#Jasons WERE injured in the making of this xoxo
theresamouseinmyhouse · 5 months
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Hi cass fans here's her hitting jason todd with a bus
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littledreamybeth · 7 years
You’re worth it
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Hope you enjoy this even though it’s a quite serious issue. Always remember that you are beautiful and that your worth everything. Life can be cruel sometimes but wherever it’s dark there is also light. You’re loved! xoxo 
(Picture is not mine!)
Warnings: Cutting
With a huge smile on my face and my heart skipping beats between my chest, I closed the door to my house behind me and slowly made my way to my boyfriend’s place. Even though I just saw him a couple of hours ago, I couldn’t wait to see him again. Every second I spent without him was wasting precious time and I definitely couldn’t allow it. Whenever we were apart, I had the urge to haste to him and just be with him, in his arms. I missed him always, no matter if he had seen him hours or even minutes ago. He meant so much to me, I could not even imagine a complete life without him.
While walking, I went through different ideas in my head about how we could pass some time. There were occasions were Marcel and I just watched romantic comedies, because they were his favorite, all cuddled up against each other or we took a walk outside, talking about different stuff. Sometimes, we sat there and did not talk to each other, being wrapped in each other’s arms, just enjoying the silence that surrounded us. As long as I was with Marcel, I was the happiest girl in the world and nothing would ever change this.
When I finally arrived at Marcel’s, I knocked on the door gently. However, after waiting for a few minutes, nobody had still opened the door for me so I took out a spare key that Marcel gave me to his house so I had always access to it whenever I wished to be there. I unlocked the door and stepped inside, being greeted by nothing but silence.
“Marcel?” I called after him.
I was wondering if nobody was at home but according to Marcel’s shoes placed besides the entry I assumed he had to have been present.
“Marcel, baby, are you at home?”
As I got no response, I walked towards the stairs to check up if he was upstairs in his room. Maybe he had been in the shower, that’s why he hadn’t noticed my presence yet. With hasty steps, I walked up the stairs and headed to his room. I wanted to push down the handle as suddenly I perceived sobbing sounds on the other side. With worry immediately consuming me, I pushed the door open only to be confronted with the most horrific image that I had seen in my entire life. My heart wrenched immediately in my chest and I felt a stinging pain that could have been compared to what you would feel when you would have been stabbed by thousand knives.
Right in the corner of the room, Marcel was placed in a seated position on the ground. In one hand, he held a sharp razor while his other wrist was injured. Blood dripped from his wound and soaked his pants with the red liquid. His eyes were blood-shot and he cried uncontrollably, more and more tears slid along his rosy cheeks. I ran towards him and let myself fall to the ground right in front of him.
“Marcel, what have you done?!” I squealed in disbelief. I knocked the razor out of his hand which landed a few meters away from us. Taking his hands in mine, I started to examine the wound he had created. He had damaged his soft skin.
“Marcel, what is this? Why have you done this?” He kept his head tilted down in shame, refusing to look at me in the eyes. To my dismay, I found out that it wasn’t the first time he had cut himself. I discovered a few more scars along his wrist, some of them were even fresh and new, probably being cut a not long time ago. Realization hit me like a heavy brick and I had realized that my boyfriend cut himself behind my back and I was foolish not to recognize it. How could I oversee a serious issue like this? What kind of girlfriend had I been?
I fought against the urge to cry and scream because I knew I had to be strong for him. Whatever reason had leaded him to the choice of harming himself, I would find it out but now he needed my comfort and support.
I instantly rushed to the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kid. Taking the utensils I needed, I went back to Marcel and started to treat his wound. Luckily, the cut wasn’t too deep as I could tell and it would heal very soon.
I took wadding pad and soaked it with a disinfectant. “This may sting a little.” I told him, dabbing it carefully along his wound. He hissed slightly to the contact. After I cleaned the injury, I wrapped a bandage afterwards so it would heal properly.
Marcel had not calmed down yet, still crying whatever made him cry.
