart.
“Daddy!” she calls out, making James chuckle as she jumped into his arms as if it was the first time she’d seen him that day.
“Daddy!” she calls out, making James chuckle as she jumped into his arms as if it was the first time she’d seen him that day.
“Hi, baby.” he hums, soaking in her big bear hug as much as he could as he kisses her cheek. “I love you,” he whispers as he squeezes her for a moment before she leans back from the hug, breaking away from it. James reluctantly lets her go, picking up her shoes from the floor beside him. “Alright, sit down, hun.” he says, to which the toddler listens, plopping down on the floor.
“Shoe!” the toddler exclaims, to which both you and James laugh as you walk into the room.
“That’s right, that is a shoe, sweetie.” James chuckles as he puts the shoe on her foot and buckles the velcro before grabbing the other and repeating the same process with her other foot.
You look out of the window to watch as the snow falls, the ground completely covered in inches of white flurries. “You’re gonna have so much fun out there, Rora!” you tell her as you reach for your own coat and pull it on, your little girl smiling up at you with so much joy that you thought she could just explode.
“You haven’t seen snow since you were itty bitty last year, huh?” James asks the toddler.
“Yeah,” she nods, making you and James smile even harder.
“You understand just about everything mommy and I say now, don’t you?” James chuckles as he slips her hands through her coat.
“Yeah,” Aurora repeats with another nod.
“You’re so smart, sweetheart,” James says, slipping his own coat on before grabbing Aurora’s hat and putting it on her head.
As you slip your coat on and zip it up, you look down at her, “You ready to go play, Rora?” you ask, gaining a little nod from the girl.
“Let’s go then, princess,” James smiles and grabs Aurora’s mitten-covered hand as he opens the door, revealing inches upon inches of snow to her. Immediately, the little girl squeals in pure excitement and allows James to guide her out into the yard, snowflakes falling all around.
You laugh as you trudge behind them, watching as James lets go of her hand and she immediately plops down in the snow. She grabs a clump of the white powder in both of her hands and smiles up at you and James, “Snow!” she exclaims.
“You’re so smart, Rora,” you say as you sit down in the snow with her, James groaning as he sits too. You lean against him, attempting to absorb his warmth in the freezing temperature of your surroundings.
James looks down at you with a loving grin, his eyes soft. “Have I ever thanked you for giving me such a perfect daughter?” he asks, making you giggle slightly.
“A time or two, maybe,” you respond sarcastically, “Have I ever thanked you for being such a perfect dad to her?”
James chuckles before responding, “A time or two, maybe,”
He bows his head down, planting a few kisses on your lips as you bring your hand up to the back of his head. The kisses linger as you gently run your fingers through his hair, his beard scratching slightly at your face until you were suddenly interrupted.
“Daddy!” Aurora exclaims, standing up and running over just to plop right between you two.
You giggle as James speaks to her, “Oh, do you need love too, Rora?” he asks, wrapping her into a hug and peppering her face with kisses. The bubbly giggles that erupted from the little girls chest were enough to melt a frozen heart, her tiny voice echoing through the air while James’s beard scratches her face.
“Daddy! No!” she hiccups out between laughs as she attempts to weakly push him away, her body wriggling in his grip.
“But I thought you wanted love, sweetheart!” he chuckles before planting more kisses to her cheeks and forehead. The girl shrieks as she somehow wriggles from his grip and lands in the snow before climbing to her feet and darting into your arms.
The girl giggles as she hides from James within your arms, “Is Mommy protecting you now?” he asks with a hearty chuckle, watching as the girl hides her face against your chest with a little laugh. “You’re silly, baby.” he says before laying on his back in the snow with a firm grunt, “Guess I’ll just have to make a snow angel all alone then,” James sighs, his sarcasm making you laugh as you adjust your hold on Aurora.
“You’re not gonna make a snow angel with Daddy?” you ask the toddler, brushing a melted snowflake from her rosey cheek. She peeks over at him as snow falls onto his face, the flakes sticking in his beard and melting on his skin.