“Baby, what’s going on?” I croaked, pulling him into my arms. He wrapped his own weakly around my body and nestled his face in the crook of my neck, his tears covering my skin. I wondered what had made him so upset, so desperate that he felt like he had to punish himself with cutting his wrist. I gave him time as much as he needed to relax, stroking his hair gently and humming his favorite song in his ear.
“Marcel, tell me what happened. Tell me what had made you so upset.”
“I don’t deserve you, (Y/N),” he croaked. “I don’t deserve you. I’m worthless. I still have no idea why you’re with me. I’m a nerd. Pathetic and worthless. Why are you doing this to yourself? I’m ruining your image.”
My mouth went wide open as the harsh words escaped his lips. I felt another sting in my heart but this time it hurt so much more than the time before that.
“What are you talking about, Marcel?”
“You know I ruin your reputation and yet you’re with me. Why (Y/N)? Is it because of pity? Do you pity me?”
Whoever planted such bullshit into his head, was going to pay for it. Somebody has messed up his brain so badly, that Marcel started to doubt my feelings for him.
“You know that’s not true, Marcel. None of this is true, baby. Why are you talking like this?”
“Because I’m a pathetic little shit who thinks somebody like you could ever love me.” He started to cry again. I felt absolutely helpless, out of words. Marcel had been upset before but never had it been this bad about our relationship.
“I do love you, Marcel. Gosh, I love you so so much. You’re the best that has happened in my life and I’m not going to stop loving you. I can’t live without you… Please believe me…”
“Worthless… pathetic…” he whimpered. “I cannot offer you anything, (Y/N). Nothing. Look at me. Look at the nerd. You should break up with me. You’re better without me…”
“What the fuck?! No! I’m not leaving you, Marcel. For god’s sake, tell me what happened!”
“Jason happened, okay?!” he screamed, making my body flinch in shock. As he realized that he scared me off, he shared an apologetic look. “I’m sorry.”
“What did Jason tell you?” I asked him. Actually, he didn’t have to answer because I knew exactly what Jason did to him. That prick was supposed to be my boyfriend a long time ago but also was known as the bully at our grade. He mostly wasted his time humiliating people in front of others but the only person who suffered a lot under his attacks was unfortunately Marcel.
Yes, Marcel was different that the others. He was labeled as the nerd in school but I didn’t care. I actually found him cute since the moment I saw him. The way he looked didn’t bother me at all, I knew Marcel was a good person from the inside. His nerdy and funny demeanor drew me to him and I slowly noticed myself falling for him. Marcel was special, he was unique in his own way and I appreciated that he wasn’t like every other student in our school.
Besides, nobody knew Marcel because they never gave him a chance to prove himself. Nobody except for me knew the gentle soul that had been hiding behind those large glasses.
“I know you don’t want to talk about this but whatever Jason had told you baby, don’t believe him He can be manipulative, you know that. I love you, really love you. With all my heart.”
I kissed his forehead gently and felt Marcel’s stiffened body calming down from his outburst. With my thumps, I wiped away every tear that made its way out of his mesmerizing green eyes that I learned to love and adore.
“Don’t cry baby.” I tried to comfort him. “I’m gonna prepare a nice bath for you, what do think about that, hmm?” I stood up and stretched my arm out from him to grab it. “Sounds nice to you?”
He answered by nodding his head, sniffling and after I ordered him to take off his clothes carefully because I didn’t want him to hurt himself, I went back to the bathroom and prepared a nice and hot bath for my frustrated and poor boyfriend. I threw a pink bath bomb which was Marcel’s favorite and after everything was done, he was allowed to enter the bath tub. Gently and carefully, I helped him to sit down. He leaned back, closing his eyes, while I took a place at the edge of the tub.
I let my fingers slid between his, intertwining our hands. While Marcel let himself drown in relaxation, I took my time to observe his side profile adoringly. If anyone would be sitting right next to me, would have witnessed the huge amount of love that I shared for him in my eyes. I was very open about my feelings for him and never failed to show them. Affectionate kisses in front of others, gently brushing my hand against his, clinging onto his body like he was the only important resource for my existence, I did all of them and I wasn’t ashamed.  He was so endlessly pure and beautiful, angel-like even, and he didn’t deserve to be treated the way he was being treated. If anyone deserved the entire universe, it was definitely Marcel.
My fingers traced the outline of his sharp jaw line tenderly, sensing the muscles tensing under my touch. He leant into my sweet gesture. “Beautiful.” I whispered. Taking his injured hand, I placed kisses on each of his knuckles.
“You’re beautiful to me, Marcel. No matter what others think about you, it won’t stop me from loving you. You’re not worthless, how can you even think that? You are important to me and to your family. You don’t have to be popular or have a reputation to be loved. You’re amazing just the way you are, my love, and I never want you to forget this. You’re worth it, you’re worth my love and the effort that I put into our relationship.”
Again, a tear slid along his face. “You made me the happiest girl alive and I’m so grateful to call you mine, Marcel. You make me feel nothing but special like nobody has. I can’t just give someone like you up so easily. I would die if I lost you. My heart couldn’t handle a separation because you have it. You own my heart. Every single part of you owns my heart, Marcel. I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he responded, his voice shaking slightly.
“I don’t want you to cut yourself ever again, you hear me? You won’t harm your body over a thing like this. You have to promise me Marcel. You’re not only hurting yourself but also me.”
“I will try, promise,” he mumbled.
“I’m here for your, baby. Anytime.” I leaned forward to catch his lips with mine. I kissed him hard and passionate, putting all my emotions into that one single kiss. After we pulled away for air, I decided to wash his body and saw that worry and doubt was drifting off of him.
When the water started to turn cool, I let him get out and helped him getting dressed into a sweatshirt and sweatpants.
“Cuddle with me?” He asked innocently and I could do nothing but to agree to it.
There we laid, in each other’s arms, safe and secure, letting nothing but joy and laughter getting in between us. Jason would pay for what he did, for messing up with Marcel and he was going to pay hard for it. I was going to make sure that he never took a chance to attack him. If someone was very protective over him, then it was me.
“Thank you, (Y/N),” Marcel mumbled against my neck. His breath on my skin caused goose bumps on my entire body. “Thank you so much. I love you.”
“I love you, too, handsome. So much. Remember, you’re worth everything.”
“Will do,” he murmured back.
And started to drift off to sleep…
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weasleygirl7 · 7 years
Hey I don't mean to pressure you or anything and I get this request is just angst but could you do headcanons about how all the rangers would react to you pulling a "billy" on them (if you know what I mean) (dieing)
Oh don't worry! There's nothing wrong with you're request. Sometimes everyone needs a littl'Angst. TBH when I'm sad I just try to find sad posts? Like I guess I hate myself and wanna make myself sadder.. wow. This made me cry, so fair warning it's long and sad. Anyways- here's your imagine love! Hope you enjoy! Xoxo
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•No one imagined it would be you, the kindest and happiest member of the team 
      -everyone had used to joke that you were the glue that kept them all together, I guess now they would have to figure out the hard way. 
•It was so unexpected too, one minute you were by their side fighting as usual, but the next you weren't
      -Kimberly’s scream was so heartbreaking, and she ran towards you- completely disregarding the battle around you 
•Seeing you fall only strengthened the others, and they took out the big bad in record time... with no remorse 
     -Trini had never been so ruthless, and neither had Jason, Zack, or Billy  
•You were already gone, but Kimberly had pulled you into her lap as your mask went away, showing how truly young you had been 
      -The others didn't want to believe it, Jason grabbed you and shook you, demanding that you wake up. Billy watched silently, his arm on Trini’s shoulder, for once she didn't pull away. Zack had fallen next to you, and his eyes met Jason's with silent horror. 
•They weren't prepared. What would they tell your family? Would you go down in history as a hero- the (y/c) power ranger? 
•Jason insisted on carrying you, and he didn't even try to hide the tears streaming down his face. Kneeling down, he had slipped one arm under the crook of your knee and the other behind your back. 