You set the girl down again, her curiosity obviously piqued as to why James was laying on the ground. She waddles over to where James’s head lays, and crouches down to observe him for a moment before deciding to lay down, too. 
“Now move your arms and legs, princess.” James instructs as he demonstrates the action. It doesn’t take long for the girl to pick up on it as she begins moving her arms and legs too, forming her own snow angel beside James. “Good job, baby! So smart,” James praises as he watches her.
“Mommy!” Aurora exclaims, trying her hardest to tell you it was your turn with the limited vocabulary she had.
“Alright, alright.” you laugh before laying on your back and repeating the process the other two had just done, making a snow angel of your own. As James stands, he picks Aurora up, being careful not to ruin the creation either him or she had made.
“Look at how tiny yours is, sweetpea.” James coos to Aurora as he stands back and observes the family art piece. “But mine’s not quite right is it, hun?” he asks the girl, setting her down on her feet as you stand.
“What’s wrong with it?” you ask as you brush the snow from your pants and move to pick Aurora back up, her head almost immediately leaning on your shoulder in exhaustion as you rest her on your hip.
James doesn’t answer you as he draws a halo around the tops of both yours and Aurora’s angel’s heads, only to draw a pair of devil horns on his own.
“Much better,” the man chuckles, making you giggle as you stand back and observe with him, your hand gently rubbing at Aurora’s back in a soothing motion. “A devil and his two beautiful angels.” he murmurs as he looks down at you, sending a red flush across your already-pink cheeks.
“Oh, shut up, James…” you laugh before he leans down and presses a lingering kiss to your lips.
“Never,” he chuckles softly before planting another kiss on the top of Aurora’s head. “‘Cause then I couldn’t tell either of you ‘I love you’,” he nearly whispers. His hand rubs a small circle into Aurora’s back as he speaks up louder again, “Alright, let’s go get you somethin’ to eat and then a nap then, munchkin.” he says as you start walking back toward the house together. “Maybe we can all nap together, how’s that sound?”
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doubletalkingmaeve · 11 months
Random Jason Newsted Headcanons
Him bringing you on tour because I'm deep in the trenches
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This man is obsessed with you. Like he's so in love he can't physically stop talking about you and the rest of the band all roll their eyes whenever he mentions your name.
Needs to call you at least once a day when they're on tour or else he'll worry (although he'll never admit it).
He tries his hardest to convince you to join him on tour and is willing to take matters into his own hands if needs be.
"I'm sorry, you know how much I'd love to join you but I have work, I have my own career..." "Tell them your sick, that your grandpa is dying halfway across the country. Quit your job--" "JASON!!"
Eventually, he does manage to convince you to go and it's the best decision ever.
If he's already been to the city before, he's willing to explore and visit the same touristy places with you because he knows it's your first time there and he wants to make it special for you.
He INSISTS on paying for meals.
He's either taking you to a nice quiet restaurant or the two of you are grabbing a sandwich and sitting together in the park.
Did I mention how cute his little "incognito" disguise is????? With his hair tied up, glasses on and baseball cap ready.
Tries his best to make things comfortable and less awkward for you when you're on your own and the rest of the boys are busy with interviews or general stage things.
If the boys have a shooting day with Ross you're always there trying to encourage them and help find the best spots. Jason tries every time (at least once) to get them to take a photo of either you on your own or him and you.
Sometimes during soundchecks, he'll sit by you on stage and show you how to do a scale on the bass. He's actually a pretty good teacher.
Every night of the tour you're at his side of the stage holding a towel and a fresh shirt ready and he smiles the biggest smile every time he sees you.
This man tries to protect you from the paparazzi or the fans whenever they leave a place. He's stood in front of you as if he's guarding you whilst you try and navigate your way through.
After every post-show party, he's always attached to your hip because he knows how creepy some people can be and wants to make sure you're safe. He's always around you and if he's not then he's busy constantly glancing at you.
He loves the parties and he loves hanging out with the boys, but he loves spending the nights just cuddled up to you in whatever hotel you're in for the night. Having you there helps him sleep better.
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