      -He had done it so often: when you fell asleep after training particularly hard, or injured yourself somehow. Except this time he couldn't feel the beat of your heart or the breath in your chest. You didn't snore or even laugh. Instead you hand fell limply to the side, and you weren't swinging your legs on purpose.
•People stared in shock as the rangers slowly made their way to the nearest ambulance, and they couldn't believe who they saw beneath one of the masks. They had known you your whole life- had been there when you proudly showed them the first tooth you had lost, or babysat you when your parents went out of town.
•The whole team would never forget the look on your parents faces, or the screams that had emitted from your mothers mouth. 
        -Your father, unable to form words through the tears simply nodded at them all, still shielded by their masks.
       -Zack had stepped forward, solemn. He told them how brace you were, and how you had never once doubted using your abilities to help people. He had stepped forward, and when his hand touched yours, the (y/c) armor withdrew from your body, leaving only the crystal in its place. 
•Billy had collapsed when they reached the spacecraft. His chest was tight, and he suddenly felt the feeling of losing his dad rushing back into him. You were his family, and no you were gone. 
•Trini remained strong until she shut the door to her room, collapsing behind it with a pained cry. It wasn't fair, it shouldn't have been you! You were her first friend, the first person she truly opened up too- and now you were gone. 
•A part of Kimberly had died when you did. You had been longtime friends, and you were always there for her no matter what. She tried to push away the thoughts, and instead chose to shut down, opting that no feelings were better than too many 
•Jason... he felt responsible. You were like a younger sibling, and it had been his job to protect you. You had always been better at this than he had, it should have been him. 
•Zack, well he went straight to the spot where you had all camped out. Tears had blurred his vision as he remembered all the memories  He didn't want to forget your laugh, or your smile. And he vowed he wouldn't let them forget you. 
•The funeral was one of the saddest days inn Angel Grove 
      -Nearly the whole town showed up, there was even news coverage for “the fallen power ranger”
      -The team had gone out of their way to procure the same color of flower as your armor
      -And just when they had thought it was impossible to cry anymore, they did. 
•The months after were hard, and if you had been there it would have broken your heart. 
      -Billy turned to the only thing he could think of, finding out exactly what went wrong and how you died. He analyzed every move the team had made, and it had seemed right. Unable to find any flaw standing out, he refused to believe it had simply been meant to happen. 
      -Trini backed away, retreating back to the ‘'new girl’ she had been before. She was afraid to let anyone close, because then she would just have to suffer the same heartbreak she had felt with you 
      -Jason kept your coin in his pocket, a constant reminder. He was angry, and more volatile than normal. He had multiple holes punched in his walls, and he threw himself into reckless fights 
      -Zack; well he dropped of the map for a while. He stayed with his mom, trying to tell her every story of you he could think of, because you deserved to be more than a name, you deserved to have people remember you- flaws and jokes and all. 
      -For Kimberly, the first month was the hardest. She rarely ate or drank or even left her house. Her parents pushed her to see a counselor, losing a longtime friend was hard on anyone. She started a diary, full of letters to you. Full of things she wished she had said but didn't have the time. 
•Kimberly was the one to reunite everyone. 
      -News articles read, ‘Power rangers in hiding after death of team member’ and other stories on how they had simply dropped from the planet. 
      -She had frowned, rewinding the footage they had of your team fighting. With a heavy heart she realized how horrified you would be by everyone's reactions, you would never have wanted this
       -She had called an emergency meeting at the mines, at the place where they had all met. 
       -of course everyone showed up, Jason was late and his knuckles were bleeding, Billy looked exhausted, Zack’s cheeks were red, Trini never looked anyone in the eye, and Kimberly finally spoke. She said how upset you would be to see them like this, and how they aren't really feeling bad for you- they were all feeling bad for themselves. 
       -With a heavy heart she had declared that the best way to honor you was to move forward, and to live their lives to the absolute fullest, to live their lives so you would be proud. 
•It took time, and they never really healed; but they never forgot you either. You were the reason they fought, and the reason they got out of bed each morning. 
•The pain was still there, it never really heals, but they could talk about you and smile, and tell stories and laugh. They had been broken, yes, but they had also been strengthened. 
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